Metabonomics and Gut Microbiota in Nutrition and Disease: Sunil Kochhar François-Pierre Martin Editors
Metabonomics and Gut Microbiota in Nutrition and Disease: Sunil Kochhar François-Pierre Martin Editors
Metabonomics and Gut Microbiota in Nutrition and Disease: Sunil Kochhar François-Pierre Martin Editors
Sunil Kochhar
François-Pierre Martin Editors
Metabonomics and
Gut Microbiota in
Nutrition and
Molecular and Integrative Toxicology
Series editor
Rodney R. Dietert
More information about this series at
Sunil Kochhar • François-Pierre Martin
Being the most densely populated microbial ecosystem on earth, gut microbiota
coevolved as a key component of human biology and physiology. Human beings
share an intimate and mutualistic relationship with their gut microbiota, and recent
findings have demonstrated that the role of our gut microbial symbionts into health
and disease has been so far underestimated. Increasingly, scientific evidence identi-
fies gut microbiota as a key biological interface between human genetics and envi-
ronmental conditions encompassing nutrition. Microbiota dysbiosis or variation in
metabolic activity has been associated to metabolic deregulation (e.g., obesity,
inflammatory bowel disease), disease risk factor (e.g., coronary heart disease), or
even in the etiology of various pathologies (e.g., autism), although causal role into
impaired metabolism still needs to be established.
The rise in multifactorial disorders, the lack of understanding of the molecular
processes at play, and the needs for disease prediction in asymptomatic conditions
are some of the many questions that systems biology approaches are well suited to
address. Achieving this goal lies in our ability to model and understand the complex
web of interactions between genetics, metabolism, environmental factors, and gut
microbiota. The adaptation of systems biology to translational and clinical sciences
has been termed network medicine and is changing the way we think about prevent-
ing, predicting, diagnosing, and treating complex human diseases. Through consoli-
dating knowledge across intermediate organizational levels of life such as the
epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome or microbiome, and its integra-
tion with gene-disease traits, systems biology approaches are becoming highly rel-
evant for assessing the clinical characteristics of human health and disease.
The advent of metabonomics as a powerful systems biology approach opens new
opportunities to deepen and model the complex web of molecular interactions
between nutrition and health encompassing the understanding on how to modulate
gut microbiota. While the study of the gut microbiota required the development of
modern molecular biology techniques (many of the organisms present cannot be
cultured and are only known as a result of their detection via ribosomal 16S DNA),
we now know that these microbial populations are highly complex with many hun-
dreds of different species cohabiting in the gut and forming a complex ecology.
vi Preface
Its composition and activity coevolve with the host from birth and is subject to a
complex interplay that depends on the host genome, nutrition, and lifestyle.
Undoubtedly, the interplay between gut microbiome and host and its modulation
by nutrition will benefit from the integration of information on a systems biology-
wide approach. Integration of gene sequence of the microbiome and metabolomics
is currently envisioned to pave the way towards a better molecular understanding of
the complex mammalian superorganism, which is a prerequisite for optimizing
therapeutic strategies to manipulate the gut microbiota to combat disease and
improve health.
The field of endeavor is expanding rapidly, but we believe that now is a good
time to review the achievements in the area of metabonomics and gut microbiota
research. Therefore, this book will aim at providing state-of-the-art information on
the key findings and methodologies and point future directions towards understand-
ing how to beneficially modulate our gut functional ecology for health and nutritional
This book provides a comprehensive overview of metabonomics and gut micro-
biota research from molecular analysis to population-based global health consider-
ations. The topics include the discussion of the applications in relation to
metabonomics and gut microbiota in nutritional research and in health and disease
and a review of future therapeutical, nutraceutical, and clinical applications. It also
examines the translatability of systems biology approaches into applied clinical
research and to patient health and nutrition.
The book begins with a general introduction on major concepts and research
directions with emphasis on core indicators of health and functions in infant, adult,
and elderly populations (Chap. 1). The second and third chapters will provide some
background information on the metabonomics technology and its implementation
in clinical research and data modeling.
Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 describe extensively some key applications in
nutritional research. These sections provide examples and expectations in the field
of personalized medicine and nutrition, including the study of infant-nutrition and
healthy aging paradigms and studies of microbial and human metabolism of
macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber) and specific non-nutrient
food components (polyphenols, flavonoids) and herbal medicine.
Chapters 11, 12, 13, and 14 describe the applications and perspectives of com-
bining metabonomics and gut microbiota approaches in health and disease research.
Chapter 11 covers the introduction of the field of microbio-immuno-metabolism,
based on the role of the environment, genetic background, and individual diversity
in relation to the onset and development of metabolic diseases. Chapter 12 gives
emphasis on the role of microbiota in modulating lipid metabolism and related dis-
ease risks, while Chap. 13 comprehensively describes the intimate relationship
between gut microbiota metabolism and gastrointestinal disorders with emphasis on
inflammatory bowel diseases. Chapter 14 extends the discussion to the field of the
gut brain axis and its role in the etiology of several disorders with emphasis on
Preface vii
x Contents
xii Contributors
Sunil Kochhar obtained his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, New
Delhi (1986), and after postdoctorate at the University of Delaware, DE USA, and
University of Zurich, Zurich Switzerland, he joined Nestlé Research Center,
Lausanne, Switzerland. Following different lead scientist and line management
functions, he became Head of the BioAnalytical Sciences Department in 2002. He
has authored over 100 scientific articles in the internationally peer-reviewed journals,
20 book chapters, and 14 patents. He is invited lecturer in many international
conferences. His research interests are in enzyme and protein chemistry, functional
genomics, glycobiology, and taste receptors. In early 2000, he initiated the concept
xvi Editor Biographies
This chapter focuses on introducing major concepts and research directions with
emphasis on core indicators of health and functions in infant, adult, and elderly
populations. The different themes will be developed further under the related book
1.1 Introduction
There is a growing interest to understand the paradigm of healthy aging since the
aging population and longevity increases worldwide. Indeed, it has been estimated
that by 2020 chronic disease in developing countries will account for almost three-
quarters of all deaths worldwide with 75 % of death due to stroke and 70 % of death
due to diabetes [1, 2]. Awareness about the role of nutrition and lifestyle for health
and disease risk management has increased, with key emphasis on the prevention of
metabolic disorders, including cardiometabolic diseases and type 2 diabetes [1–3].
In parallel, rising evidence pointed towards the critical and long-term involvement
of early nutrition and lifestyle on later health and disease risk predisposition [4].
Thus, it becomes pertinent to look at metabolism throughout life, disease develop-
ment, and nutritional requirements to understand the onset of certain child and adult
physiological conditions [3, 4].
With the advent of the post-genomic era, nutrition research benefits from all
state-of-the-art analytical strategies that could be used for understanding the com-
plex relationship between nutrition and health [5]. In the meantime, modern nutri-
tion has shifted its focus towards molecular biology, genetics, and metabolic
pathways with the goal of preventing disease and enhancing the health and
well-being of individuals [6]. Since population and individual physiological fea-
tures are encoded at the different levels of biological compartments and organiza-
tion, there is growing interest in modeling gene expression, protein or metabolite
concentrations, and their dynamic pathways in cells, tissues, and organs to generate
biological system models. Recent revolution in omics technologies has generated
various promising concepts aiming to generate a global systems view of physiologi-
cal and pathological processes [6, 7]. The concept of systems biology has then been
developed and related to the integration of information at the different levels of
genomic expression (mRNA, protein, metabolite). Thus, systems biology generates
pathway information and provides the capacity to measure subtle perturbations of
metabolic pathways resulting from various intrinsic and extrinsic effects, including
disease or nutrition. Dietary preferences and nutrient composition have been shown
to influence human and gut microbial metabolism, which ultimately impact health
and disease risk. It is therefore envisioned that the integration of systems biology
1 Introduction to Metabonomics in Systems Biology Research 3
into nutritional and health research will provide novel perspectives [8, 9]. This has
led to the development of nutrigenomics that tackles how diet influences gene tran-
scription, protein expression, and metabolism [6, 7, 10].
Systems biology applications are rising and are envisioned to drive a change in
clinical practice through generalizing large population-based studies, aiming at
enhancing our understanding of the role of genetics, environmental factors, and
their interactions on individual susceptibility to disease and health [11, 12].
Therefore, one of the most powerful strategies for deciphering gene-environment
interactions and their role in individual variability, disease etiology, and nutritional
outcomes lies in the ability to combine data from different omics technologies,
establishing the way for systems biology approaches [13, 14]. In this, metabonom-
ics is able to generate multivariate information on a wide range of molecules and
provide the ability to measure subtle changes in biological processes as a result of
different nutritional effects [15–17]. Metabolic profiling of biological fluids by
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy or mass spectrometry (MS)
ensures a simultaneous analysis of a wide range of metabolites that are the end-
points of molecular regulatory processes, diet, and gut microbiota metabolism and
influenced by other environmental factors (Fig. 1.1). Metabonomics therefore
enables monitoring metabolite concentrations and dynamics in cells, tissues, and
multi-compartmental biological systems [18–21]. By opening a direct biochemical
window into the metabolome, metabonomics is uniquely suited to develop new gen-
erations of biomarkers that are capable of providing a better understanding of com-
plex metabolic phenomena as well as assessing intra- and interindividual differences.
This feature makes metabonomics very efficient for the generation of biomarker
patterns for the comprehensive characterization of metabolic health, the prognostics
and the diagnostics of diseases, and the generation of new insights in the under-
standing of the interactions of diet and metabolism and/or medical conditions.
Therefore, the identification of specific metabolic fingerprints vows strong poten-
tials for nutraceutical and therapeutical surveillance.
To date, numerous successful applications of metabonomics are reported in tox-
icity screening, drug metabolism, and functional genomics, a major part of them
involving animal models rather than human subjects due to the greater control of
conditions to reduce extrinsic variability [22–27]. Metabonomics’ introduction in
the field of nutrition research, i.e., nutritional metabonomics, has already delivered
interesting insights for the understanding of metabolic responses of human or ani-
mals in response to dietary interventions and for the definition of metabolic pheno-
types [5, 28–31]. Defining the metabolic phenotype or “metabotype” of human
populations will offer a great opportunity to evaluate the metabolic response and the
degree of this response to specific dietary modulations at the individual level, simi-
larly to the “pharmaco-metabonomic” concept [32].
One particular feature that such an approach enables is rediscovering and revisit-
ing gut functional ecology and its role in the etiology of many metabolic disorders.
Metabonomics has indeed offered an unprecedentedly new way to capture the com-
plex metabolic interactions of the host with its commensal microbial partners pro-
viding a new way to define individual and population phenotypes [18, 33, 34]. This
4 F.-P. Martin and S. Kochhar
functional ecology
Gut microbiome
& metabolism
Fig. 1.1 Conceptualization of systems biology approaches for gastrointestinal health and risk
management. The metabolic status of individuals results from gene, environment, lifestyle, food,
and gut microbiota interactions. The relationship between host and gut microbiota, with the meta-
bolic influence of gut symbionts at different level of biological organization, underpins the depth
of controls over multiple host cell metabolic functions
feature offers a new perspective to study the role of mammalian gut microbial
metabolic interactions in individual susceptibility to health and disease outcomes,
which is of increasing importance in many health research fields ranging from meta-
bolic to gastrointestinal health and even brain health [35–42]. The mammalian gut
microbial relationship is a key determinant by performing multiple digestive,
immune, and metabolic functions [43–45]. The gastrointestinal tract of adult
humans contains around 1.5 k of biomass composed by gut microbial symbiotic and
commensal organisms that are in intimate communication with the host, which is
the result of a long period of coadaptation between the host genotype and the gut
microbiome [46]. The gut microbiota provides to the host specific capacities rang-
ing from dietary energy recovery from nutrients, generating digestible carbohy-
drates and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) from otherwise nondigestible fibers,
amino acids, and vitamins to protect against infectious diseases [47–50]. Gut
1 Introduction to Metabonomics in Systems Biology Research 5
gaps still obscure proper understanding on the mechanisms at play for improving
diabetes. In the meantime, clinicians and patients are also facing the challenge of
understanding why a significant percentage of the subjects do not respond post-
surgery and reacquire insulin-dependent disorders and how to tackle all the subse-
quent adverse events, including micronutrient deficiencies. Metabolic insights are
envisioned to help generate reference data that will help further the understanding
of the underlying biological deregulations, for instance, through better monitoring
of the metabolic and nutritional requirements of patients who underwent various
interventions (e.g., gastric banding, gastric bypass, gastroplasty, biliopancreatic
diversion, or duodenal switch). Recent findings in animal models reported how uri-
nary phenotyping may indicate weight loss-independent metabolic effects of Roux-
en-Y gastric bypass, which sets a first step towards promising novel insights for
human applications [96].
Furthermore, the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is one of the most essential inter-
faces of mammalian organisms interacting with nutrients, exogenous compounds,
and gut microbiota, and its condition is influenced by the complex interplay between
these environmental factors and host genetic elements. Along the GIT, the gut
microbiota is a key determinant of the gut functional ecology and regulatory
processes involved in the absorption, digestion, metabolism, and excretion of dietary
nutrients as well as barrier integrity, motility, and mucosal immunity [35, 97]. The
evolution of nutrition, sanitary, and medical care conditions has led to rediscovering
host-gut microbial metabolic interactions in health and disease [98]. Gut microbial
activities can be extremely complex, such as in the etiology and development of
several chronic inflammatory disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD) or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) [99, 100]. Since normal aging is associated
with a number of significant changes in GIT function and with the development and
progression of chronic disease, such insights will be key for tailoring personal nutri-
tional intervention and monitoring patient response on an individual basis [101].
Advancing knowledge regarding the mechanisms of IBD has led, for instance, to the
development of different therapeutic solutions based on surgery [102], cannabi-
noids [103], or immunosuppression [104]. Although prognostic and monitoring
tools are currently lacking, the use of metabolic readouts in combination with state-
of-the-art clinical and medical readouts is to be a valuable tool to differentiate and
follow-up disease evolution and respond to disease-modifying interventions.
This is, for instance, exemplified through the discovery of metabolic indicators of
different IBD determinants, including mucosal healing, gut permeability, absorp-
tion, digestion, or inflammatory states. As an example, Winterkamp et al. reported
previously how N-methylhistamine, a key metabolite in mast cell metabolism
involved in the pathogenesis of IBD, could be used as an indicator of disease activ-
ity in patients [105]. In this study, the urinary excretion of N-methylhistamine was
associated with elevated histamine production and metabolism in IBD and could be
used as a reliable diagnostic tool to monitor clinical and endoscopic disease activity
in IBD. Additional animal studies may further substantiate proofs of concept on the
feasibility to identify blood-related metabolic indicators of early onsets of chronic
inflammatory development for patient monitoring [106]. Finally, noninvasive stool
1 Introduction to Metabonomics in Systems Biology Research 9
analysis was shown to be very promising for monitoring the remodeling of the gut
functional ecology, concomitant to malabsorption and element of protein losing
enteropathy [107, 108]. Other noninvasive approaches to monitor gut permeability
functions may also be promising prospects for future translation to patient monitor-
ing [109].
It can be forecasted that such integrative systems biology approaches would help
to delineate different behavioral and response phenotypes, with which to personal-
ize the disease and nutritional management programs. For instance, beneficial
effects of exercise in patients with type 1 diabetes were assessed using such a meta-
bonomic approach [110], a concept that can be extended to a larger range of indi-
viduals under different age, nutritional, and health conditions. Nevertheless, the
translation of this unprecedented source of metabolic knowledge which is now at
hand into actionable clinical practices for healthcare requires addressing properly
the dynamics of physiological and biological processes when defining metabolic
phenotypes. This implies the development of analytical strategies based on the mea-
surement of metabolites to assess the effects of nutrition at both the organ-specific
compartment and system levels [25, 26, 111]. Therefore, the understanding of regu-
latory metabolic processes of a complex living organism at the system level involves
the assessment of spatiotemporal interorgan metabolic cross talks through the
analysis of biofluids. Recently, Montoliu et al. applied unsupervised chemometric
methods for integrating 1H NMR metabolic profiles from mouse plasma, liver, pan-
creas, adrenal gland, and kidney cortex matrices in order to infer inter-compartment
functional links [112]. The authors showed that integration of metabolic profiles
using advanced mathematical modeling approaches provided an overview of func-
tional relationships across matrices and enabled the characterization of compartment-
specific metabolite signatures, the spectrotypes. In particular, the methodology
enables the modeling of biochemical signatures common to different biological
matrices, which may highlight specific metabolic processes or cross talks shared by
different organs or specific to a given biological tissue or biofluid. In parallel, devel-
opments on computational modeling have established a global systems view of
human metabolism. A global genome- and bibliome-wide reconstruction of the
human metabolism was built using 3,311 reactions [113]. Metabolic activities at the
tissue level were predicted by a constraint-based computational model, from inte-
gration a genome-scale model with tissue-specific gene and protein data. Results
were obtained for ten human tissues (the brain, heart, kidney, ling, pancreas, pros-
tate, spleen, thymus, skeletal muscle, and liver) [114]. A genome-scale stoichiomet-
ric model of hepatic metabolism was obtained by combining literature-based
knowledge, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic, and phenotypic data [115].
Likewise, modeling of the gut ecosystem could be applied as a combinatory analy-
sis of individual genome-scale metabolic models of gut bacteria, taking into account
their interactions [116]. System-wide computational approaches can be then useful
in nutritional applications to test hypothesis in silico on whole systems, in order to
study potential effects of diet or modulation of metabolic diseases. Such a combina-
torial approach could provide new research avenues to assess the role of gut micro-
biota and nutritional modulation of bacterial metabolic activities on host metabolism.
10 F.-P. Martin and S. Kochhar
Recently, an exhaustive gene catalogue containing virtually all of the prevalent gut
microbial genes in large human cohort and reported to which extent many bacterial
species are shared by different individuals [120]. Such an approach could be used
for global characterization of the genetic potential of ecologically complex environ-
ments [120] but also to help understand how gut microbiota specificities could be
exploited to develop new therapeutic and nutritional strategies. In particular, demo-
graphics have made aging and age-related chronic disease an enormous and grow-
ing biomedical and societal challenge [38]. The immune system undergoes profound
1 Introduction to Metabonomics in Systems Biology Research 11
and multifaceted changes with aging. In particular, the homeostatic balance between
the proinflammatory and the antiinflammatory arms of the immune system is
skewed, resulting in a state of persistent low-grade systemic inflammation. In this
the origins and drivers of the “inflammaging” process are still poorly understood
[121], for instance, but intestinal dysbiosis appears a cornerstone in growth, devel-
opment, and aging.
The gastrointestinal tract is a complex ecosystem host to a diverse and highly
evolved microbial community composed of hundreds of different microbial species.
The human body contains circa 10 trillion parenchymal cells, but the gut contains
approximately 100 trillion of microbial organisms, which vary in community
composition through life according to lifestyle and nutrition [48, 122–124]. On
average, each individual harbors a unique combination of about 500–1,000 different
bacterial species [48, 122–124]. In mammals, microbial communities differ in com-
position from the stomach to the colon, where the competition for space and nutri-
ents in the large bowel contributes to the microbial composition of this internal
ecosystem. The main human intestinal bacteria coexist in a dynamic ecological
equilibrium together with various yeasts and other microorganisms [125]. The
members of the gut microbiota consortium are diverse and impart to the host-spe-
cific capacities ranging from dietary energy recovery from nutrient load, generating
digestible carbohydrates, short-chain fatty acids, amino acids, and vitamins, to pro-
tection against infectious diseases [47–50]. Activities of the diverse gut microbiota
can be highly specific, and it has been reported that the establishment of
Bifidobacteria is important for the development of the immune system and manage-
ment of gut functions [126–128]. As the microbiome interacts strongly with the host
to determine the metabolic phenotype [129, 130], and the metabolic phenotype
influences the outcomes of drug interventions [18, 27], understanding these interac-
tions as part of personalized healthcare solutions is clearly an important role [26].
Advances in metabonomic applications are providing novel insights into the molec-
ular foundations of these host-microbial relationships and their influence onto
health and disease risks [131, 132]. In particular, a series of investigations in humans
[133], rats [134], and gnotobiotic mice [131, 135] have provided a set of reference
metabolic profiles of gut intestinal biopsies that can be used to assess not only the
compartment structure and function but also the gut microbial impact at the tissue
level [135]. These studies therefore indicated that the type of gut microbiota may be
a key factor in the determination of the intestinal homeostasis, osmo-protection,
motility, and calorie recovery from the diet. For instance, the ileum is regarded as
the major site for absorption of luminal bile acids and emulsified dietary lipids, and
the report of higher concentrations of glycerophospholipids, glutathione, taurine,
and betaine in this tissue was consistent with its role in lipid and bile acid metabo-
lism. The jejunum of the mice harboring a nonadapted microbiota showed meta-
bolic similarities to the ileal profile, marked by higher levels of glutathione and
lower concentrations of its precursors in the γ-glutamyl cycle when compared to
conventional animals. Such an observation illustrates the essential role of the gut
microbiota to influence the surrounding tissue metabolic pathways, ultimately to
shape a host environment that fosters their implantation and persistence. The
12 F.-P. Martin and S. Kochhar
Recent findings are describing the deep and fundamental role of gut microbiota in
both positive and negative triggers of specific metabolic states of individuals and
populations [37, 98]. In this the generation of novel and more specific metabolic
readouts will help the deciphering of gut microbial influence on human health and
nutritional status [31, 36, 119]. In particular, both system-wide and organ-specific
metabolism may have components driven by gut microbial activities [137, 138],
which suggests that the dynamics of the gut microbiome could help maintain or
restore host metabolic homeostasis in disease and early onsets of metabolic
Today, direct metabolic insights into gut microbiota metabolism remain limited
due to the inaccessibility of the intestinal habitat and by the sheer complexity of the
gut microbiota [139]. The measurement of the gut microbial metabolism is gener-
ally confined to fecal samples, which is generally limited due to the elevated colonic
absorption of bacterial metabolites [36, 140]. However, such measurable outcomes
provide some essential insights – yet limited – into a small range of microbial activi-
ties within the colon. In particular, fecal analysis provides essential information on
the impact of microbial activities on specific biological processes, including the
metabolism of bile acids, SCFAs, or heterocyclic amines [141–143]. The metabolic
composition of fecal extracts provides therefore a window for elucidating the com-
plex metabolic interplay between mammals and their intestinal ecosystems, and
these metabolic profiles can yield information on a range of gut diseases. Saric et al.
employed 1H NMR-based metabolic analysis of fecal water extracts to assess inher-
ent similarities and dissimilarities across different mammals, namely, humans,
mice, and rats [144]. This study provided an important milestone as per character-
ization of many fecal metabolites common to the three species, such as SCFAs and
branched-chain amino acids. The authors also described how not only the presence
but also the proportion of the different biochemical compounds resulted in a species-
specific profile, encapsulating interindividual variations (i.e., the natural genetic and
environmental diversity in human populations). Furthermore, NMR spectroscopy,
1 Introduction to Metabonomics in Systems Biology Research 13
using high-resolution magic angle spinning NMR (HR-MAS) [145], offers a unique
prospect by the holistic and simultaneous profile of hundreds of metabolites in
intact tissue biopsies. Therefore, HR-MAS presents the unique feature of ensuring
the integrity and organizational compartmentation of the biological samples.
Advanced data modeling strategies enabled the visualization of metabolic similari-
ties and differences along the gut tract that were induced by different gut microbial
ecologies, namely, mice with a conventional mouse microbiota or inoculated with a
simplified model of human-derived microbiota [131, 132]. These studies indicated
that the type of gut microbiota may be a key factor in the determination of intestinal
homeostasis, osmo-protection, motility, and calorie recovery from the diet. Indeed,
the symbiotic gut microbiome exerts a strong influence on the metabolic phenotype
of the mammalian host and participates in extensive microbial-mammalian co-
metabolism [26, 112, 146, 147]. The integrated metabolism of the bile acid pools in
mammals is a good example of the complex transgenomic biochemical interactions
between host and microbiome symbionts [33], which are crucial for the absorption
of dietary fats and lipid-soluble vitamins in the intestine [148].
Additional applications of top-down systems biology approaches revealed the
depth and width of the long-range effects of gut microbiota modulation in complex
organisms, resulting in modulation of host lipid, carbohydrate, and amino acid
metabolism at a panorganismal scale [44, 137, 149–151]. Wikoff et al. provided
additional evidence that the specific metabolic activities of a single gut bacterial
species can provide the host with new biochemical compounds in sufficient amount
to be detected in the general blood circulation [152]. Martin et al. exemplified how
the gut microbial modulation of the gastrointestinal system [131] and extensive
microbial-mammalian co-metabolism may fine-tune host metabolic processes and
may induce metabolic deregulations [33]. In this case, gut bacteria exert modulation
over the host metabolism via reprocessing of signaling molecules, i.e., bile acids.
As such, bile acids may be an example of transgenomic mechanism of quorum sens-
ing [44] whereby microbial cells communicate with each other and disperse their
metabolic functions, thus behaving like a multicellular organism [33]. Martin et al.
evaluated the effects of the induction of a nonadapted microbiota in a murine model
(human-derived microbiota) on the host metabolism by comparison with animals
colonized with a natural gut microbiota (conventional), the result of a long period of
coevolution [33]. The simplified human microbiota was not adapted to mice, which
modified the physiology of the murine host towards a pre-pathologic state. While
conventionalized mice evolve to normal gut flora from an ecological point of view,
the simplified human microbiota maintained the gut tract and the liver out of a sus-
tainable mouse ecological equilibrium, as denoted by increased lipid accumulation
in the liver and lower concentrations of glutathione, which together are associated
with a higher lipoperoxidation risk. In another study, Claus et al. described the
determinant role of the gut microbiota on the metabolism of bile acids through the
enterohepatic cycle, as noted by higher levels of phospholipids in the liver of germ-
free mice and higher levels of bile acids in gut tissues [153]. The presence of the gut
microbiota was shown as a key regulator of the bile acids metabolism and some
CYP family enzymes.
14 F.-P. Martin and S. Kochhar
the presence of specific bacterial taxa in human feces was associated with both
plasma TMAO concentration and dietary status. More interestingly, they described
that high plasma TMAO levels combined with plasma l-carnitine levels in subjects
undergoing cardiac evaluation predicted increased risks for both prevalent cardio-
vascular disease and incident major adverse cardiac events (myocardial infarction,
stroke, or death) [166]. In parallel, significant scientific efforts were put in identify-
ing specific disease risk genotypes. But it is only recently that the incorporation of
metabonomics in genome-wide association studies has offered novel opportunities
for exploring disease-related metabolic deregulations and interactions between
environmental exposure, lifestyle, genetic predisposition, and actual metabolic
phenotype at individual and population scale [28]. Such an approach has recently
described an association between urinary trimethylamine and plasma dimethyl-
amine – two gut microbial metabolites – and the pyridine nucleotide-disulfide oxi-
doreductase gene PYROXD2 [168]. The present association is of importance and
suggests how the conversion rate TMAO/TMA can be related with key hepatic
functions that are under genetic determinant and may predispose individuals to spe-
cific disease risks. Such approaches offer novel avenues to screen individuals with
specific predisposition and determine candidate metabolic targets to be used to
develop tailor-made nutritional management program.
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Chapter 2
Metabonomics in Clinical Practice
2.1 Introduction
Nutritional research has shifted from the measurements of a few, but key, physiolog-
ical descriptors to a large-scale screening of molecular processes at different levels
of biological organization, from gene to mRNA, to proteins and enzymes, and to
metabolic pathways [1]. Integration of this biological information is a vital factor
for nutritional research, as population and individual physiological features are not
only reflected in protein concentrations and gene expression but also in metabolite
concentrations and their kinetic changes in cells, tissues, and organs. However,
studies at individual and population scale are often a complex task because biologi-
cal processes are under the influence of numerous intrinsic and extrinsic factors
such as environmental agents, drugs, diet, lifestyle, stress, and microbiome modula-
tions [2, 3].
Recent revolutions in omics technologies are promising today substantial capa-
bility in achieving a global systems view of physiological and pathological pro-
cesses [4]. Their application is driving a rapid shift from the clinic style investigations
to much more large population-based studies, aiming at enhancing our understand-
ing of the role of genetics, environmental factors, and their interactions on individ-
ual susceptibility to disease and health [5, 6]. Therefore, one of the most powerful
strategies for deciphering gene-environment interactions and their role in individual
variability, to pathology and nutritional outcome, lies in the ability to combine data
from different omics technologies, establishing the way for system biology
approaches [7, 8].
Fig. 2.1 Metabonomics as a tool to probe human metabolism and health. By using NMR- and
MS-based metabonomics, biomarkers of disease, nutrition, and general development can be
assessed in a qualitative and quantitative way
spectrometry (UPLC/MS) (Fig. 2.1). Both methods are then comprehensively used
to generate multivariate datasets which are then employed, in coordination with
advance statistical tools, to recover meaningful biological information from the
complex metabolic profiles.
NMR-based metabonomics provides efficient high-throughput analysis of bio-
logical samples, making it a relatively cost-effective approach. NMR spectroscopy
offers the unique prospect to holistically profile hundreds of metabolites with no a
priori selection. In proton NMR spectroscopy (1H NMR), all covalently attached
protons from mobile molecules within a very high dynamic range of concentrations,
i.e., from millimolar to nanomolar range, are simultaneously scanned, thus provid-
ing a biochemical fingerprint of biological sample. 1H NMR-based metabonomics
is generally preferred to other nuclei-like carbon-13 due to highest sensitivity and
the relative short experimental time needed to acquire metabolic profiles. However,
resonances of metabolites may be highly overlapped within the proton resonance
window. In such case, ultrahigh magnetic field and/or two-dimensional (2D) NMR
spectroscopy can be used to resolve overlapped resonances.
Urine and blood plasma are the most commonly used biofluids for metabonomics
studies due to their intrinsic richness in metabolic information and their relatively
easy and noninvasive access. Detailed procedures to collect, store, and prepare bio-
fluids or tissue samples for NMR analysis have been provided as guidelines for
metabonomics [14]. Urine, serum, and plasma usually require minimal pretreatment
such as the addition of sodium azide to control bacterial growth, phosphate buffer to
control pH-induced shift in resonance, and deuterated water to lock the magnetic field,
TSP (3-(trimethylsilyl)-propionate, sodium salt), and DSS (2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-
5-sulfonate, sodium salt) for chemical shift calibration. Recent introduction of
28 S. Collino et al.
selected ion pairs (typically molecular ion and abundant fragment) or transitions
called selected reaction monitoring (SRM) or multiple reactions monitoring
(MRM) can be used for quantitative purposes. IT allows the isolation of ions for
fragmentation up to nth time (with n being the number of collision events), while
TOFs, ICRs, and orbitraps provide very high mass accuracy and resolution which
can be useful for metabolite identification purposes. Plasma has been analyzed by
untargeted GC-TOF-MS [28] leading to the detection of 46 endogenous metabo-
lites. Using a 12T Fourier transform ICR-MS, about 570 distinct metabolite fea-
tures, represented by monoisotopic masses above signal-to-noise ratio 3 within
the mass range m/z 90–570, were detected in murine plasma.
The central carbon metabolism, including glycolysis, pentose phosphate path-
way, tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle), and surrounding metabolic reactions,
contains mostly polar compounds such as sugars, sugar phosphates, and organic and
amino acids and has been covered by GC-MS after derivatization [28], ion pairing
LC-MS [24], hydrophobic interaction LC-MS [29], and CE-MS [30].
In addition, a comprehensive analysis of biological lipids can be performed
using MS-based lipidomics. A number of analytical approaches can be deployed
to access the lipid inventory of a given biological matrix [31]. Recent advances
in LC-MS technologies make this field a promising area of lipid biochemical
research [32]. Although such approaches are reasonably well established for
high-throughput analysis of the major lipid classes (phospholipids, sphingolip-
ids) [33–36], they still have to be fine-tuned for the quantification of low abun-
dant signaling lipids such as sphingosine, sohingosine-1-phosphate, or
lysophosphatidic acid [37–39]. Standardization of metabonomics practices has
been proposed by the Chemical Analysis Working Group from the metabonomics
standards initiative where a general consensus concerning the minimum report-
ing standards for metabonomics experiments has been described [40]. Such a
position document sets the basis for better intra- and interlaboratory reproduc-
ibility. The comparison between LC-MS urinary profiles obtained in three differ-
ent labs has shown a reproducibility of over 0.95 (coefficient of determination)
[41]. The compliance to quality controls, signal intensity checks, and post-anal-
ysis signal drift corrections is some of the solutions to warrant high-quality
LC-MS datasets [42].
Yet, one of the bottlenecks in metabonomics remains the identification of metab-
olites in particular biological matrices. Traditionally, full identification of molecules
is a laborious procedure, including enrichment, isolation, purification, and full char-
acterization by several analytical strategies, to reach unambiguous identification.
MS offers valuable pieces of information in the identification of metabolites: molec-
ular mass and molecular fragmentation pattern, taken from MS and MS/MS frag-
mentation, respectively. In combination with LC, a relative polarity index can be
obtained, according to the used stationary phase. Often, efficient identification relies
with the use of a combination of analytic techniques such as NMR and MS and
access to biochemical database and computational techniques (data preprocessing,
statistical modeling, data mining) [43–49].
30 S. Collino et al.
Fig. 2.2 Flowchart for epidemiological metabonomics studies. Planning and automation of
procedures is crucial, including study design, as sample collection and storage, data analysis, and
retrieval of metadata
32 S. Collino et al.
Decades of research on aging have found hundreds of genes [58, 59] and many
biological processes [60–62] that are associated to the aging process, but up to date,
metabonomics applications covering aging as a multifactorial event are sparse [63].
In particular, the frailty syndrome is increasingly being considered as a risk indica-
tor of adverse health outcomes. Elderly may be also prone to be resistant to anabolic
stimuli which is likely a key factor in the loss of skeletal muscle mass with aging.
Vital to understand these biological processes is the development of biological
markers, through system biology approaches, aiding at strategies for tailored thera-
peutic and personalized nutritional program. The overall aim is to prevent or attenu-
ate decline of key physiological functions required to live an active and independent
life. Therefore, it is crucial to develop core indicators (biomarkers) of health and
function in older adults, where nutrition and tailored personalized programs could
exhibit preventive roles and where the aid of omics technologies is increasingly
displaying potential in revealing key molecular mechanisms/targets linked to spe-
cific aging and/or healthy aging processes (Fig. 2.3). In one of the first aging study,
Lawton et al. analyzed the human plasma metabonome in 269 individuals (both men
and women, 20–65 years old) identifying significant changes in relative concentra-
tions of more than 100 metabolites [64]. Here changes in protein, energy, oxidative
stress, and lipid metabolism were observed with increasing age. In addition, certain
xenobiotics (i.e., caffeine) were higher in older subjects, displaying possibly
decreased hepatic cytochrome P540 activity. Further, Nikkila and colleagues per-
formed a metabonomics study on early childhood, following 59 children from birth
to an age of 4 years old and identified that major developmental state differences
between girls and boys are attributed to sphingolipids metabolism [65]. Moreover,
comparison of longitudinal metabolic trajectories between boys and girls revealed
Fig. 2.3 Selected biomarker applications for aging and clinical research
2 Metabonomics in Clinical Practice 33
higher levels of sphingomyelins in girls than in boys. More recently Zhonghao et al.
characterized the metabolic profile of a large group of subjects with a wide age
range (32–81 years) and identified metabolites related to chronological age, inde-
pendent of BMI [54]. Here, two population-based studies were used: a German
aging population as a discovery cohort, with 1,038 female and 1,124 male partici-
pants (32–81 years), and a UK study as replication, with 724 female participants.
Targeted metabonomics of fasting serum samples quantified 131 metabolites.
Among these, 71 out of 34 metabolites were significantly associated with age in
women/men reflecting mostly incomplete mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation
(elevated serum levels of acylcarnitines).
Overall, while the identification of biological markers specific of aging is still on
its infancy, their characterization is crucial in providing insights into mechanisms or
strategies that can prevent or reverse the decline in certain of the affected networks
and as such could extend health span, preventing accelerated aging.
aromatic amino acids were strongly associated with IR, namely, isoleucine, leucine,
valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine. The authors demonstrated that a combination of
three amino acids (isoleucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine) could predict future diabetes
(>5-fold higher risk for individuals in top quartile) [72]. Together these key findings
demonstrate a critical role of BCAA metabolism in the early onset of IR and T2D
development. In a second report, specific interrelationships between dyslipidemia
and IR development were evaluated [71]. Interestingly, this work reports how lipids
of lower carbon number and double bond content were associated with an increased
risk of T2D, unlike higher carbon number and double bond content lipids [71]. In
particular, a combination of two triacylglycerols further improved diabetes predic-
tion and could aid in clinical risk assessment. Recently, a lipidomics approach was
applied to reveal the molecular phenotype in prediction of type 1 diabetes (T1D)
[73]. The authors found that T1D progressors are characterized by a distinct cord
blood lipidomic profile which includes reduced major choline-containing phospho-
lipids including sphingomyelins and phosphatidylcholines. A molecular signature
was developed comprising seven lipids which predicted high risk for progression to
T1D, with an odds ratio of 5.94 (95 % confidence interval, 1.07–17.50). Reduction
in choline-containing phospholipids in cord blood is therefore specifically associ-
ated with progression to T1D but not with development of β-cell autoimmunity in
general. Several studies also investigated the interactions between lifestyle,
diet, and metabolic disorders associated with IR. In particular, Huffman
et al. explored the impact of exercise training on insulin sensitivity (IS) in combina-
tion with monitoring of circulating concentrations of metabolic intermediates, hor-
mones, and inflammatory mediators. Improvement in IS was associated with
reduced levels of fatty acid oxidation by-products and increased concentrations in
glycine and proline [74]. Moreover, metabonomics was also employed to decipher
indicators of early onsets of prediabetes status. Zhao et al. investigated the blood
plasma composition in normal and impaired glucose-tolerant populations and dem-
onstrated that prediabetes was associated with alterations in fatty acid, tryptophan,
uric acid, bile acid, and gut microbial metabolism. In parallel, a great amount of
knowledge was also consolidated in the field of T1D, with patients also showing a
variety of metabolic abnormalities including hyperglycemia, ketogenesis, and mus-
cle proteolysis [75]. Lanza et al. analyzed plasma from T1D humans during insulin
treatment and acute insulin deprivation [75] and provided additional evidence on the
disease etiology including protein synthesis and breakdown, gluconeogenesis, keto-
genesis, amino acid oxidation, mitochondrial bioenergetics, and oxidative stress.
There is increasing evidence that the specific metabolic disturbances preceding
β-cell autoimmunity in humans are of relevance for preventive medicine and poten-
tial prognosis of children who subsequently progress to T1D [65, 76, 77]. In a series
of studies, the specificity of the pre-autoimmune metabolic changes was tested both
in non-obese prediabetic mouse models and in prospective human cohorts [65, 76,
77]. Of particular interest is the observation that autoimmune diabetes is preceded
by a state of increased metabolic demands from the islets resulting in elevated insu-
lin secretion and suggest alternative metabolic-related pathways as therapeutic tar-
gets to prevent diabetes.
2 Metabonomics in Clinical Practice 35
analysis of prostate cancer patients based on tissue biopsies, urine, and plasma
samples was able to distinguish benign prostate, clinically localized prostate cancer,
and metastatic disease [92]. Sarcosine, an N-methyl derivative of the amino acid
glycine, was identified as a differential metabolite that was highly increased during
prostate cancer progression to metastasis and can be detected noninvasively in
urine. Pasikant et al. displayed the potential and validity in the staging, grading, and
diagnosis capabilities of urinary metabonomics in bladder cancer tumors [96]. Here,
100 % sensitivity in detecting bladder cancer was observed using urinary metabo-
nomics versus 33 % sensitivity achieved by urinary cytology, the current standard
for tumor detection and monitoring of recurrence or progression of bladder cancer.
Using plasma-free amino acids profiling, Miyag et al. described metabonomics
applications for lung, gastric, colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer disease diagno-
sis [97]. Cancer patients and controls could be discriminated using multivariate
analysis where significant alterations in plasma-free amino acids profiles were
observed in the disease cancer stage. Interestingly, tryptophan was identified as a
key amino acid associated with cancer progression. New breast cancer diagnostic
measures had also been developed by high-resolution magic angle spinning
(HR-MAS) NMR spectroscopy [98]. This technique provides a means to generate
metabolic profiles of intact tissues. HR-MAS MR spectroscopic studies on breast
tissue biopsies revealed elevated levels of taurine- and choline-containing com-
pounds, especially phosphocholine in the cancer samples. Moreover, metabolic pro-
filing allowed a clinical prediction with 69 % sensitivity and 94 % specificity in a
validation cohort. NMR and MS metabolic profiles were also used to develop a
specific prediction model for early detection of recurrent breast cancer [99], dis-
playing capabilities of metabonomics in providing predictive biomarkers.
Interestingly, 55 % of the patients could be correctly predicted to have recurrence
13 months before the recurrence was clinically diagnosed. A MS-based quantitative
metabonomics method to analyze plasma samples from 55 breast cancer patients
and 25 healthy controls was applied [100 ]. A number of 30 patients and 20
age-matched healthy controls were used as a training dataset to establish a diagnos-
tic model and to identify potential biomarkers. Here, 39 differentiating metabolites
were identified, including significantly lower levels of lysophosphatidylcholines
and higher levels of sphingomyelins in the plasma samples obtained from breast
cancer patients compared with healthy controls. Using logical regression, a diag-
nostic equation based on three metabolites (LPC16:0, PCae 42:5, and PCaa 34:2)
successfully differentiated breast cancer patients from healthy controls, with a sen-
sitivity of 98.1 % and a specificity of 96.0 %.
Recent technological advances facilitate automated analyses of biological
samples, and installations of NMR equipment in close proximity to the surgical
theaters are in a growing phase. Metabolic profiling thus has the potential to
become a method for rapid characterization of cancerous biopsies in the operation
theater. Bathen et al. analyzed 328 tissue samples from 228 breast cancer patients
using solid-state NMR [101]. Using double cross validation, high sensitivity, and
specificity of 91 % and 93 %, respectively, was achieved. Analysis of the loading
profiles from both principal component analysis (PCA) and PLS-DA showed
the choline-containing metabolites as main biomarkers for tumor content, with
38 S. Collino et al.
2.8 Conclusion
It has been estimated that by 2020 chronic disease in developing countries will
account for almost three-quarters of all deaths worldwide with 75 % of death due to
stroke and 70 % of death due to diabetes. In such a context, there is a clear need to
develop new predictive approaches for preventive medicine and prognostic strate-
gies for personalized therapeutic management and monitoring (Fig. 2.3). The devel-
opment of systems biology approaches and the new generation of biomarker patterns
will provide the opportunity to associate complex metabolic regulations with key
biological processes. By opening a direct biochemical window into the metabo-
nome, metabonomics is a unique science perfectly suited for the identification of
biomarkers capable of providing better understanding of the complex metabolic
phenomenon. Metabonomics is then foreseen to deliver in clinical settings a new
generation of endpoints, e.g., biomarkers, to describe healthy and abnormal devel-
opmental metabolic trajectory such as in aging studies. This makes clinical metabo-
nomics a very efficient approach for generation of metabolic patterns for the
comprehensive characterization of metabolic health, the prognosis and diagnostic
of diseases, and the generation of new insights in the understanding of the interac-
tions between diet and metabolism (Table 2.1).
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Chapter 3
Adopting Multivariate Nonparametric
Tools to Determine Genotype-Phenotype
Interactions in Health and Disease
Ivan Montoliu
Abstract This chapter describes the role of machine learning approaches such as
random forests in holistic discovery applications and provides a background for its
better understanding. Their suitability for feature selection, data integration, and
network modelling are also evaluated through recent examples in the literature.
These examples cover a variety of fields, ranging from ecology to metabolomics.
3.1 M
etabolomics: Introducing the Paradigm Shift
in Data Analysis
The arrival of “-omics” into the scientific scene resulted in a breakthrough for the
data analysis community. The generalization of sequencing methodologies, with the
introduction of gene expression microarray technology, contributed to the genera-
tion of huge datasets covering many aspects related to phenotypic changes present
in biological samples. This avenue facilitated a renovation of the bioinformatics
concept known so far, moving from the general concept of studying information
processes in biological systems to a more complex one: the storing, retrieving, orga-
nization, and analysis of biological data. Elements such as control, system, and
information theory and statistics were widely introduced in the field to tackle new
challenges. In particular, factors such as the dimensionality of datasets and the low
number of available samples hardly challenged the established concepts in data
analysis. For some applications, such as the analysis of differential gene expression
readouts, traditional univariate statistics remained prevalent, being widely used in
I. Montoliu (*)
Analytical Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Nestec Ltd., Nestlé Research Centre,
PO Box 44, Route du Jorat 57, CH-1000 Lausanne 26, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
large-scale calculations. In this way, they became, by default, the core of data
analysis techniques in the fields of biomarker discovery research. This led to several
issues due to the high number of tests performed and the need to address the statisti-
cal significance of the results. Research in univariate statistics concepts addressed
this point with the introduction of suitable preprocessing methods and concepts
such as false discovery rate and multiplicity testing corrections [1, 2].
Metabolomics [3–5] was a late comer to the “-omics” party. Committed to
address the metabolic changes associated to a specific phenotype due to interven-
tion, environment, or genetic predisposition showed soon the constraints of the
field. The use of advanced analytical chemistry tools, based on MS and NMR tech-
nologies, introduced higher complexity in the data structure and higher covariance
between variables. Moreover, it became a mandatory step the development of
specific tools for preprocessing, in particular for MS holistic approaches [3]. Factors
such as analysis time and cost per sample contributed hardly to keep the issue of the
curse of dimensionality (low n-to-p ratio), also present in differential gene expres-
sion analyses. Furthermore, the indeterminacy on the p-value, strongly dependent
on the preprocessing used, questioned the suitability of the established analysis
methodologies standardly used in differential gene expression.
Other intrinsic biogenic elements, such as reduced fold changes, created in many
cases a more complex framework for biomarker discovery. Being at the lower level
of the biochemical expression chain (genome > proteome > metabolome), the inter-
individual variability was expected to be high and dependent on cofactors such as
the environment. In fact, metabolomics seems to combine environmental and
genetic variability, as partially showed by the genetic origin of metabolic respon-
siveness of human subjects challenged to an intervention [6].
All these elements, data and biology driven, soon faced serious hurdles in
providing relevant results using a standard approach rooted in univariate analysis
plus multiplicity testing correction. In a univariate approach, chances were that the
low number of objects, associated to low fold of changes, would be the source of an
eventual high proportion of type II errors (false negatives). As a counterpart, the use
of multivariate analysis started providing a summarized view of the simultaneous
changes throughout the experiment, disregarding its univariate significance. These
characteristics did not help in biomarker discovery by itself, but contributed
positively to the understanding of coordinated biochemical changes in complex
biological systems.
Chemometrics provide a descriptive or predictive assessment of chemical sys-
tems in experimental life sciences using data analysis techniques [7]. It is focused
on the analysis of analytical data, and it is rooted in an ensemble of tools coming
from different fields such as multivariate statistics, applied mathematics, and com-
puter science. With all those values at hand, chemometrics has become the preferred
partner for analyzing metabolomics data.
From the set of techniques driven by a pure chemometrics approach, principal
component analysis (PCA) [8], partial least squares regression (PLS) [9, 10], and
their derivates, such as orthogonal projection on latent structures (OPLS) [11, 12],
soon became the main workhorses of metabolomics data analysis. These are both
3 Adopting Multivariate Nonparametric Tools to Determine Genotype-Phenotype… 47
soft modelling methods which perform well in low n, high p datasets through the
projection of multivariate data onto a reduced subspace, even with highly covarying
variables. Moreover, in spite of being linear, PLS models handle acceptably well
soft nonlinearities. However, because both methods are designed with predictive
purposes, a strict validation process is needed to assess its generalization ability
(minimize overfit risk) [13].
Most of the metabolomics studies where the PLS methodology was applied
were typical case-control studies. In this case, classifier variants based both on PLS
and OPLS were used, converting both regression models into classifiers through
binary class encoding. From this moment on, partial least squares discriminant
analysis (PLS-DA) [14] and orthogonal projection on latent structures discriminant
analysis (OPLS-DA) [15] became preferred tools for most of the metabolomics
studies handling spectroscopic data [16]. To better cover metabolomics goals, both
regression methods were supported with interesting contributions that improved
somehow the simplicity of interpretation of its parameters for feature extraction
[17]. Both PLS-related techniques were recognized as good performers in the
metabolomics area, and its use was generalized to other types of data (semiquanti-
tative and MS data). This generalization was also supported by the availability of
chemometrics data analysis packages that implemented, in a convenient way, a
variety of algorithms including the most common data pretreatments.
One of the key points of the success of PLS is its utility in providing feature
highlighting through the analysis of its parameters. This strong asset imposes
constraints when selecting alternatives to this model. Even if it highlights metabolic
profiles responding to the design, several aspects, often overlooked, need to be
recall in PLS analysis: PLS has an assumption on the variable distribution and
linearity of the model and needs of a careful validation.
In the last years, an increasing number of new classification algorithms have been
proposed, many of them focused on solving low n-to-p ratio issues. It is hard to
determine which of them have the best performance, and on which conditions. This
difficulty in the assessment hinders a lack of consensus for the best one, being likely
that the best classifier/regressor does not exist for all conditions. Moreover, chances
are the best methodology might be probably problem specific.
In some cases, proposed models are complex, with several parameters to tune,
and each model needs to be tailored at hand to be more on target. In situations as
nowadays, when huge amounts of data need of feature selection, there is a strong
request for models that use few parameters, minimal human input and low compu-
tational cost with simple parallelization.
In search of more suitable algorithms for data analysis and interpretation in
metabolomics, machine learning provides a wealth of tools highly performing for
data representation and generalization (classification and regression). Despite most
48 I. Montoliu
of them offer properties of interest, not all provide relevant information for feature
extraction. Support vector machines (SVM) [18] and multilayer perceptrons
(ANN-MLP) [19] are two examples, where the use of kernels and weight connec-
tion layers removes any traceability of the role of the individual variables in the
model. There have been other alternatives proposed to find this variable relevance,
but they are mostly linked to the application of recursive feature elimination patterns
[20] that make the procedure computer intensive for long datasets.
3.3 D
ata Structure and Inference: Classification
and Regression Trees (CART)
For numerical data, this step is relatively easy, as hyperplane decision boundaries
can be calculated in the form: Is xi ≤ xi split?. The driving criteria throughout all the
tree buildup is to keep the model as sparse (with fewer nodes) as possible. With this
purpose, at each node CART looks out for the query that makes the subsequent
descending node as pure as possible (minimize impurity).
The calculation of node impurity in regression trees is basically driven by the
mean standard error (MSE). Alternatively, in classification of trees, several mea-
sures are available:
• Entropy impurity (also called information impurity), which is defined through
the following expression: I(N) = − ∑ jp(ωj)log2 p(ωj), where p(ωj) accounts for
fraction of patterns at node N that are in category ωj. If all patterns are the same
(i.e., the node is pure), then I(N) = 0.
• Variance impurity, defined in the two-category case as I(N) = p(ω1)p(ω2), which
gives I(N) = 0 when all patterns belong to the same class, either ω1 or ω2.
• Gini impurity, which consists in the extension of variance impurity to more than
two classes: I(N) = ∑ i ≠ jp(ωi)p(ωj). When compositions between ωi and ωj are
unbalanced, it is necessary to weight I(N) with a weight matrix with γij elements,
thus giving I(N) = Σi ≠ jγijp(ωi)p(ωj).
• Misclassification impurity, measuring the minimum probability that a training
pattern must be misclassified.
As stated above, the achievement of the minimum node impurity is the driver of
the tree optimization. To select the best split, the decrease of impurity after the split
is calculated for each variable, and the variable that maximizes this drop is the one
From all the impurity measurements available, the Gini index and entropy impu-
rity are often preferred due to its computational simplicity. However, in spite of the
diversity of measures, very often the choice if the impurity functions does not affect
excessively the accuracy of the final classifier. This leaves the stopping criterion and
the pruning method as main drivers of the model accuracy.
The stopping criterion controls predictive performance, limiting the excessive
growth of the tree and thus controlling the overfit risk. It may be determined by
using standard validation procedures such as cross-validation and test set. An alter-
native way to limit the tree growth implies setting up a threshold β, which has the
obvious advantage that all samples can be used for training the classifier. This
approach often leads to an unbalanced tree, where the leaf nodes lay at different
levels. However, finding optimal β is not an easy task, as it has little to say with
model performance. An alternative, simpler in concept, is to set a minimum node
size of a fixed number or percentage of objects. This procedure has the advantage
that it adapts the partition size to the density of objects in that region of the multi-
variate space. Complexity of the tree can also be used as an alternative to stop the
growth of the tree, using a balance between the number of nodes present in the tree
and the uncertainty of the tree on the training data. Alternatively, the splitting can be
stopped using hypothesis testing on the increase of node impurity between the tree
layers (usually a χ2 test).
50 I. Montoliu
Using the stopping criterion directly has important drawbacks. Often it leads to
biased trees, because the biggest decreases of impurity are achieved in the nodes
closer to the root node. Consequently, tree growth stops too early, ignoring further
splits. For this reason, growing full trees and posterior pruning has gained accep-
tance. In this approach, all pairs of leaf (terminal) nodes connected to the same
ancestor (one level above) are considered for elimination. Each pair providing a
small increase in node impurity is selected for elimination. At this point, the ances-
tor becomes a leaf. This is basically the inverse of the splitting process described
previously, and commonly delivers unbalanced trees. Its main drawback is that it is
computationally intensive, which in turn limits its application in very big datasets.
3.4 E
nsemble Classifiers: From Single Trees
to Random Forests
If they are grown deep enough, trees are learners with low bias and high variance
that reflect the data structure quite well. These characteristics make them suitable
for performance improvement using general methodologies such as bootstrap
aggregation (bagging) [24]. The main idea of bagging is to reduce the variance of
the prediction through averaging (regression) or aggregated voting (classification)
among several classifiers. This is achieved through the average of many noisy (and
approximately unbiased) models. Models are built taking a bootstrap sample with
replacement of the hold out data. This strategy gives a trade-off solution, as this
averaging provides a decrease in the variance, but with a little increase in bias.
Another positive effect of aggregation and majority voting is the decrease in chances
of overfit.
Targets of boosting [25] are weak learning algorithms (as trees). The approach
generates m different individual classifiers to create an ensemble classifier G(X).
In such approach, weight is given to the individual classifiers Gm(x) according to
their accuracy. This weighting is used to provide a final result, weighting accord-
ingly the output of the different classifiers G(X) = sign[Σ m = 1αmGm(x)]. In this way,
misclassified observations are scaled by an exponential factor that increases the
importance of this pattern in the next Gm + 1(x) model. One popular version of boosting,
with good performance, is ADABOOST [26].
The concept of ensemble classifiers is in the deep roots of the random forests
(RF) algorithm [27]. Random forests are an ensemble of classification (regression)
trees that are trained using bootstrapped (with replacement) samples of the training
data. Trees are fully grown and posteriorly pruned to a certain node level (specified)
and the remaining patterns (“out-of-bag,” OOB samples) are predicted after passing
them through the whole ensemble (forest). As in bagged classifiers, majority voting
is used to assign the target class. When used in regression, averaging is used instead.
One of the novel points introduced in the approach is the application of a secondary
randomization scheme, taking a bootstrap sample of the variables at each splitting
node, to infer variable relevance (feature extraction). In this way, RF reduces the
3 Adopting Multivariate Nonparametric Tools to Determine Genotype-Phenotype… 51
{ }
rfB = majority vote C
the prediction for the overall forest through C b ( x)
Table modified from Hastie et al. [23], Copyright 2009, with permission from Springer-Verlag
New York
Similarly to np, proposed tree depths are 1 and 5 depending on the RF mode
( classification and regression, respectively). This is a parameter that makes little sense
to optimize, as the little gains in predictive performance described in the literature do
not justify optimizing one more parameter.
The ensemble nature of the RF limits one of the nice features of trees, which is the
convenient representation of the data structure. The average of bnt trees makes rather
complex to determine the relevant structure common to the different bootstrapped
samples of the main dataset. However, RF provides key parameters to identify the
importance of the variables and to visualize the similarities among samples.
Variable importance measures allow the identification of their role in the struc-
ture of the dataset. The two most used in available RF implementations are based on:
I. Changes in node impurity. At each split, the improvement criterion (impurity
decrease) is stored and cumulated individually for each variable. The procedure
is applied to each of the bnt trees of the forest and averaged. This estimator is
mostly used in classification, using the Gini index as improvement criterion.
II. Changes in the accuracy of the model. In this estimator, the importance of the
variable is linked to its predictive strength. For its calculation, there are used the
samples in the OOB, using the following scheme:
(a) At each b tree, OOB samples are passed down to the tree to get the model
(b) The values of the jth variable are permuted randomly in the OOB samples.
Accuracy is recalculated accordingly.
(c) Decreases of accuracy due to permutation are averaged over all the b trees
of the random forest B. This gives an estimation of the importance of the
variable j. Importance is then converted to percentage.
In general, this approach provides more gradual variable importance estimations
than the changes in node impurity. It is mostly used in regression, estimating the
1 b
accuracy as mean standard error MSEOOB = ∑ yi − ŷiOOB (MSE). }
b 1
On the other side, proximities can be calculated while building the forest with the
aim of visualizing similitude patterns between objects. To construct such proximity
matrix, for each tree b(x; θb), any pair of observations in the OOB set sharing a leaf
(terminal node) have their proximity increased by one. To visualize these proximi-
ties between patterns, a multidimensionality scaling (MDS) plot is used. In brief,
this approach consists in an eigenvalue decomposition of the distance matrix and is
key in approaches such principal coordinate analysis [29].
The interpretation of these plots in RF is often controversial, as their utility is
often questioned by some authors. Often they show a similar star shape, with each
arm corresponding to an individual subclass. The more pronounced is the separation
between groups, the better the performance of the RF is expected. Some numerical
experiments show how the classifier boundaries are usually in the center of the star-
shaped cloud, while better separated samples lay in the edges. This point makes
sense, as similar patterns have more chances to end up in the same terminal node.
On the opposite, more dissimilar patterns have much less chances of sharing those
kinds of nodes (Fig. 3.1).
3 Adopting Multivariate Nonparametric Tools to Determine Genotype-Phenotype… 53
Fig. 3.1 Analysis of transcriptomics data from seven mice strains [73]. Graphical evaluation of
Random Forests results based in sample proximities: multidimensional scaling (a) shows differences
between groups of samples (b) Highlighting samples with extreme behavior (outliers). (c) Variable
importance measure (classification) based in the mean Gini index decrease (scaled) after variable
permutation. Expression levels at position expressing a highest mean decrease in the Gini index (d)
Other visualizations of the role of the objects in the model can be achieved using the
information contained in the proximity matrix. Thus, proximity information may also
be used to evaluate the outlier character of the samples in RF. To determine this feature,
the reciprocal of the sum of squared proximities is calculated between that observation
and the remaining ones within each class. Extreme values will point out those objects
with high influence in the overall performance of the model. Often, they correspond to
patterns that have been incorrectly classified or with high standard errors.
In principle, RF can handle continuous and categorical discrete variables.
However, in these cases, there has been detected possible bias in the assignment of
variable importance [30]. There have been identified two major sources for this
behavior, mainly the important changes in the measurement scale and the oscillation
in the number of categories. Two explanations on the mechanism underlying those
54 I. Montoliu
Dim 1
−0.4 −0.2
Dim 2
Dim 3
−0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 −0.2 0.0 0.2
Fig. 3.2 Analysis of transcriptomics data from seven mice strains [73]. Graphical evaluation of
unsupervised random forests results based in sample proximities: multidimensional scaling shows
the differences between groups of samples on the first three dimensions
deficiencies are the biased variable selection in each individual classification tree
and the side effects of a bootstrapping with replacement (as used in RF).
RF can be also used in unsupervised mode to describe the structure of the dataset
[28] alike in principal component analysis (PCA) [8]. The key point is to create a
two-class case, where one class is the real dataset and the other class is generated
synthetically to be as close as possible as the original dataset. Both sets are com-
bined, and a RF model is built to predict both classes. As an outcome, objects that
are similar will lay in the same terminal nodes. This information is recorded in the
proximity matrix and can be visualized using the MDS plot (Fig. 3.2).
Summarizing, RF can be used in the buildup of supervised models of classifica-
tion or regression, since they are models with good performance, even in highly
complex real data. They are tolerant with missing data and can be easily trans-
formed in an unsupervised model, if used smartly, to describe the structure of the
data. They provide efficient tools for variable selection for homogeneous data sets,
even if the validity of the approach for heterogeneous datasets (continuous and
discrete data) can be argued. Moreover, the implementation of outlier detection
features enables their use for event detection.
3 Adopting Multivariate Nonparametric Tools to Determine Genotype-Phenotype… 55
3.5 R
ecent Contributions from RF in the Metabolome-
Microbiome Arena
Since the publication of the initial algorithm in 2001 [27], the interest in RF has
undergone an exponential growth. The amount of publications has increased from
less than 10 in 2002 to more than 500 in 2012 (, covering a wide
spectrum of areas of interest in science. From the very beginning, computer science
and biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology publications have been maintain-
ing a sustained lead, partially due to the strong interaction they have through multi-
disciplinary fields such as bioinformatics. The progressive growth in interest in RF
has been especially relevant in the medical community, wide-spreading applications
that have gone from support to diagnostics to biomedical signal processing (imag-
ing and multiparametrical monitoring). Other fields such as engineering, agriculture
sciences, environmental science, and chemistry have also devoted a remarkable
interest in RF as a partner tool for their applications in several fields, such as remote
sensing, prediction of environmental parameters, and quantitative structure activity
relationships in chemistry. In parallel to the exponential increase in publications
using the RF approach, it is also remarkable a qualitative aspect: the progressive
increase of heterogeneity of fields of application. This growth that can be considered
normal in a new coming procedure has stabilized at a high number of fields. One
possible interpretation of this fact is the awareness of the global scientific community
on the performance of the algorithm, which is in the process of its consolidation as a
standard tool of machine learning.
Data fusion using RF has been performed mostly in engineering on several domains,
from medical to environmental applications. The approach is often used in high-
dimensional datasets coming from imaging, multisensorial applications and even
microarrays. A medical application example of this integration can be found in the
integration between transcriptomics and dermatoscopy in cutaneous melanoma
patients, which has led to improved classifications using RF [31], or eventually in
their key role in handling structural and functional imaging for prostate cancer
diagnosis [32]. Environmental sciences have also benefited of the approach, applying
RF regression models onto datasets fusing Lidar, Radar, and multispectral remote
sensing to predict multiyear bird detections (migratory activity) of eight bird species
[33] and structural forest attributes [34].
The integration of random forests as a preliminary feature extraction step in
network analysis has become a relevant procedure in several areas such as pathway
analysis and data integration and in describing the relationship between chemical
structure and interactions. Pathway analysis has benefited from the generalization of
56 I. Montoliu
the use of random forests as feature extraction method in microarray data to rank
important pathways from externally available databases [35]. The feature extraction
properties of RF have been also exploited in feeding networks integrating several
“-omics” datasets (metabolomics, gene expression) and phenotypic traits [36–38].
Moreover, RF have demonstrated to be useful, and even better performing than
other methods, in describing protein-protein interactions [39, 40], the prediction of
long disordered regions within proteins [41], the identification of protein complexes
using topological structure from local subgraphs [42], and even predicting binding sites
by using structural information [43]. RNA-protein interactions using sequence infor-
mation were tested with success with two classifiers based in RF and SVM as a basis
to further create RNA-protein interaction networks [44]. Still in this area, the integra-
tive analysis of co-expression modules (gene ontology, protein-protein interaction data
and literature) using RF enabled finding interesting gene-phenotype associations [45].
In general, the use of structural information is important to understand the interac-
tion mechanisms but can also be relevant to facilitate drug design. A good example
of the application with success of RF into this setup can be found in the prediction of
sulfotyrosine binding sites, where the RF are winning option to SVM, ANN, and
hidden Markov models (HMM) [46]. Their performance was still highly scored in
the integration of chemical, genomic [47], and pharmacological information to deter-
mine drug-target interactions [48], where they can be compared to other methods
such SVM [49], to help in the assessment of the reliability of the results.
Furthermore, a two-stage-based RF analysis was performed to characterize the
functional effects of single amino acid variants (SAV) combining sequence, struc-
ture, and residue-contact network features [50]. RF models showed their utility not
only in highlighting functional regions but also in scoring protein interactions from
one organism model into another to be used in protein interaction networks [51]. The
antioxidant biological activity of proteins associated to star graph topographical indi-
ces was better highlighted with RF, when compared with other methods [52].
Classifier performance is one of the main points of interest in all applications
where those models are the working horse to provide insight on data, or they are
even the main outcome to be achieved. RF has been explored in combination with
other classifiers to provide better overall predictions through using consensual out-
puts. In these setups, it is necessary to find a precision index measure that summa-
rizes individual performances, incorporating concepts such as maximum posterior
probability [53]. Patient treatment strategies can also benefit from this multi-
classifier strategy, for instance, the prediction of the coreceptor usage in HIV-1
patients using translated V3 genotypes as input [54].
The standard RF method based in the routines proposed initially by Breiman is still
actual, very performing and widely applied into different fields. Notwithstanding,
there have appear modifications to the original algorithm, with the aim of adapting
3 Adopting Multivariate Nonparametric Tools to Determine Genotype-Phenotype… 57
it better for the purpose of the application [55]. GWAS analyses are a very particular
setup, with a very unbalanced n-to-p ratio. Analyzing them using a RF approach
should have advantages over other strategies, in particular for the detection of inter-
actions between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Despite this, careful
evaluation of the RF performance in such huge p, low n analyses has detected limi-
tations in the utilization of RF to detect interactions [56]. Thus, GWAS analysis
with RF is an example of special request that needs to be addressed with “ad hoc”
customizations, for instance, the modification of the sampling scheme introducing a
stratified sampling of the SNPs [57]. The aim of the approach is dual: avoiding
highly computational costs derived from an exhaustive analysis and keeping enough
informative SNPs at the same time. A similar example of a modification of the RF
scheme to limit the number of variables in GWAS analyses is the application of
search algorithms based on simulated annealing and genetic programming, basis of
the random forests fishing (RFF) model. In this approach, the dimensionality is
reduced updating repeatedly a limited set of variables obtained by RF tests to find
groups of variables predictive of the target phenotype.
Not only variable subset selection, but also choosing the number of trees to be
included in the classifier has received attention. In this way, there has been proposed
a dynamic determination of the number of trees during the growing of the forest
[58]. This approach goes in the opposite direction to growing an excess of trees and
select afterwards their optimal number checking the model performance.
Furthermore, changes in the voting mechanism based on weighting [59], feature
selection, clustering, nearest neighbors, and optimization techniques have been pro-
posed [60].
In this process of revisiting some of the key aspects of RF, variable importance
measures were also reevaluated focusing in their performance on extreme cases of
recognized limited performance of RF, such in highly unbalanced datasets [61].
With this aim, a more robust variable importance indicator was proposed, now using
a variant at the variable permutation step based in the area under the curve (AUC)
[30]. The application of clustering techniques (partition around medoids, PAM) to
the RF proximity matrix also enabled the identification of regulatory cliques in tran-
scriptomics data from yeast [62]. When assessing the performance of variable
importance measures in feature ranking, RF showed a limited performance in some
cases. With this purpose, average gain measure and the similarity-weighted estimate
were introduced with success to replace information gain and maximum likelihood
estimates [63].
More from an algorithmically point of view, improvements in predictive perfor-
mance have been achieved by proven variable selection schemes, such backward
variable elimination, and introducing changes in the tree induction procedure that
attempt to complement the trees in the ensemble [64]. The application of backward
variable elimination outperforms both single classification trees and standard RF
and provides similarity measures that successfully cluster samples per molecular
pattern [65]. Moreover, some of the algorithm basics implemented in RF methodol-
ogy (bagging and model aggregation) have been also a source for inspiring new
modelling approaches, such the stabilization of recursive partitioning models [66]
58 I. Montoliu
The possibilities of random forests have been extensively tested in many environ-
ments in biology, even as part of complex strategies comprising ensembles of data,
models, and methodologies. Aside from those cases in which the predictive step is
key for the application, their properties in feature extraction have become extremely
relevant with a strong impact in the field, feeding networks for further graph-based
modelling. Even if useful, this kind of approach reduces RF to a filtering step to
select the relevant variables from a set of measurements. Then, the challenge now is
to determine if RF could be directly incorporated into a model to benefit from their
statistical properties for network inference.
One possible approach of network inference using RF goes through the decom-
position of the regulatory network of p variables onto p regression problems and its
posterior evaluation with RF in regression [69]. Edge’s estimation is performed
building a RF model of pi ≠ k variables to predict pk and using the variable importance
measure to estimate the importance of the link. These putative link strengths are
further used to build the network model. Using this setup, properties from RF are
inherited into the network: no assumptions on the nature of the variable (both linear
and nonlinear interactions are allowed), and they provide directed graphs, are fast to
compute, and are relatively easy to scale up. Furthermore, this is an approach able
to generalize easily up to many types of data and even capable to integrate data from
different sources (microbiome-metabolome).
Pathway analysis is a powerful approach to add interesting insights to the out-
come of genome-wide association study (GWAS) analyses. Most of the pathway
methods are based in testing the cumulative main effects associated to a phenotype
(disease). However, gene-gene interactions are also expected to have relevance on
the etiology of disease. To tackle this information, a two-stage RF-based algorithm
has been proposed, which is a restricted variant of a previously published one [70].
In this algorithm, RF is performed twice in the set of SNPs to reduce the variable
size and thus increase the power in classification. In a first round, all SNPs corre-
sponding to a user-specified pathway are modelled according to the target stratifica-
tion, and SNPs above a certain threshold in their variable importance are kept to be
used in a second round. During this step, the dataset is reanalyzed using just the
relevant SNPs, and the prediction error rate of the model is used to generate a score
of the pathway. The significance of the score is assessed empirically using a permu-
tation test [71].
Integrating pathway information to identify similarities among them has been
also explored using RF [72]. In this setup, RF is used to build pathway clusters
using tight clustering, which are supposed to agglomerate pathways sharing similar
3 Adopting Multivariate Nonparametric Tools to Determine Genotype-Phenotype… 59
functions (even if they do not share specific variables). The approach models the
phenotype using sets of variables from different pathways, and their prediction
errors are used for further clustering. In some way, the approach is linking similitude
between RF models with pathway similitude. To sustain these proximities, OOB
errors rate the performance of the pathway to describe a specific phenotype, thus
giving an idea of RF model – pathway potential interest. In this approach, the
handling of the OOB errors is quite interesting, as it uses class votes to define
pathway distances that can be clustered, later on. These class votes are defined
using the proportion of votes of each class, for a specific subject, along all trees in
the forest. An interesting point of the approach is that enables the comparison
between pathways, even if they do not share variables (genes, metabolites). This
is an interesting point for data integration, as it enables the comparisons between
pathways of different organisms (host, microbiome) sharing same phenotype.
Since their introduction, RF has become an alternative for all those cases in which
reliability of other models are compromised. Their nonparametric character, its
capability in handling low n, high p datasets, its predictive performance, and its
low tendency to over fit have been largely in favor of its consolidation as a general
purpose tool.
This consolidation does not imply this is a completely frozen approach. New
application-driven developments, improvements in the internals of the algorithm,
and changes in the mechanisms for feature selection reflect the research area is fully
active and still under development. Moreover, the validity of the approach is
sustained by proposed enhancements to tailor other analysis setups, as network
modelling or data integration. These ongoing proposals make integration between
data from different organisms/compartments and their association with phenotype
highly susceptible to benefit from RF approach.
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Chapter 4
Metabonomics in Translational Research
for Personalized Medicine and Nutrition
Fig. 4.1 The flow of the “omics” sciences: genomics, transcriptomics proteomics, and metabo-
nomics technologies in individualized medicine
Generally, the phenotype is not necessarily predicted by the genotype. The gap
between the genotype and the phenotype is spanned by many biochemical processes,
each with individual dependencies on various influences, including drugs, nutrition,
and environmental factors. In this chain of biomolecules from the genes to the phe-
notype, metabolites are the quantifiable molecules with the closest link to the phe-
notype [14]. Many phenotypic and genotypic states, such as a toxic response to a
drug, are predicted by differences in the concentrations of functionally relevant
metabolites in biological fluids and tissues. Personalized medicine is currently
based on the concept of pharmacogenomics that studies the influence of an indi-
vidual’s genotype and/or single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on their response
to a drug or medical treatment. Despite enormous efforts, pharmacogenomics has
had limited success in clinical pharmacology to predict drug response with absolute
certainty using single or multiple SNPs as biomarkers [15–18]. The main reason for
the limitations is that the response is dependent upon the phenotype of an individ-
ual, which is determined by both genotype and the complex interactions between
genes and other environmental factors [19, 20]. These environmental factors include
diet, lifestyle, gut microbiota, nutrition, medications, age, and exposures to toxins
or dietary supplements, as well as the individual physical and pathological condi-
tions (e.g., type 2 diabetes and obesity). Therefore, it is critical to be able to assess
an individual’s metabolic phenotype, which will provide useful information for
determining the correct drug and dose treatment and predicting the individual
response following a therapeutic intervention.
The metabolic phenotype (metabotype) is a result of the overall influences of the
patient’s physiological status, gut microbiome status, and chemical, genetic, and
other environmental factors. Changes in the metabotype reflected in the biofluid or
tissue evaluated occur downstream of alterations in gene and protein expression.
As such, the metabotype, which comprises the genotype and phenotype, represents
the ultimate biological endpoint and can provide useful information about an indi-
vidual’s current physiological status that can be used for predicting the outcome
prior to a therapeutic intervention.
The “-omics” technologies have been used to obtain a more holistic view of how
biological systems work and underpin the base of functional genomics and systems
biology. They are also widely employed to identify biomarkers for use in the
diagnosis and monitoring of human disease. While “-omics” technologies such as
transcriptomics and proteomics are now well established and widely used across the
biological sciences, each has limitations and only provides part of the picture.
Metabonomics is clearly complementary to other “-omics” approaches but may
have a special role in bridging the phenotype–genotype gap, since metabonomics
provides the capability to analyze large arrays of metabolites for extracting bio-
chemical information that reflects true functional endpoints of overt biological
events, whereas other functional genomics technologies such as transcriptomics and
66 G. Xie and W. Jia
Fig. 4.2 Differences between standard clinical practice and a personalized medicine approach to
diagnosis and treatment of disease (Adapted from Ref. [30])
In order to choose the right therapy for the right patient at the right time, more
accurate tests that can diagnose and classify a patient’s disease and their response to
medical treatment are needed. Pharmacometabonomics, focusing on small mole-
cule metabolite profiles and concerning the inherent different metabotypes, is an
emerging approach that combines metabolic profiling and bioinformatics to link the
inherent variation of a metabotype to the prediction of drug efficacy or toxicity in
patients [30]. Nicholson [30, 31] described the potential for pharmacometabonom-
ics in clinical trials and in longitudinal studies of individual patients or groups of
patients prescribed with particular therapies.
The main potential application for pharmacometabonomics is in personalized
health care. The advantages of pharmacometabonomics over the other targeted
68 G. Xie and W. Jia
Fig. 4.3 An illustration of how pharmacometabonomics could be incorporated into clinical opera-
tions after suitable validation. In addition, metagenomic data on the gut microbiota can be included,
as shown by the dotted arrows (Adapted from Ref. [31])
4 Metabonomics in Translational Research for Personalized Medicine and Nutrition 69
metabolite profiles such as bile acids [39–41]. The combination of NMR and MS
data may improve the identification of unknown metabolites [42].
Both NMR and MS spectra are highly complex, and the biological information
can only be extracted by applying bioinformatic or computational tools, such as
pattern recognition methods. Simple methods such as principal component analysis
(PCA) allow visualization of clustering of similar samples and the determination of
aberrant or outlier samples. The supervised methods, such as partial least squares
(PLS), use a training set of samples (of known classification) to create a mathemati-
cal model that is then used to test an independent dataset, which enables us to pre-
dict to which group a new sample belongs on the strength of the characteristics of
its spectra [43].
Later, new methods for improving the structural identification of metabolites
from NMR data have been established. Statistical total correlation spectroscopy
(STOCSY) takes advantage of the colinearity of the intensity variables for the mul-
tiple peaks of a metabolite in a set of NMR spectra, so that correlations from NMR
peaks belonging to the same molecule can be identified [44]. This is particularly
useful for biomarker identification from complex biofluid analysis. An extension of
STOCSY, statistical heterospectroscopy, allows for the coanalysis of datasets
obtained by both NMR spectroscopy and MS [45]. Moreover, the principles of this
approach have the potential to correlate data from any two spectroscopic techniques
or, by extension, to correlate such data with that from other “-omics” fields such as
proteomics. These two tools, and various extensions of the methods that have been
published recently, may become major approaches for biomarker identification and
biochemical pathway information in “-omics” sciences and systems biology. Other
metabonomic and lipidomics strategies are being discussed in Chap. 2.
For the profile to be useful across a range of problems, however, it must be amena-
ble to quantitative interpretation, and it should be relatively unbiased in its scope.
A further requirement for the analytical platforms used to generate profiles is that
the analytical variations introduced after collection be less than the typical variation
in the normal population of interest, so as not to reduce significantly the opportunity
to detect treatment/group-related differences. Fulfilling this condition is dependent
on the actual system and questions to be addressed, in addition to the means of qual-
ity control used in the analytical methods.
In a study conducted by Clayton et al., NMR-based metabonomics was applied
to profile pre- and post-dose urine samples from 65 rats given a single toxic dose of
acetaminophen [13]. The metabolic profile of the pre-dose urine samples can pre-
dict both individual susceptibility to acetaminophen-induced toxicity and liver
injury and also can predict the relative excretion levels of acetaminophen metabo-
lites in the forms of glucuronide and sulfate conjugates. Later, the same group pro-
vided the first demonstration of pharmacometabonomics in humans by demonstrating
a clear connection between an individual’s basal urinary metabolic phenotype and
the metabolic fate of a standard dose of the widely used analgesic acetaminophen
[47]. NMR-based metabonomics approaches were employed to profile pre- and
post-dose urinary metabolites and discovered that human subjects with high
pre-dose levels of p-cresol (one of the metabolites related to an individual’s gut
microbiome) had lower concentrations of acetaminophen metabolites. From post-
dose urine samples, it was possible to determine the proportions of the various drug
metabolites excreted by each subject, which was known to show considerable inter-
subject variation. The findings indicate that each individual, colonized by a unique
assortment of trillions of microbes, responds to a drug differently, either beneficially
or adversely. It provides the information of how a particular drug is metabolized and
excreted by each individual. Such information may have a major influence on the
drug safety and efficacy. This study demonstrates that evaluation of a metabolic
phenotype by metabolic profiling could play an important role in drug metabolism
and toxicity, as well as in personalized health care.
One other study in animals reported by Li et al., who used two established
experimental models, the streptozotocin-induced diabetic model and a high-energy,
diet-induced obesity model, both in rats, demonstrated that the different outcomes
of streptozotocin-induced diabetes or dietary intervention could be correlated to
variations in pre-dose urinary metabolites of the rats, mainly those from gut micro-
biota [48]. It appears that these predispose the animals to different pathophysiologi-
cal outcomes upon diet alteration or chemical stimulus. They also surmised that,
based on their animal model observations, for obese/diabetic human subjects, subtle
variations in metabolic phenotype may predetermine their responses to xenobiotic
perturbation, ultimately leading to variability in pathophysiological processes.
Cisplatin has been one of the most widely used anticancer agents, but its nephro-
toxicity remains a dose-limiting complication. The idiopathic nature and the
pre-dose prediction of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity were evaluated using a
NMR-based pharmacometabonomic approach [49]. Significant individual differ-
ence was observed that cisplatin produced serious toxic responses in some animals
72 G. Xie and W. Jia
(toxic group) but had little effect in others (nontoxic group). The individual
metabolic profiles, assessed by urine NMR spectra, showed large differences
between the post-administration profiles of the two groups. Importantly, multivari-
ate analysis of the NMR data showed that the toxic and nontoxic groups can be
differentiated based on the pretreatment metabolite profiles. This study provides a
working model that can predict the idiopathic toxicity outcome based on metabolite
markers found by metabonomics approach. Thus, a pharmacometabonomic
approach using pretreatment metabolite profiles may help expedite personalized
chemotherapy of anticancer drugs.
In both preclinical screening and mechanistic exploration, metabolic profiling
can offer rapid, noninvasive toxicological information that is robust and reproduc-
ible, with little or no added technical resources to existing studies in drug metabolism
and toxicity. Metabonomics is an integral component of the pharmacogenomics
toolbox, especially as its ultimate goal is personalized health. The metabolic profile
contains information about the metabotype in addition to the genotype. The infor-
mation obtained from genotyping and metabotyping will allow a specific course of
treatment to be defined that will have the potential for a successful outcome, thus
making personalized health care a reality.
Fig. 4.4 Application of nutrigenomics and systems biology together with new bioinformatics
tools to unravel disease mechanisms, define biomarkers, or apply personalized nutrition. The
nutrigenomics approach extracts relevant differences, which become leads for further mechanistic
research, while the nutritional systems biology approach aims at a complete description of the
physiologic response by exploiting the complete data sets, thus targeting a new concept of
biomarker (Adapted from Ref. [55])
the chocolate stimulus. Such a prediction of the dietary preference of the individual
indicates that the metabolic profile may indeed contain a wealth of information
relating to the diet of an individual, and it may be possible to predict dietary
response, thus proposing a role for metabonomics in personalized nutrition [62].
It is widely accepted that many major human diseases have significant genetic and
environmental factors and that the impairment of human homeostasis in an indi-
vidual or population is a complex result of the conditional probabilities of certain
genes interacting with a variety of environmental triggers.
Diet (nutrients) has a major influence on many diseases and modulates the com-
plex intercommunity of gut microbiota [63]. Understanding the relationships
between the host genome, nutrient (phytochemicals) intervention, and the highly
variable gut microbiota with their genomes is a sophisticated challenge in modern
nutritional science. In the search for new natural bioactive phytochemicals (drugs)
and therapies, most consideration in toxicology and efficacy is given to the genetic
components of the host (animal model or human). Little attention, however, is
directed to the individual microbiome or species variation in the microbiome that
might contribute to the interaction of the potent phytochemicals or drugs within the
human global system. Although the application of some “functional foods” and
“nutraceuticals” has been promoted by food companies, and probiotics are specifi-
cally designed to nourish gut microbiota, the identification and function of many gut
microbial species remain largely unknown. There is an urgent need to understand
the global function of these gut organisms in terms of their impact on human health,
taking into account host–gut microbiota interactions at gene, protein, and metabo-
lite expression levels. Bioanalytical profiling, such as metabonomics, of human
urinary or fecal samples can be utilized to provide holistic and dynamic information
to assist dietary and medical researchers on disease diagnosis, stratification, and
personalized gut microbiota targeted treatment. On the other hand, elucidating the
molecular mechanisms underlying host–gut microbial interactions during both
healthy and pathological conditions should be pursued in order to obtain a deeper
understanding to aid nutritional intervention and drug development.
The goal of nutrition has extended beyond just ameliorating or curing diseases
and now aims to achieve an overall objective in preventing diseases and improving
health. Therefore, the pivotal scientific objective has become understanding the
relationship between diet (both macro- and micronutrients) and health/diseases.
The comprehensive analysis of the metabolome via metabonomics will serve as the
bioinformational base for modern nutritional science. Biomarkers and/or patterns of
expression will undoubtedly have the potential to be used for human health assess-
ment (Fig. 4.5). Together this indicates that the future goal of nutritional research
76 G. Xie and W. Jia
will be to predict the likelihood of future diseases within the context of an individ-
ual’s overall heath and identify causal risk factors, leading to recommendations for
appropriate intervention, such as to change dietary habits or to avoid homeostasis
loss and maintain healthy status.
Symbiotic relationships between microbes and the mammalian and plant hosts
shape our world. The symbiotic microbiome tremendously increases the diversity of
metabolic pathways accessible to mammalian hosts, enabling them to metabolize
many things that they otherwise could not. As a result, gut microbes have been
associated with various essential biological functions in humans through a “net-
work” of microbial–host co-metabolism to process nutrients and drugs and modu-
late the activities of multiple pathways in a variety of organ systems [64–66]. The
studies by Nicholson et al. [64–67] demonstrate that the metabolic variations in GI
compartments such as duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, mammalian tissues such as
4 Metabonomics in Translational Research for Personalized Medicine and Nutrition 77
kidney and liver, and biofluids such as blood and urine are directly related to the
activities of various microorganisms that coexist in the gut. Perhaps most impor-
tantly, gut microbes enable us to digest cellulose, the single largest nutritional
energy source on the planet, and to survive on diets with low levels of particular
nutrients and high levels of particular toxins. For example, gut microbes metabolize
unabsorbed carbohydrates to short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), CO2, and H2 in the
colon. SCFAs are monocarboxylic acids with a chain length up to six carbon atoms,
i.e., acetic, propionic, butyric, iso-valeric, valeric, iso-caproic, and caproic acids.
SCFAs function both as an energy source and as a signaling molecule, and their
abundance and type (e.g., butyric, propionic, acetic acids) are directly related to the
speciation of the microbiota and their syntrophic interactions. Other signaling path-
ways (e.g., such as through the SCFA receptor GPR43) are similarly involved in
host energy balance, and different microbial communities interact differently with
these molecules [68]. Most mammals can obtain essential amino acids, such as
lysine, from their diet, but there is evidence that they also obtain them from their gut
microbes [69]. Many amino acids and perhaps other nitrogen-containing com-
pounds may be cycling between humans and their microbiota, a process that could
reduce dietary requirements for those nutrients [69]. However, whether the fluxes of
those amino acids or other essential nutrients between microbes and humans are
sufficient in quantity and diversity to meet the nutritional requirements is yet to be
Diversity in gut microbial communities and function creates differences in nutri-
ent milieu, digesta retention times, and temperatures that create diverse microbial
niches and inhabitants. With the recent advances in the new molecular profiling
technologies such as metagenomics and metabonomics [69, 70], the direct correla-
tion of global metabolic changes with gut microbiome becomes increasingly impor-
tant to decipher the host–microbe relationships and to gain mechanistic understanding
of nutritional and drug intervention in the “gateway” of host–microbe co-metabolism.
Scientists from different disciplines are working together and beginning to deter-
mine the details of gut microbial diversity and manipulate the complex interactions
between the host metabolism and its symbionts for improved nutrition and disease
treatment [9, 70, 71].
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exposure. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 2010;73(3):577–86.
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73. van der Greef J, Stroobant P, van der Heijden R. The role of analytical sciences in medical
systems biology. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 2004;8(5):559–65.
Chapter 5
Can We Use Metabolomics to Understand
Changes to Gut Microbiota Populations
and Function? A Nutritional Perspective
Abstract Food is an integral part of human life, and the composition of our diet is
an important determinant of our health and well-being. Food is also the main source
of energy and nutrients for the gut microbiota, the 100 trillion cells that coexist
inside us. The impact of macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber) and
specific non-nutrient food components (polyphenols) will be reviewed in the con-
text of gut microbial function and interaction with the host. Colonic microbiota
provides diverse enzymatic activities differing from our own, which lead to the
production of metabolites essential for key metabolic functions, including carbohy-
drate and amino acid metabolism. Certain gut metabolites are specific to microbial
activity and confer functionalities beyond energy production, such as signalling cas-
cades across cells, tissues, and organs. Metabolomics has proven to be a useful tool
to measure the effects of food on the gut microbiota and its interaction with host
S. Moco (*)
Natural Bioactives and Screening, Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences,
EPFL Innovation Park, bâtiment H, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
e-mail: [email protected]
A.B. Ross
Food and Nutrition Science, Department of Biology and Biological Engineering,
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
5.1 Introduction
The sum of all small molecules in a system (i.e. the metabolome) not only reflects
the metabolic response of the subject of interest but also the organisms living in
symbiosis with the subject – in the case of humans, the gut microbiota is an example.
The gut microbiota produces thousands of metabolites through their reproduction,
interaction with other microorganisms, the host and with partially digested food.
Many of these metabolites are specific for microbial metabolism, and cannot be
synthesized by mammalian enzymes. These specific microbial metabolites can be
absorbed from the gut, adding to the diversity of the metabolome, and at the same
time providing a window into the interaction between host, food and gut microbiota.
In this chapter, we examine what dietary components are known to have an impact
on gut microbial metabolism, which biochemical classes of gut metabolites are pro-
duced from different diets, and how metabolomics can be a powerful tool to mea-
sure the effect of food on the gut microbiota, and its interaction with mammalian
The large intestine is a digestive organ where dietary substrates not absorbed in the
small intestine, are further broken down by anaerobic bacteria (Fig. 5.1). The major
substrates for colonic fermentation include carbohydrates that have escaped diges-
tion in the upper gut (mainly dietary fibers: resistant starch and non-starch polysac-
charide such as celluloses, pectins and gums, and non-digestible oligosaccharides).
The main products of carbohydrate fermentation are short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs),
such as butyrate, propionate, and acetate, which are then absorbed and used as an
energy source. In Western diets, SCFAs contribute less than 10 % to the total energy
obtained from food, although in some cases this value can be up to 30 % [1]. Bacteria
well adapted for fermenting carbohydrate come from the Prevotella and Xylanibacter
genuses [2, 3].
In addition, residual amounts of protein (such as elastin, collagen and albumin),
peptides and amino acids can also reach the colon. Proteolytic bacteria in human
feces are predominantly Bacteroides and Propionibacterium, with lesser numbers of
the genera Streptococcus, Clostridium, Bacillus and Staphylococcus [4]. Low levels
of the amino acid fermentation products ammonia and branched-chain fatty acids
(BCFA) are found in ileal contents indicating that little amino acid fermentation
occurs in the small intestine, underlining the importance of the gut microbiota for
producing these compounds. Protein fermentation leads not only to the production
of BCFAs but also to relatively low amounts of a variety of products, such as
branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), phenols, and amines which are both absorbed
into the host as well as excreted.
The proportion of carbohydrates to protein in the colon has been estimated as
3–4:1. Regional differences occur in the gut, where the right (proximal) gut has a
5 Can We Use Metabolomics to Understand Changes to Gut Microbiota Populations… 85
Fig. 5.1 Fermentation in the large bowel (size of compounds’ font indicate approximate relative
higher saccharolytic activity while the left (distal) is more proteolytic. These fer-
mentation processes provide the nutrients required for gut microbiota biomass
growth while at the same time producing waste products hydrogen, carbon dioxide,
ammonia, and methane which are excreted via flatus. More complex chemical
structures such as polyphenols or alkaloids, mostly from plant foods, are also
degraded during colonic fermentation [1].
Beyond its role in digestion and absorption, the large intestine contributes to
health in a variety of ways: as a physical barrier preventing invasion of pathogenic
bacteria and stimulating immune function and as a site for biosynthesis of vitamins
and metabolism of xenobiotics.
There is little controversy in the idea of using food or food ingredients to alter both gut
microbiota populations and gut microbiota metabolism. Directly or indirectly, food is
the main source of energy and nutrients for the gut microbiota and evolutionary pres-
sure to adapt to the gastrointestinal environment and a major determinant of which
86 S. Moco and A.B. Ross
microbial genes are upregulated. Technological developments over the past two
decades in the areas of genetic sequencing, to determine the gut microbiome from
fecal samples without the need for culture techniques, have led to a rapid explosion of
our understanding of the importance of the gut microbiota and how it changes with
changing diet. An example of this are pre- and probiotics, where fermentable fiber
sources or live bacterial cultures (often in dairy products), are given with the aim to
positively alter the gut microbiota.
There is still discussion about what constitutes an “ideal” gut microbiota popula-
tion, though favorable changes to gut microbiota are generally described towards
bacterial genus or species that succeed when carbohydrate is the abundant energy
source, while “negative” bacterial species are those that are well adapted to ferment-
ing protein. Arguably, quantifying the population of different bacterial families or
species provides little direct information about actual gut bacterial metabolism:
many can switch between proteolytic and saccharolytic metabolism. It may be that
the end products of microbial metabolism are able to help build the best possible
picture of how gut microbiota are collectively responding to different diets or condi-
tions. Some metabolites of dietary substrates are well known and are summarized in
Table 5.1.
Carbohydrates are an important energy source for both humans and our gut micro-
biota. They are found in foods in several different forms, including monosaccha-
rides (e.g., glucose), disaccharides (e.g., sucrose or lactose), starch, and a range of
different types of dietary fiber, carbohydrates not broken down by human digestive
enzymes, but are often fermentable by gut microbiota. While traditional diets are
generally rich in complex carbohydrates (e.g., starch) and high in diverse forms of
fiber, in “Western” pattern diets, simple sugars (e.g., glucose and sucrose) dominate
the carbohydrate fraction of the diet, with low diversity in the small amount of fiber
present [2]. It is likely that the difference between traditional and Western dietary
patterns also leads to an impact on the gut microbiota and intestinal milieu leading
to an increased risk of gastrointestinal disorders including large bowel cancer, gall
stones, and Crohn’s disease. Diet intervention studies high in refined sugar have
found an altered gut metabolism, increased mouth-to-cecum transit time, and
increased production of secondary bile acids [5].
One of the main sources of dietary fibers is cereal-based foods. Cereal grains that
have the bran and germ fractions removed (refined or “white” flour) are also largely
depleted in dietary fiber. Whole grains are cereal grains that still have all the three
grain components in their correct proportions (bran, germ, and endosperm) and are
generally rich in both insoluble and soluble fibers [6]. Soluble dietary fibers are by
definition water soluble and tend to be highly fermentable by the gut microbiota,
producing SCFAs. SCFAs appear to have a wide range of roles, including as an
energy source and for reducing gut inflammation [2]. Diets high in fiber such as
5 Can We Use Metabolomics to Understand Changes to Gut Microbiota Populations… 87
Table 5.1 Common gut microbial metabolites of dietary substrates detected using metabolomics
(urine, feces, blood). oxidation is typical of phase i metabolism and glycine, glutamine and sulfate
conjugations are typical of phase ii metabolism occurring in the liver. glycine or glutamine
conjugation is pathway- and species-specific (differences may occur between mice, rats and humans)
Microbial metabolite Dietary precursors Specific bacterial species References
Phenolic, benzoyl, and phenyl Phenolic Lactobacillus [34, 43,
derivatives compounds; 44, 75–77]
Hippurate flavonoids; protein Clostridium difficile
Cinnamoyl (glycine) (phenylalanine, Clostridium scatologenes
Proteus vulgaris
Phenol (sulfate) E. coli [77]
Clostridium bifermentans
Clostridium specticum
Bacteroids fragilis
Bifidobacterium longum
p-Hydroxyphenylacetate Clostridium difficile [77]
Bacteroides ovatus
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Bifidobacterium infantis
Bifidobacterium longum
p-Hydroxyphenylpropionate Clostridium bifermentans [77]
Clostridium specticum
Bifidobacterium infantis
p-Cresol (sulfate) Clostridium difficile [77]
Clostridium perfringens
Bacteroids fragilis
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Bifidobacterium infantis
Table 5.1 (continued)
Microbial metabolite Dietary precursors Specific bacterial species References
Phenylacetate (glycine) Clostridium bifermentans [77]
Clostridium difficile
Bacteroids fragilis
Bacteroides ovatus
Phenylpropionate (glycine) Clostridium difficile [77]
Bacteroides ovatus
Phenyllactate (glycine) Clostridium perfringens [77]
Bacteroides ovatus
Bifidobacterium longum
Indole derivatives Protein E. coli [43, 44,
Tryptamine (tryptophan) Clostridium bifermentans 65, 78]
Proteus vulgaris
Serotonin Paracolobactrum
Bacteroides spp
Indole (sulfate) E. coli [77]
Bacteroides ovatus
Indole pyruvate E. coli [77]
Clostridium perfringens
Bacteroides ovatus
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Bifidobacterium infantis
Indole lactate E. coli [77]
Clostridium perfringens
Bacteroides ovatus
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Bifidobacterium infantis
Bifidobacterium longum
5 Can We Use Metabolomics to Understand Changes to Gut Microbiota Populations… 89
those rich in whole grains can alter gut microbiota populations [7–9] and gut
microbiota metabolism [10, 11]. Of the few metabolomics studies that compared
intake of whole grains with refined grains, one rat study found that urinary hippu-
rate was increased on a whole grain diet, along with the aromatic amino acids phe-
nylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine [12]. This finding was not replicated in human
urine samples after a whole grain intervention, though other biomarkers of gut
microbiota activity were decreased on a whole grain diet, including 4-hydroxyphen-
ylacetate, a microbial metabolic product of aromatic amino acid metabolism and
trimethylamine, a microbial metabolic product of choline and carnitine [11]. As in
many areas of nutritional science, results on the impact of whole grains on gut
microbiota are variable, with some studies not finding any changes to gut microbial
species measured [13]. This variation in gut microbial response to an admittedly
broad and heterogeneous food group may explain in part some of the variation in
results between intervention studies, an area that will be further explored as more
advanced microbial sequencing techniques become routine [9].
High-fat diets are frequently used in metabolic studies for testing diet-induced
metabolic syndrome (increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabe-
tes), especially in rodent models. A direct relationship has been established between
high-fat feeding and metabolic disorders, where altered gut flora is causal in induc-
ing gut permeability, increasing lipopolysaccharide (LPS) absorption, and inflam-
mation [14, 15]. Given this association between diet and gut microflora, specific
strategies for modifying gut microbiota may be a useful means to reduce the impact
of high-fat feeding on the occurrence of metabolic diseases. However, as these
results mainly stem from rodent models, where high-fat diets represent a far greater
proportion of energy intake than would normally be found among humans, caution
is required until definitive clinical studies are performed.
(TMAO), a toxic metabolite of liver metabolism of TMA. Choline, and its related
metabolite, TMA, and betaine (a downstream mammalian metabolite of choline)
were related to cardiovascular disease in this cohort. These metabolomics results
were cross validated, and biomarkers confirmed in mouse models of cardiovascular
disease, though do not fully explain other findings with the same biomarkers. For
example, a comprehensive study on the sources of TMA in humans found that very
little choline was converted into TMA [17]. While this could be explained by differ-
ences in gut microbiota, the intake of fish and shellfish led to extremely high produc-
tion of TMA [17], with some fish species leading to an excretion of over 4,000 μmol
of TMA and TMAO in urine over 8 h. Meat, eggs, and dairy products conversely did
not lead to more TMA and TMAO excretion compared to a control diet [17]. If these
results in urine are reflected in plasma, any increase in TMA due to nonoptimal gut
microbiota metabolism of choline from fatty foods would be “drowned” out by that
due to fish intake. Thus, TMAO being a biomarker for cardiovascular disease risk
would be at odds with a high intake of fish being associated with a decrease in cardio-
vascular disease risk [18–20], which would suggest that TMAO is not a good bio-
marker of cardiovascular disease in populations where fish intake is common.
Similarly, the finding that elevated betaine may be associated with cardiovascular
disease risk goes against other work finding that betaine is substantially associated
with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease risk factors [21]. The same study how-
ever also found that plasma choline was associated with risk factors for cardiovascu-
lar disease [21]. Betaine is one of the main phytochemicals present in whole grain
wheat [22], and fasting betaine concentrations can be increased on a whole grain-rich
diet [8], and both oral choline and betaine lead to decreased circulating homocysteine
[23, 24], a cholesterol-independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In the con-
text of these other findings, it is possible that elevated choline and TMAO are bio-
markers of cardiovascular disease risk in this population, if fish intake is low.
In a follow-up study using stable isotope-labelled phosphatidylcholine, the role
of gut microbiota in the formation of TMAO from choline was clearly established,
along with choline being the main source of circulating betaine [25]. So in this
population, elevated betaine probably comes from a high intake of choline, rather
than a high intake of betaine-containing foods. The complementary analysis of food
records and use of dietary biomarkers of intake (e.g., alkylresorcinols for whole
grains [26] or omega-3 fatty acids for fish intake [27, 28]) along with gut microbiota
measurements and metabolomics may be instructive for determining if elevated
concentrations of these biomarkers are related to disease risk or diet.
A second study by the same group hypothesized that another TMA, L-carnitine,
may also be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease as it can also be metabolized by
gut microbiota to TMAO [29]. Carnitine, which is a major component of red meat
and is conditionally essential for fatty acid transport for mitochondria, was found to
lead to increased TMAO production that depended on gut microbiota. Of interest
for metabolomic methodology is that in the initial screening of the same cohort
where choline was suggested to be a risk factor for CVD [16], carnitine was only
found to be a significant risk factor if correction for multiplicity was not used in the
statistical analysis. While statistical considerations are important, the possibility
92 S. Moco and A.B. Ross
that associations of interest may be lost when using stringent tests should not be
overlooked. A recent study comparing a whole grain diet to a refined grain diet
found that urinary excretion of carnitine and acetylcarnitine was reduced when con-
suming whole grains, along with a decrease in the TMAO precursor TMA [11], in a
study where gut microbial populations were also altered due to the whole grain
intervention [8]. It is clear from this work on precursors of TMAO that while there
may be several complexities in assigning biomarkers to disease risk that are also
derived from diet, the one carbon metabolism pathway and phospholipid metabo-
lism are likely key areas of interaction between diet, physiology, gut microbiota,
and cardiovascular disease.
While human protein digestion and amino acid absorption are efficient, some
proteins and free amino acids still reach the colon and are associated to increased
production of potentially toxic substances such as volatile sulfur compounds,
ammonia, and p-cresol [30, 31]. Experimental evidence from animal models and
in vitro data shows that dietary proteins can influence cancer expression. Increased
dietary protein consumption can cause increased colonic DNA damage and thinning
of the colonic mucosal barrier [32]. Production of microbial metabolites from amino
acids can be reduced by dietary fiber (via increasing the proportion of carbohydrate
reaching the colon), as carbohydrate appears to be a preferred substrate for most gut
microbiota species [32].
The molar ratios of the BCFAs isovalerate and isobutyrate, compounds resulting
from the bacterial fermentation of valine and leucine, were found to be increased
relative to total fecal SCFAs with high-protein diets. A marked increase in fecal
nitrogenous organic compounds (NOC) amounts was also found when subjects con-
sumed high-protein diets. NOCs are carcinogens in vitro; although the toxicological
significance of increased fecal NOCs is uncertain, NOCs, at concentrations present
in the colonic lumen, contribute to DNA damage in the colon and rectum and pos-
sibly to increased risk of human cancer [33]. Broadly speaking, much evidence
suggests that interaction between protein and amino acids is negative for the host,
though secondary roles of these metabolites on gene signalling and immune func-
tion have not been researched.
downstream effects and it has even been suggested that there is a link between
preference for chocolate and gut microbiota, depending on how cocoa polyphenols
are metabolized [35]. While conceptually it makes sense that people who regularly
consume chocolates have gut microbiota more readily adapted to metabolizing
cocoa polyphenols compared to those who avoid chocolate, it remains an intriguing
question as to whether there are wider effects beyond gut microbial metabolism and
into the realm of “gut-host interactions.” Certainly recent studies in both humans
[36] and rodents [37] clearly demonstrate that cocoa polyphenols can alter gut
microbiota populations. In vitro colon model studies find that cocoa polyphenols
increase butyric acid production and formation of 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid
from cocoa flavanols [38]. Consumption of dark chocolates also increases
3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid and hippurate excretion in urine [35]. As will be
addressed below, phenolic compounds may also be metabolized into hippuric acid
[39], and this convergence with amino acid metabolism may lead to some problems
in interpreting metabolomics data relating to polyphenols and amino acid intake.
To be confident of identifying changes in gut microbial metabolism, several related
changes may need to be identified, preferably with concurrent changes to gut micro-
biota populations.
While it is clear that there is a relationship between diet, gut microbiota, and
certain metabolites resulting from gut microbial metabolism, the link between gut
microbial metabolites and systemic effects remains largely unclear. Are they simply
markers, or also mediators? A number of dietary phenolic compounds act as signal-
ling molecules for regulating various metabolic cascades [40], though no data exists
on whether of the common aromatic metabolites identified as being produced by gut
microbiota have any role in influencing gene expression.
There is much that remains to be studied in terms of the diet and gut microbiota –
protein-rich or sulfur-rich diets have received relatively little attention compared to
high-fat diets or different sources of carbohydrates and prebiotics. Beyond specific
pre- and probiotics, several different food groups are also known to have an effect
on the gut microbiota, with consequent possible effects on gut microbial metabo-
lism, though to date whether these effects have long-term effects on the host is less
clear. This is further complicated by the apparent resistance of gut microbial popu-
lations to long-term change, as demonstrated by fecal transplantation studies, where
host populations frequently revert towards pretransplantation levels [41].
headspace GC-MS analysis of volatile organic compounds from feces [45], which
can measure up to 90 compounds present in the fecal headspace. Breath analysis
may also be a fruitful area for understanding gut microbiota activity; several breath
analyses are already used in nutrition to measure gut microbiota activity including
breath hydrogen to monitor gut fermentation and the urea breath test for Helicobacter
pylori infection [46]. Gasses produced by gut bacterial fermentation not only exit
via flatus but can also be measured in breath – especially those that are active in the
stomach, as is the case with H. pylori. The lactose breath test is another practical
example, where lactose tolerant people can break down lactose before reaching the
intestine, while in lactose-intolerant people, lactose reaches the intestine and is rap-
idly fermented, leading to the production of hydrogen gas. Hydrogen is normally
present in low concentrations in breath, so any spike in breath hydrogen is clearly
linked to lactose intolerance. The same concept is also used for measuring the
fermentation of dietary fibers by gut microbiota in clinical trials [47].
The ensemble of bacterial species in the gut can modulate metabolic reactions
essential to the host’s metabolism and health. There are a set of metabolites that
consistently directly or indirectly stand out in association studies on diseases such
as obesity, insulin resistance, type II diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease,
chronic systemic inflammation, and autism and related neurological conditions
[15]. These metabolites include SCFAs, bile acids, choline metabolites, phenolic,
benzoyl, and phenyl derivatives and indole derivatives (Figs. 5.1 and 5.2). Given the
range of conditions where these metabolites may be involved, there is now little
doubt about the contribution of the gut microbiota to host metabolism and
Possibly the best known examples of gut microbiota metabolites are the SCFAs ace-
tate, propionate, and butyrate, which result from bacterial fermentation of carbohy-
drates. These are water-soluble and readily absorbed respiratory fuels used by the
colonic epithelial cells (colonocytes) produced by anaerobic bacteria. Luminal fatty
acids are the preferred fuels of colonocytes and the order of preference is SCFAs >
ketone bodies > amino acid > glucose [48]. Butyrate is the preferred source of energy
for colonic epithelial cells. Butyrate is transported into colonocytes, enters the mito-
chondria, and undergoes β oxidation to acetyl-CoA, which enters the TCA cycle
resulting in the reduction of NAD+ to NADH. NADH enters the electron transport
chain culminating in ATP production with CO2 as a by-product [49]. Butyrate is
associated with a decreased risk of colon cancer proliferation, modulation of
96 S. Moco and A.B. Ross
Fig. 5.2 Proposed indole signalling and metabolism in the intestine (inspired by [43, 44, 65])
Hippuric acid is a conjugate of glycine with benzoic acid and is a common end
product of metabolism excreted in urine. Dietary sources of protein and polyphenols
(fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea, chocolate) ultimately lead to the degradation into
quinic acid and benzoic acid by colonic microflora which are then oxidized to hip-
purate by hepatic mitochondrial function, in a CoA-dependent fashion [34, 39, 56].
Therefore, diets rich in protein and polyphenols lead to increased excretion of hip-
purate and other phenol-related metabolites such as p-cresol, phenol, p-hydroxybenzoic
acid, and p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid [34, 57]. p-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid has
been identified as an intermediate of p-cresol production from tyrosine and is ele-
vated in a variety of conditions [34, 57]. Hippurate is possibly the most recognized
gut microbial co-metabolite and has been associated with a variety of conditions or
disease status, such as obesity, high blood pressure, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
colitis, autism (decreased excretion), type I and II diabetes, and anxiety (increased
excretion) [39]. As an example of the relative amount of hippurate precursors,
Table 5.2 summarizes different foods and their potential to form hippurate. The
amount of potential hippurate from coffee and tea is far greater than the other types
of food listed, most notably dark chocolate, also considered a major source of
polyphenols in the diet. Aromatic amino acids are also potential sources of hippu-
rate, though the amount of these actually reaching the large intestine is potentially
lower than for polyphenols. Caution is needed with the interpretation that elevated
hippuric acid is mainly due to polyphenol-rich foods in the diet, as aromatic amino
acid-rich foods such as meat and fish could lead to elevated levels in cases of protein
p-Cresol-sulfate is an abundant compound in urine that is obtained from protein
fermentation in the human gut, derived from tyrosine and phenylalanine metabo-
lism. Gut bacteria [57, 58] such as the pathogen Clostridium difficile [59] are able
to convert tyrosine into p-cresol. In humans, p-cresol is almost completely sulfonated
into p-cresol sulfate by SULT1A1 (human cytosolic sulfotransferase) which is an
enzyme able to sulfonate various substrates, including xenobiotics [60]. High
amounts of p-cresol in urine are found in adult celiac disease patients [57]. p-Cresol
can exert a variety of effects such as activation of leukocyte free radical production
[61] and blocking the conversion of dopamine into noradrenaline [62]. It is argued
that given the high amount of p-cresol produced in the body, depending on the diet
and eventual modulation of gut bacterial composition, impaired sulfation and events
thereof (drug metabolism) might take place, depending on the individual [60].
In addition to p-cresol, phenol is also produced in the gut, mostly attributed to aero-
bic bacteria (E. coli, Proteus sp, S. faecalis, Staphylococcus albus), while p-cresol
is produced by anaerobic bacteria [58]. As anaerobic bacteria outnumber aerobic
bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, it is expected that there is greater excretion of
p-cresol than phenol.
Phenylacetylglutamine is derived from β-phenylethylamine formed in the large
bowel by decarboxylation of phenylalanine released by bacterial proteolysis of
Table 5.2 Relative amounts of aromatic amino acids and common phenolic precursors for hippurate in different foods. Several of these precursors may be
metabolized through different pathways, so this table should only be considered as a relative indication of the hippuric acid potential of different foods
Catechin Total hippurate
Chlorogenic and mole equiva- Total glycine
Phenylalanine Tyrosine Glycine acids Caffeic acid epicatechin lents equivalents
(g/100 g) (g/100 g) (g/100 g) (mg/100 g) (mg/100 g) (mg/100 g) (mmol/100 g) (mmol/100 g) References
Milk 0.34 0.23 0.17 – – 67 3.56 2.26 [83–85]
Dark 0.2 0.074 0.18 – – 200 2.31 2.40 [83–85]
Fish 0.86 0.72 0.99 – – – 9.18 13.19 [83]
Fish 0.82 0.73 0.92 – – – 8.99 12.26 [83]
Beef (rump 0.75 0.62 1.1 – – – 7.96 14.65 [83]
Chicken 0.74 0.61 1.1 – – – 7.85 14.65 [83]
S. Moco and A.B. Ross
Copious amounts of indole are produced by the human body and ultimately excreted
in urine, in the form of indoxyl sulfate. Indole has been thus associated to gut micro-
bial activity and is produced by tryptophanase (TnA) that reversibly converts
tryptophan into indole, pyruvate, and ammonia [65]. The elimination of tryptophan,
instead of indole, in urine can be associated to altered microbial activity in the gut.
Over 85 bacterial species are known as indole-producing bacteria [65] and in the
gut, indole is a signalling molecule recognized by intestinal epithelial cells and is
used to strengthen the host cell barrier, maintain controlled inflammation, and
increase resistance to pathogen colonization [66]. It is not known if E. coli is able to
degrade indole, but many non-indole-producing bacteria encode various oxygen-
ases that can modify or degrade indole, producing indole derivatives, such as indi-
goid compounds [43, 65]. Independent from gut microbial activity, indole can be
further modified into sulfated, glucuronidated, and fatty acid-conjugated species,
such as indoxyl sulfate, indoxyl glucuronide, and indole-3-propionic acid (IPA) and
indole-2-acetic acid (IAA) [43] (Fig. 5.2). Indole has been compared to the known
autoinducer-2 (AI-2), a furanosyl borate diester, from the family of signalling mol-
ecules used in quorum sensing, although it is still unclear how the roles of two
molecules are connected to each other [65].
Tryptamine is another metabolite in the tryptophan metabolism that is decarbox-
ylated by mammalian L-tryptophan decarboxylyase from tryptophan, as well as
degraded into indole-3-acetaldehyde by gut bacteria. Low tryptamine levels in urine
have been detected in patients with severe depression [67], while high levels of this
molecule in urine and feces have been found in antibiotic-treated subjects [44].
Abnormal tryptophan metabolism is indicated in cognitive disorders, such as
depression, and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan has been used clinically for decades to
increase serotonin production in the brain [68].
IAA is a known phytohormone, which belongs to the auxin class of compounds
that regulates cell growth and development. Diverse bacterial strains produce IAA,
especially endophytes, which signal biofilm formation. In the gut, indoles have been
described to lead to biofilm formation [65] and regulation of virulence in vitro and
in vivo [69] and specifically IAA has been identified as a marker of gut activity [44]
and enhancer of cellular defense [70]. Thus, it could be speculated that the indole
class of compounds may act as inter-kingdom signalling molecules regulating mam-
malian, bacterial, and plant signalling.
IPA is a potent antioxidant and neuroprotective molecule. IPA completely
protected primary neurons and neuroblastoma cells against oxidative damage and
5 Can We Use Metabolomics to Understand Changes to Gut Microbiota Populations… 101
Eggs, milk, liver, red meat, poultry, shell fish, and fish are natural sources of phos-
phatidylcholine and choline. As described earlier, microbial conversion of dietary
phosphatidylcholine and choline (or betaine) leads to the production of TMA in the
gut which is oxidized in the liver to TMAO by the hepatic flavin monooxygenase
(FMO) family of enzymes, FMO3. A study on mice has shown that dietary supple-
mentation with choline, TMAO, or betaine was found to promote upregulation of
multiple receptors linked to atherosclerosis [16]. Increased levels of TMAO were
also associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease [73].
Fig. 5.3 Overview of the interaction between host organs and gut microbiota
Gut microbiota has relevance for human health and disease beyond the gastrointes-
tinal tract, appearing to have a systemic impact on human metabolism, through
interaction with multiple organs. The gut microflora has proven causality in the
induction of some metabolic disorders (see Chap. 12), and therapies that target the
gut microbiota are at the forefront of nutrition research. Modulation of the gut
microbiota is potentially attainable by altering dietary habits; however, we are still
far away from understanding either general effects of macronutrients or specific
effects of ingredients on gut microbiotal metabolism. There are cautionary tales
too – while it is tempting to propose a role for gut microbiota in all observed health
benefits related to food, this is not always the case. In one study, cereal fiber changed
5 Can We Use Metabolomics to Understand Changes to Gut Microbiota Populations… 103
gut microbiota composition, but there was no association between these changes
and an observed improvement in insulin sensitivity [74]. It is possible that more
focus is needed on microbial metabolism, rather than population shifts, an area
where metabolomics may be a particularly useful methodology for helping to find
While metabolomics has been instrumental as an exploratory tool to fuel ideas
and propose novel hypotheses, we believe that strategies to monitor the gut micro-
bial metabolome will be crucial to define gut activity and its impact on metabolism.
To achieve this, targeted metabolomics methods should be implemented to follow
the different classes of gut microbial metabolites in health and disease. The quanti-
tation of metabolites will becoming increasingly important to define the kinetics of
metabolic fluxes, and to determine mechanisms of action and their association with
Studying the potential activity of the gut cannot be deduced by solely looking at
fecal samples, as fecal transit can vary considerably (12–120 h) and bacterial gradi-
ents in the colon exist and thus fecal samples may only be a poor approximation of
metabolism along the colon. Gut microbiota metabolites seem to be not only prod-
ucts of digestion, and therefore simpler molecules to be either taken up as energy or
discarded by the host, but also signalling functions are being unraveled that prospect
a more complex interplay between microbiota and host. It is clear that in terms of
our knowledge on the relationship between the diet and nutrition of the host, and our
gut microbiota, we are at the beginning of an area that will have a profound impact
on our current understanding of human nutrition.
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Chapter 6
Automated Annotation of Microbial
and Human Flavonoid-Derived Metabolites
Velitchka V. Mihaleva, Fatma Yelda Ünlü, Jacques Vervoort, and Lars Ridder
6.1 Introduction
Flavonoids are a class of compounds with diverse biological functions in plants and
animals. They are almost exclusively biosynthesised in plants and are involved in
many biologically relevant functions [1]. Flavonoids are probably most commonly
known for their antioxidant activity and assumed health-promoting benefits such as
anti-proliferative and antitumour behaviour. The consumption of flavonoid-
containing food products (e.g. vegetables, fruit, soybean, olive oil) and drinks (e.g.
tea, wine) has been subject of numerous reflections about the link between dietary
habits and health effects [2]. Although flavonoids are usually considered to have
positive health effects, they have also been assigned potential negative properties.
For example, isoflavones were shown to interfere with estradiol binding to the estro-
gen receptor, and catechins and flavonols were shown to be able to bind to DNA and
RNA [3, 4].
About 6,000 flavonoids have been identified from natural sources [5, 6], but due
to the known diversity in the plant kingdom, many more are bound to exist. In addi-
tion, a large range of flavonoids metabolites are formed by microbial, animal and
human biotransformation. There have been numerous nutritional, mechanistic and
physiological studies of flavonoids, with large differences in biological outcomes.
This diversity in results is probably a consequence of the many (biochemical) modi-
fications flavonoids can be subject to. Flavonoids can be methylated, acylated, sul-
phated, glycosidated or glucuronidated by humans, but flavonoids are also
extensively metabolised by the microbial intestinal flora. These modifications and/
or conjugations have impact on the physicochemical characteristics of the flavo-
noids, such as solubility, receptor-binding abilities and antioxidant or prooxidant
behaviour. It is therefore difficult to predict a priori what the effect of flavonoids in
a diet for a human individual will be, as the kinetics of modifications and conjuga-
tion reactions can be different for each person.
Upon consumption, flavonoids are only to a small extend absorbed in the small
intestines [7]. Most of the flavonoids present in the diet are converted by the micro-
bial flora in the colon. In the microbial breakdown pathway of flavonoids, C-ring
fission of aglycones is usually observed. This results in hydroxylated aromatic mol-
ecules that can be further metabolised to smaller phenylic acids and alcohols,
including valerolactones, valeric acids and phenyl-acetic acids [8]. Figure 6.1 shows
6 Automated Annotation of Microbial and Human Flavonoid-Derived Metabolites 111
Quercetin Epicatechin
C-ring fission
3-(3-hydroxy-phenyl)-propionic acid
3-hydroxybenzoic acid
hippuric acid
polyphenolic molecules which are not absorbed by the intestines but are converted
by the microflora into a series of lactones, urolithins [9]. Ellagitannins are abun-
dantly present in different kinds of nuts (walnut, chestnut, pecan nut) and berries
(strawberry, raspberry, blueberry) but also in pomegranate, grapes and tea [9]. Due
to intra- and interindividual variation in human microbial composition of the colon,
major differences are expected to occur in the microbial breakdown pathways of
flavonoid molecules [10].
Upon absorption, a large part of the microbiotic conversion products are metabo-
lised by human biotransformation enzymes predominantly present in the gut epithe-
lial cells and in the liver. Xenobiotic metabolism is generally classified into two
phases. Phase 1 biotransformation involves a range of oxidation reactions, catalysed
primarily by cytochrome P450 enzymes as well as by flavinmonooxygenases,
resulting in hydroxylation, epoxidation, heteroatom dealkylation, heteroatom oxi-
dation, alcohol oxidation, oxidative deamination, dehydrogenations, hydrolysis,
etc. These reactions generally lead to less lipophilic molecules, which are more
susceptible to phase 2 biotransformations. The latter consist of conjugation of a
range of (solubilising) moieties mostly to hydroxyl groups, including sulfation,
glucuronidation, acetylation, glycination and methylation. Glutathione conjugation
has an important role in detoxifying reactive electrophilic species. As these detoxi-
fication processes must operate on wide ranges of xenobiotics, they are generally
catalyzed by families of enzymes, whose members have different, but broad and
partly overlapping, substrate specificities.
While it is thought that the main function of human biotransformation is to solu-
bilise foreign lipophilic compounds, in order to detoxify and excrete them from the
body, the same types of reactions occur with common dietary phytochemicals and
their microbiotic conversion products. As most polyphenols and phenolic acids dis-
cussed in previous paragraphs are only moderately lipophilic and comprising mul-
tiple hydroxylic and carboxylic moieties, they are more typical substrates for phase
2 than for phase 1 biotransformation enzymes. Indeed polyphenols and phenolic
acids undergo predominantly phase 2 conjugations with glucuronyl, sulphate, gly-
cine and methyl groups. Nevertheless, several studies suggest, mainly on the basis
of in vitro experiments, that phase 1 reactions are also involved in hydroxylation of
isoflavones and flavonoids [11, 12].
The combination of the variety of metabolic conversions of dietary compounds
by the microbiota in the intestinal tract with the large range of human biotransfor-
mations reactions results in a vast number of possible metabolites. The actual range
and relative quantities of metabolites circulating in blood, and excreted in urine, can
vary significantly in time but also between individuals due to differences in compo-
sition of the microbiota and the activities of the human biotransformation enzymes.
For example, the microbiotic conversion of the isoflavone daidzein to the isoflavan
equol was shown to differ significantly between individuals as determined from
urine excretion [13]. Equol has an inhibitory effect on topoisomerase [14] which has
been associated with preventive effects towards hormone-related cancers [15]. The
difference in equol formation was suggested to be a consequence of differences in
gut microflora induced by habitual fat versus carbohydrate consumption [16].
6 Automated Annotation of Microbial and Human Flavonoid-Derived Metabolites 113
To understand the impact of diet and the role of the microflora, the full range of
metabolites including human biotransformation products need to be identified and
quantified [18]. Hitherto the systematic study of the intra- and interindividual varia-
tion of flavonoid metabolism has been hampered by the large diversity of products
formed and the low amounts of metabolites present in the complex matrices under
study. Continuous developments in the area of metabolomics enable comprehensive
profiling of metabolites in complex matrices like blood plasma and urine. Mass
spectrometry, coupled to gas (GC-MS) or liquid (LC-MS) chromatography, and
NMR are the major platforms for metabolite profiling and identification. Due to its
sensitivity, mass spectrometry is the principle technology for large-scale metabolite
profiling. However, with MS-based platforms, chemical structure elucidation is
often only possible on the basis of comparison to reference compounds. As a result,
in practice, large fractions of detected features in LC-MS-based metabolomics
remain “unknown.” This is also the case of flavonoid metabolic products for which
reference molecules are not available. Fragmentation can help to go one step further
and to (partially) annotate the detected molecules. Characteristic fragmentations
may be recognised by comparison to literature reports or databases. GC-MS is com-
monly based on relatively reproducible “hard” electron impact ionisation, which
allows successful searching in available databases for similar spectra of known
compounds. Fragmentation data from tandem MS or ion trap-based MSn experi-
ments, based on collision-induced dissociation, are more instrument-specific.
Many flavonoids and their metabolic products occur as different positional and
stereochemical isomers, which can usually not be differentiated with mass spec-
trometry. For example, conjugation with glycosyl groups can occur at different
positions on the flavonoid backbone, yielding different molecules with identical
mass. NMR can help in the identification of the large number of positional and ste-
reochemical isomers. However, direct 1H-NMR analysis of crude extracts can result
in spectral data that are difficult to interpret, due to overlapping NMR signals of
different metabolites as well as dominating NMR signals of highly abundant metab-
olites. For example, hippuric acid [19] which is abundantly present in urine samples
can give rise to strong aromatic proton signals which hinder identification of the
lower abundant intact phenol conjugates in urine. Therefore, full structure
114 V.V. Mihaleva et al.
elucidation by NMR often requires purification of the metabolites using, for exam-
ple, MS-based SPE trapping procedure, where LC-MS is coupled to NMR [20].
Structure elucidation of purified components is mostly achieved by a combination
of mass spectrometry and NMR, preferentially one-dimensional 1H-NMR measure-
ments combined with two-dimensional (or multidimensional) spectra. However, for
mass-limited samples, one-dimensional 1H-NMR measurements can easily be
achieved if the amount is 1 μm of compound, but two-dimensional NMR spectra are
with the current state of technology not feasible for 1 μm of compound. For homo-
nuclear 2D NMR, 10 μm of compound (or more) is requested, for hetero-nuclear 2D
NMR, 30 μm of compound (or more) is needed. In addition, extensive purification
is often needed, as background signals can obscure the molecule of interest in the
NMR spectrum. 1H-NMR spectra combined with MS data on molecular mass, MS/
MS fragments and expected molecular formula can be used for structure elucidation
and identification of metabolites isolated from complex mixtures [8, 21].
6.4 Examples
Tea contains a diverse set of flavonoids, which upon consumption are extensively
metabolised by microbiota in the colon and via human biotransformation subse-
quently are excreted in the urine. Many of these metabolites are not yet present in
databases. Therefore, in order to perform automatic annotation to LC-MS profiles
of such urine samples, we applied in silico metabolic reaction rules to generate rel-
evant candidate molecule structures, starting from the compounds present in green
tea. The reaction rules included basic hydrolysis reactions as catalysed by protease,
esterase and glycosidase digestive enzymes, a number of well-studied conversions
of flavonoids by microflora resulting in valerolactones and valeric acids, as well as
alpha and beta oxidations, para-dehydroxylation and decarboxylation (see Fig. 6.1
for examples). Large molecules with a molecular mass above 600 Da., which are
less likely to be absorbed directly from the intestinal tract [29], were removed from
the resulting library. To account for human metabolism after uptake, a number of
phase 2 biotransformations [30] were applied, resulting in a total set of almost 5,000
compounds. Figure 6.2 illustrates the in silico generation metabolites for (epi)gal-
locatechin gallate. After formation of 5-(3′,4′,5′-trihydroxyphenyl)-γ-valerolactone
systematically, all possible conjugates are generated, of which a subset of confirmed
metabolites is shown. The in silico generated metabolites were automatically
matched against LC-MSn datasets obtained with urine samples after tea consump-
tion, and fragmentation spectra were annotated by in silico substructures as
116 V.V. Mihaleva et al.
valerolactone conjugates
Fig. 6.2 Overview of the in silico metabolite generation process, including the example of gallo-
catechin. For each type of conjugate, only one positional isomer is shown. In the urine samples,
often multiple stereo- or positional isomers are detected. These different isomers can usually not
be uniquely assigned on the basis van MS fragmentation
described in the previous section. As an example, Fig. 6.3 shows the automatic
substructure annotation of the spectral data obtained with 3′,4′-dihydroxyphenyl-
valerolactone-O-glucuronide. The fragment annotation confirms that the structure is
a dihydroxyphenyl-valerolactone that is O-glucuronidated. Ninety percent of the
expert assignments that had been made prior to the analysis, for over 60 conjugated
(poly)phenolic components in urine, were reproduced by this automated in silico
6 Automated Annotation of Microbial and Human Flavonoid-Derived Metabolites 117
175.0249 122.0373
207.0664 163.0763
a b
8.2 8 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 7 6.8 5.15 5.1 5.05 4.05 3.6 3.5
8.2 8 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 7 6.8 5.15 5.1 5.05 4.05 3.6 3.5
chemical shift, ppm
Fig. 6.4 Experimental (black) and fitted (red and green) spectra of urolithin-B-3-O-glucuronide
(upper) and a mixture of urolithin-A-3-O-glucuronide (in red) and 8-O-glucuronide (in green)
(lower). The aromatic region is shown on the left and the signals of the glucuronide moiety on the
right. The strong signal at 8.081 ppm is residual formic acid which was included in the fit in the
mixture of urolithin-A-3-O-glucuronides so that the overlapping signals could be resolved
and the chemical shift was increased by 0.25 ppm. The predicted chemical shifts for
the aromatic protons of the correctly assigned isomer were within 0.15 ppm from
the extracted experimental values. The prediction error was clearly much smaller
than the induced change in the chemical shift which allowed the assignment of the
correct structure. Such specific differences predicted for the 3′-O-glucuronide and
4′-O-glucuronide isomers resulted in more reliable identification of these structures
from their experimental NMR spectra.
Another example of efficient structure identification is the identification/distinc-
tion of the different forms of conjugated urolithins. Urolithins are known to be
microbial breakdown products of ellagic acid, a compound that has been reported to
be present in strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates, walnuts and tea [32]. We were
able to obtain good quality 1H-NMR spectra of glucuronidated conjugates (Fig. 6.4)
of urolithin-A and urolithin-B, purified from urine samples. There were two uro-
lithin-A glucuronides that co-eluted and showed similar fragmentation patterns. The
extracted chemical shifts of the aromatic protons are shown in Table 6.2 together
with the literature data of the aglycones [33, 34]. The structure of urolithin (see
scheme Table 6.2) can be considered as built of a chromene (H1–H4 protons) and a
benzyl (H7–H10 protons) fragments. The identification of urolithin-B-3-O-glucuronide
was straightforward based on the observed changes in the chemical shifts when com-
pared to the aglycone as the largest change in the chemical shifts was observed for
120 V.V. Mihaleva et al.
Table 6.2 NMR shifts (in ppm) of the aromatic protons of urolithin-B (ID 1) and urolithin-A (ID
3) and their glucuronide conjugates. The induced chemical shift of the glucuronide fragment is
given in parenthesis
ID OH O-Glc H1 H2 H4 H7 H8 H9 H10
1 3 8.15 6.85 6.75 8.25 7.57 7.88 8.18
2 3 8.204 7.158 7.113 8.31 7.598 7.891 8.252
(0.054) (0.308) (0.363) (0.060) (0.011) (0.072)
3 3,8 7.98 6.86 6.76 7.64 7.36 8.06
4 8 3 8.104 7.12 7.081 7.638 7.351 8.077
(0.124) (0.260) (0.321) (−0.002) (−0.004) (0.017)
5 3 8 8.008 6.849 6.748 7.91 7.608 8.147
(0.028) (−0.011) (−0.012) (0.270) (0.248) (0.087)
6.5 Discussion
with new structures covering potential metabolites not yet observed or described.
One possibility is to use in silico reaction rules to predict relevant molecules. The
value of such an approach was demonstrated in a workflow for the automatic anno-
tation of metabolites of polyphenols present in urine data after consumption of tea
(in press). To support the identification of unknown metabolites with NMR, MetiDB
( was recently created, which contains 6,000 phenolic molecules
and their calculated NMR spectra. This database will be extended with phase 2
biotransformation molecules of these phenolic molecules, which is of great impor-
tance for the quick and reliable identification of the components purified from urine.
The tight integration of in silico generation of biochemically relevant molecules and
their annotation and identification in LS/MS- and NMR-based metabolite profiling
data have great potential to accelerate the profiling of novel metabolites and assess
their potential biochemical source.
6.6 Conclusions
Computational approaches are essential for the efficient annotation and identification
of the large range of metabolites of dietary constituents, produced by microbiota in
the human intestinal tract and by human biotransformation upon absorption.
Systematic identification will help to understand the role of the microbiota in diges-
tion and human health.
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Chapter 7
Metabonomics in Neonatal and Paediatric
Research: Studying and Modulating Gut
Functional Ecology for Optimal Growth
and Development
V. Fanos (*)
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Puericulture Institute and Neonatal Section,
University of Cagliari-Italy, Via Ospedale 119, 09124 Cagliari, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
L. Cuzzolin
Department of Public Health & Community Medicine, Section Pharmacology,
University of Verona-Italy, Verona, Italy
7.1 Introduction
The human host-microbe symbiosis is initiated in early life and its establishment is
an important biological process.
Gut microbiota enhances the host’s metabolic capacity to process nutrients and
drugs and modulate the activities of multiple pathways in different organ systems [1].
So, gut microbiota play a fundamental role in human health by promoting intestinal
homeostasis, stimulating development of the immune system, and providing protec-
tion against pathogens [2, 3]. The disruption of the gut microbiota has been linked
to an increasing number of diseases such as necrotizing enterocolitis, inflammatory
bowel disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes, and allergies [3].
Despite this evidence, relatively little is known about the acquisition and devel-
opment of this complex microbial community during infancy [4]. However, emerg-
ing ‘omics’ technologies are now being applied to the study of the gut microbial
ecology, generating new opportunities to deepen the functions of the gut microbiota
in human health.
The human intestinal tract harbours a complex microbial ecosystem of 100 trillion
bacteria [5], consisting of many more types of bacteria than originally thought [6],
that undergoes dynamic changes during development.
Infants are born with an essentially sterile gut, but colonization starts immedi-
ately during and after delivery: the initial inoculation of the intestinal microbiota is
a key step, because this initial phase will probably influence the composition of the
human microbiota throughout life [5, 7]. In general, the first settlers that initially
colonize infants are facultative anaerobic bacteria (mainly E. coli and Streptococci spp.),
followed by Staphylococcus spp., Enterococcus spp., and Lactobacillus spp. that
contribute to provide a favourable condition for anaerobic bacteria [8, 9]. After the
first week of life, Bifidobacterium spp., Bacteroides spp., and Clostridium spp. are
present and Bifidobacterium spp. species become predominant in human milk-fed
infants [10].
This dynamic microbial ecosystem stabilizes during the first 2–3 years [5] and
reaches the highest complexity in the human adult [11].
The connection between both hereditary and environmental factors plays an impor-
tant role in every stage, from conception to the early postnatal period [12] (Fig. 7.1).
The human microbiota is established after birth and starts out as a dynamic
7 Metabonomics in Neonatal and Paediatric Research… 127
Fig 7.1 Factors influencing the development and composition of microbiota in the newborn
and child
ecosystem, dominated by bifidobacteria, that stabilizes during the first 2–3 days [5, 13],
reaching a homeostatic climax composition that remains relatively stable during
most of adult’s life [14]. Influenced by a variety of early-life exposures, the infant
gut microbiota plays a crucial role in life-long health. The composition and activity
of the microbiota is affected by the genetic background of the host and by the diet.
Moreover, the mode of delivery (natural birth, caesarean section) and the gestational
age (preterm, late preterm, and term newborns) together with health status and anti-
biotic treatments could affect human microbiota composition.
Host genotype is among the factors that influence the composition of gut microbiota
[15]. A single gene difference in the host can affect the population structure of gut
microbiota. The genotype of the host may influence its microbiota composition
either directly (secretions into the gut, control of gut motility, modification of epi-
thelial cell surfaces) or indirectly, through food and lifestyle preferences [16]. Some
authors [17] studied the degree of similarity in the predominant faecal microflora of
identical twin pairs, fraternal twin pairs, and unrelated controls: the highest levels of
similarity were found in genetically identical twins.
The type of delivery strongly affects the composition of the microbiota. In the case
of caesarean section (CS) delivery, instead of faecal bacteria derived from the
mother, other environmental bacteria could affect the microbiota composition.
128 V. Fanos and L. Cuzzolin
The observed bacterial diversity has been associated with recurrent C. difficile
infections and other disease states [31]. In fact, compared to term infants, the colo-
nization dynamics is different in preterm newborns, often colonized by potentially
pathogenic species such as Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., and Clostridium spp.,
instead of normal commensal microbiota such as Bifidobacterium spp. and
Lactobacillus spp. [32, 33].
Some authors [30] showed a positive correlation between diversity of intestinal
microbiota and digestive tolerance and weight gain. Moreover, the delayed coloni-
zation and reduced diversity observed in preterm newborns render these subjects
more susceptible to bacterial disturbances and therefore at higher risk of necrotizing
enterocolitis and sepsis [28, 34]. Recently, stools of 32 preterm infants exposed to
current NICU practices were analyzed for assessment of the total and viable bacte-
rial communities in the gut. Among the studied population, 7 and 13 preterm infants
developed, respectively, NEC and sepsis. Total bacterial profiles of infants with
NEC and total and viable profiles of infants with sepsis significantly differed from
those of healthy infants, supporting a role for bacterial colonization in the patho-
physiology of these diseases. Importantly, Sphingomonas spp. colonization was sig-
nificantly associated with NEC [34].
The early exposure to antibiotics has significant immediate effects and probably also
sustainable effects on the gut microbiota composition. Variables associated to antibiotic
use (dose, length of treatment, route of administration) make difficult to draw strong
conclusions on the exact impact on the microbiota. However, an antibiotic treatment
surely causes disturbances in the early colonization by Bifidobacterium species, predis-
posing to an overgrowth of Enterococcus and Enterobacteriaceae species [46–48].
Recently, some authors underlined that antibiotic administration not only alters
the total counts of Bifidobacterium but can also has an impact at the species level,
with a reduction of Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium adolescentis [47,
48]. Despite the conviction that an early antibiotic treatment does not seem to have
major long-term effects on the faecal intestinal microbiota, a complete recovery of
initial bacterial community composition is rarely achieved [49]. Therefore, it has
been hypothesized that exposure to antibiotic in early life may trigger the subse-
quent development of immune disorders, such as asthma, wheezing, and other aller-
gic manifestations [50, 51].
The metabonome is the sum of all endogenous and exogenous metabolites. The
intrinsic factors are body composition, tissue turnover, resting metabolic rate, age,
genotype, health status, reproductive status, and diurnal cycle, and the extrinsic
7 Metabonomics in Neonatal and Paediatric Research… 131
factors are diet (nutrients and nonnutrients), drugs, physical activity, colonic flora,
pollution, lifestyle, and stress [52]. All these factors contribute to the metabolic
genotype-phenotype relationship [53].
Metabotype is the whole set of metabolites which can be detected in body fluids
and which characterizes the metabolic phenotype of an individual.
Gone are the days when one is constrained to study only a single gene or gene
product in a biologically out-of-context situation’.
The term nutrimetabonomics illustrates the mutual link among nutrition and
metabonomics. More practically, it describes how a biological system varies following
a nutritional stimulus. The research in this field studies the effects of specific ingre-
dients and food components elucidating the effects of specific ingredients behind
individual responses. Thus, the emerging faces of nutrition is to achieve the ambitious
goal of optimizing an individual’s health via nutritional intervention [54].
It has been underlined that metabonomics is the logical approach to assess
dysfunction and metabolic imbalances caused by dietary components [55]. This
new approach will surely influence public health practice in the future [56].
Many years ago, Thomas Edison predicted that doctors of the future would no
longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather would cure and prevent diseases
with nutrition.
Now, deciphering the complex interactions between nutrients and the human
organism constitutes a considerable challenge for the twenty first century [57, 58].
We can add the microbiome to the previous sentence.
However, despite this background, while the number of systems biology publica-
tions has risen rapidly in the last decade, the percentage of these related to nutri-
tional sciences research has remained constant at 3–4 % of the total [59].
Very recently, a review described recent applications of metabonomics in pre-
clinical and clinical fields anticipating novel therapeutic and nutrition advances in
paediatric research [60].
The diet has a key role in the gut microbiota modulation and shaping and in a
metabolic signalling network construction. Metabolic profiling has a wide potential
for the following goals: (a) understanding the complex interactions between compo-
nents of the gut microbiota, (b) elucidating the cause/effect relationships associated
with specific nutritional choices, and (c) evaluating the related shifts in the micro-
biota composition. The symbiosis between mammalians and the microbial system
can play a role in the aetiology and development of several diseases, e.g. insulin
resistance, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies, gastritis
and peptic ulcers, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and gastrointestinal tract. In
particular gut, microbiome, and nutrients strongly interact with the host genetic
elements to determine the metabotype. The knowledge of these complex interac-
tions can provide personalized plans of treatment and prevention [61].
This is true also for long-term outcomes. In fact, since ‘physiological’ ageing is
associated with a number of significant changes in gastrointestinal function, the
development and progression of chronic diseases could be prevented, minimized, or
better managed monitoring patient response on an individual basis [62].
In healthy humans, urine represented a sensitive metabolic profile that reflected
acute dietary intake, whereas plasma and saliva did not [63].
132 V. Fanos and L. Cuzzolin
from the colonic luminal metabonome and 48 metabolites were present in significantly
higher concentrations and/or incidence in the germ-free (GF) mice than in the
Ex-GF mice (p < 0.05), 77 metabolites were present in significantly lower concen-
trations and/or incidence in the GF mice than in the Ex-GF mice (p < 0.05), and 56
metabolites showed no differences in the concentration or incidence between GF
and Ex-GF mice [81].
Taken all together, these data reveal alterations of gut microbiota metabolism,
intestinal absorption, and renal function, together with increased oxidative stress
Matching metabonomics and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), no results can be
found. Although diet composition has been implicated as a major factor in the aeti-
ology of various gastrointestinal diseases, such as NEC, conclusive evidence
remains elusive. What is known on this topic is that breast milk, as opposed to
commercial formula, appears to confer a ‘protective effect’ to the ‘immature gut’.
Yet the mechanism by which this occurs continues to remain speculative.
Gut microbial activities can be extremely important in the aetiology and develop-
ment of several chronic inflammatory disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD) or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This topic will be covered in Chap. 14.
Here we will underline only few concepts related to this section.
Urinary metabolite profiling was carried out on a mouse model of Crohn’s dis-
ease suggesting alterations of tryptophan metabolism, fucosylation and fatty acid
metabolism in Crohn’s disease fucose, and xanthurenic acid could be useful markers
of gut inflammation [89].
A mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) was used to investigate
urinary metabolites using NMR; it was found that there was an increase in trimeth-
ylamine (TMA) and fucose compared to controls. The increase in TMA was parallel
to the progression of IBD [90].
Metabonomic analysis of faecal extracts of patients with both inflammatory dis-
eases showed reduced levels of butyrate, acetate, methylamine, and TMA compared
to control [91].
Urinary metabolites have also been used to distinguish CD and UC in humans.
Hippurate was lowest in CD and differed significantly between CD, UC, and con-
trols. Hippurate has been shown to be modulated according to gut microbes and this
difference is likely to reflect changes in intestinal microbes [92].
By a practical point of view, urine and stools can be used as useful monitoring
tools [93]. Attempt was made to study IBS with a combination of microbial and
metabonomic outcomes using stool analysis. Using a GC–MS methodology, the
authors highlighted higher levels of specific amino acids (alanine and pyrogluta-
mate) and phenolic compounds (hydroxyphenylacetate and hydroxyphenylpropio-
nate) with IBS, alterations possibly associated with specific gut microbial
populations, including the abundance of lactobacilli and Clostridium [58, 94].
Celiac disease (CeD) is a unique autoimmune multifactorial gastrointestinal
disorder in which the genetic factors (DQ2/DQ8) and the environmental trigger
(gluten) are known and necessary but not sufficient for its development. Bertini
et al. [95] highlighted changes in gut microbial cometabolites may be associated to
aberrant microbiota in the small bowel of patients with CeD [96].
136 V. Fanos and L. Cuzzolin
7.5.4 Diabetes
This part will be covered by Chap. 12. Different studies suggest that branched-chain
amino acids (BCAAs) related to metabolic signature is a robust metabolic readout
of insulin resistance (IR) [101]: high levels of BCAAs were detected in the obese
and IR phenotype [102–104].
In particular, five branched-chain and aromatic amino acids were indeed associ-
ated with IR, namely, isoleucine, leucine, valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine, and a
7 Metabonomics in Neonatal and Paediatric Research… 137
7.5.5 Obesity
Table 7.1 Metabonomics studies that evaluated the metabolic condition in infant obesity
Type of Metabonomic
Author Year patient Sample analysis Metabolites results
He et al. 2012 Newborn Serum NMR-based HDL, VLDL, lipids, unsaturated lipids, glycoprotein, myo-inositol, pyruvate,
piglet metabonomic threonine, tyrosine and creatine > in obese than in lean pigs (p < 0.05). Serum
technology glucose and urea < in obese pigs (p < 0.05)
Wahl et al. 2012 Human Serum Mass spectrometry- 14 metabolites (glutamine, methionine, proline, nine phospholipids, and two
children based metabonomics acylcarnitines, p < 3.8 × 10−4) and 69 metabolite ratios (p < 6.0 × 10−6) to be
approach significantly altered in obese children
Mihalik 2012 Human Plasma Tandem mass Fasting lipolysis and fat oxidation were higher in obese and type 2 diabetes
et al. adolescents spectrometry compared with normal weight. Insulin sensitivity was lower in obese and
type 2 diabetes
From Ref. [114] with permission
V. Fanos and L. Cuzzolin
7 Metabonomics in Neonatal and Paediatric Research… 139
7.6 Conclusions
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microbiota and its phenotype to the role of complex glycans in the microbiota of all
ages. The relentless selective pressure on the process of lactation within the
mammary epithelial cell over millennia of evolution has been to nourish, protect,
and support the survival of the mother infant pair. The principles that have emerged
to nourish infants provide a guiding model for diet and health of all humans. The
tools of metabolomics are proving successful in revealing the mechanisms behind
milk’s “genius.”
8.1 Introduction
The mother and breastfed infant dyad provides a model to understand diet in its
larger context. The scientific opportunities afforded by this model are transforma-
tive. Mechanistic insights to the targets of dietary inputs can be revealed by studying
milk genomics, chemical composition, biological properties, and its diversity across
mammals and temporally across lactation. The clinical comparison of exclusive
breastfeeding against various formulas provides a powerful framework to study
structurally defined diets and monitor the consequences of those structures on health
and disease. In this respect, studies on milk and the lactating mammary gland pro-
vide unique insights into the mechanisms by which diet can act in protection and
prevention. The mammary epithelial cell is a bioreactor for bioengineering complex
structures and activities that act upon virtually all of the infant’s processes: immu-
nity, growth and development, metabolism, physiology, neurological development,
and microbiota colonization and maturation. The components of milk execute on
this biological blueprint using integrative and pleiotropic mechanisms that are dif-
ficult if not impossible to identify using the reductionist strategies of traditional
biological chemistry. The comprehensive nature of the omic sciences and in particu-
lar metabolomics is changing the way milk is studied. Milk is the functional output
of mammary metabolism, and it’s a biofluid representing maternal genetics, health
status, and environments.
A striking example of the principles and technologies of metabolomics applied
to breast milk is in the area of glycomics; glycomics has revealed the diversity and
abundance of glycans notably the free human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) that
are relatively unique to lactation and the glycosylated proteins, peptides, and lipids.
Interestingly, glycans reach the large intestine and can ultimately be excreted and
measured in the stool in healthy infants. This is a paradox if milk is considered a
source of digestible nutrients for the infant. The resolution of this paradox is found
in the fact that in most breastfed infants, these glycans disappear from stool, coinci-
dent with the appearance of a group of bacteria capable of digesting and utilizing
them as growth substrates. The value of this relationship between maternal milk and
8 Metabolomics and Milk: The Development of the Microbiota in Breastfed Infants 149
The simplifying elegance of the linear encoding of protein structure from DNA,
RNA to protein sequence that is so empowering to biology from evolution to func-
tion is equally enabling to scientific research. Scientists have been wonderfully
successful in annotating DNA-dependent biological processes because of the sim-
plicity of linear sequence. Metabolism does not possess this simplicity. The dizzy-
ing complexity of metabolism must now be studied the old fashioned way, by
measuring it. Scientists are beginning to assemble the technologies to measure
metabolites in the accuracy, sensitivity, and comprehensiveness that reflect actual
biology. A broad goal of food research is to build a linear understanding from the
genetics of agricultural commodities, through their metabolism and thence compo-
sition as foods to the specific actions of those components on the metabolism and
ultimately health of individual consumers (Fig. 8.1). Step one is to define the genetic
and phenotypic basis of food composition through commodity growth and process-
ing. The next step is to understand the principles by which human metabolism is
controlled via these exogenous dietary components. This challenge will be particu-
larly daunting in higher organisms due to the importance of structure to function. In
higher organisms metabolites are distributed according to the cells, tissues, organs,
and whole bodies. This structural dimension will demand that metabolites are mea-
sured as a function of the 3-dimensional structures of their immediate environment,
Fig. 8.1 The bidirectional flow of metabolic information through agriculture, food, and health. The genomics of agricultural commodities defines the metabolic
machinery of farmed organisms which, once measured by metabolomics, can be guided by selective breeding and explicit genetic engineering. The metabolome
compositions of harvested organisms that are the result of their metabolism are in turn alterable post-harvest by a wide variety of processing alternatives. The
final compositions of chosen foods measured by food metabolomics define the overall diet compositions of individuals/families. Their diets influence their acute
health which is in turn measureable by metabolomics of various body fluids. Departures from desired health trajectories detected by individual and population
J.B. German et al.
measurements then feed back into all of the agriculture and food input variables to alter diet composition and guide individuals to improved health
8 Metabolomics and Milk: The Development of the Microbiota in Breastfed Infants 151
Fig. 8.2 The tripartite evolutionary relationship for mothers, infants, and their microbiota. The
importance of the infant microbiota to its survival and genetic success is implied by the substantial
investment of lactation in the control of this ecosystem. Understanding how and why lactation con-
trols the infant microbiota provides scientific insights to microbial ecosystems in human intestine and
beyond to all complex ecosystems in which food is a selective and discriminating input variable
techniques for which are only beginning to emerge. We have taken the approach of
using the interaction between milk and microorganisms as a model for dietary
metabolomics (Fig. 8.2). The principles emerging from this research provide scien-
tists with examples of the interactions between diet and metabolism that may be
instructive for higher animals.
Glycans are the biopolymer class that has been largely ignored in spite of their
abundance across the phylogenetic tree and through evolution [7]. Despite their
importance in health and disease, they are not sequence encoded but rather the prod-
ucts of enzymatic metabolism. As a result of metabolic synthesis, the number of
potential structures is massive contributing to the structural diversity seen in milk.
152 J.B. German et al.
The field of milk glycobiology is not new, and in fact many of the presumed roles of
glycans throughout biology have been first discovered by examining milk.
Nonetheless, the complexity of glycan structures has been a major hurdle to under-
standing specific structure – function relationships beyond binding assays.
The oligosaccharides of human milk have become of particular interest in large part
because they are an abundant (1–2 % w/v) and yet indigestible by the neonate. The
biological challenges posed by this apparent paradox propelled a few key laborato-
ries to pursue the analytical challenges of identifying and quantifying them. The
revolution that they are bringing to analytical glycomics has been the result of inno-
vations in separation science, enzyme biotechnology, mass spectrometry, automated
library development, and computational toolsets.
Liquid chromatography has been applied to glycan separation, yet neither normal
nor reverse stationary phases provide sufficient separation power to successfully
resolve glycan diversity in structure. Porous graphitized carbon (PGC) has been
used as a uniquely selective stationary phase for bulk purification of glycans for
8 Metabolomics and Milk: The Development of the Microbiota in Breastfed Infants 153
many years. Only recently has it been possible to formulate PGC as an HPLC
stationary phase for the analysis of native oligosaccharides [10]. This combination
of high-efficiency, high reproducibility, and stationary phase selectivity in an HPLC
system has provided the first generation of separation platforms capable of the
extensive separation of glycan isomers [11]. The future of oligosaccharide and gly-
can analyses will be extending this selectivity and efficiency to stereospecificity,
quantitation, and throughput.
Glycans are nothing if not a forest of stereospecificity. The total number of possible
structures imaginable is astronomical, yet because these glycan polymers are all the
results of stereospecific enzymatic reactions, the actual number of structures found
in biology is manageably finite and approachable by modern analytics and library
systems. Nonetheless, precise oligosaccharide structures cannot be unequivocally
identified on chiral separation phases and instead must still be determined the old
fashioned way, by cleaving with stereospecific enzymes as an explicit step in the
analysis [12]. The use of stereospecific enzymes will likely remain the most efficient
means of assigning precise structures to oligosaccharides precisely because once a
biological source is accurately described, it is not necessary to perform stereospe-
cific analyses every subsequent analysis. The pragmatic proof of this principle has
been demonstrated for the various milk oligosaccharides that have been analyzed
for their stereospecificity [13].
The establishment of accurate metabolomics today cannot be achieved with
online identification systems due to the complexity of the possible glycan structures
relative to the separation platforms and mass spectrometry accuracy available.
Instead effective methods for the structural identification of HMOs requires the
construction of detailed libraries that map structures into analytical platforms taking
advantage of the combinations of MS, tandem MS, and exoglycosidase digestion
[12]. Neutral [14] and anionic milk oligosaccharides from humans [15] totaling 75
structural isomers have been annotated in this approach (Figs. 8.3, 8.4, and 8.5).
Once begun, the library strategy has been extended to milks from other mammals to
over 200 complete structures. This basic strategy is appropriate for the vast majority
of applications to human milk biology since 50 structures represent 99 % of the total
abundances of oligosaccharides in human milks [14–16].
Metabolomics is of relatively little utility if it only identifies structures and
cannot quantify the absolute amounts of metabolites within biological samples.
As a subset of the metabolome, glycan quantitation remains a major obstacle to
metabolomics of glycobiology. Oligosaccharides lack discriminating chromophores
for spectral detectors. As a result, oligosaccharides are often derivatized with
absorbing labels including anthranilic acid (AA) or 2-aminobenzamide (AB) for
quantitation [17]. To date the varying ionization efficiencies of glycans compromise
the use of mass spectrometry of oligosaccharides. The alternative, using isotopically
154 J.B. German et al.
Fig. 8.3 Basic oligosaccharide structures in milk. The structural core of oligosaccharides is illus-
trated, the key sugar monomers that make up the oligosaccharide compositions and the possible
stereospecific glycosidic bonds that are possible. Bifidobacteria longum subspecies infantis con-
tains the genetic capability to synthesize ostensibly all of the enzymes necessary to cleave this
array of complex glycans
enriched internal standards, while making MS highly accurate [18], requires the
synthesis of the entire library of potential structures which is not currently available.
Quantitation of metabolites remains the great challenge for the applications of
metabolomics to its most relevant applications in health.
The presence of oligosaccharides has been confirmed in very early mammals and
marsupials [19]. Thus, indigestible carbohydrate biopolymers provided a selective
advantage throughout mammalian lactation. This advantage has apparently contin-
ued up to humans. Human milk contains greater concentration and diversity of sol-
uble oligosaccharides than other mammalian milks [20] ranging from on average
7 g/L mature to 23 g/L in colostrum [21, 22]. These soluble oligosaccharides are
composed of glucose (Glc), galactose (Gal), N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc),
fucose (Fuc), and sialic acid (NeuAc) monosaccharides. The basic biochemistry of
oligosaccharide synthesis in the mammary gland is initiated by a lactose core of Gal
and Glc catalyzed by β-galactotransferase in the presence of α-lactalbumin. The
vast majority of HMO structures are based on this lactose core [23]. Lactose is then
decorated by β1–3 linkage to lacto-N-biose (GlcNAc linked to Gal by β1–3 linkage)
or by β1–6 linkage to N-acetyllactosamine (GlcNAc linked to Gal by β1–4 linkage).
HMO Structural Diversity FOS/GOS
lacto-N-biose lactose β1-4
β1-4 β1-4
β1-6 β1-4
α1-3 β1-4
α1-4 β1-3 β1-3 β1-4
β1-3 β1-3
β1-4 β1-4
β1-4 β1-4 β1-4
α1-2 α1-3 β1-3 β1-3
β1-4 β1-4
β1-6 β1-4 β1-6 β1-4 β1-3
2’-fucosyllactose 3-fucosyllactose β1-4
(2’FL) (3FL) β1-3 β1-3
Glucose (Glc) Galactose (Gal) N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) Fucose (Fuc) N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc)
8 Metabolomics and Milk: The Development of the Microbiota in Breastfed Infants
Fig. 8.4 Structural diversity of complex free glycans in human milk. The cartoon approximations of a subset of oligosaccharide structures in human milk attest
to the diversity and yet specificity of this biomolecule class. Milk oligosaccharides as highly structured biomolecules are the result of multiple sugars joined by
4 6’SL 635.227 15.231 2 0 0 1 30524 50386 NO
6 6’SLN 676.254 14.998 1 0 1 1 NO 59563 115044
10 3’Sle 822.312 14.609 1 1 1 1 NO NO 4368
Fig. 8.5 Extracted page of the table from the entire library of oligosaccharides in milks. Table
illustrates the data possible to acquire with modern glycomics platforms including accurate mass,
retention time, sugar subunits, and the abundance in milk and in various biofluids from infants
This growing chain structure can be further elongated with lacto-N-biose and
N-acetyllactosamine by β1–3 and β1–6 linkages; Fuc connected with α1–2, α1–3,
or α1–4 linkages and/or NeuAc residues attached by α2–3 or α2–6 linkages at the
terminal positions (Fig. 8.3). The terminal sugars are particularly diagnostic of dif-
ferent mammalian milks, 60–80 % of HMOs are fucosylated, and 10–15 % of
HMOs are sialylated in human milk [24].
8 Metabolomics and Milk: The Development of the Microbiota in Breastfed Infants 157
The structures of milk oligosaccharides have been selected for an unusual biological
value: not to be consumed by infants. This selective pressure on lactation has been
particularly intense since milk is the sole source of nourishment for mammalian
infants. The genetics, synthesis, and structures of oligosaccharides in milk are
unequivocally discoverable. However, the functions of oligosaccharides that were
the basis for their emergence and persistence through evolution are not as easily
discovered. The process of understanding their actions must first identify their
actions, and then each of these actions must then be tested mechanistically as an
actual valuable function in vivo. The most extensive approach to evaluating the
actions and potential functions of oligosaccharides in human milk has been to estab-
lish the detailed support of the growth of specific strains of bacteria notably bifido-
bacteria [25, 26]. While the mechanisms and extent of microbial diversity in
breastfed infants are still being actively documented, the basic observation that
bifidobacterial species dominate the microbiota of breastfed infants around the
world compared with formula-fed infants has been well established [27]. How an
intestinal microbial ecosystem maintains a dominant and consistent bacterial popu-
lation in the face of repeated and diverse inoculations with environmental microor-
ganisms has been largely speculative until recently. Research has revealed the
remarkable interaction between the stereospecific linkages defining the structures of
milk oligosaccharides and the genetic repertoire of stereospecific glycosidases and
solute-binding proteins that provide these bacteria a distinct competitive growth
advantage within the intestine of the breastfed infant.
2 15
OD (600 nm)
1.5 10
B. breve 0
0.5 B. longum HMO m/z
% HMO Consumed 50
HMO m/z
Fig. 8.6 Growth curves and human milk oligosaccharide consumption by Bifidobacteria longum
subspecies infantis. The growth curves of isolated bacteria (indicated) on media containing only
isolated milk oligosaccharides as carbon source of B. longum, B. longum subspecies infantis, and
B. breve are shown, illustrating the conspicuously greater growth of B. infantis. The most abundant
oligosaccharides in human milk are histogrammed in the figure on the right before and after con-
sumption by B. infantis illustrating the complete consumption of the majority of oligosaccharides
by this bacterium [25]
Fig. 8.7 Gene cluster 4 from the complete genome of B. infantis illustrating the location of the
genes encoding glycosidases and oligosaccharide transporters [32]. The putative glycosidic
linkages on which the glycosidic enzymes react are shown below left and the model of the cell
membrane-bound solute-binding protein complex is shown below right
(GenBank AP009256), which grow weakly or not all (respectively) on HMO [29].
The elegance of microbial genetics is illustrated by the HMO-related gene set shared
between ATCC15697 and DJO10A. This seven-gene operon is responsible for LNB
metabolism further evidence of evolution selecting for metabolic substrate utiliza-
tion [34]. Given that DJO10A is able to weakly grow on HMO and glycoprofiling
indicated a small consumption of LNnT, it is tempting to speculate that this operon
is linked to consumption of that particular HMO moiety.
While it is very hard to generalize the mechanisms of HMO catabolism across
bifidobacteria because of strain heterogeneity and taxonomic confusion [35] within
the genera, several important trends have emerged. The most common infant-borne
bifidobacteria, B. bifidum, B. longum subsp. infantis, B. longum subsp. longum, and
B. breve, possess different modes for consumption of HMO (Fig. 8.6). B. longum
subsp. infantis likely imports the lower molecular weight oligosaccharides via an
army of dedicated ABC transporters. Once inside the cell, these oligosaccharides
are catabolized by a complement of glycosidases prior to entry of the monosaccha-
rides into central metabolic pathways. In contrast, B. bifidum exports fucosidases
and lacto-N-biosidase to remove LNB from the HMO structure (leaving the free
fucose and sialic acid behind) [48], internalize the free LNB and catabolize it intra-
cellularly. Both B. breve and B. longum subsp. longum are able to consume free
LNnT from an HMO pool, whereas B. breve can also grow on the various monomer
constituents of HMO [48]. These different strategies suggest a possible mechanism
for niche partitioning among the different bifidobacterial species within the devel-
oping infant gastrointestinal tract microbiota. Taken together this data provides a
mechanism of action for glycan structures.
8 Metabolomics and Milk: The Development of the Microbiota in Breastfed Infants 161
Fig. 8.8 Fecal analyses of a single infant at several time points through the first 3 months of life. Above are shown the oligosaccharides from human milk in
the infant feces, normalized to week 1 in which all oligosaccharides from milk appeared unmodified in the feces. Successive weeks later time points illustrate
the oligosaccharide abundances in the feces relative to week 1. Below is shown the bacteria profile of the same fecal samples through the first 3 months of life.
(modified from de Leoz [60] unpublished)
164 J.B. German et al.
Single molecules delivered to everyone in the population will not solve these
problems. Nutrition as a field must lead the world into more integrative, biology-
driven strategies that are not only quantitatively precise and mechanistically com-
plete but mapped to actual foods and deployable as individual solutions. The first
proofs of principle of such strategies are emerging from the, admittedly more nar-
rowly defined, nourishment of breastfed infants. The toolsets of systems biology
including genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, and glycomics have shown their
power to interrogate the complexity of milk and reveal how it accomplishes an
astonishingly successful biological feat, the colonization and development of the
infant microbiota. Evolution clearly identified this to be an important target for
mammalian health. Human mothers are nourishing the bacteria within their infants
almost as enthusiastically as their infants. Yet, the strategy of nourishing the infant
microbiota is a lesson for all of nutrition research. Rather than a single, simple mol-
ecule, the mammary gland produces an entire metabolome that includes: a spectrum
of complex oligosaccharides and glycans that evade digestion by the infant and
continue through to the infant’s lower intestine. The complexity of glycans provides
an intense selectivity that rewards only those bacteria genetically capable digesting
the glycans and accessing their sugars. The combination of glycan complexity as
available substrate and genetic capability as enzymatic specificity is a model for
nutrition’s microbiota research going forward. The knowledge assembled to date
has begun the process of mapping the detailed mechanistic understanding of the
functions of different microbial ecosystems in the infant. Key questions remain:
How does a particular microbiota protect infants from pathogens and what are its
weaknesses? How does a particular microbiota educate immunity in the face of the
bewildering array of both pathogenic insults and completely benign passersby, and
what are the causes of its failures? How does the microbiota prevent the massive
activation of immunity and the anticipated increase in inflammation that would be
expected from dropping a naïve, ostensibly sterile infant in the “real world,” and can
we apply these same principles to adults? How does a particular influence whole
body metabolism and ensure appropriate food intake and suitable direction of fuels
to peripheral tissues, and could these same mechanisms take visceral fat out of
adults and put back “baby fat”? The successes of the first generation of metabolo-
mics research tools applied to understand the interactions between mammary-
produced oligosaccharides, and the infant microbiota are a glimpse of what this new
field of biology can achieve.
Acknowledgements We acknowledge all of the researchers in the UC Davis Foods for Health
Institute and the Milk Bioactives Program for their enthusiasm, imagination, and collective contri-
bution to this subject matter. The work by the Milk Bioactives Program has been supported by the
UC Davis Research Investments in the Sciences and Engineering Program; the UC Discovery
Grant Program; the California Dairy Research Foundation; the Dairy Research Institute; the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation; and the National Institutes of Health awards R01HD059127,
R01HD065122, R01HD061923, R21AT006180, and R01AT007079. D.A.M. acknowledges
support as the Peter J. Shields Endowed Chair in Dairy Food Science.
8 Metabolomics and Milk: The Development of the Microbiota in Breastfed Infants 165
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Chapter 9
Metabonomics and Gut Microbial Paradigm
in Healthy Aging
The increase in the aging population and incidences of chronic diseases raises new
challenges for global public healthcare in which preventive medicine approaches,
particularly by the means of optimal nutrition, will be crucial. Aging can commonly
be characterized as a progressive, generalized impairment of biological functions
resulting in an increased vulnerability to environmental challenge and a higher risk
of disease and death [1]. Cross talk can occur between multiple physiological sys-
tems, i.e., cognitive, metabolic, and gut systems, which influence the immune
system [2]. Environmental factors such as lifestyle choices as well as genetic factors
all contribute to healthy aging. Among these factors, the environment is the most
easily modifiable. Understanding the physiology of aging is of tremendous impor-
tance to allow populations to grow old disease-free and with a good quality of life.
In this respect, it is important to understand the natural aging process and to
elucidate where lifestyle and/or dietary interventions can have an impact. Despite
the enormous complexity of the aging process, a small number of basic molecular
mechanisms underpin the aging process, including a set of highly conserved mecha-
nisms. One of the key mechanisms is inflammation as a typical feature of the aging
process is the development of a chronic, low-grade inflammatory status named
“inflamm-aging” [3–5], and this condition has emerged as critical in the pathogen-
esis of major age-related chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes,
and neurodegeneration. Inflamm-aging plays a pivotal role in the most important
geriatric conditions, such as sarcopenia, frailty, and disability, thus contributing to
elderly mortality [5]. Interestingly, a variety of tissues (adipose tissue, muscle),
organs (brain, liver), systems (immune system), and ecosystems (gut microbiota) of
the body can contribute to the onset and progression of such a systemic inflamma-
tory state [6], by increasing the production of a number of proinflammatory mediators
or lowering that of the anti-inflammatory ones, thus tilting the equilibrium toward
inflammation [7].
Physiological, genetic, and environmental changes can cause modifications in
existing homeostatic conditions, which are ultimately reflected in the metabolic
composition of the different biological compartments. Metabonomics attempts
therefore to quantitatively profile small molecules endogenously and exogenously
present in a complex biological system, relying on the analysis of fluids (blood,
urine), tissue biopsies, or stools. Metabonomics is therefore a very powerful tool
for capturing the complexity of the aging process. Mass spectrometry (MS) and
nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectroscopy are the most commonly used
analytical tools to obtain profiles. Imaging techniques and flux analysis using sta-
ble isotopes are parallel technologies to obtain metabolite information. Multivariate
statistical and bioinformatics techniques are ultimately used for data mining the
complex metabolic profiles which encapsulate information on genetics, environ-
mental factors, gut microbiota activity, and lifestyle and food habits. This com-
bined strategy sustains the complex process of identifying emerging biomarkers
9 Metabonomics and Gut Microbial Paradigm in Healthy Aging 171
The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is one of the most essential interfaces of mam-
malian organism interacting with nutrients, exogenous compounds, and gut
microbiota, and its condition is influenced by the complex interplay between these
environmental factors and host genetic elements. Along the GIT, the gut micro-
biota is a key determinant of the gut functional ecology and metabolic homeosta-
sis, through fine interactions with regulatory processes involved in the absorption,
digestion, metabolism, and excretion of dietary nutrients as well as barrier integ-
rity, motility, and mucosal immunity [23, 24]. The GIT ecosystem hosts a diverse
and highly evolved microbial community composed of hundreds of different
microbial species [25, 26], which can be viewed as a metabolically adaptable,
174 E. Biagi et al.
a b
• masticatory
reduction in fruits
• reduction of appetite
and vegetables
• constipation
• reduction of motility PRO-INFLAMMATORY
• depression MICROBIOTA
AGED-TYPE GUT MICROBIOTA (e.g. Faecalibacterium
(Clostridium cl. XIVa and IV)
Fig. 9.1 Aging and gut microbiota. (a) Dietary habits usually change during the aging process,
because of several age-related physiological and environmental factors; the resulting low-fiber diet
is among the causes of reduction of gut microbiota diversity and changes in its phylogenetic com-
position and, consequently, reduction of some gut microbiota functions, i.e., production of SCFAs.
(b) Immunosenescence and inflamm-aging nurture the overgrowth of pathobionts in the gut eco-
system to the detriment of immunomodulatory bacterial groups; the resulting gut microbiota dys-
biosis promotes inflammation itself in a sort of self-sustaining loop
Finally, changes in the gut microbiota composition may be rated as one of the
age-related physiological processes that, all together, are linked to “how healthily”
a human being will age. It has recently been demonstrated by Claesson et al. that the
healthiest elderly, living in community setting and having a high-quality diet, pos-
sess a distinct gut microbiota from less healthy elderly living in residential care
[60]. However, whether these changes are simply a biomarker of the aging process
or could be counted among its driver cannot yet be decided based on the available
data. Certainly, the aging gut microbiota possesses features that can actively affect
the health status of old people, i.e., contributing to the onset of pathological condi-
tions known to affect the elderly with a higher incidence than the young adults, such
as C. difficile-associated diarrhea and colon cancer, as well as their eventual respon-
siveness to therapies [30]. Considering the aging human being as a metaorganism,
composed by both human and bacterial cells that together answer to the changing
metabolic requests of the human body, could be the right approach for promoting
healthy aging and longevity.
Table 9.1 End products of microbial metabolism in the gut and their activities with respect to the
human host physiology
Metabolite Origin Functions/activities
Butyrate Carbohydrate Energy source; stimulates leptin
fermentation by gut production; regulates neutrophils;
microorganisms inhibits inflammatory cytokines;
increase TJ expression; histone
deacetylase inhibitor; binding to
G-protein-coupled receptors: improves
of insulin secretion; induction of Pyy
expression, supports fat deposition;
antimicrobial activity; modulation of
the sympathetic nervous system and
gut motility
Acetate Supports lipid synthesis; supports
energy metabolisms; binding to
G-protein-coupled receptors;
antimicrobial activity; modulation of
the sympathetic nervous system and
gut motility
Propionate Supports gluconeogenesis; binding to
G-protein-coupled receptors;
antimicrobial activity; modulation of
the sympathetic nervous system and
gut motility
Methylamine Metabolism of choline Altered product of choline
Dimethylamine by gut microorganisms metabolisms; has been associated with
Trimethylamine obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular
disease, liver steatosis
4-Cresyl sulfate Tyrosine putrefaction Association with cancer; diabetes;
4-Cresil glucuronide by gut microorganisms autism; depression
5-Hydroxytryptamine Bacterial metabolism of Influences brain and behavior
GABA Neurotransmitters of Influences behavior
Noradrenaline bacterial origin
LPS Gram – surface Metabolic endotoxemia
Increasing scientific evidence has been reported on the fundamental role of gut
microbiota in both positive and negative triggers of specific metabolic states of indi-
viduals and populations [61, 65]. Therefore, it is today critical to understand the
molecular foundations of the impact of the gut microbial activity on human health
and nutritional status [66–68].
The current omics revolution offers an unprecedented opportunity to explore how
our gut symbionts contribute to our physiology and human health. Future systems
biology approaches combining state-of-the-art microbial and metabolic modeling
and discovery approaches, including metagenomics and metabonomics, will help in
deciphering the molecular foundations of these transgenomics interactions. Recently,
an exhaustive gene catalogue has been published containing virtually all of the preva-
lent gut microbial genes in large human cohort, and reporting to which extent many
bacterial species are shared by different individuals [69]. Such an approach could be
used for global characterization of the genetic potential of ecologically complex
environments [69] but also to help understand how gut microbiota specificities could
be exploited to develop new therapeutic and nutritional strategies. Systems biology
approaches, including metabonomics, have emerged over the last two decades as a
novel way forward to provide insights into the role of mammalian gut microbial
metabolic interactions in individual susceptibility to health and disease outcomes.
Since it is more likely that gut microbiome required for proper functioning of the gut
ecosystem in the elderly is different from that of the young subjects, knowledge and
systems models will help in assessing earlier deviations that lead to unhealthy aging
and development of chronic inflammatory conditions. In particular, both system-
wide (i.e., whole organism) and organ-specific metabolism may have components
driven by gut microbial activities [70, 71], which suggests that the dynamics of the
gut microbiome could help to maintain or reestablish host metabolic homeostasis in
disease and early onsets of metabolic deregulations. Gut microbial activities can be
extremely specific, as for the development and maintenance of the mucosal innate
and adaptive immune system [52], but also very complex, such as in the etiology and
development of several chronic inflammatory disorders, including inflammatory
bowel diseases (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and gastrointestinal cancers
[72, 73]. A series of investigations in human [74] and animal models [75–77] have
provided a set of reference metabolic profiles of gut intestinal biopsies that can be
used to assess not only compartment structure and function but also the gut microbial
impact at the tissue level [78]. Such applications will help in identifying main
9 Metabonomics and Gut Microbial Paradigm in Healthy Aging 179
diagnostics for early detection. Numerous studies reported that the general popula-
tion of intestinal bacteria is associated with initiation of colon cancer via the produc-
tion of carcinogens, cocarcinogens, or pro-carcinogen substances [91]. Recently,
metabonomics applications identified novel lipid markers of early CRC in American
and Japanese populations using MS analyses of serum samples [92, 93]. Moreover,
the application of NMR metabolic profiling to fecal water extracts has interesting
potential as a diagnostic tool for detecting CRC [94]. NMR metabolic profiles of
fecal water extracts from CRC patients were markedly distinct from controls with
lower concentrations of SCFA (acetate and butyrate) and higher levels of proline and
cysteine, the latter being two major components of most colonic epithelium mucus
glycoproteins. Conventional tumor markers are relatively unsuitable for detecting
carcinoma at an early stage and such novel insights may become critical in the devel-
opment of tailored approaches to reduce disease burden.
9.5 Conclusions
The gut microbiota influences human health status throughout the whole lifespan, from
birth to aging. It is generally accepted that the disruption of the finely balanced interac-
tion between host and microbiota can contribute to the progression of diseases and/or
predispose the human host to develop age-related disorders later in life. Yet, recent
advances in systems biology approaches including metabonomics and microbial ecol-
ogy have shown that the contribution of the intestinal microbiota to the overall health
status of the host has been so far underestimated. It is therefore of crucial importance
for nutrition and health to understand and to metabolically characterize the interactive
molecular processes between the host and its microbiome. By opening a direct bio-
chemical window into the metabonome, metabonomics is a unique science perfectly
suited for the identification of biomarkers capable of providing better understanding of
the complex metabolic phenomenon. This makes metabonomics a very efficient
approach for generation of metabolic patterns for the comprehensive characterization
of metabolic health, including healthy aging, and in the generation of new insights in
the understanding of the interactions between diet and metabolism. By understanding
the mechanisms by which diet and lifestyle influence metabolism, also by means of
influencing the microbiota composition and functionality, it will be possible to develop
personalized strategies to maintain a reasonable health status during aging and possibly
to attain longevity, maintaining a high quality of life as long as possible.
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Chapter 10
Roles of Herbal Medicine in Modulating Gut
Microbiota Associated with Health
and Diseases
Y. Wang (*)
Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, State Key Laboratory
of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics, Wuhan Centre for Magnetic
Resonance, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Wuhan 430071, People’s Republic of China
Collaborative Innovation Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases,
Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China
e-mail: [email protected]
H. Tang
Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, State Key Laboratory
of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics, Wuhan Centre for Magnetic
Resonance, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Wuhan 430071, People’s Republic of China
State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Biospectroscopy and Metabolomics,
School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, People’s Republic of China
directly measuring altered gut microbiota and integrating this with a mechanistic
metabonomics evaluation.
10.1 Introduction
Humans have a large number of microbiota resident in the gut. Interactions between
host metabolism and gut microbiota, between gut microbiota themselves, and
between food/medicine ingested and gut microbiota make the human gut a very
complex system. There are approximately about 1,000 microbial species present in
the mammalian gut, which codevelop with the host throughout the host’s lifetime.
Microbes play an important role in host nutrition and health by supplying and digest-
ing nutrients, preventing pathogen colonization, and maintaining balanced mucosal
immunity, which is vital for our health. A shift in the gut microbial composition can
stimulate a specific disease-prone (dysbiosis) or disease-protective activity (probio-
sis). For example, Lactobacillus reuteri strains can produce thiamine to benefit the
host [1], whereas Bifidobacteria may inhibit the colonization of potential pathogens
by competing with the nutrients and the binding site on the mucosa [2]. The gut
microbial community is very complex and dynamic [3], which can be affected by
the host’s genome, birth, age [4], nutrition [5], lifestyle, disease [6], and therapeutic
interventions (e.g., antibiotics [7], herbal medicines [8], and surgery treatments [9]).
In turn, the unbalanced microbial colonies may disturb the physiological homeosta-
sis, leading to various diseases such as colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD) [10], irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) [11], obesity [12–14], diabetes [15],
cardiovascular disease [16], autism [17], and allergic asthma [18]. The close asso-
ciations between the gut microbiotal community and disease status give a unique
opportunity for treatment by using traditional herbal medicine, via restoring the bal-
ance of the gut microbiotal community. Shaping the balance of the gut microbiotal
community by herbal medicine involves a two-way interaction. The active biologi-
cal ingredients of the herbal material are largely polyphenolic compounds, which
often cannot be absorbed directly by humans. Fortunately, however, enzymes
secreted by gut microbiota can metabolize these non-bioavailable phytochemicals,
facilitating their utilization. The enzyme-producing bacteria in return are selectively
stimulated, thereby modifying the balance of the gut microbiota [8, 19] (Fig. 10.1).
The beneficial effects of herbal medicine have gained growing interest in herbal
remedies, leading to a strong growth in consumer demand in plant-based products.
The current global market for plant-based health products is estimated to hit 93.15
billion dollars by 2015 ( Prominent concerns
regarding the quality of phytomedicines are that they contain mixtures of many com-
pounds, which are often derived from plants or animal origins. Traditionally, the qual-
ity of these herbs is assessed by the experiences of herbal practitioners, who sometimes
10 Roles of Herbal Medicine in Modulating Gut Microbiota Associated with Health… 187
Metabolic Diseases
Gut microbiota
Herbal Medicine
Quality Metabolic
control consequence
Fig. 10.1 A summary of the key roles of metabonomics in herbal medicine and the herbal medi-
cine alleviating disease conditions via modifications of gut microbiota
Table 10.1 Summary of alternations of gut microbiota associated with diseases and corresponding
herbal medicine treatment
Diseases Gut microbiota Herbal medicine
IBD Bacteroides fragilis, Quercetin [26, 27]
enterococci, lactobacilli, Curcumin [28]
bifidobacteria [34] Prebiotics [32, 33]
Echinacea purpurea [34]
Metabolic Lactobacillus, Clostridium Jiangtang Xiaozhi [39, 40]
diseases [38]
Enterococcus faecalis [42] Mimosa pudica, Emblica officinalis, Azadirachta
indica [42]
Huangguaxiang [43]
Cancer H. pylori Juzentaihoto [45–48]
Pelargonium sidoides [49, 50]
Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae),
Mouriri elliptica Martius (Melastomataceae),
and Hancornia speciosa Gomez (Mangaba)
“metabolic fingerprint.” The holistic nature of metabonomics can overcome the draw-
back of considering “active components” (Table 10.1).
A single-component drug is the major characteristic of many Western medicines,
and the metabolism of the drug and the molecular target are often clearly defined.
However, herbal medicine consists of multiple components in nature, with mixtures
of various herbs; thus, the identification of molecular mechanisms and acting targets
is hindered by the complexity of the herbal medicine. Traditional drug discovery
routes are unsuitable for evaluating the mechanism of action of herbal medicines.
Metabonomics, on the other hand, measures the endpoint metabolic perturbations of
an intervention, including the multiple components of the herb. Therefore, the meta-
bonomics technique can also be adopted to evaluate mechanisms of a given com-
plex herbal medicine. The advantage of utilizing such a technique is its holistic
nature, which can provide important clues as to how herbal medicine really works.
In this chapter, we discuss the roles of gut microbiota in diseases and the ways in
which herbal medicine could alleviate disease conditions via modification of the gut
microbiotal community. In addition, the challenges encountered in herbal medicine
will be discussed and examples of possible solutions are shown.
Many diseases are closely associated with an imbalanced gut microbiota, and herbal
medicines are capable of alleviating these disease conditions by offsetting
the imbalance of the microbiotal community. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is
10 Roles of Herbal Medicine in Modulating Gut Microbiota Associated with Health… 189
one such disease. IBD primarily includes ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease
(CD) and is a significant public health burden. The pathogenesis of IBD has not yet
been identified, but it has been widely accepted that the combination and interaction
of genetics, environmental influences, and immunologic abnormalities contribute to
the occurrence and perpetuation of this disease [25]. Aminosalicylates, antibiotics,
and a range of immunomodulation drugs are used to manage IBD conditions.
Complementary improvement of IBD conditions using nondigestible food ingredi-
ents has also gained increased recognition. Quercetin is a flavonoid commonly pres-
ent in food and other plant materials. Reports have shown that quercetin has antiviral,
antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties [26]. Quercetin-containing microcap-
sules have been given to mice with acetic acid-induced colitis, which have demon-
strated that quercetin treatment is able to decrease neutrophil recruitment, attenuate
histological alterations, and reduce macroscopical damage. In addition, quercetin-
containing microcapsules can also prevent the reduction of the anti-inflammatory
cytokine IL-10 and provide antioxidant properties [27]. Curcumin is another compo-
nent abundant in plant foods that possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activ-
ity and has been demonstrated to be a therapeutic agent for IBD [28]. These
phytochemicals are known to be metabolized by gut microbiota [29]; hence, despite
the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions of these phytochemicals, the ameliora-
tion of IBD conditions via modification of gut ecosystems could be one of the under-
lying mechanisms. This is because the bioavailability and bioactivity of these
phytochemicals depend on enzymes of the gut microbiota [30]. The gut ecosystem
could in turn be modified by the phytochemical ingested. Indeed, probiotics supple-
mentations have been suggested to be beneficial in IBD [31], and long-term ingestion
of prebiotics can selectively stimulate or limit the growth and/or activity of bacteria in
the colon, and thus provides a more sustainable effect on colonic bacteria, which
improves host health [32]. Nondigestible dietary fibers can act as prebiotics, and it
has been reported that ingesting a number of different dietary fibers seems to be ben-
eficial in IBD [33]. They also demonstrated that children with CD who achieved
remission by either complete or partial enteral feeding displayed significant modifica-
tions to their fecal microbiota. The profiles of fecal microbiota were stable over time
for healthy children, which suggested that targeting enteral microbiota using phyto-
chemicals or prebiotics can help achieve remission for IBD patients. Many herbal-
based materials have shown antimicrobial effects against certain pathogenic bacteria
in vitro; hence, there is an expectation for significant changes in gut microbiota
in vivo. A study was performed on the effects of the dietary supplement of Echinacea
purpurea on aerobic and anaerobic bacteria common to the human gastrointestinal
tract. They found that human subjects who consumed 1,000 mg of standardized
E. purpurea for 10 days had significantly increased total aerobic bacteria, particularly
Bacteroides fragilis. Supplementation did not significantly alter the number of enteric
bacteria, enterococci, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, or total anaerobic bacteria [34].
Similar to IBD, type 2 diabetes is believed to be a result of complex
gene-environmental interactions. Recent evidence points to the importance of gut
microbiota as an environmental factor in metabolic diseases, including obesity
[14, 35] and diabetes [36]. Diabetic patients showed clear dysfunction of choline
190 Y. Wang and H. Tang
metabolism, indicating a close association between gut microbiota and diabetes [37].
It was further suggested that the presence of Lactobacillus species correlated
positively with the levels of fasting glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin, whereas
the presence of Clostridium species correlated negatively with the levels of fasting
glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, insulin, C peptide, and plasma triglycerides
[38]. Metformin is the first line of drug in delaying the onset of diabetic condition,
and the low-risk alternative herbal medicines are often used to improve glucose
tolerance. The Jiangtang Xiaozhi capsule is a traditional Chinese herbal formula-
tion, consisting of radix astragali and rehmannia root, radix pseudostellariae and
Mongolian snakegourd root. There have been animal studies and a small clinical
trial, along with studies of the effects of the individual herbs, which showed that the
formula has a great potential to improve diabetic condition [39]. Recently, a large
clinical trial, including 71 participants treated with Jiangtang Xiaozhi capsules for
16 weeks, showed a significant difference in the levels of fasting insulin between the
treatment group and the placebo group. Patients taking Jiangtang Xiaozhi had a
significant improvement in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) level compared to the
placebo group [40]. Although attention has not yet been paid to scrutinizing changes
of gut microbiota after treating the diabetic patients on this particular case, many of
the diabetes-alleviating drugs possess strong antimicrobial properties [41]. Other
studies have shown that antidiabetic herbal plants have antibacterial activity, which
is not surprising given the fact that most of the phytochemicals become bioavailable
after interacting with gut microbiota. Some Indian herbal medicines, which have
been known for their hypoglycemic activities, were screened for four Gram-negative
and three Gram-positive bacteria. The results showed that the extract of Mimosa
pudica has a strong antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria such as
Enterococcus faecalis and Proteus vulgaris. Authors have also demonstrated that
extracts of Emblica officinalis have a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity fol-
lowed by Syzygium cumunii and Azadirachta indica [42]. Huangguaxiang
(Matteuccia struthiopteris) was investigated on the hypoglycemic activities of
streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. The results showed that treatment with
Huangguaxiang for 8 weeks significantly reduced the levels of triglycerides, low-
density lipoprotein, and cholesterol, while levels of bifidobacterium and lactobacil-
lus were also altered following Huangguaxiang treatment [43].
The potential roles of herbal medicine in treating cancer or preventing cancer
metastasis mainly lie in the possible synergic effects of phytochemicals with che-
motherapies and/or the promotion of the immunologic response of the host via
interactions with enteric microbiota [44]. The traditional Japanese medicine juzen-
taihoto, containing ten different herbal plants, has been widely used for the preven-
tion of various types of cancer metastasis [45, 46]. Antifungal effects have also been
shown for juzentaihoto in preventing Candida infection [47, 48]. The most direct
evidence for herbal medicine as a treatment for cancer via targeting microbiota is
their use in treating Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-induced gastric cancer.
H. pylori, a Gram-negative bacterium, is commonly found in the human stomach
and can cause various diseases including gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer.
In addition to antibiotics treatment against H. pylori, treatments using alternative
10 Roles of Herbal Medicine in Modulating Gut Microbiota Associated with Health… 191
herbal medicine are common worldwide. The mode of action could be antibacterial
activity, inhibition of adhesion of H. pylori to gastric mucus, or both in combina-
tion. The extract of Pelargonium sidoides roots, a South African herbal medicine,
has been shown to inhibit H. pylori growth and has a strong adhesion to AGS cells
and to intact gastric tissues from H. pylori-infected humans [49, 50]. A range of
plants native to Brazil, including Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae),
Mouriri elliptica Martius (Melastomataceae), and Hancornia speciosa Gomez
(Mangaba), have also displayed anti-H. pylori activity among others [51–53].
Phytomedicine has been commonly used for treating many conditions, apart
from the aforementioned cases, due to the fact that phytomedicines are normally
comprised of many plant extracts with perhaps thousands of metabolites. In most
cases, the molecular mode of action of the active ingredients of these herbal extracts
is unknown [54]. In addition, the origins of the plant, time of harvest, and prepara-
tion methods will affect the efficacy of the phytomedicine. Therefore, authenticat-
ing the medicinal plant and elucidating the mechanism of action using an objective
tool, such as metabonomics, would be a way forward to tackle the many research
challenges in this area.
Currently, the quality control of phytomedicines is carried out based on the active
ingredients present in a plant. A drawback of this method is that some of the
unknown ingredients may have potential synergic interactions with each other and
may have certain biological functions. As a consequence, the mechanism of action
of these products becomes an impossible task. Thus, the quality control of both raw
and final products in a holistic manner is necessary to ensure the consistency of
these products and to provide a fundamental ground for further understanding the
molecular mechanisms of these products.
Metabonomics that employs 1H NMR spectroscopy facilitates the simultaneous
detection of chemical components present in a plant extract as a “metabolic finger-
print” and can meet the requirements for the quality control of an herbal medicine
in a holistic manner. Multiple-component analysis, based on the combination of
high-resolution NMR spectroscopy with pattern recognition, has been employed to
investigate the effects of origin on the chemical compositions of chamomile
(Matricaria recutita). Clear differences between chamomiles from Northern Africa
(Egypt) and Eastern Europe (Hungary and Slovak Republic) can be seen.
Chamomiles also have distinguished profiles from Hungary and Slovak Republic
based on their metabolomic compositions, despite being close in terms of geo-
graphic location. Furthermore, this method is effective for monitoring the “purity”
of chamomile samples, such as the percentage of stalks mixed with flowers,
192 Y. Wang and H. Tang
suggesting that this is an excellent method for authenticity and quality control [55].
From a processing point of view, NMR-based metabonomics methods have also
been extremely powerful in distinguishing samples extracted with different methods
and samples collected at different seasons and dried with different procedures [56].
Metabonomics studies have also been carried out on the extracts of Artemisia annua
to discriminate samples from different sources and classify them according to their
antiplasmodial activity, without preknowledge of this activity [57]. The use of par-
tial least squares analysis also allows the predictions of actual values of such activi-
ties for independent samples not used in the model construction. Another study was
conducted on the complex pharmaceutical preparations, such as St. John’s wort,
using multivariate analysis of full-resolution 1H NMR spectral data [58]. The results
showed that ten preparations from markets were compositionally diverse, and such
diversity resulted from plant extract preparation rather than post-extraction pro-
cesses. The combination of NMR technique and LC-DAD-MS method has been
used to investigate the differences between three Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (SMB)
cultivars. The study demonstrated that the combinational use of these methods was
effective for plant metabonomics phenotype analysis [59]. These examples are only
a reflection on the developments in this area and are by no means exhaustive. In fact,
many studies have also been carried out in terms of phytomedicines and authentic-
ity, and it is conceivable that such applications of metabonomics technology will be
extended much further in the near future.
Since herbal medicine is a mixture of many plant materials with many chemical
components, it is almost impossible to conduct classic pharmacological assays to
clearly demonstrate metabolisms of each chemical or unravel specific drug target in
an herbal-based drug. These difficulties have restricted their use worldwide.
Metabonomics simplifies the complexity by measuring the endpoints of an inter-
vention or a drug effect and hence could provide an alternative strategy for the
assessment of herbal medicine. The utilization of a metabonomic approach to evalu-
ate the metabolic action of an herbal medicine has been demonstrated in the human
ingestion of chamomile tea [60]. A total of 14 participants were given chamomile
tea every morning, and urine samples were collected after one and a half hours after
drinking the tea. The metabonomics analysis of urine samples was able to show that
chamomile ingestion is a mild intervention to the human body in general, and it
causes a reduction in oxidative stress and alters the state of gut microbiota, which
was reflected by alternations in the levels of hippurate. The effects of chamomile
ingestion on human metabolism were not completely recoverable within a succes-
sive week after ingestion. It could suggest that the recovery of gut microbiota is a
long process. Metabonomics was also used to evaluate the mechanism of Xia Yu Xue
decoction, which is a traditional Chinese medicine used for treating liver diseases.
Metabolic trajectory showed the trend of renormalization of the Xia Yu Xue
10 Roles of Herbal Medicine in Modulating Gut Microbiota Associated with Health… 193
In this chapter, we have shown examples of the close associations between human
diseases and the gut microbiota living within us, and we have exemplified how
herbal medicine could treat disease and maintain health by modifying gut microbi-
ota. In addition, we have emphasized the advantages and challenges of herbal medi-
cine. The literature has shown that there is a potential for future research on the
efficacies of herbal medicine and the requirement for international standards for
herbal medicine to be established. We have shown that metabolomics can facilitate
the understanding of the intrinsic quality of herbal medicine and the evaluation of
the therapeutic effects of the complex herbal formulas. This technique should be
equally effective for evaluating mineral treatment and acupuncture, which have not
been discussed in this chapter. Understanding the mechanisms of action is a neces-
sary step for herbal medicine to be more adoptable worldwide, which should cer-
tainly be warranted some attention. It is with no doubt that further development of
the metabonomics technique, such as high-sensitivity and high-specificity detection
of metabolites, as well as advances in effective molecular identification, would pro-
mote the process of evaluation and acceptance of herbal medicine. Although meta-
bonomics can provide a great understanding of the molecular mechanisms of herbal
194 Y. Wang and H. Tang
Acknowledgment We acknowledge financial support from the National Basic Research Program
of China (2012CB934004, 2009CB118804) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(20825520, 21221064, 31070854). We would also like to thank S. X. Tang for proofreading.
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Chapter 11
Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Diseases:
From Pathogenesis to Therapeutic Perspective
11.1 Introduction
Evidence now shows that the pandemic progression of diabetes and obesity, as well
as their numerous complications (cardiovascular, hepatic, renal, neuronal), is caused
by lifestyle factors including sedentarity and fat-enriched diet which has replaced
fiber-enriched diet (Fig. 11.1). A dramatic outcome of this epidemic is the increas-
ing number of cardiovascular events leading to mortality [1–4] – the mechanisms at
play need to be delineated in order to define new therapeutic strategies. Over the last
decade lethal cardiovascular events associated with diabetes have progressed by
62 % [5, 6]. This is much higher than the risk linked to cholesterol levels or hyper-
tension. The incidence of type 2 diabetes is 4–5 % in Europe, 8–10 % in the USA,
and higher in South Asia [7]. These numbers have more than doubled over the last
20 years. Therefore, one can suggest that even if genetic analyses provide the basis
for such an epidemic, changes in our genome cannot be solely responsible. One
interpretation is that our genome is no longer adapted to environmental factors.
Numerous environmental hypotheses have been proposed. First, epigenetic non-
coded functions that are independent of genomic factors could have an impact.
Second, perhaps more realistically, the impact of changes in feeding habits and
Stress, sedentarity…
Genetic few %
Most % microbiome
Fig. 11.1 The pandemic origin of metabolic diseases. The impact of genetics, diet, and other fac-
tors on the incidence and the development of metabolic disease pandemic could have a change in
gut microbiota as an origin. Gut microbiota would also favor the development of complications of
metabolic diseases such as cardiovascular, liver, eye, and skin complications
11 Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Diseases: From Pathogenesis to Therapeutic… 201
factors, i.e., the metafactors controlling these eukaryotic functions, are of inflammatory
origin such as the lipopolysaccharides, peptidoglycan fragments, flagellin, or
derived from fermentation products. Hence, pharmacological strategies should
emerge from these concepts and target subgroups of patients with these new drugs
acting on the host to microbiota relationship.
An important matter relates to the identification of subgroups of patients sensi-
tive to these new approaches, most likely characterized by a specific dysbiosis and
impaired gut and tissue microbiota. Hence, microbiota-based biomarkers precisely
identifying these subgroups will help the clinician to treat the patients with the
appropriate pharmaceutical strategy.
Adipose tissue
Gene expression
Flagelin, Pancreatic endocrine
TMAO, metafactors Secretions??
Nitrites … -Food
Firmicutes/ Intake
100 101 102 103
Verrucomicrobias Muscle energy
Fig. 11.2 Metabolic functions putatively controlled by gut microbiota. Metafactors, i.e., bacterial
compounds such as short-chain fatty acids, acetate, propionate, butyrate (SCFA), lipopolysaccha-
rides (LPS), peptidoglycan (PGN), flagellin, and trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), could be involved
in the control of metabolic functions, by means of gene expression and by installing a metabolic
inflammation leading to cytokine production which could then impair all metabolic functions
energy (Fig. 11.1). However, it should be noted that increasing food intake and
activating the storage of energy in fat depots cannot be considered as a pathological
mechanism since it is a normal behavior of the body following a fasting period to
replenish the fat stores. The pathology starts when this process is no longer down-
regulated. Different levels of deregulation occur involving either early control of
food intake and energy distribution or processes that control each step of the obesity
process. The intestinal microbiota has been proposed to interfere with hyperphagia
and to some extent with energy storage – this will be reviewed below. The emerging
role of gut microbiota in the gut to brain axis for the control of neural development,
behavior, and food intake will certainly generate new molecular hypotheses regard-
ing the development of obesity [28, 47–49].
Type 2 diabetes arises due to impaired secretion and action of insulin which
evolve either simultaneously or independently according to numerous influencing
factors (Fig. 11.2). An increased glucose intolerance with glycemic profiles higher
than controls is a common feature at the onset of the disease [50, 51]. This is associ-
ated with hepatic insulin resistance where insulin does not efficiently reduce hepatic
glucose production following a meal [50–52]. Liver insulin resistance is hence
involved in glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes and explains fasting glycemia
11 Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Diseases: From Pathogenesis to Therapeutic… 205
Complex microbial ecosystems occupy the skin, mucosa, and alimentary tract of all
mammals, including humans [8]. The species that make up these communities vary
between hosts as a result of restricted migration of microorganisms between weak
and strong ecological interactions within hosts. Furthermore, diet, genotype, and
colonization history also influence this ecology [20]. Hence, a mutual relationship
characterizes the host to microbiota crosstalk by which each partner has its own
interest and informs the other of the environmental and metabolic situation. The
microbiota is now considered as a symbiont that shares with its host the influence of
the environment, diet, stress, and the physiological state. Specific communities
inhabit the different epithelia according to the physical and biochemical characteris-
tics of each location. With regard to the gastrointestinal tract, it is colonized by a vast
community of symbionts and commensals that have important effects on immune
function, nutrient processing, and a broad range of other host activities [89].
The precise role of intestinal microbiota on the control of metabolic diseases
emerged in 2004 with the discovery that germ-free mice resist high-fat-diet-induced
obesity [90]. It was shown that germ-free mice colonized with microbiota harvested
from the cecum of a healthy mouse gain 60 % body fat content and became insulin
resistant within 14 days despite reduced food intake. The mechanism was due to an
increased production of monosaccharides. These molecules are generated from the
11 Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Diseases: From Pathogenesis to Therapeutic… 207
An altered gut microbiota has been linked to metabolic diseases including obesity
[26, 94], diabetes [19], and cardiovascular diseases [95]. A core microbiome can be
found at the gene level, despite large variations in community membership, and that
variations from the core are associated with obesity [25, 94, 96–98]. Using a proto-
col for a metagenome-wide association study (MGWAS) based on deep shotgun
sequencing of the gut microbial DNA from 345 Chinese individuals, approximately
60,000 type 2 diabetes-associated markers have been identified and validated, thus
establishing the concept of a metagenomic linkage group [19]. This MGWAS analy-
sis showed that patients with type 2 diabetes were characterized by a moderate
degree of gut microbial dysbiosis, a decrease in the abundance of some universal
butyrate-producing bacteria, and an increase in various opportunistic pathogens, as
well as an enrichment of other microbial functions conferring sulfate reduction and
oxidative stress resistance. Three enterotypes could be identified from the Chinese
samples which were primarily made up of several highly abundant genera, includ-
ing Bacteroides, Prevotella, Bifidobacterium, and Ruminococcus. However, no
significant relationship between enterotype and type 2 diabetes status was found.
However, when using the gene reference (KEGG orthologue genes and eggNOG
group profiles) rather than the phylogenic profiles, a total of 1,345 biomarkers were
identified. Type 2 diabetes-associated biomarkers were mostly involved in mem-
brane transport systems. By contrast, control-enriched markers were frequently
involved in cell motility and metabolism of cofactors and vitamins. When studying
pathway levels, the gut microbiota of type 2 diabetic patients showed enrichment in
membrane transport of sugars, branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) transport, meth-
ane metabolism, xenobiotics degradation and metabolism, and sulfate reduction.
By contrast, there was a decrease in the level of bacterial chemotaxis, flagellar
assembly, butyrate biosynthesis, and metabolism of cofactors and vitamins. Seven
of the markers were also related to oxidative stress resistance suggesting that the gut
208 R. Burcelin et al.
Fecalibacterium p.
Clostridium Bacterial
Change in diet Tissue microbiota
Firmicutes/ TLRs NLRs
Bacterioidetes Butyrate APC inflammasome Target tissues
Intestinal Cytokines
Change in Metabolic
microbiota Proteobacteria LPS+PGN endotoxemia
Bile acid Proteobacteria
Akkermansiam. defenses,
Genetic SFB mucus …
Fig. 11.3 Intestinal functions and microbiota interplay. Upon a change in diet or a specific genetic
background, the gut microbiota changes. A modification of the Firmicutes-to-Bacteroidetes ratio
leading to a change in polysaccharide fermentation, bile acid metabolism, an accumulation of
Proteobacteria (gram negative; releasing LPS, peptidoglycans, and other antigens), a reduced in
Faecalibacterium- and Clostridium-producing butyrate, a reduced in Akkermansia muciniphila,
and segmented filamentous bacteria (at least in rodents, SFB) would alter intestinal functions.
Intestinal permeability, defenses (mucin and defensin production), innate (APC, antigen-presenting
cells) and adaptive (T lymphocytes, TL) immunity, and lipid metabolism could lead to bacterial
translocation and tissue microbiota dysbiosis, metabolic endotoxemia, and metabolic inflamma-
tion of the targeted tissues. Altogether, the tissue biology would be impaired and be considered as
a risk factor for the development of cardiometabolic diseases
which is highly influenced by pre- and probiotics [110] and sucrose [111]. Defined
lipids such as oleic-acid-derived molecules and a combination of n-3 fatty acids
markedly increased total bacterial density and restored the proportions of clostridial
cluster, Enterobacteriales and Bifidobacterium that were changed during HFD
feeding [112] along with the metabolic status. Conversely saturated fat increased
the Firmicutes-to-Bacteroidetes ratio [113, 114]. In addition to the tremendous
impact of dietary fibers, other molecules such as polyphenols influence gut micro-
biota and further control metabolism [115, 116]. Type 2 diabetes has also its own
metagenomic signature, and type 2 diabetes-associated markers have been associ-
ated with the disease and can be useful to classify the different subgroups of type 2
diabetic patients [19]. Among these Akkermansia muciniphila seems to be a good
candidate with a recently identified role in the control of the intestinal barrier [107].
A reduction of Akkermansia muciniphila, which is involved in mucus degradation,
has also been observed [107]. These bacteria, when used as a probiotic, control
body weight gain [107] and its prevalence increased in response to prebiotics [117]
210 R. Burcelin et al.
In addition to the role of the environment on the shaping of gut microbiota during
metabolic diseases, the impact of the host genome cannot be totally ruled out. The
concordance of type 2 diabetes within the homozygote population is higher than
between heterozygote twins [83, 84, 127] or in response to overfeeding [128, 129]
suggesting the important role of the genetic background. The results reveal that the
human gut microbiome is shared among family members but that each individual’s
gut microbial community varies in the specific bacterial lineages present, with a
comparable degree of covariation between adult monozygotic and dizygotic twin
pairs [126]. These results demonstrate that a diversity of organismal assemblages
can however yield a core microbiome at a gene level and that deviations from this
core are associated with different physiological states, for example, obese versus
lean. However, the concordance of the metabolic phenotype is not absolute between
twins – this could be linked to differences in gut microbiota since the adult mono-
zygotic twins are no more similar to one another in terms of their gut bacterial com-
munity structure than are adult dizygotic twins [126, 130]. However, the impact of
the host genome on the microbiota seems to depend on the microbiota location
11 Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Diseases: From Pathogenesis to Therapeutic… 211
considered. In the saliva twins resemble each other more closely than the whole
population at all time points but become less similar to each other when they age
and no longer cohabit [131]. The sequencing of gut microbiota from the general
population and across countries and ethnic origin showed that shared features of the
functional maturation of the gut microbiome are identified during the first 3 years of
life [24], suggesting an imprinting from the mother which remains but is not abso-
lute. Hence, room is available for the impact of environmental changes throughout
life. Numerous studies now report that the influence of the genetic background is due
to the impact of the immune system that shapes the microbial community [132–135].
Hence, the immunogenetic traits of an individual appear to be major regulators of
gut microbiota. Mutations in the receptors to bacterial determinants such as TLRs
which are pathogen-associated molecular pattern recognition receptors that recog-
nize highly conserved microbial molecules (PAMPs) notably TLR2 [136], TLR4
[137], and TLR5 [132] and NLRs notably NOD2 [138–140] shape the microbiota
although some controversies do exist [141].
microbiota changes dramatically between the first and third trimesters, with a vast
expansion of diversity among mothers, an overall increase in Proteobacteria and
Actinobacteria, and reduced richness [145]. This change in gut microbiota during
pregnancy was functional since colonization of germ-free mice with the microbiota
from the third trimester induced greater adiposity and insulin resistance when com-
pared to mice colonized with the microbiota from the first trimester [145]. This
original observation could suggest that the change in gut microbiota during preg-
nancy programs infant body weight. It has also been suggested that the microbiota
from obese mothers could influence the prevalence of obesity in children. This was
further supported by the fact that the infants’ fecal microbial composition was
related to the weight and weight gain of their mothers during pregnancy [146]. The
fecal Bacteroides and Staphylococcus concentrations were significantly higher in
infants of overweight mothers, whereas the prevalences of Akkermansia muciniph-
ila, Staphylococcus, and Clostridium difficile groups were lower in infants of
normal-weight mothers and of mothers with normal weight gain during pregnancy.
This was confirmed in that the concentration of the gram-negative family
Enterobacteriaceae was significantly higher in obese/overweight children and the
levels of Desulfovibrio and Akkermansia muciniphila-like bacteria were signifi-
cantly lower when compared to lean controls [147]. Chapter 8 “Metabonomics in
neonatal and pediatric research: Studying and modulating gut functional ecology
for optimal growth and development” provides a comprehensive overview of the
state of the art of metabonomics and gut microbiota studies in neonatal and pediatric
shows that the LPS to ligand crosstalk controls adipose tissue inflammation [6, 162,
164, 166], insulin sensitivity [148, 167], and obesity [6, 168] through molecular
mechanisms most likely linked to the activation of NFkB and the transcription of
genes coding for cytokines. The latter, such as TNFα, will then interfere with the
insulin receptor leading to insulin resistance [169]. LPS are also involved in the
reduction of adipogenesis [170], as well as hepatic steatosis [171, 172] again
through mechanisms involving TNFα production or SREBP-1 activation [173].
Other bacterial components are involved in the inflammatory process characterizing
metabolic inflammation. The peptidoglycan is a complex structure of the bacterial
wall found mostly in gram-positive bacteria but also found, to a lower extent, in
gram-negative bacteria. Its polysaccharide component is different between the two
types of bacteria and binds to pattern recognition receptors such the nucleotide
oligomerization domain (NOD)1 and NOD2. NOD1 and NOD2 are currently the
only known sensors of bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan (PGN) that elicit inflamma-
tion by increasing cytokine production, defensin expression by Paneth cells [174–
177], and stress kinase responses [178]. In addition to LPS, PGN could be positioned
as a component of metabolic endotoxemia that contributes to inflammation and
metabolic defects [27, 179]. This is important because gut-derived LPS alone
appears to be insufficient for establishing glucose/insulin tolerance in poorly
immune-responding germ-free mice [180]. Furthermore, PGN containing meso-
DAP motifs (generally dominant in gram-negative bacteria) caused profound insu-
lin resistance through actions on NOD1 directly in metabolic cells, including
adipocytes [179]. The NOD2 activation with the minimal bioactive PGN motif,
muramyl dipeptide (MDP), mostly present in gram-positive bacteria, elicited cell
autonomous inflammation and impaired insulin action directly in muscle cells [181]
and caused acute, peripheral insulin resistance in vivo [179]. Mice lacking NOD2
have improved insulin sensitivity during obesity illustrating the protective role of
NOD2 as a sensor of bacterial motifs derived from the gut microbiota on the control
of metabolic diseases [27, 179]. However, defects in NOD2 immunity have been
associated with promoting other chronic proinflammatory pathologies, and human
NOD2 variants have the highest risk associated with Crohn’s disease [182–184].
NOD2 immunity is known to contribute to homeostasis of the gut microbiota dem-
onstrating that the microbiota is in a tight relationship with the immune system that
secondarily controls the metabolism [138].
microbiota [122, 186]. A second hypothesis is linked to the role of choline which is
a major phospholipid component of the cell membrane involved in signal transduc-
tion and the control of lipoprotein metabolism, notably the very-low-lipoprotein
assembly [187–189]. Therefore, a choline-deficient diet promotes liver steatosis.
Such depletion could be induced by the gut microbiota that would convert dietary
choline into toxic methylamines [190, 191]. It was shown that circulating levels of
plasma phosphatidylcholine were low, whereas urinary excretion rates of methyl-
amines dimethylamine, trimethylamine, and trimethylamine-N-oxide were high and
were coprocessed by symbiotic gut microbiota and mammalian enzyme systems.
An inflammatory feature is required to qualify hepatic steatosis (NASH) from a
NAFLD phenotype. It could originate from the gut microbiota since it interacts with
the overall immunity of the host via PAMPs TLRs and NLRs [175]. Similarly, the
role of components from the inflammasome such as NLRP6 and NLRP3 has been
demonstrated [124]. These inflammation sensors could modulate the gut microbiota
and hence the crosstalk of host immunity and gut microbiota leading to the develop-
ment of the pathology. Altogether, the triggering of innate immunity could lead to
the production of cytokines which contribute to the inflammatory phenotype of
NASH through a mechanism similar to that suggested for the development of type
2 diabetes and obesity.
The last 40 years has seen the emergence of the treatment of obesity by surgery.
Several types of surgery involving the stomach and the intestine are used. The
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery which is to date the major bariatric
intervention to treat morbid obesity involves the direct connection of the jejunum to
the stomach so that nutrients are no longer in contact with the duodenum. In addi-
tion, 90 % of the stomach is removed. The sleeve gastrectomy involves the removal
11 Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Diseases: From Pathogenesis to Therapeutic… 217
of a major part of the stomach so that food directly reaches the duodenum. Other
types of surgery such as the ileal bypass transposition are being developed. All sur-
gical procedures dramatically affect gut microbiota [202, 203]. A first set of experi-
ments demonstrated that before surgery, Firmicutes were dominant in normal-weight
and obese individuals but significantly decreased in post-gastric bypass [204].
Interestingly, the gut microbiota from patients after surgery was not similar to that
of lean individuals since it was enriched in Gammaproteobacteria which are H(2)-
producing Prevotellaceae [204]. These changes were independent of weight change
and caloric restriction, were detectable throughout the length of the gastrointestinal
tract, and were most evident in the distal gut, downstream of the surgical manipula-
tion site [205]. A precise study identified 14 discriminant bacterial genera (7 were
dominant and 7 were subdominant) and 202 genes changed in the white adipose
tissue that correlated with RYGB as well as with both clinical phenotypes [206].
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii species was lower in patients with metabolic diseases
but associated negatively with inflammatory markers even throughout the follow-up
after surgery and independently with changes in food intake suggesting an imprint-
ing of the microbiota that cannot be easily changed [207].
Intestinal microbiota also has a role in the metabolism of bile acids, which, with
other sterols [208], are important regulators of metabolic diseases, as also described
in Chaps. 13 and 14. Bile acid can control insulin secretion [209], GLP-1 secretion
[210], energy expenditure [211], as well as atherosclerosis [212]. The role of bile
acid is also suspected during bariatric surgery and could be the molecular link
between the change in intestinal microbiota [213] and the improvement of metabo-
lism [214] notably through the TGR5 receptor [215]. Bile acids are secreted into
the duodenum and work to emulsify liposoluble dietary nutrients to facilitate their
digestion and absorption. Studies have demonstrated that bile acid composition
and secretion in response to fat intake modifies markedly gut microbiota thereby
inducing a dysbiosis [216]. The dietary fat can alter the gut microbiota of mice
indirectly by changing the animals’ pool of bile acids and steroids that are pro-
duced by the liver and secreted into the intestine [216]. Bile acids are synthesized
from cholesterol in the liver and further metabolized by the gut microbiota into
secondary bile acids [217] which can change the metabolism by acting on the
farnesoid X receptor to exert some negative feedback control. When compared to
germ-free mice, the conventionally raised mice are characterized by a dramatic
reduction in muricholic acid, but not cholic acid levels [218]. The microbiota con-
trols fibroblast growth factor 15 in the ileum and cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase
(CYP7A1) in the liver by FXR-dependent mechanisms thereby influencing the
metabolism and secretion of bile acids.
Hence, a new ecology is expected from the host and the microbiota through bile
acid metabolism.
218 R. Burcelin et al.
The immune inhibitory receptor programmed death-1 (PD-1) regulates the function
of CD8+ cells and the translocation of bacteria [230]. Importantly AIDS is associated
with a dramatic increase in the incidence of diabetes and lipodystrophy [231, 232].
The CD4 T helper and Th17 cells appear to be critical for regulating gut mucosal
immune responses to extracellular microbial pathogens and therefore could be
involved in bacterial translocation [233]. Hence, an impaired intestinal immune sys-
tem could lead to bacterial translocation and therefore to metabolic diseases. This
hypothesis has been validated during high-fat diet-induced metabolic diseases [27].
First it was observed that a rapid augmentation of bacterial adherence to the intesti-
nal epithelium layer occurred suggesting an impaired mucosal defense. Then CD11c
positive phagocytes harvested the transepithelial bacteria and translocated with the
live bacteria to adipose tissue. The bacteria were co-localized within the adipose
depot with CD11c positive cells and most likely were intracellular. Importantly, the
bacterial accumulation was considered as a predictive biomarker of type 2 diabetes
[234]. The translocated bacteria were also detected in the blood in humans and con-
versely to the adipose tissue. The Proteobacteria phylum represented more than
80 % of the blood microbiota as assessed by 16S RNA DNA. Interestingly, other
bacterial DNA fragments could predict the onset of cardiovascular events in a large
cohort of type 2 diabetic patients [235]. The processes involved in bacterial translo-
cation at the onset of type 2 diabetes could be related to molecular determinants
involved in bacterial recognition. The NOD1 and LPS-CD14 bacterial receptors
were involved in this translocation mechanism since their deletion dramatically
reduced the amount of bacterial DNA present within the adipose tissue under high-
fat diet [27]. Interestingly, both deletions were associated with improved insulin
sensitivity and reduced glycemia suggesting that the tight control of bacterial trans-
location could be a master regulator of the onset of insulin resistance and diabetes.
Conversely, the deletion of NOD2 induced over-accumulation of bacterial DNA
within the tissues suggesting a protective effect. This was also observed in mice
treated with NOD2 ligands [179]. The importance of the immune system in the
translocation mechanism was also illustrated in mice carrying a deleted MyD88
gene and which were prone to diabetes [236]. These mice also displayed a dramatic
accumulation of bacteria in the mesenteric lymph nodes and adipose tissue.
Therefore, metabolic regulators of bacterial translocation could be linked to hor-
mones controlling the immune system such as estrogens [237] or leptin [238]. This
shift in the paradigm is supported by data which show that cardiovascular disease is
associated with the role of microbiota in the control of lipid metabolism leading to
the development of atherosclerosis [95, 239, 240]. Surprisingly, microbes associ-
ated with periodontitis were at the origin of the bacteria present in the plaques of
atherosclerotic patients [240]. Studies in animals have revealed a mechanistic link
between intestinal microbial metabolism of the choline moiety in dietary phospha-
tidylcholine (lecithin) and coronary artery disease through the production of a pro-
atherosclerotic metabolite, trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) [241, 242]. This has
been confirmed in humans [243]. Importantly, antibiotic administration reduced the
TMAO concentration suggesting that the microbiota was indeed the source of this
220 R. Burcelin et al.
Bacterial factors such as LPS, peptidoglycans, and bacterial DNA can be absorbed
by the gut and found within the blood. These metafactors could serve as biomark-
ers and also as regulators since they can then activate cells from the immune
system to generate inflammation. Pyrosequencing of the 16S RNA DNA from the
stroma vascular fraction of human adipose tissue from lean, overweight, and
obese patients showed that the diversity of the tissue microbiota was mainly
related to Firmicutes and Proteobacteria (in press). Interestingly, although no
changes were observed among the Firmicutes phylum, a major dysbiosis was
detected within the Proteobacteria phylum and specifically the Ralstonia genus.
Ralstonia was dramatically overrepresented within the family and, furthermore,
its presence was proportional to increased BMI. This suggested that this bacterial
genus might be causal. The bacterial translocation process also leads to the accu-
mulation of bacterial DNA in the blood fraction [234], suggesting that either bac-
teria migrate through the blood to reach the tissues or are released by the tissues
into the blood.
The role of this tissue microbiota is not known; similarly the proportion of live
bacteria compared to dead bacteria or fragments is not perfectly identified and
will most likely depend on diet, age, and other genetic and environmental factors.
This paradigm shift is promising but will require much work to determine its
physiological role.
11 Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Diseases: From Pathogenesis to Therapeutic… 221
The blood tissue microbiota has been recently described in humans and mice [27,
234, 235]. The presence of bacterial DNA has been revealed by qPCR from human
cohorts from the general population [234] and from diabetic patients [235]. It could
be shown that the increased 16S RNA DNA concentration in blood predicts the
onset of diabetes 6–9 years later [234], whereas the quantification of other bacterial
factors could predict the onset of cardiovascular events in a population of type 2
diabetics [235]. In both cases it is suggested that the bacterial fragments which
accumulate in the blood could be causal of the disease. Since the bacteria are inher-
ited at birth, the accumulation of bacterial DNA initiates at a very early stage, link-
ing the environment with the host genome. In risk situations, such as when feeding
on a fat-enriched diet, the bacterial DNA increases reflecting the new nutritional
situation and could be involved in the triggering of metabolic adaptation. Adipose
tissue is targeted [6, 27, 137] and adipogenesis is induced [170]. Hence, these
bacteria can be considered as nutrient sensors informing the tissues.
The therapeutic perspectives are huge but so far at their infancy, as presented and
discussed in Chap. 19. One should separate the nutritional approaches aiming at
maintaining health in the general population. This would first involve phenotyping
of the human microbiome [21] and second performing studies to demonstrate the
prevention of the risk of disease development. A second strategy would involve
preventing the disease in patients at risk to develop metabolic diseases. In these
patients subpopulations should be defined and studied in order to perfectly adapt the
nutritional strategy. This should be a precisely directed strategy to treat patients for
the prevention of developing a metabolic disease. This would involve overweight
individuals, smokers, sedentary individuals, and hypertensive patients. With this
aim pre- and probiotics selected for their capacity to influence all the above physi-
ological mechanisms at the cross road of microbiota and the host should be delin-
eated. Other nutritional approaches could be pursued aiming to target intestinal
functions [115] by using antioxidants like polyphenols such as resveratrol. From a
therapeutic point of view, pharmacological strategies can be envisaged that involve
small molecules to target molecular mechanisms such as the immune system, muco-
sal defense, bile acid synthesis, incretin secretion, or the production of short-chain
fatty acids. Again, they should address well-defined subgroups of patients charac-
terized by their specific microbiota or blood biomarkers. Companion blood bacte-
rial biomarkers could be used to monitor the impact of the intervention over a
long-term treatment. This reasoned strategy should help to control metabolic
diseases and associated cardiovascular events. The advent of next-generation
sequencing strategies along with the development of bioinformatics and biostatistical
skills are now available to set up these programs.
222 R. Burcelin et al.
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Chapter 12
Role of Microbiota in Regulating Host Lipid
Metabolism and Disease Risk
Abstract The gut microbiota is an environmental factor which affects host metabolism
and correspondingly contributes to obesity and its cardiometabolic comorbidities.
However, the mechanisms behind the regulation of host lipid metabolism by gut
microbiota are poorly understood. The mechanistic in vivo studies over the past
decade combining gnotobiotic animal models, metagenomics, and metabolomics
have begun to decipher the role of the gut microbiota in the regulation of host physi-
ology. However, since the animal studies cannot be easily extrapolated to humans,
it still remains unclear if an altered microbiota associated with a specific disease in
humans is a causative factor or merely a consequence of the disease state or both.
Cheaper and more comprehensive sequencing tools for the analysis of gut micro-
biota, together with the recent advances in mass spectrometry-based analysis of
molecular lipids, are expected to contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms
linking gut microbiota, host lipid metabolism, and how they together contribute to
metabolic comorbidities of obesity.
Fig. 12.1 Main functions of lipids in the human body. Lipids function as energy source, partici-
pate in essential signaling pathways, and constitute the cellular structural building blocks in cell
and organelle membranes
12 Role of Microbiota in Regulating Host Lipid Metabolism and Disease Risk 237
lipidome and the underlying pathways is indeed one of the research questions to
address in current and future studies in the nutrigenomics field.
Lipid homeostasis is fundamental to the maintenance of health. Lipids are a
diverse group of compounds with many biological functions. The structural diver-
sity of lipids is due to many combinatorial possibilities of how the lipid building
blocks are put together, so that hundreds of thousands of distinct lipid species are
theoretically possible [8, 9]. Lipids function as energy storage sources, participate
in essential signaling pathways, and constitute the cellular structural building blocks
in both cell and organelle membranes [10, 11] (Fig. 12.1). Lipids are thus directly
involved in membrane trafficking, regulating membrane proteins, creating specific
subcompartments in membranes that contribute to cellular function [12, 13], and in
providing dynamic highly specialized molecular scaffolds for the construction of
microscopic and macroscopic chemical assemblies needed for life processes [14].
Structurally, lipids are classified into eight main groups, namely, fatty acyls, glyc-
erolipids, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, saccharolipids and polyketides
(derived from condensation of ketoacyl subunits), and sterol lipids and prenol lipids
(derived from condensation of isoprene subunits) [15] (Fig. 12.2).
12.2 Lipidomics
Fig. 12.3 Typical workflow used in lipidomics, starting from sampling, followed by sample prep-
aration, analysis, data preprocessing, statistical analysis, and bioinformatics
Table 12.1 Main advantages and limitations of the recent analytical approaches used in lipidomics
Analytical approach Main advantages Main limitations References
Shotgun lipidomics Simple and fast approach Ion suppression causes Gross and Han
Use of high-resolution that compounds present [29]; Isaac [30]
mass spectrometers in trace amounts are
(QTOF-MS, FT-MS) often not detected
Novel hybrid high- Its applicability to the
resolution instruments, search of novel,
such as a combination of previously unknown
ion mobility (IM) and lipids is relatively
TOFMS, are suitable for restricted
the shotgun approach
Lipidomics by Versatile (widely used for Matrix effects (although Nygren et al. [31]
ultrahigh both targeted and less than in shotgun
performance liquid nontargeted analyses, methods), as it is not
chromatography using various types of possible to use labelled
coupled to mass mass spectrometers) standards for all
spectrometry Typically high sensitivity compounds
(UHPLC–MS) (especially when used in Memory effects due to,
targeted approaches e.g., sample carryover
High-throughput analyses
with high separation
efficiency in a short
analysis time
Identification of novel
lipids is possible
Lipidomics by Ion mobility analysis has Expensive Kliman et al. [32]
structurally selective the ability to differentiate instrumentation
ion mobility analytes which are
coupled to mass isobaric in mass but differ
spectrometry in structure
(IM-MS) Promising role for
fundamental lipid
characterization in future
12 Role of Microbiota in Regulating Host Lipid Metabolism and Disease Risk 241
Research over the past decade has accumulated a large body of evidence linking
alterations in the gut microbiota composition to several diseases [5, 6]. The gut
microbiota is indeed currently accepted as an environmental factor that affects host
metabolism and contributes to major disorders burdening the healthcare systems
today, such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, and type 2 diabetes.
Recent applications in relation to metabonomics and gut microbiota in diabetes are,
for instance, discussed in detail in Chap. 12. From a mechanistic point of view, only
a few recent studies have identified some key signaling pathways of the cross-
species homeostatic regulation between the gut microbiota and its host [5]. In this
section, the impact of the gut microbiota in lipid host metabolism is addressed from
evidence accumulated in both animal and human studies.
In the last decade, the combination of gnotobiotics (the study of animals living in a
microbiologically defined environment, either germ-free or colonized with known
bacteria) and metagenomics (the study of the metagenome, i.e., the collective
genomic content of a microbiota) has elegantly begun to decipher the role of the gut
microbiota in host metabolism and host physiology.
Bäckhed and colleagues [41] were the first to suggest that gut microbiota is an
environmental factor affecting adiposity. The authors used normal and genetically
engineered gnotobiotic mice (germ-free (GF), conventionally raised (CONV-R),
and conventionalized (CONV-D) mice) to test the hypothesis that the microbiota
acts through host signaling pathways to regulate energy storage in the host. GF mice
are raised in the absence of any microbiota, while CONV-D mice are initially germ-
free but then colonized with the microbiota from CONV-R donors. The convention-
alization of adult germ-free (GF) mice with a normal microbiota harvested from the
distal intestine of CONV-R mice resulted in 60 % increase in body fat content
despite reduced food intake [41]. Conventionalization was accompanied by a
significant increase in two liver mRNAs encoding key enzymes in the de novo fatty
acid biosynthetic pathway, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (Acc1), and fatty acid synthase
(Fas). Both enzymes are known targets of the two transcriptor factors, SREBP-1
(sterol response element binding protein 1) and ChREBP (carbohydrate response
element binding protein), which mediate hepatocyte lipogenous responses to insulin
and glucose [42]. Conventionalization clearly increased liver ChREBP mRNA and
12 Role of Microbiota in Regulating Host Lipid Metabolism and Disease Risk 243
to a lesser extent also SREBP-1 mRNA levels. Additionally, the presence of the
microbiota promoted increased monosaccharide uptake from the gut, their increased
delivery to the liver, and a resulting induction of de novo hepatic lipogenesis.
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a key regulator of fatty acid release from
triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in fat and muscle. Increased adipocyte LPL activity
leads to increased cellular uptake of fatty acids and adipocyte TG accumulation.
Fasting-induced adipocyte factor (Fiaf), a member of the angiopoietin-like family
of proteins, is produced by brown and white fat, liver, and intestine [43].
Interestingly, Fiaf was selectively suppressed in the intestine epithelium of con-
ventionalized mice. By using normal and Fiaf knockout mice, Fiaf was estab-
lished as a circulating LPL inhibitor, highlighting that its suppression is essential
for the microbiota-induced deposition of triglycerides in adipocytes [41]. The
relevance of Fiaf expression, which is selectively suppressed in the gut epithelium
by the microbiota, was established when Fiaf-deficient mice fed a Western diet
gained significantly more weight and had significantly greater epididymal fat pads
than their wild-type littermates [44].
The levels of leptin, which is an adipocyte-derived hormone known to reduce
food intake and increase energy expenditure, were increased upon colonization and
were proportional to the observed increase in body fat in [41]. The ob/ob mouse
model, characterized by increased food consumption due to leptin deficiency, was
then firstly used to provide evidence that the obesity-associated gut microbiome has
an increased capacity for energy harvest from the diet [45]. The same group had
shortly before revealed that the two most abundant bacterial divisions in mice were
the phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes and that their proportions were increased
and reduced, respectively, in obese mice relative to their lean counterparts [46] in a
study that can be considered the first approach of DNA sequencing focused on the
16S rRNA gene in the context of obesity. The next step was to apply shotgun pyro-
sequencing technology in the same mouse model [45]. In addition, in order to
confirm the increased ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes in the obese mice, the
predicted increased capacity for dietary energy harvest by the ob/ob microbiome
was validated using biochemical assays and by transplantation of lean and obese
cecal microbiotas into GF wild-type mouse recipients.
Interestingly, the persistently lean phenotype in GF animals, which are protected
against the obesity that develops after consuming a Western-style, high-fat, sugar-
rich diet, was associated with increased skeletal muscle and liver levels of phos-
phorylated AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and its downstream targets
involved in fatty acid oxidation, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and carnitine palmitoyl-
transferase (Cpt1) [44]. AMPK is a heterotrimeric enzyme that functions as a “fuel
gauge” monitoring cellular energy status, which is activated in response to meta-
bolic stresses that result in an increased intracellular ratio of AMP to ATP, such as
exercise, hypoxia, and glucose deprivation [47] and adipocyte-derived leptin levels
[48]. All together, the findings reported by Gordon’s group indicated that gut
microbes can affect both sides of the energy balance equation, as a factor that influ-
ences the harvest of energy from components of the diet and as a factor that affects
host genes that regulate how energy is expended and stored.
244 I. Bondia-Pons et al.
Wikoff and colleagues [49] were among the first demonstrating the large effect
of the microbiome on mammalian plasma metabolic profile. The untargeted
MS-based profiling of serum from GF and CONV-R mice showed that concentra-
tions of many circulating metabolites are affected by the presence of the microbi-
ome. Several pathways including the metabolic processing of indole-containing
molecules were seen to particularly interact with the microbiome. Multiple organic
acids containing phenyl groups were also greatly increased in the presence of gut
microbes, and a broad, drug-like phase II metabolic response of the host to metabo-
lites generated by the microbiome suggested that the gut microbiota has also a
direct impact on the drug metabolism capacity of the host [49]. In another study,
global analysis of polar metabolites and molecular lipids in serum, white adipose
tissue, and liver of GF and CONV-R mice was applied to delineate how the gut
microbiota affects host energy and lipid metabolism [50]. Analysis of the serum
metabolome showed that energy metabolites were increased in CONV-R mice,
which was consistent with higher-energy metabolism in the presence of gut micro-
biota [51]. Notably, lipidomic analysis highlighted systemic effects of gut micro-
biota on host lipid metabolism, especially in a large number of individual TG
species and in several phosphatidylcholine species. TG levels were lower in serum
but higher in adipose tissue and liver of CONV-R mice, consistently with increased
lipid clearance. Thus, the study demonstrated that gut microbiota affects both
energy-storing and signaling lipids.
The investigation of the microbial communities from both wild-type and
resistin-like molecule (RELM) β knockout mice fed a standard chow diet and a
high-fat diet [52] demonstrated the importance of diet as a determinant of gut
microbiome composition and suggests the need to control for dietary variation
when evaluating the composition of the human gut microbiome. The expression of
the RELMβ gene has been shown to be dependent on the gut microbiome and can
be induced by a high-fat diet [53]. In Hilderbrant et al. study [52], the RELMβ
knockout mice consuming the HFD remained lean, whereas the corresponding
wild-type mice became obese. Higher levels of RELMβ expression were observed
in HFD mice when compared with mice fed a standard chow diet. Further analysis
also revealed that the expression of a collection of genes encoding ABC transport-
ers was increased in wild-type mice fed the HFD when compared with expression
of the same genes in wild-type mice on a standard chow diet. The corresponding
proteins are responsible for the transport of lipids, sugars, and peptides. Altogether
and because the general changes in the composition of the gut microbiota were
similar in both types of mice, the authors concluded that the HFD, and not the
obese state, accounted for the alteration in the gut microbial communities, high-
lighting therefore the dominant effect of diet.
Research in Nicholson’s group added further knowledge to understand the
bidirectional interaction between the host metabolism and its symbionts. Firstly,
the metabolic phenotypes of GF and conventional C3H mice were characterized
by applying an NMR-based metabolic profiling, providing evidence that the
microbiota status affects the systemic metabolism of host modulating the metabolic
fingerprint of topographically remote organs such as the liver and the kidney [54].
12 Role of Microbiota in Regulating Host Lipid Metabolism and Disease Risk 245
↑ Insulin sensitivity
↓ Lipogenesis Liver
↓ Glycogenesis
↓ TG synthesis
Gall bladder
↑ Levels of conjugated BA
↑ Reabsorption of BA Ileum
↓ Levels of SCFA
↑ Lipid excretion
↓ BA excretion
Fig. 12.4 Effect of microbiota in lipid metabolism of germ-free mice (GF) vs. conventionally
raised (CONV-R) mice according to gnotobiotics studies. Arrows mean increased or decreased
levels in GF vs. CONV-R mice
Accumulating evidence indicates that the gut microbiota may be a future target for
treating metabolic diseases [69]. Supplementing the diet with nondigestible foods, or
prebiotics, that stimulate the expansion of specific microbes to improve metabolic
regulation can be a nutritional therapy for overweight and obesity management [70].
However, to determine the effects of these therapies, appropriate human intervention
studies are still required. Human studies are helping to show what effect the gut
microbiota has on host metabolism by improving energy yield from food and modu-
lating dietary or the host-derived metabolites that alter host metabolic pathways. Due
to the heterogeneous etiology of lipid metabolism-related diseases, such as obesity
and diabetes, the role of gut microbiota in the development of these disorders is still
unclear. Many studies so far are underpowered, include participants with diverse
ethnic origin and dietary habits, and have used different methods with specific biases
to profile the microbiota. In addition, studies in humans tend to be associative, so the
mechanistic role of the microbiota in obesity and its comorbidities in humans remains
248 I. Bondia-Pons et al.
to be proven. Relevant human studies in the field are briefly discussed in this section.
Results from bariatric surgery studies are not included as they are discussed in detail
in another chapter of this book.
Gut microbiota composition is altered in people who are obese, and it can
respond to changes in body weight. Ley and colleagues [71] revealed that the
Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes divisions dominate the human microbiota, with obese
subjects having lower levels of Bacteroidetes and higher levels of Firmicutes than
lean subjects. Later on, a study with monozygotic and dizygotic twins and their
mothers showed that the composition of the gut microbiota is more similar between
family members than unrelated individuals [3]. Each individual’s gut microbiota
was thought distinct, and a similar degree of covariation existed between adult
monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs. The previously reported lower levels of
Bacteroidetes in obese than lean subjects were confirmed, but no significant differ-
ences in Firmicutes levels were detected. Remarkably, the microbial population was
in general less diverse in obese individuals.
Some other studies have shown discrepancies in the Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes
proportions with respect to obesity in humans [72, 73]. The different clinical
criteria, such as the level of obesity, degree of weight loss, and duration of caloric
restriction, together with different geographical locations, ages, population sizes,
and microbiota-profiling methodologies, can be responsible of the differences
observed between studies. A low-cost clinical method for monitoring the variations
of bacterial phyla of the gut using real-time PCR assay was able to confirm a reduc-
tion in the Bacteroidetes community in obese subjects and found an increase in
Lactobacillus species in obese subjects and an increase in methanogens (M. smithii)
in anorexic patients [74]. This preliminary data that links Lactobacillus levels with
obesity needs further study with other advanced methodologies.
Consumption of lactic acid bacteria marketed as probiotics is indeed a common
approach to maintain health [75]. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is one of the most
widely used probiotic bacteria that is assumed to interact with the host via binding
to human mucus via its extracellular pili [76]. However, further molecular details of
probiotics signaling are not yet understood. In a recent study, high-throughput
screening of the intestinal microbiota was performed using a phylogenetic HITChip
microarray and qPCR methodology and integrated with serum lipidomic profiling
data to study the impact of probiotic intervention on the intestinal ecosystem and to
explore the associations between the intestinal bacteria and serum lipids [77].
Healthy subjects received either L. rhamnosus GG or placebo for a 3-week period
following a randomized, double-bind intervention design. While a specific increase
in the L. rhamnosus-related bacteria was observed during the intervention, no other
changes in the composition or stability of the microbiota were detected. The most
prevailing association between the gut microbiota and lipid profiles was a strong
positive correlation between uncultured phylotypes of Ruminococcus gnavus group
and polyunsaturated serum TG species of dietary origin. Actinomycetaceae corre-
lated negatively with TG of highly unsaturated FA while a set of Proteobacteria
showed negative correlation with ether PCs. Altogether, these results suggest that
several members of the Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria may be
12 Role of Microbiota in Regulating Host Lipid Metabolism and Disease Risk 249
involved in the metabolism of dietary and endogenous lipids. This data supports the
concept that the overall lipid content in human serum is a composite of host and
microbial metabolic activity, and the intestinal commensals are implicated in the
metabolism of various lipid species that the human body uses for membranes,
energy storage, and signaling. Considering that a single gene in an intestinal bacte-
rium could alter host FA composition [78], the potential metabolic capacity and the
functional consequences from the million genes in the intestinal microbiome are
overwhelming. Future studies combining metagenomics and lipidomics, involving
controlled diet and dyslipidemic subjects, are indeed needed to provide further
insights on the role of intestinal microbiota on human lipid metabolism.
The human intestinal microbiota is immensely complex and includes thousands
of species that have a collective genome of close to five million genes. High through-
put of this metagenome is increasingly replacing the characterization of individual
microbes [79]. Notably, the MetaHIT Consortium was the first in addressing the
feasibility of comparative metagenomics of the human gut across cohorts and pro-
tocols and in obtaining first insights into commonalities and differences between
gut microbiomes across different populations [80]. They sequenced 22 European
metagenomes from Danish, French, Italian, and Spanish subjects and combined
them to existing Japanese [81] and American [3, 82] datasets. Three enterotypes
were identified on the basis of variations in the relative levels of Bacteroidetes,
Prevotella, and Ruminococcus, which were not nation or content specific.
Interestingly, the Enterotype 1 is enriched in Bacteroides and the co-occurring
Parabacteroides, which derived energy mainly from carbohydrates and proteins by
fermentation [83]. Enterotypes appear complex, but there are functional markers
such as genes or modules that correlate remarkably well with individual features.
This might potentially be used for diagnostic and prognostic tools for numerous
human disorders, including those related to lipid metabolism.
The combination of metagenomic analysis with clinical data is the base of the
recently emerging metagenome-wide association studies (MGWAS), which are
important contributions to reveal the associations of gut microbiota with health and
disease. To date, the metagenomes of relatively few individuals have been sequenced.
Recently, Karlsson and colleagues [84] applied shotgun sequencing to character-
ize the fecal metagenome of 145 European 70-year-old women with normal,
impaired, or diabetic glucose control. Interestingly, the study reported composi-
tional and functional alterations in the metagenomes of women with type 2 diabetes,
such as increases in the abundance of four Lactobacillus species and decreases in
the abundance of five Clostridium species. In the total cohort, Lactobacillus species
correlated positively with fasting glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c),
which is a long-term measure of blood glucose control. By contrast, Clostridium
species correlated negatively with fasting glucose, HbA1c, insulin, C-peptide, and
plasma TG and positively with adiponectin and HDL. These correlations are relevant
for T2D because high TG and low HDL levels are components of the dyslipidemia
typically found in T2D, and reduced levels of adiponectin have been reported in
people at risk of T2D [85]. Interestingly, the authors developed a mathematical
model based on metagenomic clusters (MGC) to test whether the microbiota
250 I. Bondia-Pons et al.
composition can identify diabetes status. MGC identified T2D more accurately than
species, indicating that several important gut species still need to be characterized.
L. gasseri had the highest score for the identification of T2D women in the model.
Notably, the model identified Roseburia and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii as highly
discriminant for T2D. These bacteria are known human gut colonizers and butyrate
producers [86] and have been linked to improved insulin sensitivity and diabetes
amelioration in studies of the human fecal microbiota [87, 88]. Gut microbiota
transplantations from lean donors to recipients with metabolic syndrome have
indeed been shown to increase Roseburia and butyrate levels together with improved
insulin sensitivity [87].
The pathways that showed the highest scores for enrichment in T2D metage-
nomes included KEGG orthologues for starch and glucose metabolism, fructose
and mannose metabolism, and ABC transporters for amino acids, ions, and simple
sugars. These findings agree with previous studies showing an increase in microbial
functions for energy metabolism and harvest in the obese microbiome [45]. Other
metabolic pathways containing KEGG orthologues enriched in women with T2D
included glycerolipid metabolism and fatty acid biosynthesis [84]. When applying
the model to a recently described Chinese cohort [89], the authors observed that the
most discriminatory MCG differed between the European and Chinese T2D cohorts.
This observation underscores the need to sample human populations and perform
parallel studies in different continents.
Given that the cost for sequencing is rapidly declining, the major challenge in
metagenome studies will be data analysis rather than data generation [90].
Detailed studies on the metagenome early in life as well as regional metagenomes
will be needed in the future to determine whether or not it can be programmed.
In addition, future studies might benefit from the use of tracers to look at lipid
metabolic functions in order to have a readout to investigate host-bacterial co-
metabolism and signaling.
Animal and in vitro studies have shown that the intestinal microbiota can regulate
host lipid metabolism via numerous microbial activities [91]. So far, short-chain
fatty acids (SCFA) have shown to be key microbial products with multiple effects
on host metabolism, while the best characterized mechanism of microbiota and host
lipid metabolism is through the biotransformation of bile acids [92]. Combination
of metagenomics and metataxonomics with comprehensive metabolomics of bioflu-
ids and stool samples has a potential to identify novel metabolites associated with
specific microbes. These could be functionally studied in vitro and in vivo for their
potential role in the regulation of host metabolism.
12 Role of Microbiota in Regulating Host Lipid Metabolism and Disease Risk 251
Complex carbohydrates
PA influences the production of INITIATION OF
hormones by AT and liver ENDOCRINE
Colonic AND/OR
(e.g. leptin)
Fig. 12.5 Main metabolic effects of the short-chain fatty acid propionic acid (PA) produced by
colonic fermentation
Short-chain fatty acids are clearly one of the most important microbial products and
have shown to affect a range of host processes, including energy utilization, host-
microbiome signaling, and control of colonic pH [93]. Complex carbohydrates can
be digested and subsequently fermented in the colon by gut microbes into SCFA,
such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate. Their profile in the gut reflects the meta-
bolic cooperation between different microbial types because no genus of bacteria
can hydrolyze all substrates and none produce all four SCFA upon carbohydrate
fermentation [94]. SCFA have different metabolic features. Among them, butyrate
is used as an energy substrate for colonocytes, whereas acetate is potentially used as
a cholesterol or fatty acid precursor [95]. Propionate is a gluconeogenetic substrate
in the liver, but it may also counteract de novo lipogenesis from acetate or glucose
in the same tissue [96] (Fig. 12.5).
More recently, SCFA have been identified as the physiological ligands of two
receptors for fatty acids, the G protein-coupled receptors GPR41 and GPR43, which
are expressed in several cell types (immune cells, endocrine cells, and adipocytes)
and in a wide variety of host tissues [97]. Both receptors show differences in SCFA
specificity, intracellular signaling, and tissue localization [98]. GPR41 knockout
mice colonized with a specific fermentative microbial community have shown to
resist fat mass gain compared to their wild-type littermates [99]. By using GPR45
knockout animals, it was shown that the activation of GPR43 in adipocytes leads to
inhibition of lipolysis and results in the reduction of plasma FFA levels in vivo [100].
These findings therefore suggest a potential role for GPR43 in regulation of plasma
lipid profiles, but its use as a potential target for the treatment of dyslipidemia
252 I. Bondia-Pons et al.
requires further research. By using GPR43-deficient mice fed an HFD, the activa-
tion of GPR43 by the acetate and propionate has also shown to contribute to adipo-
cyte differentiation [101], thereby promoting the expansion of adipose tissue, which
is in agreement with a gnotobiotics studies performed by Bäckhed et al. [41].
Interestingly, studies adding fermentable carbohydrates with prebiotic proper-
ties, such as insulin-type fructans, into the diet did not increase but even lessened fat
mass development in obese mice and humans [102, 103]. Notably, the supplementa-
tion with those prebiotics blunted the overexpression of GPR43 occurring in HFD-
fed animals, a phenomenon that contributes to lower adiposity [104]. It is well
known that specific changes in the gut microbiota composition by using prebiotics
strongly promote SCFA production [105]. Studies related to the potential of
metabonomics and metagenomics to promote health via prebiotics are discussed in
Chap. 9. Altogether the previous studies support the idea that SCFA coming from the
gut act not only as energy substrates but also as important metabolic regulators.
The interaction between bile acids and gut microbiota is complex. However, recent
studies have added novel insights into the regulation of BA metabolism by gut
microbiota. Bile acids (BA) play an important role in lipid metabolism. They func-
tion as detergents by forming micelles that facilitate solubilization, digestion, and
absorption of dietary lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins and represent the major route
of cholesterol excretion, which is critical in whole body sterol metabolism [106].
Remarkably, recent research has highlighted the role of BA as signaling molecules.
The discovery that specific BA differentially activates three nuclear receptors,
namely, farnesoid X receptor (FXR), pregnane X receptor (PXR), and vitamin D
receptor (VDR), and one G protein-coupled receptor (TGR5) identified BA as
hormones that alter multiple metabolic pathways [107]. The activation of these
receptors alters gene expression in multiple tissues, leading to changes not only in
BA metabolism but also in glucose homeostasis, lipid and lipoprotein metabolism,
energy expenditure, inflammation, and liver regeneration processes.
Bile acids are produced in hepatocytes, stored in the gallbladder, and released
into the duodenum upon ingestion of food. After having traveled through the small
intestine, >95 % of all liver-secreted BA are reabsorbed in the ileum to be taken up
by the liver in a process known as enterohepatic circulation [108]. Only a small part
of the BA pool escapes the enterohepatic cycle and travels toward the large intestine
to be excreted in the feces. This excretion is accompanied by microbial deconjuga-
tion of glycine(predominant in humans)- and taurine(predominant in mice)-conju-
gated bile acids [54]. Intestinal microbiota readily deconjugate and 7-α-dehydroxylate
the primary BA (cholic acid (CA) and chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) in humans,
and CA and β-muricholic acid (βMCA) in mice [109], converting them into secondary
BA (mainly DCA, UDCA, and LCA in humans) [109] (Fig. 12.6).
12 Role of Microbiota in Regulating Host Lipid Metabolism and Disease Risk 253
R4 R4
R5 R5
Gut microbiota
R1 R3 R3
Fig. 12.6 Conversion of primary bile acids to secondary bile acids by the action of gut microbiota.
The basic C24-bile acid structure is illustrated in the figure, showing the conversion of cholic acid
into deoxycholic acid
Recent animal studies have shown that the microbiome affects not only the
composition of the BA pool but also the expression of genes controlled by the
BA-activated nuclear receptor FXR [110]. Bile acid synthesis is indeed under
negative feedback control through activation of FXR in the ileum and liver [111].
At least 14 liver enzymes have been reported to be required in the BA synthesis
from cholesterol. Briefly, the rate-limiting enzyme cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase
(CYP7A1) initiates the classic pathway for BA synthesis, while CYP27A1 initiates
the alternative pathway [112]. Sterol 12α-hydroxylase (CYP8B1) is needed for
CA synthesis, and the hepatic expression of both, CYP7A1 and CYP8B1, is
regulated by FXR [113].
Already 40 years ago, Wostmann et al. showed that the BA concentration in bile
was three times increased and cholesterol absorption was 25 % greater in the
absence of gut microbiota in GF rats when compared to their conventionally raised
counterparts [114]. The cholesterol accumulation was thought to be due to an
increase in intestinal BA reabsorption. Follow-up studies supported Weismann’s
hypothesis by showing that GF animals have elevated levels of conjugated BA
throughout the intestine with no deconjugation and strongly decreased fecal excretion
[115]; and later it was also confirmed in studies with mice treated with antibiotics
[116]. Those previous studies showed that the gut microbiota reduces the bile acid
pool size with its greatest effect on βMCA rather than CA levels. However, the
molecular mechanisms for how the gut microbiota suppresses BA synthesis are
currently unknown. A comprehensive profile of the BA composition of CONV-R
and GF mice through the enterohepatic system and in serum identified a profound
role of the gut microbiota not only on secondary BA but also as regulator of hepatic
BA synthesis [108]. In addition to confirm a dramatic reduction in MCA, but not CA,
levels in CONV-R mice, rederivatization of FXR-deficient mice as GF demonstrated
that the gut microbiota regulated expression of fibroblast growth factor 15 (Fgf15)
254 I. Bondia-Pons et al.
In order to account for the enormous functional and structural diversity of lipids and
their complex regulation at multiple spatial and temporal scales, a systems biology
approach is needed for the study of lipids. Lipid signaling pathways are complex
and the therapeutic potential of modulation of intracellular and systemic lipid
metabolism is well recognized [10, 125]. Understanding the integrated lipidomic
networks and decoding the coordinately regulated pathways will therefore consti-
tute major goals for the following years in applied lipidomic research.
A better understanding of the lipidome at the physiological level lipids does not
only have to include lipid modelling at the level of biological pathways, but also at
the level of the biophysical systems the lipids are part of, such as cellular mem-
branes and lipoproteins particles [20]. Rapidly accumulating information about the
importance of gut microbiota in many lipid-related disorders together with the
advances in lipid analytical technologies and modelling approaches are likely to
contribute to better understanding of the role gut microbiota plays in the regulation
of cellular and systemic lipid metabolism, and vice versa, and how the dysregula-
tion of these physiological systems may contribute to many devastating diseases.
Future studies should rely on a systems medicine approach, where instead of
focusing on each disease individually, the aim is to account for the complex
gene–environment, socioeconomic interactions and comorbidities that lead to
individual-specific complex phenotypes. An in-depth understanding of the meta-
bolic phenotypes in health and disease is crucial if one is to implement personalized
medicine and nutrition. How different metabolic phenotypes can be implemented as
diagnostic tools in clinic needs therefore to be addressed at a clinical translational
research level, as pointed out in the last chapter of this book.
Acknowledgments I.B-P. is grateful to the Spanish Carlos III Health Institute for her Sara Borrell
postdoctoral fellowship.
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Chapter 13
Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining
GI Health: Highlights on Inflammatory
Bowel Disease
Abstract The human gut harbors trillions of microbes, with an area of at least
300 m2 intestinal tissue in constant contact with this microbial ecological sys-
tem (Artis, Nat Rev Immunol 8(6):411–420, 2008, Ley et al. Cell 124(4):837–
848, 2006). The intestinal epithelium with a number of different cell types
shapes the frontier between microbes and the host. Intestinal epithelial cells
(IECs) as well as cells of the immune system guard the local interface of
microbes and host and actively tolerate selected commensal microbiota while
mounting an adequate inflammatory response toward pathogens in the context
of infection or disease. Although there is no clear definition of a “normal” intes-
tinal microbiota as such, it is apparent that perturbations of a certain homeo-
static system may lead to a dysregulated interaction between microbes and the
host intestinal mucosal immune system, resulting in aberrant or disproportion-
ate inflammatory conditions.
The following chapter gives a general introduction to the role of the microbiota
in gut health, focuses on aberrations in microbe-host mutualism that are implicated
in the etiopathology of inflammatory bowel diseases, and then briefly addresses the
possibilities of dietary modulation of intestinal microbiota in the context of inflam-
matory bowel diseases.
L. Gruber
Nutrition and Immunology, 85350 Freising, Germany
D. Haller (*)
Nutrition and Immunology, 85350 Freising, Germany
ZIEL – Research Center for Nutrition and Food Sciences, Biofunctionality Unit,
Technische Universität München, Gregor-Mendel Str. 2, 85350 Freising, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
Microbial organisms and the host mucosal immune system have established fine-
balanced interactions during coevolution. In the last decades, the use of gnotobiol-
ogy has brought forward the studies of host-microbe interactions to a substantial
extent. These experiments in rodents manipulate the microbiota by introducing
selected bacteria. Comparative studies allow the investigation of factors directing
the establishment and maintenance of bacterial communities in the intestine, as well
as investigating the impact of microbial factors on gastrointestinal functions. It is
now known that the presence and composition of microbiota affect gut morphology;
metabolic, absorptive, nerval, and endocrine functions; as well as mucosal and sys-
temic immune functions.
However, the specific microbial and host factors that regulate the aspects of
mutualism in a complex and changing environment are poorly understood. The
most important and best studied host-microbe metabolic interactions will be pre-
sented in the following chapters.
Besides major time-dependent variation of the intestinal microbiome and its spatial
distribution along the intestinal tract, there are also major differences between
mucosa-associated resident bacteria and fecal bacteria [3], deriving from different
abilities of the microbiota to persist in and attach to a given host environment. While
there exist at least 55 divisions of bacteria, the human gut microbial community is
dominated by members of only four phyla, namely, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes,
Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria. It is suggested that a few early colonizers of the
human intestine have established an exclusive population and then diversified into a
high variety of species and strains [2, 4].
From the viewpoint of bacteria, colonization is driven mainly by the availabil-
ity of nutrients and the ability to attach to surfaces for building up residency.
Many species possess large numbers of genes encoding for carbohydrate metabo-
lism enzymes and can switch between different energy sources depending on their
availability, also including protein sources [5]. Some strains are capable of turn-
ing to host-derived mucus when dietary saccharides are rare, as can Akkermansia
muciniphila [6, 7], Bacteroides acidifaciens [7], or Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
[8, 9]. Although microbial organisms benefit differentially from components of
13 Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining GI Health… 263
Microbial organisms derive clear advantage from ensuring tolerance of the mucosal
immune system toward them and therefore have evolved to influence the host
immune system development profoundly. Studies in germfree animals show dis-
rupted organization of mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer’s patches and reduced
numbers of dendritic cells (DCs), T cells, and B cells in the lamina propria [14–20].
These findings implicate that stimulation from microbes and/or microbial structures
or metabolites is needed for functional development of the immune system.
Antigen-presenting cells such as DCs constantly sample and process luminal
compounds and can be regarded as major directors of subsequent modulation of
immune response. Reduced numbers of intestinal DCs are observed in germfree
animals, whereas microbial stimulation by mono-colonization with Escherichia
coli was sufficient to recruit DCs to the intestine [20]. Different subsets of DCs are
thought to exert specialized functions during antigen sampling and information
dissemination, as visualized for the murine system in Fig. 13.1a. Murine intestinal
CX3CR1+ antigen-presenting cells extend protrusions into the lumen for uptake of
dietary and microbial antigens [21, 22]. Signals from the intestinal epithelium
shape the properties of DCs [23]. Conditioned antigen-presenting cells then pass
on information to T cells which, depending on co-stimulatory factors, differentiate
into one of the major phenotypes upon this stimulation: T helper cell type (Th) 1
and Th17, both implicated in inflammation; Th2, implicated in allergic reactions;
as well as Treg, regulating inflammatory responses. Other types of Th cells such as
Th9 or Th22 are less well described today. Specialized CD103+ DCs develop a
tolerogenic phenotype after antigen sampling and upon stimulation by IEC-derived
factors such as retinoic acid or transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). In contrast
CX3CR1+ CD103+
Th17 Treg
Th3 tolerance
FoxP3 Treg regulation of immune response
Fig. 13.1 (a) Antigen sampling and information dissemination by murine lamina propria antigen-
presenting cell subsets. CD103−CX3CR1+ cells sample bacteria and induce Th17 and probably also
Th1 cell differentiation, without migration to lymph nodes. In the presence of RA, TGF-β, and TSLP
released by IEC, CD103+ DCs develop a tolerogenic phenotype and induce Treg cell differentiation
after their migration to the mesenteric lymph nodes. (b) Microbes and microbial compounds can
induce T-cell differentiation into one of the major T helper cell types: Th1, Th17, Th2, and Treg.
Differentiation requires the induction of transcription factors – the most important are outlined in the
figure. The bacteria or bacteria-derived factors that have been shown to promote the induction of a
particular Th subtype are indicated in the figure. Each Th subset then has a specific function as indi-
cated. IEC intestinal epithelial cell, Th T helper cell, Treg regulatory T cell, MLN mesenteric lymph
node, ATP adenosine 5′-triphosphate, SFB segmented filamentous bacteria, PSA polysaccharide A
13 Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining GI Health… 265
to CX3CR1+ cells, these CD103+ DCs then migrate to the mesenteric lymph nodes
and generate Tregs, inducing tolerance to constantly sampled, harmless antigens
[24, 25]. Far less is known about subsets of human specialized antigen-presenting
cells. While CD103+SIRPα+ DCs correspond to murine CD103+CD11b+ DCs
and account for the majority of small intestinal dendritic cells [26, 27], CD103-
SIRPα+ DCs, likely derived from blood monocytes, are more abundant in the large
intestine and accumulate during inflammation [27]. CD141+CD103+ SIRPα- with
a repertoire of expressed proteins involved in the induction of cytotoxic T-cell
response have been described in the human small intestine and likely correspond
to murine CD103+CD11b- DCs [27].
In general, germfree mice display reduced total numbers of T cells, bias toward
Th2 response [28], and especially low numbers of Th17 cells [29, 30]. Specific
microbes and microbial compounds have been shown to profoundly shape the bal-
ances of T-cell subsets, presumably via conditioning of both IECs and antigen-pre-
senting cells (Fig. 13.1b). Segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) promote Th17
response [30, 31]. Colonization with SFB confers resistance to Citrobacter roden-
tium infection, indicating that Th17-cell induction by SFB is responsible for this
protective immune response. Bacteria-derived flagellin triggers the differentiation
of Th1 and Th17 cells after stimulation of DCs [32]. Also commensal bacteria-
derived adenosine 5′-triphosphate has been found to activate a unique subset of
lamina propria DCs, resulting in differentiation of Th17 cells [29]. Clostridia, par-
ticularly of clusters IV and XIVa, are capable of inducing Tregs [33]. Polysaccharide
A, derived from the commensal Bacteroides fragilis, also mediates Treg cell
responses and suppresses Th17, resulting in protection from inflammation [28, 34].
However, a Th1-/Th17-driven pro-inflammatory response is induced upon the sys-
temic presence of Bacteroides fragilis [35, 36]. This example highlights the plastic-
ity of immune responses toward microbial antigens and the fine regulation of
tolerogenic and inflammatory mechanisms.
The induction of B-cell maturation and recruitment is also mediated by the micro-
biota. The organized structures in lymphoid organs where differentiation and matura-
tion of B cells occur are disrupted in germfree animals [17, 37], and they exhibit
reduced plasma cell numbers and decreased levels of secretory immunoglobulin A
(sIgA) [38]. In contrast, allergy-associated IgE is increased in germfree rats [39].
As another aspect of microbial influence on the host immune system, microbial
metabolites, especially short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), exert anti-inflammatory
actions on the intestinal immune system. SCFA are produced by microbes upon
fermentation of polysaccharides. Butyrate, propionate, and acetate are the most
abundant and described SCFA, with almost all the produced amount absorbed in the
colon. Butyrate is regarded as the primary energy source for colonic IEC but also
displays anti-inflammatory effects such as decreasing cytokine production [40, 41].
Indeed, treatment with acetate or butyrate resulted in the amelioration of inflamma-
tion in rodents [40, 42] and humans [43].
Interestingly, the immune maturation processes depend on the presence of
coevolved host-specific microbiota, as cross-species colonization cannot induce full
expansion of lymphocytes in mice and also fails to protect against Salmonella infec-
tion compared to self-species colonization [44].
266 L. Gruber and D. Haller
Despite the beneficial mutual effects, the host has to keep the microbiota at bay and
therefore has developed a broad range of innate protection mechanisms. Besides the
selection of colonizing strains, the host also actively shapes the resident community
by strategies related to innate immune response – probably in part as a result of
bacteria modulating the host.
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) form a barrier with maximal activity in the intes-
tinal crypts as well as in the mucus layer, preventing contact or penetration of the
host epithelium [45, 46]. AMPs are a diverse group of compounds, including defen-
sins, cathelicidins, lectins, and angiogenins, exerting their effect on bacteria by
destructing bacterial cell wall integrity. AMPs are secreted by Paneth cells upon
stimulation by live bacteria, bacterial components, or metabolites [46–50].
Especially Ang4 and REGIIIγ expression is induced by mono-colonization of
germfree mice [48] or during weaning [51, 52]. Both of them exclusively target
Gram-positive bacteria while sparing Gram negatives, thus influencing microbial
composition and presumably contributing to the shift observed during weaning.
Mice expressing a human α-defensin gene show a loss of SFB and fewer IL17-
producing T cells [53], providing a clear example for the bidirectional effects of
host immune system and microbial community.
Bacteria also induce the production and secretion of sIgA by B cells [17, 38].
SIgA translocates into the lumen, binding bacteria or antigens of other origin, and
therefore prevents attachment on IEC and regulates colonization [54]. IgA can also
bind to bacteria that have gained access to the serosal side and translocate them back
to the lumen. Bound to bacteria, sIgA induces the clearance of the bacteria by DCs,
phagocytes, or neutrophils [55]. DCs then can retain bacteria and selectively induce
the secretion of IgA. These activated DCs are restricted to the mucosal immune
compartment by the mesenteric lymph nodes, ensuring a local immune response
[56]. Taking into consideration that IgA deficiency results in intestinal dysbiosis
[57] and that bacterial species are differentially capable of inducing IgA [58], IgA
secretion is a means of both confining bacteria and shaping the intestinal ecology.
Cells of the innate immune system constantly recognize conserved microbe-
associated molecular patterns, mainly via Toll-like receptors (TLRs) or nucleotide-
binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors. In a healthy host, commensal
bacteria thereby direct a tolerogenic immune response. On the other hand, the bind-
ing of bacteria-derived flagellin or lipopolysaccharides induces TRL5 and TLR4
signaling in DCs, respectively, alerting the immune system [59]. NODs initiate
innate immune responses upon intracellular sensing of bacterial cell wall compo-
nents, which results in elimination of intruded bacteria. Although the targeted struc-
ture muramyl dipeptide is highly conserved throughout bacterial phyla, NOD2 has
been found to shape the intestinal microbiota in mice [60–62] and IBD patients
(also see Fig. 13.7) [63, 64]. In this context, it has been reported that a colitogenic
microbial ecology shaped by a certain host physiology is even transferring disease
from this host into another: the dysbiosis reported for NOD2−/− mice results in
13 Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining GI Health… 267
enhanced disease risk in wild-type mice [65]. In other examples for host genotype
shaping microbial composition, multidrug resistance gene-deficient mice exhibit
altered microbiota independent of their intestinal inflammation (also see Fig. 13.7)
[66]. Furthermore, a deficiency of T-bet, implicated in directing host innate immu-
nity, resulted in colitis that was antibiotic sensitive and communicable to wild-type
mice [67].
It thus becomes evident that the microbiota plays a critical role in inducing host
mechanisms for the defense against pathogens and that at the same time host
responses toward microbiota shape the intestinal ecology. The host genetic back-
ground associated with the function of Paneth cells which secrete antimicrobial
compounds into the lumen is considered especially critical in influencing the intes-
tinal microbial composition [68]. In conclusion, the physiology and genetic back-
ground of the host determine the ecology of the intestinal tract (though with scope
for modulation by environmental factors), and the microbiota is under control in a
healthy individual [69].
intestinal microbiota
healthy IBD
host barrier
and immune system
Fig. 13.2 IBD is a multifactorial disease, resulting from aberrant host responses to intestinal
microbiota. The host genetic background establishes susceptibility in regard to barrier function and
immune response. This can result in an aberrant response toward intestinal microbiota. At the same
time, the host condition and genetic background shape the intestinal microbiota. Environmental
triggers can affect both barrier and immune functions of the host and composition as well as func-
tionality of intestinal microbiota. IBD, inflammatory bowel disease, CD Crohn’s disease, UC
ulcerative colitis. The histological pictures show distal ileum tissues of TNFΔARE/WT mice dis-
playing CD-like ileitis and the corresponding wild-type mouse, as well as proximal colon tissues
of IL10−/− mice developing UC-like colitis and the corresponding wild-type mouse
to 8 cases [71] per 100,000 person-years with a tendency of higher rates in women
and an incidence peak among 15- to 30-year-olds [70, 72–75]. UC is more prevalent
than CD, with North America and northern Europe showing the highest incidence
rates varying from 9 [71] to 20 cases [76] per 100,000 person-years, showing a simi-
lar age distribution to CD without sex differences.
Despite the lack of data for many areas (especially Africa), there seems to be a
north-south axis of IBD prevalence within continents or even countries [77–79]. In
Asia, incidence rates of IBD have been low in the past but are now rising as well
[80, 81]. The fact that genetic factors are critical in IBD pathogenesis is stressed by
the discrepancies in data sets of Caucasian versus Asian populations (see Sect. 13.2)
[82, 83]. Most importantly, concordance rates for CD in monozygotic twins are
20–50 % in northern Europe, meaning that the relative risk is at least 40-fold higher
13 Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining GI Health… 269
for individuals with an affected twin compared to the general population [84–88].
According to these studies, concordance rates are lower for UC. Indeed, the disease
variance that can be explained by genetic variations is higher in CD than UC [89],
implicating that genetic factors might contribute less significantly than in CD or that
environmental and lifestyle triggers overwrite genetics.
Irrespective of the differences in pathophysiology and genetic contribution, there
is remarkable evidence for a role of the intestinal microbiota and loss of host toler-
ance toward it during the pathogenesis of both IBD etiologies [90, 91]. Surgical
bypass of the ileum prevents inflammation in patients with active CD, and inflam-
mation reoccurs rapidly after the reinfusion of the bypassed segments [92]. IBD
patients develop serological responses toward their microbiota [93, 94], and much
higher rates of colonic bacteria are coated with immunoglobulin in patients with
active CD compared to controls or patients in remission [95]. In addition, antibiotic
treatment may result in the amelioration or even abrogation of inflammation in CD
patients [96–98]. Finally, as listed in Table 13.1, treatment with broad-spectrum
antibiotics as well as housing under germfree conditions ameliorates or abrogates
inflammation in genetically engineered rodent models of intestinal inflammation.
These studies provide substantial evidence for the role of microbiota and the devel-
opment of chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases and in addition suggest a crucial
role for the host genetic background in modeling susceptibility.
Table 13.1 Rodent models of inflammatory intestinal diseases and the effect of manipulation of
their microbiota
Animal model Phenotype of microbiota Effect
IL10−/− Colitis GF No disease [132]
GF + E. faecalis Recurrence of
disease [230, 313]
AB† (before onset No disease
of disease) [314–316]
IL2−/− Colitis GF Decreased
severity [317]
HLA-B27 (rat) Colitis GF No disease [177,
Tcrα−/− Colitis GF No disease [319]
(Th2 phenotype)
Colitis GF + L. plantarum, No disease [319]
(Th2 phenotype) S. faecalis, S.
faecium, E. coli
SAMP1/Yit CD-like ileitis GF Decreased
severity [320]
AB* Decreased
severity [321]
TRUC Colitis AB‡ No disease [67]
K8–/– Colitis AB‖ No disease [322]
Mdr1a−/− Colitis AB# No disease [323]
dnTGFβRII x IL10R2−/− Colitis AB* No disease [324]
AB* + B. Recovery of
thetaiotaomicron disease [168]
AB* + E. coli No disease [168]
NOD2−/− + AOM Colitis and AB○ Reduced
inflammation- severity [65]
colorectal cancer
STAT3-IKO Colitis and AB‡ Decreased
inflammation- severity, no tumor
associated formation [325]
colorectal cancer
SCID + CD44RBhigh Lymphoid cell AB Decreased
accumulation severity [326]
and hyperplasia
GF germfree conditions, AB antibiotic treatment; antibiotics used are indicated with the following
symbols, if described
Ciprofloxacin and metronidazole
Streptomycin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, and bacitracin
‖Vancomycin and imipenem
Streptomycin, neomycin, bacitracin, and amphotericin
Vancomycin, neomycin, metronidazole, and ampicillin
The following combinations: ciprofloxacin, neomycin and metronidazole, metronidazole alone,
vancomycin and imipenem, and roxithromycin
Note that this list may not be complete and not every reference applicable for a certain example
may be indicated
13 Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining GI Health… 271
intestinal microbiota
mucus layer
cell junction proteins
basal membrane
see Figure 4
Fig. 13.3 GWAS reveal a critical role of microbe-host interactions on several levels. A compro-
mised barrier function of the host, whether resulting from impaired AMP production (e.g., due to
Paneth cell dysfunction), mucus layer aberrations, inadequate IgA production, loss of cell junction
proteins, or disorganized basal membrane structure, may lead to intestinal inflammation as
observed in IBD. Inadequate innate mucosal defense mechanisms involving autophagy and patho-
gen sensing can lead to inappropriate responses of the host immune system. Immune cell recruit-
ment and lymphocyte regulation and functionality are regulated by a complex network of cytokines,
chemokines, and differentiation processes, and a perturbation of these interactions can result in
IBD. AMPs antimicrobial peptides, IgA immunoglobulin A, DC dendritic cell, IEC intestinal epi-
thelial cell, P Paneth cell
sensing and processing of bacteria, cytokine signaling, and adaptive immunity [90,
103]. The stratification of these processes and tasks in the intestinal cell network is
depicted in Fig. 13.3. A selection of susceptibility genes is introduced in the follow-
ing sections, focusing on the just mentioned functions.
embedded AMPs, is also implicated in IBD [105–107]. Further, Paneth cell function
is critical in maintaining barrier integrity, as they are the producers of AMPs. Paneth
cell dysfunction is a common consequence of mutations of IBD susceptibility
genes, such as NOD2, ATG16L1, or XBP1 [108] (also see Sect. 13.2.2). Extracellular
matrix proteins ECM1 and LAMB1 are also implicated in IBD, predominantly in
UC [89, 103]. As laminins are the major non-collagenous constituent of basement
membranes, defective variants could allow the penetration of microbes [109]. UC
patients exhibited abrogation of laminin in the epithelial basement membranes
surrounding the crypts in affected tissues [110].
Bacteria that have penetrated the epithelial barrier have to be sensed and pro-
cessed for the induction of defense mechanisms. Upon intruding into the cell,
bacteria undergo lysis in autophagolysosomes, and their structures are sensed by
NOD-like receptors. NODs contain caspase recruitment domains (CARD) which
mediate downstream signaling pathways such as nuclear factor κB (NFκB) and by
this activate an appropriate immune response, resulting in the clearance of the
infection [111].
GWAS identified various polymorphisms of NOD2/CARD15 as more prevalent
in Caucasian CD patients compared to healthy controls [112–114]. NOD2 malfunc-
tioning leads to inefficient clearance of intruded bacteria, likely in part mediated by
reduced expression of Paneth cell-derived defensins. Paneth cell dysfunction and
reduced AMP production have also been reported for CD patients with NOD2
mutations [115, 116]. Although NOD2-deficient mice do not spontaneously develop
IBD, studies reveal increased susceptibility toward Listeria monocytogenes and
Helicobacter hepaticus infection [62, 117].
Other CARD structures are implicated as susceptibility genes: variants of
CARD11 are significantly associated with UC and variants of CARD9 with both
IBD etiologies [89, 106]. Besides NOD2, ATG16L is regarded as one of the stron-
gest genetic contributors to CD [107]. ATG16L1 is critical for the formation of
autophagosomes and thus for the degradation and processing of microbial proteins
[118]. Patients with either NOD2 or ATG16L1 mutations show ineffective induc-
tion of autophagy and bacterial processing [119, 120]. Indeed, bacterial killing is
abrogated in IEC with disease-associated ATG16L mutation after stimulation with
muramyl dipeptide [121], affirming a functional link of NOD2 and ATG16L1. In
addition, other factors mediating autophagy, such as T-cell protein tyrosine phos-
phatase (PTPN2) [122–124] and interferon-inducible protein 1 (IRGM) [89, 114,
124, 125], are implicated in IBD. IRGM-deficient mice exhibit decreased bacterial
killing in macrophages and are more susceptible to infections [126], whereas
PTPN2−/− mice exhibit compromised T-cell functions [127, 128], systemic inflam-
mation [127], and increased susceptibility to chemically induced colitis [129].
13 Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining GI Health… 273
This convergence of several strong genetic risk factors highlights the importance
of pattern recognition and autophagic processes in the clearance of bacteria and thus
maintenance of intestinal health.
Th1 IFNy*, IL2*, IL12*, TNF
CD phenotpye
IL6 IL21*, IL22, IL17A, IL17F
CXCR5* RORyt* Th17
IL23 CCR6*
antigen CD4+ T cell IL10
presenting cell GATA3 Th2 IL4, IL5, IL10, IL13, IL15
STAT6 UC phenotpye
Th3 STAT5 Treg IL10*
Fig. 13.4 GWAS reveal a critical role of the induction of T-cell differentiation and responses in
IBD development. Antigen-presenting cells can induce T-cell differentiation into one of the major
T helper cell types: Th1, Th17, Th2, and Treg. Differentiation depends on co-stimulatory factors of
the antigen-presenting cell surface or by the network of cytokines present that are sensed by recep-
tors on the T-cell surface. Lineage commitment then requires the induction of transcription fac-
tors – the most important of them are outlined in bold in the figure. The different T-cell subsets are
characterized by cytokine profiles. Reported susceptibility genes for the development of CD or UC
are printed in red. Association of a gene with both etiologies is indicated by *. If there are func-
tional studies available for a gene, this is indicated by #. IEC intestinal epithelial cell, Th T helper
cell, Treg regulatory T cell, UC ulcerative colitis, CD Crohn’s disease
274 L. Gruber and D. Haller
IFNγ, IL12, TNF, and IL10 signaling [89]. IFNγ, IL12, and TNF are the predominant
cytokines in Th1 immune response, whereas IL10 is a major anti-inflammatory
cytokine. IL10 signaling is required for the generation of regulatory T-cell responses
via FoxP3 [130]. The impact of IL10 functionality on intestinal health is further
emphasized by the fact that IL10-deficient mice develop colitis when colonized and
have become a widely used model of IBD [131, 132].
Genes annotated to the ontology term “regulation of interleukin-17 produc-
tion” are strongly enriched in GWAS data sets (Fig. 13.4). Among these are
genes driving lineage commitment toward Th17 (RORγt, STAT3, IL23R, IL12B,
IL6ST) and genes related to Th17 signaling (IL21) and chemotaxis (CCR6) [89,
103, 105, 114, 133]. A subunit of IL12, a cytokine driving Th1 differentiation,
also serves as a subunit of IL23 and therefore can be regarded as interface
between Th1- and Th17-directed cell commitment [134], as can TYK2, process-
ing both signaling from IFNγ/IL12 and IL23. Further, Th1-associated genes
identified as susceptibility loci include genes encoding for factors driving Th1
differentiation (STAT1) and mediating Th1 signaling such as IL2, IFNG with
respective receptor forms, and a broad range of receptor and signaling proteins
associated with TNF [89, 103].
Most of these genes are implicated in both etiologies of IBD, although only CD
displays Th17 and Th1 immune response, whereas UC is Th2 dominated. These
genetic observations support the view that the chronic inflammation in IBD is a
consequence of innate immune dysfunction toward microbial stimuli, with environ-
mental risk factors shaping the relationship between microbiota and the immune
system. A substantial number of the susceptibility genes for IBD mentioned here
overlap with other diseases, such as Coeliac disease, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis
[89, 103], all of which result from faulty response of the immune system toward
nonpathogenic microbiota or antigens.
Together with subsequent functional analyses, the results of GWAS have contrib-
uted to a great extent to the understanding of IBD pathogenesis, although they have
not revealed potential for diagnostics as the predictive power is low, even at combi-
nation of all genetic susceptibility loci known today.
The comparison between health and diseased state helps to better understand the
aspects of the host-microbe mutualism that sustain health, and the studies on micro-
bial ecology performed in IBD patients offer a broad range of indications for mech-
anisms involved in health maintenance versus pathogenesis.
Despite the obvious contribution of microbiota and microbe-host interactions
to the development of IBD, there is no specific microorganism described which
can be consistently isolated in each IBD case and is absent in healthy hosts.
Hypotheses that a particular bacterial agent causes IBD can therefore not be
13 Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining GI Health… 275
supported. Several bacterial species are reported to correlate with the disease,
although no evidence exists for any of them to be the causative factor of human
IBD. Adherent-invasive E. coli (AIEC), for example, are found in abnormal
numbers in ileal mucosa of CD patients, presumably due to enhanced expression
of adherence factors [135, 136]. Besides this example of one defined species,
IBD may in general be caused by overall changes in the composition and func-
tionality of the intestinal microbiota, termed dysbiosis. A change of phenotypic
features of the microbiota has been observed in IBD patients. Also the functional
activity of these organisms has major impact on host-microbe signaling and is
studied using global approaches such as metagenomics, metatranscriptomics,
metaproteomics, and metabonomics. The phenomena observed so far on differ-
ent levels are summarized in the following sections.
For the Firmicutes phylum, there is in particular substantial evidence for decreased
abundance of populations belonging to Clostridia IXa and IV [139, 142, 146–148].
The depletion of Faecalibacteria, especially F. prausnitzii, seems to be a common
feature in IBD patients, especially in CD [142, 145, 149–152]. With F. prausnitzii
being a member of the Firmicutes<Clostridia, this could therefore contribute to the
relative loss of this class observed in IBD. Supplementation of live F. prausnitzii or
its supernatant ameliorated chemically induced colitis in animal studies and tended
to correct the connected dysbiosis [151].
Regarding Bacteroidetes abundance, findings are not as consistent as for
Firmicutes. While some comparisons find Bacteroidetes depleted in IBD [140, 142,
144], others do not observe significant alterations [64] or even report increased
abundance [138].
in mice treated with DSS [166]. These findings emphasize the role of SRB in the
induction of inflammation.
Concerning the increase in relative abundance of Proteobacteria in IBD, there is
also particular evidence for the overgrowth of facultative anaerobe Enterobacteriaceae
[138, 141, 143, 144, 147]. However, this family does not seem to be associated with
disease in a causative way, as Enterobacteriaceae (E. coli) isolates did not induce
colitis in antibiotic-pretreated susceptible mice despite robust colonization [168].
This example emphasizes that IBD-associated alterations in microbial composition
do not necessarily reflect a causative relation.
Many of the studies investigating dysbiosis in IBD revealed ICD as very distinct
from healthy and UC state, whereas CCD and UC were often not distinguishable
from each other or from healthy state. It is noteworthy that the donor patients of
specimen used to study the microbiota often have different backgrounds, as ICD is
more likely to be treated with immunosuppressant therapy and less likely to be
treated with mesalamine or antibiotics than colonic phenotypes [169, 170]. These
confounders might strongly affect the correlations seen between microbial compo-
sition and disease state. Basically, only findings for increased abundance in
Enterobacteriaceae for CD, Faecalibacterium for ICD specifically, and Clostridia in
both etiologies could be upheld after correction for all available covariates [169].
So far, all reported findings are correlations only and it therefore cannot be ruled
out that dysbiosis may simply be a consequence of inflammation, with microbiota
adapting to a changing environment. Related to the abovementioned example, the
growth of Enterobacteriaceae can be enhanced by an inflammatory state per se or by
genetic predisposition of the host in animal models [66, 171]. The overgrowth of an
introduced species of Salmonella enterica (S. typhimurium) was also observed in an
adoptive transfer model of colitis, in which cytotoxic T cells destroy the epithelium
[172]. This highlights the fact that there is a clear impact of host genotypes and
phenotypic conditions on microbial composition. Strikingly, genotypic effects on
bacterial ecology have also been reported for humans since unaffected twins from
UC patients also showed lower bacterial diversity than healthy, unrelated individu-
als and the same tendencies concerning relative increase of Actinobacteria [144].
This again implicates that a certain host genetic background may select pathogenic
microbiota, comparable to the observations associated with NOD2 polymorphisms
mentioned above.
Another drawback of using phylogenic characterization of the microbiota as a
tool to study host-microbe interactions in health versus disease are the substantial
intra- and interindividual variances in microbial composition, often outranging
the differences between the study groups [138]. Defining alterations in relative
abundance of certain bacteria and their possible relation to disease is therefore
difficult. Still, the characterization of the intestinal microbial composition may be
a promising tool to aid in diagnostics of IBD. A noninvasive method applying
278 L. Gruber and D. Haller
16S-based sequencing and mapping to a database of healthy and IBD samples was
successful in identifying pediatric patients with IBD (in contrast to patients with
other gastrointestinal symptoms) and could even distinguish between ICD and UC
both with reasonable sensitivity and specificity [173].
non-invasive invasive
urine plasma
AA inflammatory mediators
N-methylhistamine glycerophospholipids,
lipoproteins, lipids, AA
Fig. 13.5 Samples of different origins are used for metabonomic approaches studying IBD-related
changes, describing the regulation of both host-derived (blue) and microbiota-derived (red) metab-
olites. Bacteria-derived metabolites may penetrate the intestinal barrier, depending on their size,
chemical properties, and the intestinal permeability. Their abundance and the extent to which they
are found regulated decreases in the subsequent compartments of the intestinal tissue, plasma, and
urine compared to fecal water. Host metabolites implicated in IBD in the respective sample types
are written in blue, bacteria-derived metabolites in red, and metabolites of unidentified origin in
black. TMA trimethylamine, AA amino acids, SCFA short-chain fatty acids
The analysis of metabolites in fecal water seems a direct approach to link the com-
position of bacteria to their activity reflected by their metabolites and to draw con-
clusions on how this might affect host intestinal health. Studies on the fecal
microbiota in twin cohorts have revealed that the respective metabonomes of fecal
water cluster in the same way as data for phylogenic composition and metapro-
teomics for the same samples do [182]. All these approaches highlight the fact that
CD samples are distinct from healthy samples but also that CCD samples differ
13 Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining GI Health… 281
from ICD. Differences between CCD and healthy samples were not reported by
other -omics approaches in the same samples, indicating that the groups were more
distinct in metabolite profiles than other microbe-associated profiles. This suggests
that the fecal water metabonome might be a good means of studying potential
mechanisms in IBD etiopathology.
Amino Acids
The abundance of amino acids in fecal water is increased in IBD patients [183].
This might be due to reduced absorption of dietary amino acids or due to cata-
bolic actions of the host epithelium, but also an alteration of microbial metabo-
lism could result in changes in amino acids. Besides this ambivalent finding, also
clearly bacteria-derived metabolites are reportedly regulated in fecal water of
IBD patients.
Bile Acids
Metabolites related to bile acid (BA) synthesis and metabolism are often described
as differentially regulated between healthy and IBD samples and even between ICD
and CCD. Especially in ICD but also in irritable bowel syndrome or mouse models
of colitis, luminal contents of total BA are significantly elevated [182, 184, 185].
This increase in the total luminal BA concentration in ICD might reflect a loss of
transport activity as most of the BA should be reabsorbed in the ileum and undergo
enterohepatic circulation. Associations of specific microbial populations with the
respective metabolic profile of the feces were successfully established, with bacteria
of higher abundance in ICD correlating to BA and fatty acid metabolites. As bacte-
ria are differentially prone to antimicrobial effects exerted by BA and are differen-
tially able to metabolize BA species, alterations in BA concentration or composition
presumably result in concomitant shifts in microbial composition. Indeed, feeding
of BA-enriched diets altered microbial composition in rodents profoundly [162,
186]. Targeted quantifications have revealed particular implication of tauroconju-
gated (-SO3H) BA species in the lumen of UC patients [187]. Studies on animal
models of colitis have reported that higher abundance of taurocholic acid [162]
promotes the growth of SRB pathobionts that aggravate disease. Interestingly, cer-
tain luminal BA also decrease barrier function [188–190], probably via epidermal
growth factor receptor and/or modulation of the nuclear farnesoid X receptor in IEC
[191]. One study reported that the anti-inflammatory effect potentially exerted by
secondary BA is abolished upon sulfation of the respective species [187]. As
impaired barrier integrity and inept inflammatory response are the main features of
IBD, BA may trigger disease progression double-tracked – via direct action on IEC
and indirectly via modulation of the microbiota.
282 L. Gruber and D. Haller
The amount of SCFA, in particular butyrate, was markedly reduced in the fecal
water of CD patients, and to a lesser extent UC patients, compared to healthy con-
trols [183, 192]. The importance of butyrate for IEC functionality is described in
Sect. 13.1.2. The depletion of these bacteria-derived metabolites may reflect altera-
tions in microbial composition. In general, butyrate-producing bacteria have been
reported as diminished in IBD [142]. Especially Faecalibacterium prausnitzii is
regarded as an important butyrate producer and as outlined above is depleted in
IBD-affected mucosa. Also metagenomic and metaproteomic approaches have
revealed a depletion of butyrate and other SCFA production pathways in IBD [181]
and concomitant reduction of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii abundance. Decreased
SCFA production in IBD, especially CD, can thus be substantiated throughout the
levels of -omics approaches (also see Fig. 13.6). Indeed, enemas of butyrate have
been successfully used in UC treatment [43].
Fig. 13.6 IBD-related phenomena observed are partly interrelated across the different approaches
of assessing total microbial functionality. Dashed lines indicate the approach used, continuous
lines indicate the level of microbial functionality, and dotted lines indicate interrelations of find-
ings on these different levels
13 Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining GI Health… 283
Metabonomic analyses on fecal samples also revealed arachidonic acid (AA) and its
metabolites as implicated in IBD [182]. AA is converted by host enzymes into eico-
sanoids, mediators of inflammation. A regulation of eicosanoids was not convincingly
reflected in fecal water, but this might be attributed to the spatial resolution, as these
molecules exert their functions not in the lumen but at the basolateral side of the epithe-
lium. This highlights the restriction of metabonomics using fecal water: it may be
applied to study microbial metabolites but is limited to luminally secreted metabolites
on the host side, or those low amounts of metabolites shed with epithelial cells.
In contrast to abundance in fecal water samples, tissue levels of both AA and eico-
sanoids were reportedly elevated in animal models [193, 194] and IBD patients
[194], emphasizing the importance of metabolite compartmentalization. Untargeted
metabonomic studies on intestinal biopsy tissues were effective in distinguishing
healthy from UC [195] or CD samples [196] and also could discriminate between
CD and UC [196]. Differences described within the metabolite profiles of healthy
versus inflamed intestine lie especially within the group of glycerophospholipids,
with decreases in glycerophosphocholine [195, 197] and lysophosphatidylcholines
[193]. These findings are likely associated with the generation of inflammatory lipid
mediators and altered tissue morphology, such as the infiltration of immune cells
and changes in membrane fluidity. Tissue concentrations of myoinositol are
decreased in UC patients [195, 197]. As myoinositol could be food or host derived
[198], the meaning of this finding is not yet clear. It either reflects impaired absorp-
tion or could be related to alterations in membrane-incorporated phosphatidylinosi-
tol [199]. Lactate concentrations in intestinal tissue seem to be reduced in both UC
and CD patients [197]. Despite the mechanistic inexplicability of this finding, this
might serve as justification for the use of lactate-producing bacterial strains as pro-
biotics in IBD therapy (see Sect. 13.13.2).
Although metabonomic studies of intestinal tissue have not revealed further
microbiota-related alterations, these studies have elucidated molecular mechanisms
during microbiota-driven pathogenesis. Plasma Urine
As it is easy to collect and to process, urine seems a useful reservoir to apply metabo-
nomic approaches. Indeed, several studies demonstrate that metabonomics can be
applied on urinary metabolite profiles for the discrimination of healthy state from coli-
tis in mice [201] and IBD in humans [170, 202]. Increased levels of amino acids prob-
ably reflect a catabolic state of the host. N-Methylhistamine, presumably deriving from
mast cells, was found elevated in the urine of IBD patients [203]. The majority of the
regulated metabolites described for urinary samples are host derived. It can be specu-
lated that urinary samples may reflect the absorbed and excreted part of the microbial
metabonome. Trimethylamine, a metabolite uniquely produced by the microbiota, was
significantly elevated in the urine of colitic mice and correlated to disease progression
[201]. But as IBD is also characterized by impaired barrier integrity, increased abun-
dance of microbial metabolites could simply be an artifact of increased translocation
and is not necessarily directly associated with IBD etiopathology.
The intestinal microbiota is not only a key driver of inflammation in the context of IBD
[90] but also represents an interface between environment (diet) and host. The manipu-
lation of the bacterial composition of the microbiota via diet might be a promising
means of IBD treatment, especially in pediatrics where aggressive therapies are
eschewed. It is crucial to discriminate between preventive and therapeutic strategies, as
well as applications that intend to prolong phases of remission. Some alimentary strate-
gies and food components have been reportedly successful regarding the latter. However,
the effects of some approaches differ between the etiopathologies of CD, UC, and pou-
chitis, an IBD-like inflammation of an artificial rectum surgically formed out of ileal
tissue during colectomy. Besides the nutritional therapies, research also focuses on the
identification of dietary components that may affect the risk of IBD development.
13.4.1 Prebiotics
Given the potential of diet to modulate intestinal microbial composition and func-
tionality, there are many approaches to implement nutritional intervention in IBD
treatment strategies, in particular in the context of prebiotics. The concept of
286 L. Gruber and D. Haller
13.4.2 Probiotics
Probiotics aim to actively alter microbial composition by introducing live bacteria. The
prerequisite for a successful probiotic action therefore is the survival and sustaining of
the bacteria in the complex and competitive microbial network. Originally derived
from fermented food, especially dairy products, probiotic strains studied in regard to
IBD include above all Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria, and nonpathogenic E. coli Nissle
1917, as well as mixtures of these strains and a handful of other species. Human studies
are limited in patient numbers and are focused on a variety of probiotic strains or com-
binations, different outcomes, and diverse kinds of cohorts. Meta-analyses try to esti-
mate the overall beneficial effect of probiotics and indicated that in summary probiotics
might be applicable in patients with colonic phenotype for the maintenance of remis-
sion rather than induction of remission or treatment of active disease [219].
The use of Lactobacilli has been studied in several mouse model experiments as
well as clinical trials. Different strains (GG, paracasei, plantarum, salivarius) were
found to exert a variety of effects on host immune response, such as induction of
mucin expression [220] or suppression of cytokine production [221, 222] and T-cell
proliferation [223]. Although there is a lack of trials in IBD patients that convinc-
ingly show a beneficial effect regarding disease activity or remission maintenance
[224, 225], there is evidence for the amelioration of colitis in different mouse mod-
els in the case of Lactobacilli [221, 222, 226–228]. It became apparent that the
probiotic strains tested for effects on IBD have to be chosen carefully, and also in
regard to the experimental setup, when a study found L. plantarum and LGG to
aggravate DSS-induced colitis, whereas L. paracasei exhibited protective effects
[229]. In addition, E. faecalis, a member of the core gut microbiome historically
13 Role of the Gut Microbiota in Maintaining GI Health… 287
applied as probiotic strain, has been shown to compromise the intestinal barrier via
the matrix metalloprotease GelE and to thus contribute to IBD pathogenesis in sus-
ceptible mouse models [230].
Probiotic Bifidobacteria of various strains (infantis, breve, bifidum) resulted in
reduced inflammation in mouse models of colitis [221, 227, 231–234], and
Bifidobacterium-fermented milk was found to ameliorate disease in UC patients
[235, 236]. The mechanisms observed are similar to those reported for Lactobacilli,
such as alterations of cytokine levels [231, 233]. As in the case of Lactobacilli,
randomized placebo-controlled studies successfully using Bifidobacteria in IBD
patients are scarce.
E. coli Nissle, a nonpathogenic E. coli strain, was effective in attaining as well as
maintaining remission in UC patients [237–239]. This strain might exert beneficial
effects by strengthening the intestinal barrier [240], similarly to the barrier-related
effects of both Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria [222, 241–243].
Also mixtures of probiotics are commonly used. The formula VSL#3 combines
eight different probiotic lactic acid bacteria: four strains of Lactobacilli (acidophi-
lus, bulgaricus, casei, plantarum), three strains of Bifidobacteria (breve, infantis,
longum), and Streptococcus thermophilus, all of which are usually present in the
human intestinal microbiota. This mixture has been shown to induce or maintain
remission in pouchitis [244, 245], mild to moderate UC [246, 247], and pediatric
UC patients [248]. In contrast to these promising results in pouchitis and UC, pro-
biotic therapies failed to show effects in CD patients [249, 250]. The mechanism of
action is poorly understood and the combination of the different strains impedes the
study of molecular mechanisms. Animal models have been used to study the effects
of VSL#3 concerning immune stimulation and regulation, some of which have
reported a DNA-dependent effect of the probiotic mixture [251, 252]. One secreted
component of VSL#3, the L. paracasei-derived prtP-encoded lactocepin, was
shown to reduce inflammation in a murine colitis model [253], due to anti-
inflammatory effects via the degradation of chemokines [254].
Noteworthy are also the effects observed for the use of synbiotics. The idea
behind synbiotic approaches is to promote the survival and growth of the applied
probiotics by simultaneous ingestion of prebiotics. Indeed, clinical trials revealed
beneficial effects of synbiotics in UC patients [255, 256].
In summary, there is a need for more randomized, double-blind clinical trials focus-
ing on the feasibility of probiotics in IBD therapy. In many cases, it is not clear if live
bacteria, bacterial surface compounds, or secreted bacterial compounds are needed for
the effects observed. Evidence for beneficial effects of probiotics, mainly in the case of
E. coli Nissle and VSL#3, in both animal models and clinical trials is promising, though
for colitis and pouchitis only and not for inflammation of the small intestine. The dif-
ferent etiologies of CD and UC might be responsible for this discrepancy. Recent stud-
ies indicate that eukaryotes such as Saccharomyces boulardii [257, 258] or helminths
[259] might be effective in prolonging remission phases in CD, probably due to selec-
tive attenuation of Th1 antigenic responses (implicated in IBD) [260], and shift to Th2
(directed against parasites; also see Fig. 13.4) [261, 262]. However, the research on the
use of these organisms in IBD is still in its infancy.
288 L. Gruber and D. Haller
Enteral nutrition has been applied successfully in the treatment of IBD [263], espe-
cially in children with CD [264–266]. As IBD is characterized by a reduced bacte-
rial diversity, it might appear contradictory that enteral nutrition seems to reduce
bacterial diversity by depriving the microbiota of nutrients [267]. The reduction of
diversity might correlate to a reduced antigenic load of the microbiota in this case.
But a reduction of mucosal antigen exposure could also result from the nature of the
feed, as semisynthetic enteral nutrition formulas are very low in bacterial antigens.
In addition, a liquid diet results in faster intestinal transit, reducing the time of expo-
sure to ingested putative antigens. Alternatively, enteral nutrition might also be able
to modulate the metabolic activity of the microbiota [268].
A reduction of microbial diversity is also observed with the therapeutic use of
elemental diets in IBD [269]. The term elemental diet describes easily digestible
and peptide- or amino acid-based formulas. Some clinical trials support the effica-
ciousness of commercially available formulas in decreasing disease activity indices
and relapse frequency comparably to steroid treatments [270–273].
The use of enteral nutrition or also certain elemental diets in IBD therapy seems
promising, but still these treatment approaches do not always produce equally ben-
eficial results as standard therapies using medication [274]. In addition, the mecha-
nisms behind the amelioration of disease are not clearly understood. In general, as
both nutritional approaches involve only easily digestible formulas, usually contain-
ing low amounts of fat, a general relief of the digestive systems in terms of enzyme
production, chylomicron formation, and possibly mechanical stimulation is induced.
In addition, non-polymeric diets are free of gluten: mouse studies indicated a poten-
tial aggravation of disease by gluten-containing diets [275], and gastrointestinal
symptoms of non-celiac disease patients are ameliorated by gluten-free diet [276].
These possibly affected digestive processes concern the small intestine rather
than the colon, which goes along with the finding that enteral and elemental diets
are more effective in ileal than colonic IBD phenotypes [277]. Together with pre-
sumably altered composition or functionality of microbiota, there are numerous
effects of these approaches on the intestinal tract, hampering the elucidation of
molecular mechanisms.
whereas dietary fibers and food groups such as fruit and vegetables may be
protective [280]. The lack of unequivocal evidence from epidemiological studies
for the implication of specific dietary factors might result from the complex etiol-
ogy of IBD and also indicates that diet probably only affects IBD development in
combination with host genetics and other environmental factors. However, there
are accumulating indications for a role of dietary fat in IBD pathogenesis. A sys-
tematic literature review of retrospective epidemiologic data concluded that a high
dietary intake of fat, adjusted for total energy intake and behavioral confounders,
increases risk of IBD [280]. In contrast, body mass index or total energy intake did
not correlate to the development of incident IBD in a prospective cohort study
[285]. This indicates a specific role for dietary lipids in the pathogenesis of
IBD. Indeed, high-fat diets (HFD) have been shown to impair intestinal health in
chemical and genetic animal models of colitis [162, 286, 287] and CD-like ileitis
[288]. There are indications from animal studies that HFD promotes intestinal
inflammatory processes [287, 289, 290] and perturbs barrier function [189, 288,
291], but the mechanisms underlying the facilitation of disease onset or its aggra-
vation remain not fully elucidated. HFD modulates the composition of the intesti-
nal microbiota [287, 292]. The modulation of the bacterial composition by HFD
ingestion can result in increased pathogenicity of the intestinal microbiota, espe-
cially by fostering the growth of pathobionts that induce inappropriate inflamma-
tory response in a susceptible host [162]. There are indications that HFD exerts this
modulation of the microbial ecosystem via shifts in BA composition [162, 186,
189]. Only 1 day after facing a diet high in animal fat, the microbial community
starts to shape accordingly, with increased abundance of bile acid-tolerant species
and reduction of plant carbohydrate-metabolizing species [293]. HFD-associated
modification of the microbial composition, reduction of barrier function, and
aggravation of pathology are reportedly independent of an obese phenotype [189,
288, 292]. In summary, diets rich in fat may aggravate IBD via the modulation of
intestinal luminal factors. This mechanism could also contribute to the beneficial
effects reported for enteral and elemental nutrition, as these forms of alimentation
generally lead to decreased fat consumption compared to a typical Western diet.
Likewise, there is evidence for iron playing a crucial role in IBD pathogenesis from
a mouse model with CD-like phenotype: dietary but not systemic iron aggravated dis-
ease compared to a low-iron diet, probably via the modulation of intestinal microbial
composition, and in combination with increased cellular stress in IECs [294]. These
findings might particularly impact on IBD treatment in the future, considering the fact
that IBD patients are often anemic and treated with iron supplements.
Besides the effects of diet on intestinal microbial composition and function, diet
may also impact on IBD in a more direct way. Nutrigenetics in the context of IBD
aims at identifying nutrient-gene interactions associated with disease-conditioning
and disease-modulating situation. Thereby, two main aspects have come into
290 L. Gruber and D. Haller
Fig. 13.7 Nutrigenetics in the context of IBD investigate nutrient-gene interactions associated
with disease-conditioning and disease-modulating situation. The regulation of cellular energy
demand, for example, via butyrate import, and the effect of transcription factors activated by nutri-
ents are critical in IBD. MCT1 monocarboxylate transporter 1, ATP adenosine triphosphate, PepT1
peptide transporter 1, MDP muramyl dipeptide, NOD2 nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain
2, NFκB nuclear factor κB, MDR1 multidrug resistance protein 1, AhR aryl hydrocarbon receptor,
Vit A vitamin A, XRE xenobiotic response element, RXR retinoid X receptor, RARE retinoic acid
response element, Vit D vitamin D, VDR vitamin D receptor, VDRE VDR responsive element. FA
fatty acid, PPAR peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, PRE PPAR responsive element, * IBD
susceptibility gene, ** regulated in IBD
play: (1) the general regulation of cellular energy demand and (2) transcription fac-
tors activated by nutrients as the closest interface of diet and regulation of gene
expression. Major findings are summarized in Fig. 13.7.
luminal levels of acetate and butyrate were reported to decrease rapidly with
ingestion of diets high in fat [293].
Diet- and microbiota-derived xenobiotics are actively removed from IEC via the
multidrug resistance protein (MDR1). Variants of MDR1 are associated with UC
[300, 301]. Xenobiotic substances remaining in the host cell may activate the tran-
scription factor aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr) [302]. Derivatives of diet-derived
vitamins A and D bind to transcription factors retinoid X receptor (RXR) and vita-
min D receptor (VDR), respectively, whereas fatty acids activate peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). VDR polymorphisms are associated with
IBD [303], and also contribution of PPARs is under debate [302, 304]. PepT1, a
major brush border peptide transporter, is also implicated as IBD susceptibility gene
[305]. It allows uptake of muramyl dipeptide which activates NOD2 and thus
inflammatory response pathways via NFκB [306, 307]. Activated transcription fac-
tors such as NFκB, Ahr, RXR, VDR, or PPAR modulate immune response down-
stream and thus in turn also potentially impact on microbiota, emphasizing the close
interrelations of host, dietary factors, and microbiota.
In summary, it seems likely that dietary components or alimentary strategies
impact on IBD directly or through alterations of the composition or metabolic activ-
ity of the microbiota. Therefore, personalized nutrition strategies might profoundly
improve disease activity or remission maintenance in the future.
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Chapter 14
Deciphering the Gut Microbial Contribution
to the Etiology of Autism Development
Healthy Autism
Healthy CNS nervous Emotional,
function system (CNS) behavioural and
Normal gut
Abnormal gut
development and
Fig. 14.1 Scheme summarizing the main factors related to gut–brain axis associated with brain
development and autism
identification of microbes constituting gut microbiota has been the main technological
challenge currently due to massive amount of intestinal microbes and the difficulties
in culture of gut microbes [3]. In parallel, many challenges remain to better assess,
understand, and modulate gut microbial metabolic activities and their influence at
panorganismal scale [4].
If recent studies have highlighted the depth of microbiota influence on the devel-
opment and function of the host brain, one of the first observations resulted from the
beneficial impact of orally administered antibiotics in reversing encephalopathy in
patients with decompensated liver disease [5]. In addition, accumulating evidence
further describes a relationship between psychiatric and gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD), that are also associated with disturbances of the intestinal microbiota [6]. As
highlighted in Chap. 14 of this book, there is compelling evidence that the brain
may influence gastrointestinal functions (such as motility, secretion, and mucin pro-
duction) as well as immune functions, and therefore being a direct vehicle for medi-
ating the effects of emotional factors such as stress or depression influence [7–10].
These GIT disorders are also intimately related with gut dysbiosis [11], illustrat-
ing the potential brain influences on the microbial composition and activity along
the GIT and reciprocally for the microbiota to modulate host metabolism [1].
Moreover, the gut microbiota, the intestinal mucosa, and the intestinal immune sys-
tem issue multiple signals from the gut to the brain carried by sensory neurons,
immune mediators, gut hormones, and microbiota-derived signaling molecules
[12]. For instance, the influence of the gut microbiota on the development of the
central nervous systems and stress responses was recently documented [13]. In this,
two specific interactive systems are being highlighted, namely, the hypothalamus–
pituitary–adrenal axis and the vagus nerve, as important means of communicating
signals from gut microbes to the central nervous systems. Furthermore, recent
efforts focused on the members of the neuropeptide Y (NPY) family of biologically
active peptides, NPY, peptide YY (PYY), and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) [12].
PYY and PP are exclusively expressed by endocrine cells of the digestive system,
whereas NPY is found at all levels of the gut–brain and brain–gut axis. Recent studies
have extensively described how PYY is influenced by the intestinal microbiota, with
particular interest in appetite regulation in the context of obesity pandemic. Due to
its multilevel homeostatic mechanism, pharmacological manipulation of NPY–Y
receptor system may have considerable therapeutic efficacy in many common meta-
bolic and GIT disease in addition to psychiatric disorders.
Several lessons learned so far are mainly based and limited to preclinical studies
[7], especially using gnotobiotic and germfree animal models. Such systems models
have enabled rediscovering the multiple and complex facet of the interaction with
the gut microbiota at multi-compartmental levels [4, 14–16]. The influence of the
gut microbiota on the nervous system, brain development, and behavior, in particu-
lar during microbial colonization of the host, has recently been receiving profound
interest [17]. In particular, the metabolic modulation of metabolites influencing
functions of the nervous system, such as tryptophan and kynurenine levels, further illus-
trates the functional microbiota–neurohumoral relationship during gut colonization.
314 I.K.S. Yap and F.-P. Martin
Moreover, novel evidence describes how gut microbiota type and presence can
impact the cerebral biochemical profiles [18], including cerebral glycolytic
Gastrointestinal dysfunction has been reported in ASD children [32], and studies
have suggested that the condition may be associated with abnormal gut microbiota.
Given the importance of the microbiome in mammalian metabolism, e.g., bile
acid metabolism, there is a possibility of previously unrecognized etiologic con-
nections between microbiome disorders and childhood developmental problems.
Individuals with ASD are commonly exposed to repeated courses of multiple anti-
biotic therapies, and this may contribute to the complex relationships between
gastrointestinal symbiosis and ASD by altering the composition or stability of
their gut microbiota.
One of the very first suggestions of the potential involvement of bacteria in ASD
was the publication by Bolte et al. where it was hypothesized that ASD may be
linked to low-grade intestinal infection with Clostridium tetani [33]. It is well
known that majority of children with ASD undergo extensive antibiotic therapy.
Oral antibiotics can disrupt the stability and integrity of the “normal” gut microbiota
thus resulting in an environment for opportunistic pathogens to colonize. One of this
opportunistic pathogen is C. tetani. Clostridium belongs to the phylum of Firmicutes.
They are rod-shaped obligate anaerobes that produce endospores [34]. Some of the
most important biological pathogens belong to this genus of bacteria, namely, C.
botulinum, C. difficile, and C. tetani, associated with botulism, antibiotic-associated
diarrhea, and tetanus, respectively. Clostridium species such as C. botulinum and C.
tetani are known to produce neurotoxins, which trigger the very clinical pathologi-
cal manifestation that they are associated with. It has been shown that toxin pro-
duced by C. tetani in the intestine of experimental animals can be transported to the
central nervous system via the vagus nerve resulting in the disruption of neurotrans-
mitters release [35, 36]. It was suggested that such inhibition may lead to the myri-
ads of behavioral deficits observed in children with ASD.
Sandler and colleagues conducted a small cohort study of oral vancomycin in
autistic children which subsequently proved the hypotheses [37]. It was reported in
the study that children receiving vancomycin treatment showed improvement in
gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal pain, constipation, and/or diarrhea.
In addition, behavioral improvements were observed with significant reduction in
aggressive behavior, increased eye contact, and significant improvement in lan-
guage and speech. However, such changes were dependent on vancomycin treat-
ment and all children relapsed after discontinuation of the antibiotic. The work by
Sandler et al. presented one of the first clear scientific evidences on the link between
gut–brain axis and ASD. Several studies had subsequently indicated that children
with ASD have perturbed gut microbiota as compared to typically developing children.
To investigate further the potential involvement of Clostridium species (spp.) in
ASD, Finegold et al. studied the feces of children with ASD and compared with
healthy controls. It was found that children with ASD have higher levels of
Clostridium spp. as well as greater species variation [38]. A subsequent study by the
same group showed that children with ASD have elevated C. bolteae and Clostridium
316 I.K.S. Yap and F.-P. Martin
clusters I and XI [39]. Around the same time, a study conducted by Parracho et al.
comparing feces of children with ASD versus healthy siblings and healthy unrelated
controls showed that children with ASD has higher levels of certain Clostridium
spp. and, more interestingly, the healthy siblings had an intermediate level between
their siblings with ASD and those of the healthy unrelated controls [40]. Further, a
recent pyrosequencing study on fecal microbiota composition between typically
developing controls versus ASD children and their normal functioning siblings
showed that children with ASD had higher level of Bacteroidetes and lower level of
Firmicutes as compared to the controls [41]. In addition, children with ASD also
had lower level of several Bifidobacterium species while Desulfovibrio was higher
[32, 41]. A study by Wang et al. also showed lower level of Bifidobacterium and
Akkermansia muciniphila in ASD children [42].
In fact, the study by Finegold et al. showed that Desulfovibrio was present in half
of the autistic subjects and in some siblings. More interestingly, none of the control
subjects had Desulfovibrio [32]. Children with ASD are known to be sulfur defi-
cient. Aldred et al. showed that individuals with autism have lower levels of plasma
sulfate but considerably elevated levels of urinary sulfate as compared to normal
individuals [43, 44]. These data suggest that autistic individuals may have impaired
detoxification potential involving sulfation as evidenced by their inability to sulfate
acetaminophen [44]. The presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria such as Desulfovibrio
in ASD children could be one of the reasons behind the abnormality observed in
sulfur metabolism. Moreover, the severity of ASD behavior is positively correlated
with increased Desulfovibrio species [32].
Finding the cause of ASD has proved challenging due to the multifactorial nature of
the disorder, which also means that finding biochemical markers for ASD has
remained elusive thus far. However, successful discovery of a set of specific and
accurate biomarkers for ASD would not only help in understanding the pathophysi-
ology of the condition but would, together with behavioral assessment, immensely
help in the diagnosis of ASD thus allowing the possibility of early detection and
thereby allowing early targeted intervention, which could possibly reduce severity
of ASD [19]. Metabonomics or metabolic profiling approach is becoming increas-
ingly important in identifying biomarkers of disease progression and drug interven-
tion and can provide additional information to support or aid the interpretation of
genomic and proteomic data. Since metabolic phenotypes are the results from the
interaction between host genome [45] and the environment including diet and host
microbiome [46, 47], perturbation in such complex interactions will lead to altered
metabolic profiles, which can be studied using metabonomic approaches [48–52].
One of the earlier works on urinary phenotyping of autistic children was car-
ried out by Lis et al. [53], where urine samples from autistic (n = 19) and normal
(n = unknown) children were analyzed using anion exchange chromatography.
14 Deciphering the Gut Microbial Contribution to the Etiology of Autism Development 317
The study showed that autistic children have abnormal levels of urinary hippurate,
4-hydroxyhippurate, and N-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide (2PY) as com-
pared to normal controls. It was postulated in the study that such observation in
the urinary profiles could be due to several factors including involvement of gut
microbiota and potential perturbation in endogenous metabolism. Hippurate is
predominantly formed by hepatic glycine conjugation of dietary and gut microbial-
derived benzoate, which is derived from plant phenolics [54]. Decreased urinary
levels of hippurate could be an indication of reduced benzoic acid synthesis by the
gut microbiota. The work by Lis et al. highlighted the potential of urine as a bio-
chemical window into understanding ASD and a viable biomatrix for biomarker
discovery and potentially diagnosis. The first metabonomic study on ASD was
conducted by Yap et al. utilizing proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR)
spectroscopy-based metabonomic approach [55]. The study looked at the meta-
bolic profiles of children diagnosed with ASD together with their non-autistic
siblings and age-matched healthy volunteers. The main findings from the study
showed alterations in nicotinic acid metabolism and gut microbe metabolism with
increased urinary levels of 2PY, N-methyl nicotinic acid, and N-methyl nicotin-
amide and decreased levels of urinary gut microbe co-metabolites such as hippu-
rate, phenylacetylglutamine, and 4-cresol sulfate. These observations were in
agreement with the findings from Lis et al. [53] implicating the involvement of
gut microbe in ASD and proved that metabonomic is an effective tool to aid
understanding of the etiology of ASD and biomarker discovery. The study by Yap
et al. also revealed differences in urinary amino acid levels such as glutamate,
alanine, glycine, and taurine [55]. More intriguingly, the study also showed that
the metabolic profiles of non-autistic siblings were quite different from their
autistic siblings as well as the age-matched healthy volunteers. Such pattern was
also observed by Parracho et al. when comparing the levels of Clostridium spp.
between children with ASD versus healthy siblings and healthy unrelated con-
trols, which showed that the healthy siblings had an intermediate level between
their ASD siblings and the healthy unrelated controls. Such observation could
indicate that the presence and levels of certain gut microbe could trigger the onset
of ASD, which could lead to perturbation in the metabolic profiles and warrant
further investigation.
Ming et al. utilized mass spectrometry-based metabonomic approach to further
investigate metabolic perturbations in ASD children versus controls with the aim
of identifying more specific biochemical disturbances linked to the pathogenesis of
ASD [56]. The study showed that individuals with ASD showed differences in
urinary amino acids such as glycine, alanine, and taurine as well as gut microbe
co-metabolites such as propionic acid derivatives and bile acids. Results from this
study validated the findings by Yap et al. [55], which showed perturbation in gut
microbial co-metabolism. Furthermore, the study by Ming et al. also showed lower
levels of urinary antioxidants carnosine and urate indicating potential increase
in oxidative stress. More recently, Emond et al. evaluated the use of gas
chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry metabonomic approach to study the
urinary biochemical profiles of autistic versus healthy children [57]. The study
318 I.K.S. Yap and F.-P. Martin
Table 14.1 Role of the microbiome and microbial–host co-metabolites associated with brain
development and autism: overview of key references
compartment Main findings Refs
Microbiome Certain bacteria produce neurotoxin that can be transported to the [35,
central nervous system via the vagus nerve. Bacteria implicated: 36]
Clostridium species; Clostridium tetani
Vancomycin-treatment leads to short-term improvement in [37]
gastrointestinal problems and behavioral improvements
Higher levels and greater variation of Clostridium species were [38–
found in children with ASD, and normal functioning siblings of 40]
autistic children have intermediate level of Clostridium species
between ASD and healthy unrelated controls. Bacteria implicated:
Clostridium species
Children with ASD were reported to have higher level of [41]
Bacteroidetes and lower level of Firmicutes. Bacteria implicated:
Bacteroidetes; Firmicutes
Metabolome Abnormal levels of urinary hippurate, 4-hydroxyhippurate, and [53]
N-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide (2PY) found in ASD children
First metabonomics study on ASD. Reported increased urinary [55]
levels of 2PY, N-methyl nicotinic acid, and N-methyl nicotinamide
and decreased levels of urinary gut microbe co-metabolites such as
hippurate, phenylacetylglutamine, and 4-cresol sulfate in ASD
Metabolic profiling showed differences in urinary amino acids, i.e., [56]
glycine, alanine, and taurine, as well as gut microbe co-metabolites,
i.e., propionic acid derivatives and bile acids, between normal and
ASD children
Found levels of urinary succinate and glycolate higher in ASD [57]
children and levels of urinary hippurate, 3-hydroxyphenylacetate,
3-hydroxyhippurate lower in ASD children
14 Deciphering the Gut Microbial Contribution to the Etiology of Autism Development 319
The growing ASD incidence attracts interest in better defining the role of recent
changes in food intake and exposure in the etiology of the disease. For instance,
essential fatty acids taken in diets mediate brain functions and structures during
development and are involved in many brain-related disorders like autism [58].
Among the various lipid species, cell membrane components, including mainly
phospholipids, are very rich in PUFAs in brain tissue, with AA and DHA represent-
ing up to 20 % of the dry brain weight [58]. Abnormalities in the fatty acid composi-
tions of phospholipids have been implicated in several neurodevelopmental
disorders that manifest with psychiatric symptoms. In particular, alteration in fatty
acids and phospholipids, including not only reduced levels of n-3 PUFAs but also
increased levels of saturated fatty acids in the red blood cell membrane [59] or in
plasma [21], was described in autistic subjects. In particular, blood plasma of autistic
patients showed an increase in most of the saturated fatty acids except for propionic
acid and a decrease in most of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which could relate to
multifactorial processes ranging from oxidative stress to mitochondrial dysfunction
and lead to induced metabolic alterations in Saudi autistic patients [60]. The
concomitant alteration in phospholipase activity associated with decreased levels of
AA, docosatetraenoic acid, and DHA in red blood cell membranes from autistic
subjects further supports a fundamental role of the phospholipid metabolic regula-
tion in autism and the potential role of nutritional intervention for future prevention
strategies [61]. This was recently exemplified by El-Ansary et al. [58] in a study
comparing the relative concentrations of essential fatty acids (linoleic and alpha-
linolenic), their long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, and phospholipids in plasma
of autistic patients from Saudi Arabia with age-matching controls. They reported a
significant modulation of the metabolism of fatty acids, as assessed via an alteration
of the ratio between essential fatty acids/long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and
omega-3/omega-6 fatty acids, and a decrease in circulating levels of phospholipids.
The authors provide particular emphasis on phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphati-
dylserine, and phosphatidylcholine lipid species which could be used as potential
biomarkers for future treatment or prevention strategies.
The potentiality of using metabolic and gut microbial metabolic markers for future
therapeutic perspectives is significant but so far at their infancy, due to the yet limited
definition and understanding of the processes leading to the gut–brain axis dysfunc-
tion in ASD. One should separate the nutritional approaches aiming at prevention
from management of specific conditions or disease stages. Once additional and more
consolidated phenotype characterizations of the human host–microbiome are avail-
able, more studies should be dedicated to investigate metabolic features associated
with the gradual development of the ASD dysfunction. In particular, family at-risk
subpopulations should be defined and studied in order to generate further hypotheses
on environmental and nutritional strategies for prevention and management.
320 I.K.S. Yap and F.-P. Martin
14.6 Conclusions
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Chapter 15
The Modulation of Drug Efficacy
and Toxicity by the Gut Microbiome
Abstract The gut microbiota have been shown to have an important influence,
direct and indirect, on the metabolism and toxicity of a wide range of drugs and
xenobiotics. The major drug-metabolizing capability of the gut microbiota is reduc-
tive metabolism, but demethylation, dehydroxylation, deacylation, decarboxylation,
and hydrolysis reactions have also been demonstrated as well as acetylation.
Microbiome-driven drug metabolism can result positively in the activation of pro-
drugs to their pharmacologically active forms or alternatively result in adverse con-
sequences such as toxicity. In addition, the gut microbiota can affect drug metabolism
and toxicity indirectly via, e.g., competition of bacterial-derived metabolites for
xenobiotic metabolism pathways or the modulation of host metabolic systems.
15.1 Introduction
With our expanding knowledge of the composition and role of the gut microbiota in
human health and disease, interest has once more focused on the role of this impor-
tant “external” organ in modifying the pharmacological effects of drugs, or their
toxicity, and it currently forms an area of active research. In addition there is the
interesting question of the modification of the microbiome using pharmaceuticals.
This can be either intentional, in order to modify some of the activities of the gut
microbiota beneficially, or unintentional, as a result of “collateral damage” caused
by, e.g., exposure of the host to antibiotics, and cytotoxics etc. The latter poses the
further question of how far one should go to mitigate this unintended damage to the
gut ecosystem in the light of our increasing understanding of the importance of the
gut microbiome to the host. It is now clearer than ever that these organisms are not
merely passengers in the hosts digestive system, but important members of the crew.
As is now well accepted, in the adult human, the gut contains up to ca. a kilogram
of bacteria, the bulk of which comprise species of obligate anaerobes from the gen-
era Bacteroides, Clostridium, Lactobacillus, Escherichia, Bifidobacteria, and
others, together with a variety of yeasts and other microorganisms. This results in a
complex and still incompletely characterized ecology comprising ca. 1,000 species
that coexist in a dynamic equilibrium. For the host the microbiome provides benefits
via enhanced energy recovery from food, defense against pathogens, and interac-
tions with the immune and nervous systems through a number of signaling mole-
cules and metabolites. The composition of the gut microbiome is different between
individuals and depends on many factors such as whether birth was conventional or
by Cesarean section, diet, antibiotic treatment, environment, etc.
However, for the drug metabolism and toxicology communities, despite many
early studies showing its importance in some instances of xenobiotic biotransforma-
tion, it is arguable that gut microbiota of animals and man has (at least until recently)
become a “forgotten organ” for modulating drug metabolism, disposition, and tox-
icity (this is despite an early focus in vitro studies employing gut microbiota incuba-
tions where their influence of drug metabolism was investigated in depth (e.g., see
Refs. [1, 2]). This lack of current awareness is potentially a serious oversight as the
microbiota are not only capable of a very wide range of biotransformations but are
also a source of physiological variability between individuals with clear potential to
affect the disposition, and toxicity, of drugs and metabolites via secondary interac-
tions mediated through, e.g., the metabolic exchange and the co-metabolism and
processing of many diverse substrates [3]. Indeed, thanks to the gut microbiota, the
host is continually exposed to bacterially derived metabolites and waste products
that not only require processing and elimination but that may also modulate, to a
greater or lesser extent, the host’s drug-metabolizing systems via, e.g., the induction
of drug-metabolizing enzymes (or their inhibition) or by the production of second-
ary metabolites that compete for particular drug-metabolizing pathways to give, in
an analogous way to drug-drug interactions (DDIs), drug-microbiome interactions
(DMIs). That this should be the case is unsurprising as undoubtedly an important
driver for the development of the, so-called, phase I and II drug-metabolizing sys-
tems was the need to eliminate unwanted microbiota-derived metabolites such as,
e.g., ethanol and benzoic acid. Such factors may be important in both personalized
medicine and so-called idiosyncratic drug toxicity.
The metabolic capacity of the gut microbiota is large and is capable of undertaking a
wide number of biotransformations on drugs and other xenobiotics. These metabolic
capabilities include reductive and hydrolytic reactions as well as decarboxylation,
dehydroxylation, dealkylation, de-halogenation, deamination, etc. (Fig. 15.1).
15 The Modulation of Drug Efficacy and Toxicity by the Gut Microbiome 325
Oral i.v.
Reduction Reduction Oxidation
Hydrolysis Hydrolysis Conjugation
Dehydroxylation Conjugation
Excretion Excretion
via bile via urine
Fig. 15.1 A schematic highlighting the major metabolic reactions that are undertaken by the gut
microbiota and illustrating the metabolic linkage with the host liver where biliary excretion and
enterohepatic cycling of metabolites can result in host-microbiome co-metabolism
The environment of the gut is well suited to non-oxidative metabolism, and the
microbiome therefore provides the host with a metabolic organ of considerable
capacity for the reductive biotransformation of drugs, and drug-like compounds,
such as the polar azo dyes prontosil (p-(2,4-diaminophenylazo)benzenesulfon-
amide) [4] and neoprontosil (sodium 2-(p-sulphamyl-phenylazo)-7-acetamido-1-
hydroxynaphthalene-3,6-disulfonate) [5]. These compounds are both prodrugs of
sulfanilamide. Such reductions can therefore have important consequences result-
ing in the conversion of “prodrugs” into their active forms, the inactivation of com-
pounds, or the toxification of otherwise innocuous compounds. Rafii and Cerniglia
[6] demonstrated that a number of anaerobic species of bacteria present in the GI
326 I.D. Wilson and J.K. Nicholson
tract of humans could reductively metabolize a range of azo dyes and nitropolycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons to aromatic amines. This activity resided in species of the
genera Clostridium and Eubacterium. They studied the azo- and nitroreductases
from three Clostridium strains and one Eubacterium strain, noting that these
enzymes were produced constitutively in each of the bacteria, with the enzymes
exhibiting different electrophoretic mobilities depending upon the bacteria from
which they had been isolated. However, based on comparison of their electropho-
retic mobilities, antibody affinity, and the fact that nitroaromatic compounds could
act as competitive inhibitors against azoreductase activity, they considered that both
azo- and nitroreductase activities resided in a single enzyme.
As well as prontosil and neoprontosil, important reductive bioactivations include
those of, e.g., the 5-aminosalicylic acid prodrugs sulfasalazine (salicyl-azo-sulfapyridine)
[7, 8], olsalazine [9], ipsalazide (5-Carboxymethylcarbamoyl-4-phenylazo)-salicylic
acid), and balsalazide (5-(carboxyethtylcarbamoyl-4-phenylazo)-salicylic acid) [10]
used in ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel conditions. Reductive metabolism of
these compounds by the gut microbiota is essential to obtain the desired pharmacological
activity in the gut via the release of the anti-inflammatory aminosalicylic acid moiety.
The consequences of reductive metabolism by the mictobiota can however, in
addition to beneficial drug activation, potentially be quite serious. Thus the toxifi-
cation of drugs via reductive metabolism has been implicated in the case of
nitrazepam-induced teratogenicity in rats. In studies in the rat, Takeno and Sakai
[11] found that incubation of nitrazepam in caecal content-derived bacterial sus-
pensions resulted in extensive nitroreduction of the drug reduction to 7-aminoni-
trazepam (rat liver homogenates could also perform this biotransformation but
only under anaerobic conditions). At an oral dose of 300 mg/kg nitrazepam, to
pregnant rats, the nitro-reduced metabolites 7-aminonitrazepam and 7-acetylami-
nonitrazepam accounted for ca. 30 % of the drug-related material recovered in the
excreta, falling to only 2 % following pretreatment with antibiotics. A direct rela-
tionship with antibiotic treatment and the decline in nitroreduction was confirmed
when the nitroreductase activity of caecal contents was found to be almost com-
pletely eliminated by the antibiotic pretreatment (the activity in the liver homoge-
nates was unaffected). In addition antibiotic pretreatment was observed to reduce
the teratogenic effects of the drug. The combination of these experiments led the
authors to conclude that the intestinal microbiota not only played an important role
in the reductive metabolism of nitrazepam but that the teratogenic effects of the
drug were not unrelated to this.
Similarly, when the in vitro and in vivo metabolism of clonazepam was investi-
gated using germfree and ex-germfree rats, significant amounts of reduction of the
drug clonazepam to 7-aminoclonazepam were seen that appeared to be related to the
gut microbiota [12]. As with nitrazepam hepatic microsomes were also capable of
this biotransformation but only under anaerobic conditions. When [14C]-clonazepam
was dosed orally to germfree rats, the reduced metabolites of the drug accounted for
only 15 % of the radioactivity in the urine, with over 70 % of the dose as a phenolic
metabolite. However, following colonization with an intestinal flora, some 77 % of
15 The Modulation of Drug Efficacy and Toxicity by the Gut Microbiome 327
the metabolites observed resulted from nitroreduction with the major product
identified as 7-acetamidoclonazepam.
The reductive cleavage of hydrazone linkages in drugs has also been observed.
Thus, when the drug levosimendan was administered to dogs, Antila et al. [13]
found evidence that the hydrazone linkage was cleaved by microbial action in the
lower gastrointestinal tract. It was subsequently observed in humans that the
cleavage product, (R)-6-(4-aminophenyl)-5-methyl-4,5-dihydropyridazin-3(2H)-
one (OR-1855), was then absorbed from the gut and subjected to further biotrans-
formation to a pharmacologically active metabolite [14]. Similarly, following oral
dosing to man, the drug eltrombopag was found to undergo extensive cleavage of its
hydrazine linkage due to metabolism by gut microbiota [15]. This was evidenced by
the production of the cleavage products following anaerobic incubation with rodent
caecal contents or human fecal homogenate that was suppressed by antibiotics in
both in vitro and in vivo experiments. However, on the basis of further in vivo stud-
ies, the authors concluded that concomitant antibiotic treatment in patients was
unlikely to affect the pharmacokinetics of the drug in humans.
Reduction is, however, not limited to nitrogen-containing functional groups.
Strong et al. [16] demonstrated the microbiota-driven reduction of the sulfoxide-
containing drugs sulfinpyrazone and sulindac when these were incubated with
human or rabbit feces. Sulfinpyrazone was reduced to a greater extent under
anaerobic compared to aerobic conditions and it was noted that the reduction of
sulindac was more extensive than that of sulfinpyrazone in human-derived feces.
The presence of the antibiotics metronidazole and lincomycin in the growth
medium markedly inhibited the reduction of sulfinpyrazone in human feces
while tetracycline reduced sulfide production in rabbit feces/caecal contents.
The formation of the sulfides of both sulindac and sulfinpyrazone ex vivo was
found to be reduced for feces obtained from patients treated with metronida-
zole, and this antibiotic also decreased the in vivo reduction of sulfinpyrazone
by the rabbit. More recently the H+/K+ATPase inhibitor omeprazole has also
been shown in vitro to be reduced to its sulfide metabolite by the intestinal
microbiota [17].
A particularly interesting example of reductive drug metabolism by the micro-
biota relates to the clinically important cardiac drug digoxin which is subject to
quite extensive reductive metabolism to less pharmacologically active metabolites
such as dihydrodigoxin and related compounds. Thus Lindenbaum et al. [18] deter-
mined the urinary excretion of the relatively cardioinactive reduced metabolites of
digoxin (dihydrodigoxin and related compounds) in 131 normal subjects during
studies of digoxin bioavailability. They found that in one-third of the subjects,
reduced metabolites of the drug accounted for more than 5 % of the excretion of
digoxin and its metabolites (after either single or multiple doses). This result was
stable such that volunteers continued to excrete the same proportion of the reduced
metabolites on repeated exposure to the drug digoxin. However, the exposure of
some subjects to erythromycin resulted in a failure to excrete further quantities of
the reduced metabolites following subsequent doses. In addition the presence of the
328 I.D. Wilson and J.K. Nicholson
reduced metabolites in urine was lower if the drug was administered via the intrave-
nous route (with oral administration the excretion of the reduced metabolites of
digoxin was seen to vary inversely with bioavailability). On the basis of these find-
ings, the authors hypothesized that this metabolic reduction was the result “of the
activity of a variable component of the intestinal flora.” Further studies [19, 20]
implicated Eubacterium lentum as the sole organism forming these cardioinactive
reduced metabolites of digoxin. However, the authors noted that the presence of this
bacterium in the stools did not automatically mean that the host would excrete the
reduced metabolite and further noted that there was an inverse relationship between
the presence of increasing amounts of arginine in the growth medium and produc-
tion of the reduced metabolites (observations that have only recently been explained
as described below). Subsequently stool samples acquired from a group of 77 nurs-
ing home residents were analyzed to determine if there was a relationship between
colonization with digoxin-reducing strains of E. lentum and infection with
Clostridium difficile and the effects of previous antibiotic treatment, enteral feeding,
and bowel movement habits [21]. This investigation found that colonization with
the digoxin-reducing E. lentum was less prevalent in patients infected with C. diffi-
cile, previously treated with either antibiotics or enteral feedings. In addition nor-
mal bowel habits were more commonly associated with subjects who were not
colonized with C. difficile.
As well as the factors described above, the same group also demonstrated that
age was also important in the development of the ability of the gut microbiota to
inactivate digoxin [22]. Studies in children showed that none of those less than
8 months of age produced reduced digoxin metabolites. A more adult pattern of
digoxin metabolism was seen with age with one-third of the subjects studied pro-
ducing reduced metabolites of the drug after 16 months of age. However, the levels
of reductive digoxin metabolism seen in ca. 10 % of the adult populations were not
observed in patients that were under 9 years of age. Bacterial cultures prepared from
feces obtained from 73 babies aged less than 8 months were, however, shown to
contain the appropriate digoxin-reducing bacteria, leading the authors to conclude
that “maturation of the gut microbiota with respect to digoxin metabolism appears
to be a protracted process. The relative digoxin resistance of infants and children is
not due to bacterial inactivation” [22].
Differences in the production of reduced digoxin metabolites between populations
have also been noted with one investigation showing that the drug was converted to
reduced metabolites to a much greater extent by North American subjects (36 %)
compared with a South Indian population (13.7 %). This difference was maintained
when subjects from India went to live in the USA [23]. Within the
Indian population there were also significant differences with the rural village popu-
lation observed to produce ca. 5 % of the reduced metabolites as opposed to 23 %
by urban dwellers.
Most recently Haiser et al. [24] have reinvestigated the reductive metabolism of
digoxin using modern methods of molecular biology. Using a combination of tran-
scriptional profiling, comparative genomics, and culture-based assays, they found a
cytochrome-encoding operon that was upregulated by digoxin and inhibited by
15 The Modulation of Drug Efficacy and Toxicity by the Gut Microbiome 329
arginine. This was not present in strains of E. lenta that did not metabolize the drug
and was predictive of digoxin inactivation by the human gut microbiome. In vivo
studies in gnotobiotic mice colonized with the digoxin-reducing strain of E. lenta
revealed that dietary protein reduced the microbial metabolism of digoxin, resulting
in changes in serum pharmacokinetics and urinary excretion (there was no such
effect in mice colonized with the nonreducing strain of these bacteria). What then
emerges from this most recent study is a more comprehensive picture of a microbi-
ome-drug interaction that requires an appropriate strain of the bacteria involved to
be present, with the resulting activity observed possibly also modulated by diet.
The gut reductive microbiota metabolism of metronidazole via the ring nitro
group to its amino metabolite 1-(2-aminoimidazol-1-yl)-3 methoxypropanol-2-ol
and acetamide (a known rat carcinogen) has been demonstrated both in vitro and
in vivo in the rat [25, 26]. The suggested mechanism involved nucleophilic attack
at carbons 2 and 4 of a partially reduced nitroimidazole ring, which was subse-
quently cleaved between positions 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 to yield both acetamide and
N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-oxamic acid [27]. In vitro studies on cultures of rat caecal con-
tents or Clostridium perfringens gave yields of 8–15 % of the metabolite (much
higher than that of the oxamic acid metabolite). In vivo studies employing oral
administration (200 mg/kg) of [14C]-labeled metronidazole to rats resulted in 1.3–
1.8 % of the dose being excreted in urine as acetamide with a further 0.9–2.4 %
eliminated via the feces. However, no such excretion of acetamide was obtained
with germfree rats.
A more recent example of the reductive metabolism of drugs involves the
anticonvulsant zonisamide (1,2-benzisoxazole-3-methanesulfonamide) [28]. This
drug has been shown to be mainly converted to 2-sulphamoylacetylphenol via the
reduction of the benzisoxazole ring. While mammalian liver enzymes can perform
this biotransformation, the role of the intestinal microbiota was also evaluated
in vivo in the rat. In this study it was shown that antibiotic treatment significantly
reduced the urinary and fecal excretion of the reduced metabolite following oral
dosing with the drug. When the animals were recolonized, the presence of the
microbiota restored the excretion of the metabolite. Further studies showed that the
caecal contents obtained from control rats possessed zonisamide reductase activity
that was absent from that of the antibiotic-treated rats. A number of strains of intes-
tinal bacteria were tested for the ability to reduce zonisamide with Clostridium spo-
rogenes showing the highest activity. On the basis of these studies, the authors
concluded that, in vivo, the gut microbiota played a major role in the production of
2-sulphamoylacetylphenol. These studies contrasted with the conclusions of earlier
in vitro studies that suggested that bacterial involvement in this metabolism, while
it did occur, was not particularly important quantitatively compared to that observed
in hepatic microsomes [29].
The in vitro reduction of the prodrug loperamide N-oxide to loperamide (used
for the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea) was investigated using gut microbiota,
gut contents, intestinal cells, and hepatocytes [30]. Efficient reduction was seen in
the caecal contents from rat, dog, and human, and this activity was greatly reduced
in the germfree rat.
330 I.D. Wilson and J.K. Nicholson
Other losses of oxygen have been noted for the H2 receptor antagonists ranitidine
[31] and nitazidine [32], but not cimetidine or famotidine, as a result of the action
of the gut microbiota in vitro [32].
As well as the toxicity associated with the reduction of nitrazepam described
above, the reductive metabolism of the antibiotic chloramphenicol by the gut micro-
biota has been associated with often fatal, idiosyncratic, bone marrow aplasia [33].
The metabolite responsible was suggested as p-aminophenyl-2-amino-1,3-
propanediol [34]. This metabolite is only generated by a small percentage of patients
who take the drug orally and have a high percentage of the coliform bacteria that are
capable of metabolizing chloramphenicol to this metabolite. However, other metab-
olites responsible for this toxicity have been proposed [32, 34] including
p-nitrophenyl-2-dicloroacetamido-1,3-propanediol and 2-dichloroacetamid-3-
hydroxypropio-p-nitrophenone [35].
One of the more obvious and widely known effects that the gut microbiota exert on
drug and xenobiotic metabolism, disposition, and toxicity relates to the effects of
the hydrolytic enzymes responsible for the deconjugation of glucuronides, gluco-
sides, etc. on both dietary pharmacologically active compounds and xenobiotic
metabolites. Investigations have shown that the activities of the β-glucosidase
and β-glucuronidase enzymes (as well as nitrate reductase and nitroreductase)
determined in Escherichia coli, Clostridium sp., Streptococcus sp., Bacteroides sp.,
and Lactobacillus salivarius differ between strains of gut bacteria. Thus, Clostridium
sp. showed the greatest enzymatic activity for β-glucosidase and β-glucuronidase
(and nitroreductase, with E. coli the most active for nitrate reductase). The study
was conducted both in vitro and in vivo and the authors found that, in general, the
in vivo activity of the enzymes in was highest (although there were instances when
this relationship was reversed) [45].
Effects on the bioavailability of natural products such as the flavone glucuronide
baicalin (present in Scutellariae radix), where prior hydrolysis to the aglycone
baicalein is followed by reconjugation following absorption [46], or effects on soy
isoflavones to produce phytoestrogens such as equol are well known [47, 48]. In a
similar way the effect of these gut microbiota-derived hydrolytic enzymes on the
disposition of drugs and their metabolites is readily apparent in the case of conju-
gated metabolites (e.g., glucosides, glucuronides, and sulfates) that, following their
production in the liver, are excreted in the bile. Hydrolysis by microbial enzymes
results in their being resorbed, and this enterohepatic recycling can result in the
modulation of the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug. In fact hydrolysis of
glucuronide metabolites by bacterial enzymes can be responsible for considerable
unwanted drug toxicity, and this has provided the impetus for the synthesis of specific
inhibitors of bacterial glucuronidase to prevent this from occurring. The first use of
this approach was applied to the DNA topoisomerase I inhibiting anticancer
drug irinotecan by Wallace et al. [49]. The dose-limiting side effect of the drug,
which is commonly used in the treatment of colon cancer, is the severe diarrhea that
results from the hydrolysis of an inactive glucuronide metabolite by bacterial
B-glucuronidases thereby reactivating the drug in the gut. By designing specific
bacterial B-glucuronidase inhibitors, that had no effect on the mammalian
B-glucuronidase, with crystal structures establishing that this selectivity was due to
interaction with a bacterial B-glucuronidase-specific loop on the enzyme, the authors
were able to eliminate irinotecan-induced toxicity in mice also orally administered
the inhibitor. More recently the same approach was demonstrated to have similar
effects on the small intestinal injury resulting from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drug (NSAID)-induced toxicity [50, 51]. Many of these NSAIDs contain a carboxylic
acid and this represents a common site for glucuronidation, followed by excretion
via the bile. In the first example of this approach [52], the bacteria-specific
glucuronidase inhibitor (1-((6,8-dimethyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinolin-3-yl)-3-
15 The Modulation of Drug Efficacy and Toxicity by the Gut Microbiome 333
While not direct metabolism of the xenobiotics themselves, the role of the micro-
biota in further processing glutathione conjugates formed in the liver from reactive
metabolites, and then excreted in the bile, should be noted. Extensive metabolism
of such conjugates, of a range of agrochemicals, was reviewed by Bakke and
Gustafsson [59]. These studies showed the production of a large number of further
metabolites via the degradation of the glutathione moiety for the conjugates of, e.g.,
2-chloro-N-isopropylacetanilide (propachlor) and naphthalene, phenanthrene, etc.,
involving the bacterial C-S-lyases. Such metabolism has been shown to have the
potential to result in the almost complete removal of the glutathione part of the con-
jugate to produce a free thiol group. This type of reaction has also been shown for
15 The Modulation of Drug Efficacy and Toxicity by the Gut Microbiome 335
drugs such as paracetamol with the thiol subsequently further metabolized to give
the methylthio metabolite of the drug [60]. The complete removal of the glutathione
conjugate to regenerate the parent compound has also been observed [59].
In the preceding text we have summarized the direct effects that the bacteria that
comprise the gut microbiota can exert on the metabolism and toxicity of drugs, their
metabolites, and related xenobiotics. In all likelihood these reported effects repre-
sent the tip of the iceberg as gut microbiota metabolism of drugs is not routinely
assessed. However, the gut microbiota is not limited to direct effects and there are a
number of indirect mechanisms whereby the microbiome can affect the metabolism,
disposition, and toxicity of xenobiotics. Such effects include the modulation of host
metabolic enzymes/transporters, competition for metabolism via particular host
metabolic routes/enzymes, and enhancement of toxicity as a result of other effects
on host biochemistry.
So, effects on the complement of the various xenobiotic metabolizing capabili-
ties of important detoxification organs such as the gut and liver have been noted
with the modulation of the levels of both cytochrome P450s and conjugating enzyme
systems (e.g., [63–66]).
This includes the induction of P450s involved in the bioactivation of mutagens
including the heterocyclic aromatic amine [63] 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]
quinolone, amongst others. To date much of the information that we have on the
effects of the microbiome on drug-metabolizing systems comes from a comparison
of germfree animals with microbiome-competent controls. In a study examining
the effects of the colonization of germfree mice with either individual strains of
bacteria or complete ileal/caecal microbiota from conventionally raised mice,
336 I.D. Wilson and J.K. Nicholson
DNA microarray analysis was used to determine the response of the intestine [64]
revealing a number of effects on xenobiotic metabolizing capabilities. Thus colo-
nization with Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron resulted in, amongst a range of other
changes, decreases in glutathione S-transferase (GST), CYP2D2 (also known as
debrisoquine hydroxylase), and the transporter “multidrug resistance protein 1a”
(Mdr 1a). However, colonization with other species of gut-dwelling microbes, such
as Escherichia coli and Bifidobacterium infantis, or indeed complete microbiota
resulted in different outcomes with either no change (conventional gut microbiota)
or increased expression of these enzymes. The authors concluded that these com-
mensal bacteria were capable of modulating the expression of a range of host genes
involved in a variety of “diverse and fundamental physiological functions” with the
selective effects seen as a result of the type of bacteria used for colonization reveal-
ing how changes in the composition of the gut microbiome could have significant
physiological effects.
In another study [65] the amounts of a number of enzymes involved in the Phase II
conjugation of drugs and other xenobiotics were determined in livers and the small
intestine, caecum, and colon of both germfree rats and those inoculated with micro-
biota from normal rats. Effects were noted on enzymes involved in glutathione
metabolism such as GST glutathione peroxidase (GPX2). In addition differences in
the amounts of epoxide hydrolases (EPHXs) and N-acetyltransferases (NAT) 1 and
sulfotransferases (SULTs) were seen. Some of these enzymes were expressed in
both liver and gut, while others showed regional differences (e.g., the SULTs were
found in liver and large, but not the small intestine) and, in addition, gender effects
were noted for the liver, but not gut, for a number of conjugating enzymes. Thus
hepatic SULT1A1, SULT1C1, and SULT1C2 were seen to be elevated in germfree
animals in both male and females (1.5- to 2.6-fold) while hepatic EPHX2 was
1.6-fold higher in female rats. The colonic germfree rats showed large differences
compared to normal animals with GSTA1/2 4.0- and 5.0-fold higher in males and
females, respectively, GSTA4 between 1.5 and 1.9-fold higher, and GSTM1
elevated by 1.1/1.5-fold. The epoxide hydrolases, EPHX1 and EPHX2, were
3.5/2.4- and 1.4/2.1-fold higher in male and female germfree rats, respectively. In
the case of the sulfotransferases SULT1B1 and SULT1C2, the increases were
0.4/0.6- and 1.3/1.6-fold and for NAT2 amounted to 1.4/1.5-fold for male and
female germfree rats, respectively.
When human gut microbiota was used for recolonization, the effects on the
expression of such enzymes in the colon were smaller than those seen for recoloni-
zation with rat gut microbiota.
Further literature examples also show that germfree rats, and those inoculated
with human gut microbiota, can exhibit differences in glucuronidating (UGT) and
GST enzymes when dosed with (+)-catechin or (-)-epicatechin. In addition, animals
with human gut microbiota had reduced CYP2C11 induction compared to the
germfree animals [66].
Other gut microbial-conditional effects resulting from exposure to soy-derived
phytoestrogens on host endogenous steroid (and thereby potentially xenobiotic)
metabolism via a reduction in the excretion of 4-hydroxyestrogen and increased
15 The Modulation of Drug Efficacy and Toxicity by the Gut Microbiome 337
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Chapter 16
Understanding the Benefits of Bariatric
Surgery on Gut Physiology: Implications
for Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes,
and Cardiovascular Disease
Abstract Seminal discoveries in the bariatric surgery field have revealed a remarkable
link between gastrointestinal physiology and obesity, a link that extends to remission
of many metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes and to risk of cardiovascular
disease. Much of the beneficial health effects of bariatric surgery can be ascribed to
weight loss. However, in the case of type 2 diabetes, resolution is so acute that it
appears to be independent of the weight loss. These observations have created
the intriguing scenario whereby altering gastrointestinal anatomy creates rapid
physiological adaptations that manifest in normalization of glucose homeostasis.
The cellular and molecular mechanisms that produce these favorable health changes
are an area of intense scientific investigation. One leading hypothesis suggests that
rerouting nutrient flow to the gut alters enteroendocrine signals and bile acid
secretion that favors appetite suppression; increased energy expenditure and insulin
action; and decreased inflammation, blood lipids, and hypertension. In addition, the gut
microbiome has emerged as an area of particular interest with a focus on bacteria
and metabolites that interact to influence weight regulation and metabolic health.
S.K. Malin
Department of Pathobiology, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
9500 Euclid Ave (NE40), Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
J.P. Kirwan, Ph.D. (*)
Department of Pathobiology, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
9500 Euclid Ave (NE40), Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
Department of Nutrition, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
Metabolic Translational Research Center, Endocrine and Metabolism Institute,
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
The collective evidence presented herein provides strong support for an essential
role for the gastrointestinal tract as a modulator of obesity-related disease. The gut
is now considered a novel endocrine organ and a therapeutic target for prevention
and treatment strategies that will benefit human health.
Fig. 16.1 Effects of bariatric surgery on physiological systems and disease states in obesity
risk factors but also mitigates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, sleep apnea, and
gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) as well as reducing mortality (Fig. 16.1).
These effects on multiple clinical conditions make bariatric surgery an important
treatment option for many obese individuals.
346 S.K. Malin and J.P. Kirwan
This chapter examines the impact of bariatric surgery on gut physiology. There is
increasing evidence that alterations in the gut after bariatric surgery not only con-
tribute to the long-term weight loss maintenance but also to the treatment of type 2
diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk factors in patients with a BMI >35 kg/m2.
Central to the improvement in body weight is the increase in gut hormones known
to suppress appetite. Special attention is also given to gut microbiome-related
mechanisms that appear to be altered by bariatric surgery and may contribute to
weight loss. The chapter also discusses efficacy of the bariatric surgery as a thera-
peutic modality to improve glycemic control and cardiometabolic health in relation
to altered gut physiology and low surgical risk.
Bariatric surgery is an effective therapy improving weight loss and metabolic health
and is currently recommended for adults with a BMI of at least 40 kg/m2 or 35 kg/m2
with comorbidities. Although bariatric procedures are commonly referred to as
restrictive and/or malabsorptive (Fig. 16.2) based on the presumed mechanism of
weight loss [7], it is worth noting that not all bariatric surgeries produce the same
effect on body weight, diabetes remission, and cardiometabolic resolution (Table 16.1).
Fig. 16.2 Conventional bariatric surgery operations. (a) Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding.
(b) Sleeve Gastrectomy. (c) Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
16 Understanding the Benefits of Bariatric Surgery on Gut Physiology… 347
Table 16.2 Changes in digestive and gut physiology after bariatric surgery [73]
Masticating time Higher Higher Higher
Food intake amount Lower Lower Lower
Food transit time Slowed No change Faster
Food preferences More pureed/ No change Decrease high
less fiber fat/sugary food
Acid production No change Lower Decreased
Ghrelin No change Lower Lower
GLP-1 and PYY No change No change Increased
LAGB laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, RYGB Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, SG sleeve
reattached to the ileum, bypassing the duodenum and jejunum (i.e., digestive limb) [8].
The bypassed duodenum and jejunum (i.e., biliopancreatic limb) only pass bile
and pancreatic juices. These loops converge at a common channel at the end of the
small intestine, and the contents then pass normally through the large intestine.
Theoretically, although BPD provides a more physiologic digestive behavior and
diminishes the risk of dumping syndrome, ulcerogenicity, and hypocalcaemia, the
procedure is labor intensive and places the patient at high risk [13]. On the other
hand, RYGB is considered the gold standard for bariatric surgery and is the most
commonly performed operation [7, 13]. The procedure involves creating a gastric
pouch, Roux limb (jejunum and ileum), and biliary limb. The small gastric pouch is
connected to the mid-jejunum, bypassing the majority of the stomach, the entire
duodenum, and part of the proximal jejunum. Similar to the BPD-DS, the biliary
limb is reconnected approximately 150 cm distal relative to the pylorus so that
bilo-pancreatic juices can facilitate digestion. After RYGB, the size of the pouch
greatly limits the amount of food that can be eaten [7, 13].
Collectively, the efficacy of weight loss will differ depending upon the type of
surgery. Further, the speed at which type 2 diabetes remits also varies with restrictive
versus malabsorptive procedures (Table 16.2). For instance, after RYGB and BPD-DS,
diabetes remits within days, even before the patients have lost much weight, while
this does not occur after restrictive procedures [14]. Subsequently, newer restrictive
techniques are currently under investigation to improve personalized approaches
that best fit patients’ weight loss and comorbidity resolution needs. The current
short-term research in assessing endoluminal sleeves and intragastric balloons on
weight regulation and metabolic health improvements appears promising, although
longer-term follow-up data are needed [15].
Weight loss success following bariatric surgery has been described by 50–75 %
excess weight loss (EWL), 20–30 % initial weight loss, and achieving a BMI
<35 kg/m2 [16]. The largest, prospective interventional-based trial that examined
16 Understanding the Benefits of Bariatric Surgery on Gut Physiology… 349
the effects of bariatric surgery (i.e., LAGB vs. VBG vs. RYGB) was on 4,047 obese
patients with healthy matched treated control and is known as the Swedish Obesity
Study [17]. The results demonstrated that, while the control group gained weight
over time, the surgical groups lost on average 23 %, 17 %, and 18 % body weight
at 2, 10, and 20 years, respectively [18]. Buchwald and colleagues conducted a
meta-analysis on the effects of bariatric surgery-induced weight loss and obesity-
related comorbidities. It was reported that at 2 years post-surgery, the overall excess
weight loss for 10,172 patients was 61.2 % [19]. Patients typically lose less weight
after LAGB than RYGB, and the peak excess weight loss typically occurs at
2–3 years with LAGB compared with 1–1.5 years with RYGB. The success of
LAGB at inducing weight loss, however, at 4 years is comparable to RYGB [20].
Further, superobese (BMI >50 kg/m2) individuals have less excess weight loss than
patients with lower BMIs after RYGB, suggesting that bariatric surgery is success-
ful at inducing weight loss, but the magnitude of this response varies among patients
depending on surgical type and preoperative BMI [21].
It is important to recognize that while many patients experience successful weight
loss, up to 20–25 % of patients experience weight regain [16]. These statistics do
not negate the benefit of surgery, but rather suggest the need for all individuals to
modify behavior to focus on food tolerance, proper energy requirements, eating
triggers, beverage selection, and patient nutritional knowledge in conjunction with
appropriate amounts of exercise.
Obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes and contributes to its development
by inducing insulin resistance and inflammation, which in turn reduce beta-cell
function [22–24]. The notion that bariatric surgery “cures” diabetes was recognized
over 20 years ago. Pories et al. [25] demonstrated in 141 patients with type 2
diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance that all but two individuals had normalized
glucose tolerance within 10 days after RYGB. At 7.6 years after surgery, 83 % of the
diabetic patients were off their antidiabetic drugs, and 99 % of those with impaired
glucose tolerance were normoglycemic with a normal fasting glucose and hemoglo-
bin A1c [26]. In the Swedish Obesity Study, at 2 years post-surgery with an average
weight loss of nearly 28 kg, 72 % of patients had complete resolution of type 2
diabetes compared with 21 % of controls [17]. Many of these patients had been able
to stop taking oral hypoglycemic drugs or insulin, which is in contrast to the control
group who had an increased need for these agents. These results are similar to those
of Scopinaro et al. [27, 28] who reported long-term follow-up data on 312 patients
with type 2 diabetes undergoing BPD and indicated that 99 % of patients achieved
normal glucose concentrations by 1 year after surgery. At 10 years after surgery,
98 % of the patients were still in complete remission of diabetes (i.e., normal
blood glucose without antidiabetic medication use). However, not all surgical
approaches induce comparable glycemic benefit. Diabetes resolution was observed
in approximately 98 % of patients who underwent BPD (with or without DS),
350 S.K. Malin and J.P. Kirwan
blood lipid profiles in obese people. These findings are likely to contribute to the
overall reduction in cardiovascular disease events seen 20 years post-surgery [18].
Hypertension is also highly associated with obesity, and there is good evidence
that weight loss reduces blood pressure [38]. In general, a decrease of 1 % body
weight leads to a 1 mmHg decrease in systolic blood pressure and a 2 mmHg
decrease in diastolic blood pressure [39, 40]. Similar to effects on dyslipidemia,
hyperglycemia, and weight loss, bariatric surgery across all procedures has good
effects on reducing blood pressure. In particular, approximately 61 and 79 % of the
total population with hypertension had it either resolved or improved for up to
2 years post-surgery [19]. The Swedish Obesity Study examined the effect of obesity
on hypertension by investigating the 8-year incidence of hypertension in obese
patients treated with bariatric surgery (VGB, GB, and RYGB) versus matched obese
controls [41]. Although there was no overall difference in systolic blood pressure
and an increase in diastolic blood pressure at 8 years compared to the control group,
it is worth noting that RYGB did appear to be the more favorable surgical procedure
for decreasing systolic and diastolic blood pressure at 10 years (by 4.7 and 10.4 %,
respectively, P < 0.10) [17]. To understand why systolic blood pressure was unchanged,
an examination of weight loss and age was analyzed [41]. Despite rapid improvements
in body weight and blood pressure by 1 year, the slight increase in systolic and
diastolic blood pressure over subsequent years was linked to the rate of weight
gain and age. In fact, in the surgical group, the effect of blood pressure of 1 year
(time between baseline and last observation in the study) was up to four times greater
than the effect of 1 kg regained. Together, these results suggest that the direction of
weight change is more closely linked to blood pressure than the initial weight loss,
but age is an important factor. Bariatric surgery did not decrease diastolic blood
pressure. In fact, diastolic blood pressure increased post-surgery. Given that pulse
pressure is associated with increased risk for coronary artery disease [42], Sjostrom
et al. examined whether surgery could lower pulse pressure compared to a control
group [41]. The results indicated that the weight reduction post-surgery lowered the
rate of increase in pulse pressure seen in obese patients. Taken together, the result of
bariatric surgery on blood pressure is not a simple relationship, but there does seem
to be some protective effects on risk for future coronary heart disease.
Although weight loss is likely important for gains in insulin sensitivity and beta-cell
function following bariatric surgery [43], restrictive procedures do not induce
comparable diabetes resolution rates as compared to BPD or RYGB. Moreover,
despite malabsorption explaining to some extent reductions in reactive oxygen
species and inflammation derived from excess glucose and lipid digestion in obese
individuals, nutrient malabsorption does not occur after standard RYGB [44],
352 S.K. Malin and J.P. Kirwan
implying that additional factors likely drive the improvements in glycemic control
post bariatric surgery [45]. Altered gut physiology is currently the leading candidate
as the major mechanism to explain improved weight regulation, type 2 diabetes
remission, and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease following bariatric surgery
(Table 16.2).
Rubino and colleagues have hypothesized that overeating causes excessive
stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract leading to metabolic disturbances that
promote hyperglycemia, whereas restricting food contact with the gastrointestinal
tract improves these conditions [43] (Fig. 16.3). Thus, rerouting of food through the
gut may provide a way to alter the secretion of enteroendocrine factors that regulate
insulin sensitivity and/or beta-cell function [46]. Surgical exclusion of the duode-
num in the RYGB procedure and exclusion of the duodenum and jejunum in BPD
result in altered sites – or at least altered relative distribution – of carbohydrate and
fat absorption. This in turn is associated with an increase in anorectic hormones that
induce satiety (e.g., GLP-1, PYY, OXY) and a decrease in the orexigenic hormone
ghrelin that promotes hunger. These observations have led to the establishment
of overlapping and discrete mechanisms that have been termed the “hindgut,”
“midgut,” and “foregut” hypothesis. The hindgut hypothesis suggests that diabetes
remission occurs because of accelerated delivery of nutrients to the distal intestine,
which then augments an insulinotropic signal (e.g., GLP-1) that improves glucose
homeostasis via enhanced insulin action [47]. Indeed, augmentation of GLP-1
secretion increases the insulin response to nutrient intake and, at least in animal
16 Understanding the Benefits of Bariatric Surgery on Gut Physiology… 353
Gastrointestinal hormones that augment insulin secretion following meal intake are
known as incretins. Note, this effect is only observed when glucose or nutrients are
ingested, not when they are given by an intravenous route [54]. GLP-1 (glucagon-
like polypeptide 1) and GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide) account
for approximately 60 % of nutrient-related insulin secretion. In addition, GLP-1
suppresses glucagon and ghrelin and delays gastric emptying, which delays digestion
and reduces postprandial hyperglycemia [55]. GLP-1 also acts on the brain to induce
satiety, although the mechanism(s) remains largely unknown. Laferrere et al. [56]
and others reported an increase in postprandial GLP-1 within 4 weeks following
RYGB, whereas levels of GLP-1 did not rise with comparable weight loss induced
by diet. These findings are consistent with data in patients with type 2 diabetes
1 year following RYGB in which elevated GLP-1 was significantly associated with
insulin action [57]. Moreover, in the STAMPEDE trial, RYGB was shown to augment
GLP-1 stimulation and acylated ghrelin suppression in association with beta-cell
function to a greater extent than either SG or intensive medical therapy 2 years
post-surgery [58, 59]. In general, RYGB is reported to enhance insulin secretion,
354 S.K. Malin and J.P. Kirwan
whereas gastric restrictive procedures reduce the need to secrete insulin [60]. On the
other hand, GIP is secreted in the K cells located mainly in the duodenum and
proximal jejunum and released in response to nutrients (mainly lipid). Unlike, GLP-
1, GIP is more involved in lipid metabolism (storage) and is thus thought to play a
more direct role in the pathogenesis of obesity. The effect of bariatric surgery on
GIP is more controversial than the findings on GLP-1 such that the role of GIP is
less clear in the regulation of lower fat mass and/or weight maintenance [52].
Non-insulinotropic gut hormones are altered after RYGB and include polypeptide
tyrosine-tyrosine (PYY), oxyntomodulin (OXY), ghrelin, and cholecystokinin (CCK).
Like GLP-1, PYY and OXY are co-secreted by the L cells of the distal small intes-
tine and are responsible for reducing hunger, decreasing food intake, and delaying
gastric emptying after meals. Moreover, while both OXY and PYY inhibit gastric acid
secretion, only PYY reduces pancreatic and intestinal secretions [61]. While several
studies have consistently documented increases in postprandial PYY and GLP-1
after gastric bypass [62–64], with some also reporting enhanced OXY [65], SG and
BPD have also been shown to elevate PYY and GLP-1 [61]. Fewer studies have
examined the role of CCK following bariatric surgery, but in general, CCK levels
increase following RYGB, SG, and LAGB [61]. Ghrelin is a gastric hormone
produced primarily in the stomach with secondary secretion emanating from the
proximal small intestine. Ghrelin is best known as an appetite-stimulating hormone,
but it also has additional effects on impairing insulin sensitivity and reducing
glucose-stimulated insulin secretion [66]. Ghrelin suppression is usually improved
following RYGB or SG, suggesting that suppression of hunger signals helps sustain
weight loss. In contrast, ghrelin levels typically rise following diet-induced weight
loss [67]. It is important to recognize, however, that the effect of bariatric surgery on
ghrelin is controversial [57, 68].
Fig. 16.4 Summary of the effects of the gut microbiome on weight regulation and energy metabolism
tissue [73]. Thus, the current working hypothesis is that obese animals are better
able to extract energy from dietary intake and store those calories as fat. Indeed,
there are similar observations from obese human studies [75].
Fig. 16.5 Mechanisms that underpin the effects of RYGB on gut physiology
relevance for humans, as obesity is linked to elevated circulating LPS levels when
compared with healthy controls [87]. Human work also supports the LPS linkage to
hyperglycemia, as treatment with insulin-sensitizing agents in individuals with type
2 diabetes lowered LPS in line with greater rises in insulin action [88]. Further,
elevated LPS in type 1 diabetic and vascular kidney disease was highly associated
with serum triglycerides, diastolic blood pressure, and inflammation markers
(e.g., MCP-1) [89], suggesting that metabolic LPS is linked to cardiovascular disease.
Indeed, LPS levels are elevated in individuals with acute heart failure as compared
to stable heart failure or controls, although clinical trials showing that reduced
LPS leads to lower cardiovascular disease are lacking. Given that bariatric surgery
16 Understanding the Benefits of Bariatric Surgery on Gut Physiology… 359
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are produced in the colon by gut microbes that
ferment nondigestible polysaccharides (e.g., inulin) [85, 86]. The rise in SCFA
(i.e., acetate, butyrate, and propionate) levels is important for weight regulation as
they are implicated in satiety and decreased food intake, although SCFAs may act
as substrate for lipogenesis. As mentioned previously (see above: Modulation of
Diabetes Remission via Altered Gut Physiology), improved appetite regulation is in
part related to elevated GLP-1 and PYY as well as lower ghrelin, which collectively
contribute to reduced hunger and food intake. The effects of bariatric surgery on gut
hormones and the gut microbiome would by inference suggest that the changes in
SCFA contribute to the overall regulation of appetite. In fact, SCFAs have been
shown to influence gut peptides, appetite, and energy expenditure [84]. For example,
intracolonic and ileum infusion of mixed SCFA increased PYY secretion in rats
and pigs, and supplementation of rat diets with acetate or butyrate lowered body
weight [90]. Although studies in humans are limited, Arora et al. [91] suggested that
propionate may reduce appetite. In addition to the effects on gut peptides, butyrate and
propionate may increase leptin secretion from adipocytes [92]. This later mechanism
may provide an alternative by which the gut directly communicates with adipose
tissue to regulate body weight and feeding behavior. Interestingly, RYGB surgery
enhanced propionate and lowered acetate levels in rodents, and this alteration in
SCFA levels was attributed to the compositional change in gut microbiota. Increased
propionate levels could contribute to improved weight regulation by blocking the
conversion of acetate to triglyceride synthesis in the liver and blood, thereby reducing
ectopic lipid depots. These findings are consistent with germfree animal work
showing that transferring gut microbiota increases insulin and glucose-stimulated
hepatic triglyceride synthesis via sterol response element binding protein (SREBP-1)
and carbohydrate response element binding protein (ChREBP), respectively [90].
Moreover, decreased acetate levels per se may contribute to lower central and
peripheral adiposity following bariatric surgery by reducing substrate availability
for lipogenesis [93]. Concomitantly, bariatric surgery is reported to increase energy
expenditure, and this change in thermogenesis may be attributable to gut microbial-
derived changes in SCFA production. Interestingly, AMPK phosphorylation in the
skeletal muscle and liver is increased in germfree mice on a Western diet [84].
Therefore, the gut microbiota through an unknown mechanism appear capable of
altering peripheral and hepatic fatty acid oxidation and hepatic insulin sensitivity [94],
an observation that is further strengthened by the fact that RYGB in rats increases
hepatic AMPK activity [95]. In addition, the overall change in energy status of
360 S.K. Malin and J.P. Kirwan
adipose, hepatic, and skeletal muscle following surgery may be partially related
to changes in fasting-induced adipose factor (FIAF). Indeed, colonization of germ-
free mice is characterized by downregulation of FIAF expression, which in turn leads
to increased lipoprotein lipase activity, enhanced lipid storage in adipocytes, and
downregulation of PGC-1 α-related genes in peripheral tissue [90]. These later find-
ings are consistent with evidence suggesting that propionate activates sympathetic
nerve activity and has high binding affinity for GPR41 (G protein-coupled receptor),
which is important for overall energy expenditure [93]. In fact, the effect of SCFA
on GPR41 (as well as GPR43) may be relevant for modulating lipolysis, as infusion
of acetate reduced circulating free fatty acids. Moreover, GPR43 is expressed in
PYY containing L cells of the small intestine. Since L cells are also responsible for
GLP-1 secretion, it is reasonable that SCFA may influence insulin secretion, and this
is supported by rodent work [96]. Overall, these data highlight SCFA as an impor-
tant factor that reduces appetite and/or increases energy metabolism to promote
weight regulation.
hippurate, which may be clinically relevant since low hippurate is linked with elevated
blood pressure [102]. In animals, bariatric surgery increases urinary hippurate in
parallel with weight loss [98], strengthening the notion that RYGB alters various
aspects of gut microbiota in relation to obesity and metabolic health.
Bile acids are produced in the liver, stored in the gall bladder, and secreted into the
duodenum upon meal consumption. Bile acid levels nearly triple following meal
consumption as they are important in not only the facilitation of micelle formation,
which promotes the processing/digestion of dietary fat and fat-soluble vitamins, but
also energy metabolism. Although fasting bile acids do not differ between lean and
obese individuals, obesity appears to blunt the rise in some circulating postprandial
bile acids, while other circulating glycemic conjugated forms preferentially decrease
[103, 104]. The rise in postprandial bile acids is particularly relevant to energy
metabolism and weight regulation as their hormonal effects include stimulating
FGF19, GLP-1, and brown adipose activity. Interestingly, fasting total serum bile acids
and individual levels of taurodeoxycholic, glycocholic, glycochenodeoxycholic, and
glycodeoxycholic acids are elevated after RYGB surgery compared to preoperatively
and when compared with weight-matched nonsurgical controls [103, 105]. The exact
mechanism responsible for elevated bile acids following bariatric surgery is unclear,
but animal work suggests that increased nutrient delivery to the ileum leads to
increased satiety hormone levels and weight loss [106]. This suggests that nutrient
flow to the distal small intestine is a potentially important mechanism linking altered
bile acid levels seen following RYGB with changes in gut hormone secretion.
However, despite immediate elevations in bile acids following RYGB, the rise in
bile acids appears even greater several months post-operation. As such, it is likely
that intestinal adaptation, including genes that synthesize and regulate transporters
important for bile acid uptake, plays a key role in explaining elevated postprandial
bile acid levels [103]. RYGB also alters intestinal gut microbiota, which are key
regulators of bile acid conjugation and secondary bile acid formation [77, 93].
Interestingly, germfree mice also have low bile acid levels and diversity compared
with wild-type controls, highlighting that gut microbiota may contribute to bile
acid diversity and impact not only GLP-1 secretion but also energy expenditure.
Concomitantly, it is important to note that conjugated bile acids entering the duodenum
from the enterohepatic cycle circulate to the ileum where they are deconjugated,
and the portion of these later bile acids might directly affect the composition of the
microbiota [73].
Bile acids have been implicated in the improvement in weight and glucose
metabolism following bariatric surgery. Pournaras et al. [106] demonstrated that
fasting total serum bile acids are elevated within days following RYGB, but not
362 S.K. Malin and J.P. Kirwan
intestinal tract is left intact, so subsequent nutritional deficiencies are rare [118].
RYGB, on the other hand, carries an overall risk of major complication of 10–15 %.
Anastomotic leak (1–5 %), pulmonary embolism (<1 %), and hemorrhage (1–4 %)
can be life-threatening but are rare. Late complications such as ulcer or stricture
formation at the gastrojejunostomy site occur in 5–10 % of cases and are managed
nonoperatively [46].
Nutritional deficiencies occur in 30–70 % of patients. Patients at high risk of
developing severe nutritional deficiencies include those who have lost more than
10 % of their body weight by 1 month and those with: anastomotic stenosis, surgical
revision requirements, and persistent vomiting [119]. Protein calorie malnutrition is
also a concern and can be recognized by signs such as edema, hypoalbuminemia,
anemia, and hair loss. To minimize these effects, it is generally recommended
that patients consume between 60 and 80 g/day of protein and approximately
800 kcal/day. Vitamin deficiencies can lead to peripheral neuropathy (B12), Wernicke
encephalopathy (B1), and metabolic bone disease (Vitamin D). Subsequently, in
addition to multivitamin supplementation, monitoring nutrient and vitamin levels
after bariatric surgery is recommended at least every 6 months [119–121].
Bariatric surgery has proven valuable in identifying the gut as a critical organ
regulating energy balance and glucose homeostasis (Fig. 16.5). The resulting weight
loss from bariatric surgery is persistent in most patients, and the durability in weight
loss is considered an underlying mechanism responsible for the majority of long-
term glycemic control benefit and cardiovascular risk reduction. However, it is clear
that alterations in gut physiology have distinct effects on not only appetite but also
on insulin resistance, beta-cell function, hypertension, and blood lipids. Specifically,
the prevailing view at this point in time is that alterations in enteroendocrine cells
following bariatric surgery induce elevations in gut hormones (e.g., GLP-1, GIP,
PYY, etc.) that promote satiety and improve insulin action, whereas the changes in
gut microbiome and bile acids are new physiologic mechanisms contributing to the
overall improvement in body fat and cardiovascular benefits following bariatric
surgery. Taken together, the interaction between the gut and metabolic improvements
seen following bariatric surgery warrants consideration of obesity-induced type 2
diabetes and cardiometabolic risk as “intestinal-related diseases.” Thus, there is
an opportunity going forward to stratify patients prior to bariatric surgery from a
metabolic and gut microbial point of view, and this may impact the success of surgery
on obesity-related disease. Further understanding of mechanisms related to gut
metabolism following bariatric surgery, with or without lifestyle modification, will
likely promote new medical strategies that will improve treatment and resolution of
obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
364 S.K. Malin and J.P. Kirwan
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Choline, 7, 14, 34, 35, 37–38, 73–74, 89–92, Drug metabolism, 3, 71, 72, 94, 97, 244, 324,
95, 101, 133, 137, 171, 172, 177–178, 325, 327, 335, 337
189–190, 210, 214, 215, 219, 244, 245, Drugs, 3, 5, 11, 26, 56, 64–68, 70–72, 75–78,
283, 319, 360 94, 97, 126, 131, 132, 188–190, 192,
Classification and regression trees (CARTs), 203, 220, 244, 267, 290, 291, 316,
48–50, 54, 57 323–338, 344, 349
Colon, 11–14, 16, 71, 77, 84–85, 92, 93,
95–97, 100, 101, 103, 110, 112, 115,
126, 128–133, 136, 148, 161, 164, E
174–176, 180, 186, 189, 201, 202, Ecology, v, vi, 3–5, 7–9, 14, 125–139, 173,
206, 208, 210–212, 215, 242, 243, 180, 201, 202, 206, 208, 211–213, 217,
245, 250, 251, 262–263, 265–269, 266, 267, 274, 275, 277, 291, 324
274, 276, 277, 285, 286, 288, 290, Elemental diet, 288
313, 315, 326, 328, 329, 332, 335, Enteral nutrition, 288, 289
336, 355, 357, 359, 360 Epicatechin, 98, 111, 336
p-Cresol sulphate, 71, 92, 97, 172, 337 Evolution, 8, 51, 85, 149, 151, 152, 157, 159,
Crohn’s disease, 86, 97, 131, 135, 179, 189, 160, 162, 164, 179, 238, 245
214, 267, 268, 273
D Fat, vi, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 33–35, 38, 66, 77,
Data integration, 55–56, 58, 59 84, 89–91, 93, 95–96, 100, 101, 112,
Deconjugation, 252, 253, 332, 357, 361 134–138, 164, 175, 193, 200, 202–206,
Dendritic cells (DCs), 212, 218, 263–266, 208–210, 213–219, 221, 237, 242–246,
271, 273 250–252, 265, 276, 280, 281, 288–291,
Development, v, vi, 2, 3, 5, 7–11, 14–16, 319, 330, 333, 345, 347, 348, 352–357,
27, 30, 32–35, 38, 46, 59, 69, 75, 78, 359–361, 363
86, 90, 100, 113, 125–139, 147–164, Fecal microbial transplantation (FMT),
170–173, 175, 178–180, 187, 192, 193, 291–292
200–204, 206, 209, 210, 212, 215, 219, Fibers, vi, 4, 84, 86, 89, 92, 95, 96, 102, 174,
221, 236, 245–247, 252, 263, 267, 269, 189, 200, 209, 286, 289, 348
273, 274, 276, 285, 288, 289, 311–320, Flavonoids, vi, 87, 89, 109–122, 189
324, 328, 338, 349, 354, 357 Foods, vi, 4–7, 31, 33, 64, 66, 74–76,
Diabetes, 2, 6–9, 30, 33–35, 38, 65, 66, 71, 84–95, 97–99, 102, 110, 121, 127,
78, 90, 95, 97, 100, 126, 136–139, 170, 131–132, 139, 149–151, 162, 164,
172, 177, 178, 186, 189–190, 200–210, 170, 176, 186, 189, 202–204, 206,
213–215, 218, 219, 221, 238, 242, 247, 208, 215–217, 242, 243, 247, 251,
249, 250, 254, 343–363 252, 283, 285, 286, 289, 319, 324,
Diet, 2–9, 11–15, 26, 33–35, 38, 65, 347–349, 352–356, 359
71–77, 84–93, 95, 97, 101–103,
110–113, 121, 127, 129–132, 135,
136, 148–152, 162, 170–174, 176, G
179, 189, 200, 203, 206, 208–210, Gallocatechins, 115, 116
213–221, 236, 243, 244, 246–249, Genome-wide association studies (GWAS),
252, 262, 263, 267, 276, 281, 285–291, 15, 57, 58, 66, 78, 207, 249, 254, 269,
316, 317, 319, 324, 329, 332, 350, 271–274
353–357, 359–361 Glucose (Glc), 34, 35, 38, 86, 89, 95, 134,
Digestion, 4, 8, 11, 14, 30, 77, 84–86, 92, 103, 138, 154, 155, 171, 172, 190, 203–206,
115, 121, 129, 148, 149, 152–154, 161, 208, 214–216, 242, 243, 245, 246,
164, 173, 176, 179, 186, 189, 217, 247, 249–252, 349–357, 359–363
251, 252, 286, 288, 312, 313, 324, 348, Glucuronide, 71, 94, 100, 101, 110, 115–121,
351, 353, 355, 359, 361 177, 325, 332, 333, 337
Diseases, 2, 26, 58, 63, 86, 126, 148, 170, 186, Glycans, 148, 149, 151–162, 164, 203, 204,
200, 238, 266, 312, 323, 344 209, 214, 218, 220
Index 373
Glycobiology, 149, 152, 153 Inflammation, v, 6, 8, 11, 33–35, 66, 86, 90,
Glycomics, 148, 151–156, 164 95–96, 100, 126, 134–136, 164,
Glycosidase, 115, 153, 157, 159, 160 170–175, 177–179, 186, 188–189, 202,
Gnotobiology, 262 203, 205, 206, 210, 212–215, 217, 218,
Gnotobiotics, 11, 242, 246, 247, 252, 220, 246, 251, 252, 254, 261–292, 326,
313, 329 332, 349, 351, 354–361
Growth, 10–12, 27, 31, 48–50, 55, 85, Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), v, vi, 8,
100, 125–139, 148, 149, 157–162, 14, 66, 126, 135, 139, 175, 178, 179,
172, 174, 186, 189, 191, 212, 217, 186–189, 261–292, 313
218, 253, 263, 276–278, 281, 286, Innate immunity, 206, 215, 267, 272–273
287, 289, 327, 328 Insulin resistance (IR), 7, 33–35, 38, 95, 131,
Gut, 2, 30, 63, 84, 112, 126, 157, 170, 186, 136, 137, 204, 205, 212–214, 216, 219,
200, 235, 262, 312, 323, 346 238, 349, 350, 353, 355–357, 363
Gut bacteria, 9, 13, 74, 86, 95, 97, 100, 208, Intestinal health, 4, 273, 274, 280, 289, 291, 292
210, 213, 330, 332, 355–357 Intestinal microbiota, 14, 126–130, 132, 174,
Gut–brain, 101, 176, 203, 312–315, 319, 320 180, 201, 202, 204–206, 210, 213, 215,
Gut–brain axis, 203, 312–315, 319, 320 217, 218, 222, 248–250, 252, 266, 268,
Gut–liver, 101–102 269, 271, 275, 278, 285–291, 312, 313,
Gut microbiota, 2, 36, 65, 84, 112, 126, 148, 326, 327, 329, 334
170, 186, 200, 235, 262, 312, 323, 354 Intestine, 4, 84, 110, 126, 148, 173, 174, 189,
201, 242, 262, 312, 326, 347
Iron, 289
Health, v–vii, 2–6, 8–12, 14, 16, 26, 27,
30, 32, 33, 36–38, 45–59, 64, 66, L
67, 71–76, 78, 85, 95, 102, 103, Lactation, 133, 148, 149, 151, 152, 154,
110, 113, 121, 126, 127, 129–133, 157, 162
148–152, 154, 162, 164, 169–180, Lactone hydrolysis, 111–112
185–194, 203, 206, 208, 218, 221, Lipid characterization, 238, 240, 246
237, 238, 242, 248, 249, 252, 254, Lipid metabolism, vi, 32, 33, 66, 92, 193, 205,
255, 261–292, 312–318, 323, 344, 209, 213, 219, 235–255, 354, 357
346, 348, 349, 355–358, 361 Lipidomics, 26–29, 34–36, 70, 172, 173,
Herbal medicine, vi, 185–194 238–242, 244, 248, 249, 255
Hippurate, 36, 74, 87, 90, 93, 97, 98, 100, 135, Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry
192, 317, 318, 360–361 (LC–MS), 26, 28, 29, 69, 90, 113–115,
Hippuric acid, 93, 94, 97, 98, 111, 113 117, 238–240, 337
Longevity, 2, 171, 172, 176, 180
Identification, 3, 26, 29, 30, 33, 36, 38, M
52, 56, 57, 64, 69, 70, 75, 113–115, MAGMA, 117, 121
119, 122, 132, 136, 153, 161, 180, Mass spectrometry (MS), 3, 26, 28, 29, 35–38,
188, 193, 201–203, 207, 208, 222, 46, 47, 64, 69–70, 78, 90, 94, 95,
239, 240, 250, 269, 285, 313 113–118, 121, 132–136, 138, 149, 152,
Immune system, 5, 10–11, 126, 149, 170, 174, 153, 170, 172, 173, 180, 187, 238–241,
178, 202, 205, 211, 212, 214, 218–222, 244, 312, 317, 337
236, 262, 263, 265–268, 271, 274, 291, Mental health, 30, 172, 173
312, 313, 357 Metabolic diseases, vi, 2, 6, 9, 10, 90,
Immunometabolism, 203, 205–210, 189–190, 199–222, 238, 247, 344,
214–215, 217 354–361, 363
Incretins, 221, 353 Metabolic infection, 200, 203–206,
Indole metabolites, 100–101 208–210, 212
Infants, vi, 87–89, 126–130, 133, 136, 138, Metabolic inflammation, 202, 204–206, 209,
147–164, 201, 211, 212, 287, 328, 336 212–215, 218
374 Index
Metabolic syndrome, 6, 7, 33–35, 90, 137, Nutrition, v, vi 2–6, 8–12, 14–16, 25–27, 31,
213, 242, 245, 250, 254, 356 32, 38, 63–78, 83–103, 110, 129–139,
Metabolism, 2, 27, 66, 84, 112, 132, 148, 171, 162, 164, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176,
186, 202, 236, 262, 313, 324, 353 178–180, 186, 200, 202, 206, 208,
Metabolites, 2, 26, 59, 64, 84, 110, 213, 221, 236, 247, 285, 288, 289,
130, 149, 170, 187, 216, 236, 291, 319, 344, 349, 363
263, 312, 324, 357 Nutrition aging, 171, 172, 174–176
Metabolomics, 5, 9, 16, 38, 45–48, 51, 56,
63–64, 83–103, 113, 121, 147–164,
191, 193, 236, 250, 254 O
Metabonomics, 1–16, 25–38, 63–78, 125–139, Obesity, v, 6, 7, 33, 35, 65, 71, 72, 95, 97, 126,
169–180, 187, 188, 191, 193, 194, 212, 131, 137, 138, 175, 177, 186, 189,
238, 242, 252, 275, 279, 280, 283–285, 200–204, 206, 207, 210–218, 243,
291, 316–319 245–248, 278, 313, 343–363
Metagenomics, 10, 68, 77, 161, 178, 201, Oligosaccharides, 84, 129, 130, 148, 149,
207–210, 235, 238, 242, 249–250, 252, 152–164, 286
254, 275, 278–279, 284 One carbon metabolism, 92
Metaproteomics, 16, 275, 278–280, 282,
284, 285
Metataxonomics, 250 P
Metatranscriptomics, 275, 278, 279, 284 Pathobionts, 174, 175, 281, 288–289
MetIDB, 115, 122 Pathways, 1, 2, 5, 7, 11, 16, 25, 29, 33, 36,
Microbiome, v, vi, 4, 5, 10–13, 16, 26, 55, 58, 55–56, 58–60, 69, 70, 76–78, 87, 92,
59, 65, 68, 71, 72, 75–77, 86, 94, 131, 94, 98, 101, 110–112, 126, 137, 139,
133–134, 139, 149, 175, 178, 180, 201, 159, 160, 162, 173, 193, 207, 208, 212,
207, 208, 210, 211, 221, 222, 235, 236, 236–238, 242, 244, 245, 247, 250,
243, 244, 249–251, 253, 262, 278, 279, 252–255, 272, 278, 279, 291, 312, 324,
315, 316, 318, 319, 323–338, 346, 337, 357, 362
354–357, 359, 363 PERCH NMR Software, 117
Microbiota, 3, 36, 65, 84, 112, 126, 148, 170, Permeability, 8, 9, 12, 90, 179, 207, 209, 210,
186, 200, 235, 262, 312, 323, 354 213, 214, 218, 280, 357
Microflora, 90, 94, 97, 102, 112, 113, 115, Personalized medicine, vi, 63–78, 255, 324, 338
127, 128, 193 Personalized nutrition, vi, 9, 12, 32, 63–78,
Milk, 31, 101, 126, 129, 130, 132–135, 255, 291
147–164, 287 Pharmacogenetics, 65, 72
Mouse models, 34, 35, 91, 134, 135, 243, 246, Pharmacometabonomics, 64, 67–68, 71–73,
281, 286, 287, 289 77, 78, 132, 139
Phase II metabolism, 87, 94, 101, 244
Phenolic and phenyl metabolites, 97–100
N Phylogeny, 207, 277–280
Network modelling, 58, 59 Polyphenols, vi, 85, 92–93, 97, 111–112, 186,
Newborn, 127–130, 137, 201 187, 193, 209, 221, 360
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 3, 9, 12, Prebiotics, 86, 93, 129, 130, 161–162,
13, 26–29, 35, 37, 38, 46, 64, 69–72, 189, 209–210, 213, 252, 285–287,
74, 78, 94, 113, 114, 117–122, 291, 357, 360
132–135, 138, 139, 170–172, 180, 187, Probiotics, 75, 86, 92, 130, 189, 213, 248, 283,
192, 241, 244, 245, 317 286, 287, 291
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Prodrug activation, 325, 330
spectroscopy, 3, 12, 27, 28, 35, 64, 69, Profiling, 3, 10, 12, 16, 33, 35, 64, 67, 69,
70, 72, 114–120, 122, 133, 170, 187, 71–73, 75–78, 94, 113–114, 121, 122,
191, 192, 241 135, 139, 171, 172, 179, 205, 238–241,
Nutrigenetics, 289–291 244, 248, 316, 328–329
Index 375
Protein, vi, xv, 2, 3, 9, 12, 16, 25, 32, 34, 56, Toxicity, vii, 3, 5, 64–68, 70–72, 77, 78,
65, 72, 75, 84, 86, 92–94, 96, 97, 100, 90–92, 112, 149, 213, 215, 263,
101, 132, 148, 149, 152, 157, 159, 160, 323–338
171, 175, 179, 203, 213, 215, 237, Trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), 14–15,
242–245, 249, 262, 265, 271, 272, 274, 90–92, 101, 132, 204, 219–220, 360
278, 279, 284, 285, 329, 336, 362, 363
R Ulcerative colitis (UC), 14, 97, 135, 179, 189,
Random forests, 50–56, 58, 187 267–269, 272–278, 281–283, 285, 287,
290–292, 326
Urolithin, 111–112, 119–121
Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), 4, 11, 12, 66,
77, 84, 86, 92, 95–96, 136, 174–177, V
180, 204, 215–216, 221, 250–252, 265, Valerolactone, 110, 111, 115–118
279, 280, 282, 286, 357, 359–360
Signaling molecules, 13, 77, 93, 96, 100,
250–254, 312, 313, 324 W
Sulphate, 110, 112, 115, 117 Weight loss, 7, 8, 208, 248, 344, 346–351,
Systems biology, v, vi, 1–16, 38, 63, 65, 70, 353, 354, 356, 361–363
73, 76, 131, 137, 164, 173, 178, 180, Whole grain cereals, 86
236, 238, 245, 255, 320
T Xenobiotics, 32, 71, 85, 97, 101, 112, 113,
Tissue microbiota, 203, 205, 206, 209, 174, 207, 290, 291, 324, 325, 332,
220–221 334–337