1.Ph & Acidity

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A H M 531 PH & Aciditiy By: Mu'men Al-Otoom

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A H M 531 PH & Aciditiy By: Mu'men Al-Otoom

Introduction :

@ Water chemistry :

- molecular weight ( M.wt.): is the # of molecular number . ( g/mole )

- equivalent weight ( eq.wt. ): is its molecular weight divided by the
net valance or the net change in valance in the case of oxidation -
reduction reaction ( g/eq ) .
- normality : is the # of equivalent per liter ( eq/L ) .
- molarity : is the # of moles per liter (mole/L ) .
example :
The concentration is 500 mg / L as NaOH then as CaCo3 ?
M.wt. (g/mole) ( 23+16+1 ) = 40 ( 40+12+3*16 ) = 100
eq.wt. (g/eq) ( 40/1 ) = 40 ( 100/2 ) = 50
Molarity (mmole/L) ( 500 /40 ) = 12.5 ( 500/100 ) = 5
Normality ( meq/L ) ( 500/40 ) =12.5 ( 500/50 ) = 10

@ PH :

by the definition , PH is the negative logarithm of the free hydrogen ion

concentration of a solution and it is , thus , a measure of whether the liquid is
Acid or Alkaline .The ionization reaction of water may be writer as :
H2O ↔ H+ + OH—
This reaction has an equilibrium define by :
Kw = ( [H+][ OH—] / [H2O] )

And since water is the solvent, its activity is defined as unity. In dilute solution,
molar concentrations are often substituted for actives .yielding

Kw = [H+][ OH—] = 10-14 @20oC

Taking logs of both sides gives :
Log[H+] + log[ OH—] = -14
Defining –log = p gives :
PH + POH = 14

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A H M 531 PH & Aciditiy By: Mu'men Al-Otoom

In the neutral solutions [ H+] = [ OH—] , hence PH = POH = 7 . Increasing acidity

leads to higher values of [ H+] ,thus to lower values of PH .Low PH is associated
with acidity , high PH with causticity. Its value is important in the operation of
many water and wastewater treatment processes and in the control of corrosion .
The PH values ranges from 0 to 14 where 0 means very strong acidity and 14
very strong alkalinity. We use the PH for discover the degree of acidity of
solution & to the consist of it :
If PH < 4.5 that mean it is has mineral acidity
If 8.3 > PH > 4.5 that mean it is has CO2 acidity .
If PH > 8.3 that mean it isn't has acidity .

Analytical method :

The traditional method using indicator solutions, standard discs and a visual
comparison is not suitable for the laboratory and it is inaccurate ,therefore a PH
meter is essential .It should be accurate to 0.05PH units and have temperature
compensation manual or automatic .
Procedure :

- The PH meter must be set up carefully (by using known PH material :

BDH phosphate buffer has PH = 7.0
DBH borate buffer has PH = 9.0 .
- Put a sample of tap water in a conical flask .
- Put the electrode of the meter in the sample but not contact with flask
glass.(You must be resetting the meter if you take electrode out of the
sample while the meter is turn on .)
- Wait a while until the pointer stops oscillating then take the reading .
- At first , we tested the tap water . (in this experiment the reading is 7.8 ).
- Then we transfer to the second sample which starting with PH = 2.5
(measure by meter ).

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A H M 531 PH & Aciditiy By: Mu'men Al-Otoom


Acidity is the capacity of the water to do note protons on it is a measure of the

amount of acid in that water or to neutralize base.
Acidity due to : -
1. mineral acidity
2. CO2 acidity and this happen by:
- atmosphere dissolving
- Production of inorganic from organic with the presence of oxygen .
organic material + O2 → H2O+CO2 + NH3 + new cells




- Standard NaOH 0.02N Dilute 20ml NaOH with distilled water to

one liter( Titrant solution ) .
- Ph.Ph (phenolphthalein) indicator solution.
- M.O. ( Methyl orange ) indicator solution

General discussion :

In this experiment we have a sample ,we need to test it as acidity .We use a abase
solution (NaOH) as titrant solution to decreasing the acidity of the solution .This
experiment need to two indicator ( the one to change his color @4.5 & the two to
change his color @ 8.3 ) .When we begin with titration, we transfer from mineral
acidity (that need to V1 to remove the mineral acidity ) to CO2 acidity (that need
to V2 to remove the CO2 acidity ) to no acidity ( pure alkalinity ) .

- Clean the flask with distilled water and PH meter end.
- Prepare 100ml sample in conical flask.
- Add 3 drops of M.O indicator solution if a pink to red color appears
(PH<4.5) titrate with sodium hydroxide (0.02N) to the end point of the
indicator (yellow) note the volume used.
- To the sample now add 5 drops of Ph.Ph and titrate it to it’s end
points (pink) . Note the second volume used.
- Measure the PH after each certain volume of NaOH .

4 ‫ﻣﺆﻣﻦ ﺗﻮﻓﻴﻖ اﺣﻤﺪ اﻟﻌﺘﻮم‬ ATOOMUS

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A H M 531 PH & Aciditiy By: Mu'men Al-Otoom


Acidity = [( A * N * 50000 ) / ml of sample] mg/L as CaCO3

A = ml of sodium = V .
N = normality of sodium (eq/l) .
Note : 50000 is the equivalent of CaCO3 ( = 50 g /eq ) .

@ Tap water :

PH = 7.8 , we need V = 5.4 ml to arrive to 8.3 ( no acidity )

Acidity = [ (5.4)mL X (0.02)eq/L X(50000)mg/eq ] = 54 mg/L as CaCO3

[100 ]mL

@ unknown sample :

Reading of PH Volume of NaOH ( titrant solution ) as ml

2.5 0
2.6 0.6
2.7 1.6
2.9 2.6
3.1 3.6
5.5 5.6
7.7 6.1
9 6.9
9.3 8.0

We can see the approximating volumes ( V1 & V2 ) from the table . To estimate
this values we need to draw diagram to use graphical method. We not use this
table because we do mistakes ( we can't get the accurate point directly with
titration ) .
From graph :
V1 = 4.75 mL
V2 = 6.45 – 4.75 = 1.7 mL

Mineral Acidity = [ V1 X 0.02 X50000 ] = 47.5 mg/L as CaCO3

[100 ]

CO2 Acidity = [ V2 X 0.02 X50000 ] = 17 mg/L as CaCO3

[100 ]

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A H M 531 PH & Aciditiy By: Mu'men Al-Otoom


As the value of pH of the solution is 2.5 , and the sample was found to
have 2 types of acidity (mineral and CO2 acidity ) with mineral acidity is
higher than CO2 acidity


Errors in reading volumes in the burette scale

Errors in the value of PH meter (digital)
Not cleaning the tools before use
Graphical error .

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