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3rd Latin America Urban Rail Expansion Summit - VIPS - V18

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Cities in Latin America are rethinking their mobility systems, and

mass urban rail transit systems are being heavily looked at as

part of the solution. Several large metro networks are currently in
feasibility study, under construction or in operations, primarily in
the most densely populated cities. Panama City, Bogota and
Quito are examples of cities that are in different stages of
implementing new metro projects.

Colombia`s transportation infrastructure segment will see robust

growth over the coming years, driven by a number of new
projects, one of them is the 4.4b USD Bogota metro project that is
scheduled to begin in November 2018. In Santiago, Lima, Buenos
Aires, Mexico and a large number of Brazilian cities, work is
currently under way to expand existing networks that are already
in operation; while Monterrey, Santo Domingo and Medellin for
example are studying feasibility of extending their networks.

To answer the needs of better urban mobility and cope with challenges such as security and
operations costs, not only infrastructure extensions are being planned, but also investments in
technology and engineering for security, sustainability, intermodality and access management. At the
3rd Latin American Urban Rail Expansion summit, rail operators, government officials, consultants,
rolling stock manufacturers, investors and technology providers will discuss pressing themes such as
financing, security, access systems, engineering upgrades, digitalization and sustainability.

h t t p : / / l http://latinamerica.roadbridgetunnelsummit.com
Sector overview and challenges in Latin Financing & Investment Passenger Management and operations
America`s Urban rail sector Business models and concession norms Ticketing and access card solutions
Light rail & monorail versus tramway Funding Passenger boarding management
Mass transit systems and multimodal inclusion Cost savings in project development and operations Service quality
Smart Cities. Urban Planning and urban mobility. Station Communication systems
planning Security and Safety Digitalization. Smart Rail and smart stations
Signaling & control systems
Projects Train design-rolling stock. Impact of new engine use Sustainability and green solutions
Case studies Smart security: new technologies and engineering Energy saving engineering and technologies
New rail projects, insights in project planning Access surveillance Track and fleet maintenance: life cycle management
Environmental monitoring: noise and vibration control

For More Info Please Contact: María Esperanza Cuevas Angélica Angulo
C o nf er ence Pr o d u cer O p er a t i o ns Ma na g er
Lnoppen Latin America Lnoppen Latin America
mariac@lnoppen.co operations@lnoppen.co

+57 1 390 4687

Argentina now has a recovery Bogota’s first subway line is Chile plans to invest 4b West Light Rail "Regiotram" in Bogotá, will
plan for the railways, involving expected to carry 135 million USD in the construction of comprise 43.9 km of track (including Airport
investments of billions of dollars passengers in its first year in two new metro lines and branch) and 17 stations. It is a Public Private
especially in the metropolitan operation, with and investment of expansion of L4 Partnership Project of Private Initiative with an
railway network. . 4.4b USD approximate investment of $500M USD.

Country City Operator Project Name Exp/New Cost Start Complete Investor
Ministerio De Transporte
Buenos Aires Red de Expresos Regionales New/ Expansion 2300 m usd 2019 2023 PPP
Buenos Aires Subte Line F New 1,050 m usd 2020 PPP
Buenos Aires Subte Modernization Line D Expansion 105 m usd Feasibility Ministry of Transportation
Argentina Buenos Aires
Trenes Argentinos Soterramiento Ferrocarril
New Tunnels/ Expansion 3000 m usd 2013 2022 Ministry of Transportation
Infraestructrura Sarmiento
Trenes Argentinos Renovation and electrification of
Buenos Aires- La Plata Renovation 500 m usd 2014 Ministry of Transportation
Operaciones the General Roca Line
Buenos Aires Subte Extension of the E Line Expansion 210 m usd 2008 2019
Secretaría de Obras y
Tren Interurbano de Pasajeros Secretaría de Comunicaciones y
Mexico City Servicios Ciudad de New 3,043 m usd 2016 2019
Toluca-Valle de México Transporte de México
Express train from México to Grupo Aeroportuario Ciudad de
México City New 4,500 m usd
NAIM México
Secretaría de Obras y Expansion Line 12 Mixcoac- Secretaría de Comunicaciones y
Mexico City Expansion 455 m usd 2016 2019
Servicios SOBSE Observatorio Transportes de México
Sistema de Transporte Expansion Line A del: Chalco-La Secretaría de Comunicaciones y
Mexico City Expansion 733 m usd bidding process
Colectivo Metro SCT Paz Transportes de México
Sistema de Transporte Extensión de la Línea 4 del Metro, Secretaría de Comunicaciones y
México Mexico City
Colectivo Metro SCT Martín Carrera-Tepexpan
Expansion 1,511 m usd bidding process
Sistema de Transporte
Mexico City Expansion Line 9 Expansion Fondo Nacional de Infraestructura
Colectivo Metro SCT
Sistema de Tren Eléctrico
Guadalajara Expansion Line 1 Expansion 69,8 m usd PPP
Urbano- SITEUR
Sistema de Tren Eléctrico Secretaría de Comunicaciones y
Guadalajara Construction Line 3 New 1214 m usd 2014 2019
Urbano- SITEUR Transportes de Mexico
Monterrey Metrorrey Construction of the Line 3 New 335 m usd 2015 2019
Agencia de Proyectos Estratégicos del
Cancún- Tulúm TREN CANCÚN-TULUM New 2,174 m usd 2020
Estado de Quintana Roo (AGEPRO)
Country City Operator Project Name Exp/New Cost Start Complete Investor
Empresa Metro de New Construction 1st Line
Bogotá Metro de Bogotá 4,34 bn usd 2018 2024 Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional
Bogotá S.A. Metro
Bogotá Regio Tram de Occidente New 484,2 m usd 2018 2022 Gobernación de Cundinamarca

Empresa de Transporte Plan de Modernización y

Medellin Masivo del Valle de Repotenciación de la Flota de modernization 2018 2023
Aburra - ETMVA Trenes

Empresa de Transporte
Plan de Ampliación y
Colombia Medellin Masivo del Valle de
Expansion 561 m usd 2018 2020
Aburra - ETMVA
Unión Temporal
Medellin Metro Cable Picacho New 96,2 m usd 2018 2019 Alcaldia Municipal de Medellin
Metrocable Línea P
Secretaria de
Medellin Infraestructura Fisica- Tranvia de la 80 New 982,6 m usd 2019
Alcaldía de Medellin

Barranquilla Alcaldia de Barranquilla Barranquilla Light Rail- Line 26 New 590 m usd

Panama City Metro Panama Panama Metro Line 3 New 2,600 m usd 2019 2023 Hitachi LTD
Panama City- Villa Zaita Metro Panama Extension Line 1 Expansion 2019 2024
Tren de cercanía para pasajeros entre las ciudades de Ministry of Public Works and
Paraguay Asunción FEPASA
Asunción y Pacara
4,260 m usd bidding process
Communications of Paraguay
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Costa Rica San José Electric Metropolitan Train New 1,600 m usd Procurement
of Costa Rica
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Santiago Metro S.A. Linea 3 Metro de Santiago New 960 m usd 2012 2019
of Chile
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Santiago- Quilicura Metro S.A. Expansión Linea 3 Expansion 378m usd 2019 2022
of Chile
Santiago- San Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Metro S.A. Línea 2 Expansion 476 m usd 2019 2022
Bernardo- El Bosque of Chile
Linea 8 & 9 New
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Santiago Metro S.A. Expansión Linea L4 Expansion 4,100 m usd 2021 2026
of Chile
Construction Line 7 New
Country City Operator Project Name Exp/New Cost Start Complete Investor
Sociedad Concesionaria
Lima Metro de Lima Línea 2 Metro de Lima Línea 2 New 5,346 m usd 2014 2021 PPP promoted by Proinversion
Lima- Callao Metro de Lima y Callao Linea 3 Metro Lima Feasibility 6,600 m usd 2019 2025 PPP promoted by Proinversion

Lima- Callao Metro de Lima y Callao Linea 4 Metro Lima Feasibility 4,200 m usd PPP promoted by Proinversion

Quito Metro de Quito Linea 1 Metro New 1,400 m usd 2013 2019 http://www.metrodequito.gob.ec/
Ecuador Ministry of Economic and Finance of
Cuenca Alcaldía de Cuenca Tranvia de Cuenca New 280 m usd 2013 2019

Companhia Brasileira de Ampliación Metro Belo Horizonte Expansion and

Belo Horizonte 1,51 bn usd 2018
Trens Urbanos L1 y L2 Maintenance

Companhia do
Linha 17-Ouro do Metrô de São
Sao Paulo Metropolitano de São New 764 m usd 2010 2019

Companhia Paulista de
Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Intercity Trains New 1,500 m usd Announced State of Sao Paulo
Trens Metropolitanos
Metro line 4 - Phase II (Linha
Sao Paulo Via Quatro New 962 m usd 2015 2019 State of Sao Paulo

Companhia Paulista de Acquisition and installation of 88 Secretaria dos transportes

Sao Paulo New 12 m usd 2019 2023
Trens Metropolitanos facades in 36 stations Metropolitanos Sao Paulo

Brasilia Línea Férrea Brasilia-Goiânia New 2,570 m usd Feasibility ANTT Transport Agency

Fortaleza Metro de Fortaleza Linha Leste New 447 m usd bidding process BNDES- Federal Goverment

Asociación Accidental
Bolivia Cochabamba
Cochabamba LRT (Light Rail) New 448 m usd 2017 2021 Consorcio Joca-Molinari

Municipalidad de
Guatemala Ciudad de Guatemala
Metro Riel New 770 m usd 2020 PPP

Dominican Oficina para el

Santo Domingo Reordenamiento del Línea 3 New 850 m usd Feasibility
Republic Transporte (OPRET)
General Director Infrastructure Technology Manager
enelSUBTE, Argentina Gobernación de Metrô Fortaleza, Brazil
Antioquia, Colombia

Mobility and Urbanism
Business Manager Gerente de
COSAPI, Peru Implantação – Metrôs
Municipality of Santiago
Invepar, Brazil
de Cali, Colombia

Deputy Director of
General Manager General Manager
Ferrocarril de Antioquia, Metro Medellín, Colombia
Instituto de Desarrollo
Urbano (IDU), Colombia
Coordinator of the GUTIÉRREZ ECHEVERRI
Director General
Commission of Railways General Secretary
Agencia para la
and Sustainable Asociación Latinoamericana
Racionalización y
Transport de Sistemas Integrados
Modernización del Sistema
Sociedad Antioqueña de para la Movilidad Urbana
de Transporte Público de
Ingenieros, Colombia Sustentable (SIMUS),
Nuevo León, México


Equipment and General Director Unión Temporal
Facilities Manager Lumbreras y Túneles S.A., Metrocable Línea P
Metro Quito, Ecuador Mexico Poma, Colombia
SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognised as the global
benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 95 000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 2 400 offices
and laboratories around the world. We provide competitive advantage, drive sustainability and deliver trust. At SGS,
we are continually pushing ourselves to deliver innovative services and solutions that help our customers move their
businesses forward.
Silver Sponsor

ECM, part of Progress Rail Signalling Division, designs complete solutions for railway and metro systems. With a wide
selection of the most advanced technology in signaling automation and components, ECM offers turnkey solutions for
any railway signaling need. With our complete line of inspection products for level crossing monitoring, hot box
detection, acoustic detection of defective bearings, railway lines reach the highest safety level attainable today. Our
LED signals guarantee cost effective, unprecedented operating reliability and serviceability. Wether it’s a modular,
future proof, state of the art Multistation Computer Based Interlocking system or Automatic Train Protection systems to
guarantee a faster and safer circulation, ECM has the right answer to your needs.z
Bronze Sponsor

QSA Global, Inc. has a worldwide reputation for quality, reliability and safety. We are committed to exceeding our
customers’ expectations by providing high quality radiation sources, NDT products, digital products, and security X-ray
Exhibitor Sponsor systems.
La compañía BODET se fundó en 1868 en Francia y es líder de la distribución horaria, ofreciendo soluciones completas
especialmente para transportes y ferrocarriles para controlar redes de relojes y proporcionar la señal horaria precisa y
Desde hace más de 150 años, Bodet ha sabido imponerse con la competencia de su equipo y por el diseño y la
Documentation ergonomía de sus productos, así como por la calidad de su servicio al cliente. Bodet diseña, desarrolla y fabrica sus
Sponsor soluciones gracias a sus 730 empleados. La empresa Bodet cuenta con la certificación ISO 9001.

Stabirail has designed and developed a new method for ballastless track or slab track construction in tunnels and
railway stations. Our ground-breaking system has proven to be the most efficient method for laying ballastless railway
tracks in concrete beds. Furthermore our new slab track or ballastless track construction method guarantees higher
Vendor Supporter accuracy, longer design life and lower whole-life cost.

EnelSUBTE.com es un medio especializado en actualidad, análisis e historia del transporte argentino e internacional.
Subte, ferrocarriles y otros medios guiados.
Media Partner

ABIFER is an entity that defends the interests of the national railway industry. We promote the growth of the railway
industry installed in Brazil, encouraging the expansion of cargo and passenger rail transportation and offering, through
its associates, technical support to the concessionaires and their users. We gather manufacturers of parts generally, steel,
cast iron, aluminum and rubber as well as engineering, maintenance, repair and modernization companies for railway
Association Partner vehicles and bearing remanufacturing.
Pa rti c i p a n ts Job Titles
| Ministries of Transport | Ministries of Economy & Finance | | Government Officials | Chairmen | Presidents | CEOs |

| Ministries of Public Works | Associations | Operators | | Director Generals | Managing Directors | General Managers |

| Investment Companies | Financial Institutes | | CFOs | CIOs | Directors of Project Development |

| Design & Engineering Institutes | Public Transportation Agencies | | Business Development Directors | Project Directors |

| City Planning Agencies | Consultants | Law Firms | | Procurement Directors | Director of Engineering |

| Rail Companies/Administrations | Construction Companies | | Director of Security | Engineers & Architects |

| Equipment and Service Suppliers | Technology and IT Providers | | Consultants & Lawyers | Maintenance Managers |

| Rolling Stock providers | | Railway Engineers | Operations Director |

| IT Managers |
8:00 Registration & Morning Coffee 13:00 Luncheon & Networking


8:50 Opening Speech by Lnoppen CASE STUDY - Fare Collection Systems for Public Transport
13:50 System integration of and interoperability transition to smart transit fare cards
9:00 Opening Remarks by the Chairperson

GENERAL OUTLOOK PRESENTATION - Updates on the Metro Rio Operations

Expanding the Metro Rio network while paying attention to passenger needs and comfort
Improving Urban Rail Transport Systems to Respond to the Challenges of Rapid Managing operations on the new line and future upgrades to the network
9:10 Growth in Cities of Latin America

Sustainable and Integrated Rail Transport Model as Instrument of Social SPONSORED PRESENTATION- Communication Systems
9:40 Integration and Economic Development in Colombia 14:50 Real time passenger information system
Integrated transportation systems: what are they and how should they work? Allowing interconnection and interoperability with intelligent transport systems

Key Urban Rail Transport Projects under Development in Medellin

15:20 Networking Coffee Break
Medellin infrastructure investment in sustainable mobility projects
Importance of integration and accessibility in the city of Medellin
CASE STUDY – Metro Bogota: Improving the Mobility of Bogota
Providing an integrated and quality public transport system, conceptualizing and realizing a mass Business Models for the Construction of Metro Projects
transit network Experiences in concessions of metro lines in Latin America. Key elements for the development of a
15:50 successful metro project
11:10 Networking Coffee Break How the interests of the concessionaires, the lenders and the government can be aligned to manage
time in the construction phase
Paradigm Shift in Urban Planning: Towards a Concept of Sustainable Mobility
Reducing private motorized transport dependence and developing attractive transportation systems
11:30 that are
accessible and affordable and within the geographical and economic scope of populations CASE STUDY – Financial Structuring of Railway Infrastructure Projects in Public-
16:20 private Partnership : Metro Lima 2

PRESENTATION –Action Plan on Urban Mobility Municipality of Valle del Cauca

The urban train project as an opportunity to make a renewal of the city of Cali in terms of mobility 17:10 End of Day One

SPONSORED PRESENTATION - From conventional railway signaling

12:30 systems to modern
CBTC as the first choice of railway operators for mass-transit operations today
Networking Coffee Break Luncheon & Networking
8:50 Opening Remarks by the Chairman
PRESENTATION - Proje ct Management and Tim e Handling i n the Constru ction
How to assure projects are built on time and within budget from the planning period onwards by
14:00 adjusting procurement, supply chain and construction phases
Strategic Procurement of Rolling Stock
Ensuring good adaptation of new rolling stock to the existing rail network
Calculating the impact of new engine use
Introducing sustainable energy supply CASE STUDY – Structuring of Master Expansion Plan of Metro Medellin and the
Procurement Model for Metro Bogota
CASE STUDY - Master Plan of the Barranquilla Light Rail Project
9:40 Focus on technology and materials from design phase onwards COUNTRY FOCUS - Chile
15:00 Optimal integration of solar energy in the planning and operation of urban public rail transport
system in the Metro of Santiago
SPONSOR - Smart Transit Technologies for a Sustainable and Efficient Mobility in
Urban Areas
Introducing transport solutions that contribute to rethink the development of cities and comfort of the 15:30 Networking Coffee Break
10:40 Networking Coffee Break

SECURITY AND SAFETY PRESENTATION – Metro Medellín: Building Sustainable, Inclusive Transportation System
16:00 Implementing initiatives that focus on the continuous improvement of environmental performance in
PRESENTATION - Safety Management Within Railways Systems harmony with social management and economic balance.
Safety considerations in transportation planning and operations. Setting KPI`s to control your safety
11:20 management achievements
CASE STUDY – Electric Train Of Cochabamba: Modernizing the Transport in Bolivia
Why is it important to invest in safety? Assuring long-term safety outcome via well-designed
16:30 The use of ballast-less track solution for reducing noise. The use of electricity in order to develop an
maintenance protocols
ecologically and environmentally friendly transport system

PRESENTATION – Future of the Railway Network in Fortaleza

Looking at technologies and developing monitoring systems for Fortaleza´s Metro
DISCUSSION PANEL - Implementation of New Technologies in Urban Transport
and How the Rail Industry Can Join This Change
17:00 The intermodality of urban transport. The passengers and their demands for more comfortable trips.
SPONSORED PRESENTATION - Monitoring, Surveillance and Access Control Solutions
More comfortable and less environment impacting systems. Implementation of urban transport
Protection of hardware, software, personnel and passengers as basic key for successful operations.
12:20 policies: quality, security and safety in public transport services
Calculating your ROI on security investments

17:30 End of the Event

AcadeA todo Tren Inc. Paulo INCOFER Costa Rica ProInversión Perú
AAICI Companhia Paulista de Trens INDRA Queiroz Galvão
Acciona Metropolitanos-CPTM INECO Renfe
ADIF Comsa Integral Sacyr Concesiones
AECOM Concremat Engenharia e Tecnologia Inter-American Development Bank Saitec Engineering
Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura Consorcio constructor Nuevo Metro de International Transport Forum OCDE Salini Impregilo
ANI Lima linea 2 Invepar Scomi
Agência Nacional de Transportes Consorcio Linea 3 del Tren Ligero de JICA Scomi Engineering
Terrestres (ANTT)" Guadalajara Joca Ingeniería y Construcciones Secretaria de Comunicaciones y
Alstom Dohwa Engineering (JOCA) Transporte México
ANADIE, Guatemala DTP Consultores Metro Bahía SENER
Andrade Gutiérrez Engenharia Egis Group Metro Caracas Sistema de Transporte Colectivo STC
Andrade Gutiérrez El Directorio de Transporte Público Metro de Bogotá México
ANPTrilhos Metropolitano (DTPM Metro de CDMX Sistema de Transporte Metropolitano
ANTT Brazil Empresas ICA Metrô de Fortaleza SITEUR - Sistema de Tren Eléctrico
Arup EMTU Metro de Medellín Urbano
Asociación Accidental Tunari Euroestudios Metro de Monterrey Sociedad Concesionaria Metro de Lima
Asociación Latinoamericana de Metros FCC Construcciones Metro de Panamá Línea 2
y Subterráneos - ALAMYS FEPASA Paraguay Metro de Santiago SOFSE Argentina
Autoridad Autónoma del Tren Eléctrico Foster and Partners Metro DF Brazil Subterráneos de Buenos Aires
de Lima GCBA Argentina Metro Fortaleza SuperVia
Benito Roggio Gensler Metro Lima 1, 2 SYSTRA
BNDS Gobierno del estado de Nuevo León Metro Quito TC Linha 4 Amarela
Bombardier Gobernación de Cundinamarca Metrô Rio Techint
CAF -Construcciones y Auxiliar de Gobernación del Atlantico Metro Valparaíso TIISA Infraestructura
Ferrocarriles Gobernación de Valle del Cauca Minesterio Transporte Colombia Transconsult
Cal y Mayor Group GPO Municipality of Medellin Tren Suburbano
Carso- Infraestructura y Construcción Grupo EFE Mota-Engil, Trenes Argentinos Infraestructura
CCR, Brazil Grupo Hermes Alcaldia de Barranquilla Trenes Argentinos Operaciones
CEPAL Grupo HIGA Alcaldia de ciudad de Cali Trensurb
Cesel Ingenieros Grupo ITISA Oficina para el Reordenamiento del TRIA Ingenieria
China Harbour Engineering Company Grupo M+R Transporte (OPRET) Universidad de Antioquia
Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos GyM Ferrovías OHL ViaQuatro
Companhia Brasileira de Trens Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ositran- Organismo Supervisor de la VLT Carioca Consortium mia Marítima
Urbanos- CBTU IDOM Ingeniera y Consultoria Inversión en Infraestructura de de Seguridad Integral
Companhia do Metropolitano de São IDU Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano Transporte de Uso Público
» Presidente Duque will support Metrocable and Tranvía for Medellín |23/08/2018|| https://tinyurl.com/y7vkrx5h |
» The metrocables that are under construction in Medellín |24/08/2018|| https://tinyurl.com/yabe7xcl|
» Extension works of the Belo Horizonte subway to start in May 2018 |25/10/2017||https://tinyurl.com/yc3djj27|
» Tender process for the Bogotá Metro starts |06/08/2018| | https://tinyurl.com/ya6chuze|
» In 8 months the bidding process begins to build the Regiotram in Cundinamarca |27/07/2018|https://tinyurl.com/ycc45pmr|
» AMLO confirms the excecution of the Mexico-Toluca train |26/08/2018|| https://tinyurl.com/yb7m2msf|
» Panama will begin construction of the monorail of the West in May 2019 |29/08/2018|| https://tinyurl.com/yb7m2msf |
» Costa Rica will launch tender for urban train feasibility study |28/06/2018|| https://tinyurl.com/y8sbjtft |
» Mexico, the first country in Latin America with high-speed train |20/01/2017|| https://tinyurl.com/ydxqyaur |
» The Government launched RER, the millionaire project that will connect the trains of the metropolitan area with a central station
under the Obelisk |13/03/2018|| https://tinyurl.com/ydg4mex6 |
» Loan approval to finance subways that integrates neighborhoods and railway viaducts |17/08/2018|
|https://tinyurl.com/yamufkjn |
» Cancun Tulum Train Project in preinvestment stage |17/07/2018||https://tinyurl.com/yd2lpaw4|
» Panama Metro will invest US $ 578 million in Line 2 and 3 |20/01/2017|| https://tinyurl.com/ydgd4ehu
» Details on the operation of the future lines and extensions of the Santiago Metro |02/06/2018|| https://tinyurl.com/y97xsyty|
» Lima Metro: China´s pretentions to invest in lines 3 and 4 |28/08/2018|| https://tinyurl.com/y8dzyoxb|
» The tram of Cuenca registers the 39% of advance of the civil works with the new company |11/06/2018|
» Metro of Sao Paulo launches bid to install 88 ports in 36 stations |03/09/2018| | https://tinyurl.com/y924qwdl |
» Initiation of services subcontracting for the Cochabamba train |06/02/2018| | https://tinyurl.com/y84ybsbc |
» Details of the first Metro Rail in Guatemala City |16/07/2018| | https://tinyurl.com/ya7boq4p |
2 nd A n n u a l L a t i n A m e r i c a R a i l E x p a n s i o n S u m m i t

Gilberto Quintero Zapata Clodoaldo Pelissioni

Lic. Martín Machain
Secretary of Infrastructure State Secretary
Government of Ant ioqu ia, C olomb ia Secret aria d e Es t ad o d os
enelSu b t e. co m, Argent ina
Trans p ort es Met rop olit anos

Vicente Abate Fabio Barbosa

Carlos Paricio Ayno
President Director of Institutional Relations
Industrial Director TITM
Ab ifer – Brazilian As s ociat ion of ABO TTC – Brazilian As s ociat ion of
SGS Mexico
Rail Ind u s t ry Tou ris t Train O p erat ors

José Eduardo Ribeiro Copello

Paulo Ponzetta Pablo Martorelli
General Director President
C omp anhia d e Trans p ort e d o Es t ad o
J oca-Molina ri, Bolivia Ins t it u t o Argent ino d e Ferroca r ri le s
d a Bahia ( C TB)

Dina Rafaela Sierra Rochels Marcelo Dourado

José Manoel Ferreira
Manager of Ferrous Projects President
Agencia Nacional d e Infraes t ru ct u ra , C omp anhia Met rop olit ana d e
C olomb ia Bras ília – METRÔ /DF President
FerroF r ent e

Martín Orduna Jean Pejo Juan Pablo Palominos

Undersecretary of Urban Mobility General Secretary General Manager
Minis t ry of Trans p ort , Argent ina As ociación Lat inoameri can a Tren C ent ral S. A
d e Ferroc a r ril es ( ALAF)
2 nd A n n u a l L a t i n A m e r i c a R a i l E x p a n s i o n S u m m i t

Peter Alouche Manuel J. Casanova Lopes

Gregoire Gauthier
Conselheiro de AEAMESP & Structural Engineering
Sr. Transport Specialist
Consultor Técnico Specialist
World Bank, United States
AEAMESP Cemosa, Colombia

Carlos Ataide Dos Santos Vanessa Alexandra Cueva

Harald Peter Zwetkoff
Economist Specialist in Railway Transport
Companhia Brasileira de Trens Ministerio de Transporte y Obras
ViaQuatro, Brazil
Urbanos, Brazil Públicas del Ecuador

German Bussi
Eric Farcette Carmen Deulofeu
Secretary of Transportation
Commercial Director General Manager
ALSTOM Metro Lima – Line 2
Ministry of Transport Argentina

Francisco Javier Galera Alarcon Carlos E león

Jorge A. Longoria Treviño
Huawei Enterprise Latin America Infrastructure Manager
General Director
Transportation Solutions Leader Administración Ferroviaria del
AET de Nuevo Leon
Huawei Estado (AFE)
2 nd A n n u a l L a t i n A m e r i c a R a i l E x p a n s i o n S u m m i t
>> Interesting and with good participants. It was a very good experience.Good place to meet and exchange experiences and
information. Event well organized – LUG
>> It's a very good platform to discuss LATAM Railway development. Good to be known by the industry – Huawei
>> Agregou conhecimento e possibilidades comerciais - J.Lanfranco
>> Apresentações relevantes – AEEFSJ
>> Evento muito bem organizado com apresentações bem pertinentes - Prefeitura de Guarulhos
>> Interesante troca de informações – ASSEF
>> Consegui realizar bons contatos – AEAMESP
>> Otima oportunidade para troca de experiencias e networking - Valec - Eng. Const. e Ferrovias
>> A great opportunity for insightful networking – SuperVia
>> Pleasantly satisfied, Excellent hosts - AET Nuevo León
>> Very interesting. Highly qualified speakers to transmit their concepts - Administración de Ferrocarriles del Estado
>> Muitas apresentações descritivas que contam casos nacionais sem detalhar
os aspectos institucionais relevante - Secretaria de
Infraestrutura e Logistica do Paraná
>> Very interesting. It allows a global vision of the region - Tren Central
>> Muito bem organizado, palestras interessantes. Resultados alcançados. Experiencia gratificante. Parabéns - RB Assessoria
>> Great opportunity to update with Latin America colleagues – BNDES
>> Very good, thanks for the invitation. Very good organization – ANI
>> Foi bom – ABIFER
>> É um evento com muita influencia - Hyundai Rotem
>> Excellent quality of the panelists, approach of experts in the topics. We have made many important contacts from different
countries – INCOFER
>> Muito bom para realizar contatos e parcerias - Universidade Federal do Pará
>> Excelente programa. Tempos muito bem aproveitados. Atendeu as expetativas – ALAF
>> A productive event to have a global vision of the industry in Latin America - Ministry of Transport and Public Works of Ecuador


Hear from the experts and learn about Hear from the experts and raise The objective for you to attend our conferences
how the industry is expanding and how questions to them regarding your is to meet prospects and create initial contact,
you can make your mark. specific needs. or develop an existing lead. We provide you your
own table where you can welcome your clients
and do business!


Network with executives in a relaxed Solidify your new business PRIOR NOTIFICATION OF ATTENDEES
environment. relationships in a more relaxed Receive attendee information a week
environment . prior to the event.

For further information on registration please contact:

María Esperanza Cueva – Conference Producer mariac@lnoppen.co + 57 1 390 46 87


María Esperanza Cuevas – Conference Producer mariac@lnoppen.co + 57 1 390 46 87

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