1448-Article Text-2589-1-10-20171231
1448-Article Text-2589-1-10-20171231
1448-Article Text-2589-1-10-20171231
International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume 3 Issue 9 September, 2014 Page No. 8064-8070
This paper analyses the wavelength assignment problem in case of WDM optical networks. The random
wavelength assignment algorithm is compared with the first – fit wavelength assignment algorithm .These
two assignment strategies are also compared with wavelength conversion case. These comparisons are made
on the basis of blocking probability, keeping the number of channels and number of links constant and the
response is calculated by varying load per link ( in erlangs). Blocking probability on a link is calculated by
using famous Erlang B formula. It is seen that blocking probability in case of random wavelength
assignment is always greater than first –fit wavelength assignment algorithm. The blocking probability in
case of WDM networks employing wavelength converters is minimum but it increases the overall cost of the
optical network.
Mudasir Ali, IJECS Volume3 Issue9 September ,2014 Page No.8064-8070 Page 8065
Considered first. The first available
wavelength is then selected. This algorithm
does not require global information system.
Its computational cost is lower because no
storage is needed to keep the network states.
It works well interms of blocking
probability and fairness so fallocation. This
algorithm is preferred for it ssmall over head
and low computational complexity. The
objective of this allocation scheme is to
minimize wavelength fragmentation [6].
Our research focused on the prevention of
congestion in Wavelength division multiplexing
optical networks by developing an adaptive
dynamic natured algorithm which is tested in Figure 1.1: Simulation scenario for dynamic
Network simulator version 2 (NS2). The basic routing
implementation started with creation of optical The simulation study has been done for dynamic
network with ten nodes and high speed links for
algorithm along with first fit and random routing
connectivity and communication. Research has
been divided into three phases. In the first phase scheme in network simulator version 2. In
i.e. Random algorithm, the blocking probability simulation setup we have considered optical
was much higher. Then we switched to the second
communication with ten optical nodes for
phase i.e. First fit algorithm which has lesser
blocking probability than the previous one. Finally representing routing process. The base simulation
there is development of dynamic conversion scenario for dynamic routing is shown above in
algorithm which has the best results out of all figure 1.1.
three. Comparison has been done with variation of
load per links for various nodes in the network.
The simulation scenario for dynamic routing
In this research, we have developed and contains 5 subnets and traffic start after finding
implemented a dynamic routing algorithm for load and frequency value on all nodes. For
wavelength division multiplexing which use to different nodes, we have considered blocking
fetch information in early state of communication probability with variation of load on nodes.
and sort the wavelengths according to the
channels available with same frequencies on the The blocking probability is good parameters for
further nodes in optical network. Dynamic deciding the efficiency of the optical routing
algorithm finds the available paths with clearance process. If the intermediate node doesn’t have
from further nodes with information of load and same frequency as carried by wavelength at
availability of the same frequency as on base starting then packets will be dropped and
node. converters are required for conversion of the
frequency to suitable value. Below figure 1.2
shows the blocking and packet drop in simulation.
Mudasir Ali, IJECS Volume3 Issue9 September ,2014 Page No.8064-8070 Page 8066
ii. List the free wavelengths on route
to next node
Mudasir Ali, IJECS Volume3 Issue9 September ,2014 Page No.8064-8070 Page 8067
Choose next two routes from the list and go to (3)
till the list ends
Mudasir Ali, IJECS Volume3 Issue9 September ,2014 Page No.8064-8070 Page 8068
Output is W which is the number of
Blocking Probability %
40 Random
20 First Fit
0 Conversion
Number of nodes
Figure 1
Blocking Probabaility %
40 Random
20 First Fit
0 Conversion
of first fit , random and conversion wavelength
assignment strategies. These show blocking
probability variation for loads 10, 20 and 30 60
erlangs respectively. Moreover, it is also evident 40 Random
from these plots that blocking probability is 20 First Fit
maximum in case of Random wavelength Conversion
assignment algorithm and is minimum in
wavelength conversion strategy.
Number of nodes
Fig 3
Optical wavelength routed network offer huge
capacity with highs calability which makes them a
very attractive choice for then ext generation
Mudasir Ali, IJECS Volume3 Issue9 September ,2014 Page No.8064-8070 Page 8069
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Mudasir Ali, IJECS Volume3 Issue9 September ,2014 Page No.8064-8070 Page 8070