I. Choose The Correct Answer. Encircle The Letter of The Correct Answer

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Name: Date: Score:
Grade/Section: __________________________

I. Choose the correct answer. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following materials float in water?
a. Big stone b. metal spoon c. empty plastic bottle d. crystal
2. Using the data below, which group of materials can be used to prevent oneself from drowning?
Materials that absorb Materials that Materials that
water float sink
Cloth Bamboo stem Big stones
Sponge Log Plastic Metal bar
Rug Cotton bottle with Hollow blocks
roll Twine cover Piece of
cloth wood

a. A, B and C b. B c. A d. C
3. Your mother asked you to give her medicine for fever. What are you going to do first?
a. Read the label of the medicine.
b. Get a glass of water and the medicine.
c. Get the medicine and give it right away to your mother.
d. Taste the medicine before giving it to your mother.
4. Why do boats float in water?
a. Boats are made of wood that make them float.
b. Uses paddle to make the boat float.
c. The sea breeze makes the boat float in water.
d. The boat is tied with plastic string that makes it float.
5. If you are going to dispose waste materials commonly found at home, what are you going to do with
decaying materials?
a. Make a compost. c. Mix them with the non-decaying.
b. Throw them in the river d. Keep them in the cabinet and use them again.
6. A glass of water spilled on the table. You want to dry the table at once. What are you going to use?
a. Cotton b. Rug made of cloth c. Tissue paper d. Handkerchief
7. If you are exposed to garbage, what illness would you probably get?
a. Heart failure b. Asthma c. Goiter d. Nose bleed

Fish bone, chicken feathers, Bottle of mineral water, glass, Empty can and empty bottle of
kangkong stem, potato empty container of catsup, softdrinks, milk, cereal drink,
peeling, left-over meat toyo/vinegar, broken pail, sardines, corned beef, meat loaf

8. Which group of materials will undergo decay?

a. A and B b. C and A c. A d. B
9. Which group of materials is recyclables?
a. A and B b. B and C c. A and C d. C
10. Which group of materials can be turned into fertilizer?
a. A and C b. B and C c. B d. A

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11. Which of the following show proper waste disposal?
a. Throwing garbage to the sea.
b. Putting all waste materials in one container.
c. Throwing leftover foods in drainage canal.
d. Segregating waste into decaying and non-decaying.

12. You are going to buy can juice in the store for your visitor’s snack. The following can juices were
displayed in the store with its expiration date. Which of them are you going to buy?
a. Pineapple juice – best before January
2014 b. Orange juice – best before March
c. Mango juice – best before July
2014 d. Apple juice – best before
13. Why it is important to read the label of any product?
a. To know the price of the product.
b. To get the number of pieces sold in the market.
c. To know who buy product.
d. To use product correctly.
14. Why do some materials absorb water?
a. Because some materials have tiny holes that let the water
in. b. Some materials are soft that can easily get water in.
c. Some materials are made of vinyl.
d. Some materials are expensive.
15. Which of the following materials have the ability to sink in water?
a. Metal spoon b. Wood c. Plastic sheet d. Twigs
16. How should non-decaying wastes be disposed?
a. By composting b. Reusing c. By recycling d. both B and C
17. Wastes that are not properly disposed may .
a. Become breeding places of pests such as mosquitoes and
flies. b. Cause loss of humus soil.
c. Speed up the materials to decay.
d. Allow free flow of rain water run off.
18. Waste should be segregated into groups.
a. Decaying and non-decaying c. Small and
big b. Bluish and yellowish d. Hard
and soft
19. What safety precaution do you need to observe in disposing waste materials?
a. Use gloves or adequate equipment in handling waste materials to prevent puncture by sharp
b. Taste and touch waste materials before disposing them.
c. Keep the waste materials in your kitchen.
d. Expose yourself to the waste materials.
20. What should people do with the garbage to prevent oneself from getting sick?
a. Dispose waste materials properly.
b. Take medicine.
c. Throw the waste materials anywhere in your surroundings.
d. Drink untreated water.

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Name: Date : Score:
Grade/Section: __________________________


1. Product labels are intended to ensure the safety of the user.
2.Product labels warn possible dangers.
3. They describe the unsafe way of using the product.
4.They describe the proper way of storing food.
5.Product labels can’t help people to become safe.

II. Identify each of the materials whether they are kitchen waste, garden waste , or factory returnable.

Meal leftovers kangkong leaves camote leaves cartons/papers

Banana peelings weeds glass bottles pieces of cloth


III. Encircle the proper waste disposal according to the properties of each material.(14-16)

A. Waste should never disposed down sinks, drains, ditches, near wildlife habitats or ponds.
B. Products for disposal should be mixed together.
C. Separate materials into bio-degradable and non-biodegradable.
D. Recycle some of the non-biodegradable materials.

IV. Classify materials or wastes according to properties.

Bottles of shampoo empty cartridge syringe cardboard

Gloves containers leftoverfood empty boxes


PaGe - 22
Name: Date: Score:
Grade/Section: __________________________

I. Direction: Read the following carefully. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Your mother asked you to give her medicine for fever. What are you going to do first?
A. Read the label of medicine.
B. Get a glass of water and the medicine.
C. Get the medicine and give it right away to your mother.
D. Taste the medicine before giving it your mother.
2. If you are going to dispose waste materials commonly found at home, what are you going to do with the
decaying materials?
A. Make a compost
B. Throw them in the river
C. Mix them with the non-decaying
D. Keep them in the cabinet and use them again
3. If you are exposed to garbage, what kind of illness would you probably get?
A. Heart failure B. asthma C. goiter D. nose bleed
4. Which group of materials will undergo decay?
A. Left-over food B. Empty can of meat C. plastic bottle D. styro cup
5. The following materials are recyclable except one.
A. Kangkong leaves C. carton box
B. Plastic bottles D. empty bottles of soft drinks
6. Which of the following can be used as fertilizers?
A. Plastics B. rubber C. diapers D. potato peelings
7. Which of the following show proper waste disposal?
A. Throwing garbage to the sea
B. Putting all waste materials in one container
C. Throwing left-over foods in the drainage canal
D. Segregating waste into decaying-non-decaying
8. You are going to buy can juice in the store for your visitor’s snack. The following can juices were displayed
in the store with its expiration date. Which of them are you going to buy?
A. Pineapple juice - best before January 2015
B. Orange juice – best before March 2014
C. Mango juice – best before July 2014
D. Apple juice – best before January 2016
9. Why is it important to read the label of any product?
A. To know the price of the product.
B. To get the number of pieces sold in the market.
C. To know who buy product .
D. To use the product correctly.
10. Why do some materials absorb water?
A. Because some materials have tiny holes that let the water
in. B. Some materials are soft that can easily get the water in.
C. Some materials are made of vinyl.
D. Some materials are expensive.
11. How should non-decaying wastes be disposed?
A. composting B. reusing C. by recycling D. both b and c
12. Wastes that are not properly disposed may _.
A. Become breeding places of pests such as mosquitoes and flies
B. Cause loss of humus soil
C. Speed up the materials to decay
D. Allow free flow of rain water run off

PaGe - 23
13. Waste should be segregated into groups
A. Decaying and non-decaying C. small and big
B. Bluish and yellowish D. hard and soft
14. What safety precaution do you need to observe in disposing waste materials?
A. Use gloves or appropriate equipment in handling waste materials
B. Taste and touch waste materials before disposing them
C. Keep the waste materials in your kitchen
D. Expose yourself to the waste materials.
15. What should people with the garbage do to prevent one from getting sick?
A. Dispose waste materials properly
B. Take medicine
C. Throw the waste materials anywhere in your surrounding
D. Drink untreated water

II. Look at the product below then answer the questions that follow.

16. What is the product’s/brand name?

17. When is the expiration date?

18. What is the precaution of the product?

III. 19-20 . Demonstrate ways of disposing them though a drawing.

PaGe - 24
Name: Date: Score:
Grade/Section: __________________________

A. Which of the following materials absorb water? Put a ( /) on the blank.

1. Cotton 4. Umbrella
2. Glass 5. Sponge
3. Towel

B. Describe the materials that absorbs water. Write the letter of the correct answer.
6. A glass of water spilled on the table. You want to dry the table at once. What are you going to
a. cotton b. tissue paper c. rug made of cloth d. handkerchief
7-9. Study the following pictures. Which materials do not absorbed water. Write the letters that
correspond to your answer.

a. b. c. d. e.

7. 8. 9.

10. Cotton is a material that allows air and water to pass through it. How will you classify this material?
a. it is a non- porous material c. it does not absorb water b. it is a
porous material d. it sinks

C. Classify materials that float and sink. Write them in their proper column. 11-15
Bottle of mineral water pencil tablespoon eraser ring

Materials that float Materials that sink

16. What will happen to a rock when you place it in a pail of water?
a. it will float b. it will sink c. it will absorb water d. it will break into pieces
17. MV Montenegro accidentally bumped into a cargo ship. The corrosion caused a big hole to the
passenger ship. What do you think will happen to this passenger ship?
a. It will still afloat in the water. c. It will cause fire
b. It will sink as it absorbs water through its holes d. it will not be affected by the corrosion
18. Why do some people use floaters in swimming pools?
a. It keeps them sank in the water. c. It lessens their weight. b. It
keeps them floated in the water. d. A, B, C are correct.
19. Some material floats no matter what their shape is. Which type of material had been described?
a. plastic b. rubber c. Styrofoam d. glass
20. Why do life vest keeps you afloat in the sea?
a. because of its shape c. because it is less dense
b. because it is filled with air d. because it is made of rubber
D. Write the letter of the correct answer.
21. It is a process of slowly destroying materials into bits or smaller pieces.
a. cutting b. decaying c. frying d. polluting
22. Which of the following materials undergo decay?
a. bread b. disposable cups c. foil d. wax paper
23. The following materials undergo decay. Which of them decay fast?
a. branches b. leaves c. left-over food d. vegetable peeling
24. What will happen to the decaying materials dumped in soil?
a. converted to fossil c. become pollutants

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b. becomes inorganic fertilizer d. become inorganic fertilizer
25. Left-over food must be stored in to avoid spoilage.
a. glass containers b. plastic container c. refrigerator d. plate with cover
26. The best way to dispose decaying materials is to .
a. put in a garbage can c. put in a compost pit
b. put in a garbage can with plastic d. throw in a vacant space
27-30. What are the factors that contribute to the decaying process of the materials?
27. 29.
28. 30.

E. Classify the materials whether they decay or not decay. Write D for decay and ND for non-decay.
31. dead animals 36. Wax paper
32. Jars 37. Left-over food
33. Ceramic plates 38. Leaves
34. Stool of animals 39. Wood
35. Aluminum foil 40. Metals

F. Write the letter of the correct answer.

41. Which of the following ailments one can get in bathing a dirty water?
a. allergy b. diarrhea c. headache d. typhoid
42. It is a disease spread by specific type of mosquito.
a. allergy b. dengue c. diarrhea d. skin rashes
43. A waterborne disease from polluted water. People who drink becomes infected with .
a. dysentery b. diarrhea c. malaria d. typhoid
44. It is a disease that can cause severe diarrhea.
a. cholera b. dysentery c. skin allergy d. typhoid
45. should be practiced to prevent diseases from exposure to decaying materials. a.
brushing b. cleaning c. good hygiene d. washing

G. Complete the statement below. (5pts)

To prevent diseases brought about by exposure to decaying materials in my
environment, I will .

H. Write the letter of the correct answer.

51. What information are given by the labels of the product?
a. expiration date b. nutrients c. precautions d. all of the above
52. You are asked to give medicine for fever. What are you going to do first?
a. Read the label of the medicine.
b. Get a glass of water and a medicine.
c. Get the medicine and give it right away to your mother.
d. Taste the medicine before giving it to your mother.
53. You are going to buy can juice in the store for your visitor’s snack. The following can juices were displayed
in the store with its expiration date. Which of them are you going to buy?
a. Pineapple juice – best before January 2015 b.
Orange juice – best before March 2015
c. Mango juice – best before July 2015 d.
Apple juice – best before August2015
54. Why is it important to read the label of any product?
a. to know the price of any product
b. to get the number of pieces sold in the market
c. to know who buy the product d.
to use the product correctly
55. Do all the labels provide enough information about the food products?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. I don’t know

I. Explain why people need to consider the information on product labels when buying. (5pts)


J. Write the letter of the correct answer.

61. If you are going to dispose waste materials commonly found at home, what are you going to do with the
decaying materials?
a. make a compost pit c. mix them with the non-decaying
b. throw them in the river d. keep them in the cabinet and use them again

PaGe - 26
62. Wastes that are not properly disposed may .
a. become breeding places of pests such as mosquitoes and flies. b.
cause loss of humus soil.
c. speed up the materials to decay.
d. allow free flow of rain water run off.
63. Waste should be segregated into groups.
a. decaying and non-decaying c. small and big b.
bluish and yellowish d. hard and soft
64. What safety precaution do you need to observe in disposing waste materials?
a. Use gloves or adequate equipment in handling waste materials to prevent puncture
by sharp items.
b. Taste and touch waste materials before disposing them. c.
Keep the waste materials in your kitchen.
d. Expose yourself to the waste materials.
65. What should people with the garbage do to prevent oneself from getting sick?
a. Dispose waste materials properly. b.
Take medicine.
c. Throw the waste materials in a vacant lot
d. Drink polluted water.
K. Classify materials or wastes according to properties.
Bottles of shampoo empty cartridge syringe cardboard
Gloves containers leftover food empty boxes


66. 68. 70. 72.
67. 69. 71. 73.

L. Draw a poster on proper disposal of waste according to its properties. (2 pts)

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Name: Date: _____________
Grade/Section: __________________________ Score: ____________

I. How these following materials can change

A. By cutting, B. by bending, C. by melting, D. by coloring

1. Butter use in cooking.

2. Adding food color on a shake.
3. Making a paper doll.

II. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

4. All of these are characteristics of a solid except one, what is it?
a. Solids are hard.
b. Solids are having compact particles.
c. Solids do not change its shape when putting to different
container. d. Solids are sometimes invisible.
5. Which of the following statement tells about the property of solid material?
a. falling down b. round table c. washing of clothes d. delicious food
6. Which of these group of words shows the properties of solid materials?
a. solid, liquid, gas b. bent, pressed, cut c. shape, texture, color d. hot, warm, cold
7. What changes happen to the materials when hammered?
a. change in odor b. change in shape c. change in color d. change in weight
8. All of these materials can be bent except one, what is it?
a. nail b. modeling clay c. broom stick d. stone
9. Which of the following materials can be pressed?
a. paper clip b. hallow blocks c. marshmallow d. metal spoon
10. Which of the following statements is true about
bending. a. All solid materials can be bent.
b. Solid materials can be bent depending on the property of the
materials. c. When solid materials are bended, new material will
d. When the material is bended, it properties will change.
11.What is bent?
a. to cut b. to slide c. to change position d. to sharply curve.
12. It is usually use by the carpenter in beating and striking objects.
a. scissors b. wood c. machine d. hammer
13. Which of the following materials can be hammered?
a. tin can b. paper c. wood d. steel bars
14. Which of the following describes what happens to the modeling clay when it was pressed?
a. The clay changes its size and color. c. The clay changes its volume
and odor. b. The clay changes its size and shape. d. The clay changes
its odor and texture.
15. How do we change the appearance of solid materials?
a. by coloring, painting, pressing c. by cooking, heating, cooling
b. by cutting, pressing, bending d. all of the above
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PaGe- 28
PaGe- 28
A. By cutting, B. by bending, C. by melting, D. by coloring

1. Butter use in cooking.

2. Adding food color on a shake.
3. Making a paper doll.

II. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

4. All of these are characteristics of a solid except one, what is it?
a. Solids are hard.
b. Solids are having compact particles.
c. Solids do not change its shape when putting to different
container. d. Solids are sometimes invisible.
5. Which of the following statement tells about the property of solid material?
a. falling down b. round table c. washing of clothes d. delicious food
6. Which of these group of words shows the properties of solid materials?
a. solid, liquid, gas b. bent, pressed, cut c. shape, texture, color d. hot, warm, cold
7. What changes happen to the materials when hammered?
a. change in odor b. change in shape c. change in color d. change in weight
8. All of these materials can be bent except one, what is it?
a. nail b. modeling clay c. broom stick d. stone
9. Which of the following materials can be pressed?
a. paper clip b. hallow blocks c. marshmallow d. metal spoon
10. Which of the following statements is true about
bending. a. All solid materials can be bent.
b. Solid materials can be bent depending on the property of the
materials. c. When solid materials are bended, new material will
d. When the material is bended, it properties will change.
11.What is bent?
a. to cut b. to slide c. to change position d. to sharply curve.
12. It is usually use by the carpenter in beating and striking objects.
a. scissors b. wood c. machine d. hammer
13. Which of the following materials can be hammered?
a. tin can b. paper c. wood d. steel bars
14. Which of the following describes what happens to the modeling clay when it was pressed?
a. The clay changes its size and color. c. The clay changes its
volume and odor. b. The clay changes its size and shape. d. The clay
changes its odor and texture.
15. How do we change the appearance of solid materials?
a. by coloring, painting, pressing c. by cooking, heating, cooling
b. by cutting, pressing, bending d. all of the above

PaGe- 28
Name: Date: Score:
Grade/Section: __________________________

I. Direction: Read the following carefully. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Your mother asked you to give her medicine for fever. What are you going to do first?
A. Read the label of medicine.
B. Get a glass of water and the medicine.
C. Get the medicine and give it right away to your mother.
D. Taste the medicine before giving it your mother.
2. If you are going to dispose waste materials commonly found at home, what are you going to do with the
decaying materials?
A. Make a compost
B. Throw them in the river
C. Mix them with the non-decaying
D. Keep them in the cabinet and use them again
3. If you are exposed to garbage, what kind of illness would you probably get?
A. Heart failure B. asthma C. goiter D. nose bleed
4. Which group of materials will undergo decay?
A. Left-over food B. Empty can of meat C. plastic bottle D. styro cup
5. The following materials are recyclable except one.
A. Kangkong leaves C. carton box
B. Plastic bottles D. empty bottles of soft drinks
6. Which of the following can be used as fertilizers?
A. Plastics B. rubber C. diapers D. potato peelings
7. Which of the following show proper waste disposal?
A. Throwing garbage to the sea
B. Putting all waste materials in one container
C. Throwing left-over foods in the drainage canal
D. Segregating waste into decaying-non-decaying
8. You are going to buy can juice in the store for your visitor’s snack. The following can juices were displayed
in the store with its expiration date. Which of them are you going to buy?
A. Pineapple juice - best before January 2015
B. Orange juice – best before March 2014
C. Mango juice – best before July 2014
D. Apple juice – best before January 2016
9. Why is it important to read the label of any product?
A. To know the price of the product.
B. To get the number of pieces sold in the market.
C. To know who buy product .
D. To use the product correctly.
10. Why do some materials absorb water?
A. Because some materials have tiny holes that let the water
in. B. Some materials are soft that can easily get the water in.
C. Some materials are made of vinyl.
D. Some materials are expensive.
11. How should non-decaying wastes be disposed?
A. composting B. reusing C. by recycling D. both b and c
12. Wastes that are not properly disposed may _.
A. Become breeding places of pests such as mosquitoes and flies
B. Cause loss of humus soil
C. Speed up the materials to decay
D. Allow free flow of rain water run off

PaGe - 23
13. Waste should be segregated into groups
A. Decaying and non-decaying C. small and big
B. Bluish and yellowish D. hard and soft
14. What safety precaution do you need to observe in disposing waste materials?
A. Use gloves or appropriate equipment in handling waste materials
B. Taste and touch waste materials before disposing them
C. Keep the waste materials in your kitchen
D. Expose yourself to the waste materials.
15. What should people with the garbage do to prevent one from getting sick?
A. Dispose waste materials properly
B. Take medicine
C. Throw the waste materials anywhere in your surrounding
D. Drink untreated water

II. Look at the product below then answer the questions that follow.

16. What is the product’s/brand name?

17. When is the expiration date?

18. What is the precaution of the product?

III. 19-20 . Demonstrate ways of disposing them though a drawing.

PaGe - 24
Name: Date: Score:
Grade/Section: __________________________

A. Which of the following materials absorb water? Put a ( /) on the blank.

1. Cotton 4. Umbrella
2. Glass 5. Sponge
3. Towel

B. Describe the materials that absorbs water. Write the letter of the correct answer.
6. A glass of water spilled on the table. You want to dry the table at once. What are you going to
a. cotton b. tissue paper c. rug made of cloth d. handkerchief
7-9. Study the following pictures. Which materials do not absorbed water. Write the letters that
correspond to your answer.

a. b. c. d. e.

7. 8. 9.

10. Cotton is a material that allows air and water to pass through it. How will you classify this material?
a. it is a non- porous material c. it does not absorb water b. it is a
porous material d. it sinks

C. Classify materials that float and sink. Write them in their proper column. 11-15
Bottle of mineral water pencil tablespoon eraser ring

Materials that float Materials that sink

16. What will happen to a rock when you place it in a pail of water?
a. it will float b. it will sink c. it will absorb water d. it will break into pieces
17. MV Montenegro accidentally bumped into a cargo ship. The corrosion caused a big hole to the
passenger ship. What do you think will happen to this passenger ship?
a. It will still afloat in the water. c. It will cause fire
b. It will sink as it absorbs water through its holes d. it will not be affected by the corrosion
18. Why do some people use floaters in swimming pools?
a. It keeps them sank in the water. c. It lessens their weight. b. It
keeps them floated in the water. d. A, B, C are correct.
19. Some material floats no matter what their shape is. Which type of material had been described?
a. plastic b. rubber c. Styrofoam d. glass
20. Why do life vest keeps you afloat in the sea?
a. because of its shape c. because it is less dense
b. because it is filled with air d. because it is made of rubber
D. Write the letter of the correct answer.
21. It is a process of slowly destroying materials into bits or smaller pieces.
a. cutting b. decaying c. frying d. polluting
22. Which of the following materials undergo decay?
a. bread b. disposable cups c. foil d. wax paper
23. The following materials undergo decay. Which of them decay fast?
a. branches b. leaves c. left-over food d. vegetable peeling
24. What will happen to the decaying materials dumped in soil?
a. converted to fossil c. become pollutants

PaGe - 25
b. becomes inorganic fertilizer d. become inorganic fertilizer
25. Left-over food must be stored in to avoid spoilage.
a. glass containers b. plastic container c. refrigerator d. plate with cover
26. The best way to dispose decaying materials is to .
a. put in a garbage can c. put in a compost pit
b. put in a garbage can with plastic d. throw in a vacant space
27-30. What are the factors that contribute to the decaying process of the materials?
27. 29.
28. 30.

E. Classify the materials whether they decay or not decay. Write D for decay and ND for non-decay.
31. dead animals 36. Wax paper
32. Jars 37. Left-over food
33. Ceramic plates 38. Leaves
34. Stool of animals 39. Wood
35. Aluminum foil 40. Metals

F. Write the letter of the correct answer.

41. Which of the following ailments one can get in bathing a dirty water?
a. allergy b. diarrhea c. headache d. typhoid
42. It is a disease spread by specific type of mosquito.
a. allergy b. dengue c. diarrhea d. skin rashes
43. A waterborne disease from polluted water. People who drink becomes infected with .
a. dysentery b. diarrhea c. malaria d. typhoid
44. It is a disease that can cause severe diarrhea.
a. cholera b. dysentery c. skin allergy d. typhoid
45. should be practiced to prevent diseases from exposure to decaying materials. a.
brushing b. cleaning c. good hygiene d. washing

G. Complete the statement below. (5pts)

To prevent diseases brought about by exposure to decaying materials in my
environment, I will .

H. Write the letter of the correct answer.

51. What information are given by the labels of the product?
a. expiration date b. nutrients c. precautions d. all of the above
52. You are asked to give medicine for fever. What are you going to do first?
a. Read the label of the medicine.
b. Get a glass of water and a medicine.
c. Get the medicine and give it right away to your mother.
d. Taste the medicine before giving it to your mother.
53. You are going to buy can juice in the store for your visitor’s snack. The following can juices were displayed
in the store with its expiration date. Which of them are you going to buy?
a. Pineapple juice – best before January 2015 b.
Orange juice – best before March 2015
c. Mango juice – best before July 2015 d.
Apple juice – best before August2015
54. Why is it important to read the label of any product?
a. to know the price of any product
b. to get the number of pieces sold in the market
c. to know who buy the product d.
to use the product correctly
55. Do all the labels provide enough information about the food products?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. I don’t know

I. Explain why people need to consider the information on product labels when buying. (5pts)


J. Write the letter of the correct answer.

61. If you are going to dispose waste materials commonly found at home, what are you going to do with the
decaying materials?
a. make a compost pit c. mix them with the non-decaying
b. throw them in the river d. keep them in the cabinet and use them again

PaGe - 26
62. Wastes that are not properly disposed may .
a. become breeding places of pests such as mosquitoes and flies. b.
cause loss of humus soil.
c. speed up the materials to decay.
d. allow free flow of rain water run off.
63. Waste should be segregated into groups.
a. decaying and non-decaying c. small and big b.
bluish and yellowish d. hard and soft
64. What safety precaution do you need to observe in disposing waste materials?
a. Use gloves or adequate equipment in handling waste materials to prevent puncture
by sharp items.
b. Taste and touch waste materials before disposing them. c.
Keep the waste materials in your kitchen.
d. Expose yourself to the waste materials.
65. What should people with the garbage do to prevent oneself from getting sick?
a. Dispose waste materials properly. b.
Take medicine.
c. Throw the waste materials in a vacant lot
d. Drink polluted water.
K. Classify materials or wastes according to properties.
Bottles of shampoo empty cartridge syringe cardboard
Gloves containers leftover food empty boxes


66. 68. 70. 72.
67. 69. 71. 73.

L. Draw a poster on proper disposal of waste according to its properties. (2 pts)

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Name: Date:_____________
Grade/Section: __________________________ Score: ___________

I. How these following materials can change

A. By cutting, B. by bending, C. by melting, D. by coloring

1. Butter use in cooking.

2. Adding food color on a shake.
3. Making a paper doll.

II. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

4. All of these are characteristics of a solid except one, what is it?
a. Solids are hard.
b. Solids are having compact particles.
c. Solids do not change its shape when putting to different
container. d. Solids are sometimes invisible.
5. Which of the following statement tells about the property of solid material?
a. falling down b. round table c. washing of clothes d. delicious food
6. Which of these group of words shows the properties of solid materials?
a. solid, liquid, gas b. bent, pressed, cut c. shape, texture, color d. hot, warm, cold
7. What changes happen to the materials when hammered?
a. change in odor b. change in shape c. change in color d. change in weight
8. All of these materials can be bent except one, what is it?
a. nail b. modeling clay c. broom stick d. stone
9. Which of the following materials can be pressed?
a. paper clip b. hallow blocks c. marshmallow d. metal spoon
10. Which of the following statements is true about
bending. a. All solid materials can be bent.
b. Solid materials can be bent depending on the property of the
materials. c. When solid materials are bended, new material will
d. When the material is bended, it properties will change.
11.What is bent?
a. to cut b. to slide c. to change position d. to sharply curve.
12. It is usually use by the carpenter in beating and striking objects.
a. scissors b. wood c. machine d. hammer
13. Which of the following materials can be hammered?
a. tin can b. paper c. wood d. steel bars
14. Which of the following describes what happens to the modeling clay when it was pressed?
a. The clay changes its size and color. c. The clay changes its volume
and odor. b. The clay changes its size and shape. d. The clay changes
its odor and texture.
15. How do we change the appearance of solid materials?
a. by coloring, painting, pressing c. by cooking, heating, cooling
b. by cutting, pressing, bending d. all of the above
PaGe - 28

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