Digenean: Schistosoma SPP.: Pathology
Digenean: Schistosoma SPP.: Pathology
Digenean: Schistosoma SPP.: Pathology
Schistosoma Haematobium
Schistosoma Japonicum
Schistosoma Mansoni:
found in the portal veins draining the large intestine
Moderate host specificity
reservoir host include: rodents, and monkeys
Schistosoma Haematobium:
prefers the veins of the urinary bladder
Most host specific( no known reservoir host)
Schistosoma Japonicum:
more concentrated in the veins of the small intestine
least host specific
Reservoir include: rodents, cats,, dogs , pig, cattle, horses and deer.
Subclass: Aspidobothrea
Friday, October 15, 2010
4:46 PM
A subclass within the class of Trematoda
-Acoelomate: hermaphroditic parasites of mollusk, fishes, or turtles
no alternation of generation
most have a direct life cycle, requiring no intermediate host
many exhibit little host specificity
Body form:
Baer's disc- large ventral sucker extending most of the body length ; hooks never present
Bucal funnel: oral sucker
Aspidogathrea: Asppidogaster Conchecola
cosmopolitan endoparasite of freshwater clams
life cycle is direct
Target organs include the kidney and pericardium of clams
eggs are voided from the host
larvae hatch in water and drawn into gill chambers of clam
not of economic or medical importance
Monday, October 18, 2010
4:04 PM