Procurement Cycle in Sap MM
Procurement Cycle in Sap MM
Procurement Cycle in Sap MM
1. Determination of Requirements
• The material requirements are identified by the user departments or material planning &
• The requirement passed manually to the purchasing department [In case if you set MRP
procedure for a material in the material master R/3 system will automatically generates a
purchasing requisition]
2. Source Determination
• Identifies the potential source of supply
• This is based on a) Past Order b) existing long term purchasing requirement
3. Vendor Selection
• The selection of vendors by comparing the prices of various quotations
• Sending the rejection letters for the non-selected Vendors.
4. Purchase Order processing
• Creating the Purchase orders by including the Vendor schedule agreements and contracts
5. PO Monitoring
• Sending the reminders to Vendors in a pre-defined intervals
6. Goods Receipt & Inventory Management
• Confirming the receipts of the Goods
• Compare the Goods receipts quantities with the PO quantities.
• Inform the limit over or under deliveries of order goods.
7. Invoice Verification
• Invoices are checked for accuracy of prices and contents
• Noting of quantity and price variances based on purchase order & goods receipt data
8. Payment processing
• Find accounting for vendor payments
Purchasing Document
A purchasing document is used for purchasing for materials and services Structure of the
Purchasing Document
• It is common for all Purchasing documents. In earlier versions (i.e. before 4.6c) below three
segments are as three screens.
• In latest versions all three screen information is in single screen information with tabular form
called Enjoy Transaction (It ends with ‘n’ in Transaction code)