Food Survey

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1. How important is it to you to eat healthy?

2. What does “eating healthy” mean to you? (Check all that apply)
3. During the last 6 months, would you say you’re eating healthier than before?
4. How easy/difficult is it for you to get your 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables as
recommended by the USDA?
5. During the last 30 days, how often did you get your 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables?
6. Check which of these you think constitutes a serving of fruits or vegetables.
7. Where do you usually consume fruits and/or vegetables?
8. Do you try to eat healthy when dining out?
9. Do you usually get a salad (entrée or side) when dining out?
10. When dining out, or at the supermarket, do you usually make use of the salad bar (if one is
11. How easy/difficult is it to get your children to eat their vegetables?
12. How often do you have a fruit smoothie?
13. What’s your favorite way to get a serving of fruit?
14. Do you read nutrition information materials provided by restaurants?
15. Do you read the Nutrition Facts labels on grocery items?
16. Do you do any research on your own (magazines, Internet) on the nutritional value of foods,
food brands and restaurant menus?
17. Have you made a conscious effort to try to “eat local” more often by buying from farmers
markets, a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm, or locally-grown foods in the

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