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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2019

Available at www.ijsred.com

Low Cost Design for Automatic Control and Monitoring of Green

House Using IOT
Vishnu PB, 2Muhsin PP, 3Rahoof KC, 4M.A. Bari, 5SirajulHaque
*(Department of Applied Electronics & Instrumentation, Government Engineering College, Kozhikode,Kerala)

To design a low-cost system that can gather data from greenhouse environment and control the
system automatically with respect to the gathered data. By continuously observing the periodic conditions,
this system works by securing connection between sensor readings, reference estimations& the cloud.
Through long time benefits & lessening the human intervention, this system has been demonstrated that it
has numerous points of interest. Monitoring of several parameters inside the greenhouse like light
intensity, temperature, humidity, soil moisture using different sensors like LDR, DHT11 temperature and
humidity sensor, grove moisture sensor, which will be interfaced with a microcontroller (Arduino) which
further is connected to a cloud or a server. It is a closed loop system that will execute control action to
adjust temperature, humidity, light intensity, soil moisture& can be controlled using a mobile application.

Keywords —Greenhouse, Internet of things, IOT, control, electronics

lighting, ventilation and water creation.
I. INTRODUCTION Persistentmonitoring and controlling of these
A Greenhouse is a place to grow plants under parameters give significant data relating to the
controllable environment for better crop yield, crop individual impacts of the different elements towards
security, transplanting etc. As we all know due to acquiring better crop yield. These ecological factors
rapid urbanization, the area for cultivation is are hard to control inside a greenhouse & the need
continuously diminishing which results in for automated system arises. Temperature changes
increasing popularity for greenhouses. In most happen quickly and fluctuate broadly relying upon
countries, the utilization of greenhouse has been sun powered radiation levels, outside temperatures
developed for cost effective farming i.e. organic and moistness levels in the greenhouse. Poor light
products,vegetables generation etc. The intensity and high moisture content frequently bring
Greenhouses are very much helpful & beneficial about poor yield. More exact control can decrease
because it provides an optimum condition for the unwanted expenses like fuel and electricity,improve
crops to grow, protect them from adverse climatic the efficiency of labourers by empowering them to
conditions, extending the growing season, allowing go to more important assignments, empowering
you to sow plants earlier & harvest it later. The crop directors and producers to settle on better
growth inside the greenhouse depends administration choices and invest more energy
fundamentally on the availability of ideal dealing with the procedure. Today, programmed
atmosphere conditions which helps to attain high control systems are the standard for advanced
return at low cost, good quality and low natural greenhouses, supported with changes as the
burden. To attain these objectives a few parameters innovation forces. Environment conditions can be
like light, temperature, humidity and soil moisture monitored & controlled by these programmed
must be controlled ideally through proper warming, control systems, where the system can be worked

ISSN: 2581-7175 ©IJSRED: All Rights are Reserved Page 144

International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
consequently. The principle parts of any control system. The information is processed &a
framework are information preparing, information notification is sent to the user. On receiving the
securing, information presentation, estimation notification, the user can control the parameters
controller and recording. In nature control using the mobile application.
framework, every parameter must be constantly
monitored & controlled within a certain reach. But II. TEST RESULTS
the problem is that, no such models yet exist for
small scale greenhouse cultivation. In this research 1) Control of light intensity
paper, we have proposed a low costsystem that can The condition for optimum light situation is
gather the data from greenhouse environment and 0.7V-2.5V; when light intensity is 300 Lux. If
control the greenhouse consequently with respect to the light intensity is below 300 Lux, then the
the gathered data to foresee and follow up on system detects it &pass the information to the
circumstances for well controlled climatic cloud or the server. The information is then
conditions using Internet of things (IOT). By processed by the cloud & it turn ON the Bulb
continuously observing climatic conditions, this using the relay module.
project has the reason for making relationship
between sensors values, reference values & the 2) Control of Temperature
cloud server thus breaking down the development, The ideal temperature of the greenhouse is set
advancement of yields and the natural variables to between 26 Celsius – 32 Celsius. If the
which they are uncovered. Also, by consistently temperature inside the greenhouse goes
observing various natural parameters without a beyond the ideal temperature, then the system
moment's delay using mobile application, a userhas detects it& pass the information to the cloud
the ability to see how various conditions are or the server. The information is then
fluctuating inside a greenhouse and control those processed by the cloud & it turn ON the
fluctuations on a real time basis using a mobile actuator (Fan) using the relay module.
3) Control of Humidity
DESCRIPTION The ideal humidity inside the greenhouse is
This is alow-cost& highly efficient setup which is set between 40%-50%. If the humidity does
designed to respond to various climatic changes not lie in between the above-mentioned range,
happening inside the greenhouse. It also helps in then the system detects it &pass the
lessening the human intervention thus helps in information to the cloud or the server. The
overcoming the issues created because of human information is then processed by the cloud &
errors. it turn ON the actuator (Water Spray) using
This system is designed in order to monitor & the relay module.
control the climatic parameters of a small-
scalegreenhouse on a usual premise. The system 4) Control of Soil Moisture
contains sensors (LDR, DHT11&Grove sensor), The optimum soil moisture sensor reading
Arduino which acts as a microcontroller, actuators, inside the greenhouse is set between 1.9-3.5V.
relay & cloud server. At any point when any of the If the soil moisture sensor shows a value
above-mentioned parameters cross a predefined other than the above-mentioned range, then
threshold value, which are an important factorfor the system detects it pass the information to
securing better yields, the sensors sense the change the cloud or the server. The information is
and give this information to Arduino or the then processed by the cloud & it turn ON the
microcontroller. Arduino senses this information & actuator (Water Pump) using the relay
transfer this information to the cloud or the server module.

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2019
Available at www.ijsred.com
III. CONCLUSIONS Systems, Massy University, Palmerston North,
Designed & developed a low-costsystem which New Zealand, June 2011
can automatically control & monitor various [4] Jose Luis Guzman, “Simulation of Greenhouse
parameters like Light intensity, temperature, soil Climate Monitoring and Control with Wireless
moisture & humidity in a greenhouse using IOT. Sensor Network and Event-based Control”,
This system has effectively overcome the Department of Computer Science and
inadequacies of the existing frameworks by Automatic Control, UNED C/. Juan Del Rosal,
lessening the human intervention& thus increasing Madrid, Spain
the overall efficiency. [5] Masayu Binti Hussein, “Automatic Greenhouse
Watering System Using Microcontroller”
University Malaysia Pahang
[6] Ibrahim Al-Adwan and Munaf S. N. Al-D "
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