Optimal Recloser Setting, Considering Reliability and Power Quality in Distribution Networks
Optimal Recloser Setting, Considering Reliability and Power Quality in Distribution Networks
Optimal Recloser Setting, Considering Reliability and Power Quality in Distribution Networks
Research/Technical Note
Optimal Recloser Setting, Considering Reliability and
Power Quality in Distribution Networks
Rashid Niaz Azari1, *, Mohammad Amin Chitsazan2, Iman Niazazari2
Department of Electrical Engineering, Azad University, Sari, Iran
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, USA
Email address:
[email protected] (R. N. Azari), [email protected] (M. A. Chitsazan), [email protected] (I. Niazazari)
Corresponding author
Received: March 5, 2017; Accepted: March 14, 2017; Published: March 27, 2017
Abstract: Reclosers and fuses are the commonplace protective devices in distribution networks. A recloser can prevent
long-time outages by clearing temporary faults before operation of the fuses in the system. Thus, it decreases the rate of
long-term outages and improves system reliability and power quality. Despite positive features of reclosers, each operation of a
recloser causes a momentary voltage interruption that exacerbates power quality. Nowadays, power quality issues have become
more important because of the increasing use of sensitive equipment to voltage interruptions. According to the mentioned
concerns, it seems necessary to set reclosers to strike a balance between power quality and the effectiveness of fuse saving
scheme. Thus, we proposed a method to set reclosers. Due to the random nature of faults, the proposed method is stochastic based
on the Monte Carlo method. The proposed method determines the optimal number of operations, reclosing intervals, and
protection zones. The proposed method efficiency is evaluated according to the simulation results, and the proposed method is
capable of establishing an optimal trade-off between power quality and protection efficiency.
Keywords: Power Quality, Recloser, Reclosure, Reliability
speed drivers are sensitive to momentary voltage interruptions operating sequences for reclosers, it is more appropriate that
[8]. Therefore, short-time voltage interruptions result in operating sequence (shuts) of a recloser are selected based on
extensive sensitive load shutdowns. It has been reported that the network specifications. Reclosers affect the system
momentary outages account for two-third (52.3 billion dollars reliability and power quality in three ways as follows,
per year) of the overall power interruption cost in the USA 1) The effect of the shot number: each fast-shot gives
[11], [12]. This indicates the main drawback of the fuse-saving temporary faults a chance to be cleared without causing a
scheme that decreases SAIFI at the expense of an increase in permanent outage. Therefore, if the number of fast-shots
momentary average interruption frequency index (MAIFI). is increased, permanent outages, and consequently,
Thus, some utilities employ the fuse-blowing scheme (also SAIFI will decrease. On the other hand, as the number of
known as instantaneous relay blocking) The fuse-blowing fast-shots increases, a less number of loads can withstand
scheme decreases MAIFI, however, at the expense of an the repetitive momentary voltage interruptions [23]. It
increase in SAIFI and SAIDI. The effect of reclosers on leads to an increase in momentary outages and MAIFI.
system outages has been studied in several publications. In 2) Reclosing interval: reclosing interval is defined as the
[13], a technique proposed to identify the number, type, and open-circuit time between an automatic opening and the
location of the protective devices to reduce only SAIFI. succeeding automatic reclosure [1]. According to (1) and
Reference [13] is extended in [14] by using a goal Figure 1, as reclosing interval increases, Risk of Arc
programming approach to improve MAIFI. As discussed in Re-ignition (RAR) will decrease [24], [25].
[15], a non-linear binary programming solution is utilized to
minimize the outage costs in distribution networks. In [16], Δ ,Δ (1 )
non-linear binary programming model is used to reduce both
SAIFI and SAIDI. In [17], the effects of protective devices on
different indices such as MAIFI, SAIFI, SAIDI, and cost of
ENS are studied, and it is shown that the cost of ENS is a more
precise index than the other indices. Previous authors
addressed many aspects of protection system to improve the
system reliability. However, the effects of recloser settings, on
system reliability and power quality, have not been studied in
the literature. Hence, in this paper, we studied the effects of
reclosers and proposed an approach based on the Monte Carlo
method to set reclosers in distribution networks. The method
is also applicable to be implemented in smart micro-grids
since the energy resiliency is highly considered in smart grids
[18-21]. The objective of the proposed method is
minimization of total outage costs by establishing a trade-off
between transient and permanent outages. In this regard, this
paper aims at finding: 1) the optimum reach (zone) of a
recloser, 2) the number of fast shots, and 3) and the reclosing
time intervals. The concerned problem involves many Figure 1. The probability distribution function related to reclosing dead
parameters with random nature such as fault location, fault times.
type, fault resistance, and fault nature (i.e., temporary or
permanent.) Thus, a stochastic computational method is Where is the switching surge frequency distribution,
employed. As the Monte Carlo method has proven to be a ,∆ is the transient flashover probability at different
beneficial statistical computational technique in attaining auto-reclosing dead times, and are the minimum
approximate answers to the stochastic problems with complex and maximum switching over voltages. It is concluded from (1)
and non-linear parameters [22]. The outcomes of simulations and Figure 1 that longer reclosing intervals lead to less
indicate a decrease in outage costs resulted by the proposed permanent outages caused by temporary faults. However, each
device withstands an specific duration of voltage interruptions.
method in which the recloser settings are optimally selected
Therefore, by increasing reclosing intervals, more equipment
without new investment costs. This paper is organized as
will be dropped out. 3) Reach (Zone) of reclosers: according
follows: In Section 2, the recloser and system outage features
to [26], and referring to Figure 2(a), the reach (or zone) of a
are described. In Section 3, the proposed method is described. recloser is defined as a section of a power network that the
In Section 4, the case study and simulation results are recloser operates for faults inside it before the other protective
presented and discussed, and in Section 5, conclusion is stated. devices, while devices outside operate before the recloser. In
other words, the fuse-saving scheme is used inside the reach
2. Reclosers and Systems Outages while the fuse-blowing scheme is employed for the faults
outside the reach. The reach (zone) of a recloser, contrary to
Reclosers exert considerable influence on both transient differential or distance protection, is dependently settable.
and permanent outages. Although there are some typical That is, the wideness of a recloser reach is related not only to
American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2017; 6(1): 1-6 3
its own curve but also to the time. time or time interval) [27], [13].
Current characteristics (TCC) curves of downstream The faults outside a reach cause a permanent outage for the
protective devices. Referring to Figure 2(a) and (b), we can loads downstream since a recloser clears temporary faults
change the reach of the recloser by moving its fast-shot curve inside its zone. However, an extension to the reach of a
in selectivity diagram. For example, referring to Figure 2, if recloser results in a decrease in permanent outages. On the
we decide that the recloser saves all the fuses in Reach 1, its other hand, fast operations of a recloser cause momentary
fast-shot curve must be placed below the minimum melting voltage interruptions for downstream loads and it is highly
time (MMT) curve of F1. In order to extend the recloser zone probable that these interruptions cause momentary outages,
to reach 2, then the fast-shot must be placed below the MMTs especially for sensitive loads. Therefore, as the reach of a
of F1, F2, and F3. However, it is not always possible to place a recloser extends the number of the momentary outages in the
recloser fast-shot curve below all the fuse MMTs, considering system increases.
errors, delays, and grading time (also called as discrimination
Figure 2. (a) The reaches (zones) of a recloser. (b) The recloser time-inverse curves.
4. Case Study
Figure 4. The schematic of the test system. The possible recloser zones are shown with numbers 1 to 4. The lengths of lines are in kilometer.
American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2017; 6(1): 1-6 5
The single-line diagram of the system under study is Table 4. ITIC curves for the three categories of loads.
depicted in Figure 4. In this network, fuses have been used to Withstanding duration (S)
protect lateral lines and a recloser has been installed in the Magnitude of Voltage sag (P. U)
substation. Table 1 and Table 2 show the line parameters and 0 0.02 0.3 1
load data, respectively. The type of transformers is DYn and 0.5 0.2 0.5 1.5
0.7 0.5 1 2
its ratio is 20/0.4 kV. Four possible settings for the recloser
0.8 10 12 15
are considered as follows: Case 1: two fast shots with a
1.5-second reclosing interval. Case 2: one fast shot with a
1.5-second reclosing interval. Case 3: two fast shots with a 5. Conclusion
0.5-second reclosing interval. Case 4: one fast shot with a
Reclosers are the essential part of the power system and can
0.5-second reclosing interval. The total number of faults in
prevent long-term outages by detecting and interrupting
this network is considered as 15 faults per year and the
temporary faults. Due to the quick operation of reclosers, some
probabilities of different fault types are as follows: LG =
power quality issues may happen in the system. In this paper, a
75%, 2LG = 17%, 3LG = 3%, 2L = 3%, and 3L = 2%. In
Monte Carlo based method has been proposed for setting
addition, 80% of faults in this network are temporary. Table 3
reclosers. In this method the optimal number of operations, the
presents the percentage of temporary faults that are cleared
reclosing intervals, and the protection zones is determined. The
in each recloser shot according to the reclosing interval. The
simulation results validate the efficiency of the proposed method.
probability of fault occurrence in each line is proportionate
to the line length.
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