Donald Kirkpatrick's Learni..

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Kirkpatrick's four-level model is considered an industry standard for evaluating training and learning. The four levels measure reaction, learning, behavior, and results.

The four levels are: 1) Reaction, 2) Learning, 3) Behavior, and 4) Results.

Level 1 measures reaction, Level 2 measures learning, Level 3 measures behavior change, and Level 4 measures results.

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kirkpatrick's learning and training

evaluation theory
Donald L Kirkpatrick's training evaluation model - the four
levels of learning evaluation

also below - HRD performance evaluation guide

Donald L Kirkpatrick, Professor Emeritus, University Of Wisconsin (where he achieved his BBA, MBA
and PhD), first published his ideas in 1959, in a series of articles in the Journal of American Society
of Training Directors. The articles were subsequently included in Kirkpatrick's book Evaluating
Training Programs (originally published in 1994; now in its 3rd edition - Berrett-Koehler Publishers).
Donald Kirkpatrick was president of the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) in
1975. Kirkpatrick has written several other significant books about training and evaluation, more
recently with his similarly inclined son James, and has consulted with some of the world's largest
Donald Kirkpatrick's 1994 book Evaluating Training Programs defined his originally published ideas
of 1959, thereby further increasing awareness of them, so that his theory has now become
arguably the most widely used and popular model for the evaluation of training and learning.
Kirkpatrick's four-level model is now considered an industry standard across the HR and training
More recently Don Kirkpatrick formed his own company, Kirkpatrick Partners, whose website
provides information about their services and methods, etc.

kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation model

The four levels of Kirkpatrick's evaluation model essentially measure:

reaction of student - what they thought and felt about the training
learning - the resulting increase in knowledge or capability
behaviour - extent of behaviour and capability improvement and
results - the effects on the business or environment resulting from the trainee's

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All these measures are recommended for full and meaningful evaluation of learning in
organizations, although their application broadly increases in complexity, and usually cost, through
the levels from level 1-4.

Quick Training Evaluation and Feedback Form, based on

Kirkpatrick's Learning Evaluation Model - (Excel file)

kirkpatrick's four levels of training evaluation

This grid illustrates the basic Kirkpatrick structure at a glance. The second grid, beneath this one, is
the same thing with more detail.

level evaluation evaluation description examples of evaluation relevance and practicability

type (what and characteristics tools and methods

1 Reaction Reaction evaluation is 'Happy sheets', feedback Quick and very easy to obtain.
how the delegates felt forms.
about the training or Not expensive to gather or to
learning experience. Verbal reaction, analyse.
post-training surveys or

2 Learning Learning evaluation is Typically assessments or Relatively simple to set up;

the measurement of the tests before and after the clear-cut for quantifiable skills.
increase in knowledge - training.
before and after. Less easy for complex learning.
Interview or observation
can also be used.

3 Behaviour Behaviour evaluation is Observation and interview Measurement of behaviour

the extent of applied over time are required to change typically requires
learning back on the job - assess change, relevance of cooperation and skill of
implementation. change, and sustainability line-managers.
of change.

4 Results Results evaluation is the Measures are already in Individually not difficult; unlike
effect on the business place via normal whole organisation.
or environment by the management systems and
trainee. reporting - the challenge is Process must attribute clear
to relate to the trainee. accountabilities.

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kirkpatrick's four levels of training evaluation in detail

This grid illustrates the Kirkpatrick's structure detail, and particularly the modern-day interpretation
of the Kirkpatrick learning evaluation model, usage, implications, and examples of tools and
methods. This diagram is the same format as the one above but with more detail and explanation:

evaluation evaluation description and examples of evaluation tools relevance and

level and characteristics and methods practicability

1. Reaction Reaction evaluation is how Typically 'happy sheets'. Can be done immediately the
the delegates felt, and their training ends.
personal reactions to the Feedback forms based on
training or learning subjective personal reaction to the Very easy to obtain reaction
experience, for example: training experience. feedback

Did the trainees like and enjoy Verbal reaction which can be noted Feedback is not expensive to
the training? and analysed. gather or to analyse for
Did they consider the training Post-training surveys or
relevant? questionnaires. Important to know that people
were not upset or
Was it a good use of their Online evaluation or grading by disappointed.
time? delegates.
Important that people give a
Did they like the venue, the Subsequent verbal or written positive impression when
style, timing, domestics, etc? reports given by delegates to relating their experience to
managers back at their jobs. others who might be deciding
Level of participation. whether to experience same.
Ease and comfort of

Level of effort required to

make the most of the learning.

Perceived practicability and

potential for applying the

2. Learning Learning evaluation is the Typically assessments or tests Relatively simple to set up, but
measurement of the increase before and after the training. more investment and thought
in knowledge or required than reaction
intellectual capability from Interview or observation can be evaluation.
before to after the learning used before and after although this
experience: is time-consuming and can be Highly relevant and clear-cut
inconsistent. for certain training such as
Did the trainees learn what quantifiable or technical skills.
what intended to be taught? Methods of assessment need to be
closely related to the aims of the Less easy for more complex
Did the trainee experience learning. learning such as attitudinal
what was intended for them to development, which is
experience? Measurement and analysis is famously difficult to assess.
possible and easy on a group
What is the extent of scale. Cost escalates if systems are
advancement or change in the poorly designed, which
trainees after the training, in Reliable, clear scoring and increases work required to

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the direction or area that was measurements need to be measure and analyse.
intended? established, so as to limit the risk
of inconsistent assessment.

Hard-copy, electronic, online or

interview style assessments are all

3. Behaviour evaluation is the Observation and interview over Measurement of behaviour

Behaviour extent to which the trainees time are required to assess change is less easy to quantify
applied the learning and change, relevance of change, and and interpret than reaction
changed their behaviour, sustainability of change. and learning evaluation.
and this can be immediately
and several months after the Arbitrary snapshot assessments Simple quick response systems
training, depending on the are not reliable because people unlikely to be adequate.
situation: change in different ways at
different times. Cooperation and skill of
Did the trainees put their observers, typically
learning into effect when back Assessments need to be subtle and line-managers, are important
on the job? ongoing, and then transferred to a factors, and difficult to control.
suitable analysis tool.
Were the relevant skills and Management and analysis of
knowledge used Assessments need to be designed ongoing subtle assessments
to reduce subjective judgement of are difficult, and virtually
Was there noticeable and the observer or interviewer, which impossible without a
measurable change in the is a variable factor that can affect well-designed system from the
activity and performance of reliability and consistency of beginning.
the trainees when back in their measurements.
roles? Evaluation of implementation
The opinion of the trainee, which is and application is an
Was the change in behaviour a relevant indicator, is also extremely important
and new level of knowledge subjective and unreliable, and so assessment - there is little
sustained? needs to be measured in a point in a good reaction and
consistent defined way. good increase in capability if
Would the trainee be able to nothing changes back in the
transfer their learning to 360-degree feedback is useful job, therefore evaluation in
another person? method and need not be used this area is vital, albeit
before training, because challenging.
Is the trainee aware of their respondents can make a
change in behaviour, judgement as to change after Behaviour change evaluation
knowledge, skill level? training, and this can be analysed is possible given good support
for groups of respondents and and involvement from line
trainees. managers or trainees, so it is
helpful to involve them from
Assessments can be designed the start, and to identify
around relevant performance benefits for them, which links
scenarios, and specific key to the level 4 evaluation
performance indicators or criteria. below.
Online and electronic assessments
are more difficult to incorporate -
assessments tend to be more
successful when integrated within
existing management and
coaching protocols.

Self-assessment can be useful,

using carefully designed criteria
and measurements.

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4. Results Results evaluation is the It is possible that many of these Individually, results evaluation
effect on the business or measures are already in place via is not particularly difficult;
environment resulting from normal management systems and across an entire organisation it
the improved performance of reporting. becomes very much more
the trainee - it is the acid test. challenging, not least because
The challenge is to identify which of the reliance on
Measures would typically be and how relate to to the trainee's line-management, and the
business or organisational key input and influence. frequency and scale of
performance indicators, such changing structures,
as: Therefore it is important to identify
responsibilities and roles,
and agree accountability and
which complicates the process
Volumes, values, percentages, relevance with the trainee at the
of attributing clear
timescales, return on start of the training, so they
investment, and other understand what is to be
quantifiable aspects of measured. Also, external factors greatly
organisational performance, affect organisational and
for instance; numbers of This process overlays normal good
business performance, which
complaints, staff turnover, management practice - it simply
cloud the true cause of good
attrition, failures, wastage, needs linking to the training input.
or poor results.
non-compliance, quality
Failure to link to training input type
ratings, achievement of
and timing will greatly reduce the
standards and accreditations,
ease by which results can be
growth, retention, etc.
attributed to the training.

For senior people particularly,

annual appraisals and ongoing
agreement of key business
objectives are integral to
measuring business results derived
from training.

Since Kirkpatrick established his original model, other theorists (for example Jack Phillips), and
indeed Kirkpatrick himself, have referred to a possible fifth level, namely ROI (Return On
Investment). In my view ROI can easily be included in Kirkpatrick's original fourth level 'Results'.
The inclusion and relevance of a fifth level is therefore arguably only relevant if the assessment of
Return On Investment might otherwise be ignored or forgotten when referring simply to the
'Results' level.
Learning evaluation is a widely researched area. This is understandable since the subject is
fundamental to the existence and performance of education around the world, not least
universities, which of course contain most of the researchers and writers.
While Kirkpatrick's model is not the only one of its type, for most industrial and commercial
applications it suffices; indeed most organisations would be absolutely thrilled if their training and
learning evaluation, and thereby their ongoing people-development, were planned and managed
according to Kirkpatrick's model.
For reference, should you be keen to look at more ideas, there are many to choose from...

Jack Phillips' Five Level ROI Model

Daniel Stufflebeam's CIPP Model (Context, Input, Process, Product)
Robert Stake's Responsive Evaluation Model

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Robert Stake's Congruence-Contingency Model

Kaufman's Five Levels of Evaluation
CIRO (Context, Input, Reaction, Outcome)
PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)
Alkins' UCLA Model
Michael Scriven's Goal-Free Evaluation Approach
Provus's Discrepancy Model
Eisner's Connoisseurship Evaluation Models
Illuminative Evaluation Model
Portraiture Model
and also the American Evaluation Association

Also look at Leslie Rae's excellent Training Evaluation and tools available on this site, which, given
Leslie's experience and knowledge, will save you the job of researching and designing your own

evaluation of HRD function performance

If you are responsible for HR functions and services to internal and/or external customers, you
might find it useful to go beyond Kirkpatrick's evaluation of training and learning, and to evaluate
also satisfaction among staff/customers with HR department's overall performance. The
parameters for such an evaluation ultimately depend on what your HR function is responsible for -
in other words, evaluate according to expectations.
Like anything else, evaluating customer satisfaction must first begin with a clear appreciation of
(internal) customers' expectations. Expectations - agreed, stated, published or otherwise - provide
the basis for evaluating all types of customer satisfaction.
If people have expectations which go beyond HR department's stated and actual
responsibilities, then the matter must be pursued because it will almost certainly offer an
opportunity to add value to HR's activities, and to add value and competitive advantage
to your organisation as a whole. In this fast changing world, HR is increasingly the department
which is most likely to see and respond to new opportunities for the support and development of
the your people - so respond, understand, and do what you can to meet new demands when you
see them.
If you are keen to know how well HR department is meeting people's expectations, a
questionnaire, and/or some group discussions will shed light on the situation.
Here are some example questions. Effectively you should be asking people to say how well HR or
HRD department has done the following:

helped me to identify, understand, identify and prioritise my personal development

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needs and wishes, in terms of: skills, knowledge, experience and attitude (or personal
well-being, or emotional maturity, or mood, or mind-set, or any other suitable term meaning
mental approach, which people will respond to)
helped me to understand my own preferred learning style and learning methods for
acquiring new skills, knowledge and attitudinal capabilities
helped me to identify and obtain effective learning and development that suits my
preferred style and circumstances
helped me to measure my development, and for the measurement to be clear to my boss
and others in the organisation who should know about my capabilities
provided tools and systems to encourage and facilitate my personal development
and particularly helped to optimise the relationship between me and my boss relating to
assisting my own personal development and well-being
provided a working environment that protects me from discrimination and harassment of
any sort
provided the opportunity for me to voice my grievances if I have any, (in private, to a suitably
trained person in the company whom I trust) and then if I so wish for proper consideration and
response to be given to them by the company
provided the opportunity for me to receive counselling and advice in the event that I need
private and supportive help of this type, again from a suitably trained person in the company
whom I trust
ensured that disciplinary processes are clear and fair, and include the right of appeal
ensured that recruitment and promotion of staff are managed fairly and transparently
ensuring that systems and activities exist to keep all staff informed of company plans,
performance, etc., (as normally included in a Team Briefing system)
(if you dare...) ensuring that people are paid and rewarded fairly in relation to other
company employees, and separately, paid and rewarded fairly when compared to market
norms (your CEO will not like this question, but if you have a problem in this area it's best to
know about it...)
(and for managers) helped me to ensure the development needs of my staff are
identified and supported

This is not an exhaustive list - just some examples. Many of the examples contain elements which
should under typical large company circumstances be broken down to create more and smaller
questions about more specific aspects of HR support and services.
If you work in HR, or run an HR department, and consider that some of these issues and
expectations fall outside your remit, then consider who else is responsible for them.
I repeat, in this fast changing world, HR is increasingly the department which is most likely to see
and respond to new opportunities for the support and development of the your people - so
respond, understand, and do what you can to meet new demands when you see them. In doing so
you will add value to your people and your organisation - and your department.

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see also
Howard Gardner and multiple intelligences theories
Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains
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© Donald Kirkpatrick's Learning Evaluation Model 1959; review and contextual material Alan Chapman 1995-2009

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