AE Psuedo

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Allan Lambor Marbaniang

Roll No: 184040016

“To find the minimal area of a rectangular hypar surface with fixed bound-
aries using particle swarm optimization”

Algorithm 1 Psuedo code for Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) Implemen-

Input: Initial Shape
Output: Form-found Shape
1: Discretise the shape with triangular elements with 3DOF per node
2: State boundary conditions with DOF = 0
3: Initialize PSO
4: c1, c2, w, tol
5: Initialize particle with random co-ordinates for each node
6: xik+1 = xik + vk+1
(pi − xik ) (pg − xik )
7: i
vk+1 = wvki + c1 r1 f k + c2 r2 f k
|{z} | {z ∆t } | {z ∆t }
P Cognitive Social

8: Evaluate objective A and initialize gbest and pbest

9: While  > tol :
10: Evaluate new valuesPfor x and v
11: Evaluate objective A
12: Compare
P with k
P − 1 and find new gbest and pbest
13: = Ak+1 - Ak−1
14: close;
15: Display final geometry

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