Infertility and Manual Therapy Treatment
Infertility and Manual Therapy Treatment
Infertility and Manual Therapy Treatment
Case Series
Current treatment options for infertility, including hormone therapy, intrauterine insemination, and
in vitro fertilization, tend to be expensive, are not necessarily covered by insurance, and carry
different levels of short-term and long-term health risks. Many of the issues that contribute to
infertility can be traced to scar tissue, fascial restriction, and lymphatic congestion in the pelvic
region. Manual therapy techniques exist to release fascial restrictions, to mobilize tight ligaments,
and to drain congested lymphatics, all of which can be applied to the reproductive system. In this
case series, 10 infertile women were treated with 1 to 6 sessions of manual therapy applied to the
pelvic region. Techniques included muscle energy, lymphatic drainage, and visceral manipulation. Six
of the 10 women conceived within 3 months of the last treatment session, and all 6 of those women
Women in their childbearing years who have not been able to conceive after 1 year of unprotected
intercourse are considered infertile according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC).1 The CDC reports that 6.7 million women aged 15 to 44 years have impaired fecundity, and
1.5 million married women are infertile.1 Worldwide, 15% of couples are reported as infertile.2 In
general , 27% of cases of infertility are caused by ovulation disorders; 25%, male factors; 22% , tubal
disorders; 17%, unexplained factors; 5% , endometriosis; and 4%, other factors.3,4 According to
Williams Gynecology, 4 women who have not previously been able to conceive are considered to have
primary infertility. Those who have previously conceived, whether or not the pregnancy was
Average fertile women (aged 22-40 years) who have coitus in the week prior to ovulation
have a 20% chance of developing a clinical pregnancy during each ovulatory cycle. Fifty-seven
percent of fertile couples will conceive in the first 3 months, 72% in 6 months, and 85% in 1 year.4
Women whose infertility is unexplained have monthly fecundity rates of 10% to 15% with
hormone therapy and intrauterine insemination (IUI).3 In Canada, Collins et al5 found that
pregnancy rates for 873 infertile couples without any treatment were 35% after 3 years and 45%
after 7 years. In the Netherlands, van der Steeg6 found that, overall, untreated infertile couples were
able to achieve spontaneous pregnancy 29.5% of the time within 12 months. Katz7 reported that
the incidence of infertility increases steadily in women after the age of 30.
Current options for treatment are dependent on the cause of infertility. Treatment options
include fertility drugs, IUI, and in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, these treatments come with
several considerations. First, procedures such as IVF are invasive and carry risk of infection. Second,
the treatments can be expensive; the median cost for IVF is $24,373.4 It is often not covered by
insurance and frequently needs to be repeated.4 Success rates are approximately 38%,3 and the
successes have a high rate of multiple births, which places increased risks on the mother and the
fetuses.7 Even though fewer embryos are being implanted now than a decade ago, multiple
by means of IVF are doing so because of tubal factors (7%), ovulatory dysfunction (7%), diminished
ovarian reserve (15%), endometriosis (4%), uterine factors (1%), male factors (17%), other factors
(7%), and unknown factors (12%).8 In couples undergoing IVF, 11% reported multiple factors in
women and 18% reported multiple factors in both men and women.8 In 2010, the national
percentage of IVF cycles using fresh embryos from nondonor eggs that resulted in live births ranged
from 5.0% to 41.5%, depending on age group.9 Of cycles that resulted in conception, 56.6% resulted
in a singleton pregnancy, 24.9% resulted in a multiple fetus pregnancy, and 16.4 % ended in
miscarriage, 0.9% induced abortion, 0.7% stillbirth, and 0.4% unknown outcome.10 Pregnancy rates
Many of the issues that cause a woman to have difficulty with conception can be traced to scar
tissue, fascial restriction, and congested lymphatics.11,12 Manual medicine has been used to manage
these specific problems, but, to my knowledge, it has not been used to manage functional infertility.
Part of the basic foundation of osteopathic medicine is that manual mobilization has an impact at
The cells, which make up our body, have an internal environment also. The fluid matrix of it must be
free of ‘pollution.’ Waste products of tissue metabolism must be constantly carried away by the veins and
lymphatics. The health and life of cells and therefore the whole body depend on it.13
To understand the concept of manual therapy as a treatment for patients with infertility, one must
consider the reproductive environment at the cellular level and the reproductive anatomy at the
tissue level. The arterial, venous, and lymphatic circulations are interrelated. The arteries transport
the blood to the cells, then the venous system returns 90% of what was transported back to the
heart.12 The lymphatic system will pick up particles too large to transport across the venous capillary
membranes and interstitial fluid. Once interstitial fluid enters the lymph capillaries, it is called
lymph.11 The lymphatic system transports the remainder of this fluid (10% of the original fluid
transported by the arteries) to lymph nodes for filtering before returning the lymph back to the
venous system.
The abdomen and pelvis contain approximately 250 lymph nodes. The lymphatic vessels of
the uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries drain to the external and internal iliac nodes, obturator nodes,
The suspensory ligaments of the urogenital system are important in the mobility and
function of the pelvic organs. The uterovesical ligaments attach the bladder to the uterus. The
uterosacral ligaments help to suspend the uterus posteriorly. The urogenital system is also supported
by ovarian ligaments, suspensory ligaments, and tubo-ovarian ligaments. Just as the ligaments are
important in the structure and function of a joint, they are equally important in the mobility and
The symptoms of dysfunction in the reproductive system can present within the body as
dysfunction of the reproductive organs, pelvic asymmetry, sacral dysfunction, bloating, or pain.14,15
Symptoms related to lymphatic congestion in the pelvic region with hormonal bias are
Release of fascial and ligamentous restrictions can decrease pressure on blood vessels, thereby
optimizing the vascular phase and improving the efficacy of the lymphatic system.16(p797) This
improved efficacy, in turn, aids in restoring optimal blood flow to the organs, normalizing the ability
Decongestion of the lymphatic system can help remove waste from the organs and thus help
normalize their function.11 Mobilizing fluid and cellular waste from the pelvic cavity should also
allow hormones to more efficiently arrive at the target tissues.11 Within the reproductive system, this
decongestion could theoretically lead to normalized hormone levels, normalized menstrual cycles,
and pregnancy. Visceral manipulation, muscle energy, craniosacral therapy, and lymphatic drainage
have not been investigated as options for the treatment of infertility; however, the treatment effects
of these therapies on other parts of the body could be extrapolated to the pelvis and reproductive
system. In the present prospective case series report, I describe the outcomes of 10 infertile women
Report of Cases
Ten infertile women who sequentially presented to a clinic were treated with a standard manual
therapy protocol. The women were considered infertile according to the CDC's definition (ie, unable
to conceive after 1 year of unprotected intercourse), were not undergoing any other therapies, and
had partners who had been tested and found to have normal sperm counts. None of the women had
reversals of tubal ligations. There were no known reproductive abnormalities. Any infertility testing
was done independently by the women’s personal physicians. Of the 10 women treated, 7 had
previous pregnancies. Of those 7 who had previously become pregnant, 5 had miscarriages. Five of
the women had undergone unsuccessful infertility treatments in the past. At the time of treatment,
none of the women were undergoing treatment with hormones, IUI, or IVF. When asked about
their past medical history, 5 women listed low back pain, 1 listed irregular periods, 1 listed ovarian
tumors, and 1 listed stage IV endometriosis. Two women listed no issues in their medical histories.
Regarding surgical history, 1 woman had a dilation and curettage, and 1 woman had a previous
cesarean section. A breakdown of the women's past medical and surgical histories is presented in
Table 1.
Table 1.
Past Medical and Surgical Histories of Infertile Women Who Received Manual Therapy
Patient Past Medical Past Surgical Attempting Type of Maternal
No. History History Conception Infertility Age, y
1 Unremarkable None 1y Primary 30
2 Low back pain Cesarean section 1y Secondary 34
3 Right ovarian Dilation and curettage,
Tumor, low laparoscopy (right 2y Secondary 41
back pain, ovarian tumor removed)
4 Irregular cycle, Electrophysiology 6y Secondary 28
miscarriage study ablation, breast
5 Miscarriage None 3y Secondary 36
6 Endometriosis Pelvic laparoscopy 2 y, 9 mo Primary 33
7 Miscarriage None 1y Secondary 34
8 Miscarriage None 7y Secondary 39
9 Unremarkable None 1y Secondary 36
10 Low back pain None 3y Primary 41
Women were evaluated for pelvic symmetry at the anterior superior iliac spine and posterior
superior iliac spine, osseous restrictions at the sacroiliac joints by means of sacral mobility, visceral
fascial restrictions, myofascial trigger points around the entire pelvis, and lymphatic congestion of
the uterus and inguinal, iliac, and para-aortic nodes. Manual therapy techniques were chosen
according to the specific findings of somatic dysfunction. The techniques were performed according
to the protocols described by Chikly,11 Barral,15 Upledger and Vredevoogd,17 and D'Ambrogio.18
To attempt increased specificity with evaluation, the mobility of the viscera was recorded as
normal, minimally restricted, moderately restricted, or severely restricted. Viscera that was minimally
restricted had less than 25% of its motion limited, viscera that was moderately restricted had 25% to
75% of motion restricted, and viscera that was severely restricted was had greater than 75% of
mobility restricted.
1. Assessed the pelvis for asymmetry and corrected asymmetry with muscle energy
techniques, if needed
3. Assessed for trigger points around and within the pelvis and treated trigger points with
4. Assessed lymph drainage of the pelvis and pelvic organs and applied manual lymph
5. Assessed mobility and motility of pelvic viscera and used fascial techniques to release
restrictions, 14 if needed
7. Treatments were repeated twice per week until evaluation revealed unrestricted
The patients were followed up for 3 months after treatments concluded. Women who
On examination, 7 of the women were found to have sacral restrictions ranging from mild to severe.
Seven women also had restriction in uterine mobility, which ranged from mild to severe. When the
lymphatic flow was assessed in the uterus and the pelvis, 1 woman was found to have uterine
lymphatic congestion, 1 had mild pelvic lymphatic congestion, 1 had moderate pelvic lymphatic
congestion, and 2 had severe pelvic lymphatic congestion. One woman received 1 treatment session,
3 received 2 sessions, 4 received 4 sessions, and 2 received 6 sessions. Six of the 10 women
conceived, had singleton pregnancies, and delivered at full term. Examination findings, number of
Table 2.
Profile and Physical Findings of Infertile Women Who Received Manual Therapy
No. of Delivered
Patient No. Osseous Issues Visceral Fascia Lymphatics Treatments Conceived Term
1 Moderate Normal Normal 2 Y Y
sacral Mobility
2 Moderate Mild decreased Mild pelvic 4 Y Y
sacral uterine mobility congestion
3 Moderate Mild decreased Normal 4 N NA
sacral uterine mobility
4 Moderate Severe decreased Severe pelvic 4 N NA
sacral uterine mobility congestion
5 Mild Severe decreased Severe pelvic 4 N NA
sacral uterine mobility congestion
6 Severe Severe decreased Uterus 6 N NA
sacral uterine mobility congestion
7 Normal Normal Moderate 2 Y Y
mobility pelvic
8 Normal Mild decreased Moderate 2 Y Y
uterine mobility pelvic
9 Normal Mild decreased Normal 1 Y Y
uterine mobility
10 Severe Severe decreased Normal 6 Y Y
sacral restriction uterine mobility
Conceived within 3 months of last manual therapy session.
Although research exists for acupuncture as a treatment for women with infertility,19,20,21,22,23 little
research has been published on the use of manual therapy techniques applied to the pelvis as a
therapeutic treatment option for infertility. A literature search yielded a single published study24 on
physical therapy as a treatment for infertility. In the study, treatment techniques were not disclosed.
In the present case series’ population, 6 of 10 previously infertile women were able to
conceive within 3 months after receiving various manual therapy techniques to the pelvis. This
fertility rate of 60% within a 3-month period is the same as that of fertile couples.4 These findings
suggest that manual therapy applied to the pelvis could be a viable treatment option for infertile
Of note, the manual therapy protocol used in the present case series was limited to external
treatments. Other mobilizations not used in the treatment of these women may also be of benefit.
For example, internal mobilization of the cervix could allow for better movement of the sperm
through the uterus during and after coitus. Arterial mobilizations described by osteopathic
physicians Barral and Croibier25 may also help increase vascularization of the reproductive organs.
One limitation of the assessment used in the present case series is the quantification of the
mobility of the organs. No publication could be found referencing a manner to measure visceral
mobility. However, Stone26 states that testing of visceral mobility involves trying to replicate
“normal” movement and trying to assess whether the motion appears to be restricted or altered.
This assessment allows for a before-and-after comparison of the tissues. She also states, “Altered
physical properties arising from inflammation and other pathological processes will affect palpable
visceral characteristics such as stretch, deformation and compressibility. In this way, osteopaths can
distinguish to some degree whether a tissue is normal or not normal.” 26 Further research would be
Another limitation of this study, as with any case series report, is the low number of women
treated. It is difficult to say with a high level of certainty that the manual therapy techniques were
what contributed to the improved fertility. Studies with larger groups, including control participants,
would help to discern the exact statistical significance of manual techniques in the management of
In the present study, the number of treatments for each woman ranged from 1 to 6. This
low number of treatments suggests that manual medicine would be an inexpensive treatment option
for infertility. In addition, manual mobilization techniques do not contain the risks associated with
Just as manual therapy is used as a first course of treatment for patients considering back
surgery,27 manual therapy could potentially be used as a first course of treatment for infertile patients
considering hormone therapy, IUI, or IVF treatments. The ethics committee for the American
Society for Reproductive Medicine states, “For those treatments with very poor success rates,
clinicians must be vigilant in their presentation of risks, benefits, and alternatives.”28 If manual
medicine is shown to be an effective yet inexpensive means to increase fertility rates in the infertile
population, then it could be considered as a primary treatment option for infertile women, rather
For 6 of the 10 women in the present case series report, fertility rates improved after manual therapy
was applied to the pelvic area. Further research is needed to assess the efficacy of manual therapy as
a treatment option for infertile women. For future studies, researchers should use a larger study
population, include a control group, and assess the efficacy of the individual manual techniques.
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CME Questions
1. Worldwide, what percentage of couples are infertile?
(a) 5%
(b) 22%
(c) 15%
(d) 33%