MAN-cats III - Manual Utilizador - V300
MAN-cats III - Manual Utilizador - V300
MAN-cats III - Manual Utilizador - V300
User manual
Publication data
For any queries or suggestions regarding this User Manual, please contact Technical Documentation at the
following address:
This User Manual is subject to change due to technical progress. Computer specifications and manuals are
subject to change without notice.
For this reason, you can find the current version of the User Manual on the MAN After Sales Portal.
MAN Truck & Bus AG assumes no liability for damage incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions or
discrepancies between the computer and the manuals.
If any modifications are made without the written approval of MAN Truck & Bus AG, then MAN Truck & Bus AG
shall not be liable for any warranty or guarantee claims arising from damage and defects attributable to unauthor-
ised modifications. Furthermore, MAN Truck & Bus AG shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the
unapproved modification.
MAN Truck & Bus AG assumes corresponding qualification of the persons performing all tasks (particularly safe-
ty-relevant tasks) when working with MAN-cats III.
All the designations of products mentioned in the user manual are trademarks of the respective companies.
The omission of a trademark symbol ® or TM does not indicate that the designation is a free brand name.
Any reprinting, translation or duplication by any means whatsoever – in whole or in part – requires prior written
consent from MAN Truck & Bus AG.
Version 3.0 – English
MCA number:
2 Introduction
5 Requirements
7 Access management
8 Smart Card
9 Licence file
13 Connection configuration
14 VCI Manager
15 Software updates
18 Information portal
19 Application tools
21 Vehicle-related diagnostics
23 Tools
24 System settings
28 Support
4 Contents THMC3030
8.5 Workshop identification (WID) ............................................................................................................. 31
8.6 User identification (fingerprint) ............................................................................................................ 31
8.7 Smart Card update .............................................................................................................................. 31
8.7.1 Updating packages of runtime rights .................................................................................................. 32
8.7.2 Regular updating of the Smart Card ................................................................................................... 32
9 Licence file ........................................................................................................................................... 33
9.1 Purchase of Online Basic runtime rights (licence file) ........................................................................ 33
9.1.1 Computer ID ........................................................................................................................................ 33
9.2 Licence file use.................................................................................................................................... 34
9.2.1 Copying computer ID to the clipboard ................................................................................................. 34
10 User and runtime rights ...................................................................................................................... 35
10.1 User rights ........................................................................................................................................... 35
10.2 Runtime rights ..................................................................................................................................... 35
10.3 Users with MAN-cats III Smart Card ................................................................................................. 36
10.3.1 Purchasing a Smart Card .................................................................................................................... 36
10.3.2 Purchasing packages of runtime rights ............................................................................................... 40
10.4 Users without MAN-cats III Smart Card ............................................................................................ 41
10.4.1 Storing the computer ID ...................................................................................................................... 41
10.4.2 Purchase of Online Basic runtime rights (licence file) ........................................................................ 42
11 MAN-cats III installer .......................................................................................................................... 43
11.1 Menu of the MAN-cats III installer ..................................................................................................... 43
11.1.1 "Add Software" menu item .................................................................................................................. 44
11.1.2 "Request File" menu item .................................................................................................................... 45
11.1.3 "Show Protocol" menu item ................................................................................................................. 49
11.1.4 "Open Configuration" button ............................................................................................................... 52
11.1.5 "Show Download" menu item .............................................................................................................. 53
12 MAN-cats III installation .................................................................................................................... 54
12.1 Installation using a download from the MAN After Sales Portal ......................................................... 54
12.2 Offline installation of MAN-cats III...................................................................................................... 63
13 Connection configuration ................................................................................................................... 69
14 VCI Manager ......................................................................................................................................... 72
14.1 VCI Manager overview ........................................................................................................................ 72
14.2 Initial start-up of the Vehicle Communication Interface ...................................................................... 76
14.3 VCI application T200 ........................................................................................................................... 85
14.3.1 Installation wizard T200 ...................................................................................................................... 86
14.3.2 Connection wizard T200 ..................................................................................................................... 93
14.3.3 Firmware update T200 ........................................................................................................................ 96
14.3.4 S-MVCI recovery T200 ........................................................................................................................ 98
14.4 Connecting (changing) VCI ............................................................................................................... 103
14.5 S-MVCI options ................................................................................................................................. 106
14.5.1 Importing a T200 configuration file .................................................................................................... 107
THMC3030 Contents 5
14.5.2 Exporting a T200 configuration file ................................................................................................... 112
14.5.3 Exporting VCI information T200 ....................................................................................................... 114
14.5.4 Changing the interface language of the VCI Manager (T200) ......................................................... 116
14.5.5 Setting the protocol level T200 ......................................................................................................... 117
15 Software updates .............................................................................................................................. 118
15.1 Automatic software download ........................................................................................................... 118
15.2 Installation of system updates .......................................................................................................... 118
15.3 Installation of control file updates ..................................................................................................... 120
16 MAN-cats III interface ...................................................................................................................... 121
16.1 Areas of the user interface ............................................................................................................... 121
16.1.1 Application area ................................................................................................................................ 121
16.1.2 Header bar ........................................................................................................................................ 122
16.1.3 Toolbar .............................................................................................................................................. 122
16.1.4 Status bar ......................................................................................................................................... 122
17 Working with MAN-cats III............................................................................................................... 123
17.1 Launching MAN-cats III................................................................................................................... 123
17.2 Login ................................................................................................................................................. 123
17.2.1 Access by Smart Card ...................................................................................................................... 123
17.2.2 Access by Online Basic runtime rights (licence file) ......................................................................... 125
17.3 Vehicle selection page ...................................................................................................................... 126
17.3.1 Starting a new session...................................................................................................................... 126
17.3.2 Resuming an existing session .......................................................................................................... 128
17.4 Vehicle info page .............................................................................................................................. 129
17.4.1 Vehicle overview ............................................................................................................................... 130
17.4.2 Executed diagnostic applications ..................................................................................................... 130
17.5 System navigation ............................................................................................................................ 131
17.6 Selecting a Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI) ........................................................................ 132
17.6.1 Connected VCI ................................................................................................................................. 132
17.6.2 Unconnected VCI.............................................................................................................................. 133
17.7 Diagnostic session options ............................................................................................................... 134
18 Information portal ............................................................................................................................. 136
18.1 Navigation tree.................................................................................................................................. 137
18.2 Display area ...................................................................................................................................... 137
18.3 Installation of DJVU plug-in .............................................................................................................. 139
19 Application tools ............................................................................................................................... 143
19.1 Screenshots ...................................................................................................................................... 143
19.2 Document viewer .............................................................................................................................. 144
19.3 SPN search engine ........................................................................................................................... 146
20 Control unit selection ....................................................................................................................... 149
20.1 Identification ...................................................................................................................................... 151
20.2 Diagnostic memory ........................................................................................................................... 152
6 Contents THMC3030
20.3 Flashing ............................................................................................................................................. 153
20.3.1 Filtering firmware versions ................................................................................................................ 154
20.4 Repeat detection after control unit selection ..................................................................................... 155
21 Vehicle-related diagnostics .............................................................................................................. 157
21.1 Control unit detection for overall vehicle ........................................................................................... 158
21.2 Vehicle diagnostic memory ............................................................................................................... 159
21.3 Ordering a conversion data file (UDF) .............................................................................................. 164
21.3.1 Ordering a conversion data file without vehicle ................................................................................ 165
21.3.2 Ordering a conversion data file with vehicle ..................................................................................... 178
21.4 Programming ..................................................................................................................................... 191
21.4.1 Vehicle conversion ............................................................................................................................ 193
21.4.2 Control unit replacement ................................................................................................................... 197
21.4.3 Customer-specific parameters .......................................................................................................... 201
21.5 Management of vehicle data ............................................................................................................. 212
21.5.1 Contents of vehicle data file .............................................................................................................. 213
21.5.2 Conversion data file contents ............................................................................................................ 216
21.5.3 Cancelling a conversion .................................................................................................................... 219
21.5.4 Download conversion ........................................................................................................................ 224
21.5.5 Download vehicle data file ................................................................................................................ 229
21.6 Body container .................................................................................................................................. 231
21.7 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 235
21.7.1 Display current maintenance appointments ...................................................................................... 236
21.7.2 Confirm maintenance appointments ................................................................................................. 238
21.7.3 Maintenance configuration ................................................................................................................ 242
21.8 Workshop routines ............................................................................................................................ 249
21.8.1 Roller dynamometer mode ................................................................................................................ 249
22 System-related diagnostics .............................................................................................................. 257
22.1 Control unit detection ........................................................................................................................ 258
22.2 Read out control unit diagnostic memory .......................................................................................... 259
22.3 Control unit identification ................................................................................................................... 263
22.4 Monitoring.......................................................................................................................................... 265
22.5 Freely definable monitoring ............................................................................................................... 272
22.6 Actuator test ...................................................................................................................................... 276
23 Tools ................................................................................................................................................... 278
23.1 DLS coil tester ................................................................................................................................... 279
24 System settings ................................................................................................................................. 280
24.1 Accessing the system settings .......................................................................................................... 280
24.2 System settings interface .................................................................................................................. 280
24.2.1 Navigation menu of the system settings ........................................................................................... 280
24.2.2 Display window of the selected menu item ....................................................................................... 281
24.3 Common settings .............................................................................................................................. 283
THMC3030 Contents 7
24.3.1 User settings ..................................................................................................................................... 283
24.3.2 Session log ....................................................................................................................................... 284
24.3.3 Logging preferences ......................................................................................................................... 285
24.4 Information ........................................................................................................................................ 286
24.4.1 User information ............................................................................................................................... 286
24.4.2 System information ........................................................................................................................... 290
24.5 Network connection .......................................................................................................................... 291
24.6 Program settings ............................................................................................................................... 292
24.6.1 RSS language ................................................................................................................................... 292
24.6.2 Interface language ............................................................................................................................ 292
24.6.3 Support language ............................................................................................................................. 293
25 Uninstalling MAN-cats III ................................................................................................................ 294
26 Buttons and status displays ............................................................................................................ 299
26.1.1 General buttons ................................................................................................................................ 300
26.1.2 Buttons on the permanent toolbar .................................................................................................... 300
26.1.3 Application-dependent buttons ......................................................................................................... 301
26.1.4 Status symbols and displays ............................................................................................................ 306
27 Tips and tricks ................................................................................................................................... 309
28 Support ............................................................................................................................................... 311
8 Contents THMC3030
1 Recording of vehicle data
The vehicles of MAN Truck & Bus AG are equipped with data storage devices that can record and store
information about the vehicle condition, vehicle specifications and faults.
The vehicle data make it easier to diagnose vehicle systems during maintenance and service work. They are
used to assist with further development in terms of vehicle quality and safety. It is not possible to produce move-
ment profiles based on these data.
The diagnostic system MAN-cats can be used to read out these data from the data storage devices of the vehi-
cle during the course of maintenance and service work. After a fault has been remedied, the data in the vehicle
are continuously overwritten or deleted.
Parts of the stored data are sent to MAN Truck & Bus AG headquarters, where they are used as an important aid
for damage investigation and avoidance as well as for vehicle configuration, use optimisation and further devel-
Furthermore, this information can be used during the course of official investigations or for the settlement of
disputes involving MAN Truck & Bus AG companies and also be made available to third parties.
When vehicles from MAN Truck & Bus AG are used, situations are conceivable in which the above described
technical data could become personally related in conjunction with other information (tachograph, accident report,
witness statements etc.).
Please check at regular intervals on the MAN After Sales Portal whether you have the latest version
i of the User Manual.
The table of contents features cross-references. Clicking on the name of the chapter moves the reader to the
selected chapter content.
First, check the compatibility of your system. You can find the relevant data in Chapter 5. You can then begin the
installation. During the installation, follow the specifications in the user manual without fail.
The user-specific descriptions and specifications are explained after the installation. This information is needed
for the login and for working in MAN-cats III. For this purpose, we have included cross-references: the required
information is displayed when you click on the link, e.g. (see Chapter ...).
The texts in this user manual are sub-divided according to four rules.
® ®
Microsoft , Windows , the Windows logo, Diskpart and ImageX Tool for Windows are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Adobe, the Adobe logo and Adobe Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems
Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Names of products, brands, etc. appearing in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their re-
spective owner companies.
MAN-cats is a registered trademark of MAN Truck & Bus AG.
10 Introduction THMC3030
3 General notes on safety
Read this user manual carefully before start-up. Observe all safety notes in the User Manual, in the test and
diagnostic system MAN-cats III and from the vehicle and tool manufacturer.
Observe current national legislation. In some cases, functions provided by the system may be performed only by
persons with special training or certification.
Secure the vehicle against rolling away and shift the gearbox into neutral. Take care when working on hot or
moving parts (e.g. engine) to avoid burns and other injuries. When tilting the cab, secure all loose parts and the
doors. Risk of death due to high voltage: when working on the Ultra Caps, comply without fail with the safety
regulations according to DIN VDE 0105. Only technical staff with ADR expert certification are authorised to work
on the airbag.
Observe the applicable accident prevention regulations. All pending work may be performed only by qualified
staff. Please observe the current repair manuals and the relevant test records. Perform all work with the greatest
possible care. Any incorrect parameter settings may lead to serious system faults.
The following always applies: check the entire system after replacing system components and after any work
related to these components.
When working with MAN-cats III, special safety notes will be displayed for you at certain work steps. The safety
notes must always be observed and followed.
An overview of possible note types is provided below.
A "NOTE" warns about a hazard that may cause material damage if it is not avoided.
A "CAUTION" note warns about a low-risk hazard that may cause minor or moderate injury if it is not avoided.
A "WARNING" note warns about a medium-risk hazard that may possibly cause death or serious injury if it is
not avoided.
A "DANGER" note warns about a high-risk hazard that will directly cause death or serious injury if it is not
The listed work steps are intended only as an overview of the measures required as part of
MAN-cats III start-up. Detailed information on the individual work steps can be found in
! the linked chapters.
i Activation of the MAN After Sales Portal for all information or products may take some time.
Purchase of the MAN-cats III Smart Cards via the MAN After Sales Portal (Chapter 8.1).
i MAN-cats III Smart Cards are delivered by post and this may therefore take time accordingly.
The administrator PIN letter required for activation is also sent separately by post.
Purchase of runtime rights "Online Basic" (licence file) via the MAN After Sales Portal for operation of
® ®
MAN-cats III without using a MAN-cats III Smart Card (Chapter).9.1
Purchase of the required runtime rights packages via the MAN After Sales Portal for operation of MAN-cats
III using a MAN-cats III Smart Card (Chapter 10.3.2).
The runtime rights packages must be purchased and assigned individually for each Smart Card.
i Your runtime rights are tied to hardware when a computer ID is used. You can find more infor-
mation about the computer ID in Chapter 9.1.1.
i ®
An internet connection is required to download the MAN-cats III software.
Install the MAN-cats III testing and diagnostic software
i The installation process runs automatically. The instructions of the installation wizard are dis-
played during installation. For more information, see Chapter 12.1.
i The administrator password is needed to activate the Smart Cards (administrator PIN letter).
Activate the runtime rights packages on the MAN-cats III Smart Card (First login, Chapter 8.7.1).
Set up a Vehicle Communication Interface in MAN-cats III by means of VCI Manager (Chapter 14.2).
i Fault-free operation can be guaranteed only for interfaces verified by MAN Truck & Bus AG.
The specified hardware and software requirements are only a basic requirement valid in April 2014,
i and may be increased due to system updates. Information on this subject is available in the MAN
After Sales Portal.
5.1.1 Hardware
Random access memory: 4 GB or more
Free hard-disk space: at least 40 GB
Display resolution: at least 1024 x 768 pixels
Network interface: at least one Ethernet connection
Processor: at least Dual Core or higher
Contact-based Smart Card read/write device, internal or external. Further information is available on the
MAN After Sales Portal
5.1.2 Software
Microsoft Windows 7 operating system (32-bit or 64-bit versions) with the available updates (current service
packs, security updates, etc.)
At least Oracle Java 1.6 JRE or 1.7 JRE in current version (32-bit recommended)
Current Microsoft Internet Explorer with Java plug-in
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or higher
Anti-virus software
Set the time zone corresponding to the location or region in the system settings of Microsoft Windows
A difference between the system time of the service computer and MAN-cats III can lead to
! operational faults.
Further information on the subject of Vehicle Communication Interface can be found on the MAN After Sales
14 Requirements THMC3030
5.3 Infrastructure requirements
The requirements and the set-up of the infrastructure depend on the location and may require system knowledge.
For queries about the infrastructure requirements and setting up your network access, please consult the respon-
sible system administrator or the IT manager at your company.
An internet connection is required for operating MAN-cats III (broadband access such as DSL is recom-
THMC3030 Requirements 15
6 MAN After Sales Portal (ASP)
MAN Truck & Bus AG uses the MAN After Sales Portal to provide information and offers on repair, maintenance,
services and training. Registered users can obtain access here to technical documentation, circuit diagrams,
standard times and Technical Information sheets and Service Bulletins, for example.
Content at a glance:
Repair and maintenance manuals
Information and software for vehicle diagnostics with the MAN testing and diagnostic system MAN-cats
Online catalogue of MAN Genuine spare parts
Available seminars and training courses
Contact details for the MAN Service network
Technical support
Approved service products
The content of the MAN After Sales Portal will be extended or supplemented step-by-step.
i We recommend registering on the MAN After Sales Portal and purchasing the MAN-cats® diagnostic
system before starting work on MAN or Neoplan vehicles.
Required main steps on the MAN After Sales Portal for setting up MAN-cats for workshop operation:
Registration on the MAN After Sales Portal
Purchase of the MAN-cats diagnostic system as a complete system in the web shop
Participation in MAN-cats III online training
Purchase of the required rights to perform repairs, maintenance or diagnostics
The MAN After Sales Portal contains information and recommended procedures for all task areas related to
working with the MAN-cats testing and diagnostic system.
Task areas:
Vehicle diagnostics
Vehicle maintenance
Vehicle repair
Re-programming control units
Fig. 1
Go to the above website (Fig. 1) and click on the link "Register free of charge" (1).
Follow the instructions until the registration is complete. It can take some time to gain full access (e.g. Web Shop)
to the MAN After Sales Portal, so it is recommended to complete your registration as early as possible.
Fig. 2
The "My profile" area (1) contains the following menu items, for example:
Personal details
Language settings
Change password
Company data
Diagnostic data
Purchased user items
Purchased company items
My orders
Request portal role
Manage credit cards
All information for the selected menu item is shown in the display field (2)
User profile settings and changes can be performed only by the MAN After Sales Portal admin-
! istrators in your company.
i Some areas of the Web-Shop are visible only after login on the MAN After Sales Portal and are
Fig. 3
Using the product search function (1), it is possible to perform a targeted search according to article number
or designation.
The shopping cart display (2) contains information on the current shopping cart status. To open the shopping
cart, click on the "To the Shopping Cart" button.
All available articles for the logged-in user profile are listed in the Web-Shop menu (3). The desired item can
be selected by clicking on the shopping cart icon.
Fig. 4
The following functions are available in the "Smart Card" area (1):
Change the user password (Chapter
Resetting a user password (Chapter
Deactivate Smart Card (Chapter
Activating a Smart Card (Chapter
The following functions are available in the "Without Smart Card" area (2):
Copying the computer ID to the clipboard (Chapter 9.2.1)
Login with a licence file “Online Basic runtime rights“ (Chapter 17.2.2)
The button for launching the access management function is located on the login page in the application-specific
Fig. 5
The access management function is closed with the (Fig. 6) button and the user is returned to the login
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
The Smart Cards for MAN-cats III do not contain any runtime rights upon delivery for security
! reasons.
i Further information on Smart Cards is available on the MAN After Sales Portal.
Tasks of the MAN-cats III administrator for managing the Smart Card:
Ordering and activating new Smart Cards
Assigning a user to each Smart Card before its first use and assigning the initial password
Deactivating Smart Cards ready for return to MAN Truck & Bus AG
Managing user-specific updates
Purchasing user and runtime rights
Resetting the user password of every user (if necessary)
Defining user rights
Notifying MAN Track & Bus AG immediately about any Smart Card loss (Chapter 8.3)
Administrator login
To enter the administrator password, open the access management on the login screen of MAN-cats III (Fig. 8).
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Insert the MAN-cats III Smart Card in the Smart Card reader/writer.
Open the input window for the administrator password by pressing the "Activating a Smart Card" button (1).
The following dialogue box shows the input screen for the administrator password (Fig. 11).
Fig. 11
Enter the administrator password and confirm your input by pressing the "OK" button.
i The "OK" button does not become active until the initial password has been entered.
Fig. 12
Enter the new initial password, repeat the entry and then confirm with "OK".
Fig. 13 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i ®
Resetting of the user password must be performed in the access management area of MAN-cats III.
Fig. 14
Open the access management function by clicking on the (Fig. 14) button.
Fig. 15
Click on the "Resetting a user password" button (1).
Fig. 16
Enter the administrator password and then confirm by pressing the "OK" button (Fig. 16).
The input field for repeating the password and the "OK" button do not become active until the new
i initial password has been entered.
Fig. 18
Read and then confirm the success message with the "OK" button.
Fig. 19
Open the access management function by clicking on the (Fig. 19) button.
Fig. 20
Click on the "Deactivate Smart Card definitively" button (1).
Fig. 21
Read message on Smart Card deactivation (Fig. 21) and then confirm with the "OK" button.
In the next step, you must confirm the deactivation (Fig. 23).
Fig. 23
Read message on Smart Card deactivation and then confirm with the "OK" button.
Confirm the final success message about Smart Card deactivation with "OK".
! All deactivated Smart Cards must be returned to MAN Truck & Bus AG.
i Further information about Smart Cards is available on the MAN After Sales Portal of MAN Truck &
Bus AG.
When you log into MAN-cats III for the first time, it is necessary to perform a Smart Card update.
i The Smart Card update is carried out automatically when you log in. An internet connection is neces-
sary for this.
Fig. 24 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Confirm the message on creation of the user password with "OK".
The user password may be entered only by the respective user of the Smart Card, and is sub-
! ject to the obligation for confidentiality.
Fig. 25
Enter your user password, repeat the entry and then confirm with "OK".
Fig. 26
Fig. 27 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The subsequent procedure for replacing the user password is similar to the process described in
i Chapter, Assigning a user password.
i Further information on Smart Cards is available on the MAN After Sales Portal.
i The password requirements apply to the initial password and the user password.
The following criteria must be met for password input or changes to passwords:
The Smart Card is updated automatically at the next login on MAN-cats III with the relevant Smart
i Card. An Internet connection is essential for this.
The packages of runtime rights can be activated only on the Smart Card that was specified at pur-
i chase.
Example message
Fig. 28 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
When logging in with a Smart Card or using a licence file (computer ID), corresponding symbols are shown in the
information bar of MAN-cats III depending on the remaining activation time of the runtime rights before they
Runtime rights valid for less than four weeks and more than one week
After this period has expired, it is no longer possible to log in to MAN-cats III without updating
! the Smart Card (Fig. 29). When you attempt to log in with an expired Smart Card, the Smart
Card is locked and can no longer be used until you set up a connection to the server.
Fig. 29 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
When you login with a licence file, the system performs a time check between the licence file and the
i server. An internet connection is essential for this.
As it is impossible to store the fingerprint as a signature when accessing the system without a Smart Card, only a
restricted working area is available to the user.
The licence file is assigned to the corresponding service computer by entering the computer ID
! ®
and can be used exclusively for the MAN-cats III system on this service computer.
9.1.1 Computer ID
During installation of MAN-cats III, a so-called computer ID is generated for the service computer used.
When a licence file is purchased, it is necessary to specify the computer ID of the corresponding service comput-
er. In this way, the purchased licence file is assigned to this service computer.
The computer ID can be found on the start screen of MAN-cats III (1) (Fig. 30).
Fig. 30
i You can find more information about the computer ID in Chapter 9.2.1.
Fig. 31
You can find further information about the subsequent entry of the copied computer ID in
i Chapter 10.4.1.
When the runtime rights for a Smart Card have expired, MAN-cats III can no longer be operated
! with this Smart Card.
i Smart Cards can be purchased only by a MAN After Sales Portal administrator.
Fig. 32
The article is placed in the shopping cart by clicking on the "Shopping cart" button (2).
Fig. 33
The shopping cart is opened with the "To the Shopping Cart" button (1).
Fig. 34
The payment process is started by pressing the “Pay here" button (1).
Fig. 35
Continue the payment process by pressing the "Pay now" button (1).
Fig. 36
Choose the desired credit card (1)
Read and accept the general terms of purchase (2)
Confirm your purchase by pressing the "Pay" button (3). The button is activated only after acceptance of the
general terms and conditions of purchase.
A credit card can be stored on the MAN After Sales Portal using the "Registration of a Credit Card" button
The purchase procedure is completed when you confirm the following message to purchase the selected
i A list of all purchased workshop articles can be found in the "Available workshop articles" area.
MAN-cats III Smart Cards are delivered by post and this may therefore take time accordingly.
i The administrator PIN letter required for activation is sent separately by post.
New runtime rights can be purchased at any time for Smart Cards that are already owned.
i The purchased Smart Cards become invalid only after they have been finally deactivated.
Purchasing runtime rights before you have received the Smart Card will shorten the period of use for
i the purchased runtime.
A Smart Card with "Active" status is necessary for purchasing runtime rights. Information about the
i status of your purchased Smart Card is available on the MAN After Sales Portal in the diagnostic data
under the "My profile" menu item.
i All runtime rights must be purchased and assigned individually for each Smart Card.
To activate the runtime right on the selected Smart Card, you must carry out a Smart Card update.
The Smart Card is updated automatically at the next login on MAN-cats III with the relevant Smart
i Card. An internet connection is essential for this.
Manual input
If the computer ID is entered incorrectly, a subsequently purchased licence file will not function
! on the service computer.
The purchased Online Basic runtime rights (licence file) function only for the computer ID that you
i have specified. It is therefore only possible to log in on the service computer with the corresponding
computer ID.
Log in on the MAN After Sales Portal of MAN Truck & Bus AG
Open the Web-Shop (Chapter 6.4)
Select the desired Online Basic runtime rights (licence file)
Assign the Online Basic runtime rights (licence file) to a computer ID that has already been stored (Chapter
Confirm the displayed article list
Open the order procedure
Select the desired payment method (select credit card)
The purchase is completed by clicking the "Pay" button and after the subsequent confirmation.
After completing the purchase of the Online Basic runtime rights (licence file), this file must be stored
i ®
locally by downloading it to the corresponding MAN-cats III service computer. The directory location
is needed for opening the file in MAN-cats III.
In the dialogue window, press the "Go to Online Basic" button in order to directly access the menu item
"Purchased company articles". Download the licence file "Rights package, read access to control units"
Save on a local data medium and import the file to the desired MAN-cats III system (only when download-
ing the licence file from a different computer)
Fig. 37
All changes and settings that are made in the MAN-cats III installer do not become active until the
i ®
next time that MAN-cats III is started.
To open the MAN-cats III installer, click on the button (Fig. 38) in the Windows taskbar/info area.
Fig. 38
To open the menu, click on the "MAN-cats III Installer" button at the top edge of the screen ( 1/ Fig. 37).
Fig. 39
Click on the menu item "Add Software" in the MAN-cats III Installer menu (1 / Fig. 39).
In the next step, a list with all software packages that have not been installed is displayed. Information is provided
on the size, version and name of the application.
Fig. 40
Acknowledge the displayed message with the "OK" button (1 / Fig. 40).
i After installation of the software packages, it may be necessary to restart the system.
Fig. 41
The application is started by clicking on the "Request File" menu item
In the next step, the system searches for available files on the update server (Fig. 42).
Fig. 42 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 43 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Mark the desired file by clicking in the corresponding row
Confirm your selection by clicking on the "OK" button
In the next step, the selected file is downloaded from the update server (Fig. 44).
Fig. 44 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 45 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Choose the desired directory from the drop-down selection (1 / Fig. 45) or by entering the desired target
directory in the input field (2 / Fig. 45).
Confirm the selection by clicking on the "Save" button.
After the file has been saved, it must be unzipped in the target directory (Fig. 46).
Fig. 46 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Open the directory containing the file to be unzipped with the Windows Explorer
Open the context menu by clicking on the desired file with the right mouse button
Start the operation by clicking on the "Extract All" menu item (1 / Fig. 46)
Fig. 47 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Enter the target directory in the input field (1 / Fig. 47) and then confirm with "Extract"
A dialogue box for selection of the target directory can be opened with the "Browse" button (2 /
i Fig. 47).
After confirmation of the selection, the file is unzipped to the corresponding directory (Fig. 48).
Fig. 48 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The target directory is then opened and all the content of the extracted file is displayed and is available for use
(Fig. 49).
Fig. 49 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 50
Click on the menu item "Show Protocol" in the MAN-cats III Installer menu (1 / Fig. 50).
The download and installation activities are shown in table form (Fig. 51).
Fig. 51
Fig. 52
Fig. 53
i The "Print Log" function supports the user is providing information in support cases.
Fig. 54
Confirm the print job by pressing the "Print" button (1 / Fig. 54).
Fig. 55
i The "Save Log" function supports the user is providing information in support cases.
Fig. 56
Select a save location and then confirm with the "Save" button (1 / Fig. 56).
Fig. 57
Click on the menu item "Open Configuration" in the MAN-cats III Installer menu (1 / Fig. 57).
The following settings can be made in the configuration menu of the MAN-cats III Installer (Fig. 58): installation
source, installation target, download directory, workshop information and language selection.
Fig. 58
Apply the settings by clicking on the "Save" button and then confirming with the "OK" button (1 / Fig. 58).
i ®
The new settings will not become active until MAN-cats III is restarted.
Fig. 59
Activate download display with the "Show Download" button (1 / Fig. 59).
Fig. 60
Open download display with the "Show Download Progress" button (1 / Fig. 60).
i The control buttons (Fig. 61) can be used to stop, interrupt or continue the download.
Fig. 61
12.1 Installation using a download from the MAN After Sales Portal
To start download of the MAN-cats III installer, open the following directory on the MAN After Sales Portal:
Home - Diagnostic - Diagnostic - MAN-cats applications
Prior registration on the MAN After Sales Portal is necessary for this. For more information on this
i topic, see Chapter 6.2.
The area for download/installation of the MAN-cats III software then opens.
Fig. 62 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Launch the download by clicking on the link (1 / Fig. 62) on the right-hand side of the screen
Fig. 63 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The verification is carried out without any interaction with the user.
Verification can be cancelled with the "Cancel" button.
In the next step, the setup file for MAN-cats III installation is downloaded (Fig. 65).
Fig. 65
i The downloaded file is run automatically after the download has been completed.
After the MAN-cats III setup.exe is launched, the language selection for installation setup opens (Fig. 66).
Fig. 66
Select the desired installation language by means of the drop-down selection and then confirm with the "OK"
Fig. 67
In the next step, the target directory for installation of MAN-cats III must be selected (Fig. 68).
Fig. 68
Fig. 69
The selection made here can be changed in the system settings of the service computer. Please
i contact the system administrator or IT manager in the company for changes to the service computer
The MAN-cats III setup routine is installed on the service computer in the next step (Fig. 70).
Fig. 70
Fig. 71
Select the desired user interface language by clicking on the corresponding flag icon.
Software licence agreement of MAN-cats III (Fig. 72).
Fig. 72 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Read and confirm the software licence agreement by clicking on the button "I agree with the terms of the
licence agreement" or cancel the process with "I do not agree with the terms of the licence agreement".
Fig. 73 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Continue with the button "Allow Access" (1 / Fig. 73).
Administrator rights on the service computer are needed for the installation of MAN-cats III.
i Any possible message regarding permission to install must be confirmed by the administrator of the
service computer.
In the next step, the configuration window of the MAN-cats III installer opens. The entered installation source,
installation destination and the download directory are displayed here. It is also possible to make a language
Fig. 74
i It is recommended not to make any changes apart from the language selection.
The language selection is opened by clicking on the flag icon (1 / Fig. 74).
Fig. 75
Select the desired language by clicking on the corresponding flag icon (Fig. 75).
Apply the changes (Fig. 74) by clicking on the "Save" button and then confirming with the "OK" button“.
The progress of the MAN-cats III download (Fig. 76) is shown in the next window. Both the overall progress and
the status of the current action are displayed in the form of progress bars.
Fig. 76 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
A status list of the download packages can be displayed by pressing the "Show Download Progress"
i button.
Fig. 77 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The information displayed includes the designation, the size of the file and a version comparison of
i the individual applications.
Administrator rights on the service computer are needed for the installation of MAN-cats III.
i Any message regarding permission to install must be confirmed by the administrator of the service
Progress display for MAN-cats III installation (Fig. 78).
Fig. 78
i The rest of the installation procedure takes place without any interaction from the user.
Fig. 79 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
After the service computer has rebooted, MAN-cats III can be launched via the corresponding icon
i on the desktop or from the following directory.
Start / All Programs / MAN-cats III
The files required for offline installation can be downloaded from the update server of MAN Truck &
i ®
Bus AG by means of the MAN-cats III Installer and saved on an external data medium. Further
information on downloading files by means of the MAN-cats III Installer is provided in Chapter 11.1.2
After the MAN-cats III setup.exe is launched, the language selection for installation setup opens (Fig. 80).
Fig. 80
Select the desired installation language by means of the drop-down selection and then confirm with the "OK"
Fig. 81
Fig. 82
In the next step, it is necessary to define whether MAN-cats III is to be launched automatically when the service
computer is started (Fig. 83).
Fig. 83
The selection made here can be changed in the system settings of the service computer. Please
i contact the system administrator or IT manager in the company for changes to the service computer
Fig. 84 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The selection window for language selection for the MAN-cats III Installer then opens (Fig. 85).
Fig. 85
Fig. 86 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Read and confirm the software licence agreement by clicking on the button "I agree with the terms and
conditions of the licence agreement" or cancel the process with "I do not agree with the terms and conditions
of the licence agreement".
In the next step, the files required for installation of MAN-cats III are copied to the hard disk of the service com-
puter (Fig. 87). The overall progress and the status of the current action are displayed in the form of progress
Fig. 87 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 88 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The information displayed includes the designation, the size of the file and a version comparison of
i the individual applications.
Administrator rights on the service computer are needed for the installation of MAN-cats III.
i Any message regarding permission to install must be confirmed by the administrator of the service
Progress display for MAN-cats III installation (Fig. 89).
Fig. 89
i The rest of the installation procedure takes place without any interaction from the user.
Fig. 90
Fig. 91
When installation has been successfully completed, a message is displayed stating that it is necessary to restart
the service computer (Fig. 92).
Fig. 92
After the service computer has rebooted, MAN-cats III can be launched via the corresponding icon
i on the desktop or from the following directory.
Start / All Programs / MAN-cats III
A software update is necessary when MAN-cats III is started for the first time after an offline
i ®
installation. Further information on software updates for MAN-cats III can be found in Chapter 15.
A MAN-verified Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI) is recommended as the interface for the
i connection between the vehicle and MAN-cats III service computer. The required connection
between VCI and the MAN-cats III service computer must be established using the VCI Manager
(Chapter 14).
i Further information and detailed descriptions on connection setup between the MAN-cats III
service computer and VCI can be found in Chapter 14.
The following network connections are supported by MAN-cats III:
DSL (router or access point)
ISDN (modem)
Mobile network connection (mobile phone, internet surf stick)
Telephone (telephone connection)
The respective owner of the MAN-cats III diagnostic system is responsible for providing a
! network connection and the required components (hardware/software). Please contact the
responsible system administrator with any questions relating to network configuration.
Variant 1
Fig. 93
Variant 2
Fig. 94
Fig. 95
Fig. 96
Function overview:
VCI selection (1) (display field of the available VCIs)
Application-specific toolbar (2)
Fig. 97
Fig. 98
i It is recommended to refresh the VCI selection after every initial set-up and before every attempt to
set up a new connection between the Vehicle Communication Interface and MAN-cats III.
Fig. 99
Import of the configuration file is possible only when using Vehicle Communication Interfaces from the
i same manufacturer. Further information or a detailed description of the procedure is provided in the
User Manual of the respective Communication Interface manufacturer.
Connection wizard
The connection wizard provides assistance for any connection problems between the Vehicle Communication
Interface and the MAN-cats III service computer.
The user is requested to carry out certain troubleshooting routines. The procedure is guided and is supported by
on-screen instructions.
The connection wizard is started with the (Fig. 100) button.
Fig. 100
Fig. 101
i All the settings must be carried out manually for installation of a local workshop network. Knowledge
of the network is required for this kind of set-up.
Software/firmware update
In the case of firmware updates for a Vehicle Communication Interface, a version comparison of the soft-
ware/firmware is carried out between the Vehicle Communication Interface and MAN-cats III.
In the case of differing versions, the system will request the user to perform an update. The further update pro-
cess is guided and is largely performed without any user interaction.
In the event of problems, the system launches an automated troubleshooting function with problem-solving sug-
The software/firmware update wizard is started with the (Fig. 102) button.
Fig. 102
Fig. 103
Fig. 104
Fig. 105
i The respective manufacturer of the corresponding Communication Interface is responsible for the
individual procedures in the VCI application.
Fig. 106
® ®
Launch MAN-cats III by double-clicking on the MAN-cats III icon on the desktop of the service computer.
The login screen of MAN-cats III (Fig. 107) then opens.
Fig. 107
The VCI Manager (Fig. 109) is opened with the (Fig. 108) button.
Fig. 108
Fig. 109
Connect the MAN Vehicle Communication Interface T200 to the diagnostic socket or an external power
supply and wait until the status LED of your Vehicle Communication Interface is permanently lit.
Connect the MAN Vehicle Communication Interface T200 with the service computer using an Ethernet cable.
Fig. 110
Fig. 111
i The Vehicle Communication Interfaces available for connection are shown in the "Available VCIs and
connection status" area.
If necessary, change the interface language of the VCI application (1 / Fig. 112). The language selection is made
in the option settings (1 / Fig. 111).
Fig. 112
Fig. 113 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Start the connection by double-clicking on the Vehicle Communication Interface name in the area "Current
connections and connection status" (1).
In the next step, the software version specifications of the service computer and Vehicle Communication Interface
must be compared.
Fig. 114 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The software version specifications can be found in the "Version specifications and settings" area
(1/Fig. 83).
Start the firmware update by clicking on the button (1 / Fig. 115) in the top area of the VCI application.
The software update is started in the next step (Fig. 116). A warning message may be displayed by the operating
system at this point.
Fig. 116
If necessary, confirm the warning by clicking on the "Do not block" button.
Fig. 117
i If the update process is cancelled during the interface update, corresponding instructions are dis-
played on the screen and the process must be repeated.
Check that the version specifications of the service computer and the Vehicle Communication Interface
match (1 / Fig. 118).
Start the installation wizard by clicking on the button (2 / Fig. 118).
Fig. 119
Select the desired connection type by clicking on the corresponding picture (Fig. 119).
i A list of the possible connection variants and required conditions can be found in Chapter 13.
Fig. 120
Fig. 121
The connection is selected by clicking on the corresponding network designation and then confirming this
selection with the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 121).
Select the desired Vehicle Communication Interface from the list of of displayed Vehicle Communication
Fig. 122
The interface is selected by clicking on the corresponding VCI designation and then confirming this selection
with the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 122).
Fig. 123
Accept the displayed network settings with the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 123).
Assign encryption data (password) and make the WLAN channel selection (e.g. 1, 6, 11). The assigned password
acts as a pairing key/network key between the service computer and the Vehicle Communication Interface.
The pairing key is needed when changing between different VCIs.
Fig. 124
Confirm the changes with the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 124).
The password must have 13 characters long and can be chosen freely. It is recommended to use a
i combination of upper and/or lower case letters as well as digits. The use of special characters must
be avoided. If several VCIs of the type T200 are used, it is recommended to used an identical pairing
key/network key in order to ensure easier handling.
The WLAN channels selected in (Fig. 124) serve as the default setting and can be freely selected.
i When selecting the WLAN channels, please note that channel 14 is not permitted in Europe
(channels 12, 13, 14 in the USA). The country-specific regulations and laws apply.
Fig. 125
Fig. 126
Remove the Ethernet cable between the service computer and MAN Vehicle Communication Interface T200
(Fig. 127).
Fig. 127
i A new network connection is displayed at the lower edge of the screen (Windows info area of the
Close the VCI application and then refresh the list of the available VCI connections with the button
(Fig. 128).
Fig. 128
Fig. 129
The interface is selected by clicking on the grey area of the corresponding MAN Vehicle Communication
Interface T200 (1 / Fig. 129)
After a connection has been successfully established between the service computer and Vehicle
i Communication Interface, the background colour of the VCI selection field changes from grey to
green (Fig. 130).
Fig. 130
i The selected MAN Vehicle Communication Interface T200 is now fully configured for operation under
MAN-cats III.
Fig. 131
The VCI application is started with the (Fig. 132) button in the application-specific toolbar of the VCI
Fig. 132
Fig. 133 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 134
Start the installation wizard by clicking on the button (Fig. 135) in the application-specific toolbar of the VCI
Fig. 135
Operation of the VCI Manager is disabled when an MVCI application is opened. The VCI Manager is auto-
matically enabled again when the MVCI application is terminated.
Fig. 136
The VCI Manager can be enabled by clicking on the "Unlock VCI manager" button (1 / Fig. 136).
i It is recommended not to enable the VCI Manager while the MVCI application is running.
Fig. 137
The desired connection type is selected by clicking on the corresponding picture (1).
i There may be differences in the procedure if the connection is set up as a cable interface.
Follow the instructions displayed on the screen in MAN-cats III.
Fig. 138
Establish the connection between the diagnostic socket or an external power supply and the Vehicle Com-
munication Interface.
Connect the Vehicle Communication Interface to be configured and the service computer by means of an
Ethernet cable.
Confirm the existing connections by clicking on the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 138).
Fig. 139
The connection is selected by clicking on the corresponding network designation and then confirming this
selection with the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 139).
Select the desired Vehicle Communication Interface from the list of of displayed Vehicle Communication Interfac-
Fig. 140
The interface is selected by clicking on the corresponding VCI designation and then confirming this selection
with the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 140).
Fig. 141
The configuration of the network settings depends on the desired connection between MAN-cats III and Vehicle
Communication Interface. A list of the possible configurations and the required measures in each case is provid-
ed below.
i The VCI is integrated into an existing network when configured as a client (DHCP / static).
This means that it is possible to create a multiple connection via WLAN.
Please contact the responsible system administrator with any questions relating to integration
! of the Vehicle Communication Interface in an existing network.
Accept the network settings by clicking on the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 141).
Fig. 142
The WLAN channels selected in (Fig. 142) serve as the default setting and can be freely selected.
i When selecting the WLAN channels, please note that channel 14 is not permitted in Europe
(channels 12, 13, 14 in the USA). The country-specific regulations and laws apply.
The password must have 13 characters long and can be chosen freely. It is recommended to use a
i combination of upper and/or lower case letters as well as digits. The use of special characters must
be avoided. If several VCIs of the type T200 are used, it is recommended to used an identical pairing
key/network key in order to ensure easier handling.
The changes must then be confirmed in the following two windows with "Continue" (1 / Fig. 143, Fig. 144).
Fig. 143
Fig. 144
Fig. 145
i A new network connection is then displayed at the lower edge of the screen (Windows info area of
the taskbar).
Close the VCI application and then refresh the list of the available VCI connections with the button
(Fig. 146).
Fig. 146
Fig. 147
The interface is selected by clicking on the grey area of the corresponding MAN Vehicle Communication
Interface T200 (1 / Fig. 147)
After a connection has been successfully established between the service computer and Vehicle
i Communication Interface, the background colour of the VCI selection field changes from grey to
green (Fig. 148).
Fig. 148
The connection is confirmed and the VCI Manager is closed with the (Fig. 149) button.
Fig. 149
i A connection can be set up by means of the connection wizard only for Vehicle Communication
Interfaces that were previously connected with this MAN-cats III system.
The button for starting the connection wizard is located in the application-specific toolbar of the VCI selection
Fig. 150
Fig. 151
Fig. 152
Establish the connection between the diagnostic socket or an external power supply and the Vehicle Com-
munication Interface.
Confirm the existing connection by clicking on the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 152).
Fig. 153
The interface is selected by clicking on the corresponding VCI designation and then confirming this selection
with the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 140).
i If the desired Vehicle Communication Interface is not in the displayed list, it is possible to carry out a
check of the desired Vehicle Communication Interface.
Mark the top line in the S-MVCI devices area "Set up a different T200".
Confirm the selection with the "Continue" button.
Fig. 154
Transfer the status of the LED display of the Vehicle Communication Interface to be connected to the status
check displayed by MAN-cats III.
Confirm the inputs by clicking on the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 154).
Fig. 155
Continue with the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 155).
Fig. 156
Fig. 157
A progress bar for the Vehicle Communication Interface software update is then displayed (Fig. 158).
Fig. 158
i If a warning message is displayed, confirm this by clicking on the "Do not block" button.
Confirm the success message with the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 159).
i If the interface update is cancelled during the update process, follow the displayed instructions and
repeat the procedure.
The last S-MVCI status is restored if the S-MVCI recovery function is cancelled. The S-MVCI
! recovery function can be repeated any number of times.
Launch the VCI application by clicking on the button (Fig. 160) in the application-specific toolbar of the VCI
Fig. 160
Fig. 161 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The application is launched with the "S-MVCI recovery" button (1 / Fig. 161).
Establish the connection between the diagnostic socket or an external power supply and the Vehicle
Communication Interface.
Confirm the existing connection by clicking on the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 162).
Fig. 163
Read the displayed warning message on S-MVCI recovery and confirm by clicking on the "Continue" button
(1 / Fig. 163).
Fig. 164
Connect the Vehicle Communication Interface with the service computer using an Ethernet cable.
Confirm the established connection by clicking on the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 164).
Fig. 165
i Reading out of the interface software takes place without any user interaction and must not be inter-
A message is then displayed requesting the user to start the recovery operation.
Fig. 166
The recovery operation is started by clicking on the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 166).
Fig. 167
Read and follow the displayed instructions.
i The operation can be repeated any number of times if a problem occurs during the recovery opera-
Confirm the message displayed after working through the instructions by clicking on the "Continue" button
(1 / Fig. 167).
Fig. 168
i The operation takes place without any user interaction and must not be interrupted!
Fig. 169 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Confirm the displayed success message with the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 169).
i The installation wizard must be used to establish a connection for the first time between Vehicle
Communication Interface and service computer after a S-MVCI recovery.
In the first step, the network control panel of Windows must be opened (Fig. 170). The button for opening the
network control panel is located in the Windows information bar.
Fig. 170 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 171 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Select the network by clicking in the desired line with the corresponding network designation and then con-
firming this with the "Connect" button.
i If the required network key has not already been assigned, it must be assigned using the installation
wizard for the corresponding VCI (Chapter 14.3.1).
Fig. 172 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The network key is entered using the keyboard.
Confirm the input with the "OK" button.
i After the connection between VCI and MAN-cats III service computer has been established, the
selected connection must be confirmed by means of the VCI Manager.
The VCI Manager is launched by clicking on the (Fig. 173) button on the login page of MAN-cats III.
Fig. 173
Fig. 174
The selection is confirmed by clicking on the grey area of the corresponding MAN Vehicle Communication
Interface T200 (1 / Fig. 174).
Fig. 175
The Vehicle Communication Interface is now ready for operation and can be used.
Fig. 176
i A configuration file can be imported only for the service computers offered by MAN Truck & Bus AG.
i The import of a configuration file described in this chapter refers only to the Vehicle Communication
Interface of the type T200.
To start import of the configuration file, launch the VCI Manager in the login screen of MAN-cats III.
Fig. 177
Launch the VCI Manager by clicking on the button (1 / Fig. 177).
Import of the configuration file is started with the (Fig. 178) button.
Fig. 178
i The above directory is only correct if the installation directory was not changed during installation of
MAN-cats III.
Fig. 179
To open, select the configuration file and click on the "Open" button (1 /Fig. 179).
A message is then displayed requesting connection of the Vehicle Communication Interface (Fig. 180).
Fig. 180
Connect the Vehicle Communication Interface to be configured to a diagnostic socket or an external power
Connect the Vehicle Communication Interface and the service computer by means of an Ethernet cable.
Confirm the existing connection by clicking on the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 180).
Fig. 181
Now select the desired Vehicle Communication Interface from the list of the displayed Vehicle Communica-
tion Interfaces (1) and confirm the selection with "Continue".
The pending changes must then be confirmed in the following two messages with the "Continue" button (1 /
Fig. 182, Fig. 183).
Fig. 182
Fig. 183
Fig. 184
Acknowledge the displayed message with the "Continue" button (1 / Fig. 184).
i A new network connection is now displayed at the lower edge of the screen (Windows information
area of the taskbar).
Fig. 185
Confirm the message on successful interface configuration with "Continue" (1 / Fig. 185).
i After confirming the success message, the start screen of the VCI Manager is displayed again
Refresh the list of Vehicle Communication Interfaces available for connection with the button (Fig. 186).
Fig. 186
Fig. 187
The interface is selected by clicking on the grey area of the corresponding MAN Vehicle Communication
Interface T200 (1 / Fig. 187)
After a connection has been successfully established between the service computer and Vehicle
i Communication Interface, the background colour of the VCI selection field changes from grey to
green (Fig. 188).
Fig. 188
Fig. 189
i The exported configuration file can be imported only to identical service computers.
To start export of a configuration file, launch the VCI Manager in the login screen of MAN-cats III.
Fig. 190
Export of the configuration file is started with the (Fig. 191) button.
Fig. 191
Fig. 192
Fig. 193
Confirm the following message on successful export of the configuration file with the "Continue" button
(1 / Fig. 185).
i The start screen of the VCI Manager opens after the success message is confirmed.
Fig. 194
Export of the VCI information is started with the (Fig. 195) button.
Fig. 195
Fig. 196
Fig. 197
Confirm the following message on successful export of the VCI information file with the "Continue" button
(1 / Fig. 185).
i The start screen of the VCI Manager opens after the success message is confirmed.
i The default setting of the interface language within the VCI application is English.
The language selection is made in the options of the VCI application (Fig. 198).
Fig. 198
Select the desired interface language in the selection field (1).
Confirm the selected language by clicking on the "OK" button.
i Protocol level settings should be made only according to the instructions of the Support team.
The protocol level settings are made in the options of the VCI application (Fig. 199).
Fig. 199
The protocol level is selected by checking the corresponding items in the window (1).
Confirm the selection by clicking on the "OK" button.
Fig. 200
Fig. 201 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Start the software update by clicking on the "OK" button (1 / Fig. 201).
Fig. 202 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Confirm the service computer restart by clicking on the "Yes" button (1 / Fig. 202).
The control files are collected in a MAN database and can be downloaded via the update server of MAN Truck &
Bus AG. The control files are automatically downloaded during the MAN-cats III login process at regular intervals
of 24 hours.
The control files can also be downloaded manually if necessary. The vehicle selection page must be opened for
this purpose (Fig. 203).
Fig. 203
Download of the control files is started with the button (Fig. 204).
Fig. 204
Fig. 205
Fig. 206
Fig. 207 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i The amount of additional information displayed in the header bar depends on the currently accessed
area in MAN-cats III.
16.1.3 Toolbar
The toolbars consist of individual buttons. Using these buttons, it is possible to access individual tools and func-
tions that are needed for working with MAN-cats III. The buttons are actuated by clicking with the mouse cursor.
Two different types of toolbars are used in MAN-cats III.
Permanent toolbar
Application-specific toolbar
Individual buttons may be deactivated depending on the running application. Buttons that are deac-
i tivated by a running application are greyed out. The defined button function cannot be selected in this
® ®
To start the MAN-cats III installer, click on the MAN-cats III icon (Fig. 208) on the desktop.
Fig. 208
® ®
The MAN-cats III installer automatically launches MAN-cats III and the login page is opened.
17.2 Login
It is possible to log into MAN-cats III in two different ways. The scope of the working area depends on the login
Access by Smart Card (Chapter 17.2.1)
Access by licence file (Chapter 17.2.2)
Enter your user password in the input field ( 1 / Fig. 209) and confirm login by clicking on the "Start" button
(Fig. 210).
Fig. 210
When you log into MAN-cats III for the first time, it is necessary to perform a Smart Card update.
i The Smart Card update is carried out automatically when you log in. An internet connection is re-
quired for this.
The access management function is opened with the (Fig. 211) button.
Fig. 211
Then click on the"Login with a licence file" button on the right-hand side of the application area (Fig. 212).
Fig. 212
Select the licence file from the selected save location and confirm login by clicking on the "Open" button
(Fig. 213).
Fig. 213
i The runtime rights (licence file) must be selected in the access management function as described
above each time you log in to MAN-cats III.
Fig. 214
Select the desired make and then the current model by clicking on the corresponding buttons.
i The buttons are collapsed after the make and model selection has been made.
Fig. 215
Fig. 216
Fig. 217
Fig. 218
i The table of current diagnostic sessions shows the last three started diagnostic sessions as the
maximum content.
Select the desired diagnostic session and then confirm with the button (Fig. 219).
Fig. 219
The list of all interrupted sessions can be expanded to a complete view by clicking on the button (Fig. 220).
Fig. 220
The complete view is closed with the button (Fig. 221).
Fig. 221
Fig. 222
Fig. 223
The complete displayed overview can be printed out with the button (Fig. 224).
Fig. 224
The vehicle-specific information portal is opened with the (Fig. 225) button.
Fig. 225
Technical support is requested with the button (Fig. 226). This function allows a detailed data package with
the necessary MAN-cats III system data and the corresponding workshop and user information to be for-
warded to Support. The technical support function must be used only when instructed to do so by MAN-cats
III Support and is currently in preparation.
Fig. 226
i Using the function "Deletes selected vehicle configuration", it is possible to delete individual items of
the current vehicle configuration.
i The entered diagnostic applications are shown together with the directory structure of MAN-cats III
and the date of execution.
The filter is applied with the button (Fig. 227). The button is replaced by the following button when clicked.
Fig. 227
The filter is reset with the button (Fig. 228). The button is replaced by the previous button when clicked.
Fig. 228
i By clicking on one of the displayed levels, the navigation tree opens and all the available sub-items of
the selected level are shown.
Fig. 229 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The individual levels are opened by clicking on the desired menu item in the navigation tree (1) or on the
corresponding button in the display area menu (2).
The applications are launched by double-clicking on the application designation in the navigation tree.
Fig. 230
The VCI selection is confirmed with the button (Fig. 231).
Fig. 231
Fig. 232
The desired VCI is selected by clicking on the grey background of this VCI.
i Only the VCIs that have already been taught are displayed. Further information on VCI connection
can be found in Chapter 14.3.
Fig. 233
Fig. 234
The current diagnostic session is ended by clicking on the button (Fig. 235) and the session options are
Fig. 235
Fig. 236
Fig. 237
Fig. 238
i All interrupted sessions are stored in the "Current diagnostic sessions" table. You can find further
information about opening an interrupted diagnostic session in Chapter 17.3.2.
Fig. 239
All ended diagnostic sessions are deleted from the table of current diagnostic sessions and cannot be
i continued. If the diagnostic session contains data for uploading, the session is not deleted until the
available data has been uploaded successfully.
Fig. 240
Fig. 241
Fig. 242
The information portal screen is divided into the following areas:
Navigation tree (1)
Display area (2)
i Installation of additional software (e.g. DJVU) is necessary for display of certain content (Chapter
The handling actions for the displayed content (scrolling, magnification, rotating etc.) are performed on the graph-
ical interface using the mouse cursor.
i Document-specific control elements are available in the case of program-dependent function assign-
ment (DJVU graphics; PDF, etc.).
Other functions can be accessed using the buttons in the application-specific toolbars.
Fig. 243
Fig. 244
Fig. 245
Fig. 246
Fig. 247
Fig. 248
Fig. 249
i The graphics contained in the documents must be printed out separately. This is done by means of
the print command accessible by pressing the right mouse key.
Exit the information portal and return to vehicle identification (Fig. 250).
Fig. 250
i Further information on using the information portal is provided on the help page of the portal.
Fig. 251
The following screenshots show the exact installation procedure for installation of the DJVU plug-in with corre-
sponding instructions for the individual steps.
Language selection for DJVU installation (Fig. 252). Selection takes place in the selection dialogue (1).
Fig. 252
Fig. 253
Fig. 254
To avoid problems when using the DJVU plug-in, we recommend that you do not change the default
i installation path.
Fig. 255
Confirm the selection with the "Next" button.
Select the installation options (Fig. 256). Selection takes place in the selection window (1) by checking the corre-
sponding boxes.
Fig. 256
Confirm the selection with the "Next" button.
Fig. 257
Finish DJVU installation with the "Finish" button.
Fig. 258
Fig. 259
Then enter a file name in the opened dialogue window and confirm your input with "Save" (Fig. 259).
i We recommend that you retain the default setting for the save location. The screenshots are saved
as PNG files.
Fig. 260
Fig. 261
To close the document viewer, click on the "X" (1 / Fig. 261) on the document viewer tab.
There are various control options within the document viewer (Fig. 261).
The control buttons for the document viewer are located on the top edge of the screen and provide the following
With the (Fig. 262) button, it is possible to scroll forwards between several documents within the document
Fig. 262
With the (Fig. 263) button, it is possible to scroll backwards between several documents within the document
Fig. 263
Fig. 264
With the (Fig. 265) button, the the current document is closed.
Fig. 265
With the (Fig. 266) button, the current document is sent to a printer for printing. This function is available only
if a printer is installed and set up on the service computer.
Fig. 266
Fig. 267
The SPN search engine is called up with the button (Fig. 268) in the detailed view of the diagnostic memory
Fig. 268
Fig. 269
Enter an SPN code in the input field (Fig. 270) and confirm your input by clicking on the "Start search" button
(Fig. 271). If a search is performed for several SPN codes, the numbers must be separated by using a com-
ma without spaces.
Fig. 270
Fig. 271
Fig. 272
Select the desired control unit or system using the drop-down menu.
Apply the filter by checking the box (1 / Fig. 272).
Fig. 273
Open the selected SPN document by clicking on the button (Fig. 274).
Fig. 274
Fig. 275
Print the list of all SPN documents by clicking on the button (Fig. 276).
Fig. 276
Fig. 277
Fig. 278
Open the control unit selection function by clicking on the icon (1 / Fig. 278).
Confirm the selection by clicking on the button ().
Fig. 279
Select the desired control unit in the navigation menu of MAN-cats III (Fig. 280).
Fig. 280
Navigation is performed by clicking with the mouse cursor on the corresponding menu items.
Fig. 281 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i If the selected control unit is not recognised, it is also possible to select the control unit manually.
The designation of the desired control unit is required for this purpose.
Fig. 282
Fig. 283
Possible applications:
Diagnostic memory
Repeat detection
20.1 Identification
The "Identification" application allows information (e.g. item numbers, parameterisation time stamp, etc.) to be
read out from the selected control unit (Fig. 284). Additional information such as code, name and content of the
displayed information is also shown.
Fig. 284 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The displayed information can be saved as an XML file on the service computer with the (Fig. 285) button.
Fig. 285
The identification function is ended with the button (Fig. 286) and the navigation menu is opened.
Fig. 286
Fig. 287 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The identification function is ended with the button (Fig. 288) and the navigation menu is opened.
Fig. 288
i If the control unit item number (1 / Fig. 289) cannot be read out by MAN-cats III, this must be en-
tered manually.
i Using a filter (2 / Fig. 289), it is possible to restrict the displayed list to firmware versions that match a
Fig. 289 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 290
Fig. 291
The filter can be activated and reset with the button (Fig. 292).
Fig. 292
Download of the vehicle data file is started with the button (Fig. 293).
Fig. 293
Fig. 294 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 295
Fig. 296 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 297
Selection of the wrong control unit can lead to incorrect firmware selection.
Fig. 298
If no control unit is detected by MAN-cats III with the automatic control unit detection function, the desired control
unit can be selected manually from the displayed list (Fig. 299).
Fig. 299 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The desired control unit is selected by clicking on the corresponding control unit designation.
The selection is confirmed by clicking on the button (Fig. 300).
Fig. 300
Fig. 301
Fig. 302 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Vehicle-related diagnostic applications:
Diagnostic memory of complete vehicle
Conversion order
Vehicle parameter setting
Vehicle data administration
Trend data
Guided troubleshooting
Workshop routines
OBD (on-board diagnosis)
Fig. 303
The control unit detection function is confirmed with the button (Fig. 304).
Fig. 304
The control unit detection function is cancelled with the button (Fig. 305).
Fig. 305
i The function for repeating control unit detection is always located right at the bottom of the list of
available applications for the currently open menu item in the navigation menu of MAN-cats III.
Fig. 306 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The application is started when you click on the "Diagnostic memory of complete vehicle" (1) selection.
In the next step, the control units installed in the vehicle are detected and their diagnostic memories are read out
(Fig. 307).
Fig. 307
Fig. 308
Fig. 309
Green marking (light) Control unit detection has not yet been carried out
White background (no colour marking) Control unit not present for current vehicle selection
By clicking on one of the colour-highlighted control units, you can either display the diagnostic
i memory of the corresponding control unit or jump to the navigation menu of the corresponding control
unit directory. The required button for switching between the two options can be found in the applica-
tion-specific toolbar (1) (Fig. 309). The currently activated option is always shown here.
The option for calling up the control unit directory is deactivated with the button (Fig. 310).
Fig. 310
Fig. 311
It is also possible to display an overview of the installed control unit network of the selected vehicle series.
To open the overview, click the following button (Fig. 312). The displayed overview provides a schematic
representation of the control unit network for the selected vehicle series, and potentially may not correspond
to the actual control unit network of the present vehicle.
Fig. 312
It is possible to display a detailed view of the detected control units (Fig. 313). Here, the system will display
the item number of the selected control unit and the number of existing diagnostic memory entries.
Fig. 313
All detected control units are read out again with the button (Fig. 314).
Fig. 314
With the button (Fig. 315), all the existing diagnostic memory entries are deleted and the detected control
units are read out again.
Fig. 315
With the button (Fig. 316), detection of all control units is performed and their diagnostic memories are then
read out.
Fig. 316
Fig. 317
In the tabular diagnostic memory view, all diagnostic memory entries are listed in table form. Information is dis-
played here on the status of the individual diagnostic memory entries.
Fig. 318 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Control unit designation (1)
SPN code (2)
Designation of the diagnostic memory entry (3)
Status of the diagnostic memory entry (4)
Failure Mode Indicator (FMI) (5)
Availability of further documentation (6)
Priority of the diagnostic memory entry (7)
i Clicking on one of the displayed diagnostic memory entries marks this entry and it is highlighted in
Available detailed information and instructions for the marked diagnostic memory entry can be displayed by
clicking on the button (Fig. 319).
Fig. 319
Fig. 320
i The created PDF document is automatically saved on the service computer and can be accessed at
any time at the following save location: (C: User/Username/MAN-cats III/MAN/FIN)
By pressing the button (Fig. 321), you can return to the navigation tree on the vehicle level.
Fig. 321
By pressing the button (Fig. 322), you return to the last-selected system area.
Fig. 322
The diagnostic memory application is ended with the button (Fig. 323).
Fig. 323
The two ways of ordering the conversion data file differ with respect to the data provision method for
i the vehicle data file and vehicle identification. Further information can be found in the Chapters 21.3.1
and 21.3.2.
The following conditions must be met in order to order a conversion data file:
A current vehicle data file was provided
An update of the control files was performed (Chapter 15.3)
A MAN-cats III Smart Card with valid runtime rights package is available (Chapter 7)
The Smart Card must not be removed from the Smart Card reader/writer during the entire process.
There is a connection between the MAN-cats III service computer and the server of MAN Truck & Bus AG
There must be no outstanding conversion for the selected vehicle on the server
The menu items for ordering a conversion data file can be found in the navigation menu under the "Vehicle" menu
item (Fig. 324).
Fig. 324 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Select the desired order type for the conversion data file by clicking on the corresponding menu item.
i If the conversion process is cancelled, information will be displayed with possible fault causes and/or
Fig. 325 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Vehicle identification takes place in the next step (Fig. 326). Input of the vehicle production number is necessary
for the purpose of vehicle identification.
Fig. 326 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Enter the vehicle production number (7 characters) in the corresponding field.
Fig. 327
Fig. 328
In the next step, the current vehicle data file is provided in the form of a download from the MAN server
(Fig. 329). In addition, it is checked whether there is still an outstanding conversion.
Fig. 329 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i You require a connection to the server of MAN Truck & Bus AG in order to download the vehicle data
Fig. 330 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 331
Fig. 332
i All the steps of the ordering process for a conversion data file are described below. The number of
steps shown depends on the selection made (Fig. 330).
Fig. 333 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Screen overview:
Item Designation Description
1 Navigation menu All control unit designations for the current vehicle configura-
tion are listed in the navigation menu.
2 Selection menu The item number of the installed control unit and the item
number of the possible replacement control units are displayed
in the selection menu. A possible flash compatibility of the
replacement control units is also shown.
3 Change display A list of all changes adopted from the selection menu is dis-
played. Information such as the control unit designation and
item number of the replacement control unit is also displayed.
4 Display of flash compatibility Indicates the flash compatibility of a replacement control unit.
Select the control unit to be replaced by clicking on the corresponding control unit designation in the naviga-
tion menu (1).
Select the desired replacement control unit by clicking on the corresponding item number in the selection
menu (2).
A list with all the available flash sources can be opened with the button (Fig. 334) (Fig. 335).
Fig. 334
Fig. 335
The list of available flash sources is closed with the button (Fig. 336).
Fig. 336
The desired changes from (2) are accepted with the button (Fig. 337).
Fig. 337
The button (Fig. 338) allows individual changes to be removed from the display of accepted changes.
The button is activated only after one of the accepted changes is marked (3) (Fig. 333).
Fig. 338
All accepted changes are discarded with the button (Fig. 339) and the overview of order items is opened.
Fig. 339
The accepted changes are confirmed with the button (Fig. 340) and the next step of the conversion data file
ordering process is displayed.
Fig. 340
Fig. 341
Fig. 342 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 343
The operation is cancelled with the button (Fig. 344).
Fig. 344
Fig. 345 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Screen overview:
Item Designation Description
1 Navigation menu The different requirement reasons for special campaigns are
listed in the navigation menu (e.g. If required, When repairing,
…). The available special campaigns are contained the the
corresponding sub-items.
2 Selection menu A description and information on the selected special cam-
paign are displayed in the selection menu.
3 Change display Information on the changes adopted from the selection menu is
displayed in the change display (e.g. SI number, item num-
Select the special campaign by clicking on the corresponding designation in the navigation menu (1).
The changes displayed in (2) are accepted with the button (Fig. 346).
Fig. 346
The button (Fig. 347) allows individual changes to be removed from the display of accepted changes.
The button is activated only after one of the accepted changes is marked (3 / Fig. 345).
Fig. 347
Fig. 348
The accepted changes are confirmed with the button (Fig. 349) and the next step of the conversion data file
ordering process is displayed.
Fig. 349
Fig. 350
Fig. 351 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The desired software package is selected by double-clicking on the system designation or clicking on the
corresponding node (1).
Select the desired replacement option by clicking on the corresponding option designation in the selection
menu (2).
The desired changes from (2) are accepted with the button (Fig. 352).
Fig. 352
The button (Fig. 353) allows individual changes to be removed from the display of accepted changes.
The button is activated only after one of the accepted changes is marked (3 / Fig. 351).
Fig. 353
All accepted changes are discarded with the button (Fig. 354) and the overview of order items is opened.
Fig. 354
Fig. 355
The operation is cancelled with the button (Fig. 356).
Fig. 356
Fig. 357 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
An automatic vehicle parameter update is performed when a control unit replacement, special
i campaign or MAN Genuine Software is ordered. In this case, a corresponding message is displayed
and the step is skipped.
Functional description:
Select the desired action by clicking on the corresponding option (1).
All accepted changes are discarded with the button (Fig. 358) and the overview of order items is opened.
Fig. 358
Fig. 359
The operation is cancelled with the button (Fig. 360).
Fig. 360
An order overview (Fig. 361) is displayed after confirmation of the accepted changes. Information is displayed
here such as article designation, item numbers, price information and the order date.
Fig. 361 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The button (Fig. 362) allows individual changes to be removed from the order overview. The button is acti-
vated only after one of the listed changes is selected. A change is selected by clicking in the line with the
corresponding change.
Fig. 362
All accepted changes are discarded with the button (Fig. 363) and the overview of order items is opened.
Fig. 363
Fig. 364
The order overview is confirmed and the order placed with the button (Fig. 365).
Fig. 365
The order is sent to the MAN server in the next step (Fig. 366).
Fig. 366 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 367 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i No user interaction is necessary during this process. The process may take some time.
Fig. 368 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The ordering operation is now completed. At this point, it is possible to immediately download or cancel the
ordered conversion.
Downloading or cancellation of the conversion takes place by marking the line with the desired option and
then confirming with the button (Fig. 369).
Fig. 369
i Every ordered conversion can be downloaded only once. The conversion can be performed only with
the MAN-cats III service computer on which the ordered conversion was saved.
Fig. 370
i Ordered but not downloaded conversions are automatically cancelled and removed from the MAN
server after 48 hours.
i If the conversion process is cancelled, information will be displayed with possible fault causes and/or
Fig. 371 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The application is launched by double-clicking on the desired menu item.
Vehicle identification by reading out the vehicle management computer takes place in the first step. It is neces-
sary for this to confirm a message window with the required conditions for the conversion order (Fig. 372).
Fig. 372 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 373
Fig. 374
Reading out of the vehicle management computer takes place without any user interaction (Fig. 375)
Fig. 375 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i If reading out of the vehicle management computer is not possible, the order process must be can-
celled and a conversion data file order without vehicle must be performed (Chapter 21.3.1).
Fig. 376 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 377
Fig. 378
i All the steps of the ordering process for a conversion data file are described below. The number of
steps shown depends on the selection made (Fig. 376).
Fig. 379 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Screen overview:
Item Designation Description
1 Navigation menu All control unit designations for the current vehicle configura-
tion are listed in the navigation menu.
2 Selection menu The item number of the installed control unit and the item
number of the possible replacement control units are displayed
in the selection menu. A possible flash compatibility of the
replacement control units is also shown.
Item 3 Change display A list of all changes adopted from the selection menu is dis-
played. Information such as the control unit designation and
item number of the replacement control unit is also displayed.
4 Display of flash compatibility Indicates the flash compatibility of a replacement control unit.
Select the control unit to be replaced by clicking on the corresponding control unit designation in the naviga-
tion menu (1).
Select the desired replacement control unit by clicking on the corresponding item number in the selection
menu (2).
A list with all the available flash sources can be opened with the button (Fig. 380) (Fig. 381).
Fig. 380
Fig. 381
The list of available flash sources is closed with the button (Fig. 382).
Fig. 382
The desired changes from (2) are accepted with the button (Fig. 383).
Fig. 383
The button (Fig. 384) allows individual changes to be removed from the display of accepted changes.
The button is activated only after one of the accepted changes is marked (3) (Fig. 379).
Fig. 384
All accepted changes are discarded with the button (Fig. 385) and the overview of order items is opened.
Fig. 385
The accepted changes are confirmed with the button (Fig. 386) and the next step of the conversion data file
ordering process is displayed.
Fig. 386
Fig. 387
Fig. 388 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 389
The operation is cancelled with the button (Fig. 390).
Fig. 390
Fig. 391 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Screen overview:
Item Designation Description
1 Navigation menu The different requirement reasons for special campaigns are
listed in the navigation menu (e.g. If required, When repairing,
…). The available special campaigns are contained in the
corresponding sub-items.
2 Selection menu A description and information on the selected special cam-
paign are displayed in the selection menu.
3 Change display Information on the changes adopted from the selection menu is
displayed in the change display (e.g. SI number, item num-
Select the special campaign by clicking on the corresponding designation in the navigation menu (1).
The changes displayed in (2) are accepted with the button (Fig. 392).
Fig. 392
The button (Fig. 393) allows individual changes to be removed from the display of accepted changes.
The button is activated only after one of the accepted changes is marked (3 / Fig. 391).
Fig. 393
Fig. 394
The accepted changes are confirmed with the button (Fig. 395) and the next step of the conversion data file
ordering process is displayed.
Fig. 395
Fig. 396
Fig. 397 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The desired software package is selected by double-clicking on the system designation or clicking on the
corresponding node (1).
Select the desired replacement option by clicking on the corresponding option designation in the selection
menu (2).
The desired changes from (2) are accepted with the button (Fig. 398).
Fig. 398
The button (Fig. 399) allows individual changes to be removed from the display of accepted changes.
The button is activated only after one of the accepted changes is marked (3 / Fig. 397).
Fig. 399
All accepted changes are discarded with the button (Fig. 400) and the overview of order items is opened.
Fig. 400
Fig. 401
The operation is cancelled with the button (Fig. 402).
Fig. 402
Fig. 403 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
An automatic vehicle parameter update is performed when a control unit replacement, special
i campaign or MAN Genuine Software is ordered. In this case, a corresponding message is displayed
and the step is skipped.
Functional description:
Select the desired action by clicking on the corresponding option (1).
All accepted changes are discarded with the button (Fig. 404) and the overview of order items is opened.
Fig. 404
Fig. 405
The operation is cancelled with the button (Fig. 406).
Fig. 406
An order overview (Fig. 407) is displayed after confirmation of the accepted changes. Information is displayed
here such as article designation, item numbers, price information and the order date.
Fig. 407 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The button (Fig. 408) allows individual changes to be removed from the order overview. The button is acti-
vated only after one of the listed changes is selected. A change is selected by clicking in the line with the
corresponding change.
Fig. 408
All accepted changes are discarded with the button (Fig. 409) and the overview of order items is opened.
Fig. 409
Fig. 410
The order overview is confirmed and the order placed with the button (Fig. 411).
Fig. 411
The order is sent to the MAN server in the next step (Fig. 412).
Fig. 412 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 413 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i No user interaction is necessary during this process. The process may take some time.
Fig. 414 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The ordering operation is now completed. At this point, it is possible to immediately download or cancel the
ordered conversion.
Downloading or cancellation of the conversion takes place by marking the line with the desired option and
then confirming with the button (Fig. 415).
Fig. 415
i Every ordered conversion can be downloaded only once. The conversion can be performed only with
the MAN-cats III service computer on which the ordered conversion was saved.
Fig. 416
i Ordered but not downloaded conversions are automatically cancelled and removed from the MAN
server after 48 hours.
Vehicle-specific data files containing all the required parameters for programming a vehicle are required for
vehicle parameterisation. The individual data files differ depending on their use. The files are referred to in this
context as vehicle data file and conversion data file respectively. A detailed description of the individual data files
is provided below.
Specific applications for vehicle parameterisation are available in MAN-cats III in the "Programming" area.
In addition, individual parameters or parameter sets can be adapted within the scope of defined limit ranges with
the "Customer-specific parameters" application.
The "Programming" area is located in the navigation menu under the menu item "Vehicle" (Fig. 417).
Fig. 417 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 418 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The control unit detection function is cancelled with the button (Fig. 419).
Fig. 419
The control unit detection function is confirmed with the button (Fig. 420). The button is activated only after
completion of control unit detection.
Fig. 420
i In order to perform a vehicle conversion, it is necessary to download the ordered conversion data file.
Further information on provision of the required conversion data file can be found in Chapter 21.5.4.
The vehicle conversion function is located on the Programming system level under the menu item "Vehicle con-
version" (Fig. 421).
Fig. 421 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The application is launched by double-clicking on the desired menu item.
Fig. 422 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
It is necessary to apply for a password for replacement of the EDC control unit or management
! computer (Fig. 423).
Fig. 423 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i ®
The ordered password is automatically accepted by MAN-cats III and conversion can be started.
Fig. 424
Fig. 425
Fig. 426 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The item number check is performed without any user interaction.
Parameterisation of the existing control units takes place in the next step (Fig. 427).
Fig. 427 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Parameterisation is performed without any user interaction.
Fig. 428 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The service memory write operation takes place without any user interaction.
Fig. 429 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The application is closed with the button (Fig. 430) and the system navigation is opened.
Fig. 430
Control unit replacement is possible only if a control unit with identical item number is installed.
i If the control units do not have identical item numbers, MAN-cats III checks the flash compatibility
of the new control unit and flashes this control unit. If the control unit is not flash-compatible, it is
necessary to request and perform a conversion (Chapter 21.4.1)
Data provision of the vehicle data file can take place in two different ways.
Data provision:
Obtain vehicle data file from MAN data server Download of vehicle data file (Chapter 21.5.5)
In the case of a control unit replacement, the vehicle data file should preferably be read out of the management
If read-out from the management computer is not possible, the vehicle data file must be obtained from the MAN
data server. A connection between the MAN-cats III service computer and server is required for this purpose.
When the application is launched, it is necessary to pay attention to the desired data provision method:
Control unit replacement with vehicle data file from hard drive
Control unit replacement with vehicle data file from service memory
The different variants for control unit replacement are located under the "Programming" menu item (Fig. 431)
Fig. 431 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
When the application "Control unit replacement with vehicle data file from service memory" is
i launched, the vehicle data file is read out of the vehicle management computer by MAN-cats III.
If read-out from the vehicle management computer is not possible, the control unit replacement must
be performed using the vehicle data file from the hard drive.
After the vehicle data file has been provided, an overview with all programmable control units of the vehicle model
group is displayed (Fig. 432). The status of the individual control units is indicated by colour marking.
Fig. 432 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Select the control unit to be replaced by clicking on the corresponding control unit button.
i It is not possible to select several control units. The replacement operation must be performed and
completed individually for each control unit.
Fig. 433
The replacement operation (parameterisation) of the selected control unit starts in the next step (Fig. 434).
Fig. 434 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Instructions are provided on the screen for this in the form of dialogue windows for the individual steps. In addi-
tion, and overall progress bar (1) and a progress bars for the individual steps (2) are shown. The number of steps
necessary for programming may vary due to the requirements of the individual control units.
Symbol Designation
SAVE DATA Save data
bc Replace hardware
d Flashing
CHECK Component check
PARA Parameterisation
REWRITE DATA Rewrite data
h Teach key
i Pairing
f Write to the service memory
i If the replacement process is cancelled, information will be displayed with possible fault causes
and/or instructions.
Fig. 435
Fig. 436
After the replacement operation has been completed, a message confirming successful control unit programming
is displayed (1 / Fig. 437).
Fig. 437 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The application is ended with the button (Fig. 438).
Fig. 438
i If it is wished to carry out replacement of another control unit, the application must be ended and then
The "Customer-specific parameters" application is located under the following menu item:
Vehicle / Programming / Parameter setting / Customer-specific parameters
Fig. 439 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The application is launched by clicking on the "Customer-specific parameters" menu item (Fig. 439).
Read out the service memory of the vehicle (Fig. 440). A list of all installed control units is read out from the
management computer on the basis of the vehicle data file.
Fig. 440
Fig. 441
Check control units (Fig. 442). Here, a check is carried out whether all control units listed in the vehicle data file
can actually be accessed.
Fig. 442
Fig. 443
A list with all available functional systems of the vehicle is then displayed (Fig. 444).
Fig. 444
The desired system is selected by clicking on the corresponding line of the system designation.
Fig. 445
Fig. 446 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 447
Return to the selection of functional systems by clicking on the button (Fig. 448).
Fig. 448
The available functions of the selected system are then displayed (Fig. 449).
Fig. 449 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 450
Return to the selection of functional systems by clicking on the button (Fig. 451).
Fig. 451
Read out parameters (Fig. 452). All parameters of the affected control units are read out.
Fig. 452
Fig. 453
Parameter designation
Read-out value in the control unit (representation in numeric values or in text form)
Target value (representation in numeric values or in text form)
Unit of displayed values (only for numeric values)
Three different input methods are available for changing the parameter values.
i In the column "Preassigned value" (1 / Fig. 453), symbols (coloured arrows) indicate which of the
input methods is available for changing the parameter value.
Fig. 454
Select the parameter value to be changed by clicking in the corresponding line (1).
Set the desired values with the buttons (2) (Fig. 454).
Return to the previous screen with the button (Fig. 455).
Fig. 455
Fig. 456
i The maximum value or minimum value is entered automatically if a value is entered that is too large
or too small
Fig. 457
Changing the text values by means of a drop-down selection window (Fig. 458)
Fig. 458
Fig. 459
The changes made are confirmed with the button (Fig. 460).
Fig. 460
All values are reset to the starting value with the button (Fig. 461).
Fig. 461
The original values from the control file are restored with the button (Fig. 462).
Fig. 462
Fig. 463
Write parameters (Fig. 464). The changed parameters are saved in the control unit here.
Fig. 464
Fig. 465
The changes made are confirmed with the button (Fig. 466).
Fig. 466
i The button for confirming the changes made is active only after the changes have been saved in the
control unit.
Fig. 467
Fig. 468
Write versions (Fig. 469). The current version information is saved in the affected control units and in the vehicle
data file.
Fig. 469 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i After the version information has been saved successfully, the application can be ended and the user
is returned to the navigation menu of MAN-cats III.
The application is ended with the button (Fig. 470) and the navigation menu of MAN-cats III is opened.
Fig. 470
The management function for vehicle data is located on the Vehicle level (Fig. 471).
Fig. 471 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The menu options of the available applications are displayed by clicking on the menu item "Management of
vehicle data".
Fig. 472 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
To launch the application, double-click on the menu item "Contents of vehicle data file".
Vehicle identification takes place in the next step (Fig. 473). Input of the vehicle production number is necessary
for the purpose of vehicle identification.
Fig. 473 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 474
Fig. 475
Provision of the current vehicle data file takes place in the next step (Fig. 476).
Fig. 476 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i A connection is required between the MAN-cats III service computer and MAN server in order to
download the vehicle data file.
Display window with all content of the vehicle data file (Fig. 477).
Fig. 477 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
It is possible to navigate in the vehicle data file application by clicking on the node (1) of the desired menu
item or double-clicking on the corresponding menu item (2) itself.
Fig. 478
Fig. 479 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
To launch the application, double-click on the menu item "Content of conversion data file".
Vehicle identification takes place in the next step (Fig. 480). Input of the vehicle production number is necessary
for the purpose of vehicle identification.
Fig. 480 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Enter the vehicle production number (7 characters) in the corresponding field.
Fig. 481
Fig. 482
Provision of the current conversion data file takes place in the next step (Fig. 483).
Fig. 483 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i A connection is required between the MAN-cats III service computer and MAN server in order to
download the conversion data file.
Display window with all content of the conversion data file (Fig. 484).
Fig. 484 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
It is possible to navigate in the conversion data file application by clicking on the node (1) of the desired
menu item or double-clicking on the corresponding menu item (2) itself.
Fig. 485
The "Cancelling a conversion" application is located on the Vehicle level under the menu item "Conversion man-
agement" (Fig. 486).
Fig. 486 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The application is launched by double-clicking on the menu item "Cancelling a conversion".
i If the read-out operation cannot be performed with MAN-cats III, the vehicle production number and
vehicle type must be entered manually.
Fig. 487 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Check the details for the vehicle production number and vehicle type.
A check for available conversions on the MAN server is started with the button (Fig. 488).
Fig. 488
i A connection is required between the MAN-cats III service computer and MAN server in order to
check for available conversions.
Fig. 489
Fig. 490 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
If the conversion was ordered by another workshop, it is possible to cancel the ordered conversion
i with vehicle. For this type of cancellation, it is necessary to establish a connection between the
MAN-cats III service computer and vehicle.
The desired action is selected by marking the line with the corresponding option and then confirming with the
button (Fig. 491).
Fig. 491
Fig. 492 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The desired action is selected by clicking in the corresponding line. The selected action is executed with the
button (Fig. 493).
Fig. 493
In the next step, a wait screen is displayed while the conversion is cancelled on the server (Fig. 494).
Fig. 494 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 495 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
In order to place a new conversion order, the corresponding line must be marked and the order process
started with the button (Fig. 496).
Fig. 496
Fig. 497
For safety reasons, downloaded conversions must not be transferred between different
! ®
MAN-cats III systems.
i A connection is required between the MAN-cats III service computer and MAN server in order to
download a conversion.
Conversions that are not downloaded are automatically cancelled after 48 hours.
i The automatic -cancellation mechanism applies only to conversions that were ordered with
MAN-cats III service computers.
Fig. 498 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The input window for vehicle identification is then opened in the next step (Fig. 499). The following information is
displayed here:
Vehicle production number (7 digits)
Vehicle type (truck, bus or engine for installation)
i If the read-out operation cannot be performed with MAN-cats III, the vehicle production number and
vehicle type must be entered manually.
Fig. 499 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Check the details for the vehicle production number and vehicle type.
Fig. 500
i A connection is required between the MAN-cats III service computer and MAN server in order to
check for available conversions.
Fig. 501
In the next step, a window with information on the available conversions (Fig. 502) is opened. The following
options are available here:
Download conversion from server
Cancel conversion
Fig. 502 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The desired action is selected by marking the line with the corresponding option and then confirming with the
button (Fig. 503).
Fig. 503
Fig. 504
i A price request for the ordered conversion is performed on the MAN Truck & Bus AG server for each
Fig. 505 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The desired action is selected by marking the line with the corresponding option and then confirming with the
button (Fig. 506).
Fig. 506
Fig. 507
Fig. 508 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Finally, a screen with information on the conversion download (Fig. 509) is displayed. It is additionally possible to
perform the downloaded conversion immediately.
Fig. 509 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
In order to start the conversion, the corresponding line must be marked and the conversion process started
with the button (Fig. 510).
Fig. 510
Fig. 511
The "Download vehicle data file" application is located on the Vehicle level under the menu item "Management of
vehicle data" (Fig. 512).
Fig. 512 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The application is launched by double-clicking on the menu item "Download vehicle data file".
The input window for vehicle identification is then opened in the next step (Fig. 513). The following information is
displayed here:
Vehicle production number (7 digits)
Vehicle type (truck, bus or engine for installation)
Fig. 513 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Check the details for the vehicle production number and vehicle type.
Download of the vehicle data file is started with the button (Fig. 514).
Fig. 514
i A connection is required between the MAN-cats III service computer and MAN server in order to
download the vehicle data file.
Fig. 515
When the download is complete, a message confirming successful download of the vehicle data file will be
A missing archived version of the vehicle data file on the server can be one of the causes for the
i ®
vehicle data file download being aborted. In this case, contact the MAN-cats III Service Hotline or
the responsible importer.
i A program for extracting compressed data is required to open the body containers. The program
7-Zip is recommended.
i External software is required for programming the affected control units. For further information,
contact the manufacturer of the corresponding control units where necessary.
Fig. 516 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
In the next step, the input screen for downloading the desired body containers is displayed (Fig. 517).
Fig. 517
Enter the 7-character vehicle production number in the input field provided (1).
Select the desired body container type (2).
Fig. 518
The save location of the body container must be selected in the next step (Fig. 519).
Fig. 519
Download of the body container is started after confirming the save location.
Fig. 520 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The desired system level must be selected in order to access the applications in the Maintenance area (Fig. 521).
The starting point for this is the system navigation.
Fig. 521 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Click with the mouse cursor on the "Vehicle" system level.
i This opens the navigation tree and all of the available system areas are displayed (Fig. 522).
In the next step, you must specify the desired system area (Fig. 522).
Fig. 522 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Click with the mouse cursor on the "Maintenance" system area.
Fig. 523 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Click on the desired application with the mouse pointer.
The maintenance appointments of the vehicle are read out in the first step (Fig. 524).
Fig. 524 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The maintenance appointments are read out without any user interaction.
Fig. 525 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 526
The maintenance appointments of the vehicle are read out in the first step (Fig. 527).
Fig. 527 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The maintenance appointments are read out without any user interaction.
In the next step, a list with all entered maintenance appointments is opened (Fig. 528). In addition, information on
the individual entries in the maintenance table is displayed.
Fig. 528 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
A dialogue screen for editing the selected maintenance appointment is opened with the button (Fig. 529)
(Fig. 530).
Fig. 529
Fig. 530 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Select the quality used by clicking in the corresponding line.
Fig. 531 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Enter date with the mouse or keyboard (1 / Fig. 531).
Fig. 532 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 533
Confirmation of the maintenance appointments is cancelled with the button (Fig. 534).
Fig. 534
After completion of the corresponding maintenance work and updating of the maintenance appointments, the
new maintenance appointments must be written to the service memory with the button (Fig. 535).
Fig. 535
i Any instructions displayed on the screen must be followed when writing the appointments to the
service memory.
Fig. 536
Fig. 537 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Read out the date of the first registration entered in the maintenance computer (Fig. 538).
Fig. 538 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 539 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Enter the date of first registration in the open calendar using the keyboard or mouse.
The selection is confirmed and the change written to the service interval calculator with the button (Fig. 540).
Fig. 540
Fig. 541
Fig. 542 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 543
Fig. 544 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 545
Fig. 546
The changes made are reversed with the button (Fig. 547). To reverse the change, the corresponding line
must be selected by clicking on it.
Fig. 547
The changes are written to the service interval calculator with the button (Fig. 548).
Fig. 548
Fig. 549
Read out table of individual maintenance components (Fig. 550). Information on the component designation and
confirmation status is also displayed.
Fig. 550 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 551
Fig. 552 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The required information can be taken from a corresponding form or entered individually.
The following information is required for this:
Date when last maintenance was performed
Mileage at last maintenance
i Weekly operating hours
Weekly fuel consumption.
The service interval resulting from the remaining driving time is automatically calculated by
MAN-cats III.
Fig. 553
Fig. 554
Table of maintenance appointments after changes (Fig. 555). The changed maintenance appointments are
marked "green" in the "Confirmation" column.
Fig. 555 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The changes made are reversed with the button (Fig. 556). To reverse the change, the corresponding line
must be selected by clicking on it.
Fig. 556
The changes are written to the service interval calculator with the button (Fig. 557).
Fig. 557
Fig. 558
The roller dynamometer mode of the vehicle must be deactivated with MAN-cats III after com-
! pleting the work on the roller dynamometer.
The roller dynamometer mode is located in the navigation menu of MAN-cats III under the system area "Work-
shop routines" (Fig. 559). Roller dynamometer mode can be activated or deactivated here.
Fig. 559 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The function is accessed by double-clicking on the menu item "Roller dynamometer mode".
A control unit identification routine is then executed to determine the affected control units (Fig. 560).
Fig. 560 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 561
The control unit identification routine is cancelled with the button (Fig. 562).
Fig. 562
i The user is returned to the system navigation if control unit identification is cancelled.
Fig. 563 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Activation of roller dynamometer mode is started by double-clicking on the menu item "Activate roller dyna-
mometer mode".
Fig. 564 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Communication setup takes place without any user interaction.
Fig. 565 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i The number of affected control units and control unit functions depends on the respective vehicle
The individual steps must be confirmed with the button (Fig. 566).
Fig. 566
Fig. 567
Fig. 568 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i The application is closed with the button and the system navigation is opened after completion of the
activation routine for roller dynamometer mode.
Fig. 569 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Deactivation of roller dynamometer mode is started by double-clicking on the menu item "Deactivate roller
dynamometer mode".
Fig. 570 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Communication setup takes place without any user interaction.
Fig. 571 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i The number of affected control units and control unit functions depends on the respective vehicle
The individual steps must be confirmed with the button (Fig. 572).
Fig. 572
Fig. 573
Fig. 574 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i The application is closed with the button and the system navigation is opened after completion of the
deactivation routine for roller dynamometer mode.
Fig. 575 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Fig. 576
The control unit detection function is confirmed with the button (Fig. 304).
Fig. 577
The control unit detection function is cancelled with the button (Fig. 305).
Fig. 578
i The function for repeating control unit detection is always located right at the bottom of the list of
available applications for the currently open menu item in the navigation menu of MAN-cats III.
Fig. 579
Open the application menu of the control unit to be diagnosed by clicking on the corresponding menu item,
e.g. management computer (1 / Fig. 579).
The application is started by double-clicking on the menu item "Diagnostic memory" (2 / Fig. 579).
Fig. 580
The diagnostic memory is read out without any user interaction.
After the read-out operation has been completed, a list is displayed with all diagnostic memory entries of the
selected control unit (Fig. 581).
Fig. 581
SPN code (1)
Designation of the diagnostic memory entry (2)
Status of the diagnostic memory entry (3)
Failure Mode Indicator (4)
Availability of further documentation (5)
Priority of the diagnostic memory entry (6)
Time of first occurrence (7)
Fig. 582
All diagnostic memory entries are deleted and the control unit is read out again with the button (Fig. 583).
Fig. 583
All diagnostic memory entries are stored in the form of a list with the button (Fig. 584) A dialogue window for
defining the save location is opened by clicking on the button.
Fig. 584
The selected diagnostic memory entry is marked in colour by clicking on one of the displayed diag-
i nostic memory entries. If available, additional buttons matching the diagnostic memory entry are also
activated (Fig. 585).
Fig. 585
Any available detailed information and instructions for the selected diagnostic memory entry are displayed
with the button (Fig. 586).
Fig. 586
Fig. 587
Fig. 588 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i Additional information on the selected diagnostic memory entry is displayed in the detailed view.
By pressing the button (Fig. 589), you can return to the compact view.
Fig. 589
Fig. 590
Fig. 591
i The control unit identification function is available for all control unit groups (Fig. 591).
Fig. 592
Fig. 593
The identification function is ended with the button (Fig. 594) and the navigation menu is opened.
Fig. 594
List of all available Monitoring functions for the selected control unit (Fig. 595).
Fig. 595
To start, double-click on the desired Monitoring function (e.g. supply voltages, temperatures, oil level).
The monitoring values of the control unit to be diagnosed are displayed in the Monitoring window (instantaneous
view) in the form of bar graphs or as a digital and text display (Fig. 596).
Fig. 596
Each of the displayed bar graphs has a signal designation and a measured value scale. A defined measured
value range is displayed for certain monitoring values. Recognition of the current measured value is supported
visually with a coloured background to the bar graph. In addition, the minimum and maximum values in the per-
missible measured value range are shown with symbols (1).
Fig. 597 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
If a problem was detected by the control unit and a replacement value is available in the control unit
i for the affected sensor or signal path, the replacement value will be used. If a replacement value is
used, the bar graph and signal designation are displayed in red with the additional comment "Re-
placement value used". The replacement value is always within the defined value range.
The Monitoring display can be switched between the instantaneous and trace views with the button
(Fig. 598).
Fig. 598
Fig. 599 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
i A maximum of 8 signals can be displayed in the trace view of the Monitoring display. The number of
signals to be displayed can be adapted in the monitoring configuration settings.
Fig. 600
Fig. 601 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The frozen Monitoring display is continued again with the button (Fig. 602). The button is replaced by the
previous button (Fig. 600) when pressed.
Fig. 602
Fig. 603
Fig. 604 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Signal recording is ended with the button (Fig. 605). A dialogue window for saving the signal recording is then
opened. The button is replaced by the previous button (Fig. 277) when pressed.
Fig. 605
It is possible to zoom into the trace view with the button (Fig. 606). The button is only available in the trace
Fig. 606
It is possible to zoom out of the trace view with the button (Fig. 607). The button is only available in the trace
Fig. 607
Fig. 608
The configuration menu (Fig. 610) of the monitoring display is opened with the button (Fig. 609).
Fig. 609
The number of displayed signals can be selected and the sampling interval can be adjusted in the configuration
menu of the Monitoring display (Fig. 610).
Fig. 610 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Display of the signals can be activated and deactivated by marking the corresponding Monitoring values.
Signals that are to be displayed are highlighted in blue.
The sampling interval can be adjusted by means of a selection list (1).
i If the selected sampling interval cannot be displayed in the current Monitoring window, the next
smaller or larger sampling interval is automatically used.
All Monitoring values are selected with the button (Fig. 611).
Fig. 611
All Monitoring values are deselected with the button (Fig. 612).
Fig. 612
Fig. 613
The Monitoring configuration is saved with the button (Fig. 614) and the Monitoring window is displayed with
the new configuration.
Fig. 614
The selected signals are shown in the Monitoring display (Fig. 615). The settings are also applied to the trace
Fig. 615 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The Monitoring display configuration is reset to the default settings with the button (Fig. 616).
Fig. 616
The Monitoring display is closed with the button (Fig. 617) and the system navigation is opened.
Fig. 617
List of all available Monitoring windows for the selected control unit (Fig. 618).
Fig. 618
To launch the application, double-click on the menu item "Freely definable monitoring".
i The menu item "Freely definable monitoring" is always the last menu item on the Monitoring level.
Fig. 619
Key to overview:
Currently selected control unit (1)
Display field of the currently selected signals and values (2)
Available signals and values of the selected control unit (3)
Fig. 620
All selected signals and values are accepted for the Monitoring display with the button (Fig. 621).
Fig. 621
All signals and values of the currently selected control unit are accepted for the Monitoring display with the
button (Fig. 622).
Fig. 622
Fig. 623
The signals and values to be discarded are selected by marking the corresponding table row in the
i display field "Selected signals" and then discarding them. The signals and values selected for dis-
carding are highlighted in colour.
The selected signals and values are discarded with the button (Fig. 624).
Fig. 624
All signals and values in the display field "Selected signals" are discarded with the button (Fig. 625).
Fig. 625
All signals and values of all control units in the display field "Selected signals" are discarded with the button
(Fig. 626).
Fig. 626
The selection of signals and values to be displayed is confirmed with the button (Fig. 627) and the Monitor-
ing display is started.
Fig. 627
Fig. 628
The Monitoring display opens after confirmation of the configuration (Fig. 629).
Fig. 629
i The user-defined Monitoring display offers the same control and function options as control unit
i The layout of the actuator test window depends on the scope of information to be displayed and can
consist of up to four areas. Further information can be found in the table below.
The actuator test applications are located under the following menu structure:
Systems / System designation / Control unit designation / Actuator test
List of all available actuator tests for the selected control unit (Fig. 630).
Fig. 630 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
To start the actuator test, click on the desired menu item (e.g. fan clutch).
The window of the selected actuator test opens in the next step (Fig. 631). Information is provided here on the
vehicle component designation, the TARGET status and the ACTUAL status of the actuator "ACTUAL status
optional" (1). In addition, a description is provided on the sequence or required conditions of the actuator test (2).
Fig. 631
An automatically executed test sequence is started with the button (Fig. 632).
Fig. 632
Manual activation of the next actuator stage is performed with the button (Fig. 633).
Fig. 633
Activation of the actuator is stopped with the button (Fig. 634) and the initial status is restored.
Fig. 634
Activation of the actuator is stopped with the button (Fig. 635), the application is ended and the navigation
menu is opened.
Fig. 635
Fig. 636
i The DLS coil tester is not included in the scope of delivery of MAN-cats III and must be purchased
The following tests can be performed with the DLS coil tester:
Leak tests of injectors.
Leak testing of the pressure-limiting valve.
The DLS coil tester is intended solely for performing leak tests on injectors and the pressure-
! limiting valve. Any other use of the DLS coil tester shall be considered misuse and can give
rise to incorrect results and/or damage to the device.
Performing tests with the DLS coil tester offers the following advantages:
The risk of dirt being carried into the Common Rail injection system is excluded.
Complex and time-consuming individual checks for leaks are not necessary.
The pressure-limiting valve can be tested without the need for a test drive.
The test result is documented with MAN-cats III.
i Further information on use of the tool is available in the User Manual of the DLS coil tester or on
the MAN After Sales Portal.
Fig. 637
Fig. 638
Navigation tree
The navigation tree in the system settings helps you to find the desired or required system area.
Fig. 639
Navigation buttons
The navigation buttons (Fig. 640) can be used to move forwards and backwards between the system areas that
have already been opened.
Fig. 640
Fig. 641
The displayed values are reset to the original value with the "Restore default values" button.
Click "Apply" to confirm the changes.
Fig. 642
i ®
It is necessary to log in to MAN-cats III to display the user settings.
Fig. 643
Fig. 644
Changes to the logging mode of MAN-cats III may lead to serious changes in the runtime
! behaviour. The settings must be changed only when instructed to do so by MAN Support.
The logging mode can be changed in the selection dialogue window (1).
Click the "Apply" button (2) to accept the inputs.
The settings are discarded with the "Restore defaults" button (3).
Fig. 645
The displayed information about the Smart Card in use is updated with the "Update now" button.
The information stored on the Smart Card becomes visible only after login with an activated Smart
i Card.
i An internet/intranet connection is necessary for refreshing the displayed Smart Card information.
i Runtime rights packages are updated with the "Update now" button (1).
Fig. 646
Meaning of the status symbols of the runtime rights:
i If the shortest runtime rights period is less than four weeks, a corresponding symbol will be displayed
in the information bar after login with a Smart Card or login via a licence file (computer ID).
Fig. 647
The inputs are accepted with the "Apply" button (2).
The inputs are discarded with the "Restore defaults" button (1).
Fig. 648
The inputs are accepted with the "Apply" button (2).
The inputs are discarded with the "Restore defaults" button (1).
i A connection via the intranet is possible only with service computers that are approved for use in the
MAN Truck & Bus AG intranet.
Fig. 649 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The list of additional software can be updated with the "Refresh" button (2 / Fig. 649).
The application is closed with the "OK" button.
Fig. 650
The desired connection type is selected by means of the selection dialogue (1).
The proxy settings are made with the "Edit" button (2).
The changes are accepted with the "Apply" button (3).
The inputs made are discarded with the "Restore defaults" button (4).
Incorrect inputs may impair the network connection. Changes should only be made on the
! basis of well-founded network knowledge.
Connection types:
Connection type Required settings
No settings are required (direct connection to the
Manual Set up proxy server (proxy server data required)
Obtain proxy settings using Internet Explorer
(configuration in Internet options)
i If a proxy server is used for the Internet connection, the proxy settings must be made here.
Please contact the responsible system and network administrator for this.
The following proxy server data is required to set up a proxy internet connection:
Host address
Port no.
User ID and password (for mandatory authentication only)
i RSS Feed is an internet message service. It is used for simple and structured publication of infor-
mation on websites.
Changes and information on the subject of MAN-cats III are published via an RSS channel.
Fig. 651
The desired interface language is set by clicking on the flag symbol corresponding to the language and then
pressing the "Apply" button.
i ®
The language setting will not be applied until the next time MAN-cats III is started.
It is possible that the set language will not be available for every application. In this case, the application is dis-
played in the selected substitute language 1.
If the substitute language 1 is also not available for display of the started application, substitute language 2 will be
The language that is required by the Support team is country-dependent. Please ask your responsible MAN
contact person for the corresponding information.
Fig. 652
The desired support language is set by clicking on the flag symbol corresponding to the language and then
pressing the "Apply" button.
If MAN-cats III is not properly uninstalled, this may lead to problems when you reinstall
® ®
MAN-cats III. The system should therefore always be uninstalled by the MAN-cats III
! administrator or the IT manager.
MAN-cats III and the required programs for this are uninstalled in the Windows Control Panel under Programs
and Features (Fig. 653).
Fig. 653
Open the Windows Control Panel under the following path:
Start / Control Panel / Programs and Features
i The uninstall process for MAN-cats III can also be started in the Windows menu under the following
directory: Start / All Programs / MAN-cats III / MAN-cats III Uninstall
Fig. 654
Confirm that you wish to uninstall the MAN-cats III software (Fig. 655).
Fig. 655
The operation is confirmed by clicking on the "Yes" button.
Fig. 656
The message is confirmed and the uninstall process is started by clicking on the "OK" button.
Fig. 657
Finish uninstalling the MAN-cats III software (Fig. 658).
Fig. 658
The uninstall process is completed by clicking on the "Finish" button.
i If the "MC1-Emulator" software is not automatically uninstalled, the software must be removed from
the service computer manually as described below.
Confirm that you wish to uninstall the MC1-Emulator software (Fig. 659).
Fig. 659
The operation is confirmed by clicking on the "Yes" button.
Fig. 660
Message confirming that the software has been successfully uninstalled (Fig. 661)
Fig. 661
i If the "T200" software is not automatically uninstalled, the software must be removed from the service
computer manually as described below.
Fig. 662 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
Confirm that you wish to uninstall the T200 software (Fig. 663).
Fig. 663 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The uninstall process of the SPX D-PDU API software is prepared (Fig. 664).
Fig. 664
Confirm that you wish to uninstall the SPX D-PDU API software (Fig. 665).
Fig. 665 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The operation is confirmed by clicking on the "Yes" button.
Fig. 666 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The uninstall process of the S-MVCI software is completed by clicking on the "Finish" button.
Fig. 667 (Available only in German at the time that the document was finalized.)
The uninstall process of the T200 software is completed by clicking on the "Finish" button and MAN-cats III
has then been completely removed from the service computer.
End the application and return to system navigation
Vehicle information
Changeover Changeover
Change view between Trace and Digital Switch Freely definable monitoring selec-
tion to Monitoring display.
The diagnostic memories of the complete Display for "Open control unit directory in
vehicle are deleted and read out again. navigation tree" after pressing a "Control
unit tile" in the diagnostic memory of com-
plete vehicle
Print display
Configuration of MAN-cats III installer
Display the download log (show log) (download source, language, installation
Stop download
Status display, diagnostic memory entry Status display, intermittent entry in diagnostic
saved memory
Status display, diagnostic memory entry is Status display, no diagnostic memory entry
present and saved present
Status display, diagnostic memory entry Status display, intermittent entry in diagnostic
saved (entry cannot be deleted, removal by memory (entry cannot be deleted, removal by
self-healing) self-healing)
Signal above the defined range Signal below the defined range
Lower limit of the defined range Upper limit of the defined range
Repair failed
Folder structure
Smart Card inserted and ready Smart Card not inserted or recognised
Runtime rights available for longer than four Runtime rights available for less than one
weeks week
The problem solutions described below require in-depth system and network knowledge.
Incorrect settings on the service computer or network can lead to serious damage.
! For this reason, you should contact your system or network administrator.
An update of the runtime rights of the Smart Card Check that you have the latest version of the
failed. MAN-cats III software (Chapter 14.5.3).
Check the network settings (Chapter 13).
Check the settings of the system clock and the
time zone.
MAN-cats III download from the Internet does not Install the latest version of Oracle Java
launch. (Version 1) Install a current web browser with Java plug-in
Restart MAN-cats III download from the
After-Sales Portal (Chapter 12.1)
MAN-cats III download from the Internet does not Check the Internet connection
start. (Version 2) Check your browser and proxy settings
Check your firewall settings (firewall may be
blocking the connection)
Online installation of MAN-cats III does not start. Check that the the latest version of Oracle Java is
System is unable to open the installation file. installed.
1. Save installation file on the hard drive (save
location can be freely chosen)
2. Start the MAN-cats III installer manually.
(Right-click on the file and use the "Open with..."
command to select the following program: ja-
vaws.exe) The program (javaws.exe) is normally
located in the Java directory under “bin“.
The MAN-cats III installer can no longer be started 1. Search for the Java program using the Win-
after a Java update (program not found). dows interface (knowledge about the installation
location of Java is required).
2. Start the MAN-cats III installer manually.
(Right-click on the icon and use the "Open with..."
command to start the following program: ja-
vaws.exe) The program (javaws.exe) is normally
located in the Java directory under “bin“.
® ®
A MAN-cats III update cannot be performed (not Close all MAN-cats III programs (MAN-cats III,
possible to rename RTS). MAN-cats III Installer, VCI applications,…) and
restart MAN-cats III
Close all MAN-cats III folders/files that were
opened with external programs (e.g. Explorer,
In some rare cases (Windows 7), the following error Adapt settings in the Windows taskbar/information
message appears when the Smart Card is inserted: area: Hide icon and notifications
"The device drivers were not installed successfully." Check this Microsoft Support information
(this does not affect the functionality of the Smart ( and
Card) make new settings and adjustments in the Win-
dows 7 operating system, if necessary
The message "The application could not be started" Delete Java resources in the cache:
is displayed when MAN-cats III is started without 1. Call up system settings
internet connection. 2. Launch Java application
3. Open Java Cache Viewer (press the "View"
4. From the "Show" area, select "Resources"
5. Remove all entries in the displayed list
6. Download the MAN-cats III installer from the
MAN After Sales Portal (Chapter 12.1)
The error message "Missing certificate. Application Establish internet connection and perform web
cannot be executed" is displayed when MAN-cats III authentication.
is started (only if web authentication is required). Disconnect connection to proxy/hotspot and start
the application offline.
The error message "Java is blocking the application" Install the latest version of Oracle Java
is displayed on starting Check the Java security settings and adapt if