Char Karaka
Char Karaka
Char Karaka
An Independent Interpretation
P.V.R. Narasimha Rao (
2008 October 23
Warning: All copyrights are reserved with author. This article cannot be reproduced in any
form in part or in full without express permission from the author.
A word from the author: This is an independent interpretation of Parasara's teachings on chara karakas. I have no
pretensions that I got it correct. But this is based on an honest attempt to purge all preconceived notions from the mind and
approach Parasara's verses with a fresh and unbiased mind.
I am trying to share whatever I was able to understand by reading Parasara's exposition on chara karakas with an open mind
and then experimenting. If you think my interpretation has some worth in it, please use it, experiment, benefit and spread the
knowledge. If not, just leave it.
The first two verses of the chapter on karakas in "Brihat Parasara Hora Shastram" go as:
A<zE> smaE ¢haE ÖaE cet! raþNtan! icNtyet! tda, sÝEv karkanev< keicdòaE àc]te. 2.
athähaà sampravakñyämi grahänätmädikärakän |
saptaravyädiçanyantän rähvantän väñöasaìkhyakän || 1||
aàçaiù samau grahau dvau cet rähvantän cintayet tadä |
saptaiva kärakänevaà kecidañöau pracakñate || 2||
This can be translated literally as: "Now I am speaking about seven planets from Sun to Saturn or eight planets upto Rahu,
acting as the significators of self etc. If two planets are equal by degrees, then planets upto Rahu should be thought of.
Thus, only seven significators [in some] and eight in some are considered."
This is clearly saying that seven karakas are used in some charts and eight karakas in some charts. This is also giving the
criterion to choose 7 vs 8. In charts containing two planets in the same degree, we include Rahu and consider 8 portfolios.
Otherwise (i.e. if all planets are in different degrees), we exclude Rahu and consider 7 portfolios only. Jaimini also said
"saptaanaam aShTaanaam vaa" and indicated using "seven or eight" significators.
According to one interpretation of these verses, Parasara acknowledged two different schools of thought, one of them
suggesting 7 karakas and the other suggesting 8 karakas, and both are correct. Chara karakas should have a clear role in
charts and to say that planet X acting as a specific karaka and planet Y also acting as the same karaka can be justified at the
same time is illogical. It means we do not understand how karakas are to be used. If our understanding of how karakas
should be used is incomplete, it is no wonder we can justify any planet as any karaka. There must be clear (even if complex)
rules to decide which planet is the karaka for what. A maharshi like Parasara will not say "there are different views. Do as
you please. You are on your own. Make an arbitrary choice". A maharshi like Parasara gets knowledge by direct experience
and not limited by the confusions of others. The line of thought that Parasara merely mentioned two contradictory views can
be palatable to those who imagine a rishi as merely a great intellectual. A rishi is much much more than that. To me, this line
of thought is simply absurd.
Pt Sanjay Rath had a different take. According to him, 8 karakas are used in the charts of humans and other beings with a
separate father and mother. He excludes pitri karaka in 7 karaka scheme and uses that scheme in mundane charts where
there is no father. There are three problems with this line of thinking: (1) In the 7 karaka case, Parasara suggested clubbing
matri karaka (mother) and putra karaka (child) into one and there is still a separate pitri karaka (father). Thus Pt Rath's logic
is inconsistent with Parasara's teaching on 7 karakas. (2) Parasara never talked about mundane charts vs charts of beings.
(3) Parasara's clear guideline of including Rahu when 2 planets are in the same degree is ignored. Why did the sage say
"when two planets are in the same degree, then planets upto Rahu should be considered"? This criterion clearly mentioned
by Parasara is totally ignored by Pt Rath.
Thus, I reject the line taken by Pt Sanjay Rath and I also reject the view that Parasara acknowledged two different schools
and that both schools are correct. There is only one correct way to find karakas and Parasara taught it.
* * *
The verses of Parasara on the calculation of chara karakas go as:
A<zE> smaE ¢haE ÖaE cet! raþNtan! icNtyet! tda, sÝEv karkanev< keicdòaE àc]te. 2.
ky¡ ktu¡ mnu:yana< n smwaR ÉviNt ih, twaTmkarke ³ªre naNye SvzuÉdayka>. 11.
Anukªle n&pe yÖt! sveR=maTyadyae iÖj, nazuÉ< k…vRte tÖnaNye SvazuÉdayka>. 12.
s darkarkae }eyae inivRz<ke iÖjaeÄm, craOykarka @te äaü[a kiwta> pura. 15.
mat&karkmevaNye vdiNt sutkarkm!, ÖaE ¢haE ÉagtuLyaE ce¾ayeta< ySy jNmin. 16.
My literal translation of these verses of Parasara that define chara karakas is as follows:
"Now I am speaking about seven planets from Sun to Saturn or eight planets upto Rahu, acting as the significators of self
etc. If two planets are equal by degrees, then upto Rahu should be thought of. Thus, only seven significators [in some] and
eight in some are considered. Self is the planet among Sun and other planets with the highest degrees. If degrees are same,
by minutes. If that too is the same, by seconds. Learned men should not take self from only degrees [and use upto seconds].
One with higher degrees becomes higher karaka, one with less degrees becomes lower karaka and one in the middle
becomes middle karaka. By arranging in the decreasing and decreasing order of degrees, chara karakas are to be found.
[Like that we distribute the seven/eight portfolios to seven/eight planets.] Due to reverse motion, degrees of Rahu are
subtracted from 30.
O brahmin, significator of self is to be said to be important among them. O great brahmin, he should be understood to be the
supreme one of the horoscope, just as king is the famous of all people on earth and controls all matters and causes bondage
and liberation. Just as princes, ministers etc take care of worldy matters of the country under the king's command, like that
also all other significators become givers of results due to the favorability of the significator of self. O brahmin, just as all
ministers etc become incapable of doing the jobs of people of the country if king is not conducive, other significators cannot
do good when the significator of self is cruel. Just as ministers etc cannot do harm under a favorable king, other unfavorable
significators cannot do harm if the significator of self is favorable.
One with lower degrees than the significator of self (AK) signifies counsel (AmK). One with lower degrees than him signifies
brother (BK). One with lower degrees than him signifies mother (MK). One with lower degrees than him signifies father (PiK).
One with lower degrees than him signifies children (PK). One with lower degrees than him signifies rivals (GK). O excellent
brahmin, one with lower degrees than him should definitely be known as the significator or spouse (DK). These are the chara
karakas mentioned by the Creator before. In the other case [i.e. charts where only seven portfolios are to be considered
instead of eight], the significator of mother is said to be the significaror of child also. If two planets are equal in degrees in
one's birth chart, O excellent brahmin, the absence of higher significator only is to be learnt. The auspicious and inauspicious
results of that [portfolio] should be learnt from the fixed significator."
* * *
The above is a literal translation. Parsing it and understanding it will require purging of some preconceived notions.
First, this has nothing to do with mundane charts vs charts of humans/other beings. Let us stick to the charts of human
beings. Both 7 and 8 portfolio schemes are applicable in human being charts.
Second, Parasara did not talk of two schools supporting 7 and 8 karakas. We use 7 portfolios in some charts and 8 portfolios
in some charts and the choice is based on clear and tangible rules. There is nothing left to arbitrary choice by the astrologers
and "schools".
Third, whether the same planet represents two portfolios or there are separate planets for portfolios has no implications that
the portfolio is less important. The same minister may be in charge of multiple portfolios in the cabinet of a modern
government. If the prime minister also keeps the the portfolio of external affairs, it does not mean external affairs is more or
less important than others. It does not also mean that country has no external affairs to handle. There is no relationship
between whether there is a separate planet for specific portfolio or not and whether that portfolio is valid/invalid,
applicable/inapplicable and important/unimportant.
Fourth, when Rahu enters the picture, it is not to resolve the tie between quarreling planets. When two planets have a clash
over some portfolios, Rahu uses that clash as an opportunity to get into the cabinet himself. But he does not necessarily vie
for the cabinets under dispute. When he comes in, there is an additional portfolio in the picture. In terms of current Indian
politics, this is kind of like a fringe party candidate vying for an additional cabinet post for himself when the main party
candidates are fighting over who gets which portfolio.
Fifth, when planets are in the same degree, one planet may win the tie and one planet may be removed from a portfolio.
However, this does not mean a change happens later in life. Chara karakas are fixed in each chart. They do not change from
time to time. There is nothing called chara karaka parivartana.
Sixth, if a planet gets a portfolio in a tie through a complicated logic, it does not make the planet any less of a significator. A
person may become president of a country after supreme court judgment following a tie, but he is nevertheless the president
at the end of it and exercises all the rights of a president freely. Thus, we apply all the complex rules and evaluate karakas,
but once we are done, we use the planets we arrived at as full-fledged significators. This also applies to a fixed karaka
getting a portfolio because of a tie.
* * *
(1) Take seven planets – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Write down their degrees in the respective
sign. If a planet is at 23 deg 1 min or 23 deg 59 min, its degrees are still 23.
(2) If any two (or more) planets have the same degrees, then include Rahu and use eight chara karakas. Otherwise (i.e. all
planets having different degrees), exclude Rahu and use seven chara karakas.
(3a) If we choose to use seven karakas, the portfolios are: AK (self), AmK (counsel), BK (brother), MK (mother), PiK (father),
GK (rival) and DK (spouse). There is no separate planet for the portfolio of child (PK) and that portfolio is merged with that of
mother (MK). In other words, the same planet signifies both mother and child. We consider the seven planets (Sun-to-
Saturn) for these seven portfolios.
(3b) If we choose to use eight karakas, the portfolios are: AK (self), AmK (counsel), BK (brother), MK (mother), PiK (father),
PK (child), GK (rival) and DK (spouse). We consider the eight planets (Sun-to-Rahu) for these eight portfolios. Rahu's
longitude is subtracted from 30 deg, because he is always retrograde and enters signs from the end always.
(4) For AK (and only for AK), we do not make a decision just by the degrees. If two (or more) planets are in the same degree,
we check the minutes. If the minutes are also the same, we check seconds also. If Saturn is at 28 deg 35 min 24 sec in a
rasi and Jupiter is at 28 deg 35 min 45 sec in another rasi, then Jupiter becomes AK.
(5) For other significators, only degrees are used. After finding AK, we arrange all other planets in the decreasing order of
degrees (only) and distribute the portfolios in the order described above.
(6) If two planets are in the same degree, they compete for the same portfolios. The higher portfolio out of the ones carved
out for them becomes absent and gets judged from corresponding sthira karaka. The lower portfolio goes to one of the
competing planets that is at highest minutes/seconds within the same degree. The planet with lower advancement within the
degree loses out. Suppose Saturn is at 21 deg 24 min and Mercury is at 21 deg 11 min and they compete for BK and MK.
Mercury is at lower minutes and is removed from the list and Saturn wins the tie. Saturn wins the tie with Mercury, but the top
portfolio is out of bounds even after winning and he has to settle for MK. The higher BK portfolio goes to sthira karaka, i.e.
Mars. When you need to look for BK in the chart for any purpose, such as judgment of houses and evaluation of karaka dasa
etc, use Mars as BK. He is the full-fledged BK.
* * *
To time events using karakas, one important dasa system described by Parasara is "Karaka dasa". Chara karakas get dasas
in the order described above (AK-to-DK). The length of each dasa is the number of signs from lagna to the karaka. The
counting is always zodiacal. As an example, if karaka is in 9th house, his dasa is for 8 years. If karaka is in 5 house, his
dasa is for 4 years. If karaka is in lagna itself, his dasa is for 12 years and not zero. After we finish all the seven or eight
karakas, we go back to AK and start the second cycle. In the second cucle, planets give the remaining years (out of full
twelve years). If there is a third cycle, it will match the first cycle. If there is a fourth cycle, it will match the second cycle.
This is called Karaka dasa. It is one of the dasas described quite clearly and unambiguously by Parasara. It depends on
exactly which planet is karaka for which portfolio. If karaka calculation changes, dasas also change accordingly.
Results of a karaka and his relationships/interactions with other karakas are given in each dasa. Usually dasas of AK and PK
results in success and fame. Dasas of planet associated with trines in navamsa or important combinations in dasamsa also
can give success.
Dasa of planets associated with 12th from AK in navamsa can bring death. The 3rd and 8th from AK can also be considered.
* * *
Moon and Venus are in the 27th degree. So Rahu is included and we use 8 portfolios. Arranging in the decreasing order of
degrees, we get:
Karaka dasa:
During the dasa of PK, she moved to Dakshineshwar and experienced some of the following Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
had. As Jupiter is in a quadrant from BK, she can spend time with her guru. As Jupiter is in 6th from DK, normal marital
relationship is difficult. In D-7, PK Jupiter is in 2nd house with Rahu and not conducive to children.
During the dasa of 12th lord from DK in navamsa, her husband left her. During the dasa of AK, Belur math came up and
Ramakrishna mission was started. AK dasa usually makes one successful and brings a lot of activities. Dasa of BK Mars
saw her initiate a lot of people and oversee their spiritual progress. Dasa of MK Mercury, who is with the 12th lord from AK in
navamsa (Ketu), saw her leave body!
* * *
Moon and Mars are in the 23rd degree. So Rahu is included and we consider 8 portfolios.
Rahu – 27 deg – AK
Mercury – fixed karaka – AmK
Moon – 22 deg 19 min – Competes for AmK/BK and wins BK
Mars – 22 deg 18 min – Competes for AmK/BK and loses
Mercury – 15 deg – MK
Jupiter – 14 deg – PiK
Saturn – 13 deg – PK
Venus – 9 deg – GK
Sun – 6 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
In the dasa of BK, he learnt Kaali worship from his brother and became a priest. Bhairavi, his teacher, also came in that
dasa. In the dasa of MK Mercury, who is with the 12th lord from AK in navamsa, he attained nirvikalpa samadhi. In the dasa
of PK, all of his disciples came to him one after the other and were trained by him. PK is in a quadrant from AK in navamsa
and in a trine in D-20. This is a very favorable dasa. He trained his sishyas and also had a lot of following in general.
The 12th lord from AK in navamsa is Jupiter and he is in Aquarius navamsa with Saturn. Saturn's PK dasa saw him leave his
* * *
All the seven planets are in different degrees. So Rahu is excluded and we use 7 portfolios only.
Sun – 29 deg – AK
Moon – 17 deg – AmK
Saturn – 13 deg – BK
Mercury – 11 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Venus – 7 deg – PiK
Mars – 6 deg – GK
Jupiter – 4 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
During the dasa of AmK, who is with BK, he met his guru. As AmK Moon is in a quadrant from AK in navamsa and trine in D-
20, this is an important dasa for spiritual progress.
During the dasa of BK, he learnt so much from his guru and even reveived a transfer of accumulated energy from his guru.
The 12th lord from BK is Mars and he is with BK Saturn. So BK dasa can bring the end of guru.
During the same BK dasa, he looked after his godbrothers and moulded them. In the dasa of MK, who also acts as PK, he
came to US and gave the celebrated speech at the Parliament of Religions, in late 1893. This one year dasa of PK was the
most pivotal of his life. It made him famous and created many followers. This one year dasa laid the foundation for his entire
mission. PK can do that.
In the dasa of GK Mars, who is in the 5th house from AK and a friend of AK, he overcame various obstacles and started
Ramakrishna mission and started the work on Belur math.
* * *
All the seven planets are in different degrees. So Rahu is excluded and we use 7 portfolios only.
Moon – 28 deg – AK
Mercury – 23 deg – AmK
Mars – 22 deg – BK
Saturn – 17 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Jupiter – 16 deg – PiK
Sun – 15 deg – GK
Venus – 0 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
In MK/PK dasa, several visitors started to come to him and many became his disciples. His first teachings, published as the
book "Who am I" came then.
DK Venus is the 12th lord from AK in navamsa. He experienced a sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi in his dasa.
AmK Mercury aspects 12th from MK in navamsa and occupies 12th from MK in D-12. His dasa brought the end of his
In GK dasa, he developed a cancer. It was operated a few times, but came back. He finally succumbed to the cancer. In
navamsa, GK Sun is in the 3rd house from AK. He left body in this dasa.
* * *
All the seven planets are in different degrees. So Rahu is excluded and we use 7 portfolios only.
Mercury – 28 deg – AK
Venus – 18 deg – AmK
Moon – 17 deg – BK
Saturn – 14 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Jupiter – 12 deg – PiK
Sun – 3 deg – GK
Mars – 1 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
If we include Rahu also, Rahu would be AmK. From AK, he is in 12th in rasi and 8th in navamsa. It does not suggest good
But if we take only 7 karakas as recommended by Parasara in this case, as no two planets are in the same degree, then
Venus is AmK. He is with AK in rasi and in a quadrant from AK in D-9 and D-10. This suggests good career.
In the karaka dasa of AmK, he started his career. AmK Venus is in a trine from DK in navamsa. He found his soul mate. In
D-3, BK is in lagna and in a trine from AK with Gaja-Kesari yoha. His younger brother became a powerful person in BK dasa.
In MK/PK dasa, he unexpectedly became the prime minister of India. Dasas of AK and PK and planets associated with good
yogas can give power.
th th
AmK Venus aspects the 12 from PiK Jupiter in navamsa. Father passed away in AmK dasa. Saturn is the 12 lord from MK
and MK dasa killed his mother.
PiK Jupiter is in 8th from AK in navamsa and aspects the 12th from AK. His dasa can bring the end. By the way, this Jupiter
is associated with a Guru-Chandala yoga in navamsa.
* * *
All the seven planets are in different degrees. So Rahu is excluded and we use 7 portfolios only.
Saturn – 29 deg – AK
Moon – 24 deg – AmK
Sun – 19 deg – BK
Jupiter – 13 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Venus – 12 deg – PiK
Mars – 5 deg – GK
Mercury – 4 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
During the GK dasa, he was at the front of the internal struggle within India's Congress party between the Gandhian old
guard and socialists.
The most important events of his life were in AK dasa. AK Saturn is exalted in the 5th house in D-10. He became a minister
after independence, became the president of consituent assembly and was elected the first President of the Republic of
India. All this happened in AK dasa.
MK Jupiter is in 3rd from AK in navamsa and aspects the 12th. MK dasa dasa brought his end.
* * *
Birthdata is 1908 May 16, 5:11 am (IST), Dharmastala, India (75e23, 12n57).
Jupiter and Saturn are both in the 15th degree. So Rahu is included and we use 8 portfolios.
Moon – 29 deg – AK
Venus- 16 deg – AmK
Rahu – 15 deg – BK
Mars – fixed karaka – MK (stronger than Moon)
Jupiter – 14 deg 10 min – Competes for MK/PiK and wins PiK
Saturn – 14 deg 4 min – Competes for MK/PiK and loses
Mercury – 11 deg – PK
Mars – 3 deg – GK
Sun – 2 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
In 1947, he met his guru Bhagavan Niryananda, who gave him a shaktipat initiation. His guru's touch made his Kundalini
shakti rise and he had a sublime experience. He spent the next eight years living and meditating in a small hut. This meeting
of guru, initiation and sadhana that followed came in BK dasa.
In 1970, he came to US on behalf of his guru and spread siddha yoga in US. He gave a shaktipat initiation to several people.
He got some fame and following in the early 1970s. This was during PK dasa. Dasas of AK and PK can bring fame and
In GK dasa, some public accusations were made giving accounts by some anonymous young women of sexual encounters
with Muktananda under the pretext of initiation into tantric yoga. GK dasa can give such controversies and accusations.
GK Mars aspects the 12th from AK, which is empty. This dasa also brought his end. He appointed successors in May 1982
and left body in October 1982.
* * *
Karaka dasa:
He was involved in India's nationalist freedom struggle and went to jail in GK dasa. GK can give that. Exalted Moon is in 7th
from AK and he was visited by Lord Krishna in jail! In D-20, Moon is the lagna lord in 5th house of devotion with AK. Moon
dasa gave an encounter with Krishna and increase of devotion and knowledge through direct experience.
In AK dasa during 1912-1919, he was very active. He started a magazine called Arya and wrote several articles and books.
A lot of followers came to him.
He left body in the dasa of GK Moon, who aspects the 12th house from AK in navamsa.
* * *
All the seven planets are in different degrees. So Rahu is excluded and we use 7 portfolios only.
Moon – 19 deg – AK
Sun – 14 deg – AmK
Saturn – 11 deg – BK
Jupiter – 10 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Mars – 5 deg – PiK
Mercury – 3 deg – GK
Venus – 1 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
In the dasa of PiK Mars, she became Miss World. Mars is in a trine from AK in rasi and navamsa. He is in GL in rasi chart.
PiK brings success through authorities or institutions while PK brings success through following.
Though she was acting in movies since 1997, big success started in 2002. Her movie Devdas came in 2002 and put her on
the top. She visited Cannes Film Festival in 2002 and has been a regular since then. Time magazine named in her 100 most
influential people in 2004. The dasa of AK Moon since 2002 has given her great success.
* * *
Birthdata is 1943 December 31, 2:55 pm (7:00 west of GMT), Roswell, New Mexico, USA (105w0, 33n20).
All the seven planets are in different degrees. So Rahu is excluded and we use 7 portfolios only.
Saturn – 24 deg – AK
Moon – 23 deg – AmK
Sun – 22 deg – BK
Mars – 19 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Venus – 15 deg – PiK
Jupiter – 10 deg – GK
Mercury – 0 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
Dasa of PK Mars was the peak of his musical career. PK Mars is with AK in lagna and that is a raja yoga. He had his first top
ten album in 1972 and had great success and popularity in country music and folk music during 1972-1982.
He died in a flight crash in 1997 in the dasa of DK Mercury. In navamsa, 12th from AK is aspected by Mercury.
* * *
Birthdata is 1958 August 16, 7:05 am (EST, 5:00 west of GMT), Bay City, Michigan, USA (83w53, 43n36).
All the seven planets are in different degrees. So Rahu is excluded and we use 7 portfolios only.
Sun – 29 deg – AK
Saturn – 25 deg – AmK
Mars – 22 deg – BK
Moon – 18 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Mercury – 12 deg – PiK
Venus – 7 deg – GK
Jupiter – 3 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
From MK Moon, 12th lord in navamsa is Sun. Her mother died in AK Sun’s dasa.
She formed a band in 1980 and her first album was released in 1982. The period 1982-1992 was very successful for her and
made her famous. This was the dasa of PK Moon. In navamsa, Moon is in a quadrant from AK. PiK Mercury is in a trine from
th th
AK in navamsa and joins AK in lagna in D-10, giving a raja yoga (9 and 10 lords). Thus, her success continued in Mercury
dasa. But it was the dasa of PK Moon in lagna that kick started her famous music career. In 2004, she sued Time Warner
and was countersued, for mismanagement of her money and bad book keeping. This was at the onset of GK dasa. However,
GK Venus is with AK in rasi, with PK in navamsa and well-placed in own sign in D-10 in a quadrant from PK. His dasa can
give a lot of hard work and some obstacles, but it will continue to be good. But it can bring controversies, obstacles and even
* * *
Birthdata is 1946 July 6, 7:30 am (EDT, 4:00 west of GMT), New Haven, Connecticut, USA (72w56, 41n18).
Mars and Mercury are in the 17th degree. So Rahu is included and 8 portfolios are used.
Venus – 28 deg – AK
Jupiter – 25 deg – AmK
Moon – 23 deg – BK
Sun – 20 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Venus – fixed karaka – PiK
Mercury – 16 deg 43 min – Competes for PiK/PK and wins PK
Mars – 16 deg 13 min – Competes for PiK/PK and loses
Mercury – fixed karaka – GK
Rahu – 3 deg 29 min – Competes for GK/DK and wins DK
Saturn – 3 deg 25 min – Competes for GK/DK and loses
Karaka dasa:
AK Venus and PK Mercury are together in lagna. This is an excellent raja yoga. Even in navamsa, PK Mercury is in a
quadrant from AK. In D-10, he is in a trine. In PK dasa, his success and fame started. He became Texas governor in PK
dasa. Mercury happens to be PK as well as GK and his dasa effectively runs from 1985 till 2009. His work as a campaign
advisor and media liaison during his father’s successful presidential campaign, his purchase of shares in Texas Rangers
team, his election as Texas governor, his re-election as Texas governor with 69% votes, his controversial election as US
president and his re-election as US president with an increased margin of 3%, all these events came in this 24-year period
ruled by PK and GK Mercury. However, in the second half, Mercury had to give the results of being GK also. He got into
unpopular wars, was troubled by controversies and his popularity rating plummeted during GK dasa.
Venus is PiK. He is in Pisces in navamsa. The 12th from PiK is owned by Rahu. DK Rahu’s dasa will run from 2009-2019.
* * *
Birthdata is 1929 August 29, 2:05 am (time zone: 2:00 east of GMT), 31e15, 30n03.
All the seven planets are in different degrees. So Rahu is excluded and we use 7 portfolios only.
Moon – 27 deg – AK
Jupiter – 21 deg – AmK
Sun – 12 deg – BK
Mars – 11 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Mercury – 5 deg – PiK
Venus – 1 deg – GK
Saturn – 1 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
PK Mars joins exalted dispositor Mercury in a quadrant from lagna and in a trine from AK. He gives fame and following.
Though occupies moolatrikona in navamsa, he is in 8th from AK. He is with two natural malefics in navamsa. He shows fame
and following as a militant leader.
AK Moon is exalted in rasi chart and takes part in Gaja-Kesari yoga. He is in a quadrant in navamsa. His dasa during 1967-
1968 was a very important dasa. Following the six-day war in the middle of 1967, Nasser of Egypt declared Arafat to be the
“leader of the Palestinians”. In December 1967, Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) chairman resigned and the new
chairman invited Arafat to join PLO and offered a large representation in the executive committee to Arafat’s Fatah group.
Thus, the one-year AK dasa saw his stars rise.
PK Mars and PiK Mercury are together in a quadrant from lagna and trine from AK in rasi and they have a kartari on 10
house in navamsa. The PK and PiK dasas during 1979-1996 made him famous on the world stage. He was involved in many
peace negotiations (especially in Mercury dasa) and received a Nobel peace prize.
GK Venus is in 12th from AK in navamsa and 3rd from AK in rasi. Despite best efforts for peace, this dasa led to a breakdown
in peace talks and violence again. This dasa also saw his position within PLO and Palestine being marginalized. There were
also allegations in 2002-2003 related to his financial dealings.
He passed away in 2004 in the same GK dasa. GK Venus occupies the 12th house from AK Moon in navamsa.
* * *
Example 14: Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft)
Birthdata is 1955 October 28, 9:21 pm (PST, 8:00 west of GMT), 122w20, 47n36.
All the seven planets are in different degrees. So Rahu is excluded and we use 7 portfolios only.
Saturn – 28 deg – AK
Venus – 26 deg – AmK
Mercury – 23 deg – BK
Mars – 16 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Moon – 14 deg – PiK
Sun – 11 deg – GK
Jupiter – 4 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
The first retail version of Microsoft Windows operating system was launched in 1985, soon after AK dasa started. AK Saturn
is exalted in a trine with AmK Venus in his moolatrikona. They are also 9th and 5th lords and form a very powerful raja yoga.
In navamsa also, AK and AmK are together and PK also joins them. Thus, AK and AmK dasas were brilliant for him. The
period 1984-2000 gave the results of AK and AmK raja yoga.
In 2000, he started BK Mercury dasa. Mercury is lagna lord, he is exalted and he is with PK Mars is in a quadrant. His fame
continued in the dasa. Mercury also gave fame for philanthropic work. As Mercury is in 12th from AK and AmK in rasi chart,
there is a chance of slowing down of work or full/partial retirement in his dasa.
* * *
Birthdata is 1959 February 16, 10:30 pm (time zone: 1:00 east of GMT), Wiesbaden, West Germany (8e14, 50n05).
All the seven planets are in different degrees. So Rahu is excluded and we use 7 portfolios only.
Venus – 27deg – AK
Moon – 16 deg – AmK
Saturn – 11 deg – BK
Mars – 9 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Jupiter – 7 deg – PiK
Mercury – 6 deg – GK
Sun – 4 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
As an 18 year old, he took the tennis world by storm in 1977. He made it to the semifinals of Wimbledon and lost to Jimmy
Connors in four sets. He signed big promotional deals in 1978 and won his first grand slam in 1979. He became the first
male player since 1920s to win US Open for 3 years in a row, by winning it in 1979, 1980 and 1981. His celebrated battles
with Bjorn Borg came in 1980 and 1981.
All this happened in the dasa of MK/PK. PK Mars is with exalted AmK. He is in a quadrant from AK. In navamsa also, he is in
a quadrant from AK. Dasa of PK made him very famous and successful.
PiK Jupiter is also in a quadrant from AK in rasi and navamsa. His dasa also was good.
GK Mercury is in 6th house from AK in navamsa. He was burnt out from constant tennis and took a six month break from the
game in 1986. He struggled to regain form after this sabbatical. Though there were some successes, GK dasa was overall
bad. There were also more controversies. For example, he was disqualified at 1990 Australian Open for swearing at the
AK dasa brought some more fame and success. He was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1999. He also
became US Davis cup team captain in the same year. He wrote an autobiographical book towards the end of AK dasa.
* * *
Birthdata is 1935 January 8, 4:35 am (CST, 6:00 west of GMT), Tupelo, Mississippi, USA (88w43, 34n16).
All the seven planets are in different degrees. So Rahu is excluded and we use 7 portfolios only.
Mercury – 29 deg – AK
Jupiter – 25 deg – AmK
Sun – 24 deg – BK
Mars – 19 deg – MK (also acts as PK)
Moon – 9 deg – PiK
Venus – 6 deg – GK
Saturn – 2 deg – DK
Karaka dasa:
Dasa of PK Mars gave him fame and following. He made his first recording in 1953-54 and got a big breakthrough in 1956.
This was during PK dasa. His acting career was also launched in the same dasa. PK Mars is in a quadrant from AK Mercury
in rasi and navamsa.
PiK Moon is 8th lord from AK and joins AK in navamsa. In rasi also, he is the 8th lord from AK and occupies 3rd from him. This
dasa resulted in some trouble from authorities – he was drafted to the military and served in Germany during 1958-1960.
During the dasa of GK, there were some obstacles and his music stopped making it to the top of charts. During the DK dasa,
he courted Priscilla.
Once AK dasa came, he made a successful comeback to the top of charts. A special TV program made by him in 1968
became a huge hit. During 1968-1976, Elvis was again at his peak giving live performances, acting and making albums.
AmK Jupiter is in 6th from AK in navamsa. During his dasa, he became fatter and less agile and his career slowed down.
* * *
This article is based on an independent interpretation of Parasara’s teachings on chara karakas. This article rejects the view
that Parasara mentioned two schools of thought using 7 chara karakas and 8 chara karakas. It also rejects Pt Sanjay Rath’s
theory that 7 chara karakas apply only in mundane charts where there is no separate father. This article is based on a fresh
interpretation of Parasara after purging all preconceived notions. It suggests that 7 portfolios apply in some charts and 8
portfolios apply in some charts and describes when to use which scheme. The method to find chara karakas is explained
using several examples.
A dasa called Karaka dasa was taught by Parasara and it is based on chara karakas. Karaka dasa is used in this article to
illustrate how some major events or phases in life can be timed using chara karakas, their relationships and placements.