SPHysics v2.2.000 GUIDE
SPHysics v2.2.000 GUIDE
SPHysics v2.2.000 GUIDE
This report documents the computer program SPHysics based on
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics theory. The documentation
provides a brief description of the governing equations and the
different numerical schemes used to solve them. FORTRAN code is
provided for two and three- dimensional versions of the model. Post-
processing tools for MATLAB visualization are also provided.
Finally, several working examples are documented to enable the user
to test the program and verify that it is installed correctly. For 3-D
applications a complex geometry generator is now provided making
the creation of new geometries and loading in CAD files more
1.1. The SPH method 9
1.2. The weighting function or smoothing kernel 9
1.3. Momentum equation 10
1.3.1. Artificial viscosity 10
1.3.2. Laminar viscosity 11
1.3.3. Laminar viscosity and SPS 11
1.4. Continuity equation 12
1.5. Equation of state 12
1.6. Moving the particles 13
1.7. Thermal energy 13
1.8. Density Reinitialization 13
1.9. Kernel Renormalization 14
1.9.1. Kernel Correction 15
1.9.2. Kernel Gradient Correction 15
1.10. Riemann Solver formulation 16
1.10.1. Definition of the Riemann Problem. 16
1.10.2 Non-conservative Riemann Formulation. 18
1.10.3 Conservative Riemann Formulation. 19
1.10.4 The HLLC Approximate Riemann Solver. 19
1.10.5 Higher-order Reconstruction and MUSCL-based schemes 20
2.1. Time stepping 23
2.1.1. Predictor-Corrector scheme 23
2.1.2. Verlet scheme 24
2.1.3. Symplectic scheme 24
2.1.4. Beeman scheme 24
2.2. Variable time step 25
2.3. Computational efficiency: linked list 25
2.4. Boundary conditions 27
2.4.1. Dynamic Boundary conditions 27
2.4.2. Repulsive Force Boundary Conditions 29
2.4.3. Periodic Open Boundaries 30
2.4.4. Floating Objects 31
2.5. Checking limits 32
2.5.1. Fixing the limits 32
2.5.2. Changing the limits in Z+ 33
2.5.3. Limits in X, Y or Z- directions 33
2.6. Restart runs & checkpointing (repetitive restarts) 34
3.1. Installation 35
3.2. Program outline 35
3.2.1. SPHysicsgen 37 Creating compiling options 37 Input files 38 Output files 38 Subroutines 45
3.2.2. SPHysics 47 Input files 47 Output files 47 Subroutines 49
4.1. Running the model 53
4.1.1. Compiling and executing on Linux and Mac OS 53
4.1.2. Compiling and executing on Windows 55
4.2. Test case 1: 2D Dam break in a box 57
4.3. Test case 2: 2D Dam break evolution over a wet bottom in a box. 60
4.4. Test case 3: Waves generated by a paddle in a beach 63
4.4.1. Case 2D 63
4.4.2. Case 3D 66
4.5. Test case 4: Tsunami generated by a sliding Wedge 68
4.5.1. Case 2D 68
4.5.2. Case 3D 71
4.6. Test case 5: 3D dam-break interaction with a structure 73
4.7. Test case 6: Floating bodies in waves 77
4.7.1. Case 2D 77
4.7.2. Case 3D 81
4.8. Test case 7: Focused wave group approaching trapezoid 84
4.8.1. Case 2D 84
4.8.2. Case 3D 87
4.9. Test case 8: Floating bodies with 2D Periodicity 89
4.10 Test case 9: Blender case 92
The main features of the SPH method, which is based on integral interpolants, are
described in detail in the following papers (Monaghan, 1982; Monaghan, 1992; Benz,
1990; Liu, 2003; Monaghan, 2005). Herein we will only refer to the representation of
the constitutive equations in SPH notation. In SPH, the fundamental principle is to
approximate any function A(r ) by
r r r r r
A( r ) = ∫ A( r ' ) W ( r − r ' , h ) dr ' (1.1)
r r
where h is called the smoothing length and W (r − r ' , h) is the weighting function or
kernel. This approximation, in discrete notation, leads to the following approximation of
the function at a particle (interpolation point) a,
r A (1.2)
A(r ) = ∑ mb b Wab
b ρb
where the summation is over all the particles within the region of compact support of
the kernel function., The mass and density are denoted by mb and ρb respectively and
r r
Wab = W ( ra − rb , h ) is the weight function or kernel.
In SPHysics, the user can choose from one of the following four different kernel
1) Gaussian:
W( r , h) = α D exp − q 2 ) (1.3)
2 3/ 2 3
where αD is 1 (πh ) in 2D and 1 (π h ) in 3D
2) Quadratic:
3 3 3
W (r, h ) = α D q 2 − q + 0 ≤q ≤ 2 (1.4)
16 4 4
where αD is 2 (πh 2 ) in 2D and 5 (4πh 3 ) in 3D
3) Cubic spline:
3 2 3 3
1 − 2 q + 4 q 0 ≤ q≤1
W (r , h ) =α D (2 − q )3 1 ≤ q ≤ 2 (1.5)
0 q≥2
where αD is 10/(7πh2) in 2D and 1/(πh3) in 3D.
The tensile correction (Monaghan, 2000) is automatically activated when using kernels
with first derivatives that go to zero with decreasing inter-particle spacing.
The artificial viscosity proposed by Monaghan (1992) has been used very often due to
its simplicity. In SPH notation, Eq. 1.7 can be written as
r P r (1.8)
d va P r
= −∑ mb b2 + a2 + Π ab ∇ a Wab + g
dt b ρb ρa
where g = (0, 0, -9.81) ms-2 is the gravitational acceleration.
The pressure gradient term in symmetrical form is expressed in SPH notation as
1r P P r (1.9)
− ∇P = − ∑ m b b2 + a2 ∇ a Wab
ρ a b ρ b ρa
with Pk and ρk are the pressure and density corresponding to particle k (evaluated at a or
Πab is the viscosity term:
− α c ab µ ab r r (1.10)
vab rab < 0
Π ab = ρ ab
r r
0 v ab rab > 0
r r
hv ab rab r r r r r r r r
with µ ab = r 2 2 ; where ab
r = ra − rb , v ab = v a − vb ; being rk and v k the position and
rab + η
ca + cb
the velocity corresponding to particle k (a or b); c ab = . η2= 0.01h2, α is a free
parameter that can be changed according to each problem.
The Sub-Particle Scale (SPS) approach to modeling turbulence was first described by
Gotoh et al. (2001) to represent the effects of turbulence in their MPS model. See
Appendix for a brief description of the theory of Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) and
Sub-Grid Scale (SGS) models. The momentum conservation equation is,
Dv 1 r 1r (1.14)
= − ∇P + gr + υ0 ∇ 2 vr + ∇τ
Dt ρ ρ
where the laminar term can be treated following Eq. 1.12 and τ represents the SPS
stress tensor.
The eddy viscosity assumption (Boussinesq’s hypothesis) is often used to model the
SPS stress tensor using Favre-averaging (for a compressible fluid):
τ ij 2 2 r
= ν t 2S ij − kδij − C I ∆2 δij S ij , where τ ij is the sub-particle stress tensor,
ρ 3 3
vt = [(Cs ∆l)] S the turbulence eddy viscosity, k the SPS turbulence kinetic energy, Cs
τ τ r
+ ∑ m b b2 + a2 ∇ a Wab
b ρb ρa
The fluid in the SPH formalism is treated as weakly compressible. This facilitates the
use of an equation of state to determine fluid pressure, which is much faster than
solving an equation such as the Poisson´s equation. However, the compressibility is
adjusted to slow the speed of sound so that the time step in the model (using a Courant
condition based the speed of sound) is reasonable. Another limitation on the
compressibility is imposed by the fact that the sound speed should be about ten times
faster than the maximum fluid velocity, thereby keeping density variations to within less
than 1%.
Following (Monaghan et al., 1999; Batchelor, 1974), the relationship between pressure
and density is assumed to follow the expression
ρ γ (1.17)
P = B − 1
ρ 0
where γ = 7 and, B = c0 ρ 0 γ being ρ0 = 1000 kg m-3 the reference density and
co = c (ρ o ) = (∂P / ∂ρ ) ρ the speed of sound at the reference density.
where ε=0.5 and ρ ab = ( ρ a + ρ b ) 2 . This method moves a particle with a velocity that is
close to the average velocity in its neighborhood.
The thermal energy associated to each particle is calculated using the expression given
by Monaghan (1994)
dea 1 P P r r (1.19)
= ∑ mb a2 + b2 + Ψab v ab ∇ aWab
dt 2 b ρa ρb
where Ψab refers to viscosity terms, which can be calculated using the different
approaches mentioned above.
While the dynamics from SPH simulations are generally realistic, the pressure field of
the particles exhibits large pressure oscillations. Efforts to overcome this problem have
concentrated on several approaches including correcting the kernel (for an overview see
Bonet & Lok, 1999) and developing an incompressible solver. One of the most straight
forward and computationally least expensive is to perform a filter over the density of
the particles and the re-assign a density to each particle (Colagrossi and Landrini, 2003).
There are two orders of correction, zeroth order and first order.
where the kernel has been corrected using a zeroth-order correction:
~ Wab
Wab =
~ m
∑Wab bb ρb
r r r r
WabMLS = WbMLS (ra ) = β (ra ) ⋅ (ra − rb ) Wab (1.23)
so that in 2-D
r r r
WabMLS = [β 0 (ra ) + β 1x (ra )( x a − x b ) + β 1z (ra )( z a − z b )]Wab (1.24)
with the matrix A being given by
1 (xa − xb ) (z a − z b )
A = ( x a − xb ) ( x a − xb )2
(z a − z b )(xa − xb ) (1.26)
( z a − z b ) (xa − xb )(z a − z b ) (z a − zb )2
Similar to the Shepard filter this is applied every 30 time steps or similar. The
equations are similar in 3-D but just include the y-direction.
conditions of consistency and normalization fail. However it is still possible to handle
these situations by opportunely correcting the kernel function Wab itself or its gradient.
In SPHysics, there are two techniques to avoid errors from a corrupted interpolating
The method was proposed by Bonet and Lok (1999) and, in an alternative form, by Liu
et al., (1997). The kernel is modified to ensure that polynomial functions are exactly
interpolated up to a given degree. In spite of the first-order correction (linear correction)
is described in detail in Bonet and Lok (1999), the same authors consider that the linear
correction is unsuitable for computational purposes. They also propose using constant,
rather than linear, correction. So, a vectorial variable ( f a ) can be expressed as
mb r
r ∑ρ
f bWab
fa =
∑ρ b
The corrected kernel gradient ∇Wab should be used to calculate the forces in the
equation of motion instead of the normal kernel gradient ∇Wab , being
~ W = Lr ∇W
∇ (1.28)
ab b ab
La = M a−1 (1.29)
mb (1.30)
Ma = ∑ ∇Wab ⊗ (x a − xb )
b ρb
On the other hand, M a is symmetric since
num m dW 1 (1.34)
M a(1,2) = M a(2,1) = − ∑ b (x a − xb )(z a − z b )
b =1 ρb dr rab
r r
Note that matrix M and its inverse L are equal to the identity matrix when the particle
a is placed far from the boundaries or the free- surface. In this case, there is no real
correction on the kernel gradient (on the force). Nevertheless, when the particle a is
placed near the boundaries or the free surface, the distribution of particles around it is
r r
not symmetric anymore. Thus, both M and L are different from the identity matrix and
the kernel gradient is corrected following
∇~ W L (1,1) L (1,2) ∇W
x a a x
~ = ∇W (1.35)
∇W z a L (2,1) L a (2,2) z
where the subscripts x and z represent the spatial coordinates . Note that the correction
is anisotropic since the terms La(1,2) and La(2,1) involve both spatial coordinates.
This section aims to introduce only the basic concepts behind including Riemann
solvers into SPH. For a full presentation of the theory underpinning Riemann solvers,
MUSCL upwinding and higher-order accurate schemes, the reader is referred to texts
such as Toro (2001), etc. The main advantage of introducing Riemann solvers into SPH
is that the pressure and velocity fluctuations present in so many of the SPH schemes for
water are removed (e.g. Rogers et al., 2010).
x0 x
Figure 1.1 - Initial discontinuity in density
When this initial condition is evolved in time, a shock wave propagates to the right
while a rarefaction wave propagates to the left as shown in Figure 1.2a below. This can
be depicted in an x-t diagram which displays the shock propagating to the right as a
single line and the rarefaction wave spreading out to the right separating the left and
right regions. The region between the left and right regions is normally referred to as
the star region.
wave Shock
x0 x
(a) Propagation of initial discontinuity at time t = t1
Rarefaction t Shock
wave wave
Star (*)
x0 x
(b) x-t diagram
Figure 1.2 – Evolution of discontinuity in density
The solution to the Riemann problem is therefore the defined as all the states from the
left to right regions. Numerous solvers have since been proposed to solve for the
variables within the star region along with the speeds of the shock and rarefaction
waves. If the problem is one dimensional (or reducible to 1-D), it is possible to use an
exact Riemann solver, however, this is computationally expensive and so is generally
avoided. To circumvent this, a range of approximate Riemann solvers have been
proposed including the Osher, Random choice, Roe, HLLC, WAF approximate
Riemann solvers (see Toro 2001). The problem can then be solved in terms of the
primitive variables [ρ, u, v, w, e] (herein referred to as non-conservative), or the
conserved variables [ρ, ρu, ρv, ρw, E].
In SPHysics we have implemented both primitive and conservative variable Riemann
In this formulation first proposed by Parshikov et al. (1999 & 2001) and later by Cha
and Whitworth (2003) as Godunov Particle Hydrodynamics (GPH), the main change
takes place with the pressure gradient term within the momentum equation. The reader
is referred to these papers for a more detailed description. Essentially, the sum of the
left and right pressures is replaced by the pressure within the star region, i.e.
(Pa + Pb ) → 2 Pab* . Hence the pressure gradient in the momentum equation is changed
d va P P
= − ∑ mb a2 + b2 ∇ aW ab (1.37)
dt b ρ a ρb
d va 1 1
= − ∑ mb 2 Pab* 2 + 2 ∇ aW ab (1.38)
dt b ρa ρb
Alternatively, we can change the variationally consistent form (Vila, 1999; Bonet and
Lok 1999; Colagrossi et al. 2003)
d va P + Pb d va 2 Pab*
= − ∑ mb a ∇ aWab to = − ∑ mb ∇ aW ab (1.39)
dt b ρa ρb d t b ρ ρ
a b
A similar operation concerns the velocities resolved onto the line joining two particle
( )
centres U aR + U bR → 2U ab *
. Parshikov et al. define U R = u ⋅ ba so that the continuity
equation changes from
d ρa
= ∑ mb (u a − u b ) ∇ aWab (1.40)
dt b
d ρa
= −2∑ mb u*ab − u a ∇ aWab ) (1.41)
The intermediate star values are approximated initially using an acoustic-based solver.
Denoting the values on the particles a and b as the left and right states, L and R,
respectively, the star regions are approximated as:
* ρ a caU bR + ρ bcbU aR + Pa − Pb
U =
ab (1.42a)
ρ a ca + ρ b cb
ρ a ca Pb + ρ b cb Pa − ρ a ca ρ b cb (U bR − U aR )
Pab* = (1.42b)
ρ a ca + ρ b cb
d ρa
= −2∑ mb (u*ab − u a ) ∇ aWab (1.43a)
dt b
d va 2 Pab*
= − ∑ mb ∇ aWab + g + viscous terms (1.43b)
dt b ρ a ρb
d ea 2 Pab* *
= −∑ mb
ρ a ρb
( )
u ab − u a ∇ aWab (1.43c)
In this formulation, we use the work of Vila (1999) whereby the conventional SPH
formulation is replaced by one that solves a Riemann problem between each particle
pair with the equations expressed in terms of the conserved variables [ρ, ρu, ρv, ρw, E].
The inviscid Navier-Stokes equations are solved so that no viscous terms are required to
keep the scheme stable in contrast to our previous SPH schemes. We have chosen this
formulation since the pressure fields and wave propagation are more accurate than the
previous formulations used by the present authors (Dalrymple and Rogers, 2006). An
accurate wave profile and pressure field are essential for predicting the forces on
objects. More information on this formulation can be found in the papers of Vila (1999)
and Guilcher et al. (2007). The governing equations when expressed in SPH form are
given as:
d xa
= v (x a , t ) (1.44a)
dω a
= ωa ∇ ⋅ v a (1.44b)
( )
(ωa ρ a ) + ωa ∑ ωb 2ρ A v A,ab − v 0 (x ab , t ) ⋅ ∇ aWab = 0 (1.44c)
[ ]
(ωa ρ a v a ) + ωa ∑ ωb 2 p A + ρ A v A,ab ⊗ (v 0A,ab − v 0 (xab , t )) ∇aWab = ωa f a (1.44d)
where subscript A denotes the result from the approximate Riemann solver, superscript
0 denotes the field value (i.e. the value at the particle itself), ωa is the volume of particle
a. This Riemann problem is solved using an HLLC approximate Riemann solver using
MUSCL-based upwinding (Toro, 2001). fa is the vector of external forces, for example,
The HLLC Riemann solver used in SPHysics provides an approximate solution for Star
Region where the contact surface is reinstated (Toro et al. 1994). Now in the addition
to the left and right going waves, there is a contact surface within the Star Region so
that we also have star left and right regions *L and *R as shown in Figure 1.3. As we
are solving compressible flow equations where a contact discontinuity might exist, it is
important, therefore, to use a solver that captures this effect.
Star (*)
ρ*L ρ*R
x0 x
Figure 1.3 - Wave solution for HLLC Riemann solver - x-t diagram
Defining Q = [ρ, ρu, ρv, ρw, E], and the wave speeds in the Left, Star and Right regions
as SL, S* and SR respectively, the solution to this is given as:
QL if x / t ≤ SL
Q S L ≤ x / t ≤ S*
*L if
Q HLLC = (1.45)
Q*R if S* ≤ x / t ≤ S R
Q R if SR ≤ x / t
S − uK
Q* = ρ K K vK . (1.46)
S K − S* wK
K [ K K K
ρ + (S* − u K ) S* + ρ (SpK−u )
with the subscript K denoting left (K=L) or right (K=R), respectively. The wave speeds
are defined as follows:
S L = u L − c L q L , S* = u* , S R = u R + c R qR , (1.47)
where for Tait’s or Morris’ equations of state
1 if p* ≤ p K
ρ K ( p − p ) 12
qK = ρ*K K * (1.48)
(ρ K − ρ*K )cK2 if p* > pK
It is well known in finite volume Godunov-type solvers that the first-order schemes are
dissipative. However, attempting to obtain a higher-order scheme just using simple
extrapolation leads to unphysical oscillation in the solution since this can lead to
overestimation of the variables between each computation point. Using an approach
similar to Monotone Upwind-centred Scheme for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) allows
us to extrapolate the data to be second order in space.
In SPHysics, this Riemann problem is solved using an HLLC approximate Riemann
solver using MUSCL-based upwinding Toro (2001) with a general β-limiter (Hirsch,
1998). For an arbitrary function Φ between two particles a and b, we construct the
Riemann problem left and right states either side of the midpoint using the gradient of
the constructed variable. Defining the gradient constructed variable differences as
∆φa = ∇φa ⋅ 12 rba
∆φb = ∇φb ⋅ 12 rab (1.49)
the left and right Riemann states either side of the midpoint are then defined by
φaL = φa + ∆φa
φbR = φb − ∆φb (1.50)
where ∆φa and ∆φb are given by
2.1.2. Verlet scheme
This time stepping algorithm, to discretize Equations 3.1a-d, is split into two parts:
In general, variables are calculated according to
r r r
v an+1 = v an −1 + 2∆tFan ; ρ an+1 = ρ an−1 + 2∆tDan
r r r r (2.5)
ran+1 = ran + ∆tVan + 0.5∆t 2 Fan ; ean+1 = e an−1 + 2∆tE an
Once every M time steps (M on the order of 50 time steps), variables are calculated
according to
r r r
v an+1 = v an + ∆tFan ; ρ an+1 = ρ an + ∆tDan
r r r r (2.6)
ran+1 = ran + ∆tVan + 0.5∆t 2 Fan ; ean+1 = ean + ∆tE an
This is to stop the time integration diverging since the equations are no longer coupled.
Symplectic time integration algorithms are time reversible in the absence of friction or
viscous effects (Leimkhuler 1997) and hence represent a very attractive option for
meshless particle schemes. In this case, first, the values of density and acceleration are
calculated at the middle of the time step as:
n+ ∆t d ρ an
ρa 2
= ρ an + ,
2 dt (2.7)
1 n
n+ n ∆t d r a
ra 2
= ra + ,
2 dt
where the superscript n denotes time step and t = n∆t . Pressure, pa 2
, is calculated
using the equation of state. In the second stage d(ω i ρ i v i ) 2
d t gives the velocity and
hence position of particles at the end of the time step
∆t d (ωa ρ a v a )
1 n+
(ωa ρ a v a ) n +1
= (ωa ρ a v a )
2 + ,
2 dt (2.8)
n +1 n+ ∆t n+1
r a = ra 2
+ va .
n +1
At the end of the timestep d ρ an+1 d t is calculated using the updated values of v a and
n +1
r a (Monaghan 2005).
The predictor step is fulfilled using Beeman’s method as Capone et al. 2007:
r n+ 1 r r r
v a 2 = v an + 1.5∆tFan − 0.5∆tFan−1
n+ 1 n n n −1
ρa = ρ + 1.5∆tD − 0.5∆tD
a a a
r n+ 1 r r r r
ra 2 = ran + ∆tVan + 2 ∆t 2 Fan − 1 ∆t 2 Fan −1
3 6
n+ 1
ea 2
= ean + 1.5∆tE an − 0.5∆tEan−1
n +1 / 2
calculating Pa = f ( ρ an +1 / 2 ) .
The corrector step is given by
r r r n+ 1 r r
v an+1 = v an + 5 ∆tFa 2 + 8 ∆tFan − 1 ∆tFan−1
12 12 12 (2.10)
n+ 1
ρ n +1
= ρ + 5 ∆tD
+ 8 ∆tD − 1 ∆tD
2 n n −1
a a 12 12 a 12 a a
r r r r n+ 1 r
ran+1 = ran + ∆tVan + 1 ∆t 2 Fa 2 + 1 ∆t 2 Fan
6 3
n+ 1
ean+1 = e an + 5 ∆tE a + 8 ∆tE an − 1 ∆tE an−1
12 12 12
n +1 n +1
Finally, the pressure is calculated from density using Pa = f ( ρ a ) .
Time-step control is dependant on the CFL condition, the forcing terms and the viscous
diffusion term (Monaghan; 1989). A variable time step δt is calculated according to
Monaghan and Kos (1999):
∆t = 0.3 ⋅ min (∆t f ,∆tcv ) ; ∆t f = min ( h fa ; ) ∆tcv = min
cs + max
r r
hvab rab (2.11)
Here ∆t f is based on the force per unit mass |fa|, and ∆tcv combines the Courant and the
viscous time-step controls.
In the code the computational domain is divided in square cells of side 2h (see Figure
2.1). following Monaghan and Latanzio (1985). Thus, for a particle located inside a cell,
only the interactions with the particles of neighboring cells need to be considered. In
this way the number of calculations per time step and, therefore, the computational time
diminish considerably, from N2 operations to N logN, N being the number of particles.
Figure 2.1: Set of neighboring particles in 2D. The possible neighbors of a fluid particle
are in the adjacent cells but this only interacts with particles marked by black dots.
The SPHysics code in 2D sweeps through the grid along the x-direction, for each z-
level. Around each cell, the E, N, NW & NE neighbouring cells are checked to
minimise repeating the particle interactions. Thus, for example, when the centre cell is
i=5 and k=3 (see scheme in Figure 2.2), the target cells are (5,4), (4,4), (6,4) and (6,3).
The rest of the cells were previously considered through the sweeping (e.g. the
interaction between cell (5,3) and (5,2) was previously accounted when (5,2) was
considered to be the centre cell).
ncz cells
ik E
ncx cells
Figure 2.2: Sweeping through grid cells in 2D. Starting from the lower left corner,
particles inside the center cell ik interact with adjacent cells only in E, N, NW and NE
directions. The interactions with the rest of the cells W, S, SW & SE directions were
previously computed using reverse interactions.
A similar protocol is used in 3D calculations (Figure 2.3).
Layer n+1
Z Layer n
Figure 2.3: Sweeping through grid cells in 3D. Only 13 out of 26 possible neighboring
cells are considered when centered on a particular ijk cell. The rest were previously
considered when centered on adjacent cells using reverse interactions.
Two link lists are considered in SPHysics. The first one tracks the boundary particles
and it is partially upgraded every time step. This is due to the fact that the only
boundary particles that change their position in time are the ones that describe moving
objects such as gates and wavemakers. The second link list corresponds to fluid
particles and is completely updated every time step.
Three boundary conditions have been implemented in SPHysics: (i) Dynamic Boundary
conditions (Crespo et al, 2007; Dalrymple and Knio, 2000); (ii) Repulsive boundary
conditions (Monaghan & Kos, 1999; Rogers & Dalrymple 2008) and (iii) Periodic open
boundary conditions:
In this method, boundary particles are forced to satisfy the same equations as fluid
particles. Thus, they follow the momentum equation (Eq. 1.7), the continuity equation
(Eq. 1.16), the equation of state (Eq. 1.17), and the energy equation (Eq. 1.19).
However, they do not move according to Eq. 1.18. They remain fixed in position (fixed
boundaries) or move according to some externally imposed function (moving objects
like gates, wavemakers …).
Boundary particles are organized in a staggered manner (see Fig. 2.4):
Figure 2.4: 2D sketch of the interaction between a fluid particle (empty circle) and a set
of boundary particles (full circles). The boundary particles are placed in a staggered
When a fluid particle approaches a boundary the density of the boundary particles
increases according to Eq. 1.16 resulting in a pressure increase following Eq. 1.17.
Thus, the force exerted on the fluid particle increases due to the pressure term P ρ
( )
in momentum equation (see Eq. 1.8, 1.13 or 1.15). This mechanism is depicted in a
simple example where a fluid particle approaches the bottom of the tank. When the
distance between the boundary particle and the fluid particle becomes smaller than 2h,
the density, pressure and force exerted on the incoming particle increase generating the
repulsion mechanism (see Fig. 2.5). The normalized pressure
( 2
) ( 2
term, NPTz = P ρ z / P ρ R , is represented in Fig. 5c, where z refers to the distance
from the incoming fluid particle to the wall and R the minimum distance to the wall
attained by the incoming particle. The wall is composed of boundary particles.
Density (kg/m3 )
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
x 10 Position/h
Pressure (N/m2)
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Figure 2.5: Variation of density (a), pressure (b) and normalized pressure term (c) for a
moving particle approaching a solid boundary. Calculations were run without viscosity.
2.4.2. Repulsive boundary conditions.
This boundary condition was developed by Monaghan (1994) to ensure that a water
particle can never cross a solid boundary. In this case, analogous to inter-molecular
forces, the particles that constitute the boundary exert central forces on the fluid
particles. Thus, for a boundary particle and a fluid particle separated a distance r the
force for unit of mass has the form given by the Lennard-Jones potential. In a similar
way, other authors (Peskin, 1977) express this force assuming the existence of forces in
the boundaries, which can be described by a delta function. This method was refined in
Monaghan and Kos (1999) by means of an interpolation process, minimizing the inter-
spacing effect of the boundary particles on the repulsion force of the wall.
Following this approach, the force experienced by a water particle, f , acting normal to
the wall, is given by (Rogers & Dalrymple 2008)
r r
f = nR (ψ ) P (ξ )ε ( z , u ⊥ ) (2.12)
where n is the normal of the solid wall. The distance ψ is the perpendicular distance of
the particle from the wall, while ξ is the projection of interpolation location ξ i onto the
chord joining the two adjacent boundary particles (i.e. the distance along the boundary
of a fluid particle between two boundary particles) and u ⊥ is the velocity of the water
particle projected onto the normal.. The repulsion function, R(ψ), is evaluated in terms
of the normalized distance from the wall, q = ψ 2h , as
R(ψ ) = A (1 − q ) (2.13)
where the coefficient A is
A=0.01ci2 (2.14)
ci being the speed of sound corresponding to particle i.
The function P( ξ ) is chosen so that a water particle experiences a constant repulsive
force as it travels parallel to the wall
1 2πξ
P (ξ ) = 1 + cos (2.15)
2 ∆b
where ∆b is the distance between any two adjacent boundary particles. Finally, the
function ε ( z, u ⊥ ) is a modification to Monaghan and Kos’s original suggestion and
adjusts the magnitude of the force according to the local water depth and velocity of the
water particle normal to the boundary
ε ( z, u ⊥ ) = ε ( z ) + ε (u ⊥ ) (2.16)
0.02 z≥0
ε ( z ) = z ho + 0.02 0 > z ≥ − ho (2.17)
1 z ho > 1
0 u⊥ > 0
ε (u ⊥ ) = 20u ⊥ c o 20u ⊥ < c o (2.18)
1 20u ⊥ > co
In Equations 2.12-2.14, z is the elevation above the local still-water level ho,
r r r
u ⊥ = (vWP − v BP ) ⋅ n , where the subscripts WP and BP refer to water and boundary
i−1 i
Figure 2.6: Location of adjacent boundary particles. (a) 2-D boundary particles and
adjacent neighbors; (b) 3-D boundary particles and adjacent neighbors
In the present release version of the code, open boundaries are implemented using
periodic boundary conditions. Essentially this means that particles near an open lateral
boundary interact with the particles near the complementary open lateral boundary on
the other side of the domain. This situation is shown in Figure 2.7 where water particle
i lies near the top boundary and therefore its area of influence (or kernel support)
extends beyond the lateral boundary. With periodic boundaries, this area of influence is
continued through the bottom boundary so that particles interact near the bottom
boundary within the extended support interact with particle i.
Periodic lateral Missing kernel support
boundary for fluid particle i
Figure 2.7: Periodic lateral boundaries: area of influence (kernel support) for particle i
extend beyond top lateral boundary and is continued through periodic bottom boundary.
We assume that the objects are treated as rigid bodies. The force on each boundary
particle is computed by summing up the contribution from all the surrounding water
particles within the surrounding kernel. Hence, boundary particle k experiences a force
per unit mass given by
f k = ∑ f ka (2.19)
where WPs denotes water particles and f ka is the force per unit mass exerted by water
particle a on boundary particle k. By the principle of equal and opposite action and
reaction, the force exerted by a water particle on each boundary particle is given by
mk f ka = − maf ak (2.20)
This is useful since during the simulation we only actually compute repulsive force, f ak ,
exerted by the boundary particle k on water particle a. However, using relation (2.20),
we can estimate the force exerted on the moving body.
For the motion of the moving body, we use the equations of basic rigid body dynamics.
The equations of motion of the body in the translational and rotational degrees of
freedom are given by
dV dΩ
M = ∑ mk f k and I = ∑ mk (rk − R 0 )× f k (2.21)
d t k∈BPs d t k∈BPs
where M is the mass of the object, I is the moment of inertia, V is the velocity of the
object, Ω is the rotational velocity of the object, R0 is the position of the centre of mass
and BPs denotes boundary particles. Equations (2.21) are integrated in time to predict
the values of V and Ω for the beginning of the next time-step. Each boundary particle
that describes the moving body has a velocity given by
u k = V + Ω × (rk − R 0 ) (2.22)
The boundary particles within the rigid body are then moved by integrating equation
(2.22) in time. It can be shown that this technique conserves both linear and angular
momenta (Monaghan et al., 2003; Monaghan, 2005).
In SPH, fluid particles can leave the computational domain in different ways, both
physically and non-physically. Once the particle is outside the domain, it is
continuously accelerated under the effect of gravity. These particles must be identified
and removed from the run to avoid spurious effects. The treatment of these particles
depends on the way they leave the computational domain.
Limits of the computational domain are fixed at the beginning of the run depending on
the initial position of the particles. In each direction: Λ k = max( Λ k (i, t = 0)) + h
and Λ k = min( Λ k (i, t = 0)) − h , where Λk refers to the direction (X, Y or Z) and
i ∈ [1, N ] refers to all particles. These limits fix the number of cells of dimensions
2h×2h×2h (in 3D) used to cover the computational domain.
Limits in X, Y and Z- directions remain unchanged during the run. The limit in Z+ is
allowed to vary in time, since fluid can splash and surpass the upper limit of the
container. All limits are checked at every time step.
When a fluid particle surpasses the upper limit in the vertical Z direction, the
computational domain is extended and new cells are created (see Fig. 2.8). The number
of boundary particles inside these new cells is immediately set to zero. Fluid particles
can then occupy these cells depending on their position. The number of cells in the
vertical is thus dynamically modified depending on the position of the highest fluid
particle. Furthermore, the number of boxes decreases when the particles fall down (last
frame of Fig. 2.8). This generates important savings in execution time, since no
redundant cell computations are performed.
Figure 2.8: Evolution of new cells in Z direction depending on the fluid particles
When a part of a moving object surpasses the initial upper limit that part of the object it
is stopped at that upper limit for the rest of the run.
A fluid particle can surpass the initial limits in X, Y or Z- direction due to several
reasons. Dynamic boundary particles are not completely impermeable. Hence a single
particle, accelerated by collision in the proximity of a boundary, can possibly penetrate
the boundary. On the other hand, the fluid can collide with the container overtopping
the lateral walls. Once the fluid leaves the container, fluid particles are continuously
accelerated by gravity away from the domain of interest, giving rise to very small time
steps according to Eq. 3.7 slowing down the calculations.
The position of particles is checked every time step, in such a way that when a particle
is found outside the container, the particle is replaced at a previously defined position
outside the container and marked with a flag. Thus, although the particle is not
eliminated from the list (the number of particles, N, remains constant) the particle is not
allowed to move with time.
2.6. Restart runs & checkpointing (repetitive restarts)
so that:
i_restartRun = 0 : Start new run, once only
i_restartRun = 1 : reStart old run, once only
i_restartRun = 2 : Start new run, with repetitive restarts (Checkpointing)
i_restartRun = 3 : reStart old run, with repetitive restarts (Checkpointing)
3.1. Installation
Two versions of SPHysics are available in this release:
- SPHysics_2D. The computational domain is considered to be 2D, where x
corresponds to the horizontal direction and z to the vertical direction.
- SPHysics_3D. The computational domain is fully 3D. x and y are the horizontal
directions and z the vertical direction.
SPHysics is distributed in a compressed file (gz or zip). The directory tree shown in
Figure 3.1 can be observed after uncompressing the package
In that figure, the following directories can be observed both in 2D and in 3D.
source contains the FORTRAN codes. This directory contains two subdirectories:
SPHysicsgen: contains the FORTRAN codes to create the initial conditions of
the run.
SPHysics: contains the FORTRAN source codes of SPH.
execs contains all executable codes.
run_directory is the directory created to run the model. The different subdirectories
Case1, …, CaseN placed in this directory correspond to the different working cases
to be created by the user. Input and output files are written in these directories
Post-Processing this directory contains codes to visualize results.
Both the 2D and 3D version consist in two programs, which are run separately and in
the following order.
2D Code:
SPHysicsgen_2D: Creates the initial conditions and files for a given case.
SPHysics_2D: Runs the selected case with the initial conditions created by
SPHysicsgen_2D code.
3D Code:
SPHysicsgen_3D: Creates the initial conditions and files for a given case.
SPHysics_3D: Runs the selected case with the initial conditions created by
SPHysicsgen_3D code.
In general, 2D or 3D appended to the source file name means that the source is suited
for 2D or 3D calculations.
In the remainder of this document, SPHysicsgen and SPHysics, when used, refer to both
the aforementioned 2D and 3D programs for convenience. For example, SPHysicsgen
will refer to both SPHysicsgen_2D and SPHysicsgen_3D.
Figure 3.1. Directory tree.
All subroutines are included in two source files (SPHysicsgen_2D.f or
SPHysicsgen_3D.f), depending on the nature two or three- dimensional of the
calculation. Each source uses a different common file, where most of the variables are
stored. The common files are common.gen2D (in 2D) and common.gen3D (in 3D).
Both versions (2D and 3D) can be compiled by the user with any FORTRAN compiler
and the resulting executable file is placed in subdirectory \execs.
SPHysicsgen plays a dual role: (i) Creating the MAKEFILE to compile SPHysics; and
(ii) Creating the output files that will be the input files to be read by SPHysics. These
files contain information about the geometry of the domain, the distribution of particles
and the different running options.
In Windows for example, SPHysicsgen.exe can be executed using one of the following
two commands,
1. SPHysicsgen.exe <input_file >output_file
input_file is the general name (any name can be used) of the file containing the running
options. Different examples of input_file will be shown in next section.
output_file is the general name (any name can be used) of the file containing general
information about the run. This file is never read by the rest of the code and only serves
to provide information to the user.
2. SPHysicsgen.exe
In this case, data about the run must then be provided by the user by means of the
keyboard and the information about the run appears on the screen. This option can be
used by beginners to get familiarized with the different options.
vii) Boundary conditions: (1=Repulsive BC; 2=Dynamic BC).
viii) Choice of compilers: (1=gfortran; 2=ifort; 3=win_ifort; 4=Silverfrost
FTN95). Please refer to section 4.1.1 for details on running the code on
Windows using INTEL Fortran, and section 4.1.2 to use gfortran and ifort
compilers. The gfortran and ifort compilers have only been tested on Linux
and Mac OSX platforms.
Compiling file created by the executable SPHYSICSgen. It depends on the running
options defined by input_file. It was prepared for Compaq Visual Fortran, Silverfrost
FTN95, ifort and gfortran although it can be adapted to other compilers.
Created by SPHysicsgen
Read by SPHysics code at GETDATA (see subsection
The file contains the following variables:
i_kernel vlz
i_algorithm dx
i_densityFilter dy
i_viscos dz
iBC h
i_periodicOBs(1) np
i_periodicOBs(2) nb
i_periodicOBs(3) nbf
lattice ivar_dt
i_EoS dt
h_SWL tmax
B out
gamma trec_ini
coef dtrec_det
eps t_sta_det
rho0 t_end_det
viscos_val i_restartRun
visc_wall CFL_number
vlx TE0
i_kernelcorrection i_vort
iRiemannSolver ndt_VerletPerform
iTVD ndt_FilterPerform
beta_lim ndt_DBCPerform
i_restartRun: (0) Start a new RUN; (1) Restart an old RUN; (2) New with CheckPointg;
(3) Restart with CheckPointing
CFL_number: Constant to calculate the time step following CFL condition (0.1, 0.5).
TE0: Initial value for the thermal energy simulating an Ideal Gas
i_kernelcorrection: Kernel correction: (0=none; 1=Kernel correction; 2=Gradient kernel
iRiemannSolver: Use of Riemann Solver: (0=None, 1=Conservative,
iTVD: Use TVD, slope limiter (beta_lim)? (1=yes)
beta_lim: slope limiter using Riemann Solver
i_vort: vorticity printing ? (1=yes)
ndt_VerletPerform: Number of time steps to apply the Eulerian equations with the
Verlet algorithm
ndt_FilterPerform: Number of time steps to apply the density filter
ndt_DBCPerform: Number of time steps to apply the Hughes and Graham (2010)
correction for dynamic boundary conditions.
Created by SPHysicsgen.
Read by SPHysics code at GETDATA (see subsection
The file contains the following variables recorded at time=0:
In 2D version
xp(1) zp(1) up(1) wp(1) rhop(1) p(1) pm(1)
xp(2) zp(2) up(2) wp(2) rhop(2) p(2) pm(2)
xp(np) zp(np) up(np) wp(np) rhop(np) p(np) pm(np)
In 3D version
xp(1) yp(1) zp(1) up(1) vp(1) wp(1) rhop(1) p(1) pm(1)
xp(2) yp(2) zp(2) up(2) vp(2) wp(2) rhop(2) p(2) pm(2)
……………… ………………..
xp(np) yp(np) zp(np) up(np) vp(np) wp(np) rhop(np) p(np) pm(np)
xp(i) Position in x direction of particle i.
yp(i) Position in y direction of particle i.
zp(i) Position in z direction of particle i.
up(i) Velocity in x direction of particle i.
vp(i) Velocity in y direction of particle i.
wp(i) Velocity in z direction of particle i.
rhop(i) Density of particle i.
p(i) Pressure at particle i.
pm(i) Mass of particle i.
Created by SPHysicsgen.
To be used by MATLAB codes for graphical representation.
The file contains the following variables:
vlx medium extent in x direction.
vly medium extent in y direction. It is set to zero when IDIM= 2.
vlz medium extent in z direction.
The rest of the variables were previously described.
Created by SPHysicsgen.
To be used by SPHysics code when IBC=1. It contents the normal and tangent vectors
to each boundary particle plus the neighbours of each boundary particle.
In 3D version
iBP_Pointer_Info(i,1), iBP_Pointer_Info(i,2), iBP_Pointer_Info(i,3),
iBP_Pointer_Info(i,4), iBP_Pointer_Info(i,5), iBP_Pointer_Info(i,6),
BP_xyz_Data(i,1), BP_xyz_Data(i,2), BP_xyz_Data(i,3)
xnb(i),ynb(i),znb(i): Components of the unitary vector normal to the boundary at point i.
xtb(i),ytb(i),ztb(i): Components of the unitary vector tangential to the boundary at that
xsb(i), ysb(i), zsb(i) Components of the unitary vector tangential to the boundary at
point i and perpendicular to the previous one.
iBP_Pointer_Info(i,1): Absolute index BP
iBP_Pointer_Info(i,2): Rank of BP (default=0, reserved for MPI)
iBP_Pointer_Info(i,3): Absolute index of i-1 neighbour BP
iBP_Pointer_Info(i,4): Absolute index of i+1 neighbour BP
iBP_Pointer_Info(i,5): Absolute index of j-1 neighbour BP
iBP_Pointer_Info(i,6): Absolute index of j+1 neighbour BP
BP_xyz_Data(i,1), BP_xyz_Data(i,2), BP_xyz_Data(i,3): xp(BP), yp(BP), zp(BP)
needed for the future release of a MPI version of the code.
Created by SPHysicsgen
To be used by MATLAB codes for graphical representation
The file contains the following variables:
iopt_obst Conditional variable (1= obstacle exists; 0= it does not exist). The last one is
always zero.
XXmin Minimum value of the obstacle in x direction.
XXmax Minimum value of the obstacle in x direction.
YYmin Minimum value of the obstacle in y direction.
YYmax Minimum value of the obstacle in y direction.
ZZmin Minimum value of the obstacle in z direction.
ZZmax Minimum value of the obstacle in z direction.
Slope Obstacle slope in x direction.
Created by SPHysicsgen
To be used by SPHysics code. Parameters fix the wavemaker extent and movement. It
will only move in x direction.
The file contains the following variables:
iopt_wavemaker: Conditional variable (1= Wavemaker exists; 0= it does nor exist).
i_paddleType: Enter Paddle-Type (1: Piston, 2: Piston-flap)
nwavemaker_ini: First wavemaker particle.
nwavemaker_end: Last wavemaker particle.
X_PaddleCentre: Wavemaker Centre position in X coordinates
X_PaddleStart: X_PaddleStart = 0.5*stroke
paddle_SWL: Enter paddle Still Water Level (SWL)
flap_length: Enter piston-flap flap_length
stroke: Wavemaker Stroke = 2*Amplitude
twavemaker: Initial time of wavemaker
Nfreq: Number of frequencies
A_wavemaker:Amplitude of wavemaker movement.
Period: Period of wavemaker movement.
phase(n): Phase of wavemaker movement.
twinitial(n): Start of wavemaker movement (seconds).
Created by SPHysicsgen
To be used by SPHysics code. Parameters fix the gate extent and movement.
The file contains the following variables:
iopt_gate Conditional variable (1= gate exists; 0= it does nor exist).
ngate_ini First gate particle
ngate_end Last gate particle
VXgate,VYgate,VZgate Gate velocity in coordinates
tgate Start of gate movement (seconds).
Created by SPHysicsgen
To be used by SPHysics code. Parameters fix the wedge dimensions and movement.
The file contains the following variables:
Created by SPHysicsgen
To be used by SPHysics code. Parameters fix the floating bodies dimensions and
The file contains the following variables:
bigInertiaXX(num_FB), bigInertiaYY(num_FB),bigInertiaZZ(num_FB)
XcylinderDimension(num_FB),YcylinderDimension(num_FB), ZcylinderDimension(num_FB)
44 Subroutines
All subroutines in SPHysicsgen are inside a single source file SPHysicsgen_2D.f or
Apart from previous subroutines, which control the shape and dimensions of the
container, other subroutines are responsible of the fluid properties inside that container.
FLUID_PARTICLES Subroutine to choose between different initial distributions of the
DROP Subroutine used to generate a round shaped area (2D or 3D) as initial position.
The velocity of the particles inside the region can be fixed by the user (all
particles share the same velocity).
SET Subroutine used to generate a set of particle as initial condition. The number of
particle and the initial position and velocity of each particle can be decided by the
user. This configuration is particularly useful when checking changes in the code
since it permit runs with a small number of moving particles.
FILL PART Subroutine used to generate a cubic area as initial position (2D or 3D).
Different cubes can placed at different position inside the computational domain.
WAVE Subroutine used to generate a wave (2D or 3D) advancing in x- direction as
initial position.
POS_VELOC Subroutine used to determine the initial position and velocity of particles.
PRESSURE Subroutine used to determine the initial pressure of particles.
P_BOUNDARIES Subroutine to assign density equal to the reference density to the
boundary particles and gage pressure equal to zero.
CORRECT_P_BOUNDARIES Subroutine to correct pressure at boundaries. It
considers the density to be equal to the reference density plus a hydrostatic
correction. Pressure is then calculated according to Batchelor equation.
PERIODICITYCHECK Subroutine to determine the limits in periodic boundary
conditions. These BC are only available in 3D and in y- direction.
NORMALS_CALC_2D and NORMALS_CALC_3D Subroutines to calculate the
normals to be used in repulsive boundary conditions.
the normals to be used in repulsive boundary conditions.
POSITION_CHECK Subroutine to ensure that particles are not too close to each other.
PRECISIONWRITE Subroutine to choose precision of SPHYSICS variables of position
TOCOMPILE_IFORT Subroutine to create the MAKEFILE, SPHysics.mak, used to
compile SPHysics using a IFORT compiler. The source files to be included in
SPHysics.mak depend on the particular conditions of the run fixed by the input
TOCOMPILE_GFORTRAN Subroutine to create the MAKEFILE, SPHysics.mak,
used to compile SPHysics using a GFORTRAN compiler. The source files to be
included in the MAKEFILE depend on the particular conditions of the run fixed
by the input files.
TOCOMPILE_WIN_IFORT Subroutine to create the MAKEFILE necessary to compile
SPHysics using a INTEL Fortran compiler. The source files to be included in the
MAKEFILE depend on the particular conditions of the run fixed by the input
TOCOMPILE_FTN95 Subroutine to create the MAKEFILE necessary to compile
SPHysics using a Silverfrost FTN95 compiler. The source files to be included in
the MAKEFILE depend on the particular conditions of the run fixed by the input
SPHysics nature depends on the compiling option determined by SPHysicsgen
Created by SPHysics at POUTE_3D.f or POUTE_2D.f with a periodicity in seconds
fixed by the input_file used to run SPHysicsgen.
The structure of PART_klmn is the same as that of IPART previously described. The
indices k, m, n and l can take any integer value from 0 to 9, in such a way that the
maximum number of images is 9999.
Each PART_klmn file is opened, recorded and closed in each call to POUTE_3D.f or
POUTE_2D.f subroutines, so, a single UNIT=23 is assigned to all PART_klmn files.
Created by SPHysics at POUTE_3D.f or POUTE_2D.f with the same periodicity as
The following variables are recorded:
vortx_temp vorty_temp vortz_temp
(Note this is new for v2.0)
vortx_temp, vorty_temp, vortz_temp: correspond to vorticity in x,y and z constant
Created by SPHysics at POUTE_3D.f or POUTE_2D.f
The following variables are recorded:
time dt1 dt2 dtnew
time: Time instant (in seconds)
dt1: Time step based on the force per unit mass (see section 2.2).
dt2: Time step combining the Courant and the viscous conditions (see section 2.2).
dtnew: Time step corresponding to next step using dt1 and dt2.
Created by SPHysics at POUTE_3D.f or POUTE_2D.f
The same as PART_klmn but with a shorter periodicity during a certain interval of the
run. Details about periodicity, starting and end of this recording can be seen in section
Created by SPHysics at ENERGY_2D.f or ENERGY_3D.f.
The file contains the following variables recorded with the same periodicity as
time Time instant (in seconds)
Eki_p Kinetical energy summation (for fluid particles)
Epo_p Potential energy summation (for fluid particles)
TE_p Thermal energy summation (for fluid particles)
Eki_b Kinetical energy summation (for boundary particles)
Epo_b Potential energy summation (for boundary particles)
TE_b Thermal energy summation (for boundary particles)
NOTE: Boundary particle energies only make sense when using Dynamic Boundary
Created by SPHysics at SPHYSICS_3D.f or SPHYSICS_2D.f
The following variables are recorded:
itime time ngrab dt
itime: Number of iterations since the beginning of the run.
time: Time instant (in seconds).
ngrab: Recording instant.
dt: Time step
48 Subroutines
All subroutines in SPHysicsgen are placed in the same source file, however SPHysics
ones are placed in different source files. A short description of each possible subroutine
and CORRECT_SPS_3D.f). This subroutine is called by STEP every time step. It
basically accounts for the body forces and XSPH correction (and SPS terms are
calculated if i_visos = 3).
RECOVER_LIST (Source file: RECOVER_LIST.f). This subroutine is called from
STEP every time step. It recovers the list corresponding to the fixed boundary
particles created by KEEP_LIST.
VARIABLE_TIME_STEP_3D.f). This subroutine is called from STEP every time
step. It calculates the time step considering maximum inter-particle forces, the
speed of sound and the viscosity.
DENSITYFILTER_SHEPARD_3D.f). Subroutine called from SPHysics every 30
time steps. It uses a Shepard filter when selected in initial conditions.
DENSITYFILTER_MLS _3D.f). Subroutine called from SPHysics every 30 time
steps. It uses a MLS filter when selected in initial conditions.
AC_SHEPARD (Source files: AC_SHEPARD_2D.f and AC_ SHEPARD_3D.f). This
subroutine is called from DENSITYFILTER_MLS. It calls the subroutines
AC_MLS (Source files: AC_MLS_2D.f and AC_MLS_3D.f). This subroutine is called
from DENSITYFILTER_MLS. It calls the subroutines PRE_SELF_MLS and
AC_KC (Source files: AC_KC_2D.f and AC_KC_3D.f). This subroutine is called from
STEP every time step. It calls the subroutines AC.
AC_KGC (Source files: AC_KGC_2D.f and AC_KGC_3D.f). This subroutine is called
from STEP every time step. It calls the subroutines AC, PRE_SELF_KGC and
AC (Source files: AC_2D.f, AC_CONSEVATIVE_2D.f, AC_3D.f and
AC_CONSEVATIVE_3D.f). This subroutine is called from AC_NONE or
AC_KC or AC_KGC every time step. It controls the boundary particles
movement (gates and wavemakers) and calls the subroutines SELF and CELIJ.
PRE_SELF_SHEPARD_3D.f). This subroutine is called from AC_ SHEPARD.
PRE_CELIJ_SHEPARD_3D.f). This subroutine is called from AC_ SHEPARD.
PRE_SELF_MLS (Source files: PRE_SELF_MLS_2D.f, PRE_SELF_MLS_3D.f). This
subroutine is called from AC_MLS.
This subroutine is called from AC_MLS.
PRE_SELF_KGC (Source files: PRE_SELF_KGC_2D.f, PRE_SELF_KGC_3D.f). This
subroutine is called from AC_KGC.
This subroutine is called from AC_KGC.
SELF (Source files: all SELF_*.f). This subroutine is called from AC every time step. It
controls the interaction between particles inside the same “cell” determined by
the link list.
CELIJ (Source files: all CELIJ_*.f). This subroutine is called from AC every time step.
It controls the interaction between particles inside adjacent “cells” determined by
the link list.
subroutine is called from SELF and CELIJ every time step. It calculates the
particle-particle interaction according to kernel definition (1=gaussian,
2=quadratic; 3=cubic; 5=wendland) and dimensionality of the problem (2D or
VISCOSITY_LAMINAR+SPS_3D.for). This subroutine is called from SELF and
CELIJ every time step. It calculates viscosity terms depending on the chosen
option ((1) Artificial (2) Laminar (3) Laminar +SPS) and dimensionality of the
problem (2D or 3D).
MONAGHANBC (Source file: all MONAGHANBC_*.f). This subroutine is called
from CELIJ and SELF (only when considering SELF_BC_MONAGHAN_3D.f
and CELIJ_BC_MONAGHAN_3D.f sources). It accounts for Monaghan’s
repulsive force between fluid and boundary particles.
_3D.f). This subroutine is called from STEP.
MOVINGGATE (Source file: MOVINGGATE_2D.f and MOVINGGATE _3D.f). This
subroutine is called from MOVINGOBJECTS.
_3D.f). This subroutine is called from MOVINGOBJECTS.
_3D.f). This subroutine is called from MOVINGOBJECTS.
RIGID_BODY_MOTION_CONSERVATIVE_3D.f). It describes the movement
of the floating bodies. This subroutine is called from MOVINGOBJECTS.
LU_DECOMPOSITION_3D.f,). This subroutine is called from
DENSITYFILTER_MLS. It constructs the LU-decomposition matrix.
uses the equation of Ideal Gases to solve the pressure.
EOS_MORRIS (Source files: EOS_ MORRIS_2D.f, EOS_MORRIS_3D.f,). It uses the
equation of Morris to solve the pressure.
EOS_TAIT (Source files: EOS_TAIT_2D.f, EOS_TAIT_3D.f,). It uses the equation of
Tait to solve the pressure.
VORTICITY (Source files: VORTICITY_2D.f, VORTICITY_3D.f,). It calculates the
vorticity terms. This subroutine is called from CELIJ and SELF.
UPDATENORMALS_3D.f). It calculates the new normals of the moving
boundary particles when Monaghan Boundary conditions are used. This
subroutine is called from MOVINGPADDLE and RIGID_BODY_MOTION.
PERIODICITYCORRECTION_3D.f). This subroutine corrects problems when
periodicity domain is higher than dimension extent. It is called from all the
PRE_CELIJ and CELIJ subroutines.
GRADIENTS_CALC_CONSERVATIVE_3D.f). This subroutine is called from
all the SELF and CELIJ subroutines.
is called from all the SELF and CELIJ subroutines when Riemann Solver solution
is selected.
LIMITER_BETAMINMOD_3D.f). This subroutine is called from all the
APPROX_RIEMANNSOLVER subroutines when Riemann Solver solution is
NOTE: the default Compiler chosen is INTEL IFORT for WINDOWS, which is
option 3 near the end of each Case file.
SPHysics also currently supports following fortran compilers that have been tested on
Linux platforms,
In order to run SPHysics on Linux, gfortran, ifort and the GNU make utility need to be
installed and available in the default search path (typically /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin).
The f0llowing paragraphs explain the procedure to compile and run the 2D version of
SPHysics. The procedure is exactly the same for the 3D version.
Compiling SPHysicsgen_2D
Running SPHysicsgen_2D and SPHysics_2D
There are linux batch files located in the four 2D example directories,
run_directory/CaseN, where N=1,2,3,4. These batch files are named CaseN_linux.bat
(N=1,2,3,4) . Similar linux batch files are located in the 3D example directories.
The following table gives a detailed description of the commands used in the script file
Case1_unix_gfortran.bat which is located in SPHysics_2D/run_directory/Case1. This
batch file can be executed, while in the Case1 directory, by typing
Case1_unix_gfortran.bat at the command prompt.
make -f SPHysics.mak Compile and generate SPHysics_2D
using SPHysics.make. Similar to the
Makefiles for SPHysicsgen_2D, this
Makefile compiles and places the
SPHysics_2D executable in the execs
directory and moves the older
executable to the execs.bak directory
rm SPHysics.mak Remove the Makefile from the
source/SPHysics2D directory.
cd ../../run_directory/Case1 Change to the Case1 example directory.
../../execs/SPHysics_2D Execute SPHysics_2D and direct the
output from the run to sph.out
There are windows batch files located in the example directories, The batch file
Case1_windows_ifort.bat located in SPHysics\SPHysics_2D\run_directory\Case1 (see
Fig. 3.1) is used. Similar batch files correspond to other 2D examples. Examples
corresponding to 3D calculations can be found in
The user should, while in the Case1 directory, write Case1_windows_ifort.bat on a
command window. The content of this file is briefly describe in next table.
del *.exe Remove previous executable files.
NMAKE/f"SPHYSICSgen_win_ifort.mak" NMAKE /f "SPHysicsgen.mak" is
used to compile SPHysicsgen_2D.exe.
cd ..\..\ run_directory\Case1 Change directory
copy..\..\execs\SPHysicsgen_2D.exe Copy SPHysicsgen_2D.exe file to the
SPHysicsgen_2D.exe working directory.
SPHysicsgen_2D.exe <Case1.txt > Case1.out Run SPHysicsgen_2D.exe.
This program creates the initial
conditions and select the options of
the run. In addition, it also creates a
file SPHysics.mak that can be used to
compile the SPHysics_2D code with
the right options.
Any name can be used for the input
and output files
copy SPHysics.mak Copy the SPHysics.mak file to the
..\..\source\SPHysics_2D\SPHysics.mak place where the SPHysics_2D source
files are located.
cd ..\..\execs\ Change to the directory where the
executable file will be created.
del *.obj Remove previous object files
del SPHysics_2D.exe Remove previous executable versions
of SPHysics_2D.exe
cd..\source\SPHysics_2D Change to the directory containing the
SPHysics_2D source files
NMAKE /f "SPHysics.mak" NMAKE /f "SPHysics.mak" is used to
compile SPHysics_2D.exe. There are
multiple options to compile
SPHysics_2D.exe. They are
automatically selected depending on
the initial conditions provided by the
input file (Case1.txt in this example).
The file SPHysics.mak, which is
automatically created by
SPHysicsgen_2D.exe, contains
information about those options.
cd ..\..\ run_directory\Case1 Change directory
copy ..\..\execs\SPHysics_2D.exe Copy SPHysics_2D.exe file to the
SPHysics_2D.exe working directory
SPHysics_2D.exe >sph.out Run the case.
Any name can be used for the output
file sph.out
4.2. Test case 1: 2D Dam break in a box
0 Inclination of floor in X ( beta ) ??
0,0,0 Periodic Lateral boundaries in X, Y, & Z-Directions ? (1=yes)
0 Add wall
0 Add obstacle (1=y)
0 Add wavemaker (1=y)
0 Add gate (1=y)
0 Add Floating Body (1=yes)
2 Initial conditions: 2) particles on a staggered grid
0 Correct pressure at boundaries ?? (1=y)
0.03,1. Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.03,2. Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Fill a new region
3,0.02 Input the tmax and out
0. initial time of outputting general data
1.0 For detailed recording during RUN: out_detail, start, end
0.0001,1 Input dt?? , i_var_dt ??
0.2 CFL number (0.1-0.5)
0.92 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
0 (Parshikov)
3 Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost FTN95
1 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
Figure 4.2: X-Velocity plot in Case1.
4.3. Test case 2: 2D Dam break evolution over a wet bottom in a box.
The case can be run using Case2.bat whose output directory is Case2. The input file
Case2.txt is located in the output directory. The information contained in that file can be
summarized as follows:
0.,1.5 Gate Velocity ??
0 t gate??
0 Add new gate (1=y)
0 Add Floating Bodies (1=yes) ?
2 Initial conditions: 2) particles on a staggered grid
0 Correct pressure at boundaries ?? (1=y)
0.005,0.376 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.005,0.15 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Fill a new region
0.40,1.995 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.005,0.018 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Fill a new region
1.2,0.01 Input the tmax and out
0.0 Initial time of outputting general data
1.0 For detailed recording during RUN: out_detail, start, end
0.0001,1 Input dt, i_var_dt ??
0.2 CFL number (0.1-0.5)
0.92 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
0 (Parshikov)
3 Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost FTN95
1 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
4.4. Test case 3: Waves generated by a paddle in a beach
The case can be run using Case3.bat whose output directory is Case3. The input file
Case3.txt is located in the output directory. The information contained in that file can be
summarized as follows:
4.4.1 Case 2D
2 Enter Paddle-Type: 1=Piston, 2=Piston-flap, 3=Piston with prescribed motion
0.13 X_PaddleCentre
0.15 paddle_SWL
0.1344 flap_length = distance of pivot point under bed
0.0,0.3 ZZMin, ZZmax of the wavemaker ??
0.0 Initial time of wavemaker = twavemaker ??
1 Number of frequencies ??
0.2422 Wavemaker Stroke = 2*Amplitude ??
1.4 Period ??
0 Phase ??
0 twinitial ??
0 Add another wavemaker inside the beach (1=yes)
0 Add gate (1=yes)
0 Add Sliding Raichlen Wedge (1=yes)
0 Add Floating Body (1=yes)
1 Add water in the flat region ?? (1=yes)
0, 1.0 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.025, 0.18 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Add water in the inclined region ?? (1=yes)
1.01, 3.75 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.025, 0.18 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Add a solitary wave ?? (1=yes)
5.0,0.05 Input the tmax and out
0.0 initial time of recording
0.0,1.0,-1.0 detailed recording: out_dtrecording, Start time, End Time
0.000045,1 input dt ??, variable dt ??
0.2 CFL number (0.1-0.5)
0.92 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
0 (Parshikov)
3 Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost FTN95
2 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
Figure 4.6: Wave formation in Case3 (for 2D).
4.4.2 Case 3D
0.20 X_PaddleCentre
0.15 paddle_SWL
0.1344 flap_length = distance of pivot point under bed
0.0,0.2 YYMin, YYmax of the wavemaker ??
0.0,0.25 ZZMin, ZZmax of the wavemaker ??
0.0 Initial time of wavemaker = twavemaker ??
1 Number of frequencies ??
0.2442 Wavemaker Stroke = 2*Amplitude ??
1.4 Period ??
0 Phase ??
0 twinitial ??
0 Add another wavemaker inside the beach (1=yes)
0 Add gate (1=yes)
0 Add Sliding Raichlen Wedge (1=yes)
0 Add Floating Body (1=yes,0=no)
1 Add water in the flat region ?? (1=yes)
0, 0.49 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.00, 0.20 Cube containing particles : YMin, Ymax ??
0.02, 0.15 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Add water in the inclined region ?? (1=yes)
0.50, 2.5 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.00, 0.20 Cube containing particles : YMin, Ymax ??
0.02, 0.15 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Add a solitary wave ?? (1=yes)
5.0,0.025 Input the tmax and out
0.0 initial time of recording
0,1,-1 detailed recording: out_dtrecording, Start time, End Time
0.00005,0 input dt ??, variable dt ??
0.2 CFL number (0.1 - 0.5)
0.866025 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
0 (Parshikov)
3 Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost FTN95
2 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
4.5. Test case 4: Tsunami generated by a sliding Wedge
The case can be run using Case4.bat whose output directory is Case4. The input file
Case4.txt is located in the output directory. The information contained in that file can be
summarized as follows:
4.5.1 Case 2D
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Initial Fluid Particle Structure: 1= SC, 2= BCC
9.5,4.0 Box dimension LX, LZ?
0.05,0.05 Spacing dx, dz?
2.25 Length of Flat Domain
26.565051 Slope (deg) of the inclined plane ( beta ) ??
0,0,0 Periodic Lateral boundaries in X, Y, & Z-Directions ? (1=yes)
0 If wavemaker will be added, left pannel is not needed (1=yes)
0 Add obstacle (1=yes)
0 Add gate (1=yes)
1 Add Raichlen Wedge (1=yes)
0.3 Enter block-top elevation above SWL
2.14 Enter specific Weight
0.91, 0.455,
0.61 Enter block_length, block_height, block_width
0.04, 0.04 Enter block dxW, dzW
0 Add Floating Body (1=yes)
1 Add water in the flat region ?? (1=yes)
0.05, 2.25 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.05, 3.5 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Add water in the inclined region ?? (1=yes)
2.30, 9.5 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.05, 3.5 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Add a solitary wave ?? (1=yes)
3.0,0.015 Input the tmax and out
0.0 initial time of outputting general data
0,1.0,-1.0 For detailed recording: out_dtrecording, Start time, End Time
0.00011,1 input dt ??, variable dt ??
0.2 CFL number (0.1 - 0.5)
0.92 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
0 (Parshikov)
3 Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost FTN95
2 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
Figure 4.9: Tsunami generation using sliding Wedge (for 2D).
4.5.2. Case 3D
0,1,0 Periodic Lateral boundaries in X, Y, & Z-Directions ? (1=yes)
0 If wavemaker will be added, left pannel is not needed (1=yes)
0 Add obstacle (1=yes)
0 Add gate (1=yes)
1 Add Raichlen Wedge (1=yes)
0.3 Enter block-top elevation above SWL
2.14 Enter specific Weight
0.91, 0.455,
0.61 Enter block_length, block_height, block_width
0.04, 0.04,
0.04 Enter block dxW, dyW, dzW
0 Add Floating Body (1=yes)
1 Add water in the flat region ?? (1=yes)
0.075, 2.25 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.0751, 2.651 Cube containing particles : YMin, Ymax ??
0.075, 2.5 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Add water in the inclined region ?? (1=yes)
8.5 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.0751, 2.651 Cube containing particles : YMin, Ymax ??
0.075, 2.5 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Add a solitary wave ?? (1=yes)
3.0,0.015 Input the tmax and out
0.0 initial time of recording
0,1,-1 detailed recording: out_dtrecording, Start time, End Time
0.0001729,1 input dt ??, variable dt ??
0.2 CFL number (0.1 - 0.5)
0.866025 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
0 (Parshikov)
3 Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost FTN95
2 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
4.6. Test case 5: 3D dam-break interaction with a structure
The case can be run using Case5.bat whose output directory is Case5. The input file
Case5.txt is located in the output directory. The information contained in that file can be
summarized as follows:
0 inclination of floor in X ( beta ) ??
0 inclination of floor in Y ( tita ) ??
0,0,0 Periodic Lateral boundaries in X, Y, & Z-Directions ? (1=yes)
0 If wavemaker will be added, left wall is not needed
0 Add wall (1=y)
0 Add wall with slot (1=y)
0 Add wall with round hole (1=y)
1 Add obstacle (1=y)
1 Choose obstacle: 1=rectangular 2=trapezoid
2 Kind of obstacle: 1=Solid, 2=Solid Walls
Density of points(ndens): dxi_new=dxi_old/ndens (ndens >1 increases
2 density)
0.9,1.02 XMin, Xmax ??
0.24,0.36 YMin, Ymax ??
0.,0.45 ZMin, Zmax ??
90 slope
0 Add new obstacle (1=y)
0 Add wavemaker
0 Add gate
0 Add Floating Bodies (1=yes) ?
2 Initial conditions: 2) particles on a staggered grid without filling the box
0 Correct pressure at boundaries ?? (1=y)
0.0225,0.4 XMin, Xmax ??
0.0225,0.6475 YMin, Ymax ??
0.0225,0.36 ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Fill a new region
0.4225,0.8775 XMin, Xmax ??
0.0225,0.6475 YMin, Ymax ??
0.0225,0.03 ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Fill a new region
0.9,1.025 XMin, Xmax ??
0.0225,0.2175 YMin, Ymax ??
0.0225,0.03 ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Fill a new region
0.9,1.025 XMin, Xmax ??
0.3825,0.6475 YMin, Ymax ??
0.0225,0.03 ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Fill a new region
1.0425,1.5775 XMin, Xmax ??
0.0225,0.6475 YMin, Ymax ??
0.0225,0.03 ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Fill a new region
2,0.01 Input the tmax and out
0. initial time of outputting general data
0.0005,1.0,-1.0 For detailed recording during RUN: out_detail, start, end
0.00005,1 input dt ??, variable dt ??
0.2 CFL number (0.1-0.5)
0.866025 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
0 (Parshikov)
Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost
3 FTN95
2 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
Figure 4.12: Interaction wave-structure in Case5
4.7. Test case 6: Floating bodies in waves
The case can be run using Case6.bat whose output directory is Case6. The input file
Case6.txt is located in the output directory. The information contained in that file can be
summarized as follows:
4.7.1 Case 2D
0.23 X_PaddleCentre
0.15 paddle_SWL
0.1344 flap_length = distance of pivot point under bed
0.0,0.3 ZZMin, ZZmax of the wavemaker ??
0.0 Initial time of wavemaker = twavemaker ??
1 Number of frequencies ??
0.2 Wavemaker Stroke = 2*Amplitude ??
1.4 Period ??
0 Phase ??
0 twinitial ??
0 Add another wavemaker inside the beach (1=yes)
0 Add gate (1=yes)
0 Add Sliding Raichlen Wedge (1=yes)
1 Add Floating Body (1=yes)
0.06, 0.06 Enter square cylinderDimension
1.0 Enter specific Weight
2.38, 0.16 Enter x,z of Bottom Left Corner (x_BottomLeft, z_BottomLeft)
0.0, 0.0 Enter (x,z) shift of Centre of Gravity for use in Parallel Axis Theorem
0.0, 0.0 Enter initial U,W velocity of Object
0.0, 0.0 Enter initial Body Angle and Rotation Rate (Omega) - Positive anticlockwise
0.20 Enter coefficient of Friction
1 Add another Floating Body (1=yes)
0.06, 0.06 Enter square cylinderDimension
1.0 Enter specific Weight
2.70, 0.16 Enter x,z of Bottom Left Corner (x_BottomLeft, z_BottomLeft)
0.0, 0.0 Enter (x,z) shift of Centre of Gravity for use in Parallel Axis Theorem
0.0, 0.0 Enter initial U,W velocity of Object
0.0, 0.0 Enter initial Body Angle and Rotation Rate (Omega) - Positive anticlockwise
0.20 Enter coefficient of Friction
1 Add another Floating Body (1=yes)
0.06, 0.06 Enter square cylinderDimension
1.0 Enter specific Weight
3.56, 0.22 Enter x,z of Bottom Left Corner (x_BottomLeft, z_BottomLeft)
0.0, 0.0 Enter (x,z) shift of Centre of Gravity for use in Parallel Axis Theorem
0.0, 0.0 Enter initial U,W velocity of Object
0.0, 10.0 Enter initial Body Angle and Rotation Rate (Omega) - Positive anticlockwise
0.20 Enter coefficient of Friction
0 Add another Floating Body (1=yes)
1 Add water in the flat region ?? (1=yes)
0, 2.0 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.025, 0.18 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Add water in the inclined region ?? (1=yes)
2.01, 4.75 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.025, 0.18 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Add a solitary wave ?? (1=yes)
7.0,0.0500 Input the tmax and out
0.0 initial time of recording
0.0,1.0,-1.0 detailed recording: out_dtrecording, Start time, End Time
0.00020,1 input dt ??, variable dt ??
0.2 CFL number (0.1-0.5)
0.92 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
1 (Parshikov)
1,1.3 Use TVD, slope limiter (beta_lim)?'
3 Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost FTN95
2 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
Figure 4.14: Floating bodies in waves 2D.
4.7.2. Case 3D
0.13 X_PaddleCentre
0.15 paddle_SWL
0.1344 flap_length = distance of pivot point under bed
0.0,0.2 YYMin, YYmax of the wavemaker ??
0.0,0.25 ZZMin, ZZmax of the wavemaker ??
0.0 Initial time of wavemaker = twavemaker ??
1 Number of frequencies ??
0.111 Wavemaker Stroke = 2*Amplitude ??
1.5 Period ??
0 Phase ??
0 twinitial ??
0 Add another wavemaker inside the beach (1=yes)
0 Add gate (1=yes)
0 Add Sliding Raichlen Wedge (1=yes)
1 Add Floating Body (1=yes)
0.06, 0.06,
0.06 Enter X, Y & Z cylinderDimensions
1.0 Enter specific Weight
1.0, 0.08,0.20 Enter x,y,z of Bottom Left Corner (x_BottomLeft, z_BottomLeft)
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Enter (x,y,z) shift of Centre of Gravity for use in Parallel Axis Theorem
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Enter initial U,V,W velocity of Object
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Enter initial Body Angle in X, Y Z Directions
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Enter initial Rotation Rate (Omega) in X, Y Z Directions
0.20 Enter coefficient of Friction
1 Add another Floating Body (1=yes)
0.06, 0.06,
0.06 Enter X, Y & Z cylinderDimensions
1.0 Enter specific Weight
1.6, 0.16,0.24 Enter x,y,z of Bottom Left Corner (x_BottomLeft, z_BottomLeft)
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Enter (x,y,z) shift of Centre of Gravity for use in Parallel Axis Theorem
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Enter initial U,V,W velocity of Object
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Enter initial Body Angle in X, Y Z Directions
10.0, 0.0, 0.0 Enter initial Rotation Rate (Omega) in X, Y Z Directions
0.20 Enter coefficient of Friction
0 Add another Floating Body (1=yes,0=no)
1 Add water in the flat region ?? (1=yes)
0, 0.49 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.00, 0.20 Cube containing particles : YMin, Ymax ??
0.02, 0.15 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Add water in the inclined region ?? (1=yes)
0.50, 2.5 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.00, 0.20 Cube containing particles : YMin, Ymax ??
0.02, 0.15 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Add a solitary wave ?? (1=yes)
4.0,0.01 Input the tmax and out
0.0 initial time of recording
0,1,-1 detailed recording: out_dtrecording, Start time, End Time
0.00020,1 input dt ??, variable dt ??
0.4 CFL number (0.1-0.5)
0.866025 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
1 (Parshikov)
1,1.3 Use TVD, slope limiter (beta_lim)?'
3 Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost FTN95
2 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
4.8. Test case 7: Focused wave group approaching trapezoid
The case can be run using Case7.bat whose output directory is Case7. The input file
Case7.txt is located in the output directory. The information contained in that file can be
summarized as follows:
4.8.1. Case 2D
9.605,0.40625 Enter (x,z)-start of trapezoid
10.065,0.6085 Enter (x,z)-start of trapezoid top
10.28,0.6085 Enter (x,z)-finish of trapezoid top
10.62,0.457 Enter (x,z)-finish of trapezoid
0 Add another obstacle (1=yes)
3 Enter Paddle-Type: 1=Piston, 2=Piston-flap, 3=Piston with prescribed motion
0.0 X_PaddleCentre
FocusWavePaddle.dat Enter filename of prescribed motion
0.5 paddle_SWL
0.0,0.7 ZZMin, ZZmax of the wavemaker ??
0.0 Initial time of wavemaker = twavemaker ??
1 Number of frequencies ??
0.0 Wavemaker Stroke = 2*Amplitude ??
0 Period ??
0 Phase ??
0 twinitial ??
0 Add another wavemaker inside the beach (1=yes)
0 Add gate (1=yes)
0 Add Sliding Raichlen Wedge (1=yes)
0 Add Floating Body (1=yes)
1 Add water in the flat region ?? (1=yes)
0.0, 1.48 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.02, 0.50 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Add water in the inclined region ?? (1=yes)
1.50, 9.915 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.02, 0.50 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Add a solitary wave ?? (1=yes)
12.0,0.040 Input the tmax and out
0.0 initial time of recording
0.0,1.0,-1.0 detailed recording: out_dtrecording, Start time, End Time
0.00005,1 input dt ??, variable dt ??
0.2 CFL number (0.1 - 0.5)
0.92 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
2 (Parshikov)
1, 1.0 Use TVD Riemann Solver, slope limiter (beta_lim)
Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost
3 FTN95
1 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
Figure 4.17: Pressure plot in Case7.
4.8.2. Case 3D
11.0,0.7 Enter (x,z)-start of trapezoid top
11.5,0.7 Enter (x,z)-finish of trapezoid top
12.,0.55 Enter (x,z)-finish of trapezoid
0.0,1.5 Enter YYMin, YYmax of trapezoid ??
0 Add another obstacle (1=yes)
3 Enter Paddle-Type: 1=Piston, 2=Piston-flap, 3=Piston with prescribed motion
0.0 X_PaddleCentre
FocusWavePaddle.dat Enter filename of prescribed motion
0.5 paddle_SWL
0.0,1.5 YYMin, YYmax of the wavemaker ??
0.0,0.7 ZZMin, ZZmax of the wavemaker ??
0.0 Initial time of wavemaker = twavemaker ??
1 Number of frequencies ??
0.0 Wavemaker Stroke = 2*Amplitude ??
0 Period ??
0 Phase ??
0 twinitial ??
0 Add another wavemaker inside the beach (1=yes)
0 Add gate (1=yes)
0 Add Sliding Raichlen Wedge (1=yes)
0 Add Floating Body (1=yes,0=no)
1 Add water in the flat region ?? (1=yes)
0.0, 1.48 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.06, 1.44 Cube containing particles : YMin, Ymax ??
0.06, 0.5 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
1 Add water in the inclined region ?? (1=yes)
1.56, 11.0 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.06, 1.44 Cube containing particles : YMin, Ymax ??
0.06, 0.5 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Add a solitary wave ?? (1=yes)
10.0,0.10 Input the tmax and out
0.0 initial time of recording
0.0,1.0,-1.0 detailed recording: out_dtrecording, Start time, End Time
0.00005,1 input dt ??, variable dt ??
0.5 CFL number (0.1 - 0.5)
0.866025 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
2 (Parshikov)
1,1.4 Use TVD, slope limiter (beta_lim)?'
Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost
3 FTN95
2 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
4.9. Test case 8: Floating bodies with 2D Periodicity
The case can be run using Case8.bat whose output directory is Case8. The input file
Case8.txt is located in the output directory.
1 Choose rectangular (1) or trapezoid (2)
2 Which kind of obstacle: (1) Solid, (2) With Solid Walls
2 Density of points, ndens
1.00,2.0 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.03,2.0 Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
90.00 Inclination ( beta ) ??
0 Add another obstacle (1=y)
0 Add wavemaker (1=y)
0 Add gate (1=y)
1 Add Floating Body (1=yes)
0.25, 0.25 Enter X & Z cylinderDimensions
1.0 Enter specific Weight
3.50, 0.50 Enter x,z of Bottom Left Corner (x_BottomLeft, z_BottomLeft)
0.0, 0.0 Enter (x,z) shift of Centre of Gravity for use in Parallel Axis Theorem
0.0, 0.0 Enter initial U,W velocity of Object
0.0, 0.0 Enter initial Body Angle and Rotation Rate (Omega) - Positive anticlockwise
0.20 Enter coefficient of Friction
1 Add another Floating Body (1=yes)
0.25, 0.25 Enter X & Z cylinderDimensions
1.0 Enter specific Weight
0.875, 2.01 Enter x,z of Bottom Left Corner (x_BottomLeft, z_BottomLeft)
0.0, 0.0 Enter (x,z) shift of Centre of Gravity for use in Parallel Axis Theorem
0.0, 0.0 Enter initial U,W velocity of Object
0.0, 0.0 Enter initial Body Angle and Rotation Rate (Omega) - Positive anticlockwise
0.0 Enter coefficient of Friction
0 Add another Floating Body (1=yes)
2 Initial conditions: 2) particles on a staggered grid
0 Correct pressure at boundaries ?? (1=y)
2.03,3.0 Cube containing particles : XMin, Xmax ??
0.03,2. Cube containing particles : ZMin, Zmax ??
0 Fill a new region
3,0.02 Input the tmax and out
0. initial time of outputting general data
1.0 For detailed recording during RUN: out_detail, start, end
0.0001,1 Input dt?? , i_var_dt ??
0.2 CFL number (0.1-0.5)
0.92 h=coefficient*sqrt(dx*dx+dz*dz): coefficient ???
Use of Riemann Solver: 0=None, 1=Conservative (Vila), 2=NonConservative
0 (Parshikov)
3 Which compiler is desired: 1=gfortran, 2=ifort, 3=win_ifort, 4=Silverfrost FTN95
1 Precision of XYZ Variables: 1=Single, 2=Double
Figure 4.20: Floating bodies with 2D Periodicity.
4.10. Test case 9: Blender
The case shows the capability of the open-source program named Blender
(www.blender.org). The user can create a case with more complex geometries using the
Blender tools. A blender file and a python script are provided. The script allows
creating the input data needed in SPHYSICSGEN.
(a) Creating gate and water surface (b) Model ready for exporting
Figure 4.21 Using Blender to generate geometries (Mayrhofer et al. 2010)
When people start using the SPHysics code, we often get asked if the code can do a
particular function that is not included in the demonstration cases. The answer we give
is normally yes, but the particular functionality required may require some re-coding.
We do not normally propose to do this re-coding ourselves unless the application area
coincides closely with our own area and current projects, or there is a bug. The reason
behind this is that SPHysics is primarily a research code and we have released what we
have found useful for our own research. As the code is research oriented, it is up to the
user to adapt the code and the subroutines to their satisfaction.
This short section is aimed at helping those people who want to change the code for
their own purposes. Figure 5.1 displays the main structure of the code. Here, we list
which subroutines in the code you should examine for possible modification.
Important Note: if you create any new subroutines for the main source code, you must
include the names of these new files in the “make files” used for compiling the code
which are written in subroutines tocompile_win_ifort, tocompile_ftn95,
tocompile_gfortran, tocompile_ifort in SPHYSICSgen_2D/3D.f. Read
Section to see where each of the subroutines is compiled.
from celij & self: viscosity_artificial_2D/3D.f,
viscosity_laminar_2D/3D.f, viscosity_laminar+SPS_2D/3D.f. For
the SPS turbulence model, the shear stresses are zeroed in subroutine ac and then
defined for the next timestep in subroutine correct_SPS_2D/3D.f.
6. Loading in data files and setting useful parameters
If you wish to examine and modify what data SPHysics loads initially, all the useful
data is imported in subroutine getdata_2D/3D.f Furthermore, all the useful
parameters that remain the same throughout the simulation are calculated here such
as the kernel normalization factors, etc. All global variables are stored in the
common blocks contained in common.2D/3D.
7. Zeroing variables
Many variables that are evaluated throughout the timestep, such as the accelerations,
ax, ay, az are zeroed initially in the different ac subroutines: ac_2D/3D.f,
ac_Conservative_2D/3D.f, ac_Shepard_2D/3D.f, ac_MLS_2D/3D.f,
ac_KGC_2D/3D.f, ac_KC_2D/3D.f .
8. Changing the input geometry
At present, SPHysics is limited to generating a few simple geometric structures both
in 2-D and 3-D such as boxes, planar beaches, triangular moving wedges, square
floating objects. Generating the geometry is controlled by the code
SPHYSICSgen_2D/3D.f. As explained in Section 3.2, the input case files can be
used to generate a mixture of these basic options. If you wish to modify or add new
options, you will need to edit and modify SPHYSICSgen_2D/3D.f. Here, we try
to give you some indications which subroutines to change:
(i) main geometric container shape: box, beach
(ii) static obstacles: trapezoid, wall, obstacles
(iii) filling the particles: fill_part (& maybe fluid_particles)
(iv) forced motion objects: gate, wavemaker,
RaichlenWedge_Particles, fill_part
(v) free-motion objects (floating): FloatingBody_Particles, fill_part
As described in Section 4.10, a complex geometry generator is now provided for 3-D
applications (see http://wiki.manchester.ac.uk/sphysics/index.php/Contributors) making
the creation of new geometries and loading in CAD files more accessible.
ini_divide …
Here we present a table of the main variables (or those with less than obvious names)
and the counterpart in equations:
cs(i) ca
r r r r r r r r r r
deltaptb(j,1), deltaptb(j,2) tb ⋅ (rb+1 − rb ) / rb+1 − rb & tb ⋅ (rb − rb−1 ) / rb − rb −1
r r r r r r r r r r
deltapsb(j,1), deltapsb(j,2) sb ⋅ (rb+1 − rb ) / rb +1 − rb & sb ⋅ (rb − rb−1 ) / rb − rb−1
(for boundary particles only)
∂u a ∂u a
dudx_CSPH(i), dudy_CSPH(i), … , ,…
∂xa ∂ya
drx, dry, drz xab = ( xa − xb ) , y ab = ( y a − yb ) , z ab = ( z a − z b )
duxp, duyp, duzp u ab = (u a − ub ) , vab = (va − vb ) , wab = (wa − wb )
∂Wab ∂Wba ∂Wab ∂Wba
frxi, frxj, frzi, frzj , , ,
∂xa ∂xb ∂z a ∂z b
fxbp, fybp, fzbp Boundary forces f = ( f x , f y , f z )n
pm(j) mb
ρ a2
pVol(j) Vb =
Pa Pb P P
p_v 2 + 2 + Π ab or a2 + b2 + Π ab + Rf ab
ρ a ρb ρa ρb
rhop(i) ρa
rhop_sum ∑ρ W
b ab
= ∑ mbWab
rr2 rij2
sum_wab ∑W
up(i), vp(i), wp(i) v a = va = (ua , va , wa )
mb r
ux(i), vx(i), wx(i) ∑ρ
vbaWab (XSPH correction)
xnb(j), ynb(j), znb(j) n b = nb = (nx , n y , nz )b (Boundary normals)
xsb(j), ysb(j), zsb(j) s b = sb = (s x , s y , s z )b (Boundary tangent s)
xtb(j), ytb(j), ztb(j) t b = tb = (t x , t y , t z )b (Boundary tangent t)
xp(i), yp(i), zp(i) ra = ra = ( xa , ya , z a )
r r
Wab Wab = W ( ra − rb )
bigUdot, bigVdot, bigWdot, dV
, Ω, M (for rigid body dynamics, eq 2.21)
OmegaX/Y/Zdot, bigMass dt
bigU, BigV, bigW, bigOmegaX V = V = (U , V , W ) , Ω = (Ω x , Ω y , Ω z )
To visualize the results obtained from SPHysics simulations, some basic post-
processing programs have been provided in the SPHysics_2D/Post-Processing and
SPHysics-3D/Post-Processing directories.
Detailed README files, explaining the procedure to view the results using Matlab and
Paraview, are available in those directories. The user is encouraged to read these
README files prior to using the visualization programs.
Guilcher, P.M., Ducorzet, G., Alessandrini, B. and P. Ferrant, Water wave propagation
using SPH models, Proc. of 2nd Int. SPHERIC Workshop, Spain, 119-124, 2007.
Dalrymple, R.A. and Knio, O. 2000. SPH modelling of water waves,” Proc. Coastal
Dynamics, Lund.
Dalrymple, R.A. and Rogers, B.D. 2006. Numerical modeling of water waves with the
SPH method. Coastal Engineering 53: 141 – 147
Hirsch C. Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Vol. 1, John Wiley
and Sons 1998.
Hughes, J. and Graham, D., Comparison of incompressible and weakly-compressible
SPH models fro free-surface water flows, J. Hyd. Res., in press, 2010.
Leimkuhler B J, Reich S, Skeel RD. Integration Methods for Molecular dynamic IMA
Volume in Mathematics and its application. Springer 1997.
Lo, E.Y.M. and Shao, S., Simulation of near-shore solitary wave mechanics by an
incompressible SPH method, Applied Ocean Research, 24, 275-286, 2002.
Liu, G.R. 2003. Mesh Free methods: Moving beyond the finite element method. CRC
Press, pp. 692.
Liu, W., Li, S., and Belytscho, T. 1997. “Moving least square Kernel Galerkin method
(I) methodology and convergence”. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engineering.,
Monaghan, J. J. 1982 Why particle methods work. Siam J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 3: 422-
Monaghan, J. J. 1989. On the problem of penetration in particle methods. Journal
Computational Physics, 82: 1-15.
Monaghan, J. J. 1992. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Annual Rev. Astron. Appl.,
30: 543- 574.
Monaghan, J. J. 1994. Simulating free surface flows with SPH. Journal Computational Physics,
110: 399- 406.
Monaghan, J. J. 2000. SPH without tensile instability. Journal Computational Physics,
159: 290-311.
Monaghan, J. J. 2005. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Rep. Prog. Phys. 68: 1703-
Monaghan, J. J. and Kos, A. 1999. Solitary waves on a Cretan beach. J. Wtrwy. Port,
Coastal and Ocean Engrg., 125: 145-154.
Monaghan, J.J., and Lattanzio, J.C., 1985. A refined method for astrophysical problems.
Astron. Astrophys. 149: 135–143.
Monaghan, J.J., A. Kos, and N. Issa., Fluid motion generated by impact. J. of
Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 129, 250-259, 2003.
Morris, J.P., Fox, P.J. and Shu, Y. 1997. Modeling lower Reynolds number
incompressible flows using SPH. Journal Computational Physics, 136: 214-226.
Peskin, C. S. 1977. Numerical analysis of blood flow in the heart. Journal
Computational Physics 25: 220- 252.
Rogers, B.D. and R.A. Dalrymple, SPH Modeling of tsunami waves, Advances in
Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 10 Advanced Numerical Models for tsunami
waves and runup, World Scientific, 2008.
Rogers, B.D., Dalrymple, R.A., Stansby, P.K., Simulation of caisson breakwater
movement using SPH, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 48, Extra Issue, 135-141,
Toro, E.F., Spruce, M. & Speares, W., Restoration of the contact surface in the HLL-
Riemann solver, Shock Waves, 4, 25-34, 1994.
Toro, E.F., Shock capturing methods for free surface shallow flows, John Wiley & Sons,
Verlet, L. 1967. Computer experiments on classical fluids. I. Thermodynamical
properties of Lennard-Jones molecules. Phys. Rev. 159: 98-103.
Vila, J.-P., On particle weighted methods and Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics,
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 9(2), 161-209, 1999.
Wendland, H. 1995. Piecewiese polynomial, positive definite and compactly supported
radial functions of minimal degree. Advances in computational Mathematics 4(1):
389- 396.
8. APPENDIX: SPS Turbulence Model
This section provides a short overview of the LES-type Sub-Particle Scale (SPS)
turbulence model implemented in SPHysics. This work was inspired by the pioneering
work of Lo & Shao (2002). For a detailed description of turbulence and Large Eddy
Simulation (LES), the reader is referred to the comprehensive text by Pope (2000).
In LES, the equations being solved are commonly in the incompressible Navier-Stokes
equations. However, in SPH we are using the continuity equation for a slightly
compressible fluid to represent water, etc. Hence we are generally solving the
compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Here, for the presentation of LES-type
equations we use the standard tensor subscript notation of i and j to denote coordinate
∂ρ ∂
∂t ∂x j
(ρu j ) = 0 (A3b)
(ρui ) + ∂ (ρuiu j + pδ ij − σ ij ) = f i (A3c)
∂t ∂x j
(ρEi ) + ∂ (ρu j E − σ ij ui + q j ) = f ju j (A3d)
∂t ∂x j
where ρ is density, uj is the velocity in the xi direction, p is pressure, δij is the delta
function ( δ ij = {1 i = j, 0 i ≠ j }), E is the total energy, q is a heat flux and the stress σ
is given by
σ ij = 2µSij − 23 µδ ij S kk (A4)
And the strain rate tensor Sij is given by by
1 ∂u ∂u
S ij = i + j . (A5)
2 ∂x j ∂xi
We are then ready to apply the LES filter in Equation (A1) above to each equation of
(A3) in turn. Since we are solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, we use
Favre-averaging, f = ρf ρ , which avoids the generation of SGS terms in the filtered
continuity equation. For the continuity and momentum equations, this gives us
∂ρ ∂
∂t ∂x j
(ρu~j ) = 0 (A6a)
∂ ~ ∂τ
(ρui ) + ∂ (ρ u~iu~j + pδ ij − σ~ij ) = − ij (A6b)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j
where τij are the Sub-Grid Scale (SGS) shear stresses that arise from the filtering
process and physically the represent the motion that occurs on a scale smaller than the
grid spacing ∆x:
τ ij = − ρ (u~i u~ j − ui u j ) . (A7)
This SGS model then requires closure which is normally expressed as
i j
t ( ~
ij 3 kk
~ 2
τ = − ρ (u~ u~ − u u ) ≈ ρ ν 2 S − 2 S δ − 2 ρ C ∆2δ S
ij i j ij ) 3 I ij ij (A8)
Note that σ~ does not represent turbulent stresses, but the filtered laminar stress
components. The key part of any LES model is then providing a value for the turbulent
eddy viscosity νt which in SPHysics is achieved using a non-dynamic Smagorinsky
2 ~
ν t = (C s ∆ ) S ij . (A9)
In order to solve the LES equations in SPH, we express in Lagrangian form:
dρ ∂u~ j
= −ρ (A10a)
dt ∂x j
d u~i 1 ∂p 1 ∂σ~ij 1 ∂τ ij
=− − − (A10b)
dt ρ ∂x j ρ ∂x j ρ ∂x j
Issa, R., Numerical assessment of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics gridless
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Lo, E.Y.M. and Shao, S., Simulation of near-shore solitary wave mechanics by an
incompressible SPH method, Applied Ocean Research, 24, 275-286, 2002.
Pope, S.B., Turbulent Flows, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Journal Papers
Dalrymple, R.A. and B.D. Rogers, "Numerical Modeling of Water Waves with the SPH
Method," Coastal Engineering, 53/2-3, 141-147, 2006.
Crespo, A.J., M. Gómez-Gesteira, and R.A. Dalrymple, "Boundary Conditions
Generated by Dynamic Particles in SPH Methods”, CMC: Computers, Materials, &
Continua, 5, 3, 173-184, 2007.
Gómez-Gesteira, M., D. Cerquiero, A.J.C. Crespo and R.A. Dalrymple, "Green Water
Overtopping Analyzed with an SPH Model," Ocean Engineering, 32, 2, 223-238,
Gómez-Gesteira, M., R.A. Dalrymple, A.J.C. Crespo, and D. Cerquiero, "Uso de la
Tecnica SPH para el Estudio de la Interaccion entre Olas y Estructuras," Ingenieria
del Agua, 11, 2, 2004.
Gómez-Gesteira, M. and R.A. Dalrymple, "Using a 3D SPH Method for Wave Impact
on a Tall Structure, J. Waterways, Port, Coastal, Ocean Engineering, 130, 2, 63-69,
Crespo, A.J.C., M. Gómez-Gesteira, and R.A. Dalrymple, “3D SPH Simulation of large
waves mitigation with a dike”, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 45, 5, 631-642, 2007.
Crespo, A.J.C., M. Gómez-Gesteira, and R.A. Dalrymple, "Modeling Dam Break
Behavior over a Wet Bed by a SPH Technique", Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal
and Ocean Engineering, 134(6), 3131320, 2008.
M. Gómez-Gesteira, B. D. Rogers, R. A. Dalrymple and A.J.C. Crespo, " State of the art
of classical SPH for free-surface flows", Journal of Hydraulic Research, In Press,
M. Gómez-Gesteira, B. D. Rogers, D. Violeau, J. M. Grassa and A.J.C. Crespo, " SPH
for free-surface flows", Journal of Hydraulic Research, In Press, 20010.
M. S. Narayanaswamy, A.J.C. Crespo, M. Gómez-Gesteira and R. A. Dalrymple, "
SPHysics-Funwave hybrid model for coastal wave propagation", Journal of
Hydraulic Research, In Press, 2010.
Rogers, B.D., Dalrymple, R.A., Stansby, P.K., Simulation of caisson breakwater
movement using SPH, Journal of Hydraulic Research, In Press, 2010.
Conference Proceedings
of the 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering,
ASME, 2007.
Rogers, B.D. and R.A. Dalrymple, "Three-Dimensional SPH-SPS Modeling of Wave
Breaking", Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurements and Analysis, ASCE, Madrid,
Dalrymple, R.A., ``New Technology: SPH for Coastal Processes, Keynote Address,
Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurements and Analysis, ASCE, Madrid, 2005.
Narayanaswamy, M. and R.A. Dalrymple, "A Hybrid Boussinesq and SPH Model for
Forced Oscillations", Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurements and Analysis,
ASCE, Madrid, 2005.
Rogers, B.D. and R.A. Dalrymple, "SPH Modeling of Breaking Waves", Proc. 29th
Intl. Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, World Scientific Press, 2004.
Book Chapters
Rogers, B.D. and R.A. Dalrymple, "SPH Modeling of Tsunamis", Proc. Intl. Workshop
on Longwave Run-up, Advances in Coastal Engineering Series, P.L.-F. Liu, ed.,
World Scientific In Press, 2006.
Dalrymple, R.A., Gómez-Gesteira, M., Rogers, B.D., Panizzo, A., Zou, S., Crespo,
A.J.C., Cuomo, G., And Narayanaswamy, M., “Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
for Water Waves”, in Advances in numerical simulation of nonlinear water waves,
Ma, Q. ed., World Scientific Publishing, 2009.
PhD Thesis