Amlodipine Drug Study

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Generic &
Dose, Strength Indication/Mechanisms of Drug Adverse/Side Effects Nursing Client
Brand Name, Rationale
& Formulation Action Drug Interaction Responsibilities Teaching

Generic: Ordered: Indications: Adverse Effect: Assessment: >Advise patient to

take medication as
Amlodipine Give 10 mg 1tab, Angina pectoris due to coronary CNS: Dizziness, BEFORE:
directed, even if
artery Spasm, Chronic stable lightheadedness,
OD  Obtain patients *To indicate if the feeling well.
angina, alone or in combination headache, asthenia,
history to patient can have this >Take missed
with other agents, Essential fatigue, lethargy
allergy of medication. doses as soon as
hypertension, alone or in CV: Peripheral edema,
Brand: Timing: amlodipine. possible unless
combination with other arrhythmias
 Assess vital *To obtain baseline almost time for
Norvasc 8 am antihypertensive, Dermatologic: Flushing,
signs before data. next dose; do not
therapy. double doses.
GI: Nausea, abdominal
DURING: > Caution
Duration: Discomfort
 Monitor *Drug can cause patient to change
Mechanism of Action:
Classification: 24 hrs. patient’s BP, hypotension, careful positions slowly to
Inhibits the movement of calcium cardiac rhythm monitoring needed. minimize
Calcium Interactions:
ions across the membranes of  Monitor intake *To assess hepatic orthostatic
channel-blocker Drug-drug
Other forms: cardiac and arterial muscle cells; and output. impairment. hypotension.
Antianginal Possible increased serum
inhibits transmembrane calcium AFTER: > Advise patient to
Drug Tablets: 2.5 mg, 5 levels and toxicity of
flow, which results in the  Monitor vital * To stop medication notify health care
Antihypertensive mg, 10 mg cyclosporine if
depression of impulse formation in signs. if BP is < 90 mmHg professional if
taken concurrently.
specialized cardiac pacemaker cells,  Be alert for or heart rate < 50 irregular
slowing of the velocity of adverse effect. bpm. heartbeats,
conduction of the cardiac impulse, *to establish proper dyspnea, swelling
depression of myocardial Nursing diagnosis: precautionary of hands and feet,
contractility, and dilation of >Acute pain related to measures. pronounced
coronary arteries and arterioles and increased oxygen dizziness, nausea,
peripheral arterioles; these effects demand in cardiac constipation, or
lead to decreased cardiac work, tissue. hypotension
decreased cardiac oxygen >Risk for injury related occurs or if
consumption, and in patients with to hypertension headache is severe
vasospastic angina, increased or persistent.
delivery of oxygen to cardiac cells. >Deficient knowledge > Caution patient
related to drug therapy. to wear protective
clothing and use
sunscreen to

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