Level 3 Writing Rubric: 5 (Exceptional Pass) 4 (High Pass) 3 (Low Pass) 2 (High Fail) 1 - 0.5 (Low Fail)
Level 3 Writing Rubric: 5 (Exceptional Pass) 4 (High Pass) 3 (Low Pass) 2 (High Fail) 1 - 0.5 (Low Fail)
Level 3 Writing Rubric: 5 (Exceptional Pass) 4 (High Pass) 3 (Low Pass) 2 (High Fail) 1 - 0.5 (Low Fail)
5 (Exceptional Pass) 4 (High Pass) 3 (Low Pass) 2 (High Fail) 1 - 0.5 (Low Fail)
Response indicates a thorough Response indicates a good Question answered adequately Question addressed, or partially Little attempt to address
understanding of the prompt understanding of the prompt and all parts of prompt addressed answered question
(goes beyond normal
Task Fulfillment
• Clear, well-supported essay with • Clear, well-supported essay (one • Main points reasonably clear • May lack clarity or not fully • Off topic
a variety of examples and or more concrete facts/ understand the prompt
explanations examples for each main idea) • One or more concrete facts/ • Little or no support
examples although some parts • Minimal development, perhaps
• Depth and originality • Sound response but may lack of the task may be more with much repetition • Lacks clarity
depth developed than others
• Becoming fluent • Tangential • Dramatically under length
• Supporting ideas contain almost • Some supporting ideas may be
• Content is wholly relevant to the no irrelevancies and/or weakened by irrelevancies,
prompt repetition of ideas and/or repetition of ideas
The information is completely The information is logically The information is generally Evidence of organization is The response lacks logical
logical and coherent and the organized and the response can arranged coherently and present, but is not wholly logical. organization and is
response can be followed be followed without noticeable response can be followed without Response can be difficult to extremely difficult or
effortlessly strain on the reader too much difficulty follow impossible to follow
Organisation and Coherence
• Well-developed introduction • At least four paragraphs, • At least four paragraphs, intro • At least two paragraphs used to • Minimal use or absence of
(with Thesis Statement), two or effective introduction (Thesis (weak), body & conclusion show introduction, body, or cohesive devices
more body paragraphs and a Statement present) and (weak) conclusion
well-formed conclusion conclusion • No paragraphing
• Mostly appropriate cohesive • Several errors with, or omissions
• Logical, smooth progression in • Logical progression in text devices although some may be of cohesive devices which may • Pronoun referencing
text inadequate, inaccurate, and/or affect fluency and coherence inaccurate/lacking/absent
• Wider range of cohesive devices overused
• Wide range of cohesive devices attempted • Pronoun referencing mainly
used accurately inaccurate
• Mostly effective pronoun • Use of pronoun referencing but
• Accurate use of pronoun referencing with some inaccuracies
used accurately frequency vocabulary – possibly word form errors vocabulary • Only high-frequency
misused vocabulary – sometimes
• Occasional errors in spelling • Several spelling errors occur, misused
• Appropriate idiomatic
expressions • Few non-intrusive errors in word
may occur, but meaning is clear but words are usually
recognizable with effort • Spelling of unfamiliar
words may be
• Almost no, non-intrusive unrecognisable
mistakes with spelling • Few non-intrusive spelling
Grammar is accurate in simple, Simple and compound sentences Good grasp of basic simple Poor grasp of basic sentence- Grammar errors so severe
compound and complex are mostly error-free, with some sentence-level grammar with level grammar makes meaning that the meaning is distorted
Grammar and Range
sentences complex structures used correctly some attempt at complex sometimes unclear
• A complete range of sentence • Very few systematic errors • Some systematic errors • A variety of systematic errors but • Little grasp of basic
structures is present, used with meaning is generally detectable grammar, capitalization
control and accuracy • Hardly any mistakes with • Uses capital letters, full stops, and punctuation
capital letters, full stops, commas and apostrophes • Many errors in capital letters and
• Accurate punctuation commas and apostrophes appropriately, though with some full stops with commas and
unobtrusive errors apostrophes missing or misused
• Highly effective and completely • Effective and mainly accurate • Some attempt to use modals, • Rarely attempts use of modals, • No use of modals,
accurate use of modals, relative use of modals, relative clauses, relative clauses, and/or relative clauses, and/or relative clauses, and/or
clauses, and conditionals and conditionals conditionals, perhaps with conditionals conditionals
frequent errors
Copying: As per handbook guidelines, smaller chunks of copied material are bracketed and are not included in the word count.
Extensive or complete copying should attract a zero score. Check with Writing Coordinator or L3 Writing Committee members if in doubt.