Ijsred V2i1p16
Ijsred V2i1p16
Ijsred V2i1p16
Available at www.ijsred.com
To design a low-cost system that can gather data from greenhouse environment and control the
system automatically with respect to the gathered data. By continuously observing the periodic conditions,
this system works by securing connection between sensor readings, reference estimations& the cloud.
Through long time benefits & lessening the human intervention, this system has been demonstrated that it
has numerous points of interest. Monitoring of several parameters inside the greenhouse like light
intensity, temperature, humidity, soil moisture using different sensors like LDR, DHT11 temperature and
humidity sensor, grove moisture sensor, which will be interfaced with a microcontroller (Arduino) which
further is connected to a cloud or a server. It is a closed loop system that will execute control action to
adjust temperature, humidity, light intensity, soil moisture& can be controlled using a mobile application.