The document describes an algorithm for using particle swarm optimization to find the minimal area rectangular shape with fixed boundaries. It involves:
1) Discretizing the shape with triangular elements and assigning boundary conditions.
2) Initializing the particle swarm optimization with parameters like cognitive and social acceleration coefficients.
3) Updating the position and velocity of particles using the particle swarm optimization equations to evaluate new shapes until the change in minimal area falls below a tolerance value.
The document describes an algorithm for using particle swarm optimization to find the minimal area rectangular shape with fixed boundaries. It involves:
1) Discretizing the shape with triangular elements and assigning boundary conditions.
2) Initializing the particle swarm optimization with parameters like cognitive and social acceleration coefficients.
3) Updating the position and velocity of particles using the particle swarm optimization equations to evaluate new shapes until the change in minimal area falls below a tolerance value.
The document describes an algorithm for using particle swarm optimization to find the minimal area rectangular shape with fixed boundaries. It involves:
1) Discretizing the shape with triangular elements and assigning boundary conditions.
2) Initializing the particle swarm optimization with parameters like cognitive and social acceleration coefficients.
3) Updating the position and velocity of particles using the particle swarm optimization equations to evaluate new shapes until the change in minimal area falls below a tolerance value.
The document describes an algorithm for using particle swarm optimization to find the minimal area rectangular shape with fixed boundaries. It involves:
1) Discretizing the shape with triangular elements and assigning boundary conditions.
2) Initializing the particle swarm optimization with parameters like cognitive and social acceleration coefficients.
3) Updating the position and velocity of particles using the particle swarm optimization equations to evaluate new shapes until the change in minimal area falls below a tolerance value.
“To find the minimal area of a rectangular hypar surface with fixed bound- aries using particle swarm optimization”
Algorithm 1 Psuedo code for Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) Implemen-
tation Input: Initial Shape Output: Form-found Shape 1: Discretise the shape with triangular elements with 3DOF per node 2: State boundary conditions with DOF = 0 3: Initialize PSO 4: c1, c2, w, tol 5: Initialize particle with random co-ordinates for each node 6: xik+1 = xik + vk+1 i ∆t (pi − xik ) (pg − xik ) 7: i vk+1 = wvki + c1 r1 f k + c2 r2 f k |{z} | {z ∆t } | {z ∆t } Inertia P Cognitive Social
8: Evaluate objective A and initialize gbest and pbest
9: While > tol : 10: Evaluate new valuesPfor x and v 11: Evaluate objective A 12: Compare P with k P − 1 and find new gbest and pbest 13: = Ak+1 - Ak−1 14: close; 15: Display final geometry