Technology and Livelihood Education: (Agricultural Crop Production For Grade 8)
Technology and Livelihood Education: (Agricultural Crop Production For Grade 8)
Technology and Livelihood Education: (Agricultural Crop Production For Grade 8)
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. Explain the uses and functions of the common farm equipment;
B. Solve a puzzle about the common farm equipment; and
C. Value the importance of farm equipment in crop production.
A. Concepts:
Equipment are machineries used in crop production especially in vegetable production; used in
land preparation and in transporting farm inputs and outputs.
Before taking your seats, pick up the scattered papers (Students arrange their chairs and pick up some
under your chairs and be sure that your chairs are scattered papers.)
properly aligned.
You may now take your seats. Thank you Sir!
Attendance Monitoring
(The teacher will check the attendance of the students) Present Sir. (Students will raise their hand)
Class, kindly raise your hand if I call your name.
B. Review/Recall
Class, last meeting we’ve discussed about farm
implements, right?
Again, what is farm implement? Yes, Galileo
Student’s answer
Very good!
C. Motivation
I have here a magic spray and magic paper posted on
the board. All you have to do is to spray the entire
paper. So, are you ready?
Based on the magic being performed by your classmate
class, what do you think is our lesson for today?
Common Farm Equipment
D. Presentation of the Lesson
Let me present first our lesson objectives for today’
discussion. Kindly read all together.
I have here a clear definition of equipment. Kind read all Various responses
E. Lesson Proper Water pumps are used to draw irrigation water from a
1. Pre-activity source.
Now, let’s have an activity. I already grouped you right?
I have here an activity card for you to work on. Follow
the instructions carefully. Each group should choose a
representative to pick your card. Then present your
works afterward.
Is that clear class? Proceed to your respective group.
3. Post-activity
Are you done class?
At this moment, you will present your work. You are (The students will do their works)
only given a maximum of 3 minutes for the presentation
of your work.
Group 3 reporter/s, please come in the front and 1. Name of farm equipment
present your work. 2. Explain the special uses and functions of
puzzled farm equipment.
3. What is the importance of farm equipment in
crop production?
Very good!
Very good!
G. Abstraction
As a sort of recap, what is farm equipment? Students will raise and discuss the table
Hand tractor
Various responses
Four-wheel tractor
Various responses
Water pumps
Very good! Various responses
H. Application
Are there any questions, clarification with regards to our Various responses
Okay, are we clear?
Directions: In a ½ crosswise, answer the following questions. Limit your answer in 2 to 3 sentences.
(3pts=content and 2pts= organization and mechanic)
1. What is an equipment?
2. Select one farm equipment and explain its specific uses and functions:
A. hand tractor
B. 4-wheel tractor
C. water pump
Scrapbook on Farm Equipment (Refers to Learner’s Module pp. 21)