Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS)

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Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS)

Higher Education, Archives & Libraries Department, Govt of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Questionnaire for Government Colleges (College Staff)
(Academic Year 2018-19)

A. Personal Information

1. Name (in Block Letters) _________________________________________________________________

2. Father / Husband Name ________________________________________________________________

dd mm yyyy
3. Gender (1-Male, 2-Female) 4. Date of Birth

5. Marital Status (1-Married, 2-Unmarried) 6. Domicile District:_____________________________

7. CNIC No. - - 8. Religion:_______________

9. Phone (Office):___________________________ 10. Phone (Residence):______________________

11. Mobile No.____________________________ 12. Email Address:_________________________

13. Personal No.____________________________

14. Postal Address::_______________________________________________________________________

15. Permanent Address:____________________________________________________________________

16. Present Posting (College/Office Name):___________________________________________________

B. Service Information:
17. Initial Appointment
i. Employment Status (1-Permanent, 2-Contract (PSC), 3-Contract (06 monthly), 4-Adhoc)

ii. Appointment Date:__dd__/__mm__/__yyyy___. iii. Designation:_____________________

iv. BPS ____________________ v. Subject: ______________________________________

18. Present Posting

i. Employment Status (1-Permanent, 2-Contract (PSC), 3-Contract (06 monthly), 4-Adhoc)

ii. Appointment Date:__dd__/__mm__/__yyyy___. iii. Designation:_____________________

iv. BPS ____________________ v. Subject: ______________________________________

19. Service History (starting from the recent)
S# Designation BPS College / Office Name From To
1 ___/___/___
2 ___/___/___ ___/___/____
3 ___/___/___ ___/___/____
4 ___/___/___ ___/___/____
5 ___/___/___ ___/___/____
6 ___/___/___ ___/___/____
7 ___/___/___ ___/___/____
8 ___/___/___ ___/___/____

C. Qualifications (Starting from Matriculation & onwards)

Certificate / Percentage
S# Board / University Session Obtained /
Degree / GPA
Total Marks

D. Training / Courses (Starting from the recent)

S# Training /Course Name Institute Name with Address
From To
1 ___/___/____ ___/___/____
2 ___/___/____ ___/___/____
3 ___/___/____ ___/___/____
E. Leave History

S# Leave Type Remarks
From To
1 ___/___/____ ___/___/____
2 ___/___/____ ___/___/____
3 ___/___/____ ___/___/____
4 ___/___/____ ___/___/____
5 ___/___/____ ___/___/____
6 ___/___/____ ___/___/____
7 ___/___/____ ___/___/____

Employee Signature Principal Signature & Stamp

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