1 Performance Check

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Ateneo de Naga University

Senior High School

CORE119 – Statistics and Probability

Performance Check Plan
Second Semester, S/Y 2018 – 2019


1. The learner is able to apply an appropriate random variable for a given real – life problem (such as in decision making and games of chance).
2. The learner is able to accurately formulated and solve real – life problems in different disciplines involving normal distribution.
3. The learner is able to apply suitable sampling and sampling distributions of the sample mean to solve real – life problems in different disciplines.

1. To apply an appropriate random variable for a given real – life problem (such as in decision making and games of chance);
2. To accurately formulated and solve real – life problems in different disciplines involving normal distribution;
3. To apply suitable sampling and sampling distributions of the sample mean to solve real – life problems in different disciplines;
4. To create a documented output which shows both creativity and accuracy;
5. To present a final output through a print media; and
6. To judge efforts of group mates in the given task.


The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is conducting a research to confirm that the manufacturer of food products is complying with the prescribed
or indicated label of their products (e.g. content). The DTI wanted to make sure also that these manufacturers are following the Republic Act No. 7394 also
known as “The Consumer Act of the Philippines” specifically Article 77: Minimum Labeling Requirements for Consumer Products which states that all consumer
products domestically sold whether manufactured locally or imported shall indicate the following in their respective labels of packaging; a) its correct and
registered trade name or brand name; b) its duly registered trademark; c) its duly registered business; d)the address of the manufacturer, importer, repacker
of the consumer product in the Philippines; e) its general make or active ingredients; f) the net quantity of contents, in terms of weight, measure or numerical
count rounded off to at least the nearest tenths in the metric system; g) country of manufacturer, if imported; and h) if a consumer product is manufactured,
refilled or repacked under license from a principal, the label shall so state the fact.

As one of the researchers hired by the DTI, you are tasked to check and to investigate the food products if the manufacturers comply with part f of Article
77 of the RepublicAct No. 7394. You are going use the appropriate sampling methodology and present the corresponding sampling distribution and maximize
the use of several statistics concepts.
Finally, you are going to answer the following questions:
1. What product did you choose to check and to investigate? Why?
2. What statistical processes or activities did you use in your study?
3. What particular sampling method did you use? Was it appropriate with your study? Why? How?
4. Did the company comply to part f of Article 77 of RA 7394?

You are to be evaluated according to the following: Content and Accuracy (45%), Organization and Presentation (25%) Creativity (10%), Cooperation
(10%), and Punctuality (10%).

This task is both an individual and a group performance check in which students will be given the task to formulate and solve real – life problems involving
random variables and probability distributions, normal distributions, and sampling and sampling distributions.

The students will make a sampling and sampling distribution of the product they have chosen. A random sample of at most 50. This number of units is vital
to the next part of the performance task. Add to that, proper documentation of this first part is required. The students are required of photos of the 50 random
samples, the sampling to be conducted, and the results (which include the appropriate tables and the values of point estimate). This will ensure the validity of
the task. Finally, this will have a separate grade and grading scheme to the second part of this performance task.

In terms of the final output, the group is expected to submit their output through print media. The following format should be observed: short size bond
paper, portrait, single spacing, 1” x 1” margin, Century Gothic, font size 10, and justified. It is expected that the list of the members (indicating ONLY their ID
Numbers) of the group is attached in the output (cover page).

The output should include the following:

 Introduction
- Sampling method used
- Statistical process
 Detailed record and findings shown in a frequency distribution table
 Interpretation of the data gathered
 Conclusion
 Credits (other people who contributed to the output aside from its members)

Since the students are tasked to be in a group, they are expected to rate, assess or give feedback to each of their group mate. There will be rubrics, a
standards set of criteria that will guide the students and will assess their output.

As an individual performance task, each student will have to submit a filled out sheet of the task. This will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Content and Accuracy (90%) and Punctuality (10%). The descriptions indicated on the analytic rubrics for the criteria will be applied. Attached is the
performance task sheet.

A. Target content and skills to be assessed

Identifying and solving real-life problems showing substance and applicability of topic learned
Content and Accuracy
Organization and Presentation

B. Scoring Criteria
Attached is the rubric.

Analytic Rubric
Excellent Very good Good Needs Improvement Rating
(9 – 10) (7 – 8) (5 – 6) (1- 4)
Content and Gives complete recommended Gives complete Gives somewhat complete Hardly gives recommended
Accuracy parts of the task and relevant recommended parts of the recommended parts of the parts of the task and relevant
(45%) information; all prescribed task and relevant information; task and little information; information; almost all
formats are followed; ideas are almost all prescribed formats some prescribed formats are prescribed formats are NOT
well developed and thorough; are followed (1 or 2 are followed (3-5 are missed); ideas followed; fails to communicate
solution is accurate and is missed); some ideas are well are present but not developed; final answer; answer is
detailed; is able to correctly developed and thorough; solution is accurate and is plagiarized (no point); no
connect problem situation with solution is accurate and is detailed; is somewhat able to organization whatsoever; is not
tabular and graphical detailed; is able to connect connect problem situation with able to connect problem
representations; main points problem situation with tabular tabular and graphical situation with tabular and
and details are properly and graphical representations; representations; main points graphical representations;
connected; is able to main points and details are and details are properly manner of putting sentences
communicate final answers; is properly connected; is able to connected; is able to together indicated lack of
fluent, not choppy whatsoever communicate final answers; is communicate final answers; knowledge on how ideas
somewhat choppy and loosely Lacks logical sequencing of should be organized
organized ideas; ineffective ordering
Presentation Overall, very good output is Overall, good output is Overall, fair output is apparent; Overall, the output needs
and apparent; design/concept is apparent; design/concept is design/concept is somewhat improvement; design/concept
Organization unique and considerably somewhat unique. Is able to unique but considerable is very usual; is rushed. No
(25%) worked for with effort. Is able to connect problem situation with rushed. Is somewhat able to organization whatsoever; is not
correctly connect problem the data gathered; main points connect problem situation with able to connect problem
situation with data gathered in and details are properly the data gathered; main points situation with the data
order to come up with sound connected; is somewhat and details are properly gathered; manner of putting
decision; main points and choppy and loosely organized. connected; Lacks logical sentences together indicated
details are properly connected; sequencing of ideas; lack of knowledge on how
is fluent, not choppy ineffective ordering. ideas should be organized.
Creativity Overall, very good output is Overall, good output is Overall, fair output is apparent; Overall, the output needs
(10%) apparent; design/concept is apparent; design/concept is design/concept is somewhat improvement; design/concept
unique and considerably somewhat unique; output is unique but considerable is very usual; is rushed; output is
worked for with effort; output is with best quality rushed; output is with no quality not durable at all and with no
with best quality documentation pictures documentation pictures quality documentation pictures
documentation pictures
Cooperation Overall, effort is greatly Overall, effort is seen/exerted; Overall, effort is somewhat Overall, effort is not
(10%) seen/exerted; is able to is able to contribute substantial seen/exerted; is able to seen/exerted; is somewhat
contribute very substantial part; part; tends to be present contribute a part; is somewhat able to contribute a part; is
is always present during the during the conduct of the task present during the conduct of always absent during the
conduct of the task; and works (1 absence); and works well the task (2 absences); and conduct of the task; and works
very well with the group. with the group. works well with the group. poorly with the group.
Punctuality Submit the output on or before Submit the output a day after Submit the output 2 or 3 days Submit the output 4 days after
(10%) the specified deadline. the specified deadline. after the specified deadline. the specified deadline.

The deadline of the submission of the output is on JANUARY 11, 2019. THIS RUBRICS MUST BE SUBMITTED TOGETHER WITH THE PERFORMANCE TASK OUTPUT. The
teacher will not accept performance tasks submitted 5 days after the deadline and a deduction of 10% of the total score for the late submission.


Name:Elan Francesca A. Bayta Section:HU13 Date:11.JANUARY.2019 Score:

Enabling Performance Standards:

1. The learner is able to apply an appropriate random variable for a given real – life problem (such as in decision making and games of chance).
2. The learner is able to accurately formulated and solve real – life problems in different disciplines involving normal distribution.
3. The learner is able to apply suitable sampling and sampling distributions of the sample mean to solve real – life problems in different disciplines.

My Evaluation to My Group Members (1-4, 4 being the highest)


Member 1: Cecille Ocampo 4 Member 4:Kyell Lwin 3

Member 2:Dianne Bolina 4 Member 5: Simon Palino 2

Member 3: JC Magistrado 4 Member 6:Oliver Clutario 4

1. What product did you choose to check and to investigate? Why?
Our Product is “Cracklings” because our group had decided to use this product, this product is easy to weigh.

2. What statistical processes or activities did you use in your study?

The statiscal process did we use in our study is collecting.

3. What particular sampling method did you use? Was it appropriate with your study? Why? How?
The particular sampling method did we use is random because it is unbiased.
4. Did the company comply to part f of Article 77 of RA 7394?


1. I enjoyed the performance task because…

Even some of our groupmates did not help they are giving the group some iniative.

2. I believe that I have contributed to my group because …

We are assignment by a given task.
3. I think that I failed to …
Help properly

4. Next time, I will be …

Actively participate in my group.

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