CCS Conduct Rules

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CCS Conduct Rules

Prepared & Presented by

N. Radhakrishnan
Rule 1: Short title, commencement and application
 They shall come into force at once.
 Applies to everyone appointed to civil service/post
including Defense Civilians.
Does not apply to:
 Railway servants/ Railway Board officials.
 All India Service officers/ posts exempted by
 GS working in any of the establishments owned or
managed by Government such as Ports, docks,
wharves/work-charged/irrigation/ electric power/
mines/ factory workers etc as defined under the
relevant Labour Laws/ Acts.
 Applicability to PSU employees:- Depends upon its
Rule 2: Definitions
 The ‘Government’ means the Central Government.
 ‘Government Servant’ means any person appointed
by Government to any civil post in connection with
the affairs of the Union and includes a civilian
defence service.
Members of family in relation to a GS includes -
 Wife/husband as the case may be of the GS
whether residing with the GS or not but does not
include wife/husband separated from the GS by a
decree or order of the competent court.
 Son or daughter or stepson or stepdaughter of the
GS wholly dependent on him.
 Any other person related, whether by blood or
marriage, to the GS or to the GS’s wife or
husband and wholly dependent on the GS.
Rule 3
(1) Every Government servant shall at all times -
 Maintain absolute integrity;
 devotion to duty; and
 Do nothing unbecoming of a Govt. servant.
(2)(1) Supervisory officers must ensure integrity &
devotion to duty of subordinates under his control
and authority.
(ii) Requires Govt. servant to act in his best judgment
except when he is acting under the direction of
official superiors.
(iii) Such direction must ordinarily be in writing. Oral
direction must be avoided & if unavoidable, the same
must be confirmed in writing immediately thereafter.
 (iv) GS receiving oral orders shall seek confirmation
in writing as early as possible & the official superior
must confirm it in writing.
Rule 3A. Promptness and Courtesy
No Government servant shall in his official duty:
(a) Act in a discourteous manner;
(b) Adopt dilatory tactics or willfully cause delays in
disposal of the work assigned to him.

3B. Observance of Government's policies.

Every Government servant shall, at all times:
(i) Act as per Govt's. policies regarding age of marriage,
preservation of environment, protection of wildlife
and cultural heritage.
(ii) Observe the Government's policies regarding
prevention of crime against women.
Rule 3C. Prohibition of Sexual
(1) No Government servant shall indulge in any act of
sexual harassment of any women at her work place.
(2) Every supervisory officer shall take steps to prevent
sexual harassment to any woman at such work place.
Explanation - “Sexual harassment" includes unwelcome
sexual behavior, whether directly or otherwise, as –
(a) Physical contact and advances;
(b) Demand or request for sexual favours;
(c) Sexually colored remarks;
(d) Showing any pornography; or
(e) Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal
conduct of a sexual nature.
Rule 3C. Prohibition of Sexual
In the case of Vishaka and others Vs. State of
Rajasthan, the Hon’ble SC has laid down guidelines
and norms to be observed to prevent sexual
harassment of working women at work place.
(a)Prohibition of sexual harassment at work place should
be notified, published and circulated in appropriate
ways. It should provide for appropriate penalties in
such rules against the offender.
(b)Employer should provide appropriate work conditions
to ensure there is no hostile environment at work
(c)A complaint mechanism should be created in the
employer’s organisation for redress of the complaint
made by the victim to ensure time bound treatment
of complaints.
Rule 3C. Prohibition of Sexual
Complaints Committee -
(a) Should provide a special counsellor or other support
staff for maintaining the confidentiality.
(b)The committee should be headed by a woman and not
less than half of its members should be women. To
prevent the possibility of any undue pressure or
influence from senior levels, the CC should involve a
third party either a NGO or other body who is
familiar with the issue of sexual harassment.
(c)The findings of the CC are binding on the disciplinary
authority to initiate disciplinary proceedings against
the GS concerned. The report of the CC should be
treated as preliminary report against the accused GS.
Rule 3C (Contd.)
(1) It shall be the duty of the GS who may be arrested
for any reason to intimate the fact of his arrest and
the circumstances connected therewith to his
official superior promptly even though he might have
subsequently been released on bail. Failure on part
of any GS to so inform his official superior will be
regarded as suppression of material information and
will render him liable for disciplinary action on this
ground alone apart from the action that may be
called for on the outcome of the police case against
(2) GS should observe independence & impartiality in
discharge of duties.
(3) To observe courtesies with MPs and MLAs.
Rule 3C (Contd.)
(i) As MPs/MLAs occupy in our democratic set up a very
important place as elected representatives of people,
they have important functions to perform under the
Constitution. It should be the endeavour of every
officer to help MPs and state legislatures to the
extent possible in the discharge of their functions
under the constitution.
(ii)Participating in proselytizing activities may be
treated as good and sufficient reasons for taking
disciplinary action.
(iii) Conduct of Government Servant in relation to the
proper maintenance of his family.
(iv) Should not practice untouchability.
(v) Observe proper decorum during lunch-break - playing
games beyond lunch hour/openly to be discouraged.
Rule 3C (Contd.)
(vi)Display of posters/notices by Govt. servants/
Associations on walls of Govt. Offices & buildings
(vii) Government should encourage joining of Educational
Institution by Government servants outside normal
office hours.
(viii) No prior permission required for Government
servants seeking redressal in Courts of Law of their
grievances arising out of their employment or
Conditions of Service.
(ix) Requirement of taking prior permission by
Government servants for leaving station/Head
Rule 3C (Contd.)
Acts and conducts which amount to misconduct -
1. If an act or conduct is prejudicial or likely to be
prejudicial to the interests of the master or to the
reputation of the master.
2. If an act or conduct is inconsistent or incompatible
with the due or peaceful discharge of his duty to his
3. If an act or conduct of a servant makes it unsafe for
the employer to retain him in service.
4. If an act or conduct is so grossly immoral that all
reasonable men will say that he cannot be trusted.
Rule 3C (Contd.)
Acts and conducts which amount to misconduct -
5. If an act or conduct of the employee is such that the
master cannot rely on the faithfulness of his
6. If the servant is abusive or if he disturbs the peace
at the place of his employment.
7. If he is habitually negligent in respect of the duties
for which he is engaged.
8. Wilful insubordination or disobedience to any lawful
and reasonable order of a superior.
9. Gross moral misconduct – riotous or disorderly
Rule 3C (Contd.)
Acts and conducts which amount to misconduct -

10. Habitual late attendance.

11. Habitual absence without permission and over staying

of leave.
12. Participating in strike/Dharna/Gherao or inciting
others to strike work in contravention of law or the
rule having the force of law.

13. Conviction by a criminal court.

Rule 4. Employment of Near Relatives of
Govt. Servants in Companies or Firms
(1) No Government servant shall use his position or
influence directly or indirectly to secure employment
for any member of his family in any company or firm.
(2)(i) Group ‘A’ officers require prior Govt. sanction
before their son/daughter/dependant accepts
employment in any company/firm with which he has
official dealings.
If acceptance of employment cannot await prior
permission, it should be reported to the Govt. &
employment to be accepted provisionally subject to
permission of Govt.
(ii) Intimate Govt. of employment of family member in a
company/firm, mentioning whether he has or has had
any official dealings with that company or firm.
Rule 5- Taking part in Politics & Elections
(1) Govt. servant not permitted to be a member of any
political party nor shall he participate/subscribe/aid
or assist in any manner, any political activity.
(2) Govt. servant is duty bound to prevent family
member from participating/subscribing/assisting in
any subversive activity. If unable to prevent this he
must report to the Government.
(3) No canvassing by any Govt. servant in any election.

Provided that -
(i) Govt. servant can vote but not disclose for whom.
(ii) Assisting in conduct of election as part of duty not a
contravention of this Rule.
Rule 6 & 7.
Rule 6:Joining of Associations by Govt. Servants:
 Govt. servant can’t join/ have membership of
associations whose objects/activities are prejudicial
to the sovereignty/integrity/public order/morality.

Rule 7: Demonstration & strikes:

No Govt. servant shall -
 Engage or participate in any demonstration prejudicial
to the nation’s sovereignty & integrity, state
security, friendly relations with foreign States,
public order, decency or morality, or contempt of
court, defamation or incitement to an offence.
 Resort to or in any way abet any form of strike or
coercion or physical duress in connection with any
matter pertaining to his service or the service of any
other Govt. servant.
Rule 8,9
Rule 8- Connection with press or other media:
 Prior sanction of Govt. must for owning/conducting/
participate in editing/management of, any newspaper
or other periodical publication or electronic media.

Rule 9- Criticism of Government:

 No criticism of Govt. through
radio/telecast/media/document published in his own
name or anonymously/pseudonymously.
 Govt. servants visiting foreign countries should not
express views on Indian or foreign affairs.
Rule 10
Evidence before Committee or any other authority -
 No GS shall give evidence in connection with any
enquiry conducted by an person, committee or
authority except with the previous sanction of the
Previous sanction not required for giving -
 Evidence given at an inquiry before an authority
appointed by the Government, Parliament or State
 Evidence given in any judicial inquiry; or
 Evidence given at any departmental enquiry ordered
by authorities subordinate to the Government.
Rule 11. Unauthorised Communication of
Official Information
 Govt. servant expected to communicate information in
accordance with the Right to Information Act, 2005
and the Rules made there under.
 Govt. servant shall not communicate any official
document or any part thereof or classified
information to any unauthorized person.
 Leakage through the Press of classified information –
Only officers specially authorized should meet the
 Communication of Unauthorized Information- not only
improper but also in contravention of Rule 11 of the
CCS (Conduct) Rules & Section 5 of the Official
Secrets Act, 1923.
Rule 12. Subscriptions

 Not GS shall except with the previous sanction of the

Government or the prescribed authority, ask for or
accept contributions to or otherwise associate
himself with the raising of, any funds or other
collections in cash or in kind in pursuance to any
object whatsoever.
 No bar for members of recognised Service
Associations to collect subscriptions among
themselves for welfare activities.
 GS can participate in raising contributions on a
voluntary basis for Flag Day for the benefit of ex-
 GS can associate himself with the raising of
contributions towards National Defence Fund.
Rule 13- Gifts
 No Govt. servant/ family members shall accept any
 “Gift" includes free transport/boarding/lodging/
other service or any pecuniary advantage when
provided by any person other than a near relative or
personal friend having no official dealings with the
Government servant.
 “Gift” doesn’t include a casual meal, lift or other
social hospitality.
 Govt. servant shall avoid accepting lavish/frequent
hospitality from any individual, firms, organisations,
etc., having official dealings.
 Weddings/anniversaries/funerals/religious functions,
Govt. servant may accept gifts from near relatives/
personal friends having no official dealings & make a
report to the Govt. if the value of such gift exceeds:-
Rule 13- Gifts (Contd.)
 Rs. 7000 for Group 'A' officers.
 Rs. 4000 for Group 'B' officers.
 Rs. 2000 for Group 'C' post.
 Rs. 1000 for ‘MTS' post.

Prior Govt. sanction required to accept gifts whose value

 Rs. 1500 for Group "A" or Group "B" post;
 Rs. 500 case of Group “C” & “D” posts.

Acceptance of gifts on their transfer or retirement.

 Not a healthy or desirable practice esp. from staff.
 Must strictly confined to Conduct Rules limits.
Rule 13A- Dowry
No Government servant shall-
 Give or take or abet the giving or taking of dowry.
 Demand directly/indirectly, from parent/guardian of
a bride/bridegroom, as the case may be, any dowry.
 Dowry as a customary gift can be accepted without
prior sanction & subject to provisions relating to gifts
& transactions in immovable and movable property.
 Report such gifts to the Govt./prescribed authority.
 Dowry does not include Maher in the case of Muslims
to whom the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) applies’.
Rule 15- Private Trade or Employment
Prior sanction of the Government is required for:-
 Engaging directly or indirectly in any trade or
 Negotiating or undertaking any other employment.
 Holding an elective office, or canvass for an elective
office, in any body, whether incorporated or not.
 Canvassing for any business/insurance
agency/commission agency, etc., owned or managed by
any member of his family.
 Participating in the registration, promotion or
management of any bank/company/co-operative
society for commercial purposes.
 GS to report to the Govt. if any family member is
engaged in a trade or business or owns or manages an
insurance agency or commission agency.
Rule 15- Private Trade or Employment (Contd.)
Govt. servant can’t participate/associate in making of:
 A sponsored media (radio or television) programme.
 Govt. commissioned/ private media programme.

Government servant can without the previous sanction:

 Do honorary work of a social/charitable nature.
 Do occasionally work of a literary, artistic or
scientific character.
 Participate in sports activities as an amateur.
 Participate in the registration, promotion or
management (without holding an elective office) of a
literary/scientific/charitable society/club or similar
organisation, whose aims/objects are to promote
sports, cultural or recreational activities & registered
under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
15 A. Sub-letting & Vacation of
Government Accommodation.

 No GS shall sublet, lease or otherwise allow

occupation by any other person of Government
accommodation which has been allotted to him.

 A GS shall vacate quarters within the time-limit

prescribed by the allotting authority after the
cancellation of his allotment.
Rule 16. Investment, Lending &
 No Government servant shall speculate in any stock,
share/investments except occasional investments
thru stock brokers.

 No investments likely to embarrass or influence him

officially. in the discharge of his official duties. E.g.
Purchase of shares from Directors Quota.

 Must not lend/borrow or deposit money to any person

or firm having official dealings.

 Lend money at interest.

Rule 18- Movable, Immovable & Valuable
 Govt. servant on first appointment must submit a
return of assets & liabilities, in prescribed form
giving the full particulars regarding:
 Immovable property inherited/owned/acquired/held
by him on lease or mortgage, either in his own name/
in the name of family member/name of other person.
 Shares, debentures and cash including bank deposits
inherited, owned, acquired, or held by him.
 Movable property inherited/owned/acquired or held.
 Debts & other liabilities incurred by him.
 Group 'A' &'B' officers shall submit an Annual Return
in prescribed form giving full particulars of
immovable property inherited/owned/acquired/held
by him or family on lease or mortgage.
Rule 21 - Restrictions regarding marriage

 Prohibits a Government Servant in indulging in bigamy.

 Prior permission needed even if one’s personal law

permits it.
Rule 22- Consumption of intoxicating
drinks and drugs

 A GS shall strictly abide by the law relating to

intoxicating drinks or drugs.
 A GS shall not be under the influence of any
intoxicating drink or drug during the course of his
 Refrain from consuming any intoxicating drink or drug
in a public place.
 Not appear in public place in a state of intoxication.
 Not use any intoxicating drink or drug to excess.
Rule 22A- Prohibition regarding
employment of children below 14 years of

 No GS shall employ to work any child below the age of

14 years.
 Thank you

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