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Urinary tract infections in infants older than one month and young children: Acute

management, imaging, and prognosis

Nader Shaikh, MD
Alejandro Hoberman, MD
Section Editors:
Morven S Edwards, MD
Tej K Mattoo, MD, DCH, FRCP
Deputy Editor:
Mary M Torchia, MD

Contributor Disclosures

All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is
Literature review current through: Apr 2018. | This topic last updated: Mar 27, 2018.

INTRODUCTION — Urinary tract infections (UTI) are a common and important clinical
problem in childhood. Upper urinary tract infections (ie, acute pyelonephritis) may lead to
renal scarring, hypertension, and end-stage renal dysfunction. Although children with
pyelonephritis tend to present with fever, it can be difficult on clinical grounds to distinguish
cystitis from pyelonephritis, particularly in young children (those younger than two years)
[1]. Thus, we have defined UTI broadly here without attempting to distinguish cystitis from
pyelonephritis. Acute cystitis in older children is discussed separately. (See "Acute
infectious cystitis: Clinical features and diagnosis in children older than two years and

The acute management and prognosis of UTI in children will be reviewed here. The
epidemiology, risk factors, clinical features, diagnosis, long-term management, and
prevention of UTI in children and UTI in newborns are discussed separately. (See "Urinary
tract infections in children: Epidemiology and risk factors" and "Urinary tract infections in
infants and children older than one month: Clinical features and diagnosis" and "Urinary
tract infections in children: Long-term management and prevention" and "Urinary tract
infections in neonates".)


Goals — The goals of treatment for UTI include [2,3]:

●Elimination of infection and prevention of urosepsis

●Relief of acute symptoms (eg, fever, dysuria, frequency)

●Prevention of recurrence and long-term complications including

hypertension, renal scarring, and impaired renal growth and function
Acute management of UTI in children consists of antimicrobial therapy to treat the acute
infection and evaluation for possible predisposing factors (eg, urologic abnormalities).
Long-term management centers on prevention of recurrence and complications; it is
discussed separately. (See "Urinary tract infections in children: Long-term management
and prevention".)

Decision to hospitalize — Most infants older than two months with UTI can be safely
managed as outpatients as long as close follow-up is possible [3-5].

Usual indications for hospitalization and/or parenteral therapy include [3,6-8]:

●Age <2 months

●Clinical urosepsis (eg, toxic appearance, hypotension, poor capillary refill)

●Immunocompromised patient

●Vomiting or inability to tolerate oral medication

●Lack of adequate outpatient follow-up (eg, no telephone, live far from


●Failure to respond to outpatient therapy (see 'Response to therapy' below)

ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY — The effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy for UTI is

demonstrated by the change in mortality between the pre- and postantibiotic eras. The
mortality of UTI was as high as 20 percent in the preantibiotic era. In contrast, when UTIs
are appropriately treated with antibiotics, acute complications (eg, renal abscess, death)
are uncommon [9]. (See 'Prognosis' below.)

Antimicrobial therapy for children with presumed UTI depends upon a number of factors,
including the age of the child, severity of illness, presence of vomiting, duration of fever
before presentation, underlying medical and/or urologic problems, and the antimicrobial
resistance patterns in the community.

Empiric therapy — Early and aggressive antibiotic therapy (eg, within 72 hours of
presentation) is necessary to prevent renal damage. A delay in the treatment of febrile
UTIs is associated with increased risk for renal scarring; a delay of 48 hours or more
increases the odds of new renal scarring by approximately 47 percent [10].

Decisions regarding the initiation of empiric antimicrobial therapy for UTI are best made on
a case-by-case basis based upon the probability of UTI, which is determined by
demographic and clinical factors [11].

We suggest that empiric antimicrobial therapy be initiated immediately after appropriate

urine collection in children with suspected UTI and a positive urinalysis (see "Urine
collection techniques in infants and children with suspected urinary tract infection", section
on 'Selection of technique'). This is particularly true for children who are at increased risk
for renal scarring if UTI is not promptly treated, including those who present with:

●Fever (especially >39°C [102.2°F] or >48 hours)

●Ill appearance

●Costovertebral angle tenderness

●Known immune deficiency

●Known urologic abnormality

Choice of agent — A Gram-stained smear of the urine, if readily available, can help guide
decisions regarding empiric therapy. The ultimate choice of antimicrobial therapy is based
upon the susceptibilities of the organism isolated.

Escherichia coli is the most common bacterial cause of UTI; it accounts for approximately
80 percent of UTI in children [12,13]. Other gram-negative bacterial pathogens
include Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacter, and Citrobacter. Gram-positive bacterial
pathogens include Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Enterococcus, and,
rarely, Staphylococcus aureus. (See "Urinary tract infections in children: Epidemiology and
risk factors", section on 'Microbiology'.)

We recommend that empiric therapy for UTI in infants and children include an antibiotic
that provides adequate coverage for E. coli. The agent of choice should be guided by local
resistance patterns [14,15].

Approximately 50 percent of E. coli are resistant to amoxicillin or ampicillin [13,15-20]. In

addition, increasing rates of E. coli resistance to first-generation cephalosporins
(eg, cephalexin), amoxicillin-clavulanate or ampicillin-sulbactam, and trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) have been reported in some communities
[12,13,15,18,19,21-23]. Risk factors for resistance to narrow-spectrum antibiotics (eg,
amoxicillin, first-generation cephalosporins, nitrofurantoin, TMP-SMX) include lack of
circumcision in boys, bowel and bladder dysfunction, receipt of antibiotics in the previous
six months, and Hispanic ethnicity [14,15,20,23,24]. (See 'Recent antibiotic

Third-generation cephalosporins
(eg, cefpodoxime, cefixime, cefdinir, ceftibuten, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone) and
aminoglycosides (eg, gentamicin, amikacin) are appropriate first-line agents for empiric
treatment of UTI in children. However, these drugs are not effective in
treating Enterococcus and should not be used as monotherapy for patients in whom
enterococcal UTI is suspected (eg, those with a urinary catheter in place, instrumentation
of the urinary tract, or an anatomical abnormality). In such
patients, amoxicillin or ampicillin should be added. Hydration status and renal function
should be assessed in patients who are treated with aminoglycosides.

Oral therapy — Most children older than two months of age who are not vomiting can be
treated with orally administered antimicrobials [3,25]. Close contact with the family should
be maintained for the first two to three days of therapy; the seriousness of the infection
and the need for completion of the entire course of therapy should be stressed.

We suggest a cephalosporin as the first-line oral agent in the treatment of UTI in children
without genitourinary abnormalities [4,5,26,27]. In a randomized, controlled trial of 306
children 1 to 24 months of age with a febrile UTI, oral therapy with cefixime for 14 days
was as effective as intravenous (IV) therapy with cefotaxime for three days followed by
oral therapy with cefixime [4]. The rates of symptom resolution (mean time to
defervescence approximately 24 hours), sterilization of the urine (100 percent), reinfection
(4.6 and 7.2 percent), and renal scarring at six months (9.8 and 7.2 percent) did not differ
between groups.

A similar trial in children 6 months to 16 years, albeit limited by imbalances in

comparability of treatment groups at baseline and high drop-out rates, found once-daily
therapy with ceftibuten to be comparable to initial therapy with ceftriaxone followed by
ceftibuten [26]. Oral amoxicillin-clavulanate (50 mg/kg per day in three divided doses) also
was shown to be as effective as parenteral therapy followed by oral therapy in a
multicenter, randomized trial [28]. However, amoxicillin-clavulanate is associated with
increasing rates of resistance. In a child with a penicillin and cephalosporin allergy,
treatment with TMP-SMX, or ciprofloxacin (if the local resistance rates to TMP-SMX are
known to be high) and close follow-up of the antimicrobial sensitivity results is a
reasonable strategy.

Cefixime, cefdinir, and ceftibuten are dosed as follows:

●Cefixime (16 mg/kg by mouth on the first day, followed by 8 mg/kg once daily
to complete therapy) (see 'Duration of therapy' below)

●Cefdinir (14 mg/kg by mouth once daily)

●Ceftibuten (9 mg/kg by mouth once daily)

Other cephalosporins that may be used for oral therapy

include cefpodoxime (10 mg/kgonce daily) or cephalexin (50 to 100 mg/kg per day in three
divided doses) [3,29]. However, no large trials have specifically examined the efficacy of
these agents for pediatric UTI.

Amoxicillin and ampicillin are not routinely recommended for empiric therapy because of
the high rate of resistance of E. coli. Similarly, amoxicillin-clavulanate, first-generation
cephalosporins (eg, cephalexin), and TMP-SMX should be used with caution, especially
when pyelonephritis is suspected, because of the increasing rates of resistance to these
drugs in some communities [12,14-19,21,30-32]. The rate of E. coli producing extended
spectrum beta-lactamases appears to be increasing [33].

Fluoroquinolones (eg, ciprofloxacin) are effective for E. coli, and resistance in children is
rare. However, widespread use of fluoroquinolones is leading to increased resistance
among other bacteria [34-36], and ciprofloxacin should not be routinely used as a first-line
agent [37]. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on Infectious Diseases
recommends that the use of ciprofloxacin for UTI in children be limited to UTI caused
by Pseudomonas aeruginosa or other multidrug-resistant, gram-negative bacteria [38].
(See "Fluoroquinolones", section on 'Use in children'.)

Oral agents that are excreted in the urine but do not achieve therapeutic serum
concentrations (eg, nalidixic acid, nitrofurantoin) should not be used to treat UTI in febrile
infants and young children in whom renal involvement is likely because parenchymal and
serum concentrations may be insufficient to treat pyelonephritis or urosepsis [3].

Parenteral therapy

Inpatient parenteral therapy — In-hospital parenteral therapy generally is indicated for

children with [3,6-8]:

●Age <2 months (data regarding outpatient therapy for infants <2 months of
age are lacking)

●Clinical urosepsis (eg, toxic appearance, hypotension, poor capillary refill)

●Immune compromise

●Vomiting or inability to tolerate oral medication

●Lack of adequate outpatient follow-up (eg, no telephone, live far from

hospital, etc)

●Failure to respond to outpatient therapy (see 'Response to therapy' below)

Cephalosporins (eg, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, cefepime) and aminoglycosides

(eg, gentamicin) are appropriate first-line parenteral agents for empiric treatment of UTI in
children. Definitive therapy is based upon the results of urine culture and sensitivities.

Acceptable inpatient treatment regimens include the combination

of ampicillin and gentamicin; gentamicin alone; or a third- or fourth-generation
cephalosporin [9,39,40]. Ampicillin should be included if enterococcal UTI is suspected.
(See 'Recent antibiotic exposure' below.)
The doses are as follows [3,41]:

●Ampicillin (100 mg/kg/day IV divided in four doses)

●Gentamicin (7.5 mg/kg/day IV divided in three doses)

●Cefotaxime (150 mg/kg per day IV divided in three or four doses)

●Ceftriaxone (50 to 75 mg/kg per day IV)

●Cefepime (100 mg/kg per day divided in two doses for children weighing ≤40
kg, maximum daily dose 1 g; 500 mg twice per day for children weighing >40

Parenteral antibiotics should be continued until the patient is clinically improved (eg,
afebrile) and able to tolerate oral liquids and medications [3]. (See 'Duration of

Outpatient parenteral therapy — Once-daily parenteral administration

of gentamicin or ceftriaxone in a day treatment center may avoid the need for hospital
admission in select patients (eg, children who are ≥3 months old who are unable to
tolerate oral therapy and are nontoxic appearing, well hydrated, without urologic
abnormalities, and whose caretakers will be able to adhere to the outpatient regimen) [42-

Recent antibiotic exposure — Recent exposure to antibiotics, whether for treatment of

an infection or as antimicrobial prophylaxis, is an important consideration in the choice of
empiric antibiotic therapy [14,15,24,45-49]. Patients who have recently been treated with
antibiotics are more likely to have a uropathogen that is resistant to that agent; pending
culture and susceptibility results, they may require an antibiotic from a different class
[50,51]. Antimicrobial prophylaxis for prevention of recurrent UTI is discussed separately.
(See 'Prophylactic antibiotics' below and "Urinary tract infections in children: Long-term
management and prevention", section on 'Antimicrobial prophylaxis'.)

Recurrent UTI — Review of the antimicrobial susceptibilities of the most recent urinary
pathogens can be helpful in choosing empiric therapy for children with recurrent UTI.

Duration of therapy — In a systematic review, short-course antimicrobial therapy (two to

four days) was as effective as standard duration (7 to 14 days) therapy in eradicating
bacteria in children with suspected lower UTI (ie, afebrile children) [52]. In a retrospective
cohort study, children hospitalized with UTI who had bacteremia more often received long-
course (≥4 days) than short-course (<3 days) intravenous antibiotic treatment [53].
However, little evidence is available to guide duration of antimicrobial therapy in children
with febrile UTIs. A multicenter trial, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, is
being conducted to determine the efficacy of short-course therapy for UTI in children [54].
If efficacious, short-course therapy may enable clinicians to limit the duration of exposure
to antimicrobials to that needed to eradicate the offending uropathogen, reducing the
likelihood of adverse events and the emergence of bacterial resistance.

In the meantime, we suggest a longer course of therapy for febrile children (usually 10
days) and a short course of therapy (three to five days) for immune-competent children
presenting without fever.

Oral antibiotics can be used to complete the course of therapy for patients who are initially
treated with parenteral antibiotics. We generally switch to oral antibiotics when the patient
is tolerating oral fluids and has been afebrile for 24 hours. There is no minimum duration
for parenteral therapy. In a retrospective cohort study of 3973 infants <60 days admitted to
the hospital for parenteral therapy of UTI without bacteremia, duration of parenteral
therapy was not associated with rate of readmission [55].

Response to therapy

Clinical response — The clinical condition of most patients improves within 24 to 48

hours of initiation of appropriate antimicrobial therapy [56].

The mean time to resolution of fever is 24 hours, but fever may persist beyond 48 hours
[4]. In a review of 288 children younger than two years who were admitted to a tertiary-
care children's hospital with febrile UTI, 89 percent were afebrile within 48 hours of
antimicrobial therapy [56]. No differences were noted between those who remained febrile
>48 hours and those who were afebrile within 48 hours with respect to bacteremia (10 and
8 percent, respectively), hydronephrosis (3 and 5 percent, respectively) and significant
vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) (19 and 14 percent, respectively).

In children whose clinical condition (other than persistent fever) worsens or fails to improve
as expected within 48 hours of initiation of antimicrobial therapy, broadening antimicrobial
therapy may be indicated if the culture and sensitivity results are not yet available. As an
example, most of the empiric regimens suggested above do not provide adequate
coverage for Enterococcus, and the addition of ampicillin or amoxicillin may be warranted.
(See 'Choice of agent' above.)

In addition, in children who worsen or fail to improve within 48 hours, renal and bladder
ultrasonography should be performed as soon as possible (to evaluate the presence of a
renal abscess or surgically correctable anatomic abnormalities or obstruction) [3,57,58].
(See 'Imaging' below.)

Repeat urine culture — Several observational studies suggest there is little utility in
repeating the urine culture in children with UTI who are treated with an antibiotic to which
their uropathogen is susceptible [56,59,60].
Accordingly, it is not necessary to routinely obtain repeat urine cultures during
antimicrobial therapy to document sterilization of the urine, provided that the child has had
the expected clinical response and the uropathogen is susceptible to the antibiotic that is
used for treatment [56,59-61]. However, urine cultures should be performed after 48 hours
of therapy if the patient fails to respond clinically or if the uropathogen is not susceptible
(intermediate or resistant) to the antibiotic that is being used for treatment. It is important to
routinely perform susceptibility testing on the isolated uropathogens to avoid unnecessary
delay in administration of appropriate therapy.

Prophylactic antibiotics — Decisions regarding prophylactic antibiotics for children

following initial febrile UTI should be made on a case-by-case basis.

●Antibiotic prophylaxis for children who have undergone voiding

cystourethrogram (VCUG) and have documented VUR (of any grade) is
discussed separately (see 'Voiding cystourethrogram' below
and "Management of vesicoureteral reflux")

●For children who have undergone VCUG and do not have VUR or
other renal/urologic abnormalities, but who had a severe or protracted course
of illness or have risk factors for recurrence (eg, febrile seizures, prolonged
hospitalization, renal abscess, single kidney, bladder and bowel dysfunction),
and in whom prevention of any recurrence would be desirable, we discuss the
risks and potential benefits of antimicrobial prophylaxis with families [62].

The 2011 AAP practice guideline (reaffirmed in 2016) does not recommend prophylactic
antimicrobials following the first febrile UTI in children 2 to 24 months [3,63]. The United
Kingdom's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline for UTI in
children indicates that antibiotic prophylaxis should not be routinely recommended in
infants and children following their first UTI but may be warranted after recurrent UTI [61].
(See "Urinary tract infections in children: Long-term management and prevention", section
on 'Antimicrobial prophylaxis'.)

ADJUNCTIVE THERAPIES — Renal parenchymal inflammation during UTI may lead to

renal scarring, although the predisposing factors are not well understood [64]. The role of
renal parenchymal inflammation in the development of renal scars, and the potential role
of anti-inflammatory agents in preventing renal scars has been evaluated in several
studies [65-67]. An observational study demonstrated that dexamethasone decreased
urinary levels of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 in children, suggesting a possible role for
glucocorticoids in the prevention of scar formation [66]. This hypothesis was supported by
a trial in which 84 children <16 years with first episode of acute pyelonephritis and high risk
of renal scar formation were randomly assigned to receive oral methylprednisolone or
placebo in addition to antibiotic therapy (19 in the methylprednisolone group and 65 in the
placebo group) [67]. Treatment with methylprednisolone was associated with decreased
renal scarring at six months (33 versus 60 percent in the methylprednisolone and placebo
groups, respectively) without significant adverse effects, relapse, or recurrence.

Results of this small study are difficult to generalize because enrollment required 1)
performance of a renal scintigram within 48 hours of diagnosis and 2) severe renal
involvement. Additional studies are necessary to confirm these results and to determine
the optimum glucocorticoid regimen before adjunctive glucocorticoids are routinely
recommended in the treatment of UTI in children. A large randomized trial sponsored by
the National Institutes of Health is being conducted to answer this question [68].


Rationale — The rationale for imaging in young children with UTI is to identify
abnormalities of the genitourinary tract that require additional evaluation or management
(eg, obstructive uropathies, dilating vesicoureteral reflux [VUR]). If such abnormalities are
detected, steps can be taken to modify the risk of subsequent renal damage (eg, surgical
intervention or antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent recurrent UTI).

The ultimate value of detecting anatomic or functional abnormalities of the urinary tract
depends upon the effectiveness of the interventions designed to prevent recurrent UTI and
renal scarring [69,70]. Evidence to support the utility of routine imaging in reducing long-
term sequelae (renal scarring, hypertension, renal failure) is limited [71-75], and there is a
lack of consensus about the optimal imaging strategy [3,61,76-78].

Ultrasonography — Renal and bladder ultrasonography (RBUS) is a noninvasive test that

can demonstrate the size and shape of the kidneys, the presence of duplication and
dilatation of the ureters, and the existence of gross anatomic abnormalities. RBUS can
also identify renal or perirenal abscess or pyonephrosis in children with acute UTI who fail
to improve with antimicrobial therapy. Although RBUS is not reliable in diagnosing renal
scarring or VUR [79-81], abnormalities on RBUS after first UTI are useful in predicting the
risk of renal scarring [75]. (See "Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and course of primary
vesicoureteral reflux".)

RBUS is estimated to yield management-altering abnormalities (ie, requiring additional

evaluation or surgery) in only 1 to 2 percent of cases of first febrile UTI in young children 2
to 24 months of age [1,3,82-84]. The false positive rate is between 2 and 3 percent [3].
The major advantages of RBUS are the lack of exposure to radiation and helpfulness in
predicting risk of renal scarring [75].

Indications — Given the potentially large benefit of detecting correctible malformations for
a small number of children and the low risk of harm, we suggest RBUS for the following

●Children younger than two years of age with a first febrile UTI
●Children of any age with recurrent febrile UTIs

●Children of any age with a UTI who have a family history of renal or urologic
disease, poor growth, or hypertension (calculator 1 and calculator 2)

●Children who do not respond as expected to appropriate antimicrobial


However, many women have prenatal ultrasonography after 30 to 32 weeks of gestation –

a time at which the urinary tract is fully developed; we may elect not to perform RBUS (in
children of any age) if prenatal ultrasonography that was performed at a reputable center
was normal and the study results are accessible [85,86].

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends RBUS for all infants and
children 2 to 24 months following their first febrile UTI [3,63]. The United Kingdom's
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline on UTI in children
recommends RBUS for infants younger than six months and for children older than six
months who have atypical or recurrent UTI [61]. They define atypical UTI as serious
illness, poor urine flow, abdominal or bladder mass; elevated creatinine, septicemia,
infection with an organism other than E. coli, and failure to respond to antibiotics within 48
hours; they define recurrence as ≥2 episodes of upper UTI, one episode of upper UTI plus
≥1 episode of lower UTI, or ≥3 episodes of lower UTI.

Timing — When the RBUS should be performed depends upon the clinical situation [3]. In
infants and young children with unusually severe illness or failure to improve as expected
after initiation of antimicrobial therapy, RBUS should be performed as soon as possible
during the acute phase of illness to identify complications (eg, renal or perirenal abscess,
pyonephrosis). However, for infants and young children who respond as expected to
appropriate antimicrobial therapy, RBUS should be performed after the acute phase (to
reduce the risk of false positive results secondary to renal inflammation during the acute
episode) [3,61]. The decision to treat with prophylactic antibiotics pending results of
imaging is discussed above. (See 'Prophylactic antibiotics' above.)

Voiding cystourethrogram — The voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) is the test of choice

to establish the presence and degree of VUR. VUR is the retrograde passage of urine from
the bladder into the upper urinary tract. It is an important risk factor for renal scarring.
Approximately 25 to 30 percent of children (0 to 18 years) with a first UTI have VUR
[70,75]. (See 'Prognosis' below and "Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and course of
primary vesicoureteral reflux" and "Urinary tract infections in children: Epidemiology and
risk factors", section on 'Risk factors for renal scarring'.)

VCUG involves catheterization to fill the bladder with a radiopaque or radioactive liquid
and recording of VUR during voiding. VCUG is expensive, invasive, and may miss a
significant portion of children who are at risk for renal scarring [70]. The radiation exposure
depends upon the technique and equipment used (the pediatric effective dose estimate
ranges from 0.03 to 0.3 mSV) [87]. (See "Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and course of
primary vesicoureteral reflux", section on 'Diagnosis' and "Radiation-related risks of

Indications — Decisions about performing a VCUG in infants and children with UTI must
take into consideration the likelihood of VUR, severity of UTI, the importance placed on
preventing recurrences, the cost and discomfort of the VCUG, and perceived likelihood of
adherence to prophylaxis (if indicated).

Pending results of ongoing cost-effectiveness analysis of the Randomized Intervention for

Vesicoureteral Reflux (RIVUR) data, we suggest performance of a VCUG to diagnose
VUR in:

●Children of any age with two or more febrile UTIs, or

●Children of any age with a first febrile UTI and:

•Any anomalies on renal ultrasound, or

•The combination of temperature ≥39°C (102.2°F) and a pathogen other

than E. coli, or

•Poor growth or hypertension (calculator 1 and calculator 2).

In a meta-analysis of individual patient data from nine studies including 1280 children (0 to
18 years) with initial UTI, 68 percent of children with Grade IV or V VUR had either
abnormal RBUS or the combination of temperature ≥39°C (102.2°F) and a pathogen other
than E. coli [75]. (See "Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and course of primary
vesicoureteral reflux" and "Management of vesicoureteral reflux".)

For children with a first febrile UTI and without 1) abnormalities on renal ultrasonography,
2) the combination of temperature ≥39°C (102.2°F) and a pathogen other than E. coli, 3)
poor growth, or 4) hypertension, a strategy of "watchful waiting" (ie, observation and
performance of VCUG with recurrence) seems reasonable [88], particularly if the family
would prefer to avoid prophylactic antibiotics. These children are less likely to have VUR
and VCUG results likely to affect management.

It remains uncertain whether the benefits of detection and treatment of VUR after the first
UTI outweigh the risks. The uncertainty centers on the changing view of the role of VUR in
the development of renal damage and progressive kidney disease and the lack of clarity
regarding the effectiveness of medical or surgical management of VUR in reducing the risk
of renal scarring [70]. Although the risk of renal scarring is increased in children with VUR
compared with children without VUR (41 versus 17 percent in a systematic review) and
increases with increasing grades of VUR, VUR is neither necessary nor sufficient for the
development of renal scars [70,75]. (See "Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and course of
primary vesicoureteral reflux", section on 'Loss of renal parenchyma'.)

Early trials comparing antireflux surgery with antimicrobial prophylaxis in children with VUR
showed no differences in rates of recurrent UTI or renal scarring [89-92], but the lack of a
placebo or observation group precluded determination that either treatment was more
effective than no treatment [89-92]. Subsequent randomized trials comparing antimicrobial
prophylaxis with no treatment or placebo had inconsistent results regarding recurrence of
UTI, but most of these trials were not blinded [82,93-97].

The RIVUR trial addressed many of these issues. It evaluated the efficacy of trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) prophylaxis in preventing febrile or symptomatic UTI
recurrences (primary outcome) in 607 children (two months to six years) who were
diagnosed with Grade I to IV VUR after a first or second febrile or symptomatic UTI and
were followed for two years [51]. Renal scarring, treatment failure (a composite of
recurrences and scarring), and antimicrobial resistance were secondary outcomes. The
RIVUR trial demonstrated unequivocally that prophylactic antibiotics decrease the risk of
febrile, recurrent UTI (hazard ratio 0.50, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.74) [51]. Nearly twice as many
children receiving placebo than children receiving prophylaxis were categorized as
treatment failures (defined by two febrile UTIs, one febrile UTI and three symptomatic
UTIs, four symptomatic UTIs, or new or worsening renal scarring). However, antibiotic
prophylaxis did not reduce the risk of scarring and was associated with antimicrobial
resistance. (See 'Prophylactic antibiotics' above.)

The 2011 AAP clinical practice guideline (reaffirmed in 2016) recommends postponing
VCUG until the second febrile UTI in children 2 to 24 months of age unless there are
atypical or complex clinical circumstances or the RBUS reveals hydronephrosis, scarring,
or other findings suggestive of high-grade (IV or V) VUR or obstructive uropathy [3,63].
The recommendation was reaffirmed after publication of the results of the RIVUR trial [98].
According to the guideline, the benefit of avoiding radiation exposure and discomfort in the
majority of patients outweighs delayed detection of a small number of cases of high-grade
reflux or surgically correctible abnormalities. However, the guideline acknowledges that
parental preferences may play a role in the decision to perform VCUG.

The United Kingdom's NICE guideline suggests VCUG for infants <6 months with atypical
or recurrent UTI [61]. They define atypical UTI as serious illness, poor urine flow,
abdominal or bladder mass, elevated creatinine, septicemia, infection with an organism
other than E. coli, and failure to respond to antibiotics within 48 hours; they define
recurrence as ≥2 episodes of upper UTI, one episode of upper UTI plus ≥1 episode of
lower UTI, or ≥3 episodes of lower UTI. The NICE guidelines also suggest that VCUG may
be warranted for children six months to three years with atypical or recurrent UTI and
dilation on ultrasonography, poor urine flow, non-E. coli infection, or family history of VUR.
Timing — Although VCUG is often scheduled several weeks after UTI, it may be
performed as soon as the patient is asymptomatic [99]. Early imaging (as early as the first
week) does not appear to falsely increase the detection of VUR [100-103]. To avoid the
use of prophylactic antibiotics in children without VUR, we prefer to conduct VCUGs during
the last days of antimicrobial therapy or immediately after completion of antimicrobial
therapy for UTI.

Renal scintigraphy — Renal scintigraphy using dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) can be

used to detect acute pyelonephritis and renal scarring in the acute and chronic settings,
respectively [1,3,104]. DMSA is injected intravenously, and uptake by the kidney is
measured two to four hours later. Areas of decreased uptake represent pyelonephritis or
scarring. DMSA scans are expensive, invasive, and expose children to radiation (the
pediatric effective dose estimate ranges from 0.3 to 3 mSV) [87]. (See "Radiation-related
risks of imaging".)

The role of renal scintigraphy in the management of children with acute UTI is
controversial. Scintigraphy at the time of an acute UTI provides information about the
extent of renal parenchymal involvement. In addition, DMSA will identify most (>70
percent) children with moderate to severe VUR (Grade III or higher) [81,105-107]. This
observation has prompted some experts to suggest that DMSA be used as the initial
imaging test to identify children at higher risk for renal scarring (the "top down" approach)

However, using DMSA as the initial test to identify high-risk children is more expensive
and involves greater exposure to radiation [109]. Furthermore, since most young febrile
children with UTI have pyelonephritis and a positive DMSA, this strategy may lead to
identification of a large number of children who may or may not be at risk for future UTI
[1,70]. In a systematic review of 33 studies, approximately 60 percent of children with initial
UTI had DMSA scans consistent with acute pyelonephritis in the acute phase of illness,
but only 15 percent had renal scarring at follow-up [70]. It is unclear how to best manage
children with positive acute-phase DMSA scan. Careful clinical follow-up of all children with
UTI may obviate the need for routine DMSA. (See 'Follow-up' below.)

We suggest not using DMSA in the routine evaluation of children with first UTI. This is
consistent with the AAP and NICE guidelines [3,61,63].

Some experts recommend DMSA 6 to 12 months after acute infection to detect the
formation of scarring which would require follow-up [110,111]. The NICE guidelines
recommend DMSA four to six months after acute infection for children younger than three
years with atypical or recurrent UTI and for children older than three years with recurrent
UTI [61]. They define atypical UTI as serious illness, poor urine flow, abdominal or bladder
mass, elevated creatinine, septicemia, infection with an organism other than E. coli, and
failure to respond to antibiotics within 48 hours; they define recurrence as ≥2 episodes of
upper UTI, one episode of upper UTI plus ≥1 episode of lower UTI, or ≥3 episodes of lower

FOLLOW-UP — Recurrent UTI is a risk factor for renal scarring. Parents of infants and
young children who have been treated for a febrile UTI and children with bowel and
bladder dysfunction (a risk factor for recurrent UTI) should be instructed to seek prompt
evaluation for subsequent febrile illnesses to ensure prompt recognition and treatment of
recurrent UTI [3,61,97]. The evaluation of these episodes should include urinalysis and
urine culture [1]. Among children younger than six years, the risk of recurrence appears to
be increased in those who are white (hazard ratio [HR] 2.0), age three to five years (HR
approximately 2.5), and those with Grade IV to V VUR (HR 4.38) [48].

Prompt diagnosis and effective treatment of recurrent febrile UTI and treatment of bowel
and bladder dysfunction that predisposes many children to UTI may be more important
than identifying anatomic or functional genitourinary abnormalities after the first febrile UTI
in preventing renal scarring [3]. The risk of renal scarring increases with recurrent
episodes of pyelonephritis, from approximately 5 percent after the first episode to 10
percent after the second, 20 percent after the third, 40 percent after the fourth, and 60
percent after the fifth [112].

Primary care follow-up for infants and young children who have had a febrile UTI should
include regular monitoring of height, weight, and blood pressure. (See "Clinical
presentation and evaluation of chronic kidney disease in children", section on 'Clinical

INDICATIONS FOR REFERRAL — Indications for referral to a nephrologist or urologist

with expertise in children include [61]:

●Dilating vesicoureteral reflux (Grades III to V) or obstructive uropathy

●Renal abnormalities

●Impaired kidney function

●Elevated blood pressure

●Bowel and bladder dysfunction refractory to primary care measures

(see "Urinary tract infections in children: Long-term management and
prevention", section on 'Identify and treat bowel and bladder dysfunction')

PROGNOSIS — The short-term outcome of first UTI in children (<19 years) was described
in a systematic review of 33 studies, including 4891 children [70]:

●Twenty-five percent had vesicoureteral reflux (VUR); 2.5 percent had Grade
●VUR was associated with an increased risk of developing acute
pyelonephritis (relative risk [RR] 1.5, 95% CI 1.1-1.9) and renal scarring (RR
2.6, 95% CI 1.7-3.9); Grade III or higher VUR was associated with increased
risk of renal scarring compared with lower grades (RR 2.1, 95% CI 1.4-3.2)

●Fifteen percent (95% CI 11-18 percent) of children had evidence of renal

scarring on follow-up dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan (5 to 24 months
later); the long-term significance of scarring, as identified by DMSA, remains
to be determined

●Eight percent (95% CI 5-11 percent) of children had at least one recurrence

Risk factors for recurrence among children younger than six years include white race
(hazard ratio [HR] 2.0), age three to five years (HR approximately 2.5), and Grade IV to V
VUR (HR 4.38) [48].

Predicting which children with UTI will develop long-term sequelae remains difficult. A
systematic review of the literature found only four prospective, relatively small studies
addressing this question [113]. The large majority of children with UTI have no long-term
sequelae, as illustrated by the following studies:

●In a study of 111 high-risk girls who were followed for 6 to 32 years after their
initial UTI, only seven (6 percent) had decreased glomerular filtration rate
(GFR), and none developed end-stage renal disease [114].

●In another study of 68 children with history of urographic renal scarring who
were followed for 16 to 26 years after their index UTI, median GFR [71] and
mean 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure [115] were no different in children
with and without urographic renal scarring. No child developed end-stage
renal disease.

●In a study of 226 children with UTI followed for 1 to 41 years, two developed
chronic kidney disease that appeared to be attributable to the UTIs [116].

The prognosis for children with nonfebrile UTI is discussed separately. (See "Acute
infectious cystitis: Management and prognosis in children older than two years and
adolescents", section on 'Prognosis'.)

SOCIETY GUIDELINE LINKS — Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines

from selected countries and regions around the world are provided separately.
(See "Society guideline links: Urinary tract infections in children".)

INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS — UpToDate offers two types of patient education

materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are
written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or
five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for
patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials.
Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more
detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading level and are best for
patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to
print or email these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles
on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword[s] of interest.)

●Basics topic (see "Patient education: Urinary tract infections in children (The

●Beyond the Basics topic (see "Patient education: Urinary tract infections in
children (Beyond the Basics)")


●Most children with urinary tract infection (UTI) can be managed as

outpatients. Indications for hospitalization may include age <2 months, clinical
urosepsis, immunocompromised patient, vomiting or inability to tolerate oral
medication, lack of outpatient follow-up, and failure to respond to outpatient
therapy. (See 'Decision to hospitalize' above.)

●Empiric antimicrobial therapy immediately after appropriate urine collection is

warranted in children with suspected UTI and a positive urinalysis. This is
particularly true for young children with fever (especially if >39°C [102.2°F] or
>48 hours), ill appearance, costovertebral angle tenderness, known immune
deficiency, or known urologic abnormality. (See 'Empiric therapy' above.)

●We recommend that empiric therapy for UTI in children include an antibiotic
that provides adequate coverage for Escherichia coli (Grade 1B). The agent
of choice should be guided by local resistance patterns. Definitive therapy is
based upon the results of urine culture and sensitivities. (See 'Choice of
agent' above.)

•We suggest a cephalosporin

(eg, cefixime, cefdinir, ceftibuten, cephalexin) as the first-line oral agent
in the treatment of UTI in children without genitourinary abnormalities
(Grade 2A). Amoxicillin or ampicillin should be added if enterococcal
infection is suspected. (See 'Oral therapy' above.)

•Cephalosporins (eg, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, cefepime) and

aminoglycosides (eg, gentamicin) are appropriate first-line parenteral
agents for empiric treatment of UTI in children. (See 'Parenteral
therapy' above.)

●The duration of therapy depends upon the age of the child and the clinical
scenario. (See 'Duration of therapy' above.)

•Febrile children are usually treated for 10 days

•Afebrile children are usually treated for shorter periods (3 to 5 days)

(see 'Duration of therapy' above and "Acute infectious cystitis: Clinical
features and diagnosis in children older than two years and adolescents")

●The clinical condition of most patients improves within 24 to 48 hours of

initiation of appropriate antimicrobial therapy. (See 'Clinical response' above.)

●In children whose clinical condition worsens or fails to improve as expected

within 24 to 48 hours of initiation of antimicrobial therapy, broadening of
empiric therapy may be indicated. Renal bladder ultrasonography (RBUS)
should be performed as soon as possible to evaluate the presence of renal
abscess or surgically correctable anatomic abnormalities or obstruction.
(See 'Clinical response' above.)

●We obtain routine RBUS after first febrile UTI in children younger than two
years who did not have normal prenatal ultrasonography at a reputable center
at >30 to 32 weeks of gestation. We also obtain RBUS for children of any age
with recurrent febrile UTIs and children of any age with a first UTI who have
poor growth, hypertension, or a family history of renal or urologic disease.
(See 'Ultrasonography'above.)

●We obtain voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) to diagnose vesicoureteral

reflux (VUR) in:

•Children of any age with ≥2 febrile UTIs, or

•Children of any age with a first febrile UTI and:

-Any anomalies on renal ultrasound, or

-The combination of temperature ≥39°C (102.2°F) and a pathogen

other than E. coli, or

-Poor growth or hypertension. (See 'Voiding

cystourethrogram' above.)
●The majority of children with UTI have no long-term sequelae. Prediction of
long-term sequelae in children with UTI remains difficult.
(See 'Prognosis' above.)

Use of UpToDate is subject to the Subscription and License Agreement.


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