Om Chi Lim
Om Chi Lim
Om Chi Lim
Om nam
For purification, cleans the energy of a place.
Gobinday, mukanday, udaaray, apaaray
Hareeung, kareeung, nirnaamay, akaamay
Sustaining, Liberating, Enlightening, Infinite
Destroying, Creating, Nameless, Desireless.
This mantra can eliminate the karmic blocks or errors of the past. It has the power to purify
one's magnetic field, making it easier to relax and meditate. It is a protective mantra, an
ashtang mantra(having eight parts). Besides helping cleanse the subconscious mind, it
balances the hemispheres of the brain, bringing compassion and patience to the one who
meditates on it.
This mantra is a gutka shabd - one that reverses the mind. It is the essence of the Siri Guru. If
the mantra is chanted just five times, it will stop the mind and put it in reverse gear. The Siri
Guru will sit in your heart. It can stop anything negative. It is so strong that it elevates the self
beyond duality and establishes the flow of sprit. This mantra makes the mind so powerful that
it removes all obstacles. Its positive effects happen quickly and last a long time. It needs to be
chanted with reverence, in a place of reverence. This mantra brings great intuition to the
practitioner. After chanting this mantra, anything you say will be amplified and created with
great force. So have a positive projection and do not say anything negative for a while.
Normally when you chant mantras correctly, you benefit, and when you chant them
incorrectly, they don't have any ill effect. But if you chant this mantra incorrectly, it has a
backlash. Normally we invoke the sacred before practicing this mantra. Chant the Mul Mantra
or the Mangala Charn Mantra before practicing it.
Namo sam-man-do, moo-toh-nam, om, doo-loo doo-loo dei-wei,
- Someone chanted this mantra and his skin disease of 10 years was cured completely.
- Some people possessed bad luck on their features, and they are poor their entire life. After
chanting this mantra for a long period of time, their fate changed and they went from poverty
to riches.
- After chanting this mantra, some people were able to bear a child after 10 years of infertility.
- After chanting this mantra, some people were blessed with good health in their whole life.
- After chanting this mantra, some people were blessed with good marriages shown by a
reddish glow on their faces.
- Some people had karmic obstacles in their lives, making life tough. After chanting this
mantra, their every wish is fulfilled without any obstacles in their endeavors.
- Some people became big lottery winners after they chanted this mantra.