1.Ph & Acidity
1.Ph & Acidity
1.Ph & Acidity
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A H M 531 PH & Aciditiy By: Mu'men Al-Otoom
Introduction :
@ Water chemistry :
@ PH :
And since water is the solvent, its activity is defined as unity. In dilute solution,
molar concentrations are often substituted for actives .yielding
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A H M 531 PH & Aciditiy By: Mu'men Al-Otoom
Analytical method :
The traditional method using indicator solutions, standard discs and a visual
comparison is not suitable for the laboratory and it is inaccurate ,therefore a PH
meter is essential .It should be accurate to 0.05PH units and have temperature
compensation manual or automatic .
Procedure :
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A H M 531 PH & Aciditiy By: Mu'men Al-Otoom
General discussion :
In this experiment we have a sample ,we need to test it as acidity .We use a abase
solution (NaOH) as titrant solution to decreasing the acidity of the solution .This
experiment need to two indicator ( the one to change his color @4.5 & the two to
change his color @ 8.3 ) .When we begin with titration, we transfer from mineral
acidity (that need to V1 to remove the mineral acidity ) to CO2 acidity (that need
to V2 to remove the CO2 acidity ) to no acidity ( pure alkalinity ) .
- Clean the flask with distilled water and PH meter end.
- Prepare 100ml sample in conical flask.
- Add 3 drops of M.O indicator solution if a pink to red color appears
(PH<4.5) titrate with sodium hydroxide (0.02N) to the end point of the
indicator (yellow) note the volume used.
- To the sample now add 5 drops of Ph.Ph and titrate it to it’s end
points (pink) . Note the second volume used.
- Measure the PH after each certain volume of NaOH .
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A H M 531 PH & Aciditiy By: Mu'men Al-Otoom
@ Tap water :
@ unknown sample :
We can see the approximating volumes ( V1 & V2 ) from the table . To estimate
this values we need to draw diagram to use graphical method. We not use this
table because we do mistakes ( we can't get the accurate point directly with
titration ) .
From graph :
V1 = 4.75 mL
V2 = 6.45 – 4.75 = 1.7 mL
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A H M 531 PH & Aciditiy By: Mu'men Al-Otoom
As the value of pH of the solution is 2.5 , and the sample was found to
have 2 types of acidity (mineral and CO2 acidity ) with mineral acidity is
higher than CO2 acidity
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