8PSK Modulation Maximizing Capacity For Broadcast Networks PDF
8PSK Modulation Maximizing Capacity For Broadcast Networks PDF
8PSK Modulation Maximizing Capacity For Broadcast Networks PDF
Mark Weigel
Comtech EF Data Corporation
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.
Digital transmission of high quality compressed video over satellite offers significant opportunities for in-
creasing capacity. For broadcasters, it is the media of choice for increasing the quality and quantity of
program material distributed to their affiliates, and for cable headend delivery it boosts the number of
channels delivered. The implications for increased revenue and reduced cost has spurred interest and
activity throughout the industry. However, even greater returns are achieved when 8PSK modulation is
selected over QPSK for transmission over satellite. The right blend of the elements in the satellite link
make this possible, including:
• Digital Video Compression
The satellite transponder is a key resource offering limited power and limited bandwidth. So, any scheme
devised must fit within those bounds. Higher order modulation schemes, like 8PSK and 16QAM, deal with
bandwidth by reducing spectral occupancy compared to lower order modulation methods, like QPSK.
Power is conserved by using concatenated Reed-Solomon coding in tandem with trellis coding. Still,
tradeoffs are required to balance the available power and bandwidth in the transponder with the right
combination of modulation and coding to maximize throughput, and these are explored. Several system
level calculations are presented to enable a transmission link designer to estimate performance versus
the limitations
Other compression schemes for digital video
include the DVC compression standard deliver-
ing 4:1:1 video at 30 to 36 Mbit/s and the ETSI
The basic system model for a digital video distri-
component video standard producing 4:2:2 qual-
bution over satellite is shown in Figure 1. Video
ity at 34.368 Mbit/s (E3) and 44.736 Mbit/s
compression takes place in the video encoder
(DS3). Advanced Television (ATV) is standardiz-
which reduces the data rate of the source mate-
ing on a format that produces 4:2:2 video at
rial from a typical uncompressed rate of 270
19.39 Mbit/s. Other applications combine sev-
Mbit/s to a lower rate dictated by the level of
eral lower data rate streams in a multiplexer to
video quality, the amount of editing and other
produce a single composite multi-channel data
considerations. These rates range from 2 to 6
stream for transmission as a single carrier.
Mbit/s per individual stream for direct to home
systems and up to 15 Mbit/s for special events
and services using MPEG2 4:2:0 compression.
The video encoder passes the compressed data rier to the input of the demodulator. The antenna
stream to the modulator. This is the initial step in size, ambient noise and the LNB set an impor-
transmission of the digital data stream. The digi- tant figure of merit for the downlink known as the
tal modulator transforms the signal in two ways G/T ratio which is the ratio of the gain of the re-
that are crucial to capacity: modulation and for- ceive antenna to the noise temperature of the
ward error correction (FEC). These two items receive system. The gain of the antenna is pro-
have a major impact on the bandwidth of the portional to its size, so a larger antenna pro-
transmitted signal and the power required for duces a higher G/T ratio and this translates into
transmission. Later, these are examined from a less power required from the satellite trans-
system designers perspective because the deci- ponder.
sions made regarding these ultimately drive the
business case, so careful evaluation of the ap- The demodulator completes the transmission
plication and goals is imperative. link and transforms the carrier back into a digital
data stream. The combination of the modulator
After modulation the signal passes through an and demodulator determine a major part of the
up converter and a high power amplifier (HPA). link performance so any scheme used here that
The up converter translates the signal to the reduces the drain on satellite’s power and
operating frequency of the satellite while the bandwidth resources is worth considering. Fi-
amplifier boosts the signals power level for nally, the data is delivered to the video decoder
transmission. There is a cost tradeoff between where it is transformed back to a video signal in
the HPA and the uplink antenna that determines either a analog or a digital format and then on to
the right balance of size and performance of its ultimate destination.
these two elements.
A transponder in the satellite receives the trans-
mitted digital video signal, amplifies it and sends One of the tools used to estimate the power re-
it back to earth. The illumination pattern that the quirements for satellite transmission is the link
satellite projects on the ground is an important budget. This is introduced only to show the key
factor in the transmission of the digital signal, items, not to perform a detail analysis which can
and it is specified as the effective isotropic include many other factors that influence per-
radiated power or EIRP. The other satellite formance. As a first cut, the downlink analysis
parameter is its bandwidth which may range for a system is:
from 24 to 36, 54, 72 MHz or some other band-
width. + EIRP dBW Usable Power From
At the downlink the receive antenna captures
the video carrier and passes it to an low noise
block converter (LNB) which translates the car-
Fade dB Additional Loss Due Fade Rain fade at Ku and higher fre-
To Rain Or Other quencies can have quite an impact
Impairment in rainier locations. The amount of
rain fade allocated affects the
+ G/T dB/oK System Gain To availability of service. Making the
Temperature Ratio allowance to large reduces the al-
lowed throughput. Making it to
-k dBW/K-Hz Boltzman’s Con- small permits more frequent out-
stant ages.
-Margin dB Desired Margin C/No This the total carrier power to the
system noise in a 1 Hz bandwidth.
DR_dB dB Data Rate From It is the sum of the terms above the
Encoder Into Modu- line.
lator in dB
A satellite with a higher available EIRP has ad-
There is a similar analysis performed for the up- vantages. Every dB higher here increases the
link plus additional calculations for other effects, C/No and throughput. A parameter under direct
but this is a good starting point for getting an user control is the G/T which is increased by
picture performance and limitations. The idea using a larger antenna or reducing the noise
here is not to perfect the link analysis but to ex- temperature. Usually, some improvement in G/T
amine the items that affect the link performance. is possible by reducing the noise temperature
This will aid later in making tradeoffs. with a different LNB but the greatest change is
achieved when the size of the antenna is in-
The top half of the link calculation results in the creased. For the lower half of the link budget:
C/No, a basic quantity of the link. And the bot-
tom half subtracts out two terms to give the data Eb/No The signal to noise ratio measure (en-
rate, in dB, that the link supports. Some com- ergy per bit in 1 Hz noise bandwidth)
ment on each of these terms gives an idea of used to compare the performance of
what they are and some possible changes to modems and the link. The BER or bit
achieve different types of performance: error rate is the number of errors di-
vided by the total number of bits in a
EIRP The more power available from the test. The lower the Eb/No is for a given
satellite transponder the higher BER, the less power is needed to ob-
data rate is supported. If two trans- tain system performance.
ponders are rated with the same
saturated EIRP or EIRPsat, the Margin A system parameter chosen to provide
one with a solid state power a level of safety or to maintain the sys-
amplifier usually provides more tem above the operating point.
available EIRP than the one with a
tube type amplifier. DR_dB This is the remaining quantity once the
Eb/No and Margin are subtracted from
the C/No. Taking the anti-log gives the
data rate.
Eb/No and the Margin are subtracted from the Because of their influence on power, the modu-
C/No to obtain the data rate in dB (DR_dB). No- lation and coding in the modem become crucial.
tice that DR_dB is really a measure of capacity, Today’s modems employ sophisticated coding
and the higher it is the greater capacity or data schemes to correct errors and reduce the
rate the link supports and the more program ma- amount of power needed to operate reliably.
terial it can carry. This also reveals the impor- The techniques used to reduce the Eb/No
tance of Eb/No in the link. The lower it is, for the requirement consist of two coding schemes
same BER, the greater possible capacity operating in tandem, known as concatenated
through a satellite. coding. The first type is Reed-Solomon coding
which is particularly effective at correcting bursts
One way of gauging the maximum possible ca- of errors. Reed-Solomon coding is also used in
pacity through the satellite link is shown in Fig- CD ROM systems where errors tend to be
ure 2. Here the size of the receive antenna is bursty.
allowed to vary permitting the G/T to change. The second type of coding is a convolutional or
The available satellite power and an operating trellis type coding using the Viterbi algorithm.
Eb/No are selected and the other parameters in This error correction scheme is most effective
the link calculation are held constant. The cases when the error environment is Gaussian (white
shown are fairly typical for C-Band and Ku-Band noise) rather than bursty. The satellite channel
satellites. An extra case is presented for Ku- is modeled as a Gaussian channel so the Viterbi
Band to illustrate effects of an 8 dB rain fade decoder is used to correct errors produced by
because this frequency band is much more sus- the demodulator. When the Viterbi decoder itself
ceptible than C-Band to the effects of rain. Some makes an error it tends to do so in bursts so the
caution is warranted using this plot because it Reed-Solomon decoder is placed after it to
assumes a particular set of conditions, so, it clean up the burst errors, a very effective com-
does not apply to every situation. In addition, bination.
this figure does not indicate when the bandwidth
of the transmitted signal may limit the maximum Coding is usually expressed as a fraction (1/2)
data rate through the satellite link. indicating the number of bits into the encoder
Ku-Band, 50 dBW EIRP
400 C-Band, 36 dBW EIRP
Eb/No = 10 dB
Data Rate (Mbit/s)
100 Ku, 8 dB Fade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Antenna Diameter (Meters)
Eb/No (vs) Modulation & Coding Type
10.0 (BER = 10 -10 )
Eb/No (dB)
1/2 V + 3/4 V + 7/8 V + 2/3 V + 5/6 V + 3/4 V + 7/8 V+
188/204 188/204 188/204 188/204 188/204 188/204 188/204
16QAM 7/8
16QAM 3/4
8PSK 5/6
8PSK 2/3
QPSK 7/8
QPSK 3/4
QPSK 1/2
-110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Relative Bandwidth (%) - For Same Data Rate