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Construction and Building Materials: Hui Yao, Qingli Dai, Zhanping You

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Construction and Building Materials 101 (2015) 1078–1087

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Construction and Building Materials

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Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy characterization

of aging-related properties of original and nano-modified
asphalt binders
Hui Yao, Qingli Dai, Zhanping You ⇑
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

 Six functional groups containing the carbonyl group were analyzed.

 The carboxylic acids, amide and ketones are the primary components.
 The mild aging of asphalt enhances the resistance to rutting and moisture damage.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of aging on asphalt binders under the conditions of dry
Received 20 March 2015 and sufficient oxygen, and to identify the functional groups related to the fatigue and rutting of asphalt
Received in revised form 28 August 2015 mixtures. During the asphalt aging process, the six functional groups (carboxylic acids, aldehydes,
Accepted 15 October 2015
amides, anhydrides, esters and ketones) containing the carbonyl group can be found in the asphalt bin-
ders based on the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) test results and references. The func-
tional groups containing the carbonyl group in the asphalt binders can be also used to correlate to the
oxidation extent of asphalt binders. Three nanomaterials were added into the control asphalt binder to
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
study the effect of aging. The three materials included polymer modified nanoclay (PMN), non-
(FTIR) modified nanoclay (NMN) and nanosilica (NS). The rolling thin film oven (RTFO) and pressure aging vessel
Aging (PAV) aging effects of the asphalt binders were analyzed to understand the functional polar groups in the
Carbonyl groups asphalt system under short- and long-term aging conditions, respectively. The different asphalt binders
were tested by FTIR to obtain the spectra of chemical groups. The FTIR characterization results indicate
that the carboxylic acids and ketones are the main aging components in the asphalt when exposed to air
and oxygen. The esters and aldehydes in the asphalt are kept to a limited amount. Furthermore, these
functional groups, along with the carbonyl group are closely related to the susceptibility of rutting and
the fatiguing of asphalt mixtures.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction asphalt binders. The modifiers include various polymers, different

fibers, some waste materials and many kinds of nanomaterials
Nowadays, asphalt material is widely applied in pavement engi- [1,2]. Currently, aging is the main problem with asphalt and anti-
neering. The properties of asphalt binders determine the perfor- aging research in different fields is still a hot topic. The quality
mance of the asphalt pavement. The viscosity of asphalt binders and life of the pavement also relate to the speed of aging of the
relates to the mixing and compaction temperatures. The modulus materials used in asphalt mixtures and cement concretes [3–5].
of asphalt binders has a connection with the high- and low- Oxidation causes the degradation of pavement and decreases
temperature performance of asphalt mixtures. In order to improve the bonding strength between the asphalt and the aggregates. This
the performance of pavement, different modifiers are mixed with will lead to pavement embrittlement and pavement distress, par-
ticularly pavement cracking [6]. The aging of asphalt is caused by
the processes of volatilization, oxidation, and steric hardening.
⇑ Corresponding author. Volatilization and oxidation of asphalt are produced by chemical
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Yao), [email protected] (Q. Dai), reactions or the changing of the asphalt structure. Steric hardening
[email protected] (Z. You).

0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Yao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 101 (2015) 1078–1087 1079

of asphalt is produced by intermolecular reconstruction. Asphalt asphalt binders modified by non-modified nanoclay (NMN) and
aging also relates to the physical properties of asphalt, as well as polymer modified nanoclay (PMN) was examined, and the
the compositional changes in the asphalt. Aging is a non- microstructures were observed. With the addition of NMN into
reversible process caused by ultraviolet (UV) light, oxygen, and the control asphalt binder, the complex shear modulus of the
heating when exposed to air [6–8]. The carbonyl groups and sul- modified asphalt binder increased, while the addition of PMN into
foxide groups increase in molecular structure, as do the polar func- the control asphalt binder decreased the complex shear modulus of
tional groups (polar asphalt) in asphalt molecules. The carbonyl the modified asphalt [2]. Polysiloxane-modified montmorillonite
groups in the asphalt binder include carboxylic acid, aldehyde, and/or carbon microfiber were used to modify the asphalt binders
amide, anhydride, ester and ketone. During the oxidation of and mixtures. Relative to the control asphalt mixture, the modified
asphalt, the polar and aromatic compositions in the asphalt asphalt mixture improved the tensile strength and fracture energy,
agglomerate, and it reduces the mobility and reactivity. This can decreased the moisture susceptibility, and reduced the risk of
be due to the micellar catalysis, which allows the molecules to cracking [14]. In this study, three nanomaterials (polymer modified
be buried in the micelle at reaction sites. For example, ketones nanoclay, non-modified nanoclay and nanosilica) were added to
may be highly concentrated in the polar parts and aromatics due the asphalt to study the effects of aging. The Fourier Transform
to the reactions from the components bonded to benzylic carbons. Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) was employed to identify the compo-
Ketones in asphalt decrease the compatibility at low temperatures. sition of asphalt.
Researchers showed that the new asphaltene components might
be formed from the maltenes or polar aromatics after asphalt oxi- 2. Research motivation
dizes. The new asphaltenes had the same impact on viscosity as the
original asphaltenes [8–10]. The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of aging on
During oxidation, both polar sulfoxides and ketones are pro- the asphalt binders when exposed to air and oxygen, and identify
duced in the asphalt. They contain an electronegative oxygen and the functional groups correlated to the resistance to rutting and
a dipole, which can interact with other dipoles to form new com- fatigue life of asphalt mixtures. The six functional groups
ponents. Generally speaking, the sulfoxide is more polar than the (carboxylic acid, aldehyde, amide, anhydride, ester and ketone)
ketone. From the literature reviews [8–10], the ketones were containing the carbonyl group can be found in the asphalt binders
formed beyond the oxidation spurt, and the ketones and sulfoxides from FTIR results and related references. The functional groups
might not be the fundamental reason for an increase in viscosity containing the carbonyl group in the asphalt binders can also be
after oxidation. It is possible that the molecular agglomerations found to relate to the oxidation degree of asphalt binders. Several
were the primary reason for the increase in the viscosity. It is nanomaterials were added to the control asphalt binder to study
reported that the molecular weight of polymers is connected with the effects of aging using the rolling thin film oven (RTFO) and
the viscosity. During the formation of ketones, the reaction leads to pressure aging vessel (PAV), which simulates the short- and
the formation of larger agglomerates which have significant effects long-term aging in the asphalt binders, respectively.
on the molecular weight, and also increases the viscosity. In addi-
tion, the mild oxidation in asphalt binders decreases the moisture
damage of asphalt mixtures. The aging process of asphalt is shown 3. Chemistry of carbonyl groups in an asphalt binder
in Fig. 1.
Nanomaterial is a new kind of popular material with many When the asphalt oxidizes, it is likely that the six functional
incredible features. It is possible that nanomaterials could be a groups containing the carbonyl group in the asphalt binder are
good modifier and may fundamentally change the properties of present, which include carboxylic acids, aldehydes, amides,
asphalt binders and mixtures. Nanomaterials may be utilized to anhydrides, esters and ketones.
improve the performance and durability of construction and build-
ing materials. The nano-SiO2 (Silicon dioxide) and styrene–buta 3.1. Carboxylic acid
diene-styrene (SBS) were also used together in the modification
of asphalt. The results showed that the asphalt mixture modified Carboxylic acid in the asphalt binder, referred as R–C (O) OH, a
by 5% SBS and 2% nano-SiO2 (by weight of the control asphalt) carboxyl group (C (O) OH) and R (the rest of the molecules) is
improved the mechanical properties of asphalt binders and mix- composed of an organic compound [15]. Due to both sides of the
tures [11]. Carbon nanofibers (CNFs) were mixed with asphalt hydrogen-bond, acceptor and donor, the carboxylic acids display
cement, and viscoelastic and fatigue characteristics of CNF- a polar activity. Carboxylic acids normally exist as dimeric pairs
modified asphalt binders were investigated. The resistance to rut- in non-polar media for the self-associate effect. The carboxylic
ting of modified asphalt cement (AC) was improved and the fatigue acids only dissociate the H+ cations and RCOO anions [16]. The
life of CNF-modified AC was increased [12,13]. The performance of alkyl groups on the benzene rings can be oxidized in carboxylic
acid no matter what the chain length of the alkyl groups is [17].

UV Heating Oxygen Weather 3.2. Aldehyde groups

Aldehyde groups are also organic, and the structure can be

Asphalt demonstrated as R-CHO. It also features a sp2 hybridized and
planar carbon, and the carbon atom connects to oxygen with a
double bond. A carbonyl group is located in the center, and the
Resin asphaltene,
Carbonyl Sulfoxide Nitrogen carbon atom bonds to the hydrogen and R group. The bond
and maltene
groups groups oxides between the carbon and hydrogen is not actually acidic, but the
partially produce
aldehyde group is a polar group [15,18,19]. Due to the high reactiv-
ity of the formyl group, it is hard for the aldehydes to exist in the
Polar groups and aromatic components in
the asphalt natural state, and it is commonly prepared by the oxidation of
alcohol [20,21]. The formyl group can be reduced and oxidized to
Fig. 1. The aging processes of asphalt exposed to air. alcohol (–CH2OH) and carboxylic acid (–COOH), respectively [21].
1080 H. Yao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 101 (2015) 1078–1087

3.3. Amides 4. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy characterization

Acid amides are an organic group that normally have three
kinds of structures, an organic amide (RCONR0 2), a sulfonamide Infrared spectrometry (IR) is playing an important role in the
(RSO2NR0 2) and a phosphoramide (R2PONR0 2). The common industry and in research. For instance, U.S. pharmaceutical compa-
formula of functional groups containing the amide is RnEOxNR0 2, nies must submit the IR spectra of products when the product
and E represents different elements with n and x representing application is being processed by the Food and Drug Administra-
the number of atoms [15]. The simple amide is the RCONH2 and tion to show the molecular structures. IR provides more valuable
can be derivate from ammonia. Due to the carbonyl bond in the chemical information about the molecular bonds or vibrations than
amide, the amide is a hydrogen bond acceptor. The existence of other methods. FTIR is a technical method used to detect the infra-
the hydrogen and nitrogen bond makes the amide a hydrogen bond red absorption of samples [26,27]. Spectral data is collected in wide
donor [22]. range wavelengths. The carbon and hydrogen content in the
organic asphalt is over 90% [28]. Normally, in organic compounds,
3.4. Anhydrides six movements are involved in the CH2 groups:symmetrical
stretching, anti-symmetrical stretching, scissoring, rocking, wag-
Anhydrides are organic, acidic compounds, and have two acyl ging, and twisting [29]. The movements of molecules are smaller
groups (RCO-, carbonyl and alkyl groups), which are bonded by the than those of lighter H atoms. The symmetrical stretching and
oxygen atom [15]. The preparation of acetic anhydrides can be anti-symmetrical stretching are commonly detected in asphalt.
derived from the carbonylation of methyl acetate. It has a pleasant The Jasco IRT 3000 FTIR spectrometer was used to detect the
smell, and it is a cheap and readily way to produce acetic anhydrides samples in the study. The solid samples were placed on the silicon
[16,23]. Acid anhydrides normally have the same reactions as the substrates and the calculation of the ratio of specific bonds
acid chlorides, and the speed of the reactions is a little slow [16]. (wavelength range) in the asphalt was carried out. Two methods,
‘two points’ and ‘no base point’, are generally used in the IR ratio
3.5. Esters calculation (Fig. 3). When the specific range is determined for the
bond ratio calculation and the overlap and shift phenomena of
Esters can be derived from an inorganic/organic acid and they bond peaks cannot be avoided due to the complexity of the asphalt
are commonly obtained from carboxylic acids and alcohol. The material, the method of ‘two points’ may cause the ratio computing
hydroxyl group (–OH group) in the esters is replaced by the –O- line to cross the peak area. It can affect the accuracy of the ratio
alkyl group [15]. R and R0 are the hydrocarbon parts in the organic calculation. However, the calculation method of ‘no base point’
esters (RCO2R0 ) [15,24]. Esters can be the hydrogen bond acceptors can avoid the error, and the difference between the saturated
in the reactions, however, esters are normally not the hydrogen and unsaturated bonds can be differentiated.
bond donors [24].
5. Materials preparation
3.6. Ketones
The PG58-34 control asphalt was obtained from Gladstone,
Ketones are organic compounds containing the carbonyl groups Michigan and pre-modified by acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
(carbon and oxygen atoms with a double bond), and its structure is (ABS) to improve the performance at low temperatures. The
RC (=O) R0 , where the R and R0 are the hydrocarbon groups. The compatibility between the asphalt and the polymer is enhanced
symmetrical and asymmetrical ketone groups depend on the con- [2]. Nanoclay (a kind of montmorillonite), has a 2-to-1 layered
nected alkyl groups. The carbonyl group is a polar group due to the and plate structure, and it is commonly used to enhance various
higher electronegativity of oxygen. Typically, the ketones are properties of polymers. Sodium ions construct the layer, and it
acceptors of hydrogen bonds, not the donors. The ketone itself will causes a high expansion pressure in the system. The structure
not show the tendency to self-associate together [16]. can easily be intercalated and exfoliated. PMN was treated by the
Sometimes, the peaks of bonds are shifted by a few wavenum- polysiloxane with organic cation exchanges. After the modification,
bers (around 5–10 cm1 wavenumbers) due to the infrared
detection and some chemical reactions in the material. The peak
of bonds should be adjusted by the actual detection results. The Control asphalt
carbonyl groups in the asphalt binder are displayed in Fig. 2, based Control asphalt
on the references [15,25].


C R'


R OH R H R' No base point
1) Carboxylic Acid 2) Aldehyde 3) Amide Two points

R O R' O O
Two points
O O H OR' R R' 1900 1850 1800 1750 1700 1650 1600
4) Anhydride 5) Ester 6) Ketone Wavenumber(cm )

Fig. 2. Six functional groups containing the carbonyl group. Fig. 3. Ratio calculation methods commonly used in the FTIR spectra.
H. Yao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 101 (2015) 1078–1087 1081

the strength of PMN improved. The density of NMN and PMN is Control asphalt
0.678 and 0.251 g/cm3, respectively [30,31]. The nanosilica (NS) 1.5
Control asphalt
was from MTI Corporation, United States of America. The density 1.4

and the maximum size of nanosilica are around 0.063 g/cm3 and 1.3
30 nm, respectively [1,31]. The performance tests of these modified
asphalt binders were accomplished in previous studies done by

authors [1,2]. Carbon-Oxygen (C-O)
0.9 single bond stretching area
0.8 (N-H) bending
6. Experimental design and procedures 0.7 area Sulfoxide (S=O) area
The modifiers and their content in the asphalt are 2% and 4% NMN, 2% and 4%
PMN, and 4% and 6% NS. The nanomaterials were slowly added to the control
asphalt and the modified asphalt binders were blended for two hours in the high 0.4
shear machine under the conditions of 4000 rpm and 135 °C. NMN, PMN and NS 0.3
modified asphalt binders were processed by RTFO and PAV aging in order to analyze 0.2
the effect of aging. The asphalt samples were tested under the original, RTFO and 0.1
PAV conditions using FTIR. The samples were placed on the silicon substrate
(100 X cm) with a 350 lm thickness. The FTIR results were recorded with an 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900
accumulation of at least 128 scans with a resolution of 4 cm1. The two duplicates
for each sample were prepared and tested with FTIR.

Fig. 5. Nitrogen–hydrogen and carbon–oxygen bonds in the asphalt binder (solid

7. FTIR characterization of functional group components state).

The six functional groups (carboxylic acid, aldehyde, amide,

anhydride, ester and ketone) contain the carbonyl group in the Control asphalt
asphalt binder. The evidence of these groups can be found in the 2.4
Control asphalt
spectra and references. In addition, the overlapping phenomena 2.2
of the bonds in the spectra are common in complex materials, as 2.0
detected by FTIR. This indicates that some bands are not clearly
shown in the spectra. The peaks in the spectra show the infrared

absorbance in the materials and it also reflects the extent of bonds
in the materials. If the amount of bonds in the asphalt is too small, 1.4
Carbon-Hydrogen stretching
the difficulty of detection increases. The control asphalt was exam- 1.2 bond area (C-H bond, two peaks)
ined by FTIR, and the FTIR spectra are shown in Figs. 4 through 6. 1.0
Nitrogen-Hydrogen stretching
0.8 area (N-H bond)
7.1. Functional group acid amides 0.6 Oxygen-Hydrogen
0.4 stretching area (O-H bond)
Based on the literature review [32,33], the nitrogen and hydro-
gen (N–H) stretching bond and N–H bending bond are observed 0.2

around the region of 3100–3500 cm1 (including a shoulder band) 0

4000 3500 3000 2500
and 1550–1640 cm1 in the spectra from Table 1, respectively. The
N–H stretch bond is also located in the region of 3250–3400 cm1
and the N–H bend bond is located in the region of 1580–1650 cm1 Fig. 6. Oxygen–hydrogen and nitrogen–hydrogen bonds in the asphalt binder (solid
from the references [34,35] (Primary amine: two N––H bands from state).
3300 to 3400 cm1 and 3250 to 3330 cm1, Secondary amine: one

N–H band from 3310 to 3350 cm1 in the spectra of representa-

Control asphalt tives). N–H wag is located in the region from 665 to 910 cm1 in
Control asphalt the spectra. Normally, the shoulder band of the N–H stretching
Amide bond is the overtone of the N–H bending bond. This indicates that
Ketone the N–H stretching and bending bonds can be observed at the same
0.3 Acid time and in the same material, such as the aniline (primary amine)
and diethylamine (secondary amine) [34,35]. Fig. 4 displays that

the carbonyl groups (C@O) in the amide (located in the region

1640–1690 cm1) can be observed in the spectrum of the control
0.2 Ester asphalt binder. This bond (C@O) is the aging index in the asphalt
Anhydride materials and it is formed by the complex oxidation reaction in
the asphalt. The aging of asphalt relates to the performance of
0.1 asphalt binders and asphalt mixtures [3]. From Figs. 5 and 6, the
N–H stretching and bending bonds can be seen in the control
asphalt binder. The content of the nitrogen element in the asphalt
binder is around 1% according to the Superpave report [28]. Due to
0 the small amount of the nitrogen element in the asphalt binder and
1900 1850 1800 1750 1700 1650 1600
the overlapping case of spectra, the peak of the nitrogen and
hydrogen bond in the asphalt binder may not be so strong in the
Fig. 4. Functional groups containing the carbonyl group in the asphalt binder (solid spectra, but it is still detectable. The N–H stretching and bending
state). bond areas are close to the C–H and C–C areas in the spectra of
1082 H. Yao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 101 (2015) 1078–1087

Table 1 limited amount of anhydrides present in the oxidized asphalt.

Functional groups containing a carbonyl in the asphalt binder [32,33]. However, the larger amounts of anhydrides are observed in the
Absorption Assignations- Details older pavement, as well as ketones [6]. Therefore, the evidence of
wavenumber area functional anhydrides in the asphalt is presented, and one peak area ratio is
(cm1, possible peak groups calculated in this study for the data analysis.
1670–1820 Carbonyl: Stretching vibration, conjugation
7.3. Functional group esters
C@O moves absorptions to lower wave
numbers, strong intensity
Based on the references [32,33], the two main stretching bonds,
Functional groups: carboxylic acid
1700–1725 C@O Stretching vibration the carbon–oxygen (C@O) double stretching bond and the carbon–
2500–3300 O–H Stretching vibration, strong oxygen single stretching bond (C–O) are observed in the ester
intensity, very board areas group. Fig. 4 shows that the peak of the carbonyl group in the ester
1210–1320 C–O Stretching vibration, strong
is observed at a range of 1735–1750 cm1. And Fig. 5 shows that
the more peaks of carbon–oxygen single bond (C–O) are detected
Functional groups: aldehyde
at a range of 1000–1300 cm1 in the solid samples. It is coincided
1720–1740 C@O Stretching vibration, strong
intensity with Table 1. Due to the trace amount of ester in the asphalt, the
2820–2850 & 2720– =C–H Stretching vibration, medium ester has a limited contribution to the asphalt aging products [9].
2750 intensity, two peaks Therefore, the ester group is one of the products produced during
Functional groups: amide the oxidation of asphalt.
1640–1690 C@O Stretching vibration, strong
7.4. Functional group carboxylic acids
3100–3500 N–H Stretching vibration,
unsubstituted, have two bands
1550–1640 N–H Bending vibration The references [32,33] mention that the functional carboxylic
Functional groups: anhydride acid group has three bonds connected: the carbon–oxygen double
1800–1830 and 1740– C@O Stretching vibration, two bands stretching bond (C@O), the carbon–oxygen single stretching bond
1775 (C–O), and the oxygen–hydrogen bond (O–H). In Fig. 4, the peak
Functional groups: ester of the carbonyl group [3] in the carboxylic acids can be found in
1735–1750 C@O Stretching vibration, strong the range of 1700–1725 cm1; the peak of the carbon–oxygen sin-
gle stretching bond (C–O) [9] can be observed in Fig. 5 in the range
1000–1300 C–O Stretching vibration, two bands or
of 1210–1320 cm1. The evidence of the hydroxyl group is shown
from the raised and broad area [36] in Fig. 6 in the range of 2500–
Functional groups: ketone
1705–1725 Acyclic Stretching vibration, strong
3300 cm1 in the solid samples. In addition, from the reference of
intensity Campbell’s results [9], the evidence of carboxylic acids in the
3-Membered-1850 Cyclic Stretching vibration, strong asphalt was demonstrated and further conclusions were brought
intensity forward. Therefore, the carboxylic acids exist in the control asphalt.
4-Membered-1780 Stretching vibration, strong
5-Membered-1745 Stretching vibration, strong 7.5. Functional group aldehydes
6-Membered-1715 Stretching vibration, strong In accordance with the references [32,33], there are two bonds,
7-Membered-1705 Stretching vibration, strong
carbonyl group (C@O) and carbon–hydrogen bond (C–H), that exist
intensity in the aldehyde. Fig. 4 shows that the peaks of the carbonyl group
1665–1685 a,b- Stretching vibration, strong in the aldehyde are observed in the range of 1720–1740 cm1. Two
Unsaturated intensity peaks of the carbon–hydrogen bond can be found in the range of
1680–1700 Aryl ketone Stretching vibration, strong
2820–2850 and 2720–2750 cm1 in Fig. 6. These ranges in the
spectra normally represent the C–H bonds in the organic materials.
In 1964, Campbell also commented that the aldehyde had a
contribution to the carbonyl group in the asphalt [9]. Therefore,
asphalt, definitely increasing the difficulty of detection and obser-
the aldehydes are detected in the asphalt samples.
vation. The N–H bending bond in the asphalt is shown in Fig. 5. The
shoulder band in the asphalt at a solid state is demonstrated in
Fig. 6. Therefore, the functional group acid amide can be detected 7.6. Functional group ketones
in the control asphalt binder.
Based on the references [32,33], the carbonyl group in the
ketones can be found at a broad range of 1665–1850 cm1 in
7.2. Functional group anhydrides Fig. 4, and different kinds of ketones may include acyclic, cyclic,
a,b-unsaturated and aryl ketone. Campbell [9] also demonstrated
The references [32,33] show that two bands around 1800–1830 that the ketones in the asphalt reinforced the absorbance of the
and 1740–1775 cm1 are observed in the anhydride, a functional carbonyl group at around 1700 cm1. The ketones are the main
carbonyl group. Two peaks in the range of 1800–1830 and 1740– aging products in the asphalt and it also relates to the performance
1775 cm1 are observed in Fig. 4. However, in Fig. 4, the peak of the binders and mixtures according to the references [37–40].
between 1800 and 1830 cm1 is not strong compared to the peak Therefore, ketones can be found in the asphalt.
between the 1740 and 1775 cm1. Dicarboxylic anhydrides are
produced during the oxidation of asphalt, and the absorption 8. FTIR characterization results and discussions
bands of dicarboxylic anhydrides are around 1725 and
1765 cm1. Due to the coverage of strong ketone bands, the peaks After the identification of functional groups in the control
around these two bands are not easily observed [6,7], as well as a asphalt, the control and modified asphalt binders were tested by
H. Yao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 101 (2015) 1078–1087 1083

Control asphalt 2% NMN modified asphalt

0.6 0.5
Control asphalt - Original 2% NMN modified asphalt - Original
Control asphalt - RTFO 2% NMN modified asphalt - RTFO
0.5 Control asphalt - PAV 2% NMN modified aspahlt - PAV





0 0
2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500
Wavenumber(cm )-1 Wavenumber(cm-1)

Fig. 7. FTIR spectra of the control asphalt in the range of 1500–2000 cm1. Fig. 10. FTIR spectra of 2% NMN modified asphalt in the range of 1500–2000 cm1.

2% PMN modified asphalt 4% NMN modified asphalt

0.6 0.8
2% PMN modified asphalt - Original 4% NMN modified asphalt - Original
2% PMN modified asphalt - RTFO 4% NMN modified asphalt - RTFO
2% PMN modified aspahlt - PAV 4% NMN modified aspahlt - PAV

0.4 0.5



0.1 0.1

0 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500
2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500
-1 Wavenumber(cm-1)
Wavenumber(cm )
Fig. 11. FTIR spectra of 4% NMN modified asphalt in the range of 1500–2000 cm1.
Fig. 8. FTIR spectra of 2% PMN modified asphalt in the range of 1500–2000 cm1.

4% NS modified asphalt
4% PMN modified asphalt 0.7
0.5 4% Nanosilica modified asphalt - Original
4% PMN modified asphalt - Original
4% Nanosilica modified asphalt - RTFO
4% PMN modified asphalt - RTFO
0.6 4% Nanosilica modified asphalt - PAV
4% PMN modified aspahlt - PAV

0.3 0.4




0 0
2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500

Wavenumber(cm-1) Wavenumber(cm-1)

Fig. 9. FTIR spectra of 4% PMN modified asphalt in the range of 1500–2000 cm1. Fig. 12. FTIR spectra of 4% NS modified asphalt in the range of 1500–2000 cm1.
1084 H. Yao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 101 (2015) 1078–1087

FTIR. The control, NMN, PMN, and NS modified asphalt binders 6% NS modified asphalt
were tested under the RTFO and PAV aging conditions. The spectra 0.5
6% Nanosilica modified asphalt - Original
of the control asphalt and nano-modified asphalt are shown in 6% Nanosilica modified asphalt - RTFO
Figs. 7 through 13. The peak range of functional polar carbonyl 6% Nanosilica modified aspahlt - PAV
groups in the asphalt is demonstrated in Table 1.
From the spectra of the control, NMN, PMN and NS modified

asphalt binders, the trends under the unaged, RTFO- and PAV-
aged are almost similar. The extent and amounts of bonds under
different aging conditions are changed. The peak ranges of different
functional carbonyl groups were utilized to represent the ratio of
corresponding functional groups in the asphalt binders. The equa-
tions of ratio calculations of carbonyl groups in the asphalt binders
are shown in Eqs. (1) through (7). The large portion of C–H bonds 0.1
mainly focuses on the wavenumber between 4000 and 2000 cm1,
and the aging components in the asphalt binders primarily concen-
trate on the wavenumbers between 2000 and 600 cm1. Therefore, 0
the denominator of the equations is the area of the wavenumbers 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500

between 2000 and 600 cm1.The results of the ratio calculations in Wavenumber(cm-1)
the control and nano-modified asphalt are shown in Figs. 14
Fig. 13. FTIR spectra of 6% NS modified asphalt in the range of 1500–2000 cm1.
through 16.
Area of the carboxylic acid bands between 1720 and 1700 cm1
Iacids ¼ P Fig. 15 displays the results of the ratio calculations of the control
Area of the spectral bands between 2000 and 600 cm1
and nano-modified asphalt after RTFO aging, and the amides remain
as the largest amount present in the asphalt binders relative to the
other carbonyl groups. But the carboxylic acids, ketones, and anhy-
Area of the aldehyde bands between 1735 and 1720 cm1
Ialdehydes ¼ P drides in the asphalt significantly increase. The amount of aryl
Area of the spectral bands between 2000 and 600 cm1
ketones is also less than that of a,b-unsaturated ketones. Esters
and aldehydes do not increase much in the RTFO-aged asphalt.
Fig. 16 displays the results of the ratio calculations of the
Area of the amide bands between 1660 and 1645 cm1
Iamides ¼ P ð3Þ control and nano-modified asphalt after PAV aging. The carboxylic
Area of the spectral bands between 2000 and 600 cm1
acids in the asphalt continue to increase during PAV aging, and the
amount of carboxylic acids is the largest of the functional carbonyl
Area of the anhydride bands between 1775 and 1750 cm1
Ianhydrides ¼ P groups in asphalt after PAV aging. The amount of ketones in the
Area of the spectral bands between 2000 and 600 cm1
asphalt after PAV aging also increases. It is noticed that the quan-
ð4Þ tities of aryl ketones are more than those of a,b-unsaturated
ketones. But the amount of a,b-unsaturated ketones is larger than
Area of the ester bands between 1750 and 1735 cm1 that of aryl ketones in the asphalt at the original state and after
Iesters ¼ P ð5Þ
Area of the spectral bands between 2000 and 600 cm1 RTFO aging. If the amounts of a,b-unsaturated ketones and aryl
ketones are added together, the ketones are considered the
Area of the aryl ketone bands between 1700 and 1685 cm1 primary oxidation products of the asphalt. Simultaneously, there
Iarylketones ¼ P
Area of the spectral bands between 2000 and 600 cm1 is still a large amount of amides in the asphalt; esters, aldehydes,
ð6Þ and anhydrides increase slightly compared to the amounts at the

Area of the a;b unsaturated ketone bands between 1680 and 1665 cm1
Ia;bunsaturated ketones ¼ X ð7Þ
Area of the spectral bands between 2000 and 600 cm1

Fig. 14 shows the results of the ratio calculations of the unaged unaged and RTFO-aged states. Esters remain as the smallest
control and nano-modified asphalt. The amides make up the lar- amount present in the asphalt after PAV aging.
gest amount present in the asphalt binders compared to the other From Figs. 14 through 16, it is implied that the oxidation of
functional carbonyl groups. A large amount of carboxylic acids and asphalt causes the increase in the functional carbonyl groups,
ketones also make up in the asphalt binders. It can be seen that the especially carboxylic acids and ketones, and they are the main
quantities of aryl ketones are less than those of a,b-unsaturated oxidation products. During the aging of the asphalt, the resins
ketones. There are small amounts of esters in the asphalt, consis- and asphaltenes have some reactions with oxygen and produce
tent with the reference [9]. Meanwhile, the anhydrides and aldehy- more aromatic hydrocarbons and polar functional groups. This
des are also found in limited amounts in the asphalt. After can be an explanation as to why aryl ketones and carboxylic
modifying the asphalt, the functional carbonyl groups in the acids in the asphalt increase after PAV aging. Aged asphalt at
nano-modified asphalt are more than those of the control asphalt. an earlier stage is good for pavement, in regard to the perfor-
This indicates that this modification brings more oxygen into the mance. In addition, the data in Figs. 14–16 reveals that the
modified asphalt during the mixing process. amount of aging components in the RTFO- and PAV-aged modi-
H. Yao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 101 (2015) 1078–1087 1085




Ratio of Bonds


Carboxylic Acid Aldehyde

0.002 Amide Anhydride
Ester Aryl Ketone
αβ-unsaturated ketone
Control 2%NMN 4%NMN 2%PMN 4%PMN 4%NS 6%NS

Fig. 14. Ratio calculations of different bonds in the unaged control and nano-modified asphalt (solid state).

Ratio of Bonds

0.002 Carboxylic Acid Aldehyde
Amide Anhydride
0.001 Ester Aryl Ketone
0 αβ-unsaturated ketone
Control 2%NMN 4%NMN 2%PMN 4%PMN 4%NS 6%NS

Fig. 15. Ratio calculations of different bonds in the control and nano-modified asphalt after RTFO aging (solid state).



Ratio of Bonds



Carboxylic Acid Aldehyde

0.002 Amide Anhydride
Ester Aryl Ketone
αβ-unsaturated ketone
Control 2%NMN 4%NMN 2%PMN 4%PMN 4%NS 6%NS

Fig. 16. Ratio calculations of different bonds in the control and nano-modified asphalt after PAV aging (solid state). Note: Control: control asphalt; NMN: NMN modified
asphalt; PMN: PMN modified asphalt; NS: NS modified asphalt.

fied asphalt is commonly lower than that of the control asphalt, Based on the literature review, the aging components relate to
as well as the aging speeds of the modified asphalt. However, the properties of the asphalt. (1) The carboxylic acid in the crumb
the amount of the control asphalt at the unaged state is ordinar- rubber asphalt AAB-1 improves the high-temperature properties,
ily lower than that of the modified asphalt. This indicates that especially rutting resistance [41]. The dry aggregates can be strongly
the nanomaterials have a resistance to aging in the asphalt. adhered to by the carboxylic acids (polar group) in the asphalt [42].
These results are consistent with the reference [3]. The polar groups in the asphalt tends to associate, and less polar or
1086 H. Yao et al. / Construction and Building Materials 101 (2015) 1078–1087

more nonpolar groups result in disassociation [43]; (2) the furan ring tion analysis. The amounts of six carbonyl groups in the RTFO- and
with the aldehyde group improves the resistance to rutting and PAV-aged asphalt increased. The carboxylic acids and ketones are
water stripping of the asphalt, as well as the fatigue cracking [44]; the main components of the asphalt, which relate to the perfor-
(3) the amide group helps enhance the toughening and adhesion mance of binders and mixtures. The nanomaterials also have an
in the asphalt [45]. The amide-type agents were also used for anti-aging effect on the asphalt. In addition, the aging components
strengthening the coating with aggregates in the asphalt and the in the asphalt under different environments will be studied in the
mechanical properties of the asphalt improved [46–48]; (4) the near future.
aging groups, ketones, dicarboxylic anhydrides and carboxylic acids,
are strongly absorbed into the aggregates [49,50]; (5) the phosphate
and amino esters were used as an antistripping additive in the
asphalt. It is designed to improve the adhesion between the asphalt
The authors would like to thank Dr. Yoke Khin Yap and
and the aggregates [51,52]; (6) the ketones and sulfoxides are also
Mingxiao Ye for the help on FTIR testing. The experimental work
the main factors for the increase in viscosity of the oxidized asphalt
was completed at the Transportation Materials Research Center
[8]. Therefore, there is a close correlation between the aging compo-
of Michigan Technological University. Any opinion, finding, and
sition and the performance of the asphalt.
conclusion or recommendation expressed in this material are those
The ketones and carboxylic acids increase more after the oxida-
of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of any
tion of asphalt, and the anhydrides and amides also increase in this
case. Therefore, these functional groups determine the perfor-
mance of these modified asphalt binders in this case. Based on
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