Libro de Logias Regulares
Libro de Logias Regulares
Libro de Logias Regulares
lssued by the
To lts Constituent Lodges
:l'\1 j ,¿,.
~ !fy¡ ~
/'f(o'_'-ffZJfí. Appear in this
and the following
Argentina Ganada cont. Mexico cont.:
Armenia N ewfoundland & Labrador Cosmos
Australia: Nova Scotia Del Pacifico
New South Wales Ontari<Y El Potosi
Queensland Prince Edward Island Nuevo Leon
South Australia & Quebec Occidental Mexicana
N orthern Territory Saskatchewan Sinaloa
Tasmania Chile Tamaulipas
Victoria China Unida Mexicana )
Western Australia Colombia: Valle de
Austria Barran quilla
Bogota York
Azerbaijan Moldava
Belgium-Regular Cartagena
Benin Los Andes Morocco The 13 pages following th e Table of Contents are included ·in
Bolivia Occidental, Cali Netherlands
Oriental, Cucuta New Zealand the "List of Lodges- Masonic" at th e request of a nurnber of
Brazil, Grande Oriente
Brazil, State G.L.: Costa Rica Nicaragua Gra nd Secretarie s who part icipate in th e "Confe rence of the
Acre Croatia Norway
Alagoas Cuba Pan ama
Masoñic Grand Lodge Secretari es in North Amer.ica ." Th ey are
Amapa Cyprus Paraguay used thro ugh their courtesy.
Amazonas Czech Republic Peru
Barna Denmark Philippines lt is their feeling that if the secretari es of subsidiary Jodges
Brasilia Dominican Republic
Portugal -have information co ncerning the Jaw and the ·practices of other
Ce ara Puerto Rico
Espirito Santo England
Grand Jurisdictions read ily available, a considerable amount of
Goias Finland
France Russia correspondence will be unnecessary.
Maranhao El Salvador, Cuscatlan
Mato Grosso Gabon lt is with th e belief that th ese pages will be helpful to both
Mato Grosso do Sul Germany San Marino
Minas Gerais Greece Scotland secreta ri es and Grand Secretaries that thi s information is in-
Para Guatemala Senegal, West Africa
Haiti Serbia
clu ded .
Paran a Honduras South Africa
Pernambuco Hungary Spain
Piaui Iceland Sweden
Rio de Janeiro India Switzerland
Rio Grande do Norte Iran Tahiti & Archipelagos ©Copyright 20 15 by Pantagraph Printing and Stationery Company
Rio Grande Do Sul Ireland Togolaise
Rondonia Israel
Italy Turkey
Roraima Ukraine All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced,
Santa Catarina Ivory Coast
Japan Uruguay distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
Siio Paulo
Sergipe Luxembourg Venezuela photocopying, recording, or other electroni c or mechanical meth-
Tocantins Madagascar Prince Hall Grand Lodges ods, ·without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in
Bulgaria Malta Alaska
Burkina Faso, West Africa Mauritius the case of brief quotations embodied in critica! reviews and certain
Cameroon Mexico: _.~
Connecticut other non-co rrimercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permis-
Canada: Baja California sion requests, write to th e publisher, addressed "Attention : Permis-
Baja California Sur Delaware
Al berta Illinois
British Columbia & Yukon Campeche sions Coordinator," at the address below.
Manitoba Chiapas NewYork
New Brunswick Coahuila North Carolina
See Table of Contents, page 2 PRI NTED AN O FOR SALE BY THE
------. ..•
Grand J urisdiction Page Grand Jurisdiction Page Grand J urisdiction Page Grand J urisdiction Page
Requirements of Grand Lodges . 4 Victoria ............. • . •. • .. . . .. 132 Ecuador . 232 Moldova 333
United States of America: Westem Australia ... . .. • . . . . .. . 134 England . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . ... . . . 233 Morocco ...... .. • . . . . 334
Alabama 17 Austria ........... . . 136 Finland .... . . ... . . 282 Netherlands 334
Alaska 19 Azerbaijan .......... . ... . ... . . . 137 France 284 New Zealand ... .•. . . . . . . . .. . .. . ... 336
Alaska, Prince B:all Grand Lodge of . 20 Belgium-Regular 138 Gabon --'·. 293 Nicaragua 338
Arizona 21 Benin. ~ 139 Germany 293 Norway 339
Arkansas . 22 Bolivia . 139 Greece . .. 298 Panam$ ...... • . . . 340
California 24 Brasil, Grande Oriente of ........... . . 141 Guatemala 299 Paraguay ..... .. . . . . . .. . 341
California, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of 27 Brazil, Confederation Information 165 Haiti ......... . ... . ... . 300 Peru 342
Colorado 2,8 Brazil, State Grand Lodges of: Honduras ..... . .. . ... . . 301 Philippines 344
Connecticut . 29 Acre ........................... . . 166 Hungary 301 Portugal ....... . .. . .. . 347
Connecticut, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of 30 Alagoas ..................... . 167 Iceland ....... . ... . ... . .. . . .. . . .. , . 302 Puerto Rico ....... . ... . 348
Delaware . 31 Amapa. . ......... . 167 India . . . . . . . • . . 0
302 Romania 349
Delaware, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of . 32 Amazonas-Glomam . . . . . . . . .. 168 Iran ..........•.• . • . .. 305 Russia . . ........ .. . . • . • . •. 352
District of Columbia . 33 Babia ................ . ... . . 168 lreland 306 El Salvador, Cuscatlan 353
Florida. 34 Ceara ................•... 170 brn~ ---·· ·········· ·· · · · · ······· 309 San Marino . 353
Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Distrito Federal 172 Italy, Grande Oriente . . . . . . . . . . . .. 310 Scotland ...... ... ...... . .. . . .... . 354
Hawaii. ... ..... . . . . . . ..... . . . . . .. 39 Espirito Santo .. 173 Cóte d'Ivoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Senegal, West Africa 361
Idaho 40 Goiás ............ . . 174 Japan ........... ..... . . 317 Serpia 362
Illinois . 41 Maranhao 175 Luxembourg 317 South Africa .......... . 363
Illinois, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of . 45 Mato Grosso . ..... . ... . . • . 177 Madagascar 318 Spain ..........• . . . . 364
Indiana 46 Mato Grosso do Su! 178 Malta ............ . . . . . . 318 Sweden 367
Iowa . 49 Minas Gerais .. .... ... # • 179 Mauritius 319 Switzerland 368
. Kansas.......... . .. . . . .. . . . . ... . . . 51 Para. . .... . . 182 Mexico: Tahiti & Archipelagos 369
Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Paraiba .... . 183 Baja California ......... • .• 320 Togolaise, West Africa 370
Louisiana ... .-. . .......... .. .. . 56 Paraná. 184 Baja California Sur 321 Turkey 371
Maine ........... ...... .. ... 58 Pernambuco ..... . .• .•. . . . . . . . .... 186 Campeche ......... ........ . 322 Ukraine . . • . . . . ... . . 373
Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Piauí ................. . . 187 Chiapas . . .... ...... . . . . . . 322 Uruguay 374
Massachusetts . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Rio de J aneiro . . ...... . . 188 Coahuila ("Benito Juarez") 323 Venezuela 375
Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Rio Grande do Norte ... . .. . 190 Cosmos 324
Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 65 Rio Grande do Su! ..... . .. . . . .. . . . . 191 Del Pacifico . 325
Mississippi .•.•. . . .. . . . . .•.•.. . 67 Rondoni a-Glomaron 193 El Potosi 325 Masonic Boards of Relief,
Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Roraima. . ............. . . . . . 194 Nuevo Leon . . .:. . 326 . Service & Employment Bureaus . 377
Montana ........... ............ 72 Santa Catarina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · 194 Occidental Mexicana ....... •. 327
Nebraska . ... .. .... . 73 Sao Paulo ....... ~ . . .. . 196 Sinaloa 327
Nevada . . . . . .. . . . .•.. . 74 Sergipe .................... . . 201 Tamaulipas ... ......... . 328
New Hampshire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Tocantins ............... . • ... . . . 202 Unida Mexicana 329
New Jersey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Bulgaria ................... . . 203 Valle de Mexico ...... ... .. . . ... . . 330
New Mexico . 77 Burkina Faso, West Africa 204 York ............... . .. . . 332
New York 78 Cameroon ......... .. ............. . . 204
N ew York, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of . 82 Canada:
North Carolina 83 Al berta ................... .· , .. ·, _ . 205
N orth Carolina, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of 86 British Columbia & Yukon 206
North Dakota 88 Manitoba. 207
Ohio . .......... 89 New Brunswick 208 Disclaimer: Pantagraph Printing and Stationery Company (PP&S) desires
Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Newfoundland & Labrador· . 209 and attempts to publish the most accurate publication possible. Should an
Oregon .... ..... . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Nova Scotia . . 209 omission or error occur as a result of an error on the part of PP&S, we will
Pennsylvania . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 96 Ontario 210
Rhode Island . . . . . . . .. .. .. . 99 Prince Edward Island . 215
publish a corrected entry on our website: No
South Carolina .. ....... ... . 100 Quebec ................ . . 215 other correction will be published or distributed.
South Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Saskatchewan ........... . 216
Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Chile .... . ........ . . . 217
Texas . ........ .... .. . 106 China ............ : . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 219
Utah . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 112 ....1 Colombia:
Vermont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Barran quilla 219
Virginia . ..... ..... 113 Bogota 220
Washington (State of) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Cartagena ... .... . ..• . . . • . •. . . . . 221
West Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Los Andes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Occidental, Cali ............. . . 222
Wyoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Oriental, Cúcuta 223
Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 122 Costa Rica ............ . . 223
Armenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Croatia .............. . 224
Australia: Cuba ............ .. . . 225
New South Wales . 125 Cyprus 228
Queensland . 127 Czech Republic . 229
South Australia and Northern Territory. 130 Denmark . . .. , ~ . .. . . 230
Tasmania 131 Dominican Republic . . . • . • . . .. . .. . . 231
2 3
In State Outside State Min.Age Residency In State O.;_tside State Min.Age Residency
Dual Plural Dual Plural toPetition Requirement Dual Plural Dual Plural toPetition Requirement
Alabama . Yes No Yes No 21 6 mos .
Alaska ...... . . . . . .. . Yes Yes Yes Yes 21 6 mos . 15
Armenia. Y es Y es Y es Y es *
1 1 1 1 Australia:
Arizona ...... . . . Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 6mos .
Arkansas . Yes Yes Yes Yes 21 1 yr.
New South Wales .
Queensland .
Yes J
No _18
* *
California . Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 1 yr.
1 South Australia. Yes Y es Y es Y es 21 Nil
Colorado. No Yes Yes No 18 6 mos .
Tasmania. Yes Y es Yes Y es 18 2 yrs.
Connecticut -.. Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 1 yr.
Delaware. Yes2 Yes Yes Yes 21 1 yr.'
Victoria Yes Yes Y es Yes 18 2 yrs 10
:;: :;:
District of Columbia . Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 1 yr.
Western Australia _
*;¡: :;: * 21 11
6 mos.
1 1
Florida . Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 1 yr. :;: :;: ;;:,
Belgium-Regular. 21 NIA
Georgia. Yes 4 Yes Yes 4 No 21 1 yr.
Hawaii . . . . . ... . . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 6 mos .
Brazil, Grande Oriente . l['
Y es
Y es
Y es
Y es
Y es
Y es
Y es
21" 1 yr.
Idaho ...... . . . . ..... . Yes 6 Yes Yes 6 Yes 18 6 mos .
Brazil, State Grand Lodges:
Illinois . .. ... . ... . . .. . Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 6mos .
Acre. No No No No
Indiana .... . . . . . . . . .. . Yes.6 Yes Yes6 Yes 18 1 yr.
Amazonas No No No No 21 2 yrs.
lowa ....... . ..... . . Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 6mos. :;::
Kansas ... . ..... . . No 1 Yes Yes No 18 6 mos.
Babia .... . .. . . . Yes
* Yes 25 1 yr.
Kentucky . Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 6 mos .
Ceara. Y es No
* No
4 mos.
Louisiana . Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 1 yr. :j:
Maine. Yes Yes Yes Yes 18 1 yrs Distrito Federal .
Espirito Santo .
Y es
Y es
Y es
No No
21 2 yrs.
Maryland . No Yes Yes Yes 18 1 yr. ~:
- G. L. Tax Prorated Prorated
In State Outside State Min.Age Residency Minimum Average Per to to
Dual Plural Dual Plural toPetition Requirement Sta te Dues Dues Member Charity Expense
England. Y es Yes Yes Yes 21 Alabama . . ...... . . ... . $- $ 20.00 $ 8.00 $ 3.00 $ 5.00
France Y es Y es Yes Yes 21 11 Alaska. . ....... . 25.00 41.25 15.00 15.00
Germany Yes6 No Yes6 Yes 21 6mos. Arizona . *50.00 16.00
:¡: :;:
Greece . * * 23 Arkansas. 5.00 . 22.50 5.00
Honduras .... . . . . . ... . Y es Yes Yes Y es 25 6 mas. California 12.00 84.00 34.00 34.00
Hungary. * Y es * Y es 24 None Colorado 46.00
lceland. Yes Yes * 24 None Connecticut . . . ... .. .... . . . . . . 55.00 ****55.00
India. * * * 21 Non e Delaware . . .... . .... . . . . . . 12.00 4.40 2.15 2.25
Iran * * * 21 Non e District ofColumbia. 15.00 10.50 3.50 7.00
lreland .
Israel .
*No *Y es *
1 yr.
Florida . *28.50 14.00 ~--
Georgia . ...... ........ . 20.00 9.75
Italy, Grand Orient . No No Yes No 21 Hawaii . ';, 60.00 75.00 25.00
Japan .. Y es Y es Yes Y es 20 1 yr. Idaho . 10.00 29.92 ~-- .10 ~-
Luxembourg. * * * * 24
*15 mos.. lllinois . . ... o • • • •• o •••• 28.00 39.00 10.00 #- 5.00
Malta . . •. * Yes * Y es * Indiana 38.50 10.20 16.50 10.20
Mexico: Iowa . 24.00 37.68 20.00 1.80
Benito Juarez No No * Kansas. 10.00 5.00 1.50 3.50
Cosmos. No No No No
:;: * *7-9 mos. Kentucky. 12.50 23.00 11.50 9.50 2.00
El Potosi. *
::: * :¡;
21 Louisiana . 33.00 13.00 3.00 x8.50
Occidental Mexicana .
:;: *::: :;:
21 3mos. Maine . . ....... . . 37.13 11.65
Valle de .
York. Yes Yes
Yes No
Non e
6 mas.
Maryland . . ... . .......... . . 50.00 tt1 2.00
Massachusetts. .o 25.00 62.00
Morocco Y es Y es Yes Yes
::: • o • • •
3.50 4.00
Michigan . . . . . ..... . . . . . . ''11.00 7.50
Netherlands. No No Yes Yes 18 None Minnesota ... . ........ . . . . . 31.00 74.50 29.00 2.85 26.15
New Zealand Y es Y es Y es Yes 21 NIA Mississippi . . 15.00 7.00 1.50 (\.50
Nicaragua . Y es
Y es
Y es
No 24
Missouri . 10.00 8.00 2.50
Norway ... ... . . .• . • . • .
Montana . . . ... o • • • • • • • 65.00 34.95 ~--
Panama . . . .... . . . . . . . *
:;: * 21 1 yr. Nebraska ..... . .... . . . . . .. . . ... . • 15.00 30.00 15.50 3.00 12.50
Peru . . ... ..... . .. . * * * 21 1 yr. Nevada . . . .. ... . 12.00 32.00 10.00
Portugal .... ... . • .. . . .
Y es
Y es
Y es
1 yr.
New Hampshire 25.00 35.00 13.00 1.50
New Jersey 14.00 4.50
Puerto Rico . . . .- ... . . . . Yes
Y es
NewMexico . 28.00 60.00 20.00
Romania. NewYork . . . .. .. 17.50 35.00 14.25
Russia Yes Y es Y es Y es 21 North Carolina . . .... . . .. .. .. . • . 12.00 30.00 6.00
Scotland. * Yes * Y es 21ll
;¡: North Dakota . 20.00 25.00 14.50 2.00
Senegal. No No No No
* Ohio . 4.00 15.00 3.50 2.20 1.30
Serbia . ........ . . .. .. .
Sweden ..
Y es
No 21
* Oklahoma . . . ... . . . . . . . . . • . 20.00 25.00 8.00
15.65 2.50
Oregon. 27.10 **20.15
Switzerland . Y es No Yes No 20 Pennsylvania . 70.00 26.50 .50"
Turkey . ..... . . . . . Yes Y es Yes Yes 2111 None Rhode lsland . *15.00 16.00 16.00
Uruguay .... . ....... . . No No Yes 19 No 21ll ·~ yrs. South Carolina . 35.00 19.25 6.00 13.25
South Dakota . 30.00 15.00 .25 9.75
Tennessee . 20.00 62.36 20.00 12.50
Texas . . 30.00 65.00 25.00 7.35 17.65
PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGES Utah . 30.00 46.87 15.00 46.87
Califorinia .
Connecticut .
Y es
Y es
Y es
Y es
*1 yr. Vermont . 8.60 8.60
Virginia . 15.00 44.50 15.00 3.00
Illinois Washington . 40.00 8.00 .25 7.75
NewYork .
North Carolina
*18 *
West Virginia . 7.81 2.65 1.65 1.00
Wisconsin . .. . . . . ..... o 1.45 12.00 8.55 1.75 6.80
Wyoming. . .... . .. .. o 8.94 2.00 2.00
Bolivia . . . . . ..• 12.00 1.50
Brazil: Grande Oriente . 60.00
Brazil, State Grand Lodge:
Ceara. . . ...... . . 40.00
Espirito Santo . 40.00
ANNUAL DUES- (Continued) How long do
your lodges
G. L. Tax Prorated Prorated claimjuris-
Minimum Average Per to to Is transfer of diction over
S tate Dues Dues Member Charity Expense membership rejected
Canada: Alberta. -- 100.00 5.00 10.00 from one lodge applicants for
······ ·····
British Columbia ..... . . . ..
to another the degree Do you proceed according
160.00 49.50 17.00 without first after removal to the length of time you
Manitoba. ···· ·· 50.00 15.30 15.30 taking a demit from your claim, or respect the law of
New Brunswick ...... .. . . . 10.00 1.50 1.50 State permitted? state? the rejectedjurisdiction?
Nova Scotia ............ . . 10.00 18.42 6.50 3.00 3.50
Ontario. 80.78 10.00 Alabama Yes None Respect law of others
Prince Edward lsland ..... . 6.00 8.00 1.25 .50 .75 Alaska . .. .. . o • • o • • • • • • • •• •• • Yes** None
Quebec . ##34.00 10.00 24.00
• • • • • • • • • • • • • o •
. ·· ~ .
Virginia ........ .. ... .. ... ... .. .... ..... None Al! No Yes No MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM TIME REQUIRED TO ELAPSE
Washington ..... .. .... ....... ...... .. --- Al! Yes'' Yes No BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE DEGREES
West Virginia ... ...... .... ..... .... . None Al! No No
Wisconsin ........................ .. ... None Al! No Yes Yes
Wyoming ........ ....... ...... ......... None An Nolaw Yes Yes S tate Minimum Maximum
Bolivia .. ...... ....... ....... ........ .. .. --- 2,3
No -- • No Alabama ................. 24 hours. Proficiency also required ...... ... . . .. tt
Brazil, Grande Oriente ...... . None Al! No Yes:j: Alaska . . . . . . .. ... . ... . 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . .3 Years
Brazil, Sta te Grand Lodges: Arizona ....... . . . . .. . . . .. None. Whenever candidate is proficient ... ...... 2 Years
Acre .......... .. .. .. .................. 6 months None No No t Arkansas . . . . . . . . .. None. Whenever candidate is proficient ........ 6 months
Yes California . ......... . . .. . . None. Whenever candidate is proficient ... .. .. .. None
Amazonas ........................ Non e None No No ·Yes Colorado ...... .. . .. . . ... . Two weeks . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 Year s
Ceara .. ...... ....... ... ..... ......... 6 months None No No Yes
Espírito Santo .................. Connecticut ......... .. .. . 24 hours. Proficíency also required ... . .. ... None
None Non e No No Yes Delaware . . ...... . ....... One lunar month ........ . ..... , . .. .... None
Maranhiio .................. .. .. .. 6 months None No No Yes District of Columbia .. .. .. . One lunar month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 years
Mato Grosso ...... .. ............. 6 months None No No Yes Florida ....... . .. .. .. ... . Ort,e lunar month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *None
Minas Gerais ....... ............ 6 months None No No Georgia ..... ... ......... . On~ stated meeting until next (min. 2 weeks) ... .12 months
Parana .. ..... .. ....... ... :.. ........ None Non e No No Yes Hawaii .... . .. . . .. . . . . ... None. Whenever candidate is proficient . . . . . .None
Rio de Janeiro ................ .. 12 months None No No Idaho ... .. .... ... . ... . .. None. Whenever candidate is proficient ...... None
Yes Illinois .. .. .......... One day .. ... .. .. .. .. . . ... . ....... . ........ N one
Rio Grande do Su! ........... None None No No Yes
Santa Catarina ................ 6 moríths Indiana .... .. . . . .. ... .. .. None. Whenever candidate is proficient ..... .. None
None No No Yes Iowa . ......... . .. .. . .... None. Whenever candidate is proficient ... . ..... 6 months
Sao Paulo ...... .. ............ .. ... 6 months None No No Yes
Canada: Kansas ........ ..... .... . Two weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .None
Kentucky ... .. . .. .. . . .. .. 28 days . . . . . ............... . .. .. . . .... .None
Alberta .. .. ................. ...... .. --- Al! No Yes Louisiana .... . ..... . . .... None. Whenever candidate is proficient ....... 12 months
British Columbia ...... .. .. .. . --- Al! No Yes Yes:j: Maine .. ... ........ . . .. .. Two weeks . . . . .. . .. ... . ... . . ..... .. .... None
Manitoba ....... .... .. ....... ... ... --- 2,3
No Yes Yes Maryland ...... . .. ... ... . None. Whenever candidate is proficient . . ....... 1 Year
New Brunswick ............... --- 2,3
No Yes Yes Massachusetts . . .... .. .. Two weeks . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . .. .None
Nova Scotia .... ....... .... .. ..... --- Al! No Michigan . . . . . . . . . .... 28 days between E.A. and M.M. degrees ... . . .... ttNone
Yes Yes Minnesota .. . .... .. .. . . .. Two weeks . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . .. .. .None
Ontario ..... ... ....... ...... ........ --- 2.3
No Yes Yes
Prince Edward Island ..... Mississippi . . . ... . .. . . .. One stated meeting until the next . . . . . .. . .None
--- 2,3
No Yes No Missouri ...... .. ... .. .... None. Whenever candidate is proficient . . ... . ... None
Quebec ...................... .. ..... --- 2,3
Yes* Yes Yes Montana ...... .... . ... ... None. Whenever candidate is proficient .. .. .. .1 Year
S a skatchewan .... •... ..... ..... --- 2.3
No Yes No:j: Nebraska . .... ... . ....... None. Whenever candidate is proficient ....... 5 Years
Colombia : Nevada ............ . ..... None. Whenever candidate is proficíent ... .. .... 2 Years
Occidental, Cali .... .. ....... .. None Al! Yes No New Hampshire .... .... ... Four weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 25 Years
Cyprus ...... ........ ..... ... ..... ....... 12 months None' Yes' No Yes New Jersey ..... . ... . ... .. Four weeks . . ............... . .. .. ... .None
England ........................... .. .. - -- 2,3 New Mexico .. . ........ None. Whenever candidate rs proficient .. . ... . . .1 Year
Germany, United
No -- No NewYork ......... ..... .. Two weeks . ... .. ... . ... .. ....... . .. . ... .. .None
Grand Lodges .................. North Carolina .. . . ..... None. Whenever candidate is proficient .... . .... 6 months
12 months Al! No Yes:j: North Dakota .. .... . . ·..... Two weeks ........... .. .. . .......... . .... .1 Year
Greece .................................. 7 2.3 8
No Yes Ohio . . . . . . . . ...... . ... One stated meeting un ti! the next ..... ....... .None
Honduras ... ...... ...... ....... ...... . - -- -- -- No Yes Oklahoma ... .... . . ... . .. . 28 days .......... ......... . ... ... ttl2 months
Japan .... .. ................... .. ........
Al! No Yes
Xes Oregon ...... .. .. ...... .. None. Whenever candidate is proficíent . .. .. .... 2 Years
Pennsylvania ..... .. . .. . .. 28 to 35 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... None
Benito Juarez ........ .. .. ...... None Al! No No Rhode Island .. . ... . . ... . . None. Whenever candidate is proficient ...... None
York .. .. ..... ...... .... .. ..... ...... .. 12 months Al! Nolaw South Carolina .. .. .. . ... . ~ 28 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . ... None
Yes Yes · South Dakota ..... .. . . .... One week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Year
New Zealand ......... .. ... .. ...... .. None 2, 3
No Yés- No
P u erto Rico ............. .. .... .. ..... Tennessee ... . ..... .. . .. 28 days . . . . .......... ..... . ..... .None
Non e Al! No No No Texas Mínimum time required to elapse between
Romania .. ......... ...... .. ..... ...... . None Al! Yes No Yes successive degrees = 14 days. Whenever candidate
Russia .. .......... ... ... ...... ...... .. .. None Al! Nolaw No is proficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 1 Year
Turkey ...... ........ ...... ... ..... ... .. . 24 months Al! No Yes:j: Yes Utah ....... .. ... . .... . .. Two weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . . .. 2 Years
Yugoslavia .... ... ...... ............. .. Al! Vermont ....... .... .. . ... None . . . . .............. . . .. .. .None
Virginia .... .. .. .. ... . ... None. Whenever candidate is proficient ....... 6 months
PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGES Washington .. . ........... None. Whenever candidate is proficíent ... .. ... .None
Connecticut ......... ....... ... ... 12 months Al! No Yes West Virginia .. . . .. ... . ... None (Examination at stated meeting) . . ... . ... .1 Year
N orth Carolina ................ None Al! No Yes Wisconsin. ..... . ... . . . 20 days . .. .. .. ... .. ... . ................. .. 1 Year
Wyoming . . . . . . . .... None. Whenever candidate is proficient .. . ...... 2 Years
* But few do. Bolivia .... .... .. ........ From 1st to 2nd Degree-8 months . . . . . .. .. None
t1 Ballot required for proficiency in each degree. From 2nd to 3rd Degree--5 months . . . . . . ... None
Can not advance until proficient in M. M. catechism.
Or has passed M. M. lecture. Brazíl, Grande Oriente .. .. . 2nd Degree 1 year; 3rd Degree 6 months . ... . ... None
Proper instruction at the Lodge of Instruction.
Brazil, State Grand Lodges:
Must be proficient before M. M. may petition "collateral bodies."
Acre ... ............... 6 months from 1st to 3rd .. .None
There are no collateral bodies in Greece. Amazonas. . . . . .. . ... 5 months from 1st to 2nd; 4 months from
They must charge the fees stated in the General Regulations ofthe Grand Lodge ofGreece. 2nd to 3rd; Proficiency required ......... . . ... *None
Only with dispensation of the Grand Lodge Must be re-investigated on failure to advance within 6 inonths.
tt Must be re-investigated on failure to advance within 12 months.
12 13
• -"
Ceara . .. From 1st to 2nd degree-1 year . . . . . . . . . . . .. None In conferring courtesy
From 2nd to 3rd degree-1 year In conferring courtesy degrees, what degrees, do you require
Espírito Santo
.. . 6 months from 1st to 2nd degree ... ...... ... '''None official proa{ o{ identity (if any) do your home lodge to collect
6 months from 2nd to 3rd degree ... .. . . . .. ... *None S tate lodges req uire ofthe candidate? the fees?
Maranhao . .. . .. 7 months from 1st to 2nd degree;
Alabama . . .. . .. . . .. . . . Whatever is satisfactory to lodge . .. . Yes
5 months from 2nd to 3rd degree . . .. *None
Mato Grosso . Alaska .... .. . . . . . . ... None. Whatever is satisfactory to lodge .... . . . . . . . . No
. . 7 months from ISt to 2nd Degree; 5 months
from 2nd to 3rd Degree; Proficiency required . Arizona ...... .. . .. . ... Letter with signature of candidate . . .. . . .... . . . . . . Yes
Minas Gerais . .''None Arkansas ........ .. ... No special forro required . . ................... . . . , Yes
... 6 months from 1st to 2nd degree; ... *None
6 months from 2nd to 3rd degree . . ... . .. . . .. ''None California . ............ No special form required. Lodge must satisfy itself .. Yes
Paran a .... 5 months from 1st to 2nd Degree; 6 months Colorado .. . .. . ... . . . . . Documentary evidence and examination . . . ... . .. . . Yes
from 2nd to 3rd Degree. Proficiency also Connecticut . . ..... . ... No requirement but suggest maiden name of
required . . . . . . . . . . . ..... *None applicant's mother or wife . . .. .. . .. . ... . .... . . . Yes
Rio Grande doSul . . .. . . . 18 months from 1st to 2nd degree Delaware . ............ Photo with signature when available ........ . .. . . . Yes
12 months from 2nd to 3rd degree . . . . . . . . .. ''None District of Columbia . 5 .. Signed photo, part ofletter, etc. . . .... . . . ... . . . . . . Yes
Santa Catarina . . . . minimum· of 18 months from 1st to 2nd Florida ...... . ........ No special proof. Satisfactory identity ............ . Yes
degree; minimum of 12 months from 2nd to Georgia ............... None ..... .. ....... . . . .. . .. . . . ....... . Yes
3rd degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... None Hawaii .. . . . .. . .... . .. No special form required. Lodge must satisfy itself .. Yes
SaoPaulo. . 7 months from 1st to 2nd degree; 5 months Idaho . .. . .. . . . . _. . . . . . One halflodge sea!, other half to secretary .. . .... . . Yes
Cana da: from 2nd to 3rd degree; Proficiency required ... ''None Illinois . ..... . : . . . . ... N one . . . .. . .. . . ... . ........................ . Yes
Indiana . . .. . . ..... ... . Description, age, color of eyes and hair, etc .... . . . . . .
Alberta .. ... ... .. .. .. .. 28 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . .. None Iowa ....... .. . .... ... No special proof. Satisfactory identity ..... ... .... . Yes
British Columbia . . . . 14 days .. . ... . ......... . .. . . . ... ....... None
Kansas ...... . . . . . . ... Up to individuallodge. No law . . .. . . . .... : .. . .. . . Yes
Manitoba . . . . ....... 28 days ... . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . .. . ....... . . .None
New Brunswick . . . . . **Seven days . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . : . .. .. 12 months Kentucky .... ... . . .. . . No special identification ........ .. . ... ......... . Yes
Nova Scotia ... . ....... . ''*28 days ..... .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .... . .. 12 months Louisiana . . . ...... . ... No special identification ..... . . . .. . .... . .... . .. . Yes
Ontario . . .... . . . ....... Four weeks .. .. . . .. .. ....... . . . ... ..... . .. None Maine .. . .. . ......... . All transactions must be through Grand Lodge .... .
Prince Edward Island ... . Four weeks .... ... . . ..... . . . . .. ... . . . . . . ... 12 months Maryland ... . . . ....... Either a photograph or a split letter with half of
Quebec. . . . .... . ..... Four weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . ... .None lodge sea! . . . .. . .. ......... . . .. ...... . ..... . Yes
Saskatchewan .. . .. ... .. 28 days ... . ........................... . ... None Massachusetts ..... . ... None . .... . .... . .... . .. . .... . .... . . . . . . .. .. . . Yes
Colombia: Michigan ....... ... ... Lodge must satisfY itself as to identity . . ....... .. . Yes
Occidental, Cali . . . 2nd Degree-3 months, 3rd Degree-5 months, Minnesota .. . . ... . .... No special. Must be satisfied . .. . .. . . .... . .... . . . Yes
and proficiency required Mississippi .. . . : . . .. . . . All transactions must be through Grand Lodge Yes
Cyprus . .. . Missouri .. ... . ........ Depends upon circumstances ...... . .... . . .. . . .. . Yes
. . 2nd Degree-1 year, 3rd Degree-6 months ..... .None
England . .... . Montana . .. . . . .. . .... . All transactions must be through Grand Lodge .... . Yes
. . 28 days .... . . . ... . ...... .. . . .. ..... . ... None
Germany, United 12 months (except English speaking Lodges in
Grand Lodges. Nebraska ........ . .... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge . .. . . Yes
. . Germany) Nevada ............... Split letter acceptable. : ................... . .. . . Yes
Greece .. . .
. From 1st to 2nd Degree . . .... . ....... . ....... 12 months New Hampshire .. .. . ... No special, enough to satisfy . ....... . .. . . . ..... .
From 2nd to 3rd Degree ............. . . . .... . .6 months New Jersey ....... . ... No set rule. Photograph, written identification ..... . Yes
and proficiency required New Mexico ........... None. Up to individuallodge .. . .. . . . .... . .... . . . Yes
Honduras ..... .. .. . . . . .. Six months . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .
Japan .. . . .*.**None New York ........ ... .. None. Up to individuallodge ............ . . . . . . Yes
. . . None. Whenever candidate is proficient .. 12 months North Carolina .... . ... Lodge must satisfY itself asto identity . ... . . :;:
Benito Juarez . . ..... . . . 60 days .......... . .... . ... . ........ :·:c.-. ... 12 months North Dakota ..... . . ... Whatever is satisfactory to lodge ...... : . ... . Yes
York . . . . . . . ..... 30 days and when candidate is proficient ... . ... .None Ohio ... . .. . .. . .. . . . .. Left to the determination of the lodge . . . .. . . . Yes
Netherlands ........ . .. . .. One year . . . . . . . ...................... . .None Oklahoma ............ Only such as may be furnished by the Grand
New Zealand . . . . . . . . .. Four weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .None Secretary . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . ......... . . .... . Yes*
Puerto Rico . ......... . . . .. Three months for lodges working by Scottish Oregon ......... .. .... On request split letter, half oflodge sea! .... . Yes
Rite; six weeks for Lodges working by York Pennsylvania ..... . ... . All transactions must be through Grand Lodge Yes
Rite; Proficiency also required ..... . ... . .None Rhode Island .... . .. . .. All transactions must be through Grand Lodge .... . Yes
Romania . ...... . . . . ... . .. 6 months South Carolina ... . •... Handle each case individually ...... .. . . ........ . Yes
. .12 months
Russia . ..... . .. . .. . . ..... 6 months . . . . . ...... . . .. . . .. ..... . . .None South Dakota .......... No special. Must be satisfied.. . ... . .... . ........ . Yes
Turkey . . . . . .. . . . . . . .... 6 months and 5 months. Proficiency also Tennessee ............. All transactions should go through the Grand Lodge . Yes
required . . .. .. . .... . ....... . .... . .... . .None Texas .. . .. . ....... . . . Instructions under sea! oflodge .............. . .. . Yes
Yugoslavia . . . 12 months (Minimum time can be shortened Utah ........ .. .. . . . .. Identification letter from home lodge . . .. . . . ...... . Yes
by the decision of Administrative Board) . .None Vermont .. . ... . .. . . . . . None .. . . . ............ . ........ . ..... . . .. . .. . Yes
PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGES Virginia ........ . ..... Split letter with half oflodge se al, etc.. . . . .. . . ... . . Yes
Connecticut . .... Onemonth Washington .. . . . . .. ... None. Whatever is satisfactory to lodge ... . .. .. .. . Yes
N orth Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .None
. . .. 30 days . . . . .None West Virginia ....... . .. No special form. Lodge must satisfY itself ....... . . . Yes
:j: Must be re·investigated on failure to advance within 6 months Wisconsin . ....... . .... Up to lodge receiving request ....... . .... . ...... . Yes
** By dispensation from Grand Master; normally 28 days
*** Six month waiting period before candidate can petition for 4th degree
* Will collect if asked.
Wyoming .... .. .... . .. Anything reasonable at al! ...... ...... . ..... . .. . Yes
Bolivia . . ............. Letter from applicant's Grand Lodge and proof of
identity of candidate . . ...... ....... . . .. . .. .. .
Brazil, Grande Oriente . . Masonic National Identity card plus requirements List of Regular Lodges Maso ni e
from home lodge ... . .... . ....... . . . .. . ..... . Yes
Brazil, State Grand Lodges:
Amazonas ... ....... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge .... . *
Ceara .... . .... . .... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge . ... . No 1821 ALABAMA 2015
Espírito Santo ....... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge .... . No F. &A.M.
Maranhiio .. . . . . . ... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge .. . . . * Founded June 16, 1821
Minas Gerais ........ Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge No Lodges,291 Annual Meeting in November Members, 25,148
Parana ... ... .... . .. Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge * JOHN R. STRICKLING TEDDY R. GROGAN, JR., P.G.M.
Rio Grande do Su! .. . . Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge . . . . . Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Santa Catarina .... . . Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge .... . 4203 Willow Bend Ct. SE Decatur 35603-5301 P .O. Box 1070 Millbrook 36054
Phone: 256-227-0531 Phone: 334-290-0961 Fax: 334-290-0965
Sao Paulo ..... . ..... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge .... . * E-mail: [email protected]
Cana da: Permits dual membership out ofState and within the State but not plural ·
Al berta . .. . . . .. . .. . . Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge . . .. . Yes
British Columbia .... . Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge . . . . . No LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Manitoba .. . .. . .. . .. Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge Yes Abbeville ........................ Brown's Cross Roads 529 Citronelle.. ....................................... Citronelle 637
New Brunswick ...... Such as may be furnished by requesting lodge .... . . Yes Abernant.. .. ...................Abernant 646 Clanton.. .. ......................................... Clanton 423
Adamsville ...................................... Metro West 927 Clayton ................................. Royal White Hart 10
Nova Scotia ......... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge .... . Yes Addison ................................................. Addison 463 Cleveland .......................................... Dry Creek 626
Ontario . .. . ..... . ... Satisfactory to lodge . .. ... .. ... . .. . . . ......... . Yes Alabaster ....................................... Buck Creek 410 Coffeville ............................................. Coffeville 122
Prince Edward Island . Good documentary proof. ........ . ......... . . .. . Albertville.. .................................... Albertville 430 Collinsville ....................................... Van Buren 355
Yes Alexander City ....................................... Ware 435 Columbia ........................................... Columbia 135
Quebec .. . .......... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge ... . No Alexandria ........................ . ........ .....Alexandria 208 Columbiana .................................. South Shelby 140
Saskatchewan . .. . ... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge . . .. . Andalusia ..........................................Andalusia 434 Cordova ................................................. Cordova 559
No Anniston ......................................... Saints John 931 Courtland ...................................... .... Courtland 37
Colombia: Arab ........................................ ............. ....... Arab 663 Crawford ............................................ Crawford 863
Ariton. .. .......................... ........ .......... Ariton 171 Cullman.. .. ............... Cullman 421
Occidental, Cali ...... Satisfactory and Grand Lodge approval . . . . .. . ... . Yes Arley ........ . ...............................Arley Fraternal 867 Dadeville ... .. ....... Dadeville 71
Cyprus . ..... . .. . ... . .Certificate of Good Standing (minimum) plus Ashford.. . .................... Ashford 493 Daleville .............................................. Daleville 903
Ashland ................. ............................... Ashland 356 Deatsville ................. .......................... Deatsville 4 75
letter from Grand Lodge with request for Ashville. .. ........................................ Ashville 186 Deatsville.. .. ............................... Sam Gibbons 639
courtesy work .... .. . . . . ......... . .. . ...... . No Athens .....................................................Athens 16 Decatur ............................................ Rising S un 29
Atmore ..... .......... ............................. :.. Carney 549 Demopolis.. .. ............................ Demopolis 49
England ..... ... .. .... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge Yes Attalla ........... ....... ................................... Attalla 383 Dora .................................................... Brooklin 704
Germany, United · Baileyton .................. . .................. .. ... Baileyton 4 72 Dothan ................................................... Dothan 466
Bay Minette .................................. Bay Minette 498 Double Springs ..................................... Winston 877
Grand Lodges . . .. . .. Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge Bayou La Batre ....................... Charles Haynes 627 Duke .......................................................... Duke 574
Greece .... . .......... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge. In- Belgreen .............................................. Belgreen 428 Eastaboga ......................................... Eastaboga 155
Bessemer ............................................ Flint Hill 810 Eclectic . ................................................... Penick 161
troductory letter with certified signature of the Birmingham .......... Hewitt-North Birmingham 519 Eight Mil e .. . ........... Bowen 240
candidate indispensable. Authenticated _ Birmingham ........................................ Huffman . 633 Elba .................................................... ......... Elba 170
Birmingham ......... . ................... :........... .Hoover 644 Enterprise.. .. ... Carmichael 548
on the letter ....... . .... . . . .... . . .. . . .. . ... . No Birmingham .............................. .Shades Valley 829 Enterprise ......................................... Jubilee 922
Japan ........ .. : .. . . . Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge . .. . . Yes Birmingham ................................... Birmala 836 Eufaula...... .. ....... Harmony 46
Mexico: Birmingham .. .. ................... Bluff Park 856 Evergreen . ............. ......... Greening 53
Birmingham.. .. ........ Cahaba Heights 887 Excel.. .............. Excel 655
Benito Juarez .. . ... . . Al! transactions must be through Grand L~dge ... . . Yes Birmingham .. . .............. Metro East 928 Fairhope ............................................... Greeno 598
Blountsville .............. .......... .......... Fraternity 145 Falkville. .. ............................... Arrites Oden 396
York .. . ............ Official request ... . ......... . ................ . No Boaz.. .................... ................................. Boaz 546 Fayette ... . ................. . .Charles Baskerville 281
New Zealand .. . ....... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge .... . No Brewton .......... ........ ................................ Norris 301 Florala.. .. ....................................... Fidelity 685
Bridgeport ........................................ Bridgeport 543 Florala....... .. ............................... North Creek 746
Puerto Rico ...... ..... . No rule ...... . .. . . . .. ·. ................... . .. . Yes Brilliant ....... .................................... .Brilliant 601 Florence .. ......................................... Florence 14
Romania .............. Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge .... . No Brooklyn .................................................... Dean 112 Foley .................................... . .................... Foley 766
Russia ..... .. . . .. . . .. Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge .. .. . Brookside ................ . ......................... Brookside 552 Forest Home ................................ .Forest Home 270
No Brookwood ...................................... Brookwood 509 Fort Deposit .................................. Fort Deposit 291
Turkey .. . ......•..... Documentary evidence and examination for Brundidge.. .. .... Brundidg~ 184 Fort Payne ...................................... Fort Payne 437
proficiency .... . .. . .... . ... , ..... . . . .. . .. . . . Bryant ............................ North Sand Mountain 920 Frankville ................................. W. N. Reynolds 900
Yes Butler .................................................... Gilead 9 Fyffe.. .. ............................................... Fyffe 697
Yugoslavia ... . . ... . ... Al! transactions must be through Grand Lodge Buyck.. .. ............ Coosa 242 Gadsden... .. ......... Gadsden 236
Calera ............... . .................... Calera 445 Gadsden ... .. ...... ........ .......................... Dwight 550
plus masonic identification ..... ............. .
Yes Camden ... .. .......................... .......... ........ .. Dale 25 Gantt .... ............... .... ................................ Gantt 589
Carbon Hill ..................................... Carbon Hill 494 Gardendale ........ .......... ................... Gardendale 907
PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGES Carrollton ......................................... Carrollton 214 Garland ................................................. Garland 684
Connecticut ..... . . Identification letter from home lodge ... . .. . .... . Yes Castleberry ................ . ........................ Downing 580 Geneva .......................................... . ....... Geneva 129
g:~~r.h~: •••••.•••••••••••••••••. ••••••••••••~~~afcli~! 7~g~51
North Carolina Picture ID and Request for Courtesy work , for named Cedar Bluff ..................................... Cedar Bluff 486
Center Point ................................. Center Point 872
individuij.l, over requesting Lodge Sea! . ........ . Yes Centre .................. .. .. . ..................... .Sam Dixon 218 Gilbertown ....................................... Gilbertown
Centreville ....................................... Friendship 83 Glencoe ........................................ .. .. .. Glencoe 846
Chancellor ........................................ Chancellor 664 Gordo ........................................................ Gordo 564
Chatom .............................................. .Chatom 740 Grand Bay .......... ...... ..................... Grand Bay 767
'' Will collect if asked. Chelsea ................................................ Chelsea 886 Greenhill . .. ....... Greenhill 402
Cherokee. .. ....... Vertagreen 919 Greenville ....... .................. .. .......... Eureka 64
Chickasaw.. .. .... Chickasaw 894 Gro ve Hill ....... .. ...... . ......... ..... .. .Macon 7
16 Chulafinne ..... .......... .............. ...... ....... Dalias 228 Guntersville.. .. ........ Marshall 209
----- ----.
18 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 19
ALABAMA-Continued ALABAMA-Continued
Gurley ..................................................... Gurley 521 Northport ................................ J. Collier Foster 906 Tuscurnbia ..................................... Washington 36 Wedowee ......................... ....... ............... .Sawyer 93
Haleyville .......................................... Haleyville 464 Notasulga .......................................... Notasulga 119 Union Grave .............. .................... Union Grove 320 Weogufka ........................................... Weogufka 378
Hamilton .......................................... .Hamilton 344 Oak Grove ........................................ Oak Grove 617 Union Springs .......... ...... .................... .St. Johns 62 West Blocton ............................... ... ........ Blocton 474
Hanceville ........................................ .'Hanceville 400 Odenville ............................................ Odenville 705 Uriah ................................................. B!acksher 593 West Jefferson ................................... ......Acacia 670
Hartselle ......................................... Nunn-Oden 398 Ohatchee ............................................. Ohatchee 380 Valley ....................................................... Valley 516 West Point ...................................... West Point 758
Heflin.. .............. Caldwell 502 Oneonta ................................................ Oneonta 324 Valley Head .................................. Valley Head 394 Wetumpka ........................................ Wetumpka 39
Henagar ................................................ Mahan 490 Opelika ......................... . ................... Twin City 76 Vernon ..................... ........ ...................... ':'Vérnon 389 Winfield ......... .. ........................... .... ...... Winfield 304
Hokes Bluff.. .... Hokes Bluff 470 Opp.. . ................................... Opp 605 Vinemont ............. .................. ............ Vinemont 562 Woodstock ...... ................................... Coldwater 148
Hollywood.. ........ .... Walter R. Bogart 882 Oxford.. .................... Hartwell 101 Walnut Grove .. .......... ......... ........ Walnut Grove 264
Hope Hull ... ............. Fleta 223 Ozark ....... ....................... Ozark 349
Hueytown .. ........ ..... Unity 930 Ozark... ...................... Ciaybank 908
Huntsville ... .................... Helion 1 Parrish.. ......... Odom Craft 585 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF ALABAMA. In addition to the Grand
Huntsville .................................................. Solar 914 Pell City ..................................... Ben M. Jacobs 643 Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book, the Grand Lodge of Alabama recognizes the following:
Huntsville ................................................ Apollo 921 Perdido .. .................. Perdido 752 Mexico: Oriental Peninsular; Azerbaijan; Congo; Lithuania; Macedonia; Moldava; Monaco; Mozambique;
Huxford .. . ....... ........... Local 779 Phenix City.. ...... Wilson Williams 351 San Marino; Slovakia; Ukraine.
lder .......................................................... Ashlar 677 Phi! Campbell .. . ........ Phi! Campbell 880 The Grand Lodge of Alabama does not recognize the following Grand Lodges listed in this book: Benin;
Irondale . ............................................... Irondale 506 Piedmont ....................................... Lozahatchee 97 Brazil: Acre, Amapa, Alagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondonia, Roraima, Sergipe,
lrondale ................... Five Points King Solomon 897 Pine Hill ......................................... K A. Mayer 703 Tocantins; Burkina Faso, West Africa: Senegal; Colombia: Bogota, Los Andes, Oriental, Cucuta; Cuba;
Jackson ................................................ Santa Fe 226 Pinson ............................................... Mt. Pinson 495 France; Gabon; Haiti; Hungary; Ivory Coast; Madagascar; Mexico: Campeche, Chiapas, Cosmos, Del Paci-
Jacksonville ............................................. Hiram 42 Pinson ..................... ........ ........................... Bush 777 fico, Unida Mexicana; Nicaragua; Portugal; Russia; Serbia; Switzerland; Togolaise; Alabama does not rec-
Jasper ......................... . ..............................York 211 Pisgah ............. .. ................................... Progress 870 ognize any Prince Hall affiliated Grand Lodge.
Jasper ....................................... Laymon Chape! 723 Pleasant Grove ........................ .Pleasant Grove 909
Jemison .. . ........ Stanley Cost 411 Pleasant Home ........................................ Stokes 609
Kennedy .. ............................ ......... .... Kennedy 467 Prattville .. ......................... Prattville 89
Kent... ..... .......... .............. Killigee 199 Princeton .. .................... Holly Grove 323
Killen . ................. . ..........Killen 788 Ragland .... ................ James D. Truss 515
LaFayette .. ............. Solomon's 74 Rainsville. .............. Rainsville 911
Lanett .. . ........... ............... ............... Lanett 656 Ranburne.. . .......... Ranburne 652
Lebanon .... . .............DeKalb 116 Randolph .. .......... Charity 331
Leeds . ......... ..................... ........... ......... Leeds 446 Red Bay .. ............... Burleson 143
Leighton .............................................. Leighton 43 Red Leve! . . ............ ....... Fairmount 238
Leverett . .................... . ......................... Leverett 678 Reform .............................................. Fellowship 172
t~~J!~r."n ....,: :::·· :::.~e."L~m: ~~~ Repton ................ . ................................... Repton
Roanoke .............................................. .Roanoke
Linden ............... :............................ .St. Albans 22 Robertsdale .................................... Robertsdale 821
Lineville .............................................. .Lineville 219 Rockford ............................................... Rockford 137
Littleville ···························- ..... ...... .. Littleville 881 Rogersville ....................................... Rogersville 147
Livingston ....................................... Livingston 41 Round Mountain ................... .Round Mountain 487
Locust Fork ................................... Locust Fork 481
Logan .. .................................................. Logan 500
Ruhama ................................................ Ruhama
Russellville ...................................... Russellville
1981 ALAS KA 2015
Luverne .......... .................... ............ ... Luverne 630 Salem ..................................... ..... North Border 391 F. &A. M.
Madison .. .................. Lunar 918 Salitpa ............................... H. Clay Armstrong 544 Founded February 7, 1981
Maplesville .................................... Maplesville 706
McKenzie ......... ............ .................... McKenzie 701
Midfield . ....... Fairfield 749
.. . : :: ::;.:¡;~~~:!;~~ ~6!
. ..... Howard·E. Blackwell 899
Lodges, 20
Annual Meeting First Thursday in February Members, 1,715
Millbrook .. . .............. Hamden Sidney 67 Scottsboro .. ........... Scottsboro 359 Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Mobile .. ........ .............. ............ ............ Mobile 40 Section ................. . .....Section 565 3923 Deborah Ln. Anchorage 99504 P.O. Box 190668 Anchorage 99519-0668
Mobile . ............................................. Howard 69 Selma ...................................... Se!ma Fraternal 926 Phone: 907-250-9256 Office Phone: 907-561-1477
Mobile .. . ........................................... Athelstan 369 Semmes -...... ......... Semmes 878 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile.. .......... ......................... ........ ... Toulmin 875 Sheffield . ' ·~ ....... Sheffield 503 Web Site:
Mobile .......................................... Guy T. Smith 883 Simcoe ....................... ............. ................. Simcoe 854
Mobile ........................................................ .Loop 895 Sipsey ................................................. Maryland 783 Permits plural membership
Mobile ............................................... Springhill 896 Skipperville ... . ....................................... Clinton 287
Mobile ...................................................... Azelea 898 Slocomb .................................................. Metcalf 599 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON
Mobile ..................................... George U. Potter 912 Sneads Cross Roads ............................ Clarence 708 NAME AND NO.
Mobile .................................. Howard E. Palmes 917 Somerville .............................. . ......... Somerville 721 Anchorage ......................................... Anchorage 17
Monroeville .......................................... Alabama 3 Southside ........................................ Cedar Bend 583 North Pole ...................................... .. North Pole 16
Anchorage .............................................. Aurora 15 Palmer ............................................. Matanuska 7
Montevallo. . ................. Central 70 Spanish Fort ................................ .Spanish Fort 916 Anchorage .............................................. Glacier 10
Montgomery ................................. Montgomery 11 Springville .. . ....................... Springville 280 Petersburg ...................................... Petersburg 23
Cordova ........................................ Mt. McKinley 5 Seward ............. ........................ ....... ....... Seward 6
Montgomery ...................... ... Andrew Jackson 173 Spruce Pirre .... ........... Spruce Pine 608 Eagle River ............... ..................... Eagle River 13
Montgomery ... ...... .. ..... Oak Park 864 St. Stephens. . ........ .St. Stephens 81 Sitka ...... ... ........ ..................... ..... .Mt. Verstovia 18
Fairbanks ................. ............... ......... .Fairbanks 12 Skagway .......... ................................ White Pass 1
Montgomery.. ................. ...... Air Force One 889 Stevenson.. .................. Bolivar 127 Fairbanks .. ....... .................. .......... Tanana 3
Montgomery.. . ........... .. Capitel 923 Stockton ............... ...... ........................ Baldwin 142 Soldotna ....... ............................... .............. Kenai 11
Juneau .............. . .... .... Mt. Juneau-Gastineaux 21 Sterling ................................................. Sterling 22
Moody ............................... . ..................... Moody 592 Sulligent .. ' ............... Sulligent 532 Ketchikan .......................................... Ketchikan 19
Morris ....................................... Sam Thompson 456 Summerdale .......................................... Sonora 635 Valdez ..................................................... Valdez 4
Kodiak ................................................... Kodiak 9 Wasilla ........................................... ..... ..lditarod 20
Moulton .................................... Lloyd O. Glenn 6 Sylacauga ...................................... Coosa Valley 929
Moulton ................................................ Mt. Zion 542 Sylvania ..... . ........................................ Sylvania 673
Moundville ....................................... Moundville 123 Talladega ........................................... Talladega 261 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF ALASKA. Alaska does not maintain frater-
Mt . Olive ..................... . ........... McCarty Farrar 8 Tallassee ............... .................................... Doric 406 nal relations with Benin; Brazil : Bahia, Maranhao, Para, Paraiba, Piaui, Sergipe and Tocantins;
Mt. Vemon ....... . ............................Joe Southall 905 Tarrant ................................................... Dolcito 596 Cameroon; Colombia (all); Costa Rica; Cuba; Ecuador; Madagascar; Mexico: Baja California, Baja Califor-
Mulga .......................................... Milton H. Fies 722 Taylor ...................................................... Taylor 447 nia Sur, Campeche, Cosmos, El Potosi, and Occidental Mexicana; Paraguay; El Salvador, Cuscatlan; Ser-
N auvoo ... ... ..................................... Black Creek 610 Thomasville ............................................. Oliver 334 bia; Togolaise and Venezuela. ·
New Brockton ..................................... Brockton 694 Town Creek ............. ...... ................. Town Creek 361 The Grand Lodge of Alaska is in amity with the following Prince Hall Grand Lodges: Alaska, Colorado;
New Harmony ................................. ....... Martin 869 Town Creek ............... .... ......................... Hatton 879 Connecticut, Maryland; Massachusetts; North Carolina, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Inc.; Pennsylvannia;
New Hope .. . .............. Northern 278 Trimble .. ....... Trimble 739 Texas, and Ontario, Canada.
Newburg ........................... . ............... Newburg 388 Troy ............................................................ Troy 56 1n addition to the Grand Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book the Grand Lodge of Alaska
Newsite ........................... ................. Mt. Eagle 185 Trussville. . ..................... Georgiana Davis 338 recognizes the following: Andorra; Azerbaijan; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Lithuania; Macedonia; Mexico: Aguas-
Newton .. .................. Newton 224 Tuscaloosa .. ........ ....... .... ..... ...... Rising Virtue 4 calientes: Estado de Guerrero; Slovakia; Slovenia; and Yugoslavia.
20 List o/ Regular Lodges Masonic 21
1969 Prince Hall Grand Lodge of ALASKA 2014* 1882 ARIZONA 2015
F. &A. M. F. &A. M.
Originated September 6, 1969 Founded March 25, 1882
Lodges, 8 Annual Meeting Second Weekend Thru Tuesday in April Members , 31 5 Lodges, 60 Annual Meeting First Friday in June Members, 7,812
Researc h, 4 (12/31/13)
(6 Active and 2 Dorman!)
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, 2723 W. Northern Ave. Phoenix 85051-6624 2723 W. Northern Ave. Phoenix 85051-6624
1200 East 9th Ave., Suite #lOO Phone: 602-252-1924 Office Phone: 602-252-1924
Anchorage, AK 99501-3959 Fax: 602-252-3733 Fax: 602-252-3733
Phone: 907-646-2210 E-mail: [email protected] E-m!ii!: [email protected]
Fax: 907-646-2217 From June 7, 2014 to June 6, 2015
E-mail: [email protected]
JOSÉ M. NIEVES Deputy Grand Master
Grand C.C ofF.C.-Webmaster Permits Plural Membership
1200 East 9th Ave., Suite #114
Anchorage, AK 99501-3959
Ajo .. ....... ... ............. ..... ..... Ajo-Mac McClure u Phoenix ............... Paradise Valley Silver Trowel ~
Does Not Permit Dual, Plural or Associate Memberships at this time Avondale ................... .... ..... ......... Acacia Masonic ü Phoenix .......... ................. ... .............. .... Phoenicia ~
Benson .. ....... ..San Pedro ~ Phoenix .... .. ..... ...................... ........ ....... ..Sahuaro ~
NAME AND NO. Bisbee .. .. .......... .. ............... ............ Perfect Ashlar ~ Phoenix .. ......... ... .... .... .... Wayfarers ~
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION Bullhead City ........ .................... .. Mohave Valley ~ Prescott ....... .............................. ..... ........... Aztlan 1
Casa Grande ............ ..... ........................... ... Pina! w Prescott . ..... ............. Scientia Coronati Research 4
Anchorage .. ....... ... ... Aipha Lodge 1 Anchorage .... ....... Summit Lodge 6 Chandler ........................ Chandler Thunderbird ~ Safford ..... ................................................. Safford w
...... Mount McKinley 2 Fairbanks ....... ........ ... . ... Arctic Lodge 7 Douglas .. ........ .... .................. Mount Moriah ~ Sahuarita ....................................... Green Valley TI
Anchorage .. Anchorage (JBER) .. ... Richard J. Watts, Sr. 8
Fairbanks .. .... Midnight Sun 3 Eloy .................. ... ......................................... Eloy ~ Scottsdale .. .............. ........ .. Scottsdale ~
Flagstaff ........ c.... ............ ..••••••••••••••••• Fiagstaff 7 Sedona ...... ................................. Central Arizona M
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGE OF ALASKA. The MWPHGL Florence . ................... ...... ................... Gila Valley 9 Show Low . ... ........... ........ .......... ..Wllite River u
of Alaska presently enjoys Mutual Recognition with the following: All Prince Hall Affiliated Grand Lodges Gilbert .... ........ ........ Prometheus ~ Sierra Vista .............................. .... ... Camp Stone n
recognized by the Conference of Grand Masters. The below are Verified Mutal Recognitions with the Globe ............ ..... ..... .... .. .. ... ........ White Mountain 3 Sierra Vista ... .............. ... .. .. ... Huachuca u
MWPHGL of Alaska: North America- U.S.A.-Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District Glendale .. . ... .. Glendale ~ S un City ........... .............. ... ... .......... ......... Pioneer u
of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Holbrook .... ......... ..... ......... ... ............. Chalcedony 6 Sun City .. ........ ........................... ........ .Sun City 72
Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Kearny .. ..Ray-Winkelman u Tombstone ... ........................ .. ....... King Solomon 5
Dakota, Ohio, ·oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming. North Kingrnan .................. Rex R. Hutchens Research 5 Tucson . ........ ................................. ... .......... Aaron o
A.merica-Canada-British Columbia & Yukon, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Quebec. Asia-China; Israel, Kingman .. .......... Kingman ~ Tucson .......... ............................ .. ..... ........... Adobe ~
Japan. Australia-New South Wales & the Australian Capital Territories, Queensland, South Australia & Kingrnan ............ ....... .. ...Rough Ashlar Daylight ~ Tucson ................................................... Anahuac ~
Northern Territories, Tasmania, Victoria. British I sles-England, Ireland, Scotland. Europe-Cyprus, Lake Havasu City .................... Havasu Masonic M Tucson.. w
.......... :..... ...... ..... Builders
Czech R.epublic, Grande Oriente D'Italia, Grand East ofthe Netherlands, Greece. South America- Grande Mesa ................... ........................... Apache Lodge u Tuscon ... .... ................................... ...... Downtown M
Mesa ................................ ... Camelback Daylight M Tucson ........................................ Epes Randolph u
Oriente do Brasil, Gran Logia Masonica de Estado de Sao Paulo Brasil. Mesa .. .. .................... .... ..... ... ..... .............. Oriental w Tucson .. ... .......... ....... ..Jerusalem Daylight M
*No corrections have been received since this date. Nogales .. ............. ................ ..... Nogales 11 Tucson ............ .................. ..... .Marion McDaniel ~
Payson ....... . ............ .... . ........ ........... Sy Harrison m Tucson .................. ............... ... Nelson C. Bledsoe u
Peoria . ..... ......... ........... .... ...... ............... .... Peoria 31 Tucson .... ..... .......................... ...................... Oasis u
Phoenix ............. ... ........ .. ......... Arizona Research 1 Tucson ..... ....... .... .... Southern Arizona Research 2
Phoenix ................... ............... .............. ...Arizona 2 Tucsoo .............................. ........................ Tucson 4
Phoenix ............... ........ .. .... .................. El Quixote g Willcox ...................................................... Willcox ro
Phoenix ...................... ................ Hiram Daylight n
Williams .. .Williams-Grand Canyon u
Phoenix .................... ... .......... Hunter's Paradise Winslow ...................................... ........... Winslow ~
Phoenix ........................ .... .. .... ......... Montezuma g Yuma. . ............ ... . ............. Yuma u
22 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 23
24 List of Reg ular Lodges Masonic 25
1850 CALIFORNIA 2015
Foun ded April 19, 1850 NAME AND NO.
Annual Meeting First Weekend in Octo ber Members , 55,764 Lemon Grave .. .. ...... Lemon Grave 736 Pittsburg ................ .. ................. .. ....... Pittsburg 429
Lodges ,332 Lemoore.. . .. ....... .. ................. .... Welcome 255 Placerville.. ....... .... ...................... Placerville 26
Linden .. ................ ....... ......... ....... .......... Valley 135 Playa del Rey.. . ............. Southern California 529
RUSSELL E. CHARVONIA ALLAN L. CASALOU Livermore .............. ..... ....... ....... ......... Mosaic 218 Pleasanton ............................... ........ Pleasanton 321
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Livingston .. .... .. .... ....... .Livingston Hills Ferry 236 Plymouth ................ .... ............. .. .......... Drytown 174
1111 California St. San Francisco 94108-2284 California Masonic Memorial Temple, Lodi .... ................ . ... ...... .............Lodi 256 Pomona .. ............................................... Pomona 246
1111 California St. San Francisco 94108-2284 Lomita. . ... ...... Angels Gate 198 Quincy ................................................... Plumas 60
Phone: 415-776-7000 FAX 415-776-7170 Lompoc .............................. Lompoc-Santa Ynez 262 Ramona ......................................... Santa Maria 580
E-mail: [email protected] Long Beach ......................... .International City 389 Red Bluf!................................................. Vesper 84
www. Long Beach. ................. .. . ...... ....... ..Lakewood 728 Redding .. ................................. .. ........... Reading 254
Long Beach ............ .... ............ ........ Long Beach 327 Redlands ................. ... ................ .. ....... Redlands 300
Permits Dual and Plural Membership Long Beach ............... .................... .Los Cerritos 674 Redondo Beach .. ......... ..... ...... Redondo 328
Long Beach .. .............. ...Pacific Rim 567 Rialto . ..... .. ............. ..lnland Empire 306
Los Altos. . . ...... .................... .Los Altos 712 Richmond .... ...... ........... ... Bay Cities 337
NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. Los Angeles ..... .. Atwater Larchmont Tila Pass 614 Ridgecrest ...... ...... .......... .. .Indian Wells Valley 684
LOCATI ON Los Angeles.. . ........... ...... Beverly Hills 528 Rio Linda .. .. .. ... ....... .. Rio Linda 786
Los Angeles ........ .... .... .. ......... Elysian 418 Riverbank ................ ............... .......... Riverbank 459
Alameda . . ...... .... .Island City 215 El Cajon .. . .... Heartland 576 Los Angeles ......... ................... Ionic Composite 520 Riverside .. . ............. Evergreen 259
Alhambra . ............ Alhambra 322 El Dorado.. .......... Hiram 25 Los Angeles .. ......... Liberal Arts 677 Riverside ... ............... .......................... Riverside 635
Anaheim .. ...... ...... .Anaheim 207 Elk Grove . ................. ....... ..... Elk Grove 173 Los Angeles .......... .... .William Rhodes Hervey 767 Rosamond .. ........... ... ..... Gen!. Henry H. Arnold 791
Anaheim .. .. Orange County Research Elk Grove ... .... .. Provident Three Pillars 609 Los Angeles .. .. .... ..... ........ Oasis 854 Rosemead ... ............ ...... ............... .. .... Rosemead 457
Anaheim .. ... Southern California Research El Monte.. ... ..... .... ...... Lexington 104 Los Gatos .... ....................................Mt. Moriah 292 Roseville .............................................. Roseville 222
Antioch.. ............. ... Antioch-Brentwood 175 El Segundo . ... .. .. . ..El Segundo 421 Los Molinos ............................................. Molino 150 Sacramento .. ................. Bicentennial Daylight 830
Arcadia .. ... ............. ....... Arcadia 278 Escalan ........... .......... . ... ........... Escalan 591 Madera ....... . .......................................... Madera 280 Sacramento .................................... Capital City 499
Arcata ... ... ... ....... ... .................... ..... .... Six Rivers 106 Escondido .. ..Consuelo 325 Manhattan Beach .. ........ ........... ... .Beach Cities 753 Sacramento ............... ............................ Concord 117
Arroyo Grande .... .. .... ....... Central Coast 237 Etna .. . ..... Evening Star 186 Manteca ......... ......... .... . .... ...... .......... ...... Tyrian 439 Sacramento ........... ... ............. .. .. .... ... Oak Plains 789
Artesia ... ........... .... ... ... Artesia-Sunrise 377 Eureka ... ... ........ ... Humboldt 79 Mariposa .. ................ .... ................ .... ... Mariposa 24 Sacramento ................................. ... Sacramento 40
***Atascadero. ........... Atascadero 493 ***Exeter .... Orange Belt 303 Martinez . .......... .. .............. ...... ... Martinez 41 Sacramento. . ........ ..Tehama 3
Auburn......... ..... Eureka 16 Fairfield .. ... Suisun 55 Marysville ............. .Corinthian-Haminonton 9 Sacramento. ............. .. ........ Union Kit Carson 58
Bakersfield .. . .......... .... .. .... Bakersfield 224 Fallbrook .. ....... Fallbrook 317 Mendocino .. . ........... ..... ....Mendocino 179 Sacramento .. ..Washington 20
Bakersfield ... ...... ... ... Caledonia 486 Fall River Mills ... .... Fort Crook 250 Menlo Park .. .... Three Great Lights 651 Sacramento . .. .. .... Gen. Douglas MacArthur 853
Bakersfield.. ... ......... Libertas-Security 466 Ferndale . ...... .Ferndale 193 Merced .. .. .......... ... Yosemite 99 Saint Helena ..... .................... .......Napa Valley 93
Bakersfield .. ........... Meudell-Oildale 695 Folsom .. .... ...............American River 795 Mili Valley ................ .. ........... ..... ... Mil! Valley 356 Salinas .. ......... ..... ......... Salinas 204
Barstow .. ...... .-.. ..Barstow Boron 682 Folsom. .. Golden Compasses Milton ...... ... ................ .. ............... .. .... .Keystone 161 San Andreas ...................................... Calaveras 78
Beckwourth.. ... Feather River 234 Research Lodge Mission Viejo ............. .. ................. .. ....... Veritas 855 San Bernardino ...................... San Bernardino 178
Bellflower .... ...... ..... ... ..Bellflower 320 ***Folsom .... .. ..... N a toma 64 Modesto ............... .................... ..... ..... ... Modesto 206 San Carlos .. ....... ... Peninsula 168
Big Bear Lake ..... ...... Big Bear 617 Fontana .... ..... .......... ......... .... ..... Fontana 653 Monrovia .... ............ .. ...... ............. ... ...... .Foothill 305 San Diego ............... ..... ................ .. ........... Amity 442
Bishop.. . ........ ..... ... Winnedumah 287 Forbestown ...... ..... ...... Forbestown 50 Monterey ..................... .. ..................... Monterey 217 San Diego ................................ Black Mountain 845
Bloomfield .. ....... . ............... ......... .Vitruvius 45 Fort Jones ...... ...................... North Star 91 Moreno Valley ........................... Moreno Valley 804 San Diego ................... ....... Claude H. Morrison 747
Blythe .. ........ ... Blythe-Needles 473 Fortuna .... ..Eel River Empire 147 Morgan Hill ................... ........... ....South Valley 187 San Diego .. ................................ East San Diego 561
Brawley .. .. ... .... Brawley 402 Fremont.. ..Alameda 167 Mount Shasta .. ..... ........... ..... ............. ..Siskiyou 297 San Diego ................ ..... ........ John D. Spreckels 657
Brea..... ... . .... .... .............. ......... .... Gateway 339 Fresno .. ... .... ... .. ........ .. ...... .. .. ... .... Fresno 247 Mountain View ...... . ... .. ............ ... .South Valley 187 San Diego ................. .Joseph L. Shell Daylight 837
Buena Park.. .............. Solomon's Staircase 357 Fresno.. .... ....... .. ... Las Palmas-Ponderosa 366 Murphys ... . ................ ..... Ophir Bear Mountain 33 San Diego .................. ................................... Lux 846
Burbank ... ........... . .... Burbank 406 Garden Grove. .... .. . .............. Garden Grove 351 Napa .... . ... .. .................. .................. .......... .Yount 12 San lliego .................................................. Unity 632
Burbank . . . ..... .............. Magnolia Park 618 Gardena .. . ....... .Ga~d,ena,Moneta 372 National City ............. .................. ... South West 283 San Diego ...................................... ..Point Loma 620
Burlingame .. ... ........... Burlingame 400 G!lroy ......... ................ ... .-:Kelth 187 Nevada City ..... .. ... ......... ..... ........ .. .... .... .Nevada 13 San Diego .. .. .. .......... ................. ...... .. San Diego 35
Camptonville.. ... Mountain Range 18 Glendale .. ... .. .... Glendale 368 Newhall . . ........ ..... ........ ....... .Old West 813 San Diego ... ............ .... Silver Gate Three Stars 296
Carmel. . ... Carmel 680 Glendora . ............ ..... ..Glendora 404 Newport Beach ..... .... N ewport Mesa 604 San Diego .. ........... .S. W. Hackett 574
Carpinteria.. ... ... .......... Carpinteria 444 Granada Hills ....... ..., ., ..... Granada Hills 378 North Hollywood ......... ...... North Hollywood 542 San Dimas ............... ........ .......... ...... San Dimas 428
Castro Valley.. ...... Crow Canyon 551 **Granada Hills . .·.$••-..~Panamericana 513 Norwalk .. ....... Golden Trowel Norwalk 273 San Fernando.. .. .... .San Fernando 343
Ceres .. ..Smyrna 532 Grass Valley .. ...... Madison 23 Oakhurst ... . .... ......... .... .... .. ...... Sierra 788 San Francisco.. .......... Columbia-Brotherhood 370
Chico ..... ... .... .Chico Leland Stanford 111 Greenville ... .. .. .. Sincerity 132 Oakland .. .. ......... ... .......Academia 847 San Francisco.. .. ......... .. California 1
Chino..... ..Chino Valley 427 Gridley .. ... .............. ... .. .North Butte 230 Oakland . ....... ... ............. ....... ... Live Oak 61 San Francisco.... . .. ..... Golden Gate Speranza 30
Chula Vista...... .... Chula Vista 626 Guerneville.. ....... Mount Jackson 295 Oakland ........... Oakland Durant Rockridge 188 *San Francisco .......... La Pañaite Union 17
Citrus Heights. ...... Harding San Juan 579 Hanford .. . ..... Hanford 279 Oceanside ................... Oceanside-San Dieguito 381 San Francisco ... Northern California Research
Claremont. ... .. .. ...... .... ......... Claremont 436 Hayward....... .... ... ...... ........... Acacia 243 Ontario ... ...... .. .................... .... ..... .......... Ontario 301 San Francisco ..... .......... ........ Pacific-Starr King 136
Clearlake . .... .. ... .... Clear Lake Callayomi 183 Healdsburg..... . ... ... ... Sotoyome-Curtis 123 Orange ..... ............... .. ....... ......... .. Orange Grave 293 San Francisco .............................. .. ........ Mission 169
Clovis ... ... ..... .......... Clovis 417 Hollister .. ... ....... ...... ... San Benito 211 Orinda ...... ........... . .................... ......... Orinda 122 San Francisco ................................ ...... .Phoenix 144
Coachella ... ........................ .. ..... Coachella 476 Hornitos .. ................ ... .... .. ........ Hornitos 98 Orland ......................... .. ....... .. .... Orland-Laurel 245 San Francisco ................................. Prometheus 851
*Colfax. . ... .... ... TIIinoistown-Clay 51 Huntington Beach.. ....... Huntington Beach 380 Oroville .. ... Orov:ille 103 San Francisco ............................. San Francisco 120
Colusa .. ...... . ..... Colusa 240 !m perial... .... ..... .!m perial 390 Oxnard.. ..Anacapa 710 San Gabriel.. ................. ............. Maya 793
Concord. . ...... .Diablo Valley 448 Ione .. . .......... ...... .. .. Ione 80 Oxnard.. . . .... ........ .. ... ... ........ .... .. .Oxnard 341 Sanger .. ..Sanger 316
Corning .. ..... Olivet 205 Kernville . ... ... .... Kern River Valley 827 Pacific Grove .. .. .. .. Pacific Grove 331 ~'*San Jacinto.. .. ...... Hemet San Jacinto 338
Corona.. ..Temescal-Palms 314 King City... .... .Santa Lucia 302 Pacific Palisades.. ... ...... ... ...... ...... Riviera 780 San J ose . ................... .. .... El Camino Research
Coronado.. ......... Coronado 441 Knights Ferry .. ............ .... .. ..Oak Summit 112 Pacifica.... .. ....... Coastside 762 San Jose .. ......... Willow Glen-Fraternity 399
Covina .. ... ......... Desitny 856 Lafayette. .... ... ....... Acalanes-Fellowship 480 Palmdale .................. ......... ........... ... .... Palmdale 769 San Jose .. .......... Friendship 210
Crescent City..... ...... ... .... .. ...... Crescent 45 La Habra . .. ........ Cornerstone 659 Palm Springs .... ... .......... ........... ... Palm Springs 693 San Jose .. . . ..... .Golden Rule 479
Culver City .. ..Culver City-Foshay 467 La Jolla .. ......... ... La Jolla 518 Palo Alto .................................. Palo Alto-Roller 346 San Jose. ..................... .... San Jose 10
Daly City ... ...... Cracker 212 Lake Forest ....... ............... .. .lrvine Valley 671 Paradise ................................... Table Mountain 124 San Jose ............... Santa Clara Valley Daylight 844
Davis .... ... .Yolo 195 Lake Forest ..... ........ Saddleback Laguna 672 Pasadena ..... .. ............................... ..... Pasadena 272 San Juan Batista ........ .. .............. .. ............ Texas 46
****Delano. ......... .. Delano-Wasco 309 Lakeport... ... Hartley 199 *Pasadena ..... ............ ............. Vallee De France 329 San Leandro .. .............. .... San Leandro 113
Downey .... ..... .. Downey United 220 La Mesa ..... ... .. .. .La Mesa 407 Pasadena ...... .. ............ ....... ............. ... .. ..Wisdom 202 San Luis Obispo .. .... .. ........ .... .King David's 209
Downey .. ..... .... .Metropolitan 352 Lancaster ... ....... ... .. ..Lancaster 437 Paso Robles . ...... ..Thaddeus Sherman 196 San Marino .. .. ........ San Marino 408
*Dutch Flat .. . ........ lllinoistown-Clay 51 Larkspur .. ....... Fairfax 556 Patterson . .. .... .... .. Patterson 488 San Mateo .. ............. San ·Mateo 226
Penryn .. .... ........ ... Penrhyn Gold Hill 32 San Pedro.. ... Los Angeles Harbor 332
*Will meet part of the year in Colfax and part of the year in Dutch Flat. Petaluma. . ........ .. ... Petaluma-Hamilton 180 San Rafael . ...... Marin 191
''*Lodge speaks in Spanish and English. Petaluma .. ......... ... .... Vitruvius 145 Santa Barbara .. .......... ......... ....... Santa Barbara 192
=~**Will meet odd months in Exeter, even months in Porterville.
****Meets part ofthe year in Delano and part ofthe year in Wasco . *Lodge speaks in French and English. **Meets part ofthe year in San Jacinto and part ofthe year in Hemet.
26 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 27
Founded June 18, 1855
Santa Clara ... .................................. ...... Liberty 299 Tujunga ................................................ Tujunga 592
Santa Cruz ................................ ...... ....... Paideia 852 Tulare .. . ....................... Olive Branch 269 Lodges , 54 Annual Meeting third Monday in July
Santa Cruz ..... Santa Cruz San Lorenzo Valley 38 Turlock .. ..... ..................... ...... Turlock 395 Members, 3,200
Santa Maria ...................................... Hesperian 264 Tustin ................ ......... ............................. Tustin 241 Grand Master,
Santa Monica ................................. Los Angeles 42 Twentynine Palms ...... .......... ...... Oasis ofMara 735 920 W. Del Rancho Ct. Grand Secretary,
Santa Monica ............. Santa Monica-Palisades 307 Twin Peaks ............................ Rim ofthe World 711 Ontario 91762 2144 Van Wick St. Los Angeles 90047
Phone: (909) 986-5427 Phone: (323 ) 755-0650
Santa Monica .................................. ........ Sunset 369 Ukiah ......................................... ...... Ridgewood 146
Santa Paula ................... Fillmore-Santa Paula 291 Union City ............................ SiminoffDaylight 850 Grand East
Santa Rosa ......... Santa Rosa Luther Burbank 57 Upland .................................. Upland-Mt. Baldy 419 9027 S. Figueroa St.
Sebastopol ....................................... La Fayette 126 Vacaville ............... ......... ............ ........ .Vacaville 134 Los Angeles, CA 90003-3229
Selma ............ ....... .................... ...... .......... Selma 277 Vallejo.. .......................... ...... ..... Naval 87 (323) 242-2393
Shasta ....................... ........ ....... Western Star 2 Van Nuys.. . ..... Home 721
Sierra City .............. ..... ............... Harmony 164 Van Nuys. ... Reseda 666 Does not permit Dual or Plural Membership
**Sierra Madre .. ........... ................ Ararat 848 Van Nuys.. ......... .Van Nuys 450
Sierravi!le .. ...... ........... Sierra Valley 184 Ventura.. . ................... ..... .Channel lslands 214 LOCATION
Simi Valley ........................ ............. Simi Valley 806 Victorville .. . ......... ... Fox Coates Daylight 842 NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND N.O.
Sonoma ........ ......... ............ ............... ...... Temple 14 Victorville . ........ ............. ..... .Victorville 634
Sonora ............................... East Belt-Tuolumne 8 Visalia .. ......... .Visalia-Mineral King 128 Atwater ......... ......... ............. ........... Cornerstone 111 Oakland .............. ......... ........... ... Fred C. Brooks 60
Soquel ............................................... Confidence 110 Vista .. ..................................... Vista 687 Bakersfield . ........................ ...........San Joaquin 11 Oakland ............. ..... ................ ........... .Eli Baker 62
South Pasadena ...................... South Pasadena 290 Volcano .. ..... ... .... ............. .Volcano Amador 56 Blythe .............. ..................... ............ Palo Verde 37 Oakland ............ ....................... ...... .......... Acacia 7
South San Francisco ........ .. . ...... Francis Drake 376 Weaverville ............................................. Trinity 27 El Centro .............. ........ .. ...... ........ .... ...... Eureka 28 Oakland ...... .......... .................. .......... .East Gate 44
Stockton ....................................... Morning Star 19 West Covina .................................. West Covina 446 El Cerrito .......... ................. .......... ........... Ujima 35 Oakland ............................ Golden State Prince
Sun City .................................. .Menifee Valley 289 West Sacramento ........ ............... ........... Scepter 143 Fresno ........... ..... ................... .George L. Greene 118
Fresno ......................................... King Solomon 6 Hall Research Lodge
Susanville . ............................ Lassen-Janesville 149 Wheatland .. ........... ............ .......... Nicolaus 129 Oceanside ...................... ........ ............. .. Surfside 112
Sutter Creek ................ ...... ........... Henry Clay 95 Whittier ............................. GreenleafGardens 670 Ft. Irwin .................. . ........................ Plumbline 117 Pacoima .. .. ...... ............... .. Lillard G. Dandridge 99
Taft... ..... ........ Taft Midway 426 Whittier.. ............ Montebello-Whittier 323 Lancaster ... ........... .. .......... Joseph A. Meekins 103 Pasadena ......... ............ ................. .... ....... Hiram 12
Tarzana ......... ............. ........... Hollywood 355 Windsor ........... . ................... ........ Windsor 181 Lompoc ...... ............. ......... ............... ........ Mosaic 109 Pomona ........... ........ ... ..................... Silver Moon 105
Tehachapi .... ....... ....... ... Tehachapi 313 Woodbridge .. .......... Wgodbridge 131 Long Beach ............................. ... ............ Sunset 26 Riverside ... ................................ Orange Valley 13
Temecula.. ........... Temecula Catalina Island 524 Woodland... . .... .... Woodland 81 Los Angeles .......... ........... .................... .St. John 5 Sacramento ........... .. .................... ..... .. Harmony 61
Thousand Oaks ........................... Conejo Valley 807 Yorba Linda . .............. ......... ..Yorba Linda 469 Los Angeles ............................ Willard W. Allen 102 Sacramento . ............ .............. David D. Mattock 87
Torrance .... . ...................................... Sunnyside 577 Yreka .. · ......... Howard 37 Los Angeles .......................................... Douglas 33 Sacramento ......... ....... ............... .. Philomathean 2
Torrance ..................... . .... Torrance University 394 Yuba City ..................................... .... Enterprise 70 Los Angeles ...... ...... ............... .... Thomas Waller 49 San Bemardino ........... ....... .. .... ....... Prince Hall 17
Tracy ............................................. Mount Oso 460 Yucaipa ........................................ .. .. .Fellowship 668 Los Angeles ....................... ............... .Angel City 18 San Diego ............... ............................. Gibraltar 58
Truckee ......... . ....... . ............. Truckee 200 Yucca Valley ............................... .Yucca Valley 802 Los Angeles ....................... ............. .... Garrison 45 San Diego .......... .......... Gustavus A. Thompson 79
Los Angeles ........ .................... Western Knights 56 San Diego ............................................. .Fidelity 10
**Lodge speaks in Armenian and English. Los Angeles .......... ............... .Highland Heights 59 San Francisco .... ..... ...................... ... ..... Bayview 64
Los Angeles ................... ......Cedars ofLebanon 65 San Francisco .................... ................. Hannibal 1
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF CALIFORNIA. In addition to the Grand Los Angeles ....................... .... James H. Wilson 68
Lodges included in this publication, the Grand Lodge maintains fraternal relations with the following Los Angeles .................... .... .................... Gravity 94 San Francisco ... ....... ... ............. ............. Victoria 3
Grand Lodges: Andorra; Croatia; Estonia; National Grand Lodge of Guinea; Mali; Monaco; Montenegro; Los Angeles ... .... .......................... .. .B. F. Talbot 8 San Jose ........................ Richmond C. Marshall 15
Poland; San Marino; Slovenia; Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Alaska, Colorado, District of Columbia, Massa- Marysville .. .. ......................... Thomas T. Smith 78 Santa Ana ........................ Wiley L. Kimbrough 91
chusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Menlo Park .... ..... ....................... .... .Community 43 Santa Monica ......... ...................... Crescent Bay 19
Modesto ...... ............. ......... .......... Silver Square 66 Smooth Ashler ..................................... Sun City 119
Monterey ........................................ Peninsula 46 Stockton ........ . ..................... ... .... ........ Keystone 14
Oakland ............................................... Monarch 73 Suisun City ..... .................. Stanley Y. Beverley 108
Oakland ............................................ Good Hope 29 Vallejo ........... ...................... ................... .Firma 27
Victorvi!le ................. ...................... High Desert 107
- ~..: ..
,~ Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California recognizes the following Grand Lodges listed in
this book: USA: California, Hawaii; Europe: England; Australia: Tasmania; Cameroon; Sao Paulo; Togo-
laise; Uruguay.
In addition to the Grand Lodges listed in this book, this Grand Lodge maintains relations with the fol-
lowing Prince Hall Grand Lodges recognized by the Prince Hall Conference of Grand Masters: Alabama,
Alaska, Alberta (Canada), Arizona, Arkansas, Bahamas, Caribbean , Colorado, Delaware, District of
Columbia, Union Grand Lodge ofFlorida PHA, Georgia, Hawaii, lllinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
Liberia, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Stringer Grand Lodge of Mississippi
PHA, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Ontario (Canada), Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Te~as, Virginia, Wash-
ington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.
38 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 39
LaGrange .. ..... .. .. ..................... Union 28 Perry .... ... ............ . ............. Houston 35 Thomson .......................................... A. J. Miller 204 Waleska ....................................... ... ...... Waleska 57
Lakeland ..... ............ Lakeland 434 Pine Mountain .. ........... Chipley 40 Thunderbolt .................. ..... ........... Thunderbolt 693 Warner Robins ........................................ Tyrian 111
Lavonia. .. . ............ ...... ..... Lavonia 241 Plainville .. ................................. Plainville 364 Tifton.... ............ .................... Tifton 47 Warrenton .............. . ........................... Franklin 11
Lawrenceville .... ........ ...... Lawrenceville 131 Pooler ......... ....... Richard T. Turner 116 Tifton .......... ...................... Tiftarea 745 Washington ....................................... LaFayette 23
Lawrenceville .. . ......... Gwinnett Daylight 744 Porterdale .............. .......................... Pace 558 Tilton ........................................................ Tilton 291 Watkinsville .......................................... Amity 731
Toccoa ............. . ....................................... Toce oa 309 Waverly Hall .......................................... Gordon 108
Leesburg ..
Lexington ......
........... ......... .Chehaw
. ......... Lexington
~~:S~~~ ~prings .... ... : ~P{f~fs'~~~ ~~~ Trenton ........................................... ..... Trenton 179 Waycross .. .. ............................... Frank C. Folks 192
Lilburn. ......... .............. Sweetwater 421 Quitman ........ ............ . ....... Sholto 237 Trion .......................................................... Trion 160 Waycross ............................................ Waycross 305
Lincolnton ... . ...... Lincolnton 354 Reidsville .... . ................ .Rising Sun 32 Tucker .. ................................. .Tucker 42 Waynesboro .. ....... .. ... .... Waynesboro 27 4
Lindale ............... ............. ....... ....... Lindale 455 Resaca.. ...... Resaca Daylight 724 Tunnel Hill ........... ..................... ...... Tunnel Hill 202 West Point ................... .................. West Point 43
Lithia Springs .. .............. Battle Hill 523 Rex .......... . ................... Rex 251 Turin .............................. ... Turin 337 Whigham . ... ..... ........ .... Whigham 356
Lithonia .. ........................... Lithonia 84 Richland ....... ....... ...... Smith 85 Tybee Island ..... ........................... Tybee lsland 762 Willacoochee ........................ ... .. Willacoochee 197
Lithonia .. ......... E. A. Minor 603 Richmond Hill .. ............................. Bryan 303 Tyrone . . ........... ......................... Tyrone 644 Winder (Near) ..................................... Davidson 103
Lithonia .. ... Grant Park 604 Rico......... .............. Capitol View 640 Tyus . ..................... ... ....... ....... .................. Tyus 671 Winder .................................................. Winder 333
Lizella ... ..... Lizella 663 Ringgold ..... ............... Quitman 106 U nadilla........ . ............................... Millwood 198 Woodbine ............................................ Woodbine 326
Loftin... .. ........ .................. Loftin 688 Riverdale .. ......................... Riverdale 709 Union City .. .... Union City 600 Woodstock (Near) ..................... .... Hickory Flat 205
Loganville .. .............. ..... ...... Fergus 135 Roberta ... . ............... Crawford 689 Union Point .............. ....... ................... Chappell 511 Woodstock ......................................... Woodstock 246
Louisville .... ............. Stonewall 98 Rochelle ....... ...... Rochelle Lodge 190 Valdosta .................................................. Azalea 716 Woolsey .............. . ..................... . ........ Davidson 334
Ludowici .. ...... Altamaha 227 Rockmart .. ...................................... Rockmart 97 Valdosta ............................ Fellowship Daylight 746 Worthville ........... . ....................... .Ancient York 127
Lula ................. .......................... Lula 352 Rockmart ........... William G. England Daylight 747 Valdosta (Near) ....................................... Moody 719 Wrightsville ....................................... .Anderson 243
Lumber City . ... Lumber City 199 Rome (Near) ..................................... East Floyd 728 Valdosta .............. .............. St. John the Baptist 184 Young Gane ......... .................. ........Young Gane 597
Lumpkin .. .............. .. ........ Cross 173 Rome..... ............... Cherokee 66 Vidalia .............. ... ..................... . ...........Vidalia 330 Young Harris ...................................... Stephens 414
Lyerly ........... ... .. ............. Lyerly 338 Rome .. ........................ ................ Oostanaula 113 Villa Rica ........................................... .Villa Rica 72 Zebulon . ............. Montgomery 31
Lyons (Near) .. ........... .Inman Creek 491 Rome ...... .......... .Seven Hills Daylight 751
Lyons ............... ...................... ........... ...... Lyons 49 Roopville ........ ... .......... Goshen 71 RECOGNlTION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF GEORGIA. The following Grand Lodges
Lyons (Near).. ........... Millikens Creek 302 Rossville .. .................... Rossville 397
Roswell.. . ............ Roswell 165 appearing in this book are not recognized by the Grand Lodge of Georgia: Gabon; lvory Coast; Brazil: Acre,
Mableton . ............. Mableton 171 Amapa, Paraiba, Roraima; Colombia: Bogota, Oriental-Cucuta; Haiti; Mexico: Baja California (Norte), Chi-
Macon.... ....... ... ......... Mabel 255 Royston ....... ...................... Royston 52
Rutledge...... .............. DeWald 343 apas, Cosmos, El Potosi, Unida Mexicana; Nicaragua; Yugoslavia; and no Prince Hall Grand Lodge from
Ma con ............. .. . ................... Macon 5 any State.
Macon (Near). .......... Rutland 298 Sandersville ..... Hamilton 58
Macon ....................William A. Davis Daylight 753 Sand Hill... ....... ... ............................... Sand Hill 350
Macon. .. ... .. ......... .............. Wolihin 390 Sandy Springs .... . ................ Sandy Springs 124
Manchester .. . ..... .............. Stephens 586 Sardis .... ................. Alexander 385
Mansfield .. ..... ..Mansfield 489 Sargent ...... ....... ... ......... Sylvan 429
Madison ...... ..................... Madison 376 Savannah .. ...................................Acacia 452
Marble Hill ........... .. ........ Marble Hill 207 Savannah..... ......... Ancient Landmark 231
Marietta .... .............. James E. Sledge Daylight 742 Savannah... ....................... Clinton 54
Marietta .. .............. :............... Kennesaw 33 Savannah ......................... ...... Coastal Daylight 750
Marietta ...... .................... Samuel S. Lawrence 721 Savannah (Near). ............. Frank F. Baker 46
Martinez . .................. ..... ... .... Martinez 710 Savannah . ........................ Landrum 48
Matt ......
Maxeys ....... ......
McCaysville ...
................... Matt
........ Howard
................ ..... McCay
~:~~~~:g-_-_ . _. . . . . . . . . . ._. _. _. _. ..".".".".".·.·-~~§~Ío~~~~
Savannah ......... . ............ Zerubbabel
E &A. M.
McDonough.. ........ Fraternal 37 Screven.. . ..... .... ...... Screven 368 Founded May 20, 1989
McRae.............. ... Helena 536 Senoia ........... .......... ! ........ Senoia 82
McWhorter .... .................................. Flint Hill 371 Shady Dale.. . ··'-' ....~-:,Walton 200 Lodges, 11 Annual Meeting Third Friday in April Members, 1,807
Menlo.. . ...... ............ ...... ........ Alpine 211 Shannon .. .................. Siiannon 100
Metter .. ..... ................ Metter 435 Smyrna.... . .... ... ............. Nelms 323 RICHARD B. HUSTON MARTY P. ALEXANDER, P.G.M.
Midland.. .... ... . .... Midland 144 Snellville.......... . ................... Snellville 99 Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Milan ......... ..... .. ...................... Milan 393 Social Circle .. . 1.. . ..... Dawson 68 535 Ward Ave. 535 Ward Avenue
Milledgeville .. ...... Benevolent 3 Sonoraville. ...... :J.. ::-:.... ....... Sonora 221 Suite 212 Honolulu 96814 Suite 212 Honolulu 96814-3312
Millen ....... ..... ..... ..................... Screven 248 Soperton ....... ................ ........... Harmony 405 Phone: 808-596-9121 Phone: 808-596-9121
Mineral Bluff....................... ....... .Mineral Bluff 483 Springfield.. ...................... Springfield 440 E-mail: [email protected]
Monroe ... ...... Generous Warren 20 St. Marys ................. .................. St. Marys 109 Website:
Montezuma .... . ................. ....... Traveler's Rest 65 St. Simons Island .. ..... .Golden Isles 707 Grand Lodge Office open 8:30 A.M.-12:30 A.M., Monday-Friday. Hawaii is on Central Pacific Standard
Monticello .... ............................. Jasper 50 Statenville... .....Alapaha 209 Time. It does not go on Daylight Savings Time. Hawaii is 2 hours earlier than the West Coast of the U.S.
Moreland .. . ....... ............ Bigham 53 Statham ...... . ......... Statham 634 when they are on Pacific Standard Time, and 3 hours earlier when they are on Daylight Savings Time.
Morgan....... ..... Reuben Jones 388 Statesboro .. . ........ . ......... Ogeechee 213
Morganton ... ........................ Ocoee 201 Stilesboro.. ................. Stilesboro 260 Permits Dual and Plural Membership
Morrow .. ...... ............ Daylite 125 Stockbridge.. ......... Panthersville 543
Morrow .. . ...... ............... Morrow 734 Stockbridge. .......... Stockbridge 691
Morven ... ...... ...... Morven 254 Stone Mountain. . ... Glenwood Hills 703 LOCATI ON NAME LOCATION NAME
Moultrie ..... .. ..................... Moultrie 381 Stone Mountain.. .. ........... ....... Mountain Park 729
Mount Airy ....... ....... Mount Airy 141 Stone Mountain .. ............. Stone Mountain 449 Honolulu, Island of Oahu .......................... Hawaiian Kailua, Island of Oah u .......... ................ ....... .Ko'olau
Murrayville .. .......... Murrayville 30 Sugar Valley ...... ... . ............... Sugar Valley 733 Honolulu, Island of Oah u ..... ................ LeProgres de Kapaa, Island ofKauai ....................... :............ Kaüai
Nah unta...... ................... . ............. Nahunta 391 Sumach .............. . .. Sumach 55 L'Oceanie UD Kahului, lsland ofMaui... ......... Lodge Maui
Nashville ... ...... ...... ..Duncan 234 Summerville ... .............. Chattooga 704 Honolulu, lsland of Oahu ........................... Honolulu Hilo, lsland ofHawaii... . ........... Kilauea
Nelson .................................... E. W. Hightower 679 Swainsboro .... ............ Swainsboro 244 Honolulu, Island of Oahu ................... Pearl Harbor Kailua:Kona, Island of Hawaii ......................... Kona
New Holland.. ........... Stone 715 Sweet Gum . ........... Sweet Gum 542 Wahiawa, lsland of Oah u ........................... Schofield Wahiawa, lsland ofOahu ...... .............. ........ Leeward
~~:~na~~n. ...................... ······ · ::~~'(!~~~~ 5gg Sylvania.. .................. Sylvania 301
Sylvester.. ... ... Worth 194
Newnan .... . ...... .Mclntosh 735 Talbotton ......... . ..Olive 10 adheres to the American doctrine of exclusive territorial jurisdiction.
Norcross.. ............... Norcross 228 Tallapoosa.... .. .......... ................. Tallapoosa 126 In addition to the Grand Lodges listed in this publication, the Grand Lodge of Hawaii also recognizes
Ocilla ..... ...... ............... Ocilla 134 Taylorsville. ............ John W. Akin 537 the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Sta te of Hawaii, as well as al! Prince Hall Grand
Palmetto.. . ...... Palmetto 74 Tazewell.. ..Marion 14 Lodges that have been recognized by their state counter parts currently listed in this publication.
Palmetto .... ....................... Palmetto Daylight 755 Temple........ ..... Temple 322
Peachtree City .. ..... . .East Point 288 Tennille .. . ...... ................ Tennille 256
Pearson . . .......... Satilla 163 Thomaston .. ... Flint River Daylight 761
Pelham ....... ............ .... .Pelham 312 Thomaston.... .............. Morning Star 27
Pembroke .... ....... ............ . ..... ..... .Pembroke 469 Thomasville ... ..... . ........... Thomasville 369
Pendergrass ............ . ........ ... ...Johnnie's Hill 748
40 List of Regular Lodges
Masonic 41
1867 IDAHO 2015 1840
A . E &A. M. ILLINOIS 2015
Founded December 16, 1867 A. F. &A. M.
Lodges, 55 Annual Meeting Third Thursday in September Members, 3,514 Founded April 28, 1840
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Annual Meeting Frid ay after the First Tuesday in October
5724 E. Oak St. Nampa 83687-8572 219 N. 17th Boise 83702-5187 BARRYD. WEER
Phone: 208-465-6563 Phone: Office 208-343-4562
E-mail: [email protected] · Toll Free: 1-866-674-1867 2866 Via Verde St. Springfield 62703-4388 Grand Secretary,
Fax: 208-343-5056 Office Phone: 217-529-8900 2866 Via Verde St. Springfield 62703-4388
E-mail: [email protected] Office Phone: 217-529-8900
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 217-529-0242
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Permits Plural Membership Permits Plural Membership
44 List of Reglflar Lodges Masonic 45
Founded 20 June, 1867
Vienna ... ... .......... ............. .. .................. Vienna 150 Western Springs.. . .... ..... ... La Grange 770 Lodges, 71
Annual Meeting in July
Villa Grove .................... Villa Grove Camargo 885 Western Springs ............. River Forest-Austin 850 MILLARD V. DRISKELL
Villa Park ......... ............. ........... ...... .Villa Park 1113 Western Springs. . ...... .Western Springs 1136 Grand Master, SEAN E. QUEEN
Villa Park ..................................... Bensenville 1159 Westfield .. ............................. Westfield 1046 Grand Secretary,
Viola ................... .. .... ... ........................ ..Viola 577 West Frankfort .. .... ... ........... ... .... ... Frankfort 567 E-mail: [email protected]
Virgin:ia.. . .. Virginia 544 West Salem. ........................ West Salem 866 809 E. 42nd Place (Prince Hall Way)
Walnut ............................................... Walnut 722 West Union. . ... ..... ... ... ..... .... ...... York 313 Chicago, IL 60653
Warrensburg... . .... ..... ...... Summit 431 Wheaton .................................. . ...... Glen Ellyn 950 Phone: 773-373-2725
Washington .. .... ... Taylor 98 Wlleaton .. ..... ... ................. ...... ... .. ...... Wheaton 269 FAX: 773-624-6031
Waterloo.. . ..... Morris 787 Wheeling ..................................... D. C. Cregier 81 E-mail: [email protected]
Watseka .. ..Watseka 446 White Hall ...................................... White Hall 80
Watson. . . ................... Watson 602 Wilmette .................................. Wilmette Park 931 Does Not Permit Plural Membership
Wauconda ... . . ............................ Wauconda 298 Wilmington.. . ...... .. .Wilmington 208
Waukegan.. . ................... Anchor and Ark 1027 Windsor.. .. .................. Win:dsor 322 LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Waukegan. . . .. .......................... Waukegan 78 Winnebago.. .. .... .... .Winnebago 745 LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Wayne City ......................................... .. ..... Ore] 759 Wood River.. .. .......... ...... ...... Wood River 1062 Alton .................. .. .................................. Dunbar 97
Wenona ............................................... Wenona 344 Woodson. . ..... ... ..... ... .... .... .. ..... Wadley 616 Aurora ..................... ... ..... .............. .. ... Keystone 15 Chicago .... .. ........... ... ..... . ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... ... Ashler 139
Westchester ...................................... Old Glory 141 Woodstock.. .............. St. Marks 63 Belleville .................................... .Isaac H. Kelly 11 Chicago ....................................... ..Sons ofLight 145
Westchester ..................... .................. .Pleiades 478 Wyoming ... .. ..... .. ........... ............ ....... Wyoming 479 Carbondale ..... .. ... ............. ... .......... ... ...... Tuscan 44 Chicago ...................................... ...... Aiexandria 148
Westchester ......................................... Sunrise 996 Yates City .. ....... ..... Yates City 448 Champaign ........................................ Lone Star 18 Chicago ... ............................. .. ............. Holy City 150
Westchester ........................... .. ... Westchester 995
West Chicago .. ...... Amity 472
Yorkville .. .... ..... .. ..... ................. Kendall 471
Zeigler .. ... .......................................... .. .. Zeigler 1048 g~~=:~ . . .···.· . ..· .·. . .foh;;~~~!~ ~
Chicago ... .. .............. ............. .. ............ .. New Life
Chicago ............................................. .Jmman u el
1 (:~~Jf
Western Springs. . .. .............Azure 1153 Chicago .. .. ............. .. ............. .... Sons of Solomon 154
Chicago ........................................ ............. Union 155
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF ILLINOIS. In addition to the Grand Lodges Chicago ......................... ...... ... ...... Eterna] Light 156
Iisted in the table of contents of this book, the Grand Lodge of Illinois recognizes the following: Africa: Congo, Chicago .. ..................................... Tribe of Judah 157
Guinéene; Andorra; Colombia: Bucaramanga; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Lithuania; Mexico: Aguascalientes, Col- Danville .......... .. ................................ Corinthian 31
ima, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Michoacan, Morales, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Oriental Peninsular, Decatur ......... ... ....... .................... .. John C. Ellis 17
Puebla, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Zacatecas; Macedonia; Montenegro; Paraguay (Symbolic, WM East St. Louis .. ........................... .. ........ St. Paul 42
Euclides); Poland; Slovakia; Slovenia; All Prince Hall Grand Lodges recogoized by their respective Grand Lodges. East St. Louis .. ............. ....... ........ ............. Joppa 79
The Grand Lodge of Illinois does not recognize the following Grand Lodges appearing in this book: Africa: East St. Louis .......... ..... .. .......... Southern Cross 112
Gabon; Benin; Brazil: Minas Gerais, Tocantins; Colombia: Los Andes, Oriental, Cucuta; Cuba; El Salvador-Cus- Chicago .................... .. ........ ................... Oriental 68 Elgin .............. .. ............. ............... .... Watch City 131
catlan; Madag"ascar; Nicaragua; Paraguay (GM Qninonez). Chicago ....................... .. ........................... .. Doric 77 Evanston ......................... ... ........... .Mt. Moriah 28
Chicago ........ .. .......................... ............ Celestial 80 Galesburg .. ............. .... ......... William L. Darrow 10
Chicago ..................................... .. ........ Harmony 88 Joliet ....... ............................ .. ........... Stone City 35
Chicago .......................................... Cornerstone 91 Kankakee .............. .. ............. .. ............ .. ...... True 136
Chicago ........ .. ............ .. ................. Olive Branch 94 LaGrange ............................. .. .: .... Western Star 87
Chléago .............................................. East Gate 98 Madi son ... ............................................... Jericho 120
Chicago ..................................... .. ......... Monarch 99 Maywood ............. .. ............ .. .................... Jeptha 90
Chicago ....................... ..................... King David 100 Mounds .................................. Lily ofthe Valley 56
Chicago ................................ ..... ............ Wisdom 102 Normal .... .................................. Elijah S. Betts 23
Chicago ........ ...................................... .... Fidelity 103 Peoria .... .... ....... .. ... .... ..... ...... ... ..... Henry Brown 22
~ ~~IH
Rock lsland .... ..... ... ....... ... ........... King Solomon 20
Scott Air Force Base ............ Prentice G. Porter 142
Springfield .............. .............................. .Central 3
-, , _ Waukegan ................................. Rufus Mitchell 107
Waukegan .. ..... .. .... .... ... ... ........ William Scruggs 147
Chicago .................................... . ..Stone Temple 137 Wheaton ................. .. ............... Ashby B. Carter 138
List of Regular Lodges Masonic 47
2015 INDIANA- Continued
Founded January 12, 1818
Greencastle ... ....................................... Morton 469 Leesville ................................................... Cedar 161
L odges, 405 2 U.D. Annual Meeting Third Tuesday in May Members, 58 ,363 Greenfield.. ..... ......... ...... Eden 477 Leo.. ....... ........ ................................... Leo 224
Grand Master,
Grand Secretary,
Greenfield ............................................ Hancock
Greensboro ..................................... Greensboro
175 ....
t::~~~¡¡¡~·-·.· _._._._._·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_-_._._._._._._._._._._._._·.·.·_·_·_·.-.·.-.-t~~-i~~ffi~ 72
·. ·. ·.·.
~~s~~ra~~ ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~~~~~:¡~~ 125
Richland ................. :................... Richland City 702
351 Versailles .. ...................................... Versailles
Vevay ... ..... ... ...... .Florence
Vevay ....... ..... .......... ......... ... ... ........Switzerland
7 Atlantic ................... ......................... .... Pymosa 271
Attica ................... .. ................................ Gavel 229
Audubon ............ .... ........... ............ ...... .Veritas 392
Des Moines ................... ................. South Gate 657
Des Moines ................... .. .................... Daylight 660
Des Moines ................. ....... ..... Specialis Procer 678
DeWitt ............................................ Crossroads 677
Richmond .......................................... Richmond 196 Vincennes ......... . .... Vincennes 1 Avoca ................ ................... .. ............ Mt. Nebo 297
Richmond .. :............................................... Webb 24 Wabash .. ................................................. Hanna 61 Dike ................ .... .......................... .. ........ Honor 646
Batavia .............................. .. .......... Kilwinning 198 Donnellson ... .... .................... Geo. Washington 618
Riley ......... ..... Riley 390 Waldron ... ....... ...... ....... Waldron 217 Baxter . .... ............................... ...... ...... ....... Unit 520 Douds ........... ...... ........... ...... ...... ...... ... Celestial 413
~~~~~d~Jen .~~~tr~~
6 Wallace ........ .... ....................... ..... ......... Wallace 495 Bedford ....... .... .............. .... ..... ........ ....... .. Taylor 156
602 Walton .... ............. ........................... ...... .. Walton 423 Dubuque ..... ....... ....................... ........ .Dubuque 3
Belle Plaine .................................. ..... ...... Hope 175
Roanoke .. . ·••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
..... ........ ... .... . .Roanoke 195 Warsaw ......... .................... Warsaw 73 Bellevue .............................. ................ Bellevue
Dubuque ..................................... Metropolitan 49
Rochester ....... .... ............................... Rochester 79 Washington ....... .... ...................... ...... .... Charity 30 51 Dubuque ....... ... ..................................... Mosaic 125
Bettendorf ..... .................. ....... ..... ..... Hamilton 664 Dubuque ...... .. ..................... Tri-State Morning 673
Rockport . .......... ........... ...... ....... ........ .. Rockport 112 Waveland........ .. ........ ... ..... Waveland 300 Bettendorf........................ ... ..... Early Morning 672
Rockville. . ......................................... Parke 8 West Lafayette .. ..... .......... ... ...... West Lafayette 724 Dysart .. ........ ...... ........... ..... ....... .... ....... Ascalon 393
Boone .... .... . ..................... ....... ........... Mt. O!ive 79 Eagle Grave ........................................... Bower 464
Rolling Prairie . .......................... Rolling Prairie 291 West Newton .. ............ West Newton 707 Brighton ........................... .... .............. Naaman 613
Rome .. ..... .. .................. .............. ....... ..... .Rome 133 Westport ............................................. Westport 52 Eddyville ..................... ... .................. Eddyville 74
Rossville ........ ........ ...... ...... ......... ........ .Rossville 318 West Terre Haute .. ..... We¡t Terre Haute 687 Bristow .................................................. Vulcan 498 Eldon ........................... ...... .............. New Hope 480
Royal Center .. .... ... Royal Center 585 Westville .......... ..... ......... ......... .......•... Westville 192 Burlington .......... ........ ...... .... ......... Des Moines 1 Eldora ............................................. Montague 117
Rushville... .... ........................... Phoenix 62 Wheatfield ............................... :.~ ..... :Wheatfield 642 Burlington .......... ... ........................... .... .. Malta 318 Elkader ...................... .... .. .................... Elkader
Burlington .......... ... ...............................Patriot 650 72
Russiaville ................................. New London 283 Whiteland. ........ ..... .......... .... .... Jubilee 746 Emerson ........................................... Humanity 378
Russiaville ........................... ............ Russiaville 82 Whitestown ....... ..... . ............................ Celestial 525 Bussey .. ......................... .. ........... .. .Integrity 584 Emmetsburg ....... ..... ....... ............ ..... .. Earnest 399
Salem ....... .. ................ .... .. Salem 21 Whitewater... ..... ....... ... Whitewater 159 Camanche ............................ .. ......... Camanche 60 Estherville .... ... .............................. North Star 447
Schererville .... .... ..... ................ McKinley 712 Whiting ........... . .................... .. ............. Whiting 613 Carro]] .... ............................ ..... ............... Signet 264 Exira .............. .............................. ... ...... Exodus 342
Williamsburg ....... • ~- .... Williamsburg Carson ................................ .... .......... ....... Coral 430
~~fl~;~b.;;g ~c~~~~b,~~ 631
572 493 Fairfax ............................................... Fidelitas 364
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Winamac .......................... ..... .......... .... Winamac 262 Casey ........ ................ ....... ...... ........ ....... Purity 283
Cedar Falls ..... ... ..... ...... ... ....... ...... Black Hawk
Fairfax ... ............. ........... ... .......... ..... ... St. Clair 164
Seymour ............................................... Jackson 146 Winchester .. ............ ..... Winchester 56 65 Fairfield ............................................... Clinton 15
Shelburn .. .......... ................ ..... .......... .Shelburn 369 Worthington ................................... ..... ... Greene 577 Cedar Rapids ................... ..... .........Albert Pike 681 Farley ..................................................... Julien 551
Shelbyville .......................................... .... Shelby 28 Zionsville .. .......................... Charles F. Frank 760 Cedar Rapids ..................... ................ Crescent 25 Ft. Dodge . ......... ..................................... Ashlar 111
Sheridan.. ............. .. Fidelity 309 Cedar Rapids .................. ...... ....... Mt. Hermon 263 Ft. Madison .................. ..... ......... Fort Madison
Cedar Rapids .......... ............................. Mizpah 639 13
Garner .... .... .... ............. ...... ........ ....... ..... Bethel 319
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF INDIANA. In addition to the Grand Cedar Rapids ..................................... Kingston 676 Gladbrook ...................... ... ...................... Olivet 436
Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book, the Grand Lodge of Indiana recognizes the following: Centerville ................................... .. .. .. Jackson 42 Glenwood ....................... ... ................ Glenwood
Central City ... . ....... ............................ .... Leve! 284 58
Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, New Mexico, and North Car- Glidden .............. .. ................................. Haggai 369
olina; Andorra; Estonia; Colombia: Santander; Lithuania; Mexico: Guerrero State, Puebla; Estado de Chariton ... ..... ..... ............. ...... ....... .. Chariton 63 Gowrie ....................................................... Rose 506
Aquascalientes, "Edmondo Games Orozco"; Guinéenne; Niger. Cherokee .......... ..................... .. ...... Speculative 307 Greenfield ...... ..... ......................... ....... Crusade 38ti
The Grand Lodge of Indiana does not recognize the following: Armenia; Azerbaijan; Benin; Brazil: Cincinnati ....................................... Prosperity 504 Grinnell ............................................... Hermon 273
Grande Oriente; Brazil: Amapa; Colombia: Los Andes, Oriental-Cucuta; Cameroon; Madagascar; Mauri- Clarinda .................... ....... ................. Nodaway 140 Griswold ..................................... ... .......... Cass 412
tius; Mexico: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chiapas, Unida Mexicana; Nicaragua; San Clarion .. ..... .......... ... .......... ...... ....... ....... Cyrene 325 Grundy Center .... ............. .. ....... ....... .. Emerald 334
Marino; Tahiti & Archipelagos; Togolaise; Ukraine; Prince Hall Grand Lodges of California, Connecticut, Clear Lake .......................... .... . ........ Travelers 679 Guthrie Center ........................... ... ...... Orange 123
Delaware, Illinois, New York, and Ontario. Clermont .................. ......................... Clermont 160 Guttenberg ............................ Prairie La Porte 147
Clinton .............................................. ...... Lyons 93 Ham pton ....................... ..... ........ ..... ...... Anchor 191
Clinton ... ............ ....... ....... .. ........ Western Star 100 Harlan .. ... .. ........ .. ...... ......... ......... ...... ... Parian 321
Clinton ............. . ..... ................. .. ..... Emulation 255 Hartford ............... ........ ..... ................. Hartford 83
8~r!s'b':.~g- ••· · •••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••c;~;;~~l~!ir~~
523 Hillsboro ............... ........ ... ................... Belmont 541
67 Holstein ............. ... ........ ......................... Alpine 471
Columbus City .... .... ...... ..... ..... Columb.u s City 107 Humeston ...................... .... .................. Fidelity 228
Coralville ...... .................................. Clarksville 668 Independence .... ............ .... ....... .lndependence
Corning ......................................... .lnstruction 275 87
Indianola ......................... ... ........... ....... Warren 53
Corydon .............................................. Corydon 91 Indianola ...... ...... ........... ..... ......... .... ....... Milan 409
Council Bluffs ........... ......... .............. Bluff City 71 Iowa City ......................................... .Iowa City
Council Bluffs ............ ........ .... .......... Excelsior 259 4
Iowa Falls ..... ...... ...................... Mason's Home 192
Council Bluffs ........................................ Cobia 631 Irwin .. ... ....................................... ... .... Sardius 444
50 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 51
~~¡ª J~~~
Needham ................................. ...................... Norfolk
Lodges, 238 Mem bers, 30,115 Needham ....... ....... ... ... .. .... ......... .. ... ....... .The Masters
Meets in Quarterly Communications on the Second Wednesday of Needham .. . ............. .. ................ ... ...............Wellesley
March, June, September and December; and Stated Communica- New Bedford .................... Abraham H. Howland, Jr.
New Bedford .............................................. Quittacus
tion on December 27th for lnstallation of Grand Officers and Cele- East Longmeadow ............................ .. .The Meadows New Bedford ............ .. .................... .Star in the East
bration of the Anniversary of Saint John the Evangelist. Annual East Weymouth ............ Weymouth United Masonic Newburyport .. .... .. ........................................ Bethany
Election is held on Second Wednesday in December. East Weymouth .. .. ...... ....... ........ .............. ........ .Rural Newburyport ····················· ~· ................ .. Saint John's
Everett ........... ............................................. Palestine Newburyport ... Saint Mark's
HARVEY JOHN WAUGH ARTHUR E . JOHNSON, PGM Fairhaven .. .. ......... . .... .. ... ... ............. George H. Taber Newtonville ....................................... ....... DalhOusie
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Fa!! River .............................. ........ .' .... .... King Philip Newtonvil!e ........................... Norumbega Fraternity
186 Tremont Street Boston 02111-1095 186 Tremont Street Boston 02111-1095 Fall River ................... ........ Massasoit-Narragansett Newtonville .. ... ............... ........................ Garden City
Phone: Office 617-426-6040 Fall River ............................................... Mount Hope Newtonville .............. .. .... ....... ...... .... .. Waltham-Triad
Fax 617-426-6115 Fabnouth ............................... ... ... .. .......... .... .. .Marine North Adams .............................. Lafayette-Greylock
Webpage: Feeding Hil!s .......... .................... Esoteric Sherwood North Andover ......... .. ............... .. ......... Cochichewick
E -mail: [email protected] Fitcbburg ..... ........ .. ........... .. .. ... ........... ... .... .....Aurora North Andover ......... .. ... Merrimack Valley Daylight
Fitcbburg ...................................... Charles W. Moore North Attleboro .......................................... ..... Bristol
(Massachusetts lodges are not numbered) Foxboro ...... . .................................. J. Philip Berquist North Brookfield ... ... .. .......... .. ....................: ... Hayden
Permits Plural Membership Foxboro ................. ...... ... ... .... ..... .. .. ....... Saint Alban's North Reading .................... .... ........... North Reading
106 Paynesville .. ..... Paynesville 71 Lodges, 241 Annual Meeting in March Members, 17,565
Detroit Lakes.. .. ... .. ........ .... Mt. Tabor Pelican Rapids .. . ... Otter Tail 284
Duluth ... .......... Euclid 198 .. Perham 157
Duluth.. .. ........ ... Glen Avon 306 Perham ..... . CLYDE E. "BUTCH" BRITT MICKY P . McMAHAN
Pipestone .. .. . ... ........ ....... Quarry 148 Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Duluth .... .... .. .. .. ......... ..................... Ionic 186 22
349 Pleasant Grave .. .....Pleasant Grave P.O. Box 743 Escatawpa 39552-0743 P .O. Box 1030 Meridian 39302
Duluth ..... .... Lake Superior ........... Prestan 36 Phone: 228-623-5068 2400 23rd Ave. Meridian 39301
Duluth.. ... .. ... .......... .... Palestine 79 Prestan ... .... .
Princeton .... . ... Fraternal 92 Phone: Office 601-482-2914
Duluth. ......... .. ... . ......... ..Trinity 282 .Red Wing 8
East Grand Forks.. ..Red River 292 Red Wing .. FAX: 601·483-6399
Redwood Falls .... .. Antiquity 91 E-mail: [email protected]
Elk River. ... ..... .. . .......Sherburne 95 ..Compass 265
288 Robbinsdale .... Web page:
Ely ......... ...... ...... Ely .. Rochester 21
Eveleth ........ ......... Eveleth 239 Rochester .. Permits plural and dual membership
Rockford .. .. Star 62
Excelsior... .. . . ................... Excelsior 113 ....... Rosean 268
Fairmont. . . .......... Chain Lake 64 Roseau ..
Roseville .. . .. ............ Daylight 348
Faribault ....... ...... Faribault 9 .. Tusler-Summit 263 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Farmington ......... ......... ........... Corinthian 67 Roseville .. .
Rush City .. ...... ........ Jasper 164
Fergus Falls ... ...... Comer Stone 99 ..... Mystic Star 69 Abbeville .............. . ...................... ....... Abbeville 320 Florence .................. ..... ................. Evening Star 70
Forest Lake .. . .. Forest Lake 344 Rushford. 246 Aberdeen ............................................ Aberdeen 32 Forest.. ........ Forest 437
42 Sanborn ..... . ............... .Fides
Glencoe ..... ..... Hope .. Sandstone 234 Ackerman .......................................... Ackerman 119 French Camp ........... .................. N atchez Trace 609
Glenwood .............. ........... :.. Valley 174 Sandstone ........ . Amory .......... . ...................... James A. Mayfield 165 Fulton.. . ..... Fulton 444
Sauk Centre .. .... Star in the West 60
Grand Rapids .. ... .!tasca 208 346 Arkabutla .......................................... Arkabutla 287 Gautier ........................................ Singing River 633
7 Savage .. . ................. ......... .. ...... Lebanon
Hastings .... .. ...... ... Dakota .. .Minnesota River Valley 6 Ashland ................................................... Salero 45 Gloster ................................................... Gloster 399
Rector... ... ... ..Rector 158 Savage ... Auburn . ..John A. Quitman 244 Golden ... ...... ....................... .. ............... .Fairview 457
Silver Bay .. ... Taconite 342
Hibbing ....... ....... . . .......... Mesaba 255 .. Murray 199 Baldwyn . ..... Baldwyn 108 Goodman .... ..... .......... ....... ....... .. ........ Goodman 489
Hopkins .. . . .... Albert Pike 237 Slayton ... Banner .. ...... . . .... Banner 329 Greenville .. ................................... Greenville 206
South St. Paul . .. .Mizpah 191
Hopkins ......... ... ..... ... ..... .U ni zar 347 ...... Crescent 207 Batesville ..... .. .... ... ..... ................... .......... PanoJa 66 Greenwood.. . .... .................... ...... .. Greenwood 135
Staples .. .
Hutchinson .. ............. .......... Temple
Intemational Falls ............ ......... Koochiching 270 Stephen ... . ........... Stephen
.... Stewartville
Bay St. Louis ................. .............. Bay St. Louis
Beaumont ......................................... Beaumont
468 g~:~~d~~~ Springs : g~~~~9! 6gi
La Crescent.. .. ..... ...... Moming Star Stewartville ..
29 Bellefontaine ... ............... .... ............... Adelphian 174 Gulfport.... ...... Gulfport 422
Stillwater ... ......... St. Johns 1
Lake City .. . . .... Carnelian 40 ........ Rising Sun 49 Bebnont . ......... ..................... ......... ........ Belmont 237 Handsboro. .. .... Polar Star 154
Lak e Crystal . ..... ..... Bethel St. Charles ..
103 Belzoni ................................................... Belzoni 54 7 Harrisville .. . ... Harrisville 336
St. Cloud .... . ..... .North Star 23
Lake Wilson .... .... .Lake Wilson 262 ....................... Libanus 96 Biloxi ............. ... ................... ......... .... Fellowship 630 Hattiesburg .................................... Hattiesburg 397
Le Ro y .. ....... ........ . ...... Eureka St. James .... .
75 Biloxi.. ........ .................................. Magnolia 120 Hattiesburg ......................................... Hub City 627
St. Louis Park ...... Khurum-Sunlight 112
Lindstrom ... · ......... .... ..Hiram 287 ..... Phoenix Daylight 350 Blue Mountain .. . ... Blue Mountain 474 Hazlehurst ....................................... Hazlehurst 25
Litchfield..... ..Golden Fleece St. Louis Park ... ..
89 Bogue Chitto ... ......... Bogue Chitto 260 Hebron ...................................................... Fuller 515
S t . Louis Park .. . ............ ..... ....... ..Templar 176
Luverne ....... . .. Ben Franklin 114 .... Ancient Landmark 5 Bogue Chitto .. ............... Topisaw 413 Heidelberg ........................................ W. E. King 615
Mankato ........ ........ ......... ........ ..... Mankato St. Paul..
12 168 Bol ton .. ...... Bolton 326 Remando ............ . ............................ .Hernando 51
St. Paul ...
11 .. Braden
Mantorville .. ..:Kasson-Mantorville ...... ......... .Macalester 290 Booneville .. ..... ..... Booneville 305 Hesterville ... ..... ........ .............. . ............... Bethel .107
Marshall....... ... ....... ..Delta St. Paul .
119 Brandon .. ....... Tyrian 427 Hollandale ................................ Thomas Gaddis 379
St. Paul... ....... Montgomery 258
Minneapolis.... ... .. ... ... ... ... .....Arcana 187 .. St. Paul 3 Braxton .. ..Braxton 465 Holly Springs ...... .. .................. .... Holly Springs 35
Minneapolis.. ......... ... Cass 243St. Paul ... Brookhaven.. ....... . ..... Brookhaven 241 Homewood .. ......................... ... .South Union 193
St . Paul Par k .. .. Newport 118
Minneapolis ..... . ..... ............... Cataract 2 54 Brookhaven ...... ....... . ....... Fair River 203 Horn Lake .. . ......... .... .............. .... Horn Lake 617
St. Peter .... .... ... Nicollet
Minneapolis ... ........ Lake Harriet 277 .. .... Northern 236 Brooklyn .................................................... Perry 366 Houlka .. . ............. John S. Cain 259
Mmneapohs ........ ..Minneapolis ThiefRiver Falls.
19 7 Bruce ............ ....... .................................. Antioch 549 Houston.... ....... Houston 67
Mmneapolis .................................. Minnehaha 165
Minneapolis ..................Sir Winston Churchill 351
Tracy ............... .
Two Harbors ... . ;; :::~~rt1T~d.~ 188 Buckatunna ..... ...... .............. .......... ........ Chicora
Bude .................... . .............. Robert PoseyBude
Independence.. ........... .......... ....... .... Solomon
Indianola.. .. ............................. Indianola
Tyler ..... .. McKinley 251
Money Creek (Houston P.O.) ................ Orient 84 .. .. Virginia 264 Burnsville .................... . ................ Burnsville 233 Inverness ................................... T. J. Catchings 394
Montevideo .. . .. ..... . . .. Sunset 109 Virginia .. Byhalia .. .............................................. Byhalia 115 Iuka .. . ...... ...Iuka 94
Waconia .. ...... Waconia 326
Monticello .. ....... .. .... ....... ... Monticello 16 156 Caledonia ... ............ .......... ........... Caledonia 280 Jackson... ....... Pearl 23
Wadena .. ., ..,._
. ... ..Wadena
Moorhead.. ... ..... ......... Moorhead 126 .... Walker 302 Calhoun City... . ....................... Calhoun City 506 Jackson ......... . ........................................ Capitol 600
Moose Lake.. ..Solomon's 286 Walker .... 77 Camden .. ....... ..... ... John A. B. Jones 529 Jackson ............................................. Forest Hill 613
Waseca .. ... Tuscan
Mora ... ....... .... ......... ........ Mora 223 ..Wayzata 205 Canton .. ....... Canton 28 Jackson .......................... .Museum-Watt Carter 636
Morris.. ........ ..... Golden Sheaf 133 Wayzata ... Carson.. . .. Mount Carmel 453 Jackson .................................... James A. Myers 619
Wheaton .. ..... Traverse 189
Mound .. ........ .. ... ... ..Mound 320 .. Garnet 166 Carriere..... . ........ ............... Carriere 445 Jackson ....................................... Leavell Wood 620
N ashwauk .. ..... N ashwauk 331 White Bear Lake .. Carrollton. . ... .. Carrollton 36 Jackson ......................... MS Lodge ofResearch 640
98 Willmar ... .. Sharon 104
New illm .. .. ..... Charity .... Prudence 97 Carthage .......................................... Pearl River 105 Jayess .. ....................................... Jayess 501
Northfield ... ........ ... .. .... ..Social 48 Windom .. . Chunky ............................ .. .................... Mellen 138 Kilmichael... ..... Big Black 608
Winona .. ..... Winona 18
Olivia... ........ ... ..... ......... ...... Olivia 220 ........ Sibley 209 Clarksdale ............................... . ....... Clarksdale 286 Kirkville ....... ..... Kirkville 517
Osseo .............. .... Northeast-Winslow Lewis 125 Winthrop .... Cleveland .................................. . ...... Cleveland 470 Kosciusko ........ Trinity 88
Worthington . .. Fraternity 101
Owatonna .. ..Star in the East 33 Clinton ... .... ... ............................. Mt. Salus 595 Lake .................... .......................... Geo. D. Riley 605
Park Rapids ... ... ... Shell 184 Coldwater .... .................. ........... Coldwater 409 Laurel ... .. ................... ...... ......... ....... ........ Laurel 414
Columbia .. ...................... St. Albans 60 Laurel .... . ............................... J. H. Wooten, Sr. 503
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF MINNESOTA. In addition to the Grand Columbia.. ..... Carley 562 Laurel.. ... .. .................... . ............ Clyde Howard 525
Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book the Grand Lodge of Minnesota recognizes the following: Columbus ... .... Columbus 5 Leakesville ...................................... Leakesville 420
Africa: Mauritius; Andorra; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Congo; Croatia; Cyprus; Guinéenne; Malta; Mexico: Corinth ...... ................ ...... .......... ...... Corinth 116 Lena.. ........ ....... .............. ........ . ............... Lena 493
Guanajuato, Guerrero, Lazzaro Carenza, Morelos; Macedonia; Michoacan; Montenegro; Niger; San_Marino; Corinth ................... ....... .................. Crossroads 637 Lexington ...... .... . ............................... Lexington 24
Prince Hall Grand Lodges ofConnecticut, Minnesota, N orth Carolina, Oregon and Wisconsin . Crystal Springs ... .. ... ............... Crystal Springs 452 Liberty ... ........... ........ ... .............. Liberty 37
The Grand Lodge of Minnesota does not maintain fraternal relations with: Armenia; Benin; Brazil: Decatur ............................. . .............. Evergreen 57 Little Rock .. ..Little Rock 573
Amapa, Brasilia; Colombia: Oriental, Cucuta; Estonia; Haiti; Latvia; Lithuania; Mexico: Baba California Dennis .. ...................... ... .............. Bay Springs 167 Long Beach... ........ Southem Star 500
Sur, Campeche, Chiapas, Cosmos, Del Pacifico , Unida Mexicana; Poland and Slovenia (formerly Dentville ...................................... . .. .Pine Bluff 428 Louisville .. .............. Louisville 75
Yugoslavia). D'Lo .. . ............................................... D'Lo 230 Louisville ... ..... ..... .. ... .. Winstonville 277
Drew ...................................................... .... Drew 459 Louisville.. . ............................... Betheden 205
Ellisville ............ .. ................................ Ellisville 161 Lucedale ...... ....... ...................... .... R. P. Bowen 430
Enon.. ... ......... Pine 383 Lumberton ..... .... ... . ........................ Lumberton 417
Enterprise ........................................ Enterprise 585 Madison .................................................... Circle 638
Ethel ............................................. Carnot Posey 378 Magee ................................................... Oak Hill 553
Etta .......... .. ...... .................... ........ .. Rocky Ford 185 Magnolia .......................................... .... Sincerity 214
Eupora .. ........Eupora 423 Mantachie ....................................... Center Star 322
68 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 69
Lodges, 94 Annual Communicatio n June 25, 26, and 27, 2015 Members, 5,598 Lodges,136 Annual Meeting in February Members, 11,013
Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
DONALD S. CEROVSKI REID L. GARDINER 301 N. Cotner Blvd. Lincoln 68505-2315 301 N. Cotner Blvd. Lincoln 68505-2315
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Phone: Office 402-475-4640 FAX: 402-475-4736
P. O. Box 662 Belgrade 59714-0662 425 N. Park
Phone: 406-570-9510 P.O. Box 1158 Helena 59624-1158 Permits Dual Membership
E-mail: [email protected] Phones: Office 406-442-7774 Cell: 406-410-1543
FAX: 406-442-1321
E -mail: [email protected] LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Home page:
Ainsworth. . ............................... Silver Cord 224 Lincoln .. . ..... ....... .......... ........ ......... Liberty 300
Permits dual membership with other Grand Jurisdictions which also permit it and multiple within the State. Albion .. ............ ........................... Albion 78 Lincoln .. ' .......... Lincoln 19
Alliance ................ .... .. .. ................ ....... .Alliance 183 Lincoln .. ..... .............. ......... ..North Star 227
NAME AND NO. Arapahoe. . ..... ....................... Monument 293 Lincoln ........ .................................. Tabula Rasa 332
LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATION Arlington .................................. . ............. Hiram 52 Long Pine .. .................. .......... Long Pine 136
Aurora ..................................................... Aurora 68 Loup City .. .......... ...... ................ ....... Porter 106
Anaconda.. ................................ Acacia 33 Hinsdale.. ..... Kyle 96 Bartley ................ .................. . .... ........... Bartley 228 McCook .. ........................... ... McCook 135
Augusta .. ....... ......... Augusta 54 Hobson .. ............. ........ Judith 86 Beatrice .................. ... .................... ...... .Beatrice 26 Milford .... .................... Blue River 30
... Sandstone
...... ........ .Bannack Historie 3-7-77
~!r.~~rings . . .. . . : :: ::::~~t iPa~b;~ 153
Bellevue ............................................... Bellevue 325
Benkelman ..................................... ........ Justice 180
Mitchell ................................................ Mitchell 263
Nebraska City .............................. Western Star 2
Belgrade . . ....... Belgrade 68 J ordan .. ...... ................. .......... J ordan 148 Blair .. ..... ....................... ........ Washington 21 Newman Grave ......................... Newman Grove 305
Big Fork .................................. ...... ... Big Fork 150 Kalispell.. . ..................... Kalispell 42 Bridgeport.. . ....................... ..Camp Clarke 285 Norfolk ................. ............. .............. ........ Mosaic 55
Big Sandy .. ..... Treasure 95 Kalispell.. ........................... Trinity 152 Broken Bow .. ........ Custer 148 North Bend ................. ..... ............... North Bend 119
Big Timber ............................................. Doric 53 Lavina .. . ........ .. Lavina-Temple 101 Brownville ... .............. .. Nemaha Valley 4 North Platte ................................. Platte Valley 32
Billings .......... ............... . ...... ....... ....... Ashlar 29 Laurel ................... .......... ..... Corinthian 72 Bunvell...... .... .......... ..... Blazing Star 200 Oakland ............................................... Oakland 91
Billings . .... .................. ..... .... Billings 113 Lewistown .. ....... Friendship 37 Cairo.......... ....... .. Cairo 324 Ogallala.... .................... ...Ogalalla 159
Billings .. ... ............... ....... ..... Rimrock 149 Libby .. ...... Libby 85 Callaway ..... ..................... ........ ..... Parian 207 Omaha ......... ......... .... .................Albert Pike 333
Boulder .... ..... ......... ....... Boulder-Basin 41 Lincoln .. ... Lincoln 157 Central City ......... ... . .......... ........ ...... Lone Tree 36 Omaha (South Side) ............ ... ........ Bee Hive 184
Bozeman ..... ............ ................. Gallatin 6 Livingston .................................... Livingston 32 Ceresco .................................................... Comet 229 Omaha.. . ... ................ .. ......... ........ Capitol 3
Bozeman ... ..... Bozeman 18 Malta ........... ................. ...... Malta 57 Chadron ................. ............. .......... .... Samaritan 158 Omaha .. ............................ Centennial 326
~~~~~S. ::::.:::~~Je~ ~~!~~ 1g~
Manhattan .. . ............................ Manhattan Chapmao ............ ......................... ..... Friendship 239 Omaha. ....... .............................. Covert 11
::' : ::::: ... : Marysville ... .................. ...... Ottawa 51 Chappell ..................................... Golden Fleece 205 Omaha ................................................. Florence 281
Butte . ..... Butte 22 Miles City ..... ..................... Yellowstone 26 Clarks .. . .......... .Solar 134 Omaha ............................... George W. Lininger 268
Butte .... ..... Mt. Moriah 24 Missoula .. ..... ..................... Missoula 13 Columbus ............................................. Lebanon 323 Omaha (Benson) ....... ....... ......... John J. Mercer 290
Cascade ............................ .,.. ..Meridan 105 Missoula .. ............................ Sentinel 155 Cortlaod ....... .. .. ...... ................. ... Highland 194 Omaha ........ ............. .......... ................ .... Miloma 328
Chinook. .................. ........ .................. Chinook 50 Mullan Pass ..... Mullan Pass Historie Lodge 1862 Craig .................................. George Armstrong 241 Omaha ..................... .... ......................... Mizpah 302
Choteau. ... Choteau 44 Philipsburg.. ...... ........ ...... Flint Creek 11 Crete .. .......... Crete 37 Omaha ....................................... ..... .... Nebraska 1
Circle....... ........ .... Circle 136 Plains .. . ......................... Ponemah 63 Davenport.. ............ Lily 154 Omaha ..................................................... Omaha 288
Columbia Falls ............... . ..... Columbia Falls 89 Polson.. ............. Mission Valley 78 David City .. ..... Fidelity 51 Omaha ............................... .St. John Education 331
Columbus ................ ....................... Stillwater 62 Pony .................... .............. Mt. Jefferson 56 Elkhorn... ........... .... Renaissance 334 Omaha ............... .. ................................... Shiloh 327
Conrad ....... ............................ .......... Pondera 80 Rapelje . ...... .. .Rapelje 122 Elkhorn .. . ................. ................. Waterloo 102 O'Neill ................................................... Garfield 95
Cut Bank. . . .................. .............. Cut Bank 82 Red Lodge . ..Star in the West 40 Emerson . .............. ............... ... Magnolia 220 Orchard ....... ........... ........ .................. Diamond 291
Deer Lodge .. ............. ...... . ............. ... .... Deer 14 Roundup.. .. ...:t ... :.:-:.Unity 71 Fairbury ...... ........ ........................... Fairbury 35 Osceola .................... ...................... ........ Osceola 65
Denton...... .................... ..... Western Star 104 Scobey . ..... Scobey 109 Falls City .. . ... ................. ....... Falls City 9 Oshkosh .. ..................... Oshkosh 286
Dillon .................................................... Dillon 16 Shelby ................ ... .... Shelby 143 Fort Calhoun ........................................ Solomon 10 Palmyra .. ... ....... Union 287
Drummond ...... ...... ........ Ruby 36 Sheridan .. ..Sheridan 20 Fraoklin ............................................ ... Franklin 264 Papillion ............ .... Papillion 39
~~~~=~~~ine ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.::::::::::::::~~~-~-~-§:~~~~~~~ü:
Ekalaka .. ........ .Ekalaka 120 90 Fremont ............... .. ............................ .Fremont 15 Pawnee City .. .... Pawnee 23
Ennis .... .......... Montana 2 28 Friend ....... . ........ .............. ........... ..... ... ... .Friend 73 Peru.. ....... .Peru 14
Eureka............. .... Eureka 93 Superior ...................... . ................ Mountain 110 Fullerton ........................................ Cedar River 89 Phillips .... .. .......................................... Keystone 62
Fort Benton .. ....... Benton 25 Terry.. . . ....·............................... Terry 74 Geneva ............ .............. ...... ................... Geneva 79 Plainview ........................................... Plainview 204
Forsyth .. ...... ..... Hiram 52 Thompson Falls .. ...... ......... Thompson Falls 70 Gering .................. ....... ............... .... Scotts Bluff 201 Plattsmouth ................................... Plattsmouth 6
Geraldine .. ... Pilgrim 102 Three Forks . .................... Three Forks 73 Gordon.. ....... Arcana 195 Red Cloud ......................................... ... .. Charity 53
Glasgow ... ...... North Star 46 Townsend ......... . ............................... Valley 21 Graod lsland . ........ Ashlar 33 Saint Paul ......................................... Saint Paul 82
Glendive ........................................ ... Glendive 31 Twin Bridges.. ..................... West Gate 27 Guide Rock.... . ........... ............. Guide Rock 128 Schuyler .. .. .................... . ........................ Acacia 34
Grass Range ....... ......... ............. Captain Scott 98 Victor .. ...... ............ .......... Victor 43 Harvard.. .......... Harvard 44 Scottsbluff ............................ Robert W. Furnas 265
Great Falls .. ...................................... Cascade 34 Virginia City .. ............ Virginia City 1 Hastings .. . .... .Hastings 50 Scribner ................ ... ........ ................ ..... Scribner 132
Great Falls ............................................ Delta 128 Whitefish .. ................... .. .. Whitefish 64 Hastings.. ... Mid-West 317 Seward.. ......... Oliver 38
Great Falls... ........................... . ..... Euclid 58 Whitehall ..................... Mystic Tie-Riverside 17 Hebron ................................................... Hebron 43 Sidney .................... .............. ......... Frank Welch 75
Hamilton .. . . ........................ ............... .Ionic 38 White Su!. Springs .. ................ Diamond City 7 Hermao ............................................. Landmark 222 South Sioux City. . ......... Omadi 5
Hardin ......... . ................... .. Saints John 92 Wilsall . . ....... Park 140 Holdrege. .............................................. Jachin 146 Springfield .. .......... ............... Springfield 112
Harlowton .. .......... .............. Musselshell 69 Wisdom ... ..Wisdom 61 Hooper ................ ....... ................. ........ ... Hooper 72 Stanton ..................................... Northem Light 41
Havre.... ......... Havre 55 Wolf Point .. . .............. ....... ........... Loyalty 121 Hyannis ............... ........... ......... ... . ....... ..... Zion 234 Stratton ......... ............ ....... ............ Robert Btirns 173
Helena ... ....... .. Helena 3 Worden ... .................... Huntley Project 144 Imperial .. ......... Purity 198 Stromsburg ................................. .... Stromsburg 126
Helena.. ..Morning Star 5 Kearney .. ....... ..... ............. Rob Morris 46 Superior ..................... ...... ............... ..... Superior 121
Kimball.. ........... James L. Eatmon 294 Syracuse ................................. Mount Moriah 57
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF MONTANA. In addition to the Grand Laurel.. ..........Laurel 248 Tekamah ............................................. Tekamah 31
Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book, the Grand Lodge of Montana recognizes the following: Lexington .. ........ .. Thistle 61 Thedford ......................................... .. ..Sen e ca 284
Prince Hall Grand Lodges F&AM of Alaska, Oregon, Idaho & Montana, and Washington. Prince Hall Graod Lincoln .. ...... Bennett 94 Utica ... ................................. Utica 96
Lodges of Colorado (and jurisdiction), and Pennyslvannia. The Grand Lodges of Azerbaijan, Bosnia Herze- Lincoln .... ............. .......... ....College View 320 Valentine ..................................... Minnekadusa 192
govina, Croa tia, Macedonia, Moldava, San Marino, and Ukraine and the Regular Grand Lodge of Tahiti & LineoIn ........................... ......................... Cotner 297 Valley ...... .......... ........................... .......... .Victory 310
Archipelagos .. Lincoln ............... ................. ............. Craftsmen 314 Wahoo ..................................................... Wahoo 59
We do not maintain fraternal relations with the following: Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Lincoln ....... ........................ ... East Lincoln 210 Wakefield ......................................... Corinthian 83
Togolaise; Brazil: Amazonas, Maranhao; China; Columbia: Los Andes; Haiti; Mexico: Chiapas, El Potosi, Lincoln ............................... George Washington 250 Wallace .................................................. Wallace 279
Valle de Mexico; Modova; Romania; Russia; San Marino. LineoIn .............................................. Hickman 256 Walthill ...... .................. ... .............. Olive Branch 274
Montana has withdrawn recognition of the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria. Lincoln ......................................... ...... Lancaster 54 Wausa ......... ............... ......... ................... .Wausa 251
76 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 77
1786 NEW JERSEY 2015 1877 NEW MEXICO 2015
F.&A. M. A. F. &A. M.
Lodges, 117 Annual Meeting in April Members, 21,725 Founded August 7, 1877
GERALD J. SHARPE WILLIAM L. MORRIS, JR., P.G.M. Lodges,56 Annual Meeting Third Friday in March
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Meinbers, 4,561
100 Barrack St. Trenton 08608-2008 100 Barrack St. Trenton 08608-2008 (7-30-14)
E -mail: [email protected] Phone: Office 609-239-3950 JEFFERSON H. JORDAN, JR. DANIEL H. SUTCLIFFE
E-mail: [email protected] Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Permits dual membership 9302 Night Sky Ln. Albuquerque·87122-1257 Mailing Address: PO Box 25004
Phone: 505-823-1229 Albuquerque 87125-0004
E-mail: [email protected] 1638 University Blvd. NE,
FAX 505-242-8723
Absecon ................... :............................. Atlantic 221 Medford .. ..... Medford 178 E-mail: [email protected]
Andover Twp. ......... ........................... Harmony 8 Merchantville .............................. Merchantville 119 Plural membership is permitted.
Atlantic Highlands ........ .......... ........Monmouth 172 Metuchen.. .. ............................. Mount Zion 135 Does not ~ecognize the Grand Representa ti ve System.
Audubon ..... ............ Audubon-Parkside 218 Milltown .. .... Milltown 294
Barnegat .. ............. .................. ..Mariners 150 Millville .............................................. Shekinah 58
Bayonne ... .......... ...... Peninsula 99 Montgomery Twp. .... ................ Palestine 111 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION
Belvidere ............................................... Warren 13 Montgomery Twp. ..... ... Princeton 38 NAME AND NO.
Bernardsville.. ........ ...... .... Congdon Overlook 163 Morristown ....................................... Cincinnati 3
Alamogordo ..................... ... ............. Sacramento 24
B1airstown ........................................ Blairstown
Bogota ............ ...... William F. Burk
Mount Holly .. ....... ........... ...... .... Mount Holly 14
Mountain Lakes ................................ St. John's 1 Albuquerque ........................................... Temple 6
Hillsboro ................................... ...... ...... Kingston
Hobbs ...................................... .................. Hobbs
Albuquerque ............................................ Hiram 13 ~
Bordentown.. ........................ Mount Moriah 28 North Brunswick ..................................... Union 19 Hurley ...................................................... Hurley M
Branchville .. .... Kittatinny 164 Nutley .. .............................................. Nutley 25 Albuquerque .................................. Aibuquerque 60 Las Cruces .......................... . ...................... Aztec
Albuquerque ................. ................ ... ........... Mesa 68 3
~~38~~~~·::·· ·::::::::::::::::::::::::i\1:;;~~~~::c~~~
2 Ocean City ...................................... Ocean City 171 Las Vegas .............................. .............. Chapman 2
42 Palmyra .............................................. Covenant 161 Albuquerque .................... .. .... Sandia Mountain 72 Los Alamos ............................................. Pajarito
Albuquerque ................................. .. Zia Daylight 77 ~
Burlington ........................................ Burlington 32 Park Ridge .. ..... ....... .. Fulton Friendship 102 Lovington ............................................ Lovington ~
Butler .. . ........ ...... ..................... Silentia 168 Pemberton ...................... .Pemberton-Pyramid 92 Albuquerque ......................................... Research
Caldwell. . . ....................................... Essex 7 Pennington ................................ Trenton-Cyrus 5 Arenas Valley ................... . ............... Santa Rita «
Melrose ............. .......... .... ........... ..... ........ Melrose u
Mesilla ........ .. ........................ ..... ............ Jornada m
Cape May ....................................... Cape Island 30 Pennington. . ................... Horizon Daylight 299 Artesia ..................................................... Artesia u Mesilla ................................. Dona Ana Daylight ~
Carney's Point ... .......... .Penns Grove-Excelsior 54 Phillipsburg ................................... Phillipsburg 52 Aztec .............................. Four Corners Daylight
Aztec .................................................... San Juan
w Mimbres ................................................ Mimbres 10
Carteret ......... ..Theodore Roosevelt 219 Pitman ........ . ....................................... Pitman 197 ~ Portales .................................................. Portales u
Cedarville ... :................................. Evening Star 97 Plainfield .. ..Jerusalem 26 Belen ................................. .. ...... ........ Bethlebem ~ Raton ................................................... Gate City
Cherry Hill.... ....................... .. ........... Mozart 121 Point Pleasant Beach .. .......... Durand 179 Carlsbad ..................................................... Eddy 11
21 Rio Rancho ................ ... ............. ...... ..... Sandoval ~
Cherry Hi)l.. ..................... USS New Jersey 62 Pompton Lakes ..................................... Genesis 88 Carrizozo ............................................ Carrizozo
Chester .................................. Colonial-Prospect 24 Rahway .. ........................ LaFayette 27 Cimarron ............................ . .............. Cimarron
Roswell ................................... ................ Roswell w
Clarksboro .. ............................. Clarksboro 87 Ramsey .......................... .Hawthorne-Fortitude 200 Clovis .......................................... . .. ... ........ Clovis ~
Ruidoso ................................................... Ruidoso
Santa Fe ........................................ .. Montezuma
Clifton .. ...... Clifton 203 Ramsey .... ... . ......................... Wyckoff 287 Cuba ........................................................ Cbama u Santa Fe ................................................ Cerrillos w
Collingswood ..................... Collingswood-Cloud
Cranford .. ............................. AzureMasada
Red Bank.. .... Navesink
Ridgefield ................................................ Mosaic 194
9 Deming ... ............................................... Deming
Edgewood ........................................... Edgewood
n Santa Rosa .............................................. Liberty M
~ Sil ver City ......................................... Silver City
Dover ...................................................... Acacia 20 Ridgewood ................... .......................... Fidelity 113 Espaoola ........................................ ... ........ Valley 8
H Socorro ........... .. ..... :................ ................. Socorro 9
East Orange ........ .. ................................... Alpha 116 Riverside ............................. Beverly-Riverside 107 Estancia ........................................... ..... Estancia ~ Taos ............................... .............................. Bent
Egg Harbor City ... ... Hiram T. Dewey 226 Rutherford .................................. Boiling Spring 152 Eunice ..................................................... Eunice ü
~ Timberon ...... ................. Mountain Top Daylight
Egg Harbor Twp ..................................... Trinity 79 Rutherford .... ..... ....... Eclipse 259 Farmington ............... ..................... .... ..... Animas ~
~ Truth or Consequences ........................ Bethesda
Elmer .. .......................... Elmer 160 Rutherford ................................ Lessing-Passaic 67 Fort Sumner ........................... Mount Moriah ~
Freehold .. ........... Olive Branch 16 Secaucus ... Blue Stone-Mystiq Ti e, Malta Doric 35 Tucumcari ..... .. ................................... Tucumcari TI
Gallup ................ ... ................................ Lebanon D Tularosa ....................... ........... .. ........... Tularosa
Frenchtown .............................................. Darcy 37 Secaucus ............................... .Secau~us Hudson 72 Graots ..................... . ............................. Malpais ü
71 Wagon Mound ............................................ Union 4
Haddonfield .. ..... .............. ..... Lazarus 303 Secaucus ................................... .Sons of Liberty 301 Hagerman .......... ... ...................................... Felix ~
Haddonfield .. ............................ Rising S un 15 Ship Bottom .. . . ........................ Sextant 286
Hamilton Square ....... ..... ....... Gothic-Fraternal 270 Somerville ................................... Raritan Valley 46 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF NEW MEXICO. The Grand Lodge of New
Hammonton.. .. ..................... M. B. Taylor 141 South Amboy .............................. St. Stephen's 63 Mexico recognizes the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New Mexico and al! Prince Hall Grand
Hasbrouck Heights ................................ Euclid 136 South River .. · · """ ..................... Philo 243 Lodges recognized by the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge ofNew Mexico.
High Bridge..... .................................... Host 6 South Seaville............... . ....... Cannon 104
Highland Park ................. ......... Highland Park 240 Spring Lake Heights ................................ Ocean 89
Hightstown .. .................... Hightstown-Apollo 41 Stockton.. ........... .... .................... Orpheus 137
Jersey City ....................................... Enterprise 31 Tenafly ....................... ... Aipine-Tilden-Tenakill 77
Jersey City.. .... Plaridel 302 Toms River .......................................... Harmony 18
Kearny .................................... Copestone-Ophir 108 Toms River ... ...... ........ ... ............. ... ......... Sunrise 288
Keyport ............ ................................. Caesarea 64 Tren ton .................................................... Mercer 50
Lambertville.. ................ Amwell 12 Tuckahoe ................................................... .Star 65
Laurel Springs ........................................ Laurel 237 Tuckerton.. ............................ Tuckerton 4
Linwood .. .............................. Keystone-Belcher 153 Union .................. . ................................. Loyalty 33
Linwood .. ........ ...................................... Justice 285 Vincentown ............................................ Central 44
Little Falls ...................................... Little Falls 263 Vineland ......... ...... ....... ......................... Vineland 69
Livingston ... .............................. Livingston 11 Washington ........................................ Mansfield 36
Lyndhurst.. ....... Adoniram so Wayne ....................................... .Mountain View 154
Madi son ................................................ Madison 93 Westfield ..................... ....... ... .Atlas Pytbagoras 10
Mantua ...... ........ ................................... Mantua 95 Westwood ................................................ Temple 173
Maple Shade ... .... Maple Shade-Moorestown 281 Williamstown ............................... Williamstown 166
Matawan ............................................. Matawan 192 Woodstown... . ... .Woodstown 138
Mays Landing ........................................... Unity 96
Jersey does not recognize: Brazil: Amapa, Grande Oriente, Sergipe, Tocantins; Bulgaria; Colombia: Los
Andes; Croatia; El Salvador; Madagascar; Mexico: Baja California, Benito Juarez, Campeche, Chiapas, Del
Pacifico, El Potosi, Guadalupe Victoria, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Oriental Peninsular (Yucatan), Unida Mexicana;
Morocco; Poland; Grande Loge Nationale Francaise (GLNF).
~ :ce: ~ --
78 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 79
Lodges, 513 Anmial Meeti ng in May Members, 41,259 Dongan Patent, 1134 .. ...... Smithtown Heritage, 371 ......... ....... . ...... New York
Ten Lodges in Lebanon (201 5-New York City) Dover, 666 ...... ... .............. . .... Dover Plains Herschel-Argyle, 508 .. ...... Hartford
Drumlin Square, ll80 .. ........... ..Palmyra Hesperus, 837 .. .. . .......... Bergen
WILLIAM J. THOMAS PAUL M. ROSEN Dryden, 4 72 ... . . ...... .Dryden High Falls, 428 .. . . ...... Colton
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Dundee, 123 .... .. .................... . ..... Dundee Hillsdale, 480 .. ... Millerton
Masonic Hall, 17th Floor Masonic Hall, 17th Flr. Dunkirk-Irondequoit, 301.. ..... Fredonia Hiram, 105 . ...... Amherst
71 West 23rd St. New York 10010-4149 71 W. 23rd St. New York 10010-4149 Dunwoodie, 863 ... ..Tuckahoe Hiram, 144.. ........................... Fulton
Bus.: 212-337-6643 Bus.: 212-337-6644 Eagle, 619 .. ...................... Honeoye Hobasco, 716 .. ... .lthaca
Cell: 407-927-8400 Cell: 914-393-8466 Eastern Light, 126 .............. ... ............ .. ........ Greene Hoffman, 412. ......... Middletown
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Eggertsville-Grand Island, 1138 ................ Amherst Holland, 8.. ............ New York
Elmira, 95 .. ........ ............. ..... .... .................. .Elmira Homer, 352 ...... ..................... ............. .... Homer
Permits Plural Membership Enchanted Mountains, 252.. . .................... ... Olean Horseheads Old Oak, 364.. ........ .Horseheads
ERAC, 163 ..... ......................... ..................... Webster Hudson River, 309 .. ...... ....... New Windsor
NAMEANDNO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATION Erie Parish United, 161.. .... Cheektowaga Hudson Widow's Son, 7 .. ..... Livingston
Eunice, 830 ........ ..... .. .... . ... Caledonia Huguenot, 381... . .... Tottenville
Evening Star, 44 ........ ... .............. Hornell Huguenot, 46 .. . ....... Tuckahoe
Abravenel, 1116 . ...... ....... ......... New York Brazilian, 1182 ..... ..... ................. ... ............ New York Evening Star, 75 . ...Latham Humanitas, 1123 ... ..... ... New York
Addison Union, 118 .. ........... ...... ................ .. Addison Briarcliff, 1155 ... .. ....... .............. ........... .... Tarrytown Excelsior, 1177 ... ................ .. ... ...... Brooklyn Humanity, 406.. ..... Lyons
Adirondack, 602 ...... .............. ...... .. Elizabethtown Britannia, 1166 ... ....... .............. .... ............. New York Fairport-Flower City, 476.. . ... .... Fairport IMA, 917............... .... ............ ........ ..New York
Adonai, 718 .. .. ....... ............. Highland Brotherhood, 1041 .................................... New York Fallsburg, 1122 . .................................. .... Liberty Independent Royal Arch, 2 ....................... New York
Advance lsland City Mizpah, 586 .. Long lsland City Brownville, 53 ............................. ......... Brownville Fame, 722 . ..... Webster Infinity Lodge ofResearch & Study... ......... Utica
Akron, 527 .. ...............Akron Bunting-Charity, 727 ... .... ....... New York Farmers, 553... ............... .. . ................... Edmeston Inspiration, 109 .. . ................ Webster
Alba, 891 ......... .... ........................... .... ....... New York Callimachus, 369 . . ..... . ... ........ Phoenix Farmerville-Union, 183 ... .......... ............. .Interlaken Iroquois, 715 ....... ......... . . ....................... Essex
Alcyone, 695 .............. ............ ... .. ... . ... ....... Northport Cambridge Valley, 481. ... ..... Cambridge Fayetteville Central City, 305 .. ...... Fayetteville James M. Austin, 557 .............. ..... ........... Greenville
Alexandria, 297 ....... ............... ... ....... Alexandria Bay Canandaigua, 294 .... ...Shortsville Fellowship, 1175 .. ............ Cheektowaga James W. Husted-Fiat Lux, 1068 ............ New York
Al! Seeing Eye, 1181 ................... .. ... ......... New York Canaseraga, 781 ..... ..... ................ .. ..... Canaseraga Fidelity, 51... ..... ................. . .................... .lthaca Jephtha, 494.. ................. ......... Huntington
Allemania, 740 .... ... .................... ............. Whitestone Candor, 411.. ....... ... ...... ......... Candor Fish House, 298... .. .. ...... ............... Nor1¡hville Jerusalem Temple, 721 .. ........ Middletown
Alliance, 1097. ............................. Oriskany Falls Caroline, 681 ........... ............ . ...... Slaterville Springs Floral Park, 1016 .. ..... ... New Hyde Park John Hodge, 815 .. ............... Naples
Allied, 1170 ....... .. ...................................... New York Carpenter-Emanuel, 588 ............. ........ ..... New York Forest, 166 ....... .............. ... ............ Fredonia John Jay, 653 .. . ..... ... .... White Plains
Amber, 395 ... ...... .............. ... ...... ......... Parishville Carral!, 1147 .............. ........................ .... .. Frewsburg Fort Brewerton, 256. ..Central Square Johnson City Unity, 970 .. ... Johnson City
Amboy-Republican; 650.. ...... ....... .... Pulaski Cassia, 445 .......... ...... . ... ............ ........... .... New York Fort Plain, 433 ... ............... ... .. ...... .. ......... Fort Plain Jordan, 386. ............ ... Jordan
America, 284.... ....... Whitestone Cataract, 295 ...... ...... .................. ......... ... Middleport Fortune, 788........... .................. ..North Collins Jose Rizal, 1172 ... ........ New York
American Lodge ofResearch, The .. . ....... New York Cato, 141.. ........................... .... . ......... Cato France-La Clemente-Amitie- Joseph Warren-Gothic, 934.. ... New York
Arnherst, 981 ... .. .. ............................ .... Williamsville Catsk.ill, 468 .. .............. Catskill Cosmopolite, 410 ....... .................. New York Joshua, 890 .. ..... New York
Amicable, 664 .............. ................. Utica Cautious, 726...... ........ .. .. ... Georgetown Francis Lewis, 273. . .............. Whitestone Justice, 753 .............._........................... ...... New York
Amity, 323 .................. ... ...... NewYork Cayuga, 221....... . ... ..... ..... ..... Scipio Center Franklin, 90 .... .. ... ............. ... ........... Ballston Spa Justice Robert H. Jackson Lodge of
Amityville, 977 ..... ........ ...... ........... Amityville Cazenovia, 616 .. .... .. .. . . ....... Cazenovia Franklin, 195 . ............... ..New York Study and Research, The ..... ... ........... J amestown
Amos-Fort Greene, 922 .. · ..... .......... ...... Br ooklyn Central Square, 622 .. .... .. ..... . .. Central Square Franklin, 447 . ................ New York Kane, 454 .... ... .. ............... New York
Amsterdam, 84 . .... .................. ... ... ......... Amsterdam Charles W. Cushman, 879.. ... ... .... .Cheektowaga Fraternal, 155 .. .............. West Chazy Kedemah, 693...... .... Cairo
Anatolia, 1183 .. .... ........................ ............. New York Charlotteville, 73 .. . ........... N ewfane Fraternity-Dunderberg, 942 .. ................... Peekskill Kennyetto, 599 .. ................... Broadalbin
Anchor-Astoria, 729 .................... ........ College Point Chaumont, 172 . ...... Chaumont Friendship, 153 .. ..Owego Ken-Ton, 1186 ..... . ................ Kenmore
Ancient Landmarks, 358 .............................. Amherst Chemung Valley-Waverly, 350 .. . .............. Chemung Frontier, 517 .. . ........... Chateaugay King Hiram, 784 ........................................ .Newfield
Ancient Temple, 14 ............ .. .... ................ ..... Albany Cherry Creek, 384 ... .......... .....Cherry Creek Garibaldi, 542. .. ..... .... .. .... . ....... New York King Solomon-Beethoven, 232 .. ... .......... New York
Andover, 558 ...... ...... ......... . .... ......... ........ ..... Almond Cherry Valley, 334 ..... ............... ..... {. . Cherry Val!ey Garoga-Sincerety, 200 ...... ... ............... .. Phelps Kings County, 511 ... ............. Brooklyn
Anglo-Saxon, 137 .................. ... ...... Rockville Centre Clinton, 140 ........ ..... ........ ........... .....,... :, .. Waterford Gasport, 787 .. ................. Gasport Kingston, 10 . . ............. Kingston
Antiquity, Lodge of, 11 ........... ... ...... ........ Brentwood Clinton F. Paige-Berean, 620 .. .. . .... .:......... Otto Geneseo, 214 .... ...................... .... .. .... Mount Morris Kisco, 708.. . ....... Mount Kisco
Apollo-King Solomon's, 13 ........ ..... .................. .. Troy Clinton-Hampton, 347 ...................... Westmoreland Genesis, 201. ........... Brooklyn Knickerbocker, 182 .. ........... New York
Arcade, 419 .. ............................................Arcade Clio, 779 .................... ................... .. . ............... Hilton Geneva, 965......................... . ... Geneva Konosioni, 950 ... ..... Fayetteville
Arcana, 246 ... ........................ ... ... ............ New York Cobleskill, 394 ................... ~ . .................... Coblesk.ill George Washington, 285 .. ..... New York Kosciuszko, 1085.. ......... New York
Archimede-Roma, 854 ........ .... ........... Baldwin Collabergh-Radium, 859 ....... : .':."?.~.......... Nelsonville Gilboa, 630 .... .... . . .. ... Gilboa La Fraternidad, 387. ......... New York
Ark, 33 .. ........ ..... Geneva Columbia, 98... ............ ............ .... Chatham Glen Cove, 580 .... ... .......... .......... .............. Glen Head La Guardia, 1130 .. ... Tottenville
Ashlar, 584.. .. .... ... ..... . ........ Greenwich Columbian, 484 ......... .- ............... ...............New York Goldenrule Clermont McKinley, 486.. ..New York Lake City, 127 . ... ............ Oswego
Athelstane, 839 . ..Pearl River Columbus-Da Vinci-Galilei, 872 ...... ........ New York Goshen, 365 ..... .. . ......... ...................... Goshen Lake Placid, 834 . . ........ Lake Placid
Attica, 462 ............. .................. . .. ...............Attica Compact, 402 ...... ........... .......... New York Gouverneur, 217 ............. . ................ Gouverneur Lamoka, 463 . ................................... Tyrone
Auburn, 124 .............................. . ........... Auburn Composite, 819....... ....... New York Gramercy, 537 ................... . ................. New York Lansing, 774......... . . ............. Groton
Aurora Grata-Day Star, 647. ......... New York Connetquot, 838 .. . ........ ..... ......... Sayville Granville, 55 ... ................... . .. ................ Granville La Sincerite, 373....... .............. ... New York
Au Sable River, 149 ............... . ................. Keeseville Consolidated, 31. ..... New York Great Kills, 912 .. .............. Tottenville La Universal, 751. . ..... ................ New York
Avoca, 673 ...... .. ... . ... ............. .. ........ ............. ... .Avoca Constellation, 404 .. .... ......... ... .. Perry Great Val!ey, 1178. ..... ........ Great Valley Laurens, 548 .. . .. .. .. .. ............ Laurens
Avon Springs, 570 ................ ................. ...... ..... Avon Continental, 287 .. ...... New York Groton, 496 ... ............... ..... .... ................. Gro ton Lessing, 608 .. .. ............ Wbitestone
Babylon, 793 .. .... ................... .... ......... .. . ..... Babylon Copernicus, 545 .. . ..... Whitestone Guiding Light-Olympia, 808 ... ............ Baldwin Liberty, 521 .... . ................ Liberty
Bainbridge-Afton, 167 .......... ... .......... Bainbridge Cornerstone,178 .... .............. . ........ ........... NewYork Guiding Star-Angle, 565 . ...... City Island Liverpool Syracuse, 501. . ............ Liverpool
Balder-Greenpoint, 403 ............................ Brooklyn Cornerstone, 711 ................ . .............. ........... .Monroe Guttenberg, 737 ... . ................Albany Living Stone, 255 ... ................ Colden
Baron Steuben, 264 ... . ......... Lee Center Corning Painted Post, 168 . .......... ..... .......... Corning Hamilton, 120 .... .. .. ..... Hamilton Livingston Manor, 791... ... . ...Livingston Manor
Bay Ridge, 758. .......... ............ . ........ Brooklyn Cornucopia, 563 .. .... ...............Whitestone Hammond, 861. . ....... ........... ... Hammond Livonia, 778 . .... :........ Livonia
Beacon, 283 .... . ... .. .. ......... ..... .Pleasant Valley Cortlandville, 470. . ......... .... .Cortland Hancock, 552 .. ...Deposit Lowville, 134 . ......... Lowville
Beacon Light, 701 . ....... .Tottenville Courtlandt, 34 ....... ................ .................. Peekskill Hancock-Dirigo-Adelphi, 23 ..... ................ New York L'Union Francaise, 17 .. ...... New York
Belmont, 4 74 . ............ Belmont Crossroads, 520 .. ............. Solvay Hannibal, 550 . ................... Hannibal Lux Aeterna, 1184 .. .......... ... ......... New York
Berne, 684 ........................................................ Berne Croton, 368 .. . ... ... ...................... ........ Carmel Hanover, 152.. ......... . .... Forestville Lynbrook-Massapequa, 822 ........... Rockville Centre
Bethany, 821 ................................. . ....... Black River Cuba-Friendship, 306 ............ .................. Cuba Harlem Val!ey, 827 .. .......... Dover Plains Macedonia, 258 .................. . .. Bolivar
Bethlehem, 85 ... ... ........................ . .............. .Delmar Damascus, 867 ...... ..... .. ............ ....... .... New York Harmonie, 699 . ................ Amherst Maimonides-Marshall, 739 ...................... New York
Bethpage Hicksville, 975 ............. . ........... Hicksville Delaware, 561 ................. ............... ............ Cal!icoon Harmony, 199 .. .. .............. Pearl River Maine, 399.......... .. .... ..Maine
Beukendaal, 915 ... .... ... ........... ........ ........... .... .. Scotia Delhi, 439.. ......... ... .Delhi Harmony, 241 .. ..... ............. . ............. Whitestone Manahatta, 449. . .. ..New York
Big Flats, 378 .. . ............................ .......... Big Flats De Peyster, 573 ... . ...... De Peyster Harry S Truman, 1066 ... . ..... .................. New York Marathon, 438 . . .. Marathon
Binghamton, 177 ... .. ........... ...... Johnson City Deposit, 396 . .... ........... Deposit Hebron, 813.. ...................... City lsland Margaretville, 389 .. . ..... Margaretville
Black Lake, 319 ...... ..... Morristown De Ruyter, 692 . ... ...... .......... .......... De Ruyter Hel!enic-Plato, 1129 ......... . .... New York Mariners, 67 .. ........ New York
Blazing Star, 694 .. .... East Aurora Dexter, 1072 ........ ........................ ..... . ........ Dexter Hendrick Hudson, 875 ... .... Red Hook Marion, 926 . .............. Marion
Boonville-Uriel, 165.. ......... .Boonville Diamond Thistle, 555 ................ ... .... ... .. .. Tarrytown Herder, 698.. . .. .Whitestone Massena, 513 .... . ............ Massena
Brandeis, 1165 . . .... Floral Park Dolgeville, 796 ... ........ ............... ........ ... ..... Dolgeville
80 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 81
82 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 83
F.&A. M. A. F. &A. M.
Fo unded 1845
Annual Meeting Fourth Friday in September
Lodges, 72 Annual Meeting Second Friday in June Members , 5, 300 Members, 42,296
(Dec. 31, 2013)
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, T. WALTON CLAPP, lii
454 West 155th St. New York 10032 454 West 155th St. New York 10032 Grand Master,
1166 Bunch Dr. Statesville 28677-3261 Grand Secretary,
Phone: (212) 281-2211 Phone: (212) 281-2211 Fax: (212)-281-2117 E-mail: [email protected] 2921 Glenwood Ave. Raleigh 27608
Grand East Phone: 919-787-2021 FAX: 919-787-2279
E-mail: [email protected]
454 West 155th St.
New York, NY 10032 Plural membership permitted
(212) 281-2211
Does not Permit Dual or Plural Membership LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Aberdeen ... ...... .... ... .. ... ......... ...... Roman Eagle 550
Advance ... ............ .. .... ........... ... ... ........ Advance 710 Charlotte .. ......... .. .............. .. .............. .. ... Derita 715
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. Charlotte ............ ......................... Steele Creek 737 ...... ............................................ Davie 39
Albemarle ................ .............................. Stanly 348 Charlotte ........................................ West Gate 738
Albany ...... ................ ............................ Mt. Zion 46 New York .... . .................................. St. John's 29 Albemarle ............ ..... ........... ... ... ..... Albemarle 703 Charlotte .. ........................ Knights of Solomon 764
Albany .... .... ............ .... ............. ...... .Capital City 78 New York .................... .. .... ............ Cornerstone 37 Andrews .... .......... .. ..... ........... .............Andrews 529 Cherryville ....... ................ .. ........... Cherryville 505
Amityville ............................... David W. Parker 72 New York ......................... .. ............. Prince Hall 38 Angier ........ .. ............ .. ......................... ..Angier 686 China Grave ...................... ............... .... Eureka 283
Amityville ......................................... Hollywood 92 New York ............................ . .................... J oppa 55 Apex ........ ............... .. ................... Green Leve! 277 Clayton ................................................ Granite 191
Amityville ............. George Washington Carver 95 New York ............................. . .. Crispus Attucks 60 Apex ....... . .... .. .......... .. .... ......... .. ......... .. .. ... Apex 584 Clemmons ........................ ............... Ciemmons 755
Amityville ......................... ... .......... ... .St. Paul 111 New York ......... ...... ..................... ... ...... Samson 65 Arapahoe ....... ... ..... .. ............. .... ......... Rainbow 479 Cleveland ............ .... ......... .. ....... Scotch Ireland 154
Beacon . ..... ..... Hebron 48 New York.. .... Antioch 66 Ararat ........... .......................... ............... Ararat 558 Cliffside ................ .. ............................. Cliffside 460
Binghamton . ............. Chenango 39 New York ................................ Lewis Hayden 69 Arcadia .................................... .. ...... Enterprise 752 Clinton ................................................... Hiram
Brooklyn.. ....... . ...... Widow Sons' 11 New York.. . ........ Euclid 70 98
Archdale ...... .. ...................... . .. ......... Bush Hill 732 Clyde ...... .............. ................ ................ ... Clyde 453
Brooklyn.. .. ............ ...... Hiram 23 New York. . ....... ..Beacon Light 76 Asheboro .............. ...... ... ........ ... .... ..... Asheboro 699 Coinjock .. ... ......... ... ......... ... .... .......... Currituck
Brooklyn .. .. ............. .. .................... Carthaginian 47 New York.. ...Abercorn 86 463
Asheboro ........ . ................. . ....... ......... Balfour 188 Columbia ............ .. .............. .. .......... Providence 678
Brooklyn ................................................ Tuscan 58 New York........................ . ...Jephthah 89 Asheville ..... ........................... Mount Hermon 118 Columbus ..................................... Horse Creek 719
Brooklyn .. ..................................... African (459) 63 New York ........................................ .. .. Meridian 93 Asheville ... .. .......................... ...... ....... Biltmore 446 Concord ............................... ............. Cabarrus 720
Brooklyn .... .......... ..... ............ .............. St. Cecile 68 New York ........................ .. .. Prince Hall Ashlar 94 Asheville ... ..... ............. Nichols-West Asheville 650 Concord ... .. ......... ... .............. ... ................ Stokes
Brooklyn ................ .. ............ .. ..... Mount Pisgah 83 New York ......... ............... .. ................... .Fidelity 97 32
Asheville ................... .......... ..... ............ Veritas UD Conover ..... ......................... .. .............. .Canaver 709
Brooklyn.. ..... ............... Mt. Zion 90 New York ......................................... .St . James 98 Atltinson ..... ........... . ............... .. ........ Atkinson 612 Carnelius ........................................... Williams 176
Brooklyn .. ........... .St. James 114 New York...... ................... Master 99 Aurora ...... ............... .. .... .......... .......... ... Aurora 300 *Carnwall .......................... ............... Adaniram 149
Brooklyn . ... ....... ...Epiphany 121 New York.. ............. .Mt. Moriah 107 Ayden ......... ..... ...... . ..... ... ......... .. ........ .. ..Ayden 498 Cave City ... ............. ........... .............. .... ..... Ianic 583
Brooklyn. ..... ........ Louis Fair Jr 122 Newburgh .. ............ ... ..... Masada 115 Badin . .. .................... ................ .. .. Yadkin Falls 637 Cramerton ........ ................ .. ........... South Fork 462
Brooklyn. . . ····- ·· .... Sons ofKings 123 Niagara Falls .. ....... .......... Electric City 49 Babama ........ . .... .............. .Knap of Reeds 158 Creedmoar ...................................... Creedmaor 499
Buffalo . ............ ......... ........... .St. John's 16 North BabyIon.. ........................ .. Huntington 124 Dalias .................... ... ....... .................. .... Gaston 263
Buffalo .. ... .......... Paramount 73 Ossining .. .. ...... .... ... Corinthian 44 Bailey ........ ......................... .Bailey 411
Bakersville ...... ........ .... . .............. ... Bakersville 357 Deep Gap .. ............ ... .... ..... .. ............. .... .. Ashler 373
Buffalo. . .......... .... ...... ... .......... .!onic 88 Plattsburgs.. ...... Pioneer 102 Bayboro ................... .... ............. ........... Bayboro 331 Deep Run .. ........................ .. ........ Pleasant Hill 304
Buffalo .... .............. .. ............ ..Mastercraftman 110 Poughkeepsie .. ..... ..... ............. .... Nimrod 96 Beaufort ............................................. Franklin 109 Dentan .... .............................................. Dentan 404
Elmira ...... ...................................... .. .Mt. Nebo 82 Riverhead .. . ....... Tyre 91 Belhaven .................................. ......... Belhaven 509 Denver ...... ............. ............................... Denver 757
Fort Drum ............ .... ........... ...... Paul J . Cooper 120 Rochester .. ........ .Eureka 36 Belmont ... ........ ......... ....... ........ ........... Belmont 627 Dobson ... .. ............. .. .............. .. ........ .. Copeland 390
Hempstead ............. .. ......................... .... .... Doric 53 Schenectady ..... .... .................... /. ... ......... Tuscan 85 Benson ......... ........ . .... ... ......... ...... .......... Relief 431 Dunn ...... ... ........... ... ........................ ... Palmyra 147
Ithaca.. . .............. Henry H . Garnett 40 South Fallsburgs .... . .... ·..< •....~'-Bethany 101 Bessemer City .......... . ............. ...... Whetstone 515 Dunn ...... ................ .. ...............................Minga 206
Jamaica .................................................. Trinity 51 Staten lsland .................................. Silver Lake 59 Bethel ....... ....... .... ... ............ ... ....... ... Bethel 589 Durham .. ............... ................ ..................... Ena 210
Jamaica .... .......................................... ..Lebanon 54 Suffern ........................................... .Tappan Zee 79 Beulaville ........ ...... .. .. .. ........... ..... ... Beulaville 658 Durham ... ... ......................... .. .... ......... Durham 352
Mt. Vernon .......... .... ........... .. .. .. . ..... Progressive 64 Syracuse .......... ... ................... . ..... .. ...Onondaga 32 Biscoe ........... ............. .... ............ ... .......... Biscoe 437 Durham ............... ................ .. ......... Fellowship 687
Mt. Vernon ...... . ............................... .St. Joseph
New Rochelle ............................................Xenia
50 :f:;X.ili~~ . . .···' ·';<o;:: ::~t: !;1.!~~ ~~~ Black Mountain ......... ............ Black Mountain 663 Durham ............................... ........... Oak Grove 750
East Laport ................................ East LaPorte 358
New York ............................................ ... ... Boyer 1 Utica ................ .. .............. .. ...................... Hiram 18 Boiling Springs ............ .................. Friendship 388
Bonlee ...................... ...... . ......... Mount Vernon 143 Eden ........ ... ........... ..... ...................... Leaksville 136
New York ............... ....................... ... Mt. Olive 2 White Plains .. ..... : .......... ..... ........... Bright Hope 62 Boone .......... ... ........... .... ..................... ... .Snow 363 Edentan .. .... ........................ ............ Unanimity
New York. ...................................... Celestial 3 Yonkers. ... .... James H. Farrell 34 7
Brevard ..................................... ... Dunn's Rock 267 Elizabeth City ................................ . .... Eureka 317
New York.......... ... Adelphic Union 14 Broadway ................... ............... .... Friendship 763 Elizabethtown ..................................... Bladen 646
Bryson City ................. .. .. .......... ..... ..... .Oconee 427 Elkin ....... ... .............. .......... .. .............. ... ... Elkin 454
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGE OF NEW YORK. The Most Burgaw ........... ....... . ................. .King Solomon 138 Elk Park .. .. ...... . ..... ........... .... ... ....... Cranberry 598
Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Burlington ..... ................ ........................... Bula 409 Enfield .... .. .............. ............... ............... Enfield 447
Masons of the State of New York, recognizes the following Grand Lodges listed in this book: USA Connecti· Burnsville ............................... ... ..... Burnsville 717 *Epsom .................................. ..... John H. Milis 624
cut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Vermont, Grande Loja Butner........................ ..... ........ ..... .. ...... .Butner 697 Erwin ........ .......... ... .............. .Neill S. Stewart 556
Maconica Do Estado De Sao Paulo (Brazil), Prince Edwards Island, United Grand Lodge of England, Grande Buxton ........................ ........... ..Cape Hatteras 698 Fairmant ... .. .. ....... ................ .... .. ....... Fairmant 528
Oriente D'ltalia (ltaly). Camden ......................... ............... Widow's Son Fallston ...... ........................... .............. Fallston 356
75 Farmington .......................... ........ Farmingtan 265
In addition to the Grand Lodges listed in this book, this Grand Lodge maintains relations with the fol· Candler ......................... ...................... Hominy 491
8:~~:.::::::·::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ~-i-~~E~~~;:;
lowing Prince Hall Grand Lodges recognized by the Prince Hall Conference of Grand Masters: Alabama, Farmville .. .. ....................... . ............. Farmville 517
386 Fayetteville ......... ... .. ............. ... .......... Phoenix
Alaska, Alberta (Canada), Arizona, Arkansas, Bahamas, California, Caribbean, Colorado, Delaware, District 472 8
of Columbia, Union Grand Lodge of Florida PHA, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Ken- Carolina Beach. .... ................ Federal Point 753 Fayetteville .................................... Fort Bragg 667
tucky, Liberia, Lousiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Stringer Grand Lodge of Missis- Cartbage ................................. .... ..... Carthage 181 Fayetteville ............. ................ Creasy Proctor 679
sippi PHA, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario Cary ................. ............ .. ........... ... .. .... ..... Cary 198 Fayetteville ............. .. ......... ...... ..Clifford Duell 756
(Canada), Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Casar ............................ ... ......... ........ ...... Casar 579 Forest City ............. ... ......... .... ... ..... Forest City 381
West Virginia, Wisconsin. Catawba ............................................ Riverside 606 Frank.lin .. ... .......... . ................. ....... J un al uskee 145
*No corrections have been received since this date. Chadbourn ............................... ...... Chadbourn 190 Franklinton ............................ ...... Franklinton 123
Franklinville ··················¡ ..................... Hanks 128
g::;:: re¡¡ :: : : ::: :
Chariotte ............................................ Phalanx 31
762 Fremant.. ... ... ... ........... ..Hame 613
Fuquay-Varina ......... ........... .... ............ Fuquay 258
Charlotte .................................... ....... Excelsior 261 Garland ............................................... Garland 664
..... Tabasco 271 Mocksville.. ... Mocksville 134 Sanford .. .. ............................................. Buffalo 172 Val dese.. ...... Lovelady 670
Gibsonville ... Monroe ... . ..Monroe 244 Scotland Neck .......................... Scotland Neck 689 Vale .. ...... Cookville 502
Glenville .. ... Glenville 551
......Wayne 112 Monroe.... . ................ Truth 749 Seaboard ........................................... Seaboard 378 Vanceboro ..... ... ....... ..... Vanceboro 433
Goldsboro .. Mooresville.. . ..... Mooresville 496 Selma ...................................................... Selma 320 Wadesboro .. ......... Kilwinning 64
Goldsboro .. . .............. Goldsboro 634
... Thomas M. Holt 492 Morehead City .. ....... ...... .. ....... Ocean 405 Shallotte .................... .. ..................... Shallotte 727 Wake Forest.. ................. ........... Wake Forest 282
Graham ... . Morganton .. .... Catawba Valley 217 Shawboro ................................................... Hall 53 Wake Forest .... ...... ....... Granville 380
Greensboro .. ..... Greensboro 76
...... Corinthian 542 Mount Airy .. . . ..... Granite 322 Shelby ......................... ..................... Cleveland 202 Wallace ................................................ Wallace 279
Greensboro .. Mount Airy.. ................. .Renfro 691 Shelby .. . ................. .. .... Shelby 744 Walnut Cove ............................... Walnut Cove 629
Greensboro .. .... Revolution 552
.. Guilford 656 Mount Airy.. ... Round Peak 616 Siler City .. ........................... Siler City 403 Warrenton ........................... Johnston-Caswell 10
Greensboro .. Mount Gilead .. .. .. ....... Blackmer 127 Smithfield . ...... .. ....... Fellowship 84 Washington .. . ... Orr 104
Greensboro .. .... Gate City 694
.................... P. P. Turner 746 Mount Holly .. . .... Mount Holly 544 Smyrna.. .......... Crissie Wright 741 Washington. . ............ Washington 675
Greensboro . Mount Olive... .. .... . ..Mount Olive 208
Greensboro ... .
Greenville. ·····: :~~~~~~-~Gr~~~~n:
............ Crown Point
Murphy .. .
.. ... American George
........... Cherokee 146
Sneads Ferry ............................. Stump Sound
Snow Hill ........ .. ......... ....................... Radiance
Southern Pines ....................... Southern Pines
Waxhaw ..
Waynesville. ..
Weaverville . .....
.... Waxhaw
... .. .......... .... Waynesville
... Blackmer
Greenville .. Nashville........ .... Morning Star 85 South Milis.. .............. New Lebanon 314 Weaverville ... ........................ ....... .......... Vanee 293
Greenville .. . ..... .William Pitt 734
New Bern .. ... St. John's 3
Grifton ............. . ........... ......... Grifton
...... Grimesland 475
New Bern. .... Doric 568 ~~~~o~ ·.··· ... .. . --~~~~~~~! ~~i Wendell ..
West End ............
.... .................... Wendell
....... ..... ... Elberta
Grimesland ... . New Bern .. ... Beme 724 Spencer ............................................... Spencer 543 West Jefferson .. .............................. Ashe 594
Grover .. .................... State Line 375
.... Royal White Hart 2 New Bern .. ...... . ...Grantham 725 Spring Hope .............................. Central Cross 187 Whiteville . ... ..................... Lebanon 207
Halifax .. Newell. ....... ..Newell 739 Spruce Pine ........................................... Vesper 554 Wilkesboro .. ..................................... Liberty 45
Hamlet .. .... Hamlet 532
.....Ashlar 765 Newland ..... .... ... . ... Linville 489 Stanley . ................................................ Stanley 713 Wilkesboro ............................. Mount Pleasant 573
Hampstead .. Newport .. ... ..Newport 706 Stantonsburg .......... .Joseph Warren 92 Williamston .................................... Skewarkee 90
Harmony ..... ....... Harmony 299
.....Wiccacon 240 Newton ................ ... Catawba 248 Statesville .. .... .............................. Statesville 27 Wilmington ..................................... .St. John's 1
Harrellsville .. Newton Grove ................................ Mili Creek 125 Statesville .. ...... .. Mount Moriah 690 Wilmington ......................... .......... Wilmington 319
Havelock .. ..... .Cherry Point 688
............. Clay 301 North Wilkesboro ..... ..... .North Wilkesboro 407 Statesville. ...... ...... Snow Creek 571 Wilmington .......................................... ..Orient 395
Hayesville .. . Norwood.... ... .... .-........... Pee Dee 150 Stedman .. . .. Stedman 730 Wilson .................................... Mount Lebanon 117
Henderson .. . .... Henderson 229
...... Kedron 387 Ocracoke ..... . ..... Ocracoke 747 Stokesdale ...................................... Stokesdale 428 Wilson .. ..... .................... ... Wilson 712
Hertdersonville .. Old Fort .. . .. ... ... ... Joppa 401 Stony Point .. ............. ........... ...... Stony Point 593 Windsor .. ..... Charity 5
Hertford .. . ..... Perquimans 106
..... Hickory 343 Olin.... .................. .Oiin 226 Swannanoa ................................... Swannanoa 561 Wingate.. .. ......... Meadow Branch 578
Hickory ... . Oriental..... ......... Mount Vernon 359 Swanquarter .................................... ... Atlantic 294 Winston-Salem ...................... ............ Winston 167
Highlands. .......... .. Blue Ridge 435 Oxford .... . ....... Orphans Lodge 761
.. Numa F. Reid 344 Swansboro .......... .. ............................... Seaside 429 Winston-Salem .. ................. Salero 289
High Point .. Oxford .. ...... Oxford 122 Swiss .............................................. Bald Creek 397 Winston-Salem.. .. ..... .Piedmont-Pioneer 685
High Point .. ............ Acacia 674
...... Eagle 19 Oxford... ..... Henry F. Grainger 412 Sylva .. ................. ........ Dillsboro 459 Winston-Salem .................................... Forsyth 707
Hillsborough .. Pendleton ..... ...... Pendleton 418 Tabor City .. ........... Tabor 563 Winston-Salem ................................. Old Town 751
Hollis ... ..... Hollis 535
..... Holly Springs 115 Pikeville ................ . ..Harmony 340 Tarboro .. ....... Concord 58 Winton.. .........................Winton 723
Holly Springs . Pilot Mountain ... ... Pilot 493 Taylorsville . ... ... ....... Lee 253 Yadkinville ........................................... Yadkin 162
Hookerton .. . .... Jerusalem 95
.............. Lebanon 391 Pineville .............. .... James K Polk 759 Thomasville .. ... .. ... Thomasville 214 Yadkinville ......................................... Harmon 420
Hope Milis .... . Piney Creek .. . .. Piney Creek 432 Traphill.. ............... Traphill 483 Yanceyville ............... . ... Caswell Brotherhood 11
Huntersville .. .. Long Creek 205
...... ........ .... LaFayette 83 Pittsboro ...... ............ Columbus 102 Trenton .. .... .. ....... ... ..... Zion 81 Youngsville .................................. .Youngsville 377
Jacksonville. Plymouth.. ..Perseverance 59 Troutman ... ..Campbell 37 4 Zebulon ................ . ....................... White Stone 155
Jacksonville . ... Semper Fidelis 680
.................... ... NewRiver 736 Polkville........ ......... Camp Call 534 Troy.. .......... Troy 718 Zebulon ................................................. Archer 165
Jacksonville .. Princeton.. ..St. Patrick's 617 Union Grove. . .. .. Grassy Knob 471 Zebulon . ...... Zebulon 609
Jacksonville .. ... Knights of Solomon 766
... Cannon Memorial 626 Proctorville ... ··r ..Proctorville 643
Kannapolis ... . Raeford .. ... ........ ..... .... Raeford 306 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. In addition to the
Kannapolis ... . ... Ailen-Graham 695 Raleigh .... .... .:.: ...... :: ....... Hiram 40
... St. John's 13 Grand Lodges listed in the table ofcontents ofthis book, the Grand Lodge ofNorth Carolina recognizes the
Kenansville .. Raleigh........ ... ..James B. Green 735 following: Africa: Mauritius; Azerbaijan, Bosnia: Hertzegovina; Mexico: Estado de Sinora, Guerrero,
Kenly .. .................... Kenly 257 Raleigh .. . . ... J. J. Crowder 743
.... Kernersville 669 Ialisco, La Oriental Peninsular (Yucatan), Michoacan, Varacruz; Slovenia; San Marino; Moldava; Tahiti &
Kernersville .. . . Raleigh ....... .... ... .. ......... ... Millbrook 97 Archipelagos, Ukraine. The Grand Lodge of North Carolina recognizes the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of
King .............. .. ......... . .... King 722
......... Fairview 339 Raleigh.. · ' ..-., ..~ .. .William G. Hill 218 Alaska, Maryland, North Carolina, and Oklahoma.
K.ings Mountain .. . Raleigh.. ......... ... Masters 754 The Grand Lodge of North Carolina does not recognize the following Grand Lodges: Africa: Benin,
Kinston .. ...... .............. .St. John's 4
.. .. Richard Caswell 705 Raleigh . .... ... .... Raleigh 500 Congo, Gabon, Niger, Togolaise; Brazil: Alagoas, Amapá, Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Espírito Santo, Maran-
Kinston .. Raleigh.. · .. .William T. Bain 231 hao, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondónia-
Laurinburg .. .... Laurinburg 305
....... Lawndale 486 Raleigh ..... ........ Charles B. Newcomb 740 Glomaron, Roraima, Tocantins; Columbia: Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Santander; Croatia; Estonia;
Lawndale .. Ramseur .. ..Marietta 444 Haiti; Honduras; Madagascar; Mexico: Estado de Aguascalientes, Campeche, Chihuahua, Durango,
Lenoir .. . ....... Hibriten 262
........................ West Bend 434 Ranger ............ . ... Montgomery 426 Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Querétaro, Tabasco, Colima, Nayarit, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas .
Lewisville ... Red Springs . ........ . ...... Red Springs 501
Lexington .. ..Lexington-Memorial 473
... ..... Liberty · 714 Reidsville.. ..Jefferson Penn 384
Liberty .... Richlands ....... .... Richlands 564
Lillington .. ... Lillington 302
.... .. ....... Lincoln 137 Riegelwood .................. .......Waccamaw 596
Lincolnton .. Roanoke Rapids ..... .... Widow's Son 519
Littleton .... ....... Royal Hart 497 Robbins . ........................ Elise 555
Long Beach ... ................... Oak Island 758 Robbinsville ......... . .... Robbinsville 672
Louisburg .. ..James A. J ohnson 413
...... Lowell 590 Robersonville ..... ..Stonewall 296
Lowell ... Rockingham.. .. ... ..Rockingham 495
Lucama .. ............... Lucama 527
..... St. Aiban's 114 Rockwell.. .... Keller Memorial 657
Lumberton. Rocky Mount ... .... ..... Corinthian 230
Madison .. .... .DanRiver 129
.. Maiden 592 Rocky Mount .. . . ... Queen City 602
Maiden .. Rolesville .. ..... Rolesville 683
Manteo .. . ............. ......... Manteo 521
... Marble Springs 439 Roseboro .. ...... Roseboro 585
Marble .. Roxboro ................. .. ....... Person 113
Marion ... ........... Mystic Tie 237
.... French Broad 292 Rutherfordton .. . . ... ... .... Western Star 91
Marshall .. St. Pauls ......... ....... St. Pauls 474
Marshville .. ... Beaver Dam 276
..... Matthews 461 Salemburg .... ..Coharie 379
Matthews .... Salisbury ..... .... Fulton 99
Maxton .. ... Maxton 417
.... Bingham 272 Salisbury..... ..Andrew Jackson 576
Mebane .. Salisbury ..... ..... Sophia 767
Middlesex ... ... Rodgers 525
....... ....... Union 618 Saluda.. ....... .Saluda 482
Midland .. Sanford .. ... Sanford 151
Mint Hill ... ... MintHill 742
86 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 87
1870 Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina 2015 PRINCE HALL-NORTH CAROLINA-Continued
F. &A. M.
Founded: Marc h 1, 1870
Kinston ........................................ Liberal Arts 425 Riegelwood ........................................ Keystone 812
Lodges, 260 Annual Meeting last Thurs day-Saturday in September Members , 10,315 Kinston .. ..... ...... Live Long 293 Riegelwood ............................................ Jethro 374
MILTON F . FITCH, JR. M. TRENT CARMON Kinston .. ... ................... Capestone 131 Robbins.. . ................... ......... .. .. Bear Creek 324
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Kinston .. .............. ..... King David 024 Robersonville. ..Golden Star 776
516 S. Lodge St. Wilson 27893 P.O. Box 1507 Durharn 27707-1507 LaGrange .... ...... ......................... Cedar Grove 202 Robersonville .................................. Solid Rock 273
Phone: 252-243-5967 Phone: 919-683-3147 FAX: 919-683-9636 LaGrange .. ................................. Living Hope 507 Rockingharn .............................. .. .. .Poplar Hill 331
E-mail: [email protected] Laurinburg .................................. Mt. Scottish 188 Rock Mount ........ .... ................................. Unity 064
E-mail: [email protected] Laurinburg ... ..... ................ .. . ...... Beaver Dam 288 Rock Mount ....................................... .St. Elmo 159
Laurinburg.. ' ............ .St Luke 229 Rock Mount .................. Pride of Ricky Mount 845
Leland ........ . ............................ Crystal Spring 793 Rolesville .. ...Rose Bud 282
Lenior ........ . ...... ................. .. Pride of Caldwell 713 Roper .. ...Rising Moon 059
Lexington .............................................. Acacia 066 Rose Hill.. ............................. Weeping Willow 127
Lilesville .................................. Lilesville Star 603 Rose Hill .. . .. ...... Dawn of the Morning 653
LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. Lille.. .. ................ My Brother's Keeper 84 7 Roseboro .... .. .... ...... Spring Branch 336
Lillington . .. ...... .................... Advance 217 Rowland ...................................... Olive Branch 093
Ahoskie .. .. .. .. . .. ............. Perfect Ashler 063 Elizabeth City.. .. ......... Newland 781 Lincolnton ........................... .... ............ Lomax 029 Roxboro.. .. .... Buchanan 344
Ahoskie . .. ............. J erusalem 096 Elizabethtown .. . ....... . .........Riverside 573A Lincolnton.. .. ...... .................... Rock Hill 329 Roxboro .. . .................................... Battle Ax 120
Albermarle .... ........ ........ Stanley 088 Ellerbe.... . .. ...... Anson 289 Littleton ...................................... Lively Stone 216 Salisbury .. .. .. ...................... Western Star 009
Ansonville.... .. ........ Cedar Grove 242 Ellerbe.. .. ...... .... ........ Day Spring 044 Louisburg.. .. .................... Oak Grove 393 Sanford .. ...... ..................................... ... Sanford 101
Apex.. .. .......... Wisdom 034 Erwin .... . ....... . .............. Pride of Harnett 166 Louisburg... .. .... ............ Leve! Traveler 583 Scotland Neck .. .... .......................... Solid Rock 177
Asheville .. . .. .............. Venus 062 Fair Bluff... .. ................... Oak Grove 775 Lumberton .......... .... ................ Spring Branch 041 Seaboard . .. ..................................... Delta 436
Asheville . . ............. ...20th Century 682 Fairmont.. ..... Gaza 427 Lumberton .. .... .................... .. ..... Golden Leaf 124 Siler City ........................ . .. Light ofthe World 711
Atkinson.. ........ .. .. .. ...McKinley 826 Fairmont.... ..... ... ... ........ ................ Marietta 397 Madison.. .. .................................... Madison 563 Smithfield .................................... Golden Link 205
Aurora.. .. ...... ...... ...... Hiram ofTyre 784 Fayetteville . . .. .. Silver Square 791 Manteo . .. ... Sandy Ridge 230 Snow Camp.. .. ........ Sylvan 323
Aurora.... ... .. ........... Queen ofthe East 079 Fayetteville . ..A.J. Henderson 792 Maple Hill .... ...... ................ ........ ..... Moonlight 424 Snow Hill.. ...Sandy Hill 119
Ayden. .. ........ Queen of the South 077 Fayetteville . .. ........ Savannah 407 Marshville ..................................... Marshville 270 South Mills .................................... Mt Moriah 019
Badin .... .. ....... Pride ofBadin 557 Fayetteville.. . .. ........... Eureka 003 Matthews .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... . .. ....... Rock Rest 609 Southern Pines .. ..Cornerstone 058
Bath .... ..... .. .............. St Joseph SOlA Fort Bragg.. .......... .. .. .. ... Bethel 846 Matthews ..................... Star of St. Matthews 566 Southport .. . .... Pythagoras 006
Bayboro .. ...... .. .......... E R Dudley 078 Franklin .... ... .. ............. Mountain Eagle 359 Maxton . .. ...... East Liberty 086 Spindale.... .. .... Unionville 729
Beaufort .. . .. .............. ...... .Hero 248 Fremont .................. .. ............... Royal Hearts 4 78 Maysville.. .. .......... Perfection 116 Spring Hope.. .. ..... Martin Luther King Jr. 294
Belhaven .. . .. ..... Golden Trowel 097 Fremont. .. .................... Silver Leaf 201 McLeansville .................. .... ........ McLeansville 621 Statesville .. .. .. Mt Carmel 037
Biscoe . ..Prince Hall 784 Fuquay-Varina.. .. ...... ......... Golden Star 150 Mebane ...... .. ........ .... .................... ... Yadkins 799 Supply.. .. .... Winnabee 786
Black Mountain-.. . .. .................. ........ Mt Allen 708 Garland .. .. . . .. .... Trne Seekers 222 Merry Hill.. .. ...................... . ....... Merry Hill 275 Swan Quarter .... .. ....................... New Branch 785
Bolton.. .. ...... ...... ........ .. Rose Valley 387 Gastonia.... .. .. ... Golden Rule 082 Middlesex ................ ...... ................. Floral Hall 262 Sylvia.. .. ........................ Tuckasegee Valley 591
Brazzille ... .. ................ Milton F . Fitch 848 Gatesville.. .. . .. ........ .... Jepthah 174 Milton . .. .... .... .................... .. Leasburg 648 Tabor City .............................. Tabor City Star 778
Brevard ............... .. .................. Mountain Lily 117 Goldsboro.. .. ....... Rocky Blue 056 Mineral Springs ............................. Clarksville 735 Tarboro ....................................... Mt. Lebanon 025
Bullock.. .. ...............:.. .Townsville 488 Goldsboro .. . .. .......... J W Hood 008 Mocksville ...................................... Corinthian 017 Taylorsville ........ .. ........................ .Stone Pillar 797
Bunn.. .. .................. Pride ofBunn 573 Goldsboro ..... .. ...... Best Grove 392 Moncure .................... .. ...................... Celestial 016 Taylortown ............................ New Settlement 332
Burgaw.. .. ...... .. .. ... Middle Chamber 169 Goldsboro . . .. Blazing Star 839 Moncure ......................................... .... St. Paul 147 Thomasville ............................ Davidson Pride 157
Burlington .......... . .... Augustus 642 Goldsboro .... . .. ... Bell Stone 535 Monroe.. .. ..... Hope 032 Trenton ............................................. Standard 134
Camden .. .. ................ Trne Believers 689 Goldsboro.. .. .... C. S. Brown 782 Mooresville . .. .... Price 290 Troy ................................ .. ................. Freeman 771
Candor ............ .. ...... . ...... .Virgin Mary 108 Goldston .... .. .................... Goldston Star 688 Morehead City.. ..Success 298 Tryon.. .. .... Tryon City 518
Canton.... .. ............. Dutch Cove 718 Greensboro ....................... Luther Kimbrough 838 Morganton .... .. ................. Queen ofthe West 070 Vanceboro. . .......... .Sheba 094
Carthage . .. ................... St Luke 136 Greensboro.... . .............. C.W/ Lawrence 837 Morven.. . ... Beauty of the South 075 Wadesboro.. ..Wadesboro 772
Cary ............... . ........ Pleasant Union 051 Greensboro .. ...................... :./.. St -a:ohn's 012 Moyock .......................... .... ............. North Star 602 Wadesboro ........ .... ................. ....... Deep Creek 382
Chadbourn.. .. ................ .. Dothan 200 Greensboro.... .. ............. Morning'Star 691 Mt Airy.. .. ........... Granite City 828 Wagram ................................... .... ..... Wagram 322
Chape! Hill .................... .. ... Enterprise 34 7 Greensboro. .. ............ ..lnvincible 251 Mt Airy.. .. ........ ........................ Harmony 824 Wake Forest.. ................... Leader ofWake 285
Chape! Hill ... .. .... .. Mt Olive 036 Greensboro .... .. ...... ....... Climax 832 Mt Gilead.. .. ...... .... ..... ........ ...... ...... Mt Gilead 196 Wallace .. .. ................ Mt Horeb 220
Charlotte .. .. ...... Heart To Heart 597 Greenville .... .. .. c_ ..... Mt Hermon 035 Mt Olive.. .. .. ............................. Silver Link 125 Warrenton .................................. Stone Square 010
Charlotte... ..Paul Drayton 007 Greenville .............................~ ..~~.. Winterville 232 Navassa.. ....... ................... Pride ofNavassa 790 Warsaw.. .. ............. Tyre 080
Charlotte.. . ........ . .. ............ Myersville 687 Greenville ... .. ................................ Mt Calvary 669 New Bern.. .. ........................... King Solomon 001 Washington .. .. .................................. Hiram O11
Charlotte .... .. .......................... Lone Star 663 Greenville. ..Star ofthe East 233 New Bern .... .................. ...... ... George B. Willis 423 Waxhaw .. . .................................... Waxhaw 250
Charlotte . .. .......... Sparkling Diamond 373 Grifton ........ ....... ...H.D. Pettipher 388 New Bern .................................... Silver Brook 114 Wendell ........................................... Top Stone 442
Charlotte .... .. ...... .... ........ ........ Sunbeam 046 Grimesland. . .. .... Oriental 076 New Bern ........................................ J .M. Hicks 789 Wendell .................................. Faithful Worker 255
Charlotte .. .. ....... Zechariah Alexander 833 Halifax .. .. .. . .. ... Union 154 Newell ........................................... .. Silver Set 327 Whiteville ........................................ Everready 765
Charlotte ............................................ Unique 085 Hallsboro . ..................... .. .. Hannah 204 Prospect Hill.. ..Allen's 676 Willard ....................................... Trestle Board 112
Charlotte ................. .. .......... Grier Heights 752 Hamlet.. ................. Square Deal 801 Raeford ................................... South Freedom 158 Willard . .. ...... Roseville 723
Clarkton ....... .............. .................. Rising Sun 005 Harrells .. .. ......... Hamlet Preview 105 Raeford ....................................... Center Grove 286 Williamston .. .... Coronation 151
Clayton ... .. .. Star ofBethlehem 111 Havelock ..................... . .. ....... ....... East Lily 803 Raeford.. .. .... ........ East Freedom 328 Wilmington.. . .... ....... Progressive 830
Cleveland .. ......... ...Faithful Guide 376 Henderson . . .. ... Morning Star 740 Raleigh.. ..... . .. ............ Mentor 055 Wilmington. .. ................ Giblem 002
Clinton.... .. ............................. Silver Square 043 Henderson ... . ...Beacon Light 249 Raleigh .. .. .... ............... Widow's Son 004 Wilmington .. ..... .... Hanover 014
Colerain. . ........ ...... ....... Colerain Masonic 312 Hendersonville.. .. ..... Rising Star 135 Raleigh .. .. ................. .... ........ .. .......... Wake 717 Wilmington.. . .... ........ ...... .East Gate 143
Como.......... ........ .... .. .. Chapter 496 Hertford .. .. ... Meridian O18 Raleigh ............................................ .Excelsior 021 Wilson .. .... ........... ... Livingstone 102
Concord ........ . ............................. Mt Zion 026 Hickory.. .. ...........................Victory 745 Raleigh ....................................... Rough Ashlar 052 Wilson . .. ............................ Mt, Hebron 042
Corapeake. .. ...... ...... .. Corapeake Light 432 High Point. ...... ...... .. ........ Florence Memorial 719 Raleigh ............................................ .S t. Annah 350 Wilson .............. ...... ................. .Pride of Wilson 484
Creswell.. .. ......................... Shiloh 319 High Point.. ... Toussaint L'Ouverture' 524 Raleigh ............................... ..... ....... Rhamkatte 827 Winston-Salem .................. . ............... Olympic 795
Davidson ........ .. ......... .. .................. Davidson 511 Hillsborough.. .. ................. St James 494 Raleigh ..................................... Thrifty Sons 284 Winston-Salem ............ .. ................. Red Rock 809
Dover .. ..................... Craven 770 Hoffman.. ............ Macedonia 629 Raleigh .............................. .............. Newberry 252 Winston-Salem .................................... Bivouac 503
Dunn.. .. ..... Beauty ofDunn 155 Holly Springs.. .. ................. Elijah 821 Raleigh.. .. ...................... Mt. Perry 183 Winston-Salem .................... James H. Young 670
Durharn ... .. ...... Red Mountain 468 Hookerton.. .. ........... Prudence 023 Ramseur.. .. .................. .............. .. Oakland 501 Winston-Salem.. .. ........... Salem 139
Durham.. ......... ............. Dorcas 460 Hope Mills ................................... Gray's Creek 831 Red Springs ... .. .'............ .. Shining Star 080 Winston-Salem .. .. ........ .... Ionic 072
Durham .. . ........... ... A. S. Hunter 825 Jackson. .. ........ Jackson Square 700 Reidsville ......................................... Lone Star 033 Woodland .................................. Leigh Beauty 058
Durharn.. .. ...................... Mt Vernon 074 Jacksonville.. .. ............ ...... .... Mt Horeb 073 Rex .................................................... .St. Pauls 354 Yadkinville .................................. West Yadkin 806
Durharn ............................................... .... Doric 028 Jacksonville . ..................... Ecclesiastes 818 Rich Square .......................................... Tuscan 215 Yanceyville ...................................... Dan River 490
Durham.. .. .......... Shepard Memorial 840 Jonesville.. .. .......... Herbert Bell Shaw 842 Richlands .............................................. Ome!ia 292 Zebulon .......................................... .Mt Pisgah 065
Eden ....... .. .................... ....... St James 138 Kelford .. .. .. Royal 471
Edenton .................................... .John R. Page 013 Kenansville . .......................... ...Beulah 110
Elizabeth City . ...Eastern Star 015 Kinston.. .. .............. Pride ofKinston 389
88 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 89
1808 OHJO 2015
AND JURISDICTIONS INC. The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina maintains
fraternal relations with the following Grand Lodges: USA: North Carolina; New Hampshire; Rhode Island; January 5, 1808
District of Columbia; New Mexico; Utah; Pennsylvania; Kansas; Illinois; Minnesota; New York; Alaska; Ari- Lodges, Chartered , 496
zona; Colorado; New Jersey; Montana; Wisconsin; Vermont; Washington; Idaho; Maryland; Maine; Oregon; Annual Meeting in October Members, 91,040
Massachusetts; Connecticut; Iowa; California; Ohio; Hawaii; N evada; Virginia; Indiana; Cana da: GL of (7/31/2014)
Alberta; GL of BC & Yukon; GL Newfoundland & Labrador; GL Canada (Ontario); GL New Brunswick; GL STEVEN E. COKONOUGHER
Nova Scotia; GL Manitoba; UK: U.G.L.E.; Ireland; Europe: GL Albania; GL ltaly; GL Netherlands; GL Czech C. MICHAEL WATSON, P.G.M.
Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Republic; NGL of Greece; GL Switzerland; GL of Israel; GL Austria; GL Luxenburg; SGL Espania Iberia; GL 4860 GolfVillage Dr. Powell43065-8047
Cyprus; NGL of Romania; GL Sweden; RGL Belgium; Australia: GL Tasmania; GL Queensland; GL Western One Masonic Dr. Springfield 45504-3658
Australia & NT; South America: GL Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; GL Esado de Sao Paulo Brazil; GL Bolivia; GL Phone: Office 614-885-5318 FAX 614-885-53 19
Uruguay; Asia: GL Japan. E -mail: [email protected]
In addition to the Grand Lodges listed in t his book, this Grand Lodge maintains relations with GLdf,
UGL New Zealand, UGL Serbia and all Prince Hall Grand Lodges recognized by the Prince Hall Conference Permits dual and plural membership
of Grand Masters.
Adamsville ... .. ..................... .. .............. Hubbard 220 Camden ................................................ Camden 159
Akron ......... ...................... ...... .. Coventry-Akron 83 Canal Winchester .. ... ............Southgate-Potter 782
Akron ............................. .. .. Adoniram-Joppa 517 Canfield .... ... .. ......................... ... ....... ......Argus 545
Akron ..................................................... Victory 649 Cantan .................................................... Cantan 60
Akron .............. ... .......... ............. ... ... . .. Mt. Akra 680 Canton ...... ... .............................. Wm. McKinley 431
Akron .......... ............................... ...... Wayfarer 789 Cantan ........................................... ......... Trinity 710
Albany .............. ............................ .......... Albany 723 Carey ........................................................ Carey 420
Alliance .................................................. Conrad 271 Carrollton ............................................... Carroll 124
Amanda ................................................ Amanda 509 Celina ...................................................... Celina 241
Amelia ..................... .. .................... .. .... Buckeye 150 Centerville .................... ... ......... ....... ........ Weyer 541
Amelia ....... .. .................... ............. .........Amelia 590 Chagrin Falls .................... .. ....... ... Golden Gate 245
1889 NORTH DAKOTA 2015 Amesville ............. .......... .................... Amesville 278
Amherst .......... ... . ........................ Stonington 503
Chagrin Falls ...................................... Solon 757
A . F. &A. M. Chandlersville ............ .. ........... Gage and Gavel 448
Amherst ............................. .............. Blue Steel 791 Cheshire ................. ... .......... .................... Siloam 456
Lodges,45 . Annual Communication in June Members, 2,957 Arcanum ............................ .. ............Arcanum 295 Chester ........................ .................. Shade River 453
Ashland .............. .. ............................... Ashland 151 Chesterville ........................................... Chester 238
D CURTISS MUNDAHL, P.G.M. Ashtabula ..................... ................... Rising Sun 22 Chillicothe .. ............................................ .Scioto 6
AVID BICKEL Grand Master, k 58501-3455 Grand Secretary, Athens ........................................... .Paramuthia 25 Christiansburg .. ... ........................ ..... Mt. Olivet 226
613 Ave. C West Btsmar 201 14th Ave. N. Fargo 58102-2731 Attica .. ....................... ............................... Attica 367 Cincinnati ............ ..................... N. C. Harmony 2
TONYTELKEN Office phone: 701-235-8321 Aurora .................................... W. K. Ricksecker 606 Cincinnati ............ ........... ............... Montgomery 94
Deputy Grand Master, ND ONLY: 1-800-358-3306 Avon Lake . .................................... Mid Century 725 Cincinnati ..................... Western Hills-Cheviot 140
2642 Augusta Dr. Grand Forks 58201·2826 FAX: 701-235-8323 Bainbridge .............. ................... . ... Bainbridge 196 Cincinnati ......... .... .. ........................... McMillan 141
E-mail: [email protected] Baltimore ................ .. ., ...................... Baltimore 475 Cincinnati ............... Yeatman-Mt. Washington 162
Barberton ......... .. ........................ . ........ National 568 Cincinnati .................................... Hanselmann 208
Barberton ................................ . .. ...... Barberton 750 Cincinnati ..... ... .................. ............ .Kilwinning 356
Permits Dual and Plural Membership Barnesville .................... . ................ Friendship 89 Cincinnati ......... .............. Cincinnati-Lafayette 483
Bartlett ................................................. Bartlett 293 Cincinnati ......................... . ............ Queen City 559
LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATION NArvrE•.~D NO. Batavia .......... .. ............... ....... ............... Batavia 104
Beallsville ........................... ............. Sunsbury 362
Cincinnati ..... ...... ................ ........... .. Hyde Park 589
Cincinnati .................. .................... E. T. Carson 598
Belfield .............................. Roosevelt Memorial 129 Jamestown ......... . ........................... Jamestown 6 Beavercreek .................... ... ......... Beaver Valley 753 Cincinnati ........ .College Hill-Harry S. Johnson 641
Bismarck ............................ . .............. Bismarck 5 Killdeer .... ....... .. ... ..... Killdeer 112 Beavercreek ....... ........ ....... ............ .. .Knollwood 77 4 Cincinnati ............. ......... . .... ........ .......... Oakley 668
Bismarck .................................... Lewis & Clark 132 Langdon .... ...... ....... .. .... ........ Lebanon 34 Bellaire ....................................................... Ionic 438 Cincinnati ............ .. .. ... ........... ....... ....... Caliburn 785
Cando ....................... . .............................. Cando 40 Larimore .. . ............... :!:'.''"... North Star 16 Bellefontaine ............... .. ............... Bellefontaine 209 Cincinnati .. ........................................... Alembic 793
Cavalier .. ............................. Tongue River 22 Lisbon .. .......... Sheyenne Valley 12 Bellevue .............................................. Bellevue 273 Circleville ............. ........ .... ......... ...... .Pickaway 23
Churchs Ferry .................................. Welcome 54 Mandan .. ....... .... ..... Mandan 8 Bellville ... ... ..'... . ................. Bellville 376 Clarington .................... .......... .. .. ..... Clarington 597
Cooperstown ............................. Northern Light 45 Mayville ..... ....... .......................... ... Goose River 19 Belpre ......................... ............................ Belpre 609 Clarksville .... . .................................. Clarksville 323
Devils Lake ..................................... Devils Lake 21 Milnor .................. ...... ................. ............ Anchor 25 Berea ............ ........................................ .Quarry 382 Cleveland ............................................... .. Euclid 599
Dickinson ........................................... Dickinson 32 Milton ........... .......................................... Milton 48 Berea ................................................... Meridian 610 Cleveland ...... .................................. North Star 638
Ellendale. ..... ................. ................. Ellendale 13 Minot ...................................... Star in the West 33 Bethel ..................................................... Bethel 61 Cleveland ... .. ............... ....... . ... .. ........ Cleveland 781
Fairmount ...... .................Fairmount Tri-State 37 Portal ..................... .. ...................... .. .. .. ..... Portal 84 Bethesda .................................................. Hazen 251 Cleves ............................................ North Bend 346
Fargo ................................................ East Gate 120 Rolla ............................... . ...................... ... .Rolla 66 Beverly ............................................ Mt. Moriah 37 Clyde ................................ . ............. .Monticello 244
Fargo .... ............... ... ........... .Fargo Daylight 135 Rugby ...... . ............................................... Rugby 65 Bladensburg ............................................... Ohio 199 Collins ....................................... East Townsend 322
Fargo ........................................................ Shiloh 1 Sherwood .............................................. Tyrian 113 Blanchester .. . ................................. Blanchester 191 Columbiana .............. ... .................... .. ....... Allen 276
Fargo ...................................................... Sunrise 130 Steele .. .................. Chancellor Walworth 102 Bloomingburg ............. ....... ......... Bloomingburg 449 Columbiana ........................................ .Leetonia 401
Flasher ...................... .. ......................... Flasher 106 Tioga .. . . .... West Gate 125 Boardman ........................................... Sulgrave 696 Columbus . ................. ..... .. ............ Magnolia 20
Grafton ................................................. Crescent 11 Valley City.. .. ..... .Valley City .7 Boardman ..................................... Westem Star 21 Columbus ............ .. .. ........... ................ Columbus 30
Grand Forks.. ... Acacia 4 Wahpeton .......................................... Wahpeton 15 Bolivar ................. .. ........ ............. ........ Caldwell 330 Columbus . ......................... .................... Goodale 372
Grand Forks ................ .......... Malta 131 Washburn ......................................... Fellowship 122 Bowling Green.. ........... Wood County 112 Columbus ........................................ .Neoacacia 595
Granville .. ................................ Ashlar 69 Watford City ...................................... Ft. Union 128 Brecksville ...... ............... ... ....... Theodore Breck 714 Columbus ......... ....................... .......... West Gate 623
Hazen ... .... Meridian 116 Williston ......................................... .Mt. Moriah 51 Bremen .................................................. Bremen 608 Columbus .. .................... ... ................. University 631
Hettinger . ....... ... ......... ....... ..... Hettinger 93 Wimbledon ...................................... Wimbledon 71 Bridgeport ................................ ....... Bridgeport 181 Columbus ................................................ Linden 637
Hillsboro ... ................................ Hillsboro 10 Brooklyn ..... . ..................... Harding-Concordia 345 Columbus ............................. .. ........ Capital City 656
Brooklyn ........................................ ... .. Parkside 736 Columbus ................................. Ralph R. Rickly 670
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF NORTH DAKOTA. In addition to the Brookville . ......................... ................ Brookville 596 Columbus ............... .. ....................... Community 684
Grand Lodges listed in the table of contents ofthis book, the Grand Lodge ofNorth Dakota recognizes the fol· Brownsville ...... ................. .......... ...... . .. Jackson 85 Columbus .............................. Luther B. Turner 732
lowing: Andorra; Azerbaijan; Brazil: Guanabara; Croatia; Mexico: Guadalupe Victoria, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Bryan ................ ........................... .. ... . .... Bryan 215 Columbus Grove ....... ..... Rufus Putnam 364
Oaxaca, Oriental Peninsular, Queretaro, Restauracion, Sur-Oeste Colima; Congo; Macedonia; Poland; and Bucyrus ......................... .. ...................... Bucyrus 139 Conneaut .............................. .. ......... Evergreen 222
Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Alaska, Minnesota, Inc., Missouri, Oregon, Wisconsin. Burton ..................................................... Village 274 Continental .................................... Continental 570
This Grand Lodge does not recognize the following Grand Lodges listed in th is publication: Brazil: Butlerville ........................................ Butlerville 135 Coolville .. ............................................. Coolville 337
Amapa, Brasilia; Colombia; Haiti; Mexico: Chiapas, Cosmos, Unida Mexicana and Prince Hall Grand Byesville ........................ . .............. Quaker City 500 Corning . ... ................... .... ... ...... ... ...... .Corning 584
Lodges of California, Connecticut, and New York. Byesville ............................................. Byesville 654 Cortland ......................... ... ....... .......... Cortland 529
Cadiz . ....................................... .. .Harrison 219 Coshocton ... ................ ... ... .. ............. ..Coshocton 96
Caledonia .. ............................................... Oliver 447 Coshocton .. ........................................... Warsaw 255
Cambridge .............. .. .......................... Guernsey 66 Crooksville ...................... ...................... Peerless 591
90 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 91
OHIO-Continued OHIO- Continued
Crown City ....................... .. .......... Ohio Valley 536 Hamilton .................................... Hugh L. Bates 686 Martin's Ferry .. ........................ Ohio City 486 Port Clinton ........ ........ ................ ... .0. H. Perry 341
Cuyahoga Falls .......................................... Star 187 Hamilton ............................ Benjamin Franklin 719 Marysville ..... ......... .... . ... .. .......... ....... Palestine 158 Port Jefferson .................. ... ................... .Stokes 305
Cuyahoga Falls.. ..... Cuyahoga Falls 735 Hanover ... ............... . ....................... New Hoi¡le 338 Mason .. . .............. ... .............. ........ ........ Mason 678 Portsmouth ...................... .. ............... ..... Aurora 48
Cuyahoga Falls.. ................ ... . .... Stow 768 Harrison . .. ... ..... ...................... ..... ............. Snow 193 Massillon ... .. ........ ............. .... .................Clinton 47 Powhatan Point ........ .... ................... ... ... Moriah 105
Dayton .. ..St. Johns 13 Harrison ............. .. ............................... .Hoffner 253 Maumee ............................ ........ Northern Light 40 Proctorville ...................................... Proctorville 550
Dayton......... ....... ... .. Dayton 147 Harrisonville ............................... .Harrisonville 41 1 McArthur .......................... .. ..................... Delta 207 Racine .. ............. ... .... ............. .. Pomeroy-Racine 164
Dayton .................... ... .. ... .............. ..Mystic 405 Hartford .. ... ..... .................... .. .. ... ..... J erusalem 19 McConnelsville ........... . ................... Corinthian 111 Ravenna .................................................. Unity 12
Dayton ........................................ J ohn W. Durst 716 Hartsgrove .................................... Hart's Grove 397 Mechanicsburg ......................... Mechanicsburg 113 Reinersville .. .... ............. Clemente Amitie 285
Dayton ....................................................... Solar 730 Heath .. ... .......................Center Star 11 Medina ................................................. Medina 58 Republic... ....... .. ......... .... .. ... .... .......... .Seneca 790
Dayton ......... .. ............................... ... Millennium 779 Heath .. .... .. ... ........... Crusader 720 Miamisburg .......... .. ..... .... ........ ............. Minerva 98 Reynoldsburg .... ... .............. ... .... Reynoldsburg 340
Dayton ................................................. Far Hills 784 Heath ... ..... Heath 771 Miamitown ......................................... Columbia 44
Deavertown ............................................... Doric 172 Hebron .................................................. Hebron 116 Middleport ....... ......... .. ... .............. .... Middleport 363 ~f{h~~fJb~".~ .. . .. .. !iii~~~;¿·~~~ 7
Deerfield . ........................... ............ ....... Charity 530 Hendrysburg ...................................... Kirkwood 446 Middletown ............... .. ..... .... .. .... .. ... .... Jefferson 90 Richwood ....................................... Mt. Carmel 303
Defiance .................................................. Omega 564 Hicksville .......................................... .Hicksville 478 Milan ... ........................................... ... ......... Erie 239 Ripley ........ .. .............. ... ... ................. ... .....Union 71
Defiance .. . ............. ...... ... .. .... Sherwood 620 Hilliard ..................................... Arts & Sciences 792 Millbury . ............................................. Paragon 788 Rock Creek ......................................... Triandria 780
DeGraff... ............... .... Boggs 292 Hilliard ............ .. ..................................... ..Avery 493 Milford .. . ... ....... Milford 54 Rockford.. ............................. . ...... .. Eureka 592
Delaware ... ... Hiram 18 Hillsboro ............................... .. ........... Highland 38 Millersburg .. ................. ... .......... .Spartan 126 Rockford ... ............. ....... ... .................... ... Shanes 377
Delhi Twp. .......................... Delhi Hills 775 Homeworth .......... ........ ... .............. .Homeworth 499 Millersport ................... . .. .................... .Alturas 537 Rocky River .............. .... .................. Rocky River 703
Delphos .. .... .Hope 214 Huber Heights ........ . ................. Huber Heights 777 Minerva ......................................... .......... Tuba! 551 Rushville .. ................................ ....... Rushville 211
Delta ................................ ... Fulton 248 Hudson .. .......................... .. . ................ .Hudson 510 Monroe ... . ... ... ............ .......... .. ......... .High Point 773 Russellville ... ........... .... ... ... .. .. ....... .Russellville 166
Denmark .............. ... ......... ... .............. Mt. Gilead 206 Huron .. ................................. Marks 359 Monroeville .................. ... ................... ..Roby 534 Sabina .... .................. .. .................... .. ..... Sabina 324
Dennison .. ........................... ........ . ... .Mystic Tie 194 Irondale .... ..... .. .... . ... J enkins 471 Montpelier .. ... .. ............ .. .... ............. Montpelier 54 7 Salem ........................... ........ ..................... .Perry 185
Deshler .. ... ... ... .............. ..................... Sycamore 520 Ironton ........... ......... ....... Lawrence 198 Morrow ...... .. ................ ..... ....Morrow 265 Salineville.. .............. .. Salineville 348
Dover ................. ............................ Tuscarawas 59 Jackson .. ..... Trowel 132 Moscow ............... .. ....................... ........ .Moscow 122 Sandusky ....... .... ...... ........ ... ... ... .. .......... Science 50
Dresden .............................................. Dresden 103 Jamestown .. .... .... .Jamestown 352 Mt. Cory .............................................. Mt. Cory 418 Sandusky .. ... Perseverance 329
Duncan Falls. ...... ........Anchor 283 Jeffersonville ................. .. .Jeffersonville 468 Mt. Ephraim . ...................... Olive 210 Sardinia ........ .. .... .............. .... ... .. ....... .Sardinia 254
Dunkirk . ..... Dunkirk 549 Johnstown ...................... .. ...................... Center 86 Mt. Healthy ..................... ... ...... McMakin 120 Scio ............... ......... ......... ..... ......... ........ ...... .Scio 587
East Liberty .. ... .... ..... East Liberty 24 7 Kent .......................... . ................ .. ... Rockton 316 Mt. Orab ........ ....... .............. ... .... .New Harmony 435 Seaman .... ......... .............. ... .............. Winchester 236
East Liverpool ···'· ........ . ..... ... Riddle 315 Kenton ......................... . ........................ Latham 154 Mt. Sterling ... ........ ............... .......... Mt. Sterling 269 Sebring ................................................ Sebring 626
East Liverpool ........................... East Liverpool 681 Kettering ........ ......... .......... ......... ... ......... .Al pha 729 Mt. Vernon ........................................... Mt. Zion 9 Seville . .... ..... ... ...................... .... ......... Seville 74
East Palestine .... . ...................... East Palestine 417 Kingston ......................... ........ ......... Logan El m 624 Napoleon . ....... Napoleon 256
Eaton .......... .:...................................... ... Bolivar 82
Edenton ......................... . ..................... Edenton 332
Edon ....................... . ................................ Edon 4 74
Kingsville .... ..........
Kinsman.... ... ...... ....... ........ .......
Lafayette (Ailen Co.).. ... . .................... Sager 513
...... .Orion 353
..Gustavus 442
Nashport ......... .. ..................................... .lrville 184
Negley ........ ........ ............. ..... ... . ........... Negley 565
Nevada ................................................... Nevada 343
Sharonville•••. ••••••••••••••••• ••• •• ••••••••••••••• ~~st::~~ i~~
..... Sharonville 204
Shawnee.. .......................................... Shawnee 526
Elyria ...................................................... .Elyria 787 La Grange .. .......... La Grange 399 Newark .......... .. .. ... ................. ....... . ... .. .Newark 97 Shelby .. .... ........................................ .... Shelby 350
Englewood... ..... ...... .............. Englewood 743 Lakeview ....... .. . ..... ... ...Indian Lake 722 Newark ......... ... .................... .. .................... Acme 554 Shiloh ....................................... ............... Shiloh 544
Euclid ................ .. ..... .......... ......... Collinwood 582 Lakewood ........................................... Lakewood 601 New Carlisle ..............•................. New Carlisle 100 Shreve ................................................... Garfield 528
Euclid ......... ... .......... .......................... .Acacia 651 Lakewood .................... Clifton-Gaston G. .'\.llen 664 Newcomerstown .................. . ............ Lone Star 175 Sidney ............................................ Temperance 73
Fairborn . . ....................... Michael L. Finnell 711 Lancaster.. ....... Lancaster 57 New Holland ............... .... .............. New Holland 392 Smithfield ........ .. ...... ........ ... .............. Smithfield 182
Fairborn ........................ .................... Fairborn 764 LaRu e..... ... ... LaRu e 463 New Lexington .......................... New Lexington 250 Somerset. ... ......... Somerset 76
Farmersville .. ....... . ...... Farmersville 482 Lebanon .. ............................................. Lebanon 26 New Madison ............ ... ................... Fort Black 413 South Charleston .. .... .. ..... Fielding 192
Felicity .... ...... ...... ... .Felicity 102 Lebanon ................... .. ................... ... Masterton 429 New Marshfield ............. ............. Constitution 426 South Point ... ... .................... .. ......... South Point 497
t::~ru~i·:::::::.:::::: ::::::::::::·::: :::;::::·:~Lft~~~~ ~g
Findlay ..................... ............ .. ..Findlay 227 New Matamoras .. ... .Matamoras 374 Spencerville ... ... ........ ...................Acadia 306
Flushing ... ............ ............. Flushing 298 New Paris ........ ......... ............. ........... Fellowship 106 Springfield ........................ ... ..................... Clark 101
Forest ... . .......................... ...................... Senate 378 Liberty Center ....... ............. ..... .Liberty Center 518 New Philadelphia ................ New Philadelphia 177 Springfield .... .. ........................ .. .......... Anthony 455
Fort Recovery ............. . ............... Fort Recovery 539 Lima .... ................................. .. ........... Lima 205 New Straitsville ........... . ....... .. New Straitsville 484 Springfield ....... ........ .... ............ .St. Andrew's 619
Fostoria ................................................ Fostoria 288 Lima.. ................... .... Garrett Wykoff 585 Newton Falls .. ......... ................. .. .Newtori Falls 462 Springfield ..................................... H. S. Kissell 67 4
Frankfort .......................... . ............. .. Frankfort 309 Lima ...:... ....... ...., ........... Fort Amanda 706 Newtown.. ............................ Gerard Masonic 428 Springfield ................................... Morning Star 795
Franklin ........... ............................ .Eastern Star 55 Lisbon .. ........ ,--~ ... New Lisbon 65 North Baltimore .............. ....... North -Baltimore 561 Stafford .. .... ....... Stafford 300
Frazeysburg ........... ........ ....... ... Frazeysburg 490 Litchfield ................ .............. Litchfield 381 North Can ton ........................... Wm. H. Hoover 770 St. Clairsville ... .......... Belmont 16
Fredericktown .......... ................ ............. Thrall 170 Lithopolis ..... ... ....... Lithopolis 169 North Olmsted .. ... ... ... ............John W. Barkley 621 St. Mary's .............................................. Mercer 121
Fredonia.. ..... .......... ........... ... Farmers 153 Lockboume ..................................... Lockbourne 232 Norwalk ........................................... Mt. Vernon 64 Steubenville ... ....... .. ..................... Steubenville 45
Freeport ...... .......... ... ............ Freeport 415 Lockland ... .. ....................................... Wyoming 186 Norwich ............................ ... ..... .............. Malta 118 Steubenville . .......... .. .......... .................... Pilgrim 691
Fremont .. .. ....... . . ........... Brainard 336 Lodi ······· ·"···· · ............... .. ................... Harrisville 137 Norwood ...... ..... Norwood-Winton-Carthage 576 Stockport ................................................... Webb 252
Fultonham . ..Muskingum 368 Legan ............. ...... .. ................................ Mingo 171 Norwood ....... ............. Melrose 671 Stout .................................... ...................... Rome 535
Gahanna ... . .......................................... Triangle 748 London.. ......................................... Chandler 138 Oak Harbor .................................. Oak Harbor 495 Strasburg.. ........ ... .. ... ................. .. Cypress 604
Gahanna ....... .. ................ ...................... Sunrise 783 Lorain ... ....... ...... .................... ... Black River 786 Oak Hill ... .. ......... ........ ... ... . ........ .Portland 366 Sullivan ...... .. ..................................... Sullivan 313
Galion .......................................... ... ........ Galion 414 Loudonville .. ....... ....... ............. Hanover 115 Oberlin ................................................... Oberlin 380 Sunbury .. ........................................ Sparrow 400
Gallipolis....... ......................... Morning Dawn 7 Loveland .. . ......Avon-Miami 542 Orrville ................... ..Cedar 430 Sycamore .. .... .... ... .... .. ......... .. ...... Enterprise 579
Garrettsville .. .......... ... ......... Garrettsville 246 Loveland . . ....... Emery 258 Ottawa ....... ........................................... Ottawa 325 Thornville ....... ........ .......... ............. .... Thornville 521
Geneva .. .. .......... ....... . ...... ..... Geneva 334 Loveland ...... . ........... .... Madisonville-Madeira 4 19 Owensville ... ........................................... Hamer 228 Thurman.. . .. ... Centreville 371
Genoa ............... . ...... Genoa 433 Lowell ...................................................... Lowell 436 Oxford .. ........................................ Oxford 67 Tiffin ......................................................... Tiffin 77
Georgetown .. . ............ .... Georgetown 72 Lucasville ......... ........ .. .... .............. ... Lucasville 465 Painesville ............ ... ..... Temple 28 Tipp City .. ............ Tippecanoe 174
Germantown .. ... ... Germantown 257 Lynchburg ... .......... ....... ....... .. .......... Lynchburg 178 Parkman .................... .. .......... Western Phoenix 42 Toledo .. ............................... Toledo-Ft lndustry 144
Gettysburg ..... . ............. .. .... .. ........... Gettysburg 477 Lyndhurst . .................... .. . .... Forest City 388 Pataskala ........................... .. .. ... ....... Pataskala 404 Toledo ................................... Sylvania Pyramid 287
Gibsonburg .............. . ................ ..... Gibsonburg 575 Lyndhurst... .... ..................... ... Lyndhurst 508 Patriot ............................ .. ................... Patriot 496 Toledo.. ........ .Barton Smith 613
Gir ard ............. ...................... Niles McKinley 794 Lyndhurst... .... Heights-Lion Heart 633 Pattersonville ................ . .. ......... ........ Augusta 504 Toledo.. ..................................... Damascus 643
Girard ........... ..... .. ..................... ....William Farr 672 Lyndhurst. ....... .. University Heights 738 Payne .................. ... .......... . .. ... ........... Flat Rock 580 Toledo .................................... .Robinson Locke 659
Glouster ................ ..................... ... ..... Glouster 607 Macksburg .. ............ Aurelius 308 Peebles ................................................... Peebles 581 Toledo . ................ . ............. ......... .Harbor Light 746
Gnadenhutten ......... . .......... ... Port Washington 202 Madison... ................ ............ Lake Shore 307 Pemberville ... ..................... .......... .. Pemberville 516 Toronto ................................................ Toronto 583
Goshen .................... .. ............................. Goshen 119 Malta.. ... ..... .... .Valley 145 Perrysburg ........................................... Phoenix 123 Trimble .............. .. .. ............. ............. Trimble 557
Grand Rapids ............................. Grand Rapids 289 Manchester.. . . ....... ................ .Manchester 317 Pierpont ........ ............................................Relief 284 Troy ................................................... Franklin 14
Green Springs .......• ................... Green Springs 427 Mansfield .. . ............................... Mansfield 35 Pi qua .................................................... Warren 24 Twinsburg ............................................ Summit 213
Greenville ........... .. ............................ Greenville 143 Mansfield .... ..................................... ... ..Venus 152 Plain City .. ........ :......... ... Urania 311 Twinsburg ....................................... ... ..... Ashlar 639
Grove City ........... .. ... .............. ... ...... Grove City 689 Mantua . ...................................... .Mantua 533 Plainfield . ............... ......... Plainfield 224 Unionport.. ...................... .. ............. Unionport 333
Groveport ........................................... Groveport 240 Marietta.. ...... · ............ ..... American Union 1 Pleasant City ...... ... ................... Point Pleasant 360 Upper Sandusky .................................. Warpole 176
Guysville ................... .. .................... .. Savannah 466 Marietta.. . ..................................... Harmar · 390 Pleasantville . ....................... Pleasant Valley 531 Urbana ........ .... .. ............... .... ............. Harmony 8
Hamilton .. .. ......... .. .... ... ............ ..... Washington 17 Máriop ............. .................................... Marion 70 Poland . ..................... ... ... ... . .. ... ..... .. .. ..... Poland 766 Utica ........... ... .................... ... ................. Licking 291
92 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 93
OHIO- Continued OKLAHOMA 2015
A. F. &A. M.
West Mil ton .. ........... West Milton 577 Lodges,222 Annual Meeting Second Saturday of November Members, 22,601
Vandalia... .... .Vandalia 742
Van Wert... ..... ... ...Van Wert 218 West Portsmouth ... . ........... ...... .Nauvoo 769 (7-29-14)
Vermilion .... . . ....... Ely 424 West Salem. ....... West Salero 398 GARY L. BEISLY BOBBY L. LAWS, P.G.M .
Versailles .. ........ .Versailles 290 West Union .. ..... West Union 43 Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Vienna . .·.... Copper Penny 778 West Unity .... ....... .... Superior 179 401 S. Elder Ave. Broken Arrow 74012-3422 P.O. Box 1019
Vinton .. ........... ... .Vinton 131 Westerville .. ..... Blendon 339 Home Phone: 918-251-1972 102 S. Broad Guthrie 73044-1019
Wadsworth.. .... Wadsworth 385 Westlake. ...... Dover 489 Phone: Office 405-282-3212
Wakeman . ........... Gibson 301 Weston ... .......... Weston 560 FAX: 405-282-3244
Wapakoneta . .......... Hamer 167 Wheelersburg .. ............... .Western Sun 91 E-mail: [email protected]
Warren... ........... ........ ... Old Erie 3 Wilkesville .. ........ Orphans' Friend 275
Warren .... ..... Carroll F. Clapp 655 Willard ... .............. Golden Rule 562 Permits plural membership
Washington C. H. ...... Fayette 107 Williamsburg .. .... Clermont Social 29
Waterloo.... ... Waterloo 532 Williamsburg .. .... Marathon 203
Williamsport .. .......... ..........Heber 501 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO .
Waterville .. ..... Rubicon 237
Wauseon .... ... Wauseon 349 Willoughby ............ Willoughby 302
Wilmington .. ......... Wilmington 52 Achille ....... .. ... ........................................ Achille 454 Elk City ............................................... .Elk City 182
Waverly ........... ...... Orient 321 Ada .............................................................. Ada 119 Elmer ...................................................... Yeldell 196
Waynesfield.. .... Wayne 569 Wilmington .. .......... .... .... Dalton 578
Withamsville .. ........ J . B. Covert 437 Adair ... .................... ... .. ....... . . .............. Adair 99 El Reno ..... . ........................................... El Reno 50
Waynesville .. ..... ... ....... Waynesville 163 Afton ..................... . .......... .............. Afton 76 Enid.. ................. Enid 80
Wellington. .......... Wellington 127 Woodsfield .. .. Monroe 189
Wooster .. ....................... Ebenezer 33 Albany .. ............Albany 159 Enid ....................................................... Garfield 501
Wellston... ... Black Diamond 538 Allen ..........................................................Al len 81 Erick.. ...... Erick 237
Wellsville .. ........ Wellsville 180 Worthington ... .... New England 4
Worthington .. ... York 563 Al tus.. . .............. Altus 62 Eufaula ............ ............ ............ ...... ... Eufaula 1
West Alexandria ... ..King Hiram 88 Alva.... ..................................... .Alva 105 Fairfax .... .... .Grayhorse 124
West Bedford.. ..... ... .......... .... Wakatomica 108 Xenia .. ..... ......... Xenia 49
Xenia .. .... Cedarville 622 Anadarko .. ......... ............................. Anadarko 21 Fairland ....... ....... ....... Frisco 24
West Carrollton.. . ........ West Carrollton 737 Antlers .. ......................................... Antlers 39 Fairview .. ......................... .......... Fairview 377
West Farmington .. ...... Western Reserve 507 Yellow Springs .... ......... Yellow Springs 421
Youngstown .. ......... .Wick 481 Apache . . .......................................... Apache 223 Frederick..... ........ ............. .... ........ Frederick 249
West Jefferson .. ....... . .............. Madison 221 Ardmore ....................................... .. ..... Ardmore 31 Ft. Gibson . . ................................... Alpha 12
West Lafayette .. ... West Lafayette 602 Zanesville .. . ................... Amity 5
Zanesville .. . .. La Fayette 79 Arnett ................................................ .St. Alban 192 Ft. Towson ....................................... Ft. Towson 303
West Liberty.. ... Mad River 161 Atoka ........ . ....................................... Oklahoma 4 Glencoe .................................. .Ingalls-Glencoe 128
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF OHIO. In addition to the Grand Lodges Bartlesville .... .......... ..................... .. Bartlesville 284 Grandfield ........................................ Grandfield 378
listed in the table of contents of this book the Grand Lodge of Ohio recognizes the following: Oriental Bartlesville .......... .. ................................. Dewey 466 Grove ........................................................ Grove 187
Beaver .. ...................... .................... Beaver 269 Guthrie .......... .. ............................... Albert Pike 162
Peninsular (Mexico); Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Ohio, In c. Beggs ...................................................... Beggs 319 Guthrie .................................................. Guthrie 35
Ohio does not recognize: Brazil: Roraima; Colombia: Santander; Mexico: Baja Calif., Occidental Mexi- Bethany.. .... ......................... ....... .. Bethany 529 Guthrie ............. Oklahoma Lodge ofResearch
cana; El Salvador-Cuscatlan. Bixby ...... ..... ........... ........... ....... ........ Bixby 359 Guymon.. ..... Guymon 335
Blanchard ... ............................ Blanchard 395 Hartshorne .................. Hartshorne-Haileyville 122
Bokchito.. ...... ..... .............. ......... .... Bokchito 253 Haskell.. .................................... .. ........ Haskell 334
Boswell.. ......................................... Boswell 232 Haworth .. . ................. ...... Goodwater 148
Bristow ............ ....... .................................. Creek 226 Healdton ........................................... Healdton 23
Broken Arrow ............... .............. Broken Arrow 243 Heavener ...................... .................... Heavener 154
Broken Bow ....................... . .......... Broken Bow 441 Hennessey ........................................ Coronado 56
Cache ........................................................ Cache 391 Henryetta .. .. ....... Tulledega 201
Caddo ........... . .......................................... Caddo 3 Hinton . . ............ .......... ............ Hinton 313
·,, Calera .............. ....................... ..... .... Rising Star 129 Hobart .. ............................................ Hobart 198
Calvin ............................................. ......... Calvin 221 Holdenville.. . ... Holdenville 123
Cameron .................................... Mosholatubbee 13 Hooker.. ............. ...................... Hooker 366
Canton ...................... ........... Canton 418 Rugo ............................................. .. .......... Rugo 217
Carnegie.. ... Carnegie 294 Hydro ....................................................... Hydro 230
Cashion.. .......... Cashion 174 ldabel ...................................................... .Idabel 264
Catoosa ... ................. ........ .Catoosa 185 Indianola ............................................ Canadian 22
Chandler.. . ..... .... Chandler 58 Jay ................................................................ Jay 544
Checotah. ......... ............................. Checotah 86 Jenks ....................... ............. Jenks 497
Cherokee ...... .................................. Corinthian 307 Jennings ............................ ................. Jennings 151
Cheyenne .......................................... Cheyenne 133 Jorres ............................................... Jorres City 537
Chickasha.. . ................................ Chickasha 94 Kansas ................................................... Kansas 252
Claremore .............................. .. ...... Will Rogers 53 Keota .. ............... Keota 286
Clayton ........... ....... .......................... Tuskahoma 491 Kingfisher.. .... Kingfisher 52
Cleveland ................................. ... ........... Hebron 215 Kingston ......... ............ ................ ........ .Kingston 287
Clinton .................................................. Clinton 339 Kiowa .. . ...................................... Kiowa 117
Coalgate.. ......... Coalgate 211 Krebs .................................................... Solomon 32
Colbert .................................................. Colbert 8 Lawton ................................................... Lawton 183
Collinsville .................................... Collinsville 165 Lawton ........................................... Mount Scott 540
Comanche .. ... ... Comanche 41 Lawton ... .. ........................................... Triangle 548
Cordel!... .... ...... ................. ... ............ Cordel! 127 Lexington .............................. Lexington-Baxter 72
Coweta .. ......... ................. .... ........... Coweta 251 Lindsay .. .......... Lindsay 248
Crescent .................................. Anchor-Crescent 104 Locust Grove .. ...................... .... ........ Covey 460
Cushing ............................... . ............... Cushing 111 Lone Grove . ............................. ....... Lone Grove 25
Custer City ............................................ Custer 258 Macomb.. ...... ........... Macomb 310
Cyril ............................................ . ............. Cyril 504 Madill.. ............................... ... .Creekmore 74
Davenport . ........................................ Davenport 260 Mangum ... ... . ...... .. Mangum 61
Davis ·················'· ····························· ·· ........ Tyre 42 Mannford .. ........ Mannford 515
Del City .. ..................................... .Del City 536 Marlow . ........ ........ ............. Marlow 103
Delaware .. ............... ...................... .Delaware 4 77 Maud.. . ..... Maud 106
Drumright .................................. Drumright 468 McAlester .. ..So. McAlester 96
Duncan ....................................... ......... Duncan 60 McAlester .......................................... McAlester 9
Durant ........ .............. ............. ........... .... Durant 45 McLoud ................................................. McLoud 126
Edmond .. ..... ... Edmond 37 Medford ......... . ..................................... Medford 108
Elgin .. · ..... ............. Pilot 367 Meeker .......................... . ....................... Meeker 4 79
94 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 95
............ Sapulpa 170 Lodges,110 Annual Meeting First Thursday in June Members, 8,668
Miami ... .............. .......... Miami 140 Sapulpa ..
Midwest City .. ... Midwest City 532 Sayre .. .... Sayre 195 (12-31-2013)
Moore .. ........... Moore 539 Seiling .. ................ Seiling 495 R. MICHAEL WICK EDBOUSQUET
Mountain View ... ..... Mountain View 168 Seminole ... .... Seminole City 4 76 Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Muldrow ... ...... Bruton 30 Shattuck .. .............. Joppa 262 79846 Powerline Rd. Hermiston 97838-6824 2150 Masonic Way Forest Grave 97116-2020
Muskogee. .. Muskogee 28 Shawnee . ....... Composite 107 Phone: Office 503-357-3158
Muskogee .. ..... Oriental 430 Skiatook .. ........... Skiatook 416 FAX: 503-357-1815 Toll Free: 1-800-970-9920
Muskogee .. .... Trinity 502 S piro .. ......... Murrow 49 E-mail: [email protected]
Mustang .. . ............. Mustang 407 Stig]er ........ . ......... Stigler 121 Internet: www
Newkirk ... . . ........... Newkirk 88 Stillwater .. ..... Frontier 48
Nicoma Park .. . .... Nicoma Park 541 Stillwell ... .......................... .Flint 11 Plural Membership Permitted
Noble .. ... Hampton-Noble 291 Stonewall .. ............ Bright Star 113
N arman. ......... Norman 38 Stratford ... .............. Stratford 118
.... . ... .Veritas 556 Stroud .. ................. Stroud 142 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
N arman ..
Nowata. ........ Sunset 57 Sulphur. .. ............... Sulphur 144
Oilton .. ......... Oilton 467 Tahlequah .. ............. Cherokee 10 Albany. ...... St. Johns 17 Newport .................................... ......... Newport 85
Okeene .. ......... Okeene 357 Talihina . ........... Talihina 73 Arlington ........................................... Arlington 88 North Bend ................................... North Bend 140
Oklahoma City .. .......... Amity 473 Tecumseh .. .........Tecumseh 69 Ashland ................................................ Ashland 23 Oakland ......... . . ............................. Oakland 16
Oklahoma City .. ...... Britton 434 Thomas .. ............ Thomas 265 Astoria .................................. . ............... Seaport 7 Ontario .. . ............................ Acacia 118
Oklahoma City ... ...... ........ Day 547 Tishomingo .. ...... Tishomingo 91 Athena ............................................... Wildhorse 65 Pendleton .......................................... Pendleton 52
Oklahoma City .. ..... Hiram 494 Tonkawa .. ... Tonkawa 157 Baker City ................................. Blue Mountain 34 Portland .. . ................... Columbia 114
Oklahoma City .. ...... India 551 Tulsa ... .... Akdar 555 Bandon ......... . ...................... ................. Bandon 130 Portland .............. ....... .... Cornerstone 157
Oklahoma City .............. Myrtle 145 Tulsa .. .... Daylight 542 Beaverton ........................... Beaverton Masonic 100 Portland .............. . ............................. East Gate 155
Oklahoma City .. .... Oklahoma City 36 Tulsa .. ........ .Delta 425 Bend....... ................................ Bend 139 Portland ............................. . .............. Esoterika 227
Oklahoma City .. .... .. .. ..Siloam 276 Tulsa .. .............. Pilgrim-Rock 522 Brookings ....................... .............. Sidney Croft 206 Portland ............................ Friendship Masonic 160
Oklahoma City ........Guildhall 553 Tulsa .. ... Red Fork-Brookside 505 Brooks .. . ..... . . ......................... Fidelity 54 Portland ............................... . ................ Kenton 145
Okmulgee ... .... Okmulgee 199 Tulsa .. ..... Tulsa 71 Burns .. . ....... Robert Burns 97 Portland ................................. . ................. Lents 156
Oologah .. .......Oologah 343 Tuttle .. ................ Tuttle 405 Canby ................................................ Charopoeg 27 Portland ........... ................... Multnomah 1
Owasso .... .. . . ....... Owasso 545 Valliant .. .............. Valliant 301 Canyonville ............................... South Umpqua 72 Portland ..... ......................... Parkrose 179
Pauls Valley ........ .Valley 6 Vici ... ..... Vici 465 Clatskanie ........................................ Clatskanie 133 Portland.. ............ Portland 55
....... Wah-shah-she 110 Vinita .. .. Vinita 5 Condon ............................................. Mt. Moriah 95 Portland .. ........................ Research 198
Pawhuska .. Caos Bay ............ .. .................................. Blanco 48 Portland ....... ...................... Sunnyside 163
Pawnee .. ... Pawnee 82 Wagoner .. ............ Wagoner 98
... Perkins 92 Walters ..... .... . ..... Cache Valley 530 Coquille ........................................... ... Chadwick 68 Portland ....................... ............ Washington 46
Perkins .. Corvallis ... ...................................... Corvallis 14 Portland ..... .. ........................................ Waverly 174
Perry .. ... Perry 78 Wapanucka . ........... Wapanucka 200
............ Pocasset 403 Washington .. ......... Washington 406 Corvallis ........................................ Marys River 221 Portland ........................................... Willamette 2
Pocasset .. . Cottage Grove ............................ Cottage Grave 51 Port Orford . .... Port Orford 170
Panca City .. . .. Panca 83 Watonga ... ..... Watonga 176
..... Pond Creek 125 Waukomis .. .Waukomis 161 Cave... ..................................................... Cave 91 Prineville ........................................... Prineville 76
Pond Creek .. . Creswell ........................................... Creswell 112 Rainier .................................................. .Rainier 24
Pontotoc.. . ............... . .......... Pontotoc 136 Waynoka ... ....Waynoka 422
Porum ... Porum 351 Weatherford .. ..... . .Western Star 138 Dalias .. . ................................. J ennings 9 Redmond ............................................ Redmond 154
Pateau .. ... Poteau 46 Webbers Falls .... ....... Webbers Falls 14 Drain.. ............ ... Sunset 144 Reedsport ................................................ Aurora 59
........... Prague 209 Wellston .. .. Wellston 369 Echo.. ................... Umatilla 40 Rickreall .............................................. Rickreall 110
Prague Elgin ... ........................... Hiram 67 Riddle ...................................................... Maple 127
Pryor .. ...... Pryor Creek 100 Westville .. .... Westville 549
Pureen .. ........ Pureen 27 Wheatland .... .... .. .......... Uriah 227 Eugene .................................................. Eugene 11 Roseburg ................................................ Laurel 13
Ramona .. ....... Ramona 326 Wilburton .. ....... 1 ... Wilburton 141 Eugene ..................................... McKenzie River 195 Salero.. ...... Ainsworth 201
Red Oak .. ... Red Oak 66 Woodward .. · ' ... Woodward 189 Florence ........................ ...................... Florence 107 Salero ....................................................... Pacific 50
.. Ringwood 554 Wright City ... .............. Wright 483 Forest Grave ....................................... Holbrook 30 Salero... ......... Salem 4
Ringwood Fossil .............................. . ................ .... ..... Fossil 89 Sale m . ............... .Vista Masonic 215
Roff ......... . ......... Roff 169 Wynnewood .. ... Wynnewood 40
..... Sallisaw 120 Yukon . ......... Yukon 90 Grants Pass ................................... Grants Pass 84 Sandy .............. .................... Sandy 158
Sallisaw ... . Grants Pass ................................... Rogue River 226 Scio ............ ................. Scio 39
Sand Springs .. .. ...... Sand Springs 475 ' •"""- Heppner .............................................. Heppner 69 Seaside .. . ... Evergreen 137
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF OKLAHOMA. In addition to the Grand Hermiston ............... ........................ Hermiston 138 Shady Cave .................................. ......... Cascade 208
Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma recognizes the following: Hillsboro. ........................................... Tuality 6 Sheridan ............... .. .. ............ Sheridan-Dayton 64
Andorra, Brazilia, Seremissima (Brazil), Latvia; Lithuania,'Macedonia; Slovakia; Slovenia and Yugoslavia. Hood River ... . .................... Hood River 105 Sherwood ................................. Oregon Military 223
The Grand Lodge of Oklahoma does not roaintain foreign relations with the following Grand Lodges lndependence . ...... ... ........................... Lyon 29 Sherwood .............................. Sherwood-Midday 164
included in this publication: Benin; Grand Oriente ofBrazi1; Brazil State Grand Lodges: Alagoas , A.mapa, Jacksonville.. ................... ................... Warren 10 Silverton .............................................. Silverton 45
Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso du Su!; Bulgaria; Colombia: Los Andes, Oriental-Cucuta (San- Jefferson ................................ . .. Jefferson 33 St . Helens ......................... .St. Helens Masonic 32
tander); Gabon; Haiti; lvory Coast; Madagascar; Mexico: Baja California Sur, Campeche; Serbia; Togolaise; Joseph ............ ................................... ...... Joseph 81 Stayton ............................................... Santiam 25
and Ukraine. The Grand Lodge of Oklahoma does not maintain relations with any Prince Hall Grand Kerby .......................................................... Belt 18 Sumpter ..... .......................... McEwen 125
Klamath Falls ...... ..... ................. ...Crater Lake 211 The Dalles ............ ..... Wasco 15
Lodge. Klamath Falls .......................... . ...... Klamath 77 Tigard ................................ Tigard-Orenomah 207
La Grande ........................................ La Grande 41 Tillaroook ............................ .... Tillamook 57
Lake Oswego ......................................... Waluga 181 Troutdale ............................................. Fairview 92
Lebanon. .................... . .............. East Linn 44 Troutdale ........... . .............................. Gresharo 152
McMinnville.. . .. ..................... Union 3 Turner . ......................................... . .... :.Pearl 66
Medford .... ................... .... .. . ..... Medford 103 Umatilla .................................... ............ Tuscan 136
Milton-Freewater ................................... Milton 96 Union .............................. Grande Ronde Valley 56
Milwaukie ......................................... Milwaulrie 109 Vale .......................................................... Vale 142
Molalla .......... . ..................... . ............ Molalla 178 Warrenton .. .......... Gateway 175
Myrtle Point ....... .. .... ................... . ......... Myrtle 78 Wheeler .. . .......... Bay City-Wheeler 102
Newberg ...... .. .................. ... .... . ......... Newberg 104 Woodburn ............. ..... Woodburn 106
Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book, the Grand Lodge of Oregon recognizes the following: The
Grand Lodges of Albania; AzerOaijan; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Macedonia; Moldava; Monaco; Slovakia.
Serenissima Gran Loggia di San Marino; Grand Lodge of Lithuania A.F. & A.M.; and The M.W. Prince Hall
Grand Lodges F. & A.M. ofOregon, Inc., Washington, Wisconsin, Colorado.
The Grand Lodge of Oregon does not recognize the following listed in this book: Mexico: No Lodges recog-
nized; Colombia: Occidental, Cali, Santander; El Salvador, Cuscatlan; and Paraguay.
96 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 97
F.&A. M.
Meets in Quarterly Communicati ons on First Wednesday in June and December. LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Marc h and September Quarterly Communicatio ns optional.
Annu al Grand Communication on Saín! John th e Evangelist 's Day, Freeland ... . ..................... . .................Arbutus 611 McKeesport . .................. Alliquippa 375
Freeport .................... . ...................... Armstrong 239 McKeesport ..................... .... ...... .. Youghiogheny 583
December 27 fo r lnstallati on of Officers when new Grand Master is installed. Galeton ................. ................. ........... .. Galeton 602 McVeytown ..................................... McVeytown 376
Annual Electi on is held on First Wedn esday in December. Gettysburg.. ....... :.... Good Samaritan 336 Meadville ............................................ Crawford 234
Lo dges, 417 Members , 107,731 Girard ... .................. Lake Erie 34 7 Meadville . ..... 408
Plus One Research Lodge · (12-27-13) Greencastle ....... .......................... Mount Pisgah 443 Mechanicsburg ................. .Eureka-West Shore 302
Greensburg .. ..... .... ... Philanthropy 225 Mercer ......................................... .. ..... .. ..Hebron 575
ROBERT J. BATEMAN MARK A. RAINES Greensburg ................................ Westmoreland 518 Meyersdale.. . .... .......... Meyersdale 554
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Greenville .. ............................................ .Eureka 290 Middleburg .......... ...... ...... ............. ..Middleburg 619
Masonic Temple, One North Broad St. Masonic Temple, One North Broad St. Grove City ........................................ Grove City 603 Middletown .......... Prince Edwin-Spring Creek 486
Philadelphia 19107-2598 Philadelphia 19107-2598 Hallstead ........................................... Bluestone 338 Miffiinburg ............... ....... ........... ... Miffiinburg 370
Office 215-988-1901 Hamburg ................................................. ..Vaux 406 Miffiintown .............................................. Union 324
FAX: 215-988-1951 Hamlin ........................... ............ .............. Salem 330 Milford ................. ....... ........ .................... Milford 344
E-mail: [email protected] Hanover ........................................... .. ... Patmos 348 Millersburg .................................. Susquehanna 364
Website: Harrisburg . .................................... Harrisburg 629 Millerstown ...................... .................... Newport 381
Permits plural membership Harrisburg .. . .............. .. Perseverance 21 Millersville .......................... Charles M. Howell 496
Harrisburg....... ............... Robert Burns 464 Milton ...................................................... Milton 256
Harrisburg.. .... William S. Snyder 756 Monaca ...................................... Monaca Center 791
LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. Hatboro.. ................. W. K. Bray 410 Monongahela ....................... .Henry M. Phillips 337
Hazleton ................... Hazle Azalea Fellowship 327 Monroeton.. .................................... Evergreen 163
Albion.......... ........ ............ Western Star 304 Clarks Green.... .................. ....... Waverly 301 Hermitage ............................ .. Shenango Valley 810 Montoursville ......................... ........ ........ Eureka 335
Allentown . .......... Greenleaf 561 Claysville.. ... ........................ Claysville 447 Herndon ............................................... Herndon 702 Montrose ............... ····- . ............ ........... Warren 240
Allentown .. ..Jordan-Martin 673 Clearfield .. ..Clearfield 314 Hershey ................. ............. ............ Brownstone 666 Moosic ......................................... .. .......... Moosic 664
Allentown.. ..... Kite and Key 811 Coalport .. ..Coalport 574 Hollidaysburg ............. .......... ................. Juniata 282 Moscow.. .... .. :..... ..... .... .Moscow 504
Allentown.. .......... ... ....New Temple 720 Coatesville ...... ... . ........ Brandywine Goddard 383 Hollidaysburg .............. ....... ................... Portage 220 Mount Carmel ....................... ..... ... .. ....... Cedar 378
Altoona. ........ ... ...... .......... .. ........ ... Hiram 616 Cochranton .. . ......... . .. Cochranton 790 Honesdale .. .. ..................................... Honesdale 218 Mount Joy .... .... .. .Ashara-Casiphia 551
Altoona... ............ ... . ...... ...Logan 490 Cochranville.. ............... Skerrett 343 Honey Brook ........................................ ... Howell 405 Mount Union ................................ Mount Union 688
Altoona.. ........... ... .... .... ... ... ..... Mountain 281 Collegeville ... . ................. Warren 310 Hop Bottom ........................................... Harford 445 Muncy .......... ... ........................................ Muncy 299
Ambridge ............. .... . . ......... .. ...... .Ambridge 701 Concordville .. ........... .. .... Concord 625 Huntingdon .............................. Mount Moriah 300 N anticoke .......................................... N anticoke 332
Apollo.. ............. .. ... ..... Apollo 437 Concordville . . ......... .................... Penn 709 Hyndman ....................................... Hyndman 589 New Bethlehem ....................... New Bethlehem 522
Ardmore.. ........ . ........ Cassia-Mount Horeb 273 Conneautville ..... .. .. ... .. ....... Western Crawford 258 Indiana .. ...Indiana-Franklin 313 New Bloomfield ....... .. ........................... .Adams 319
Ashland .. .. ........ ..... ......Ashland 294 Connellsville.. .................... James Cochran 614 lrwin ........................................................ Shidle 601 New Brighton ..... ...................................... Union 259
Athens .. ....... . ....Rural Amity 70 Connellsville.. .............. King Solomon's 346 Jamestown ................... . ..................... .Adelphic 424 New Castle ... .Lodge ofthe Craft/Westminster 433
Austin .................... . ......Arcana 580 Connellsville .. ....... .. Marion 562 Jeannette .............. . .......................... Jeannette 750 New Castle . ................... Mahoning New Castle 243
Baldwin Twp ............... .. .... William D. Mcllroy 269 Conshohocken .. ........... Fritz 308 Jeffersonville ......................................... Charity 190 New London .................................. New London 545
Coopersburg.. .......................... .Saucon 469 Jenkins Township ......................... St. John's 233 New Oxford ............... :..................... ....... Hebron 465
Bath.. ·············'·· ...... Manoquesy 413 Jenkintown ........................................ Concordia 67 New Wilmington .................... ........ Wilmington 804
Beallsville .. .......................... Beallsville 237 Coraopolis.. ..................... Coraopolis 674
Beaver .. ...... ..........St. James 457 Carry.. . .......................... Carry 365 Jenkintown ........ .. ........................ ........ Mitchell 296 Newville .. . ...... ..... ........... ....... Big Spring 361
Bedford.. . .... . ..... ..... Bedford 320 Coudersport .. ... Eulalia 342 Jenkintown .. ................ Friendship-Williams 400 Nicholson ................................ ......... Nicholson 438
Bellefonte ............ . ........ ....Bellefonte 268 Cresco ... ........................ Pocono 780 Jermyn ........ . ..........................................Aurora 523 N orristown . ... . ... . ... . .. .. . ... ........... .N orristown 620
Berwick .. ............................ Knapp 462 Cressona .... ............. .......................... Cressona 222 Jersey Shore ............................. La Belle Vallee 232 North Catasauqua ............................. Chapman 637
Jim Thorpe ............................................ Carbon 242 North Catasauqua ............... .. ...... ... ..... ... Porter 284
Bethel Park ............... ................... South Hills
Bethlehem.. ........... .... .... Bethlehem
283 gilla:n_s~iiie : ::::: ó~~~@i.üS;,~r~~ §~~ Johnsonburg .... . ......... James W. Brown 675 North East.. ................ North East 399
Birdsboro. ...... ....... ... ... Union 479 Danville.. ....... .Danvillé-MaJwning 224 Johnstown .. ........................................ Cambria 278 Northumberland. ......... Eureka 404
Blairsville... ..Acacia 355 Derry ....... . ................. ........... La Monte 568 Johnstown.. ....... Greater Johnstown 538 Oakdale ................................................ Oakdale 669
Bloomsburg... ........ Washington 265 Donora .. .... Tri-County 252 Kane ... ... ...... ..... .................. .Kane 566 Oil City .................................................. Petrolia 363
Blossburg ...... ................... .................. Bloss 350 Downingtown ... ...... .............. .... .Williamson 309 Kennett Square .................................... Kennett 475 Olyphant ......... . ................................ Kingsbury 466
Blossburg ........ . ....... .Friendship 24 7 Doylestown .......... ...... .. .... ~ ... ., .." .. Doylestown 245 Kingston .......................................... King David 763 Orangeville ........................................... Oriental 460
Boyertown.. ..... Boyertown 741 Dravosburg ..... Homestead-Amity-McCandless 582 Kingston .. ............................................ Kingston 395 Orbisonia ............................................ Cromwell 572
Bradford .. ... Bradford Union 749 Dravosburg.. ...... .... .......... Wilson-Joppa 714 Kittanning ................... Kittanning East Brady 244 Orwigsburg ........................................ Schuylkill 138
Bristol . ...... .. Bristol 25 Driftwood . ... . ........... ·....... ............... ..Driftwood 532 Kittanning .............................................. Seneca 805 Osceola Mills .............................. ......... .Osceola 515
Bristol.. ............. Harry A. Houseman 717 DuBois ........ ... ...... ..................... Garfield 559 Knox .... ............................................... Edenburg 550 Oxford ........................ ....................... ..... Oxford 353
Brookville .. ... Hobah 276 Duke Center.. .............. Northern Star 555 Knoxville ........ ...... .................... . ..Cowanesque 351 Paoli ..................................... ............ Thomson 340
Broomall.. ........ ... .... Connunity 744 Duquesne. ....... .Duquesne-McKeesport 731 Kutztown .......................................... .Huguenot 377 Parker ............... Parker City-Ailegheny Valley 521
Brownsville ... ...................... .Brownsville 60 East McKeesport.. ...... East McKeesport 765 Laceyville ............................................ Franklin 263 Pen Argyl.. ............................ .. ........... Pen Argyl 594
Burgettstown ... ................. Richard Vaux 454 Easton .... ............ . ... Dallas-Lafayette 396 Lancaster ............ ................. ............ Lamberton 476 Philadelphia.. ...... ............ .. . 2
Butler .... . ...... ......... .. ........ ... Butler 272 Easton............. . ................ Easton 152 Lancaster . . 43 Philadelphia.. 9
Butler .. .................... .Victory 694 Ebensburg .... . ....................... ..... ... .... Summit 312 Lansdowne .. . ...... ....... Lansdowne 711 Philadelphia ................. .. Athelstan-Lamberton 482
Butler .................................. William H. Miller 769 Edinboro. ................................. Oasis 416 Latrobe ........................................... Loyalhanna 275 Philadelphia .................................. Brotherhood 126
California ......................... Monongahela Valley 46 1 Elizabeth .......... ..... .......... Stephen Bayard 526 Lebanon .................................. Mount Lebanon 226 Philadelphia ....................................... Columbia 91
Cambridge Springs.. ...... Covenant 473 Elizabethtown .. . ........Abraham C. Treichler 682 Lebanon .................. ................. ..... Mount Olivet 704 Philadelphia ............................................ Equity 591
Camp Hill.. .... Lowther Manor 781 Ellwood City .. ...... ... .... Ellwood 599 Lehighton .............. ............................ Lehighton 621 Philadelphia ................................. .. .. Frankford 292
Canonsburg.. ....... .Chartiers 297 Elysburg .. ..................... Elysburg 349 LeRaysville ................ ........ .................. ...Le Ray 471 Philadelphia .............. Hackenburg Mt. Moriah 19
Cantan. ... Canton 415 Emmaus ....... ... ..................... Emmau~ 792 Lewisburg .................... .. ........................ Charity 144 Philadelphia ............. William Penn Harmony 52
Carbondale ... .. ........ .. ....... .... Carbondale 249 Emporium . . .............. Emporium 382 Lewistown ........... . ......................... ..Lewistown 203 Philadelphia ............................ ....... ........ Hiram 81
Carlisle.. ........... Cumberland Star 197 Enon Valley .. ................ Meridian 411 Ligonier ................................. ... ........... Ligonier 331 Philadelphia ...................... ....... ....... Jerusalem 506
Carlisle. ..... ... .. ..................... St. John's 260 Ephrata .... ............... Ephrata 665 Linesville ................................................ .... Pine 498 Philadelphia .......................... Joseph H. Brown 751
Carnegie .. . .............. .... Centennial 544 Erie.. .. . .......... ..Lawrence 708 Lock Haven ................ ... .................... LaFayette 199 Philadelphia ............................................ Melita 295
Carnegie ... ... ...... ..... ......... ... .. .... LaFayette 652 Erie .. .... .... ..... ... ............ .. .... Perry-Keystone 392 Lower Burrell ..................... .................... Bethel 789 Philadelphia ............................... .. .. ........ Mozart 436
Centre Hall .. ..... .. ................ Old Fort 537 Erie ......... . .... ........... Tyrian-Commonwealth 362 Lower Burrell ...................................... .. Tyrian 644 Philadelphia ................. .Palestine-Roxborough 135
Chambersburg ......... ......... George Washington 143 Everett .. .... ....... ........ Everett 524 Lykens .... ................................................. Ashlar 570 Philadelphia. . ... Philadelphia-Potter 72
Chambersburg.. ....... Gen. James Chambers 801 Export ........ ........ ... ..... ........ Forbes Trail 783 Macungie .............................. :................. Lehigh 326 Philadelphia .. ... ... ...... .......... .Pilgrim 712
Charleroi ... .... ....... .Charleroi 615 Factoryville ............. .............. Factoryville 341 Macungie ..... ... . .................. .Lehigh Valley Day 813 Philadelphia ............... .. Richard Vaux-lvanhoe 384
Chester .. ....................... .. .. .... .. Chester 236 Fairless Hills .. .............. Fairless Hills 776 Manheim ....................................... .. ... Manheim 587 Philadelphia ............................. ......... Richmond 230
Chicora .. .............. .Argyle 540 Fawn Grove .. ........ .. .......Friendship 663 Mars .............................................. John E. Mair 729 Philadelphia ............. ....... Shekinah-Fernwood 246
Christiana ....... .. .... .... .Christiana 417 Frackville ..... ... .................... Frackville 737 Marysville ................................................ Perry 458 Philadelphia ................................ ..... .Solomon's 3
Clarion .. ...... Clarion 277 Franklin..... .... Myrtle 316 Masontown .............................................. Valley 459 Philadelphia ................... ..... ... St. Alban 529
McConnellsburg ............................. Mount Zion 774 Philadelphia ...................................... St. John's 115
*There are 9 Lodges in Pennsylvania designated only by number.
98 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 99
100 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 101
102 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 103
Yemassee .. ..... Mount Moriah 196 York ........................................... Philanthropic 32 Wall ... ...................... ........................... Crescent 210 White.. ........... Washington 111
Watertown ............................................ Concord 13 White River ................... ................. White River 181
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In addition to the Webster .................................................. Coteau 54 Winner ................................................... Winner 166
Grand Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book, the Grand Lodge of South Carolina recognizes the Wessington ..................................... Wessington 107 Worthing ............................................ Worthing 141
following: Cameroon; Congo; Gr~nde Loge Nationale Guineenne; Macedonia; Malta; Mex.ico: La Oriental Wessington Springs .. .. .. ....................... Frontier 87 Yankton ............................................. .St. John's 1
Peninsular, Lazara Cardenas; San Marino.
South Carolina does not recognize the following: Armenia; Benin; Brazil, Grand Oriente; Brazil: RECOGNITION JNFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF SOUTH DAKOTA. In addition to the
Amapa, Amazonas, Bahia, Espirito Santo, Maranhao; Colombia: Cartagena, Los Andes, Oriental Cucuta; Grand Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book the Grand Lodge of South Dakota recognizes the
France; Iran; Mexico: Baja Calif., Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chiapas, Cosmos, Del Pacifico, and all following: Prince Hall of Kansas.
Prince Hall Grand Lodges. South Dakota does not recognize: Mexico: Benito Juarez.
104 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 105
C!ifton .. ..... ..... Clífton 173 Indían Mound ............................ .Indían Mound 303 Murfreesboro.. .... .......................... Mt. Moriah 18 Scotts Híll ...................................... ..... Ebenezer 441
Clinton .... ..................................... ............ Alpha 376 !ron Cíty ............................................. Staínless 580 Nashvílle ............................................ Claíborne 293 Selmer .................... .................. ... ........... Selmer 743
College Grove .................................... Owen Híll 172 Jacksboro.. ............................. .Jacksboro 322 Nashvílle ............. ... ... Conlegíum Rítus Austerí 779 Sevierville .................................. Mountain Star 197
Collíervílle ....................................... Collíervílle 152 J ackson .. . .... .. J ackson 45 Nashvílle.. . ................. Corínthían 414 Seymour ..... ... ........................................... Sevier 334
Collínwood ....................................... Collínwood 702 Jackson .. . ...... .St. Johns 332 Nashvílle .... .................................... Cumberland 8 Shelbyvílle ........................... Shelbyvílle Benev. 122
Columbia .................................. ..Cherry Mound 227 Jamestown .. ..... Jamestown 281 Nashville ...................... ... .......................... Doríc 732 Signa! Mountaín .................... Signa! Mountaín 758
Columbia ............................................ Columbia 31 Jamestown.. ......... ... Líttle Crab 614 Nashville .. ..... ............................. B.V.-E.N. 560 Slayden ..................................................... Camp 445
Concord .................................................... .Chota 253 Jasper .. ............................... O!íve Branch 297 Nashville (Inglewood) ... Jere Baxter-Edgefield 254 Smithvílle ............................................... Líberty 77
Cookeville .......................................... Cookeville 266 Jefferson Cíty ............................... Mossy Creek 353 Nashvílle (Woodbíne) .............. John B. Garrett 711 Smíthvílle .......... Short Mountain 373
Copperhíll ......................................... Copperhill 656 Jellíco ....................................................... Jellíco 527 Nashvílle ......................................... Observance 686 Smyma ............................................. Sam Davis 661
Corryton .............................................. Corryton 321 Johnson Cíty .. .... Johnson Cíty 486 Nashvílle ......... . .................................... Phoeníx 131 Sneedvílle ... ........................... Sneedvílle 277
Cottage Grove .. ........... Marshall 109 Jonesboro ................................................... Rhea 4 7 Nashvílle ................................... West Nashville 612 Soddy Daísy .............................................. Daísy 706
Covíngton .... ... Dunham 150 Kenton .................................................... Kenton 392 Newbern.. . ................................ Newbern 285 Soddy Daisy ............................................. Soddy 418
Crawford. . . ...... Green Pond 703 Kíngsport ........................................... Kíngsport 688 New Johnsonvílle ... ................... .......... Caldwell 273 Somervílle ..... . ....... Somervílle 73
Crawford . . ....... Shiloh 637 Kíngston ................................................. Uníon 38 New Market .................................. New Market 246 South Píttsburg ..................................... Maríon 515
Crossvílle .. ..... ... Crossvílle 483 Knoxville ...................................... Beaver Rídge 366 Newport ............................................... Newport 234 S parta .................................................... .Sparta 99
Culleoka... .... ...... ... . ....... ... Pleasant Grove 138 Knoxvílle ........................................ Bríght Hope 557 New Tazewell.. ..... ............. ........ ..Blazíng Star 455 Speedwell ... .. ................... .... Powell Valley 488
Cumberland Cíty ............. ..... Charity 370 Knoxvílle .. .................................... Burlíngton 763 New Tazewell ........................... Eveníng Star 180 Speedwell (Old Hwy. 63) ................ Valley Star 577
Cumberland Fumace .... ..!ron 503 Knoxvílle ....................... Charles H. McKínney 433 Nolensvílle ........................................ Míll Creek 775
Cunníngham.. ..McA!íster 402 Knoxvílle. .................................. Cherokee 728 Oak Rídge. ................................ .. ...... Faíth 756 ~~~:::~~\~ :: : :~e~~e~~rk~~~ 31g
Dandridge .. ............ Brazelton 190 Knoxville... ...................... Fountaín Cíty 757 Ocoee .............................................. Conasauga 396 Spríng Híll .................. ... .................. Spríng Híll 124
Dayton .............................................. ... ... Dayton 512 Knoxvílle ............ ........ ............. ....... ... .... Masters 244 O!d Híckory .................................... Old Híckory 598 Spríngvílle .. ......... ..... ............. Spríngvílle 130
Decatur ..................................................... Meígs 213
Decherd ................................................ Decherd 567
Knoxvílle .................................. ............ Oriental 453
Knoxville .. ..Shekínah 524 g~;7;i}prí~~~. ::::::::...... .. . .. . . :::::::: g:~J! ~~~ Strawberry Plaíns ............... Strawberry Plaíns 462
Sweetwater ..................................... Sweetwater 292
Díckson ................................................. .Díckson 468 Kodak .. .... ......... French Broad 588 Ooltewah ...................... .................... Ooltewah 741 Tellíco Plaíns ................. .... .............. Brown Hill 613
Díckson ................................... Tennessee Cíty 548 Lafayette ............................................ Lafayette 543 Orlínda .................................. .Crystal Fountaín 282 Tellíco Plaíns ... . ...................................... Unaka 651
Díxon Spríngs ... ..Híllsdale 664 LaFollette .............................. Campbell County 778 Palmersville .................................. Palmersville 121 Thompson's Statíon ............................ Bethesda 201
Donelson . . ......... McWhírtersvílle 375 LaFollette ......................... . ............. Stooksbury 602 Palmyra ................................................ Palmyra 74 7 Típtonvílle .......................................... Harmony 184
Dover .. ....................... .!ron Mountain 544 Lake Cíty ......................................... Coa! Creek 492 Paris .... ...................................................... Paris 108 Tracy Cíty ............................................ Sewanee 405
Dover.. .......... . ........ Moriah Grove 301 Lawrenceburg ....................................... Mimosa 542 Parsons ..... ... ........................................ .Parsons 586 Trenton ..... . .......................................... Trenton 86
Dresden ................................................ Dresden 90 Lebanon .. ............................................ Lebanon 98 Pelham ............ ......... ..... ... ....... .... .Felíx Grundy 284 Trezevant ............... .................. Pleasant Green 291
Ducktown .......................................... Ducktown 241 Lenoír Cíty .. .......................... Avery 593 Petras ........................................ Black Díamond 625 Troy ........................... . ........... ..... Western Sun 88
Dunlap ....... :........................................... Dunlap 693 Lewísburg ... .............................. Díllahunty 112 Píkeville .............................................. .St. Elmo 437 Tullahoma ..... ................................... Tullahoma 262
Dyersburg .............. ... ................................ Hess 93 Lexington.. . ....... Constantine 64 Píney Flats ................................... M. M. Martin 54 7 Unicoi .. ._ ... .............................................. Unicoi 681
Elizabethton ............................... .. . ...... Dashíell 238 Lexington .. ..................... Juno 443 Portland ............................................... Portland 326 Union Cíty ..................................... ............. Tyre 587
Englewood .......................................... .... Manila 633 Lexington ............ ................. Cheap Valley 467 Powell ........................... ..... ...................... Powell 582 Uníon Cíty .. ..................................... Uníon Cíty 538
Erin .. ..................... Wísdom 300 Liberty .. ...... DeKalb 358 Prospect ........................ ...... ................. é.. Bethel 194 Vanleer ...... ... ................. ...... .................. Vanleer 319
Estíll Spríngs .............................. Estíll Spríngs 561 Limestone . .......Arcana 489 Pulaskí... ..............................................Pulaskí 101 Vonoré ..................................................... Vonore 658
Ethridge ............................................... Ethridge 777 Linden. ........ Linden 210 Red Boílíng Spgs ................... Red Boílíng Spgs. 585 Wartburg ............................................. Emerald 377
Etowah ... ... ....... ...... ............................... Etowah 653 Livingston ......................._. ..... .... Livingston 259 Relíance .... ..... ............... ...... ...... ............ Relíance 636 Watauga ... .... ....................................... Watauga 622
Fairview ............................................... Fairview 776 Lobelville . ................. Lobelvílle 739 Ricevílle ........................... Thomas A. Hamílton 317 Watertown ............................................... Comer 417
Fall Branch ........................................ Johnson 274 Loretto ........... . .............. .. ....................... Loretto 655 Rípley......... ............. ... ................. ...... .Rípley 630 Waverly ........................................... Waverly 304
Fayettevílle.. .................... Andrew Jackson 68 Loudon ....... ... .. ········ ·····t- ·····Tennessee 204 Roan Mountain ............. ........... Roan Mountain 566 Waverly ....................................... Cotton Valley 345
Flag Pond . .............................. Centenníal 491 Louísville .................... . ..... Geo~¡¡e W.?shington 181 Robbíns ......................................... Scott County 670 Waynesboro . .................................. Waynesboro 127
Franklin ....... ......... .... .... . ................ Hiram 7 Lynchburg ..................................... Fartrs Creek 509 Rockford ...... ... .... Rockford 469 Westmoreland (Hwy. 52) .................... Trammel 436
Friendsvílle ... ............... ....... Unítía 295 Madíson .............. .... .............................. Madíson 762 Rock Island ..................................... Rock Island 452 Westmoreland .Fairfield 553
Gaínesboro.. ....... ...... ...... .. Tannehíll 133 Madisonvílle .................... . ...................... Tellico SO Rockvale ............................................. Rockvale 413 Whíte Bluff ..................................... White Bluff 676
~!~~~es~er:::::::::::::::::::~.::.~;:~·::::j\1:!~r~~~~ ;§i
Gallatin ..... ...... King Solomon 6 Rockwood.. .... ................. .... .. ... .Rockwood 403 Whíte House .............................. White House 700
G!adevílle ..... . ........... .................. Joppa 411 Rogersvílle ............................................ Overton 5 Whíte Píne ........................................ Leadvale 390
G!eason . ......... ... . ..... G!eason 330 Martín.. ....... Mt. Vernon 349 Rutherford ................................................. Borre 252 Whítes Creek .................................. Centre Star 409
Goodlettsvílle ......................... ..... Goodlettsvílle 271 Maryville .......................... ...... New Providence 128 Rutledge ... ....................... .Rísíng Star 44 Whitesburg ................................................. Kyle 422
Gordonsvílle .............................. New Míddleton 249 Maryville (Brick Míll Rd.) ........ Mountaín Víew 519 Sale Creek ....................................... Sale Creek 280 Whítwell.. ......................................... Whítwell 563
Gray ............................................ Sínking Creek 575 Mascot ........... ..................................... Mascot 738 Santa Fe ................................................. Benton 111 Wínchester ............... ....................... Wínchester 158
Greenbrier ........................................ Greenbrier 753 M'ason Hall.. ............... .................... Pearl 200 Savannah ........ ............ ...... ................. Savannah 102 Woodbury .............................................. Cannon 774
Greenbrier .. ... ..................... ... . ............... Burton 272 Maynardvílle .. ................... J. C. Baker 720
Greeneville ...................................... Greeneville 3 McEwen. ............................................. McEwen 525 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF TENNESSEE. In additíon to the Grand
Greeneville ......................................... Baíleyton 520 McKenzíe ........................................... Caledonia 96 Lodges listed in this publication, this Grand Lodge maintains fraternal relations with the following Grand
Greenevílle .. ................................. Beersheba 449 McMinnville .. .... Warren 125 Lodges: Andorra; Azerbaijan; Congo; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus; Lithuania; Macedonia; Malian National;
Greenfield ...... ...... Washington 159 Memphís ............................ .. ................ Berclair 771 Malta; Mauritas; Mexico: Guerrero, Lazaro Cardenas, Orient Peninsular; Moldava; San Marino; Tahiti &
Halls ... .. ....... Haller 564 Memphís ................................................ De Soto 299 Archípelagos; Ukraíne; Sovereígn Grand Lodge of Albania. ··
Hampshire ... . . .. ...... .... Merriwether 192 Memphís ............................................. Memphís 118 This Grand Lodge does not recogníze the followíng Grand Lodges lísted ín this publícatíon: Armenia;
Hampton... . ..... .. . . ... Hampton 750 Memphís .............................................. Oakville 599 Brazil: Amapa, Matto Grasso do Sol; Piaui, and Roraima; Columbia: Los Andes, Occidental Cali and Orien-
Harriman.. ............. East Fork 460 Memphís.. . .... ................ ...... .Park Avenue 362 tal Cucuta; Mexico: Cosmos, Del Pacifico, and Unida Mexicana; Morocco; Nicaragua; Togolaise or any
Harriman ....................................... South Gate 569 Memphís.. ........ .. .......... Uníty 95 Prínce Hall Grand Lodges. ·
Harrison ....................................... ...... Harrison 114 Míddleton ........... ............. Adams 264
Harrison ................................................ Fídelity 558 Mílan .. ...... Mílan 191
Harrogate .............................. Bíg Spring Union 581 Millíngton ................. ..Míllíngton 671
Harrogate .......................................... Shawanee 546 Míllíngton (Rosemark) ....... ..Ríchland 748
Hartsvílle .......................................... Hartsville 113 Mohawk ........ .. ............................. Warrensburg 631
Henderson ........................................ Henderson 485 Monroe ........................................... Eagle Creek 530
Hendersonvílle ......................................... Beech 240 Monterey .. ..Monterey 751
Hendersonville ................. ......... Hendersonville 359 Morríson . .... Ezel 381
Hillsboro .............................................. Hillsboro 382 · Morristown .. ........................... .... Hamblen 767
Hohenwald ...................................... Hohenwald 607 Morristown .. ......... ...... Morristown 231
Holladay ......................................... Mt. Carmel 333 Mosheím ....... .. ...... .................... Mosheím 463
Humboldt .. ......... ...... .... ............. Humboldt 202 Mountaín Cíty.. ................. Taylorsvílle 243
Huntíngdon... .... ...... ......... Huntíngdon 106 Mt. Julíet...... ................................. Mt. Julíet .642
Hurricane Milis . .... ... .. ........................... Bodíne 526 Mt. Pleasant ........................... Ed T. Workman 610
Hurricane Milis ....................... George Hillman 431 Munford . ....................................... Típton 226
106 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 107
Lodges,838 First Friday in December Estimated Members , 79,688 Carthage ................... .... Carthage 521 Dalias.. ............ Metropolitan 1182
MICHAEL L. WIGGINS TOMMY D. GUEST Castle Hill ................... Parramatta City (Day) 1014 Dalias.. .... Mike H. Thomas 1314
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Cedar Hill.. .............. Cedar Hill 1380 Dalias ........................ . .......... Northern Star 377
P.O. BOX 797702 Dallas 75379-7702 P.O. Box 446 Waco 76703-0446 Celeste. . ..................... Miller 224 Dallas .. ................................ Oak Cliff 705
715 Columbus Waco 76701-1349 Celina ................ .... .............................. Celina 919 Dallas.. .................................. Pentagon 1080
Office: 254-753-7395 Fax: 254-753-2944 Center .. ... ..... Sam Samford 149 Dalias... ........ ... .................. R. C. Buckner 1176
E-mail: [email protected] Center Point.. ........... Rising Star 429 Dalias .............................. ... .......... Roy Stanley 1367
Centerville ..... ............................... Centerville 1291 Dalias ......................... .......... .Sam P . Cochran 1335
Plural Membership Permitted Chalk Mountain .................... Chalk Mountain 894 Dalias ............................................... .Sunshine 341
Chandler . ········ ' ................................ Chandler 993 Dallas ............................................. .Tannehill 52
Channelview .... ................ ........... C. A. Fortner 1304 Dallas ........................................ Trinity Valley 1048
LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. Chappell Hill ........................................ Hubert 67 Dalias .......... . ............................. ..... ... ... Zavala 1059
Chester ....................................... .... Mt. Hope 121 Danbury ........................ .... .. ... .. ... ... .Danbury 1432
Abernathy.. . ...... Abernathy 1142 Bellaire .. ... . ............... Bellaire 1336 Chico .......................................... ....... ....... Chico 508 Dawson.. . ............ ......... Dawson 155
Abilene ... . .......... Abilene 559 Bellmead .. . ................ Baylor 1235 Childress .............................. .......... ... Childress 695 Dayton .. .................................. ........... .Dayton 825
Abilene . . .. John Sayles 1408 Bellmead.. ................. Bellmead 1329 Chilton .................. . ............................. Chilton 639 Decatur .. .. ........... ..... Decatur 44 7
Abilene . ......................... Hobah 1394 Bells ........... ................ Bells 798 Christoval .. ............. Christoval 901 Deer Park... ................ Deer Park 1362
Addison .. ................ White Rock 234 Bellville ... ......... Bellville 223 Cisco ..... .. ....... .. ................. ... ...... ..... Cisco 556 DeKalb .. ...... ............................ DeKalb 9
Albany . ......... ... ................ ....... .Aibimy 482 Belton ................ ........... Belton 166 Clairette ........................................... Clairette 1052 DeLeon .. .... ... ........ Armstrong 445
Alice .. ............. S. B. Mosser 912 Ben Wheeler ... ................. Pirre 203 Clarendon ....................................... Clarendon 700 Del Rio .. ............... ............ Val Verde 646
Al! en ..... ... .. ...................... Ailen 1435 Bertram .. ........ Bertram 583 Clarksville... . ............ Friendship 16 Denison .... .......... Billie Mosse 1152
Alpine .. ......... .......... Frontier 766 Big Lake .... ......... Big Lake 1203 Claude . ............................ Claude 719 Denison ........................................... Lone Star 403
Alto.. . ......... Terrell 83 Big Sandy..... .............. ..... Big Sandy 916 Cleburne ......... ...... ............................. Cleburne 315 Dentan ............................................... Stanfield 217
Alvarado.. . ............Alvarado 314 Big Spring .. .......... Staked Plains 598 Cleveland ........................ .Tarkington Prairie 498 Denver City .......................... . ...... Denver City 1278
Alvin .. ......... Alvin 762 Blanco . ..... Blanco 216 Clifton ................................................ .Clifton 360 Deport ..................................... . ............ Deport 381
Amarillo.. ............... ............ Amarillo 731 Blessing ... ... ..Blessing 411 Clyde ................................. .................... Clyde 1056 De Soto ................................................. De Soto 1409
Amarillo.. ....... Hansford 1040 Bloomburg.. ............... Bloomburg 1007 Coldspring .. .............................. Mount Moriah 37 Detroit .......................................... .. .....Bennett 531
Amarillo.. .................... Palo Duro 1239 Blooming Grove.. .. ..... Blooming Grove 497 Coleman .. ............. .............................. Coleman 496 Devine ..................... ........ ............ .... Devine 590
Amarillo.. ..... ... ........ San Jacinto 1330 Blossom ........................... ...... ............ .Blossom 303 College Station ................................... Su! Ross 1300 Diana ................................. ... ......... .... Ashland 1138
Anahuac .
Andrews ....
. ........... . ..... Anahuac
................. Andrews
1024 ~¡~ff~~~~e . BJ!:lb~1: i~~ College Station ............................... St. Alban's 1455
Collinsville ......... .............................. ...... Hiram 433
Diboll ........ . ............................ ............. Burke 833
Dickinson ................................ ........ Dickinson 1324
Angleton .. ... ................ Angleton 829 Blum.. ........... .Blum 607 Colmesneil ................................. Yellow Pine 679 Donna .................................................. Donna 1136
Anson .. . ............... Anson 57 5 Boerne ... ... ... ....... ... ..... Kendall 897 Colorado City .. . .. ............. Mitchell 563 Douglasville.... .... . ...... ...... Douglasville 191
Aransas Pass.... . .......Aransas 1018 Bogata .. . ..... ... ..... ..Rosalie 527 Columbus ........................................ Caledonia 68 Dripping Springs .................. ................ Rambo 426
Arcadia.. . ..... Newbern 97 Bonham .. .. ............. Constantine 13 Comanche ... ............................................. Hope 481 Dublin .............................................. ... .Dublin 504
Archer City .. . ........ Archer 708 Borger .. ... Unity 1242 Commerce ................ .................... Commerce 439 Dumas ... ...................... Dumas 1009
Arlington .. ........ ... ........... Arlington 438 Bowie . ....... ... .... Bowie 578 Conroe ................ ................................. Conroe 748 Dumas ......... .... ........ .................... Rock Island 869
Arlington.. ...................... ............... .Webb 1454 Boyd . .... Boyd 4 79 Conroe ...... ........ ........ North Houston Morning 1360 Duncanville .................................. John C. Pelt 1321
Arlingtcn .. ....... Sweet Home 576 Brackettville .. ... Las Moras 444 Conroe ............................................. Oak Wood 1444 Eagle Lake .................................... Eagle Lake 366
Arp.. . ..... ... Cantan 98 Brady... ... Brady 628 Cooper .......................... ........................... Delta 1240 Eagle Pass ..................................... .Eagle Pass 626
Aspermont . .......Aspermont 1382 Brazoria.. .. ... ... .. ................. Brazoria 327 Copperas Cove ................................ Mt. Hiram 595 East Bernard ............................. East Bernard 817
Athens ... ............. ..Athens 165 Breckenridge... " ........... Breckenridge 492 Corpus Christi ......................... Corpus Christi 189 Eastland ............................................ Eastland 467
Athens . .... Science Hill 211 Bremond.. ................. Bremond 350 Corpus Christi. ............................... Del Mar 1350 Ector ................................................... ..... Ector 687
Atlanta.. ........ Atlanta 463 Brenham... ................Graham 20 Corpus Christi . ........................ .Independence 1337 Eddy ................................................. ... .....Eddy 797
Austin ..... .........Austin 12 Bridge City .... .......... Brirlge City 1345 Corpus Christi ...... . ......................... Oso Naval 1282 Edinburg .......................................... .. Hidalgo 1036
Austin ...
Austin... ...
................. ...... Hill City
........ .. .Onion Creek
220 ~~~~~d~:t . ::~B~~~d¡~ 1f~~ Corpus Christi .... . ................................ Sunset 1388
Corrigan ............................................ Corrigan 1103
Edinburg ........................................ .... Mission 1061
Edna . ......... .............. Edna 767
Austin.. ........ ........... ........... ....... Parsons 222 Brock. ..... ........ Olive Branch 792 Corsicana ............................... ........ Corsicana 174 El Campo.. .... ............. El Campo 918
Austin .. ...... ...... ... .... .... T. N ea! Porter 1354 Bronson .......... . .....~. .. ..... Bronson 893 Cotulla ........... ............................ .......... Cotulla 892 Eldorado ............................. ..... ..... .... Eldorado 890
Austin.. . ................ Texana 123 Brookeland. .. ...... :. ,~:Brookeland 935 Covington .. . .. ....... .New Hope 652 Electra .. ...................... Electra 1067
Austin .. . ........ University 1190 Brookshire ... .... .Brookshire 1066 Crawford .. ... .. ............ Crawford 585 Elgin .... ... ............. .. ....... Elgin 328
Avery .... . ...............Avery 921 Brownfield . ..... .Brownfield 903 Crockett ................... .......................... Lothrop 21 Elkhart .. ..... ................ Elkhart 400
Avinger .. ..Hickory Hill 156 Brownsboro. .. ................. Brownsboro 1051 Crosbyton ... .. ........... ........................ Crosbyton 1020 El Lago .. .............. Clear Lake 1417
Azle.. ................Azle 601 Brownsville .. . ......... .. ...... Point Isabel 33 Cross Plains ..... ........ .................... Cross Plains 627 El Paso ............................................. Coronado 1406
Bailey .. . ....... Ashley 681 Brownsville .. .............. Rio Grande 81 Crowell ...... ........... ............................... Crowell 840 El Paso.. ... ........................................... El Paso 130
Baird .. ........... Baird 522 Brownwood ... -- ........... ..... Brownwood 279 Crowley ............................................... Crowley 1437 El Paso .......................................... Five Points 1137
Balch Springs. ............... Aubrey E. Hope 1446 Bryan ... ........... Brazos Union 129 Cuero ................. ..................................... Cuero 409 El Paso ....................................... Fort Hancock 1297
Ballinger .. ........ Ballinger 643 Buda .. ...................... Buda 800 Cumby ............................................... Hopkins 180 El Paso ............................................ Fraternity 1111
Balmorhea. ........ Toyah 1077 Buffalo.. ................ Buffalo 554 Cushing ... ........................................... Cushing 911 El Paso .................... .. ........................ Sunland 1344
Bandera.. . .................. Bandera 1123 Bullard... ............... Bullard 785 Cypress . ........................................ Cypress 1423 El Paso ................................. Ornar N. Bradley 1028
Bangs .. ........ ..................... Bangs 926 Buna ................... ............... Burra 1095 Daingerfield ............................................Oasis 79 El Paso .............................. Wallace H ughston 1393
Bangs............ ....... .Indian Creek 807 Burkburnett... ........... Burkburnett 1027 Dale ........... . ........................... Lytton Springs 487 Emory .. ........... ....... Mars Hill 1440
Bardwell... ............ .Bardwell 1054 Burkevilie.. . ....... Newton 136 Dalias ........................... Alexander C. Garrett 1216 Ennis ............................. ...... Chambers Creek 499
Barry.. ............ Barry 839 Burleson .. ..Burleson 649 Dalias ..................................................... Dallas 760 Ennis ... ........................ Ennis 369
Bastrop .. .............. Mina 1456 Burnet.. ....... Valley 175 Dalias .................................... Claud L. Austin 1450 Era ..................................... ...................... Era 796
Batson .... ... ..... . ....... Batson 974 Caddo Milis.. . .... Caddo 581 Dalias ....... .. .................................. East Dalias 1200 Euless ................................................... Estelle 582
Bay City .. ............. . ...... .. .. Bay City 865 Caldwell.. ... Warren 56 Dalias ...................................... Edwin J. Kiest 1310 Eureka .................................................. Eureka 1060
Baytown.. ......................... ..... Baytown 1357 Calvert .. ...................... Pierce 144 Dalias ............ ............................. Gabe P. Allen 1352 Eustace ............................................... .Eustace 1199
Baytown.. . ................ .Cedar Bayo u 321 Carneron ............... .......... San Andres 170 Dalias ............ ....................... George B. Dealey 1312 Evadale ............................................... Evadale 1366
Baytown.. ............... Goose Creek 1192 Camp San Saba.. .... Camp San Saba 555 Dalias ............. ........................ ............ Hillcrest 1318 Evant ................................... ... .. ...... Bee House 550
Beaukiss .. ...... ... ..Post Oak Island 181 Canadian.. ................ Canadian 855 Dalias ........ ..................... James Ladd Burgess 1305 Everman ......................... .. ............. Deer Creek 510
Beaumont.. .. .. Beaumont 286 Cantan . ...... ... ... .. ... Castillian 141 Dalias ..... .... ................ James V. Callan Dalite 1422 Fairfield .............................................. Fairfield 103
Beaumont .. . .................. B. F . Quicksall 1370 Canyon.. .............. Canyon City 730 Dalias .................... ............. Jewel P. Lightfoot 1283 Farmers Branch ......................... Jas. A. Smith 395
Beaumont .. ......... .South Park 1320 Canyon Lake .. . ............. Canyon Lake 1425 Dalias ..... ................. ........... John L. DeGrazier 1349 Farmersville .. .. .. ..... Farmersville 214
Beaumont.. ................ Teutonia 47 Carlos.. . .... .... Orphans' Friend 17 Dallas ............................................... Keystone 1143 Fa te. . . .................. Fate 802
Beaumont.. ... ... Tolerance 1165 Carlsbad. ..... ... .Phi! Head 1415 Dalias.. ....... Highland Park 1150 Fayetteville ............................. Fayetteville 240
Beckville.. . ...... Beckville 922 Carlton.. . .... Carlton 519 Dalias ................................. .Knox Corinthian 851 Ferris ..................................... ...... ... ....... Ferris 460
Bedias.. .......... Bedias 651 Carrizo Springs .. .......................... Dimmit 566 Dallas .. ......... Love Field 1274 Field's Store ...... .. .............. Pleasant Hill 380
Beeville . . ... .. ........... Beeville 261 Carrollton. . ..... Carrollton 1400
Flat ....................................................... Maples 791 Harleton... ..Little Cypress 1459 Junction.. .. ... Junction City 548 Marietta .. .. ... Marietta 1181
Flatonia ............ .................................. Flatonia 436 Harlingen ..................................... .. Harlingen 1132 Justin.. .. ...................... Justin 963 Marlin .. .. ................................... ......... Marlin 152
Florence ......... ............................... ..... Florence 338 Hawkins ............................................. Hawkins 1293 Katy .... ........... .. ........................................ Katy 1439 Marshall.. .. ................ Marshall 22
Floresville ..................................... Floresville 515 Hearne .......................................... Golden Rule 361 Kaufman.. . .. ........................ Bloomfield 112 Mart .. .. ................... Mart 636
Floydada .. .............................. ........ Floydada 712 Helotes ................................................. Helotes 1429 Keller.. . ............................... Keller 1084 Marysville.. .. ........ Fish Cree k 344
Forestburg .. .................. ..... ..... Forestburg 523 Hemphill ............................... Littleton Fowler 305 Kemp .... .. .................... Kemp 528 Mason . .. ... McCulloch 273
Forney ·............................................... Brooklyn 386 Hempstead.. .. .......................... Hempstead 749 Kenedy .... .. ............... Alamita 200 Matador.. . .... Matador 824
Fort McKavett ......................... Fort McKavett 750 Henderson.. . ...... Clinton 23 Kenedy.. .. ........ Kenedy 774 Matagorda ...................................... Matagorda 7
Fort Stockton ............................. Fort Stockton 1022 Henderson .. .. .. Robert E. Lee 431 Kermit.. .. ..... Kermit 1258 Mathis . ..Mathis 1133
Fort Worth .......................... Arlington Heights 1184 Henrietta ......................................... Bluegrove 965 Kerrville .. .. ................ Kerrville 697 Maud ... . .................._......................... Maud 859
Fort Worth .................................. Cooke-Peavy 1162 Henrietta .......................................... Henrietta 454 Kildare .......... .. . .. .. Jim's Bayou 491 May.. . . ................................. May 574
Fort Worth .................................... Fort Worth 148 Hereford ............................................. Hereford 849 Kilgore.. .. ..................... Danville 101 McAllen . .. .................... McAllen 1110
Fort Worth ................ Fort Worth Stock Show 1460 Hermleigh ....................................... Hermleigh 987 Killeen ...................... ........................... Killeen 1125 McKinney .. .. .............. .St. John's 51
Fort Worth .. ..Handley 1140 Hico ............................................. :............ .Hico 477 Kingsbury ....................................... Kingsbury 887 Medina.. .. ................... Medina 1319
Fort Worth .............................. .... Julian Feild 908 Highlands .......................................... Sampson 231 Kingsland ...................................... Kingsland 1424 Melissa . .. .......... Melissa 569
Fort Worth ....................... ............. Lake Worth 1410 Hillsboro ............................................ Hillsboro 196 Kingsville ... .. ........ Chamberlain 913 Memphis.. .. ................................. Memphis 729
Fort Worth .......................... ........ Panther City 1183 Hitchcock ................................... John Mitchell 1401 Kirbyville.. .. ...... Nathan Corley 294 Menard ........ .. .......................... Fort San Saba 784
Fort Worth ................................... .Polytechnic 925 Hitchcock.. . .. ............................. Serenity 1462 Kirvin .... .. .. .. . .. ......... Cotton Gin 154 Meridian ............................................ Meridian 268
Fort Worth .......................................... .Ridglea 1341 Hochheim .. . .. .............................. Hochheim 182 Knox City.. .. ........... Orient 905 Merkel .................................................. .Merkel 710
Fort Worth ............................. ......... Smithfield 455 Holland .. .. .... Zeme 615 Kopperl.. ........ Kopperl 292 Mesquite ............................................ Mesquite 928
Fort Worth ............................... .. ...... Southside 1114 Hondo .. .. ............... Hondo City 756 Kosse .. .. .... Eutaw 233 Mexia, ......................................... Springfield 74
Fort Worth ...................................... .Stockyard 1244 Honey Grave.. . ....................... Honey Grave 164 Kountze.. .. .. Pirre 642 Miami . .. ............. ................ Miami 805
Fort Worth ........................... Sunrise Daylight 1433 Hooks .. . ........... ......................... Hooks 1358 Krum .................................. .. ...Krum 1453 Midland .. .. ........................... Acacia 1414
Fort Worth ..................................... Tabernacle 1195 Houston ............................. Albert J. De Lange 1403 Kurten ......................................... Cedar Creek 300 Midland.. . ......................... Midland 623
Fort Worth ......................................... Tarrant 942 Houston ................................................. Aldine 1412 Kyle ... . .. ......:~:.'.... ......................... Live Oak 304 Midland ........................... Midland Centennial 1448
Fort Worth .................. Haltom City-Riverside 1331 Houston .................. Billy W. Tinsley Daylight 1458 Ladonia ...................... . .......................... Bethel 134 Midlothian ... .. ............. Midlothian 584
Franklin .. .... Patrick 359 Houston ................................................... Doric 420 La Feria .......................................... Mercedes 1010 Milam .. .. ................ Sexton 251
Frankston ........... ..... ...................... Wm. Foster 312 Houston ...................................... East Houston 1299 LaGrange ....................................... Lafayette 34 Milano.. .. ............ Milano 605
Fredericksburg ....................... Fredericksburg 794 _ Houston ....................................... Fairbanks 1363 Lake Jacksop...... .. ........ Lake Jackson 1317 Miles.. . ............. Miles 898
Freeport .. ... Velasco 757 Houston .............................................. Freedom 1461 Lake Victor r---- ................ Lake Victor 1011 Millsap .............................. .. .... Millsap 1265
Friendswood ................................ Anson Jorres 1416 Houston ...................................... Garden Oaks 1306 Lamesa ...... .. .................. Milam 11 Mineola.. .. .. Mineola 502
Frisco .................................................. Lebanon 837 Houston.. ..Gray 329 Lampasas. .. ................... ,.......... Saratoga 546 Mineral Wells ..... .. .... Graford 1026
Fritch .. ................... ................ Billy Dixon 1369 Houston .............................................. Holland 1 La Marque .. ... ........ . .. ....... La Marque 1325 Mineral Wells ........................... Mineral Wells 611
Gainesville.. ............................ Gainesville 210 Houston.. .. .................................... Houston 1189 Lancaster .. ......... Lancaster 160 Monahans ....................................... Monahans 952
Galena Park .. .................... Galena Park 1290 Houston.. .. ...... J. W. Chandler Daylight 1452 La Porte .. .. ......... La Porte 857 Mont Belvieu .............. . .................... Old River 1442
Galveston .. ....... ........................ Harmony 6 Houston.. .. ................. Jacques DeMolay 1390 Lare do.. . ........... Laredo 54 7 Montgomery ......... ...................... Montgomery 25
Galveston .............................................. Tucker 297 Houston.. .. .................. Lindale Park 1347 La Vernia.. .. ....... Eraban 226 Moody . .. ...... Z. S. Teague Moody 568
Garland ............................................... Garland 441 Houston.. .. ........ .. Lone Star 660 Lawn . .. ...... Lawn 1230 Moran ... ..Moran 863
Garland ..................... .................... Duck Creek 1419 Houston.. .. .............. Lorenzo de Zavala 1397 League City.. .. .......... League City 1053 Morgan Mil! ...................................... Harmony 592
Garrets Bluff ................................... Roan Oak 860 Houston .. .. .. Melrose 1294 Leakey.. .. ...... Leakey 622 Moulton ............................................... Moulton 298
Garrison ............................................. Garrison 670 Houston ... .. .............................. Memorial 1298 Leander .............. ... ..Norton Moses 336 Mount Vernon.. .. ................ Mount Vernon 691
Gary ......................................................... Gary 11 O1 Houston ...................................... .. North Shore 1353 Levelland ......................................... Levelland 1236 Mt. Enterprise .. .. ....... Mt. Enterprise 1378
Gatesville ........................................ Gatesville 197 Houston .......................................... Oak Forest 1398 Lewisville ....... ·................................ Lewisvil1e 201 Mt. Pleasant .. .. .................. Temple 70
Georgetown .. ........................... San Gabriel 89 Houston .......................................... Park Place 1172 Lexington . . .. .............................. Lexington 138 Mullin.. .. .................... Mullin 806
Giddings .. ....................... J. D. Giddings 280 Houston ................................................ Reagan 1037 Liberty.............. .. .................. Liberty 48 Myra .. .. ........... Myra 878
Gilmer.. ......... ..... ................... Bethesda 142 Houston ............................................ Solidarity 1457 Liberty Hill.... .. .................. .Liberty Hill 432 Nacogdoches.. . .......... Milam 2
Gladewater ............................ ........ Gladewater 852 Houston ....................................... S. P. Waltrip 1328 Lindale... . ................ Lindale 848 Nash. .. .... Nash 638
Glen Rose ......................................... Glen Rose 525 Houston.. .. ... Temple 4 Linden . .. ..... Linden 192 Navasota ........................................... Navasota 299
Godley ...... .......... ................................... Godley 822 Houston .............................. Walter M. Pierson 1339 Lingleville ...................................... Lingleville 752 Navasota ...................................... Washington 18
Goldsmith ........................................ Goldsmith 1276 Houston ................................ West University 1292 Lipan .......... . ......... Charity 565 Nederland ....................................... Nederland 1368
Goldthwaite ................. ................ Goldthwaite 694 Houston . .. ........ Woodland 1157 Littlefield.. .. .............. Littlefield 1161 Nevada .. .. ........................... Empire 586
Goliad.. .. .................................. Goliad 94 Hubbard .. . ............ Hubbard City 530 Livingston . .. ...... Trinity 14 New Boston.. .. .................... Boston 69
Gonzales ................ ............................ Gonzales 30 Huffman ............................................ Huffman 1428 Llano......... .. .......................................... Llano 242 New Braunfels.. .. ..... New Braunfels 1109
Gordonville .................................... Gordonville 536 Hughes Springs ..................... Hughes Springs 671 Lockhart.... .. ............................... Lockhart 690 New Caney.. .. .... .Sam B. Crawford 1418
Gorman ............................................... Gorman 716 Hull .................. ...................................... .... Hull 1193 Lone Oak ...... .. ............................... Shiloh 307 Newcastle.. .. ....... Newcastle 1057
Graham ................................... Young County 485 Humble .................................. .............. Humble 979 Lone Star ... .. ......................... !ron Bluff 1376 New Salem ............. ..New Salem 87
Granbury .......................................... Granbury 392 Huntington ............................................ Homer 254 Longview .... .. ................ . .............. Longview 404 New Summerfield .... Cherokee 680
Grandfalls ..................................... Grandfalls 895 Huntsville ............................................. Forrest 19 Longview.. .. ........... Pine Tree 1396 Newton ............................................... Rainbow 735
Grand Prairie ........................ Mountain Creek 511 Hurst ............................ Eugene Green D.F.W. 1441 Loraine ... .. ................. Loraine 1307 New Waverly .................................. John Sims 458
Grand Prairie .................... .Sam R. Hamilton 1031 Hurst ........ . ............................................. Hurst 1387 Lorena.. .. ............ M. Den ton Stanford 594 Nocona . ........................................ Nocona 753
Grand Prairie .................... Thomas B. Hunter 1356 Hylton .................................................... Hylton 884 Lott............. .. ................. Carolina 330 Normangee ............................. Roger's Prairie 540
Grand Saline .............. ................ Grand Saline 1269 Imperial .. ... Imperial 1285 Lovelady .. .. ............. .. Lovelady 539 N orth Zulch ....................................... Pyramid 593
Grandview . ............ Grandview 266 lngleside.. .. ........................ ............ .Ingleside 1361 Loving .. .. .................... Loving 917 O'Donnell.. . ........................... O'Donnell 1187
Grapeland ...................................... Grapeland 473 Iowa Park.. .................. .lowa Park 713 Lubbock ........... .'.'.. . ............... Lubbock 1392 Odessa.. .. ............ Andy G. Vaughn 1421
Grapevine ........................................ Grapevine 288 !redel! .. .. .............................. !redel! 405 Lubbock . .. ........ MacKenzie 1327 Odessa.. .. .................. Fellowship 1385
Greenville ........................................ Greenville 335 Irving .................. .................................... lrving 1218 Lubbock.. .. ................. South Plains Daylight 1443 Odessa.. . .. .... H. A. McFarland 1338
Greenwood ..................................... Greenwood 779 Ita!y ...................... .................. ................. .ltaly 64 7 Lubbock .... . ............................. Yellow House 841 Odessa .. .. ........... Odessa 955
Groesbeck ........................................ Groesbeck 354 !tasca ................................................. R. E. Lee 449 Lufkin.. .. .................................... Lufkin 669 Olton . .. .................. Olton 1257
Graves ................................................... Graves 1315 Jacksboro ............................... Fort Richardson 320 Luling ...... .. ................................... Hardeman 179 Omaha ........................... .. ... David Elliott 364
Groveton . .. ... Eastern Star 284 Jacksonville ............ . ................... Jacksonville 108 Luling ........... .. ................ Prairie Lea 114 Orange . .. ........... Madison 126
Gruver.. .. .................................. Gruver 1326 Jasper ..................................... De Witt Clinton 29 Lumberton.. .. ........... Lumberton 1430 Ore City.. ..Ore City 1364
· Gun Barre! City ................. Cedar Creek Lake 1431 Jefferson ............................................ Jefferson 38 Lytle....... .. ...............Atascosa 379 Overton ....................................... Rocky Mount 63
Hale Center ......................................... Lemond 832 Jewett .................................................... Jewett 427 Mabank ........ .. .................... Roddy 734 Ozona.. .. ............................................. Ozona 747
Hallettsville.. . .. ........................... Murchison 80 Joaquin ............................ ................... Joaquin 856 Madisonville ............................... Madisonville 740 Paducah.. . .................. .Paducah 868
Hallsville ... .. ........................ J. F. Taylor 169 Johnson City .............................. Johnson City 561 Mahonet .. .. ............. Mt. Horeb 137 Paint Rock.. .. ........... Paint Rock 613
Hamilton ....................................... Rock House 417 Joplin ................................................. Joplin 939 Malakoff ... .. .. Malakoff 759 Palacios .................... ... .. .... Palacios 990
Hamlin ................................................. Hamlin 958 Joshua ......................................... Caddo Grove 352 Mansfield ..... .. .............. Mansfield 331 Palestine ........................................... Palestine 31
Hannibal .......................................... Hannibal 564 Jourdanton.. .. .. ......................... Zanderson 1120 Marble Falls ................................ Blazing Star 413 Palmer .. .. ....................... Palmer 459
Masonic 111
110 List of Regular Lodges
~~;:~~d········ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3}~~?í
Ferndale ........................ Lynden International 56 161
Forks .. ......... ...... ............... .... .... Mt. Olympus 298 48
Freeland ........... ........... ......... ......... ..... .Langley 218 Redmond ... .. .... ... ..... ............. .. ......Renaissance 312
Friday Harbar (San Juan Is.) ...... .. ... San Juan 175 Renton . ............... .. .. ... ................ St. Andrew's 35
Gig Harbor.. ............... John Paul Jones 271 Richland ................... .......................... Richland 283
120 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 121
WISCONSIN- Continued 1874 WYOMING 2015
A. F.&A. M.
Lodges, 44 Annual Meeting Second Mo nday in August Members, 3,255
Medford .. ... ........ ...... ... .. .................... ... Medford 217 Rhinelander.. ..... .Rhinelander 242
Menomonie ...... ......... ....................... Menomine 164 Rice Lake .. ..Blue Hills 234 RICHARD N. LEWIS BEYNON ST. JOHN
Mercer ................. .... ........................... ... Hurley 237 Richland Center .. ..Richland 66 Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Merrill ................. . .... ................. Virginia Falls 226 Ripon ... .. ..................... .... . ........ .Prairie View 95 P.O.BOX38 Wbeatland 82201-0038 PO Box 1328 Lander 82520-1328
River Falls .. ........ .River Falls 109 Phone: (307) 330-6214
Merrillan ......................................... Merrillan 279 E -mail: [email protected]
Middleton ............ ........................... Barneveld 319 Roscoe, IL ....................... Armistead-Bingham 1862
Middleton .. ............................ Middleton 180 Shawano ....................................... ..... Shawano 170 Permits plural membership
Milton.. .................................. Milton 161 Sheboygan ................................. .. ... Sheboygan 11 Does not recognize the Grand Representative system
Milwaukee..... . . ...................... Damascus 290 Shell Lake ...................... .Shell Lake-Spooner 221
Milwaukee.. ................. Freemasons 363 Shullsburg .. ............ ....................... .. Amicitia 25
Milwaukee .. ........... James M. Hays 331 South Milwaukee .. . ............ .South Shore 3 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO.
Milwaukee .. ... Lake 189 Sparta .. ...... ... ......... Valley 60
Milwaukee .. ...... Nathan Hale 350 Star Prairie .. . . ........ N orth Star 187 Basin ........... ................. ............................ Temple 20 Kemmerer .. ........ ................ ... .... .Kemmerer 33
Mineral Point ..... .... ................... Mineral Point 1 Stevens Point .. . ..... Evergreen 93 Big Piney . . ...... .............. Big Piney 47 Lander .. ............. ... .. ........ Wyoming 2
Minocqua ............ .......................... .Island City 330 Stoughton.. ................ .Kegonsa 73 Buffalo.. ................... Anchor 7 Laramie . ..... ....................... ......... Laramie 3
Mondovi ...................................... Buffalo River 252 Sturgeon Bay .. .... Henry S. Baird 174 Burns ... ..................... Burns 41 Lovell . . ..... Tri-Mountain View 35
Monroe ........................ . .......................... Smith 31 Sun Prairie ....... . .................... ....... Sun Prairie 143 Casper .... . ........... Casper 15 Lusk.. ..... ... Harmony 24
Montello ............................................. Montello 141 Superior ....... . ..................... ... ..Acacia !tasca 329 Casper .. ................... ... ...Independence Rock 56 Newcastle ... ..... .. .................. ..Newcastle 13
Mosinee .......... .. ....................... ...... ..Mosinee 318 Superior ........................... .. ...... .......... Superior 236 Casper .. ....... .......... ......... Pathfinder 42 Pinedale. ............. ............................ ... .Franklin 31
Mukwonago ..... ...... ............... Laflin-St. James 247 Sussex .... ...................... ..... .. ........... ..... ... Ashlar 193 Cheyenne .. .............. .. .......Acacia 11 Pine Bluffs ......... :.. .......................... ..... Gate City 32
g~~~~~~: : ::: :::::::::::::::::: :':.:::····:·::::ch.~;~~~~
5 Powell ....... ........ . .................. ............. .. Absarokee 30
Neenah .. . .
Neenah ..
...... ......................... .Appleton
..... ..... ............... Twin Cities
Sussex .. ...... .................. .. ............. ......... Lincoln
Tomah ........ ............. ... ..... . ......... ..... ...... Tomah
Chugwater . .. .. .............. ................ ...... Chugwater 23
i Rawlins .... ......... ......... .................. ........... Rawlins
Riverton .. .... .. ....... ...... ..................... ....... Riverton
Neosho ........... ......... Neosho-Horicon-Mayville 108 Union Grove .............. ......... ........ .Union Grove 288
g~~ii~~·::··········~~o f ··:.... ::::::::::::::: :· : .~Asi¡:J~~ i6
New G!arus .. . ................... New Glarus 310 Viroqua .. ..................... .................... LaBelle 84 8 Rock Springs .. ............ .... ............... Rock Springs 12
New Holstein .. . ....................... Calumet 172 Waterloo .. ......... . ...... Waterloo 63 Saratoga.. ... ................................. .... .Saratoga 14
New Lisbon .. ............... Juneau 103 Waukesha .. ........... Waukesha 37 Dubois .................................. . ................... Dubois 53 Sheridan .. . .. ................. Big Horn Mountain 43
New Richmond . ..New Richmond 195 Waupaca .. ... Waupaca 123 Evanston .. ....... .......................... Evanston 4 Sheridan .. . .......................... Sheridan 8
Oconomowoc . .......... .... Oconomowoc-Hartland
Oconto .. ............. .......... ....................... Pine
Waupun .....................
Wausau ..
....... Waupun
.. ........... Forest
130 g¡~~;~kS. ·:;··· · ......... ..... ·.· ..·Gf.i~~"::k ~~ Shoshoni.
Sundance ..
Thermopolis ..
......................Wind River
.. ................... .. Sundance
.... ............ ...... .. ... .. ........ Malta
Oconto Falls ...... .. ......................... Oconto Falls 293 Wautoma.. .... ..... ... .Wautoma 148 Green River .. ..... ........... Mount Moriah 6
Omro .. ....... Omro 168 Wauwatosa ................ ...... .....Henry L. Palmer 301 Guernsey.. ...... .... ...... ..... .. Guemsey 49 Ten Sleep.. ..... .... .. .......... Ten Sleep 46
Onalaska .... ....... ........ ...... .................. Onalaska 214 Wauwatosa... . ........ LaFayette 265 Medicine Bow .. .......... ......... Hanna 50 Torrington.. ......... Torrington 29
Oregon ......... .. .. ..... .. .. ......................... ... Oregon 151 Wauwatosa ................... ...... ....... ...... Wisconsin 13 Hulett ...... ......... .. .... Tower 44 Upton .. ...... ...... .. Upton 38
Oshkosh ............................................. Oshkosh 27 West Allis. . ... Day-Lite 358 J ackson .. ......... J ackson 48 Wbeatland .... .................................. .Wbeatland 16
Owen .................................................... .. Owen 317 West Allis .. ... ..... .lndependence 80
Phillips . ............................................. Phillips 225 West Allis ............... ... . ....... Wauwatosa 267 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF WYOMING. In addition to the Grand
Platteville ............................................. Melody 2 West Allis .. .... .... West Al lis 291 Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book, the Grand Lodge of Wyoming recognizes the National
Plymouth ............ ................................... Cassia 167 West Bend ............................... ... .... West Bend 138 Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan; National Regular Grand Lodge of the Principality of Monaco; Grand Lodge of
Portage .......... ..... .................... Ft. Winnebago 33 West Salem .......................... ... ............... Salem 125 Ukraine; Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F. and A.M. of Col-
Port Washington .... ........................... Ozaukee 17 Wbitefish Bay .................. ..... .... ... ........ .Aurora 30 orado and Jurisdiction, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon and Jurisdictions and the "Prince Hall Grand
Potosi .. . ................. ... Warren 4 Whitefish Bay ......... George Washington 1776 337 Lodge F . & A.M. of New Mexico; Grand Lodge of Albania; United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria; Grand Lodge of
Poynette.. ......... .. ...Poynette 173 Wbitewater .... ....... .... .. .St. Johns 57 Cyprus; Grand Lodge of Macedonia.
Prairie du Chien ............... .... Prairie du Chien 8 Wilmot.. ...... ... ....... Wilmot 241
Prairie du Sac .. ....... Sauk Prairie 113 Winneconne .. ...... Winneconne 186
Prescott .. ...... ........... ............... Northwestern 105 Wisconsin Dells ... ...... ............. Dells 124
Racine ...... . ........... ............... Racine-Belle City 18 Wisconsin Rapids .............. .Wisconsin Rapids 128
Reedsburg ....................................... Reedsburg 79
Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin recognizes the following:
Lebanon; Mexico: Chihuahua; Poland; Nigeria; Prince Hall-Wisconsin; Prince Hall- Oregon.
The Grand Lodge ofWisconsin does not maintain fraternal relations with the following: Brazil: Maran-
hao, Roraima; Santander; Mexico: Occidental Mexicana.
122 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 123
Brisbane .. . ......... .............. Tullibardine 227 Injune ............................................ Bonnie Doon 504 Southport .. ..... Broadwater-Surfers Paradise 434 Townsville.. ..... Hibernia and Albion Star 15
Brisbane .. . ....... Tuscan 235 Innisfail ................... Johnstone River Heritage 135 Southport ... . . ...... Southport 62 Townsville .. ... .... Joseph Botten 258
Brisbane.... ............................... Victoria 10 Ipswich ........................................... Caledonian 14 Southport . .... Stradbroke 349 Townsville .. ... ..Millican 137
Brisbane .... ...... Vigilance 494 Ipswich ...................................... .Ipswich Unity 215 Springsure .. ..... ... .... Springsure 41 Townsville ...... ..Northern Travellers 384
Brisbane.. ..Viking 394 Ipswich ............ ......................... Queensland 2 Stanthorpe. ... Stanthorpe 22 Townsville.. ......... ..... Pirres 203
Brisbane ............ ...... ............. ... William McLeod 241 Ipswich .. ............ United Tradesman's 12 St. George.. ....... Baloime 294 Townsville .. ..... St. Andrew ofTownsville 94
Brisbane .. ........ ...... Windsor 290 Jandowae .. . ....... ........ Hutton 238 Stradbroke Is. ... .......... Myora 517 Townsville .......... Townsville A. l. F. Memorial 377
Brisbane ..................... Wool!oongabba Daylight 140 Jondaryan .. ........................... Jondaryan 350 Tambo..... ...... ... ......... Tambo 121 Townsville ...... ........ ........... Unity 300
Brisbane., ............................................ Wynnum 81 Kedron... .... Northgate Remembrance 285 Tamborine... ... ...... ..Tamborine 356 Tully ............ ..Tully-Tyson 340
Tara .. ...Tara 358 Walkerston ....... ..... .W alkerston 482
Brisbane ............................................... Yeronga 246 Kenilworth .. .... Kenilworth 374 Taroom. ..... ...... Taroom 247 Wallumbilla .. ..... Corona 318
Bundaberg ................................. . ............Athole 53 Kilcoy ................................................. Hopetoun 172 Tewantin .. . . ... Tewantin 355 Wandoan ... ... ...... ..Wandoan 455
Bundaberg ....................................... Bundaberg 4 72 Kilkivan .............................................. Kilkivan 133
Bundaberg.. ............ Mulgrave 44 Kin Kin .................................................. Kin Kin 352 Texas........ ... Greenup 139 Warwick .. ... Cunningham 90
Bundaberg.. .... Sir Augustus 154 Kingaroy ............................................. Kingaroy 189 Theebine .............. ....... Theebine 400 Warwick .. ..St. George's 20
Bundaberg .. ............. TJrian 27 Kingaroy ..................................... South Burnett 427 Tin Can Bay.... ........ Cooloola 524 Warwick.. ....... Warwick 160
Burleigh Heads ........ ............. ............... Burleigh 307 Longreach.. ................................... Meteor 88 Toogoolawah. ... ... Brisbane Valley 198 Weipa/Mareeba ..... ..Duyfken 515
Burleigh Heads ............... Gold Coast Daylight 519 Lowood... ........ Lowood 194 Toowoomba ...... ............... Darling Downs 66 Wondai .. . ..Duke of Strathearn 200
Burleigh Heads . .............. Meridian 404 Mackay ...... . ..... Mackay 24 Toowoomba .... ..•.... .... Garden City Daylight 531 Woodford .. ..Landsborough 458
Burleigh Heads . . ............. Millenium 534 Mackay ........ .......... Star of the North 401 Toowoomba.. . . ............. Halcyon 492 Woodford .. ..... Woodford 182
Caboolture ................................ ..... ... Caboolture 266 Madang (New Guinea).... ..Madang 380 Toowoomba.... .... Robert Burns 431 Woolooga ... .................... .... Woolooga 360
Caboolture .... ............ .............. ....... ... Morayfield 95 Magoetic Is.. ............ ...... Ashlar Magoetic 509 Toowoomba ....... ... Services Memorial 393 Woombye... ...... Waverly-Palmwoods 249
Caboolture ................................ ..... Tibrogargan 305 Malanda .. .... Fraser 210 Toowoomba. ..Southern Cross 18 Wowan .. ....... Wowan 315
Maleny .. ............................................... Maleny 230 Toowoomba .._,.,.... ...... Toowoomba 132 Yandina..... ... Maroochy 168
-.....: ..~....
Cairns ........................................................ Allan 284
Cairns ......................................... Cairns-Gelling 176 Mareeba . ................................ Granite 157 Townsville.. .. ........ Balmoral 129 Yangan.. .. ... Yangan 148
Cairns ..................................... .. ..... Carpentaria 202 Maroochydore ............................. Maroochydore 392 Townsville .......... ................... Cleveland 74 Yeppoon ............. .... Yeppoon 316
Cairns .................................................... Gregory 50 Maryborough ........................ Fraser Coast Utd. 19 Townsville.... . .... Harmony Daylight 530 Yungaburra.. ..... Barrine 296
Cairns .. .............. Murray 177 Maryborough ............................... Maryborough 86
Cairns .. ......................... Temple Memorial 376 Maryborough ...................... . .- .. Star ofthe East 21 REC0Gl'(ITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF QUEENSLAND. In addition to the Grand
Cairns. .............. .... Trinity Daylight 526 Meandarra.. . ..... ........................ .... Meandarra 461 Lodges includéd in this publication, this Grand Lodge maintains fraternal relations with the following
Calen. .............. Calen 395 Miles .................................................... Murilla 265 Grand Lodges: Prince Hall Grand Lodges of A!aska, Indiana, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon and Washington.
Caloundra.. ........................... Caloundra 387 Millaa Millaa .. ............................ Millaa 351 This Grand Lodge does not recogoize the following Grand Lodges listed in this pub!ication: Brazil:
Caloundra ......................................... Mooloolah 334 Millmerran ... .............. Millmerran United 219 Acre, Alagoas, Amapa, Goias, Paraiba, Piaui, Roraima; Burkina Faso, West Africa; Colombia: Barran-
Cambooya .. ....... ..... Cambooya 190 Mirani.... . .......................... Hamilton 186 quilla, Bogota, Cartagena, Los Andes, Oriental-Cucuta; Dominican Republic; Guatemala; Haiti; lran; Mex-
Caplaba . ......... ... ... ...... .Bayside Daylight 523 Mitchell. ................... ..Mitchell 149 ico: Baja California, Benito Juarez, Chiapas, Cosmos, Del Pacifico, El Potosi, Nuevo Lean, Occidental Mexi-
Capella. ............... ..... Capella 366 Monto.. ........ Monto 370 cana, Tamaulipas, Unida Mexicana, Valle de Mexico; Nicaragua; Morocco.
Charlevil!e .. ...... Charleville 70 Montville .. ............. ......... ......... Montville 260
Charters Towers .. ............... Charters Towers 23 Moranbah . ................ ...... Moranbah 516
Charters Towers.. ............ Corinthian 71 Mossman .. . . ... Port Douglas-Mossman 40
Charters Towers ..................... ................. Mylne 61 Mount Garnet ...... .................... .. Laing-Heydn 383
Charters Towers ................ St. John Davenport 33 Mount Hagen (New Guinea) ...... Mount Hagen 508
Childers ........................................... . .......... .Isis 93 Mount Isa.. ................ Guthrie 255
Chinchilla ................ .. .......................... Burstow 195 Mount Morgan ................................ .Providence 144
Clermont ........................................ Peak Downs 32 Mount Morgan ....................... ...Mount Morgan 57
Clifton .................................................... Clifton 111 Muttaburra .. ................................ Muttaburra 464
Cloncurry ........................................ Cloncurry 179 Nambour ............................................. Nambour 173
Cooktown!Edmonton ....................... Endeavour 26 Nambour .. ............................... Rosslyn 102
Cooroy ............ ....... .... Cooroy Queen Alexandria 212 Nanango.. ...... Nanango 134
Crows Nest . ............ Crows Nest-Cooyar 159 Normanton .. ....... Norman 56
Dalby .. ........ ................. ....... Bunya 373 Oakey .. ....Ashlar 127
Dalby .. ........................ Sir J. P . Bell 180 Petrie .. . . ........ Coronation 141
D'llarnal.. . ............ Continuity 242 Pe trie .. ............................... Phoenix 85
Edmonton .................................... Bentley Park 311 Petrie ....................................... ....... Pine Rivers 511
Emerald ............................................. Alexandra 131 Pialba.. ................................... Pialba 192
Esk ............................................. St. John Biarra 73 Pialba .............................. Hervey Bay Daylight 521
Forest Hill ................................................ Argyle 164 Pittsworth ............................. Pittsworth United 91
Freshwater ............ .......................... Freshwater 406 Port Moresby (New Guinea) .......... New Guinea 292
Gatton ...................................................... Gatton 87 Port Moresby (New Guinea) ........ Port Moresby 445
Gayndah .............................................. Gayndah 188 Proserpine ........... . ..... Proserpine-Whitsunday 251
Gayndah .......................... Mundubbera-Burnett 326 Quilpie ........................................... ......... Quilpie 5!0
Georgetown ....................... Sir William Wallace 64 Rathdowney ..... ........ ...................... Rathdowney 310
Gin Gin ........ ..... .................. ....... ... Ballantyne 130 Ravenshoe .. ....................... ..... Ravenshoe 297
Giru . .......... Haughton 348 Rockhampton. .. ................ .................. Archer 467
Gladstone .. ........... Gladstone 205 Rockhampton .. ..:Berserker 407
Gladstone . ................................ Larcom 293 Rockhampton .... ............................. Capricornia 222
Gladstone .. . ........... Many Peaks 185 Rockhampton .. ............ Central Queensland
Goomeri.. ................ Boonara 332 Daylight 532
Goondiwindi . . . ................ Mclntrye 116 Rockhampton ........................................ Douglas 36
Gordonvale .......................... Pyramid Highleigh 161 Rockhampton .............................. Mt. Chalmers 184
Gympie .................................... ....... ...... Braemar 89 Rockhampton .............................. Rockhampton 106
Gympie ................................................... Gympie 117 Roma .. ................................................. Maranoa 4 7
Gympie ........ .... Lord Dufferin 48 Roma ..................................................... Raphael 30
Gympie .................................................. Pioneer 16 Rosewood .. . ...... Rosewood 120
Gympie .. .......................... Prince Leopold 45 Sarina .. . ........ ............ ........ ...... J oram 440
Harrisville ....................... Fassifern Kilwinning 83 Sarina ..................... . .............................. .Sarina 286
Herberton ............................. .. Herberton Corrie 39 Scarborough ....................... Peninsula Daylight 522
Hughenden. ................. .... Star ofthe West 49 Scarborough .. ... Redcliffe First Settlement 287
Imbil.. ........... Telford 291 Scarborough .. ......................... Shorncliffe 420
Ingham ......................... .Hinchinbrook Cordelia 69 Scarborough ......................................... Tynwald 262
130 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 131
Masonic 137
136 List of Regular Lodges
+Works in English and has an associated Royal Arch Chapter. GRANDE ORIENTE DO BRASIL - Alagoas (GOB-AL)
t Works in Spanish and has an associated Royal Arch Chapter in Spanish. ALVARO MENDONQA ALVES- State Grand Master
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF BOLIVIA . .The Grand Lodge ofBolivia rec- Rua Zacarias de Azevedo, 345, Centro Maceió, AL, 57020-470
ognizes and maintains relations with all regular Grand Lodges throughout the world, recognized by the Phone: +55 (82)3235-6215
Grand Lodge of England and affiliated to the In ter-American Masonic Confederation and Bolivarianan E-mail: [email protected]
Masonic Confederation.
Masonic 143
142 List of Regular Lodges
Rua Monsenhor Coutinho, 513, Centro, Manaus, AM, 69010-970 SALVADOR..... .. . .. .. . .. ... . .. ... LIBERDADE E FIRMEZA 1964 SAO SEBASTIÁO DO PASSÉ .......... .. ..... . 12 DE OU1'UBR0 2682
Phone: +55 (92)3234-3515 SALVADOR ..... . ... OCÍ.RCULO BRANCO 2232 SENHOR DO BONFIM ..... . . . .. .. . .. .... LUZ E REDENGAO 2125
E-mail: [email protected] SALVADOR..... ... . .......... ... . .. . . .. .. ....... ACÁClA BAH lA!~ A 2399 SERRA DOURWA .................. .. ....... UNIÁO E PROGRESSO 2203
SALVADOR... .. .. .. VIGILÁNCIA E JUSTI(::A 2550 SOBR.ADINRO ........ .. .... ... LAGO DAS ACÁCIAS 2549
SALVADOR ... . .. .... FR.6..TERN1DADE E AMOR 3188 TEIXElRA DE FREITAS .................... ... PROFETA ISSA 1942
SALVADOR..... . .. . .. ..... .... . .. ..... . .. .... SOLIDARIEDADE 3348 TEIXEIRA DE FRE!TA.S... . .. .. .. .. .. ... VILLA-LOBOS 3720
HUMAITÁ ...................................... ESTRELA DORIO MADEIRA 1931 MANAUS ....... .......................... .................... ESTRELA .DE DAVID 2387 SALVADOR...... ..... VERDAnE LIBERTÁRIA 3497 UBAITABA ... .................................. JUSTIQA E TRABALHO 1413
IRANDUBA ........... ......... ......... ...... CORONEL JORGE TEIXEIRA 2491 MANAUS... . ...... ............. GLÓRIASOBREAS TREVAS 2389 SALVADOR.... ... . .. ........ ... . .. . . ... .. ... MONTEIRO LOBATO 4009 VITÓRIA DA CONQUISTA ........... CAVALEIROS DO ORlEI\'TE 1406
ITACOATIARA .... .... .. .......... ......... ESTRELA DE ITACOATIARA 2650 MAL"\fAUS ........ ....... ............ ........ ... ................... VERDADEIRA LUZ 2531 SALVADOR... .... . . ........... ... . .. .. .. ..... ... AMOR E UNIÁ.O 3989 2325
ITAPIRAl'lCA .. .......... ........................ ESPERANGA E VIRTUD E 3921 MANAUS .. ................ PRES. HUMB. DE ALENCAR C. BRANCO 2723 SALVADOR... .... UNIVERSITÁRlAPIONEIROS DA BAHIA 4137 VlTÓRIA DA CONQUISTA............... ..... LUZ E SABEDORIA 2484
M.ANAUS ... . .................. UNIFICA(:ÁO MA<;:ÓNICA 1125 MANAUS .. ... ................. ............. ...... .... .. . ADONAY 2756 SANTA MARIA DA VITÓRIA ......... ... .......... FREl CANECA 1877
SANTO M1.AR0............. ..... . .. ... . ... .. .. 14 DE JUNHO 1747
MANAUS ...... ...................................... ORIENTE UNIDO 1469 MANAUS .......................................... FRATERNlDADE E UNIÁO 2759
MANAUS... .. .................... A.i\iAZÓNIA BRASILErRA 1721 MANAUS... . ................ MOZART 2863
MANAUS... ............. .... V1TÓRIA RÉGIA 1878 MANAUS ........... ..... UNJVERSITÁRIA ACÁCIA DO A..\'IAZONAS 3945
MA."iAUS ... .......... ......................... MOACYRALVES 2021 MANAUS ........ ......... LUZES DA FRATER.t.'fiDADE UNIVERSAL 4070
MANAUS .......................... CAET."u"lO FÉLIX DO NASCIMENTO 2029 l'\fANAUS ............................................. CAVALElROS DA PÁTRIA 4209 JOSÉ ANÍZIO DE ARAÚJO- State Grand Master
MANAUS ... ........ .............. ACÁCIA DO AMAZONAS 2228 MANAUS... ....... ................... .......... ..... LUIS GONZAGA 4290 Rua Senador Pompeu, 578, 1° Andar, Centro, Fortaleza CE, 60025-000
MANAUS ............................... .................... UNIÁ.O E PERFEIGAO 2283 MANAUS ......... .................. ...................... CRUZEIRO DAS ÁGUAS 4315 Phone: +55 (85)3271-3086
MANAUS ........ ......................... ............................... REJ SALOMAO 2293 MAUÉS ......... ............................... ............ ... ESTRELA DE MAUÉS 1863 E-Mail: [email protected]
MANAUS .................................................................. TlRADENTES 2296 NOVA OLINDA DO NORTE ............................... NOVA O LINDA 1482
MANAUS ......... ......................... .. .... .......... ............... GRANDE LUZ 2302 PARINTINS ..................... ................... AURORA DO A..\-IAZONAS 2445
......... ..... ....................... ...... ........ DELTADAAMAZÓNIA 2381 RIO PRETO DA EVA ... ....... ESTRELA DORIO PRETO DA EVA 2524
FORTALEZA ......... ....... ... ... .... .... MÁRIO CA(iLA BA.l'fDEIRA 3414
Rua Marques de Barbacena, 157, Saúde, Salvador, BA 40045-010 CRATEÚS .. .... . FORTALEZA .. ......... .. .............. LUIZ CRESCENCIO PEREIRA 3445
CRATO...... .. ... . .. .. .. . ..... DEUS E AMOR 1109
Phone: +55 (71) 3241-0420 FORTALEZA ....................GENERAL THOMAS CAVALCANTI
E-mail: [email protected] FORQUILHA ...................... SECREDO E FOR(::A DA ACÁCIA 2042 DE ALBUQUERQUE 4054
FORTALEZA ............ ........ ...... FR.ATERNJDADE CEARENSE 0136 .. ACÁCIA CENTRO SUL 3475
IGUATÚ .... . . . .. .... .
FORTALEZA...... . ....... .. ... . .. .. .. ..... . .. .... . IGUALDADE 0405 JAGUARUA.l'JA ..... .. ........ CEL. FRANCISCO BENTO DA SILVA 2003
LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. FORTALEZA ......... .......... ................ ...... LIBERDADE 0846 JUAZElRO DO NORTE ........ :........ CAVALEIROS SPARTANOS 1131
FORTALEZA .. .... .. .. .... . .. .... NOVA CRUZADA 00 NORTE 1072 LlMOEIRO DO NORTE ............... ... ......... DR. LIMA VERDE 1969
ALAGOINHAS ... ... CARJDADE E SIGILO 0991 ITA!\-1ARAJU .. .... DEUS, CARJDADE E JUSTIGA 1749 FORTALEZA ... .. .. ...... .. . ....... .. . ... VERDADE E JUSTI(::A 1136 MAURITI .. ..... .. ....... .... ... DEUS E SAO JOAO 3473
ALAGOINHAS ............................................. 25 DE DEZEMBRO 1675 ITA.NHÉM ..... ... PADRE ROMA 1879 FORTALEZA. .. .. VIA.NA DE CARVALHO 1153 RUSSAS ................................... DEUS E. FRATERNIDAD E 1149
ALCOBAGA..... ........... CAVALHElROS DO CLARAVAL 2738 ..... 16 DE JULHO 1717 FORTALEZA ............... .. ............ OIREITO E LlBERDADE 1195 SOBRAL....... . ........ ..... . .. .. .. ..... . .. .. DEUS E CA.RIDADE 1150
BAIXA GRANDE ....................... JORRO DE LUZ E SABEDORIA 3353 JTUAGU.... ..... LUZES DA CHAPADA DlA.J.\1.'\NTINA 3206 FORTALEZA... ... .. .. . .. .. . .... . . .... . .... ... LUZ DO CEARÁ 1473 SOBRAL ...... ..... ....... .... .. DEUS, UNIÁO E TRABALHO 1993
BARREIRAS .. . .... ...................... ESTRELA DE DAVID 2274 JAGUARARI ...... .............. LIBERDADE,UNIAO E A.DE PILAR 2374 FORTALEZA ......... ......... ..... .... .. VlGILÁNCIA E J USTI(::A 2132 SOBRAL... . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. LIBERDADE SOBR..<\LENSE 3039
BARRElRAS ... . ................. TEMPLO DE SALOMAO 2737 JEQUIÉ .. ......... OBREIROS DORIO DAS CONTAS 2374 FORTALEZA .... . .................. IR .. JOÁO LIMA DOS SANTOS 3385
BARREIRAS.... ...... IR.. PAULO ROBERTO MACHADO 3181 JUAZElRO ..................................SEGREDO, FOR(::A E UNI.A.O 1040
BELMONTE..... ......... .... UNIÁO"E SIGrLO 1091 JUAZEIRO... . ........... ....... UNIAO DO VALE 3091
BOM JESUS DA LAPA ... ........... ........ ............. .ACÁCIA LAPENSE 2400 JUAZEIRO ...................... ....... ... AREÓPAGO DO GRANDE VALE 3710
BRUMADO ........... ?-.1AN0EL JOAQUIM SANTOS CARVALHO 3288 LAURO DE FREITAS ......... ........... ................ LUZ, VIDA E A.l\10R 3323
CAPIM GROSSO... ......... ........ OBREIROS DA VERDAD E 2784 LUÍS EDUARDO MAGALHÁ...ES ... ........ ... ESTRE:LA. DO OESTE 3406
CARA VELAS ............. .......................... DEUS, LUZ E CARIDADE 0970 MA.IRI ....................... UNIÁO, JUSTIQA E LIBERD.r.'lAIR.IENSE 2350
CASTRO ALVES ..... .. ............................ PROGRESSO E JUSTIGA 1207 Mll.AGRES ............................. . DEUS, FRATERNDADE E AMOR 2212
COTEGIPE .. .................... ... . ACÁCIA FRATERNA 3678 NAZARÉ .. . ... CONCóRDIA 3686
OlAS D'AVTLA ..... ........................... CRUZEIRO DAS ÁGUAS 43 15 NAZARETH ... . ........ ...... FR.ATERNIDADE NAZARENA 3127
EUNÁPOLIS ...... ................ FRATERNIDAD E 5 DE NOVEMBRO 1892 NOVA VI(::OSA ........... .......... ......................... VALE DO PERUÍPE 2171
FEIRA DE SANTANA .............. SEGREDO, FORCA E ALIANGA 1190 PAULO AFONSO ..... ............. ...................... CACHO E IRA DA LUZ 3357
FEIRA DE SANTANA ............................................. 16 DE JlJNHO 1842 PORTO SEGURO ....... .. F'OR(::A E UNlÁO DE PORTO SEGURO 1938
FE IRA DE SANTANA .. ..... ACÁCIA SERTANEJA 2690 POSTO DA MATA ... ............ ... ... INCONFIDftNCIA BAH lANA 2155
FEIR.A DE SANTANA .............. DEUS. LIBE:RDADE EJUSTI(::A 2869 PRADO ....... .................. BENJA.MIN PEREIRA MASCARENHAS 2847
FE IRA DE SANTA."iA .............................. CAVALEIROS DE AQO 3809 RL4..CHÁO DO JACUÍPE ...................................... 14 DE AGOSTO 1815
FEIRA DE SANTANA... . ............ FORGA E LUZ 4267 RIACHO DE SANTANA .... ................. ESTRELA FLA.l\1EJANTE 1814
GUANAMBI ... . ....... CRUZEIRO DO SUL 1872 SALVADOR... .............. UNlÁO E JUSTI(::A 0928
CUARATINCA... ....... ............... ..... UNIÁO FR.A.TERNA 2535 SALVADOR... ..... CAVALEIROS DA FR.ATERNIDADE 1353
IBITIARA ...... ........... .......... ......... ............... ACÁCIA CRISTALINA 3422 SALVADOR ..... ..... ................... ....... .........: .... ..... ....... LUZ E LABOR 1363
ILHÉUS ......................... REGENERA(::AO SUL BAHIANA 0994 SALVADOR... ..................... 02 DE JULHO 142 1
ILHÉUS .................................. .................................. ELL<\S OCKE 1841 SALVADOR ........................................................ CRUZ DE MALTA 1460
JPJRÁ ... ..... ............ ..... SEGREDO E FRATERNIDADE DE IPIRÁ 2105 SALVADOR ......... ....................... ..... ............ AMOR E HARMONIA 1520
lTABELA ... ............ FRATERNIDAD E ITABELENSE 3259 SALVADOR... ....... ........... CASTRO AL VES 1704
ITABUNA ............................ ..................................... 28 DE JULHO 1840 SALVADOR... ...... . CAVALEIROS DA LUZ 1719
ITACA.RÉ .. . ......... .. ECOLOCIA E FR.AT. ITACAREENSE 3210 SALVADOR.... ....... A."lDRÉ REBOU(::AS 1777
ITAGIMIRIM... .............. AUGUSTO GON(::ALVES 33ll SALVADOR...... . ........ ............... JOAQUIM NABUCO 1848
144 L ist of Reg ular Lodges Ma sonic 145
JAFÉ TORRES, St~te Grand Master . GRANDE ORIENTE DO BRASIL - Espírito Santo (GOB-ES)
SQN 415 Bloco A, Area Especial de Templos, Brasília, DF, 70878-000 AME RICO PEREIRA DA ROCHA- Sta te Grand Master
Phone: +55 (61)3340-2728 Rua Muniz Freire, 117, Cidade Alta, Vitória, ES, 29015-140
Phone: +55 (27)3322-4077
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
BRASfLL-\ .... .... ........ .... ............... .....:....... .. HIPÓLITO DA COSTA 1960 BRASfLIA ..... .. ........ ................. ANTÓNIO FRANCISCO LISBOA 3793
AFONSO CLÁUDIO ................ .............. ......... JOSÉ CUPERTINO 1846 SÁO DOMINGOS DO NORTE ... .. MAGALHÁES E ESPÍNDULA 2762
BRASiLIA .................. ............. .... FRATERNIDAD E UNIVERSAL 2031 BRASÍLIA .................. UNIVERSITÁRIA ORDEM, LUZ E AMOR 3848
ALEGRE .... .... ............ ...... ................. ................ AMOR E JUSTICA 1126 SÁO GABRIEL DA P.'li.HA ................ ......... SÁOJOÁO BATISTA 3681
BRASILIA ........... ............ ....... JEREMIAS PINHEIRO MORE IRA 2099 BRASÍLIA ....... DE PESQ. MA(,":ÓNICAS DO GR. O R. DO DISTR 3994
ALEGRE ... ........... UNIV. IRMÁO PROF. CARLOS MAGNO ROO 3839 SÁO JOSÉ DO CALCADO ......... .... .................. ...... .......... ANNITA 0709
BRASÍLIA ...... ....................... ....... ..... .... . ............... GUATIMOZIM 2107 BRASiLIA ...... .....................................LUZES DA RABALTA 4105
ARACRUZ .......... ........ ............ RUFINO MA.i'WEL DE OLIVEIRA 2118 SÁO MATEUS ...... ..... ......... ..... ........ ... MENSAGEIROS DA LUZ 1783
BRASiLIA .................................... M1GUEL ARCHANJO TOLOSA 2131 BRASÍLIA .......DES. SOBERANO GRÁ.O MESTRE FRANCISCO 4128
ARACRUZ ........ ......... .... . .... .... ..... ....... .... ESTRELA DE rBIRA(:U 3505 SERRA. ............ ............... ......... .... ........ ............ ... A.t'\IÍBAL FREIRE 1913
BRASiLIA ....................................... .. OBREIROS DO PLA.r.~ALTO 2323 BRASÍLIA .............................................. ................ LUIZ GONZAGA 4212
ARACRUZ ..... ............ ... .CARLOS ALBERTO SWERTS ESTEVES 3512 SERRA ........ ....... ............ ... ................. ........... LUZ DO PLANALTO 2331
BRASiLIA ....... ........ ............ ............. ............. . LiRIOS DO CA.\iPO 2;532 BRASÍLIA... ........ ... ... ............. LUMMINAR 4261
ATÍLIO 'f!VACQUA ......... ............. ...... ............... ... NETO CAlADO 2616 SERRA .......... ..... ......... ..... GRÁ.O-MESTRE FC" MURILO PINTO 3396
BRASÍLIA .............. ........... ........................JOÁO ROSÁRIO DÓRIA 2533 BRASÍLIA ............................ .. ........ .... .............. MESTRE INVALDO 4264
BAIXO GUANDÚ ........ .......... FR-\TERNIDADE GUANDUENSE 1396 SERRA ...... .... ....... ..... ...... ............ MÁRIO RODRIGUES FREITAS 4287
BRASiLIA .. ................. ...... ..... ........ ................ LUZ DO ORIENTE 2905 BRASÍLfA ................. ........................... ...... CAVALEIROS DE A(:O 4332
BARRA DO SÁO FRANCISCO . .............. ......... ..... 14 DE JULHO 1448 VILA VELHA ....... .... ......... ........ ...... ...... ALFE RES TIRAD ENTES 1680
BRASiLIA . ...... ............. ........... LIBERTADORES DAS AMÉRICAS 3380 BRASÍLIA ......................................... .... ... COLLEGIAFABRORUM 4304
BOA ESPERANCA ............... ...... FAUSTO CARDOSO TOSCANO 2726 VILA VELHA .......... .... ...... .. FRATERNIDAD E ADONHIRAMITA 2891
BRASiLIA ............. GRÁO-MESTRE GER.AL OSIRES TElXEIRA 3581 BR-\.SÍLIA .................... ................ FRATERNIDADE UNIVERSAL 4310
BRASiLIA ................... ........ ....... LUZ DO PLANALTO CENTRAL 3784 BRAZLÁNDIA ............... ........................... UNIÁO E CONCÓRDIA 233 7
CACHOEIRO DO ITAPERMIRIM ..... .... FRATERNIDADE E LUZ 0623 VILA VELHA .. ............... .......... ....... .... ACÁCIA VTLA VELHENSE 1914
CACHOEIRO DO ITAPERMIRIM FRATERNIOADE UNIVERSAL 1524 VTLA VELHA ....... ............. ...... ........... ........ . IVAN NEIVA NEVES 2652
BRASILIA ................... ............................... HONRA E TRADI(,":ÁO 3873 GAMA ...... ........................ .... RAIMUNDO RODRIGUES CHA VES 2028
CACHOEIRO DO ITAPERMIRIM ........ .......... UNIÁO CAPIXABA 4221 VILA VELHA. ........ .............. ....... ... .IR.'.AYLTONDEMENEZES 2806
BRASILIA .... ............................ ........ .............. J OSÉ CASTELLA.NI 3883 GAMA ................... ........................ ........................ ACÁCIA DOS 33 2341
CARIACICA .. . ......................... ....... DR. AMÉRICO DE OLIVElRA 1665 VILA VELHA IIR. . ALCEBÍADES-D"AVILA E JATh1E BULHÓE 2931
BRASÍLIA ....... .............. ............. .... MINISTRO HÉLIO BELTRÁO 3912 GUARÁ. ...... ................... ... ...................... BRIGADEIRO PROE N(:A 1784
CARIACICA . ... ....................................... .......... ANTHÁRIO FILHO 3425 VILA VELHA ........ ............. .. .... TEMPLÁRIOS DO APOCALÍPSE 2973
BRASÍLlA .............. ..... ... ....................... ESTRELA DE BRASiLIA 1484 GUARÁ. 11 ...................................... . OBRETROS DA ART E REAL 2137
CASTELO ..... ................. .......... .......... ................ WILLIA.t\1 NEMER 2169 VILA VELHA .......... ........ ........ ........ UN!ÁO E FRATERNIDADE2 2977
BRASiLIA ........... ............ ....... ........ ...... ... ATALAIA DE BRASiLIA 1574 GUARÁ. II ... .................. .......... ............. ...... FILHOS DE SALOMÁO 2311
COLA TINA .............. .... ................. .................. . NILO PE(:ANHA 1039 VILA VELHA ........... ........ .......... ............. ...... ... PRAIA DA COSTA 2982
BRASiLIA .... ............................................ AURORA DE BRASiLIA 1634 l\'ÚCLEO BANDEIRANTE .......................... UNIÁO E SILENCIO 1582
COLA TINA ......... .... ................ .... .................. .... .... 22 DE AGOSTO 1819 VILA VELHA ............ ...... ........ ....... ........... .MONTEIRO LOBATO 3740
BRASÍLIA ...................................... ........ ACÁCIADO PLANALTO 1635 NÚCLEOBANDEIRANTE .... ..... ................ OBREIROS DO VALE 3317
CONCET(:ÁO DA BAJillA .. .... .............. .......... ........... JOSÉ BAHlA 2201 VITÓRIA ......... ....... ...... ........ ....... ............ DOMINGOS .IVIARTINS 1439
BRASÍLIA ............................... .... ... .... ABRIGO DA VI.RTUDE 1701 NÚCLEO BANDEIRANTE .............. LÁZARO LUÍS ZAMENHOF 3600
ECO PO RANGA .............. ...... .............. ....... ............... .. 13 DE MAlO 1831 VITÓRIA .......... ........................... ....... ..... ESTRELA DE CA.t\1BURI 2093
BRASÍLlA .. .... ... ÁCUlA DO PLA.J\l"ALTO 1767 PARKWAY ................ ..... ..... ............... ........ BENTO GON(:ALVES 4060
GUAQUÍ .......................... ............ .. ..... ............ LIBERDADE E LUZ 1029 VITÓRIA ..... ........................ .... DR. WALLACE VIEIRA BORGES 2974
BR'\SÍLlA ... ........................................................ ............ BRASÍLIA 1882 PLANALTrNA ....... .................................... SETE DE SETEMBRO 1752
GUARAPARI ......... ................... ............ ACÁCIA DE GUARAPARI 2066 V!TÓRIA .................. ....... ......... DES. JOSÉ DE OLIVEIRA ROZA 3236
BRASiLIA ........ ... .......... .".................................... OIRCEU TORRES 1936 PLANALTIN A .................. ....... ........... UNIÁO PLANALTINENSE 3854
ICONHA ............. .. .. ............. ....... FRATERNIDAD E ICONHENSE 3888 VTTÓRIA ... ........... .... ................. ........ ........ BENEFICENCIA SETE 3252
BRASÍLIA .. BRASiLIA 1959 SOBRADINHO .......................... FRA.TERNIDADE LAGO OESTE 3243
ITARANA ..... ... ......................... FRATERNIDADE ITARANENSE 2587 VITÓRIA .. ................ ................ ........ . CAVALEIROSDAJUSTI(:A 3679
BRASÍLIA .. ...... .................... PITÁGORAS 1982 SOBRADINHO ..................................... ACÁCIA DA MONTA NHA 3249
IÚNA ................ .......DELTA MAC . FILHOS DE LUZ E VIRTUDE 1702 VITÓRIA .................. ........... ..... ............... .. UNIÁO E PROGRESSO 0236
BRASÍLIA ... . .......... . THOMAS KEMPHIS 2193 SOBR.ADINHO ............. ....... .................... ACÁCIA BRASILIENSE 3791
JACARAIPE S ERRA ....... ................. CARIDAD E E ESPERANCA 2620 VITÓRlA ................. .............. . HUMILDAD E E FRATERNIDADE 1684
BRASÍLlA ........................ .. ................ PIONEIROS DE BRASÍLIA 2288 SOBR.ADINHO .... .......... .. ... .................... .... DUQUE DE CAXIAS 1776
JERÓNIMO .MONTEIRO .... ..... ........ ..... ... .. DEOCLÉCIO RAMOS 2444 VITÓRIA ............... .............. ................... ............ JOACY PALflA..¡\10 2585
BRASiLIA .................. .............. FRATERNIDADE BRASILIENSE 2300 SOBRADINHO ...... ............ .. .. ....... VICENTE COMES MACHADO 2157
LARANJA DA TERRA .............. lR.. MAJWEL AL VES CORREA 2749 VITÓRIA .......... ................ ............. GUARDIA DA DEMOCRA.CIA 2594
BRASiLIA ............................................. ... ............ TRES PODERES 2308 TAGUA TINCA. .............................. ..... ..... ....... GON(:ALVES LEDO 1785
LINHARES ....... ........ .................. .............. ... .. LINHARES Ur-..'IDOS 1710 VITÓRIA .. ....................... .............. ................... .. UNIÁO E RAZÁO 2975
BRASiLIA ......... .................. SÁO JOÁO VIGÁRIO B. FAGUNDES 2312 TAGUATINGA ...... ............................................... REAL SEGREDO 2090
LINHARES .... ......... ............... ....... .......... ........L UZ DA JUFARA.NÁ 4229 VITÓRIA ................. ....... ............. . UNIÁO, FOR(:A E SABEDORIA 2976
BRASÍLIA ................... ...... ... CAVALEIROS DA FRATERNIDAD E 2315 TAGUATINGA ...................... ................. HUMILDADE E UNIÁO 2273
MARATAÍZES ..................... ... ........... ...... VALE DO ITAPEMIRIM 1859 VITÓRIA .... ..... ......... ....... JUVENTUDE E C. PROF. J. R. FILHO 2978
BRASiLIA ...... ......... ........................ . .... EQÜIDADE E JUSTI(,":A 2336 TAGUATINGA .. .. ..... ................ .............. ESTUDO EfrRABALHO 2330
MIMOSO DO SUL ............ ............... PRESIDENTE ROOSE VELT 1209
BRASILIA ... ...................... ... ......... PIONETROS DO PROGRESSO 2352 TAGUATINGA.. ... ...... ........ ANTóNY ~AYER 2496 VITÓRIA ........... ........ ................. .............. ........ .............. VICTÓRIA 3053
MONTANAHA .......... .... ...................... SERMÁO DA MONTANHA 1738 VITÓRIA ..... .... ....... ..... UNIV. E BENEF. PROF. A. P. BARROCA 3086
BRASiLIA ..... ..... ...................... ...................... VIRTUDE E RAZÁO 2951 TAGUATINGA .................... FRATERNIDADE DE SA.tVlAM:BAIA 3230
MUQUI ............... ............. ... ........ .............. ..... ....... AVIDES FRAGA 2557 VITÓRIA ....... ............... ........... PROFESSOR ALBERTO STANGE 3105
BRASÍLlA ........................................... AREÓPAGO DE BRASÍLIA 3001 TAGUATINGA ...... .................. JOFERLINO MIRANDA PONTES 3325
NOVA VENÉCIA .............. .......... ............. .......... MARCOS DAHER 1775 V!TÓRIA .. .............. ........ .......... OSWALDO COUTO RODRIGUES 3251
BRASILIA ............. UNIVERSITÁRlA-VERDADE E EVOLU(,":ÁO 3492 TAGUATINGA. .. · ······· ~····.: INCONFIDENT ES 3549
PEDRO CANÁRIO ....... ....... ..... IZAÍAS DE OLIVEIRA. FREITAS 2751 VITÓRIA .. ........ ........ ....... ...... ........ IR.' . OSWALDO ALBERNAZ 3258
BRASÍLIA ...... ...... .. .. .......................... ..GUARDIÓES DO TEMPLO 3544 TAGUATINGA ........ PRESIDENTE JUSCEL:fNo-KUBITSCHEK 3530
PlNHEIROS ................. .......... .... ......... ........ FENELON BARBOSA 2059 VITÓRIA ............. ............... ..... UNIÁO, VIG. E PERSEVERAN(:A 3315
BRASILIA ............ ............................................ de SAO JOÁO LUZ 3636
PIÚMA ...... ................. ........... .......... DR. IDIÁLVARO DESSAUNE 2298 VITÓRIA .. ...... .. ............... ....... ......... ORDEM E PERSEVERAN(:A 3457
SANTA LEOPOLDINA ........ ...................JUSTICA E CARIDAD E 4300 VJTÓRLA. ........................ ..... .......... ...... ... UNIÁO E IGUALDADE 4279
SANTA TERESA ................. ................ ...... ...... CUORE ITALIANO 3717
·., ...."'""
ACRE ÚNA. ....... .... ............. IGUALDAD E E UNIÁO DO BRASIL 2035 GOIÁNIA.... .. ........... ............. .... ....... ESTRELA NO HORIZONTE 2575
ACA1LÁNDIA ...................................... MONTE DAS OUVEIRAS 3371 SAO DOMINGOS DO MARANHÁO ......... ......... DEUS, JUSTI<;:A
ÁGUA LlMPA ......................... ............. ...... ................ ENTRE RIOS 3190 GOIÁNIA .......................................... ................. FRANCJS BACON 2610
ALTO PARNAiBA ............................ HARMONlA E TRABALHO 1588 E FRATERNIDADE 1906
AGUAS LIN:OAS DE GOIÁS .. MENSAGEIROS DA ARTE REAL 2189 GOIÁNIA .......................................... LPM "BRASIL CENTRAL" 2676 ANAJATUBA ... . ............ DIVI NO MESTRE 2807 SAO LUÍS... ........... .. ........ RENASCENCA MARANHENSE 0621
ALTO PARAÍSO DE GOIÁS .................... PORTAL DE AQUÁRIO 2983 GOIÁNIA ....................................... OBREIROS DA ARCA REAL 2926 SÁO LUÍS... .. ........ ............. BECKMAN 0801
Al'lÁPOLIS ............................................... LEALDADE E JUSTICA 1222 GOIÁNIA ............. ......................................... .............. . JOÁO XXIII 3192 CAMPESTRE DO MARA.NHÁO... ....... CAMPO DE LUZ 3553 SAO LUÍS... .. ........... RIO BRANCO 0811
A.r.'\'ÁPOLIS ........................... UNIÁO E JUSTICA ANAPOLINA 1907 GOIÁNIA ........................... OBREfROS DA LEI E DA VERDAD E 3438 CAROLiNA ............ .. ................................... CACHOEIRA DE LUZ 3491 SÁO LUÍS ......................................... DEZESSETE DE OUTUBRO 0897
ANÁPOLfS ............................... ......JOÁO PEDRO JUNQUEIRA 2181 GOIÁNIA ......................................... VOLUNTÁRIOS DA PÁTRIA 3440 CIDELÁNDIA .............. ....................................... MONTE LÍBANO 3937 SAO LUÍS... .. ............................ GODOFREDO VlANA 1474
AJ.JÁPOLIS .............. ...... ................. ... WINSTON CHURCHILL 2216 GOIÁI"'IA ............... FRAT. ACADI!:MICA PROFESSORÁLVARO 3776 COROATÁ.... .. ...... ... SAO JOÁO DA ESCÓCIA 1587 SÁO LUÍS... .. ................... . ACÁCIA MARANHENSE 1528
ANÁPOLIS ... ......... VALE DAS ANTAS 3138 GO!ÁNIA ....................... .................. TEMPLARIOS DO ORIENTE 3799 IMPERATRIZ ....... ......... FIRMEZA E HUM.IMPERATRIZENSE 1638 SAO LUÍS... . ............ .............. VERDADEIRA LUZ 1599
ANÁPOLIS ........... UNTVERSITÁRIA FILOSOFIA E CULTURA 3814 GOIÁNIA ................. .......................... MODERNA O LAVO BILAC 4027 IMPERATRIZ.... ................. SEAREIROS DA LUZ 3222 SAO LUÍS... . ................. ...... URBANO PINHEIRO 2072
ANÁPOLIS ............................ ACÁCIA Al\i.ARELA ANAPOLINA 4305 COIÁNIA ............................. .......... UNIVERSITARIA GOIÁNA 4094 lMPERATRIZ ......... FRAT. ACADEMICA SEAREIROS DA LUZ 3589 SAO LUÍS .................................................... GODOFREDO VIA.~A 2223
ANICUNS ................................................ ASIW DA LIBERDADE 1801 GOlÁNIA ............................ACADEMlA JAIR ASSIR RfBEIRO 4108 IMPERATRIZ... . . .............LAURO TUPINAMBÁ 4146 SAO LUÍS ... ................... GONCAL VES LEDO 2250
APARECIDA DE GOIÁNIA ............... CAPELA APARECIDENSE 2923 GOIÁS... .. ..... AZILO DA RAZAO 0167 IMPERATRIZ ... . ...................... D. PEDRO l 4149 SAO LUÍS ......................... ... ......................... .......... REI SALO,MAO 2487
APARECIDA DE GOIÁ..NlA ............ ........ ACÁCIA DO CERRADO 3877 ITINGA DO MARANHÁO ................ GUARDIÁ DA FRONTEIRA 3636 SAO LUÍS .............................. JOSÉ DE RIBAMAR C. DE SOUZA 2656
GOlA TUBA .............. ............................. ....... FRATERNA UNIÁO 1615
ARACU .......... .. ...... ............................. ..... .. ESTRELA DE ARACU 2080 PEDREIRAS ............................... RENASCENCA PEDRElRENSE 1589 SAO LUÍS ........................... ........ HUMANIDAD E E CONCÓRDIA 2851
GOlA TUBA ................................. JOÁO GUERRA DE OUVEIRA 2154
ARAGARCAS ............................... . ALVORADA DE ARAGARCAS 1955 PERITORÓ ....................... ~ ...................... ......... 3 1 DE MARCO 2871 SÁO LUÍS ....................................... CAVALEIROS DO TEMPLO 4143
GUAPE ............... ........................................................ JOÁO RACY 1385
PRESIDENTE DUTRA·.:<...~., ...................... FILHOS DE ADONAl 2928 SÁO LUÍS... .. .......... .................................. EDUCACÁO MORAL 4147
ARAGUAPAZ ....................... FRATERNIDADE ARAGUAIANA 3774 HIDROLÁNDIA .................... .. ADELINO FERREIRA MACHADO 1957
RlACHÁO.. - • .... PENTAGRA MA DORIACHÁO 4153 SAO LUÍS ..........................................LEALDADE E JUSTICA 4148
BELA VISTA DE GOIÁS ....................... UNili.O BELAVISTENSE 4216 Ir>.THUMAS ....................... VIG LL<\NCIA E FRAT. DE INHUI\IIAS 1160 ROSÁRlO... .. ....... MONTElRO LOBATO 4190 VIANA ........................................ FRATERNIDADE VIMTENSE 3147
BOM JARDIM DE GOIÁS .................................. DIMAS NASSER 2398 INHUMAS ..................................................... OTÁVIO BALESTRA 2084
BOM J'ESUS ......... ....................................... JUSTICA E UNili.O 2012 lPA.r..1ERL.. .. PAZ E AMOR 0948
BURITI ALEGRE ...................... ESTRELA BURITIALEGRENSE 1359 IPORA .... .. ........ UNIAO DE IPORÁ 1372 .,_
CAIAPÓNIA ........................................ AURORA DE CAIAPÓNlA 1876 ITABERA..Í .................................................... VITÓRIA DA RAZAO 1188
CARMO DORIO VERDE .......................... ESTRELA DO CARMO 2651 ITAUCfU ....................... ................ ........... NARCEU DE ALMEIDA 2009 Av. Historiador Rubens de Mendon~a, 5560, Palácio da Concórdia, Cuiabá, MT, 78055-000
CATALÁO .............................. .................................... PAZ E AMOR 0923 ITUMBIARA ... .. JUSTICA E CARIDAD E 1293
Phone: +55 (65)3641-0540
CATALÁO ...... ............. ...... ....... JOSÉ MARCEL!NO DA SILVA 2217 ITUMBIARA ............... .............. ..... ............... CRUZErRO DO SUL 1715
E-mail: [email protected]
CERES ....................................... .......... VALE DO SÁO PATRiCIO 1334 JARAGUÁ.................. .... ..................... SERRANIA JARAGUENSE 1283
CEZARINA ... .. VALE DORIO DOS SOIS 3699 JARAGUÁ ................................................. ......ALFREDO NÁSSER 2049 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO.
CIDADE OCIDENTAL ........................... JUSTICA E LEALDADE 3441 JATAi ....................... ...................... LfBERDADE DO SUDOESTE 2145
CORUMBÁ DE GOIÁS ...................... ESTRELA DOS PIRINEOS 3046 JATAi .................................................. OBREIROS DO CERRADO 3789 ACORIZAL... . ........................ A1>1ÁNCIO RA.liA:OS DE ARRUDA 3841 CUIABÁ .............................................CAVALEIROSDESÁOJOÁO 4178
CORUMBAÍBA. ..................................... LUZ CORUMBAlBENSE 1166 JUSSARA ............................................. PLENITUDE DO SIGILO 1920 AGUA BOA ................................ LUZES DO TERCEIRO MILENIO 3197 CUIABÁ... ................................ .ACÁCD\ DO PANTA.~AL 4241
CRISTALINA ....... ................. ............. ACÁCIA CRISTALINENSE 1233 LUZIÁNIA ........................................... ESTRELA DE LUZIÁNIA 1644 ALTA FLORESTA ............... LUZ E LlBERDADE DA AMAZÓNIA 2693 CUIABÁ.... .....CAVALEIROS DE ACODO PANTANAL 4288
CRIXAS .......... .......... ........ ........................ ESTRELA CRrxAENSE 204 7 MONTES CLAROS DE GOIÁS ................. VALE DORIO CLARO 1992 ALTO ARAGUAI.A ... . ............... CAVALEIROS DALillERDADE 4182 CUIABÁGAÚCHA DO NORTE .......................... LUZES DO XJNGU 3879
CUMARI. ............................................... VALE DO PIRAPITINGA 3094 MORRINHOS .............. .................................... LUZ E LIBERDADE 1191 ARENÁPOLIS.. .. .... GON<;:ALVES LEDO 2108 GUARANTÁ DO NORTE .................... ACÁCIA GUARANTAENSE 2777
.............. ...................................... ...... RAZAO E TRABALHO 3909 NERÓPOLIS .............. .... ..................... .. ROTEIRO DA Al\1lZADE 1330 BARRA DO BUGRES ... ffi. JOAQUI.M MARIANO DE 1\llRANDA 3083 ITAÚBA.... . ...........................ACÁCIA DE ITAÚBA 3702
Ft\ZENDA NOVA .. . .. UNIÁO E SIGILO 2320 BARRA DO CARCAS ............................ TRADICÁO E EVOLUCAO 3049 JACIARA .............................. ACÁClA VALE DO SAO LOURENQO 2394
NERÓPOLIS ............... ................................................ NERÓPOLIS 4316
FIID.UNÓPOLlS .. . .. PLAN.>\!.TO DO BEM 1282 BARRA DO CARCAS ..................... CUARDIÓES DO RONCADOR 3719 JAURU.. ............................... . ............... ORDEM E UBERDADE 2183
NIQUELÁNDIA ............... ........... PROFESSOR JOAO MENEZES 2034
BARRA DO GAR<;:AS ............. CONSTRUTORES DA LIBERDADE 3597 JUARA .................................................... ESTREL.\_ DA A.!'\'tJ\ZÓI\rrA 2213
FORMOSA ............................................... UNIÁO E LJBERDADE 1471 OURO VERDE .............. OBREIROS DA PAZ OUROVERDENSE 2490
CÁCERES .............. ........ ................. LIBERDADE CACERENSE 1768 JUARA ............................ ....... ........................................ LUZ DO SOL 3607
FORI\10SA ............... ........ .......... HARMONIA E FRATERNIDAD E 2753 OUVIDOR ....... ............................ ....... .... OLÍrvrPIO DE MIRANDA 2957
CÁCERES ........................ ......................... ........ LUZ DO OCIDENTE 3343 JUARA..... .. ........... PAZ E PROSPERIDAD E 3821
GOIANDIRA ............. ...... ............................. ASILO DA VIRTUDE 1132 PAL:MEIRAS DE GOIÁS .... .... .. . DEUS, ORDEM E PROGRESSO 1481 CAMPO NOVO DO PARECÍS... .. ............................... PARECÍ S 3519 JUARA ........................................MENSAGEIROS DA LffiERDADE 4040
GOIANÉSIA ........................................... ESTRELA DO ORIEI\"TE 1360 PARANAIGUARA ............. .................. ESTREL.\_ DO SUDOESTE 1645 C.ANARANA .... ...FRATERNIDAD E DO SOL 3499 JUÍNA .......................................... r~RATER.NIDADE VICILAIIJTE 2319
GOIÁNIA ... .. LIBERDADE E UNIÁO 1158 PARAÚNA ........................................... SEGREDO E VIG ILÁNCIA 1676 CHAPADA DOS CUIMARÁES.. .......... LUZES DA CHAPADA 3405 JUÍNA ... .. .............LffiERDADE E LUZ 4026
GOIÁNIA ................................................. ACÁCIA BRASIUENSE 1183 PIRACANJUBA .... .. LUZ E VfRTUDE 1325 CLÁUDlA ................................................... CALIXTO BARBOSA 3854 JUSCIMEIRA ........................... MESTRE AlRTON ALTHEMEYER 3552
GOIÁNIA.. .. ...... ORDEM E PROGRESSO 1196 PIRA..NHAS ... .. APRENDIZES DO BEM 1940 COLÍDER... . ....................... ACÁClA VALE DO TELES PIRES 2188 LUCAS DORIO VERDE .................................. JAIME SEITE FUJI 2980
GOIÁI'l!A ............................................. ...... . ASILO DA ACÁCIA 1248 PIRENÓPOLIS ...... ........... FRATERNIDADE MEIAPONTENSE 1236 COMODORO... .. ................................... ACÁCIA DO PARECIS 3470 LUCAS DORIO VERDE ............................ ACÁCIA DE TAPURAH 3860
GOIÁ.."l'IA ... .. AURORA. DE GOIÁS 1393 PIRES DORIO .......................................................... AMOR E LUZ 1159 COTR!GUA<;:U ................................................. AURA ILUMINADA 3644 MARCELÁNDlA ................................... AMOR E FRATERNIDAD E 3604
GOlANIA ...................... .......................... MENSAGEIROS DA PAZ 1435 PLANALTINA DE GOJÁS ............................... ................. UNIAO E CUIABÁ ........... .................................................. LUZ E LIBERDADE 1930 MATUPÁ... . ....................... ACÁClA MATUPAENSE 2548
GOIÁNIA ............... ..................................... ............ ........ MINERVA 1805 HARMONlA PLANALTINENSE 3375 CUIABÁ ... .. ...... TRIÁI'lCULO DA FRATERNIDADE 2018 MIRA..SSOL D'OESTE ......................... EDMUNDO DE OLTVEIRA 2448
GOlÁNlA .......................................... FLOR DA ACÁCIA COlANA 1816 PO RANGA TU ........... CARIDADE E JUSTICA DE PORANGATU 1659 CUIABÁ ... .. ...... RAZÁO E JUSTICA 2202 NOVA GUARITA... . . ......................... ACÁCIA GUARITENSE 3856
GO!ÁNIA ............................................ ...... UNlÁO E PROGRESSO 1935 PO RANGA TU ......................................... CREPÚSCULO DA PAZ 2068 CUl.ABÁ ... .. .. MORAL E PROGRESSO 2480 NOVA MUTUM ..... . ................. ACÁCL'-\ DE NOVA MUTUM 3029
GOIÁNIA .............. ................ .................. GUIMARÁES NATAL 1946 CUIABÁ ..................... ................................ ............. PERSEVERANCA 2644 NOVA OLÍMPIA... .. ........ GUARDIÓES DO OLL.\fPO 3368
QUIRINÓPOLIS ...................................... ......... ...... MONTE SIN Al 2064
GOIÁNIA ................................................ Á SOMBRA DA ACÁCIA 1948 CUIABÁ .................. ... ......................... AMIZADE E CONSCIENCIA 2964 NOVA XAVANTINA ... .. ........... S ERRA DO RONCADOR 2240
.................. ...... .... .......... .......... ~:STRELA SERTANEJA 1232
CUIABÁ ................. ............................. ..... ...... ........ .... ..... RAZAO N" 4 3076 PARANAiTA ... . .. ..... SAO JOAO DE PARANAiTA 2566
COL.\NIA .. .. A.LVORADA COlANA 1949 RIANÁPOLIS ............... ........... GERALDO BATISTA FERREIRA 2055
CUIABÁ .............. ................................................. JOÁO BORRALHO 3141 PEIXOTO DE AZEVEDO ................... UNIÁO E FRATERNIDADE 2584
GOIANIA ............. .......................... ..... ............ LUZ E PRUDENCIA 1976 RIO VERDE... . ............ ESTRELA RIOVERDENSE 1139
GOI.ÁNIA ......................................................... UNlÁO DE CANAÁ 2010 RIO VERDE ...................................... CAVALEIROS DOTEr-.'IPLO 2664 CUI.ABÁ ... ...... M'ESTRE ARISTIDES Jo~. DE ANDRADE 3247 PRIMA VERA DO LESTE ................................. LUZ DO CERRADO 3836
COIÁNlA ........................................... ESTRELA DA SERRINHA 2033 RUBLA.TABA ........................................... TE~lPLÁRIOS DO BEM 1498 CUIABÁ... . .............................. AURORA MATOGROSSENSE 3320 PRIMAVERA DO LESTE ........... ................................... PRIMA VERA 4231
COI.ÁNIA ...... ........ .............. ............ .......... LUZ NO HORIZONTE 2038 SA..I\1TA HELENA DE GOIÁS ............. HARMONIA E VERDADE 1793 .................................................................... FRATERNIDADE 3376 RONDONÓPOLIS ........................... ......... Á SOMBRA DA ACÁCIA 2124
GOIÁNIA ............... JOAO DO LAGO NOGUEIRA PARANAGUÁ 2056 SAO LUÍS DE MONTES BE LOS . ESTRELA MONTEB ELENSE 1590 ....... .... .. .. ............................................................ DE AMIGOS 3432 RONDONÓPOLIS ..... ........ .................... OBREIROS DO CERRADO 3627
GOlÁNIA... . ... LUZ, Al\WR E VIDA 2079 SAO MIGUEL DO ARAGUAIA .......... ESTRELA DO ARAGUAlA 1770 ...... UNIAO E PROGRESSO 3446 SJNOP ... .. ........... ACÁCIA DA AMAZÓNIA 2234
GOIÁNIA... .. ............................................. 07 DE SETEMBRO 2126 TRINDADE .................... ....... ...... ,...... ................... ...... JOÁO BRAZ 1116 CUI.ABA ... .......... LUZ E FRATERNIDADE 3558 SINOP ................................................................. ACÁCIA DE SJNOP 2475
GOlÁNlA ... . .......... . ELlAS GABRIEL 2128 URUACU .................................................. VALE DO TOCANTINS 1338 CUIABÁ... ... TRADICAO E UBERDADE 3628 SINOP ... .............................................. RUI BARBOSA 3419
GOL4.NIA ................................................. FILHOS DA JUSTICA 2284 URUANA ............................................ GENERAL LA. URO SODRÉ 1392 CUIABÁ... . ..................... ACÁCIA AMARELA 3674 SINOP ................................................................ ACÁCIA DO XLN'CÚ 3749
GOIÁNIA .............................................................. LUZ E SABER 2380 URUTAÍ ................................................... UNIAO E CONCÓRDIA 1128 CUIABÁ .... .. ............................ SENTINELA CUIABANA 3718 SORRISO... . ............................... ACÁCIA DO SORRISO 2442
GOIÁNIA.. MENSAGEIROS DA LlBEROADE 2513 VALPARA..ÍSO DE GOIÁS .................. ........... LUZ E TRABALHO 2206 CUIABÁ ... ....... FlLHOS DE JACÓ 3750 SORRISO ......................................... ACÁCIA DE NOVA UBIRATA 3861
GOIÁNIA.. .. ........................ ARTE REAL 2560 CUIABÁ... .. ................... CAVALElROS DO MEIO-DlA 3933 SORRlSO... .. GUARDIÜES DA MlAZÓNIA E DA PÁTRIA 3881
CUIABÁ ......................... ................... POETA FERNANDO PESSOA 3893 SORRISO .............. ................ ACACIA DE IPIRANGA DO NORTE 4062
CUlABÁ... .. .................................................................. VITRIOL 4022 TANGARA DA SERR..i. .................................................. 13 DE MAlO 2167
148 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 149
TA.:.'\'GAR.\ DA SERRÁ ............................ MARECHAL CÁNDIDO VÁRZEA GRAI~DE ... .................... OBRElROS DE HERMON 3175 BELO HORIZONTE ............................... GEI\'ERAL JOSÉ MARIA
CASCALHO RICO ................ .......................... ... RIO DAS PEORAS 3062
MARIANO DA SILVA 4176 VÁRZEA GRANDE ......... .PDE. ERNESTO CAMILO BARRETO 4021 MOREIRA GUIMA.RÁE 0562 CÁSSIA ....... ............... ............. ................... LIBERDADE E AMOR 0828
TERRA NOVA DO NORTE ... . ... VALE DO ESPERAN(:A 3248 VÁRZEA GRANDE... ................ ... DOM AQUINO GORREtA 4063 BELO HORIZONTE ....... ......... ... .......... ..... .... BELLO HORIZONTE 0574 CÁSSIA ... ................. RAMOS DA LIBERDADE 4206
TORIXORÉU ... . ...... ................. E:STRELA DO A.RAGUAlA 2846 VÁRZEA GRANDE .............. SENTrNELA VARZEA GRANDENSE 4097 BELO HORIZONTE ... ... .... ...... .................... .. GONCALVES LÉ:DO 0985 CATAGUASES ............................................... UNIÁO E VERDA.DE 3240
VÁRZEAGRANDE ..................................... AMORECARTDADE 2333 VERA..... ... CELESTE 3554 BELO HORIZONTE ........ .. ................................ .. OTÁVIO KELLY 1063 CENTRAL DE MINAS ............................... AMIGOS DO MESTRE 1830
VÁRZEAGRANDE... ......................... ALDO CÁNDlDOCOSTA 3131 VU.A RICA ................................................CARIDADE E JUSTICA 4135 BELOHORIZONTE ................. .................... .......... .............. HIRAM 1414 CENTRALINA ..................................................... UNIÁO E A.i\10R 1327
BELOHORIZONTE ...................... RENOVACAO E PROGRESSO 1511 CLÁUDIO ........................... FRATERNA ACÁCIA DE CLÁUDIO 2578
BELO HORIZONTE ... ..................................... .... ..... 14 DE JULHO 1525
GRANDE ORIENTE DO BRASIL - Mato Grosso do Sul (GOB-MS) BELO HORIZONTE .. ...... ... ..................... CARIDAD E E JUSTICA 1557
BELO HORIZONTE ... ..... ................... ............ ...... RE! SALOMÁO 1561 CONGONHAL ..................... FRATEHNIDADE AURORA DA PAZ 3599
Rua Sao Félix, 789, Vilas Boas, Campo Grande, MS, 79051-210 BELO HORIZONTE .. SETE DE SETEMBRO BARÁO DE r.1AUÁ 1583
Phone: +55 (67)3341-4939 CONSELH.EIRO LAFAlETE ...... ... CAMINHOS DA LIBERDADE 3261
E-mail: [email protected] BELO HORIZONTE ....................................... MORAL E JUSTIC:A 1902 CONSELHEIRO PENA .................... OBREIROS OOTRABALHO 1143
BELO HORIZONTE ..........................FRATERNIDADE ETERNA 1965 CONTAGEM ................. ............ .... VIGILANTES DE CONTAGEM 3227
BELO HORIZONTE ......................... ............... LUZ E REDENCÁO 2005
BELO HORIZONTE ............. ...... ...... .. HARMONlA E TRABALHO 2061
BELO HORIZONTE ...... .. ...... ... ... VERDADE, UNIAO E VITÓRlA 2122
CORACÁO DE JESUS ...... ..... .................. VALE DO CANABRAVA 2114
ÁGUA CLAR-\ ... .......... A}IIlOR, PROGRESSO E JUSTlCA 2117 CAMPO GRA.J'l"DE ............ ..... ..... CAVALEIROS DA ESPERANC:A 4082 BELO HORIZONTE ....... ........................ ... ... ........................ FENIX 2249 COROMANDEL ...................................... TRABALHO E JUSTIC:A 1839
AMA.\1BAi ................. .... ........................... TERCEffiO MILENIO 2825 CAMPO GRANDE.. ....... .................. ARQUJTETOS DALUZ 4131 BELO HORIZONTE ..........TRAJANO THEODOMIRO DA SILVA 2267 CORONEL FABRJCIANO ....................... UNIÁO E JUSTICA DE
ANASTACfO .... ............ GENEROSIDADE E AMOR 2919 CM1PO GRAN"DE ...................................................... GUAICURUS 4317 BELO HORIZONTE .................... DlLSON VI.EIRA DA FONSECA 2269
ANASTÁCIO ................................................1R~1AOS DO BURITI 4195 CASSILANDIA ......................... RECANTO DA FRATERNIDADE 2192 BELOHORIZONTE ....................................... ... .SIMONBOLÍVAR 2291 CURVELO ......................................... OBREIROS DA ARTE REAL 3232
ANHANDuf ... . ........................ ...... ESTRELA DE Al'lHA!'lDUÍ 3305 CHAPADAO DO SUL ... ...................... EDIFICADORES DA PAZ 2661 BELO HORIZONTE ...................... VINTE E CINCO DE AGOSTO 2324 CURVELO ..................................... FRATERNIDADE DO TIJUCO 4292
AQUIDAUANA ....... ....... ................... ............ LUZ DO PANTANAL 2960 CORUMBÁ .... ...... ......... ................ ....... CARIDAD E E SILENCIO 0283 BELO HORIZONTE .............. .......... ... ............... SALGADO FILHO 2346 DIVINÓPOLIS ............ ............... ..... ........ ............ VERITAS VINCIT 2418
BATAGUASSU... ........................ CA V ALE IROS DO SUL 1983 CORUMBÁ .. .. . ... ALVORADA DO PANTANAL 2016 BELO HORIZONTE ....... .. ... ......... DEUS. JUSTICA E CARJDADE 2372 DIVINÓPOLIS ................. ... !'AA.RCIUS DA ANUNCIACÁO OlAS 3430
BELA VISTA..... ......... LUZ E VERDADE 2827 CORUMBÁ... .... ...... CONSTÁNClA E ESPERANC:A 2019 BELO HORIZONTE .. ........................... ........... HARMONIA E LUZ 2413 DIVINÓPOLIS ...................................... VIGil.A.l'lTES DO DIVINO 3819
BONITO... .... ESTRELA DO RlO FORMOSO 3036 COSTA RICA ................. ..... CAVALEIROS DA FRATERNlDADE 2342 BELO HORIZONTE ............................ DEUS, JUSTICA E UNIÁO 2446 DIVINÓPOLIS ...................... ........................CA.!\f..INHOS DA LUE 4204
CMlPO GRA.N'DE .. ................................. PH.<\ROL DO SUL 197 1 COXlM ... ... VTGIL.A.!'l"TES DO TAQUARJ 3CH:I6 BELO HORIZONTE ... SABEDORlA, ESTABfLlDADE E PODER 2454 DURANDÉ ................................... AGOSTINHO DE SOUZA LIMA 2376
CAMPO GRANDE ....... ....... .................... ................... ....... AURORA 2017 DOURADOS. ............ ........................................ ...... 20 DE AGOSTO 2670 BELO HORIZONTE ......... ....... MENSAGEJROS DA LIBERDADE 2674 ERVÁLIA .......................... ....... .... FRATERNIDADE ERVALENSE 3744
CAMPO GRANDE... . ............................... ... .... 11 DE OUTUBRO 2081 DOURADOS .......... ...... ... PROF. FLAMARION ELlAS TABORDA 3035 BELO HORIZONTE ....... ............... .INTELIGENCIA E SEGREDO 2832
CMIPO GRANDE ..... ........... 08 DE MAlO 2083 DOURADOS .. ........ .......... ....... UNIAO E TRABALHO 3100 ESMERALDAS .............. .......... ..... ...... ACÁClA ESMERALDE:NSE 4187
BELO HORIZONTE ...... ..... ............... . UNIÁO DE SANTA LUZIA 3282 ESPERA FELIZ ............. . FRATERNIDADE, PRUDENCIA E LUZ 1296
CA.!\1PO GRANDE ................ ..................... .... .. VINTE DE JUNHO 2153 INOCE NCIA .. ................... ................ ..... .......... . MORADA DO SOL 1929 BELO HORIZONTE ...................... GUIDO THOMAZ h1ARLIÉRE 3329
CA.!\1PO GRANDE ···-··· .......... JUSTICA E PERSEVERAN CA 2174 ITAPORÁ... .............. DEZ DE DEZEMBRO 2335 ESPINOSA ............................................. ESTRELA DE ESPINOSA 4213
CA.!\fPOGRANDE... ..................................... 26DEABRIL 2218 ITAQUIRAÍ... ...................................... MONTE SlÁO 2828
BELO HORIZONTE ........ :..... LUZ E REDENCAO BONFINENSE 3455 EXTREMA ...................................................... PORTAL DE MINAS 3911
CAi\"lPO GRANDE ............................. VINTE E SEIS DE AGOSTO 2316 IVTNHEMA ................................. ............... VALE DO IVINHEMA 2023
BELO HORIZONTE ............... .... ACADEMJCA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR 3575 F'ELISBURGO ................. ...... .............. NASCENTES DE PUREZA 2679
CAMPO GRANDE... . ............. ............ VIRTUS E'r LABOR 2386 JARDIM .... .................... LUZ E FRATERNIDAD E JAROINENSE 2082
BELO HORIZONTE ........ ....... ...................... .... CINCO DE JUNHO 3693 FELIXLÁNDlA .......... ....................... ACÁCIA FELIXLANDENSE 4281
CA.!VIPO GRANDE ........ ......... .... ....... ···-·· FILHOS DO SILENCIO 2390 LADÁRIO .. .................. ......... PHAROL DO NORTE 0356
BELO HORIZONTE ....... .......... .............. ACADEr-.HCA REAL FE NIX 3773 FORMIGA ... ............... ............ ......... ....... ... CI.~NCIA E VIRTUD E 0968
CAMPO GRANDE ... .................. .................. DE EMULAQÁO 2501 MARACAJU ....... ........ ................. AM!1:RICO CARLOS DA COSTA 1996
BELO HORIZONTE .... .......... ... .............. OBREIROS DA JUSTICA 3825 FORMIGA ....................... .... FRAT. ACAD. IR. OTAÍDE FELTRIN 3378
CA..\1PO GRANDE... ....... ...................... OBREIROS DA PÁTRIA 2900 MJRA.NDA ....................................................... RECA..N"TO DO SOL 2419
BELOHORlZONTE .... ................................. .ACADeMICA PROF. FORMIGA ............................................... ACÁCIA DE CANDElAS 4257
CAMPO GRANDE ........ MEST RE RIVADÁVIA SIQUE IRA. LIMA 2906 MUNDO NOVO ............... .................. ESTRELA DA FRONTEIRA 2024
ÁLVARO PALMEIRA 3846 FREI GASPAR ................................... MIRANTES DAS ACÁCIAS 4194
CA..1\WO GRANDE ....... FORC:A, PROGRESSO E ESPERANCA 2908 NAVlRAf .......................... ORDEM, TRABALHO E PROGRESSO 1806
BELO HORIZONTE ............... ........................ ACÁCIA DE HIRAM 3865 FRUTAL ....... ACADE:MJCA C.>\..ó\>IINHOS DE JACQUES DEMOL 3695
CAMPO GRA.!"'DE ....... ........................ OBREmOS DE SÁO JOÁO 2962 NAVIRAÍ... . .. .......................... XV DE NOVEMBRO 4197
BEW HORIZONTE ............... ............. .............. .... LUZ DA SERRA 3893 GALILÉL>\ ........................... ................. ... ESTRELA DA GALILÉIA 1732
CAMPO GRANDE... . .. PATRlARCA DE CA.!\1PO GRANDE 2963 NIOAQUE ................................. .................. CARIDADE E ORDEM 0669
CAMPO GRANDE... ..... .............. LUZ E FRA.TERNIDADE 3018 NOVA ANDRADINA. ........................ OBRElROS OCULTOS 1984
CArllPO GRANDE ............. ... ................. ... GUARDIOES DA LUZ 3038 PARANAÍBA. .. >.·.
....·. ~./: . .... CANAÁ 2270
... .... .......... ..... ........ .COLLEGIA FABRORUM 3987
.... .. ... ... ...... ARCÁDIA DA INCONFIDENCIA
GOVERNADOR VALADARES ....... ............... PAZ E PROGRESSO 1184
CAMPO GRANDE ... . .. PAZ, VIRTUD E E FRATERNIDAD E 3099 PONTA POR.A. ... . ...................... ...... PONTA PORÁ 2303 GOVERN.>\DOR VALADARES ... .... SOLIDÁRIOS DORIO DOCE 1881
CAMPO GRANDE.. ........... UNIÁO CAMPOGRAl'>iDENSE 3118 PORTO MURTINHO. . ..... ........................... RAZÁO E FORCA 1997 M.INEIRA 3988 GUAPÉ ........................................ ................... MARCELO BOREM 4059
BELO HORIZONTE ...................... CAVALEIROS TEMPLÁRlOS 3997 GUA.RANÉSIA ............................................. FERNANDO OSÓR IO 0542
CA..I\.WO GRA.!"'IDE ............................... ATHAMARIL SALDANHA 31 19 RrBAS DORIO PARDO... . .............. ACÁClA 2345
BELO HORIZONTE ........................................................ ESSENIOS 4000 GUARARÁ ................................. HAROLDO DA SILVA MENDES 0836
CAMPO GRANDE ........ .. ............ .................... NOVA ESPERAN CA 3225 ROCHEDO .... .. ..................... LUZ, JUSTJi;Á"l!:""PERSEVERANCA 2961
CAMPO GRANDE ....... .. ..... RENOVACAO CA11.1POGRANDENSE 3254 SELVÍRIA... ....... ... .... . ARQUITETOS DA PIRÁMIDE 1972 BETIM ................. .............. ............... ..... .ESTRELA BETINENSE 2120 GUAXUPÉ .. ................... ............... ..... REDENCAO SUL MINEIRA 1105
CAl\fPO GRANDE ....................... UNTÁO. FORCA E TRABALHO 3266 SETE QUEDAS... ........ FRATERNIDADE E JUSTIC:A 2379 BETIM ................. ...... ........ ...... ................. MONTEIRO LOBATO 3808 IBIÁ ... .... ..... ...................... ACÁCIA IBIAENSE 2392
CA..l\iPO GRA.!"'DE ..... ......... ....................... ESTRELA ANHANDUÍ 3305 SONORA... ..... ........................ PORTAL DO SUL 2824 BOA ESPERANC:A .................................. ............... .... ACAD~MUS 1753 IGARAPE ........................ .......... OBREIROS DA PEORA GRANDE 3823
CA..i\1PO GRA.:."'DE ................................ .LUZ DO NOVO MILENIO 3350 TRtS LAGOAS ...... ........... .... ........................................ AQUARIUS 1903 BOCAJÚVA .......... UNIÁO DEUS E FRATERNIDAD E E RE! SAL 1562 IGUATAMA .......................... ACÁCIA DORIO SAO FR.>\NCISCO 2979
CA..i\fPO GRANDE... . ............ UNIVERSITÁRIA CAMELOT 4016 TRES LAGOAS ... ...SAO JOÁO 2429 BOCAIÚVA ....... FRATERNIDADE ACADEMlCA RE! SALO~IÁO 3736 ILICÍNEA ................................. ..................... MA.RCELO BOREM 4059
BOM DESPACHO ................ .......JOÁO DA SILVEIRA BICALHO 3630 IPANEMA ......... ........................ LIBERTAS QUAE SERA TAMEM 1180
BOM JESUS DA PENHA ......TEMPLÁ.RIOS DORIO SAO JOÁO 3755 IPATINGA .................................................. UNIAO DE IPATINGA 1567
GRANDE ORIENTE DO BRASIL - Minas Gerais (GOB-MG) BOM JESUS DO GALHO ... ... ............. OBREIROS DE SAO JOÁO 2426 IPATINGA ....................................... .. ..... HARMONIA E JUSTICA 1999
AMINTAS DE ARA UJO XAVIER- S tate Grand Master BOM SUCESSO .. ...... OBREIROS DO VALE DO P IRAPETINGA 4282 J'l'ABIRA .... ........ ........ ..... ...... ............ .......... ESTRELA DO VALE 1740
Rua Cristiano Machado, 10169, Heliópolis, Belo Horizonte, MG, 31741-609 BURITIS ................................ .. ACÁCIA DO VALE DO URUCUIA 2100 ITA.BIRJTO .. ...................... 0 CA..i\1INHO DOS INCONFIDENTES 2789
Phone: +55 (3 1)3343-3920 BURITIZEIRO .......... .............................. .........OBREIROS DA PAZ 2165 JTAJUBÁ ........... .................. ....... FRATERNIDADE ITAJUBENSE 1466
E -mail: [email protected] Bl.iRITIZEIRO .....................................TEMPLO DA SABE DORIA 4227 ITAMOGI ........................................ .........JUSTICA ELIBERDADE 4280
CAETÉ ........................ ARQUITETOS TEi\fPLÁRIOS DE CAETÉ 2692 ITAPECERICA .............................. CONQUISTA DA LIBERDADE 1925
CAL4....N'A ......... ....... ...................... FRATERNIDADE CAIANENSE 2476 ITAÚ DE MINAS .......... UNIÁO E FRATERNIDAD E ITA VENSE 2742
LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. CALDAS ... .... ...... ....... .................... .... .............. .AURORA MINEIRA 0505 ITAÚNA ....... ............................... ... MESTRE CHAUE CHEQUER 3072
C'AMBUÍ ........................... ......... .......... ESTRELA CAMBUIENSE 1696 ITUJUTABA .. ................. .......... ..... ........ ESTRELA ITUIUTABA.NA 1336
ABRE CMIPO ............ ........... ESPERANCA, PAZ E LIBERDADE 2763 ARAGUARI .. . ...... PHILANTROPIA E TRABALHO 3794 CAJ\1PA.N"HA ................... .................................. ....... VITAL BRAZI.L 2332 JACINTO ....................... .......................... ESTRELA DO JACINTO 2067
ACESITA .. . ......................... ACÁCIADE ACESITA 2229 ARAXÁ ... ......... VIGlLANTES DO ARAXÁ 2479 CAMPESTRE ................ .................................... ARAUTOS DA PAZ 2517 JACuf ......................................... TRABALHO E FRATERNIDAD E 3609
AlMORJ::S... .................... ....FLORIANO PEIXOTO 0870 ARAXÁ .. ............... UNÍAO ACADEMJCA DO ALTO PARANAÍBA 4049 CAMPINA VERDE ................................... CARIDADE E JUSTICA 1527 JACUTINGA ................................... MINAS LIVRE ESPERANCA 0606
ALÉM PARAÍBA... . ...... ASPÁSlA HlRAM DO PARAfBA 0695 ARCEBURGO ............. ....................................... HONRA E DEVER 0916 CA.I\iPO BELO ...................... ... .................................TIRADENTES 1204 JANAÚBA ............. .............................. DEUS. PAZ E LIBERDADE 1795
ALÉM PARAiBA .. .................. VERDADEIRA AMIZADE 2366 ARCOS ....... ...................... ...................... VIGILANTES DO OESTE 1807 CANÁPOLIS ................ ............. ................... SABEDORIA E M'IOR 1394 JANAÚBA ........ .... .......... ..... .......... ....... TEMPI..Á.RIOS DO JAiBA 4260
ALFENAS ... ............... ..... ...... .. ALFENAS LJVRE 0759 AREADO ..... .................... .... ........ F'RATERNIDADE AREADENSE 3410 CAPTh1 BRANCO ............... ..... .......... ..... TRABALHO E JUSTICA. 2627
ALFEN AS.. . ................. .. .. CAVALEIROS DA PAZ 2677 ARINOS ...... . ................... ACÁCIA ARINENSE 2853 JEQUITINHONHA. ..... OBREJROS DO VALE 1890
CAPINÓPOLJS .............. ............. .. .............. JUSTICA E VERDAD E 1459 JOÁO MOLEVADE ....... ...... GUARDI0ES DORIO PIRACICAB..\ 4335
ALFEN AS .. .... FRA.T. ACADEMICA ALFENENSE 3373 AUGUSTO DE LIMA. . ... ESTRELA DE AUGUSTO DE LIMA 2455 CARA.N"GOLA ........ ... .......... ................. VERDADEIRA CARIDADE 0573 JOAO MONLEVADE ....... .................................. ......... HARMONIA 1625
ALMENARA... . ........... ........................TORRE DE VICIA 1580 BAEPENDI .. . .......CONFRATERNIDADE MINEIRA 0519 CAR<\NGOLA ...............................ONOFRE DE CASTRO NEVES 2555 JOAO PINHEIRO ......................................... VALE DAS ACÁCIAS 2855
ALPfNÓPOLIS .......... .....................CA.!\11NHO DAS OLIVEIRAS 3694 BAMBUi .. . ...................... ACÁCL>\ DE BA.M:Buf 2062 CARATINGA .................................................. CARATINGA LIVRE 0922 JORDANIA .... ................................ VIGILANTES DE PALESTINA 2163
ALTOJEQUITIBÁ ....... .... ........................ RENúNCLA E PUREZA 1217 BARBACENA ... ..... FRATERNITATE ET JUSTITlA 2748 CARATINGA .................................... OBREIROS DE CARATINGA 1832 JUIZ DE FORA .................. ...................... CARrDADE E FIRMEZA 0518
ANDRADAS ............... ...........................ESTRELA DA CARIDAD E 1604 BARBACENA .............. .......CAVALEIHOS DA INCONFIDENCIA 3080 CARATJNGA ........ FRATERNIDADE ACADEMICA CARATINGA 3640 JUIZ DE FORA ........ ...... .................. .... ACÁCIA DO PARAIBUNA 1691
ARACUAÍ ....................... ......................... ESTRELA DO ARACUAÍ 1962 BARBACENA .. ... .. UNIVERSITÁRIA SAPIENTIA ET JUSTITIA 3942 CARMO DORIO CLARO ....... FRATERNIDADE CARMELITANA 2185 JUIZ DE FORA . ............ ............ ......... ... ACÁClA DE JER USALÉM 2415
ARAGUARl ................... ........ ........ ..... ...... .. UNJÁO A.RAGUARINA 0924 BELO HORIZONT E.. ............ DEUS, HUMA..N"IDADE E LUZ 0506 CARMÓPOLIS DE MINAS ... . FRATERNI.D.>\DE CARMOPOLITM'A 3476 JUIZ DE FOR.A .................... ... .............. MANCHESTER MlNElRA 2521
150 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 151
PORTEIRINHA... . . ............. UNJÁO E TRABALHO 2129 VA.RGINHA .. ...................... FR<\TERNIDADE E UNIÁO 3703 VTCOSA ......................... :UNNERSITÁRIA ACÁCIA VICOSENSE 3805
PO USO ALEGRE .. ........... BERNARDINO DE CAM:POS JÚNIOR 2987 VESPASIANO ................. ........ ..... ...... DEFENSORES DAOROEM 2885 VOLTAGRANDE .... ............. ........... ................ .WALTAIRSABINO 2641
LAGOA SANTA... . ............ PETER W. LUND 4258 SUL MINEIRA 4075
LAJINHA .... . ........... ARTE E VIRTUD E 1376 PRADOS ... .... LIBERDADE E FRAT. PRADENSE 2576
PRATA ... ............ .UNIÁO E CARIDADE 0322 RAIMUNDO FARIA - State Grand Master
LAMBARI ....... FRATERNIDADE E ESPERAN(::A DE LAMBARI 2547 Av. Pedro Miranda N' 1438, Barrio Pedreira, Belém, PA, 66080-000
Phone: +55 (9 1)3244-0400 ·
LEOPOLDINI)...... . .......... 27 DE ABRIL 1452
R<\UL SOARES... . .... ESPERAN(::A NO ARQUITETO 0993 E-mail: [email protected]
i\1ACHADO..... .......... GUILHERME OlAS 0326
MANHUACU ... . ............... UNIÁO DE MANHUAGU 0589 RESPLENDOR ... ................. .RESPLENDOR UNIDO 1202
MANHUA<;:U ... . . ....................TRÍPLICE ALIANCA 2246 RIO NOVO...... ................CULTO AO DEVER 0600
MANHUMIRIM... .. . ... PROPTER HUMANITATEM 0969 SABARÁ... ....... REAL FENIX 3540 BARCARENA ..... ............................. FRATERNIDADE CABA.NA 3513 CASTANHAL .................................................................... REI DAVI 3742
!\'!ANTENA... ... .VIGILANTES DA ORDEM 1870 SACRAM::ENTO..... . ..... ESTRELA DE MINAS 4205 BELÉM... . ............ .. .................. ............... ....... ..... AURORA 0242 CASTELO DOS SONHOS .................... OBREIROS DO CASTELO 3904
MATO VERDE ... ............. LUZ, PAZ E UNIÁO 2057 SALINAS ... ......TEMPLÁRIOS TAIOBElRENSES 4249 BELÉM ........................................... ESPERANCA DA AMAZÓNIA 1646 CONCEI(::ÁO DO ARAGUAIA FRATERNIDAD E DO AR<\GUAIA 2363
MATOZINHOS .. . .... ... .UNIÁO, IGUALDADE E JUSTICA 2241 SANTA MARIA DO SUACUi ........... BANDEIRANTES DO VALE 1905 BELÉM .............................................. MÁRIO ALBERTO COELHO 1909 CURUCA ............................................. ........ .. ESTRELA DE ABADE 4337
MATOZ!NHOS .... .. ..ACADEMY FRANCISO CÁNDIDO XAVIER 4111 SANTA RITA DO SAPUCAÍ .. . ......... PORTAL DO SAPUCAÍ 3400 BELÉM ..... .......................... ............................ DUQUE DE CAX.lAS 2198 GOIANÉSIA DOPARÁ ... ... ...... FERNANDO CABRAL DE r--IELO 2728
MEDINA... .. . ...TORRE DO MÉDIO JEQUJTINHONHA 2326 SANTO ANTÓNIO DO MONTE .. ........ .. MENSAGEIROS DA PAZ 3031 BELÉM ... ........ .......... ............................... FANOEL 2235 ITAITUBA .... ........ ....... ........ .. .CONSTRUTORES DA ARTE REAL 4266
MONTE ALEGRE DE MINAS... ........ ORDEM E PROGRESSO 3397 ROCl-IA DE OLIVEIRA 4219 BELÉM ..... .......... ......... ·:.:··· ..................... BAHTR 3938 MARABÁ .. ...... ....... ....... ...... ...... .............TRABALHO E SIL.J!:NCIO 2219
MONTE ALEGRE DE MINAS . ESTR~ MONTEALEGRENSE 0539 SAO DOMINGOS DO PRATA .. . ....... ....... LUZ DO PRATA 1564 BELÉM .. ...... LAURO SODRÉ 1497 MARA.BÁ ..... .......... ..... ......... ... ..... ............... AURORA DE MARABÁ 4188
MONTE BELO ... ...............ACÁClA MONTEBELENSE 2899 SAO GOTARDO ..... . ................ LIBERDADE E JUSTICA 3448 BELÉM ....... ...... UNIVERSITÁRIA l\-L4..ESTRO CARLOS COMES 2030 NOVO PROGRESSO ...... ... ............. ESPERANCA E PROGRESSO 3502
MONTE SANTO DE MINAS ...........AREÓPAGO 20 DE AGOSTO 2614 SAO JOÁO DEL RE!... . .......... ALFERES TlRADENTES 2101 BELÉM... ...............JOÁO SALOMÁO FILHO 2094 PARAGOMINAS ... .............................. TRMÁO VALDEZ PERErRA 4077
MONTE SIÁO ...... . .. CRUZElRO DE MINAS 0563 SAO JOAO DEL REI... ....... UMBRAL DAS VERTEI\TTES 2600 BELÉM ....... ,. ·······' ............. VENERÁVEL OSVALDO REZENDE 2095 PA.RAUAPEBAS ...... .......................TRABALHO E PROGRESSO 2643
MONTES CLAROS... . .............. UNIÁO, PAZ E JUSTICA 1781" SAO JOAO DO PARAÍSO.... ...............ACÁCIA PA..RAISENSE 4203 BELÉM . ........................................... PAES DE CARVALHO 2196 REDENCÁO ..............L.IBERDADE E JUSTICA DE REDENCÁO 1986
MONTES CLAROS .. ................. ESTRELA DO NORTE 2104 SÁO JOAO NEPOMUCENO .. ..................... AMOR A ORDEM 0634 BELÉM .. . .................L UZ E FRAT. DE BELÉM DOPARÁ 2197 SA..NTANA DO ARAGUAIA ... . .... PRÍ NCIPES DO ORIENTE 2430
MONTES CLAROS... .........APÓSTOLOS DA GALILÉIA 2412 SAO JOSÉ DO JACURl... . .......... COLUNAS DO JACURI 4051 BELÉM . .....................................................KABBALAl-1 3478 SANTARÉM .......................................... ACÁCIA DO Al\1AZONAS 2567
MONTES CLAROS .. ............. FRAT. ACAD. ESTRELAS SÁO LOURENCO .. .............. .IR.!\1ÁO JAH.l ROCHA 4079 BEL.ÉM .. . ..........................OBREIROS DA CULTURA 3950 SÁO FÉLIX DO XINGÚ ................................. OBREIROS DA PAZ 3943
DE ADON HJRAM 2570 SAO PEDRO DOS FERROS .. ....... FRATERNIDADE FERRENSE 2230 BELÉM... ..................................................... TRISKEL.ION 4102 TAILÁ.NDIA .. ......................... UNIÁO E SEGREDO 2538
MONTES CLAROS..... ........ .. VIGILANTES DA PONTE 3270 SÁO ROMÁO ... ..... AURORA DE SAO ROMÁO 4369 BELÉM ... ....... CAVALEIROS DO NORTE 4296 TUCURUÍ .... ......................... :.DEPUTADO RTBEfRO DE SOUZA 2089
MONTES CLAROS ............. FRAT. ACAD. GeNESIS DO NORTE 3452 SAO SEBASTIÁO DO PARAÍSO..... ... FRATERNIDADE BRAGANCA. ................................. CONCILIACÁO BRAGANTINA 1047 XlNGUA.RA .. . .................................... ESTRELA DO CARAJÁS 2088
MONTES CLAROS... ........... ......... HONOR ET VIRTUS 3996 CMliNHO E LUZ 3216 BRAGANCA .. . .................AURORA BRAGANTINA 1985 XINGUA.RA ... ..................................... CAVALElROS DO SOL 4250
MONTES CLAROS. .... .......... .V1GJLATE DO NORTE 3949 SENADOR FIRMINO ... . ............. UNIÁO DA SERRA 3121 CAMETÁ ............................................. AURORA CAMETAENSE 1705
MONTES CLAROS 4342 SETE LAGOAS ... ... ... ... .IGUALDADE, JUSTICA E TRABALHO 2672 Rua AntOnio 'Francisco do Amaral, 497, Altiplano, Cabo Branco, Joao Pessoa, PB, 58046-160
MURIAÉ.... ... LABOR, FORCA E VIRTUD E 0950 SJLVIANÓPOLIS.. ... .............. SABEDORIA SANTANENSE 3923 Phone: +55 (83)3252-1702
MURIAÉ .. ...... MISSIONÁ.RIOS DA LUZ 1956 SIMÁO PEREIRA... .. ....... ACÁCIA DO CAMINHO NOVO 2739 E-mail: [email protected]
MUTUM. .... . ...... UNIÁO MUTUENSE 17 DE MAlO 1064 SIMONÉSIA. .. ................ UNIÁO DE SIMONÉSIA 2184
NANUQUE...... .................AMOR E FRATERNIDADE 2187 TEÓFJLO OTONI ..... ...............OBRErROS DOS TR"J!:S VALES · 2150
TEÓFILO OTONI..... ............ CRISTAL DO ORIENTE 2730 ALAGOA NOVA ............................ ... ......... ........ FÉ E PROGRESSO 2956 JOÁO PESSOA ..... .............. ...................................... 5 DE AGOSTO
TEÓFILO OTONI .... UNIVERSITÁRIA CRISTAL DOS TRe5 VALES 3822 APARECIDA.. ............................. CAVALEIROS DO ORIENTE 3384 JOÁO PESSOA. .......................................JOÁO ROSÁRIO DÓRIA 2468
TOCA.l\"'TINS... . ...... CAVALHEIROS DA PAZ 1950 BAYEUX .. . ............................. RENOVACÁO 2628 JOÁO PESSOA .. . ...........................JOSÉ CARLOS CAMPOS 2485
OURO FINO.... . ...... DEUS E CARIDADE 0580
TOMBOS.... ........... FRATERNIDADE E VIRTUDE 1185 BELÉM BREJO DO CURZ ................................... .........JUS T[NO JOÁO PESSOA.. 2936
.... .. ............. UNIÁO SERTANEJA
TUPACIGUARA ... ...... ... .ACÁO E TRABALHO 1345 BOA VISTA.. . ........... ESPERANCA E PROSPERIDADE 3108 JOÁO PESSOA .................................... WEBER DE MELLO LULA 3366
............. ACÁCIA ANlARELA
PARÁ DE MINAS...... ............ VIGILANTES 00 PARÁ 3411
UBÁ ... . ...... FRATERNIDAD E UBAENSE 0727 CABEDELO ..................................... MESTRES DA LIBERDADE 3972 JOÁO PESSOA... 3587
........ SEGREDO É PAZ
PA..RACATU ... . ......... NOVA LUZ PA..RACATUENSE 0394
. .........................TABAJARA
UBAPORANGA... . . ........ .UNIÁO E PAZ DE UBAPORANGA 3199 CAM:PINA GRANDE .......................... UNIÁO E BENEFICENCIA 0206 LUCENA. .... 2921
.......................................... ESTRELA D"ALVA
UBERABA. .. .................. . ESTRELA DA DAMASCO 2512 CMtPINA GRANDE ......... ............. ... VIGILÁNCIA E SEGREDO 0328 MARIZÓ PO LIS ....... .. .................................. .... OBREIROS DA PAZ 3285
UBERABA... ..... FRATERNIDADE UBERABENSE 2958 CAM.PINA GRANDE ............... ..... ......... ... ....... GTLVAN BARBOSA 2260 NAZAREZINHO .................... ........... .... ... OBREIROS DE N AZARÉ 3284
UBERABA .. ....... ACADJ!:M JCA UNIÁO UBERABENSE 3661 CAlVC.PINA GRANDE .......... .... .......... .... ... ..... ......... AROLDO CRUZ 2375 2233
PATOS ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........... DR. DIONÍSIO DA COSTA
PATOS DE MINAS .................... Ff:NIX DO ALTO PA.RANAÍBA 2552
UBERABA .. . ................ . ESTRELA UBERABENSE 0941 CAMPINA GRANDE .... .............. ... ........ OBREI.ROS DA JUSTICA 3209 PATOS .... ... ......... .... ......... .... ..... ........TEMPLÁRIOS DO ORIENTE 3098
UBERLÁNDIA... ..... . LUZ E CARIDAD E 0525 CA..iVIPINA GRANDE ............. .. .. ...DEMÓSTENES CUNHA LIMA 3388 PATOS ................... ... ....... .................. ACÁCIA DAS ESPINHARAS 3586
UBERLÁNDIA ... ......... ACÁCIA DO TRIÁNGULO 1924 CAMPINA GRANDE ..................... .........FRATERNIDADE E LUZ 3528 PIANCÓ ................ .......... .. ............ .....JOSÉ BRÁULIO DE SOUZA 2945
UBERLÁNDlA .. . ..........CLÁUDIO DAS NEVES 1939 CAM:PINA GRANDE ........................ OBREIROS DA ARTE REAL 3910 POMBAL..... ................................DEUS, CARIDADE E JUSTICA 1733
PlRAPORA .. . ............... DIAMANTE DE JEQUITAÍ 4163
UBERLÁ..l'IDIA ... . .... ....TAKEO IWACE 2271 CATOLÉ DO ROCHA ................................ UNIÁO CATOLEENSE 2971 SANTA CRUZ .... ............. ............................ ........... SANTA CRUZ 2892
PIRAPETINGA ... ............... .. NOVA ERA 1371
UBERLÁNDIA. .. .................OBRElROS DA CARIDADE 2573 CONDE.. .. ............................ ................... PEORA OCEANICA 4080 SANTA LUZIA ..... .......... ............. LUÍS DOS SANTOS OL.IVEIRA 2930
UBERLÁ..l\IDIA... ............... VlGlLAN"TES DA ORDEM 2715 COREMAS ... ................................... FLORIDO NITÁO DINIZ 2952 SANTA RITA.. .................................. VIDAL DE NEGREfROS 1856
UBERL.Á..!"l"DlA... . ..............ALFA E ÓMEGA 3402 GUA.RA..BI RA ........................ ASCENDINO TOSCANO DE BR11'0 2911 SÁO BENTO... ..........SABEDORIA CORAGEM E JUSTJCA 4165
Pl.RAÚBA.... . . ........ OBREIROSDA PAZ 3850
UBERLÁ....t.,¡!JIA ... . .......... FRATERNIDADE SERTANEJA 3527 ITABAIANA... ....................... UNIAO DOVALE DO PARAÍBA 4175 SÁO JOÁO DO RlO DO PEIXE ...................... ESTRELA DOVALE 3174
UBERLÁ....l\'DIA...... ........ OBREIROS DA LUZ 3787 ITAPORANGA ............................... ............ .........20 DE OUTUBRO 2761 3717
SOUSA ... ........................................................... UNIÁO SOUSENSE
PIUMHI...... . ....... PASSOS DA LIBERDADE 3442
UBERLÁNDIA .. ................... LlBERDADE E JUSTI(::A 3837 JOÁO PESSOA ................... ............................... PADREAZEVEDO 1609 1894
SOUZA ......... .................................................... LII\'DOLFO PIRES
UBERL.Á.NDIA ............. FRAT. ACAD. V1GI.LANTES DA OROEM 3342 JOÁO PESSOA .............................................. ARLINDO CORRf!:A 1800 SUMÉ.. ................................ ESTRELA DE SÁO TOMÉ 2944
POCOS DE CALDAS .. ................. LUZ E FRATERNIDAD E 3926
UBEJU..Á.1>i""DIA... .................LUZ DO TRIANGULO 4121 JOÁO PESSOA ................................................... MIGUEL COUTO 1849 TEXEIRA .................................... ............ ...... ESTRELA DA SERRA 2994
UNAÍ... ................ AURORA DE UNAÍ 3532 JOÁO PESSOA ....... ....... ....... ....... ........... NAPOLEÁO LAUREANO 1855 UIRAÚNA .....................................CAVALEIROS DALIBERDADE 4151
SERRA DE SAO DOMINGOS 4164 VARGINHA ... .......... ..... UNIÁO E HUMANIDADE 1000 JOÁO PESSOA .........................................AUGUSTO DOS ANJOS 1858
152 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 153
Rua José Drulla Sobrinho, 361, Uberaba II, Curitiba, PR, 81550-250 DAURY DOS SANTOS XIMENES- S tate Grand Master
Phone: +55 (41)3365-1900 Av Sul, 1800, Sao José, Recife, PE, 50090-000
E-mail: gob-pl'i! Phone: +55 (8 1)3428-1729
E-mails: x.imenesdx@gmail .com
List of Regular Lodges Masonic 155
GRANDE ORIENTE DO BRASIL--Rio de Janeiro Continued
FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE SOUZA - State Grand Master NITERÓI . .............. FRANCISCO CÁNDIDOXAVIER 3155 RIO DE JANEIRO ... .......... .. ......... ..... ....... .................. NAPHTALI 1619
Rua Magalhaes Filho, 1270, Marqués de Paranaguá, Teresina, PI, 64002-450 NITERÓI .. . ................... FRANCISCO MUR! LO PINTO 3394 RIO DE JANEIRO ........... .............. ......... MARQUJ!:S DO HERVAL 1624
Phone: +55 (86)3221-3633 NITERÓI . ............ GUAROIÜES DA CHAMA SAGRADA 3916 RIO DE JANEIRO ........................ ........................ ........... ... ... ROMA 1627
E-mail: [email protected] NITERÓI .... . ................... TEMP.LÁRIOS DE NJCTHEROY 3415 RIO DE JANEIRO ....................................... LÁZARO ZAMEr>.THOF 1631
NITERÓI .. ...................................... ESTRELA DE ITA!PU 3591 RIO DE JANEIRO ................. ................. .SCRIPTA ET VERITAS 1641
NITE"R;ÓI .. ....................... ESTUDOS E PESQUISAS RIO DE JANEIRO .... .....................................DEUS E IDHVERSO 1653
ÁGUA BRN"'l"CA ... ....... ESTRELA AGUABRA.l'..¡QUENSE 2071 NOVA FRIBURGO ... ........................ .INDÚSTRIA E CARIDAD E 0049 RIO DE JANEIRO ..... ..................... ESTRELA DA GUANABARA 1685
SIMÓES ... ..... .....LUZ, AMOR E UNIAO 2486
BARRAS.... . ...... MA TlAS OLÍMPIO 1871 NOVA IGUACU ... .................................... ..... MESTRE HlRA!\1 1427 RIO DE JANEIRO . ......... .......... ............. PROGRESSO E ORDEM 1728
TERESlNA... ... .. ..... CARIDADE 0135 NOVA IGUAQU ... .................... ............ .... ... MONTE LÍBANO 1666 RIO DE JANEIRO ... ......... ............. PIONEIROS DO PROGRESSO 1731
TERESINA... ......... ACÁCIA TERESINENSE 1234 NOVA IGUA(:U ................................................. ....... .......... AUSTIN 1952 RIO DE JANEIRO .................. ..... CONCÓRDIA ET HUMANITAS 1745
TERESINA ....... ...CRUZElRO DO SUL 1306 NOVA IGUAQU ............CARLOS FERREIRA BAPTISTA FILHO 3234 RIO DE JANElRO ............................................ MONTE CASTELO 1764
CURIMATÁ.... ....ACÁCIACURIMATAENSE 2707 OLARIA ... ........................................... ............ TEMPLO DE DAVID 1918 RIO DE JANEfRO .. . .............SIR FRANCIS BACON 1810
TERESINA...... ..... ..... RAUL SERRANO 1616
FLORlANO... .... VICENTE LUIZ FERRElRA 2935 PARAÍBA DO SUL ............................. ... .. .....AMOR AO PRÓXIMO 0295 RIO DE JANEIRO .. .................................... FENIX 1884
FLORIANO...... ..... PRINCESA DO SUL 4256 PARATY ............................................. .... ..... UNIÁO E VIRTUDE 1" 3956 RIO DE JA.NEIRO ........................................... SAGRADO TfBE'I'E 1889
FRONTECRAS... ...... MESTRE CHICOABÍLIO 4246 PETRÓPOLIS ................ ... .......... ............ ...... .A..~OR E CARIDADE 0896 RIO DE JANEIRO... . .............. LUZ DO UNIVERSO 1953
TERESINA ..... .... ....AUGUSTO DE CASTRO 2176
JAICÓS .... .. ...... UNIÁO MA(:ÓNICA RAIMUNDO ESMERO 2272 PETRÓPOLIS .............. .............. .........AZYLO DE CARIDADE 427 3025 RIO DE JANETRO... ....... TRIUNFO DO BRASfL 1970
JAICÓS .. .. . .....ACÁCIA DA BOA ESPERAN CA 4139 PIABETÁ .... ............... ......... ... ....... .......VERDADEIRA CARIDAD E 2435
TE RESINA .. .... ...... HlRA...\1: ABIB 3069 PINHEIRA.L .... ....... ........ JOSÉ RODRIGUES GOMES DA SfLVA 2252 RIO DE JANEIRO .. .............. LUZ DO ORIENTE 1979
TERESINA ... .. ...... NODGI NOGUEIRA 3090 PIRAÍ .... ............ ...................................... .. ......................... KOSMOS 0673 RIO DE JANEIRO ............ ... ........ ESTRELA DORIO COMPRlDO 2045
TERESINA .. .... .... PROFESSOROSCAR CAVALCANTI 3275 PORCIÚNCULA ............................................ ........... 24 DE JUNHO 1172 RIO DE JANEIRO ....! ........ CONSELHEIRO MACEDO·SOARES 2046
TERESINA ... · . .... FRATER.t'l"IDADE TERESINENSE 3401 QUATIS ........................................................... .......... LUZ EBRIO 2896 RIO DE JANEIRO ...................... .JOSÉ JOAQUlM FERNAI•iOES 2074
TERESINA...... .... DELTA DORIO PARNAiBA 3466 QUEIMADOS... ........................ VERDADE IRA LUZ 3882 RIO DE J.AA'ElRO .................. .........JOSÉ DE SOUZA MARQUES 2098
PAULISTANA...... . .. ACÁCIA PAULISTANENSE 3221 QUEIMADOS ........... ~................ ESPERANI;ADE QUEIMADOS 2111 RIO DE JANEIRO .. . ............ LUX ET VERITAS 2102
PICOS..... ......... SEGREDO,FORCA E UNIÁO PICOENSE 1571 RESENDE ......................................... .... ...... LEALDADE EBRIO 0257 RIO DE JANEIRO .... .................... UNIVERSO 2110
TERESINA. .. ......... HERÓIS DA PÁTRIA 3917
PICOS....... . ..... CAVALHEIROS DO PIAUÍ 2052 RIO CLARO . ............................... LEALDADE E LUZ 2294 RIO DE JANEIRO ....... ...................JAIRO FERNANDES NETTO 2133
PIRACURUCA.... .....FRATERNIDADE PIRACURUQUENSE 2173 RIO DAS OSTRAS ...... ............. ............ OBREIROS DE CAN AA.~ 2750 RIO DE JANEIRO ....... ... ............. .......... UNIÁO INOJSSOLÚVEL 2170
TERESINA. ..... .......ABOLICÁO 4199
PIRIPIRI ... . ..... FRATERNIDADE PlRIPIRIENSE 3439 RlO DAS OSTRAS.. ...................... ... .......... ......... ORTODOXA 3743 RIO DE JANEIRO... . .......... 0 PACIFICADOR 2199
REGENERACAO .... ......TABELIÁO MANO EL ISAAC TEIXEIRA 3044 RlO DE JANEIRO ... . ... ...... ........ ..... COMÉRCIO E ARTES 0001 RIO DE JANEIRO ................. ... ............... ... ESTRELA DE BELÉM 2204
RIO DE JANEIRO .......................... UNIÁO E TRANQÜILIDADE 0002 RIO DE JANETRO.... ........................... .ADONAI 2224
RIO DE JANEIRO .................. ..... ESPERANCA DE NICTHERÓY 0003 RIO DE J.ANEIRO... . .............JAMES ANDERSON 2237
, GRANDE ORIENTE DO BRASIL - Rio de Janeiro (GOB-RJ) RIO DE JANEIRO ................................. .M.llZADE FRATERNAL 0010 RIO DE JANEI.RO .. ..........LUX IN TENEBRIS 2245
EDIMO MUNIZ PINHO - State Grand Master RIO DE JAl'IEIRO ......................................................... SAL0?.1.ÁO 0021 RIO DE JANEIRO ...... DE EST.E PESQ. PROF.H.JOSÉ DE SOUZA 2359
Av. Marechal Floriano, 199 - 13° Andar, Centro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 20080-005 RIO DE JA1'lEIRO ................................... ................... ESPER.ANQA 0037 RIO DE JANEIRO ................................ .lLHA DO GOVERNADOR 2378
Phone: +55 (21)2262-4311 RIO DE JANEIRO ........................ ..............PRUDENCIA E AMOR 0048 RIO DE JANEIRO ................................... UNlÁO DOS MESTRES 2388
E-mail: [email protected] RIO DE JANEIRO ............................... ...... DOUS DE DEZEMBRO 0052 RIO DE JANElRO ............................... .ARAUTOS DA NOVA ERA 2393
RIO DE JANEIRO ..................... ............ .... ....... ........ COMÉRCIO 0058 RIO DE JANEIRO.... ........ :.... GUARDlÁ DA PAZ 2443
RlO DE JANEIRO .. .... .... ...................... 18 DE JULHO 0079 RIO DE JANEIRO... . ..... LUZ DO KOSMOS 2506
LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. RIO DE JANE IRO .. ... .......... ... .. ......... UNIÁO ESCOSSEZA 0105 RIO DE JANEIRO ... .............. .. PRÍNCIPES DO REAL SEGREDO 2519
RIO DE JANEIRO .. . ........................... ESTRELA DORIO 0123 RIO DE JANEIRO... ....ABRAHÁO JABOUR 2553
!TAOCARA ...... ... LAURO SODRÉ 1612 RIO DE JANEIRO... . ...... .................... LUZ E OlSCRlQÁO 0166 RIO DE JANEIRO .......... ..........LIBERTAS QUAE SERA TAMEN 2574
ITAPERUNA...... ... NOVA ESPER.ANCA XVIl 4244 RIO DE JANEIRO..... ......... REDEMP(::ÁO 225 RIO DE JANEIRO ......................................... DUQUE DE CAXLt..S 2589
ARARUAMA ... .. . ....... LUZES DE IGUA.BINHA 3073 ITAPERUNA ..... ... .JOSÉ RIGUETII 32 4302
ARMACAO DOS BÚZIOS... . . .... .ARMACÁO DOS BÚZIOS 3712 RIO DE JANEIRO ................................... GANGAl'l"ELLl DORIO 0289 RIO DE JANEIRO ............................... J VO RAMOS DE MATTOS 2673
ITATI.Al.A ..... ... .ITATI.Al.A 2502 RIO DE JANElRO . . .................... LUIZ DE CA.i\10ES 0396 RIO DE JAh'EIRO ........................................ÁLVARO PALMEIRA 2708
ARRAlAL DO CABO...... .. ..... PIONEIROS DO CABO 1821 JACAREPAGUÁ ...... .. . . . ... .. CAVALE IROS DE ADOl\THJRAM 2236
BARRA DO PI RAÍ... ....JOSÉ BONIFÁCIO 0486 RIO DE J.ANEIRO .. . .... VISCONDE DORIO BRANCO 0402 RIO DE JANEIRO .... ......... ........................................... ........ LOCOS 2769
BARRA MANSA.... .. ....PIONEIROS DO TERCEIRO MILENIO 2826 RIO DE JA."I\l"EIRO .................................... DUQUE DE CAXIAS 0441 RIO DE JANEIRO ....... .l\1AESTR0 ANTÓNIO CARLOS COMES 2932
LEVY GASPARIAN .. .. . ..... PIONEIROS DO PARAIBUNA 3034 RIO DE JANEIRO .. ............................ HENRIQUE VALLADARES 0448 RIO DE JANEIRO ........ ..... ........................JACQUES DE MOLA Y 2934
BARRA MANSA.... .. ..... OBREIROS DA PAZ 4092 RIO DE JANEIRO .. ............................. .... ... .J OÁO GAETANO 0478 RIO DE JANEIRO .. ......... ... .......ANTÓNIO IGNÁCIO DA COSTA 2938
MAGÉ..... .. ... ..TRES MA.LHETES 1886 R!O DE JANEIRO... . ............ CAVALEIROS DA HARMONIA 0551 RIO DE JANEIRO .. . :~ ... .........NOVO SÉCULO 3022
BOM JARDIM... .. .. ......RIO BRANCO 0508 MAGÉ. .. ..... .....PIONEIROS DE MAUÁ 2000
CABO FRIO .. ... UNIÁO DE CABO FRIO 2630 RIODEJAl'l"EIRO ... ...................CAYRU 0762 RIO DE JANEIRO .. ... NOVA ERA. 3040
M.AGÉ...... ...THOMAZ Al."'lTÓNIO GONZAGA 3235 RIO DE JANEIRO .................................... HUMILDADE E AMOR 3082
CABO FRIO..... . . ... VERDADEIRA LUZ 3664 RIO DE JANEIRO .. ............................ OCTACÍLIO CAMARÁ 0821
M.A.NGARATIBA ... ..... M.ANGARATIBA 3048 RIO DE JANElRO ................. CONSTRU'I'ORES DO 3" MU..J!:NIO 3158
CACHOElRAS DE l\iACACU ......... ESPERA..N"CA E CARIDADE 1410 RIO DE JANEIRO ............................................INDEPENDENCIA 0862
CAMPOS DOS GOYTACAZES ... ......ATALAIA DO SUL 0949 RIO DE JAl"''"EIRO ......................................OBRElROS DO IRAJÁ 1068 RIO DE JANElRO.... ......... 19 DE MARCO 3241
MENDES .. ...FÉ, fu\10R E LIBERDADE 3447 RIO DE JAl'l"EIRO ...................................... OLEGÁRJO MACIEL 1162 RIO DE JANEIRO ... ........... HARMONIA, VERDADE E JUSTICA 3309
CANTAGALO ... .......CONFRATERNlDADE BENEFICENTE 0163 RIO DE JA!\'"EIRO ...... ..................... .... ......... ...... .. NILO PEQANHA 1290
MIRACEMA ... . . .... .. LIBERTAS 1365 RIO DE JANEIRO . .........................JONATHAS ABBOTI' FILHO 3340
CAl.'1TAGAL0 .. ... ESTRELA DE MACUCO 2969 RIO DE JANEIRO ........................JOSÉ ANTÓNIO GUIMARÁES 1292
NATIVIDA.DE ... .. .. . .... VIGILANTE FLUMINENSE 1103 RIO DE JA.NEIRO ... ........................................ LUIZ DE CAMÓES 3354
CARDOSO MOREJRA... .... .... .AUXÍLIO E FRATERNIDADE 1869 RIO DE JANEIRO ..... ....................... ............... BARÁO DE CA YRU 1305
NlLÓPOLIS... .. ..... .. UNIÁO DE IGUASSU 1062 RIO DE JANEIRO .. . ...................YORK 3355
CONCEIQÁO DE MACABU ... .. ..... .CONFRAT. MACABUENSE 0920 RIO DE JANEIRO ................. ......................... ... ........... ..... .ADONAI 1377
NILÓPOLIS .... .... CA YRU 1437 RIO DE J.ANEIRO .................. .. LIBERTADORES DA AMÉRICA 3450
CORDElRO.... . ..... PÁTRIA E FAM.ÍLIA 0579 RIO DE JANEIRO ..................... ................. RODRIGUES NEVES 1381
DUQUE DE CAXIAS .. ...... NILO PECA1"'lHA 1390 RIO DE JANEIRO ................... .....TRABALHO E LffiERDADE 1391 RIO DE J.ANEIRO .....................AMOR; TRA.BALHO E JUSTIQA 3467
DUQUE DE CAXIAS .. ....AMOR, UNIAO E VERDADE 1600 RIO DE JA.NEIRO ............... IMPARCIALIDADE E PRUDJ!:NCIA 1444 RIO DE JANEIRO .................................. ACÁCIA DO L:\VRADIO 3484
NITERÓI...... ...ACÁCIA 0177
DUQUE DE CAX.IAS . ... FRATERNIDADE LUIZ MONTEIRO 1809 RIO DE JAJ.'\'"EIRO ... .................................... LAURO SODRÉ 1445 RIO DE JANEIRO ..................................... FJLHOS DE ABRAÁO 3515
NITERÓI .. ..... ...ORDEM E TR.ABALHO 1214 RIO DE JANEIRO ................................... EUGJ!:NIO BARGIONA 3593
DUQUE DE CAX.L>\S .. ....... ELlAS FRANCISCO PARIZ 2395 RIO DE JM'EIRO .. . ............. .......... ..... ........ PARANAPUAN 1447
NITERÓI ........ ... ..PORPHÍRIOSECCA 1592
NITERÓI... ..... . .ANTÓNIO VIEIRA DE MACJ!:DO 1611 RIO DE JANEIRO .................................................. de ESTUDOS E
JOSÉ DE SOUZA HERD 3404 RIO DE JANEIRO .. ....... .................. .............. ...... ..... ........... PÁTRIA 1486
NITERÓI... .. ···· ·-········· . . ....ARARIBÓIA 1698 RIO DE JANEIRO ................. LOJA SIMBÓLICA COPACABANA 1495 PESQUISAS JOSÉ CASTELLAN 3754
FIGUElRA ·DUQUE DE CAXIAS ....... .. ..... GASTA.O REIS 2688 RIO DE JANEIRO .. . ...... FR.ATELLANZA ITALIANA 441-A 1496 R10 -DE JANEIRO. ... ......... ... 02 DE JUNHO 3788
NITERÓI ...... ..... ..JOAQUIM RODRIGUES D'ABREU 1921 RIO DE JANEIRO .......................................... SYLVIO CLAUDIO 3798
NITERÓI ........ ... NOVA ALIANCA 2134 RIO DE JANEIRO.... . .......................JERUSA.LÉM 3807
!GUABA GRANDE .... ....... ESTRELA GUIA 3995 RIO DE JANEIRO .. .......................... 15 DE NOVEMBRO 1565
NITERÓI.... .... .!TAJPU 2226
JLHA DO GOVERNADOR... ..... ..........AYRTON SENNA 2870 RIO DE JANEIRO... . .......... VIGILANTES DA GUANABARA 1568 RIO DE JA.NEIRO .................. ."....................DOMÍCIO MOREIRA 3896
N ITERÓ L. ...... IRJI.1.ÁOS UNIDOS 2360
ITABORAÍ..... ......AMOR E CONCÓRDIA 1866 RIO DE JAl\'EIRO .... ..........................RE1 SALOMÁO 1577 RIO DE JANEIRO... .. .......VlNTE DE AGOSTO 3897
NITERÓI ... .. .. ...... NICTREROY 3959
ITAGUAÍ ........ ..... B.ARÁ.O DE TEFFÉ 1436 RIO DE JA.l'ffiiRO .. . .......................OCTAVIANO BASTOS 1584 RIO DE JANEIRO .............GUARDIÜES DA CHAl\.iA SAGRADA 3916
NITERÓI ...... .... .LIBERTA(:ÁO 1720
!TALVA........ . .... UNLo\0 !TALVENSE 1516
156 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 157
GRANDE ORIENTE DO BRASIL-Rio de Janeiro Continued GRANDE ORIENTE DO BRASIL-Rio Grande do Sul Continued
RIO DE JA.!'iElRO .......... CAVALEIROS DA ÁGUIA S IMBÓLICA 3928 SÁO GON(.:ALO ................... .............. CRUZEIRO FLUMlNENSE 1020 PORTO ALEGRE .................................... .... ..... OSWALDO NUNES 3068 SANTA MARIA ......... ........................ ............. ..... ......... .. HERMES 3608
RIO DE JANEIRO . ........... .EQULDADE 3954 SAO GO N(.:ALO ............ ........ ...... NOVA ESTRELA DO ORIENTE 1402 PORTO ALEGRE .... ........... .. REGULARIDADE E R. PERFElTOS 3142 SANTA MARIA ............... ...JOSÉ MARIANO DA ROCHA F'ILHO 3659
RJO DE JANEIRO ............................ M:. M:. JOÁO DO A!'vi.AAAL 3957 SAO GON(.:ALO .................. ....... .. .... ......... ...... VIRTUDE E RA.ZAO 2162 PORTO ALEGRE .................................. AURORA FARROUPlLHA 3181 SANTA MARIA ..................................... .... PLÁTANOS DA UNIÁO 4289
PORTO ALEGRE ........... CAVALEIROS DA TÁVOLA REDONDA 3349 SANTIAGO ................................................... BENTO GON(.:ALVES 2450
RIO DE JA.N"ElRO ................................................ DE ESTUDOS E SAO GON(.:ALO ...... ................................... FENIX GON(.:ALENSE 1904
PORTO ALEGRE .. .........................ACÁCIA PORTO·ALEGRENSE 3612 SA.I-IlTIAGO ........................................OBREIROS DA ARTE REAL 3932
PESQUISAS PEDRO GOl'vfES D 3974 SAO JOAO DE MERlTI ................... ................ 18 DE SETEM.BRO 1216
PORTO ALEGRE ... FRATERl\WADE CAJ\IAÁ DE PORTO ALEGRE 3820 SANTO ÁNGELO ... ................................. .... ........... LUZ E RAZÁO 3930
RIO DE JAI'<'EIRO ......... ACADEMIA MA\-ÓNlCA DE: ESTUDOS 4008 SAO JOSÉ DO BARRA .... ....... .... ..... .... FIDELIDADE E VIRTUD E 0044 PORTO ALEGRE .. ........... .... ............................... ....... 17 DE JUNHO 4005
RIO DE JAl'iElRO ...................................THOMAS SMITH WEEB 4015 SAO JOSÉ DO VALE DORIO PRETO .............. DJVJNO MESTRE 1730 SAO BORJA ..... ........... ... CEL.APARÍCIO .MARIENSE DA SILVA 1891
PORTO ALEGRE ........ ................. ...........JUSTJ(:A E PERFEI(.:Á.O 1178 SÁO LEOPOLDO ........... ................ ........................... REDEMP(.:Á.O 0507
RIO DEJA.!'iEfRO ...................................... ESTRELA DE DA VI 4058 SÁOJOSÉ DO VALE DORIO PRETO ... MAESTROTOMJOBlM 3914 PORTO ALEGRE .............................................. LUZ DO ORIENTE 1980
PORTO ALEGRE ................... FRATERNIDADE FARROUPILHA 2367 SOLEDADE ............................ .... CAVALEIROS DE BOTUCARA.i 4237
RIO DE JANElRO... .. ..... WILLIAM WALLACE 4125 SEROPÉDICA ... .. ............... ..................... A CA.\1INH0 DA LUZ 2635 PORTO ALEGRE ............. ........................ ..... ....... NOVO l\fiLENIO 3386 TORRES... ................................ .. SENTmELA DO PIRATINI 4271
RIO DE JANEIRO .. ......FRATERNIDADE ADONHlRAM. TANGUÁ ...............................................JOSÉ DE SOUZA HERDY 3117 PORTO ALEGRE ................................ MANOEL SOARES LEÁES 3588
URUGUAIANA ................................ HER..Á.CLIO SOARES LEÁ.ES 3223
DA ILHA DO GOVERNADOR 4161 TANGUÁ ... .. .. ........ .... ......... MOACYR AR.BEX DINAMARCO 3301 PORTO ALEGRE ....... ............... ...................... OBREIROS DA LUZ 3971 URUGUAIANA .... ........ ........ ................... VERDADE MA(.:ÓNICA 4159
RIO DE JANEIRO ....................... LIBERDADE DE EXPRESSAO 4158 TERESÓPOLIS.. .. ................TRES LUZES DE TERESÓPOLIS 2544 PORTO ALEGRE ................ ............ ..... GUARDIÜES DE ZADOCK 3990 VACARIA .... ... ..................... ...... .. SENTINELA DORIO GRANDE 3958
RIO DE JA.!"fElRO... .. ..........JEAN BAPTISTE WlLLERMOZ 4223 TERESÓPOLIS . .. ............................. ......... .... GEORGE MARCH 2051 PORTO ALEGRE ............ ........................... UNIÁO E PROGRESSO 4123 VENÁ.J\ICIOAIRES ...... .................................... VENÁNCIOAIRES 2369
RIO DE JA.!"fELRO .... .......... LÉON DENIS W 17 4225 TREs RIOS... .. .....ACÁCIA DE VILA ISABEL 4088 PORTO ALEGRE ..................................................... IRAI SILVEI'RA 4222 VENÁ.J\ICIO AIRES ....................................... HONRA E VIRTUD E 3834
RIO DE JA.!"fEIRO ... . ...... DELSO FRANCISCO DA SILVA 4228 TRES RIOS.. . ................... REGENTE FEIJÓ 1256 RIO PARDO ........................................ OVÍDIO DE MORAES LEAL 2420 VIAMÁO ........ .... ....................................... .... .. LUZES DE VIAMÁO 3833
SANTA CRUZ DO SUL .................. ........ ........ F!LHOS DE HIRAM 2172 VIAMÁO .................... ..... .. ..... ...... .. ................ VILA SETEMBRINA 4041
RIO DE JANElRO.. .. ......... ......OBREIROS DA ARTE REAL 4247 VALEN(.:A... .. ................08 DE DEZEMBRO 3032
SANTA CRUZ DO SUL ...... ...................... .. .... ........... .......... THÉMIS 3800
RIO DE JANEIRO ... . ............................. PHOENIX 4248 VASSOURAS... .. ...... CULTURA DE VASSOURAS 1867
RIO DE JAL'ffilRO ... ............. CAVALE !ROS DO SOL W 33 4270 VOLTA REDONDA..... .. ........ INDEPENDENCIA E LUZ 1261
RIO DE JANEIRO ....... ................ SABEDORIA UNIÁO E FOR(.:A 4286 VOL TA REDONDA .......................... UNIÁO DOS TEMPLÁRIOS 2577
SAO GON(.:ALO .............................. .................... MONTE ARARA T 0552
MIGUEL ROGÉRIO DE MELO GURGEL - State Grand Master Rua Herbert de Azevedo, 2045, Centro, Porto Velho, RO, 78902-210
Rua Vigário Bartolomeu, 635, Sala 109, Ed. 21 de Mar,o, Cidade Alta, Natal RN, 59023-900- P.O. Box 621 Phone: +55 (69)3221-2866
Phone: +55 (84)3211-4027 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
ALTO PARAlSO .. ............................................. .LUZ DO PARAiSO 3501 PORTO VELHO ...... ................. ...... ... UNIÁO E PERSEVERAN(.:A 0947
ASSU .. ......... ..................... ........ .... NIVAL PAULINO PINHEIRO 2096 NATAL ... .. .. JOÁ.O CECÍLIO DA COSTA 2116 ARIQUEMES .... ...... .. ....... ................... VIGILANTES DA ORDEM 2036 PORTO VELHO ....................... ........ ........ ..................... VEROADE 1451
ASSU...... . .. ...... UNIVERSITÁRIA POETA RENATO CALDAS 4307 NATAL... .. ....... LlBERDADE EJUSTI(.:A 2340 CACOAL ..... ............... ...... CARIDADE E SILENCIO DE CACOAL 2103
CAlCÓ .... ................................. TRABALHO E FRATERNIDADE 1518 PORTO VELHO ........................ llr>HAO, TRABALHO E JUSTI(.:A 2321
NATAL ... ................. DR. PEDRO GERMANO COSTA 2349 CACOAL ....................................... UNIVERSITÁRIA PITÁGORAS 3313
CURRAIS NOVOS......................... FRATERN'IDADE EJUSTI(.:A 1757 PORTO VELHO ................ UNIVERST. FONTE DE SABEDORIA 3468
NATAL ... .. ........ AURORA DO ORfENTE 3269 CACOAL ...... .... ....................... ................ .............. 0 SA.!\-1AR1TANO 2520
EXTREMOZ .. ........ ..................... .. ...... PEDRO AL VES PINHEIRO 3918 NATAL ... ........ ....... UNIVERSITÁRIA MARIO VILAR DE MELO 4085 PORTO VELHO ........................... ............ ESTUDO E TRABALHO 1461
CACOAL ........................... ... ................................ ROMÁO GARCIA 3030 PORTO VELHO ................................... ESTRELA DE RONDÓNIA 2106
MOSSORÓ .... .... .. .................... ... ... ...........JERÓNIMO ROSADO 1994 NATAL ... .. ....... MONTEIRO LOBATO 4162
MOSSORÓ .............SEBASTIÁO VASCONCELOS DOS SA.JTIOS 3759 CACOAL ................................ ..... CAVALEIROS DE ADONHl.RA.M 3939 PORTOVELHO .............................................. ARCADAALIAN(.:A 2177
PARNAMIRIM .. ........ 21 DE ABRIL 1864
MOSSORÓ ................................. .................. M.fÁNCIO DA.!"fTAS 3071 CASTANHEIRAS ......................... ESTRELA DO RlO MACHADO 3488 PORTO VELHO ........................ ........ ..... LUZ E PERSEVERAN(.:A 2461
PARNAMIRIM ............ .................................. UNIÁO NATALENSE 2414
MOSSORÓ... .. ........ .......30 DE SETEMBRO 3946 PA.RNA.\'IIRIM ............................. UNIV. ESTRELA NATALENSE 4122 COLORADO D'OESTE .................................... 18 DE DEZEMBRO 3264 PORTO VELHO ............... ................ .. SABEDORIA DO ORIENTE 3389
MOSSORÓ.. . ..... .... .......... UNIVERSITÁRIA IVANILDO PARNA.\iiRIM ....... .. ... .. .......... ... .....................ARY REIS DUARTE 4251 COSTA 1IARQUES .... ................. ......... ERNANI CORREA FRÓES 3063 PORTO VELHO ............ .................ESTRELA DE PORTO VELHO 3462
M.ARTINS FOru.UGA 4019 PAU DOS FERROS ............. ?t1ANOEL REGINALDO'DA ROCHA 2439 EXTREMA .......................................... ESMITE BENTO DE MELO 3177 ROLIM DE MOURA .. ACÁCIA DO OESTE DE ROLLI\f DE MOURA 2401
MOSSORÓ... . .. ..... FRANCISCO DOMINGOS DE ASSIS 4104 PENDENCIAS.. . ...... ............. ESTRELA ALTANEIRA 2361 CUAJARÁ i\URIM ...................... PEDRO i\UCHAEL STRUTHOS 2065 SÁO .MIGUEL DO GUAPORf: ................. OS FILHOS DE HlRA.t'\1 2879
MOSSORÓ ......................... GERALDO DIAS DO NASCIMENTO 4106 PfRANGI ................... UNIVERSITÁRIA ESTRELA NATALENSE 4122 JARU .............................................. ...... ACÁCIA RONDONIENSE 2322 VILHENA ................. ...... TRABALHO EM PERFEITO SILJ!:NCIO 2729
MOSSORÓ .... . ..............JOSÉ AUGUSTO DE AZEVEDO 4107 SANTA CRUZ... . ..... ...... ................ .... UNIÁO E TRABALHO 1838 JI-PARANÁ ....... ................ ..................... SEGREDO E LEALDADE 0990 VILHENA ....... ....................... Ul\'IVERST. ESTA(:ÁO AGHARTA 3520
NATAL... .. .................... 21 DE MARCO 0152 SÁO MIGUEL... .. .......JOSÉ TORQUATO DE F IGUEIREDO 2365 JI-PAR<\NÁ .......HUMANIDADE E FRATERNIDADE DE RONDÓN 1812
NATAL... .. ................... EVOLU(.:ÁO 0852 VILHENA ................ .................. LfBERTAS QUAE SER..A. TAMEN 3 179
NATAL... ....... ..........TRAMPOLll\1 DA VTTÓRIA 1606 VTLHENA .............. ................................. REFÚGIO DO GUAPORÉ 3436
UMARITAL .................................................. ESTRELA DO OESTE 2354 NOVA MAMORÉ .... .... ..... .................... ABDON JACOB ATALLAH 3185
NATAL.. . .. ...... GE NTIL MARINHO 2070 VILHE:NA ..................... ................ ................... 3583 LETTSTERN 3583
OURO PRETO DO OESTE .. ACÁClA DE OURO PRETO DO OESTE 2409 Vl.LHENA ...... .................................. CAVALEIROS TEMPLÁRIOS 3973
PIMENTA BUENO ............................... MONTE DAS OLIVEIRAS 2178
GRANDE ORIENTE DO BRASIL - Río Grande do Sul (RS) PIMENTA BUENO ..................... .... SABEDORIA E PROGRESSO 3768
VILHENA ....................................... FRATERNIOADE VILHENS.f: 4076
JORGE COLOMBO BORGES - State Grand Master VILHENA ... ...... ....... ............... .............. ............ DELTA DO CABIXI 4306
Rua Washington Luiz, 214, Porto Alegre, RS, 90010-460
Phone: +55 (51)3226-9877
E-mail: [email protected]
ARARANGUÁ ........................ PERSEVERANCA E FIDELIDAD E 2968 FLORIANÓPOLIS ................................ EVOLU(:ÁO E CULTURA. 4321
BALNEÁRIO CAl\ffiORIÚ ................. LUZ DO ATLÁNTICO SUL 2894 FLORIANÓPOLIS... . ................. DOZE APÓSTOLOS 4339
BALNEÁRIO CAl\ffiORIÚ ..... . .............. PHOENIX 3662 FRAIBURGO ........................... ........ CAV ALEI.ROS TEMPLÁRIOS 3968
BALNEÁRiO CAMBOR!Ú ................... .... .VIGILANTES DO MAR 3783 G.<\SPAR... . ............................. ....... LUZ DO VALE 3370
BALNEÁRIO CAMBOR1Ú .. ...... ........ ....ACÁCIA DE BALNEÁRrQ 3978 GRAVATAL..... ............................... Gf:NESIS 2701
Rua Sao Joaquim, 457, Liberdade, Sao Paulo, SP, 01508-001
BARRA VELHA ... ......... FRATERNIDADE BARRAVELHENSE 3314 IMBITUBA ........... ......................... .. .........ACÁClA DE I!liBITUBA 3506
Phone: +55 (11)3346-7088
ITAJAÍ... . ................. FLÓR DA ACÁCIA 2025
E~mail : [email protected]
BIGUA(:U ..... ..................................... GUARDIÚE DA VIRTUDES 4198
BLUl\fENAU .... .. ....................... HERr-.1ANN BLUMENAU 1896 ITAJAÍ ... . ............ ...ATALAJA 3116
BLUMENAU ........................ ........................... PAL?.fElRA DA PAZ 2121 ITAJAÍ ............................ACADEMICA PROF. BRUNO CARLINI 3176
BLUMENAU ..........................................ARQUITETOS DO VALE 2996 ITAJAÍ... ............................ ............. LUZ DA PORTA DO VALE 3764
BLUMENAU.. .. .......................ARQUITETOS DA PAZ 3698 ITAJAÍ .......................................................... ESTRELA MÍSTICA 3929
ADAMANTINA ............................... ESTRELA DE ADAMANTINA 1340 BRODOWSKI ... .. .... COMPROMISSO DE UNIÁO 2837
BLUMENAU ........................................................... VERDE VALE 3838 ITAPEMA... . ................ GIDEÚES DA PAZ 2831
AGUAÍ .......................................................................... ACEITA(:AO 3201 BROTAS ... ... UNIAO E TRABALHO DE BROTAS 3151
BOMBINH.<\5 ....................................................QUINTESSENClA 3572 ITAPEMA... .. .......................... A LUZ VEM DO ORIENTE 3014
ITAPEMA .. . ....... .... .......... COSTA ESMERALDA 3595
ÁGUAS DA PRATA .................................... ESTRELA PRATENSE 1467 CA(:APAVA ... ................... ..... ......... ..... RENASCER 2834
BOMBINHAS ...................... QU!NTESSENCIA DE BOMBTNHAS 4293
BRUSQUE ............. .... ............................ ORVALHO DO HERMON 2859 ITAPEMA ... .. .......... LUZ DE ÓRION 3951 ÁGUAS DE LINDÓ lA ............... .............ESTRELA LINDOIENSE 1670 CA(:APAVA. .. ... JOSÉ REGINALDO DA CUNHA 4200
BRUSQUE .. . ....................................... LUZ E HARMONIA 3347 ITAPEMA .............. ....... ................ .. .. HARMONIA E FIDELIDADE 4129 AMERICANA ..................... ................ UNIÁO E FRATERNIDADE 1284 CAMPINAS .. ..... .INDEPEND.ENCIA 0131
BRUSQUE ........ ......................... PHILANTROPIA E LIBERDADE 3557 ITAPOÁ ... . ....PEDRADA FRATERNIDADE 3149 AMERICANA ......................................... FÉ. AMOR E CARIDADE 3543 CAMPINAS .. . ...CONSTÁNCIA 1147
BRUSQUE.. .................. ACADEMICA RAZÁO E VIRTUD E 3786 ITAPOÁ... . ........ ACÁCIA DE ITAPOÁ 4044 A.~PARO ............................................ ....... .... ................ TRABALHO 0238 CAMPINAS .. . .. ...... UNfVERSO 1472
BRUSQUE ..... REGENERA CÁO GUABffiUBENSE 4100 JARAGUÁ DO SUL ....................... ...... ................ LUZ DA ACÁCIA 2586 AMPARO .............................................HARMONIA E TRABALHO 2953 CAMPINAS .. . ...INCONFIDENCL<\ ITI MILENIO 1780
CA(:ADOR ............ .... ........................ ...............XV DE NOVEMÉmO 1998 JARA.GUÁ DO SUL ............... FRATERNIDADE JARAGUAENSE 3620 ANDRADINA ..... ..................... CAVALHEIROS DE ANDRADINA 3715 CAMPlNAS .. . .. ...... NOVAORDEM DOSÉCUW 2151
CA.~fBORI Ú .. .... ................................................... VERDES l\.f.ARES 3426 JARAGUÁ DO SUL ...............................COLUNA DE JARA GUÁ 4081 APIAÍ ................ .................................................ACÁCJA DE APIAf 2857 CAM.PINAS .. . ...FRATERNIDADE CAMPINEIRA 2158
CAM.BORIÚ .............. .... ............................... LAELIA PURPURATA 3496 JARAGÚÁ DO SUL ... . ...... FRATERNIDADE ACADAME ARA(:ATUBA ................ .......................................................... TUPY 0955 CAMPINAS .. .. ...................... CAMPOS SALLES 2654
CAMBORJÚ .... . . ..... NOVO HORIZONTE 4185 CfENClA EARTES 3685 ARA(:ATUBA .................................................................... UNITAS 1668 CAMPINAS .. . ...BARÁO GERALDO REZENDE 2668
CAl'lOfNHAS.. . ......................... ESTRELA DO PLAN ALTO 2119 JARAGUÁ DO SUL ..................................... LUZ E INTEGRA(:AO 4328 ARA(:ATUBA ................................................ .. LUZ E LIBERDADE 2798 CAMPINAS .. . ...DELTA 2684
CANOÍNHAS ........................ .. CAVALEIROS DO CONTESTADO 3878 JOACABA .................................................. ESTRELA DE HERVAL 3334
ARACATUBA .... FRATERNIDADE ACADEMICA LUZ DA NO ROES 3337 CAMPINAS ....... ...... ... ................................................. ....ATLÁNTIS 2999
CHAPECÓ..... .. .......... 25 DE AGOSTO 2383 JOA9ABA ......................... .. ............... ......... ACÁCIA DO ORIENTE 3596
ARA(:ATUBA. ...................................TEMPLÁRrQS DO SUL 1004 3964 CMvJ:PlNAS ......................... FRAT. ACAD. INCONF. 3" MILENIO 3363
CHAPECÓ ............................................... ....... LUZ DO OCIDENTE 3015 JOACABA .. .. ........ FRATERNIDADE JOA(:ABENSE 4314
ARARAQUARA .................. ................ ACÁCIA DE ARARAQUARA 2681 CAMPINAS .... ........ .. .. ..................... ................... ........ SABEDORlA 3584
CHAPECÓ ............ ........ ................................... .UNIÁO E JUSTI(:A 3274 JOINVILLE..... ............... LUZ E VERDAOE 1066
CHAPECÓ ... .. ................................................. SEARA DE LUZ 3961 JOINVILLE .. ................................. ........... ACÁCIA JOINVILENSE 1937 ARARAQUARA .. FRATERNIDADE ACADEMICA DR. JOSÉ CASTE 3979 CAMPINAS ................... ............. ............... LEONARDO DA VINCI 3616
CORUPÁ .............. ... ....................... ...................... LUZ DAS ÁGUAS 3563 JOJ:NVILLE... ... . ............. .............. ...... LUZ DO SINAI 2845 ARARAS ............................................................. PERFEJTA UNIÁO 3709 CAMPINAS .......... .... .............................................MELVIN JONES 3733
CRICIÚMA ................ .......................... ESTRELA DA HARMONIA 2868 JOir>.'VILLE...... ..................JUSTICA E PAZ 3009 ARARAS ......................................... FRATERNIDADE ARARENSE 1349 CAMPINAS ......... ................ TEMPLÁRIOS DA FRATERNIDADE 3757
FLORL<\NÓPOLIS ......... ....... REGENERACAO CATARINENSE 0138 JOilV"VILLE ...................... .............................................. FRITZ ALT 3194 ARTUR NOGUEIRA ... ... WINSTON CHURCHILL 2215 CAMPINAS ... ATHENAS PESQUISA, Sll\ffiOLOGIA E HISTÓR 3913
FLORIANÓPOLIS .................................... .ORDEM E TRABALHO 0787 JOINVTLLE ..... .. ....................... PAZ DO HERMON 3416 ARUJÁ .. ........... 20 DE AGOSTO 2563 CAMPINAS ... . .. BARRETO LEME 4010
FLORIANÓPOLIS ...................................... ...........CA.?..fPOS LOBO 1310 JOI?>;\flLLE ........................................ 346 COL UNAS DA S ERRA 3461 ASSIS .. . ...ORDEM E JUSTI(:A 1083 CAMPINAS ... .. .... PEREGRINOS DO ARCO REAL 4202
FLORIANÓPOLIS ... .. ..................................... LAURO MÜLLER 1694 JOINVILLE ..... FRATERNIDAD E ACADEMICA CI.f:NCIA E ARTE 3685 ASSIS .. . ...ACÁCIA CAl'lDTDOMOTENSE 2612 CAI.\1PO LIMPO PAULISTA ..... ..............................21 DE r-.1AR(:O 2943
FLORlANÓPOLIS ......... .. ............ ............. ... JERÓNIMO COELHO 1820 JOINVILLE ... ...Á CAMJNHO DA LUZ 3925 ASSIS .. . ... RENOVA(:AO E TRABALHO 2887 CAPÁO BONITO ..... ........... .. ..................................... .. 9 DE JULHO 4155
FLORIANÓPOLIS ................. PROFESSOR MÁNCIO DA COSTA 1977 JOINVILLE .... ........................ ...... ..... ..... AURORA JOINVILENSE 4043 ATIBAIA ... .. .... AREÓPAGO ATfBAIENSE 1465 CAMPOS DOJORDAO ....... PRESIDENTE WASHINGTON LillZ 2626
I<'LORIANÓPOLIS ........... ........ ......... .ACÁCIA DO CONTINENTE 2014 JOINVILLE ............................................. COWNAS DE JARAGUÁ 4081 ATIBAIA ... ...ITAPETINGA 2901 CAL\1POS DO JORDÁO ..... ........ PRESIDENTE JÚLIO PRESTES 3299
FLORJANÓPOLIS .......................... ............. UNIÁO BRASILEIRA 2085 LACES ... ....... LUZ DA VERDADE 2933 ATIBAIA ... ........... ATIBAlA 2913 CAPÁO BONITO ........................... .................. UNIÁO E FIRMEZA 2613
FLORIA.N'ÓPOLIS .. .. ....... PROFESSOR CLEMENTINO BRITO 2115 LAG ES.. . .... ..... LUZ DE CORREIA PINTO 3687 AURIFLAMA ... .. .... OURO EM CHAMAS 3541 CAPAO BONITO ............... ................ CONCÓRDIA E CARIDAD E 3790
FLORIANÓPOLIS ....................... NEREU DE OLIVEIRA RAMOS 2744 LAGUNA ...................................... REGENERA(:ÁO LAGUNENSE 2984
AVARÉ .. ... ................ NAZARETH 0652 CAPÁO BONITO ......................................................... 9 DE JULHO 4155
FLORIA.N'ÓPOLIS .................... ...... ........ . UNIÁO CATARINENSE 2764 MAFRA ...................................... ...........................................HIRA1i 3059
FLORIANÓPOLIS.. ............................... -A.CQUARIVS 2768 MORRO DA FUMA(:A ... . ................ UNlÁ.O DO SUL 3260 CARAGUATATUBA ............................... UNlÁO DAS Al\1ÉRICAS 1945
AVARÉ .. .. ............. LUZ E UNIÁO 3722
NAVEGANTES ............................. .. ......LUZ DE NAVEGANTES 3033
FLORIANÓPOLIS...... .. .......................... ZOHAR 2948 CARAGUATATUBA ..................................................... RENASCER 3633
FLORIA.N'ÓPOLIS... .. ................... ESTREL-\ MATUTlNA 2965 NAVEGANTES ........................................ UNlÁO NAVEGANTINA 3460 AVARÉ ... .. .... FRATERNIDADE, UNIÁO E JUSTI(:A 3876 CARAGUATATUBA ................... ARQUITETOS DA ARTE REAL 3982
FLORIANÓPOLIS ... . ...... ........... CAMPECHE 2998 NAVEGANTES ..................... ................... ORDEM E PROGRESSO 3797 BANANAL ............ ...... ..................... ................ .. CARIDADE E LUZ 2907 CARAPICUIBA ....... ............. .... ................................ 26 DE MARCO 2767
FLORIANÓPOLIS ... .................................. PERSEVERAN(:A 3005 NAVEGANTES.. . ............... RENASCER DO VALE 4007 BARIRl ... ... HONRA, AMOR E CARIDAD E 2275 CASA BRANCA ............... ............................... CADElA DE UNIÁO 3057
FLORIANÓPOLIS ........... .. ............................ .... FENIX DO SUL 3041 PALHO(:A .. ....................... ............ .... ....AMIGOS DA LIBERDADE 3967 BARRA BONITA ... ...UNIÁO E FRATERNIDADE 2659 CEDRAL .......................... ... ......................... MESTRES DO CEDRO 3906
FLORIANÓPOLIS ......................... COMANDANTE LARA RIBAS 3055 PALHO(:A ... . ...... ................. .UNIÁO PALHOCENSE 4236 BARRETOS .. .. ... .ESTRELA FLAMÍGERA 2069 CERQUILHO ................. .................... ESTRELA DE CERQUILHO 2526
FLORIANÓPOLIS .. ....... .................. ............... ... ....... .... LEALDADE 3058 PEDRO DE ALCÁNTARA .. . ..................... 0 TÁVIO ROSA 3184 BARRETOS .................................. ............ ....... FILHOS DA VIÚVA 3104 CESÁRIO LANCE ........................................ UNIÁO E CARIDADE 3746
FLORIANÓPOLIS .... .. ...................... .... UNIÁO ADONHIRAMITA 3129 PENHA ....................................... ....... UNIVERSO DA ARTE REAL 2947 BARRETOS ......... FRAT. ACADf:MICA VALE DORIO GRANDE 3423
FLORIANÓPOLIS ............... ............... ......PERFEI(:AO BIGUA(:U 3156 PI(:ARRAS .......................... ................................... LIVRE PENSAR 3153
CHAVANTES ................. ............................................. PROGRESSO 2008
BARUERI ................................. ..................... .................. DELPHOS 3852 CONCHAL ............................................ ... ...... MORADA DOS RIOS 2986
FLORlANÓPOLIS ........................................... DELTA DO NORTE 3273 PORTO UNIÁO ........................... UNIÁO lll, LUZ E TRABALHO 0664 BARUERI ...................................... .... ESTRELA DE JERUSALÉM 4218
:FLORIANÓPOLIS ............................. UNIÁO E PROSPERIDADE 3316 PORTO UNIÁO .................... UNIÁO E TRABALHO DO IGUA(:U 2243 COTIA ....................................................... RENASCER DE COTlA 3706
BAURU .............................................ARQUITETOS DE ORMUZD 0511 CRA VINHOS .............................................................. ESPERAN(:A 3570
FLORIA."''ÓPOLIS ... .. ...... ........................ UNIAO DA ILHA 3372 PORTO UNlAO ... . .............. LUZ ESOTi!:RICA 3050
BAURU .................................................. ..... ACÁCIA BAURUENSE 2492 CRISTAlS PAULISTA .... ............................. CRISTAIS PAULISTA 4181
FLORIANÓPOLIS ...................... ............ .............. ..... RENOVA(:AO 3387 RIO DO SUL ... ........ .............. PLÁCrDO OLÍMPIO DE OLIVEIRA 2385
FLORIANÓPOLIS ..................... MESTRES DA FRATERNIDAD E 3454 RIO DOS CEDROS... .. .............. OBREIROS DE TRENTO 3161 BAURU ...... .................ANTÓNIO F. LISBOA- 0 ALEIJADINHO 2665 CRUZEIRO .. .................................... ...................... .COSMOPOLITA 2746
FLORIANÓPOLIS ..... ........ ........ HARMONIA E FRATERNIDAD E 3490 RIO NEGRINHO ..... LUZ E FRATERNIDADE RIONEGRINHENSE 3643 BAURU ...... .... ...................... J•'RATERNIDADE NOVO MILENIO 2770 CRUZEIRO .... .... ......... .. .. ....................... DIGNIDA DE E JUSTICA 3075
FLORIANÓPOLIS. . .................. DELTA DE INGLESES 3535 SANTO AMARO DA IMPERATRIZ .. .. .... ... UNIÁQ DAS TERMAS 3335 BAURU ........ FRATERNIDADE ACAD.EMICA O ALEIJADINHO 3590 CUBA TAO ..................... .... ........................ ACÁClA DE CUBATÁO 3542
FLORIANÓPOLIS ... ............. LUIZ ALBERTO PACENKO 3621 SAO BENTO DO SUL .......................... QUTRON ZUM ERFOLG 3803 BAURU .......................................... LUZ DO TERCEIRO MILf:NIO 3126 CUBATÁO ..................... .. .. .......................... ALIANCA FRATERNA 3675
FLORIANÓPOLIS ..................................... ..... CRUZEIRO DO SUL 3631 SAO CARLOS ............ ............................ COMPASSO DAS ÁGUAS 3070 BEBEDOURO ... ... JUSTI(:A E AMOR 0799 CUNHA ................................................. ALVORECER DE CUNHA 2889
FLORIANÓPOLIS .. ............ ...... .VERDADE E JUSTI(:A 3646 SAO FRANCISCO DO SUL... . . ............. LUZ E CARIDADE 0327 BERTIOGA .. ... BARÁO DE RAMALHO 2488 DESCALVADO .................... LUZ DO BELÉM DO DESCALVA.DO 3538
FLORIANÓPOLIS .....................................CAVALEIROS DA LUZ 3657 SÁO FRANCISCO DO SUL ... .................. PAZ E Al\10R 0998 BERTIOGA ... ... PORTAL DE BERTIOGA 3429 DIADEMA ... . .. 08 DE DEZEMBRO 2317
FLORIANÓPOLIS ......................................DELTA BRASILEIRO 3691 SÁO FRANCISCO DO S UL ........ CAVALEIROS DE A(:O NORTE 4322 BILAC ... .. ........... 08 DE SETEMBRO 2546 DIADEMA ............................... .................. .AMIZADE FRATERNA 3975
FLORIANÓPOLIS... . ................................... ESTÁCIO DE SÁ 3763 SÁO JOÁO BATISTA... . ................ SÁO JOÁO BATISTA 3061 BOCAINA .. ... CAVALElROS DE SÁOJOÁO 2864 DIVINOLÁNDlA ..............................ACÁCIA DA MA.NTIQUEIRA 2997
FLOR!At'lÓPOLIS ............................. OSMAR ROMÁO DA SILVA 3765 SAO JOAQUTM ........................................ LUZ DE SAO JOAQUIM 3884 BOITUVA ....................................... .............. AGUIA DA CASTELO 4025
FLORIANÓPOLIS ............. UNIVERSITÁRIA ALCIO ANTUNES 3778 SAO JOSÉ .. . ..................................... LIBERTA(:ÁO 3228 DOIS CÓRREGOS ......... .............................. LUZES DA VIRTUDE 3650
BOM JESUS DOS PERDÚES ............... ........... VIRTUDE SÓLIDA 3601 DOURADO ............... ........................................... OVOO DA Ft:NIX 4166
BOM JESUS DOS PERDÜES ........................... LUZ TEMPLÁRIA 4168 DRACENA ....................... ..... ........................... ACÁCIA DO OESTE 2812
FLORIANÓPOLIS ........................OBREIROS DA TERRA FIRME 3827 SÁO MIGUEL DO OESTE ......................... LUZ DE SAO MIGUEL 3639
BORBOREMA ........................... ............ UNIÁO DE BORBOREMA 2766 DUARTINA. ..... ................. ...... .......... ..... ......... ............. .SOL LUCET 2774
I<'LORtANÓPOLIS ... .. ............ ...... QURO BOROS 4093 SÁO PEDRO DE CALCÁNTARA ... .. ................ FRATERNIDADE
BOTUCATU ... ....... ......................... ...... ...... ....... ........ .... PELICANO 3163 ESPiRITO SANTO DO PINHAL ......... ESTRELA DA CARIDADE 0523
FLORIANÓPOLIS .......................................... ÉTICA E JUSTI(:A 4211 SAO PEDRO DE ALCÁNTARA ............. .. RETIDAO E CULTURA 3751 BOTUCATU ........ ...................... .... ........ ...... ............ LUZ DE THOT 4074 ESPiRITO SANTO DO PINHAL ........................... .... 16 DE ABRIL 1311
FLORIANÓPOLIS ... .. ................... AUGUSTO PINTO DA LUZ 4245 TANGARÁ ...... .. ........................... CAlO PISA.t~l 3826 BRAGAN(:A PAULISTA ...................... ............ Al\10R DA PÁTRIA 0306 ESTRELA D'OESTE ...... CAVALEIROS DE ESTRELA D'OESTE 2873
FLORIANÓPOLIS..... ...............ALVORADA E SABEDORIA 4285 TIJUCAS... .................................... VALE DOTIJUCAS 2817 BRAGAN(:A PAULISTA .......................... .......... UNTVERSITÁRIA 1928 FERNANDÓPOLlS ......... .... FRATERNIDADE UNIVERSITÁRIA
FLORIANÓPOLIS... .....................................JERUSALÉM 4312 TIMBÓ.. . .. ............... HERBERT JURK 2818 BRAGAN(:A PAULISTA ..................... ESTRELA DE BRAGAN(:A 3375
D. PEDRO 1 3991
Masonic 161
160 List of Reg ular Lodges
FERRAZ DE VASCONCELOS ... ..... ..... ....... CANTErROS JOANÓPOLJS ....................................... .litORAL E LIBERDADE 2562 SANTA CRUZ DORIO PARDO .. ............ UNIÁO, JUSTIQA
FRANCA ... ..... ...... ... .. ... ..... .. .INDEPENDJ!:NCIA 1078 JUNDIAÍ ............................. CAVALEIROS DA SERRADO JAPY 3292 SANTA FÉ DO SUL ... ..... XV DE NOVEMBRO 2334
FRA.I';'CA .. ... .. 20 DE AGOSTO DE FRAt'l"CA 2607 JUNDIAÍ .......................... FRAT. ACAD. AREÓP. JUNDIAIENSE 3346 SANTANA DE PARNAÍBA ... .... ESTRELA DE ALPHAVILLE 3286
FRANCA ... ...... 22 DE FEVEREIRO DE FRANCA 2922 JUNDIAÍ ...............................JUAN ANTÓ N JO LO PEZ MORENO 3351 SANTANA DE PARNAÍBA ... ....... QUINTESSÉNCIA 4118
FRANCA ... . ...................................... PEDRADALUZ 3474 JUNDIAÍ ............................... ...... ..... TEMPLO DO REI SALOMÁO 3723 SANTA RITA DO PASSA QUATRO..... .... UNIÁO IV 3016
FRA.N"CA .. . ........... FRATERNIDADE DA FRANCA 3571 JUNDIAÍ .......................... ............ MAESTRO VIITORJO BARBIN 4196 SANTO ANASTÁCIO ... ..... DR. TERTULIANO DE ÁREA LEÁO 2571
FRA.N"CA... ................... ........ ......... ESTRELA DA FRAt'l"CA 3962 JUNDIAÍ .. .. .... ... ............ ...................... PEDRO F ÁVARO 4303 SANTO ANDRÉ .. ........... CAVALEIROS DE SANTO ANDRÉ 1278
PIR.A.CICABA... .. ........... .LIBERDADE E TRA.BALHO 2242
FRA.N'CA ... .................................... .. ............. .. LUZ DA RESTINGA 4242 JUNQUElRÓPOLIS ..... ............ACÁCIA DE JUNQUEIRÓPOLIS 2179 SANTO ANDRÉ ... ..... .. TROLHA ANDREENSE 2297
PIRACICABA...... ........ 24 DE JUNHO 2747
FRA.N"CA ... . ........................ : .... . FAROL DA RIFAINA 4336 JUQUIÁ .............................. ............. ........... .. CIDADE DE JUQUIÁ 2821 SA!'ITO ANDRÉ ... .......... DELTA II 2338
PIRACICABA ... .. . ............ .LUZ E SABEDORlA 2849
GARCA. .. . ................................... .INTEGRACÁ.O E JUSTICA 2918 JUQUITIBA... ........ ....... ............. .............. 0 PORTAL 3895 SANTO ANDRÉ .. ........ NACIONAL REPUBLICANA ÚNICA 2632
GETIJLINA ....................................................... ESTRELA DE LUZ 2881 LEME .. ....................... AURORA LE.MENSE 3421 SANTO ANDRÉ ..... . ........... CONSCIÉNCIA ANDREENSE 2633
PlRACICABA ... .. .... PHOENIX 3818
GUAÍRA .................................................. FRATERNIDADE E LUZ 3602 LIMEIRA ................... ..................FRATERNIDADE DE LIMEIRA 1302 SANTO ANDRÉ .........FRAT. UNIVERSITÁRIA SANTO A."'l"DRÉ 3417
GUAAA ........... ... ............... ......... DR.JAHYR DE PAULA RrBEIRO 2604 LIMEIRA ....... ................................ ......... ..............ÁGUIA DE HAlA 2518 SANTO ANDRÉ ...... ..... CAVALEIROS DA ORDEM DO TEMPLO 3578
GUARACI ........................ .CAVA LEIROS DA LUZ DE GUARACI 4030 LIMEIRA .................................... FRAT. TATUHIBY DE LIMEIRA 2603 SANTO ANDRÉ... .. ... 81 3753
GUA.RARAPES .. ............SABEDOR!A E HUMJLDADE 1613 LIMEIRA .................................................... SUBLIME HARMONIA 2605 SANTO A."'l"DRÉ ...... . ..... .HORUS 3811
PIRANGI .... ............. RENASCER 2850
GUARAREMA .... ...... ......... .. ....... .... RENASCIMENTO 2478 LINS ........ ................... .... ....................... JUSTI(:A E LEALDADE 1908 SANTO ANDRÉ ... ........AMIZADE E UNIÁO 3985
GUARATINGUETÁ... ..... ........ COLUNAS EM PROGRESSO 2168 LINS .. ..... ............... ...... ..... FRAT. ACAD. JUSTIQA E LEALDADE · 3302 SANTO ANTÓNIO DO JARDIM ... .... ESTRELA JARDINENSE 2794
GUARATINGUE'l'Á.... . ..... FRA'l'. ACAD. FRANK SHERMAN 4265 LORENA... ... ... ........... ..IRMÁ.O FIRMINO ESCADA 2220 SANTOS ... ... FRA.TERNIDADE DE SANTOS 0132
GUARIBA ... . .................... CIENCIA E TRABALHO 2773 LOUVEI.RA ............. CAVALEIROS DO TEMPLO DE LOUVEIRA 3782 SANTOS ... ... HIRA.M ABIF 1071
PIRATININGA ... . ....ÁGUlA DE HAlA 4183
GUARUJÁ ................................. ...... ....... .......................... ..... UNIÁO 2465 LUCÉLIA ... ............................. PAZ E LIBERDADE 1313 SANTOS .. ...... ...... DOM PEDRO I 1133
POÁ ...... ....... UNIÁO E PERSEVERAN CA 2373
GUARUJÁ ............. .................................... CIDADE DE GUARUJÁ 2787 :MACATUBA ... . ..... .... CARIDADE E CONCÓRDIA 2743 SANTOS .. . .......... ESTRELA DE SANTOS 1156
PORTO FELIZ ... .......... ..INTELIGENCIA 0014
GUARUJÁ ........ ...... ............ ............................................. SAO JOÁO 4152 MNPORA ....... ...................................... SER.RA DA CANTAREIRA 4184 SANTOS .... . ... DAMASCO 1475
GUARULHOS ................................................... 08 DE DEZEMBRO 2285 MNRIPORÁ ....................... ........................ ESTRELA DA ALDEIA 3711 SANTOS .. .. . .... PAULO GASGON 1642
GUARULHOS .. ..........CAVALEIROS DA LUZ DE GUARULHOS 2686 MARÍLIA ............... .............. .....PAZ, LIBERDADE E TRABALHO 2194 SANTOS ..... ..... BARÁO DE TSCHOUDY 2160
GUARULHOS ..... ............ ........................... .... LUZ DO UNIVERSO 2804 MARTINÓPOLIS ... ..... .... ................................... ....03 DE MNO 1228 SANTOS ..... . ........LAURINDO CHAVES 2164
GUARULHOS ... ..... ...... ...... ....... ............ ...ANTARES 2904 :MATÁO ................. .................................. .... TERRADA SAUDADE 3579 SANTOS .. . ... LEALDADE E CMSMO 2343
GUARULHOS ...............................CAVALEIROS EM ASCENSÁO 3004 MAUÁ ................................................. RENASCEN(:A DE MAUÁ 3955 SANTOS .. ......... CONSTRUTORES SOCWS 2416
GUARULHOS ............ .............. CAVALEIROS DE BONSUCESSO 3237 :MAUÁ... ........... .. .... CAVALElROS DE MAUÁ 4142 SANTOS .. . ..... PESQUISADORES DA LUZ 2541
GUARULOHOS ......................................... CRESCER E EVOLUIR 3767 MIRANDÓPOLIS .. . ..... FRATERNIDADE E LABOR 1743 SANTOS .. . ........... 26 DE JANEIRO 2687
GUARULHOS .....................HOSPITALEIROS DE GUARULHOS 4230 MOCOCA ............................. ...... .... SOLIDARIEDADE E JUSTI(:A 2872 SANTOS .. . ........ .... FLORENTINO DIEGUES GON(:ALVES 2691
HORTOLÁ.i\'DlA .............. .................................TRIUNFO DA LUZ 3970 MOGI DAS CRUZES .. .... .............. .......... ...... UNIÁO E CARIDADE 0910 SANTOS ... . ..... ...... CAVALEIROS DE SÁO JOÁO D'ACRE 2714
lACAl'JGA ........ ., ................................. DEUS, PÁTRIA E FAl\IIÍLIA 2790 MOGI DAS CRUZES .............................. CRUZEIRO DO ITAPETI . 1725 ............. AQUÁRIUS 2721
JARAS... ..................... ... LUZ E UNIÁO 3722 MOGI DAS CRUZES .. .... ................................. .VALE DO TIETE 2494 SANTOS .... . ...... GÉNESIS XXV 2823
IBATÉ ... . ........... ... ........... ACÁCIA DE IBA'l'É 2731 MOGl DAS CRUZES ........ACAMPAMENTO DOS APRENDIZES 2772 SANTOS .. ............ .. VERITAS 2915
IBITINGA ..................................... :.......... ESTRELA DE IBITINGA 0666 MOGI DAS CRUZES ........... ................. COLUNAS DE BIRITIBA 3377 SANTOS ... .. .. AMIGOS DA VERDADE 2937
IBITINGA ......................... FRAT. ACAD. ARTE C. E TRABALHO 3272 MOGI DAS CRUZES .. ........ ....... ................. 1° DE SETEMBRO 3399 SANTOS .. ............ .ANTÓNIO DOS SANTOS COSTA 3012
IBIÚNA ............................. WILHELMUS JACOBUS VERHAGEN 3638 MOGI DAS CRUZES .. ......................... .ALFERES TIRADENTES 3905 SANTOS ... ............ FRAT. ACADÉMICA DE SA."'l"TOS 3279
IGUAPE ............................. FRATERNO RENASCER DE IGUAPE 2144 MOGJ DAS CRUZES .. ...........................ACÁCIA DE ARUÁ 4037 SANTOS .. ... HERALDO RAMOS LEOMIL 3326
IGUAPE ............. ............. MAESTRO A. JARBAS DE CARVALHO 2745 MOGI DAS CRUZES ..... .......................... TRABALHO E JUSTIQA 3481 SANTOS .. . ... DE PESQUISAS MAC LUIZ FRIGÉRIO 3390
ILHA COMPRIDA .........................ACÍLIO CÁNDIDO VENTURA. 3569 MOGI DAS CRUZES ........................ LEALDADE E SABEDORIA- SANTOS ..... ......... .ESTRELA DO ZÉNITE 3413
..... .. DE MOLAY DE SÁO 3871
QUATÁ ... .. . ..... RENASCEN(:A DE QUATÁ 2631
ILHABELA ... ..... ........ .......... .. ....... ESPERAN(:A DE ILHABELA 2733 MOGI GUA(:U ......... ....... .............. .... ......... .Al{RORA GUAQUANA 3551 SANTOS .. .. . ....... DE E. E P. M. L. DO MILÉNIO 3495
INDAIATUBA ........ ....... ............ ... ORDEM E PROGRESSO. CL 1900 MOGI MIRIM ..................... ...............CONSELHEIRO RAMALHO 0522 SAÑTOS .. ... . .....RUI BARBOSA 3508
IPAU(:U... ..................... ESTRELA DE IPAU(:U 1341 MOGI MIRIM... . . ......................................... HU!I'lANISMO 3291 SANTOS .. . ..... ATALAIA DE SANTOS 3509
REGISTRO ... ......... CRUZEIRO DO SUL 2525
IPUÁ ....... ....... ..... ...... ..................... ....... .........UNIÁO IPUANENSE 3580 MONGAGUÁ ...................... .......... OBREIROS DA PIRÁMIDE 2797 SANTOS .. . ........ BARÁO DE MAUÁ 3521
ITAÍ ................... ...... ................. PERSEVE RANCA E HARMONIA 4031 MONGAGUÁ ... .................. CIDADE DE MONGAGUÁ 3077 SANTOS ... ... PEREGRINOS 3525
ITANHAÉM .................... ........................ CIDADE DE ITANHAÉM 2811 MONTE ALTO .................................................. IGUALDADE 1647 SA."'l"TOS .. .. DE PESQ. E EST. MA(:. FRIEDRICH LUDWIG S 3606
ITAPETININGA ............................ .................... ...............FIRMEZA 0308 MO NTE ALTO ..................................................... ....... XV DE :MAlO 3054 SANTOS..... ........ ALIANCA FRATERNAL 3779
ITAPETININGA .......................................... .............. FIDELIDADE 2592 MONTEIRO LOBATO . .ARISTÓTELES 3847 SANTOS .... ...M.ALKUT 3859
ITAPETININGA ......... ..................................... UNIÁO PAULISTA 3382 NAZARÉ PAULISTA .........................................LUZ TEMPLÁRIA 4168 SANTOS.... .......... MONTEIRO LOBATO 3867
ITAPETININGA. ........ ... ................................. .ATHENAS DO SUL 4120 NHANDEARA ...................... ................... COLUNAS DO PARAÍSO 3654 SANTOS .... ... ....... CAV ALEIROS DE A(:O 3887
ITAPEVA ... .... ........ .. UNIÁO E CARIDADE 0718 NOVA EUROPA ........................................ DELTA DO ITAQUERÉ 3231 SANTOS .... ... FRATERNillADE JACQUES DE MOLAY DE SAN 3963
JTAPEVA .................................... ................ UNIÁO E LIBERDADE 2720 NOVO HORIZONTE ... ............... UNIÁO DE NOVO HORIZONTE 0962 SANTOS .... . ........ CAVALE IROS ESCOCESES 3976
ITAPIRA ... .................... .... LUZ DO II1 MILENIO 3066 OLÍMPIA ......... .................................... ......ACÁCIA OLIMPIENSE 2808 SANTOS.. ......... ..HERMES TRIMEGISTO 4061
ITÁPOLIS ...... .................... ...... ..... DR. J OÁO CARLOS FERRARO 2011 ORLÁNDIA..... ............. .AMOR E UNIÁO DE ORLÁNDJA 2222 SAA'TOS .. ........SOLAR DOS ANDRADAS 4179
ITAQUAQUECETUBA ................. PILARES ANTEDILUVIANOS 3534 OSASCO ... . ....... .. ..UMUARAMA 1621 SANTOS.. ........ CASTRO ALVES 4226
!TARARÉ .............................................. RENASCER DE ITARARÉ 2993 OSASCO .................................................. ESTRELA DA A.RMJ!:NIA 2527 SANTOS ...... ........ PREFEITO OSW ALDO JUSTO 4243
ITARIRI ................... .... .................................. CIDADE DE ITARIRI 2820 OSASCO ..................................... ..................... SOL E LIBERDADE 2771 SÁO BENTO DO SAPUCAi... .. ...... FRATERNIDADE LUZ
lTATINGA ... . ... ...... .......... ..........GUIA DO FUTURO 2698 OSASCO ................... CARLOS ALBERTO BALEEIRO BELTRÁ.O 3101 DA MANTIQUEIRA 2327
ITATINGA ... . ........ ...... .... CAVALE IROS DA S ERRA 3965 OSASCO ...... .......... ...... CAVALEIROS DA SUBLIME VERDADE 3526 SAO BERNARDO DO CAMPO .. ......THOMAZ IDINEU GALERA 2221
ITlRAPINA ...................................................... r DE DEZEMBRO 3013 OSASCO... ........................... ......... XICO TROLHA 3613 SAO BERNARDO DO CAMPO ... ...... .. GR. FRAT. ACAD. LUZES
ITU ........ ...... ............ ....... ..................................... REGENTE FEJJÓ 1456 OSASCO ............................................ .... UNIÁO E FIDELIDADE 3752 DO UNIVERSO 3536
ITU ..... ... .. .... ....... .......................................... CONVENQÁO DE ITU 1677 OSVALDO CRUZ ... .......... SOLIDARIEDADE E HARMONIA 3081 SÁO CAETANO DO SUL ... .. . ..... G. MAZZINI 1199
ITU .... .................................................... PAULA SOUSA E MELLO 3828 OURINHOS ............ ........................... ............... UNIÁO E JUSTI(:A 1286 SÁO CAETA."'l"O DO SUL .. . ............ FRATERNIDADE DE
ITUVERAVA ..... ............ .............. ........... UNIÁO ITUVERAVENSE 1620 OURINHOS ............................. FRA.TERNIDADE DE OURINHOS 2268 SÁO CAETANO 1342
ITUVERAVA ...... ..... ..... ...... ....... ....... .................. ..... ......ARCO-ÍRIS 2007 OURINHOS ............................................. PAZ, UNIÁO E JUSTIQA 3165 SÁO CAETANO DO SUL ... ........ .l\:1ATHEUS CONSTANTINO 2073
JABOTICABAL ...... ....... ..... FRAT. ACAD. JOCELYN DE GODOY 3517 OURO VERDE ............ .................SOLIDARIEDADE E FIRMEZA 3052 SÁO CAETANO DO SUL .. ........... .LUZ DO ORIENTE 2140
JACAREÍ... ........ .. .. ... INTEGRIDADE E JUSTI(:A 1683 PACAEMBU ..................................VIGILANTES DE PACAEMBU 1581 SÁO CAETANO DO SUL ... ......... LUZ DO OCIDENTE 2706
JACUPIRA.NGA .......... .FRATERNIDADE JACUPIRANGUENSE 2792 PAULÍNIA ......... .......................... ............... UNIÁO E TRABALHO 2254 SÁO CAETANO DO SUL .. ... FRAT. UNIV. LUZ DO ORIENTE 3559
JAGUARIÚNA ....... ........ ..... ......... ....... ... ESTRELA DO JAGUAR! 2785 PEDERNEIRAS .. ..... ....................................... DEUS E CARIDAD E 0937 SÁO CARLOS .. . ....ACÁCIA DE SÁO CARLOS 2314
ROSANA ... ..... .. 9 ACÁCIAS 3874
JAGUARIÚNA ...................... ...... ...... .... ............... CARLOS GOMES 2972 PEDREGULHo" ................................................ PEDRAANGULAR 2648 SÁOCARLOS ... .......Hf'RMONIA DE SÁO CARLOS 2522
JALES ... ....................... ........................ ..... .. MARECHAL RONDON 1796 PEDREIRA .............. CEL. JOÁO PEDRO DE GODOY MOREIRA 3369 SÁOCARLOS .. . ..............ESTRELA DA LIBERDADE 2877
SALTO... . ........ HUMANIDADE 0981
JARDINÓPOLIS ................................. ESTRELA DORIO PARDO 0540 PERUÍBE .... ..................................................... ESTRELA DO MAR 2282 SÁOCARLOS .. . ........ SETE DE SETEMBRO 3125
SALTO ... ............. .TIRADENTES 3622
JARI!\'Ú ........... CAVALEIROS TEMPLÁRIOS DO SANTO GRAA 3641 PERUíBE .................................................... CIDADE DE PERUÍBE ·2842 SÁOCARLOS .. .........FRAT. ACAD. UNIV. DE SAO CARLOS 3297
JAÚ .. .......... ..... ........ ........... ... ..... UNIÁO E CARIDADE JAUENSE 0630 PERUÍBE ................................................................LUX AETERNA 3136 SÁO CARLOS ... .. .. FlORAVANTE DELICATO 3381
SANTA BRANCA... ....... FONTE DE VfDA 2647
JAÚ .... .. .... .... ............................. .......... ..... ..SUPREMA HARMONIA 3858 PERUÍBE .................................DE LOWTONS DO LITORAL SUL 3564
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. SCS Quadra 02 - Ed. Anhanguera, Sala 110
ARACAJU ... .. ................... COTINGUIBA 0235 ARACAJU .... ............... .............. ..... .. ..... ...... ...... ....... .TIRADENTES 2530 70315-900 - Brasília - DF - Brasil
ARACAJU ........ .... ........ .......... ............ ...... ........ .CLODOMIR SILVA 1477 ARACAJU .. ......... ...... ........ ...... .....MARSELHA 4238 Phone - 55-61-3225-2613 - Fax. 55-61-3224-3265
ARACAJU ... .. .......... PROF. JOSÉ DE ALENCAR CARDOSO 2130 ESTÁNCIA :.... ........... PIAUHYTINGA 1521
ARACAJU .... . ...................... LEALDADE COTINGUIBENSE 2142 ITABAIANA ............ ........ ..........JOSÉ M~~:SQUITA DA SILVE IRA 2548
ARACAJU ..... ..... ....... ..... ...... ...... MARCOS FERREIRA D.E JESUS 2382 LARANJEIRAS ... .. ........ .... HAIThfONIA LARANJEIRENSE 2660 Email.: [email protected]
ARACAJU ... .. ...... CONSTÁNCIO VIEIRA 3300 SAO CRISTÓVAO ................................... SERGIO GOLDHAR 3427
~~ - J
166 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 167
"Sereníssima" A. F. &A. M.
MM : . LL:. AA:. e AA:. Founded April 21, 1959
Founded August 20, 1973 Lodges,22 Members, 480
Lodges, 19 Quarterly Meetings in Marc h-June-September- December Members, 650 NANILDO MARINHO GUEDES JOSÉ DIOGO THEOTONIO
Grand Master Grand Secretary for Foreign Relations
Grand Master Grand Secretary of Foreign Relations BENEDITO BARROS DE ARAÚJO
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Deputy Grand Master
Ce! ular> +55 68 9985-6801 [email protected] Rua K, S/N, Qd. J , Lot. Parque do Farol
Masonic Temple Bairro do Farol. CEP. 57.050-000 Maceió-AL
Rua Educandos, n. 21, Bairro Jardim América P .O. Box 252
CEP: 69.918-544 Phones: (Oxx82) 3241-2545
Phone/Fax: 55 68 3224-3424 1 3223.7819 E-mail: l. [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] 2. [email protected] .br
3. [email protected]
Member ofthe "Confedera9ao da Ma9onaria Simbólica do Brasil" (C.M.S.B.)
Member ofthe "Confedera~ao Mac;onica Inter-Americana" (C.M.I.) - V Zona Member ofthe " Confedera~ao da Ma9onaria Simbólica do Brasil" (CMSB)
Does Not Per mit Dual Membership Within the State Does not permit dual membership
·., """'
_ _._
Lodges 38 Founded February 16, 1963 Members 1,01 5 Founded November 8, 1970
Quarterly Meetings on March-June-September- December Lodges, 102 Quarterly meetings in March, June, September and December Members, 8,082
Grand Master Grand Secretary for Foreign Relations Grand Master Grand Secretary for Foreign Relations
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Deputy Grand Master Assistant Grand Secretary for Foreign Relations Assistant Grand Secretary for Foreign Relations
MASONIC TEMPLE E-mail: [email protected]
SGAN 909-Módulo "B"
Site: Av. Joubert de Barros, 358 Bento Ferreira
E-mail: [email protected] Vitoria- Espirito Santo- Brasil CEP: 29.050-720
Phone (55 61) 3340 7272 Phone: (55 021 27) 21241000 Fax: (55 021 27) 33455900
FAX: (55 61) 3349 2769 E-mail: [email protected] Home Page:
The Grande Loja Ma9ónica do Distrito Federal is a member of the Brazil Confederation of Symbolic
Masonry (C.M.S.B.). Member of Confedera,ao da Ma,onaria Simbólica do Brasil - CMSB
Dual membership is permitted. Me~ber of Confedera¡;ao Masonica Inter-Americana - CMI
Permits plural membership within its jurisdiction.
~guas Claras, DF ............... ........ .Filhos de Davi 25 Guará I, DF .................................... .. .13 de Maio 23 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO,
Aguas Claras, DF ... Cinquentenário de Brasilia 37 Guará Il, DF ... Cavaleiros da Ordem do Templo 12
Brasilia, DF .. .......... .. Santuário de Adonai 4 Guaráii, DF .............. ... ...... Demerval Cordeiro 14 ~onso Cláudio.. .. ... Cidade de Afonso Cl;í.udio 93 Rio Bananal ............................. Papa Joao XXIII 35
Brasilia, DF ........... ..................... .......... Atlantida 6 Guará Il, DF ................ ........ ....... A,ao e Siléncio 20 . Aguia Branca ...................... Vigilantes da Aguia 48 Santa Maria de Jetibá .......... Colunas de Jetibá 68
Brasilia, DF ...............................Abrigo do Cedro 8 Jardim Botií.nico, DF ............... Jardim Botanico 35 Alegre ........................ ... Fraternidade Alegrense 72 Santa Tereza ................................Vale do Canaa 26
Brasilia, DF ... ...... ....................... Cruzeiro do Su! 9 Núcleo Bandeirante, DF ....... ............... Alvorada 1 Alfredo Chaves .... Honra e Virtudelül Sao Gabriel da Palha .... .. Francisco Alves Couto 14
Brasilia, DF .................................................. .Isis 10 Núcleo Bandeirante, DF ............... Bandeirantes 18 Alto Rio Novo ...................... Caridade e Silencio 50 Sao Mateus ................ . ...............Mestre Hiran 11
Brasilia, DF .................... Templários de Brasilia 21 Núcleo Bandeirante, DF .. Nascente do Lago Sul 27 Anchieta ........................................... Hiran Abib 41 Sao Mateus .... . .......... ..... Luzes da Ilha 59
Brasilia, DF ................................ Monte Carmelo 22 Paranoá, DF .......... ...... Fraternidade Universal 32 Aracruz .... ........................ .. ....... Dom Pedro 1 6 Sao Roque ........................ Arautos da Liberdade 54
Brasilia, DF ..... .... ................ Uniao e Resistencia 30 Plano Piloto, DF .... .......... ................... 'I'iradentes 2 Aracruz .......... .. .......... Joao Baptista Celestino 24 Serra .................................... Jardim das Acácias 13
Brasília, DF ....................................... Dom Bosco 33 Samambaia, DF .................. ............. De Sao Joao 36 Baixo Guandú .................... .. ........ Mário Bhering 7 Serra ................... ...... ............ ... Os Inconfidentes 42
Brasilia, DF.. .. .......................... .. Flor de Lotus 38 Santa Maria, DF ......................... Montes de Siao 31 Barra. de Sao Francisco ... Silas Costa Camargo 15 Serra . ...................................... Sentinela da Paz 57
Brazlandia, DF ................................. .Integra,ao 26 Sobradinho, DF .....................Acácia de Brasilia 5 Bom Jesus do Norte .... ..Gilto Lepre dos Reis 84 Serra ................ d •• • Livres Pensadores
• • ••••••• •• • 74
Gama, DF .................................... .... Lauro Sodré 7 Taguatinga, DF ...................... .... .Estrela D' Alva 16 Brejetuba .......... ........ ................. Arca da Alianl'a 99 Serra...... . .................. Aly Edmundo Poletti 86
Guará I, DF ........................................... Mutirao 11 Taguatinga, DF ...... .. .. .... ...... Estrela do Planalto 3 Cachoeiro de ltapemirim ... Mensageiros da Paz 23 Serra ... .. ............. Cidade da.Serra 95
Guará I, DF ............................. Duque de Caxias 13 Taguatinga, DF ............................ Mario Behring 19 Cachoeiro de Itapemirim .Compasso do Criador 75 Serra ........ . ................. . ................ Mestre Alvaro 97
Guará I, DF .................... Juscelino Kubitscheck 15 Vicente Pires, DF .......... ............ .Arca da Alianl'a 34 Cachoeiro de Itapemirim .. .Monastério do Sinai 80 Sooretama .......................Antonio Macedo Filho 32
Guará I, DF ........ .......... ......... Jacques de Molay 17 Cariacica .... ..... ....................... Salomao Ginsburg 3 Vargem Alta ........................... Luz da Montanha 44
Cariacica ................... . ............. "l" •• • ••••• Redentora 20 Venda Nova do Imigrante ........ 19 de Novembro 38
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRANDE LOJA MAf;ÓNICA DO DISTRITO FEDERAL. Cariacica . ....................... Monte das Oliveiras 28 Viana .. .. ...... 15 de Novembro 29
Maintains fraternal relationships with the majority of the Regular Masonic juridictions in the world, Cariacica .. Sebastiao R. de Souza 46 Vila Pavao .................... .. ........... Joao José Spala 83
and with al! the Grand Lodges of Brazil Cariacica ......................................... .. .Tiradentes 65 Vila Valério .. Rei Salomao 64
Cariacica .................. . ............ Luzes da America 71 Vila Velha ............................. Sete de Setembro 2
Cariacica ......... . ....................... .Inspira~áo e Luz 87 Vila Velha ...................... Cavalheiros da Ordem 12
Castelo. ......... .. .... Castelo de Luzes 62 Vila Velha .............................. Cavaleiros da Luz 18
Colatina ............................... Eugenio Meneghelli 10 Vila Velha ................... ...... ........ .... Monte Moriá 22
Colatina .................... ..Belmiro Teix.iera Pimenta 27 Vila Velha .. .. .............................. Republicana 25
Colatina ............ . ................... Vale do Sol Poente 78 Vila Velha .. .. ............. Walmor L. P . Machado 49
Concei,ao da Barra .. .. ..... .. ..... Vale do Cricaré 51 Vil a Ve!ha ..................................Acácia da Barra 61
Concei,ao do Castelo .... ...... Castelo das Acácias 55 Vila Velha ................... Helsio Pinheiro Cordeiro 73
Domingos Martins .... Domingos José Martins 17 Vil a Velha .... .. ............ Filhos de Hiram 77
Fundao .. .Uniao Fraternal de Fundao 39 Vila Velha .. . .. Cidade de Vil a Ve !ha 89
Gua\'UÍ .. .. ....Acácia de Gua,uí 66 Vil a Ve!ha .... .. ................................... Marco Zero 94
Guarapari. .. ...... Retidao e Justil'a 19 Vitória ............ .................... ...... .. .Independencia 1
Ibatiba .. .. ................... Templários do Caparaó 92 Vitória .... Orvalho de Hermon 21
~ii~~: :::::: : : : :::i~~;;~;:;,9ci~d! X'b~~~~~ ~~
Itaguai'Ú .. . ........... Baden Powell 16 1
Iúna .. . ..................... ............... Fénix 52
Jaguaré .......................... .................. Uniao e Paz 69 Vitória.. .. ...... Jacques DeMolay 33
Joao Neiva ........................... Fraternidade e Luz 4 Vitória ................................... Oráculo de Eleusis 36
Linhares ........... ....... ... Fraternidade e Universal 8 Vitória .................................... Estrela do Oriente 37
Linhare~---····· ......... Vigilancia e Progresso 88 Vitória ................ ..... Eriberton S. F. Dos Montes 53
Mantenópolis .......................... Primeiro de Maio 5 Vitória ......................... ......... ............ Monte Sinai 43
Marataízes ............ . ..................... .. Seara da Paz 67 Vitória ........... ... ............ Experiencia e Sabedoria 47
Marechal Floriano . ...... ... Baraquiel Pinto Vitória.. .. ................ Frank Sherman Land 56
de Medeiros 82 Vitória .... ...... .... .. ........................ Luzes da Serra 63
Marilandia ............................ .Vale da Liberdade 45 Vitória ................... ..... ..... Colunas de Jerusalém 70
Montanha ......................... Frater. Montanhense 34 Vitória ...................................... Estrela de David 76
Nova Venécia ............ ...................... Orli Scárdua 60 Vitória ......... ......... .......................... Monte Siao 79
Pancas ................... ....... Daniel Correa Trindade 9 Vitória .......... ....... ...... ........ ...... Cidade de Vitória 85
Pedra Azul ................... Obreiros de Pedra Azul 96 Vitória... .. ....... ... ........... ..... ............ .... Egregora 90
Pedro Canário .. .. .... Defensores da Lei 40 Vitória ...... . ............................... Luz de Camburi 91
Pineiros .... Cidade de Pinheiros 98 Vitória .......... . ........................... James AndersonlOO
Piúma ................ Perseveran~a Integrar;ao e Luz 81 Vitória ............................. Martines de Pasqually102
Ponto Belo ... .. .......... Forl'a e Uniao 58
174 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 175
The works of all jurisdiction Lodges are conducted in Portuguese Language and adopts Scottish Rite.
do Estado de Mato Grosso gladly welcomes and invites recognition from all Regular Grand Lodges with
which Fraternal Relations have not yet been established.
*No corrections have been received since this date.
178 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 179
DO ESTADO DE MATO GROSSO DO SUL Meets regularly tour times a year (in Winter and Summer Solstices and Spring
Meetings-Third Saturday of March, June, September and December and Autumn Equinoxes) and extraordinarily whenever it may be necessary.
Founded November 24, 1962 Lodges, 311 Founded September 25, 1927 Members, 10, 186
Lodges, 62 Members, 2,562
Grand Master Grand Secretary for Foreign Relations LEONEL RICARDO DE ANDRADE RODRIGO OTÁVIO DOS ANJOS, P .M.
Rua Dorothei~ de Oliveira n. 181 Rua Igará n. 76 Grand Master, Grand Secretary for ~oreign Relations
Bairro Oliveira Lima II Bairro Itanhangá Park Rua Engenheiro Hélvio Felice, 440 - Altamira 11 Rua Ernani Agricola, 701 Apt. 104 Bloco 11 · Buritis
Campo Grande - MS Campo Grande - MS 38.411-114- Uberliindia · MG ·BRASIL 30.492-040 - Belo Horizonte · MG · Brasil
CEP 79.091-720 CEP 79.003-246 Telephone: Office: 55-31-3218-1400 Telephone:
Phone: Home: 55 · 67 3385-4253 Phone: Home: 55 · 67 3306-4465 Home: 55-34-3223-6084 Office: 55-31-3218-1402
Office: 55 · 67 8404-9619 Office: 55- 67 8813-4575 Cellular: 55-34-9926-0681 Home: 55-31-3377-3712
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Cellular: 55-31-8899-4786
Cellular: 55-31-9968-1084
Address of the Masonic Temple: FAX: 55-31-3218-1420
Grande Loja Ma~6nica do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul E-mail: [email protected] - [email protected]
Ruado Sucre n . 275
Bairro Frederico Portinho Pache MASONIC TEMPLE:
Campo Grande- Mato Grosso do Sul- Brasil Avenida Brasil, 478 - Santa Efigenia
CEP: 79.051-905 30.140-001 · Belo Horizonte-MG · Brasil
Phone: 55 67 3345-0333 - Fax: 55 67 3342-3337 Telephone: 55-31-3218-1400 · FAX: 55-31-3218-1420
Web Si te: E-mail: [email protected]
E -mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Member ofthe Brazilian Symbolic Freemasonry Confederation (CMSB)
Member ofthe Confederación Masónica Inter-Americana (CMI) Member ofthe Inter·American Masonic Confederation (CM!)
Member ofth~ Brazilian Symbolic Free-Masonry Confederation
Does not permit dual membership
Does not permit multiple (dual or plural) membership
Sidrolandia ..
.... Sacerdotes de Direito 47
___ ___ Ordem, Progresso
e Fratemidade 48
....... GuardiOes da Luz 49
z~~ :.. ::: : ::5~:e~r~~ofa~!~ ~~~
Astolfo Dutra --- --------- --Fraternidade Portuense 263
Belo Horizonte ------- -- ---- ---------Caminhos da Luz
~ ....
Belo Horizonte ...... ........ .. Dignidade e Luta 320 Inhapim ...... .............. .............. Carmo Viggiano 108 Pirapetinga ...........Fidelidade Pirapetinguense 290 Sao Sebastiao do Paraíso ........ Honra, Justi<;a e
Belo Horizonte .... .............. .Antigo Oficio 323 lpatinga .. .. ..... Templários do Vale do A9o 63 Pirapora .. . .............. Deus, Caridade e Justic;,:a 18 Dignidade 291
Belo Horizonte.. .......... .... Tenente Coronel Ipatinga .... ............................... Obreiros da Luz 127 Pirapora ......................Renova<;ao e Fidelidade 133 Serro .............. ...................... Estrela do lvituruy 351
Seba¡;tiao Elias Alves 325 Ipatinga .................... Amor, Verdade e Justi9a 215 Piumhi... ....... Fraternidade Piumhiense 31 Sete Lagoas .............. ... ... .. ........ Uniao Sertaneja 8
Belo Horizonte .. ..................... Etica e Lealdade 330 Ipatinga .... .. ... ..............Silencio e Virtud e 259 Po9o Fundo ... Ciencia e Virtude 168 Se te Lago as ................ ........ Liberdade e Uni a o 140
lpatinga . .. ...Paraíso e Liberdade 328 Po9os de Caldas ............................. Luz e Uniao 29 Teófilo Otoni .... .... ..... .... Templários do Mucuri 42
~~~~ ~~~:~~~~-- -_-. . . ......... ... . . . . . . ú~i~~tr~~:~~ ~g~ Itabira .......
Itabirinha .....
.. .... .. ................ Uniao e Paz
. ..Acacia Itabirense 303
261 Po9os de Caldas ............ Cavaleiros do Planalto 342
Pompéu ............................... Uniao e Justi<;a 94
Tres Pontas .... ............ .Irmao Gerardo Cordovil 258
Tumiritinga .............. Solidários de Tumiritinga 196
Belo Horizonte .........Lux Eternum do Barreiro 339
Itaguara ........ .................. Con~sta Montesina 274
~b~~::.::::::::::::: ::: ~~~~~~!~~~~w.~ :~g
Belo Horizonte.. ....... .Acácias da Verdade 341 Porte1rmha ..... Liberdade, Disciplina e Justi<;a 129
Belo Horizonte .. ........................ .Leóes de Judá
Belo Horizonte ..... Othon Diógenes de Oliveira
350 n:;r;tag; ····~~~~ien~r,:i~~;b'~fh'¿ ~5 Poté ... ........................ ............... Acácia de Poté 237
Prata ... ......... Mário Maurício 93
Belo Oriente ......................... Estrela do Oriente 224 ltuiutaba .... . .............. ..Salim Bittar 102 Recreio ....... ................................Recreio Unido 34 Uberaba .............. Quatro de Junho Uberabense 158
ltuiutaba .. .. .................. .Ideal e Trabalho 130 Recreio ...... .. .. .Tolerancia, Justi9a e Liberdade 157 Uberaba ..... ....................... ...., ...... ... Sete Colinas 201
~:~~~ -_-___·_·_-.-.-.~~-U:lkg, ~~~;~~~~c;a:~ ~ "2:~¿~J! 5~~ lturama.............. .. ....... Vale doRio Grande 71 Resplendor ...................... Acácia de Resplendor 64 Uberaba ....... Capitólio das Aguias Uberabense 284
Boa Esperan~a ... ............. .Aurora 2la Es{leran9a 74 Jaboticatubas .. . .............. ......... Humanitas 300 Sabará .............. Confidentes doRio das Velhas 244 Uberaba ............................ Estrela de Veríssimo 324
Bocaiúva ............ ....... .. ........ Acácia Bocamvense 149 Jaiba........ ... .............. Acácia do Rio Verde 171 Sacramento ........... General Sodré 41 Uberaba ......................... ........... Ricardo Misson 334
Bom Despacho ... Fratemidade Bondespachense 271 Janaúba .......... , .. Uniao do Vale do Gorutuba 115 Santa Bárbara ....... ................. Luz das Estrelas 335 Uberlandia ............ . ............... Uniao e Amizade 7
Boro Sucesso .......... ........... Vigilantes da Colina Januária. ... . ............... ..... Duque de Caxias 33 Santa Luzia ........ Justi_c;,:a eLiberdade Luziense 148 Uberla.ndia .: .............................. .Seis de Junho 27
~~~~:~~:: ......... ::::::~~~-~_l-~fc ácf~ J~aJ~~JfJ~ §~~
de Bom Sucesso 68 0 Santa Luzia .............. ..Vinte e Quatro de Junho 347 Uberliindia .............................. .......... Tiradentes 95
Santa Rita do Sapucaí... .Caridade Sul Mineira 287
m~~~:~~~~ ::::::::.·:.·.·.::.·.·.·:::.:::::::::~~i~i~n~j~~~
Brumadinho ................. .Uniao Brumadinense 312 105
Cae té .............. ........ Independencia e Trabalho 131 Joao Monlevade ... .......... .... Luz do Vale 45 Santa Vitória ............. .......Vale da Alimenta9ao 60
Camanducaía ......... ..... .......... Luz Jaguaryense 299 Joao Monlevade ... ................ Príncipe de Condé 217 Santo António do Monte ...... Monte daS Acácias 161 das Virgens Júnior-Maninho 180
Cambuquira ........ :.Luta, Justi9a e Integridade 172 J ordania . . . .. . . .... U nidos de J ordania 209 Sao Francisco de Sales ............... Cavaleiros da Uberliindia ..................................... Uberliindia 278
Campo Florido ....... ................ For9a e Trabalho 192 Juiz de Fora .. .................. ........ Benso di Cavour 28 Arte Real 326 Uberlandia ......... ................................. Renascer 286
Campos Altos .. .. ............... ...... 13 de Dezembro 118 Juiz de Fora .. Christóvao Rodrigues de Andrade 92 Sao Gotardo ........ Deus, Caminho da Sabedoria 195 Uberlandia ......................... .Cavaleiros de York 301
Sao Joao Del Rei ............... ................... Charitas 2
~~Íla.~~i~ : : A.;_~?~'b~f.'~~~ ~!~
Capmopohs ..... .............................. Paz e Uniao 80 Juiz de Fora ..... .. .... Bolivar Duque 239
Cap1tao Enéas ......Benfeitores da Humanidade 170 Juiz de Fora .. ...Boanerges Barbosa de Castro 311 Sao José do Manhua9u ............ ............ Sao Joao 198
Capitólio ....... .Harmonia e Justi9a de Capitólio 39 Juiz de Fora .... Trül.ngulo Ma96nico Zorobabel 348 Sao José da Safira .......... Cavalheiros de Cristo 234 Varginha ...................... Acácia do Su! de Minas 88
Carangola ... ......... .. . ..... Passos do Mestre 173 Juiz de ·Fora .. . ... .... Triangulo Ma<;ónico Irmao Sao Lourenc;,:o ........ ..... ..............Rui Barbosa 46 Varginha .................. ... ............ Vinte de Agosto 185
Agostinho José Feres 349 Sao Roque de Minas ............. ........... Templários Várzea da Palma .. .............. Templários do
8~~~~nJ;M;,:i~: :.. .: F\i\;'~; f: f~rá;¡~ 3~~ Lagoa Santa ... ...... ................ Unificada e Plena
Leopoldina .... .. ... Paladinos da Liberdade
da Serra da Canastra 265
Sao Sebastiao do Paraíso .............. Apóstolos da Varzelandia.
Rio das Velhas
..... Estrela da Várzea 202
Carmo do Paranaíba .. Luz, Triunfó da Verdade 122
Carmo do Rio Claro ........... Acácia do Sapucahy 329 Luz ................ .. ........ Luz Fraternal 248 Liberdade 51 Vi9osa .................................. Mahatma Shimoya 69
Caxambú .. .. .............. ... ........ ........... Nova Acácia 229 Machacalis . .. .......................... Osvaldo Luz 99
Concei<;ao da Aparecida ...... .......... ..... Fraternos Machado .... ..................Aurora da Mantiqueira 163
Malacacheta .. .... Acácia de Malacacheta 107 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF MINAS GERAIS. The following Grand
de Concei9ao 11 Lodges are not YET in fraternal relations with our Grand Lodge: Austria; ,Belgium-Regular; Denmark;
Conce19ao do Rw Verde . .... Justi<;a e Caridade 16 Manga .... ......................... Cavaleiros do Japuré 124
Manhua<;u ................... Renascimento e Justi9a 179 England; Finland; Iceland; Ireland; Netherlands; New Zealand; Scotland; South Africa and Sweden.
Congonhas ... Cidade dos Profetas 152 In addition to the Grand Lodges listed in this publi~ation, our Grand Lodge maintains fraternal rela-
Conqmsta .............. ... ..... .Estrela Conquistense 75 Mantena .... . ................ Unidos de Mantena 89
Mantena ............................ .Estrela de Sao Joao 150 tions with the following Grand Lodges : Andrés ·Quintana Roo (Mexico) , and Mozambique.
Conselheiro Lafaiete ... .. .......... ..... Fraternidade All Lodges under our jurisdiction conduct their businesses in Portuguese Language ~nd adopt SCOT-
Contagem .. .
Lafaietense 222
. ........ .Obreiros de Sao Joao 20 ~~rodV!Je~~-~~i~~~~-J~:é~~~j~~~d~f~~t~~ §~6 TISH RITE, YORK and SCHROEDER RITES.
Contagem ... . ..... ... Templários do Hibisco 136 Mirabela .................... Templários de Bela Vista 212
Contagem .... .......... .. .. .. .... Acácias de Contagem 228 Miradouro .. Trabalho, Fraternidade e Justi9a I 178
Cora<;ao de Jesus .. . ..... .... Aristides Batista Monsenhor Paulo ...... TemElários das Alterosas 314
da Concei9ao 117 Montalvania .... . ..........Templários do Cochá 72
Corinto... ....... . .... ..Deus, Pátria e Família 154 Monte AzuL.. ...... . . ...... ... Justi9a e Perfei9iio 70
Coromandel.. .. ........ .... ....... Cavalheiros da Paz 87 Monte Carmelo ....................... .Acácia do Monte 58
Coronel Fabriciano .... ......Pioneiros de Timóteo 65 Montes Claros ...................... Lealdade e Justi9a 14
Coronel Fabriciano ........... ...Uniao e Progresso 91 Montes Claros ............... Acácia Montesclarense 55
Cristina ... . .... .Deus e Fraternidade 292 Montes Claros .. .. ............ Filhos de Hiram 101
Curvelo . .. ...... .... Filhos de Salomao 164 Montes Claros ........... .......... Arlindo dos Santos 225
Cm-velo ... ..... ... ... ..... .Fraternidade e Justi9a II 321 Montes Claros .. . ........... Operários de Salomao 268
Divinópolis ............ ................ ..... Mestre Rangel 61 Montes C!aros ................................. .4 de Agosto 269
Dores de Campos ...... ....... Caminhos do Mestre 184 Montes Claros...... .. ....... Delta Sagrado 333
Dores do lnda1á .... . ...... ..Luz, Amor e Vida 44 Montes Claros ....................... ... Sabedoria e Luz 338
Elói Mendes .... .. ..... .... Pontal da Acácias 255 Muriaé .. . ........ Ad Gloriam et Sapientiam 97
Esmeraldas .. ......... Arca da Alian9a 332 Muriaé .. .... ...... ........ ...............Seareiros da Paz 211
Espera Feliz ...... . .. .... ..... Sabedoria e Silencio 280 Mutum ....... Professor Odilon Sabino do Carmo 62
Nova Era ..... ............. Lauro Sodré 36
~~N~IZ~di~~~----·· ·--~-~~~~~- -.·.·-~tnct: ~~~id~
Nova Lima .............. .. ........ ...... Portal do Paraíso 264
Abril lnconifdentes 182 Nova Ponte .......... .. Caminhos da Paz e Virtude 104
Fervedouro.... . ....... ..... Casa do Caminho 302 Nova Serrana ........................ Obreiros da Serra 238
8~;~ É~~-~~~·.·.······.·_-_-¡~~~:tJ!~~~~ ~ Lr~e~J~e:e í ~5~
Francisco Sá ... .. ..Uniá.o e Trabalho 0 1
Brejo das Almas 126
Fronteira ............. ..... .. Alvanir Batista Oliveira 327 Ouro Preto ..................Confidentes de Vila Rica 138
Frutal ... ..... Comendador Gomes da Silva 90 Palma .............Uniao e Fraternidade Palmense 165
Frutal .. ................. ........... .. Verdade e Trabalho 331 Papagaio ..... ... .... .............. Fraternidade e Razao 260
Governador Valadares .. . ... .Lauro Sodré II 50 Pará de Minas.. . ...... Defensores da Ordem 137
Governador Valadares ............ ... Treze de Maio 57 Pará de Minas ....................... Tolerancia e Fé 266
Governador Valadares .. Cavaleiros do Oriente 76 Paracatu ........ .. ...................... Amor e Justi~a 177
Governador Valadares ...... ... Lirios do Vale 86 Paragua\=U ... .......... ..... Cavaleiros da Concordia 297
Governador V aladares .. .. . ... Voluntários Paraopeba .. . ....... ............ Uniao Paraopebense 316
da Perfei9ao 109 Passos ..... ............Deus, Justi9a e Fraternidade 223
Guanhaes .... ........ ...... ........... .... ....Sol Nascente 144 Patos de Minas .... ... .... ......... Esfor<;o e Trabalho 67
Patos de Minas ............. ........... Paz e Harmonia 281
g~~~~¡;é i~at~~;;ici:i.d'~,J;;~it~e~'T~~tatt~ ~~
Patrocínio ... ........ Renova9ao e Progresso 250
Gurinhata .......... .... Professor Paulo dos Santos 176 Paulistas .. .. Esperan<;a e Harmonia 315
Pavao ....... ..Ramo de Acácia 100
~bfá~.::···· ···:::::iViO~~i~j~~~i~! e ~!;d~d~
0 1
¡¿ Pea_anha ............. ..... .......... .......... Joao Pessanha 254
~~rdi1~:: . ···::::kd~·é·fv~íi~~d:Cfo~:aJN~~~~ ~~
Ibirité .... ........ ... . .......... .... Pioneiros de Ibirité 273
Indianópolis ... .. ... Sao Joao da Escócia 221
List of Regular Lodges Masonic 183
A . F. &A. M. Lodges, 46 MM :. AA:. LL:. AA:. Members, 1,696
Founded July 28, 1927 Founded August 24, 1927
Quarterly Meetings in March, June, September and Oecember
Lodges, 68 Quarterly Meetings in March, June, September and December Members, 2,200
Grand Master Grand Secretary For Foreign Relations
E-mail: phdopara Rua Francisco Brandao, n° 133 Av. Fernando Luiz Henrique Santos, 451, Ap. 308
MASONIC TEMPLE: Jardim Queiroz- CEP. 58.704-120 Oceania-Joao Pessoa-PB-Brasil58.037-050
Av. Almirante Tamandaré, 1114 Patos - PB- Brasil Office: (83) 3226-4574
Bairro do Comércio, Belém, Pará, Brazil Office: (83) 3226-4574 Home: (83) 3246-5098
CEP: 66.023-000 Home: (83) 3421-3300 Celular:(83) 8855-0854
Phones: Oxx91-3323-0100, 3323-0101 Celular: (83) 9981-0757 E-mail: [email protected]
FAX: Oxx91-3323-0112 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected]
Rua Severino Massa Spinelli, n° 390-Tambaú
58.039.210--Joao Pessoa- PB -Brasil
LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCAT!ON NAME AND NO. Phone: (83) 3226-4574 FAX: (83) 3226-1654
E-mail: [email protected]
Abaetetuba . ..... ................. Saldanha Marinho 25 Eldorado dos Carajás . . .... Paz e Concórdia 83 Website:
Alenquer... . ..Fraternidade Alenquerense 11 Floresta do Araguaia Tbe Grand Lodge of Parmba is a founding member of the Brazilian Symbolic Free-Masonry Confederation.
Altamira ........................... Estrela da AmazOnia 35 Umao e Justl~a de Floresta 80
Ananindeua .. .......... .............. Nicanor Seixas 57 Itaituba ... ... ..Acácta do TapaJÓS 42
6 Jacundá. ..........Acácia de Jacundá 49
~~~é~~~-~a ········· ·······:::Fi~~~~~·~jiU:~~d~d: ~ Mae do Rio ............................ Luz e Fratemidade 38 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Belém... ..... ......... Cosmopolita 2 Marabá .... Firmeza e Humanidade Marabaense 6
Belém.... .............. ...... ..... Renascen9a 3 Marabá .................. Pioneira da Transamaz6nica 44 Alagoa Grande ......... Presidente Epitácio Pessoa 34 Joao Pessoa .. . .. Rocha Negra 35
Belém . ................ ..... Antonio Baena 4 Monte Alegre ......... .. ... .... For9a do Mirante 59 Areia .................... Professor Leónidas Santiago 16 Joao Pessoa .............................. Delta da Paraíba 39
Belém ...... ........... .... .. ....... Harmonia 8 Novo Repartimento.. . ..... .. .... Obreiros da Paz 71 Bayeux ... . ................. . ...................... .,.... Schallon 6 Joao Pessoa ............................. Cavaleiros do Sol 42
Belém ...... ....... Harmonia e Fraternidade 9 Óbidos ....... ............ For~a e Harmonia 19 Belém ... .. ................ .. .. . ...... Joao Sales de Araújo 36 Joao Pessoa .. Grao Mestre Olegario Lins e Silva 44
Belém . .. .. .. ..Fraternidade Pinheirense 12 Oriximiná. ...... ..... .................... Vitória Régia 33
Oriximiná ....................... Princesa do Trombetas 86 Cabedelo ................. ... .. .............. Gon~alves Ledo 18 Joao Pessoa.. .......... Paz e Harmonia 45
Belém ... ..Apolinário Moreira 21 Cabadelo ............................. .. ..José do Patrocínio 33 Joao Pessoa ................... . .... Últimos Templários 46
Belém.. .......... ............... ................... .. .... Fenix 27 Ourilándia do Norte.. .... For~a e Uniao
Ourilandense 68 Cajazeiras ............ Uniao Ma\!Onica Cajazeirense 20 Joao Pessoa .. ......................................... Fidelitas 47
Belém ........................ Harmonia Padre Eutíc¡uio 29 Campina Grande ...... .Regenera9ao Campinense 2 Lagoa Seca ........................... Segredo e Lealdade 24
*Belém ...... ................................. ... Aboh~ao 30 Pacajá ............ . ..................... Estrela do Pacajá 73
Belém .. ... Constela\!3.0 Mosqueirense 41 Paragominas ...... ... .............. .. Gon'!alves Ledo 34 Campina Grande ............. Acácia da Borborema 41 Mamanguape ......... .Imperador D. Pedro II 27
Belém .................. . ...................... .Independencia 50 Parauapebas ... ...........Lealdade e Justi9a 61 Catolé do Rocha ............. Cantidiano de Andrade 19 Mari. . ................................... Estrela de Ara~á 43
Belém .... .... ....... ... De Campos Ribeiro 51 Reden9ao ........ . ............... ..... .Uniao e Trabalho 64 Concei~ao .. .. ... ..... .................. 5 de J ulho 40 Patos.... ........................... Augusto Simoes 12
Belém .. ....................... Fenix e Fraternidad e 53 Rio Maria ............................ Colunas da Justi~a 63 Cuité .. . ............. Pedro Viana da Costa 21 Paulista ..................................... Nozinho Cosme 29
Belém .. ...........Armando do Amara! Sá 56 Rondon ................... Luz e Caridade Rondonense 36 Esperan~a . ............ Dorgival Costa 4 Piancó .. ..............Antonio Remígio da Silva 9
Belém ...... . ............. Cándido Marinho da Rocha 62 Rurópolis ........ Fraternidade e Luz de Rurópolis 81 Guarabira ....................................... Tiradentes 26 Picuí .. . ............. Pedro Tomaz de Medeiros 7
~:l:::: ::: :
Belém (**). .... .......
·u • ···: 1-;~~f~ ~: :.~t;; ~~
. ............. Os Templários 77
Santa Izabel .. ...................... Unidade Izabelense
Santarém ......... Firmeza e Harmonia Santarena
Sao Domingos do Araguaia ............. Nova Acácia
ltabaiana .. ..................... Duque de Caxias
Itaporanga ....................... Eddeus Feitosa Leite
Joao Pessoa ... ...................... . ...... Branca Dias
Pombal... . .......................... Raimundo Felinto
Rio Tinto .......... .... .......Arthur Lundgreen
Sao Bento ...................... Milton Lúcio da Costa
Belém ..... ..... ............. Santo Graal 82 do Araguaia 43 Joao Pessoa .................. . ...... Potiguar 5 Sao Gon~alo ...................... ...... .Vale do Piranhas 31
Belém .......... .............................. Grao Pará 85 Sao Félix do Xingú ................ .... .Estrela do Xingú 69 Joao Pessoa .................... Regenera\!3.0 do Norte 10 Sao Joao doRio do Peixe ............ Mestre do Vale 23
Breu Branco .... ... . ... Paulo Umbelino Ferreira 70 Serrados CaraJáS ........ ..... Uniao e Fraternidaae Joao Pessoa ... .. ......................... Sete de Setembro 11 Sapé .. ... Barao do Rio Branco 30
Breves ............... Fraternidade e Lavar Brevense 32 de Carajás 58 Joao Pessoa ...................... Presidente Roosevelt 13 Solanea .. .................. José Pessoa da Costa 22
Canaa dos Carajas ........ Estrela do Canaa 78 Soure ............ Firmeza e Fratemidade Sourense 5 Joao Pessoa ........................... Carneiro da Cunha 17 Sousa ......................................... Calixto Nóbrega 15
Capanema .................................. .. ......... Lealdade 20 Tomé A~ú .... . ......... Renascen9a de Tomé A9u 40 Joao Pessoa ............. .Presidente Joao Pesscia II 25 Uiraúna .. .. .......................... Vigilantes do Canaa 38
Castanhal .. ......... Luz e Fraternidade Tucuma .... .......... Estrela de Tucuma 55
Castanhalense 28 Tucurui ........ .... .... . ..... Antonio Al ves Martins 47 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF PARAÍBA. This Grand Lodge wishes to
Castanhal (**).. . ............... Rei Salomao 52 ffiianópolis .. ..... .... Uniao e Vitória 65 maintain fraternal relations with all the Grand Lodges listed in this book's table of contents .
Castanhal (*) ....................... José de Moura Pina 79 U ruará .............. .................... .Estrela do U ruará 60 *No corrections have been received since this date.
Xinguara .... Uniao e Fraternidade Xinguarense 45
g~~~Ifz~~~ ~~!>"~IT;;;¡¡~ ~ F~~~r;;:i~':tJesJb:ff ~¿
The Grande Loja Ma~6nica doPará- Brazil admits the following Rites: Scottish, York(*) and Schroeder (**).
and invites recognition from all regular Grand Lodges with which fraternal relations have not yet been
In Brazil, all the Grand Lodges confederated to the Brazilian Confederation of Symbolic Masonry -
CMSB - are recognized by this Grand Lodge.
*No corrections have been received since this date.
184 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 185
MM.·.AA.·.LL.·.AA .·.
Quarterly Meetings on March, June, September and December Mariluz ..... .............................. Escada de Jacob 43 Primeiro de Maio ..... ........ .. ... ....... Paz e Uniao 73
Lodges, 156 Members, 4,962 Maringá ........ ........ ........................... Paz e Amor 36 Rolií.ndia .............. ...... .......... Alberto Androvicis 79
Maringá. .................................. 9 de Julho 66 Rolándia .............. Uniao Fraternal Rolandense 141
VALDEMAR KRETSCHMER FLAVIO HERMÓGENES GASPAR Maringá ................... ......................... Vera Lux 127 Santa Fé .................. Fraternidade Santafeense 72
Grand Master Grand Secretary for Foreign Relations Maringá .................... Getúlio Pereira Salermo 128 Santa lzabel do Oeste .............................. Uniao
EUCLIDES FELIPE Matelií.ndia .. ........... Esperan~'! Matelandense ll5 Fraternal Cícero Marques 67
Deputy Grand Master Moreira Sales ........... .Geraldo Angelo de Faria 71 Santa lzabel do Oeste ............. Vale das Acácias 163
Nova Esperan~a . .................... ....... .... Capelinha 56 Santo Antonio da Platina ....... Ordem e Justi~a 14
Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 4534 Ortigueira .. ............. Amor e Fraternidade 135 Sao José dos Pinhais ..... Cavaleiros da Arte Real 76
Caixa Postall7.501- CEP 80.250-981 Palmas ................................... .......... Hiro Vieira 38 Sao José dos Pinhais .............. Tradi~o e Antigas
Curitiba, Paraná Palmeira . .................. Defensores da Arte Real 155 Obriga~oes 122
Phone: (41) 3332-1909- Fax: (41) 3332-7124 Paranacity ........................................ Paranacity 85 Sao José dos Pinhais ... Colunas do Afonso Pena 133
E-mail: [email protected] Paranaguá ......... ................ Fraternidade e Paz 89 Sao José dos Pinhais .......... Barao do Serro Azul 136
Web Site: Paranavaí.. .................................... Vale do Ivaí 53 Sao José dos Pinhais ............ Giuseppe Garibaldi 145
The Grande Loja do Paraná is member of the Confedera~ao da Ma~onaria Simbólica do Brasil (C.M.S.B.) and Paranavaí ............................... Luzes do Arenito 150 Sao José dos Pinhais ....................... Francisco de
ofthe Confederación Masónica lnter-Americana (C.M.I.)-Zona V Pato Branco ....................... Benjamin Constant 39 Paula Killian 152
Peabiru .......................................... Rui Barbosa 16 Sao José dos Pinhais ........ Luiz Victorino Ordine 168
Does not allow dual or plural membership in its jurisdiction Pinhais ... ..Obreiros de Pinhais 95 Sao José dos Pinhais ........... Arquitetos da Paz 171
Piraí do Su! ....................... Estrela Piraí do Su! 9 Sao Mateus do Su! ...................Fraternidade Sao
Piraquara ....................... Luz do Conhecimento 143 Mateuense 129
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. Pitanga .................. Colunas do Centro Oeste 101 Sertaneja .......... . .................... XV de Novembro 54
Ponta Grossa .. Fraternidade dos Campos Gerais 91 Toledo ..................................... Estrela do Oeste 24
Almirante Tamandaré ............ Áncora Fraterna 116 Curitiba . . ............ Uniao Curitibana 112 Ponta Grossa ............ Unidade Pontagrossense 106 Ubirata ............................................. .D. Pedro 1 30
Alto Piquiri ................... Obreiros da Liberdade 96 Curitiba .. ................ Joel Pereira Lima 113 Ponta Grossa ............. Cavaleiros da Liberdade 132 Umuarama .................... Estrela de Umuarama 27
Altonia.. . .....................Abraham Lincol:n 49 Curitiba ............... . ...........Antonio Serur 114 Ponta Grossa ............ Templários da Liberdade 137 Umuarama ..................... Martinho Pedrangelo 126
Apucarana .. .... .Moreira Sampaio 8 Curitiba .................... ... .Verdadeira Luz ll7 Porecatu . ..................... Discípulos dos Essénios 12 Uniao da Vitória ....... ............................Acácia 1 42
Arapongas .. . . ...... . ...... Pássaros da Paz 61 Curitiba ......... :........................ Novos Caminhos 118
Araucária .. . ..... ............ Cavaleiros do lgua~u 139 Curitiba ............ ..................... Emiliano Perneta 119 This Grand Lodges does not allow dual or plural memberships in its jurisdiction.
Assis Chateaubriand .......... Estrela do Oeste 11 31 Curitiba .................................... Artifices da Paz 120 The works in the Grande Laja do Paraná are conducted in Portuguese Language and in Scottish Rite.
Astorga ............................. Liberdade e Justi~a 48 Curitiba ................. .. ................................. Delta 124 York Rite and Schroeder Rite are also adopted in the Lodges of the jurisdiction.
Bandeirantes ............... Vinte e Oito de Janeiro 138 Curitiba . ......................... ... ... Engenharia Vital 125 Elections are held on the first week ofDecember, every three years. .
Barbosa Ferraz ..................... Deus, Paz e Amor 40 Curitiba ........................................ Serra do Mar 130 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF PARANA. The Grand Lodge of Paraná
Bituruna ............................. Acácia de Bituruna 98 Curitiba ............................. .. .. .Sol da Liberdade 131 wishes to maintain fraternal relations with all the Grand Lodges listed in this book's table of contents.
Cambará. .......................... Luz do Oriente 11 13 Curitiba .................................... ........... Renascer 134
Cambé .......................... . .................. III Milenio llO
Campina da Lagoa ................... Cícero Marques 65 g~~i:~: .·. ·.·. ·.· ··· · - · ··· 8~r,::~~~ v.~d~J: 144
Campo Largo .. .... Acácia de Campo Largo 90 e Fraternidade 147
Campo Mourao .... .. ................ Luz do Oriente 1 ll Curitiba ......................... Colunas da Harmonía 149
Campo Mourao ... ...................... Oliveira Zanini 45 Curitiba .................. José Nogueira Bernardes 153
Campo Mourao .... Templários da Fraternidade 142 Curitiba........ . ..... Cavaleiros de Sao Joao 156
Carlópolis . .......................... Rocha Negra 20 Curitiba . ............. Mensageiros da Luz 157
Cascavel . ....Acácia do Oeste 1 44 Curitiba ............. ....... ....... . ..... .... Luz Fraterna 158
Cascavel. . ........ ..Acácia do Oeste 11 88 Curitiba .. Liberdade, lgualdade, Fraternidade 159
Cascavel .................... Consciencia e Trabalho I 102 Curitiba ......................... Cavaleiros Templários 160
Cascavel ....... ....... ............... .Cavaleiros de York 105 Curitiba ...................... .Antonio André Jansson 161
Cascavel ................. Construtores da Harmonia 108 Curitiba ................. ... ........................... Evolu~ao 166
Céu Azul .................. Consciencia e Trabalho 11 103 Curitiba ............... Templários da Fraternidade
Cianorte ............................. Acácia Cianortense 151 . de Curitiba 167
Colombo ........ . ................ Caminhos do Peabirú 164 Curitiba ........................ .... Sanctum Sanctorum 169
Colorado .... . ............................ Duque de Caxias 50 Curitiba ...................... Pedro Mortensen Netto 170
Cornélio Procópio ............. Cavaleiros de Malta 7 Dois Vizinhos .. .................. Sao Joao Batista 84
Cornélio Procópio ................. Cavaleiros da Luz 60 Dois Vizinhos .... ............ .... .. Adolfo Bley 154
Cornélio Procópio . ........ Sao Joao de Jerusalém 99 Engenheiro Beltrao ........... Marechal Deodoro 47
Curitiba .................. .Fraternidade Paranaense 5 Faxinal.. . ............................ JUII de Maio 59
Curitiba ........................................ Dario Vellozo 6 Fazenda Rio Grande .........Fazenda Rio Grande 165
Curitiba.. .......... .............. Tiradentes 18 Foz do lgua~u ......... Uniao das Tres Fronteiras 46
Curitiba ..........................Apóstolo da Caridade 21 Foz do lgua~u.. ....... Filhos de Hiran 55
Curitiba .................... Uniao Justi~a e Verdade 28 Foz do lgua~u .. .................. Colunas do ltaipu 148
Curitiba .. ..... ........... Luz lnvisível 33 Francisco Beltrao ........... Tríplice Fraternidade 37
Curitiba .............................. Ordem e Progresso 58 Francisco Beltrao ... ........... Santuário de Hiran 93
Curitiba ......................... Majar Cícero Marques 64 Goioeré .................................. Acácia de Goioere 29
Curitiba . ................................... Luz de Curitiba 68 Guaíra ......................................... .Dario Vellozo 51
Curitiba ....................... Fraternidade Universal 70 Guarania~u ....................... Orvalho de Hermom 146
Curitiba .................... . .................. Rocha Pombo 78 Guarapuava .......... Acácia do Terceiro Planalto 75
Curitiba .......... . .......................... Monte Moriah 80 lbipora .... ............... Eleutério Cunha 57
Curitiba ............................... ............. Liberdade 81 lbipora ........... ...... Jamil Sacca 140
Curitiba .............................. Novos Templários 83 Ivaipora . ................................... Fénix 32
Curitiba . ........... Nova Alian~a 86 Joaquim Távora. . ....... Culto á Verdade 10
Curitiba... . .... 19 de Novembro 87 Lapa.. . ...... Luzes de Siao 77
Curitiba..... . ....... Rugo Simas 92 Londrina ............................... Cavaleiros da Paz 25
Curitiba. . ............................ Luz da Verdade 94 Londrina ................................. Caminho da Luz 63
Curitiba .............................Justi~a e Liberdade 97 Londrina ................. Fraternidade Londrinense 69
Curitiba .. . . ... Tabernáculo da Arte Real 100 Londrina.. . ......Acácia Londrinense 121
Curitiba ........................ Defensores da Verdade 104 Londrina ................................ Trabalho e U ni a o 123
Curitiba .......................... Acácia da Liberdade 107 Londrina. ......... .Vale do ~bagi 162
Curitiba ........................................ Profeta Elias 109 Mambore .. . ........................................ Aries 82
Curitiba .................... Trajano Ferreira Martins 111 Marechal Cií.ndido Rondan .. Quintino Bocaiúva 35
186 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 187
MM:. AA:. LL:. AA:. A. F. &A. M.
Quarterly meetings on March 21, June 22, September 22, December 22 Lodges, 44 Founded November 13, 1948
Rua Simplício Mendes, 797/N Members, 1,346
Lodges, 45 Founded October 6, 1932 Members, 1 ,139 64.000-110 Teresina - Piauí- Brasil
Grand Master Grand Secretary of Foreign Relations Grand Secretary Foreign Relations
Av. Presidente Kenedy, 8001, Quadra P, Lote 13
Condomínio Aldebaran Rua Deputado Joao Carvalho, 714
MASONIC TEMPLE Bairro Socapo Bairro Santa Isabel
Rua Avenca, 48, Jardim Fragoso- Olinda- PE- Brasil Teresina - Piauí - Brasil Teresina - Piauí - Brasil
Zip Code 53.250-480 CEP 64.063-110 CEP 64.053-130
Phone!FAX: 55 81 3439.425113011-3221
Does not permit dual membership within the State
E-mail: [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] Member of the "Confedera\=clO da Ma\=onaria Simbólica do Brasil"
Member of the "Confederación Masonica Inter-Americana"- Zona V
The Grande Laja de Pernambuco i.s a member of the ·c anfedera\!ao da Mas:onaria Simbólica do Brasil
(CMSB) and the Confedera¡:ao Ma¡:onica Inter-Americana (CM!) - Zone V LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Água Branca .... Mestre Joaquim Gomes Calado 31
Amaran te ................. ... . .......Acácia Amarantina 5 Teresina ............ . .......... .. Pátria e Liberdade 2
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. Teresina ...... . ............................. ... Abdias Neves 4
Campo Maior .......... .. .. ............. ... .. Costa Araújo 3
Campo Maior .................. Mestre Araújo Chaves 12 Teresina ................ Mestre Júlio Mendes Vieira 8
Afogados da Ingazeira ............. Acácia do Sertao 57 Gameleira .............................. Guardióes da Luz 64 Teresina ....... Fraternidade Vale do Parnaiba 15
Recife ........... .. .. . .......... .. ... Cavaleiros do Oriente 4 Garanhuns .. .. .............. Bandeirantes da Ordem 37 Corren te ............... . ................. . ....... Monte Siao 23
Elesbao Veloso ..... . .. .. ............. ..... .. .. Liberdade e Teresina ................................... Verdade e Justic;a 16
Recife ..... .. ......................................... Liberdade 7 Goiana ...................... Hospitaleiros de Goyanna 36 Teresina .......... ...... ......................... Guatimozin 19
Recife .................................. Luzes do Capibaribe 8 Ipubi ........ Liberdade e Fraternidade Ipubiense 62 Progresso Elesbonense 30 Teresina .............................. Prof. Joao Menezes 20
Recife ............................... . ..... U nia o e Trabalho 12 Olinda ............ .. .......... .... ..... Vale do Hermom 3 Floriano ...... Fraternidade e Justic;a Florianense 6
Fronteiras ....... ..... . .... .Francisco Tomé da Frota 24 Teresina .................................. ... .Independencia 25
Recife ... ......... .. ........... Pan Americana 13 Olinda ...... .......... .Arquitetos da Fraternidade 9 Teresina ...................... ........... Monges do Tibete 27
Recife ... ............. Obreiros da Verdade 15 Olinda .... . ................................... Uniao Fraterna 16 Gilbués ...................... ..... ............. Uniao e Justi¡:a 21
Guadal upe ..... Mestre Antonio de Castro Franco 18 Teresina .. .... ................... Arte Real do 3' Milenio 32
Recife.. .. .......... . ....... ..... Realidade 21 21 Olinda . ............... ... ..................... ............... Acrux 20 Oeiras .............. ...... .Caridade e Justi\=a Oeirense 11 Teresina ..... ..... . .Professor José Eduardo Pereira 34
Recife ........... .......... ... ........... Leao do Norte 34 Olinda ...... . ................... .. .... Sao Joao da Escócia 29 Parnafba ..................... Mestre Francisco Correia 7 Teresina ... ....................... Cavaleiros Templários 35
Recife .. ........................... Rei Salomao 40 Olinda ............... .... ............. Mensageiros da Paz 54 Teresina ............................... Heróis do Jenipapo 36
Recife ..... . ...... .Irmao Antonio Cavalcante Mota 49 Olinda ........ Ir. Antonio Bernardo da Silva Filho 55 Parnaíba ........... .................... .. .. ....... Sol Nascente 37
Pedro II ... ......... ... ......... Fraternidade de Pedro li 9 Teresina .. ....... .... .......... ... Guardióes da Araca da
Recife ....... ...•. ............ .Renovar;ao Paulo Lustosa 50 Olinda ........ ............ Marechal Duque de Caxias 70 Alian¡:a "Mestre Adelmar Mendes de Moura 38
Recife .... ........ :...... .Irmao Hélio da Silva Galvao 52 Ouricuri .. ................. ..Deus e Fraternidade 58 Picos .............................. .. ............... Frei Caneca 14
Picos ........................... .. .Hermano Costa Araújo 39 Teresina ........ . ....... ... ......... Cavaleiros de Malta
Recife ..................... ... ........ ... ...... ......... Concórdia 77 Palmares... ........ .... Fraternidade Palmarense 1 "Joao Gomes de Matos" 40
Araripina ......................... ... Evolu¡:ao e Trabalho 68 Parnamirim. .. . .. ...... Obreiros de Parnamirim 66 Piripiri ........... ....... . ....................... Luz e Justi\=a 10
Piracuruca ....... . ................... .For\=a e Sabedoria 26 Teresina ............................... ..Astro Rey "Mestre
Belém do Sao Francisco ............ Segredo e Uniao 51 Pesqueira....... ....... Luz do Ororubá 67 Luiz Adalto de Aragao" 41
Bodocó ................ .. ............ :.... Acácia do Clarana 60 Petrolá.ndia .. .... Sertao do Sao Francisco 65 Sao Joao do Piauí .. ... .... .... Sao Joao Batista 17
Sao Juliiio ................... .. ..... Cesário Ribeiro Leal 33 Teresina .. ............ Mestre Hermes Dias Pinheiro 42
Buíque .......................... Guardioes da Arte Real 27 Petrolina . ............ ..... Harmonia e Fratemidade 42 Teresina .......... Mestre Djalma Correia da Silva 43
Caruaru ............... Cavaleiros das Sete Virtudes 17 Salgueiro .............. Legionários da Fratemidade 35 Sao Pedro do Piauí .......................... Comendador
· Attila de Mello Cheriff 13 Teresina ...................... Mestre AntOnio Viana de
Caruaru ............... .. ........ Cavaleiros Illuminados Santa Curz ...... ....... Cavaleiros da Igualdade 78 Sousa Oliveira 44
da Fraternidade 53 Serra Talhada. ........... .Uniao do Pajeú 44 Simplicio Mendes ........ Mestre José Coelho Reis 29
Teresina .. ..... .Mestre Higino Cunha 1 Uni a o .......................... ......... Barao de Gurguéia 22
Caruaru .. .......... .......... Terra Prometida 63 Triunfo ........... . ....................... Uniao Triunfense 33 Valen\=a do Piauf ......... Cavalheiros Valencianos 28
Exú .. ...Irmao Luiz Gonzaga 59
The works in all Lodges are conducted in Portugnese and adopt the Scottish Rite; York Rite and Schroeder
All the Lodges in the jurisdiction work in Portuguese Language and in Scottish Rite, N ame Rite and fu~ •
Emulation Rite. RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF PIAUI. Our Grand Lodge is recognized by
Africa l. U.S.A. 42; México 14; Canadá 1; Central America 7; Brazil 26; South America 10; Europe 5; Asia 3;
tains fraternal relations with Grand Lodges listed in this table: ASlA: J a pan; AUSTRALIA: Queensland,
Western Australia, Tasmania; BRAZIL: All Grand Lodges recognized by Confedera¡:ao da Ma¡:onaria Sim- The following Grand Lodges appearing in this book are not (yet) recognized: British Columbia; Canadá, in
bólica do Brasil (CMSB) and the Grande Oriente do Brasil ( GOB); NORTH AMERICA: All Grand Lodges, the Province of Ontario; England; France, National Grand Lodge; Greece; Iceland; Ireland; Manitoba; New
except yet Arkansas, Hawaii, Maryland and North Carolina; CANADÁ' All Grand Lodges, except Prince South Wales; New Zealand; Nozway; Queensland; Australia; Scotland; Sweden; Victória; Westem Australia;
Edward lsland; EUROPE: Bulgaria, Greece (Grand Lodge), ltaly (Grand Orient), Hungary, Luxemburg, Mississippi; Maine; New York; North Dakota; Tennessee; South Africa; Alberta; Denmark; Finland; Germany;
India; Israel; Luxembourg; New Brunswick; Netherlands; Nova Scotia; Philippine lslands; Prince Edward
Poland, Romanía, Spain (Grand Lodge), Switzerland, Yugoslavia; MÉXICO: All Grand Lodges, except York Island; Quebec; Rhode Island; Tasmania; Washington and York México.
Lodge. *No corrections have been received since this date.
The Grand Lodge of Pernambuco does not recognized and does not maintain fraternal relations with
all the Grande Oriente Independente.
The Grand Lodge of Pernambuco welcomes gladly and invites recognition from all regular and recog·
nized Grand Lodges with which fraternal relations have not yet been established.
Masonic 189
188 List of Regular Lodges
2015 RIO DE JANEIRO (BRASIL)- Continued
Founded June 22, 1927
Rio de Janeiro ......... ..... José N unes dos Santos 174 Rio de Janeiro .... .. ........... .Sanches Braga Filho 151
Lodges, 196 Quarterly m eetings in March, June, September and December Members, 5,765 Rio de Janeiro.... .. ...... .. José Rocha Neto 133 Rio de Janeiro ....................... Sete de Setembro 40
Rio de Janeiro ............ .. .......José Rocha Neto 11 140 Rio de Janeiro ........ .. ....... Seta de Setembro 24 74
WALDEMAR ZVEITER JOSÉ CARLOS DE SEIXAS Rio de Janeíro ........ Juscelino K. de Oliveira 105 Rio de J aneiro ... .. .. Septem Frateris 95
Grand Master Grand Secretary of Foreign Relations
E-mail: gsre@glmerj Rio de Janeiro ................. Lazaro Zamenhof 37 80 Rio de Janeiro ............ .. ................ .. .... Silence 1 65
Rio de Janeiro ...... .. .. .............. .. .. .. .Lealdade 48 86 Rio de Janeiro .... .. ............. Stanislas de Guaita 165
Rua Professor Gabizo, 129 - Tijuca Rio de Janeiro ...................... .. ...... Liberdade 47 59 Rio de J aneiro. .. ...... Theodor Herzl 34 77
Rio de Janeiro- Brasil - 20.271-063 Rio de Janeiro ...................... Luiz de Cam5es 3 67 Rio de Janeiro . .. ................ .. ......... Tiradentes 38
~f~ ~: ~:~:t~~ ~- ~~::::~~:~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~edep~~~ ¡~g
Phone: 55 21 2567 1157 Fa,x: 55 21 2567 1157, ext. 202 Rio de Janeiro .. .. Luiz Gonzaga do Nascimento 203
Home·page: Rio de Janeiro ...... .. ...... Luz da Restaura~ao 29 75
Member of the Confedera~ao da Ma~onaria Simbólica do Brasil - CMSB Rio de Janeiro .. . ....... .... Luz e Harmonía 161 Rio de Janeiro ................... Uniao e Progresso 41
Plural membership with recognized and regular Jurisdiction is permitted. Rio de Janeiro ...... .... ...... .Loja de Estudos Ma~ . Rio de Janeiro ...... .... ................ .. ............ Urias 2 66
NAME AND NO. Luz e Saber 187 Rio de Janeiro .... .... .Veturio Gomes dos Santos 132
NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON Rio de Janeiro... . ......... .. .Luz e Verdade 97 Rio de Janeiro ................ .. .Vigilantes da Lei 30 76
LOCATION Rio de Janeiro ...................... Mahatma Gandhi 90 Rio de Janeiro ................................ .Vital Brazil 169
Nova lgua~ú .. ...Padre Cícero Romiio Batista 155 Rio de Janeiro ....................... Mário Behring 25 60 Rio de Janeiro .. ..... Wandir Lourenc;o Mauricio 177
Angra dos Reis ............. .Almirante Tamandaré 152 Nova Iguayú ..... .. ... Domingos da Silya Rio de Janeiro .... .......... ..... Martin Luther King 63 Rio das Ostras .... .... ............ ..... Paz e Harmonía 157
Aperibé .... ..Fraternidade Aperibeense 126 Cunha Segunda 197 Rio de Janeiro ................... Mensageiros da Luz 46 Rio das Ostras ................ .. Fraternidade de Rio
Araruama ... .. .......... .. .. J ami! Kauss 24 Paracambí...... ...... .. ..... .. ...... .. Nefertiti 91 Rio de Janeiro .......................... Mestre Perfeito 102 das Ostras 164
Areal .......... .......... .. ..Vale do Piabanha 118 Paracambí..... .. ...... ...... .. ..............Vale do Nilo 23 Rio de Janeiro.. ... .... Monteiro Lobato do Santa Maria Madalena ...................... Madalena 16
~~~: ~a~::í : :r-1~~~ r.f~olho ~~ fló~~~ r~~
Paraíba do Su!...... .. .....Vale do Paraíba 108 Rio de J aneiro 172 Sto. Ant. de Pádua .. .... Fratemidade Paduense 11
::: Paraty................ ..... .. .... ........ Uniao e Beleza 88 Rio de J aneiro .... ....... Mozart 62 Sao Gon~alo .... .... .... .. .... Evolu~ao de Alcantara 163
Boro Jesus do Itabapoana .. ... ... Moreira Paty do Alferes ...... .Fraternidade Patyense 104 Rio de J aneiro .. . ... Mozart 35 78 Siio Gon9alo . .. ...... .. Evolu~iio Gon~alense 50
Guimariies Terceira 9 Paty do Alferes .... ........ .. ..... Don Pedro 11 184 Rio de J aneiro .. Nelson Mandela 206 Sao Joao de Meriti ...... Fraternidade Universal 52
Cabo Frio . ..Amizade Fraternal Segunda 12 Paulo de Frontin .................................Menphis 111 Rio de J aneiro .. Nova Esperan-;a de Sao Joao de Meriti ................. Terceiro Milenio
Cambuci ......................... .. ..... ..Nova Cruzada 6 Petrópolis .. .. .. . .. .. Cavaleiros de Sao Jorge 185 Campo Grande 64 de Sao Joao 125
Campos dos Goitacazes .. . ..José do Patrocínio 48 Petrópolis ...... .. ........ .. .. .... ............... D. Pedro 1 53 Rio de Janeiro .... ...... .............. .Obreiros da Luz 44 Sao Joao de Meriti ...................... Wilton Cunha 144
Campos dos Goytacazes .... .. .. .. Libertas Quae Piabetá ... .. ... Emancipa~ao de Piabetá 27 Rio de Janeiro ...... .... ................ Obreiros da Paz 115 Sao Pedro D'Aldeia ......Alvorada de Sao Pedro
Sera Tamen 178 Pureza.. ...Salvador Silva Abreu 114 Rio de Janeiro ........................ Oswaldo Aranha 110 D'Aldeia 33
Campos dos Goytacazes .. ...Bispo Azeredo Quissama .. . ............... COnego Januário 119 Rio de Janeiro ........... Participa~ao e Liberdade 57 Sao Pedro D'Aldeia ................ Loja de Estudos e
Coutinno 186 Resende ....... ....... .. .. .. Uniao e Frateruidade 107 Rio de Janeiro....... .. ... Patria Amada 198 Pesquisas Ma-;Onicas Monte de Siao 138
Carmo........ ........... .... ..Fraternidade do Carmo 37 Rio Bonito.. .. . ...... ... .. . ... Guanabara 4 Rio de Janeiro ...... ........ ........... Perfeita Uniao 8 70 Sapucaia .... .......... .... .. .... .......... ... 7 de Dezembro 34
Casimiro de Abreu ........... ..Casimiro de Abreu 32 Río de J aneiro .... .. .... Academia Perseveranr;a Rio de Janeiro .. .. .. .. .Perseveran-;a e Harmonía 183 Saquarema ... :... Nova Horizonte de Saquarema 30
Com Levy Gasparian .... .. .. .. Fé, ~c~'ri~~J! 175 e Harmonía 204 Rio de Janeiro ..... .... .Philantropia e Ordem 13 71 Saquarema ........................ Cavaleiros de York 158
Rio de Janeiro .... .A~ao e Justi~a Templária 45 85 Rio de J aneiro ..... . ........................ .. ..... Phoenix 96 Seropédica ............................ Uniao e Sabedoria 137
Com Levy Gasparian. ... .. ... Wilson de Souza 179 Rio de J aneiro .............. .. ...................Adonai 20 72 Rio de Janeiro ............................. Portal da Luz 116 Silva Jardim ................ ... ............. Silva Jardim 45
Rio de J aneiro.. .. .. .. .. .. ........ ....... Alegrete 156 Rio de Janeiro ...... ........ .Progresso e Ordem 3~ 58 Tanguá ...... ............ .... Antóuio Rodrigues Vieira 136
Duque de Caxias ........ ........ ... Duque de Caxias 18 Rio de Janeiro .. ...... .. ......Allan Kardec 101 Rio de Janeiro . .... ..... .....Progresso e Ordem 1 79 Teresópolis .. ..... .. ... .... Teresópolis Primeira 21
Duque de Caxias ... ... ... .... ..... Washington Luiz 25 Rio de Janeiro ..... ... AntOnio Monteiro Martins 139 Rio de Janeiro ..... .... ............. Quatuor Coronati Tres Rios ................ .. ................. Loja de Estudos
Duque de Caxias ........ Cavaleiros de Sao Jorge 185 Rio de Janeiro... . .......Arautos da Nova Era 176 doRio de Janeiro 145 Ma~ónicos Sebastiao-de Castro 150
Duque de Caxias ... Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes 189 Rio de Janeiro . .. .... .. ....Baden Powell Sétima 35 Rio de Janeiro .......................... Rei Salomao 41 83 Tres Rios ............ .... .. .. ...... .... ...... .. 25 de Mar~o 14
Guapimirim......... .. ..................... Dedo de Deus 113 Rio de Janeiro... .. ........ Barra da Tijuca 173 Rio de Janeiro. .. .. Rei Salomiio 41• 36 Valen9a.. .. ................................. Nelson Fort 149
!guaba Grande .. ..Fraternidade lguabense 134 Rio de Janeiro . .. .... Caminho da Luz 129 Rio de Janeíro ..... .................. ...... .. Ressurrei-;ao 54 Vale n~a .... .. .. ... .... .................. .... Perfeita Uniao 13
ltaboraí ... ...... . .. .. Concórdia Segunda 10 Rio de Janeiro..... .. ............ Comendador Afif Rio de J aneiro .................................. Reuniao 39 82 Volta Redonda............ ..Esfinge 22
!tagua!..... .. .... Arthur Thompson 196 135
Itaperuna .
Magé ........
............ José Soares Coutinho
..Cavaleiros de Sao Patricio
Rio de Janeiro ............ Comenda~~r§:J,!':J: 205 de Azsis
Rio de Janeiro .... .. ... Roma 23 73
Magé ... . .. .... Fraternidade Mageense 3 The works are performed in the Portuguese in the following Rites:
Rio de J aneiro .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. .. ....... Constancia 40 56 York Rite: 5, 51, 92, 99, 137, 140, 145, 150, 155, 158, 162, 163, 185, 192, 193, and 196.
Magé...... .. ...... .. ... Marques de Pombal 20 Rio de Janeiro ..... ..D'Artaguan Dias Filho 148
Macaé .. .. .. . .. .................. Gon~alves Ledo 49 Rio de Janeiro ........ ... .. ... De Molay 38 81
Emulation Rite: 173, 183, and 204.
Macaé ..... . ..... .. Perseveranya Segunda 8 Rio de Janeiro.. .. .. . . ................ .. ... Emanuel 166 Schroeder Rita: 103, 130, 148, 149, 159 and 181.
Maricá .. ....... .. ...................... Architekton 124 Rectified Scottish Rite: 190
Rio de Janeiro .. .. ...Estrela do Norte 7 69 Brazilian Rite: 201
Maricá.... ....... .. .. ..... .. ....... Enoch 195 Rio de Janeiro ... ........ ..... .. ....... 8 de Maio 87
Mesquita .... .. ........ .. .... .. ....... Amor e Uniao 98 Rio de Janeiro ...... .. ... Filhos da Luz 168 Al! other Lodges work under Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. .
Mesquita .... .. .. . ..Domingos da Silva Cunha 167 Rio de Janeiro..... .. ........ Flauta Mágica RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF RIO D.E JANEIRO. Grand Lodge ofRio de
Mesquita.. . . .. .................. Uuiao e Caridade 199 do Rio de J aneiro 170 .Jaoeiro State maintains fraternal relationship will al! Grand Lodges confederated to the Brazilian Confedera-
Mesquita .................Via Jores da Luz e da Paz 202 Rio de Janeiro ....... ........ ...... Floriano Peixoto 39 tion of Symbolic Masonry-CMSB, as well as with the Grande Oriente do Brasil-GOB.
Miguel Pereira .. ............ ...Deus e Humanidade 26 Rio de Janeiro .... ............... .......... Forya e Uniao 141 Grand Lodge of Rio de Janeiro State maintains fraternal relationship with most of the High Bodies
Nilópolis .. ... . .. Fraternidade Fluminense 29 Rio de Janeiro ..... .... Francisco Cá.ndido Xavier 153 included in this publication, and warmly welcomes the start of fraternal relations with all regular Grand
Nilópolis .... .. ............. Padre Almeida Martins 188 Rio de Janeiro ..... .. ..... Fratellanza Paolana 159 Lodges where this condition has not yet been established.
N iterói..... . .... Alexandre Brasil de Araujo 191 Rio de Janeiro.. .. ....................... Fraternidade 100
Niterói ... .. ........................ Benjamín Sodré 143 Rio de Janeiro .......... Fraternidade e Progresso 42
Niterói. .... Claudia Maria Diz Zveiter 147 Rio de Janeiro ........ Fratemidade de Realengo 112
N iterói ....... ... . . ...Evoluyao 2 Rio de Janeiro .. .... .. Fraternidade e Silencio 43 84
Niterói .... . . . ..... Heitor Campos Montenegro 131 Rio de Janeiro .. ... .. ...... Fraternidade Joao
Niterói ............ . ............. .. ...... Hiram 7 Gon~alves Figueiredo 160
Niterói...... .. ... Independencia 19 Río de Janeiro.... .. .. Frei Caneca 180
Niterói .......... ..... ...... ..... .. .José Navega Cretton 28 Rio de Janeiro . .. .. .. ..... Genesis 1 162
Niterói .... Liberdade lgualdade e Fraternidade 5 Rio de Janeiro ........... ........ ........ Getulio Vargas 194
Niterói... .. ... Monte Hermon 51 Rio de Janeiro ... .Gilberto Gandido dos Santos 55
Niterói .... . . . ..... Moysés Zveiter 94 Rio de Janeiro .. GuardiOes da Luz e da Justir;a 192
Niterói...... .. .. ... ...Pedro Marques 201 Río de Janeíro ..... .. .. . .. ... ..Horus 123
N iterói.... .. .... ..... Solidariedade Universal 103 Rio de Janeiro .. .. .Ideal , Uniao e Justiya 128
Niterói ...... .. .............. Vigilancia 1 Rio de J aneiro ......... .. .. .. .. .............. ... .lgualdade 93
Niterói...... ......... . ...Vitória de Maricá 92 Rio de J aneiro .............. .. ... .lgualdade Segunda 122
Nova Friburgo ........... .......... Jacques de Molay 47 Rio de Janeiro ... .lmparcialidade e Caridade 4 68
Nova lgua~ú.... .. ... Dr. Albert Bruce Sabin 181 Rio de Janeíro ..................... .Isabel Domingues 109
Nova lgua~u . ....... .. ...... Akhenaton 89 Rio de Janeiro ... José Gomes de Mattos Coelho 130
Nova Igua9u ...... .. ........ Amenofis IV 106 Rio de Janeiro. ...José Guimariies Gonyalves 120
Nova lgua~u .... ..Cruzeiro do Su! 31
List of Regular Lodges Masonic 191
A. F. &A. M.
Founded June 23, 1974 Founded January 8, 1928
Quarterly meetings on third Saturday of Members , 710 Lodges,215 Annual Meeting in July Members, 7,543
March, June, September and December
Grand Master Grand Secretary of Foreign Relations
Grand Master Grand Secretary Masonic Temple
Caixa Postal610 P.O. Box 610 Av. Praia de Belas, 560
Natal - RN- Brasil 59025-971-Natal- Rio Grande do Norte-Brasil 90.110-000 - Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Su!, Brasil
59025-971 Phone 084-3231-8510 FAX 084-3231-8510 Phones: 00-55-51-3211.0088 Fax: 00-55-51-3211.1045
Membro da Confedera~ao da Ma~onaria Simbólica do Brasil (CMSB) End. Correspondéncia:
Membro da Confederación Masónica Inter-Americana (CMI) V Zona Av. Aureliano de Figueiredo Pinto, 5
Permits Dual Member ship n° 455 - CEP 90050 -191 - Porto Alege
LOCAT!ON NAME AND NO. Member ofConfedera~ao da Ma~onaria Simbólica do Brasil (CMSB)
Natal... ........ ........... Estrela dos Magos 2 Confederación Masónica Interamericana (CM!), ZONA V
A~u .......... . ... Joao Batista Bezerra 15 Natal... ......... ... ............ ...Irmaos Fraternos 11
Alexandria ............ ...Manoel de Sousa 8 Natal...... .. .... ....... ...... Regenera~ao Natalense 12
Caicó .... ......... ........ Regenera~ao do Seridó 1 Natal. ... .......... ... ............... Sete de Setembro 22 LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCAT!ON NAME AND NO.
Caraúbas. .....Dr. Antonio Gentil Fernandes 4 Natal. ..... ....Tranquilidade Potiguar 17
~;rr;~",;::::.:::·:::::::::::: :.::::·:::::::r;.;~·J.~:tr':!J~ 1¡~
Flor8nia ... ......... ...............Flores de Acácia 28 Natal............ ............ .. Cavaleiros de York 31 General Ciimara .......... Delta da Fraternidade 209
Jucurutu. ..... Mizael Teot6nio Pereira 23 Parnamirim. ..... ....... ... . . ..... Parnamirim 9 Gramado ........................... Estrela de Gramado 126
Macaíba .. .... . ........... Leal Indepenencia 30 Pau dos Ferros ... Francisco Sales do Nascimento 13
AntOnio Prado .... . .......... .... .......... Paese Nuovo 107 Gravataí ............................ .Cidade de Gravatai 143
Martins ... .
Mossoró ..
........ Uniao e Silencio
..... Jacques De Molay
21 Sao Gom~alo ......... Luiz Gonzaga do Nascimento 32
Sao Joao do Sabugi .. ...............Manoel Abigail 24
Arrio dos Ratos ................ .. ............. Ouro Negro
Arroio do Sal... ............ ..... Estrela do Litoral
155 YI~~~l~~ . · ····· ·.·. ·--~~~;~~l~';;~~c!~~ igt
Mossoró ... ...... Uniao Mossoroense 7 Bagé ................................ . ................. ,...... Sigilo 14 Guaiba ........... .............. .......... .. Pedras Brancas 250
Sao José de Mipibu .. ......... Sao José 14
~\~¡ :::::: : :::::: :·· :: ::::H:~;;;~~i~ ~a.g~:~~ 2~I
... Augusto Simoes 26 Bagé ... Estrela dos Magos 41
Natal.... Sao Paulo do Potengi ... ..... Acácia do Potengi 10 Bagé ....... .. ......... ..... ....... Adonai 58
..... Cavaleiros DeMolay
....... Cidade do Sol
The works in al! jurisdictioned Lodges are conducted üi Portuguese Language and in Scottish Rite.
Bagé ..................... .. Cavalheiros da Liberdade
Bagé . ............. . ................. Rainha da Fronteira
Bagé . ...... . .. .. ............. .Construtores do Templo
Pr::hé::: · ···:: ::~~~~~~-d_e¿J~~~eJ~itg~
Itaqui ................... . ................ Rincao da Cruz 113
The Grand Lodge of Rio Grande do Norte welcomes gladly and invites r ecognition from al! regular Graod Barra do Ribe1ro ........ ........... Delgado Armando J aguarao ................................... General Osorio 140
Antonio Rodrigues deOliveira 188 Lagoa Vermelha ...... Obreiros da Fraternidade 139
Lodges with which fraternal relations have not yet been established. Bento Gon~alves ............. ..... .Vale dos Vinhedos 221 La¡eado .... .. .................... Acácia Negra 68
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE. In addition Cacequi.. ....... ...... ............. ...... ..... Paulo de Tarso 36 Marau ........ .. ... ..... .... Fraternidade Marauense 219
to the Grand Lodges included in this publication, this Grand Lodge maintains Fraternal Relations with the
~~~;;~Jf: .... ."......·._- ·· . .".".".".".".C.i~~:n~M\ G~;¡~afd1 ~~~
Cachoeira do Su! ..... . ................ Vale do Jacuí 75 0 1
following: Mexico: La Oriental Peninsular, Guadalupe Victoria, Hidalgo, Oaxaca. Cachoeira do Su! .. ... ............. ... ........ Emmanuel 98
*No corrections have been received since this date. Cachoeira do Su! .. ....... ... ..... Princesa do Jacuí 115 Nova Hamburgo ... . ......... Cidade de Hamburgo 110
Cachoeirinha.. .... ..... Genesis 106 *Nova Petró~olis ... .............. .............. Edelweiss 214
*Cachoeirinha ............... .Samuel Herbert Jorres
Cachoeirinha . ... .... ... ..Cidade de Cachoeirinha
202 ~~ÓrioS.anta ita .... ·.·.·.·.·.·.·-~~~~~Jrcisaaed~~We~~~~ 1~ci
Cachoeirinha .. ........................................ ..Zenite 215 *Osório ................................. Kurt Max Hauser 244
Camaquii ................. ........... Florisbelo Netto 121 Palmares do Su! ...................... Palmares do Su! 213
Camaqua ......... ......... ..... Sáo Joáo do Camaqua 23 1 Passo Fundo . ......................... .. Luz do Planalto 65
*Candelaria ................Vigilantes do Botucaraí 89 Passo Fundo ... ... ...............Estrela da Lealdade 240
Canela .. ............. ........ .... C1dade das Hortensias 59 tPasso Fundo.. .... Acácia do Planalto Médio 243
Cangu~u .................... ....... .........José Bonifácio 55 Pelotas.. ......... .............. .... .Fraternidade 3
Canoas .... ..... ....... Triangulo Quatour Coronati O **Pelotas . .................... ..Hipólito José da Costa 63
8:~~~-----··..". ...".".". . . ~~sti~ae_j,¡~~'t~ ~i Pelotas .......... .................. ....... Ciencia e Virtude
Pelotas.... ...... ...... ............................. Aboli~ao
Canoas .............. .................................... Pentalfa 144 tPelotas . ...... .......... ......Ideal Campagna 130
:~~~~~~----·.·.·.·.·.·_··.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· .·.·.·.·.·.·.·-·.·.·-~-~-~~!L~i~~~ t~~ *Pelotas .......... .. ....... ..... . ...........Pers everán~a 171
Pinhal ...... ................... ....... Obreiros do Litoral 136
Canoas .....................: ........ Cidade de Canoas 238 Pinheiro Machado ............ .. ..... Luz e Ordem II 16
*Canoas ...................... ...... .... Pedreiros da Luz 246 Piratini ....... ....... ........ Rio Branco III 24
tCanoense ...... .... ................ ...................... Acácia 252 Porto Alegre .... .. ............ ...... ...... ... Luz e Ordem 9
Capa o da Canoa ........... ... ......... Mário Behring 95 Porto Alegre.. .... ... Atliintida 15
tCapao da Canoa . ..... ..... Acácia do Litoral 234 Porto Alegre .. ...... ....... ..... ................. ... .. .Electra 21
Capao do Leao ............................... Tiradentes II 71 Porto Alegre .. ...... General Moreira Guimaraes 26
Carazinho ............ :.Peregrinos da Fraternidade 158 Porto Alegre ............. .. ........... Bento Gon~alves 28
Carazinho ............ ........................... Guilherme I 253 Porto Alegre ................. ...... ............ Hermanubis 34
Caxias do Su! ... ............... .... Marechal Deodoro 31 Porto Alegre . .......... ....... Obreiros de Sao Joao 42
Caxias do Sul ... ............... Uniao e Fraternidade 96 Porto Alegre .............. Cidade de Porto Alegre 47
Caxias do Sul... ................... Pedestais da Gloria 132 Porto Alegre .................................. Frederico II 54
Caxias do Su!. ................ ....... Os Templários II 156 *Porto Alegre ............. Concordia et Humanitas 56
tCaxias do Su!.... ... ........ .... Serra Gaúcha 239 Porto Alegre. ......................... ...... ........ Sophia 60
Charqueadas ........................... Luz do Caminho 141 Porto Alegre ..... ............ ... .... Obreiros de Israel 67
Cidre1ra ............ .. ......... Estrela do Atlantico Su! 120 Porto Alegre . ... ...... ..... .... ... ....... ...... .... .. Phoenix 70
Cruz Alta ........ ... .. ... .Fraternidade Cruzaltense 163 Porto Alegre ..... . ..... Caementarius 77
Cruzeiro do Sul ..............Verdadeira Harmonia 129 Porto Alegre . ................ .Sabedoria e Prudencia 78
Doro Pedrito .................. ........... Ponche Verde 123 Porto Alegre .............. .. ....... Estrela Vespertina 80
Eldorado do Su!.... ....... Obreiros do Eldorado 145 Porto Alegre. ...............Adayr Figueiredo 81
~~::i~ ;tl~g~: : :::: : :: ::::: ::::?0~~~~!:.~~ ~~
Erechim .......... ... ................ ..... ..........Akhnaton 62
Erechim . ...... .......... Obreiros da Liberdade 152
Esteio ...................................... Obreiros da Luz 108 Porto Alegre ......... Esperan~a e Serenidade 86
*Esteio .... .. ................. . ....... Cidade de Esteio 160 Porto Alegre ..... ......... ........... Sabedoria e Amor 87
*Esteio . ..... ............. . ............ ....... Namates 172 Porto Alegre ... ... .. ................. ....... Jose Caraver 101
Estrela ... N ey José Reis 135 *Porto Alegre . ... ........ .. ..... Uniao e Sinceridade 103
Estrela ... . ............................... Egrégora de Luz 190 **Porto Alegre. .. ........ .Thelema 111
*Work in the Schroeder Rite **Work in the York Rite tStudy and Research Lodge
A. F. &A. M.
Lodges, 13 Quarterly Meetings in March, June, September and December Members, 490
Curitibanos ........... .... . ........... .... Cinzel 89 Joinville ..... Amizade ao Cruzeiro do Sul 4
LINDEBERG MELO DA SILVA MARIO MACIEL DE LIMA JR. Joinville ....................... Mozart 8
Grand Master, Grand Secretary for Foreign Relations, Dionísio Cerqueira ........... Tríplice Fraternidade 48
Florianópolis... ............................. 14 de Julho 3 Joinville .. .... Harmonia e Fratemidade 22
Rua Coronel Pinto, 384- Centro Rua Coronel Pinto, 384- Centro Joinville .. ... Xaver Arp 32
Boa Vista- 69301-150- RR- Brasil Boa Vista- 69301-150- RR- Brasil Florianópolis. . ..... ..Lauro Müller 7
Florianópolis .. . ..... .... Pitágoras 15 Joinville .. . ....................... Ottokar Dorffel 59
Home Phone: 95-3624-1933 Home Phone: 95-3623-0174 Joinville .. ..... Amizade ao Cruzeiro do Su! 11 90
Business Phone: 95-3624-1933 Business Phone: 95-3624-1933 Florianópolis ....................... Alferes Tiradentes 20
Florianópolis.. ........ . ...... Duque de Caxias 21 Joinville ... .... Amadeus Mozart108
Cell Phone: 95-9971-5313 Cell Phone: 95-8122-4411 Lages.. ............... . .... Luz Serrana 12
Florianópolis ... .... ........... Manee! Gomes 24
Masonic Temple: Florianópolis .. ........ . ...... Solidariedade 28 Lages. ........... Phoenix 46
Rua Coronel Pinto, 384- Centro Florianópolis ...... .................. Universo 43 Laguna .. .. Fraternidade Lagunense 10
CEP 69301-150 Florianópolis... ....................... Genesis 47 Laguna ........... República Juliana 40
Phone: 95-3624-1933 Florianópolis .. ........... . .... Acácia da Arte Real 50 Mafra .. ..................... Acácia Negra 35
Boa Vista - Roraima- Brazil Florianópolis .............. ... ..U niao e Verdade 53 Maravilha .. ............... Obreiros de Maravilha 96
Florianópolis.. .............................. Universo Il 57 Orleans .. ....... Sao Joao Batista 14
Member ofthe Brasilian Symbolic Free-Masonry Confederation (CMSB) ........Acácia Palhocense 97
Member ofthe "Confedera,ao da Ma,onaria lnter-Americana" (C.M.I.) Vzona Florianópolis . .......................... ........ Rei David 58 Palho,a ..
Florianópolis ... .. ... . .......... .... Leao de J udá 62 Palho,a. ......... Arte Real Palhocense 51
Permits dual membership within its jurisdiction. Florianópolis .... .............. Cavaleiros da Luz 64 Palmitos ........ Fraternidade das Termas 68
Florianópolis .................. ... .. ........Abrósio Peters 74 Pomerode ...Acácia Pomerana 60
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. Florianópolis.... ................. ...... Voluntas 75 Rio do Su! ...Acácia Riosulense 95
Florianópolis .. ....................... Universo 111" 77 Rio Negrinho .. ..... .. .. .... Jack Matl 49
Florianópolis ..... ..... ...... Pedreiros da Liberdade 79 Santo Amaro da Imperatriz .... ...Arte Real
Amajari ...................... Walmir Pereira da Rocha 12 Caracaraí ..................................... 13 de Maio 2 Santamarense 83
Boa Vista.. .............. ....................... .Igualdade 10 Mucajaí .... .................AntOnio Luitgards Maura 5 Florianópolis ..... ......... .Liberdade e Harmonia 81
Florianópolis ............... Templários da Nova Era 91 Sao Bento do Su!...... ..... Obreiros de Sao Joao 13
Boa Vista ............. .... ..Liberdade e Progresso 1 Pacaraima ............. Francisco Barbosa Monteiro 6 Sao Bento do Su!........ .............. Luz do Planalto 76
Boa Vista....... .............. Silvio Lo!ego Botelho 3 Rorainópolis ............. Marcelino da Costa Santos 8 Florianópolis ...... ... .......Aldo Linares Sobrinho 93
Florianópolis ............... ........... Delta do Universo 98 Sao Francisco do Su! ...... Joao Candido Moreira 87
Boa Vista.. ........... Sentinela de Paracaima 4 Sao Joao da Baliza ........ ... Davi Pereira da Silva 7 Sao José........ ...... ... Padre Roma 16
Boa Vista .............................. Bento Gon,alves 11 Sao Luis ............... ...........Joaquin Reis Arantes 13 Florianópolis ........... .Alian,a, Verdade e Justi,a106
Gas par ....... .. ..A,ao e Fraternidade Gasparense 26 Sao José . ..................... Fraternidade Josefense 30
Cantá ......................... Fraternidade Raraimense 9 Sao José.. ..... ..... ............ Ary Batalha 31
!,ara.... ........ ........... Solidariedade I,arense 73
RECOGNlTION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF RORAIMA. Al! the works of the Lodges lmbituba .......................... ....... XV de Novembro 25 Sao José... ...................... .... Padre Roma 11 34
are conducted in Portuguese under the Scottish Rite. Our Grand Lodge recognizes all Brazilian Grand Indaial .......................... ........ U niao Indaialense 36 Sao José ...................................... Anhantomirim 94
Lodges, as well as being recognized by al! of them and many others around the world. Indaial ..... ...... ... .. . ..... Luz, Paz e Fraternidade 71 Sao Louren'o do Oeste ................ Fraternidade
In Brazil, al! the Grand Lodges Confederated to the Brazilian Confederation of Symbolic Masonry - Itajaí ....... .... . ............. Acácia Itajaiense 1 Lourenciana 86
SMSB - are recognized by this Grand Lodge. Itajaí... .... . ........... .... .... .. .... Harmonia 42 Sao M1guel do Oeste . . . .... 29 de Setembro 38
Itajaí ............. ... . ..... Fraternidade Itajaiense 85 Timbó. .. .............. Fraternidade Timboense 19
ltajaí .............. ....... .. ..........Acácia ItajaienselOO Timbó ............................. ....Elimar BaumgartenlOl
ltapema ......................... Fraternida de Itapema104 Tubarao ....... ... .... Fraternidade Tubaronense 9
1956 GRANDE LOJA DE SANTA CATARINA (BRAZIL) 2015 Jaraguá do Su! ...... .Obreiros de Jaraguá do Sul 23 Tubarao. ...... .................. Sentinela do Su! 29
A:.F:.&A:.M:. Jaraguá do Su! .... ... .. .... ........ . ............ Luz 72 Tubarao . ........ . .................Albert Mackey 56
Joa,aba .. ..... .. ....................Cruzeiro do Su! 5 Xanxere ....................... ....... Obreiros de Hiram 18
Founded April21, 1956 Xaxim.. .................... .Obreiros da Liberdade 37
Joa,aba.. . ................... Ordem e Progresso 65
Lodges, 107 Semi-annual Meetings: April and August Members, 3,450
JOAO EDUARDO NOAL BERBIGIER SÉRGIO GOMES MATTOS Lodges are conducted in Portuguese and adopted the Scottish Rite. We invite recognition from al! regular
Grand Master Grand Secretary for Foreign Affairs Grand Lodges with which fraternal relations ha ve not yet been established.
Residential Phone: 55-48-3334-1208 Residential Phone: 55-48-3225-4774 Our Grand Lodge is not yet in fraternal relations with the following Grand Lodges listed in this book:
Cell Phone: 55-48-9681-0101 Cell Phone: 55-48-9922-8534 USA: Prince Hall Grand Lodges of California, Colorado, Connecticut and North Carolina, Australia: New
FLÁVlO ROGERIO PEREIRA GRAFF South Wales, South Australia and Northern Territory and Victoria; Armenia; Bulgaria; Cameroon;
Deputy Grand Master Canada: Prince Edward Island; Denmark; England; France; Hungary; Iceland; Netherlands; Russia; Scot-
Residential Phone: 55-48-3244-2951 land; Serbia; South Africa; Sweden; Togolaise, West Africa; Turkey.
Cell Phone: 55-48-9681-0102
Masonic Temple
Av. Pequeno Príncipe, 1002, Bairro Campeche
CEP 88063-000 Florianópolis-SC - BR
Phone: 55-48-3234-3333/ Fax: 55-48-3234-1956
Web Site: 1 E-mail: [email protected]
Member of the "Confedera,ao da Ma,onaria Simbólica do Brasil"- CMSB
Member ofthe "Confedera,ao da Ma,onalja Inter-Americana" (C.M.I.) V Zona
Abelardo Luz ................ .. .... .Liberdade e J usti,a 45 Brusque .. ... ................... Harmonía Brusquense 61
Araranguá ............................ .. .. . .... Pedro Cunha 11 Brusque .................................... Caminho da Luz 99
Balneáno Cambonú ........... .... Eduardo Teixeira 41 Camboriú . .......................... Eduardo Teixeira 11 80
Blumenau ............. Fraternidade Blumenauense 6 Camboriú ........ .. ........... Obreiros do Bonsucesso105
Blumenau ........... ......... Obreiros de Salomao 39 Capinzal ................. :Fraternidade Capinzalense 52
Blumenau.. ......... Templários da Arte Real 44 Chapecó ................................ Sentinela do Oeste 17
Blumenau ........................ Acácia Blumenauense 67 Chapecó ............. .... Fraternidade Chapecoense 63
Blumenau ................. .............. Uniao do Vale 69 Chapecó .......................... ............... Fonte de Luz102
~~~::~:~.:. ::::::::::::::::::::~é::fz%~~~~ V.~d~J: ~g
Concórdia ............... .Inconfidencia de Concórdia 27
Concórdia . ........................ .Elos da Fraternidade 84
Blumenau ................. Colunas da Fraternidade 78 Coronel Freitas ........................... Montes de Siao 88
Blumenau ................................ .......... Loja do Sol103 Criciúma ..... ..... ................. Presidente Roosevelt 2
Bombinhas .. . .................... ... Triiingulo Ma,onico Criciúma ................... Fraternidade Criciúmense 33
Fraternidade Bombinense Criciúma ... . ................... Liberdade Criciúmense 55
Bra,o do Norte .............. .. ....... Sentinela do Vale 54 Criciúma .... . ... .. ........... .Igualdade Criciumense 66
196 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 197
MM:.LL:. AA:.&AA:. Franco da Rocha .............. . .. .... ...... Ruy Barbosa 93 Marília .. . ........................... ..... zenite 441
Lodges, 698 Founded July 2,1927 Members, 22,743 Franco da Rocha .. ..... .. ....... ....... Aguia de Haia 622 Marília .. ............................... Acácia Mariliense 537
Guaraci .. ...................... .. ...................... Sao Joao 91 Marília ................... Nivaldo Rodolpho 743
Quarterly Meetings on third Saturday in March--.June-September- December Guaratinguetá ........ Baluartes da Mantiqueira 415 Mauá ......................Anibal dos Santos da Silva 170
Guaratinguetá .............. Cavaleiros do Oriente 529 Miguelopolis...... ....... Estrela do Rio Grande 260
RONALDO FERNANDES ALEKSANDAR JOVANOVIC Guaratinguetá ................. . .... ...... Portal da Luz 646 Miracatú ......... . ........... Acácia Miracatuense 348
Grand Master Grand Secretary on Foreign Affairs Guarujá .................. ., ............ Martin Francisco 136 Mirandópolis .............................. Edmir Batista 216
E-mail: [email protected] Guarujá .. . ......... Antonio Carlos 199 Mirante Parapanema ................ Noboru Kasae 221
Masonic Temple Guarujá ........... .. .... ... Joaquim Gon9alves Ledo 303 Mirante do Parapanema ......... Cinco de Agosto 338
Rua Sao Joaquim N' 138-Liberdade Guarujá .......................... .. .Integra~ao Guarujá 408 Mirassol .......... .. ... . ........... Sao Joao da Escócia 40
CEP 01508-000 Sao Paulo, SP-Brazil Guarulhos ........................ Acácia de Guarulhos 160 Mogi das Cruzes ......... Cavaleiros do Alto Tiete 439
P.O. Box 2774 Guarulhos ... .. . .......................... Gon9alves Ledo 177 Mogi Gua~u . ! ....... . ............. Trinta de Dezembro 250
01065-970 Sao Paulo, SP-Brazil Guarulhos ...................... .... ... .. ....... Akhenaton 321 Mogi Gua~u ....... N ove de Abril de Mogi Gua~u 515
TEL.: 55-11-3207-8399 FAX 55-11-3277-7732 Guarulhos ..................... ..... Estrela de Cumbica 373 Mogi Gua~u ................ Fraternidade Gua~uana 623
Home page: Guarulbos ................ .Jaime J aneiro Rodrigues 400 Mogi Mirim ... .................... Francisco Cardona 146
E-mail: [email protected] Guarulhos ........................... .............. Merkabah
Guarulhos. .............. ..... Tales de Mileto
~~~f.'~t-_···_ ............ ... ._. _---~:fi~~ f~a:a: 341
Member ofBrazilian Confederation ofthe Symbolic Masonry (CMSB) Guarulbos .. ..................... .... ...... Exterma Raza o 624 Alcantara Pimentel 501
("Confedera~ao da Ma~onaria Simbólica do Brasil"- C.M.S.B.) Guarulbos ........................... Mahatma Ghandhi Monte Aprazível ....... .... ...... Justi~a e Caridade 51
de Guaruluos 629 Monte Azul Paulista ..................Amor e Honra 9
Guarulhos ............... . .. Gonzaga do Nascimento 701 Morro Agudo ... ............... Agis Garcia Terribas 272
LOCAT!ON NAME AND NO. LOCAT!ON NAME AND NO. Ibitinga.. ............ ..... ....Acácia de Ibitinga 428 Neves Paulista ..... .... . ... . ...... Escudo de Hiram 320
Ibiúna .. ......................... ... Alvorecer de Ibiúna 362 Nova Granada .................... Ordem e Progresso 61
Adamantina ............... Cavaleiros do 3° Milénio 544 Cafel§.ndia... ............ .. .......... Tiradentes II 257 Ibiúna ................................ Pedra Fundamental 780 Nova Odessa .. ................... Eduardo Hansen 352
Adamantina . ...........Acácia de Adamantina 794 Caieiras ...................... .... Acácia dos Pinheirais 480 Icém ............ Fraternidade, Ordem e Prograsso 126 Nova Odessa ................................Elinier Kokol 798
l).ltinópolis ........ . ........................ Altino Aran tes 332 Cajamar .......... ..Juscelino Kubitschek 351 Igarapava .................. Francisco Mar~al Vieira 259 Novo Horizonte ......José Willibaldo de Freitas 425
l).lvares Machado . ............. U niao Machadense 228 Cajuru·. ............ Luiz Constancio 167 Iguape .. ... .. ........................ .... Acácia Iguapense 48 Novo Horizonte ........Verdadeira Fraternidade 616
l).lvares Machado.. . ...... Uniáo Prudentina
Alvares Machado ...................... Luz e Perfei~ao
Americana ............................ Sublime Universo
Campinas .......................... Trabalbo e Silencio 121
Campinas .....................
Campinas .... ...
. .. Filhos de Hiram 130
................ Lux Aeterna 236
rn;: ~~ft'J~da: :::::::::·:-~lll1!Il~iE~;a~ ~~~~~ f!!
lndaiatuba .. ............ Antonio Francisco Lisboa 274
Olimpia ....................... Renovadora de Olimpia
Osasco ....... ........ . .... Marques do Herva!
Osasco .................................. .Raposo Tavares
Americana.. . . .. Coronel William H. Norris 151 Campinas ............................. Quatorze de Julho 296 Indaiatuba ................ ... .Inconfidencia Votura 330 Osasco .. ... ...... ..Acácia de Alphaville 288
Americo Brasiliense ......................... Brasiliense 394 Campinas. .... Uniao e Justi~a 311 Indaiatuba ...................... Liberdade, Igualdade Osasco ........ ...... .. .. ................ Atliintida Paulista 300
Andradina ....... .. .......... Homero Rodrigues Silva 200 Campinas .. ................... ..... .... Princesa D'Oeste 318 e Fraternidade 4 77 Osasco ........................................Vinha de Luz 488
Aparecida .. ................. Luz da Mantiqueira 776 Campinas ...................... .Cavaleiros do Oriente Indaiatuba ... . ............. Sabedoria e Prudencia 756 Osasco ............. .. ................... Uniao e Lealdade 547
Ara~atuba ..... .. ................................... Ara~atuba 193 de Campinas 410 Itai ................ .... ......... Renascimento de ltaí 385 Osasco ........... .. .......... Sao Joao de Jerusalém 595
Ara~atuba ........................ Obediencia e Justi~a 539 Campinas ....... Harmonia Universal Campinas 412 Itajobi ......... ..... . .... Eterno Amor 24 Osasco .. .. ................. ,. ..Ad Veritas de Osasco 605
Ara~oiaba da Serra ..... Fernando Rogich Vieira 556 Campinas ...... .. ............. Maestro Carlos Gomes 507 Itanhaem ......................... .Vinte e dois de Abril 252 Osasco .......... ................. ... Razao Dourada 660
Araraquara .......................... Caridade e Justil;a 81 Campinas .......................... Amizade Concordia 508 Itanhaem ................. XI de Agosto de ltanhaém 656 Osasco .. .......... .................... Rudyard Kiplin 741
Araraquara ............................. Moranda do Sol 227 Campinas ..... ..... . .................... Acácia de Sousas 724 Itapecerica da Serra ............. Quatorze de Julho Osvaldo Cruz ..................... Trabalho e Firmeza 276
Araraquara .......................................... Aracoara 427 Campo Limpo Paulista .. ..... Uniáo e Concórdia 564 Itap. da Serra 346 Osvaldo Cruz. .. .. ........... ............Osvaldo Cruz 503
Araraquara ........................ Justi~a e Tolerancia 689 Campo Limpo Paulista ............... Cavaleiros da Itapetininga .... . .............. Harmonia e Trabalho 222 Ourinhos ........ ... ............................. Said Francis 140
Araraquara ..... ...... .Renascenc;:a de Araraquara 746 Real Harmonia 740 Itapeví ... ..................... .. ..... .. .. Acácia de Itapeví 188 Ourinhos ............ . .Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 419
Araras ........... ............. Dr. Luiz Narciso Gomes 381 Campos de Jordao ... ....... ........... ............. Conego Itapira.... ..Deus, Justi~a e Caridade 249 Ouroeste..... .................... Agua Vermelba 710
Arujá ......................................... Acácia de Aruja 490 Januário da Cunha Barbosa 82 Itaquaquecetuba... .......... ...... ...... Nova Ordem 790 Palestina.. ............. .Palestina do Ocidente 165
~~1:.. ... . ... ···_·. ·...·.· _ DJ~l~a:¡,i.J~lid~d~ 147n
Assis .............. ............ . ......Assis Nazareth
7 Campos de Jordao ........ Pedro Pinto dos Santos 463
Campos do Jordao ............. ..... Luzes da Serra 562
Cananeia ................... Martim Affonso de Souza 179
Itariri .. . ............ Fraternidade de Itariri
Itatiba .................. . ............... Estrela de Itatiba
Palmeira do Oeste .. ........ Obreiros de Palmeira
Palmita!.. .................. Cavaleiros do Planalto
Panorama.. .. ........... Deus, Pátria e Família
Itú .................................................... Fidelíssima 403
Assis.. . ........................ Marcio Dutra 455 Caraguatauba ............... Baluartes do Atlantico 560 Itupeva .............................. Estrela de Itupeva 489 Paranapanema ................. ..... ..Vale do Hermon 372
Assis ............................................ Fenix do Vale 668 Carapicuíba ................. Vinte e Cinco de Agosto 376 ltuverava ............................ Dezesseis de Julho 242 Parapua ........................... Fraternidade Canaa 305
Assis .. ................... Lírios do Vale 785 Carapicuíba ........................... ... Saint-Germain 575 Jaboticabal ............. Major Hilário T. Pinheiro 195 Pariquera-A~u ................................ .Imigrantes 527
Atibaia..... ...... Uniao Trabalbo e Evolu~ao 255 Carapicuíba .......................... .Vigilantes da Luz 639 Jacareí ............. . ... ..Universo Templário 378 Paulo de Faria ........... . .. .... .............. Cavaleiros
Avaré ....................................... Estrela de Avaré 267 Carapicuíba ..... . ................. Lewis 716 J acareí.. ............................. Orvalho do Hermon 530 da Paz de Paulo de Faria 202
Avaré.. ....... Acácia de Avaré 590 Carapicuíba... . .... Francisco Ribeiro Lima 749 Jacupiranga ........................ .......... Pró-Charitas 471 Penapolis .. ......Acácia Penapolense 497
Avaré ............................. .... . ....... Phoenix Avaré 611 Carapicuíba ...................................... Miosótis 796 Jales. . .... .... .. ... Coronel Balthazar 104 Penapolis ............ .... .... .........Amor e Sabedoria 601
Barra Bonita ........................... Estrela da Barra 298 Cardoso ................................... Washington Luiz 100 Jales .......................... Terceiro Milenio de Jales 519 Peruibe...... .. ........... ..Pedro Alba 189
Barretos .. ....... Renovadora de Barretos 68 Casa Branca ......... Trabalho, Honra e Caridade 4 Jaú ............................................... Acácia de Jaú 308 Piedade.. ................. Colunas de Piedade 245
Barretos ............................... U ni a o Barretense 312 Casa Branca ........ Estrela doRio Verde de Itobi 444 José Bonifácio .................... Acácia de Sao Joao 266 Pindamonhangaba ........... ..... .. .. ... Emilio Ribas 243
Batatais ........................................Amor e Uniao 282 Castilho .............................YoussefNeifKassab 196 Jundiai ............................ Harmonia Universal 58 Pindorama ...................... Deus, Pátria e Amor 8
Batatais... . ...... Harmonia de Batatais 713 Catanduva ....................... ... ..... Dr. Carlos Reis 29 J undiaí ................................ Estrela de J undiaí 325 Piracicaba .............................. Dr. Walter Pinto 251
~:~~-: .. . .. ::: ::::: .. :~~Ill~i'-o-~~~~0~~ m Catanduva ........... .... ................... Restauradora 111
Catanduva .......................... Uniao Fraternal II 314
Jundiai. .............. ....... Estrela de Jundiai II
Jundiai .. ... .. .. ...................... .......... Filhos do Sol
Piracicaba ..... .. .............. Leandro Guerrini 401
Piracicaba .. .......... Templários de Piracicaba 662
Bauru .... ..... .......... Mahatma Gandhi 336 Catanduva ..... Prof. Virgilio de Arruda Mendes 528 Jundiaí ................................ Barao de Jundiahy 733 Piracicaba ..................... .Uniao e Fraternidade
Bauru .............................. ........... Luz do Paraíso 458 Catanduva ..... .. ......... 11 de Abril de Catanduva 737 Juquiá ............................. 10 de Abril de Juquiá 506 de Piracicaba 752
Bauru ........................ Obreiros da Fraternidade 555 Cerqueira Cesar ... Colunas de Cerqueira Cesar 370 Juquitiba ...................... Progresso de Juquitiba 374 Pirajui .. . ..................... Estrela do Noroeste 265
Cosmópolis ............... . ... .Trinta e Um de Mar~o 152
t!~~~~."."............ .-.-······· ·_·_-_-_~~:.~~~.tu~ed~aO~~~ ¿~¿
Bauru .... .............. Trabalho e Progresso 589 Pirangi ............. .... ........ Harmonia Pirangiense 502
Bauru ................................. ... .. ..Mar de Bronze 778 Cosmópolis .................... .. ..................... Fidelitas 641 Pirapózinho.. .. ........ Fraternidade e Progresso 225
Bebedouro .. .....Aristides Gallo 295 Cotia ..................... ........ .. ............ Regente Feijó 256 Len~óis Paulista . .................... Len~óis Paulista 399 Pirassununga ........................... Cruzeiro do Sul 204
Bertioga.. .......... Cidade de Bertioga 522 Cotia ........................... .Sabedoria, Amor e Luz 331 Limeira .. ............ Discípulos de Salomiio 392 Pirassununga .............. . ... .......... Luz e Verdade 514
Biriguí .................................. .Sete de Dezembro 382 Cruzeiro ........................... Seguidores de Hiram 158
~~~~~ee;~~~---- -_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_~~~-~~~~~~-~\r~d~~~ 1g~
Limeira .............................. Estrela de Limeira 757
Botucatu .............................................Aquarius 161 Cubatao ....................... Nove de Abril Cubatao 239 Lindóia .............................. Irmandade de Orion 442
Botucatu ............... ...................... .......Veritas 485 Diadema ........................... ..... Paz e Serenidade 720 Lins ......................................... Uniao Brasileira 253 Pradopolis ......................... .. .. ........ 13 de Junho 517
Bragan~a Paulista ............... Fronteira Paulista 448 Dracena ... . .................... Uniao, Justic;a e Amor 149 Lins. . . .................. Arquitetos da Uniao 546 Praia Grande ....... ..... .Ideal e Trabalho 150
Bragan~a Paulista ................................ Fenix de Dracena ............................. ................. 2 de Julho 586 Lorena ............................... .... Acácia de Lorena 435 Praia Grande .. ................. Obreiros da Verdade 302
Brotas ........ .. ................
Cabreuva ... Esquadro e Compasso de Cabreuva 484
m E m bu ............ Fraternidade de Embu das Artes 719
Fernandópolis... ..... ...... .Benjamin Reis 41
Fernandópolis .......................... Castro Alves II 273
Mairipora ....................... Colunas de Mairipora
Mairipora ....................... .Acácia da Cantareira
Man1ia ...... ..... ...................... Marília de Dirceu
Presidente Prudente .............. .. ...... Liberdade,
J usti~a e Trabalbo
Presidente Prudente ..... Quatorze de Setembro
Ca~apava ............. Gon~alves Ledo de Ca~apava 14
Ca~apava ......................... .Estrela de Ca~apava 290
Caconde .. . ......................... Aurora Cacondense 258
Franca ............................ .Sao Paulo de Franca 254
Franca ...................................... Caminho da Luz 447
Franca .................Académica Luz, Vida e Amor 735
~~1~: :. .. . . . : :v:;;;i~ s~r;.;·d;; s;;;;~lb~~ ~~~ Presidente Prudente ........... Acácia Ribeirinha
Presidente Prudente ........ Presidente Prudente
198 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 199
Founded December 5, 1992
TOCAN_I.~~;A.~RAZIL) Lodges, 70 Annual Communication is held the third Saturday of May Members, 2,222
Lodges, 28 Founded November 5, 1989 Members, Grand Master Grand Secretary
Quarterly meeting on March 22, June 21, September 20 and December 20 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Grand Master Grand Secretary
906 Su!, Alameda 14, Lote 08 Av. José A Carvalho, n• 68 United Grand Lodge ofBulgaria
CEP: 77023-422 CEP 77.660-000 P.O. BOX 120, Sofia 1000
Palmas, Tocantins- Brazil Miranorte, Tocantins-Brazil Te!: +359 2 979 1212
Phone: 55-63-3214-4166 Phones: 55-63-3355-1326 www.grandlodge-bulgaria .org
Cell: 55-63-9994-1366 55-63-9985-0144 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
55·63-8437 -4166 E-mail: [email protected]. br
E-mail: [email protected]
408 Norte, Alameda 01, APM 09
CEP 77.006-510 Sofia ........ .............................. Zora 1 Sofia .. ............... .......... Bratstvo 41
Palmas, Tocantins-Brazil Sofia ......................... . ................. .Ivan Voinov 2 Russe ... . . ... Kniaz Alexander I
Phone/FAX: 55-63-3225-8583 Sofia ....... . .............................. .................. Serdika 3 von Battenberg 42
E-mail: [email protected] Shoumen ... ... ........... ..... ........... ............... Madara 6 Veliko Tarnovo ................................. ..:Tsarevets 43
Rousse ......... ..................... ... Dunavska Zvezda 7 Sofia .................................................... ........Sofia 44
Gr. Secretary Office Vama ... .................. ......... ....... ... .Morska Zvezda 8 Vratsa ........ ...... ....... .. .......... ... ......................Atlit 45
E-mail: [email protected] Sofia . ........... . .......................... Zvezdata na Sofia 9 Balchik ... ..... ..Kibela 46
Pleven ................. ... ..................... ..... .......... Mizia 12 Gabrovo .... . ............................. Gabrovo 47
Plovdiv.. .................. .. Dagata na Plovdiv 13 Pazardzhik ..................... ........................... Trakia 48
Mem~~:-,<¡;e~h;/S,~'1~~~r!J!~a~io~~~~~~l~aSf~~~!t;,~~!~a;JIZd~lff·B.J Sofia .... .......... ......................................... Svetlina 14 Pernik . ................... .... ... ................. ... .. .Struma 49
Sofia ....... .. ... . ......... .. ..... .............. Zaria92 15 Sofia~ .... ....... .............. Sinovete na Vdovitsata 50
Dobrich. .................. Yaila 16 Sofia .... ........... .. ......... .............. .. Okoto na Hor 51
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. Rousse .................. .................. Balkanska Zvezda 17 Sofia . . ........ Lessing zum Sonnenauf~ang 52
Sofia ... .. ..... ................... ..... ...................... .. Vedar 18 Sofia ...................... ........ ... ... Boyanskiat Ma1stor 53
Alvorada . ......... ................ ...................Alvorada 15 Sofia .... ........ ..... ............. ....................... Sgovor 92 19 . Varna ......................... .St. Nikolai Chudotvorets 54
Miranorte .... ........ ..... ..... ................ .Castro Alves 13
204 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 205
Fo unded September 13, 1997
A . F. &A. M.
Lodges,10 Annual Meeting Third Saturday of November of Each Year Members, 375 Fo unded Octo ber 12, 1905
DJIBRILL Y BASSOLE JEAN CLAUDE NABYOURE Lodges, 126 Annual Meeting Second Friday in June Members, 7,137
Grand Master Grand Secretary
Mail all correspondence to: Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
ALAIN ROGER COEFE 330-12 Ave. S.W. Calgary T2R OH2
Grand Chancellor Office phone 403-262-1149 FAX 403-290-0671
Grande Loge Du Burkina Faso E-mail: [email protected]
01 BP 3377 Ouagadougou 01
Phone: 226 50 30 45 45
Fax: 226 30 50 22 22
E-mail: [email protected] Acme.......... .... .......Acme 60 Edson . ..... ....... ....................... ..... Edson 68
Athabasca ....... ... ... .................. .... . .Tawatinaw 71 Elk Point ....... ...... ................. ...... .. St. George's 169
Permits Dual and Plural Membership Banff .. ................ .. ............................... Cascade 5 Fairview .......................................... Northland 147
Bassano .......................... . .................. Bassano 55 Forestburg..... ................. Forestburg-Alliance 128
LOCATION LOCATI ON Blackie .......... .. ..... ............... ......... .. Granite 127 Fort Macleod...... ................ ..Alberta 3
NAME AND NO. NAME AND NO. Brooks ....... ....... ... . ..... .. ....... ........... .... Brooks 73 Fort McMurray .. ........... ......... .Fort McMurray 195
§!l~~ :::::::::::.::::.... ::::::·:::: :::::.:::il~~~?~:~ 2
Fort McMurray . ... ..... . ....... ........... Millennium 2000
Ouagadougou ......... .Hermés Teng Méta 677/11 1 Bobo-Dioulasso .. ...... .... Syara 5 Fort McMurray ......................Aurora Borealis 201
Bobo-Dioulasso .................................... Sakidi 18 2 Bobo-Dioulasso ......................................... Comoé 9 Calgary.. ......... Calgary 23 Fort Saskatche\\éan... . ...........Victoria 13
Ouagadougou ................... .... ............. Windiga 27 3 Ouagadougou ...... .......................... .. .Zemstaaba 10 Calgary ........... .... ................. .. ... . ......... Canada 165 Frank ............... ................. .... ..Rocky-Summit 30
Ouagadougou .. ....................... ....... .. .... Kaourital 4 Ouagadougou ..... .............. .. .... .......... .Boulkiendé 11 Calgary .......... ...... .. .... ... ... ................. .Concord 124 Frank .... ....... ... ... ............ ... .. .. .. ... ....... .Sentinel 26
Calgary ............ ........ ........... .............. .Crescent 87 Grande Prairie ... .............. ... .... Grande Prairie 105
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF BURKINA FASO. Our Grand Lodge rec- Calgary .. . ........ ........... ... .. ..... Elbow River 180 Hanna .......... ..... ............... ..... Hanna 78
ognizes and is recognized by most of the Grand Lodges listed in this book. In addition, our Grand Lodge Calgary ........................ Foothills-Kelvingrove 174 High River ............. Cornerstone 19
recognizes the following Grand Lodges: Grande Loge Nationale Malienne, Grande Loge Nationale Calgary ................................ .............. Gleichen 36 Hinton .. ............................................ Hinton 178
Guineenne, Loge du Congo, Grande Loge d'Andorre, Grande Loge du Cameroun. Calgary .. ............ ........... Glenbow 184 Rolden .. ... ......... .............. .Dynamic 96
*No corrections have been received since this date. Calgary .. ...... .... .. .Internet Lodge of Research O Hussar .. .......... .. ......... .......... ... Hussar 130
Calgary .. .. .. ...... King George 59 lnnisfail ........................... ............. .Innisfail 8
Calgary ......... .................................. Loyalty 197 lrma .............. . ................. Gratton-Connaught 144
Calgary ......... ...... ........ St. Mark's 118 lrricana .. ...... .................................. .Irricana 137
Calgary ..... ........................ ...... Mount Lebanon 54 Jasper..... ....... ...... Jasper Park 143
Calgary .. ....... ..... ... .................. ........ ...... Mosaic 176. Kitscoty .. .... .... ............ ... ... ..... ............ ..Kitscoty 131
2001 GRANDELOGEDUCAMEROUN 2012* Calgary ............. ... ............... ... .......... Perfection 9 Lacombe .............................................. .Eureka 10
Founded September 15, 2001 Calgary . .... .. ... ................. Renfrew 134 Leduc. ....... ...Star ofthe West 34
Calgary .......................................... Rockyford 123 Lethbridge ....................... .. ................ Charity 67
Lodges,4 Annual Meeting in September Members, 222 Calgary ............. ... ............... ..... ............ Zetland 83 Lethbridge ................, ........ ............ Lethbridge 39
PIERRE MOUKOKO MBONJO Camrose ...... .......... .. .......... ......... ........ Camrose 37 Lethbridge .... ................. ............. .... North Star 4
HENRI MOUBITANG Castor . ......... ..Beaver 56 Medicine Hat .. ..... ............ ... ..... Medicine Hat 2
Grand Master Grand Secretary Claresholm ...................................... .. .. .. .. Cairo 32 Medicine Hat ....................................... Mizpah 35
GLCAM GLCAM Cochrane ............ ....................... King Solomon 41 Namaka ......................................,Strathmore 53
P.O. Box 13292 Yaoundé Grand Lodge Centre Cold Lake ...... ..... .......... ..... ................. Astra 179 Nanton ............... . ...... .......... ..Nanton 17
E-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 12263 Yaoundé Cowley . .......... .... ...... ........... Chinook-Spitzie 6 Okotoks ...... ...... ... ................. .... Corinthian 22
E-mail: [email protected] Crossfield ............. ............. ..Airdrie Wild Rose 2001 Okotoks ........................................ Pythagoras 202
Crossfield ... .... .. ................................ Carstairs 20 Olds ......................... . ............. .Mountain View 16
Crossfield....... ..... .......... Crossfield 48 Onoway ............................................... Onoway 138
LOCATI ON Daysland ..... ........................ ..Excelsior 80 Oyen .... .... Oyen Crocus 82
NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. Didsbury.. ..... .. .... King Hiram 21 Peace River .. ..... ..... Peace River 89
Drayton Valley .... ............... .. .. .Drayton Valley 182 Ponoka .. ............ .............. .. ............... Britannia 18
Yaoundé ........ ..... ... Tradition Harmonie lumiere 1 Yaoundé .. .. Mont Cameroun 3 Drumheller ..... . ... ....... Drumheller 146 Provost ............................................... Provost 61
Douala ..........................Alliance Camerounaise 2 Douala. Amour Fraternel 4 Drumheller ... .............. Symbol 93 Red Deer .............................. ................. Beacon 190
Edgerton .. ....................................... Edgerton 102 Red Deer.. ........................ .... ......... Kenilworth 29
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF CAMEROON. Fraternal recognition Edmonton ... .... .... ............. ... .. ... . ............Acacia 11 Red Dee~ ..................... ................... Red Deer 12
exists between the Grand Lodge of Cameroon and the following Grand Lodges: Europe: Belgium, Czech Edmonton ..... ... .... .... ........ Avon Glen 170 Rimbey ........... .... .............. .... .. .. . ...... Kitchener 95
Republic, France (Nationale Francaise), Hungary, Island, Netherlands (Grand East), United States: All Edmonton.. ........ .... Commercial 81 Rocky Mountain House .................... Lochearn 151
Grand Lodges; Canada: Canada (Ontario); Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Congo, Djibouti, Gabon, Ghana, Edmonton ....................................... Dominion 117 Sedgewick.. ........ Harmony 75
Guinée, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, South A:frica, Togo; Edmonton ......................................... .Eastgate 192 Spruce Grove ......................... Baseline Lodge 198
Central and South America: Brazil: Mato Grosso. Edmonton ......... ................. ...... ........ Edmonton 7 St. Albert ........ ................... . .............. Balmoral 185
*No corrections have been received since this date. Edmonton ...... .. ............... ......... ............ Empire 63 Stavely ... .. ................ . .... .. ..... ............. .. Stavely 33
Edmonton ...... ................... ... .......... Evergreen 166 Stettler ....... ......... ......Apollo 27
Edmonton ..... .. ................................ .Exemplar 175 Stony Plain .......... ... .. ...................... .Meridian 129
Edmonton .......... ................ ............. Griesbach 191 Tofield ............................... ............... Palestine 46
Edmonton.. .... Highlands-Unity 168 Vegreville ........ ... ............. ............ .St. John's 25
Edmonton ... ............ ........... ...... .. ...... ...Ivanhoe 142 Vermilion.. .. ........ ...... ..Vermilion 24
Edmonton ....... ... ....................................Jasper 14 Vulcan ............ .. ................. .... . ............. Vulcan 74
Edmonton .. . .. ............. ... ............. Norwood 90 Wainwright ... .... . ....................... .Buffalo Park 44
Edmonton.... . ................ Patricia 91 Waskatenau ........................ .. ....... Waskatenau 154
Edmonton .. ............. .............. Redwood 193 Wembley .... ... .... .Lake Saskatoon 106
Edmonton ..... ................ .......... .. Saskatchewan 92 Westlock .. ............ ......... ......... ........... Westlock 114
Edmonton ........................ ................ Sherwood 183 Wetaskiwin .... ..................... .......... Wetask.iwin 15
Edmonton ........ . ...... .... Strathcona 77 Whitecourt............ ........... Whitecourt 153
Edmonton ......... ............... Temple-Centennial 167 Yellowknife, N.T. ....................... Yellowknife 162
Edmonton .. ........................ .. . ..... .Mystic West 101 Traveling Charter: Fiat Lux
Edmonton .. ......... ... .... . ..Ye Olde Craft 196 Lodge of Research 1980
recognize: Brazil: Amazonas & Acre, Bahia, Maranhao, Minas Gerais, Piaui, Roraima, Tocantins; Colom-
bia: Bogota, Cali, Cartagena; El Salvador-Cuscatlan; Greece National; Haiti (Grand Orient); Italy (Regnlar
Grand Lodge); Mexico: Baja Calif., El Potosi, Occidental Mexicana; Poland, Yugoslavia; and Prince Hall
Grand Lodge of California.
206 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 207
A . F. &A. M.
Lodges,145 Annual Meeting in June Members , 8,594 Vernon ............. ........................... Kalamalka 160 Victoria (Sooke) . ................ Mount Shepherd 159
DONALD E. STUTT R.W. BRO. GEORGE MOORE Vernon .. . . ........ . ........... Miriam 20 West Vancouver... .............. Hollyburn 135
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Victoria ............................................... ...Aurora 165 West Vancouver ............................. King David 93
1495 West 8th Avenue Vancouver V6H 1C9 Victoria........... ... ................. . ......... Britannia 73 West Vancouver .................................. Prospect 172
Victoria ................................ ..Camosun 60 Whitehorse (Yukon Territory)........ ....... Atlinto 42
The Vancouver Masonic Centre Victoria (Langford) ......................... Goldstream 161 Whitehorse (Yukon Territory) ....... Whitehorse 46
105-1495 West 8th Avenue Victoria ............................ .. . ............. Henderson 84 White Rack ................... ... . .............. ...St. James 80
Vancouver, BC, Ganada V6H 1C9 Victoria . ... ............ United Peninsula 24 White Rack.......... .......... Joppa 112
604-736-8941 Victoria ..... .. .............. Vancouver and Quadra 2 Williams Lake .................. .. ... .. ............. Centre 113
Fax: 604· 736-5097 Victoria ....... . ...................... ..Victoria Columbia ~ 1
E -mail: [email protected]
Web page:
addition to the Grand Lodges included in thispublication, the Grand Lodge ofBritish Columbia and Yukon
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. maintains fraternal relations with the follówing Grand Lodges: Andorra; Albania; Brazil: Guanabara;
Congo; Estonia; France: Grande Loge Nationale Fran~aise (restored); Guinea; Italy: Grande Oriente (only);
Abbotsford . . .............. ........Abbottsford 70 Oliver ................. . .. ..................... Southern Gate 124 Lithuania; Macedonia; Mali; Montenegro; Mozambique; Niger; Slovakia; Slovenia; Prince Hall: Alaska,
Armstrong .................................. Spallumcheen 13 100 Mile House ......................... Mount Begbie 183 Connecticut, North Carolina, Ohio, Ontario, Oregon, Washington.
Ashcroft ............................................... Zarthan 105 Parksville .............................................. Concord 79 The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon does not recognize the following Grand Lodges listed
Barkerville . .... Cariboo 4 Peachland.. .... Trepanier 83 in this publication: Armenia; Beinin; Brazil: Bahia, Paraiba, Parana, Piaui, Roraima; Colombia: Barran·
Burns Lake ............. ... ................. ..Tweedsmuir 152 Penticton ........... .. ..................................... Orion 51 quilla, Cartagena, Oriental; Guatemala; Bulgaria; Mexico: Baja California, El Potosi, Occidental Mexicana;
Campbell River ................................ Discovery 149 Penticton .................................... . .... Penticton 147 Paraguay; Togolaise; Prince Hall: California.
Castlegar ... .......... ... .... ......... Sentinel 146 Port Alberni .. ....... Barclay 90
Chetwynd .. .................... .. .............. ..Chetwynd 187 Port Alberni ................................... ........ Euclid 158
Chilliwack ....................................... .Ionic-Kent 19 Port Clements ........... Queen Charlotte Islands 189
Chilliwack.. ........... .... ...... .. ..... Mount Zion 120 Port Coquitlam ...... .............................. De Wolf 78
Comox ........... . ........................................ .Comox 188 Port Coquitlam ......................... Blue Mountain 182
Courtenay ... .. ............................. .. .. ... .... Hiram 14 Port Coquitlam ............ ... ..... ..................... .Vimy 97
Cranbrook .. .... Cranbrook 34 Port Hardy.. ..... Rainbow 180
Creston .. .. .......................... .. ..... ........ ....Creston 54 Powell River ........ . .. .. .. .. ................. .. . ..... Triune 81
Cumberland ..... .............. ..... ..... ... ..Cumberland 26 Prince George .......... .. .. ........... .... ......... N echa k o 86
Dawson City (Yukon Territory) ..... .Yukon 45 Prince George .... ........ Prince George 178
Dawson Creek .. . ... ....... ... Peace 126 Prince Rupert .. ....... ..... .................... Tsimpsean 58 1875 ilnANITOBA 2015
Duncan . ............ ... .................. ........ ....... Temple 33 Prince Rupert ........... .. .. ............................. Tyee 66 A . F. &A. M.
Enderby . ........... . .. Enderby . 40 Princeton............ ......... .. ... Similkameen 95 Founded May 12, 1875
Fernie ............... . ......................... ... ... Elk River 35 Qualicum Beach ............................... Qualicum UD Annual Meeting First Friday and Saturday in June Members, 2,188
Fort Nelson ................................... Fort Nelson 179 Quesnel .................. .. ... ............. ...... Quesnel 69
Fort St. John.... . ..•. ... Fort St. John 131 Revelstoke ..... ........ ... ... .................. Kootenay 15 (1 July 2014 Membership)
Golden ....... .. ................... .... ............... Mountain 11 Richmond ......................... .. .................. Aviation 175 STANO SPINA DOUG WEBSTER, P.G.M
Grand Forks ............... . ......... Harmony 37 Richmond.. . . ......... Centennial-King George 171 Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Greenwood .................................. King Edward 28 Richmond .............. . ..................... ... ...Richmond 142 420 Corydon Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3L ON8
Hope .......... .. ................................ Mount Hope 139 Roberts Creek .................... Mount Elphinstone 130 Phone: 204-453· 7410 Fax: 204-284-3527
Invermere ... .................... .... ... ......Columbia 38 Saanichton .... .............. ....................... Haida 166 E-mail: [email protected]
Kamloops ........................................... Kamloops 10 Salmo ............. ..... ................. .. .... .............. Ymir 31
Kamloops ....................... ....... Mount St. Paul 109 Salman Arm ................................. Salman Arm 52
Kaslo ...................................................... Kaslo 25 Salt Spring Island ................................ Admira] 170 LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Kelowna ... ................. ... . ..... : ...... Prince Charles 153 Smithers ..... .................... ... . ................ Omineca 92
Kelowna ............................... ... ....... St. George's 41 Squamish ................. ...... ........ Mount Garibaldi 127 Beausejour ......... ....................... ..Ophir 112 Winnipeg .. . .............. .. .. ............... Acacia 111
Keremeos.. ........ ....... Hedley 43 Summerland.. ........ ....... ............ Summerland 56 Boissevain .... ... .. . . .............. ... .. .Doric 36 Winnipeg ................. ..... .. ... Ancient Landmark 3
Kimberley .. ... . ................ .. ... ...... ........... Selkirk 55 Surrey ....... . ..... ............ ..... .. . ....... North Star 167 Brandon ... ......... . ........ Brandon 19 Winnipeg ................ ... .... Beaver Ionic 25
Kitimat ................ ...... .. .... .. ......... .... .Kitimat 169 Surrey ... .. ........... . . . .. Dormer 191 Brandon ........ .. ............ .. ..... Fenwick 158 Winnipeg .......................... . ... ..... Capital 136
Ladner ....... . ................... .......... Ancient Light 88 Terrace .... ..... ..... .. ... ...... ........... .. ............ Kitselas 123 Brandon ..... ... ................. ................. Wheat City 168 Winnipeg ..................... Charleswood Red River 184
Ladner ..... ... ....................... .. .. .. ....Tsawwassen 185 Tofino .... .... ...... ........... .. ....... ................. Manoah 141 Carberry .. ........................................... Carberry 29 Winnipeg ...... ... .................. ..Corinthian 178
Ladysmith ......................... ...... ...... Chemainus 114 Trail .......... ... ... .... . .Corinthian 27 Dauphin ........................................... .Vermillion 68 Winnipeg .. .................. ..... .... ..... Empire 127
Ladysmith . ....................... .. ..... ......... .St. John's 21 Tumbler Ridge ... ... ... ..... ... .Light of the Rockies 190 Flin Flan .................... ... ..................... Flin Flan 153 Winnipeg .............. . ............... Fil-Can Cabletow 189
Langley ........................................ .... Cloverdale 168 Vancouver ......... .....................................Acacia 22 Foxwarren ........................................ Foxwarren 152 Winnipeg ........................ ..... Keystone 185
Langley .. ... ... ............ ... Dogwood 192 Vancouver..... ...... Alliance 193 Gimli .................. . ......................... ......... Viking 175 Winnipeg ..................... ... ........ Kilcona 183
Langley ........................................... :... ..Eureka 103 Vancouver ........................................... .Burnaby 150 Lac Du Bonnet ........................ Winnipeg River 154 Winnipeg ............................................ Menorah 167
Langley ........ ...... ............................... Langley 184 Vancouver ............................................ Cascade 12 Minnedosa ............................... Prince ofWales 14 Winnipeg ......................................... Millennium 182
Langley .. ..... ..Westminister 17 4 Vancouver.. . ..... .................... Commonwealth 156 Pilot Mound ................................ . ........ Mound 118 Winnipeg ........ Northern Light Prince Rupert's 1
Lillooet .............................................. Cayoosh 173 Vancouver ................................. .. Dimasalang 195 Portage la Prairie.. . . .............Assiniboine 7 Winnipeg .. ................................. Phoenix 187
Maple Ridge ..... .. .......................... .. .. .Landmark 128 Vancouver ..... .. ..................................... Dunbar 118 Winnipeg ............ ........................ .Seven Stars 180
Maple Ridge ....... .................... .Prince David 101 Vancouver ............. .......... .................. Excelsior 195 Russell .... ... .............. ........ ....... Russell 62
Merritt .................................................. Nicola 53 Vancouver ................................ ........ Grandview 96 Selkirk. ....... .. ..................... ... .. ........ Lisgar 2 Winnipeg.............................. ..Sturgeon Creek 145
Mili Bay ....... . ................... ... ................ Malahat 107 Vancouver ....................... Keystone·Lions' Gate 115 Starbuck ................ .................. Starbuck 160 Winnipeg.... .... St. James 121
Mission City ......... ............. .... Pacific 16 Vancouver.... . ... Maple LeafPark 63 Stony Mountain ................................ Stonewall 12 Winnipeg.. . ........ ..St. John's 4
Nakusp .................................. .Star ofthe West 61 Vancouver ......................................... .. Melrose 67 Swan River . ............................... Prince Arthur 105 Winnipeg .... .... . ........ The Dormer Mount Sinai 188
Nanaimo ............................ . ..... . ........... Ashlar 3 Vancouver .......................................... Meridian 108 The Pas ... ...................... .. . .................. .The Pas 124 Winnipeg .................................... Templum Sion 186
Nanaimo ............. ......................... ...Doric 18 Vancouver..... .... .... Mount Hermon 7 Thompson ............................ . ............... Mystery 174 (On line) .......................... Castle Island Virtual 190
Nanaimo .... . ..... ...... .... Nanaimo 110 Vancouver ....... ... ...... ........ .. .Mount Lebanon 72
Nelson . ... .. ........ ........... .... .. ..... ... . ... .... N elson 23 Vancouver ...... .. ... ................... Prince ofWales 100 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF MANITOBA. This Grand Lodge does not
New Denver ..... .. .. .... ....... Slocan 29
New Westminster ................ . ... ............... Lewis 57
New Westminster ....... .. .......... ..... Perfection 75
New Westminster .............................. .. ..Tuscan 138
~:~~~~~=~ .:·· ···· · · ··· ·· ······::::·::s~~r~aa~~~~
..... Progress 87
~~I;s%~.: ~~~!~;~~ ;r
Permits Plural Membership
. Petitcodiac .. ........ .. Steven 37
~f:!t!~~~~k : .. Westmorland 44
n. • •• ::
Belleville ....... . .................... .. .. . ................ Moira 11 Elk Lake . ........... ..... ....... Elk Lake 507
Halifax ................................................ .Virgin 3 River Philip ............ ..... ................. Widow's Son 48 Belmont ................. .................... ..... Belmont 190 Elliot Lake .. ................... ....... Elliot Lake 698
Hantsport ..................... ......... ............... Poyntz, 44 Sackville ......... .............................. . ..... Sackville 137 Binbrook ........................................... Harmony 57 Elrnira ... .............. New Dorninion 205
Isaac's Harbour ..... .................... ...... .. Stormont 96 Sheet Harbor .................. . ..................... Eureka 42 Blenheim .. .....• .................................. .. .Kent 274 Elmira .. ............. ...... ..................... Glenrose 628
Kentville ............... ........................ . ... Kentville 58 Shelburne ..... . .. .......... ........... Albert 30 Blind River ....................... .. ... ... .Penewobikong 487 Elmvale ............................ . . .... Coronation 466
Kingston ............................................ Markland 99 Sherbrooke .... .... .... .............................. Queen's 34 Blyth ......... ... .. ...................... ... . ................ Blyth 303 Emo ....... ........ ....... ....... .......... Manitou 631
Lawrencetown. ..... .................. ...Evangeline 94 Springhill ................................ ............... Laurie 70 Bobcaygeon ......................... . ...............Verulam 268 Emsdale .. ....Algonquin 434
Liverpool ........................ ....................... Zetland 9 Spryfield-Halifax ............ ......... Duke ofKent 121 Bolton .................. ......................... ... .True Blue 98 Englehart . ............. ......... ..... Englehart 534
Lockeport ................................................. Taylor 62 Stellarton .......... ........................... ........ Keith 23 Bothwell.. ......... ......... Star of the East 422 Erin ................ ................. ... ... ...... Wellington 271
Londonderry .......... ..... .. .................. North Star 74 Stewiacke ............................. ............ Stewiacke 98 Bowmanville .. .................... J erusalem 31 Espanola ............................................. Espanola 527
Louisbourg ....................................... Mariner's 80 St. Margaret's Bay .................... .St. Margaret's 118 Bracebridge . .......... ..Muskoka 360 Essex .......... ........................................ Central 402
Lunenburg ................................. ............. Unity 4 Sydney .................. ............ ................. MacKay 113 Bradford .............. .. .. ..... ........ . ....... Simcoe 79 Etobicoke ........................ ...... ........Anniversary 733
Mahone Bay ......................................... Charity 69 Sydney ..................... The S t . Andrews Lodge of Brampton..... ........... . .......... .... Chinguacousy 738 Etobicoke. . ..... ........ ............... Anthony Sayer 640
Maitland, Hants Co. ...... ...... W.D. Lawrence 101 Cape Breton 7 Brampton ....................................... Flower City 689 Etobicoke .. ... Bridgewood 713
Middleton. ........................ .................. .. .Ionic 73 Sydney .................................................. Sydney 84 Brampton .. .............................................. .Ibrox 740 Etobicoke .. ........ .... ..... Connaught 501
Milton .................................... .. Prince ofWales 29 Sydney Mines .................................. Royal Oak 85 Brampton .. ........... ...Ionic 229 Etobicoke ......... ................... ........ Kingsway 655
Mount Uniacke ... ................ ........ .... Uniacke 128 Thorburn ..................... . ....................... Hudson 77 Brampton .................. ... ...... The Mount Moriah 727 Etobicoke.. .. ............. .. . ................. Lake Shore 645
Mulgrave ............................... . ..........~ .. Temple 57 Timberlea ............. .... Timberlea 136 Brampton .... ... ................... .. .................... Unity 710 Etobicoke. ................ ............... Long Branch 632
Musquodoboit Harbour ............... . .........Ashlar 107 Truro .. ..Fellowship 112 Brantford ................. .................... ... .. ... ... Brant 45 Etobicoke ..... .......... ...... . ......... Maple Leaf 600
New Germany ..................................... Hillcrest 93 Truro ............ . .......................... Loge La France 138 Brantford .. ... .. ................ . ..... .. ................ Reba 515 Etobicoke ...... .............. . .......... .Mimico 369
New Glasgow .. .. .... .Albjon 5 Truro .......... ... ... ..... ... ............. Truro 43 Brigden ...................................... ..... ..... Leopold 397 Etobicoke ........ ....... .............. Perfect Column 510
New Ross . ................ .. ........................ Norwood 135 Upper Stewiacke ..... .. ................................ Elm 115 Brighton ........................ ........................ United 29 Etobicoke ......................................... Rehoboam 65
N orth Sydney ................................ Royal Albert 19 Wallace ................ .............. .... .......... Wallace 76 Brockville.. ...... .......................... .Salem 368 Etobicoke .. .. ........................ . ............. Sunnylea 664
Oxford.. ..................................... Wimburn 75 Westmount-Sydney ........... ... ............ East Gate 127 Brockville. ........... ... ..... .................. St. James 74 Etobicoke ....................... . ....................... ..Unity 606
Parrsboro ....... .................... .... ............... Minas 67 Westville .......... ................... Westem Star 50 Brockville . ...... .... . ........ Sussex 5 Exeter ................. . ....... ............ Lebanon Forest 133
Pictou .... .. ............................... .. New Caledonia 11 Weymouth ............................................ Tus can 111 Brooklin .. . .......... ................. Mount Zion 39 Fenelon Falls ........... . ................................. Spry 406
Port Hawkesbury ................................ Solomon 46 Whycocomagh ··········' .... ... ................. Sircom 66 Burford .. ........... ........... ..... Burford 106 Fergus ...................... .. . ........................... .Irvine 203
Port Morien.. ..... ... ......... The Thistle 36 Windsor ... ....... ............................... Welsford 26 Burford ...... ........ ................................ Ozias 508 Fergus ........................... . ...................... Mercer 34 7
Pugwash .... .............................. ...Acadia 13 Wolfville ......... ................................ .St. George's 20 Burks Falls ........................................... Corona 454 Fingal.. .......................... Warren 120
River Hebert ..................... . ........ King Edward 86 Yarmouth ............................................... Hiram 12 Burlington ............................................... Brant 663 Flesherton ....... .... ......... ......... Prince Arthur 333
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF NOVA SCOTIA. In addition to the Grand Burlington .. ...................................... Burlington 165 Fonthill .. ..... .......................... Phoenix 535
Lodges included in this publication, this Grand Lodge maintains fraternal relations with the following Burlington ...... ... ... .............. Wellington Square 725 Fordwich ............... .......... ................ Fordwich 331
Grand Lodge: Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ontario and jurisdiction. Burritt's Rapids ......................... .... Merrickville 55 Fort Erie . ............... ..... Dominion 615
Nova Scotia does not recognize the following Grand Lodges: Benin; Brazil State Grand Lodges of: Caledon East .................... . .......................Peel 468 Fort Erie ........ ..... ........... . ........... .. Palmer 372
Alagoas, Amapa, Espirito Santo, Gerais; Oriental Cucuta; Gabon; Iran; Luxembourg; Mexico: Benito Caledonia ............... ......... . ......... St. Andrew's 62 Fort Frances. ........ Granite 446
Juarez, Chiapas, Cosmos, Del Pacifico, El Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Occidental Mexicana, Sinaloa, Unida Mexi· Cambridge ............. ................ ............ Alma 72 Frankford ..... ........................ .......... Franck 127
cana, Valle de Mexico; Nicaragua; Togolaise; and Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California. Cambridge ........ ...... ............................ .Concord 722 Gananoque .. .......... .... ..Leeds 201
Cambridge .......... . ...................... Heritage 730 Georgetown ............................................. Credit 219
Cambridge.. ............ ...... . .............. Mystic Tie 279 Georgetown ......................... Walker-Friendship 321
Cambridge. ....... ....... ......................... Preston 297 Geraldton. . ... Kenogamisis 656
Campbellford ................ Golden Rule Hastings 126 Glencoe . ................... . ................ ............. .. Lome 282
Campbellville.... ..................... Campbell 603 Goderich .............................................. Maitland 33
Camlachie ........................... .................. Huron 392 Gore Bay ........ ... .. ................................ Gore Bay 472
1855 GANADA [In the Province of Ontario] 2015 Cannington ................... ................ Brock 354 Grand Valley ............................................. Scott 421
A . F. &A. M. Capreol.................... .......... National 588 Granton ........................................... ... .. Granton 483
lnstituted October 1O, 1855 Cargill...... ............... . .. Moravian 431 Gravenhurst .................................. Golden Rule 409
Carleton Place ................................... St. John's 63 Grimsby .......... .................. .. ... .. ..... Union 7
Lodges,548 Annual Meeting Third Wednesday in July Members, 40,543 Carlow ................ .... .. ..... Morning Star-Clinton 309 Guelph. ........................... Guelph 258
Carp ..... . .............................................. Carleton 465 Guelph. ............... ..... Royal City Daylight 742
DONALD A. CAMPBELL TERENCE SHAND, P.G.M. Caynga ...................... ........................ St. John's 35 Guelph.. ................. ........................... Speed 180
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Centreville ................... . ................. .. ... .Victoria 299 Guelph....... ........... . . ...... Trillium 724
14 Standish Cr. Markham, ON, L3P 4A3 363 King S t. W. Hamilton LSP 1B4 Chapleau ..................... . ................. ... ... .. .Lorne 622 Guelph .. ... Waverley 361
Telephone: Office 905-528-8644 Chatham .......................................... Parthenon 267 Guelph ...................... ...... Wyndham 688
FAX: 905-528-6979 Chatham ............................ Wellington-Victory 46 Hagersville ............ . ................ Hiram 319
E-mail: [email protected] Chesley ..... ......... .........................Aldworth 235 Haileybury ................................... Temiskaming 462
Permits Plu~al Membership Chesley .. ........... ............................ Forest 393 Haliburton . .............................. North Entrance 463
Claremont .. ......... Brougham Union 269 Hamilton ................ .. .. ............................ Acacia 61
Clifford ...... ............. .... ......... Clifford 315 Hamilton. ........... Ancient Landmarks Doric 654
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. Cobden .............................. Cobden Enterprise 459 Hamilton .................... ... ...................... ... Barton 6
Coboconk ........... ..... .................. King George V 498 Hamilton .......................................... Buchanan 550
Abingdon ......... . .................................... Lincoln 544 Athens .. .................... .. .. ...... Rising S un 85 Cobourg ...................... . ......................... Clinton 84 Hamilton.. . ....... . .............. ........... Corinthian 513
Ailsa Craig .. ........ . ..... .... ......... . ............. Craig 57 4 Atikokan ........................................ ... .Atikokan 668 Cobourg.. .................... . ............. St. John's 17 Hamilton .......... . ............... ......... Dundurn 475
Ajax ................ ... ....................... ...... Birch Cliff 612 Aurora ................................ . .... ................ Delta 634 Colborne ..... . ... . ..................... ... .. ....... Colborne 91 Hamilton .. ........ Electric 495
Ajax .................... .... ........... :... ........... ... Canada 532 Aurora .................. .. ... .................... Rising Sun 129 Collingwood ......................... .. .............. Manito 90 Hamilton ............................................. Hillcrest 594
Ajax ....................................................... ... Doric 424 Aurora .. .................. .. ...................... .Robertson 292 Consecon ....................... .. ................ Consecon 50 Hamilton. ......... ................ Hugh Murray 602
Ajax ................................................. Friendship 729 Aylmer .............. ... ............................. Malahide 140 Cookstown ........................................ .Manitoba 236 Hamilton.... ....... ........ lonic 549
Ajax... ... .......................... Scarboro 653 Ayr ................... ... .. ................ Ayr 172 Cornwall .. ... .................. Cornwall-Corinthian 125 Hamilton ....................................... St. Andrew's 593
Ajax .......................................... .... ...... Wexford 683 Baden ... . ............................................... Wilmot 318 Creemore ... ... ....... .......................Nitetis 444 Hamilton .............. .... .. ...................... St. John's 40
Ajax-Pickering .................................... Coronati 520 Bancroft .... ..... ................................... Bancroft 482 Delhi .................................................. Frederick 217 Hamilton ................ . .......................... Temple 324
Alexandria ....... .................. .. .. ........Alexandria 439 Barrie.. .......... Corinthian 96 Drayton .. ........ ..... . ........................ Conestogo 295 Hamilton ................................................ Tuscan 551
Alliston ......................................... .Seven Star 285 Barrie... ... ..... ... .... Kempenfeldt 673 Dryden ....................... . . .... Golden Star 484 Hamilton ................. ........................... Wardrope 555
Almonte .. ......... ........................ :..... :.Mississippi 147 Barrie .. .................... ............... ................. Kerr 230 Dundalk. .............. ... . ..... Dundalk 449 Hamilton ................. . ...................... Westmount 671
Ameliasburg ... .................. ................. Lake 215 Bath ·................. .. .. ......................... Maple Leaf 119 Dundalk ........... ............................ Lome 377 Hanover ............................................... Hanover 432
Amherstburg ......... ........... ......... ............ Thistle 34 Bath .......... .... .. ... ................ Templum Fidelis 746 Dundas.................. ............................. Valley 100 Harriston ......... ........ ....................... Harriston 262
Ancaster .. ........................................ Meridian 687 Beamsville .................................................. .Ivy 115 Dunnville ...............................................Amity 32 Harrow .................... ..... King Edward 488
Ancaster .................. ........ . ........... Seymour 272 Beaverton ......... .. ................ ................. Murray 408 Durham .......................... . ................. ... Durham 306 Harrowsmith .............. .......Albion 109
Arkona .. ........ ........ Arkona 307 Beeton .... ........................ .. ......................... Spry 385 Dutton ................................... . ............ Cameron 232 Havelock ................. . . .... Havelock 435
Arnprior .... ... .. ........ ...... ......... Madawaska 196 Belleville .............. ... . ........... Belleville-Temple 123 Eganville ..................................... . .. Bonnechere 433 Hepworth .. ............. ........... Burns 436
Arthur ......... .. .......................... Prince Arthur 334 Belleville ................................ . .............. Eureka 283
Founded February 19, 1922 AA:. LL:. Y AA:. MM:.
Logias 48 Reu nión Anual Agosto 7
ALVARO RAMÓN YOUNES ARBOLEDA RAFAELALFONSOABUABARACASAS Logias, 20 ~eunion annual : Second Sunday on February and July 20 Members, 330
Car. 5 N•. 17.-79 Car. 5 N•. 17-79, Grand Maestro. Gran Secretario.
Bogotá. D.C., Colombia Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
Telephone: (571) 3423077 Ext: 104 Telephone: (571) 3.4 23077 Ext: 104 ORLANDO ARÉVALO CASTILLO PLINIO PORFIRIO PEÑA VILLAMIL
FAX: 3423077 Ext. 114 FAX: 3423079 Ext. 114 Diputy Grand Maestro Gran Canciller.
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Masonic Temple: Centro, Calle San Juan de Dios #3-25
Apartado Postal 1969
Web Site: Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, S.A.
Telefono: 57-5-6646180 Telefax: 57-5-6642955
E-mail: [email protected]
Bogotá. . . ....................... Caballeros Templarios O Florencia .... ........... Caballeros del Chaira 21 LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Bogotá .. . .................. Propagadores de la Luz 1 Bogotá .. .... . ............ Libertad 22
Bogotá.. .... ....... Aquilea Parra Gómez 2 Bogotá.. .. ......... ... ............. Galileo Galilei 23 Atjona (Bolivar) ..... .Unida Simón Bossa Pereira 82 El Carmen de Bolivar (Bolívar) .............. Luz del
Girardot.. ..................... .... Luz de Girardot 2 Bogotá.. .................. ....... ...... Hermética 25 Cartagena de Indias (Bolivar) ...... Hospitalidad Carmen 21 60
Bogotá. ..... Manuel Murillo Toro 3 Medellin ... ..Jaime Cock Ocho a 26 ·- Granadina 1 Magangné (Bolívar) ..... ..... ..............Aurora 62
Bogotá. . .............. ... .. .. Estrella del Tequendama 4 Bogotá .. ............ ..Génesis 27 Cartagena de Indias (Bolívar) ........... ....... Unión 9 Magangué (Bolívar) ............. Renovación Aurora 76
Bogotá.. ............ .Filantropia Bogotana 5 Bogotá. ..................................... ....... .... Pitágoras 28 Cartagena de Indias (Bolívar) ................ .Lumen 14 Montería (Córdoba) . ...... Fraternidad Cordobesa 4
Bogotá.. ............................................. Fiat Lux 6 Bogotá.. ................ ..... Estrella de América 29 Cartagerfa de Indias (Bolívar) .. ........ Cartagena 52 Montería (Córdoba) .......... ... .. .Luz de Montería 63-3
Ibagné .. .... Estrella del Combeima 7 Bogotá ... . ............. .......... ... ... ..... Sabiduría 30 Cartagena de Indias (Bolívar) ............. Colombia 61 Montería (Córdoba). ...... José María Córdoba 64-4
Bogotá. ........ .. ....... ................ .......... .Fraternidad 8 Neiva .. · ...... Estrella del Huila 31 Cartagena de Indias (Bolívar) ....... Germinación San Andrés Islas . ......... ... ....... Providence Lodge 79
Bogotá .. ........... Tómas Cipriano de Mosquera 9 Bogotá.. ...... .. ........ ........ ........ ..... Generación 33 del Caribe 77 San Andrés Islas ..... St. Andrew's Lodge 83
Bogotá ........ ... . ... Constructores de la Armonía 11 Túnja ... ..... ....... ....... .Sol de Oriente Ciro A 35 Cartagena de Indias (Bolívar) ............... Estrella Sincelejo (Sucre) ........................ .Sol de Sabanas 56
Bogotá.. .......... .Enseñanza 12 Medellín ... .............. .................. ..Armenia 39 de Salomón 78 Sincelejo (Sucre) ................ Estrella de Sincelejo 75
Bogotá ................................. ........ Veritas Vincit 13 Bogotá .... . . ... Germinación Feo. P . 43 Cartagena de Indias (Bolívar) Sincelejo (Sucre) ..Fraternidad de la Sierra Flor 80
Bogotá.. ................ Benito Juárez García 14 Bogotá .. ...... ·..... Géminis 45 Obreros de la Acacia 81
Bogotá ............................ ....... ..... Manuel Ancízar 15 Bogotá ... ................................. .... ....... Cosmos 50
Bogotá ..... George Washington Without Borders 17 Bogotá... .... ..... ... ........._. ... Gestión Siglo XXI 55 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF NACIONAL-CARTAGENA. Miembro de
Bogotá. ....................... Juán el Bautista 18 Bogota .. ......... ......... Gmmel Antomo Nanño 57 la Confederación Masónica Interamericana (C.M.I.), Confederación Masónica Bolivariana (C .M.B.), y la
Zipaquirá ...
Bogotá ....
............. .... .Sol de Zipa
.............. .. .... ... ...Amistad
19 ~ilT~~fc~~~i~ :::::: ~.~~.~~~~~~~-~~-~~L~J~lclLf:~~ ~~ Confederación Masónica Colombiana (C.M.C.), Confederación Mundial de Grandes Logias.
Serenisima Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia maintains fraternal relations with móst of the Grand
Bogotá .. ........... ..José Hilario López 20 Bogotá .. ......... ...... Cultores de la Acacia 77 Lodges listed in this publication.
Jurisdiction: Departments (States); Bolivar, Sucre, Choco, y San Andrés y Providencia.
The Lodge George Washington Without Borders No. 17 works the every Saturday of each month (9:00 *No corrections have been received since this date.
a .m.) in English in York Rite.
222 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 223
Con sede en Bucaramanga " FRANCISCO DE PAULA SANTANDER"
AA :. LL:. Y AA:. MM.: . Con Sede en Cúcuta-norte de Santander
Founded November 18, 1945
Founded April 29, 1972
Annual Meeting July 20
Miembro de la Confederación Masónica Colombiana (C.M.C.)
Miembro de la Confederación Masónica Bolivariana (C .M.B.) MIEMBRO DE LA CONFEDERACION MASONICA INTERAMERICANA
Miembro de la Confederación Masónica lnteramericana (C. M.I.) MIEMBRO DE LA CO NFEDERACION MASONICA COLOMBIANA
Lodges,10 Annual Meeting : January 30 Lodges, 7 Members, 115
Grand Master Grand Secretary Grand Master Grand Secretary Foreign Affairs
Phone: 57-75-775599 Phone: 57-75-775599-5897304
Past Grand Master · Grand Chancellor PASTOR ENRIQUE CABEZA DUARTE
Deputy Grand Master
MASONIC TEMPLE Phone: 57-75-775599 and 57-75-742075
Carrera 25 N° 45- 13
Bucaramanga, Colombia Masonic Temple
Phones: 6341135-6914562 Ave. 2E 0-33N Qta. Bosch
E-mail: [email protected] Cúcuta, Colombia
www P .O. Box 595
Telfax 57-75-742075
Externa! dual membership is permitted
Bucaramanga ..................... .Renovación 1-12 Bucaramanga ... ............ ....... Unión Fraternal 7 Cúcuta ......... Sol de Santander del Norte 2-14 Cúcuta ........ Caballeros del Templo 11
Bucaramanga ..Hombres Libres 2 Bucaramanga .................. Estrella de Oriente 8 Cúcuta ... .................... Catatumbo 4-17 Cúcuta .... ............. .. .... .Renacimiento 15
Barrancabermeja ...............Amor 3 Barrancabermeja ... .... ...................... Libertad 11 Cúcuta .. Obreros del Silencio 7 Pamplona ..... Estrella De Pamplona 3-16
Bucaramanga .. Cosmos 4 Bucaramanga ......... . .................... .Solidaridad 12 Cúcuta ........... Estrella Boreal 5
Bucaramanga ... ........... ......... ........ Cóndor 5 Bucaramanga ... ............... Solidaridad Austral 13
Oriental de Colombia at Cúciita, Colombia is in fraternal relations with most Grand Lodges listad in this
book. We welcome and fraternally invite recognition from al! Regular Grand Lodges with which Fraternal
Relations have not yet been established. Interna! and externa! dual memberships regulated.
*No corrections have been received since this date.
A:.F:. & A:. M:.
1935 GRAN LOGIA OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIA 2015 Fou nd ed Decembe r 7, 1899
Con Sede en Cali Member of Confederacion Mason ica lnteramericana
AA :. LL:. y AA:. MM:. Member of Confederacion Masonica Centroamericana
Founded February 24, 1935 Allows Dual a nd Plural Mem be rship
Miembro de la Confederación Masónica lnteramericana Lodges, 10 Communication last Friday every two years in October Members, 270
Miembro de la Confederación Masónica Bolivariana RONALDO HIRSH-KEIBEL GERMÁN ESPINOZA-GUIDO
Grand Master, Grand Secretary and Chancellor,
Miembro de la Confederación Masón ica Colombiana P.O. Box 10.060-1000 P.O. Box 10.060-1000
Jurisdiction: States of Valle del Cauca, Risaralda, Quindío, Caldas, Cauca, Na riño, Putumayo and Chocó San José-Costa Rica San José-Costa Rica
Office Phone: (506) 2268-2733 Office Phone: (506) 2222-5064
Lodges, 19 Semiannual Meetings: February 25 and June 24 FAX: (506) 2233-4755 Fax: (506) 2233-4755
Masonic Temple: Calle 23 N° 124-121 Avenida La María (Pance), Cali E-mail: [email protected] E -mail: [email protected]
Tei/Fax: (572) 5558442- (572 ) 5558443 JUAN EMILIO IBARRA-ROJAS Masonic Temple
Web Page: E-mail: [email protected] Deputy Grand Master Central Avenue 19th St.
Cali, Colombia Home Phone: (506) 80308-9945 P.O. Box 10.060-1000
Grand Master Grand Secretary E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (506) 2222-5064
Fax: (506) 2233-4755
E -mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Cali. ______ ............. .......... Universálitas 1-A Pasto ....... . ................. ... ... .... Luz de San Juan 24 Regeneración 1 P.O. Box 10.060, San José
Cali.. ····-· ..... ..................... ...... Phoenix 2 Pereira ........... ... .. ........ Caballeros del Templo 1 Union Fraternal 2 P.O. Box 10.060, San José
Cali .... ..... . ............... Ariel 7 Pereira ................................ ... .. ... .Prometeo 3 **La Luz 3 P.O. Box 1921, San José
Cali ........ ......... ........... ...Luz Eterna Pereira ............................................. Zohar 9 Hermes 7 P .O. Box 2554, San José
10 Maravilla 10 P .O. Box 300, Alajuela
Cali ....................................... Luz de Occidente 19 Pereira ··- ···· ·- ·· ...... .Luz del Risaralda 13 Torre-Alba 13 P.O. Box 2, Turrialba .
Cali ........... . ........................................... Acacia 23 Pereira .. _ .......... .................... ...... ... Libres 17 Francisco Calvo 15 P.O. Box 10.060, San José
Cali .......... . ................ ... ........... Trascendencia 33 Pereira.. ..... .............. ........ .. Humánitas 21 Caridad 16 P.O. Box 10.060, San José
Cartago .. . ............. ... ........................... Eureka 8 Buga ......... -------· ....... Arcano de la Filantropía 37-2 Coris 17 P .O. Box 10.060, San José
Manizales . ....... ...................... Nieves del Ruiz 14 Quibdó .... ...................... Lucero del Rio Quito 35 ***Le Sentier Caché 19
Armenia..... ....... Quindío 15 San Juan de la Perserverancia 20 P.O. Box 7566, San Jose
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OCCIDENTAL-CAL!. The Occidental Grand ** English Language; ***French Language.
Lodge of Colombia located in Cali has fraternal relations with the United Grand Lodge of England, most RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF COSTA RICA. The Grand Lodge of Costa
Grand Lodges ofthe United States, and most other Grand Lodges listed in this book. Rica is in fraternal relations with the United Grand Lodge of England, with most Grand Lodges of the
United S tates, and the majority of the Grand Lodges listed in this publication. The Grand Lodge of Costa
Rica welcomes and invites recognition from all regular Grand Lodges with which fraternal relations have
not yet been established.
224 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 225
228 List of Regular Lodges 229
A. F. & A .M. Velika Loze Ceske Republiky
Founded February 15, 2006 Founded February 25, 1923
Consecrated October 8, 2006 Re-aw akened in 1947 and in 1990
Lodges, 13 Annual Meetin g in February Mem bers, 510 Members, 534
Grand Master Grand Secretary Grand Master Grand Secretary for Externa! Relations
Freemasons Hall Phone: +357 22871171/ +357 22376847 Velika Loze Ceske Republiky
59A Onasagorou Street FAX: +357 22315263/ +357 22376846 Na Kozacce 4, 12000 Praha 2
Nicosia 1011- Cyprus E -mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
P .O. Box 23993 [email protected]
Nicosia 1687 ·- Cyprus Website:
Permits Plural Membership
The Grand Lodge of Cyprus permits Dual Membership out of the S tate only,
which may be granted upon permission by the Grand Master
Praha ... ---- ----- -----Národ 1 Praha ----- ------------ -----------Comenius - 17.11.1989 15
Larnaca. ..Kimon 1 Nicosia** .......................... Giuseppe Garibaldi 8 Praha ----------------------------------- _____________ Dilo 2 Praha ________ ------------------- ---- - ______ Dílna lidskosti 16
Nicosia .. ..... .So!on 2 Praha.. __________ Most 3 Brno .. ... .......................... Cestou svétla 17
Paphos _____ _ Limassol .......................... Acropolis Amathusia 9 Praha _ _____ __ u tri Hvezd 4
... Kinyras 3 Ostrava.... . .............................. Lux in tenebris 19
Famagusta __ Nicosia -------- ----------------------------------- -Hiram Abif 10 Praha ... ......... .SluneCní kámen - Petra Solaris 20
.. Evagoras 4 Larnaca*** ..... .................. .. .................... Salina 11 Plzen ---------------------------------------JosefDobrovsky 5
Nicosia .. ------------------ .Adonis 5 Limassol*** ----------- --.Strict Obedience 'Old 73' 12 Praha' __ ---- -·---------- ---Aiphonse Mucha 7 Praha. . ----------------- -.Sibi et Posteris 21
Nicosia .. ___ .Kinon Kyprion 6 Limassol*** .................................. .St. Andrews 13 Marianske Lazne ............. Goethe v udoli miru 8 Praha4 • • •••••••••••••••••• •.••••••••••• Santini 22
Larnaca* . Goethe 7 Praha2 ••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Quatuor Coronati 9 Brno . ----- ------------ _ ..... Templum Sapientiae 23
Brno .. ............. U vycházejíciho slunce 10 Praha .. ....... Pierre de Lasenic 25
*German speaking. **ltalian speaking ***English speaking Praha3 •..• • ••• •••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •••••••••• Hiram 12 Hradec Kralove .. _ ------------------Josef Gocár 26
Praha' -------------- ------- ---------------- ----- -La Sincérité 13
founded by the Grand Lodge of Greece, the Grand Lodge of Austria, and the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Internationally oriented Lodge working usually in French and occasionally in English.
we are the sovereign grand lodge of the independent state of the Republic of Cyprus. As such, we may 2
Lodge of Research
legitimately claim Territorial Exclusivity. HOWEVER, our nation also enjoys the historic.a l and continuing 3 Internationally oriented Lodge working in English (Emulation working).
presence of the United Grand Lodge of England's District Grand Lodge of Cyprus, which serves wortby Internationally oriented Lodge working in German.
Freemasons from the UK's twin military bases on our island and other British citizens and E nglish speak- 5
Internationally oriented Lodge working in Italian
ers residing here. Hence, we are pleased to work in full amity with the UGLE concurrently on our Island, Al! the other lodges work in Czech.
under terms ofmutual recognition and good will as ratified by the UGLE on June 6, 2010.
In addition to the Grand Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book, the Grand Lodge of Cyprus
recognizes the following: Albania; Andorra; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Monaco; Montenegro; Slovak.ia;
Slovenia; Prince Hall Grand Lodges of: Alaska, Colorado, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania
and Virginia.
The Grand Lodge of Cyprus does not recognize the following Grand Lodges listed in this book: Aus-
tralia: New South Wales; Brazil State Grand Lodges: Acre, Alagoas, Amapa, Amazonas, Brasilia, Maran-
hao, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Para, Paraiba, Parana, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio de Janeiro, Rondo-
nia, Roraima, and Tocantins; Burkina Faso, West Africa; Cameroon; Colombia: Barranquilla, Bogota, Los
Andes and Occidental-Cali; Costa Rica; Cuba; Ecuador; Haiti; Honduras: Iceland; Mexico: Baja California
Sur; Benito Juarez, Campeche; Chiapas, Del Pacifico, El Potosi, Nuevo Lean, Occidental Mexicana,
Sinaloa, Tamaulipas and York; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Paraguay; Philippines; El Salvador-Cuscatlan;
Senegal, West Africa; USA: Arizona; Venezuela; and the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of: California, Connecti-
cut, Delaware, Illinois and New York.
230 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 231
Odder ..
....... .. . ........... Dominicus
Horsens ............ Bertel Thorvaldsen til Haabet
Horsens . ....... . .. ..... ............. Lysets Genius 831
... ............ Cirklens Centrum
..... .. .... Den Flammende Stjerne
Santo Domingo ............. . .................... Esperanza 9
Puerto Plata ...... .. .......................... Restauración 11
Moca ................. ... ... ..................... Perseverancia 13
Santo Domingo ..................................... Libertad 20
San Francisco de Macorís . ...... ................. Unión 23
Santiago .................... .. ................ Simón Bolivar 49
Santo Domingo ............. Caballeros de Memphis 50
Santo Domingo ........... Eugenio María de Hostos 51
Santo Domingo ..... Mount Moriah (Anglophone) 52
Santo Domingo ............. Caballeros de la Patria 53
ST. ANDREWS LODGES. Randers . .... . ........ ......Akacien 812 La Romana ........................... Faro de la Romana 24 Santo Domingo ................................. .José MartíUD
Working Swedish Rite IV-VI Degrees. Randers.. ................................ Det Gyldne Aks 833 San Juan de la Maguana .................... San Juan 28
Copenhagen ............ Cubus Christiani Decimi 404 Randers.. ..Hiram Lodge oflnstalled Masters 845
Copenhagen .............. .. Cubus Frederici Octavi 408 Silkeborg .. ......... .... .. . ...... Sirius 821 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. The
Copenhagen ............. .Cubus Frederici Septimi 401 Silkeborg... .. ... .................... Orion 838 Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic maintains fraternal relations with all regular Grand Lodges of the
Copenhagen.. .... Cubus Christiani Octavi 410 S~nderborg ........... . ...... ..Pyrus Malus 826 world and is a member of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation (IAMC ) and of the World Conference
Copenhagen .. ........... Cubus Causa Vera 411 Vejle .. ......... De To S~jler 806 of Grand Lodges.
Kolding .. ................. Dorothea ad Coronam 409 Vejle ...... Vita Nova Lodge oflnstalled Masters 842
Viborg .. .. ..... ...... ........... Pentagrammet 824
?~~bo~~ ······ ·· ··· ¡:;~ r;;~Ls~i:~ ¡g~ Vordingborg ... . .......... . ... Pythagoras 827
Aarhus. ......... ..... ... ..... ..De fire Roser 403 Viborg .. .......... .. .... ........... .Heptagrammet 848
Aalborg .. ..... .Den Evige Flamme 829
Heming.. . ... ..Kronen Ti! Lyset 412 Aalborg.. ..... ... .. Den Kubiske Sten 811
CHAPTERS. <).alborg ... ... .... ... ... Den Rette Vinkel 834 1'
Working Swedish Rite VII-X Degrees. Arhus ......... ...... Janus Vesta 803
Copenhagen .. ... Den Danske Store Landsloge 100
Further 29 "Lodges oflnstruction" are working Swedish Rite.
~ "S
List of Regular Lodges r Masonic 233
Founded June 19, 1921 Founded June 24, 1717
Lodges, 7,544 Members, 212,522
Lodges, 10 Annual Communication 2nd Wednesday in June Members, 90
Gran Maestro Diputado Gran Maestro Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Gran Secretario Gran Tesorero London, WC2B 5AZ. Tel.: 020-7831-9811
DEREK R. DINSMORE FAX: 020-7831-6021
Grand Temple: Edificio El Alfil, P. Ycaza 407 y Cordoba, Guayaquil Grand Chancellor, web page:
[email protected], +593 9 9725 2328
Guayaquil del Guayas 1 Guayaquil .. ..Jose Joaquin de Olmedo 57
Guayaquil .. .............. 5 de Junio 2 Machala .. .......... .Nueve de Mayo 58 AEsculapius. ..................... 2410 Atlas ....................................... 6083 Brockley.. ................. 4650
Guayaquil .. .. Luz de América 5 Portoviejo .. Aarheus .. .................... 6854 Aurea Norma ......................... 4811 Bromley Priory .. .......... .......... 3604
Guayaquil.. .. ..... Valle de Portoviejo 20
..... ........ .Sucre 10 Riobamba ... ..Pedro Vicente Maldonado 36 Abbey Lodge Westminster .... 2030 Aurora .......... ................. ........ .5768 Bromley St Leonard .............. 1805
Guayaquil. .. Renovación 4 7 Riobamba .. Abbey Mills .. ... ... ............... 6662 Australia . ........ 6505 Brondesbury ......................... 2698
... Hermes 46
Abbey of St John ............... 9184 Authors ...... ........................ 3456 Broomfield ............................. 4411
Absalom at Home ................. 8382 Avenue.. ...... ............... ... 3231 Broomwood ..... .. ................. . .6060
Acacia .................................... 3436 Avenue Hall ......................... 5910 Bruce Castle .. .................... . .. 6799
Acanthus. . ................... 2715 Avondale .. ............... ........ .. 2395 Buckingham and Chandos .... 1150
Acorn ... .................................. 5320 Balham Park.. ...... ... 6955 Builders of the Silent Cities .4948
Adams ... . ................................ 3122 Bancroftian . ......... 5619 Burdett-Coutts ......... . ........ 1278
Adelphi ................................... 1670 Bank ofEngland .... ................ 263 Burgoyne ................ . .............. 902
Aedes Christi ......................... 9304 Barbican ......... ............. 8494 Burlington ............................... 96
Aedile ................ . ................... 3281 Barnato. ........ ............. 2265 Burton Court.. .................... 3864
Aetos ...................................... 3702 Bartizan.. ........................ 5520 Cadogan... .................... 162
Alar............ ..... ..................... 7103 Basketmakers ............ ' ........... 5639 Caducean.. ................ 5671
Albert Gate. .. ................... 5475 Bayard ............. ............ ....... ... 1615 Caius.. ............ 3355
Albion ... . .......................... 9 Beach ....... .. ............................ 2622 Calculus.. ..................... 3575
Aldersbrook ... . ................... 2841 Beacon Light ......... .. ............. 6399 Caledonian .. ...................... 134
Aldgate Ward... .............. 3939 Beaconsfield .......................... 1662 Cambridge Heath ................ .4506
Aldwych ............ . ............ 3096 Beadon ..................................... 619 Camden ...... . ......... ........... 704
Aldwych Club.. ............ ..3794 Beaufort ................................. 5244 Canada .. .. .............................. 3527
Alexandra.. . ... 5182 Beckenham ............................ 2047 Candidus ............................... 5971
Alexandra Palace .. .............. 1541 Bedford ........ ............. ....... . ...... 157 Cannon ................................... 1539
Alfred Newton..... ..... 2686 Bee Hive ................................ 2809 Canonbury ............................... 657
Alfred Robbins. . .... 5083 Belgrave ... ............................... 749 Canonbury Tower ................. 9772
Allied Arts .. ..................... 6269 Belsize .................................. 5280 Canterbury . .......................... 1635
America .. . .... 3368 Benefacta .............................. .4049 Cantium ................................. 6397
Amicus .......... . ...................... 3772 Benefactum .......................... 5231 Cantuarian ......... :.................. 5733
Amor ... . .................................. 5330 Beneficentia .. ....... .. 5308 Capper ................. .. ............... 1076
Amor Laboris ................. . ...... 5352 Benevolentia . .... 2549 Captain Coram ...................... 2737
Anchor ....................... . .......... 1704 Billingsgate .. ......... .3443 Carbon ....... . .................... 2910
Ancora Rubra ........ . .............. 7747 Bishop Ridley ........................ 6196 Caribbean ....... ................. .4826
Anerley .............. . ................. 1397 Bishop of Barking .. . ...... 3050 Caritas.......... ................. 4981
Anglo Sierra Leone ............... 9416 Bishop's Hall ... .. ................... 5737 Carmarthen College .. . . .... 3280
Anglo-American ................... 2191 Bishopsgate ........................ . .2396 Carmarthenshire ................. .4664
Anglo-Colonial.... ............ 3175 Bishopsway ..................... .. .... 6061 Carnarvon . ............................ 1572
Anima.... . .................. 3634 Blackfriars .................. .... ...... 3722 Castle Bar .............................. 5036
Annuntio. ... 5539 Blacksmiths ........................... 7175 Castle Lodge of Harmony ......... 26
Anthony Sayer ..................... .4225 Blake Hall ............................ .4245 Castrum ................................. 7603
Antioch ................................... 3271 Bloomsbury Rifles' ............... 2362 Catenarian ............................ 7874
Apex ....................................... 6871 Blundell's.. ............... 5467 Cathedral. ................. 2741
Aquarius ................................ 3113 Bolingbroke .. ... 2417 Calor ..................................... 2266
Aquila ................................... .5189 Bon Accord .. ............ 3750 Caveac ...... ...................... 176
Arbor ............. . ...................... .4318 Bona Fides.. ............. 6696 Cavendish ............................ 2620
Arcadian .. ...................... 2696 Bond of Friendship ............... .4853 Caxton .. . .................... 1853
Archbishop Tenison .............. 5163 Border Stone ......................... 6755 Celerity .. .................. 5602
Archimedean ......................... 3613 Borough ................................. 2589 Centre.............. .................. 3701
Architrave .............. .. ............ 8065 Borough ofFinsbury ............. 3901 Centre Lodge of Amity .......... 5732
Arcturus .... .................... 6732 Borough of Greenwich ........... 2332 Centre Point .......................... 7866
Ardingly College .................. 4410 Borough ofHackney .............. 2944 Centurion ............................... 1718
Aretas ...... ................ .. .4268 Borough ofNewham ............. .8627 Cerealia .... .. ... . ...................... 3165
Argonauts .. ......................... .2243 Borough of St Paneras .... . .... 3316 Ceredigion ............................. 4550
Argosy ................................... 5181 Boston Park ........................... 4576. Cerepania .............................. 4817
Arklow Regis .. ................... .4481 Bounds Green ..... . ......... 4406 Ceres .................................... ..4179
Arlington ................................ 8313 Bouverie .. . ... .4418 Certa Cito ............................. 8925
Armament :............................ 3898 Bow .... ....... 7751 Certes .................................... .4606
Army and Navy ..................... 2738 Bowes Park .. ....... 3119 Certified Accountants ........... 7582
Arthur Williams .................... 3052 Brecknock .............................. 6369 Ceylon.. ................. 6436
Arts and Aldersgate .............. 1657 Brentford ............................... 2400 Chancery Bar.. .............. 2456
Arts and Crafts ...................... 3387 Bristol. ................................. .4522 Chapiter .. ................... .4677
Ashburton Park .................... .4988 Britannic ................................. 33 Chartered Accountants ......... 3162
Assembly .............................. .4357 British ............ ................. 8 Chartered Architects
Athenian.. .................... 8415 British Sub-Aqua ................. 8997 and Malleus 3244
Athlon ................................... .4674 Brixistane.. ............ 7069 Charterhouse Deo
Athlumney.. ....... .............. 3245 Brixton ................................... 1949 Dante Dedi 2885
Athol.... ................. 5241 Brixton Coronation ............... 5676 Chaucer ................................. 1540
Atlantes.. ....................... 5796 Brixton Ramblers ....... .. ........ 3347 Chelsea .. ............ 3098
234 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 235
LONDON-Continued LONDON-Continued
Chelsea Manor .............. .... 8954 Deltaic ................................... 5640 Fairchild St Marylebone ....... 7331 Gunnersbury ......................... 3268 Jerusalem ................................ 197 Lodge of Affi.nity ............ ..... 4164
Chelt .. ....... ........ 3240 Dependable ............................ 6325 Fairfax .. ..3014 Gunnhild .. .... ........................ ..7166 Johann Gutenberg ................ 5593 Lodge of Amity ............... ... ...... 171
Chequered Cloth .. ....... 5569 Derajat ........................ .......... .3206 Falcon ...... ....... ........... . ..8062 Guyana ....... ......................... .. 9626 John Carpenter ..... ................ 1997 Lodge of Antiquity ..................... 2
Cheselden ....... ....... ..... 2870 Derby Allcroft . ..................... ..2168 Faraday ..................... ... .4 798 Haberdashers' Aske's ............ 3362 John Evelyn ......... ................. 5518 Lodge of Asaph ...................... 1319
Child's Hill .. ....... .4275 Desaguliers ........................ 8324 Farriers ... . ................. . .......... 6305 Hackney Manor ............... .4592 John Snow .......... .................. 7715 Lodge of Ascension ........... .. ... 7358
Chiswick .. ... .................. 2012 Devonian ................ ............ 2834 Farringdon Without ............. 1745 Halcyon ....... .......................... .3546 J ordan Lodge of Good Lodge of Assistance ..... ..... 2773
Cholmeley...... . . .. .... 1731 Domatic .. ...... ............. 177 Fellowship ................ .. ........... 2535 Hale End .. .... ................... ....... 4183 Companions .. 201 Lodge of Attainment ............. 7090
Cholmeley Park .................... .4678 Doneraile .. ... 3558 Fellowship and Service ......... 5065 Hammersmith ....................... 2090 Joseph Lancaster ................... 3439 Lodge of Benefaction . . .... 5318
Chough .................................. 2264 Doric ........... . .... 933 Feltmakers .... . ...................... 3839 Hampden ...... . ....................... 2427 Jubilee Masters ...................... 2712 Lodge ofBrotherhood
Christ's Hospital ................... 2650 Dormer .. ..... 5146 Fenchurch . ......................... ..5663 Hampshire .... .. ....... ............ 3538 Junior Engineers ............. ..... 2913 and Friendship 9086
Christopher Wren ... .. .. .. ....... 6809 Dreadnought ... .......... .. .... .4366 Festina Lente ....................... .5970 Hampstead ........... ... .... ........ ..2408 Jupiter .. .. 7342 Lodge of Brotherly Union ...... 8649
Circle ........................... ......... 5087 Drury Lane .. .. ....................... 2127 Fidelity and Goodwill ........... 5404 Hand of Charity ................... 9237 Jurist .... ............... ................... 6398 Lodge ofCandour ................... 7663
Citizen ................................. 2911 Duchy of Cornwall ................ 3038 Fidentia et Lutine... ........., .. 6272 Hand of Good Fellowship ...... 5249 Justice and Liberty .... ..... 5923 Lodge ofChivalry ................... 6372
Cito ....................................... 9650 Duke of Albany ........... ........... 1963 Finsbury Archers .. .......... 5466 Hanover Park ................... .. ..5601 Kaisar-i-Hind .. . .... .1724 Lodge of Comity .................. 5649
City Gate ....... .................... ....9890 Duke ofConnaught . .. .. .......... 1524 Finsbury Park.. ............ 1288 Hanwell . .... .......... .... .......... ....4676 Kayhough .. ......3576 Lodge of Concord ...... . .......... 7233
City Livery ... .................. .. .3752 Duke ofConnaught .. ............. 1558 First Artificer .. ........... .3774 Haringey Manor .. .... .............. 8353 Kelvin .... ................................ 3736 Lodge of Confidence ............... 193
City University .. ........ 7962 Duke of Cornwall .................. 1839 FitzRoy ...... . ... .569 Harlesden .............................. 2098 Ken Wood ............. ........ .... .. ...4857 Lodge of Constant Trust ... ..... 734 7
City Wall ........ .. .......... .... ........ 6793 Duke of Edinburgh ................ 1259 Five Orders .... ......... .... 3696 Harmony and Goodwill ......... 5958 Kennington ............. ................ 1381 Lodge ofContinued
Fleet River.. . ... .8107 Harringay ............ ..... ..... . .... ..2763
City of L~~t~~t~Y~cf'Masters 8220 Duke.of Sussex . ................ . ... 3343
Duke ofFife ..... .......... .......... ..2345 Kensington ......... ... .... ............. 1767 Friendship 6701
Fleet Wood . ... ......... ... .4556 Hatcham ............... .. .............. 503 7 Kensington Battalion ............ 3624 Lodge of Craftsmen ................ 6268
City ofLondon National Dulwich Park .................... ...5794 Floreat ....................... . ..4659 Hatchlands ........................... 2756 Kensington Park ... ................. 6925 Lodge ofDedication ..... ......... 7428
Guard3757 Ealing ........ ... ............ ........... 2662 Florence Nightingale .............. 706 Haven ...... ... ............................ 2022 Kent ..................... ....................... 15 Lodge of Eastern Bon
City of London Red Cross ...... 3781 Earl Amherst . . .. ...... 3230 Forest Gate .......... .. .. .. .......... .4153 Haymarket .......... .. . .............. 6271 Ken tish ... ......... ...... ............... 3021 Accord 7071
City of London Rifles ............. 5606 Earl Roberts ... ....... 3151 Forest Hill ......... . ..".... ............. 2846 Hazara .. ........... ... .............. ... 4159 Khyber ................... ................... 582 Lodge of Emulation .................. 21
Helio ..................................... 3900
City ofLondon and Baltic ........ 901 Earl Spencer..............
City ofWestminster ..... ... ..... 1563 Earl of Carnarvon ..
Clapham ....................... .......... 1818 Earl of Chester ..................... 5018
..... 1420
...... 1642 ~~~~~ g;~~~ :: : : : ::::: : :Jf~~
Forum ....... .......................... ... 3537
Hellenic ..... ............................. 7270
Helvetica ............. . ... ....... . .... .4894
Kilbourne Priory ................... .4813
Kindred Arts ............... ......... 5784
King Harold .......... .. ................ 9006
Lodge ofEndeavour fo r
Norwood Ravenswood 5506
Lodge ofEnterprise ............:.. 6494
Clarondale ........................... 6790 Earl of Dartmouth ................. 3279 Foxhunters .. ......................... 3094 Hendon Aero .. ....... ........... ... .3895 King's Colonials .............. . .. 3386 Lodge of Equity ..................... .3692
Clerestory ............................ 6551 Earl ofLathom ..................... .1922 Fraternity .............................. 3222 Hendon Manor ........... ..... 5293 King's Cross. ..... 1732 Lodge ofErin .......................... 2895
Clerk Maxwell ...................... 7382 Earl ofMornington ............... 2000 Fratres Calami ....... ............ 3791 .Henley ................................ 1472 Kingsbourne ........................... 6945 Lodge ofEternal Light .......... 6568
Clerkenwell .. .... ... ......... ....... 1964 Earl's Court ............. . .... . ...... 2765 Friars.. ............ 1349 Henry Muggeridge . ......... .. 1679 Kingsland ......... .. ............ . ... . 1693 Lodge of Faith .......................... 141
Clerkenwell Lodge of Earlsfield ..... .......................... 5745 Friary............ .......... .. ......... 6013 Henry of Auxerre . .... ........... .7235 Kingsway ........................... .... .3027 Lodge of Faith and
Installed Masters 9628 East Sheen ......................... .4173 Friends in Council .... ..... .... 1383 Heptagon .. ............................. 3605 Kingswood School .............. ... .4197 Friendship 7326
Clissold ... . ................ .. .......... 2551 East and Central Africa ....... 7446 Friendship from Service ....... 7691 Hercules ............................... .4805 Kirby .. .................. ... ................ 2818 Lodge ofFaith for Duty ... ... ... 6853
Cloth Fair .................... .......... 8055 East and West ................... . .5410 Friern Barnet .......... ... .......... .2989 Heronry ................ ... ............. .4789 Knightsbridge .... .................. ..2978 Lodge of Faithful Service .... .. 6682
Coborn ................................... 1804 Eastern Star.... ........... .. 95 Fryent ....... .. ............. .............. 6656 High Cross ... ...................... . .... .754 Kynaston Studd ................. .. .. 5416 Lodge of Felicity ............... .......... 58
Cockfosters ....... . ...................6883 Eastes .......... ....... . ........ 1965 Fulcrum ................................ .4012 Highbury with Benefactum .. 2192 Kypros .. ................................. 8595 Lodge of Fidelity ............ .............. 3
Collagen ................................ .4 733 Eastfield .. ........ 5804 Fulham ................................. 2512 Highgate ............................... 1366 La Belle Sauvage ................... 3095 Lodge ofFortitude and Old Cum-
Colonnade ... .................. .. ....... 7220 Eccentric... ........... .. .......... 2488 Gallery ............... . .................. 1928 Himalayan Brotherhood ........ .459 La France ............................... 2060 berland ...................................... . 12
Columbia ... .... .............. .......... 2397 Eccleston . . .......... 1624 Garden City ....... .. .3112 Hiram ... . .... .................. . ..... ..2416 Lady Margaret ......... ............. .4 729 Lodge ofFraternal Goodwill .7752
Column .... ................ .. ........... 5284 Eclectic .. . ....... ............ 1201 Gastvrijheid ....... ."................... 3970 Hodford Manor ...................... 6084 Ladywell ............... .. ............... .4380 Lodge ofFraternal Unity ...... 7330
Commemoration .................... 2663 Eden Park ... .......... 5379 Gates of Heaven .................... 9842 Hogarth ................................. 3396 Lake Victoria .......................... 8842 Lodge ofFreedom ................... 5341
Commercial Travellers ......... 2795 Edward Latymer ..... ....... 3994 Gavel and Staff ........ ............. 9835 Holborn Bars ......................... 5675 Lakeland ....................... ......... 3134 Lodge ofFriendship ..................... 6
Composite ...... .. ................ . .. ..4076 Edward Terry .......... .... 2722 Geomatic .. ................ . ............ 6214 Holloway .... ............ ...... ......... 2601 Lambeth Borough Council .... 2941 Lodge of Friendship ................. 206
Comrades ............................. ..2740 Egyptian .. .. .......... . .......... 27 George Green ........................ 3510 Holy-Well ............. .. .. .. ........... 6178 Lambhythe ............................. 6763 Lodge of Friendship and
Con Amore ...................... .. .... 3633 Elia .. ......... .4590 Gihon Sancta Maria ............. .49 Honour and Virtue ................ 5538 Lancastrian ...................... . ... 2528 Fidelity 7077
Concordia. ............. ... ....... 5131 Elms ........................ . .............. 7587 Globe .......... ................................ 23 Hope and Opportunity ...... .... 9160 Langbourn and Dominicos .... 5252 Lodge of Further Progress ..... 8380
Connaught .. .............. ... ... .. .... 3270 Elthorne and Middlesex ........ 2094 Gol den Hind .......... ............... 7325 Horistic .. ....2822 Langham ................................ 6886 Lodge of Good Fellowship ...... 3655
Connaught Army and Navy ..4323 Elysian ................................... 5242 Golden Rule .......................... 1261 Hornsey .......... . .................. ... 890 Lapis Magues ... . ................ ... 5024 Lodge of Good Intent ............. 6598
Constitutional .......................... 55 Emblematic ...................... 1321 Golden Square ..... . ............. 2857 Horse Ferry ... .. ................... .7727 Laus Deo .. ........................... ..4821 Lodge of Good Intention ........ 7087
Coopers Old Boys .. ............ 5211 Empire ........ .. ......................... 2108 Golders Green .. . ........ 3410 Horselydown ....... .... ... .......... 5384 Lavender Hill ......................... 3191 Lodge of Good Report . . ..... 136
Cordwainer Ward .......... ... ..2241 Empress ...... ... ............ .... ... ..... 2581 Goliath.... .. .. .. ........ .......... .5595 Horsenden Hill ..... ... .... ..........6215 Leadenhall . .....4297 Lodge of Guiding Light .......... 7539
Corinthian .... ............. ..... 1382 Enfield Grammar School.. . ... 7757 Good Faith.. ......... .... .5125 Hortus ................ ...... ............. 2469 Leopold .. ............. 1571 Lodge ofHappiness ........... ..... 5353
Corium.. ..... .4041 Enoch ............................. . .......... 11 Good Hope ............. ............. .4856 Horus .......... .. ................... . .... 3155 Letchworth ... . .................... ... 3505 Lodge of Honor and
Corner-stone .................. ....... .4941 Entasis ...................... ... .......... 4861 Good Samaritan .. ... .4991 Household Brigade .. .............. 2614 Lewis ...... ............... ................ 1185 Generosity .. 165
Cornhill ....................... .... ....... 1803 Enugu . .................... ... .......... 5440 Goodwill............. .... 5397 Hugh Owen ......... ....... ...........2593 Lewisham ............ ... .... ............ 2579 Lodge of Hope .. ..... ................ 7152
Cornish .. ................. .... .......... 2369 Epworth.. . ..... ..... 3789 Gostling Murray ................... 1871 Huguenot ............... ................ 2140 Leyton St Mary's .. .... .............. 4036 Lodge ofHospitality. .. .... 6607
Coronation ............ . .............. 2898 Equator..... .. ............. .... 8675 Gothic .................................... 5525 Hyde Park ............................ 1425 Leyton-Lea ........................ . .. 7038 Lodge of Humility with
Court Mead .......................... .. 4669 Ergon.. ....... 5038 Gradation .... .............. ............ 6368 llford.. .......... ....... . ...... .4442 Liberal Arts ............................ 6659 Fortitude .. 229
Covenant ....... ... ..................... .4344 Erimus ....... ..... ........... .... ..... .. 5021 Grafton ... ..... .. ......... .... .... . ..... 234 7 Imperial... ........... ..... .. ....... .. . 1694 Librarius ............ ..... ............... 6966 Lodge of Illumination ............ 77 46
Covent Garden ................ ..1614 Eros ............. ......................... 7783 Grand Master's ............ . ..... ... ... 1 Imperial Cadet .................. .. 3824 Lillistone Manor and Lodge oflndustry ................ ..... 186
Imperial College ........... .... .4536
g~:~K~ : : ::::·::::::::::.::::::.: ::::m§
Cranbourn .. ................... ... 5188 Ethical ..................................... 753 Finsbury .. 861 Lodge oflndustry and
Cranbrook . .. ........... ....... 6254 Euclid Lodge oflnstalled Imprimere .............. ............. .4 734 Linnaean .................. . .......... 7495 Perseverance .. 109
Crest ofMount Edgcumbe ..... 7431 Masters 7464 Gray's Inn.. ...... .4938 In Arduis Fidelis ......... ......... 3432 Lion and Lamb .. ... .......... ......... 192 Lodge oflntegrity ....... ....... ..... 5251
Crichton.. .:... 1641 Euphrates ........ .... .. ... .. ............ 212 Great City.. .......... 1426 Incorporated Society Lloyd's .......... .. ................. ... .. 5673 Lodge of International
Cricklewood .... .......... 2361 Europa Point ......................... 8581 Grecia.... ................ :.1105 of Musicians 2881 Lodge Chre Reine . .... .2853 Lights 9593
Crouch End ........................... 2580 Eurydice ................................. 1920 Grecian ...... ... ............ ... .3718 Ingle by . ............. .... ..............5067 Lodge Fidelis ...... ... ............ ... 5405 Lodge oflsrael ................... ..... 205
Crusaders ........ .................... . 1677 Euston .. ......................... .4395 Green Room .. ............ ... . . .... 2957 Inventions ............ .. .............. .. 3776 Lodge Freedom and Lodge of Joppa ... ............. .. ..... . 188
Cryptic .................................... 7688 Evander ..... ...................... . ... 7459 Greenwich Meridian .. .... 6791 Ionic ..................................... .. .227 Courtesy 4 762 Lodge of J ustice ............... ....... 147
Crystal Palace .......................... 742 Evening Star ... ........... 1719 Grenadiers ............................... 66 Iris ...... . .................................. 2545 Lodge Jamrud ...................... .4372 Lodge ofKindness ................ 5696
Cubic S tone . ................ . ....... .4 720 Eversley Park.... .......... .4577 Gresham ................. .............. 7651 Isis .... ..................................... 7781 Lodge L'Entente Cordiale ..... 2796 Lodge of King Solomon's
Cupressus .. ... .8260 Ex Libris ................... .. ........... 3765 Grip ofFriendship .. . .. ........ .6033 Isle of Thorney .. ..... ........... ... .6194 Lodge La Tolrance .............. ..... 538 Temple4611
Curfew .. .. .... ,... 5891 Excalibur ............. . ................ 4969 Grosvenor .. . ... ....... 1257 Islington .......................... .. .... 1471 Lodge Light of the Craft .... ... 3265 Lodge ofLight ............... ..... ... 2721
Cutlers' .. ... ......... 2730 Excelsior ............. . ................. 1155 Grove Park Kent .................. 2824 Isma ....................... .. .............. 5009 Lodge Loyalty and Charity ... 1584 Lodge ofLorraine .................. 7176
Cyngesburie .. ................. 5607 Exonian ................................. 3415 Guelph..... .... ........ ............... 1685 Italia ..................................... .2687 Lodge Malaya ................. ..... 5213 Lodge ofLove and Charity ... 6224
Dalston ...... ......... 3008 Eyre ............. ........................... 2742 Guild ofFreemen .................. 3525 Ivy ....... ... 1441 Lodge Orion in the West .. .. .. ..415 Lodge of Love and
Dante ......... .. .......... .3707 Facta non Verba .............. 3409 Guildhall .. .. ................... . ... . .. 3116 Izaak Walton ................... ..... 9354 Lodge Puerorum .............. ...... 3377 Friendship 6123
Deep Ford .. . ........ 9183 Fairbrook ................... ... 5281 Guildhall School ofMusic ..... 2454 Jeanne d'Arc ........................ .4168 Lodge of Accord ................... 6195 Lodge ofLoyalty ................... 1607
236 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 237
LONDON-Continued LONDON-Continued
Lodge ofMeditation .............. 6747 London West Africa ..... ......... 5485 Nelson ...................................... 700
~~¡~~: ~{\Q~f~s;; . . ~~t~
Lodge of Merey ...................... 6821 Lora et Aries ....... ... ............... 5086 Neptune ..................................... 22 Old Tauntonian.. ... ..5735 Royal Rose . ............................ 2565
Lodge of Merit ....................... 8523 Lord Kitchener ofKhartoum.2767 New Brentford ....................... 6961 Old Tonbridgian .................... 4145 ... Royal Savoy ........................... 1744
Lodge of Moral Precepts ....... 8360 Lothbury ................................. 3612 New Broomfield .................... 7189 Old U nion .. ......... .46 Principia ................................ 6152 Royal Somerset House
Lodge ofNew Hope ............... 6370 Love and Unity ...................... 5354 New Camberwell ................... 7817 Old Uppinghamian .. . ..... 4227 Priory Lodge of Acton ........... 1996 and lnverness ... ...4
Lodge ofPaul's Wharf.... . .. 8731 Loyal Heath ........................... .4716 New Century ......................... 2860 Old Wellingtonian .......... ....... 3404 Pro Arte.. . .... 8279 Royal Standard ...................... 1298
Lodge ofPeace ....................... .4182 Loyalty United .. ........... .4931 New Composite ..................... 7522 Old Westminsters' ........... ..... 2233 Pro Deo et Patria .................. 4425 Royal York Lodge of
Lodge ofPeace and Harmony .... 60 Loyalty and Friendship ......... 7566 New Concord ...... .. .. ................ 813 O! d.Wilsonians... ..... 6602 Prolate.. ..... 5029 Perseverance ...... 7
Lodge ofPerfect Harmony ..... 8076 Lucullus .... ... 5258 New Cross ........... . ................. 1559 Old Wykehamist ............ .... 3548 Proscenium.. ...... ..... 3435 Royal and Loyal .................... 2952
Lodge of Perfect Light ........... 7971 Ludgate .. .................... 4972 New Finsbury Park ............... 1695 Onward and Invicta .............. 2912 Prospect ...................... . ... 7618 Ruckholt ............................ 5385
Lodge of Permanence ............. 5044 Lumen. . .......... 5786 New Garden ........................... 7804 Ophthalmos .......................... .4633 Prospice Deanery .................. 6663 Rupert Patterson .. .... 3646
Lodge of Perseverance ........... 1743 Luminary.. . ............ 6635 New Jubilee .......................... 7056 Opportunitas ......................... 7013 Public Schools Installed Rye.. ...... 2272
Lodge of Probity ..................... 4911 Lux in Tenebris.. . ........ 3856 New Morning .................... 9207 Orchestral ... .. ........................ 3028 Masters' 9077 Sackville .. ..... 7063
Lodge ofProgress ................... 1768 Lyric ........................................ 3016 New River ........................... .4502 Oriel ....................................... 6545 Pymmes Park ........................ 6193 Saint Alfege .. .... .4637
Lodge of Progression.. ..... 5934 Macaulay .. .................... 5010 New Silver Jubilee ............... 8823 Origen .................................... 5025 Pyramid ......... . ...................... 5718 Saint Augustine Lodge
Lodge ofPromise.. ........... 6192 Macdonald .. ................... 1216 New Southgate ..................... 5187 Orion .......... .......................... .4652 Pythagorean ........................... ... 79 of Contentment 6273
Lodge of Prosperity .................... 65 Magnum Opus.. ........ 5641 New Tredegar ........................ 7130 Orpheus .. ..... 1706 Quarries ................................. 5608 Saint Bartholomew ................ 5269
Lodge of Protection ............... 904 7 Maguncor . . .......... ............... 3806 New Venture ........................ 7516 Osiris .......... .. ....................... 5780 Quatuor Coronati .................. 2076 Saint George's ... . ................... .140
Lodge of Proven Fellowship .. 6225 Mahajan ............................... 9646 New Welcome ........................ 5139 Over Seas ............................. .4030 Queen Alexandra ................. 2932 Saint John's .............................. 167
Lodge ofRegularity ................... 91 Maida Vale.. ................ .. ..2743 New Zealand ........ . ................ 5175 Oxford and Cambridge Queen Mary's .. ..... 3327 Saint Leonard ....... ................. 1766
Lodge of Remembran ce ......... 4895 Malmesbury .. ......... ..... .. 3156 Ni! Sine Labore . .................... 2736 University 1118 Queensman . ..... 2694 Saint Mary Abbotts ............... 197 4
~:~d[~gt"¿;;: ••••••••••••••••••••••••• :. ¿~~~
Lodge ofResolution ............... 7268 Manchester.. . ...... ...... .179 Nile Valley ........................ ..... 6306 Queensway Lodge Saint Thomas of Acon ............ 5233
Lodge ofReunion ................... 5618 Mandate ..... ........................... .4258 Nisi Dominus ......................... 5517 of Paddington 6833 Salisbury .................................. 435
Lodge of Reunion and Manar of St James's .............. 9179 Norbury ................................. 4046 Paddington Rifles .................. 2807 Queenswood .......................... .4 718 Saltley College ...................... 5319
Fellowship 5625 Manor ofStockwell ............... .4746 Norfolk ................................... 2852 Palmers Green ...................... .4023 Quest ...................................... 5800 Salus..................... ...... .... 5369
Lodge of Saint Bartholomew Mapesbury ............................. .4084 N orth East Comer .. ... 6461 Panmure ... .. ... .......................... 715 Quoin Stone ........................... 6481 Salvus Securus.... ..... 9113
the Less 7607 Marble Craft .......................... 3522 N orth London Installed Panmure .................................. 720 Radiant . ................................ .4200 Sanctuary .. .... 3051
Lodge of Simplicity ............... 7865 Marcus Vitruvius .. .. ....... .4985 Masters 9784 Papyrus ................................ 2562 Radio Fraternity .............. .....8040 Sandeman ............................. 1374
Lodge of Sincerity ................... 174 Marquis of Dalhousie ............ 1159 North Star .. . ........... 3927 Parachute Regiment ............. 9315 Radius ..... .. ............................ 5474 Sanitarian ............................. 3458
Lodge of Solidarity ................ 8018 Maryland .. ........ 5984 Northern Heights ................. .4205 Parmiterian .......................... 7413 Rahere ................................... 2546 Sarnia-Riduna ...................... 5840
Lodge ofSt James .................. 765 May Fair ... .... ..... .... 8294 Northem Polytechnic ............ 6039 Paternoster.. ...... 4 783 Raineian ................................ 5763 Saturnian ............................... 4045
Lodge ofSt John .. .... 1306 Maybury .. ...................... 969 Nucleus .................................. 5893 Pathfinder ... ..... 7255 Ranelagh .................................. 834 Savage Club ........................... 2190
Lodge ofSt Julian ................. 5107 McMahon...... . ................ 3262 Oak ........................................... 190 Paulatim ............................... .4234 Rangoon and Ormond-Iles .... 1268 Savoy ..................................... .8356
Lodge of St Mary Balham ..... 3661 Memor et Fidelis ..... ......... 8686 Oeconomia .. . .................... .. ... 5487 Paviors........... ... .............. 5646 Ravensbourne .. ..... 1601 Scion ...................................... .4794
Lodge of Stability .................... 217 Mensura .................. ......... 3724 Old Actonians ............... .. ..... .4094 Pax-Humana .. ..................... 3908 Rectitude Secundus .. ..... 6778 Scots ....................................... 2319
Lodge ofTemperance and Merchant Navy .. .............. 781 Old Aldenhamian ................. .4884 Paxton ....... ............................ 1686 Red Scarf.. ..... 8448 Scrutator ................................ 9379
Benevolence 1160 Mercurius ............................ .4262 Old Alleynian ....................... .4165 Paynters Stainers .. . ...... .4256 Red Triangle.. ..... 4000 Semper Amicus ...................... 8237
Lodge of Temperan ce in Mercury .................................. 5400 Old Askean ........ . ................ .. 6986 Peace and Friendship .......... 7414 Regent .. ..... 3121 Semper Fidelis ....................... 4393
the East .. 898 Meridian.. ... ... .... .4106 Old Bedfordian ...................... 4 732 Peace and Hope.. ..... 5925 Regent's Park ........................ 2202 Seven Dials .......................... .4967
Lodge of Three Kindred Mersey .................................... 5434 Old Boys' ................................ 2500 Peace and Tranquillity .. ...... 5766 Remigium ... . .. 7343 Seven Stars ....... . ................... 5892
Lights 5066 Metallus ................................. 6150 Old Bradfield ......................... 3549 Pecunia .................................. 3526 Renaissance . ............. ......... ...3408 Shadwell Clerke...... ..... 1910
Lodge of Tolerance .............. 7998 Metropolitan . . .................... 1507 Old Brentwoods . . ..5342 Pedestal .............. . ................. 5653 Resurgam .............................. 6452 Shakespear ................................. 99
Lodge of Tranquillity .. . .... 185 Metropolitan Grand Old Cheltonian .................... .. 3223 Pegasus .................................. 2205 Richard Eve ........................... 2772 Shanghai Tuscan ................... 1027
Lodge ofTrinity Cambridge .5765 Stewards' 9812 Old Chigwellian .................. .. 6648 Pellipar .................................. 2693 Rising Star .... . ..................... .6153 Shepherd's Bush .................... 1828
Lodge of Truth . .................... 6062 Middlesex ............... . ... 143 Old Cliftonian . ... ..... 3340 Pen and Brush ....................... 2909 Robert Bums ............................. 25 Shern Hall .............................. 5004
Lodge of Truth and Honour .. 7990 Middlesex County ........ ... ... ... 5355 O!d Colfeians ........................ 7412 Per Caelum ............................ 8602 Roentgen ................................ 8980 Shield of David ....... . ............. 7926
Lodge ofUnanimity ............. .4327 Middlesex Imperial Old Concord ............................. 172 Percy.. ....... 198 Ronaldshay ........................... 3376 Shoreditch College ................. 6766
Lodge ofUnion ........................ 166 Yeomanry 3013 Old Cranleighan ................... .4680 Peregrinus ............................. 6501 Rosarium .. ..... 5147 Shotokan Karate .................... 9752
Lodge ofUnions ....................... 256 Milestone ................... ........... .4831 Old Dovorian .................... 564 7 Perfect Ashlar .................... 1178 Rose ofDenmark .................... 975 Silver Jubilee ....................... 5535
Lodge ofUnited Endeavour .. 7854 Military .................................. 2621 Old Dundee .. ...................... . ..... 18 Perfect Cube .......................... 6822 Rosemary ............................... 2851 Sine Favore ...... .... ..... ..:.. 9856
Lodge ofUnited Pilgrims ........ 507 Mil!Hill ................................. 3574 Old Dunstonian ..................... 5662 Perfect Structure. ..... 4759 Rosetum.. ........................... 44 76 Sir Hugh Myddelton .. . ... 1602
Lodge ofUnited Strength ....... 228 Millfield ................................ 9669 Old Emanuel ......................... 5399 Perfectus ................................ 5519 Rostrum ................................. 3037 Sir Thomas White .................. 1820
Lodge ofUnity. . ..................... 69 Minchenden Oak .................. 5933 Old Epsomian.. ............ 3561 Phaethon ........ . ...................... 7820 Rothesay ................................ 1687 Sir Walter Raleigh ................. 2432
Lodge ofUnity ......................... 183 Minerva .. .................. 3346 Old Etonian .... ................... 4500 Philanthic ........................ . .... 3032 Round Table .......................... 7619 Sir Walter St John ... .............. 2513
Lodge ofUnity and Fidelity .. 7026 Misericordia .. .... 3286 Old Felstedian ....................... 3662 Phoenix .................................... 173 Royal Air Force ..................... 7335 Sirius ..................................... .4996
Lodge ofUnity, Peace, Mithraic..... .................... 6396 OId Finchleians .. . ..... 5409 Phrygian ................................ 5367 Royal Albert ............ . .............. 907 Skelmersdale .................... . ... 1599
and Concord .. 316 Mizpah ........................ ......... 1671 OId Foresters' ... ................. 7726 Piccadilly ............................... 2550 Royal Albert Hall .................. 2986 Skelmersdale .......................... 1658
Lodge of Upright Intentions .. 9200 Moira .. . ..................... 92 Old Fraternity...... ..3547 Pickwick ... ..... 2467 Royal Alfred .. ....... 780 Sloane ..................................... 4333
Lodge ofUprightness ......... .... 8043 Montefiore ...... . ........... 1017 Old Greshamian......... ....... ..5769 Pilgrim .................................... 238 Royal Alpha .............................. 16 Snaresbrook .......................... .4010
Lodge ofVerity .. .................... 2739 Moorfields... . ..................... .4949 Old Haileyburian and ISC .... 3912 Pimlico.. ..... 1772 Royal Arthur ........................ 1360 Social Friendship .................... .497
Lodge ofthe Double Horizon.9269 Morning Star ......................... 7673 Old Harrovian ...................... .4653 Pishon·... ..... 6458 Royal Athelstan ....................... 19 Somersetshire ........................ 2925
Lodge ofthe Men ofSussex ... 3712 Mornington ............................ 1672 Old Johnian .......................... .5282 Pitzhanger .. ..... 5465 Royal Colonial lnstitute ..... ..3556 South Africa .... ..... 6742
Lodge of the Nine Muses ......... 235 Motherland ............................ 3861 Old King's Arms . ....................... 28 Plaisterers .. ... ..7390 Royal Commemoration ......... 1585 South East London Installed
Lodge of the Open Road ........ 5983 Mount Lebanon ......................... 73 OId Lancing ........................... 4660 Planet ................................ ..... 614 7 Royal Crown .......................... 3133 Masters 9557
Lodge ofthe West Indies ....... 9424 Mount Moriah .. ...................... 34 Old Malvernian ..................... 4363 Plashett in Hame .. ..5406 Royal Edward ........................ 1489 South Norwood ...................... 1139
Londesborough .................. ..... 1681 Mount Sinai ............. .... ........ 8993 Old Marlburian .. ......... ..... 3533 Playgoers ............................... 2705 Royal Engineers .................... 2599 Southern Cross ...................... 2918
Londinium ............................. 4208 Mount Zion .. ................. 7664 Old Masonians ...................... 2700 Plough .................................... 8672 Royal George .................... . ... 3539 Southern Star .............. ,......... 1158
London ........ ........................... 108 Mozart .. .................... 6997 Old Millhillian ..................... 5752 Plucknett ............................... 1708 Royal Kensington .................. 1627 Southfields ............................ .4588
London Dorset.. ....... 3221 Mulberry ................................ 9834 Old Olavians'.. ..... 5758 Polaris ..... . ............................ .4407 Royal Kew and Whitehall ..... 3020 Southgate ............................... 1950
London Edenside ................... 7972 Murria ................................... .4096 Old Oundelian ....................... 5682 Polish National ····' ............ ...... 534 Royal Leopold ....................... 1669 Southwark ............................... 879
London Irish Rifles' ............... 2312 Municipal and County Old Owens' ........................... .4440 Polytechnic .. ....... 284 7 Royal Life Saving ................ 3339 Sowest .................................... 3797
London Mayors ...................... 3560 Engineers 3920 Old Pauline ....... . ...... 3969 Porchway .. ........ 4675 Royal London Hospital ......... 2845 Specula ................................... 5049
London Nottinghamshire ...... 5133 Music ......... ............... 3688 Old Quintinians .................... 3307 Porta Episcopi ....................... 5708 Royal Naval .............................. .59 Spencer Park ......................... 6198
London Pride ........................ 6826 Muswell Hill .. ........................ 2728 Old Radleian .. ................ 5200 Portal ..................................... 3237 Royal Naval Anti-Aircraft ... .3790 Sphinx .................................... 1329
London Rifle Brigade ............ .1962 National Artillery ................. 2578 Old Reptonian ....................... 3725 Portcullis .. ..... 6085 Royal Naval College Spirit ofFriendship ............... 8061
London School Board ............. 2611 National Westminster .......... 3647 Old Rossallian ....................... 5042 Portico . . ... 7950 and United Service 1593 Spitalfields ............................. 4838
London Scottish Rifles ........... 2310 Navy. ............. . .................. 2612 Old Rugbeian ........................ 3551 Portsoken ............................... 5088 Royal Naval Volunteer Springfield ............................. 5972
London Warwickshire ............ 3846 Neasden.. . .................... 3695 Old Salopian.. ................ .4 790 Post Curam Otium.. ..4921 Reserve 3923 Square .. ............................... 9030
London Welsh. . ................. 2867 N eedlemakers .. . .... .4343 Old Shirburnian .................... 3304 Poulters .................................. 6876 Royal Oak ............................... .871 Square Mile ........................... 9352
238 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 239
LONDON-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
Square and Leve! ............... ... 6618 Telegraph Cable .... .. ....... ... .. .24 70 Victoria ............. .. ... ... ............. 1056
St Alban's .. ....................... 29 Telephone .. ...... ...... 3301 Victoria Diamond Jubilee .. ... 2675 OUTSIDE LONDON
St Ambrose ........................... 1891 Temperantia . ....... ......... ..... ..4058 Victoria Rifles . ...................... 822
St Andrew's ...... . ..................... 222 Templars .............................. .4302 Vigilantia ... ... .......... ..... ......... 7357 LOCATI ON NAME AND NO.
St Andrew's ...... .. ..................... 231 Temple.. ........ 101 Vincent .... .. ... . ..... 3031 LOCATION NAME AND NO.
St Andrew's, Stockwell ....... ..6453 Temple Porchway .................. 7209 Vine. ........... 8436 Aberaeron .. .. ............ .............. ............. A eran 7208
St Ann's .... . .. ...... ............. . .. ... 3691 Temple of Peace ... ..... ..... ....... 4420 Vitruvian .. ..................... 87 Aberdare ......................................... St David's Andover .......... . ......................... .. ..........Anton 6953
St Barnabas .......................... 3771 Tergere ............... ... ............... .8830 Vulcan. ................. 3181 679 Andover ................................... N arman Gate 8116
Aberdare ..... ........................... Aberpennar 6354
St Botolph's :...... .................... 2020 Terminus ...... ... .................... .8108 Waldeck.. ...... ... .1969 Aberdare ...................................... .... Afon Dar Andover .. ................................................Ariel 8166
St Catherine's. ... ................ 3743 Terpsichore ........................ .... 7454 Wallwood .. ..5143 8829 Andover .............Andover Combined Services 8300
Aberdare ........... ................ ....... . ..... Keystone 9521
St Catherine's Park .............. 2899 Tetragon ................................ 6302 Walpole Manar.. ....6555 Abergavenny .......... . ................... .St John's Appleby-in-Westmorland .......... Vale ofEden 2493
St Cecilia... .... .... .... ... .. ..... 6190 Tetrahedron . ............... ... .... 5161 Walthamstow ........................ 2472 818 Ashbourne ............................. . .. ... .St Oswald 850
Aberystwyth ..... ... ................ ...... Aberystwyth 1072
St Clement Danes.. .... 1351 Thalia ..... ............ ................. 5177 Wanderers ............ ... . ............ 1604 Aberystwyth ... .. .. ... .. ........ .. .... ... .Saint Padarn Ashbourne .... ......... . .. ................ .... Flyfishers' 9347
St Eligius. ... ..... ... ....... ..8295 Thames River ........................ 5764 Wandle ................................... 2699 5472 Ashbourne ........... .. ............ Derbyshire Dales 9436
St Erkenwald ..... ... . .......... 2808 The Grand Stewards' .............. .. .. 0 Wandle Park ..... . ................... 5508 Abingdon.. ........... .... ............... Abbey 945 Ashburton .................................... Ashburton 2189
St George's and Comer Stone ..... 5 Think and Thank .. . ... .4112 Wandsworth .......................... 1044 Abingdon ..... .... ...... ... .... .............. St Edmund 6451 Ashburton ... ............. ..... .... ....... Bovey Tracey 8698
St James' Abercorn ... ... ...... 1579 Third Middlesex Artillery ..... 2942 Wandsworth Borough Abingdon ......... .. ... . ....... ........... .. J ohn Roysse 7957
Abingdon ............ .. ... ................ St Swithun's Ashburton .................... Lodge of St Lawrence 9323
St James's Union ... ............. 180 Thistle . . .... ...... . ... ... 5023 Council 2979 8550 Ashby-de-la-Zouch ........ Ferrers and Ivanhoe 779
St John at Hackney ........... ... 2511 Thomas Proctor Baptie ......... 3302 Wanstead .................... . ........ 3524 Accrington ............................. . .Bank-Terrace 462
Accrington ................................ .King Oswald 3306 Ashby-de-la-Zouch ............................ Hastings 8695
St John's ......... .......................... 90 Thornhill ......... . .... 3163 Wantage ............................... 3178 Ashford ................. .Invicta Lodge of Ashford 709
St John's Wood ................. . ... 4806 Three Banks ......................... .455 7 Warrant Officers ................. 2346 Accrington .. ...... ... .... Lodge of Remembrance 3787
Accrington .. .......... .... .... Lodge of Confidence 4295 Ashford ...................... ......... .............. .. ...Stour 2305
St Luke's... .. ..................... . .... 144 Three Pillars ........ ..... ...... .. .... .4923 Waterloo ... .... ........... 3475 Ashford ........ ..... ... ................ .... .... .. South Kent 4303
St Margaret Westminster ..... 4518 Titan ............... ..... . ................ 6002 Waterrneads .. . .. 8097 Accrington .................................... Rhyddings 5205 Ashford ...................Lodge St George Bahrain 7389
St Mark's ........ ........ ... ........ ... ....857 Tivoli ................... . .............. ... 2150 Waterways. ..7913 Albrighton .................. ... . .. .....Albric Festival 9576 Ashford ................. . ...................... ..... .Ashford 8945
St Mark's College ................. 2157 Torch ...................................... 7236 Weir Hall .. ... 6088 Alcester ... ........... ...... ... .. ..................... Apollo 301 Ashford ............................ Lodge of Loyalty 9494
St Martin's . ................ ...2455 Tothill Fields ............. .... ... ... .6638 Welcome ........ .. ......... ... .... 1673 Alcester ... ..... .............. ...... ................... Alauna 6266
Aldermaston .... . .............Lodge of Commerce 215
Ashford ........................................ Essetesforde 9746
St Martin's Porchway .... ........ 4862 Tottenham Secundus .... ..... ... 6996 Wellfield ... . .... .......... ............. .4271 Ashington ................................... . ..Ashington 2868
St Martin's-Le-Grand .. ... 1538 Tower ..... .... ......... ... .............. 5159 Wellington . ................. ............. 548 Aldermaston .............. .. ................... Padworth 7505 Ashington ................................ ..... ..... .... Bothal 41 16
St Mary Islington ....... . ..5451 Tower Hamlets .... ............... .. 5283 Welsh Installed Masters ....... 9857 Aldermaston ........ . ......... Stratfield Mortimer 8239 Ashington ..... .... ....... ........... ...... .. ...... .Homelyn 6075
St Mary Magdalen .............. ... 1523 Train-bands. . ... 2524 Wendlesworth ....... . .............. 6640 Aldershot ...... .... ............................. Zetland 515 Ashington ... ..................................... Portland 6170
St Mary at Finchley ............... 5417 Tranquillus... ..... .5912 West Ealing ....... . .................. 6274 Aldershot ...................... . .............. ... Panmure 723
Aldershot .. .. .. . ..................... Aldershot Camp 1331 Ashton-in-Makerfield .......... .... Lodge of Faith 484
St Mary's .................. . ................ 63 Tredegar ....... . . ....... 1625 West Green ..... .... ..... .... ...... .. .. 4695 Ashton-in-Makerfield ........................... Wigan 2326
St Marylebone ... :.................... 1305 Trincomalee .......................... 6923 West Ham Abbey ................... 2291 Aldershot .................. Waller Rodwell Wright 2755 Ashton-in-Makerfield ................. Sincerity 3677
St Michaelle Queme ......... .... 2697 Trinity College ...................... 1765 West Lancashire ... ......... ..... 3088 Aldershot ........................... ...... Palma Virtuti 4187 Ashton-in-Makerfield ................... ..... Borough 3996
St Michael's ... .... .............. . ... 211 Trinity College Dublin .......... 3153 West Lewisham ................. .... 4298 Aldershot ........................ Earl of Malmesbury 4919
Aldershot ....... .... .... ...... ........... .... Anniversary 8385 Ashton-in-Makerfield ............................ .Rape 4003
St Nicholas ........................... 5108 True and Faithful .................. 8562 West London Lodge of Ashton-in-Makerfield ........... . .............. Heber 4388
St Ninian .............................. :5654 Tul se Hill ... ..... ...... ........... ..... .4462 Installed Masters 9627 Alford ... .............. ... ......................... ..Hamilton 1600 Ashton-in-Makerfield ......................... Willows 5343
St Olave's .................. .. . ......... 2764 Turnham Green .................... 4445 West Middlesex .. .................. 1612 Alfreton .... .................. . ... ............ Royal Alfred 1028 Ashton-in-Makerfield .............. Vigilance and
St Paul's .............. ... ................. 194 Tuscan ...... .............. ................ ... 14 West Norwood .. ... .... .... .... ...... 3598 Alfreton ......................................... St Thomas 2583
West Smithfield ... ........ .. .. 1623 Alfreton ................. ... ... ....... .. ............. Vulcan 4382 Douglas 6236
St Paul's Column ................... 7197 Tyssen-Amherst .. ... ............... 2242 Ashton-in-Makerfield ............................. Bryn 6553
St Quintin Park ... .................. 4863 Ubique ................................... 1789 Westbourne ... ...... 733 Alfreton ......................................... Morcar 8458 Ashton-in-Makerfield ................... Arrowhead
St Stephen's ......................... 2424 Ubique in the East ................ 3338 Western Circuit.... ........... 3154 Alnwick .......... .............. .. ............... ..... Alnwick 1167
St Thomas's.. .................... 142 Ulster .... . ................... . ........... 2972 Westfield ...................... ..... ..... 3686 Alnwick ................... . ..... ............... Coquetdale 5122 Lodge of Freedom 500
Alnwick ...... ............................... Ruine Priory 6464 Ashton-in-Makerfield ........ .... .Ashton Trinity 8821
St Vedast .. .... .......... ............4033 Unison .... ............... . .............. .4761 Westminster City Council ..... 2882 Ashton-in-Makerfield ..... ... Ancient and Loyal
Stamford Hill. ........ ............ 5113 United Arts Rifles ................. 3817 Westminster and Keystone ...... . 10 Alston ........ ...........................................Alston 2794
Standard..... ........ 6820 United Brethren .. .................. 6486 Westminsterian .......... . ... .3344 Alton .. ............... ... ......................... ... .Shalden 2016 Lodge oflnstalled Masters 9762
Stanhope .................... ..... ....... 1269 United Companions ........... ... 7184 Whipps Cross ........................ .4642 Alton .. .................................................. Amery 6510 Ashton-under-Lyne .................. Duke of Athol 210
Star in the West. .. ......... .5190 United Continuity ................ 7096 White Eagle ....................... .... .4384 Alton .......... .. .....................................Aultoun 7899 Ashton-under-Lyne ................ Lodge ofUnion 268
Star ofDavid ... ... .................. 7606 United Engineers.. ........ 3862 White Horse ofKent .............. 1506 Alton ...... ........... .. ........... ................... Camelot 8553 Ashton-under-Lyne .... ... ..... Lodge ofMinerva 300
Star of India ...... ... .............. .... 3444 United Lodge of Prudence ........ 83 White Rose ofYork and Alton .......... ............... ............ ........ Holybourne 9507 Ashton-under-Lyne ............. Lodge ofFidelity 430
Stationers' Company's School7460 United Lodge of Addeys' 2840 Altrincham .. .................................... Stamford 1045 Ashton-under-Lyne .............. ........... ..... Milton 1144
Stebonheath ....................... .. .. 5521 Prudent Brethren .. 145 Whitefriars .... .......... . ........... .5097 Altrincham .. ... .... ..... .... ...................... Sacotias 1357 Ashton-under-Lyne .......................... Waverley 1322
Stella Polaris ....................... ...6780 United Mariners .. ............ ... 30 Whittington ............................. 862 Altrincham ...... Hale and Old Altrinchamian 3749 Ashton-under-Lyne ... ..... . ................ Kershaw 3838
Sterndale Bennett . ... .. .......... 2182 United Service.. . ........ 1361 Wickham ............................... 1924 Altrincham ....... . ... ..... ..................... Marsland 4702 Aspatria .... .. ...... .... ...................... ..... ... Solway 1220
Stilehall ............... . .... ..... ....... 6223 United Studholme Alliance ... 1591 Wilberforce ........................ . ..5186 Altrincham ..... .... . ........ ...... .. .... ...... Affinity 4872 Aspatria ........................................ Ellen Vale ' 7375
Stoke Newington ................. 2552 Unity and Progress ................ 3723 Willem van Oranje ........... .. ... 3976 Altrincham ......................................... Trident 4943 Atherstone ....................................... Athelstan 1333
Stone Squarer ... ...... ... ...... ..... 6617 Unity ofPurpose ......... ........... 6676 William Prestan ..................... 766 Altrincham ................ Lodge of Good Counsel 5270 Attleborough .. ............ .... ........ .. Saint Edmund 6539
Stormont.. .................. .4146 Universal ..... ..... ...................... .. 181 William Rogers.. .............. .. .. 2823 Altrincham ....................... :...... Lodge of Rape 6954 Audenshaw .... .............. .... .... ....Lodge of Faith 581
Stowe .. . ....9002 University ofDurham ........... 3030 Willing ............. . ... 2893 Altrincham ... ..... .......... ... .... ............. Massada 8130 Audenshaw ... .................. ..... ... ............ Concord 757
Strand.. .... 1987 University ofEdinburgh ........ 2974 Winchmore Hill.. ...... 3523 Altrincham ... ............. .. Bridgewater Lodge of Audenshaw ................. ...... .... ..........Alexandra 993
Streatham Hill .. .. .............. .. 3784 University of London ............. 2033 Winton .................... ............ .. 3048 Audenshaw .......................................Ardwick 2185
Installed Masters 9591 Audenshaw . ..... . ................................ Reddish 3615
Stronde ..................... .... .... .... 5715 U pper Norwopd ............. ..... . 1586 Wood Green. . ....... ........ ....... 2426 Amble ..... . .. ..... .................... Lord Warkworth 1879
Strong Man ...... . ....................... .45 Upton. .. ..... 1227 Woodford ................................ 3903 Ambleside .................................Ambleside 2745 Audenshaw ................ .... ....... .... ...... Fraternity 4315
Stroud Green ........................ .. 4579 Upton Cross . ........ .4454 Wrekin ...... ................... .... ... . .2883 Ambleside ... ........... .......... ..... .... .. Hawkshead 4354 Audenshaw ............ ........ ..... .. ........ Composite 4574
Structure .. .. ............................ 5157 Urban. .... .... ........... 1196 Yarborough ................... . ......._..554 Amlwch ..... ....... ............................ St Eleth 1488 Audenshaw .................. ................. Audenshaw 4828
Stuart .......................... ... . ..... 1632 Utilitas . ........ 5693 Yarborough Centenary ......... 6991 Amlwch ...... ...... ................................ Twrcelyn 6944 Audenshaw ........ ... ....................... ..!ron Road 4964
Sua Tela Tonanti .... ............... 8003 Valentia.. ......... 3097 Yeatman-Biggs ...................... 2672 Amlwch ... ... . ......................................... Mona 8232 Audenshaw ... .................. .. ..... .. ..... ...... .. Trinity 5651
Sun.. ................ ....6040 Valentine's Park ........... .. ..... .4412 Yorick ... ..................... 2771 Ampthill ····· ·· · .................................. Ampthill 2490 Audenshaw ..... .... ........ .... ... Good Companions 6005
Sure and Stedfast Lodge ofthe Vaudeville .............................. 5592 Zenith .. . ...... 4892 Ampthill .... ....... .... .................... .. Lovells Bury 4018 Audenshaw .... ..... .. .......................... ........ ..Vale 6426
King's Messenger ..... ............. 9100 Vectis .............. ..... ....... ....... .... .3075 ~tland .. ... - ...... ....... ~11 Ampthill ..... ................. ............. ... Wrest Park 8514 Audenshaw .... .. ........... ......... .. ......... .Fairfield 7224
Sursum Corda and Trident ... 6367 Venerable Bede ................... .4091 Zetland and Hong Kong ....... 7665 Ampthill. ........ ...... ...................... ..... ..... Elstow 8759 Audenshaw .................... ........ .. ...... Dene Head 7594
T Square ............................. .. .. 3269 Venture Adventure .. ......... 6022 Zeus .. . ... .......... ................ .5418 Ampthill ...... Manar Court Lodge of Ampthill 9096 Audenshaw ................ .... ..................... Gorton 7657
Tamworth ..................... .. . ..... 5132 Veritas ........ ......... . ............. 4983 Zodiac .. ...... .............. ... .... ....... 2615 Ampthill .............. . ........................ ...... Veritas 9108 Audenshaw .... ..... ......... ................ ... Parnassus 7869
Taurus ...................... .. .......... 3981 Vicar's Oak. ..... ...... .4822 Ampthill ..... ...... .. .... .............. .... ... .Harlington 9225 Audenshaw .......... ... .Ashton District Lodge of
Ampthill ............. .... ..... Bedfordshire Lodge of Installed Masters 8341
· Provincial Grand Stewards 9577
Audenshaw ....... . ................... .. ...... Delamere 8529
Ampthill ....... Martin Foss Lodge of Research 9722 Audenshaw .... .... .... ............... ..... .... ... ..... Court 8896
Andover .... ............................... .Saint Hubert 1373 Audenshaw .. ......................................... Delphi 9061
Audenshaw ............ ..... .... Rose ofLancashire 9174
ENGLAND-Continued ;ENGLAND-Continued
244 List of Reg ular Lodges Masonic 245
Buckfastleigh ............ Devonshire Emergency Callington ........ .. ...................... Loyal Victoria 557 Cardiff.. .......................................... ..... Tudor 8886 Chatham ... ............... ........... Rochester 3494
Callington .................................. Saint Mary's 8892 Cardiff ......... Lodge of S t. Andrew with Oriel 8934 Chatham ...................... Per Mare Per Terram 3609
Services 9613 Calne ................ .. .......... .... .. .. ........ St Edmund 4714
Buckfastleigh ... ...... .. ..... ... ..... ... .......... ... .Scout 9783 Cardiff.. .. .. ........ .... .......... .Old Monktonians' 8938 Chatham .. . .. .................. Loyal and True 4050
Buckingham ........ ...... ............ .......... Grenville 1787 Calstock .......... .. .... ...... .. .............. .... .Cotehele 2166 Cardiff..... . .. ......... Sure and Stedfast 8991 Chatham...... .. .. .. .... General Gordon 4292
Buckingham ........................................ Verney 8849 Camberley .............................. Albert Edward 1714 Cardiff .. ....... Proscenium 9059 Chatham ... .. .. St George Abadan 6058
Buckley ..... .. ........ .. .......................... Buckley 8154 Camberley .................................... .. .. Bagshot 4804 Cardiff.... .. ......................... ............. .. Wenallt 9082 Chatham .... .. ..................... Richard Watts 8534
Buckley .... .. ......... .. ........... .. .. .... ......... .... Bistre 8883 Camberley ..... .. ..... ............. ......... ...Camberley 5591 Cardiff.. .. .. ... .Lodge of Round Table 9549 Chatham.. .. ........ ...... .. Phoenix 9348
Bude. .. .. ........................................ Granville 3405 Camberley ... ................... ... ... ........... Agincourt 7172 Cardigan .... .......... ... ... Teifi 4648 Chatteris...... .. ..... .... ........ Gray 4334
Budleigh Salterton ........... Lodge of Harmony 372 Camborne .............. . ..... .. .... Mount Edgcumbe 1544 Cardigan .. . ................ ............. ..Frenni 8427 Chelmsford. .. ....... Lodge of Good Fellowship 276
Builth Wells. .. ...................... Loyal Wye 1807 Camborne ....................... .. .............. St Luke's 5371 Carlisle.. . .. .................. ..Union 310 Chelmsford.. .. ........................ Springfield 3183
Bungay ... .. ........................... .. ........... Waveney 929 Cambridge ........ ... ....................... .... .Scientific 88 Carlisle... .. ..... Bective 1532 Chelmsford.. .. .... .Lodge ofintegrity 5149
Burford ... ............... .............. .. ........ Wychwood 2414 Cambridge ..... .... ......... Lodge of Three Grand Carlisle . .. ............ .. Border City 2906 Chelmsford . ... ... ............ ..... ........ .Ingatestone 5167
Burnham-on-Crouch .......... ..Royal Burnham 4904 Principies 441 Carlisle. .. ...................... Carliol 4089 Chelmsford.. .. ..................... Lodge of Success 5486
Burnham-on-Crouch .. Corinthian Centenary 8488 Cambridge ......... .. .. Isaac Newton University 859 Carlisle ... .......... Harmony 4280 Chelmsford ... .. ............. Old Chelmsfordian 5499
Burnham-on-Sea ........... Rural Philanthropic 291 Cambridge ........ .. ......................... Alma Mater 1492 Carlisle .. ........................... .Hadrian 5216 Chelmsford.... . .. .......... .. ............... Maritima 6444
Burnham-on-Sea .. .... ........ Somerset Fairway 9251 Cambridge .......... .. ........ .... ........... Cantabrigia 3532 Carlisle ... Border Lodge ofinstalled Masters 5372 Chelmsford.. .. .East Saxon 7053
Burnley ..................... Lodge of Silent Temple 126 Cambridge .......... ............ .... ......... Old Leysian 4520 Carlisle.. ..Sir Galahad 5897 Chelmsford.. . ... Crouch 7497
Burnley .................. ... ......................... Thursby 3855 Cambridge ........................ ............... Kynaston 5810 Carlisle .. .. . ........... ..... ..Abbey 6425 Chelmsford ... .... .Faircross 7610
Cambridge ........ .. ................ .. .Gild ofSt Mary 7288 Carlisle.. .. .. .Luell 6482 Chelmsford.. .. .. ............................. .. Boswells 7759
246 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 247
250 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 251
ENGLAND-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
Eastbourne .......... . ............... Pevensey Castle
Eastbourne ...................... .... Chatsworth
Eastleigh .............................. Twelve Brothers
~~~::l::: :::::::: :::: :::::::.:::::s~iiri;;,~li."~
Falmouth ............ Lodge ofLove and Honour
Folkestone . ......... ...............
Folkestone ..
Folkestone ......
Framlingham . ........
....... Radnor
. ......... Old Harveians
..... ............... Setech
... Lodge of Fidelity
Godalming ...
Godalming ..
Godalming ......
Godalming .... .............
......... Bisley
... Godalming
....... Bucknill
........ Bargate
Eastleigh .... ..Hampshire Lodge ofEmulation 1990 Falmouth .......... ....... . ........ Colville Smith 5738 Godalming ... ... ... ... Archbishop Abbot 6050
Eastleigh .. ................ . ................ .. .... Norman 4124 Falmouth ........... ........ ............. Cornish Links 9481 Framlingham .. ...... Old Framlinghamians' 6646
Freshwater .......... ...... Needles 2838 Godalming .. ........... ....... Woking 6264
Eastleigh .. .... ... . .......... .............. .......... Wessex 5297 Fareham ......................... Lodge of Harmony 309 Godalming..... ..Castle Keep 6446
Eastleigh ................ Lodge ofFraternal Union 7570 Fareham .................................... .Portsmouth 487 Frinton-on-Sea .. . ..... ... ....... Arnold 1799
Frinton-on-Sea .......... . .. Frituna 2949 Godalming .. ............ .... Woolsack 8221
Eastleigh ...... ........................ ............ Oceanus 7785 Fareham .... ............... St Vincent 5295 Goole . ............ ..... ... ... ... Aire and Calder 458
Eastleigh... .Vale ofltcl)en 7816 Fareham. . ................. .... Hermes 5532 Frinton-on-Sea .. . ............ Gunfleet 6884
Frizington........ . .... ... ... Arlecdon 1660 Goole....... .... .. .. ..Boothferry 7637
Eastleigh.... .................. Docendo Discimus 7818 Fareham .... ... Bishopswood 7920 Gosport....... .... Gosport 903
Eastleigh. ....... . .......... ......... Rose Window 7839 Fareham .. .... .Titchfield Abbey 8189 Frodsham .. ......... .. ..... .Froda 4942
Frodsham .. ... Condate Cheshire Provincial Gosport.... . ... ... ..Prince ofWales 1705
Eastleigh .................... Friendship and Justice 8074 Fareham .. ............ ... ..Fareham 8582 Gosport ... . ..St Swithun's 4795
Eastleigh .............. Southampton New Temple 8131 Fareham .... . .... ...... Wessex Lodge ofFidelity 8681 Grand Officers 9594
..... Royal Somerset 973 Gosport... ... Lee Britten 5782
Eastleigh ........................ ................. Fair Oak 8191 Fareham ....... .. .................... Master Builders 8694 Frome ..
Frome ... .... Forest of Selwood 8912 Gosport ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... Rowner 6974
Eastleigh .......... ....... ............. Eastleigh 8340 Fareham . ....... Fleet Air Arm 8867 Gosport ........ ............. Haslar 7234
Eastleigh .. .... King's Court 8441 Fareham ...................... ....................... Karwan 8970 Gainsborough .. .......... Yarborough 422
Gainsborough .. .................. .Gainas 5121 Gosport ...... ..... ... .Aiwarestoch 7805
Eastleigh ........... . .............. Lodge of Humility 8464 Faringdon ......................Vale ofWhite Horse 1770 Gosport ......... .......... ....... ... . ...... Clarence 8167
Eastleigh .............................. William Fawcett 8612 Faringdon .................... .. .................. Ashdown 8592 Gateshead. ............. Lodge of Industry 48
Gateshead .... .... Ravensworth 2674 Grange-over-Sands .....Arthur John Brogden 1715
Eastleigh ............ ... ........................ Mayflower 8815 Farnborough ........ Aidershot Army and Navy 1971 Grantham... . .. Doric 362
Eastleigh .......... Hampshire and Isle of Wight Farnborough ................ . ... Farnborough and Gateshead. ........ Northbourne 3241
Gateshead .. .................. Shipcote 3626 Grantham .............. ................... ... Granta 4950
Provincial Grand Stewards 9263 North Camp 2203 Grantham.. ...... William Peters 6761
Eastleigh .............................. ....... Prytaneion 9340 Farnborough ....... Aidershot Royal Engineers 4178 Gateshead ....... Gateshead Fell 4349
Gateshead .. ..... ..... St Mary's 4864 Grantham... ...... ... . .. Sir Isaac Newton 8103
Eastleigh ....... . .................. Lodge of Maturity 9390 Farnborough .......... ... . ...................... Mercury 4581 Grantham ....................... Meridian Daylight 9813
Eastleigh ........................ Thomas Dunckerley 9514 Farnborough ........ . ........................ Fugelmere 5073 Gateshead ....... . .................... Bewick 5988
..... Saint Edmund's 7377 Gravesend . . . . . ........ . .Lodge of Freedom 77
Eastleigh ........ . ........................... ...... Pax Hill 9878 Farnborough ................................ Ferneberga 6314 Gateshead .... .
Gateshead ... ... Beaconsfield 7768 Gravesend ... .......... Lodge of Sympathy 483
Ebbw Vale ................ ...... .............. Glyn Ebbw 2556 Farnborough .......... ............ Semper Fidelis 6664 Gravesend... .... ... . .... Erasmus Wilson 1464
Edenbridge .............................. . .. Edenbridge 7462 Farnborough.. ............. ............... ..Loyalty 7154 Gillingham ..... Gillingham Lodge
of Benevolence 184 Gravesend......... ..... ... ..William Russell 3103
Egremont. . ........................................... Kenlis 1267 Farnborough .. .............. More Majorum 7786 Gravesend .. ... ..... ... .. Macartney 3283
Egremont.... .............................. Copeland 4607 Farnborough ...... ......... Lodge of Hospitality 7927 Gillingham .... ... ... Brownrigg Lodge of Unity 1424
Gillingham ..... ..... . .......... Beacon Court 1967 Gravesend . . . . . . . . . . . ... Beamish 3869
Egremont ............................ .... ............ Pillar 7615 Farnborough.. ........ ..Rose of Hampshire 8463 Gravesend ... ... ... Northfleet 4149
Ellesmere . . ....... ............... Brownlow 2131 Farnborough ............. ..Mid Wessex Lodge of Gillingham.......... ........ Honor Oak 1986
Gillingham .. ............... King's Court 2689 Gravesend. .. . . . ........ Gravesham 5337
Ellesmere......... . .... Old Ellesmerian 5368 Installed Masters 8859 Gravesend ..... ....................... ........... New Era 5991
Ellesmere Port.. ..William Hesketh Lever 2916 Farnborough .... . .......................... St Crispin 9046 Gillingham ..... .... ... ..King's Navy 2901
Gillingham . ..... Mid-Kent Masters 3173 Gravesend .. ..Lodge ofUnited Friendship 6284
Ellesmere Port ....................... . .. Whitby 4309 Farnborough.. .... ........................ .Yateley 9107 Gravesend ...... ..... .. .. ....... Libertas Secunda 6433
Ellesmere Port ......................... ...Stanlow 6257 Farnborough .. ......................... Aider Tree 9289 Gillingham .......... ....... King Edward VII 3252
Gillingham ....... ... ... . .......... .......... Norman 3502 Gravesend .... ........ Chantry 6454
Ellesmere Port ................. ........ ..... Netherpool 7416 Farnborough ... ......... ...... United Progress 9336 Gravesend .. . ............ .... Cobham 7269
Ellesmere Port . ................... :..... Bebington 7846 Farnborough.. ... ..... .............. Pegasus Forces 9393 Gi)lingham .. ........ Manor of Gillingham 3983
Gillingham.. ....... Peace and Unity 4101 Gravesend ......... ..Erclei 7436
Ellesmere Port .. ................... ..... Wirral Stone 8081 Farnborough .. ............ Ashburn S t. Johns 9395 Gravesend ......... ... Portcullis 8268
Ellesmere Port ...... . .................. Hooton Park 8156 Farnham .... ....... .............. .St Andrew's 1046 Gillingham ...........White Ensigu Gillingham 4180
Gillingham .. .......................... St George's 4387 Gravesend ..................... .................. Windmill 8683
Ellesmere Port .... ................................ Gayton 8640 Farnham.... . ......................... Border 2475 Grays ............ .......... Saints Peter and Paul 6159
Ely ................................. .. .............. St Audrey 2727 Farnham.. .................. Waverley 4723 Gillingham ... ..Royal Engineers Chatham 4465
Gillingham . ..... . .................... Artifex 4555 Great Ayton ..................................... ... .. Ayton 9595
Ely ............. .................. ................ ...... St Ovin 7774 Farnh~m.. ............... . ............ ..Castle 665 7 Great Bookham ........ Lodge of Grand Desigu 6077
Ely ............................. .. Descensus Aquarum 8655 Farnham .. ..........Old Farnhamians' 7282 Gillingham. ............ Manor ofChatham 4688
Gillingham .. ............ ................ Electra 5124 Great Driffield ... ..... .... ... .Sykes 1040
Ely ........................................... .. ..... The Porta 9511 Farnham ..... .......... ............. William Cobbett 7914 Great Yarmouth ............ Lodge of Friendship 100
Epsom ................................ Wandsworthians 5365 Farnham .......... . .................. Fearnhamme 9149 Gillingham .. . ..... ....... Al! Saints 5383
Gillingham .. ...... . .......... Fraternitas 6046 Great Yarmouth ..... Lodge ofUnited Friends 313
Epsom ............................. ........ .......... Garth 5552 Farnham ......................... .............. Azor 9208 Great Yarmouth ..... . ... Saint Andrew's 1631
Epsom. ...... ..... .. Woodcote Epsom 6293 Farnham .... . .......................... ... Hale 9272 Gillingham .. . ....... Lodge de Wydemeré 6282
Gillingham .. ..St Mary's, Gillingham Green 6499 Great Yarmouth ..... .............. ..St Mary's 3828
Epsom ............... . ..................... Regis Aurigae 9264 Faversham ........ ............... Lodge of Harmony 133 Great Yarmouth.. ....... Albert 4320
Escrick ........................ Vale ofYork Lodge of Faversham ...... ...... . ........................ Athelstan 4024 Gillingham ........ . ......... .Lodge of Friendship
and Service 6584 Great Yarmouth ....... ........ East Norfolk 5496
Advancement 9489 Faversham ................... Manor of Faversham 8248 Great Yarmouth ..... .... .. .. . ..Saint Ni cholas 6623
Esher ..................................... .Ember Manor 4 740 Felixstowe .......................... .. .................. Felix 2371 Gillingham ....... .... .. .. ..Durobrivae 6956
Gillingham.. .. . ..... .. ....... Balmoral 7118 Great Yarmouth ... ... ... .. ... .... Angel 9040
Etchingham ................................... Tilsmore 4499 Felixstowe ....... ......... ... Felix United Service 3833 Great Yarmouth.. ... . .... .. ... .... ... Lion 9401
Etchingham ................................... Wadhurst 9080 Felixstowe. ..... ....................... ....... Colneis 8298 Gillingham . ........ ..City ofRochester 7941
Gillingham. . .... .... .. ......... .... .Dickens 8047 Great Yarmouth .. .............. Copperfield 9581
Evesham ........ .... ... Abbot Lichfield 3308 Felixstowe ...... ................ ..... .Landguard 9346 Great Yarmouth ......... . ... Morning Glory 9693
Evesham ............ ... . .............A1(0n 3569 Ferryhill ................ ................... Rowlandson 3360 Gillingham ..... ................................... Renham 8211
Gillingham .Gillingham Lodge ofFriendship 8453 Greenhithe.. ... .......... .... .... North Kent 2499
Evesham ............................ ......... St Werstan 4004 Ferryhill..... ..... Roger de Fery 5879 Greenhithe .. ............ ... .. ..Greenhythe 5449
Evesham ............ .. ................... Elmley Castle 624 7 Ferryhill.. . ........... Manor 7908 Gillingham .... .............. Watch and Ward 8809
Gillingham .......... ... ....................... Fiat Lux 8893 Grimsby ...... ......... Pelbam Pillar 792
Exeter ... ............... .. ........ St John the Baptist 39 Ferryhill ......... .. .. .............Aycliffe 8800 Grimsby .... ............. . ..Saint Albans 1294
Exeter ...... ......... .......... ........ Saint George's 112 Ferryhill ......... .. .... Durham Provincial Grand Gillingham.. ............ East Kent Scriveners 9622
Glastonbury ......... ................ ... Pilgrims 772 Grimsby..... . .......... .... ... .............. .. .... Smyth 2284
Exeter ......................... Lodge Semper Fidelis 1254 Stewards 9833 Grimsby... ........ Earl ofYarborough 2770
Exeter .......... ............................. .. ...... Brent 1284 Filey .......... ........... .. .................. .. ....... Royal 643 Glastonbury ......... ... ................ St Dunstan's 7973
Glossop .... . ...... . ............ Devonshire 625 Grimsby .... ..... ... ..... .............Astral 3841
Exeter ................................. Northcote 2659 Filey ......................... .................... Portus Felix 6712 Grimsby .. ..... .... Lord Heneage 5979
Exeter ......................................... ......Davie 3721 Filey .Inquirimus Lodge oflnstalled Masters 8132 Glossop.. ........... Lodge ofHadfield 3584
Glossop .... ..... ................ . ............... Mallender 8835 Grimsby ... ... ................ Saint James 7415
Exeter ....................... ... .............. .St Thomas 4198 Fishguard. ........ ....... Kemes 3152 Grimsby ... ... ...... ... ... . ...Wellow Abbey 8819
Exeter ......... ............. . ..... .Lopes 5526 Fishguard ......... .. ....... ...... .. ...... Strumble 4351 Gloucester .. . . ....... ... : ... Royal Lebanon 493
839 Grimsby .. ..... ...................... Daylight 9748
Exeter .......... .Lodge of Saint Peter in Exeter 5806 Fishguard ................. ..... Richard Warburton 9767 Gloucester . . ..Royal Gloucestershire Guildford .... ... ..... Royal Alfred 777
Exeter .. ................................. .St Margaret's 6128 Fleetwood ....... ....... .......................... Hesketh 950 Gloucester ........... ... ... ..... ... Zetland 1005
Gloucester. .......... .. .. ..... . ........... Civitas 5457 Guildford .... ............... ...... Wey Side 1395
Exeter ................................................ Excester 6228 Fleetwood ..... .................. ... ....... Fleetwood 3711 Guildford ...... ..... ...... . .........Onslow 2234
Exeter ........................................... Old Helean 6797 Fleetwood ........ ........................... .. ...Onward 5540 Gloucester ......................................... Glevum 7385
Gloucester.. ............. Richard Whittington 7534 Guildford.. .............. ............. Petersham 4514
Exeter ................. . ................. .Bishop Surtees 8497 Fleetwood ...... ................................. ..Mount 6654
Gloucester .. ... ..... ..... . .............. May Hill 8056 Guildford . .................... Royal Edward 4787
Exeter .................................... ..... Old Exonian 9000 Fleetwood ... .............. .... .............. Pharos 7421 8067 Guildford. . ........ .. .. ....... Guildford 5443
Exeter .. ............. Devonian Lodge oflnstalled Fleetwood .............................................. Wyre 7704 Gloucester .. ....... ............... Chosen Hill Guildford ... ... ........ . ..... ... ........ .. .Astolat 5848
Masters 9249 Fleetwood ... .. . ............................. Broadwater 9027 Gloucester .. ..... . ........ . ........ Jnnsworth 8751
Gloucester .. . ..... .... Lodge of Progress 9144 Guildford ...... ............................. St Saviour's 5853
Exmouth ................... .. ............ . ............... Sun 106 Flint ........................ ... .. ............ ..............Flint 4544 Guildford.... ... South West Surrey Masters 5965
Flint .............................. .... Coleshill 7910 Gloucester ... ... . ........................ Via Lucis 9443
Exmouth ...................... ... ....................... Rolle 2759
Godalming .... ..... ...... Lodge of Friendship Guildford . ....... Lodge of Progress 6136
Exmouth ...................... Per Mare Per Terram 9355 Flint .................. ... ... ...... Croes Ati 8460 Guildford.... ...... Gavel and Sextant 6463
Eye ........ ... ............. . .................... Hartismere 1663 Folkestone ........................ .... Temple 558 andHarmony 1616 Guildford .. ....... Weybridge 6787
Godalming .. ......... Bramston Beach 2101
252 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 253
254 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 255
List of Regular Lodges Masonic 257
ENGLAND-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
Liverpool .............................................. Trinity 3257 London ............................................. Greenhill 5936 Luton ................................................. Warden 4608
Letchworth ........................... Fairlands Valley 8522 Liverpool .................................................. Cecil 3274 London ........................................... Totteridge 6130 Luton .......................................... Lea Valley 4827
Letchworth .................................. Hooks Cross 8705 Liverpool ................................................. Ceres 3501 London .............................................. Prospect 6748 Luton. .. ........................................ Someries 5202
Letchworth ........................................ Codicote 9129 Liverpool ........................................... Excelsior 3580 London ................................... Bush Hill Park 7200 Luton ....: ......................................... Stockwood 5869
Letchworth ................................. Catuvellauni 9435 Liverpool ....................................... St Nicholas 3620 London ............................................ Parthenon 7310 Luton .................................................. Wenlock 6093
Letchworth ........................... Welwyn Viaduct 9555 Liverpool .....................................Yachtsman's 3698 London .............................................. Oakwood 7797 Luton .................................... Roger de Somery 6488
Letchworth .............................. Prince Hamlet 9864 Liverpool ...................................... Abercromby 3699 London .............................................. Edengate 8181 Luton ........... Bedfordshire Lodge oflnstalled
Lewes .......................................... South Saxon 311 Liverpool. .............................................. Crosby 3714 London .......................... Lodge of Good Report 8646 Masters 7301
Lewes ................................................... Pelham 1303 Liverpool... ............................................Argosy 3740 London .................................. :............... Raglan 8915 Luton ..................................... Old Lutonians' 7408
Lewes ................................ Simon de Montfort 9024 Liverpool .............................................. Eureka 3763 London ......... Middlesex Masters (Southgate) 9240 Luton .................................................. Farley 7796
Leybum ....................................Thornborough 6434 Liverpool.. ..................... Lodge ofTranquillity 3877 Long Eaton ................................ Mundy Grave 506 Luton ...................................................... Biscot 8801
Leyland ................................ Leyland Hesketh 986 Liverpool ............................................ Minerva 4002 Long Eaton ........................................ Fairfield 2224 Luton .................................. Duo Fraternitates 9146
Leyland .......................................... Carnarvon 2376 Liverpool ........................................... Aigburth 4103 Long Eaton .................................... Harrington 5098 Luton ......................................... John Hindle 9432
Leyland .................................................. Ribble 4558 Liverpool ......................... Prince of Architects 4188 Long Eaton ................................... Dale Abbey 5603 Luton ..................................................Airports 9552
Leyland .........................................White Hi!ls . 5209 Liverpool.. ....... University Lodge ofLiverpool 4274 Long Eaton ..................................... Cantelupe 8247 Luton ....... Michael Sawyer Lodge ofReunion 9848
Leyland .............................................. Cuerden 6018 Liverpool ....................... Liverpool Mercantile 4319 Long Eaton ................................ Chilwell Hall 8413 Lutterworth ............................................ Wiclif 3078
Leyland ............................................... Longton 6237 Liverpool .......................................... St Peter's 4324 Long Eaton ..................................... Fons Vitae 8744 Lutterworth ......................... Edward Sherrier 6757
Leyland ....................................... De Bon Cuer 6984 Liverpool ............................................ Olympic '4461 Long Eaton ........................................ Erewash 9376 Lydiard Millicent ...............................Vastern 8~77
Leyland ................................................Euxton 7192 Liverpool ...............................................Acacia 4512 Long Sutton ....................................Alexandra 985 Lydney ....................................Vassar-Smith 2994
Leyland ............................................ Farington 7277 Liverpool. ................................... Prince's Park 4 769 Long Sutton ................................. .Saint Mary 7898 Lydney ................................ .Yale of Castiard 7186
Leyland .......................... Leyland St Andrew's 7391 Liverpool ............................................. Linacre 4823 Long Sutton ........................ Fenland Daylight 9825 Lyme Regis ....................... .. ........... Montagu 665
Leyland ................................................. .Withy 7733 Liverpool .................................. Old Crosbeian 4992 Loughborough ............. Howe and Charnwood 1007 Lymington .................................... New Forest 319
Leyland ............................................. Eccleston 7754 Liverpool .......................................... Childwall 5235 Loughborough ...................................... Beacon 5208 Lymington ........................................... Powney 3099
Leyland .............................................. Tarleton 7871 Liverpool ...........................................Woodend 5.302 Loughborough ........................ Tbomas Burton 7007 Lymington ..................................... Lymington 7984
Leyland ............................................ Quingenti 8516 Liverpool ........................... Liverpool Epworth 5381 Loughborough ............ Lodge of the Holy Well 7827 Lymington ........................................... Hythe 8546
Leyland ................ Phoenix Lodge oflnstalled Liverpool ........................... West Derby Castle '5821 Loughborough ........... Loughborough Lodge of Lymington .......................................... Lentune 8743
Masters 9206 Liverpool... ........................................St Luke's 6006 Installed Masters 8312 Lymm ................................................ Domville 4647
Leyland ..................... Red Rose of Lancashire 9640 Liverpool .............................................. Victory 6238 Loughborough ......... Lodge of Science and Art 8429 Lynton ..................................................... Lyn 3251
Lincoln ................................................Witham 297 Liverpool ................................. Lodge of Grace 6418 Loughborough ............................... Showmen's 9826 Lytham St Annes .............. Lodge of Triumph 1061
Lincoln .......................................... Saint Hugh 1386 Liverpool. ..................................... :...... Wóolton 6448 Loughton ........................................... Bagshaw 1457 Lytham St Annes ............................. St Anne's 245 7
Lincoln ................................................ .Ermine 2351 Liverpool ............................................ Adelphi 6819 Loughton ..............................................Brooke 2005 Lytham St Annes ............................. Ansdell 3607
Lincoln ............................................. Excalibur 2959 Liverpool ........................................... Compass 7052 Loughton ............................... Earl ofWarwick 2504 Lytham St Annes ................... Semper Fidelis 4428
Lincoln .............................................. Paulinus 3957
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Liyerpool ....................................... King David 7256 2508 Lytham St Annes ........................... Fairhaven 5076
Lincoln ...............·................................... Ashlar 5219 Liverpool.. ........................ Lodge of Allegiance 7352 2757 Lytham St Annes ............................... :.. Melita 6783
Lincoln ................................................ Lindum 5777 Liverpool.. ............................... .Adeste Fideles 7425 3090 Lytham St Annes ............................... Lytham 6915
Lincoln ............................................... .Minster 8702 Liverpool .......................................... Blenheim 7519 3115 Lytham St Annes ............................ Quadrant 8044
Liskeard ........................................ St Martin's 510 Liverpooi .... Old Masonians West Lancashire 7702 3147 Macclesfield ............................. Lodge ofUnity 267
Littlehampton ..................... Howard Lodge of Liverpool.. ........................................... Harthill 8443 ghton .............................................. Lu< 3353 Macclesfield ...... Combermere Lodge of U nion 295
Brotherly Lave 56 Liverpool .............................Sovereign's Peace 89lt ghton .............................................. Unc 3394 Macclesfield ............................................ .Alan 2368
Littlehampton .................................... Arundel 5822 Liverpool ................................. Old Lerpoolian 9270 ghton ....................................... Lambot 3945 Macclesfield ..................... Duke of Connaught 2961
Littlehampton ............................... Rustington 6490 Liverpool ............................ Sure and Stedfast 9326 ghton .................................. Epping Fo 4263 Macclesfield ........................... Thomas Lockitt 3371
Littlehampton .... ,................................ Cudlow 8738 Liverpool.. ............ Garston Lodge oflnstalled ghton ................................................ Ja 4456 Macclesfield ..................................... Whiston 3614
Littlehampton .................. Bond ofFriendship 9117 Masters 9403 ghton ........................................ Cranbr 4609 Macclesfield .................................. Old Castle 4646
Liverpool.. ...... St George's Lodge of Harmony 32 Llandrindod Wells ................................. .Ithon 3320 ghton ...................................... Luxboro 4700 Macclesfield ........ .. ............. Cheadle Hulme 4697
Liverpool.. ................... Lodge of Perseverance 155 Llandudno .................... Lodge ofSaint Tudno 755 ghton ........................................ Heron¡ 4960 Macclesfield.......... .. ..................... Beneficent 64 72
Liverpool.. ........................................ Harmonic 216 Llandudno ........................................ St Hilary 4801 ghton ....................................... Goodma 5070 Macclesfield....... ................ .......... Prestbury 8880
Liverpool .................. c........ Lodge ofHarmony 220 Llandudno .....................................Aberconwy 5996 ghton .....................................Ambresb 5099 Maesteg ................................................ Llynfi 2965
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Llandudno ..................... Lodge of St Cystenin 6321 5613 Maesteg ............................................ Maesteg 6805
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5705 Maesteg ....................................... Llangynwyd 8854
Liverpool ............................ Lodge of Sincerity 292 .. 5899 Maidenhead ............................................. Dene 2228
Liverpool ........................................ Downshire 594 Liandudno .................... North Wales Lodge of 6012 Maidenhead ....................................... Berries 2928
Liverpool ....................... Grassendale Alliance 667 Provincial Grand Stewards 8865 ghton .................................... Wilcume~ 6090 Maidstone ....................................... Belvidere 503
Liverpool ................................ Imperial Sefton 680 Llandudno ........................................... .Yardre 8949 ghton .......................................... WansJ 7101 Maidstone ........................................... Douglas 1725
Liverpool ................................................ Derby 724 Llandudno ............................... Custodes Pacis 9083 oughton ............................ Old Loughtonians 7311 Maidstone ......................................... Robinson 2046
Liverpool.. ................ Croxteth United Service 786 Llanelli ................................... Prince ofWales 671 Loughton ............................................ Forester 7760 Maidstone ...........................................Agricola 4501
Liverpool ............................................. Everton 823 Llanelli .................................................. St Elli 3942 Loughton ................................... Warren Wood 8284 Maidstone ......................... Chillington Manar 4649
Liverpool ..................................Royal Victoria 1013 Llanel!i ............... c................................ St Teilo 4755 Loughton ............................... Buckhurst Hill 8291 Maidstone ............................... Duke ofKent 5818
Liverpool.. .................Woolton Lodge ofUnity 1086 Llanelli ................................................... Unity 6709 Loughton .......................................... Loughton 8455 Maidstone ........... ............. .. ......... Bearsted 6069
Liverpool .............................................. Temple 1094
t:~:~~~~ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ . ~S'F!i~~ m~ Llanelli .................................... Trevor Kelway 8466
Llanfairfechan ........................ Penmaenmawr 4417
Llanfairfechan ................................. St Mary's 7061
Loughton ....................... West Essex Meridian
Louth ................................................... Lindsey
Louth ................................................... Hermes
Maidstone ......................... Garden ofEngland 6583
Maidstone .........................................Allington 7086
Maidstone ................................ Maeides Stana 7868
Liverpool.. ............................. Fermor Hesketh 1350 Llanfyllin ...................................... Sant Myllin 6536 Lowestoft ................................. Lodge of Unity 71 Maidstone .................................... Fleur de Lis 8969
Liverpool ............................................. Toxteth 1356 Llangefni ................................................. Cefni 4086 Lowestoft ............................. Saint Margaret's 1452 Maidstone ........................................ Monckton 9236
Liverpool... ............................................Hamer 1393 Llangefni ........................................ Mathafarn 8941 Lowestoft ....................................... Stradbroke 3291 Maidstone ........ Millennium Lodge ofCharity
Liverpool.. ................................ Bootle Pilgrim 1473 Llangollen ...................................... St Collen's 4448 Lowestoft ............................................... Orient 4085 in EastKent 9730
Liverpool... ............................... Lodge oflsrael 1502 Llangollen ................................... .Yalle Crucis '8951 Lowestoft ..............'........ .': ......... Lodge ofDawn 8799 Maldon ................................ Lodge of St Peter 1024
Liverpool... ........................................ Liverpool 1547 Llanidloes .......................................... St ldloes 1582 Lowestoft ................................... Silver J ubilee 8811 Maldon .................................... Beeleigh Abbey 7017
Liverpool. ....................................Marlborough 1620 Llanrwst ...................................... Saint Grwst 4741 Lowestoft ................................................. Selig 9459 Maldon .......................................... Daen Ingas 7951
Liverpool. ................................. Antient Briton 1675 Llantwit Majar ....................... Llantwit Majar 9241 Lowestoft ................... East Point Millennium 9704 Maldon ............................ Wheel ofFellowship 9016
t:~:~~~~ :::::::::::::·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~ ~~~~ London, ................................................. Enfield 1237
London .......................................... Broxbourne 2353
Lowestoft ................................................. Magi
Ludgershall .......................................... Border
Maldon ............................ Frederick Leistikow 9143
Malmesbury ................................. .St Aldhelm 2888
Liverpool. .... Wavertree Gateacre Queensway 2294 London ........ ,' ................................ King A!fred 2945 Ludgershall .............................. Forget-me-not 9035 Malpas .......................................... St Oswald's 2992
Liverpool ................................................... City 2514 London ................................................ Hatfield 3190 Ludlow ......................... Lodge ofThe Marches 611 Malton ..................................... Camalodunum 660
Liverpool ................... Commercial Travellers' 2631 London ............................... Hadley Highstone 4203 Luton ............. Bedfordshire Lodge of St John Malvem .................................................. Royds 1204
Liverpool.. .............................. South Liverpool . 2681 London ................................. Borough of Acton 4368 the Baptist 4 75 Malvern ..................................... Malvern Hills 6896
Liverpool ........................................ Coronation 2923 London .................................................. Gothic 4517 Luton ................................... Lodge ofSt Mary 3654 Malvern ............................................... Morgan 9816
Liverpool ......................................... St David's 2950 London ........................... Manor ofWorcesters 5687 Luton ........................................... Cumberland 3858 Manchester ..................... Lodge of Friendship 44
Liverpool ................................................ King's 3101
258 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 259
ENGLA...ND-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
Manchester ............................................ Social 62 Manchester ....................... Radio Millennium 9709 Middlesbrough .................................... Dundas 7970 Nantwich ................................. Lodge ofUnity 321
Manchester ....................... Lodge ofFortitude 64 Manningtree ........................................ Mistley 2339 Middlesbrough ...............................Ashbrooke 9619 NantwichLodge ofthe Four Cardinal Virtues 979
Manchester ............................ Lodge of Virtue 152 Manningtree .............................. Dedham Vale 8901 Middleton ............................. .Imperial George 78 Nantwich .......................................... Prudence 4127
Manches ter ........................ Lodge oflntegcity 163 Mansfield ............................................... Forest 1852 Middleton ........................................ Richmond 1011 Nantwich ...................... Justice-cum-Waldron 4763
Manchester ................................... Caledonian 204 Mansfield ...........................................Ashfield 2412 Middleton ..............................Arthur Sullivan 2156 Nantwich ............................................... Crewe 5030
Manchester .............................. Saint Thomas' 992 Mansfield .......................................... Broxtowe 3648 Middleton ........................................... Palatine 2447 Nantwich ............................... South Cheshire 5571
Manchester ..................................... Shakspere 1009 Mansfield ..................................... Edwinstowe 3998 Middleton :........................................... Stanley 2917 Nantwich ................. Lodge ofWych Malbank 6064
Manchester ............................ Townley Parker 1083 Mansfield ............................................... Byron 4014 Middleton .................................... Ben Brierley 3317 Nantwich ............................................. Merlin 6156
Manchester ................................... St George's 1170 Mansfield ............................................ Kirkeby 5288 Middleton ........................................... Langley 3989 Nantwich ............................................... Crown 9066
Manchester ......................... Egerton Worsley 1213 Mansfield .......................... :.............. de Sutton 7067 Middleton .......................................... Werneth 6163 Narberth ........................................... Narberth 2001
Manchester .................................. Renaissance 1219 Mansfield ......................................... Mansfield 7094 Middleton ............................................ Pilgrim 7306 Narberth ................... Peter Drewett Daylight
Manchester ..................................... Travellers 1253 Mansfield .............................. Old Elizabethan 7714 Middleton ........................... Old Elizabethans' 8235 Lodge of Progress 9426
Manchester ......................................... Victoria 1345 Mansfield ..................................... Ravenshead 8176 Middleton ............................................. Horton 8528 N eath ............................................... Cambrian 364
Manchester ....................................... Architect 1375 Mansfield ........................................... Clumber 8199 Middleton ...................................... Tonge Hall 8763 Neath ...................................................... Gnoll 5057
Manchester ....................................... Chorlton 1387 Mansfield .................................... Saint Peter's 8493 Middleton-in-Teesdale ................ Vale ofTees 5016 Neath ................................... Lodge ofSt llltyd 6078
Manchester ........................................ Ashbury 1459 Mansfield ............................................... Elliott 8569 Middleton-in-Teesdale ............ North Pennine 9713 Nelson .................................... Queen's Jubilee 2193
Manchester ........... Prince Leopold, Doric and March ................................................ Caldwell 3201 Middlewich .......................................Avondale 2389 Neston ........................................................ Dee 1576
Parkfield 1588 March ........................................... Stone Cross 6704 Middlewich ............................... J ohn Brunner 2799 Neston .................................................... Abbey 3778
Manchester ........ ............................. N ew Avon 1633 March ................................. Fenland Meridian 9858 Middlewich ................................ Mid-Cheshire 5697 Neston .......................... Cheshire Cornerstone 4369
Manchester ......................................... Phoenix 1730 Margate ................................................. Union 127 Middlewich ...................................... Kinderton 5759 N eston .......................................... Leverhulme 4438
Manchester ........................................... Mellar 1774 Margate ............................... St John's Thanet 2753 Middlewich .............................................. Dane 7640 Neston ............................. Lodge ofSt Andrew 5053
Manchester ............................... Zion Menorah 1798 Margate ........................................ Porta Maris 4287 Midhurst ........................................... Midhurst 4460 Neston ........ :....................................... Moreton 5165
Manchester ......... East Lancashire Centurion 2322 Margate ................................................ Trinity 7021 Mildenhall ..................................... Mildenhall 6292 Neston .................................................. Neston 6702
Manchester ................................... Minnehaha 2363 Market Drayton ...................................... Clive 1575 Milford Haven ................................. St David's 366 Neston ............................................... Parkgate 7263
Manchester ............................... Lodge ofHope 2679 Market Drayton ............................... St Macy's 8373 Milford Haven ................................ Old Priory 4331 New Milton ................................ Barton Court 5468
Manchester ......................................Volunteer 2905 Market Harborough ......................... St Peters 1330 Millbrook .......................................... Meridian 893 New Milton ........................................ Fernhill 7707
Manchester ......................................Britannia 3005 Market Harborough ...................... St Wilfrid's 8350 Millom ...............................................Whitwell 1390 Newark ................................................ Newton 1661
Manchester ............................ ......... Ellesmere 3068 Market Rasen ...................................... Bayons 1286 Millom ........................................... Huddleston 6041 Newark ............................................... Magnus 3441
Manchester .................. Old Mancunians with Marlborough ......................... Lodge ofLoyalty 1533 Milnthorpe .............................................. :.Bela 7576 Newark .......................................... Corinthian 5528
Mount Sinai 3140 Marlborough .......... Lodge of Good Fellowship 8388 Milnthorpe ................................ :... Heversham 8396 Newark ............................................... Newark 8332
Manchester ......... East L::incashire Provincial Marlow .......................................... Hughenden 6308 9641 Newcastle upon Tyne ............ Newcastle upon
Grand Officers 3747 Marlow ........................... ~Old Wycombiensian 6754 9695 Tyne 24
Manchester ........................... Hand and Heact 4109 Marlow ...................................... Stokenchurch. 7438 2390 Newcastle upon Tyne ....... Northem Counties 406
Manchester ......................................... Felicity 4365 Marlow ...........................................Amersham 7613 Minehead ................................. Saint Bemard 5361 Newcastle upon Tyne ...................... St Peter's 481
Manchester ................ Stretford with Trafford 4379 Marlow ................................... Norman Arches 7761 Mirfield ...............................................Mirfield 1102 Newcastle upon Tyne ......... Lodge de Loraine 541
Manchester ............ Trafford Park Broad Oak 4486 Marlow ......................................... Boume End 7943 Mirfield .............................................. Kirklees 4710 Newcastle u pon Tyne ..........Northumberland 685
Manchester ................................. Barlow Moor 4525 Marlow ..................................... Temple Manar 8143 Mirfield .........................................Woodsmoke 9317 Newcastle upon Tyn:e ............................. Percy 1427
Manches ter ................................... Cornucopia 4553 Marlow .................................................. Nestor 8184 Mold .............................................. .Sir Watkin 1477 Newcastleupon Tyne ........................ Hotspur 1626
Manchester .......................................... Justice 4632 Marlow ......... :.......................... Marlow Bridge 8616 Mold ........................................... Dyffryn Al un 6353 Newcastle upon Tyne .............. Saint Nicholas 1676
Manchester .......................................... Flixton 4869 Marlow ................................. Thames Mariner 8628 Mold ......................................................... Mold 9150 Newcastle upon Tyne ....................... St John's 1712
Manches ter ....................................... Vigilance 4952 Marlow ........................................ St Lawrence 8629 457 Newcastle upon Tyne ........................... Ridley 2260
Manchester ............................................. Loyal 5040 Marlow ..................................... MarlowValley 8974 1051 Newcastle upon Tyne ............ Prince ofWales 2520
Manchester ...................................... Exemplar 5075 Maryport ..................... Lodge of Perseveránce 371 Morecambe .................................. .Morecambe 1561 Newcastle upon Tyne ....... Lodge Temperance 2557
Manchester ...................................... Exchange 5218 Maryport ....................... ,.................. Ewanrigg 7146 Morecambe ....................................... Heysham 4108 Newcastle upon Tyne ......................... Delaval 2568
Manchester ...... .Manchester Science and Art 5309 Maryport .............................................. Alauna 8808 Morecambe .................................. Torrisholme 5245 Newcastle upon Tyne .......................... Holmes 2571
Manchester Commonweal 5332 Maryport ............................................Alnefoot 9232 Morecambe ............................................ .Runic 6019 Newcastle upon Tyne ............. Reserve Forces
u ...•...•••••••••••••••.....•••
Manchester ................................ Constellation 5395 Melksham ......................................... Chaloner 2644 Moretonhampstead ........................ Sanctuary Lodge ofNorthumbria 2666
Manchester ........................ Manchester Lodge Melton Mowbray ................................ Rutland 1130 ............................. Lodge De O¡ 636 Newcastle upon Tyne ..... Lodge of Swinburne 2680
for Masonic Research 5502 Melton Mowbray .............................. St Mary's 7164 ....................................... Morpe 4176
5328 Newcastle upon Tyne .......................... Heaton 2723
Manchester ......................................... Column 5813 Melton Mowbray ............. Framland Hundred 9453 ................................. Newminst Newcastle upon Tyne ..................... St Gabriel 2995
Manchester ....................................... Longford 5900 Menai Bridge ....................................Anglesea 1113 ......................................... Servo: 6105
............................. Perfect Ashl 7966 Newcastle upon Tyne ............................ Eldon 3187
Manchester .......................................... Portico 6070 Menai Bridge ............... N orth Wales Lodge of Newcastle upon Tyne .......................... Burdon 3188
Manchester ........................................ Swinton 6100 Installed Masters 8615 .......................... ..... Prince Alfr 1218
......................................... Dent 5234 Newcastle upon Tyne ......... Lord Collingwood 3246
Manchester ......................................Albatross 6164 Merthyr Tydfi! ...................... Loyal Cambrian 110 Newcastle u pon Tyne ................ Novocastrian 3361
Manchester .......................... Monten Progress 6361 Merthyr Tydfil ................... North Glamorgan 4055 ........................................ Mossl 6577
.......................................... Alpt 8461 Newcastle upon Tyne .............. Northumbrian
Manches ter ....................................... Arkscroll 6594 Merthyr Tydfil ..................................... Aelwyd 7982 Masters 3477
Manches ter .................. Lodge of Gúod Report 7370 Merthyr Tydfil ................................ Luminary 8530 ........................................ Penni 8798
Merthyr Tydfil ................................ St Tydfil's 9753 ................................... Westholi 9101 Newcastle upon Tyne .......................... Golfers 3512
Manchester.....'.................. Manchester Shofali 7441 Newcastle upon Tyne .................. Commercial
Manchester ................................... Pendlebury 8177 Mexborough ................................ Rockingham 4282 ................................ Three Shii 9397
Mexborough .......................................... Gúthic 5238 .......................................Penna 7384 Travellers' 3700
Manchester ......... East Lancashire Provincial 8342 Newcastle upon Tyne .............Addison Potter 3807
Grand Stewards 8408 Mexborough ................West Riding Fairways 9664 ....................................... Mules
Middlesbrough .............................. North York 602 Nailsea ... :............................................. Marine 232 Newcastle upon Tyne ............. .Insurance and
Manches ter ...................................... Maccabee 8947 4399 Ranking Lodge ofNorthumbria 3886
Manchester ......................... Saint Augustine's 9018 Middlesbrough ., .................................. Ferrum 1848 Nailsea .................................................. Sevem
Middlesbrough ....................................... Peace 3936 Nailsea .......................................... Tyntesfield 4494 N ewcastle u pon Tyne .......................... Victory 3986
Manchester ............................ Border Lodge of 6817 N ewcastle u pon Tyne ...................... Fortitude 4017
Installed Masters 9274 Middlesbrough .................................... .Vulcan 4510 N ailsea ............................................... .. Estune
Middlesbrough ............................. Ronaldshay 5276 Nailsea .............................................. Backwell 7964 N ewcastle u pon Tyne ......Achilles U niversity 4078
Manchester .................... Athenaeum Lodge of Middlesbrough ....................................Acklam 6248 Nailsea ................................................Wraxall 9011 N ewcastle u pon Tyne ............... Lodge J ustice 4421
Installed Masters 9368 Newcastle upon Tyne ................. St Anthony's 4423
Middlesbrough .................... Lodge of St Hilda 6666 9703
Manchester .................................. Canis Major 9487 9801 N ewcastle u pon TyneLodge of Free Burgesses 4504
Manchester ....................................... .Internet 9659 Middlesbrough ................................ Linthorpe 7032
Nantwich ................................. King's Friends' 293 Newcastle upon Tyne ..................... Pons Aelii 4523
1--- ~-~
List of Regular Lodges Masonic 261
ENGLAND-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
Northallerton ...............White Horse Lodge of Nottingham ................................... Sherwood 3956 Otley ................................... Royal Wharfedale 1108
Newcastle upon Ty-ne ........................ Faraday 4852 Installed Masters 9807
Newcastle upon Tyne .........................Fidelity 4902 Nottingham ................ United Service Lodge Otley ............................................... Leodiensis 4029
N orthampton ...................................... Pomfret 360 of N ottinghamshire 4068 Otley .............................................. Horsford 5339
Newcastle upon Tyne ............................. Doric 5360 1764
5419 Northampton ............................ Eleanor Cross Nottingham ................................:....... St Giles 4316 Otley ................................................ Harewood 5667
Newcastle upon Tyne ........................... Car!iol Northampton .................................... De la Pre 1911
Newcastle upon Tyne .................... St Thomas 5420 2431 Nottingham ........................... Semper Fratres 4467 Otley. .... .. .......... ............ .. ........... ..... Chevin 6848
5529 N orthampton ..................................... Kingsley Nottingham .......................................... Clifton 4753 Oxford ...................................................Alfred 340
Newcastle u pon Tyne ...................... St Mark's Northampton ...................... England's Centre 2555
N ewcastle u pon Tyne ......................... Morden 5722 Nottingham .................................... Porchester 4907 Oxford .................................Apollo University 357
5762 Northampton ................ Northamptonshire & Nottingham ............................................ Trent 4933 Oxford ............................................... Churchill 478
N ewcastle u pon Tyne ................. Monkchester Huntingdonshire Lodge
Newcastle u pon Tyne .......... Saint Margaret's 5816 Nottingham ......................................... Temple 5196 Oxford .................................................... Bertie 1515
6029 of Installed Masters 3422 Nottingham ....................................... Radcliffe 5313 Oxford ...............................................Annesley 3961
Newcastle upon Tyne .................... Corinthian 3972
Newcastle upon Tyne .................... St Raphael 6261 Northampton .................................... St John's Nottingham ......................................... Galway 5408 Oxford........ .. .............. ....... .................... .Isis 4242
6317 Northampton ................................ Grey Friars 4990 Nottingham ...................................... Daybrook 5522 Oxford ................................... Old St Edward's 5162
N ewcastle u pon Tyne .................. Tyne-Castle 5694
Newcastle upon Tyne ........................ Lodge of Northampton ................ Old Northamptonian Nottingham .......................................... Lenton 5584 Oxford ................................................. Carfax 5723
N orthampton .................... Lodge of St George 5978 Nottingham .................................. Woodthorpe 5645 Oxford ................................................ Blockley 6345
Remembrance 6319 6838
Newcastle upon Tyne .......................... Pilgrim 6342 Northampton ..................... Lodge of St James .Nottingham ........................... Nuthall Temple 6011 Oxford ............................................... Oxnaford 6691
Northampton .......................................... Ceres 6977 Nottingham ........................................ Beeston 6103 Oxford ............................ Oxfordshire Lodge of
Newcastle u pon Tyne ............................. .Ionic 6344 7557
Northampton ...................................... Piscator Nottingham ......................................... Trident 6407 lnstalled Masters 7770
Newcastle upon Tyne ...................... Athelstan 6469 Northampton ....................................Abington 8041
Newcastle upon Tyne .................White Friars 6523 Nottingham ........................................ Musters 7095 Oxford ................................................... .!slip 7876
Northampton ..................................... Dr Field 8158 Nottingham ........... University ofNottingham 7598 Oxford ................................................... Amery 8316
Newcastle u pon Tyne ....................... Excelsior 6609 Northampton ...................................... Spelhoe 8576
Newcastle upon Tyne ..................... Sandyford 6934 Nottingham ....................................... Fairham 8002 Oxford .................................................... Clavis 8585
Northampton ...........................Anglo Scottish 8844 Nottingham ..................................... Harlequin 8004 Oxford ............................................. Clarendon 8828
Newcastle upon Tyne ....................... Grainger 7261 Northampton ...................................... Cumton 8869
N ewcastle u pon Tyne ............ N ewcastle u pon Nottinghainc.: ................................ Ribblesdale 8020 Oxford ............................................ Saint Giles 8904
TyneRoyal Northampton ........................ Palmer Lodge of Nottingham ..................................... Edwalton 8214 Oxford .............. Oxfordshire Lodge of Service
Provincial Grand Stewards 8995 Nottingham ..................... Round Table Lodge and Honour 9162
Grammar School 7463
Northampton ..................... Lodge ofHarmony 9048 of N ottinghamshire 8604 Oxford ...... Round Table Lodge of Oxfordshire 9509
Newcastle upon Tyne ................. Blackfriars 7556 Northampton .......................... Three Counties 9278 Nottingham ..................................... Bramcote 8750 Paddock Wood ......................... Paddock Wood 4291
Newcastle u pon Tyne ...................... Severus 7864 Northampton ................................... Hamtune 9601
Newcastle upon Tyne ............ Castle Wardens 8213 Nottingham. ....................... Lodge of Charity 8769 Paddock Wood ................... Stanley Wykeham 6599
Northampton ............................. Salcey Forest 9854 Nottingham ...................................... Ernehale 8806 Paddock Wood .................................... Bradley 7929
Newcastle upon Tyne ......................... Ocianus 8329 Northwich .......................... Lodge of Sincerity 428
Newcastle upon Tyne ........................... Legion 8634 Nottingham .................................... Excalibur 8903 Padiham ...................... Red Rose of Lancaster 1504
Northwich ............... :............... Semper Fidelis 3453 Nottingham ....................... Robert Warburton 9464 Padiham ................................................ Calder 4564
Newcastle upon Tyne ........................ Oriental 9371 Northwich ....................................... Sinceritas 4934
Newcastle u pon Tyne ..... Lodge of Sportsmen 9823 Nottingham ............................ Walesby Forest 9674 Padiham ...... Marsden within Pennine Valley 6183
Northwich ............................................ Weaver 6180 Nottingham .................... Robin Wilson Lodge Padiham ........................................... Huntroyd 6385
Newcastle upon Tyne ........................... Argent 9824 Norwich .................................................. Union 52
Newcastle-under-Lyme ................ Suther!and of Research 9844 Padiham ........................................... Brierfield 7560
N orwich .................................................. Social 93 Nnneaton ..............................................Abbey 432 Padstow ............................................ St Petroc 1785
Lodge of U nity 460
Norwich .......................Lodge ofPerseverance 213 Nuoeaton ...................................... Newdegate 5102 Paignton ............................................... Torbay 1358
Newcastle-under-Lyme ............ John O'Gaunt 4054 Norwich ............................................... Cabbell 807 Nuneaton ................................................ Etone 5981 Paignton ................................ Miles Coverdale 5069
Newcastle-under-Lyme .................. Castellum 6710 N orwich .............................. Lodge of Sincerity 943 Nuoeaton ......................................... Bedeword 7274 Paignton ........................................ Courtland 6706
Newcastle-under-Lyme ........ :............ Seagrim 8161 Norwich ..............................................Walpole 1500 Paignton ................................................. Quest 7883
Newmarket .................................... Etheldreda 2107 Nuoeaton ..................................... George Eliot 9227
Norwich ............................Naval and Military 3678 Oakham ..................................Vale ofCatmos 1265 Paignton ................................. Torbay Masters 8227
Newmarket .......................................... Granta 6179 N orwich ................ N orfolk Installed Masters' 3905 Paignton ............................................ Noontide 9720
Newmarket .................................. St Wendred 8374 Oakham ................................. Old Oakhamian 8033
Norwich ......................................... Saint Giles 4569 Okehampton .................... Lodge of Obedience 1753 Pateley Bridge ............................. Vale ofNidd 4984
Newmarket ....................................... Logistica 9804 Norwich ................................................ Bowers 4865 Peacehaven ......................................... Seaford 2907
Newnham-on-Sevem .... Royal Forest ofDean 1067 Okehampton ............................... .Seven Stars 9855
N orwich .............................................Mancroft 6074 Oldham ............................... Lodge ofCandour 337 Peacehaven ....................................Homestreu 3277
Newport .................................................Albany 151 Nonvich ............................ Francis ofLorraine 6906 Oldham ............................................ Sub Aqua 9684 Peacehaven .................................. Peacehaven 4 754
Newport .............................................. Silurian 471 Norwich .................................... Old Pastonian 8075 Peacehaven .................................. Rottingdean 4961
Newport ...............................................c..... .Isca 683 Olney .............................. Cowper and Newton 2244
Norwich ....................................... Maid's Head 8558 Olney ................................. Great Ouse Valley. 9235 Peacehaven ..................................... Meeching 7001
N ewport ........Albert Edward Prince of Wales 1429 N orwich ..........Round Table Lodge of N orfolk 8600 Oreston ............................. Sir Walter Raleigh 2958 Peacehaven ........................................Fairway 7611
N ewport ................................................Audley 1896 Norwich ........................................Yare Valley 8899 Ormskirk ........................... Lodge ofHarmony 580 Peacehaven .......................... Taurus of Sussex 8148
Newport .... Charles Lyne (Installed Masters) 2964 Norwich ................. Lodge of Good Fellowship 8921 Ormskirk ................................Arthur Stanley 3469 Peacehaven ....................................... Meridian 8307
N ewport .....................................J asper Tudor 4074 N orwich ............................. N orfolk Provincial Ormskirk ................... .Stan!ey of Bickerstaffe 3511 Peacehaven ...................................... Laetemur 8583
N ewport ............................................... Crystal 4562 Grand Stewards 9266 Peacehaven ............................Harbour Lights 8770
Newport .................................................. Nioba 5264 Ormskirk ............................ Lodge ofChivalry 3974
N ottingham ..................................... N ewstead 47 Ormskirk .............................. Ormskirk Priory 4007 Peacehaven .... Lodge ofPeace and Fraternity 9141
Newpoi"t .......................... Lodge ofFriendship 6169 Nottingham ................................ Royal Sussex 402 Ormskirk ..................................... Lombardian 4887 Peel ................................................. Glanfaba 2164
Newport ........................................ Casnewydd 6779 Nottingham .................................. Commercial 411 Ormskirk ............................................. Mersey 5199 Peel... .................................................... .Viking 6335
N ewport ................................................. .Idsall 7133 N ottingham ..................................... Southwell 1405 Peel ................................ .Isle of Man Lodge of
N ewport .................................... Armed Forces 9875 Ormskirk ................................ .Lathom Abbey 6286
N ottingham ......................................Annesley 1435 Ormskirk ............................................ Maghull 7190 !nstalled Masters 9598
Newquay ........................................ St Michael 2747 Nottingham .................................. Robin Hood 1493 Ormskirk ........................................... Aughton 7996 Pembroke Dock ........................... Loyal Welsh 378
Newquay .............................. Cornish Masters 3324 Nottingham ........................................ De Vere 1794
Newquay ............................................... Towan 7684 Ormskirk ......................................... Park Hall 8375 Pembroke Dock .......................... Castlemartin 17 48
Nottingham .................................... Carnarvon 1909 Ormskirk ...................... Vale of Skelmersdale 8719 Penarth ..............................................Windsor 1754
Newton Abbot ........................................Devon 1138 N ottingham ......................... Duke of Portland 2017 Orsett ................................................ Rainham 3079 Penarth ............................................... Penarth 4113
Newton Abbot .....................................Newton 6129 Nottingham ...................................... St Mary's 2302 Orsett ................................................... Avilion 4879 Penarth ................................................. Dinam 4521
Newton Abbot ......................................... Teign 7018 Nottingham .................................... Old Priory 2594 Penarth ...................................... Dinas Powis 5997
Newtown .......................................... Cedewain 1594 Orsett ................................... Stanford-le-Hope 5217
Nottingham ........................................Welbeck 2890 Orsett ................................................. Laindon 5230 Penarth .................................................... Clive 6973
Newtown ...............................Hafren Lodge of Nottingham ...................................... Thoresby 3106 Orsett ..................................................... Orsett 5424 Penarth .............................................. Services 7139
Installed Masters 8887 N ottingham ........................................... Castle 3219
Neyland .............................................. Neyland 990 Orsett .................................................... Tylney 5856 Penarth .................................................. Wings 8651
N ottingham .......................................... Pinner "3300 Orsett ........................................... St Michael's 6683 Penarth ................................................ Crystal 8713
North Shields ................................ St George's 431 Nottingham ....................................... Hayman 3414 Orsett .................................................... Haven 7046 Penarth ....................................... Saint Cecilia 8748
North Shields ........................................Priory 1863 Nottingham ....................................... Bentinck 3416 Orsett .......................................... Hassenbrook 7423 Penley .................................................. Kenyon 6210
North Shields ............................... Lindisfarne 2762 Nottingham ................... Dame Agnes Mellers 3498 Orsett ............................ Lodge of Beneficence 7978 Penn .......................... Penn and Tyler's Green 5876
North Shields ............................... Saint Aidan 3460 Nottingham ·····-··············Duchess ofPortland 3570 Orsett ................................................. Bulphan 8230 Penrith ............................ Lodge of Unanimity 339
North Shields ........................................ Haven 5426 Nottingham ............. Notts. lnstalled Masters 3595 Orsett ........................................ Langdon Hills 84 77 Penrith ........................................... illlswater 3297
North Shields .................................. St Wilfrid 5439 N ottingham ..................................... Rushcliffe 3658 Orsett ........................... Fellowship and Unity 8680 Penrith ............................................... Beacon 6202
North Shields ........................................... Sion 7562 N ottingham ............................. Hemlock Stone 3734 Orsett: ......................................... Sancto Claro 9486 Penrith ............................................. Helvellyn 8979
North Shields ........................................Viking 7934 Nottingham ................................... Le Willows 3852 Oswestry .......................... Lodge of St Oswald 1124 Penrith .................................................. Zenith 9800
North Walsham .............. Lodge ofUnanimity 102 Nottingham ................................... Pax Magna 3916 Oswestry ........................................... Fitz AJan 1432 Penryn ................... Lodge of the Three Grand
North Wootton .....Lodge ofLove and Honour 285 N ottingham ..................... N ottingham Rotary 3941 Oswestry ........................................... Cae Glas 8572 Principies 967
N orthallerton ....................................... Anchor 1337 Nottingham ............................West Bridgford 3943 Otley ........... ......................................... Alfred 306 Penryn ........................................... Pendennis 7520
Northallerton ..............................Tees Tablers 9564
262 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 263
ENGLAND-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
Penryn ............................................ St Gluvias 7936 Plymouth ........................ Oid Plymothian and Portsmouth .....................................Wayfarers 5740 Radlett .................................. Chipping Barnet 5599
Pen:ry-n ............................................ St Budoc's 8445 Mannameadian 6279 Portsmouth ............. Portsmouth and District Radlett .......................... Barham and Wat!ing 6004
Penryn ................................ Cornish Maritime 9374 Plymauth ........................... Lodge of St Simon 6376 Masters 5990 Radlett ............................ South Hertfardshire 6044
Penzance ..................................... Mount Sinai 121 Plymauth ............................... St Bartholomew 6378 Partsmauth ............................................ Salent 6182 Radlett ......................................... East Barnet 6259
Penzance ........................................... St Levan 5134 Plymauth .............................................. Sutton 6580 Portsmouth ............................. Portus Magnus 6530 Radlett ................................................. Radlett 6652
Penzance ................................ Lodge Lyonesse 6014 Plymouth .................................. Lodge of Hope 6703 Partsmouth ....................................... Georgian 6752 Radlett ............................................ Aldenham 8253
Penzance .......................... Sir Humphry Davy 9327 Plymouth ........................................ Mayflower 7241 Partsmouth ......................................... Casham 6912 Radlett .................................................... Kudu 8662
Perranparth ...................... Lodge ofFortitude 131 Plymouth ................................•............ Pelican 7878 Portsmouth ..................................... Tavemers 7442 Radlett .......................................... Potters Bar 8704
Perranporth ................................ Truro Schao! 5630 Plymouth ................ Royal Marines Plymouth 9528 Portsmouth ........................ Sir Francis Drake 7668 Radlett ............................................. Rosewoad 8793
Perranparth ...................................... St Pirans 7620 Packlington .......................................... Beacon 4362 Partsmouth ..... Cathedral Ladge, Portsmouth 7753 Radlett .............................................. Medburn 8841
Perranporth ............................................ Eagle 9472 Packlington ...................... Old Packlingtonian 7867 Partsmouth .......................................... Portsea 7794 Radlett ........................................... Daneswood 9087
Perranporth .............. The Millennium Lodge Pantefract .................................. Saint Oswald 910 Partsmbuth .......................... Oid Portmuthian 8285 Rad!ett ................... Stability in Hertfordshire 9102
ofCornwall 9708 Pontefract ........................................... De Lacy 4643 Partsmauth ...............................J ahare Bahru 8390 Radlett ............................... Mimosa of Radlett 9112
Peterbarough ................................... St Peter's 442 Pantefract ......................................... Tateshall 7645 Partsmauth ............................................. Links 8431 Rad!ett ................................................ Bodina 9121
Peterborough ................................ Fitzwilliam 2533 Pontyclun....................... .................... Trisant 4154 Portsmouth ........................... Charles Dickens 8597 Radlett .................................................. Shyre 9168
Peterborough ...... Peterborough and Counties 2996 Pontyclun .......................................... Talygarn 7216 Portsmauth ........................................ Drayton 8832 Radlett ................................... Burning Bush 9608
Peterborough .................................... Dr O!iver 3964 Pontyclun ....................................... St Gwynna 8599 Portsmauth ........................... James E. Bullen 9273 Ramsey ..................................... St Maughold 1075
Peterborough .................................. St Andrew 4087 Pontyclun ............................................. Miskin 8625 Partsmouth ................................... Tudor Rose 9477 Rarnsey ......................................... ...... Lezayre 6890
Peterborough ................................... St Wilfrid 4453 Pontyclun ............................................Yr Efail 9502 Poultan-le-Fylde .................. Lodge afFidelity 1256 Ramsey ............... .Isle af Man Tourist Trophy 9872
Peterboraugh ........................ Medeshamstede
§~· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~ ~
1258 Poulton-le-Fylde ................... Poulton-le-Fylde 4040 429
Peterborough .............................. Vale ofNene 7006 6008 Poulton-le-Fylde ............................... IGrkham 6615 1209
Peterborough ................................... Petriburg 8767 7901 Poulton-Je-Fylde ............................. Landmark 7273 3350
Peterborough .............................. Schola Regia 9105 Pantypoal ............................................ Henllys 8283 Poulton-le-Fylde .................................. Faxhall 7484 8391
Peterborough ......................... Thomas Deacon 9126 Pantypridd ............................................ Merlin 1578 Poulton-le-Fylde ................................... Baines 7844 8918
Peterborough .......... Richard Sandbach Ladge Pontypridd ........................................ Rhondda 3979 Paulton-le-Fylde .............................. Tithebarn 8446 9429
ofResearch 9600 Pantypridd ....................................... Hen Bont 4691 Paulton-le-Fylde .............. .Senatares Lodge of Rawtenstall .................... Lodge ofTranqui!ity 274
Peterbarough ................................. N antahala 9805 Pontypridd ................................ Craig yr Hesg 6724 Installed Masters 8966 Rawtenstall .................... Lodge afHospitality 1697
Petersfield ............................... Union ofMalta 4207
~~~i~~~~---·.-.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.. ··.·:::~~w:~~~d~ 7638
407 Prescot .................................. Ladge ofLoyalty 86 Rawtenstall ...................... .Duke of Lancaster
Petersfield ....................... Ladge of Friendship 928 9001 Prescot .............................. William Fleetwood 2814 Rawtenstall .................................... Canstancy 4767
Petersfield ........................................ St Peter's 9182 Pontypridd .......................... Saint Catherine's 9503 Prescat ..................................... Prescot Trinity 3401 Rawtenstall ........................................ Cribden 7285
Petersfield ............. East Hampshire Masters' 9513 Poole ........................................ Lodge of Arnity 137 Prescot ................ Tower of Sir Francis Drake 3583 Rawtenstal! .......................................... Grants 8825
Petworth ........................................... Petworth 5547 Poale ............................................ St Aldhelm's 2559 Prescat .................................. James T. Callow 3596 Rawtenstall ..........................Valleys Lodge of
Pickering ......... :.................................... Victory 4042 Poole .............................................. Dunckerley 3878 Prescot ........................................... .. Dominion 4289 Installed Masters 9396
Pilling ............................................. Knott End
~:~~~~----.-.-::::::::::.-.-.-.-.:.-.-.- . . . . . . . . . .-:::::::~":"l~b~~~~
8674 Poole ................................................... Purbeck 4355 Prescot ....................................... .......... Prescot 5470 4381
Plymauth .......................................... St John's
70 6525 Prescot ............................................ Old Priary 6362 7906
Plymauth ........................... Lodge ofFortitude 105 6582 Prescot ................................ Liverpoal Charter 7650 Reading ......................................... Goring Gap 8359
Plymouth .............................:............ Harmony 156 Paole ................................................. Liewellin 7907 Prestatyn ........................................ St Melyd's 3840 Redcar ............................................... Marwaod 1244
Plymouth ........................................ Brunswick 159 Paole ................................................Vespasian 8099 Prestatyn ......................................... Prestatyn 7020 Redcar ................................................. De Brus 4244
Plymouth ............................ Lodge of Sincerity 189 Poole .............................................. Broadstone 8641 Prestatyn .................................. St Kentigern's 7772 Redcar ................................................. Saltscar 5173
Plymouth ........................ Ladge af Friendship 202 Poole ......... Lodge of Haspitality and Cancord 8645 Prestatyn .......................................... St Asaph 8034 Redcar ............................. Lodge of Philosophy 6057
Plymouth .............................. Lodge ofCharity 223 Poole ...................... Fraternal Ladge of Dorset 9649 Preston ............................ Lodge of Unanimity 113 Redcar ......................................... Kirkleatham 6363
Plymouth .............................. Lodge ofFidelity 230 Port Sunlight Village ........................ Progress 4584 Preston ................... Lodge ofPeace and Unity 314 Redcar .............................. Roseberry Lodge ·af
Plymouth .......................................... St Aubyn 954 Port Sunlight Village ...................... N actorum 5913 Preston ...................................... Royal Preston 333 Instal!ed Masters 8571
1099 Port Talbot ...............................................Afan 833 Preston ................................ Ladge of Concard 343 Redcar ............................................... Coatham 9592
1205 Port Talbot ............................. Margam Abbey 5257 Preston ............................................. Wyreside 2605 Redditch ............................................ Seymour 2804
1212 Port Talbot ........................................... Baglan 6079 Preston ............................................ Fraternity 4072 Redditch ................................... St Augustine's 3713
Plymouth .......................................... St John's 1247 Part Talbot .............................................. Ynys 8274 Preston ...................................... Preston GU:ild 4408 Redditch ............................... Bordesley Abbey 4495
Plymouth ............................................. Dundas 1255 Part Talbot .................... Lodge of St Theadore 8536 Preston ................................................. Jubilee 5555 Redditch ................................................. Ipsley 6491
Plymouth ........................... Lodge of Prudence 1550 Port Talbot ................................... Celtic Eagle 9132 Preston ................................................ Scorton 5791 Redditch ..........................................Farge Mili 9658
~l::~~~·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:..·.·.·.·.·:::::::::::."i3~~n:,rn~~ 1847
Port Talbot ..................... South Wales Clerics' 9298
Porthcawi. ......................... Venables Llewelyn 3756
Preston .................. Lodge of Gaod Fellowship 5901
Preston ............................................. Ribbleton 6386
Redhii! .................................................. Surrey 416
Redhii! ........................... Royal Albert Edward 1362
Plymouth .......................... Lodge of St George 2025 Porthcawi .................................. Lodge of Sker 8024 Preston ............................................... Halcyon 6500 Redhiii ............................................. Caterham 2095
Plymouth .... Western District United Service 2258 Parthcawi ............................................ Newton 8261 Prestan ............................................. Garstang 6633 Redhiii ................................................ Gatwick 2502
Plymouth ............................ Sir Francis Drake
2649 8289 Prestan ............................ Lodge of Endeavour 7036 Redhill .......................................... East Surrey 2769
Plymouth................................. Que en Victoria 2655 8452 Preston ......................... Lodge Amounderness 7105 Redhiii ...................................... Reigate Priory 4526
Plymouth .......................................... Maristow 2725 Porthcawl .............................. Lianilltud Fawr 8644 Preston ..................................... Oid Huttonian 7614 Redhiii ..............................................Woadcote 4891
Plymauth .......................................... Manadon 3033 Porthmadog ........................................... Madoc 1509 Preston ................................ Setantia Lodge of Redhiii ..... ,................................ Pilgrims' Way 5306
Plymauth ...................................... Philammon 3226 Porthmadog..................................... St Cyngar 5323 lnstalled Masters 7755 Redhiii ............................................. Chipstead 5463
Plymouth ..................................... Royal N aval 3337 Partland ............................................. Portland 1037 Preston .................................................. Pilling 7879 Redhiii ....................................... Thurlow Park 5476
Plymouth .............................................. Trinity 3403 Portland ...................................United Service 3473 Preston ............................................ Longridge 8077 Redhiii ............................. Tandridge Hundred 5767
Plymouth ........................... Sir John Hawkins 3704 Partland ...................................... Laya! Manor 6445 Preston ................. Prestan Lodge of Sincerity 8085 Redhiii ................................................ Box Hill 5858
Plymouth ................................................. Piym 3821 Partland .............................................. Vindelis 7873 Preston ................................................ Festival 8123 Redhiii ..................................................... Oaks 5921
Plymouth ................ Earl ofMount Edgcumbe 3924 Portland .............................................. Quintus 8118 Preston ........................... St Michaels on Wyre 8348 Redhill .................... Friendship and Welcome 6495
Plymouth ........................................ Eddystone 3925 Portland ................................................. Che sil 8149 Preston .......... .Ingol Lodge of Saint Margaret 8544 Redhill ......................................... Cherchefelle 6543
Plymouth ............................ Ladge afintegrity 4098 Portsmouth ......................................... Phoenix 257 Preston ................................... Great Eccleston 8895 Redhiii .............................................. Cradiden 6571
Plymauth ......................................... Britannia 4099 Portsmouth .............................. United Service 1428 Preston .................................................... Aegis 9115 Redhiii .............................................. Godstone 7159
Plymouth ............................................. .Victary 4189 Portsmouth ................ Prince Edward af Saxe Pulboraugh ..................................... Pentalpha 3164 Redhill ................................Vale af Caterham 7316
Plymouth .................................. Piymouth Hoe 4235 Weimar 1903 Pulborough ............................... Chanctanbury 6296 Redhiii ............................................ Haroldslea 7328
Plymouth .............................................. Tamar 4239 Portsmouth ............. Portsmouth Temperance 2068 Pwllheli ........................................ St Tudwal's 4433 Redhiii ............................. Lodge ofUnanimity 7721
Plymouth ........................................ St Andrew 4276 Portsmouth ......................................... St Clair 2074 Pwllheli ............................................... Madryn 6322 Redhill ............................................... Lingfield 7802
Plymouth ........................................... Smeaton 4352 Portsmouth ......................... King Edward VII 3816 Radlett ............................................ Giadsmuir 1385 Redhii! .........................................Warlingham 7977
Plymauth ............................................ Armada 4360 Portsmouth ....................................... Southsea 4071 Radlett ................................................ Samson 1668 Redhii! ......................... South Surrey Masters 8321
Plymouth .................... St John the Evangelist 4405 Portsmouth .................................... Portsdown 4356 Radlett ................................................. Eistree 3092 Redhill ......................... Lodge of Construction 9455
Plymouth ........................ Sir Jashua Reynalds 4782 Portsmouth ..................................... Comrades 4745 Radlett ..... Hertfordshire Imperial Yeomanry 3192 Redruth ........................ Drnids' Lodge ofLove
Plymouth .............................. Ladge afFe!icity 5336 Portsmauth ........................................ Neptune 5150 Radlett ................................... Sprig of Acacia 3318 and Liberality 589
Plymouth ............................... Lord Roborough 5789 Portsmouth .................................... Domus Dei 5151 Radlett ................................................ Bombay 3651 Redruth .............................................. St Euny 6025
Plymouth ...... Piymauth and District Masters 5898 Portsmauth .....................................Arthurian 5658 Radlett ................................................ Latimer 4705 Redruth ........................................... Trevithick 9339
-:\.~ --~~
264 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 265
ENGLAND-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
Retford ............................................ .Veroon 1802 Royston .................................... ...... Layston 6699 Salisbury ...................................... Stonehenge 6114 Shaw .......... ........................ .. ........... Freedom 3837
Retford ...................................... East Retford 8152 Royston ................................... ........... Bengeo 6801 Salisbury ........................... Wiltshire Masters' 6731 Shaw ......................................... Oidham Mitre 5633
Retford ............................................. Caro!gate 8929 Royston ...................................... Godfrey Kent Salisbury ............................................. Tisbury 8718 Shaw ................ Lodge ofUnited Companions 6895
Rhyl .................................................... Caradoc 9375
1674 Ruabon ............................................ Wynnstay 3876 Salisbury .............. Lodge of Brothers in Arms 9540 Shaw ...................... .. ................... Solidarity 7885
Rhyi... ....................................................... Eiwy 4721 Ruabon ............................................... Dyfrdwy 8134 Saltash .............................................. Zet!and 1071 Shaw ............................................... Jubilate 8561
Rhyl .................................... Saint Christopher 6034 Ruabon .......................................... Gredington
~~::;.;;~~~-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ..:'..d~~~
8982 Saltash ................................................... Essa 6278 8879
Rhyl .................................................. .Abergele 6438 Ruabori ......... " ................................. Liannerch Saltash .............................................. Hamoaze 8513 158
Rhyl ........................................................ Foryd 9056
7158 Rugby ................................ Lodge ofRectitude 502 Saltash ............................................... Caradon 8543 Sheeroess .................................... De Shurland 1089
Rhyi.. ..................... Lodge of Rhuddlan Castle 7737 Rugby ................................. Laurence Sheriffe 3497 Saltash ........................................ St Stephen's 9147 Sheemess ................................ United Service 3124
Rhyl... ........................ Dyffryn Clwyd Lodge of Rugby ................................................... Rokeby 4118 Saltburo-by-the-Sea ...................... Handyside 1618 Sheerness ................................. Queenborough 3893
Instal!ed Masters 9243 Rugby .............................................. Composite 5727 Saltburo-by-the-Sea ......................... Huntcliff 4539 Sheerness ............................... .Isle of Sheppey 6769
Rhyl .................... Cambria Meridian Lodge of Rugby .................................................... Darell 5945 Saltburo-by-the-Sea .................... Hazelgrove 6542 Sheerness .............................. .N ore Command 9199
Instal!ed Masters 9876 Rugby .............................................. Dunsmore 6442 Sandbach ........................................ Samaritan 368 Sheffield ......................................... Britannia 139
Rhymney ......................................... St David's 2226 Rugby ............................................... Eastfields 8959 Sandbach .................................. Saxon Crosses 6227 Sheffield ............................. Royal Brunswick 296
Richmond ............................................. Lennox 123 Rugby ....... Griffin Lodge oflnstalled Masters 9737 Sandbach .............. ....... ............. .. ....... Penda 7360 Sheffield ...................................... Wentworth 1239
Richmond ................................................ Dales 9554 Rugby ............................... Wi!!iam Webb Ellis 9754 Sandbach .............................................. Sanbec 8787 Sheffield ....................................... Wbarncliffe 1462
~~~~~~·.·.·.·.·.·.·_-···:.·.··.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·: .'.~~~e0oVi~;~ 4859
Ripley ............................................... Okeover 1324
132 Rugby ...................................... Mike Hailwood
Runcom ........................................... Ellesmere 758
9839 Sandbach .......................... Sandbach Lodge of
Installed Masters 9433
Sheffield ............................................ .Ivanhoe
Sheffield .................................... St Leonard's
Runcom ............................................. Runcom 4214 Sandgate .............................................. Castle 1436 Sheffield ...................................... Hallamshire 2268
Ripley .............................................. Engineers' 9493 Runcom ................................................ Beacon 5357 Sandgate ........................................ Shorncliffe 4330 Sheffield ........................................... Chantrey 2355
Ripon ................................ De Grey and Ripon 837 Runcorn ........................................ Castle Rock 8962 Sandgate ............................. Commemoration 5329 Sheffield ......................... Wbite Rose ofYork 2491
Ripon .................................................. Tectonic 9407 Rushden ....................................... Pemberton 3039 Sandgate .............................Val!ey of Elham 6649 Sheffield ......................................... Furnival 2558
Risca .................................................. Homfray 1562 Rushden ..............................................Risdene 6532 Sandgate ........................................... Martello 8712 Sheffield ...................................... Ensor Drury 3278
Risca .................................... Lodge of Concord 9010 Rushden ..... ..................................... Heigham 8486 Sandown ........................................... Sandown 1869 Sheffield ....................................... Hope Valley 3397
Risca ................................... Lodge of Progress 9380 Rushden ............................................ Sulgrave 9462 Sandown ........................................Yar Valley 8367 Sheffield .......................................... Waltheof 3499
Rochdale ................................... Lodge of Hope 54 Rushden .............................................. Sartoris 9497 Sandwich .................................... Cinque Ports 1206 Sheffield ............................................ We!come 3779
Rochdale ....................... Lodge of Benevo!ence 226 Ruthin ................................. Gabrie! Goodman 4533 Sandwich .......................................... Rutupiae 6611 Sheffield ............................... Beauchief Abbey 3793
Rochdale ............................. Lodge ofNaphtali 266 Ruthin ...................................... Oid Ruthinian 9399 Sandwich ............................. Oid Manwoodian 7636 Sheffield .. .. .. .. .. ............ ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... Milton 3849
Rochdale ......................... Lodge ofFriendship 277 Ryde ............................................ East Medina 175 Sawbridgeworth ............................... Stortford 409 Sheffield ............... University Lodge Sheffield 3911
Rochdale ............................ Lodge of Harmony 298 Ryde ......................................................... Ryde 698 Sawbridgeworth ................... Sawbridgeworth 5110 Sheffield ......................................... Fellowship 4069
Rochdale ........................................... Keystone 363 Ryde ............................................... Vectensian 7852 Sawbridgeworth ................... Oid Stortfordian 5721 Sheffield .................................... Nevil-Ta!bot 4092
Rochdale ........ Lodge of Probity and Freedom 367 Ryde .............................................. St Boniface 8790 Sawbridgeworth ................ East Herts Border 6641 Sheffield ........ ........... ...... .. ............ Strafford 4174
Rochdale ...........c ......................... Saint Chad's 1129 Rye ................................................. Wellington 341 Sawbridgeworth .................................... Stuart 8578 Sheffield ....................................... King Egbert 4288
Rochdale ........................................ St Martin's 2320 Rye .................................................... Thornton 5556 Sawbridgeworth ............................ Fair Green 9410 Sheffield .......................................... Concordia 4480
Rochdale .............................................. Charity 3342 Ryton ................................... Ryton Holy Cross 4231 Saxmundham .........................................Adair 936 Sheffield .......................................... Hadassah 4871
Rochdale ....................................... Roch Val!ey 5120 Ryton ..................................... Ryton St Mary's 6550 Saxmundham ..........................................Abiff 2810 Sheffie!d ..................................... Hillsborough 5444
Rochdale ............................... :.............. Liberty 5573 Saffron Walden ................................... Wa!den 1280 Scarborough .................................... Oid Globe 200 Sheffie!d.............................. Lodge of Industry 6579
Rochdale ........................................... Rochdale 6721 Saffron Walden ....................................Audley 7281 Scarborough ....................................... Denison 1248 Sheffield ........................................ Bretwalda 6930
Rochdale .............................. Rochdale District Saffron Walden ............................... E!senham 8973 Scarborough ........................................ Leopold 1760 Sheffield ................................... .Pengestone 6933
Instal!ed Masters 9211 Saffron Walden ..................... United Fairway 9094 Scarborough .................................. St Nicholas 2586 Sheffield ................................................ Sheaf 6990
Rochester ........................................ Gundu!ph 1050 Saffron Walden ........ Lodge ofStedfast Unity 9128 Scarborough .................................. Scarbrough 7147 Sheffield .......................................... Cathedral 6995
Rochester ......................................... Pentangle 1174 Saffron Walden ............. Concorde of Stansted 9474 Scunthorpe .................................. St Lawrence 2078 Sheffield .......................................... St Philip's 7116
Rochester ..................................... St Andrew's 3948 Saffron Walden .................. Chypping Wa!den 9617 Scunthorpe ..................................... .Industry 4662 Sheffield .......................................Shrewsbury 7211
Rochester ......................................... St Peter's 4193 Saffron Walden ................................ Lux Solis 9781 Scunthorpe ........................................... Pharos 6450 Sheffield ......................................... Pathfinder 8236
Rochester .................... Sir Joseph Williamson 4605 Sa!combe ............................................. Estuary 7009 Scunthorpe ........................... Lodge ofStJohn 7840 Sheffield ... Round Table Lodge of Derbyshire 8725
Rochester ............................ Hoo St Werburgh 4829 Sale ................................................... Oakwood 1126 Seaham ............................................... Fawcett 661 Sheffield ............................ .Sure and Stedfast 9130
Rochester ...................................... St Nicholas 5298 Sale ............................................... C!arendon 1166 Seaham .................................... Lodge Stewart 4261 Sheffie!d ............................................ Amadeus 9539
Rochester .................... ..................... .. Hexago·n 5380 Sale ................................ Townfield De Tatton 2144 Seaham ................................................... Quest 7102 Sheffie!d ........................................... Dronfield 9570
Rochester ................................. OId Roffensian 8006 Sale ................................................ Coronation 2927 Seahouses .............................................. Farne 5228 Sheffie!d ......... Meridian Lodge of Derbyshire 9629
Rochester ............................... Hundred of Hoo 8986 Sale ..................................................... Ashfield 4129 Seaton .............................................. De la Pole 1181 Sheffie!d ................. Lodge of South Yorkshire 9633
Rochester ............................. Rochester Castle 9260 Sale ..................., ................. Lodge of Harmony 4390 Seaton Delaval ...................................... Astley 2997 Sherborne .................... .Lodge of Benevolence 1168
Rochford ................. Lodge of True Friendship 160 Sale ................................ Ashton-upon-Mersey 4654 Seaton Delavai... ................................ Beroicia 44 79 Sherboroe ......................... Sherborne Condnit 9484
Rochford ............................................... Trinity 1734 Sa!e ...................................................... De Sala 5657 Seaton Delaval ....................... Seaton Delaval 4617 Sheringham .......................................... Baring 2602
Rochford ............................................ Wickford 4220 Sale ................................................... Steadfast 5960 Seaton Delaval .......................... Seaton Valley 6239 Sheringham ............................... Sheringham 6621
Rochford ...................................... Brownswood 4272 Salford ............................................... St John's 325 Seaton Delaval.. ................................ Ho!ywell 6341 Sheringham ...................................... Biakeney 6679
Rochford .................................... St Margaret's 5168 Salford ........................... Humphrey Chetham 645 Seaview ............................................. Spithead 6719 Sheringham .............................. North Norfolk 9156
Rochford ................................... St Katharine's 5376 Sa!ford ................................................. Zetland 852 Se!by .............................. Lodge of St Germain 566 Sheringham ............. Rotary Lodge of N orfolk 9367
Rochford .............................................. Hockley 6204 Sa!ford ....................................... Robert Buros 999 Settle .............................................. Castleberg 2091 Sheringham .......................... Lodge of Service
Rochford ...................................... Templewood 7424 Sa!ford ............................................... Portland 1773 Settle ................................ Oid Giggleswickian 8263 and Integrity 9582
Rochford ................................... Eastwoodbury 7922 Salford ............................................. Maritime 3025 Sevenoaks ............ .. ........................ Amherst 1223 Shildon .............................................. Tristram 2415
Rochford ............................ Lodge of Harmony 8476 Salford ......................................... Salford Ionic 3248 Sevenoaks ............................................... Knole 1414 Shildon ................................................ Surtees 4593
Rochford .........................Aiexandra Maritime 8780 Salford ............................................... Monarch 3381 Sevenoaks ......................... Sir Edward Clarke 3601 Shildon ........................................... Corinthian 5808
Rochford ............................ Rochford Hundred 8922 Salford ..................................................... Doric 3622 Sevenoaks ......................... Peace and Concord 394 7 Shildon ..................................................... Aclet 5880
~~~~~~~ ·.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::·.:.:::::::c~li!n!!~~ 9026
Salford ........... Crescent Lodge ofGood Intent 4524
Salford ............................................... Excelsior 4641
Sevenoaks ........................................ Chelsfield 6405
Sevenoaks ..........................William Sennocke 6932
Shildon ................................................ Byerley
Shildon ..................................Lodge of Scribes
Rochford ........................................... Stonewell 9137 Salford ............................................... Madrigal 5039 Sevenoaks ..................................... Westerham 7475 Shiney Row ....................................... Penshaw 3194
Rochford ...................................... Guy Jerman 9506 Salford .......................... Dormer St Margarets 5588 Sevenoaks .......................... Anderida Lodge of Shiney Row ........................ ................ Minerva 3385
Rochford ...................... Wakering and Bar!ing 9790 Salford .................................... Acorn and Rose 5677 Instal!ed Masters 8593 Shiney Row ........................................ Sancroft 4347
Rochford .............. Rochford Kindred Day!ight 9820 Salford ................... University of Manchester 5683 Sevenoaks ...................................... Biggin Hill 8659 Shiney Row ............................................. Bedic 5915
Ross-on-Wye ....................................Vitruvian 338 Salford ................................................. Kinship 6667 Sevenoaks ..................... Kentish Round Table 8685 Shiney Row ................................... King David 7667
Ross-on-Wye ...................................Ariconium 8868 Salford ...............................................Arcturus 7252 Sevenoaks ........................... Sevenoaks Weald 8882 Shiney Row .................................. Sportsman's 9440
Rotherham .......................................... Phoenix 904 Salford .......................................... Elizabethan 7286 Sevenoaks ........................ Fiennes Corowallis 9279 Shiney Row ......................................... Achates 9465
Rotherham .................................... Fitzwil!iam 3023 Salford .................................... Oid Salfordians 7968 Shaftesbury .................. Lodge of Friendship Shipston-on-Stour ............. Shipston-on-Stour 9418
Rotherham ................................ Rotherwood 4392 Salford ........................................ Irwell Val!ey 9604 and Sincerity 4 72 Shiremoor ........................ .... Lodge Vandeleur 3586
Rotherham ....................................... Sandbeck 7275 Salisbury ................... Lodge Elias de Derham 586 Shanklin ................................................ Chine 1884 Shiremoor ............... .. ....................... St A!ban 5322
Rotherham ......... West Riding Acting Officers 9645 Salisbury .............................................. Radnor 4451 Shanklin ...................... .Isle of Wight Masters 8847 Shiremoor .................................... Holy Stone 6171
Royston ......................................... Temple Bar 1728 Salisbury ............................................... Sarum 5137 Shanklin ..................................Vectis Fairway 8923 Shiremoor ............... .......... ................ Earsdon 6219
Royston ............................................. Royston 4304 Sa!isbury ................................................... City 5955 Shaw ................................................... .Albert 854 Shiremoor ......................... ............ Shiremoor 6921
"-"""' -"'~
266 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 267
ENGLAND-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
Southend-on-Sea ................... Hadleigh Castle 5447
Shiremoor ....................... ................Vanbrugh 8412 Sindlesham ..................................... Sandhurst 8505 South Shields ................................. Hedworth 2418 5456
Shiremoor ....................................... Bretwalda 9007 Sindlesham ................... Berkshire St David's 8549 South Shields ............................ Lord Barnard 2935 Southend-on-Sea .................. O!d Westc!iffian
Southend-on-Sea .................... Lodge of Amity 5753
Shiremoor ......................................... Posthorn 9297 Sindlesham ...................................... Bearwood 8664 South Shields ................................. Tyne Dock 4218 5916
Shrewsbury .......... Salopian Lodge of Charity 117 Sindlesham .................................... Emmbrook 8786 South Shields .................................. Caer Urfa 4345 Southend-on-Sea ............. Lodge of Fraternity
Southend-on-Sea ...................... Hamlet Court 6026
Shrewsbury ....................................... Salopian 262 Sindlesham ..... Lodge of Friendship and Care 8802 South Shields .......................................Westoe 4750 6484
Shrewsbury ................................... Pengwerne 3229 Sindlesham ~···································Hennerton 8856 South Shields .............................. St Lawrence 6042 Southend-on-Sea ................. Southend-on-Sea
Shrewsbury ......................................... Sabrina 4158 Sindlesham .............................. Loddon Bridge 8968 South Shields .................. Lodge ofFellowship 9694 Southend-on-Sea ...................... Shoeburyness 6665
Southend-on-Sea ............................. Chalkwell 6738
Shrewsbury .... Shropshire Installed Masters' 6262 , Sindlesham ........................................... Erlegh 9110 Southam .......................................... Holy Well 9437 6785
Shrewsbury ......................................... Column 6900 Sindlesham ..... Berkshire Lodge of Gratitude 9210 Southampton ....................... Royal Gloucester 130 Southend-on-Sea .................................. .Vega
Shrewsbury ............. Shropshire Round Table 9104 Sindlesham ............. .. . ....................... Priory 9268 Southampton ... Lodge ofPeace and Harmony 359 Southend-on-Sea ......................... Leigh Chase 6804
Shrewsbury ........................................ Old Ben 9461 Sindlesham .................... Berkshire Provincial Southampton ............................. Southampton 394 Southend-on-Sea ................................. Tudor 6947
Shrewsbury ................................. West Mercia 9719 Grand Stewards' Southampton ....................................... Shirley 1112 Southend-on-Sea .................... Thames Mouth 6994
9381 7466
Sidcup .................................................. Sydney 829 Sindlesham ........................................... Wilder 9471 Southampton ............................... Clausentum 1461 Southend-on-Sea ......................... Daws Heath
Southend-on-Sea ........................ Grey Towers 7787
Sidcup ................................... Shirley Woolmer 2530 Sindlesham .......................................... Kbalsa 9743 Southampton ........................... Albert Edward 1780 7798
Sidcup .......................................... Lamorbey 5614 Sindlesham .......... Thames Valley Motorcycle 9885 Southampton ..................................... Daintree 2938 Southend-on-Sea .............................. Basildon
Sidcup .......................................... Falconwood 5826 Southampton ......................................... Beach 2955 Southend-on-Sea ............... .Southchurch Hall 8005
Sittingbourne ......................... Saint Michael's 1273 8133
Sidcup .................. Loyalty .and Remembrance 5842 Sittingbourne ...................... Middleton Manor 6337 Southampton .....................Augnstus Webster 3871 Southend-on-Sea ................................. Counos
Sidcup ..................... St John Lodge ofFidelity Southampton .................................. Vespasian 4222 Southend-on-Sea .......................... Thamestide 8147
5963 Sittingbourne ........................... Saedingburna 6728 8607
Sidcup ................................................Welling 5976 Sittingbourne ................................ Gore Court 8231 Southampton ....................................... Canute 4876 Southend-on-Sea .................. Tabula Rotunda
Southend-on-Sea ............... Drayton Standard 8626
Sidcup ................................... Manor of Bexley 5977 Skegness ............................................. Lumley 1893 Southampton ....................... Lodge of Concord 4910
Sidcup ........................................... Manor Way 6161 Skegness ....................................... St Clement 4300 Southampton .................................... Sir Bevis 5072 Southend-on-Sea .................. Essex Provincial
Sidcup ............................................. Burnt Ash 6285 Skipton ................................................ Craven 810 Southampton ......................................... Priory 5204 Grand Stewards 8665
Sidcup ......................................... Heart of Oak 6416 Skipton ................................................ Mawsis 4644 Southampton ........................Ye O!de Bargate 5296 Southend-on-Sea .............. Southend Day!ight 9723
Sidcup ................................................... Sidcup 6552 Sleaford ........................................ St Botolph's 588 "Southampton ...................... Lodge of Chivalry 5685 Southend-on-Sea .......... Universal Friendship 9759
Sidcup .......................................... Mottingham 6753 Sleaford ............................................. Daedalus 3843 Southampton ....................................... Bittern 5739 Southport ................................. Lodge of Uuity 613
Sidcup .................................... Lodge of Equity 6834 Sleaford ................................................... Shire 5610 Southampton ................................ Test Valley 6181 Southport ............................................. Starkie 1070
Sidcup ................................................. Kemnal 6875 Sleaford ............................................. St Denys 9032 Southampton ...........................William Rufus 6979 Southport ............................................. Fermor 1313
Sidcup ........................... ............. St Vincent 6978 Slough ................................................ Herschel 1894 Southampton ............................. Netley Abbey 6989 Southport ............................. West Lancashire 1403
Sidcup .......................................... Elizabethan 7238 Slough ............................................. Runymede 2430 Southampton .......... Southampton University 7022 Southport ...................................... Scarisbrick 2295
Sidcup .................... Lodge ofldeal Endeavour 7379 Slough ............................................ Addington 2683 Southampton ..................................... Hamtun 7083 Southport ............................ Rose of Lancaster 2325
Sidcup ............................................. Plumstead 7589 Slough ......................................... Beaconsfield 2849 Southampton ...................... Southampton Old Southport ........................................... .Victoria 2360
Sidcup ....................................... Merton Abbey 7742 Slough ....................................... Royal Thames 2966 Edwardians 7106 Southport .............................. County Palatino 2505
Southport ................... Southport Temperance 2815
Sidcup ............................. Lodge of Endeavour 8045 Slough ................................................. Grenfell 3077 Southampton ............................. Eling Manor 7337 2919
Sidcup ................... :.......................... Rookesley 8398 Slough .................. Buckinghamshire Masters 3305 Southampton .................... Lodge of St Denys 7383 Southport ......................... Duke of Connaught
Southport ...................... Southport Emulation 3675
Sidcup ............................................... Nethinim 8552 Slouglí ............................................. .Inglefield 4238 Southampton ..................................West Gate 7387 4034
Sidcup ....................... Hundred ofWilmington 9164 Slough ................................... Burnham Abbey 4914 Southampton ................ Wilfrid Attenborough 7672 Southport ........................................ Southport
Southport ......................Ainsdale Samaritan 4342
Sidcup ......................... Probus Ante Meridiem 9195 Slough .............................................. .Industria 5214 Southampton ............................... Knightwood 7813 5246
Sidcup ..........West Kent WheerofFriendship 9411 Slough ....................................................... .Iver 5254 Southampton ........................... St Christopher 7919 Southport ................................. Perfect Ashlar
Southport ............................................ Formby 5659
Sidcup ..................................................Alma 9792 Slough .......................... Hundred ofBurnham 5568 Southampton ............................. Forest Green 7925 5828
Sidmouth .................... Lodge of Perseverance 164 Slough ................................ Burnham Be eches 5895 Southampton ................................... Pear Tree 7954 Southport .................................... N orth Meols
Southport . ................. .................... .. ..... Tudor 6477
Sidmouth ..........................................Meridian 9653 Slough ................................................. Langley 5951 Southampton ........................................ Totton 8080 7213
Silloth ................................................ Miramar 4470 Slough .......................................... Observatory 6094 Southampton ..................................... Homelea 8151 Southport ............................................... Banks
Southport ........................... Southport Temple 7526
Silverdale ........................................ Silverdale 6926 Slough ......................... ... Hitcham St Mary 6419 Southampton ..................... Bishop's Waltham 8190 7541
Silverstone .................................... Silverstone 9877 Slough ................................................. Montem 6687 Southampton ............................... Meon Valley 8336 Southport ............................................. Shalom
Southport .......................................... Thornton 8008
Sindlesham .............. Reading Lodge ofUnion 414 Slough ....................................... O!d Paludians 7181 Soúthampton ....................... Solent Engineers 8338 8165
Sindlesham .................................. Saint John's 795 Slough .......................................... Heatherden 7345 Southampton ....................................... Crofton 8365 Southport ........................................ Freshfield
Sindlesham ................................... Grey Friars 1101 Slough ................................................... Planet 8142 Southampton ................................... Pudbrook 8366 Southport ................... Silver Jubilee Lodge of
Sindlesham ....................................... Eilington 1566 Slough ....................................... Wexham Park 8171 Southampton ..................................... Gateway 8474 Installed Masters 8818
Sindlesham ...................................... Wellesley 1899 Slough ........................................ Huntercombe 8264 Southampton .............................. Brook House 8606 Southwell .......................................... Minster 8510
Sindlesham ....................................... Kendrick 2043 Slough ............................................ Wraysbury 8689 Southampton ...................... Southampton and Southwold ........................................... Martyn 1983
Sindlesham ............................................. Ascot 2460 Slough ..................................................... Orion 8756 District Masters' 9181 Southwold ...................................... Southwold 9894
Spalding ............................... Hundred ofEJJoe 469
Sindlesham ......................................... Victoria 2671 Slough ............................. ,........... Sunnymeads 9313 Southampton ..................................... Deanery 9191 7517
Sindlesham ...............................Aldermaston
Sindlesham ........................................ Morland
Slough .............................. Household Division
Slough ................................... Slough Daylight
Southampton ......... Thomas Bennett Langton 9224
Southampton ..... Rotary Lodge of Hampshire 9389 ~~~¡~¡::~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~i~~~ü::.I 9556
Sindlesham ........................................ Heather 3131 Solihull ............................................... Fletcher 1031 Southampton ....................................... Falegia 9499 Spennymoor ................................... Whitworth
Spennyrnoor ........................................... .Doric 5455
Sindlesham .......................... Lord Desborough 3200 Solihull ............................ Lodge of Emulation 1163 Southend-on-Sea ................................... Priory 1000 6844
Sindlesham ......................................... :Martin 3202 Solihull ................................................... Holte 1246 Southend-on-Sea ......................... St Andrew's 1817 Spennymoor ........ ..................................... lonic
Spilsby ...................................... Shakespeare 426
Sindlesham ........................ Reading Old Boys 3545 Solihull .................................. Loyal Travellers 2733 Southend-on-Sea ......................... St Clements 2442 8632
Sindlesham ...................... Berkshire Masters' 3684 Solihull ...................................Forest of Arden 3826 Southend-on-Sea ....................Albert Lucking 2717 Spilsby ................................................... Eccles
St Agnes ..................................... Trevaunance 4668
Sindlesham .......................... Cookham Manor 4191 Solihull ........................................ Benevolence 4035 Southend-on-Sea ................................. Canute 3104 8610
Sindlesham .......................................... Kennet 4414 Solihull ................................................... Silhill 4786 Southend-on-Sea ..................... Essex Masters 3256 St Agnes ............................................ Breanick
St Albans .............................. Salisbury Union 767
Sindlesham ............. :.........................Aldworth 5191 Solihull ........................................ Shenstonian 5544 Southend-on-Sea ............................ Crowstone 3298 1479
Sindlesham ....... Prince Arthur of Connaught 5261 Solihull ................................ Lodge of Alliance 5811 Southend-on-Sea ..................................... Nore 3610 St Albans .............................................. Halsey
St Albans ...................................... Cranbourne 1580
Sindlesham ............................... Whiteknights 5894 Solihull ............................................... .Vellum 5845 Southend-on-Sea ................................ Benfleet 3798 1757
Sindlesham ............................................Acorn 5985 Solihull ........................................... Chevron 6021 Southend-on-Sea .................. Thames Estuary 4043 St Albans ................... King Henry the Eighth
St Albans ....................................... Kingswood 2278
Sindlesham .................................. Maidenhead 5986 Solihull ................................ Heart of England 6549 Southend-on-Sea ............................... St Philip 4221 2786
Sindlesham ................................. Old Sunning 5987 Solihull ............................................... Knowle 8001 Southend-on-Sea ................ Sir Francis Drake 4240 St Albans ....................................... St Albans
St Albans ....................................... Harpenden 4314
Sindlesham .................. :................... Tylehurst 6526 Solihull ............................................... .Solihull 8088 Southend-on-Sea ......................... Park Manor 4457 4498
Sindlesham .............................. Temple Pillars 6740 Solihull... ............................... Junior Chamber 8902 Southend-on-Sea ........................ Leigh-on-Sea 4708 St A!bans ....................................... High Stone
St A!bans .......................................... Mimmine 4932
Sindlesham ............................ Charles Nicholl 7318 Solihull ........... Warwickshire Royal Air Force 9456 Southend-on-Sea ................................ Belfairs 4730 4999
Sindlesham ...................................Ashley Hill 7861 Solihull ............................................... Linwood 9632 Southend-on-Sea .................................. Sweyn 4764 St A!bans ................................... Old Albanian
St A!bans ............................................. Priory 5152
Sindlesham ...................................... Bullbrook 7967 Solihull ...................................... Michael Price 9853 Southend-on-Sea .......................... Thorpe Bay 4803 6131
Sindlesham ... :................................. Engineers 8226 Sóuth Brent ..................................... Dartmoor 4604 Southend-on-Sea ...................-................ Pitsea 4837 St Albans ...........................................Verulam
St Albans ........................................... Gloriana 6334
Sindlesham .................... Pillars of Friendship 8238 South Brent.................... .................Yealm 8277 Southend-on-Sea ............................ Prittlewell 4896 6841
Sindlesham ................................... Sindlesham 8293 South Croydon ......................... Croham Hurst 3968 Southend-on -Sea ........................... St Leonard 4982 St Albans ............................................ Bergnet
St Albans ............................. Bishop's Hatfield 6893
Sindlesham ......................... .Sons of Kendrick 8362 South Molton ........... Loyal Lodge oflndustry 421 Southend-on-Sea ........................ Thundersley 5225 6960
Sindlesham ............... :............ .Vale of Loddon 8421 South Shields ................................... St Hilda 240 Southend-on-Sea ................. O!d Southendian 5403 St Albans ..................................... Gadebourne
Sindlesham ............................... Edwin F!avell 8503 South Shields .................................. Hadrian 1970
268 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 269
ENGLAND-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
Stroud ............................................. Sherboroe 702
St Albans ............................. ... Romeland 7080 St Martin's ..................................Victor Carey 6892 Stockport ................................................. Doric 3384 2407
St Albans ......................................... Boundary 7695 St Martin's.Guernsey and Alderoey Lodge of Stockport ............................. Cheadle Norbury 3731 Stroud .......................................... Hicks Beach
Stroud ............................................ Royal York 2709
St Albans ............................... Hemelhemstede 7923 Installed Masters .................................... 8564 Stockport ............................................. Garrick 4246 5928
St Albans ............... .......... O!d Verulamians 7988 St Mary's ......................................... Godolphin 7790 Stockport.. ............................................ Lewis 4371 Stroud .......................................... St Lawrence
Stroud ...................................... Old Wycliffian 7228
St Albans .................................... Ellenbrook 8155
St Albans ....................................... O!d Manor 8339
St Michael Penkevil ......................... Roseland 8734
St Neots ................................................ Euston 2283 ~~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Fi~~:;:'M~~ !~~6 Stroud ............................................. .Vigilantia
Stroud ............................... Old Marlingtonian
St Albans ...................................... Friendship 8357 St Neots ............................................. Toseland 8837 Stockport ......................................... ,.. Sentinel 4707
St Albans ..................................... St Stephen's 8468 Stafford ............................. Staffordshire Knot 726 Stockport .......................................... Meridian 5060 Stroud .......................Adrian Davies Lodge of
RugbyUnion 9884
St Albans ......................................... Redbourn 8484 Stafford ............................... Saint Augustine's 1941 Stockport .............................................. Veroon 5117 3625
St Albans ...................................... Park Street 8556 Stafford ..................................... Foster Gough 2706 Stockport ........................................ Composite 5382 Sturminster N ewton ............ .Blackmore V ale
Sudbury ....................................... Stour Valley 1224
St Albans .......................................... Dacorum 8631 Stafford ..................................... .lzaak Walton 4281 Stockport ...................................... Foundation 5394 4618
St Albans .................................. Croxley Green 8636 Stafford ......................................... Eccleshall 5389 Stockport ......................................... Peel Moat 7633 Sudbury ................................................. Priory
Sudbury ............................................. Babergh 8122
St Albans ....................................... White Star 8727 Stafford .................................................. Chase 6291 Stockport ............................................ Offerton 77 49 9194
St Albans .................................... Gorhambury 8745 Stafford ........................................... Sherbrook 6393 Stocksfield .............................. Prudhoe Castle 7065 Sudbury ........................................ Court Knoll
Sudbury .................................... Gainsborough 9332
St Albans ................................ ..Romanum 8758 Stafford .............................................. Chartley 7569 Stocksfield ............................ Good Samaritan 7654 9830
St Albans ....................................... Jubilation 8831 Stafford ............................... Robert Mummery 8331 Stocksfield ................................. Bywell Castle 7739 Sudbury ........... Countryside Lodge of Suffolk
Sunderland ....................................... St John's 80
St Albans ........................................ Prae Wood 8919 Stafford .......................... Gnosall St Lawrence 9458 Stockton-on-Tees ...................................... Tees 509 94
St Albans .................................... Three Rivers 9078 Stafford .................... Staffordshire Provincial Stockton-on-Tees ........ Lodge of Philanthropy 940 Sunderland .... .. ................................ Phoenix
Sunderland ..................................... Palatine 97
St Albans ......................... Round Table Lodge Grand Stewards 9567 Stockton-on-Tees ............. Lodge ofFraternity 1418 1389
of Hertfordshire 9221 Staindrop .................................. Rose of Raby 1650 Stockton-on-Tees ............................Whitwell 2104 Sunderland ......................... ............. Fenwick
Sunderland .......................................... Vedra 3137
St Albans .......................... Veritatem Sequere. 9615 Staindrop ..... ....... .. .......................... Castle 6713 Stockton-on-Tees ................ Lodge ofFreedom 4027 3193
St Albans .............. Lodge Trust and Fear Not 9698 Stames ............................................. Burdett 1293 Stockton-on-Tees ..................... Lodge ofUnity 6003 Sunderland ............................................ Amity
Sunderland ....................................... Thornhill 3216
St Albans ...................... Lodge of Opportunity 9777 Staines .................................................... Elliot 1567 Stockton-on-Tees .......... Lodge ofBenevolence 6457 4114
St Albans .... Lodge ofthe Red Rampant Lyon 9843 Staines ............................................... Sunbury 1733 Stockton-on-Tees .................. Lodge of Justice 8361 Sunderland ................................... Sunderland
Sunderland ........................ Lodge of Harmony 4224
St Ann's .............................................. St Ann's 593 Staines ........................................ Bushey Park 2381 Stockton-on-Tees ................. Stockton-on-Tees 9667 4259
St Austell ........................ Peace and Harmony 496 Staines ................................................. Staines 2536 Stoke-on-Trent.. ............................ St Martin's 98 Sunderland ........................................ Nautilus
Sunderland ....................................... Mowbray 5373
St Austell ................... ·..................... Tewington 5698 Staines ............................. .Middlesex Masters 3420 Stoke-on-Trent ................................. Menturia 418 5841
St Austell ............................................ Car!yon 7392 Staines .......................................... .Spelthoine 4516 Stoke-on-Trent .............................. Sutherland 451 Sunderland ........... ................................... Civic
Sunderland ........................... Peace and Unity 6312
St Austell .......................................... St Denys 8250 Staines ............................Albert Duke of York 4970 Stoke-on-Trent ............................... Etruscan 546 6859
St Bees ............................................... .St Bega 8796
St Columb Major ................ Duke of Corowall 1529
Staines ............... ............ ....... Father Thames 5615
Staines ................................. O!d Hamptonian 5730
Stoke-on-Trent ................................... St Giles· 1587
Stoke-on-Trent ............................ St Thomas's 1914 ~~~~:~¡:~:::::::::::::::: :::::::::~~~we~~ t~~~~~~ 7248
St Columb Major ..............Agricultura! Lodge Staines ................................ Temple of Staines 5904 Stoke-on-Trent ................................... Minerva 1942 Sunderland ................................ Eroest Dixon 7856
of Cornwall 9342 Staines ................................ Staines St Mary's 6187 Stoke-on-Trent ............................ Smith Child 2064 Sunderland ......................... Lodge ofLoyalty 8635
Staines .............................................. Hampton 6435 Stoke-on-Trent .................................... Gordon 2149 Sunderland ............................ ... Saint Peter's 8953
St Day .....•.......... :............................. Tregullow 1006 Surbiton .................................................. Dobie 889
St Germans ............................................. Eliot 1164 Staines ............................................... Laleham 6760 Stoke-on-Trent.. ................. Josiah Wedgwood 2214
Staines .................... West Drayton Gatehouse 6836 Stoke-on-Trent ................................... Ceramic 3827 Surbiton ....................................... Saint John's 1564
St Helens ............. St Helens Lodge ofLoyalty 897 Surbiton .......................................... Brownrigg 1638
St Helens ............................... ,................ .lonic 2405 Staines ...................................... Whitton Dene 6869 Stoke-on-Trent.. .................................... Jasper 3934
Staines ................................ .. Harmondsworth 7028 Stoke-on-Trent ............................ Hanliensian 3935 Surbiton .................................... St Margaret's 1872
St Helens ......................................... St Helens 4121 Surbiton ........................................... Mozart 1929
St Helens ........................ Lodge ofHospitality 5074 Staines ............................................... Feltham 7307 Stoke-on-Trent ...................................... Ready 4008
St Helens .......................... Lodge of St George 6048 Staines .............................................. .Stanwell 7468 Stoke-on-Trent ............................... Crusaders 4107 Surbiton ..............................................Arnold 1981
Staines ................................................ Bedfont 8381 Stoke-on-Trent ....................................... Trent 4269 Surbiton ... .................... .................. Surbiton 2146
St Helens ........................................ Hardshaw 8722 Surbiton .............................................. Dormer 2222
St Helier ....................................... Yarborough 244 Staines ......................................... Shepperton 8611 Stoke-on-Trent ................ St Peter ad Vincula 6835
Staines ............................................... .Malines 8740 Stoke-on-Trent ............................. Clough Hall 7481 Surbiton ................................................ Cyclist 2246
St Helier ........................... Duke ofNormandy 245 Surbiton ............................................ Mitcham 2384
St Helier ..................................... Royal Sussex 491 Staines ............................. Tower ofHeathrow 8846 Stoke-on-Trent ....................... Churnet Valley 8092
Staines ............................. ..... Blenheim Park 8981 Stoke-on-Trent ................ N orth Staffordshire Surbiton .................................................... Noel 2444
St Helier ............................. Lodge La Cesaree 590 Surbiton .............................................. Molesey 2473
St Helier ...................................... Royal Alfred 877 Staines ............................................. Hestwood 9097 Round Table 8355
St Helier .......................................... St Aubin's 958 Staines ....................... Prince Michael of Kent 9120 Stokesley ....................................... Cleveland 543 Surbiton ....................................... N oel Money 2521
St Helier ................................. Prince ofWales 1003 Staines ... ............... ............................... Comet 9190 Stokesley ................................... Captain Cook 4636 Surbiton ...............................................Albany 2652
Staines ........................... Middlesex St George 9325 Stokesley ....................... Cleveland Centenary 6249 Surbiton ............................................... Merton 2790
St Helier ........................................ de Carteret 3459 Surbiton ............................................... Malden 2875
St Helier ................................. Lodge St Helier 4449 Staines .................................... Gordon Bourne 9388 Stone ............................................ St Michael's 2487
Stamford ..................................Lodge of Merit 466 Stone ................................................ Sheltonia 8557 Surbiton ......................................... Old Sinjins 3232
St Helier ......................JerseyLodge ofUnity 8352 Surbiton ............................................ Redwood 3411
St Helier ................................. Jersey Lodge of Stamford ...................... :......... Vale ofWelland 8845 Stone ............................................. Kibblestone 9504
Stamford ............................ Lodge of Prudence 8946 Stony Stratford ....................... Watling Street 1639 Surbiton .................................... Home County 3451
lnstal!ed Masters 8383 Surbiton..... .. ................................. Tiffinian 3530
St !ves .............................................. Tregenna 1272 Stamford ........................................ Burghley 9364 Stony Stratford ............................ Roman Way 9533
Stamford ......................................... Chetene 9516 Stony Stratford .................. Secklow Hundred 9569 Surbiton .................. ............... Kingston Aero 3860
St !ves .... .. ......................................... St Ivo 2684 Surbiton ............................................. New Era 4057
St Ives ............................................... Trenwith 6309 Stamford ............... ........ ............... Pro Musica 9547 Stourhridge ......................... Lodge of Stability 564
Stamford ..................................... Terpsichore 9874 Stourbridge ....................................St Kenelm 6082 Surbiton ..................... .'.... ................... Ditton 4143
St Ives .................................................. Sothius 8774 Surbiton ............................................... Turner 4181
St Leonards-on'Sea ........................... Derwent 40 Stanhope ................ .. ................... Stanhope 3520 Stourbridge .................. Old Edwardian Lodge
Stanley ........................................... Coronation 2929 of Stourbridge 6141 Surbiton .......................... Light from the East 4186
St Leonards-on-Sea ..................... St Leonards 1842 Surbiton ............................................ Coveham 4212
St Leonards-on-Sea .......................... Hastings 2692 S tan!ey .......................................... St Andrews 6217 Stourbridge ..................... Lodge of St Thomas 7940 Surbiton .............................................. Angelus 4552
St Leonards-on-Sea ............ Lodge St Michael 4426 Stanley ................................................... Tower 7292 Stourbridge .......................................... Crystal 8881 Surbiton ............... Royal Borough of Kingston 4614
St Leonards-on-Sea .............................. Viking 5014 Stanley ................................. Beamish Temple 9815 Stourport on Severo ............................ Vemon 560 Surbiton ................................................Astede 4693
St Leonards-on-Sea .............................. Senlac 5273 Stansted ...................... Stansted Mountfitchet 6230 Stourport on Severo ........................... Minster 5581
Stapleton ................ Lodge ofTrue Friendship 218 Stourport on Severn ............................. Severn 5583 Surbiton ............................... Kingston Temple 4722
St Leonards-on-Sea .......... Lodge of St George 6054 Surbiton ........................................... Athelstan 4771
St Leonards-on -Sea .............. Rose of England 6493 Stapleton ................ Filton Lodge of Fortitude 6498 Stourport on Severn ............................. Mitton 6904 Surbiton ...................................... Prince David 4915
St Leonards-on-Sea ..................... Lodge ofthe Stapleton .............................. Lodge ofFidelity 6943 Stourport on Severo ...................... Ribbesford 7696 Surbiton ............................................... Lumen 4922
White Rock 7891 Stapleton .......................... Lodge of Sincerity 7658 Stourport on Severo ....................Wyre Forest 8653 Surbiton ............................ ................ Morden 4958
St Margaret's-at-Cliffe ..................... Foreland 3209 Stapleton ..... Lodge of Harmony and Concord 8106 Stow-on-the-Wold .................. Prince ofWales 951 Surbiton ....................... ....... ............. Beverley 5006
St Margaret's-at-Cliffe ............... Bredenstone 8093 Stapleton ........................................ Hambrook 8909 Stow-on-the-Wold ................... Sudeley Castle 8976 Surbiton .............. ........ .................... Crescent 5054
St Martin's ......... Doyle's Lodge of Fellowship 84 Stapleton ............. Lodge ofSaint Christopher 9095 Stowmarket ........................................ Phoenix 516 Surbiton . ................... .................... Welcome 5055
St Martin's ....................................... Mariners' 168 Starcross ................................. Lodge of Union 444 Stowmarket ................................................ Ala 5043 5377
St Martin's .......................................... Loyalty 243
St Martin's .............................. Lodge Fidelis 1809
Steyning .................................... St Andrew's 4655
Stockport .. .. .. ...... . .. ....... Lodge of St J ohn 104
Stowmarket ....................................... Bosmere 9460
Stratford-upon-Avon ................. Swan of Avon 2133
~~~~:~~~·.:··.·.·.·.·.·.·.:: ...·.· .·.·.·.·....·.·.·.·····.·.~~~~~fhi~~
Stockport ......................... Lodge of Unanimity 287 Stratford-upon-Avon .............. Lodge of Amity 3845 Surbiton ...................................... Chingestune 5542
St Martin's ................................. St Sampson's 2598 Surbiton ........................................... Glenmore 5543
St Martin's ......................... Balfour Cockburn 2805 Stockport ................................. Lodge of Peace 322 Stratford-upon-Avon ............... David Garrick 4243 Surbiton .......................................... Elmbridge 5838
St Martin's ......................................... Hansard 3515 Stockport ............................. Lodge of Concord 323 Stratford-upon-Avon ................... Fire Service 8401
Stockport ...................... Lodge of Benevolence 336 Strensall ............................................. Concord 9553 Surbiton ............................. Sword and Trowel 5847
St Martin's .................................... St Martin's 4142
270 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 271
ENGLAND-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
Surbiton ............................................ Precision 5855 Sutton ............................ .............. Michelham 8502 Tenbury Wells ................. Lodge ofSt Michael 1097 Tunbridge WellsLodge ofthe Men ofKent and
Surbiton .......................................... Gatehouse 5860 Sutton ....... ................. ................. Lambom 8733 Tenby ..................................................... Tenby 1177 Kentish Men ............................ .............. 4273
Surbiton ............................................... Septem 5887 Sutton .................................. Pride of Surrey 9167 Tenterden ................................. Weald ofKent 1854 Tunbridge Wells .....................................Wells 5263
Surbiton ...................... N orth Surrey Masters 5905 Sutton .......................................... Triumvirate 9505 Tewkesbury .....-........................ Saint George's 900 Tunbridge Wells ....................... Southborough 7203
Surbiton ................................................ Willow 6051 Sutton Coldfield ................................. Warden 794 Tewkesbury ........................................... Mythe 6949 Tunbridge Wells ................... Town of Bridges 9563
Surbiton ....................................... Chessington 6076 Sutton Coldfield ................................ Hertford 3208 Tewkesbury ................................... Fitzhamon 9041 Twickenham .............................. Royal Jubilee 72
Surbiton ................................... Upper Thames 6138 Sutton Coldfield ............................... Boldmere 4704 Tewkesbury ....................... Operative Masons 9044 Twickenham ...................... Lodge ofHarmony 255
Surbiton ......................................... Merantune 6149 Sutton Coldfield ............................ Tudor Rose 5660 Tewkesbury ............................ Ante Meridiem 9500 Twickenham .................................. Carnarvon 708
Surbiton .................... Lodge of Remembrance 6188 Sutton Coldfield .............. Lodge of Allegiance 6000 Tewkesbury ................... Hands ofFriendship 9758 Twickenham ............................... Bard of Avon 778
Surbiton ............................ Walton-on-Thames 6348 Sutton Coldfield ................. Lodge of St Blaise 6113 Thame ......................................... Saint Mary's 1763 Twickenham ...................................... Crescent 788
Surbiton ........................................... Woodside 6441 Sutton Coldfield .............................. Goldieslie 6174 Thame .............................. Princes Risborough 5203 Twickenham .................................... Dalhousie 865
Surbiton ............................. St George"s, Esher 6597 Sutton Coldfield .................... Sutton Pilgrims 7780 Thame .............................................. Hampden 6290 Twickenham .......................... Strawberry Hill 946
Surbiton .................................... Southborough 7045 Sutton Coldfield .......................... Old Veseyan 7924 Thame ....................................... .Icknield Way 8292 Twickenham ........................................Villiers 1194
Surbiton ............................................ Moreford 7097 Sutton Coldfield ................... Sutton Coldfield 8960 Thame ...................................... Lodge of Peace 8850 Twickenham .......................................... Gooch 1238
Surbiton ................................ Lodge of Service 7470 Sutton-on-Hull .................................... Brough 5464 Thame .......................................... Haddenham 8944 Twickenham .........................................Acacia 1309
Surbiton .............. Lodge of Good Companions 7524 Swaffham ................................................ Ceres 2879 Thetford .................................................... Thet 3334 Twickenham .................................... Campbell 1415
Surbiton ....................................... Cherrywood 7530 Swanage ..................................... De Moulham 1146 Thetford .......................................... Breckland 8707 Twickenham .............................................. Era 1423
Surbiton ................................ ..... London River 7595 Swansea .................................... .Indefatigable 237 Thetford .............................................. Old Mili 9186 Twickenham ............................................ Felix 1494
Thirsk .................................................... Falcon 1416 Twickenham .................... Sir Francis Burdett 1503
Surbiton .............................................. Oxshott 7622
Surbiton ................................ Stoneleigh Park 7659
Surbiton ................................................ Trojan 7698
Surbiton ...... Lodge ofHarmony and Progress 7837
Swansea ................................................ Talbot 1323
Swansea ............................................. Caradoc 1573
Swansea ..................... Dr James Griffith Hall 3161
Swansea ............................................. Beaufort 3834
Thornton-Cleveleys ............. West Lancashire
~~;;r:~~::~~::~~~:~:~~~~~~~~~:-~~~~~~~~~~i M\~~
Sutton ............................................ Wallington 1892 Swansea ....... .................................... .Meridian 9603 9796
Sutton ........................................... Mid-Surrey 3109 Swindon .... Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation 355 7134 Twickenham ............................ Clapham Park 5446
Sutton .............................................. Leodride 3585 Swindon ................................................. Gooch 1295 1125 Twickenham ............................................Ariel 5596
Sutton ................................................... Sutton 3909 Swindon ..................... Lodge of Remembrance 4037 6677 Twickenham ....................................... Parsifal 5655
Tiverton ............................................. All Souls Twickenham ................... United Friendship 5746
Sutton .................................................. Rutlish 4416 Swindon .............................................. Pleydell 4687 Todmorden ........................ Lodge of Prudence 219
Sutton ............................................ Carshalton 4429 Swindon ................................................. Calley 7525 308 Twickenham .................................. .Ickenham 5770
Todmorden ................ Lodge of Prince George Twickenham ........... Middlesex Home Service 5836
Sutton ...................................................... Mole 4627 Swindon ............................... Harry C. Preater 8204 Todmorden ............................................ Royds' 816
Swindon ...................................... New Temple 8435 6364 Twickenham ............................................ Alert 5861
Sutton ................................................. Tadorne 4735 Todmorden .......................................... Studley Twickenham .................................. Popesgrove 5931
Sutton ..................................... Prince of Wales 4845 Swindon ............................................ Methuen 8692 Tollesbury ....................................... Tollesbury 4738
Sutton ............................................... Banstead 5032 Swindon ........................ George, Duke ofKent 8788 Tollesbury ....................................... Woodrolfe 8354 Twickenham ............................... Saint George 6185
Swindon ...................................... Highworth 9009 1136 Twickenham ........................................Victory 6191
Sutton ................................................... Athene 5349 Torpoint ................................................. Carew Twickenham ...................................... Osterley 6430
Sutton ............................................... Cheyham 5401 Syston ....................................... East Goscote 2865 Torquay ............................................. St John's 328
Sutton ..................................... Worcester Park 5402 Syston . .................. ......................... Bradgate 6596 Torquay ................................................ Jordan 1402 Twickenham ............................ Putney Bridge 6686
Sutton ............................................. Copthorne 5427 Syston ...................................... Humber Stone 7744 2806 Twickenham ............................ Richmond Hill 6698
Torquay ................. Lodge ofthe Three Pillars Twickenham ........................................ .Votary 7126
Sutton ........................................... Beddington 5492 Syston .............................................. Roundhill 8639 Torquay ................................ Lodge Concordia 3102
Sutton .............................................. Benhilton 5541 Syston ................................................ Compass 8765 5148 Twickenham ............................. Boston Manor 7151
Torquay ............................... Lodge of St Mary Twickenham ........................... Lest We Forget 7222
Sutton ......... Coulsdon Lodge ofPerseverance 5611 Syston ..... Leicestershire and Rutland Rotary 9158 Torquay ........................................... Tormohun 6449
Sutton ......................... Stoneleigh Coronation 5699 Syston ................................................ Reynard 9285 6857 Twickenham ............................................ Syon 7394
Torquay ................... Lodge of the Seven Hills Twickenham .........West London and Electric 7404
Sutton ............................................ Beaux Arts 5707 Tamworth ..... Saint John's Lodge ofLichfield 1039 Torquay ................................................ Petitor 8234
Tamworth ......................................... Marmion 1060 1885 Twickenham ... :................. Lodge of Air Unity 7445
Sutton ..................................... Nonesuch Park 5859 Torrington ......................................... Torridge Twickenham ...................... Kenyngton Manor 7488
Sutton ...................................... Semper Fidelis 5867 Tamworth ....................................... Ethelfleda 6600 Totnes ................................................. Pleiades 710
Sutton ............................... John, Lord Lumley 5885 Tamworth ...................... Ashmole of Lichfield 8405 Tow Law ........................................... Tow Law 3349 Twickenham ..................... Lodge of Reflection 7553
6891 Twickenham ...................................... Berkeley 7591
Sutton ................................. Sir Francis Drake · 6053 Tamworth ......................Whittington St Giles 8826 Tow Law ............................................... Beacon Twickenham .................................. Philip Bull 7731
Sutton ............................ Bright Morning Star 6245 Tarporley ........................................Vale Royal 4775 Tow Law ............................Weardale Lodge of Twickenham ............................... Sutton Court 7826
Sutton ...................................... Cheam Village 6394 Tarporley ......................................... Tarporley 543.1 Installed Masters 9568
Sutton ............................................ Homestead 6465 Tarporley ........................... Cheshire Farmers 9573 445 Twickenham .............. Temple ofTwickenham 7829
Towcester ............................. Lodge of Fidelity Twickenham ........................ Lodge of Fidelity 7974
Sutton .......................................Ye Olde Wells 6541 Taunton ........................... Lodge ofUnanimity Towcester ............................. ...... Lactodorum 8526
Sutton ........................................... Springewell 6697 9510 Twickenham ............................... Great Lights 8084
and Sincerity 261 Towcester ..................................... Towcestrian Twickenham .................................. Barra Hall 8096
Sutton .................................................. Tamesa 6806 Taunton ............................ Lodge ofSt George 3158 Towcester ............................... Grand Junction 9775
Sutton ................................................. Aultone 6873 1098 Twickenham ................................ Wyke Green 8208
Taunton ............................... Taunton Deane 5221 Tredegar ........................................ St George's Twickenham .................... Round Table Lodge
Sutton ....................................... Perfect Ashlar 6951 Taunton ................. Queen's College, Taunton 6988 Treharris ........................................... ~.. Fforest 2606 of Middlesex 8301
Sutton ............................. Mid-Sutrey Masters 7388 Taunton .................................... Old Aluredian 7724 Treorchy ................ :................. Cwm Rhondda 9692
Sutton ................. Lodge ofUnited Endeavour 7405 Taunton .................................. Taunton School 8215 632 Twickenham ....................Artes et Scientiae 8797
Trowbridge .......................... Lodge of Concord Twickenham ................................. Humanitas 9261
Sutton ......................................... Morden Park 8038 Taunton ................................... Richard Huish 8518 Trowbridge ..................................... Clarendon 5908
Sutton ................................. Star of Stoneleigh 8244 Taunton ................................................ Vivary 8654 Tunbridge Wells ........................... Holmesdale 874 Twickenham ..................................... Call Sign 9501
Sutton ................................................Alvering 8262 Taunton .......................... Emergency Services 9391 Tunbridge Wells ................................ Medway 1678 Twickenham ............................. David Bonner 9678
Sutton ........................................ Rosehill Park 8389 Tavistock ............................................. Bedford 282 Tunbridge Wells ................................. Pantiles 2200 Tywardreath ................................... Restarme! 856
Sutton ......................................... Walcountian 8417 Teignmouth ................................... Benevolent 303
272 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 273
ENGLAND-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
Tywardreath ......................................... Fowey 977 Uppingham ............... Uppingham in Rutland 9119 Warminster~ . .............. ....................... Wyvem 8620 Wedmore ....................Alfred and Guthrum 4535
Tywardreath ............................. Saint Andrew 1151 Uttoxeter ........................................ Forresters' 456 Warrington ............................. Lodge of Lights 148 Wedmore ................ .Sir Thomas de Cheddre 9188
Tywyn .................................................. Corbet 1583 Uttoxeter ................................ Oid Denstonian 5490 Warrington ..... Warrington Lodge of Concord 1250 Wedmore ........................................ .St Cecilia 9341
Tywyn ................................................ Peniarth 8257 Uttoxeter ................................................. Dove 8519 Warrington ........................... Lodge ofCharity 2651 Wednesbury ..................... Saint Bartholomew 696
U ckfield ............................................ Loxfield 2450 Ventnor ...................................... ...Yarborough 551 Warrington ..................... True Light Lodge of Wednesbury ................................ Oid Eversley 5259
U ckfield ....................................... Burgess Hill 4995 Waddesdon ................................... Marcellians 4450 Friendship 2963 Wednesbury .................................... Oakeswell 8117
Uckfield ..........................William de Warenne 6139 Wadebridge .................................. Molesworth 1954 Warrington ........... Lodge ofGreat Endeavour 3597 Wednesbury ................................ Round Table 8273
Uckfield ............................................... Fidelity 6487 Wadebridge ...................... Earl ofSt Germans 7031 Warrington .................................. Travellers 4679 Welling ................. Saint John and Saint Paul 615
U ckfield ................................. Circle of Sussex 7905 Wadebridge ..................................... St Enodoc 9226 Warrington ............. ...................... Ashmole 5128 Welling ............................................... Pattison 913
Uckfield ......................... Crowborough Beacon 8573 Wadebridge ......................Lodge ofthe Chisel 9398 Warrington ..................................... St Oswald 5170 Welling ................................................. Acacia 1314
Uckfield ........................................... Chaggeley 8609 Wakefield ........................ Lodge of U nanimity 154 Warrington ........................................ Optima 6101 Welling ................................... United Military 1536
Uckfield ............................................. Claitune 8907 Wakefield ........................................ Wakefield 495 Warrington .............. ........................... .N ewton 6288 Welling .................................... Saye and Sele 1973
Uckfield ...................................... Lewes Priory 9201 Wakefield ........................... Lodge ofSincerity 1019 Warrington ...................... Warrington Temple 6420 Welling ............................................. Ordnance 2399
U ckfield ................................. David Llewellyn 9846 Wakefield ........................................... Chantry 4065 Warrington ....:..................................... Boteler 7367 Welling ......................... Woolwich Polytechnic 3578
Uffculme ......................................... St Andrew 4097 Wakefield ......................................... Rectitude 4383 Warrington ................ .................... .Birchwood 8861 Welling ............... Lesney Park Lodge ofErith 3965
Uffculme .....................................Vale of Culm 4781 Wakefield ............................ Richard Linnecar 6413 Warrington ................ Mersey Valley Lodge of Welling .............................................. Lakedale 4044
Uffculme ................................. Devon Farmers 9250 Wallasey ..................................... Combermere 605 Installed Masters 9057 Welling ...................................... Bostall Heath 4492
Uffculme ................................. Louis Marchesi 9558 Wallasey ................................................ Hilbre 2375 Warrington ....................................... Academy 9382 Welling ............................... J ohn Roan S chao! 5085
Uffculme ...................... Lodge of Construction 9892 Wallasey ................................... New Brighton 2619 Warwick ...................................... Shakespeare 284 Welling ........................................... Hereditary 5731
Ulverston ........................... ..Lodge of Furness 995 Wallasey .............................................. Liscard 2657 Warwick .................................. Lodge ofUnity 567 Welling ....................... St Martins Barnehurst 6218
Ulverston .......................................... Thurston 2525 Wallasey ........................................... Wallasey 3036 Warwick ........................................ St George's 3818 Welling ......................... Lodge of St Barnabas 6315
Ulverston ......................................... Ulverston 7872 Wallasey .......................... United Temperance 3107 Warwick .................................................Wyley 3836 Welling .......................... Borough ofWoolwich 6610
illverston ........................... Lonsdale Lodge of Wallasey .......................................... Seacombe 3468 Warwick .............................................. Greville 4773 Welling ........... Lodge of St Giles and St Luke 6668
Installed Masters 9422 Wallasey .......................................... St. Hilary 3591 Wa:n.vick ........................................ Grey Friars 6080 Welling........................................ .Star ofKent 6705
0 Warvvick .................. ........................ ...... Mercia 6246 Welling .............................................. Legheart 6897
~:ll:~~~-·.·.·.·.·.·.·_·.".'.".".".".".".".".·.·.·_-_·.".".".".".".".".".".. ."......~~ N~h~~!~ 4060
Upminster ....................... Liberty of Havering 1437 3593
Upminster ................. Royal Victorian Jubilee 2184 Warwick ....................... Lodge ofSt Catherine 6823 Welling ............................................ Hall Place 7136
Upminster ................................... Seven Kings 2749 Waliasey ............................................ Gordovic 4061 Warwick ...................................... Three Spires 6940 Welling .............. .. ........ .............. ..Bellegrove 7293
Upminster ................................... Ingrebourne 3345 Wallasey ................................................ Manor 4202 Warwick ........................................... St Mary's 7244 Welling ..................................... East Wickham 7308
Upminster ................... Edward the Confessor 3782 Wallasey ......................................... Grosvenor 4312 Warwick ................................ Lord Leycester 7889 Welling ..................................... Camellia Thea 7351
Upminster ........................................Vigilance 3859 Wallasey ..................................... Thermopylae 4386 Warwick ............................. Lodge ofWarwick 8011 Welling .................................... Lesnes Abbey 7393
Upminster ................ Lodge ofOid Friendship 3907 Wallasey ................................ Prince Llewelyn 4596 Warwick ........................................ Guy's Cliffe 8874 Welling ........................................ Aibany Park 7432
Upminster ............................... Barking Abbey 4542 Wallasey ........................................ Tollemache 4736 Warwick .......................................... Heartland 8990 Welling ............................................ Kentmere 7480
U pminster ...........·........................ Wennington 4559 Wallasey ....................................... Ciaremount 4776 Wa:n.vick ............................................ Meridian 9003 Welling ..................................... Bexley Marine 7546
Upminster ...................................... Dagenham 4699 Wallasey ............................................ Seabank 5116 Warwick .......................... Schola Wa:n.vicensis 9321 Welling ........................................ Centre Point 7617
Upminster .......................................Wykeham 4925 Wallasey ..................................... EIIeray Park 5620 Washington ...............................Washington 4346 Welling ....................... Prudence and Concord 7887
Upminster .................................... Heath Park 5058 Wallasey ............. ......................... .... Peninsula 5914 Watchet ........................................... Quantock 4446 Welling ..................................... St Paulinus 7992
Upminster ............................... :...........Valence 5388 Wallasey ............................................ Marlowe 6506 Waterlooville .............................. Royal Sussex 342 Welling ......................................... Westwood 8046
Upminster ......................................... Chafford 5510 Wallingford ........................................ St Hilda 1887 Waterlooville .................................... Landport 1776 Welling .......... ......... .......... Oxleas Wood 8110
Wallingford ...................................... Portcullis 6672 Waterlooville ................... Duke of Connimght 1834 Welling .................................... Thamesmead 8269
Upminster .................................... St Laurence 5511
Upminster ................................... Walnut Tree 5533 Wallingford .............................. .Ingham Clark 8164 Waterlooville ..... .. . ............. Lodge of Hope 2153 Welling ....................................... Rivermead 8278
Waterlooville ....................................... Victory 3509 Welling ............ .......... ...... .......... ...... Lowood 8392
Upminster .....................................Aidborough 5586 Wallsend-on-Tyne ................................... Tyne 991 8671
Upminster ....................... Lodge ofFriendship 5587 Wallsend-on-Tyne ........................... Neptune 2908 Waterlooville .................................... Excelsior 4505 Welling ...................................... Oakfield Park
Waterlooville ........ Royal Marine Portsmouth 6423 Welling ............................. Sevemdroog Castle 8677
Upminster .......................................... Loxford 5621 Wallsend-on-Tyne ......................... Holy Cross 3679 Welling ................................... New Ash Green 9231
Upminster .................................... Hornchurch 5790 Wallsend-on-Tyne ........... Duke ofConnaught 3892 Waterlooville .................................. St Thomas 6574
Waterlooville .............................. Absit Invidia 6751 Welling ............................................ Brownhill 9246
Upminster .............................................. Pyrgo 5802 Wallsend-on-Tyne ................................ Buddle 3937 Welling ................. :......................... Southwood 9293
Upminster ................................... Little Heath 5935 Wallsend-on-Tyne ........................ Segedunum 4313 Waterlooville .................................... Prudence 7183
Waterlooville .................................... Cianfield 8203 Wellingborough ............................. Wentworth 737
U pminster ..............·................... Tillingbourne 5989 Wallsend-on-Tyne .................. Howdon Panns 5315 Wellingborough .................................... Hatton 3041
U pminster:.. ........................ ........ .. . . ... Tuscan 6067 Wallsend-on-Tyne ...............................Vallum 6208 Waterlooville ............................. Richard Bond 8281
Waterlooville ................................. Five Heads 8507 Wellingborough ............................... J ohn Pyel 5195
Upminster .......................... Lodge oflndustry 6068 Wallsend-on-Tyne ..............................Agricola 6343 Wellingborough ................ Oid Wellingburian 5570
Upminster ................................. Oid Libertian 6096 Wallsend-on-Tyne ............................ St Luke's 6564 Waterlooville .................... Homdean Lodge of
Hamony 9015 Wellingborough ..............................Whytewell 8400
U pm.inster ............................... Victory Marine 6160 Wallsend-on-Tyne .............................. Hadrian 6772 Wellingborough ...................... Gates ofBilling 9309
Upminster ....................................Abbots Hall 6205 Wallsend-on-Tyne..... ....... Lodge of Security 7299 Waterlooville ..................................... Pilgrims 9198
Waterlooville ........................... Rugby Bastion 9896 Wellingborough ............................. Webb Ellis 9740
Upminster ............................................ Sylvan 6381 Wallsend-on-Tyne .............. Sure and Stedfast 8927 Wellingborough ...................................... Scout 9814
Upminster ...................... Lodge of St Andrew, Walsaii ........................... Lodge ofSt Matthew 539 Watford ............................................... Watford 404
Watford ............................. Earl of Clarendon 1984 Wellingborough ........................... Wilavestone 9829
Greatllford 6515 Walsaii ................................. Earl Shrewsbury 1520 Wellington ........................................ St John's 601
Upminster ..................................... Saint Cedd 6519 Walsall ............................................ Hatherton 2474 Watford............ .. . . ................ Wilson-Iles 2054
Watford .. .. .......................... Rickmansworth 2218 Wellington ..................... Lodge of St Milburga 1120
Upminster .............................. Wanstead Park 6718 Walsall ................................................... Legge 2784 Wellington .... Lodge ofFidelity and Sincerity 1966
Upminster ......................................... Engayne 6831 Walsaii .................................................. Mercia 3995 Watford ........................................ Bushey Hall 2323
Watford ...................... Edward and Aiexandra 3171 Wellington ............................... Oid Wrekinian 5481
U pminster.. . ............................ .......... Minster 6914 Walsall ......................... Lodge of Construction 5350 Wellington ......................................... Uxacona 5724
Upminster .....................................Abbs Cross 6920 Walsall ........................................ Barr Beacon 6109 Watford .......................................... Cassiobury 3234
Watford ..................................... Chorley Wood 3247 Wellington ..........................................Forester 7221
Upminster .............. Lodge ofUnited Progress 6992 Walsall ............................................... Streetly 7448 Watford ..................................Abbots Langley 4645 Wellington ........ Wellington School, Somerset 7230
Upminster ....................................... Redbridge 7145 Walsall ............................................... Aldridge 7921 Watford ...................................... Oid Fullerian 4698 Wellington ................................. Vale of U scon 8935
Upminster .......................................... Bysnian 7500 Walsaii ............................................ Ogley Hay 8917 Watford ............................................ Garston 5644 Wells .............................................. Benevolent 446
Upminster ...................................... Courtenay 7529 Wantage .................................... Loyd Lindsay 3058 Watford. .......... ............... ..... West Watford 6492 Wells-next-the-Sea ............... Earl ofLeicester 2237
Upminster ........................... New Elizabethan 7561 Wantage .........................................Arranwell 7174 Watford .................................................. Bissei 6563 Welshpooi... .....................................Welchpool 998
Upminster .......................................... Sigebert 7572 Wantage ................................ Aifred the Great 8617 Watford ........................................... Leavesden 6642 Welshpool ............................................... Powis 7355
Upminster .............................. Upminster Hall 7573 Wantage .................. Berkshire County Sports 9810 Watford .................................................. Oxhey 6864 West Bromwich ............................. Noah"s Ark 347
Upminster ................. Lodge ofRemembrance 7674 Wareham ................................. Lodge ofUnity 386 Watford .................................... North Watford 6918 West Bromwich ............................. Dartmouth 662
Upminster ............................... Crossed Keys 7808 Wareham .......................... Lodge of St Martin 7986 Watford .................................................. Tndor 7280 West Bromwich ......................Walton Walker
Upminster ......................................... Urswyck 7947 Wareham ..................................... Amanuensis 9163 Watford ............................West Hertfordshire 8207 andSandwell 3847
Upminster .................. Canon Stafford Morris 7975 Wareham ...... Kenneth Cross Lodge ofDorset Watford.... . .................... .Isambard Brunel 8908 West Bromwich ............................. Tibbington 4927
Upminster .......................................... Clayhall 8730 Provincial Grand Stewards 9508 Watford ... ......................... ...... Chiltem 9394 West Bromwich ................................. Patshull 6592
Upminster .................... St Helen and St Giles 9133 Wareham ................ ............. .Brownsea Island 9689 Watford ..................................... Broadhurst 9415 West Bromwich ................................. Bromwic 6773
Upminster ................................................ Sion 9314 Warley ................................................. Edwina 4237 Watton ................................................. Watton 7107 West Bromwich ................ Lodge oí Universal
Upminster ................ Lodge ofEnlightenment 9550 Warley ..................................................... Regis 4463 Watton ...............................................Wayland 8940 Brotherhood 9329
Upminster ................................. Saint Francis 9579 Warley ..................................... Lewisham Oak 9213 Watton ...................................... Great Eastern 9452 West Bromwich ........ Black Country Heritage 9702
Upminster ..................... Upminster Daylight 9788 Warminster ..................................... .. Longleat 1478 Watton ...................... Norfolk Royal Air Force 9584 West Mailing ........................... Mailing Abbey 1063
274 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 275
ENGLAND-Continued ENGLAND-Continued
West Malling ............ Brothers of Birchington 5226 Wilmington .................... White Horse ofKent 8784 Wolverton ......................................... Scientific 840 Wotton -under-Edge ............... Gloucestershire
West Mailing .................... Mailing Centenary 8068 Wilmington ... Lodge of Highcroft Crockenhill 8885 Wolverton ......... Saint Peter and Saint Pauls' 1410 Provincial Grand Stewards' 9439
West Mersea ....................... ..... Mersea Island 5534 Wimbledon .................... King's College School 4257 Wolverton ................................. Golden Fleece 4739 Wotton-under-Edge ............... Gloucestershire
Westbury .....................................White Horse 2227 Wimborne ................... Lodge of St Cuthberga 622 Wolverton ...................................... St George's 5598 Lodge of Agriculture 9631
Westgate-on-Sea .............................. Reculvers 4123 Wimborne ........................................ Ferndown 7860 Wolverton ........................... Wolverton Trinity 7917 Wrexham ..... . ......... Square and Compass 1336
Westgate-on-Sea ......................... Stella Maris 7279 Wimborne .....................................Amphibious 9050 Wolverton ....................... ........ Milton Keynes 9277 Wrexham .. .. .......................... Bromfield 4233
Westhoughton ........................................ Peace 2269 Wimborne .......................................... Verwood 9177 Woodbridge ........................................... Doric 81 Wrexham ................................................Yale 5636
Westhoughton .................................. Tyldesley 2572 Wincanton ............................ Lodge of Science 437 Woodbridge ........................................ Seckford 6411 Wrexham .................................................. Offa 6660
Westhoughton ..........................Westhoughton 4215 Winchester ......................... Lodge of Economy 76 Woodstock .................................. Marlborough 1399 Wrexham ... .................................Wrexhamian 6715
Westhoughton ................................ Brookfield 5077 Winchester .................... William ofWykeham 1883 Woodstock ............................. Semper Paratus 3015 Wrexham ................ ........ Pen-y-Ddraig 8163
Westhoughton ....................... St Bartholomew 6071 Winchester ............ ....................... Caer Gwent 5071 Woodstock .................................. Chedelintone 6508 Wrexham .................................... St Catherine 8577
Westhoughton .................................. Greenhill 6260 Winchester .......................................... Merdon 5135 Woodstock ............................................. Aelfric 8926 Wrexham ......................... Maesgwyn Lodge of
Westhoughton ................ Coronation Lodge of Winchester ............................. O!d Symondian 5734 Worcester ........................................ Worcester 280 Installed Masters 8772
Westhoughton 7258 Winchester ....................................... Wolvesey 6818- Worcester ................. Lodge of Semper Fidelis 529 Wrexham .............................................. Erddig 8933
Westhoughton ............... Westhoughton Lodge Winchester .................................. King Aelfred 7487 Worcester ................................................. Page 3378 Wrotham ........................................... Pilgrims' 5008
ofAmity 7782 Winchester ................... Faith and Confidence 8222 Worcester .............................................. Wyche 3638 Wrotham ................................... Paddlesworth 6162
Westhoughton ................................. Rivington 8013 Winchester ................ Saint Matthew ofWyke 8563 Worcester ....................................... Fort Royal 4565 Wrotham ...........Jubilee Lodge of North Kent 6936
Westhoughton .... I.............................Anderton 8470 Winchester .......................................... Evingar 9512 Worcester ............................................... Unity 5812 Wrotham ......................... Hundred of Axstane 7722
Westhoughton .................................. St James 8910 Windermere ................................Windermere 2217 Worcester ............................................ Sabrina 6595 Wrotham ....................... St George's Wrotham 8742
Weston-super-Mare ........................ Saint Kew 1222 Windsor .................. Etonian Lodge of St John 209 Worcester .... Lodge of St J ohn in Bedwardine 7458 Wrotham ................................Ancient of Days 9230
Weston-super-Mare ...................... King Alfred 3169 Windsor .................................. Windsor Castle 771 Worcester ................. ............................... Teme 8491 Wrotham ...................................... Wheatsheaf 9445
Weston-super-Mare ....... ...................... Wessex 4093 Windsor .............................................. Tamesis 2926 Worcester ............................................ Catshill 8584 Wrotham ........................ Shield and Defender 9532
Weston-super-Mare ........................ .. Birnbeck 7160 Windsor .................. Commercial Temperance 3144 Worcester .. :...........Worcestershire Provincial Wrotham .......................... Culverstone Valley 9560
Weston-super-Mare ......................... Athelstan 9033 Windsor ............ Theodore White Temperance 3795 Grand Stewards' 9142 Wrotham ............................. Ash-cum-Ridley 9700
Weston-super-Mare ........ Somerset Provincial Windsor ........................................... Whitsters' 4717 Worcester .. ............................................. .Elgar 9254 Wroxham ......................................... St Benet 4485
Grand Stewards 9189 Windsor .............................. Christopher Wren 4855 Worcester ............. Edward Frederick Hanson 9463 Wroxham ............................................. Boileau 6862
Weston-super-Mare ............................... Tivoli 9417 Windsor ...................................................Mitre 7732 Worcester ................................. George Taylor 9819 Wroxham ........................... Thorpe St Andrew 8010
Wetherby ............................................ Calcaria 2677 Windsor ....................................... Old Windsor 8060 Workington ............................. Sun and Sector 962 Wroxham ................................ Norfolk Broads 8368
Wetherby .......................................... Lascelles 4796 Windsor ....................................................Acre 8422 Workington ......................................... Curwen 1400 Wroxham .............................. Norfolk Farmers 8393
Weymouth .........................................All Souls 170 Windsor ............................ Sudlington Bridge 8762 Workington ............................................. Eden 2285 Wroxham ........................................... Wayford 8490
Weymouth ............................................ Trinity 8025 Winslow ............................................. Wineslai 2435 Workington ...................................... Gospatric 5286 Wroxham .......................... ....... Four Seasons 9384
2529 Winslow ........................................ New Urban 6371 Workington ....................................... St John's 8660
~~~7 :::::::::::::::>:::::::::::::::~~ii~Y.:~e~~
Wroxham ............................. Old Norvicensian 9583
7489 Winslow .............................................. Claydon 9178 Workington ......... Millennium Lodge ofGood Wroxham ......................................... Ian Bruce 9797
312 Winslow ................................................. Saxon 9735 Fellowship 9710 Wylam-on-Tyne ............... George Stephenson 3390
Whitby .............................................. Caedmon 6965 Wirksworth ........................................ Derwent 884 Worksop ............................................... Pelham 939 Wylam-on-Tyne ............................. .Vindobala 5480
"Whitchurch .................................. St Alkmund 2311
Whitchurch .............................. :............. Roden 6243
Whitehaven ..................................... ....... Lewis 872
Wisbech ..... Lodge ofUnited Good Fellowship 809
Wisbech ........................... Gild of Holy Trinity 6125
Wisborough Green ............ Wisborough Green 8049
~~~~~~~ : : : : : : : : ·.: : ·: ... :::oid.·w~~k!,';ri~
Worksop ............................... Worksop Priory
Wylam-on-Tyne .............. Heddon-on-the-Wall 8157
Wymondham ........................................... Doric 1193
Wymondham ......................... Richard Gurney 8387
Whitahaven ........................................ Lowther 7809 Witham ............................. Manor ofNewland 6403 Worksop ........................................... Gateway 8372 Yarm ....................................................... Yarm 9544
Whitley Bay ................................... Brier Dene 5344 Witham ................................................ Peverel 7743 Worksop ................................................. Ryton 8988 Yatton ............................ Lodge of Agriculture 1199
Whitley Bay ..................................... Belvedere 6558 Witham ................................................... Mitre 9307 Worksop .......................... North Notts. Rotary 8998 Yatton ............................................... Gordano 6244
Whitley Bay ............................................ Links 7666 Witney .............................................Windrush 1703 Worksop ........................ North Notts. Mastars 9525 Yatton ....... .................................... Winscombe 6474
Whitley Bay ........................................ Venture 8198 Witney ........................................... Buttercross 7240 Worksop ............................... The Stewart Hill 9706 Yatton ........................................... Woodspring 8791
8864 Witney ............................................... Gateway 8501 Worthing ........ Worthing Lodge ofFriendship 851 Yatton ................. Yatton Lodge ofHospitality 9299
Whitstable .......................................... Swakely 6634
Witney ...................................... Witta's Island 9359
Wiveliscombe .......................... Loyal Vacation 6209
Wivenhoe ................................................ Colne 2477
Worthing ............................................ Stanford
Worthing ................... St Mary ofthe Harbour
Worthing ............................... Thomas Becket_
Yatton ............................................... Sylvanus 9741
Y elverton ..................... .Lodge of Benevolence 666
Yeovil ........................ Lodge of Brotherly Love 329
Whitstable ............................. Graveney Court 8637 Wivenhoe .............................................. Ostrea 8209 Worthing ............................................ Viatores 4252 Yeovil ........................................... Royal N aval 2761
Whitstable ....................................... Chestfield 9058 Woking .................................... .Sit Perpetuum 5725 Worthing ........................................... Cissbury 5237 Yeovil ............................... Progressive Science 5007
Widnes ............ Lodge of Equity and Appleton 1384 Woking ............... Clocktower from Haslemere 7711 Worthing ............... Heene Lodge ofPeace and Yeovil ................................... Corinthian Pillar 7552
Widnes ................... Hale Lodge of Fellowship 3799 Woking ....................................... Look Forward 9305 Concord 6350 York .......................................................... York 236
Widnes ............................................... Goodwill 3896 Woking .............................................. Oak Tree 9408 Worthmg ........................................ Lancing 6352 York ................................................. Eboracum 1611
Widnes ................................................. Dormer 4389 Wokingham .................................... Downshire 2437 Worthing ..................................... Brook Barn 6680 York ....................................................Agricola 1991
Widnes ................................................ Victoria 4629 Wokingham ..... ................................ Loddon 3427 Worthing ........................................... Ordinges 6866 York ............................................Albert Victor 2328
Widnes ............................................... St Paul's 5459 Wokingham .......................... Hundred ofBray 6326 Worthing .............................................. Fiscian 7461 York ...................................... ........... .. Minster 4663
7870 Wokingham ............................ Windsor Forest 6581 Worthing ............................. Worthing Temple 8286
~:=·--_-_-_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·__ _.__·_·_·_·_·_·.L~d:ii~-~:r~1~:i~~ 178
York ....................................................... Alcuin 6300
Wokingham ...................................... Bracknell 6792 Worthing .............................. Shoreham_Beach 8303 York ............................................. O!d Peterite 6412
Wigan ............................................. Corinthian 2350 Wokingham .................................. Wokingham 8691 Worthing .......................................... Sompting 8450 York ................................ Mitre Lodge ofYork 7321
Wigan .................................................. Holmes 2708 Wokingham ..................................... Trevelyan 9187 Worthing ........................... Worthing Lodge of York ............................. Francis Drake ofYork 7825
Wigan ................................................ Langtree 6166 Wokingham ... Lodge ofPeace and Friendship 9275 Installed Masters 9860 York ................................. St Saviour Lodge of
Wigan ............ Tus can Oak and Lamberthead 6387 Wokingham ................................. Be Prepared 9845 Wotton-under-Edge ......... Lodge of Sympathy 855 Installed Masters 8433
Wigan ............................................... Borsdane 6460 Wolsingham ........................................ Hudson 2791 Wotton-under-Edge ..... .......... Gloucestershire York ................................ Marquess of Zetland 9349
Wigan .................................................... Norley 7319 Wolverhampton ............................... St Petar's 419 Installed Masters 7900 York ..... ........................................ Meridian 9597
Wigan ..................................................... Orrell 8371 Wolverhampton .................... Lodge ofHonour 526 Wotton-under-Edge._ .................. Lodge ofthe York ..................... Provincial Grand Stewards
Wigan ................................................ Prodesse 8678 Wolverhampton ............. Tudor Lodge ofRifle Perfect Ashlar 8319 Lodge of Yorkshire, N orth
Wigton ................................ Wigton St John's 327 Volunteers 1838 Wotton-under-Edge ................ Lodge of Grace 8566 and East Ridings 9611
Wigton ................................................ St Mary 6537 Wolverhampton ................................. .Victoria 2848 Wotton-under-Edge ............... Gloucestershire
1422 Wolverhampton ..................... Prince ofWales 4021
Round Table 9017
1837 Wolverhampton .................................Wulfrun 4602
2148 Wolverhampton ................... Faith and Works 5079
Wilmington ....................................... Pickwick 5448 Wolverhampton .............. Lodge ofSaint John 6320 ENGLAND-OVERSEAS LODGES
Wilmington ................................ Danson Park 5700 Wolverhampton ................................. Boscobel 6415
Wilmington .................................... O!d Bexley 7129 Wolverhampton ................... Lodge ofVenture 6916
Wilmington ............................................ Helios 8311 Wolverhampton ................... Old Wulfrunians 7411 LOCATION NAME A.l'ID NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO.
Wilmington .................... Richard of Bordeaux 8333 Wolverhampton .................... ........... Dormston 7821
Wilmington ..................... Harmony and Unity 8451 Wolverhampton .............................. Clarendon 8023 Aba, Nigeria ..............................................Aba 9172 Abetifi, Ghana .......................... Okwawuman 8754
Wilmington ...................................... Eglantine 8462 Wolverhampton .......... Royal Wolverhampton Abaco, Bahamas ................................ Carleton 9134 Abuja, Nigeria ................... Northern Nigeria 3325
Wilmington............................ Eynsford Castle 8684 School 8170 Abeokuta, Nigeria ........................ .Abeokuta 7764 Abuja, Nigeria ...................................... .Abuja 9866
276 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 277
Acassuso, Argentina ..................... River Plate 7888 Blantyre, Malawi ............................ St George 7763 Christchurch, New Zealand ............ St Albans 2597 Gauteng, South Africa ......... Semper Vigilans 7362
Acera, Ghana ..................................... .Victoria 2392 Blenheim, New Zealand ................... Dunedin 931 Cochin, India ............................. Lodge Cochin 4359 Gauteng, South Africa ................... Bryanston 7815
Acera, Ghana ..........................................Acera 3063 Bloemfontein, South Africa .......... Rising Star 1022 Coimbatore, India .................. Lodge Ampthill 3682 George, South Africa ..... . .......... Outeniqua 3125
Acera, Ghana ................................... Harmonic 4190 Bloemfontein; South Africa .............. Sir J ohn Colesberg, South Africa ........................Acacia 3128 Georgetown, Guyana ............................. Union 247
Acera, Ghana ............................ Three Pillars 4867 Brand 3035 Colombo, Sri Lanka .............. ...... St George 2170 Georgetown, Guyana .................. Mount Olive 385
Acera, Ghana .................................. Travellers 6758 Bloemfontein, South Africa ................... .lvan Colombo, Sri Lanka ............................... Grant 2862 Georgetown, Guyana ......... ... :Silent Temple 3254
Acera, Ghana ......................................... Amity 7140 Haarburger 3582 Colombo, Sri Lanka ........ Duke of Connaught 2940 Georgetown, Guyana ....................... Concord 3508
Acera, Ghana ................................... Concordia 7199 Bloemfontein, South Africa ............... Mimosa 4396 Colombo, Sri Lanka ............................... Orion 5130 Georgetown, Guyana ........................ Roraima 3902
Acera, Ghana ..... Gold Coast Jubilee Masters' 7457 Blowing Point, Anguilla ........................ Unity 9166 Colombo, Sri Lanka ............. Robert Coleridge Georgetown, Guyana .............. Mount Everest 5868
Acera, Ghana ............................................. Osu 7627 Blowing Point, Anguilla ..... Anguilla Masters 9335 Scott 7784 Georgetown, Guyana ................ ....... Eureka 8515
Acera, Ghana ....................................... Tema 7718 Boksburg, South Africa ................... Boksburg 2480 Colombo, Sri Lanka .......................... Srivaran Georgetown, Guyana .......................... Guyana
Acera, Ghana ...... Sir Charles Tachie-Menson 8058 Boksburg, South Africa ........................ Acacia 3260 Kumaranayagam 9793 Lodge of Research 8525
Acera, Ghana .. ............... Lodge of Perfection 8559 Boksburg, South Africa .................. Jack Folly 8335 Cradock, South Africa ...................... Meridian 1469 Georgetown, Guyana ............................. Lotus 8735
Acera, Ghana ........................... Public Service 8587 Boksburg, South Africa ..... Boksburg St John 8642 Cruz Grande, Argentina ........ Southern Cross 1740 Georgetown, Guyana ........................... Klubba 9103
Acera, Ghana ......................................... Vo!ta 8652 Bryan's Bay, Jamaica ....................... Port!and 7740 Cullinan, South Africa ....... Premier Diamond Georgetown, Guyana .......... University Lodge
Acera, Ghana ........... Commerce and Industry 8666 Buenos Aires, Argentina .................. Excelsior 617 Lodge ofthe Transvaal 3172 ofGuyana 9331
Acera, Ghana ........................................ Militia 8723 Buenos Aires, Argentina ........... Lodge Star of Dalhousie, India ..... Lodge Light of the North 1308 Georgetown, Guyana .............. Guyana Wheel
Acera, Ghana .............................. Hippocrates 8794 the South 1025 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania ...... Haven ofPeace 4385 of Service 9431
Acera, Ghana ...................................... Unicorn 8840 Buenos Aires, Argentina ..................... Pampa 2329 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania ....... Dar es Salaam 5095 Germiston, South Africa ................ Germiston 2498
Acera, Ghana ...................................... Eastern 8930 Buenos Aires, Argentina ............ Trevor Mold 3293 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania .......... Guiding Star 5299 Gibraltar, Gibraltar. ............ Lodge of St John 115
Acera, Ghana ......................................... Circle 8964 Buenos Aires, Argentina .................. Belgrano 3466 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania ................ Installed Gibraltar, Gibraltar .................... Inhabitants' 153
Acera, Ghana ...................................... Hermes 9223 Buenos Aires, Argentina ........... Old Georgian 5104 Masters' Lodge Gibraltar, Gibraltar ................. Royal Lodge
Acera, Ghana .......................................... Orbis 9334 Bulawayo, Zimbabwe ...................... Buluwayo 2566 of Tanzania9534 of Friendship 278
Acera, Ghana ...................................... Summit 9362 Bulawayo, Zimbabwe ......................... .Induna 7499 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania ..................... Lodge Gibraltar, Gibraltar ........ Robert Freke Gou!d 2874
Acera, Ghana ..................... Meridian Lodge of Burgersdorp, South Africa ..................... Frere 2089 East Africa 9794 Gibraltar, Gibraltar ...................... Connaught 2915
Installed Masters 9386 Burgersdorp, South Africa ........ Evening Star 2828 Deolali, India.... ................................. Knight 3918 Gibraltar, Gibraltar ..................... Letchworth 3503
Acera, Ghana ........................ Uberrimae Fidei 9596 Butterworth, South Africa ..................... Blyth 2869 Dhekelia, Cyprus ................... Lord Kitchener 3402 Gibraltar, Gibraltar .............. United Services 3813
Acera, Ghana ....... Helicon Lodge of Research 9599 Calabar, Nigeria ................................. Calabar 3434 Dordrecht, South Africa ............... Wodehouse 1467 Gibraltar, Gibraltar .......... Gibraltar Masters 3825
Acera, Ghana ................. :............Apothecaries 9634 Calcutta, India ........... Lodge Star in the East 67 Dundee, South Africa ....... Biggarsberg Unity 2084 Gibraltar, Gibraltar ............. Massias District
Acera, Ghana ............... Ghana District Grand Calcutta, India ................................. St John's 486 Durban, South Africa .................... Port N ata! 738 Grand Stewards 9217
· Stewards 9873 Calcutta, India ....... Lodge True Freemasonry 1865 Durban, South Africa ......................... .Inanda 1192 Gisborne, New Zealand ............... Turanganui 1480
Achimota, Ghana ................................... Legon 8266 Calcutta, India .................................... Prinsep 2037 Durban, South Africa ..................... Addington 1937 Gladstone, Queensland, Australia .... .-..... Port
Adelaide, South Africa ..................... St Paul's 989 Calcutta, India .............................. Federation 2871 Durban, South Africa ........................ Umlazi 1976 Curtis 2235
Ahmednagar, India ............ Royal Connaught 2377 Calcutta, India ................................. Calcutta 3054 Durban, South Africa ................... Travellers 5495 Gonubie, South Africa ..................... Bramble 8541
Albany, Western Australia.:....... Plantagenet 1454 Calcutta, India ........................ United Dooars 3351 Durban, South Africa ........................ Ikwezi 7634 Grahamstown, South Africa ...............Albany 389
Alexandria, South Africa ...................... Forest 3531 Calcutta, India .................................. Templar 3618 Durban, South Africa ......................... Durban Grahamstown, South Africa ............ St John's 828
Algarve, Portuga!Prince Henry the Navigator 9360 Calcutta, India ........................... Mymensingh 4594 Installed Masters 9642 Grand Cayman Island, Cayman ....... .Islands
Algarve, Portugal... ........ Lodge of Discoveries 9409 Calcutta, India ..................................... Darius 4814 East London, South Africa .................. Buffalo 1824 Cayman 8153
Alice, SoU:th Africa .............................Amatole 2406 Calcutta, India ...................... Bengal Masters' 5817 East London, South Africa ................. Charles Grand Cayman Island, Cayman IslandsBrac 9470
Alto Porvorim, India ................... Haig-Brown 3829 Calcutta, India ..................... Lodge Martinire 67 46 Blakeway 2451 Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos IslandsTurk's
Amanzimtoti, South Africa ....... Amanzimtoti 5307 Calcutta, India ............... Light in Andamans 6931 East London, South Africa ............. Concordia Islands Forth ............................................. 64 7
Amberley, New Zealand .................. Amber!ey 2007 Calvinia, South Africa ....................... Rebunie 4279 Tower 3177 Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands
Amritsar, India ........................... Lodge Sutlej 1442 Camperdown, South Africa ....... Camperdown Eldoret, Kenya .......................... Nandi Border 4756 Coral 8888
Arnsha, Tanzania ....................... Mount Meru 7504 Peace 4015 Elmina, Ghana .................... Castle St George Greymouth, New Zealand ............ Greymouth 1233
Asansol, India .......................... Lodge Pioneer 1490 Cape Coast, Ghana ....................... Gold Coast 773 del Mina 94 73 Halifax, N ova Scotia, Canada ............... Royal
Ashburton, N ew Zealand ............... Ashburton 1811 Cape Coast, Ghana ...................... Mfantsipim 7260 Empangeni, South Africa ............. Empangeni 5643 Standard 398
Auckland, New Zealand ............... Waitemata 689 Cape Coast, Ghana ........................... Adisadel 7791 Enugu, Nigeria .................... Lodge ofFidelity 5779 Hamilton, Bermuda .............Atlantic Phoenix 224
Auckland, New Zealand ........ Prince ofWales 1338 Cape Coast, Ghana University ofCape Coast 8804 Enugu, Nigeria .................. Lodge of Harmony 8095 Hamilton, Bermuda ............. Lodge of Loyalty 358
Auckland, N ew Zealand ......................... Eden 1530 Cape Town, South Africa ..................... British 334 Episkopi, Cyprus ...................................Apollo 7886 Hamilton, New Zealand .................Alexandra 1188
Auckland, New Zealand ................... Remuera 1710 Cape,Town, South Africa .............. Carnarvon 1735 Ficksburg, South Africa .................. Ficksburg 3553 Hamilton, Bermuda ................... Bread Arrow 1890
Auckland, New Zealand ................. .St George 1801 Cape Town, South Africa ............. St George's 2537 Fort Beaufort, South Africa ............... Zetland 608 Hamilton, Bennuda ......................... Bermuda
Auckland, New Zealand ........ Northern Light 1878 Cape Town, South Africa ........... Metropolitan 2538 Freeport, Bahamas ........................... Lucayan 8188 Installed Masters 9271
Auckland, N ew Zealand .................... Lodge of Cape Town, South Africa ................. Wynberg 2577 Freeport, Bahamas .............................Arawak 8877 Harare, Zimbabwe..................... ..... Founder 2479
Harmony 2180 Cape Town, South Africa ................. Mowbray 2993 Freeport, Bahamas .................. Ernest Sidney Harare, Zimbabwe ................................. Lister 6842
Auckland, New Zealand ............ Te Awamutu 2221 Cape Town, South Africa ............. Rondebosch 3141 Larkin Lodge of Harare, Zimbabwe .................. Mazowe Valley 7398
Awka, Nigeria .......................... Lodge ofHope 9838 Cape Town, South Africa ............... Travellers 3166 Research and Instruction 9776 Harare, Zimbabwe ....................... Ellis Robins 8136
Bangalore, India ........ .Southern Brotherhood 3311 Cape Town, South Africa ........ United Service 3285 Freetown, Sierra Leone ................... Freet'own 1955 Harrismith, South Africa ...... Southern Cross 1778
Bangkok, Thailand ................................ Chula 9745 Cape Town, South Africa ..................... Table Freetown, Sierra Leone ................ St George's 2506 Hellensville, New Zealand .... Duke of Albany 2073
Banjul, Gambia .. Banjul Lodge of Saint John 6878 Mountain 6824 Freetown, Sierra Leone ........................ Rokell 2798 Hermanus, South Africa ................ Hermanus 7015
Banjul, Gambia ................................ Winward 7364 Cape Town, South Africa ............. Camps Bay 7418 Freetown, Sierra Leone ......................... Loyal 3719 Hikurangi, New Zealand ....... Lodge Frank!in 2138
Barberton, South Africa ................. Barberton 2719 Cape Town, South Africa ............ Blaauwberg 9337 Freetown, Sierra Leone ............... Progressive 6431 Hilton, South Africa ............................. Hilton 3572
Beaufort West, South Africa ... Beaufort West 1946 Carletonville, South Africa ........ Go!den West 6689 Freetown, Sierra Leone ................ Wilberforce 6432 Hong Kong, China ..................... Royal Sussex 501
Be! Ombre, Seychelles ................... Seychelles 8789 Cascais, Portugal .................... :: ...... Lancaster . 9413 Freetown, Sierra Leone ................... Granville 7212 Hong Kong, China .............................. Zetland 525
Be! Ombre, Seychelles .......... Mount Simpson 9559 Castries, Saint Lucia .................. Abercrombie 2788 Freetown, Sierra Leone ............... Laboramus 9081 Hong Kong, China .................. .Victoria Lodge
Be! Ombre, Seychelles ................... Seychelles Cathcart, South Africa ...................... Frontier 2092 Freetown, Sierra Leone ........................ Sigma 9204 of Hong Kong 1026
Installed Masters 9691 Chennai, India ... Lodge ofPerfect Unanimity 150 Freetown, Sierra Leone ......... Prince ofWales 9257 Hong Kong, China ......... Perseverance Lodge
Belfast, South Africa ........................... Belfast 3425 Chennai, India .... Lodge of Universal Charity 273 Freetown, Sierra Leone ........ Cedar and Palm 9259 of Hong Kong 1165
Belo Horizonte, Brazil ................ Morro Velho 5559 Chennai, India ....................... Pitt Macdonald 1198 Freetown, Sierra Leone .................... Orpheus 9283 Hong Kong, China ................ United Service 1341
Benin City, Nigeria ............................... Benin 7800 Chennai, India ..............................J ohn Miller 1906 Freetown, Sierra Leone ................... Freetown Hong Kong, China ............. Corinthian Lodge
Benoni, South Africa ........................... Benoni 3157 Chennai, India ..................... Lodge St George 2532 Bicentenary 9302 ofAmoy 1806
Benoni, South Africa ....... Lodge of Emulation 8717 Chennai, India ................ Archibald Campbell 4998 Freetown, Sierra Leone .... ............ Symphony 9303 Hong Kong, China ............................ Foochow 1912
Bethlehem, South Africa .. Star of Bethlehem 2522 Chingola, Zambia .......................... Coronation 7329 Freetown, Sierra Leone . ......... St Patrick's' 9366 Hong Kong, China. ...................... Lodge Star
Bethulie, South Africa ........... AJan B. Gordon 3528 Christchurch, New Zealand ......... Canterbury 1048 Freetown, Sierra Leone ................ Barbadori 9404 of Southern China 2013
Bhusawal, India ................ Lodge Excelsior in Christchurch, New Zealand ...... Pacific Lodge Freetown, Sierra Leone .......... Solomon Pratt 9535 Hong Kong, China ............. University Lodge
Khandesh 1738 of Hokitika 1229 Freetown, Sierra Leone ............. Good lntent of Hong Kong 3666
Bilaspur, India ....................... Heart oflndia 3760 Christchurch, New Zealand ............. Conyers 1916 Installed Masters 9561 Hong Kong, China ........ ..... ....... Swatow 3705
Gaborone, Botswana ...................... Gaborone 8781 Hong Kong, China ............................ Cathay 4373
278 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 279
Johannesburg, South Africa ................. Safari 8423 Knysna, South Africa ............................ Unity 2181 Margate, South Africa .......... Port Shepstone 34 70
Hong Kong, China ............ Paul Chater Lodge Kobe, Japan.................. . .......... Rising Sun 1401 Messina, South Africa ... ................... Messina 5483
oflnstalled Masters 5391 Johannesburg, South Africa ......... First Pnde 844 7
Kokstad, South Africa .............. Mount Currie 2299 Middelburg, South Mrica ...................... Unity 3044
Hong Kong, China ................. Rotarian Lodge Johannesburg, South Africa ............. Aviation 8471
Johannesburg, South Mrica ......... Flame Lily 8540 Kolkata, India ............... Kathmandu ofNepal 8194 Modimolle, South Africa ................... Pyramid 5003
of Hong Kong 9378 Komga, South Africa ......................... Idutywa 4959 Mokopane, South Africa ................ Unanimity 3372
Hong Kong, China ................ Lodge of Lu P3f1 9387 Johannesburg, South Africa Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia ...... Lodge Kinabalu 704 7 Mombasa, Kenya ............................. Mombasa 3645
Hong Kong, China ............................ St Paul s 9718 Hartebeestpoort 8545
Johannesburg, South Mrica ....... St Michael's 8643 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia .................. Beaufort 7989 Mombasa, Kenya ......................... Kenya Gate 4851
Hong Kong, China ... ,.................. Melchizedek 9756 Kozhikode, India .......................Lodge Kerala 2188 Mombasa, Kenya .............. Lodge ofthe Coast 7518
Hong Kong, China .......... Hong Kong and Far Johannesburg, South Africa .......... Park Lane 8657 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ....................... Read 2337 Montego Bay, Jamaica ...................... Friendly
Johannesburg, South Africa ... Lyceum Lodge 383
East D1stnct Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ...................... Klang 3369 Montevideo, Uruguay .................. Silver River 876
Grand Stewards 9879 of Research 8682
Johannesburg, South Mrica ..... New Zealand 8824
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ............. Makepeace 367 4 Morant Bay, Jamaica .................... St Thomas 4338
Hong Kong, China ........................... The Club 9880 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia .... Baldwyn Lowick 7004 Moshi, Tanzania ........................ Kilimanjaro 5111
Hong Kong China ............................. Harriers 9882 Johannesburg, South Mrica .............. Exsequi 8994 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ................... Sentosa 7661 Mossel Bay, South Africa ................. St Blaize 1938
Humansdo;p, South Africa ............ St Francis 3086 Johannesburg, South Africa ...........Universal Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ..... Edward Holiday 7997 Muar, Malaysia ......................... Johore Utara 5324
Friendship 9042
~~~~~· ~i~:~~·.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.-..·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.~~~~k~ ~~~~ Johannesburg, South Mrica ................ Golden
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ................... Fidelity
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia .............. Joseph Eu
Mufulira, Zambia .............................. Mufulira
Mumbai, India ...................... Lodge St George
Ibadan: Nigeria ....................Western Nigeria 7806 Harvest 9234
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia .............. .Sri Damai 9768 Mumbai, India ............................ Lodge Truth 944
Igatpuri, India .................... Lodge Fnendship Johannesburg, South Africa .... Baden-Powell 9370 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ........... Centenarian Mumbai, India ................ Lodge of Emulation 1100
and Hannony 1270 Johannesburg, South Africa ............ Maritime 9406 Lee Keng Hong 9861 Mumbai, India ....................................... Cyrus 1359
Ijebu-Ode Nigeria ............................... Yemoji 9318 Johore Baru, Malaysia .............. Johore Royal 3~~~ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ................... Eastern Mumbai, India .................................. Research 3184
280 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 281
Ootacamund, India ................. Lodge of Faith, Ruiru, Kenya .............................. Chania Falls 9372 Taradale, New Zealand ............................ Port Victoria West, South Africa ..... .............. King
Hope and Charity 1285 Rustenburg, South Africa ............ Rustenburg 8254 Chalmers Marine 942 George V 3630
Opotiki, N ew Zealand ......................... Opotiki 1930 Sabah, Malaysia ..................................... Table 9717 Tarbela Dam, Pakistan, London, UK (By Dispensa- Volksrust, South Africa ...................... Fidelity 2999
Otjiwarongo, Namibia .........................Etosha 7148 Salters, Barbados .................................Albion 196 tion) ...................................................... Quetta 2333 Wanganui, New Zealand ................ Tongariro 705
Oudtshoorn, South Africa ..................... Cango 2088 Salters, Barbados ...............................Victoria 2196 Tarkastad, South Africa .............. Wbite Hope 1939 Warkworth, New.Zealand ................... Rodney 1711
Paarl, South Africa ............... Lodge Britannia 3117 Salters, Barbados ........................ St Michael's 2253 Tarkwa, Ghana .. ...................... Taquah 3356 Wam, N1gena ........................................ N1ger 3882
Palmerston North, New Zealand ........ United Salters, Barbados .................................. Union 7551 Tarkwa, Ghana.......................... .... Wassaw 7141 Waterval Boven, South Africa .............Astrea 3073
Manawatu 1721 Salters, Barbados ... Research Lodge of Amity 9073 Tbames, New Zealand .................. Corintbian 1655 Welington, New Zealand ............... Wellington 1521
Paralimni, Cyprus ............................ Lakeside 9869 Salters, Barbados .......... Preceptors Memorial '9714 Tbanjavur, India ............................... Cauvery 3848 Welkom, South Africa ................ Goiden Hope 3059
Pattaya, Thailand ............................... Trident 9891 Salters, Barbados .................... District Grand Timaru, New Zealand .......... Lodge of St John 1137 Wellington, India .................. Lodge of Anchor
Penang, Malaysia ........ Royal Prince of Wales 1555 Stewards Lodge Tiruchirapalli, India .......... Lodge of the Rock 260 ofHope 1093
Penang, Malaysia .............................. Neptun_e 9849 of Barbados and Triangle, Zimbabwe .......................... Mtilikwe 7979 Wellington, New Zealand ..................Aorangi 2300
Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia ........... Perak the Eastern Caribbean 9881 Trivandrum, India .................. Lodge Minchin 2710 Westport, New Zealand ..................... Phoenix 1690
Jubilee 2225 Saltpond, Ghana ......................... Mfantsiman 7863 Tully, Australia ............................... Geraldton 3544 Wbangarei, New Zealand ... Star ofthe North 1647
Phalaborwa, South Africa ........... Phalaborwa 8120 San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago Tzaneen, South Africa .............. Lodge Letaba 5325 White River, South Africa ........... White River 7082
Phoenix, Mauritius ........ Lodge of Friendship 1696
StAndrew 3963 Ughelli, Nigeria ................................... Okpare 9863 Willemstad, Curacao ....................... .Igualdad 653
Phoenix, Mauritius ............................ Phoenix 3602 San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago Uitenhage, South Africa ........ Southern Cross 1590 Winchester, N ew Zealand ............ Winchester 1737
Phuket, Thailand ...................... Light of Siam 9791 Naparima 7108 Umhlali, South Africa ........................ Duguza 2461 Windhoek, Namibia .................... Damaraland 4758
Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada ..... Saint Paul's 374 Sandakan, Malaysia .......................... Elopura 7545 Umtata, South Africa ................ Charles Egan 1975 Windhoek, Namibia ............... ........ Omutena 7376
Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada ....... St George's 440 Santa Cruz, Jamaica ............................. Adair 8146 Umuahia, Nigeria ......................... Umuahia 9883 Winneba, Ghana ............................... Winneba 7708
Pietermaritzburg, South Mrica ......... Natalia Santos, Brazil ................. Lodge ofWanderers 5562 Valletta, Malta ..................... Lodge of St John Witbank, South Africa ......... Rose and Thistle 3150
Prince Alfred 1665 Sao Paulo, Brazil .................... Lodge ofUnity 5560 and St Paul 349 Worcester, South Africa ........ ...... Worcester 1603
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa Sao Paulo, Brazil... .......................... St George 5561 Valletta, Malta ................................ De Rohan 9670 Worcester, South Africa.... .. ................ Ceres 5156
Skelmersdale 1729 Sao Paulo, Brazil.. .......................... Centenary 5564 Valparaiso, Chile .............. Lodge ofHarmony 1411 Worcester, South Africa ................... Montagu 5430
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa .......... Umvoti 1867 Sao Paulo, Brazil.. ................... Campos Salles 5565 Vereeniging, South Africa ...........Vereeniging Zakinthos, Greece ................. Star of the East 880
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa ...... Harmony 8860 Sao Paulo, Brazil ....................... Santo Amaro 7250 Peace 3461
Pinetown, South Africa ................Athenaeum Savanna La Mar, Jamaica ..................... Hope 2813
Lodge of Research 7455 Scottburgh, South Africa ..............Umkomaas 2990 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Apart from the 10 Grand
Plymouth, Montserrat ............. , .... St Anthony 4684 Secunda, South Africa .................. Standerton 2894 Lodges of the provinces of Canada, the 6 Grand Lodges of the states of Australia, and 51 State Grand
Polokwane, South Africa ............. Pietersburg Secunderabad, India ........................ St John's 434 Lodges in the United States of America, the United Grand Lodge of England recognizes only the following:
United 2485 Secunderabad, India ........................ Golconda 3249 Ireland; Scotland; New Zealand; Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Austria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Belgium
Polokwane, South Africa ........................ Doric 7225 Sekondi, Ghana .................................. Sekondi 3238 (Regular G.L. of): Bulgaria (United Grand Lodge of); Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia;
Sekondi, Ghana .......... St George's-Seccondee 3851
Poona, India ·····---~---··················Leslie Wilson 4880 Sekondi, Ghana ............................. Coronation 7309
Finland; France (National G.L. of); Germany (United Grand Lodges); Greece; Hungary (Symbolic G.L. of);
Port Alfred, South Africa .............. Port Alfred 1468 Iceland; Italy (Regular G.L. of); Latvia; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Macedonia; Malta (Sovereign Glof);
Port Elizabeth, South Africa ............. Lodge of Sekondi, Ghana .................................... Nzima 8673 Moldava; Monaco (National Regular) Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Poland (National GL of); Por-
Goodwill 711 Selebi Píkwe, Botswana ........................ Pikwe 8715 tugal (Regular (Legal) G. L. of); Romania; Russia; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; S!ovenia; Spain; Sweden;
Port Elizabeth, South Africa .. :.......... Lodge of Seremban, Malaysia .............. Negri Sembilan 3552 Switzerland (Alpina); Turkey; Ukraine; Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Congo; Gabon; Ghana; Guinea;
Good Hope 863 Shongweni, South Africa ........ Lodge oflsrael 3170 Ivory Coast; Liberia; Madagascar; Mali (National G.L. oO; Mauritius; Morocco; Nigeria; Sénégal; Togolaise
Port Elizabeth, South Africa .................Algoa 2886 Simia, India ..................................... Hydaspes 4842 (National G.L. of); South Africa; China (reconstituted in Taipei); India; Israel; Japan; The Philippines;
Port Elizabeth, South Africa .............. St John 4989 Simonstown, South Africa ................. Phoenix 1860 Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil (Grande Oriente), Espirito Santo, Sao Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio de Janeiro;
Port Elizabeth, South Africa ......... Unanimity 8669 Singapore, Singapore ...... Zetland in the East 508 Chile; Colombia (at Barranquilla, Bogota, Cali and Cartagena) G.L. "Francisco de Paula Santander", the
Port Harcourt, Nigeria ...... ...... .Port Harcourt 3881 Singapore, Singapore ....... Lodge of St George 1152 G.L. of Los Andes; Ecuador; Paraguay; Peru; Uruguay; Venezuela; Costa Rica; Cuscatlan of El Salvador;
Port Harcourt, Nigeria ........................ Okrika 4578 Singapore, Singapore ......... Lodge St Michael 2933 Guatemala; Mexico (York); Grand Lodge ofthe State ofVera Cruz; Panama; Cuba; Dominican Republic;
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago ...... Royal Singapore, Singapore ................ Eastem Gate 2970 Haiti (Grand Orient 1824); Puerto Rico; and the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Alaska; Arizona;
Philanthropic 405 Singapore, Singapore ........... Lodge Singapore 7178 Bahamas; California; Caribbean and Jurisdiction; Colorado; Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware;
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago ...... Royal Singapore, Singapore .... Sir Stamford Raffles 7444 Hawaii, lllinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,
Prince of Wales' 867 Singapore, Singapore .................... Horsburgh 7533 Nebraska, Nevada; New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Ontario; Oregon, Pennsyl-
Port ofSpain, Trinidad and Tobago ...... Royal Singapore, Singapore ..................... Centenary 7629 vania, Rhode Island, Texas; Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Connaught 3266 Solapur, India ......... Lodge Justice and Peace 5442
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.Trinidad Somerset, Bermuda ................... Prince Alfred 233
and Tobago Masters 8057 Somerset West, South Africa .... Lord Roberts 2827
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago .... Daniel Spanish Town, Jamaica .................. Hamilton 1440
Hart 9028 Springbok, South Africa ..... Phoenix Lodge
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago ....Arthur N amaqualand .......................................... 2082
Emlyn 9742 Springs, South Africa ...................... Coalfields 2653
Port Vila, Vanuatu ........... Lodge of Discovery 8737 Springs, South Africa ......................... Springs 5669
Postmasburg, South Africa ........ Tsantsa)>ane 5652 St George's, Grenada ........... Lodge St George 3072
Potchefstroom, South Africa ..... King Edward 3004 St George's, Grenada .................... Conception 8346
Pretoria, South Africa .................... Transvaal 1747 St John's, Antigua and Barbuda ..... St John's 492
Pretoria, South Africa ........... United Services St John's, Antigua and Barbuda ..... Caribbee 2829
Lodge of Pretoria 2967 St John's, Antigua and Barbuda ....... Waladli 9887
Pretoria, South Africa ....................... Pretoria 6017 St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands .... Harmonic 356
Pretoria, South Africa ......... ............... Arcadia 7149 St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
Pretoria, South Africa ................... Corinthian 7251 St. Thomas 9679
Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands ..... Stellenbosch, Soutb Africa ......... Stellenbosch 2646
Caicos Islands' 9661 Stompneus Bay, South Africa ....... Columbine 9267
Queenstown, South Africa ............ Lodge Star Strand, South Africa ............................ Strand 4812
in the East 918 Stutterheim, South Africa ..................... Lodge
Quilon, India ........................................ Quilon 5839 ofHarmony 2388
Rabaul, Papua New Guinea ................ Rabaul 4468 Sungei Patani, Malaysia ........... Lodge Kedah 3830
Rio de J aneiro, Brazil ................... ...... Eureka 5557 Sunyani, Ghana .......................... Brong Ahafo 7862
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ......... Duke ofClarence 5558 Suva, Fiji ..................................... Lodge of Fiji 1931
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .............. Royal Edward 5566 Swakopmund, Namibia ..............Welwitschia 8768
Road Town, British Virgin Islands ........ Saint Tamale, Ghana .................................... Tamale 7823
Ursula's 8952 Tamale, Ghana ........................................... Wa 9343
Roodepoort, South Africa ............. Roodepoort 2539 Tamale, Ghana ............................. Bolgatanga 9466
Roseau, Dominica, Windward Islands Tanga, Tanzania ................. Tanga Fratemity 4830
St George 3421 Tarabaki, N ew Zealand ..Sir Donald McLean 1646
282 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 283
1924 FINLAND 2015
Founded September 8, 1924
Kauhajoki ................................................. Lauha 129 Porvoo ............................................... Oppidum 153
Annual Meeting in April or May Members, 7,288 Lohja ...................................................... Kaivos 130
Lodges,175 Helsinki ...................................................... Holvi 154
ANTTIUSKI Kuopio ...................................................... Oriens 131 Savonlinna ................................................ Linna 155
JUHANI VUORI Oulu .......................................................... Terwa 132 Turku ....................................................Aurajoki 156
Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Kasarmikatu 16 D, 00130 Helsinki Nokia ......................................................... Nokia 133 Seiniijoki .................................................... Aalto 157
Tel. +358 9 6844 320, Fax +358 9 6844 3218 Helsinki .................................................... Union 134 Riihimiiki ......................................... Luotivaaka 158
E-mail: antti. [email protected] Helsinki ................................................ Hymnus 135 Kuopio ......................................................... Nebo 159
[email protected] Vantaa ................................................ Lohkokivi 136 Hameenlinna .......................................... Vanaja 160
Lahti ......................................................... Miiki 137 Vantaa ............................................. Ehrensviird 161
Permits Dual Membership in some special cases only Espoo ......................................... Espoon Kolmas 138 Oulu ...................................................... Hokma 162
Helsinki ................................................. N ordost 139 Porvoo ............................................ Kivenhiojien 163
Lappeenranta ........................................ Kanava 140 Lappeenranta ...................................... Rakuuna 164
NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. Kouvola ...................................................... Keltti 141 Turku ............................................... Gadolinia 165
LOCATION Kotka ............. c..............•........................ Kukouri 142 Vantaa ..................................................... Tyyros 166
1 65 Pieksamiiki ........................................ Rakentaja 143 Jyviiskylii ............................................ Kompassi 167
Helsinki ................................................... Suomi 66 Tampere ................................................. Kaanaa 144 Rauma ..................................................... Tammi 168
Tampere ................................................ Tamme: 2 Jyviiskylii .............................................. Cygneus 145
3 67 Sodertiilje (Sverige) ................................... Telge 169
Turku ..................................................... Phoeni: 68 Mikkeli .................................................... Marski 146 Vantaa ........................................... Palava Tiihti 170
Helsinki .......................................... P. Johanne: 4 Joensuu ........................................................ Lux 147
Helsinki .................................. Patria St. Henril 5 69 Vantaa ............................................ Sisiikammio 171
70 Vantaa ....................................................... Mitta 148 Kauhajoki ...................................... Jokien loosi 172
Pori .................................................... Satakunt: 6 Tampere ................................................ Regulus 149
Lahti .................................................... P. Yijiini 7 71 Espoo ..................................................... Pegasus 173
72 Oulu ....................................................... Franzen 150 SOdertiilje Sweden .............. Det Gyllene Snittet 174
Helsinki ............ :................................... Helsink 8 IDvila ........................................................ Paanu 151
Tampere ............................................. Joonialai: 9 73 SOdertiilje Sweden .................................. .Igelsta 175
Vantaa......... ............................................ Luoti 152
Tampere ............................................... Tavasti: w 74
Helsinki .................................................... Acaci: u 76 x) Instruction lodge (Research)
Kokkola .................................................... Kokk• u 77 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF FINLAND. In addition to the Grand
Helsinki ...................................................Auror: ~
M 78 Lodges listed in this publication, this Grand J.,odge maintains fraternal relations with the fol)owing Grand
Kuopio ......................................................... Sav' 79 Lodges: Andorra; Argentina; Cuba; Cyprus; Estonia; Ghana; Regular Grand Lodge of ltaly; Latvia; Lithua~
Pietarsaari ..............................................Brahe: ffi
w 80 nia; Macedonia; Monaco Montenegro; Sovereign Grand Lodge ofMalta; Slovakia; Slovenia.
~~:~lanr.":"t~-·.·.·:.·:.·.·.·::.".".".".".".".".".".".".".".".".".".".·:.·.·:.·:::::.~i~ u 81
This Grand Lodge does not recognize the following Grand Lodges listed in this publication: Armenia;
Benin; Brazil: Grande Oriente, Acre, Alagoas, Am.apa, Amazonas, Brasilia, Ceara, Espirito Santo, Goias,
Vaasa ........................................................Vaas: lli
Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Paraiba, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio Grande do
Savonlinna ............ c•.••••••••••••••••••.......••••• P. Olav w 83
Norte, Rondonia, Roraima, Santa Catarina, Sergipe, Tocantins; Colombia: Barranquilla, Cartagena, Los
Helsinki .................................................. Eurek w 84
85 Andes, Occiden_tal- Cali, Oriental-Cucuta; France; Haiti; Honduras; Italy (Grand Orient); Ivory Coast;
Oulu .............. :............................................. Owl 21 Madagascar; Mexico: Baja California, Benito Juarez, Campeche, Chiapas, Cosmos, Del Pacjfico, El Potosi,
Karhula ...................................................... Kym n 86
87 Occidental Mexicana, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Unida Mexicana, Valle de Mexico; and Nicaragua.
Rauma ...... :................................:....... Franciscu ~
u 88
Helsinki ..................................................... Otav 89
Helsinki .................................................... Hirar ~
H 90
Turku ..................................................... Portha: 91
Helsinki ..........................Minerva (Researcil L. ~
H 92
•nw 93
n 96
M Oulu ....................................................... :nerna 98
u ~ akulma 99
List of Regular Lodges Masonic 285
(French National Grand Lodge) NAME NO. NAME NO.
Founded November 5, 1913 Members, 25,454
Lodges, 1,123
Annual Meeting First Saturday in December Ouroboros .. ...................... ... .............. ................. 922 Les Gard.iens de !'Arche ................................... 1491
Les Charpentiers d'Almuggin .......................... 926 Fidélité Ecossaise .......... .. ... .. ................ ............ 1493
JEAN-PÍERRE SERVEL CLAUDE LEGRAND Solidarite ............ .............................................. 934 Abd El Kader .................................................... 1514
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, Sisyphe ... ... . ............... .. ... .... . ..................... .. .. 935 Corsica Fraternita ............................................ 1555
12, Rue Christine de Pisan 75017 Paris Jose Marti .... ..................... ......................... 937 La Divine Sagesse..................... ..................... 1560
Phone: +33 1 44 15 86 20 FAX: +33 1 44 15 86 36
~~~ud'!rst~bsa~¡;·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~§~
Lux Eurasia .............. ............... ..................... 1585
E-mail: [email protected] Hampate Ba ...................................................... 1612
JEAN-PIERRE ROLLET Edouard de Ribaucourt ........................ ........... 999 Les Moines Chevaliers deL' Aubrac ............... 1613
Assistant Grand Master/Grand Chancellor William Prestan................................................ 1003 Etoile D'Orient .................................................. 1624
Phone: +33 1 44 15 86 31+33. 67 97 36 74 9 Midi Plein .......................................................... 1019 Filippo Brunelleschi ....................................... 1630
[email protected]/[email protected] Madagascar Fraternité .................................... 1023 La Metís .......................................................... 1642
Eleazar .............................................................. 1025 Fort d'Eidean .................................................... 1646
Permits Dual and Plural Membership Jean de Foucauld .............................................. 1026 Eurterpe .......................................................... 1666
Les Teinturiers de la Lune .............................. 1027 Abbe Suger ..................................................... 1674
LODGES IN PARIS Egregores et Pardes .......................................... 1037
La Come d'Or .................... ......................... ...... 1039
Vivat ............................................................... 1676
Aletheia ........................ ... ........... ............. .. ........ 16 75
NO. La Regle d'Or ......................................... ....... .. .. 104 7 Adrastée ............................................................ 1680
NAME NO. NAME Harmonia Mundi ............................................ 1068 Arts et Tradition ................... ............ ...... 1693
526 Les Veilleurs du Mont ...................................... 1077 La Source et !'Esprit.. ....................................... 1725
La Loge du Grand Maitre o Menorah ...................................................... .
Les B§.tisseurs ................................................ . 538 Nucleus Fraternité ........................................... 1078 Le Mont des Alliances ...................................... 1730
Le Centre des Amis ......................... . 1 Beryte ................................................................ 1093 Antonin Careme ................................................ 1733
7 Les Bienheureux Saint Jean .......................... .. 543 Vertu-Honneur-Piete ........................................ 1098 Vanitas Vanitatum.......... ........................ .... 1745
France 1917 Les Antients ..................................................... . 549
Georgian ...................... . 11 Les Voix du Silence ........................................... 1106 Le Cylindre de Cyrus ........................................ 17 47
15 Robert de Sorban ............................................. . 568 William Shakespeare ....................................... 1108 Adoram .............. :............................................... 1748
Unity ........................... . Pierre de Saux ............................................. . 571
Derby ............................................................... . 16 Les Compagnons de Saint Andrews ................ 1129 Evrard des Barres............ .............................. 17 49
17 La Divine Proportion ............................ . 601 Les Enigmes de Saloman ................................. 1133 Gérard Tenque .................................................. 1751
Haven Lodge ................................................... . 602
Semper Fidelis ................................................ . 20 Le Sphinx ................................................ . Les Francs Batisseurs ..................................... 1138 Andrea Palladio .............................................. 1753
25 Les Droits de l'Homme ........................... . 604 Droits et Devoirs ............................................... 1140 Eos ..................................................................... 1757
Confiance .......................................................... . 638
Perseverance .................................................... . 27 Jean Mons ................................................. . La Veuve de Nephtali ....................................... 1158 Akademos......... ............................. ......... .. ......... 1758
29 Image et Symbole ..................................... . 639 Lumiere de Solon .............................................. 1166 Praxis ................................................................ 1759
Stability (Military Lodge) ................................ . 641
Phoenix ............................................................. . 30 Les Gloire du Centre ................................ . Le Verbe et la Lumiere ..................................... 1172 Les Sept Santes . ........................................... 1760
36 La Couronne Boréale ....................................... . 644 Pierre de Chelles........... ........................ ....... . 1196 Genesis .............................................................. 1761
Entente Cordiale .............................................. . 653
Les Amis Vigilants .......................................... . 38 NonNobis ......................................................... . Le Pyramídion .............. .. ....... .. ............ ............. 1200 Les Sublimes Ecuyers du Royal Secret ........... 1762
52 La N ouvelle Alliance ...................................... . 655 Orient-Occident ................................................ 1202 Roslin ................................................................. 1764
Benjamin Franklin (Military Lodge) .............. . 656
Fran.chise ......................................................... . 56 Harmakhis ....................................................... . Clio .................................................................... 1203 Le Cercle des Bátisseurs ............ ................... 1766
64 Bernard de Clairvaux ..................................... .. 657 Oculum .............................................................. 1221 L'Éternelle Lumiere ......................................... 1769
Europe Unie ·-·'·················································· 69 Am.alia aux Trois Roses ....................... . 670
Georges Washington .............. :........................ . 683 N ew-York Fraternité ........................................ 1223 Menatschim ...................................................... 1770
Villard de Honnecourt .................................... . 81 Le Rameau d'Or ............................................... . La Coquille ............................. .. .......... .. ......... ... . 1248 Ordre Rite et Art ............................................ 1771
85 Saint Jean du Mont de Mars 685 Le Phenix de L'Arche ....................................... 1257 La Triple Union ................................................ 1774
Chevalier Ramsay L' Arche de N oe ................................................ . 709
Etoile Ecossaise .. . 93 Les Voyageurs du Verbe ................................. 1265 Les Chevaliers_de la Sagesse ........................... 1775
100 Auguste Louis Derosü~re ................................. . 713 Semper Vivat .................................................... 1266 Le Chardon d'Ecosse ........................................ 1776
Astree .......................... . Le Lion d'Atlas ................................................ . 729
Anglo Saxon .................. . 103 Fraternidade Atlantica ..................................... 1267 Jean Coustos ..................................................... 1778
108 Le Chemin de la Reflexion ............................. . 732 Tchimpa Vita .................................................... 1779
Amitie et Bienfaisance 733 La Fraternité de l'Etoile ................................... 1270
Vox U crainae .......................................... . 117 Spontophoros ............................... . Honneur-Fidelite-Fratemite ............................ 1272 L 'Esprit et la Lettre .......................................... 1780
129 Le livre de la Loi Sacrée .................................. . 755 Le Lien Universel ............................................. 1279 Le Gnide du Ma~on ........................................... 1785
La Pierre Angulaire ...................... . 766
Les Trois Anneaux ........................... . 139 Les Chevaliers a la Rose ................................ .. Lys de France .................................................... 1297 Ma~ons du Monde ............................................. 1789
140 Les Compagnons du Phenix ............................ . 772 Merveilleux Ma~ons .......................................... 1324 Paris .................................................................. 1793
Ile de France .................................... . 777
Les Chevaliers de Saint Jean 145 La Tierce S acree .............................................. . Le Signe d'Amos ... .......................... .. ......... ....... 1326 Caledonia ............ .. ... .. .. ................... .................. 1796
146 Andrew Taylor Still ......................................... . 781 Ebene, Amour, Sérénité ................................... 1329 Les Hospitaliers de Neuilly Bineau ................. 1807
La Croix du Sud ............................... . 787
Attar ................................................................ . 157 Les Phéniciens ................................................. . Les Libres Carriers ........................................... 1346 L'Homme Universel .......................................... 1815
163 Vesper ........................................................ ······· 796 Symbole et Révélation ...................................... 1359 L'Omphalos ....................................................... 1819
Eole ................................................................... . 797
L'Etoile Austral e ............................................. . 169 Union des Coeurs ........ .'........................ . Castel del Monte ............................................... 1364 Foi et Tradítion ................................................. 1820
171 Les Cinq Continents ............................ . 799 Les Hospitaliers de Lutece ............................... 1378 Rosae Vitae ................ ........................... .. .......... 1821
Atlas ................................................................ . 808
Giordano Bruno .............................................. . 181 Les Compagnons du Tour du Monde ... . Le Rayon de Lumiere ....................................... 1383 Latium lntima Florero ..................................... 1827
184 Union Universelle ........................................... . 812
Roettiers de Montaleau .................................. . 828 Teilhard de Chardin ... ...................... .. .............. 1404 Sept en Un··········-'-··········································· 1829
FelixEboue 188 Chevaliers du Cinquieme Ciel Dédale ........... .. ................................... ............... 1406 Utopia .............................................................. 1847
190 La Lyre de Saloman ......................................... . 829 Les Chemins de la Fraternité .......................... 1417 Aimé Césaire......... ........... ... .. .. ...... ............. ..... 1893
Jean Baylot La Reine de Saba ............................................ .. 835
Pythagore ........................................................ . 193 Les Chevaliers de la Cité Sainte ...................... 1420 Tradítion et Modernité ..................................... 1898
195 Alcyon .............................................................. . 844 La Lumiere du Centre ...................................... 1428 La Regle en Douze Points ................................ 1899
Nour ............................................................... . 846
La Paix Supreme Ta-An .................................. . 207 Saint Jean d'Acre ............................... . L'Angelus .......................................................... 1443 Lumiere de Victor Schoelcher .......................... 1903
217 La Marche vers l'Etoile 851 Les Compagnons de Thalie .............................. 1458 L'Engagement Sacré ......................................... 1904
La Belle Page ................................................... . 854
Cosmos et Galilee ............................................ . 233 Les N oces de Cana .............................. . Couleurs du Monde ........................................... 1489 Yves Trestournel... ............................................ 1933
241 Les Peseurs d' Ame .............................. .. 855 Le Jardin d'Epicure .................................: ........ 1490
t;~~~:~·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 270
Lux Eternae ............................................ .
Les Messagers de l'Alliance .
Persévérance et Sincérité ................................ .
Rosa Mystica .... ,............................ . 294 Les Compagnons de l'Aurore 865
Les Chevaliers Ecossais .................................. . 316 Métier et Tradition ....... .
331 La Promesse ............................... . 868
L'Hermeneutique Ecossaise ............................ . 871
Les Fideles d'Amour ....................................... . 333 Les Trois Devoirs .......................................... .. LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
351 L'Hexagone ................................................... .. 881
Simon Bolivar La Cité ............................................................. . 886
Le Labyrinthe 360 Boulogne ........................ Adoration des Mages 45 Fountainebleau ....................... Les Fils de Noé 1615
382 Dar-Assalam ,............................................ . 890
~oachim Murat ................................................. .
900 Créteil ................................................Atheanae 334 Herblay .............. .......La Pléiade de l'Hautil 1673
Equinoxe .......................................................... . 427 La Banniere Etoilée ................................. . Créteil ................................................. .Imhotep 634 Herblay ............................... La Croix du Vexin 1717
459 La Belle Province .................................. . 905
La Valle e des Rois Silencieux ........................ . 909 Créteil.. ........................... Travail et Fraternité 1112 Herblay ................... Les Biltisseurs du Parisis 1718
486 Jerusalem ......................................................... . Fountainebleau ...................... Les Sept Etoiles 399 Herblay ........ Les Disciples de Pierre L'Enfant 1746
Les Maitres du Trait Paix et Harmonie ............................................. . 910
Honneur .................. . 492 Fountainebleau ............................... Friendship 491 Herblay ............................. Saint Jean d'Hiram 1811
505 Les Francs Ecossais ............·..·.'......................... . 915
Amadeus ................................................ . 917 Fountainebleau ...................... Etoile Burgonde 1338 Meaux ....................... Thibault de Champagne 576
Laurence Dermott ............................. :.. . 518 L'Epee Flamboyante ........................................ . Fountainebleau ........ Le Lys et la Salamandre 1452 Meaux .................................... La Clef de Voute 368
522 Le Sceau de Willermoz .................................... . 918
Le Beaucean ..................................................... .
List of Regular Lodges Masonic 287
Neuilly Sur Seine .. Liberté Egalité Fratemité 1790 Aytre ..................................................... Rupella 118 Cagnes Sur Mer ................ Stella Caussolensis 1871
Meaux ............................. ........ Trois Lumi8res 481
Ozoir La Ferriéres ............ Franyois de Tessan 1711
Aytre ............................... Saint Jean du Perrot 588 Cahors ................................. La Parfaite Union 389
Meaux ....................................... Saint Fursy!Le Ozoir La Ferriéres ............... Fatemité Briarde 1797 Bagneux-Saumur .............. Général de Lasalle 439 Cahors ............................... .L 'Étoile du Quercy 1317
Lys et la Salaroandre 1142 Bassou ............. Compagnons des Trois Vertus 455 Calais ................................ La Cite de l'Europe 1010
Neui!ly Sur Seine ............................ Qua Vadis 32 Saint Mandé ........................................ .Vitruve 1511 Bastia ......................................... Corsica Prima 265 Cambrai .......................... Les Pierres Jumelles 515
Neui!ly Sur Seine ............... Au Louis d'Argent 185 Saint Germain en Laye ... Sources de Lumi8re 1897 Bastia ....................................... .In Lux Limine 563 Cannes .................................................... Abbey 33
Neui!ly Sur Seine .......................... Les Cabires 379 Suresnes ........................................ Mnemosyne 1076 Bastia ............................................ A Grauitula 1285 Cannes ................................ La Cité des Saules 200
Neui!ly Sur Seine ......................................Aum 594
N euilly Sur Seine ........................... Pax in Deo 664
Torcy .......................................Jehan de Che!le 411
Torcy ............ Saint Georges Aux trois Ti!leuls 442 ~~;~~;;~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::st~ii~RM:~~ i~t
1 Cannes ........... Les Descendants de Saint Jean 560
Cannes ......................... Laurent le Magnifique 701
Neuilly Sur Seine .................................... Credo 770 Torcy .................................................... Ferveur 717 Bayonne .............................................. L'Abeille 311 Cannes ..................................... Saint Augustin 744
Neui!ly Sur Seine .................. Les Hospitaliers Torcy ...........................................Auld Alliance 873 Bayonne ............................... Donibanen Iguzki 420 Cannes ......................... Les Gardiens du Graal 760
Andersonniens 789
Neui!ly Sur Seine ................ Les Chevaliers de
l'Espérance 919
Torcy ....................................................Alacrité 972
Torcy ................................ Amour et Fraternité 1141
Torcy ..................................... La Pierre d'Angle 1259
~~~~::: .-.-.·.·.·_-_._._._.,_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i~ti~
Bayonne ...............Antaine d'Abbadie d'Arrast 1281
m Cannes ............................................. Evangelist 819
Cannes ............................ Dieudonné de Gozan 847
Cannes ............................. Les Fils de la Vallée 924
Neuilly Sur Seine .... Jules Hardouin-Mansart 933 Treroblay en France ............ L'Envol Fraternel 1513 Bayonne .......................................... Aice Hegoa 1316 Cannes ............................... Le Soleil de Lerins 1194
Neui!ly Sur Seine .................... Le Duc d'Antin 939 Versailles ..................................... Saint Hubert 284 Bayonne ......................... Unimus Philadelphos 1544 Cannes ....................................... Mont Moriyya 1212
N eui!ly Sur Seine ..................... La Voie Lactee 953 Versailles ...........................L'Anneau et la Nef 572 Beaucaire ........ Les Chevaliers de la Concorde 1802 Cannes ....................... Saint Jacques Audubon 1373
Neui!ly Sur Seine ..................... Les Europeens 1051 Versailles ..........................................Ad Lucero 859 Beaune .................................. L'Echelle Celeste 1282 Cannes ..................................... L'Oie et le Grill 1374
Neui!ly Sur Seine ................. L'Epee et la Rose 1116
Neui!ly Sur Seine ..................... La Perspective 1134 ~=~~:~n:~ ·.·.·_-.-.-.·.·.·_·.-.·.-.·.-.-s~i~t-·L~~i~-d~~~~~~;~~: ~g~ Belfort .......................... Les Amis Philantropes 482
Bellebat ........................................ La siroplicité 1310
Cannes ........................... Renaissance Rectifi.ée 1377
Cannes ............................................ Le Graharo 1399
Neui!ly Sur Seine ............. La Pierre de Bethel 1164 Versailles ................... Harmonie et Frater:nité 1064 Bergerac .......................... ........ Locus Occursus 693 Cannes .................................... Eloge du Désert 1401
Neuilly Sur Seine ........... Rythme et Harmonie 1219 Versailles ................... Saint Jacques de l'Epée 1085 Bergues ............... Post Tenebras Spero Lucero 1045 Cannes ................................. Les Encourdoules 1412
Neui!ly Sur Seine ......................... La Citadelle 1250 Versailles ......................................... La Croisée 1167 Beziers .................................... L'Irlandaise 503 429 Cannes ....................................................Anton 1413
Neui!ly Sur Seine ......... Les Piliers de la Terre 1264 Versailles ................................Les Trois Livres 1179 Beziers ........................................... Maat Ka Re 537 Cannes .................... .Independance Day Lodge 1470
N eui!ly Sur Seine ........... Les Trois Caravelles 1306 Versailles ....................... Le Fils de Prométhée 1515 Beziers .......... .... ........ Les Ecossais de Ginestet 1132 Cannes ........................................ Saint Cassien 1525
Neui!ly Sur Seine .................................. L'Eveil 1343 Versailles ................................................... Tara 1541 Beziers ...... Duc de Montnorency-Luxembourg 1278 Cannes .................................... Lord Brougham 1533
Neui!ly Sur Seine .......................... Les Auriges 1347 Versai!les ..................................... Grand Siecle 1570 Beziers .... Les Amis Réunis dans la Bonne Foi 1609 Cannes ............................. La Porte de Forville 1605
Neui!ly Sur Seine ................ Terre de Lumiere 1369 Versai!les ................................................ Séléné 1625 Bleriot ........................................ Outre Manche 14 Cannes .......................................... L'Oxybienne 1685
Neui!ly Sur Seine ...................... Ora et Labora 1550 Versai!les .........................Verita Honor Virtus 1682 Bonlier ................................ Martin Chambiges 337 Cannes ................... Le Phare de la Fourmigue 1734
Neui!ly Sur Seine ................... L' Acte d' Union 1588 Versailles ........... Les Chevaliers de Jérusalem 1825 Bonlier .................................................. Correos 1552 Cannes ........................... Saint Jean du Désert 1738
Neui!ly Sur Seine ......... Eveil et Transroission 1787 Versailles ........................................ Evangeline 1826 Bordeaux ......................................Anglaise 204 2 Cap Breton ................ Le Phare du Vieil Adour 836
Bordeaux .......................................... Burdigala 22 Cap Breton ..................... Estelle Dou Boucarot 1313
Bordeaux ......................................... La Fidélité 324 Cap Breton ............................. LaMer d'Airain 1557
LODGES OUTSIDE PARIS Bordeaux ...................... Fraternite Universelle 468 Cap Breton .............................. Jacques France 1713
Bordeaux ..........................................Aquitauia 558 Carcassonne .... Les Commandeurs du Temple 323
NAME AND NO. Bordeaux ..................................... La Fran~aise 609 Carcassonne .......... Raymond Roger Trencavel 825
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION Bordeaux .................. Bertrand de Blanquefort 908 Carcassonne ............ La Constance Couronnée 967
Bordeaux ............................... L'Esprit des Lois 958 Carcassonne ................. La Parfaite Verite aux
Ade ......................... Saint Jean de Massabie!le 275 Albi ................................................. Saint Salvy 1627 Bordeaux ..................... L'Entraide Fraternelle 968 Trois Couronnes 1233
Ade ........................................... Midi de•Bigorre 391 Albi ................ Le College de la Vraye Luroiere 1665 Bordeaux ................ Media Aqua Fraternitatis 1176 Carcassonne .............. Les Enfants de la Gloire 1459
Ade ........... Saint Jean de Jérusalem du Secret 1005 Albi .................................. L'Agape de Saloman 1823 Bordeaux .............................................. Diogene 1184 Carcassonne ......................... La Vraie Sagesse 1558
Ade ............................................. Semper Victis 1365 Albi .... Les Hospitaliers des Terres du Temple 1915 Bordeaux ................................ Le Serpent Vert 1299 Carcassonne .......... Les Ecossais du Lauragais 1643
Ade ........................................ .Idéal et Loyauté 1556 Albi ..... Les Intendants des Terres du Temple 1922 Bordeaux ........... Les Colonnes de Victor Louis 1382 Carcassonne ................. L'Alliance Fratemelle 1845
Ade ................................... Le Premier Mérdien 1691 AJes .......................... Saint Jean des Cevennes 273 Bordeaux ...............................................Ausone 1389 Carquefou ......................................... Le Triskel 173
Ade ........................................... Ste!la Bigorrae 1892 AJes ............................... L'Etoile des Cevennes 532 Bordeaux .......................... La Lumiere Océane 1467 Carquefou ......................... La Nef et l'Hermine 402
Agen ................................ Etienne de Lacepede 287 AJes ................................................... La Source 1288 Bordeaux ............................... Duc de Richelieu 1651 Carquefou ........................................... N omino e 436
Agen ......................................................Jasmin 610 AJes ................. Les Amis Rassembles d'Ecosse 1432 Bordeaux .............................. Fratres Trinitatis 1891 Carquefou .............................................. Titurel 702
Agen ........................................ Bernard Palissy 1362 Ales ....................................................... Euclide 1486 Brest ........................................... Etoile d'Iroise 1224 Carquefou ......................................J u!es Verne 1293
Agen .......................................................Virgile 1527 AJes ........................................ Pierre d'Aumont 1586 BrSst ..................................... LumiE!re d'Ecosse Carquefou ................... L'Harmonie Ligérienne 1633
Aix en Provence ...................................Voltiuia 264 Ales .............................. L'Olivier des Cévennes 1728 (Sklerijenn a Vro Skos) 1366 Carquef<iu .............................. Emmanuel Kant 1832
Aix en Provence ................... Rugues de Payns 430 Amiens ................................................. Picardie 136 Brest ............................................... Verbascum 1835 Carquefou ............................Anne de Bretagne 1838
Aix en Provence ....................... Sainte Victoire 898 Amiens .......................... o••••••• La Pierre Cachee 339 Brioude ......................................... Saint Julien 373 Carquefou ................................ .Stella Luminis 1857
Aix en Provence ..... La Décade Pythagorienne 1062 Amiens ...................... La Cathedrale Eternelle 577 Brioude ................................................. Le Lien 793 Castres .................................... La Triple Unite 392
Aix en Provence ..............................Archimede 1251 Angers .................................................. L'Arche 663 Brioude .................................... Ilpize et Arcons 1461 Castres ........... La Delta de la Montagne Naire 1102
Aix en Provence ...................................... Meroe 1301 Angers ........ Les Chevaliers de Foulque N erra 1619 Cagnes Sur Mer .................................. Neptune 432 Castres ................................. Unite Fratemelle 1218
Aix en Provence ........................ Saint Grégoire Angouleroe ........... Les Disciples de Saint Jean 122 Cagnes Sur Mer ...................Amiral de Grasse 599 Castres ...................................... La Méridienne 1575
l'I!luminateur 1474 Aries ..................................... Les Trois Saintes 1217 Cagnes Sur Mer .......... Saint Michel Archange 643 Castres ................ L'Aménité des Trois Vallées 1873
Aix en Provence ............................... Cervantes 1549 Arras ...................................................Perceval 1214 Cagnes Sur Mer .............................L'Art Sacré 743 Castres .....................La Fraternité du Sidobre 1907
Aix en Provence ...... Prince Edouard de Galles 1637 Arras ............................... La Constante Amitie 1225 Cagnes Sur Mer ............................... La Trinité 745 Chalan en Champagne .................. .... L'Arche
Ajaccio ........................................... .! Jovannali 297 Arras ................................ La Pierre de l'Artois 1683 Cagnes Sur Mer ............... La Garde Ecossaise 773 des Atalantes 1269
Ajaccio ..........................................Autel de Feu 388 Asniéres Les Bourges ................ Jacques Creur 226 Cagnes Sur Mer ..................... La Porte Etroite 822 Chalan Sur Saone ............. Bourgogne Progres
Ajaccio ....................................... Pasquale Paoli 659 Asuieres Les Bourges .................... Ad Augusta Cagnes Sur Mer ........................... Le Lys Sacré 845 Egalite 96
Per Angusta 617 Cagnes Sur Mer ........... La Rose de Villeneuve 848 Chalan Sur Saone ........................... Saint Jean
Ajaccio ........................... San Juan Evangelista 817 Aubenas ........................... La Pierre d'Ardeche 1542
Ajaccio ................................ San-Juan-Battista 818 Cagnes Sur Mer ..................... Les Trois Freres 850 des Vrais Amis 1327
Ajaccio , .......................................... Petra Corsa 1408 Auch ...................................Devoir et Tradition 608 Cagnes Sur Mer .........................La Seigneurie 896 Chalons Sur Sailne ................. Le Grain de Se! 1895
Ajaccio .................................................... Anima 1454 Augny .............................................. Fe!lowship 65 Cagnes Sur Mer ............................. Maimonide 897 Chiiteauroux ................... L'Arche de Johannes 267
Ajaccio ................................... Concordia Mundi 1497
Ajaccio ...........................................Unita Corsa 1508 !~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r;~~;;;;;:d~~V;~ci 2ló Cagnes Sur Mer .... Les Gardiens des Marches 904
Cagnes Sur Mer .................................Averroes 1163
Chiiteauroux ...... La Parfaite Union d'Arenton 1237
Chaumont .............. Les Compagnons du Delta 394
Ajaccio ........................................ Saint Miguele 1530 Augny .................................. Les Trois Maillets 582 Cagnes Sur Mer ........................ Le Mont Gibe! 1287 Chaumont.. .................................. Le Haut Ciel 401
Ajaccio ........................................A Madonuccia 1782 Augny .................................................. Sarastro 715 Cagnes Sur Mer. ................... Les Cd';}._'},~~= Chignin ................................. Les Trois Vallées 189
Ajaccio ......................... Corsican British Lodge 1902 Augny ................................... Croix de Lorraine 1006 1376 Chignin ..................................... La Fede Santa 487
Albervi!le ....... Les Cinq Anneaux Olympiques 534 Augny .................................................... .Veneto 1261 Cagnes Sur Mer ..................................... Renoir 1400 Chignin ..................... Saint Bemard des Alpes 804
Albertville ................. La Croix de Saint André 1709 Augny ........................... Les Freres d'Austrasie 1855 Cagnes Sur Mer ....................... La Porte Dorée 1441 Chignin ...................... Les Trois Lacs d'Amour 1151
Albi ............................. La Parfaite Inte!ligence 354 Aurillac ........................................... Marmontel 409 Cagnes Sur Mer ..........Antipolis Vieille Garde 1444 Chignin ................................... La Vierge Naire 1714
Albi .............. La Parfaite Harmonie de Gai!lac 985 Aurillac ........................................ Theodechilde 1173 Cagnes Sur Mer ........................ Saint Honorat 1445 Cléon ....................................Amitié Normande 31
Albi ................ Les Batisseurs de Sainte Cecile 1127 Avermes ................ La Vigilance Bourbonnaise 281 Cagnes Sur Mer .................. Le Verbe Ecossais 1535 Cléon .................................. La Rose des Runes 154
Albi ... La Tendre Fraternité de Royal Pologne 1603 Avermes ......... ! ......................................Exodus 1629 Cagnes Sur Mer ......... La Porte des Templiers 1571 Cléon .............. Saint Jean La Parfaite Fidélité 202
Albi .................................. Le Puits de Lumiere 1622 Aytre ................................................ Libération 8 Cagnes Sur Mer ................ Pie de la Mirandole 1654 e Cléon ............................................... Rotomagos 1053
Cagnes Sur Mer. ....... Les Cheva!iers du Soleil 1854 Cléon ................................... U nion et Progres 1139
288 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 289
Cléon ............................ La Coudée de Saloman 1334 Saint Lienne 1058 Marseille ........................................... Pax Vobis 1507 Nice ............................................. Saint Hospice 1531
Cléon ....................................... Sáint Wandrille 1532 La Ro che Sur Yon ..... ..... L' Heureuse Réunion 1559 Marseille .................................... Sainte Baume 1566 N ice ..................................................Bonaparte 1534
Cléon .............. La Fraternité de Saint Georges 1593 La Rache Sur Yon .............. Le Souffle de Jean 1679 Marseille ............................... La Pierre Etoilée 1628 Nice ................................................... Montolivo 1655
Cognac ..................................... La Salamandre 341 La Teste de Buch ....... Saint Jean de Guyenne 274 Marseille .............................................. Pytheas 1650 Nice .............................................. Melkitsedecq 1662
Cogolin ................ Les Disciples de Maimonide 1595 La Teste de Buch .....................Jean de Grailly 1477 Marseille ................................................. Protis 1699 Nice .......................................... Duke Ellington 1686
Colmar ........................ Jacques de Lichtenberg 276 La Tronche .............................. Les Trois Roses 151 Marseille ................................ Santa Restituda 1736 Nice ........................................................ .Italia 1727
Colmar .................... Sainte Richarde d'Andlau 1589 La Tronche .............. ............... Les Gardiens de Marseille ........................ Mary's Chape! Lodge 1839 Nice ............................ La Pyramide de Falicon 1781
Corbara - l'lle Rousse ..... Maréchal Sebastiani 1397 la Terre Sainte 194 Marseille .................................................... Zeus 2000 Nice .................................. Le Milliéme Ho=e 1818
Cran Gevrier ....................... La Garde Blanche 652 La Tronche .......................... La Terre du Soleil 345 Maubeuge ......................................... Marianne 75 Nice ....................................................... Cassini 1843
Cran Gevrier ........ L'Oiseau Blanc des Gliéres 1722 La Tronche ................... La Pendule a Saloman 586 Mende ................................................ Gabalum 512 Nice ............................................. Patria N ostra 1865
Cran Gevrier ............. Via Clavisque Sapientia 1817 La Tronche ...................................... Rex Gallus 633 Menton........................... Le Chevalier a l'Epee 765 Nice .............................. Le Gobelet et le Raisin 1869
Cusset .................................. Les Trois Mondes 280 La Tronche ..................... Le Lion et le Serpent 870 Menton .......................... Hildegarde de Bingen 767 Nice ................................................ Bethsabee 187 4
Cusset .........................................Aqua Laudae 1350 La Tronche ......................L'Anneau Lumineux 951 Mentan ................................... La Bonne U nion 1392 Nice .................................................. Saint Pons 1875
Cusset ............................... La Pierre d'Alliance 1504 La Tronche ...................... La Porte de l'Oisans 1111 Mentan ......... Les Templiers de la Consolation 1712 Nice .................................. Harmonie Ecossaise 1881
Decize ....................................................Abacus 903 La Tronche ......................................... Stendhal 1735 Mérignac ..................................... Les Mascaret 1512 Nielles Les Ardes ................. Le Bastion Royal 1866
Dijon ................................ Esperance-Vigilance 1215 Le Cannet des Maures ............................ Antea 132 Millau .......................... Gnillaume de Saunhac 805 Nimes ..................... Saint Jean de l'Emulation 220
Dijon ............................. Solidarités Bourgogne Le Cannet des Maures ..... Le Bailli de Suffren 254 Millau ..................... La Rose des Sept Collines 1844 Nimes ........................... Saint Jean de l'Amitie 229
~~~i!~~!;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~.:L~Jf~nr::f!ol g~i
Franche Comté 1813 Le Cannet des Maures .............. J.B. Villermoz 372 1 Nimes .......................... Les Chevaliers d'Alzon 469
Dale Claude Nicolas Ledoux 1143 Le Cannet des Maures ...................... Bartholdi 500 Nimes ............................................... Via Scotia 680
Domerat La Source de Vie 944 Le Cannet des Maures .............. Gustave Eiffel 600 Montauban .............................. Les Monts Alba 408 Nimes ............................................... Nemausus 928
Domerat ............................ Mont des Lumiéres 1130 Le Cannet des Maures .......... American Union 749 Montauban .......................... Les Trois Rivieres 1274 Nimes ............................................. Saint Louis 1822
Douai .............·.............La Voie du Septentrion 725 Le Cannet des Maures .. .' .............. Saint John's Montauban .................. L' Aménité de Noailles 1610 Nimes .......................................... Prince Edwin 1824
Draguignan ........................ Saint Hermentaire 1664 Lodge no 1 1032 Montbéliard ................... La Colonne d'Hermes 1720 Niort ................................. Les Amis de l'Ordre 98
Montbrison ....................... La Flute Enchantee 552 Niort ................... La Massenie du Saint Graal 365
Dunkerque ........................................ Jean Bart 19 Le Cannet des Maures ................. ~!sBJf~;s~~~~ Montfavet .................................... Dom Pernety 279 Nordpeenne ......... La Lamiere de Saint Bertin 708
Dunkerque .................. Les Dix Sept Provinces 550 1901
Dunkerque .......................... L'étoile des Dunes .1421 Le Coteau ............................. L'Éclair du Cceur 463 Montfavet ........................ Les Clés de Lamiere 798 Orleans .................. Les Ecuyers de Saint Jean 441
Etroeungt .................. c•••••• Solvitur Acris Hiero 17 4 Le Coteau .......................................... Rodumna 880 Montfavet ............................... Constantin lER 1449 Orleans .............................. Lumiere et Devoirs 619
~!~::fg;;~;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~.~~'. ercfo'lo':~ ~~~
Etroeungt ... c•••••••• La Lumiere de la Thiérache 1337 Le Cateau ...................... Les Chevaliers d'Urfe 1086 Montfavet ................................ Charles Barreis 1653 1 1
Evires ................................. L'epi et la Lumiére 1418 Le Cateau .................................. Pierre de Jade 1616 Mortrée ............................... Le Buisson Ardent 426
Evreux ............... Saint Jean aux Trois Vallees 305 Le Creusot ...................................... Gislebertus 478 Mortrée ................................... Aquila de l'Orne 1341 Pau ...................................................... La Force 607
Figeac ............................... Champollion Figeac 1159 Le Creusot ....................... Le Quatrieme Pilier 753 Mulhouse ................................. Basile Valentin 198 Pau ....................... Le Beau Ciel (Lo Beth Ceu) 1700
Figeac .................... Saint Paul Des Vrais Amis~1732 Le Hanouard ................................. L'Épi de Blé 724 Mulhouse ................................ Sir Walter Scott 1578 Perigueux ........................ Le Point de Reunion 262
Fletre ................... ,... Saint Jean au Val de Lys 381 Le Havre ..................... Saint Jean au Drakkar 328 Mulhouse .................... ,......... Spiritus Veritatis 853 Perigueux ........ Saint Jean Perfecta Concordia 1476
Fletre ....... Saint Jean Des Monts de Flandres 1466 Le Mans ......................................... Septentrion 248 Muret ......................... Saint Jean de Tiberiade 1631 Pierrelatte ........................ L'Abeille et l'Olivier 1065
Foix ................ Gastan Febus de Foix et Béarn 460 Le Mans ........................................ Hermanubis 1298 Muret ................................................. La Philia 1649 Pierrelatte ..... Les Chevaliers de Saint Michel 1246
Foix ............................... La Légende de Pyréne 1690 Les Marines de Gassin ................. Calidianisis 1894 Nangy ................................................ Solsequia 137 Pierrelatte :......... La Lance Sacrée d'Adhemar 1590
Fourchambault ................... La Voie Retrouvée 449 Le Touquet ..................................... Le Touquet 89 Nangy .............................................. La Tetrade 614 Pins Justaret .............................. .Irlandaise de
Fourchambault ........... Saint Jean La Colombe 673 Le Touquet Paris Plage ................. La Parfaite Nangy .............. Amour et Tradition du Leman 736 Barnewall-Kingsland 443
Fourchambault .......... Gnothi Seauton-Socrate 1363 Union de Saint Saulve 758 Nangy .................................. La Rose des Alpes 1768 Plerin ....................................... Les Sept Freres 144
Fours .......................... Geoffroy de Saint Omer 1236 Lens ............ Les Compagnons de Saint Druon 234 Narbonne ........ Les Philadelphes de Narbonne 448 Plerin ......................... ...... Erwan ar Gwirionez 541
Fours ......................................... Geoffroy Rudel 1695 Lens .................................. La Parfaite Fidelite 751 Narbonne ........................ L'Amitie a l'Epreuve 723 Poitiers ................................................. Pictavia 153
Gramat ..................................... Saint Amadour 1635 Leves ....................................... Le Tertre Sacré 340 Narbonne ................... Le Triomple de la Vertu 938 Poitiers ................ Saint Jean des Trois Vertus 245
Gramat ....................Amadeus les Freres Unis 1681 Leves ............................ Le Trait et la Lumiére 1332 Narbonne ................................ Saint Sébastien 1021 Poitiers ..................................... Charles Marte! 507
Gramat ........................ Les Beaux-Arts Réunis 1707 Libourne ......................................... La Caverne 1551 Narbonne ...........................................Via Nova 1022 Poitiers ................................................ Hypogée 1517
Graulhet............................. Pierre-Paul Riquet 627 Limoges ..................... La Tradition Limousine 121 Narbonne ................ Les Amis Devenus Freres 1074 Poitiers ............... Les Hospitaliers d'Aquitaine 1794
Graulhet ................................ Fidélité Occitane 1067 Limoges .................................... Semper Vigilat 310 N arbonne .................... James-Rector-Maclean 1238 Poitiers ......................... Les Sept Philadelphes 1890
Graulhet ..................................... Terre de Paix 1240 Limoges ..................................... La Pierre d'Or 461 N arbonne .................................... Pax Profunda 1342 Poitiers ............................. Le Cercle d'Imhotep 1919
Graulhet ...................... Les Enfants de la Paix 1621 Limoges .......................................... .Xenophane 462 Narbonne ........... :..................Joachim de Flore 1386 Pont a Mousson ....................... Les Vrais Amis 356
Graulhet .......... Les Vrais Amis de Giroussens 1634 Limoges ........................ La Courol}ne d'Epines 4 76 Narbonne .............................................. Tamino 1487 Portets .......................................Aurum Terrae 1175
Juan les Pins ...................................... Le Verbe 711 Limoges ..................................... L'Ecu Noiretor 965 Nice ....................................................... Lympia 72 Portet sur Garonne ............. L'Amitié Fervente 1124
La Garde .................................. Dieu et Liberté 58 Limoges ........................ Bernard de Ventadour 1113 Nice ................................................ Cemenelam 258 Portet sur Garonne ........ Les Coeurs Vaillants 1724
La Garde ............................................... Mozart 125 Limoges ............................ Le Chant du Monde 1411 Nice ................................. Saint Jean d'Afrique 263 Porto Vecchio .................. Saint Jean de Cursa 647
La Garde ......................... Les Deux Saint Jean 192 Lioujas ....................... Saint Jean de Rouergue 326 Nice .................................................... Garibaldi 317 Porto Vecchio ............................... Santa Giulia 1706
La Garde ...........................................Anderson 364 Lioujas ................................Aymeric de Carlat 911 Nice ............................................ Le Précurseur 424 Poussan .................... Saint Louis des Fran.;ais 1208
La Garde .................................................. Orion 377 Lioujas .................................. Elie Duc Decazes 973 Nice .............................................. Terra Amata 466 Poussan ......... Les Hospitaliers de Septimanie 1425
La Garde .......................................... La Marine 433 Lioujas ........ Les Amis de l'Ordre et de l'Union 1537 N ice ........................................... Comte de N ice 4 75 Poussan .....................................Aube Nouvelle 1465
La Garde ...................... Beufvier de la Louerie 718 Lombez ............................... L'Étoile de la Save 1375 Nice ............................... Fraternita Universala 616 Poussan ............................William Saint Clair 1587
La Garde ....................... La Flamme Ecossaise 719 Longueil Sainte Marie .................. .........Acacia 26 Nice .................................... La Regle Ecossaise 716 Poussan ....................... Lumiére de Saint Clair 1702
La Garde ...................................... Telo Martius 721 Longueil Sainte Marie ......... Gérard de Nerval 383 Nice .............................. Charite et Miséricorde 77 4 Puget sur Argens ...................... Mare Nostrum 302
La Garde ....................................... Cincinnatus 959 Longueil Sainte Marie ............. Saint Germain 527 Nice ..................................... .la Baie des Anges 946 Puget sur Argens .................. Rudyard Kipling 352
La Garde ............................................... Jupiter 960 Longueil Sainte Marie ...................... Mosalque Nice ....................................... Le Tétragramme 816 Puget sur Argens .............................. Parecelse 386
La G¡>rde ................. La Chevalerie Spirituelle 1001 Fraternelle 809 Nice ...................................................Athelstan 820 Puget sur Argens ........ Espoir et Persévérance 548
La Garde .......................................Vallis Laeta 1216 Macan ...................................................... Horus 660 Nice ........................ Les Disciples de 1'De Vinci 849 Puget sur Argens ..................... Fredericksburg 597
La Garde ............................!' Orient et le Trait 1352 Marmande ......... Les Chevaliers du Confluent 1104 Nice .................................... Springfield Garden 1160 Puget sur Argens ....................... Saint Jacques
La Garde ............................................. Tamaris 1353 Marseille ................................................ Gyptis 86 N ice .....................................Fils de la Lamiere 1161 le Bátisseur 813
La Garde ...................................................... .10 1438 Marseille ...............................................Abania 300 Nice.......................................................... Janus 1162 Puget sur Argens ............... Occident et Orient 1415
La Garde ............................. ,... Arbroath Abbey 1455 Marseille .................................. Rouget de Lisle 376 Nice ......................................................... Sothis 1195 Puget sur Argens ...... Forum Julii-Kilwinning 1638
La Garde ................................... D'Or et d'Azur 1475 Marseille ......................... Les Cedres du Liban 435 Nice ................................................ Saint Denis 1197 Puget sur Argens ......... Martinez de Pasqually 1837
La Garde .................. Le Prieurat de San Peire 1523 Marseille ..................................... Saint Ferreol 465 Nice ........................................ Thomas d'Aquin 1209 Puget sur Argens ...... Les Enfants de Minerve 1900
La Garde ......................... Le Rameau d'Olivier 1548 Marseille ....................... La Pierre du Jebusien 501 Nice ....................................................Acropolis 1213 Reims ..... ..... Les Trois Chevaliers de la Pi erre
La Garde ........................... Les Ecossais d'Azur 1640 Marseille .................................. Chevalier Roze 707 Nice ............................................. Paul de Tarse 1284 Pbilosophale 1446
La Garde ....................Les Dormanti d'Ephése 1670 Marseille ................................................Ararat 738 Nice .......................... Les Passeurs de Lumiere 1390 Rennes .......................... Les Freres de l'Avenir 179
La Garde ................................ La Rache Taillée 1696 Marseille ........................................... Le Pharos 740 Nice ...... Les Vrais Amis Réunis du vieux N ice 1391 Rennes ......................................... Gwen Ha Du 794
La Garde ............................. Les Trois Iles d'Or 1737 Marseille ...................................... La Tolér;mce 1097 Nice .................................... Nika!a-Kilwinning 1396 Rennes ................................ Le Cercle d'Avalon 1430
La Garde ..................... :.......... Loge O Provence 1809 Marseille ............................La Pierre et 1'Epée 1122 Nice ......................................... Les Trois Monts 1414 Rennes ............................................ Royal York 1538
La Gueriniere ............................ Lumiére d'her 1656 Marseille ....................................... Saint Victor 1182 Nice ....................................... .Ignace de Loyola 1471 Rennes ...................................Alain de Kerillis 1648
La Gueriniére .............. ....... Les Cceurs Réunis Marseille ......................... Jonathan le Goeland 1183 Nice ...................................... Le Delta Ecossais 1472 Retaud .................................... Robert de Craon 618
Rillieux la Pape .............................. Lugdunum 44
de la Philanthropie 1923
La Rache Sur Yon ............ Les Hospitaliers de
Marseille ................................................ Phocéa 1321
Marseille .......... Aurea Catena Carsicis Portus 1456 ~\~:·.·:.·.·.·.·.·:.·."."...".".·.·.·.·.·.·.·.".".".".".~~.".".·.·.·.~~in~o~ffle ~~~;!~l: ~~~~ Rillieux la Pape ...................... La Bienfaisance 164
Nice ................................_....... Principe Écossais 1529 Rillieux la Pape ... La Voie de la Connaissance 369
·· .. " .
290 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 291
Rillieux la Pape ............. La Louve en Mystere 421 Saint Etienne ......... Les Chevaliers du Pelican 591 Toulouse .......................................... La Sagesse 201 Valence .................................................. Kheops 228
Rillieux la Pape ......................... Du Syrobole a
la Connaissance 493
Saint Etienne ................... La Porte d'Occident 885
Saint Etienne .................................... Athelstan 1087
Toulouse ............................. La Parfaite Amitie
Toulouse .............. Saint Jean des Rospitaliers
288 ~~l~~~~·-·.·.·.·.·::::::::::::::::::ú~·E¡!,~~& tr~!~~ 18i~
Rillieux la Pape ...... Lumiere et Connaissance 535 Saint Etienne ......... Compagnons de l'Ondaine 1088 Toulouse ................................... Semper Regula 309 Valence ...... Les Chevaliers d'Empi et Riaume 1271
Rillieux la Pape ................ Les Deux Principes 536 Saint Etienne ...................................... Soleatus 1468 Toulouse ............ Comte Bertrand de Toulouse 313 Valence .............................. Les Eaux de Sevan 1447
Rillieux la Pape ....................Auguste Lumiere 621 Saint Etienne .................. Les Ecossais de Pyla 1554 Toulouse ............................................ Clermont 322 Valence ..................... La Fraternité de Crussol 1688
Rillieux la Pape .................... L'Angle Nord-Est 682 Saint Flour ................................. SaintVincent 837 Toulouse ...................................... Roi de Salem 380 Valence ................... Saint Joseph Creur Fidele 1906
Rillieux la Pape ............... Saint Jean d'Irlande 731 Saint Gaudens ..... La Candeur en Comminges 761 Toulouse ................Magisterium Patientiaque 483 Valenciennes ................................ Le Chevalier
Rillieux la Pape .................... La Sincere Union 764 Saint Jean de Gonville ......... Flumen Luminis 4 7 Toulouse ........................... Morale et Tradition 681 de Sainte Ryacinthe 1090
Rillieux la Pape .................. Aeterna Sapientia 783 Saint Jean de Gonville .......... Flumen Veritatis 55 Toulouse ....................... Les Sept Troubadours 879 Valenciennes ..................... Les Trois Colonnes
Rillieux la Pape .................. Lapis ex Sapientia 791 Saint Jean de Gonville ........................ Voltaire 168 Toulouse ......................... Les Fresques de Vals 948 des Rauts de France 1234
Rillieux la Pape .................. Fides et Sapieptia 824 Saint Jean de Gonville ........ Les Douze Portes 423 Toulouse ..................................... Les Dioscures 974 Varmes ............................................... Arthmael 488
Rillieux la Pape .................... L'Ancre de !'Ame 874 Saint Jean de Gonville ..........................Joseph Toulouse .........................................Albert Pike 1066 Vannes ............................... Treinded-la Trinite 984
Rillieux la Pape .......... Les Pélerins du Silence 964 de Bellegarde 923 Toulouse .................... Les Batisseurs Occitans 1070 Venejean .................. Les Arches Spiripontines 612
Rillieux la Pape .................................. Fiat Lux 992 Saint Jean de Gonville ...................... Les Trois Toulouse .............................. Les Trois Voyages 1072 Venejean .......................... La Parfaite Réunion 1148
Rillieux la Pape .... La Loge des Amis des Arts 1028 Labyrinthes 1073 Toulouse ..................... L'Esprit de Saint Louis 1096 Verdun ...................................... La Voie Sacree 470
Rillieux la Pape ................... Lumiere d'Ararat 1049 Saint J ean de Gonville ................... L'Etoile de Toulouse ........ Louis de Pardailhan de Gondin 1125 Veretz ............... Saint Jean Les Cceurs Réunis 545
Rillieux la Pape ...... Saint Martin de la Vallée 1052 Robert Burns 1877 Toulouse ............................... De Verbo Mirifico 1165 Vergeze ........................................ La Pyramide 690
Rillieux la Pape ....................... Le Sigue de Foi 1109 Saint Jean de Maurienne ...... Le Mont Thabor 1398 Toulouse ....................La Regle et la Tradition 1169 Vergeze ........................ Sir Alexandre Fleming 936
Rillieux la Pape ................... Fleur de Lumiere 1110 Saint Jean de Monts .......... Les Creurs Réuuis 1103 T.oulouse ..................................... Les Capitouls 1180 Vergeze ............................................ Font Aube 1387
Rillieux la Pape ...... Renaissance et Rarmonie 1181 Saint J ean de Vedas ........................... Phoebus 155 Toulouse ......................................... Capitolium 1189 Vergeze ................................... Via Ambrussum 1405
Rillieux la Pape ....... La Quadrature du Cercle 1333 Saint Jean de Vedas .................. Saint Jean de Toulouse ......................... Raimon vi le Cathare 1222 Vergeze ............................. La Truelle d'Argent 1424
Rillieux la Pape ................... La Sincere Amitié 1344 J érusalem 203 Toulouse .......................... Harmouie du Monde 1226 Vergeze ............................. La Vraye Rumanité 1546
Rillieux la Pape .................. Le Pavé Mosalque 1402 Saint Jean de Vedas ........... Sceau de Salomon 474 Toulouse .................... Les Chevaliers Occitans 1423 Vergeze ............................ Le Rameau d'Argent 1607
Rillieux la Pape ........................ Irénée de Lyon 1419 Saint Jean de Vedas ....... Saint Jean Eleyroon 1840 Toulouse ............................. Faternité Occitane 1563 Vergeze .................. Les Chevaliers des Arenes 1667
Rillieux la Pape ............ Le Parfaite Rarmonie Saint Jean de Vedas ............. Devoir et Raison 1853 Toulouse ......................... Les Enfants d'Edwin 1576 Vermand ................................. Quentin la Tour 308
Lyonnaise 1481 Saint Loup Sur Semouse ....... Saint Colomban 1331 Toulouse ..................................... Les Cinq Épis 1591 Vienne ................................. Le Parfait Silence 1054
Rillieux la Pape ................ Charité Universelle 1536 Saint Martin Boulogne .................. L'Heureuse Toulouse ............................ Le Camino Frances 1644 Vienne .............................. Spirit of Saint Louis 1126
Rillieux la Pape .........................Jean Tourniac 1599 Alliance 24 Toulouse ................... La Cape de Saint Martin 1647 Vienne ............................... Le Chevalier Blanc 1561
Rillieux la Pape ...... Les Enfants de Willermoz 1767 Saint Nazaire ......................... La Pierre de Se! 1596 Toulouse ..................................... .Alba Alliance 1687 Vienne ....................... La Chaine de Fraternité 1611
Rillieux la Pape .................... Sir Robert Moray 1833 Saint Pantaleon de l'Arche .................. La Voie Toulouse ............................... Lumiere Cathare 1721 Villefranche de Rouergue ........... La Cordialité 1788
Rivesaltes ................... La Constance Catalane 186 de Melki-Tsedeq 1851 Toulouse ............................. La Rosée des Ciels 1834 Villemurlin .......................... Sologne Tradition 54 7
Rives Sur Fure ....................... Les Sept Etoiles Saint Pantaly d'Ans Nicolas Melchior Toulouse .......................................... Ecce Romo 1885 Villeneuve d'Asq ............... The Builders ofthe
· de Chartreuse 694 de Szeben 1850 Tourgeville ........................................ La Clarté 327 Silent Cities 12
Rives Sur Fure ...................... .Stella Matutina 1345 Saint Paulles Dax ................. Prima Silvestris 358 Tourgeville ..................................... Stonehenge 979 Villeneuve d'Asq .................................. Entente 18
Rives Sur Fure .................... ... Les Taillandiers Saint Paulles Dax ................... Les Deux Clefs 593 Tourgeville ................. Tolérance et Fraternité 1335 Villeneuve d'Asq ............. La Sagesse Flandres 50
de Saint Blaise 1442 Saint Paulles Dax ......................... Alba Aquae 1689 Tournus .................................... Saint Philibert 1231 Villeneuve d'Asq ................... Le Lys et le Lion 221
Rivesaltes ................. Saint JeaiJ. en Roussillon 232 Saint Pierre du Mont .................... La Sobriété 1056 Tournus .........................Jean Baptiste Greuze 1860 Villeneuve d'Asq .................. Baudouin de Lille 759
Rivesaltes ...................... Les Rois de Majorque 237 Saint Pierre du Mont ...................... Saint Jean Tours ...............................................Akhenaton 24 7 Villeneuve d'Asq ........ Disciples de Charleston 1131
Rivesaltes ........................................ Saint Paul 329 l'Union Parfaite 1155 Tours .............................. Saint Martin Charite 581 Villeneuve d'Asq .................... Moriah et Ophel 1247
Rivesaltes .................................................Arria 524 Saint Pierre du Mont .. La Tradition Landaise 1367 Villeneuve d'Asq .................. Les Trois Rois De
Rivesaltes ......................... Saint Jean des Arts Saint Riquier ................ La Parfaite Rarmouie 404 ~~:!::::::::::::::::::::::::::~_a_
_?~~~Lé~~;:J~~p¡~: ilÓ~ Drie Coninghen
Villeneuve d'Asq ................... Les Compagnons
et de la Régularité 872 Sainte Gemme ..................... Loire et Tradition 1887 Tours ...................................................Mercure 1440
Rivesaltes ............. Les Amis de la Vraie Régle 1135 Saintes ........................... La Lumiere du Phare 1457 Tours ....................................... L'Idée et l'Outil 1501 de la Volite Céleste 1884
Rivesaltes ................ Orphée et les Argonautes 1509 Salon de Provence ................. La Voute Etoilee 746 Tulle ................................................ La Lunade 222 Wimereux ....................... Godefroy de Bouillon 6
Romaguat ...................................Vercingétorix 127 Salan de Provence ........ ............. Saint J acques Valence ................................. Prunelle de Liere 205 Wimereux ................................ Le Val d'Amour 1349
Romaguat ................................... Lux Perpetua 289 des Cavares 996
Romagnat ....................... La Pierre Volcanique 464 Sardan ....................................... Louis Devillas 1878
Romagnat ......................................... Trusatiles 551 Sarlat ............................ La Paix et la Candeur 952 LODGES OUTSIDE OF FRANCE
Romagnat ................................. Richard de Bas 615 Sartene .......................................... Terra Sacra 562
Romagnat ............................ Thomas J efferson 625 Sartene .................................................. Valinco 1602 Petit Bourg ............ L'Acacia de Marie Galante 1260
Romagnat ............................. L 'Etoile du Matin 635 Sartilly .............................. Louis d'Estouteville 1842 Cayenne .............................. Etoile Equatoriale 406
Cayenne ........................................ L'Astrolabe 503 Petit-Bourg ........ Les Neufs Freres des Alizées 1395
Romagnat ................ Guy Dauphin d'Auvergne 648 Saulnes ............... Chaine d'Union Européenne 183 Cayenne ........................ Tradition Universelle 587 Petit-Bourg ............. Les Freres de l'Rarmonie 1431
Romagnat .......................... La Grande Cascade 669 Saulnes ........................................ Tétramorphe 1242 Cayenne .............................................. Athanor 1185 Petit Bourg .......... Les Trois Lys de la Caraibe 1879
Romagnat ......................... La Chaine des Puys 714 Sens ................................................ Agendicum 676 Cayenne .................. Les Portes de l'Amazonie 1305 Pirae ....................................................... Te Ora 578
Romagnat ......................... The Mists of Avalon 893 Soulbrois ................ Général Pierre Quetineau 1043 Cayenne ................... Les Disciples de Vitruve 1663 Pirae ........................................................ Varua 479
Romagnat .............................................. mtreia 945 Strasbourg ......................................... Lafayette 51 Fort-de-France .................... Abraham Lincoln 152 Pirae ................................................... Te Aroha 1385
Romagnat ....................... Thomas Smith Webb 977 Strasbourg ............................. Carolus Magnus 128 Fort-de-France ...............Vigilance Fraternelle 230 Sainte Clotilde ......................... L'Rarmonie de
Romagnat ........................ Guérin de Montaigu 978 Strasbourg .................................... Saipte Odile 235 Fort-de-France ....................Victor Schoelcher 1191 l'Ocean Indien 413
Romagnat ..............................................Alberia 1119 Strasbourg ..................................... L'Epée d'Or 687 Fort-de-France ............. Martinique-Fraternite 1192 Sainte Clotilde ......... Les Ecossais de Bourbon 696
Romagnat ................... Rugues de Montrognon 1150 Strasbourg ................................... Karpophoros 1187 Fort-de-France ........................ Les Cceurs unis Sainte Clotilde ........ Les Chevaliers de l'Octan 856
Romagnat ............................... Castrum de Gui 1170 Strasbourg .................. Les Disciples d'Rermes 1463 de la Martinique 1783 Sainte Clotilde ........................................Aleph 995
Sainte Clotilde ..............N otre Dame d'Afrique 998
Kta~~~J~~~~_-.-.-.-.-.-.-:::.-:.-.-.-:::~e__r~'V~gre1l"~~~~ i~ó8
Romagnat ..................................Auguste Pavie 1275 Strasbourg .............................. J ohann Knauth 1505
Romagnat ................................. Pierre de Lune 1307 Strasbourg ..................... La Lumiere du Creur 1705 Sainte Clotilde ...........Alphonse de Lamartme 1303
Romagnat .........................Yves Gilbert Motier 1361 Strasbourg ........................ Saint Jean a l'Aigle Mamoudzou ................ Leopold Sedar Senghor 1639 Sainte Clotilde ..................... Ethique et Devoir 1433
Romagnat ........................... Robert 1~ d'Ecosse 1562 Royal d'Argent 1812 Marigot ................ La Fraternité Saint Martin 407 Sainte Clotilde .......................... Sarda Garriga 1480
Romagnat .................................... Blaise Pascal 1567 Strasbourg .... Loge de Bienfaisance Austrasie 1909 Marigot ........................ Soualiga Soleil Levant 1502 Sainte Clotilde ....................................... Albius 1498
Romagnat .................................. Jaques Delille 1568 Tergnier ....................................... Les Solstices 494 Moorea ................................................ Tiarama 1867 Sainte Clotilde .......................... Lislet Geoffroy 1516
Romagnat ....................................... Renri Price 1668 Thonon les Bains .................. Les Sept Paroles 814 N oumea .................................. .......... Laperouse 498 Sainte Clotilde ........ Le Phare de I'lle Bourbon 1598
Noumea ................................ La Rose de Corail 499 Sainte Clotilde ...................................... Galaad 1703
Romagnat ........................... Splendor Veritatis 1750 Thonon les Bains ................ Les Deux Spirales 1137 Sainte Clotilde ............. Docteur Mazae Asema 1800
Roscoff ....................................... Brittany/Breiz 225 Tossiat ......................... La Clef du Bon Renom 583 Noumea .................................................. Pacific 510
Noumea .......................... La Lumiere Australe 887 Sainte Clotilde .................................. Libertalia 1841
Rourebeau .......... Les Gardiens de la Citadelle 1355 Tossiat ...................... Terres de Saint-Exupery 1323 Noumea ................................... L'lle de Lumire 1280 Sainte Clotilde .................. Les Francs Créoles 1848
Rourebeau ........................ Loge du Connétable Tossiat .......................... La Regle de 24 Pouces 1744 N oumea ............ Recherche, Espérance, Vérité 1462 Sainte Clotilde ...................................... Guetali 1912
de Lesdigiueres 1816 Touet Sur Var .................... La Porte des Alpes 1286 Noumea ................................ Pacific Fraternity 1888 Saint Clotilde .......................... Santa A~lonia 1876
Saillagouse ................... La Parfaite Rarmonie Toulouse ................................................ Liberty 70
en Cerdagne 575 Toulouse ..................................................... .Isis 92
Petit-Bourg .................... L'Aigle de Saint Jean 412
~~i::i t~~:~ ·.-.-.-.-.-.-.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.-.-.-.-.-.-.·.·.·.·.·-~¿h~;e~~.,_. B:~~ m~
Saint Avold ..................................... Rilariacum 1698
Saint Etienne ......................................... .Vertu 269
Toulouse ........................ Saint Jean l'Ancienne 138
Toulouse ....................................... Rayroond IV 142
~~m=~~:t.-.-.-.:-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.·.·.·_·.-.-.-.-.-.-.:::·.-.~~~~t~ ~~i Singapour ................... Wandailan Fleur d'Asie 1636
Saint Etienne ... Les Co=andeurs du Phenix 559 Toulouse .................... Le Franc de Pompignan 167
292 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 293
FRANCE-Continued 1983 GRANDE LOGE DU GABON (G.L.G.) 2015
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, FRENCH NATIONAL GRAND LODGE. In addition to the Founded November 12, 1983
Grand Lodges listed in this publication, the French National Grand Lodge recogoizes the fol!owing: Alba- Lodges,14 Annual Meeting in November
nia; Andorra; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Congo; Djibouti; Estonia; Ghana; Guinea; Latvia; Lithuania; Mace-
donia; Mali; Montenegro; Mozambique; Niger; Poland; Slovakia; Slovenia; and the Prince Hall Grand
Lodges of Colorado, and Massachusetts. His Excel!ency ALI BONGO ONDIMBA JEAN-FRANQOIS THARDIN
French National Grand Lodge does not recognize the fol!owing Grand Lodges listed in this book: Grand Master Grand Secretary
Brazil: Acre, Alagoas, Amampa Amazonas, Bahia, Brasilia, Ceara, Goias, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Minas BP. 233 Libreville, GABON
Gerais, Para, Paraiba, Parana, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Rondonia,
Roraima, Santa Catarina, Sergipe, Tocantins; Columbia: Los Andes, Occidental Cali, Oriental Cucuta; Té!.: +241 01721462
Cyprus; Mexico: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Benito Juarez, Camp~che, Chiapas, Cosmos, Del FAX: +241 01721459
Pacifico, El Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Occidental Mexicana, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Unida Mexicana, Valle de Mobile: +241 07732616 ~-
Mexico; Tahiti and Archipelagos. Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, E-mail: [email protected]
lllinois and N orth Carolina.
Every year the Grande Loge Nationale Fran¡;aise Annual Communication/Grand Meeting is held on
the first Saturday of December. LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Foral! details relative to Foreigo Relations, please contact R.W. Bro. Jean-Pierre Rollet, Grand Chan-
cellor. Franceville ........................... Savorgna de Brazza 6 Libreville .............................. George Washington 21
Franceville ................................................ Aurore 16 Libreville ................................................. Loyaule 26
Koulamoutou ................... Omar Bongo Ondimba 20 Libreville ................................... Miguel Norayta 25
Lambaréné ..............................Albert Schweitzer 7 Makokou ................. .............................. Be!inga 17
Lambaréné .................... La Lumiere de l'Ogooue 13 Mouila ..................................................Fraternité 8
Lambaréné ...................... Les Pelous de l'Ogooue 22 Mouila ................................................... Solidarité 10
Libreville ................................................ Dialogue 1 Mouila ............................................... Universalile 23
Libreville .............................................. Tolerance 2 Port-Gentil... ..... Les Compagoons du Cap Lopez 5
Libreville ....... :............................................... Paix 3 Port-Gentil ................................................. Acacia 18
Libreville ........................... St. Jean·de l'Estuaire 4 Oyem ..................................... La Chaine du Nord 11
Libreville ............................. Harmonie Ecossaise 9 Oyem .................................. Mont Kum Fraternal 19
Libreville .............................................. Pythagore 14 Tchibanga ....................................... Persévérance 12
Libreville ..................................... Georges Rawiri 15
294 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 295
GERMANY-Continued GERMANY-Continued
Bad Pyrmont ...... Friedrich zu den drei Quellen 100 Bremen ........ Friedrich Wilhelm zur Eintracht 436 Frankfurt/Oder ....... Zuro aufrichtigen Herzen 97 Hannover ............................................... Baldur 576
Bad Reichenhall ... Bruderkette am Untersberg 792 Bremen ............................................ Zur Hansa 4 70 Freiburg ............................. Zur edlen Aussicht 142 Hannover ................... Zuro aufgehenden Licht 796
Bad Salzuflen ................... Quell der Wahrheit 956 Bremen .................................................. Herder 542 Freiburg ...................... Zu den drei Tannen im Hannover .......................... Licht und Wahrheit 927
Bamberg .... Zur Verbrüderung an der Regnitz 437 Bremen ..................... Zum silbernen Schlüssel 638 Schwarzwald 584a *Hannover....................... Bridge ofFellowship 929
***Bamberg ............................................Acacia 832 Bremen ................Anschar zur Brüderlichkeit 662 Freiburg ............................................. Aquarius 912 Hannover ...................... Georg am Hohen Ufer 975
Bautzen .......................... Zur Goldenen Mauer 200 Bremen ..................... North Sea Armed Forces 829 Freudenstadt .......... Zuflucht im Schwarzwald 898 Heide/Holst ....................................... Georg zur
Bayreuth .......... Eleusis zur Verschwiegenheit 6 Bremen ............ Roland zu den Alten Pflichten 943 Friedberg ............ Ludwig zu den drei Sternen 375 Dithmarscher Treue 793
Bayreuth .............................. Quatuor Coronati 808 Bremen ........................................ Kuzey Yildizi 1058 Fulda .............................. Zum Frieden-La Paix 1037 Heidelberg........... Ruprecht zu den fünf Rosen 372
Bergisch Gladbach ................... Matteo Alberti 1020 Bremen-Vegesack ...........Anker der Eintracht 473 Fürth ............ Zur Wahrheit und Freundschaft 201 *Heidelberg ...............Alt Heidelberg-Fidelites 821
Berlin ..........................................Zur Eintracht 29 Bremerhaven .................... Zu den drei Ankern 394 *Fürth ........................... Truth and Friendship 828 Heidelberg .................................... .Vi Veritatis 940
Berlin ......................... Zuro flammenden Stern 62 Bremerhaven ... Zum rechtweisenden Compass 537 Gardelegen ............. Drei Türme im Hopenfeld 1007 Heilbronn ................... Zum Brunnen des Heils 367
Berlin ............................... Zum goldenen Schiff 68 Brunsbüttel ...................................... Ditmarsia 460 Garmisch-Partenkirchen ... Rose im Alpenland 795 tt*Heilbronn ............................. Forget Me Not 896
Berlin .......................................... Zuro Pegasus 71 Celle ..................... Zum hellleuchtenden Stern 242 Gelsenkirchen .................. Glückaufzum Licht 574 Hehnstedt ...Julia Carolina zu den drei Hehnen 248
Berlin ................. Zuro Todtenkopfund Phiinix 73 *Celle ..................................................... Saxony 842 Gera ............................ ....... Heinrich zur Treue 434 Helmstedt ................. Julius zu den drei Hehnen 1019
Berlin ............................ Zu den drei Seraphim 86 Chemnitz ................................... Zur Harmonie 191 Giessen .............................. Ludewig zur Treue 122 Heppenheim .......................... Zur Starkenburg 1030
Berlin ............................ Zur Verschwiegenheit 88 Chemnitz ...................................... Harraseiche 705 *Giessen .......................... Friends on the Lahn 860 Herford ..................................... Zur roten Erde 524
Berlin ........................................... Zuro Pilgrim 107 Clausthal-Zellerfeld ......................... Georg zur Gorlitz ........................ Zur gekronten Schlange 49 *Herford ........................... The Rose of Minden 918
Berlin ............................... Zuro goldenen Pflug 108 gekronten Saule 361 Gottingen .........Augusta zum goldenen Zirkel 22 Herne ............................... Eiche aufroter Erde 683
Berlin ................... Urania zur Unsterblichkeit 183 Coburg ........................ Zur Friinkischen Krone 267 Gcslar ......... Hercynia zum flammenden Stern 223 Hildesheim ...... Pforte zuro Tempel des Lichts 46
Berlin .......... Friedrich Wilhelm zur gekronten Cottbus ................ Zuro Brunnen in der Wüste 180 Greifswald ................ Carl zu den drei Greifen 33 Hof.. ..................................... Zum Morgenstern 193
Gerechtigkeit-Pythagoras Cuxhaven ...........Anschar zum Friedenshafen 505 Greifswald ............................................. Eldena 992 Hof ...........................................................Arche 988
zuro flammenden Stern 184 Darmstadt ................................... Johannes der Guromersbach ....... Zur Oberbergischen Treue 575 Holzminden ........................... Stern am Solling 553
Berlin ........................ Zur siegenden Wahrheit 185 Evangelist zur Eintracht 266 Güstrow ................................... Phoebus Apollo 211a Holzminden .............................. Frei und Offen 1005
Berlin .......................... Blücher von Wahlstadt 296 Darmstadt ............. Zum flammenden Schwert 663 Haar ............................................................ Lux 1042 Hoya ................. St. A!ban Zuro Aechten Feuer 150a
Berlin ...............Victor zuro goldenen Hammer 307 Delmenhorst ............. Horst zur Bestiindigkeit 794 Hagen!Westf........... Victoria zur Morgenrothe 374 Husum .......... Zur Bruderliebe an der Nordsee 563
Berlin ....... Friedrich Wilhelm zur Morgenrote 370 Delmenhorst ................. Lessing an der Delme 908 Halberstadt .......... Friedrich zur Morgenrothe 547 Idar-Oberstein ...................Zum Felsentempel 424
Berlin ................................................ Zur Treue 428 Dessau-Rosslau ................. Zu den drei Siiulen 623 Halle .......... Zu den fünfTürmen am Salzquell 476 Ingolstadt ................. Theodor zur festen Burg 210
Berlin ................. Bruderbund am Fichtenberg 4 77 Detmold ....... Zur Rose am Teutoburger Walde 338 Halle ................. Friedrich zur Standhaftigkeit 548 Iserlohn ................. Zur deutschen Redlichkeit 179
Berlin .................................................. .Victoria 492 Dortmund ................................ Zur alten Linde 368 Hamburg ........... Absalom zu den drei N esseln 1 Itzehoe ...........Wilhelm zum gekronten Anker 415
Berlin .............................Hammonia zur Treue 496 Dortmund ..............Reinoldus zur Pflichttreue 598 Hamburg....... St. Georg zur grünenden Fichte 12 J en a .................... Friedrich zur ernsten Arbeit 485
Berlin .................. Friedrich Ludwig Schroeder 506 *Dortmund ................................ Forget Me Not 1035 Hamburg ............................. Zu den drei Rosen 61 Jena ..................... Zur Akazie am Saalstrande 487
Berlin .............................Drei Lichter im Felde 513 Dresden ...................... Zu den drei Schwertern Hamburg .......................... Zur goldenen Kugel 66 Jever ..................................................... Blücher 770
Berlin ................ :Galilei zur ewigen-Wahrheit 516 und Astraa zur grünenden Raute 3 Hamburg ......................................Zuro Pelikan 69 Jülich .......... Wahrheit und Einigkeit zu den 7
Berlin ............................ Pestalozzi-Humanitas 530 Dresden ............................ Zum goldenen Apfel 119 Hamburg ............................. Zuro rothen Adler 82 vereinigten Brüdern 263
Berlin ..... Excelsior zum Spiegel der Wahrheit 532 Dresden ........................... Zum goldenen Kreuz 498 Hamburg ................ Emanuel zur Maienblume 85 Kaiserslautem ....................................... Galilei 810
Berlin ................... Kurfürstin Luise Henriette 534 Düsseldorf ..................... Die drei Verbündeten 217 Hamburg ............. Ferdinande Caroline zu den *Kaiserslautern ... Galilei-George Washington 810A
Berlin .............................. Zur siegenden Sonne 580a Düsseldorf ............................. Rose und Akazie 518 drei Sternen 105 Kaiserslautern ..... Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 965
Berlin ........................Am Berge der Schonheit 581a Düsseldorf ............................J ohann Wolfgang Hamburg .................... Zuro grossen Christoph 117 Karlsruhe ............................ Leopold zur Treue 151
Berlin .................................. Ring der Ewigkeit 615 Amadeus Mozart 830a Hamburg ...................... Ferdinand zum Felsen 156 Karlsruhe ................................... Zur Pyramide 582
Berlin ..... Friedrich der Grosse-0-Prometheus 618 *Düsseldorf ................................... Niederrhein 892 Hamburg ................................ Carl zuro Felsen 178 Karlsruhe ......................... Friede und Freiheit 750
Berlin ................... Friedrich zur Lichten Hohe 619 Düsseldorf.......................... Spectemur Agendo 932 Hamburg .......J acob DeMolay zuro N ordstern 249a *Karlsruhe .......................................... Fidelitas 830
Berlin ................................... Zu den drei Lilien 648 *Düsseldorf .........................................Anadolu 1046 Hamburg ...... Zur unverbrüchlichen Einigkeit 276 Kassel ......................... Goethe zur Bruderliebe 74
Berlin ........................... Zu den A! ten Pflichten 657 Düsseldorf ............................................ Avalun 1052 Hamburg............... Boanerges zur Bruderliebe 317 Kassel... ................................Zur Freundschaft 579
Berlin ................ Zuro groBen Licht im Norden 667 Duisburg .......................... Zur Deutschen Burg 294 Hamburg ... Emst August zum goldenen Anker 377 Kasse!... ................... Durch Licht zuro Frieden 876
Berlin ............................ Zuro schwarzen Adler 699 Eberswalde-Finow ............. Friedrich Wilhelm Hamburg ................................................ Globus 441 Kassel .......................................Tor zum Osten 982
Berlin .................................................Aufwarts 709 zu den drei Hammern 3 71 Hamburg ............................................... Roland 489 *Kehl ......................................................... Eifel 855
*Berlin .................................................Phoenix 84 7 Eckernfórde ..................... Leuchte am Strande 459 Hamburg ............................ Matthias Claudius 490 Kempten ............................... Zum Hohen Licht 814
*Berlin ................................. Berlin 46 Outpost 895 Einbeck. ................... Georg zu den drei Saulen 182 Hamburg ..........................Vom Fels zuro Meer 511 Kiel ................................... Alma an der Ostsee 414
(formerly Berlin 46 #933 and Outpost #895) Eisenach ................... Zur Krone der Elisabeth 523 Hamburg ...................... Phoenix zur Wahrheit 565 Kiel ........................... Frithjof zuro N esselblatt 595
Berlin ............................ , ............ Zur Werkstatt 979 Emden .........................................Wahre Treue zur Hamburg ....................... Eintracht an der Elbe 581 Kitzingen ..... Thekla-eine Leuchte in Franken 724
Berlin ............................... Gustav Stresemann 1000 Ostfriesischen Union 330 Hamburg ......................... Zur Hanseatentreue 585 ***Kitzingen ............... Hands across the Main 879
Berlin ................................ ,............Avantgarde 1011 Emmerich ........ ................... .Pax inimica malis 160 Hamburg .......Armin zur Treue und Einigkeit 591 Koblenz ............ Friedrich zur Vaterlandsliebe 278
Berlin ............................ Brücke zuro Bosporus 1036 Erfurt ................................................Alpha Ori 997 Hamburg .................................... Konrad Ekhof 601 Koln ...................................... Zuro ewigen Dom 363
*Berlin ............................... Thistle and Saltire 1040 Erlangen ............. Libanon zu den drei Cedern 34 Hamburg ........................................... Zuro Gral 632 Koln ............... Freimut und Wahrheit zu Coln 560
Bernburg .............. Alexius zur Bestaendigkeit 278a Erlangen .................................. Jacob DeMolay 'Hamburg ............. Zur festen Burg an der Elbe 659 Koln ............................................... Ver Sacrum 797
Bielefeld ..............Armin zur deutschen Treue 337 zuro Stern im Süden 249b Hamburg ......................................... A!te Treue 707 Koln ......................................Albertus Magnus 923
Bielefeld ............................. Freiherr vom Stein 697 Essen ......................................Alfred zur Linde 385 Hamburg .......................... Licht und Wahrheit 717 KO!n ..............................................Yunus Emre 1015
*Bielefeld .......................................... Britannia 843 Es sen .................................................... Schiller 649 Hamburg ................ Zur Deutschen Nordmark 728 Konstanz ................ Constantia zur Zuversicht 410
Bielefeld ........................... Zur Brudertreue im Esslingen/Neckar ........... Zur Katharineulinde 786 Hamburg ................................. Zur Erkenntnis 756 Krefeld ......................................................... Eos 364
Ravensberger Land 968 Eutin ............................... Zum Goldenen Apfel 70 Hamburg .............. Friedrich Ludwig Schroder 800 Krefeld ............. Zu den drei schwarzen Adlern 910
Bielefeld ............................................ apre aude 1059 Flensburg .......Wilhelm zur nordischen Treue 420 Hamburg ......... Zur Brudertreue an der Alster 805 Kulmbach ............ Friedrich zur Frankentreue 525
Bingen ............ Zuro Tempel der Freundschaft 418 Flensburg .......................... Leuchte im N orden 762 Hamburg ............................. Die Brückenbauer 806 *Kronweiler (see Pirmasens) ......... N ahe Temple 824
Bochum .................. Zu den drei Rosenknospen 149 Frankenthal... .... Zur Freimütigkeit am Rhein 225 *Hamburg ..............................Anglo Hanseatic 850 Lahr ................Allvater zuro freien Gedanken 421
Bochum ................................................. Helweg 674 Frankfurt a.M ............................. Zur Einigkeit 11 Hamburg..............................Am Ranhen Stein 888 *Lahr ............................................ Black Forest 901
Bonn ............................ Friedrich Wilhelm zuro Frankfurt a.M ... Sokrates zur Standhaftigkeit 198 Hamburg ................................... Theodor Vogel 949 *Lahr ................................... Les Douze Étoiles 1049
Eisernen Kreuz 268 Frankfurt a.M ... Carl zum aufgehenden Licht 273 *Hamburg ......................... Benjamin Franklin 1055 Leer/Ostfiiesland ................ Georg zur wahren
Bonn .............................................. Prometheus 268a Frankfurt a.M ... Wi!helm zur Unsterblichkeit 501 Hameln ......................... Zur Koniglichen Eiche 121 Brudertreue 384
Bonn ............ Beethoven zur ewigen Harmonie 742 Frankfurt a.M ..................Aufwiirts zuro Licht 741 Hamm/Westf......................... Zuro hellen Licht 169 Leipzig ................ Minerva zu den drei Palmen 7
*Bonn ................................. Bond of Friendship 890 Frankfurt a.M ...................................... Lessing 769 §*Hanau ................................................. Ashlar 894 Leipzig ....................................................Apollo 212
Bonn ..................................................... Kosmos 924 *Frankfurt a.M ..................... United American 819 Hann Münden ................................ Pythagoras Leipzig ................................ Balduin zur Linde 226
Bonn ...............Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 960 ***Frankfurt a.M .........................U.S. Hessen 844 zu den drei Stromen 192 Limburg/Lahn ...............Zu den drei Thürmen
Brandenburg ................. Friedrich zur Tugend 129 ***Frankfurt a.M........ Frankfurt on the Main 861 Hannover .......... Friedrich zuro weiBen Pferde 19 an der Lahn 507
Braunschweig ......... Carl zur gekrOnten Saule 15 ***Frankfurt a.M ................... Oregon Military 936 Hannover ......................... Zuro schwarzen Bar 79 Lindau ....................... .Insel zu den Drei Ufem 802
Braunschweig .................. Zuro Neuen Tempel 541 *Frankfurt a.M ..... ACGL PM Research Lodge 950 Hannover. ......................................... Zur Ceder 116 Lippstadt ..................... Zuro lebendigen Kreuz 333
Braunschweig ..... Friedrich zur Bestiindigkeit 807a Frankfurt a.M .................. L'Union Résurgente 972 Hannover ......... Wilhelm zur deutschen Treue 528 Lorrach ..................................Aurum Nostrum 994
Bremen .....................................• Zum Oelzweig 158 *:j:Frankfurt a.M ................................... Türkay 995
* English speaking. t Merged, see Wurzburg, Cornerstone 836. tt Merged, see Stuttgart 822. :j: Turkish speaking.
* English speaking. t Merged, see Lahr, Black Forest 901. *** Merged, see #819 in Frankfort a.M. *** Merged, see Schweinfurt, Mystic Tie 1032. §Merged, see Wiesbaden Luftbrücke #838
§ Merged, see Wiesbaden, Luftbrücke & von Steuben No. 838.
~--------------------------------------------------------~--_. .. ________________________________________________
._ ~--------------------------
296 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 297
GERMANY-Continued GERMANY-Continued
Lorrach ................................ Leonardo da Vinci 1064 Nürnberg ................................... Zur Gralsburg 826 Trier .......... Zum Verein der Menschenfreunde 211 silbernen Anker 454
Lorsch ............................................ Porta Regis 1033 Nürnberg ............. Weg zu Wahrheit und Licht 1048 *Trier ............................................ Paul Revere 1063 Wismar ............................. Zur Vaterlandsliebe 284
Offenbach ......... Carl und Charlotte zur Treue 250 Uelzen .................. Georg zur Deutschen Eiche 388
Wittdün/Amrum ...............................Ambronia 914
231 Oldenburg ..................... Zum Goldenen Hirsch 98 *Ulm-Donau........................................ Münster 831 Wolfenbüttel ....... Wilhelm zu den drei Siiulen 352
wiedererbauten Tempel 369 Oldenburg .......... Zum Aufbruch an der Hunte 1045 Ulm .......................Astraea zu den drei Ulmen 170 Wolfsburg .......... Carl zur siegenden Wahrheit 811
**?i'Ludwigsburg (see Frankfurt) ............... Hiram 819 Osnabrück ....................... Zum Goldenen Rade 219 Ulm ............................................... C.D. Hassler 967 Worms ......... Zum wiedererbauten Tempel der
*Ludwigsburg ..................................... Solomon 822 *Osnabrück .............................................. Doric 886 *Unna ...................................... Kent Tucholsky 1060 Bruderliebe 135
Ludwigshafen .... Pylon zur Leuchte am Rhein 911 *Osnabrück ........................ Thistle and Saltire 1040 Villingen .... Zukunft an den Quellen d. Donau 954 *Worms ....... ................... Peter M. Rasmussen 916
Lübeck ........................................ Zum Füllhom 72 Osterode/Harz ...... Zum Tempel der Eintracht 172 *Vilseck ............................................... Pyramid 869 Würzburg.... ................... Zu den zwei Saulen
Lübeck ....................................... Zur Weltkugel 130 Paderborn ............ Zum leuchtenden Schwerdt 206 Weimar ......... Arma Amalia zu den drei Rosen 50 an der festen Burg 426
Lübeck ............................ Zur Weltbruderkette 807 *Paderborn ......................................... Neuhaus 946 Wernigerode ................. Zum starken Licht am ***Würzburg ................................ Cornerstone 836
Lüdenscheid .......... Zuro Miirkischen Hammer 480 Passau .......... Zu den vereinigten drei Flüssen 113 Brocken/Zur Eiche am Scharfenstein 540 Würzburg .............................. Zur weissen Lilie 871
Lüneburg ............ Selene zu den drei Thürmen 88a Passau ............................. Zuro Goldenen Steig 998 Wesel ........................ Zum Goldenen Schwerdt 93 Wunsiedel ..... Brudertreue an der Luisenburg 787
*Lüneburg ............................................. Europa 1051 Pforzheim ........................................... Reuchlin 409 Westerland/Sylt ............ Frisia zur Nordwacht 650 Wuppertal... .. Hermann zum Lande der Berge 256
Lutherstedt Eisleben ... Zuro aufblühenden Baum 269 Pirmasens ............. Zur Treue am Berge Horeb 701 Wetzlar .............. Wilhelm zu den drei Helmen 51 Wuppertal ............................................ Lessing 412
Magdeburg ....... Ferdinand zur Glückseligkeit 40 t*Pirmasens ............. Mount Moriah Two Bridges Wiesbaden .... Plato zur bestiindigen Einigkeit 125 Wuppertal.. .... Zur Bruderkette im Wuppertal 640
Magdeburg ................................... Harpokrates 312 Nahe Temple 823 Wiesbaden ... Mozart zur Liebe und zur Pflicht 684 Wuppertal.. .................. Friede und Fortschritt 702
Mainz .................... Die Freunde zur Eintracht 203 Plauen ............................................... Pyramide 293 *Wiesbaden........ Luftbrücke und von Steuben 838 Wyk aufFtihr ....... Zum Anker an der Nordsee 745
Mannheim .......................... Carl zur Eintracht 31 Potsdam .............................................. Minerva 59 Wiesbaden ........ Humanitas zu den drei Lilien 930 Zittau ..... Friedich August zu den drei Zirkeln 265
Potsdam ........................................ Zum Widder 109 Wiesbaden ................. Zur erstrebten Weisheit 985
~rJ=~rm;·cM~~g~d~~~h:_~R~~iP!Wo~Jeit s2o Potsdam ....................... Teutonia zur Weisheit 236 Wiesbaden ...................... Square & Compasses 1043
ttt*Zweibrücken ........... Lodge of Two Bridges
Zweibrücken ............................... Zwei Brücken
Triangle 834 Potsdam ........................... Stern von Sanssouci 751 Wilhelmshaven ........................... Wilhelm zum auf den drei Siiulen 905
Mannheim Im Quadrat 925 Potsdam ...................... Henning von Tresckow 1044
Mannheim ....... Zur Sonne im Rechten Winkel 951 Prenzlau ..................................... ZurWahrheit 175
Mannheim .................. .Im Licht der Pyramide 958 Putbus .............................. Rugia zur Hoffnung 351 * English Speaking t* Nahe Temple No. 824 merged. ***Merged, see Schweinfurt. Mystic Tie
Mannheim .......................................... Kurpfalz 976 Quedlinburg ............ Zur bestiindigen Freiheit 987 1032
Mannheim ........................................... Palatina 1022 Recklinghausen ... Zur Weltbruderkette im Vest 973 OVERSEAS LODGES: Five additional English-speaking Lodges in mid-East are: Arabian-Milo 882;
Marburg ........................... Jacob DeMolay zuro Regensburg ....................... Drei Schlüssel zuro Nejma 897; Red Sea 919; Pyramid Lodge ofPast Masters No. 962; Desert Rose No. 1026, Toga/Lomé Nachtigal
flammenden Stern 249 aufgehenden Licht 54 zur Budertreue 947. Correspondence for these, and other English-speaking* lodges in this list, should be
Marburg ........................... Jacob DeMolay zum Regensburg ........Wallhalla zu den fünfRosen 1061 directed to Michael Franklin, Grand Secretary-American Canadian Grand Lodge-Postfach 1201 82242
Stein im Westen 249c Remscheid ............. Zu den Romeriken Bergen 551 Fuerstenfeldbruck, Germany. Tel.: +49 8141 3631688. Email: [email protected].
Marburg............................. Zu den drey Lowen 974 Remscheid ................ Zur Stadt auf dem Berge 677 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF GERMANY. The United Grand Lodges of
*Marienfeld ....... :........................ New Absalom 841 Rendsburg ........................................ Nordstem 408 Germany do not recognize the following Grand Lodges in this list: Brazil: Alagoas, Amapa, Para, Pernam-
Meerbusch ............................... Heinrich Reine 978 Reutlingen ............... Glocke am Fusse der Alb 4 78 buco, Piaui, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondonia, Tocantins; Cameroon; Colombia: Los Andes, Oriental Cucuta,
Meiningen ............................ Georg Liberalitas 993 Rosenheim ............................. Phoenix aus den Santander; MexiCQ: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Benito Juarez, Campeche, Chiapas, Cosmos, Del
Michelstadt .................................... Zu den drei drei Flammen 1038 Pacifico, El Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Occidental Mexicana, Tamaulipas, Unida Mexicana, Valle de Mexico;
Sternen im Odenwald 791 Rostock ............................. Zu den drei Sternen 38 Haiti; Prince Hall Grand Lodges ofCalifornia, North Carolina, New York, and Ontario, Canada.
Minden!Westf.. .. Wittekind zur Westfálischen Rostock .......................... Tempel der Wahrheit 195 In addition to the Grand Lodges published in this list, the United Grand Lodges of Germany also rec-
Pforte 133 Rothenburg o.d.T ............. Zu den drei Türmen 790 ognize the following: Albania; Andorra; Bosnia & Herzegovina; Congo; Estonia; Guinea; Latvia; Lithuania;
*Monchengladbach-Rheindahlen ............. Star Rudolstadt ................... Günther zur Eintracht 386 Mali; Macedonia; Montenegro; Niger; Poland; Slovenia; Slovokia; Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachu-
of Saxony 853 Saarbrücken ............... Bruderkette zur Stiirke setts and Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado.
Monchengladbach ............................. .Vorwiirts 341 und Schonheit 131
Monchengladbach ..................... Brüderlichkeit 961 Saarbrücken .... Humanitas zu den drei Rosen 835
Mühlhausen ......... Hermann zur brüderlichen *Saarbrücken ........................... Gratis Pro Deo 1057
Einigkeit 983 Saarlouis .................. La Bonne Ha:rmonie-Zur
Mülheim/Rnhr........................................ Broich 327 guten Eintracht 1017
München ........................................... Zur Kette 430 Salzgitter................ Glückauf zum lichten Tag 854
München ...................................... In Treue fest 508 Schleswig .................................. Carl zur Treue 419
München ................... Empor zu Mozarts Licht 654 Schopfheim ................ Friedrich zur Eintracht 588
München ....... Lessing zuro flammenden Stern 700 Schwabisch Gmünd ............ Zu den drei Rosen
München ........ Zu den Drei Siiulen an der Isar 827 im Remstal 944
München .................................................Acacia 889 Schweinfurt .................. Brudertreue am Main 422
München ............................................. Ad Astra 917 *Schweinfurt ................................... Mystic Tie 1032
*München ............................................ Bavaria 935 *Schweinfurt ........................................ Pilgrim 1047
München ..................... Zur Koniglichen Kunst 948 Schwelm ................ Zuro Westfálischen Lowen 171
München ....................... Zur Sonne an der Isar 953 Schwerin ......... Harpokrates zur Morgenrothe 233
*München .................................. Southern Star 1025 Schwerin ......................... Eintracht in Freiheit 999
Münster/Westf................. Zu den Drey Balken 127 Siegen!Westf...... Zu den drei eisernen Bergen 302
*Münster ................................ Keys of Münster 881 Soest ...................................... Zur Bundeskette 221
Münster ....................... Müffelmann zur Treue 1014 *Soest ..........................: .......................... Beaver 885
Neuburg a.d. Donau ......................... Freiheit am Solingen ......... Prinz von Preussen zu den drei
Finkenstein 1040 Schwertern 329
Neumünster ... Zur Brudertreue an der Schwale 455 Sonneberg .................. Zur aufgehenden Sonne 559a
Neuruppin ........... Ferdinand zum roten Adler 243 Stade .............. Friederike zur Unsterblichkeit 342
Neustadt!Weinstr ................ Zur Freundschaft Stadthagen ......................... Albrecht Wolfgang 448
an der Haardt 519 Starnberg .................................... Rauher Stein 952
Neustrelitz ............... Georg zur wahren Treue 343 St. Michaelisdonn ......................... .St. Michael 941
Neuwied ................... Zur Wahrheit und Treue 469 Steinfurt-Burgsteinfurt ............... Ludwig zum
Nienburg .......... Georg zuro silbernen Einhom 257 Flammenden Stern 148
N orden ............................. Zu den drei Sternen 694 Stralsund ....................... Sundia zur Wahrheit 447
Nordenham ....................... Zu den drei Wurten 959 Stuttgart ........................... Furchtlos und Treu 323
Nordhausen .............. Zur gekronten Unschuld 167 Stuttgart ........................... Zu den drei Cedern 328
Nürnberg ........................ Joseph zur Einigkeit 41 Stuttgart ................................... Licht am Stein 629
Nürnberg ........................... Zu den drei Pfeilen 164
Nürnberg ..................................Albrecht Dürer 527 ~~~~~~:~.·-·.·.·.·.·.·:::.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.·:::.·:.·.·.·.·.·..·.-.'.·.·.·.·-~:::~~~ ~~~
Nürnberg .................................... ZurWahrheit 582a Torgau................................. Friedrich Wilhelm
Nürnberg ........................................ Lugiilsland 621 zu den drei Kranzen 354
Nürnberg ........................ Lynkeus der Türmer 798 Traunstein ... Zu den drey Huegeln an der Traun 1006
* English ** English and French
298 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 299
A. F. &A. M. AA:. LL:. Y AA:. MM:.
Founded October 20, 1903
Masonic Hall-19 Acharnon St., Athens 10438 (P.O. Box 3203, 10210 Athens)
Logias, 29 Sesiones Trimestrales: Enero, Abril, Julio y Octubre Miembros, 585
Grand Master, Grand Secretary, V.".H.". V.".H.".
Athens Tel. ++30210-8229950, ++30210-8812182 Athens JESÚS JOAQUÍN ÁLVAREZ DE OVIEDO ENRIQUE MARTÍNEZ MENA
Fax ++30210-8210180 Gran Maestro Gran Secretario y Canciller
E-mail: masonsg:[email protected] Cell: (00502) 5937-5823 E-mail: [email protected]
Cell: (00502) 5306-6970
12 avenida 26-67 Z. 05
Aegina ......................................................... Elpis 163 Elefsis ................................................... .Iniochos 152 Apartado Postal N o. 34
Agrinion ...................................... Kinon Aetolon 132 Elefsis .............................................. Panathinea 146 Código Postal 01901
Alexandroupolis .................................. Tsimiskis 56 Elefsis .................................................... Platinos 148 Guatemala City, C.A.
Athens ..................................................Acropolis 84 Elefsis ........................................................ Solon 166 E-mail: [email protected]
Athens .............................................. Adelfopiisis 65 Elefsis ..............................................Velerefontis 129 Te!: (00502) 2332-5170
Glyfada .......................................... Pavlos Melas 134 2331-9470 [email protected]
Athens ...............................................Adelphotis 169 Web:
Athens ..................................................Asklipios 159 Ioannina .................................................. Dodoni 58 2331-7220
Athens ............................................ Anagennisis 75 Kalamata ....................................... Aristomenes 85 2331-9580
*Athens ..................................................Apollon 98 Kalimnos ...................................... Agios Ioannis 131 Fax: (00502) 2339-4810
Athens ................................................ Byzantion 60 Kaválla ..................................................... Platon 63
Athens ....................... Constantinos Palaiologos 144 Kefalinia ...................... Odysseus Lardos Byron 164
Athens ......................................... Delios Apollon 135 **Kerkyra (Corfu) ........................... Lord-Byron 150 LOCALIDAD: IDIOMA: RITO: NOMBRE: NO.
Athens ...................................................... Delphi 86 Kerkyra (Corfu) ................................... Filogenia 147 Guatemala City ..................................... .Inglés ................York ................. Union ............................................ 1
Athens ..................................... Dionysios Romas 124 Kerkyra (Corfu) ..................................... Phoenix 1 Quetzaltenango City ..................... ........ Español ............ Escocés ............ Fénix . ...................... . .. .............. 2
Athens ..................................................... Europe 162 Kerkyra (Corfu) ............................ Agios Ioannis 160
tAthens ........................................... G. Garibaldi
Athens ........................................ :....... Harmonia
Kifissia .....................................Archetipon phos 155
Kifissia .......................................... Atticos Astir 139
~;:1.M":::¡:s ~if';:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:~l ::::::::::::~~~~~:: ::::::::::::~~':.ü: d~-o~~id~;.;t"~·:::.::::::::::::::: ~
Athens ............................................... Heraklitos 158 Kifissia ............................................. Panellinion 156 Totonicapán City ...................................... Español ............ Escocés ........... .Igualdad........................................ 5
Athens .................................................. Hesiodos 49 Kifissia ............................................. Rea Kyvelli 140 Guatemala City ............................._........... Español ............ Escocés ............ Concordia ..................................... 6
Athens ......................................... Etezia Filikon 116 Kifissia .................................................. Socrates 142 Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ Dr. Daniel Aguirre.......... . ........... 7
Komotiné ................................................ Kaviros 81 Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ Dr. Arton ............................ .......... 9
Athens .................................................. Romeros 61 Mazatenango City .................................... Español ............ Escocés ............ Renacimiento ................................ 11
Athens ....................................................... .Ionia 54 Kas .................................................. Hippokrates 157 Cobán, A. V. City ...................................... Español ............ Escocés ............ Estrella del Norte ......................... 15
§Athens ............. ,........... La Tradition Francaise 125 Kozani ............................................... Macedonia 104 · Chiquimula City ....................................... Español ............ Escocés ............ Fraternidad ................................... 16
Athens ........................................................Melis 76 Lárisa ........................................... Rigas Feraios 113 Huehuetenango City ................................ Español ............ Escocés ............Justicia y Libertad ....................... 18
Athens ................................................... Orpheus 69 Mytilene ............................. .Veniamin o Lesvios 108 Antiqua Guatemala City .......................... English .............York ................. Mozart ........................................... 20
Athens ....................................................... Osiris 117 Olympia ................................... Archea-Olympia 145 Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ Rectitud ......................................... 22
Athens ··································-·····Pallas Athena 114 Patra ...........................................Achaikos Astir 161 Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ Evolución ...................................... 25
Athens ....................................................... Patris 168 Patra ........................ Palaion Patron Germanos 22 Escuintla City ........................................... Español ............ Escocés ............ Estrella del Sur ............................ 26
**Athens ............................................ Parthenon 112 Patra ........................................................ Pharos 138 Coatepeque, Quetzaltenango ................... Español ............ Escocés ............Jorge Washington ......................... 28
Athens .................................................... Phoenix 51 Piraeus ............................................ Posseidonia 2 Quetzaltenango City ................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ Silencio .......................................... 29
Athens ....................................................... Pleias 78 Piraeus .................................................... Isatis 10 Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ Prometeo ....................................... 30
Athens ............................................. Prometheus 37 Piraeus .................................................. Miaoulis 42 Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............America ......................................... 31
Athens .............................................. Pythagoras 8 Piraeus ................................................... Phoenix 48 Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............José Martí ..................................... 34
Athens ............................................ Skenderbeys 31 Piraeus ........................................................ Pistis 71
Atbens ............................................. Triptolemos
Piraeus ............... .- ................................... Salamis 137
Piraeus ............................................... Eleftheria 167
Rhodos ............................................... Kieóvoulos 109
Guatemala City ........................................Alemán ............. Schroeder ........Archímedes ................................... 35
Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ Bernardo Alvarado Tello .............. 36
Retalhuleu City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ Dr. Lorenzo Montúfar .................. 37
Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ José Maria Orellana ..................... 38
Athens ................................................Ypsilantis 41 Seres ..................................................Aristoteles 36 Puerto Barrios, Izabal .............................. Español ............ Escocés ............ Estrella Maya ............................... 42
Chalkis ................................................... Skoufas 5 Siros ....................................................... Hermes 92 Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............York ................. Hiram ........................................... .44
Corinth .............................................. Periandros 153 Thessaloniki .................... Demetrios Margaritis 103 Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ Fiat Lux ....................................... .45
Crete, Heráklion ....................................Ariadne 95 Thessaloniki .................................... Denokrates 151 Quetzaltenango City ................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ Luz Altense .................................. .46
Crete, Heráklion ................................Dominicos Thessaloniki ..................... G. Gemistos Plethon 128 Guatemala City ........................................ Español ............ Escocés ............ Lautaro ..................................... .4 7
Théotocopoulos 133 Thessaloniki ......................... Megas Alexandros 62
Crete, Chania .............................. Radamanthys 96 Thessaloniki ............................... Olympius Zeus 165 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF GUATEMALA. La Gran Logia de
Crete, Rethymnon .................................... Minos 32 Thessaloniki ........................................ Pbilippos 38 Guatemala reconoce a todas las Grandes Logias Regulares del Mundo
Cyprus, Limassol.. .................................... Zenon 18 Thessaloniki .......................................... Phoenix 59
Delphi ....................................................... Delphi 143 Thessaloniki ................................................ Phos 88
Drama ......................................................... Elpis 45 Tripolis ......................... Theodoros Kolokotronis 93
Edessa ......................................................... Pella 82 Volas .................................................Argonaftae 21
E!efsis ................................................. Aeschylos 141 Xanthi ....................................................... Ekate 79
Elefsis .........................................Athena-Sophia 149 Zakinthos (Zante) ..................................... Helios 14
Elefsis ................................................... Demeter 123
* German speaking. t Ita!ian speaking. § French speaking. ** English speaking.
U.S.A. recognize and are recognized by the Grand Lodge of Greece.
Apart from the 9 Grand Lodges of the Provinces of Canada, the 6 Grand Lodges of the States of Aus-
tralia and the 51 Grand Lodges in the United States of America, the 28 lodges of Brazil, the 12 lodges of
Mexico, the 6 lodges of Colombia, the Grand Lodge of Greece recoguizes ouly the following: Andorra;
Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan; Belgium (G.L. Reg.), Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzogvia; Bul-
garia, Burkina Faso, China, Chile, Congo, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Dominican
Republic, Denmark, England, Ecuador, Esthonia, Finland, France (G.L. Nat.), Gabon, Germany (U.G.
Lodges), Guatemala, Haiti; Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, lran, Italy (G.O.), Israel, Ivory Coast,
Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Madagascar; Malta, Moldava; Monaco; Montenegro; Morocco, Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania
(National Grand Lodge oí), Russia, El Salvador, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South
Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (Alpina), Taiwan, Toga, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela.
300 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 301
tains fraternal relations with the following Grand Lodges: U.S.A.; Argentina; Australia; Bolivia; Grand 1886 SYMBOLIC GRANO LODGE OF HUNGARY 2015
Orient of Brazil; Brazil: Alagoas, Amazonas, Bahia, Brasilia, Ceara, Goias, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Mato Lodges, 14 Annual Communication March 21,2015 Members, 400
Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Para, Paraiba, Parana, Rio de Jaheiro, Rio Grande Do Sul, Rondonia, Santa
Catarina; Canada; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; France; Gabon; ÁKOS ANDOR SZILÁGYI DEZSO MEKSZ
Guatemala; Honduras; India; Israel; Italy; Japan; Mexico: Occidental Mexicana, Baja California, Benito Grand Master Grand Secretary
Juarez, Valle de Mexico; Panama; Portugal; Denmark; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Puerto Rico; El Sal- Phone (mobile): +36.20.9316.997
vador, Cuscatlan; Spain; Uruguay; Venezuela; Quebec Canada; United Grand Lodge ofEngland.
Masonic Temple: Lovolde tér 2, 1071 Budapest
Postal Address: Pf. 395, 1446, Budapest, Hungary
E-Mail: [email protected]
Admission to the meetings: Members of Jurisdictions recognized by our Grand Lodge or by the UGLE
Permits Plural Membership
mffi-,~~-- <~-~~~ ~~
Isafjordur ................................................... Harpa 1 Chennai ........................... C.A. Ranmakrislll:tan 192
Keflavik ...................................................... Sindri 9 Chennai ..........................................Accountants 194
Selfoss .......................................... c••••••••••••• Rodull 10 Chennai .......................................... Veeraswami 200
Reykjavik ................................................... Fjolnir 11
Gardabaer-Kopavogur ............................ Njordur 12
Reykjavik, working VIJ0-X0
Akureyri, working VIP-VIII 0 8g:~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::o;;;·vig!~~:~ m
8~~~~~t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~o/.~'tg~~~ ~fi
Skagafjardar-og Hunavatnssyslur ....... Maelifell 13
Reykjavik ................................................... Snorri 14 Kanpur ........................ Rai Bahadur Behari La! 215
Kanpur .............................................. Kailashpat 223
Chennai ........................................... Millennium 327
§~~ - ;; +~,~~m
Beside these there is one St. Andrew's Instruction Lodge and four St. John's Instruction Lodges.
of the United States of America, the 9 Provinces of Canada and the 6 of Australia, The Grand Lodge oflce- 8~~~3:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?.::~~:s;$~~E iii
8~~~a.~~~~_:_:_:::_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_::_:_::_::_:_:_:_:~~~~'if~~~~1~ ~~~
land recognizes the following: Austria, Belgium (Regular G.L.), Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Esto-
nia, Finland, Germany (V.G.v.D.), Greece, lreland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Scotland,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (Alpina), Turkey, lridia, Iran, Israel, Japan and South Africa.
*No corrections have been received since this date. Cochin·.................................................... Susruta 298 ~=!~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::~~~!ti~~ 2~¡
Cochin ...................................... .Kerala Masters 309 Kharagpur .................. Unity and Perseverance 73
Cochin .....................................................Ananth 315 Kirkee ......................................................... Level 41
1961 GRANO LODGE OF INDIA 2015 Cochin ............................................... Vembanad
Coimbatore ...................................... Coimbatore
172 ~~~:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ii;;.~~t..nri~í ~~~
Founded November 24, 1961 Coimbatore ............................................ Concord 204 Kirkee ................................ Poona Past Masters 167
Lodges,383 Members, 20,350 8~::::g~i~~: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.ü:·K.l))~~[,.';,j~1~ 225
Coimbatore ..................................... .Seven Stars
§§~ ~~;'l~ik.~"J".".".":.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:::::::.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:.·.".i(~~..iai ~~g
Kolkata' ..................................Anchor and 1
~~~~~~ . . . .-.-:::::::::::::::.::.?~'St.lfi.:::i~hi!!f~"E'~~
Coimbatore ............................................... Zenith 258
Grand Master Grand Secretary Coimbatore .................................... Round Table
Coimbatore .......................................... Meridian
287 Kolkata ........................ .St. Thomas in the East
1002-A, Birchwood Freemasons' Hall,
~~~~-."."."."."."···:·.".".".".".".".".".".".".".".~~'fiJa~:~Jt~~~~~ ~~
Courtallam ................................................Aruvi 293
Hiranandani Gardens Janpath, P.O. Box 681 Cuttack ................................................. Barabati 323
Powai, Mumbai-400076 New Delhi-110001 Dehra Dun ............... Siwalik Dr. Durga Prasad 62 Kolkata .................................. Duke of Abercorn 67
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 23321956, 23320276, 23321949
~~¡~~~~·:.:·:::::.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.:·.::·.:·.::·:::.-.~~~·1-cifJ~~¡\r~ ~~
Delhi ......................................................Jumana 18
Telefax: 0091-11-23320276
E-mail: [email protected]
B:t :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::n-~~a; §~~
Delhi .................................................. Civil Lines 310
Kolkata ................................ Sir Andrew Fraser 72
Kolkata ................................................ .St. Mary 75
Kolkata .................................. True Brotherhood 76
LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. Bi~~~;;::.:·:·:·:·:·:·::::::::::~~~~~~~~:~:::~~:~~~~~~~~:~:~~fE!li ~u !~ i~:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·.-:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·: ·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·!.~ :; ~ 1~~
Dharwar ............................................... Dharwar 54
Ernakulam ....................................... Ernakulam 243 Kolkata ........................ Chartered Accountants' 152
Bangalore ............................... Star of the South 101 Ferozepore Cantt ........................ Northern Star 21 ~~~~~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~.~~t~/ffi~~~~ m
Allahabad .... .Independence with Philanthro.ry
Allahabad .................................................. Umty
iEI~~~~~::::::::::::::::>::::::::::::::::::~~~z":~~~ m g~~~fab;;.d.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~J:,~~~~ m Kolkata .................................... Chetan Shahani 198
Kolkata ................................... Light of Zoraster 222
~~l~i~·:::::::.:..·.·.··.··.··.·::::::::::::::.S.".I!l~s~.. 6~rc:Fti~ ~±~
Allahabad .............................. Kama! at Sangam 266 Goa ..................................................... Gomantak 248
Allahabad ....................................... G.P. Tandon 295 Bangalore ........................... Karnataka Masters 325 Gobichettipalayam .................................. Sakthi 288
Kolkata .......................................... Professionals 350
~------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ..
304 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 305
INDIA-Continued INDIA-Continued
í~~f.ffz~:L:L-..:::.:.~.:.::i:::::-::::L+~##i~~fi~1 ~¡¡
Mumbai .......................... Chartered Accountant 131
~=g~ ·.·:.·.·:::::::.·.·:.·:.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.::·.:·:::::::.S.t~~-"-~illr.~~ Bg
Mumbai ..................................... Fulchand Patel 163
Mumbai ............................ Manock;jee Cursetjee 185
Quilon ................................................Vanchinad 273
RIE~~¡:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_~~;-~~Wl~~ ~8~ ~~]Ef..;;;;~7.":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":":~~g~~~ !~ 3969 IRA N 2015
Mumbai ............................... Khurshedjee Cama 209 Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M.
Mumbai ........................ Justice Dinshah Madon 210 RaJkot ................................ Gujrat Past Masters 371
Mumbai ........................................ Noshir Mehta 246 Ranchi ..................................................... Ranchi 104
Mumbai ................................................ Freedom 296 Rcorkee ......................... Gen. Williams Roorkee 151 (in exile)
Mussoorie .......... :................................ Dalhousie 10
~~~a~~~-r:::.·.··.·.·.·.·.:·.·::::.:·:.·:.:·.·.·.·.·.··.·.·:·.:·.·.::·.~~!ni~~':r'; ~~ Annual Meeting in May and October
Salem ........................................................ J_yothi 253
11;: i(!!jli::l;
Sant Kabirmagar ............................. Sant Kabir 347 Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
~:~~~~~~g~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::E~l~ ~~ P.O. Box 25017
Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA
P.O. Box 25017
Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA
Secunderabad ............. .Italia Williams Manian 158
Secunderabad ............................... Raksha Sena 162 Tel.: 310-569-5234 FAX: 310-474-3824 E-mail: [email protected]
Secunderabad .......................... Naoshir Cheno:y 187
Secunderabad .............................. Secunderabad 211
~Eli~!:~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~i~~;~¡ ~u
N agpur ............................ N agpur Past Master' s 342 Dormant ....................................................... Light 1 Dormant ..................................................... Shiraz 23
~~: B~I~L::::::::::-::·:·:·:-::::::::::-:::::·:·:·:·:·:·:<::::~~r]
N ew Delhi ................................................... Raza 112
New Delhi ....................................Sundar Heera 119
n Thanjavur ........................... Sri Brahadeeswara
Than¡avur ........................... Goodwill and Peace
Tiruchirapalli .......................................... Trinity
Tiruchirapalli .............................. Tiruchirapalli
:t{~~~fv~yt11i_. ·....·.·::.·:::::::.·::.·.·.·.·.·.:·.·.·.·::.;¡;}',:~~:~ ~gg
Dormant ...................................... .Shams Tabrizi
Dormant ... ......................... .................... Nahid
Dormant ................................................ Avicenna
Dormant .................................................... Mazda
Boston, MA & Los Angeles, CA .......... La France
Dorrnant ................................................ Khorshid
Boston, MA & Los Angeles, CA .................. Hatef
Dorrnant ....................................... Hakbamanesh
Boston, MA & Los Angeles, CA ................... Toos
Dorrnant ............................................... Persepolis
New Delhi ...................... Bharat Mata Masters' 121 Boston, MA & Los Angeles, CA ................. Kasra 15 Dormant .............................................. Passargad 37
308 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 309
A- E &A- M_
Founded October 20, 1953
Lodges,50 Election Meeting on Last Tuesday of November, once in every two years
Grand Master Grand Secretary
Adelaide, S. Australia ....................................... 363 Lusaka, Zambia .......................................... 785, 863 Museum Tower
Amanzimtoti, N ata!... ........................................ 709 Macao .................................................................. 897 4 Berkowitz St.
Auckland, N ew Zealand ..... .. ............ ............ ..... 348 Mandini, Natal ..................................................... 758 P.O. Box 33206 Te! A'iv 6133102
Bangkok ......................... .. ..... . ............ ..... .. ....... 945 Margate, Natal .................................................. 916 Telephone: 972-3-695 42 18/9
Bloemfontein, South Mrica .............................. 392 Maypen, Jamaica ................................................. 932 FAX: 972-3-6960271
Boksburg North, South Mrica ............................. 853 Montego Bay, Jamaica ....................................... 898 E-mail: [email protected]
Boksburg South, South Mrica ........... 265, 370, 523 Mumbai, India ................... 319, 419, 648, 771, 804 Our Grand Lodge allows plural membership within the State and dual membership outside the State.
Brakpan, South Mrica ........................ 247,400, 901 Nairobi, Kenya .................................................... 749
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe .............................., ............ 720 N assau, Bahamas... ......... .. ................................. 928 LOCATION LANGUAGE
Calicut, India ...................................................... 815 Ndola Zambia ..................................................... 816 NAME MEANING OF HEBREW NAME NO.
Cape Town, South Mrica ................... 199, 360, 368 N ew Delhi, India ................. .. ............................. 458
Acre (Acco) ............... A ......................................... Acco
608, 610 New Plymouth, New Zealand ............................ 446
~~t~g~~~~~-o.f.J\"'re::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~
Chennai, India .................................................... 567
Chingola, Zambia ............................................... 764
Penang, Malaysia ............................................... 938
Phoenix, Mauritius ............................................. 925 ~~~f~;;::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::sh.~~~~~ Samson ................................................................ 46
Beer Sheba .............. H ................ Negohat Hamidbar
~~s~~l'~~~~;~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: u
Colombo, Sri Lanka ............................ 107, 115, 905 Pietermaritzburg, South Africa ........................ 292 Eilat ......................... H ...................... Amudei Shlomo
Die Wilgers, South Mrica .................................... 743 Pietersburg, South Africa ................................. 852 Hadera ..................... H ................................... Kadima
Dunedin, New Zealand ....................................... 468 Port Elizabeth, South Mrica ............................... 873
Durban, N ata! ...................................................... 909
East London, South Africa ... .............................. 750
Freetown, Sierra Leone .. ........................... 848, 920
Port Royal, Jamaica ........................................... 926
Pune, India ......................................................... 465
Roodepoort, South Mrica ... ..... ..... ...................... 288
Haifa ........................ H ................................. Menorah
Pí>eJ."M.P~.e~-~li~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~
Lebanon ...............................................................
Candelabrum in So!omon's Temple ..... .............
Gibraltar ..................................................... 325, 915 Rossburgh, Natal... ............. 129, 365, 627, 745, 846 Haifa ........................ H ................................. Na'aman N ame of river running through Acco .. . .. ... ........ 61
Haadyai, Tbailand ............................................... 936 Singapore .................................................... 765, 934 Haifa ........................ E ......................... Har Hacarmel Mount Carmel.... ................................................ 44
Harare, Zimbabwe ................................................ 517 St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica ...................................... 907 Haifa ........................ H .................................... Reuven Reuben................................................................. 1
Hamilton, Bermuda ................................... 123, 580 St. George's Bermuda ......................................... 224 Haifa ........................ H......... ..Elly Weiss (Installed aP.G.M ................................................................ SO
Hong Kong ................ 463, 712, 883, 903, 929, 1001 Talawakelle, Sri Lanka..... ..................... ........... 298 Masters Lodge)
Johannesburg, South Africa .................. 364, 767,832 Thames, New Zealand ........................................ 454 Jerusalem ................ H .................. Even Hameuk.evet Cubic stone ......................................................... . ~
Kgale, Botswana..... .................... ... ............... .. .... 918 Tzaneen, South Africa ........................................ 773 Jerusalem ................ H .................. Ein Hashiloah-Ari Fountain of Silwan-A great cabbalist Rabbi .... . ~
Kingston, Jamaica ...................... 390, 889, 899, 921 Warwick, Bermuda ............................................. 894 Jerusalem ................ H .................................Har Zion MountZion ........................................................ .. 2
Kitwe, Zambia ., .......................................... 805, 856 White River, South Africa .................................. 862 Jerusalem .......................................................... . 4
Kollam .................................................................. .464 Wilgers, South Mrica ......................................... 361 Splendour ......................................................... . 6
Acronym offamous rabbi ................. .. 8
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ........................... 830, 937 Worcester, South Africa ..................................... 722 Nahariya ................. H ................................... Ga'aton River running through N ahariya .. M
Kuantan, Malaysia ............................................... 946 Nazareth.................. A ........................................ Galil Galilee ................................................................. . 31
N azareth .................. A ................................. N azareth
~:::~?:r¡¡~~;;·::::::::: ::~.·.·!Jt:r~~ñ~ m
Lodges in Canada, Australia and the United States the Grand Lodge of Ireland recognizes the following:
England, Scotland, New Zealand, Austria, Andorra, Belgium (Regular), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
k~~:~~~~~~.:::::::::::~ ::::::::::::s¡;:,;:~~;;:~~:a~i~7a.:l
Fountain-head .................................................... . ~
Croatia, Tbe Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark (National), Estonia, Finland, France, Germany (United ~~!~aJft~~ag_hj~:!eirea-Star of Israel .......... . 7
Grand Lodges), Ghana, Greece (National), Hungary (Symbolic), Iceland (National), India, Italy (Regular), Ra'anana .................. E ................................. Ra'anana w
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal (Legal/Reg- Ra'anana .................. S ......................... Theodor Herzl Father ofthe Zionism . %
ular), Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (Alpina), Turkey, South Ramat Gan .............. H ............................... Havradim The Roses ............................................. .. u
Africa, Benin, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mali, Malta (Sovereign), Mauritius, Rehovot .................... H ......................................... Bilu Motto· of first settlers in Israel ............ . u
Nigeria, Senegal, Togolaise (Nationa!), Israel, Japan, Tbe Philippines, Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil (G.O.); Shfaram ................... A ..................................... Haidar Mountain of Upper Galilee .................. . ~
Brazil: Mato Grasso, Matto Grasso Su!, Sao Paulo; Chile, China in Taiwan, Colombia (at Cartagena), Tel-Aviv ................... H ................................... Alumim Youth .................................................................. . ~
Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico (York), Panama, Cuba, Dominican Tel-Aviv ................... H ........................................ .Aviv Spring ............................................................... . w
Republic, Puerto Rico, El Salvador (Cuscatlan), and the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Alaska, Massachu- Tel-Aviv ................... H ..................................... Barkai Dawn ................................................................... . u
Tel-Aviv ................... H .................................... Bezalel Artisan who worked on the Tabernacle ........... .. ~
setts, Connecticut, Ohio, California, Hawaü, Illinois, Oregon, Washington, Bahamas, Caribbean and Juris-
Perfect ashlar ..................................................... . ~
diction, Colorado, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ontario and Jurisdiction, Texas and Virginia. Rough Ashlar ...................................................... . M
The Grand Lodge of Ireland is not in fraternal communication with ·Greece (Grand Lodge); Italy Tel-Aviv ................... H ................................ Hakochav The star ............................................................ . ~
(Grand Orient); the Mexican State Grand Lodges; and the following Grand Lodges in Colombia: Barran- Tel-Aviv .................. RO ............................. Hashachar Thedawn ............................................................ . ~
quilla, Bogota, Cali, and Santander. Nor does the Grand Lodge of Ireland recognize the Grand Lodges of Tel-Aviv ................... H.: ................................. Hei'Illon Mountain in Southern Lebanon ........................ . n
Honduras, Iran (in exile), Paraguay and Haiti.
:f~l:~~i~::::::::::~s..r~'frs~e-~::::::::::::::::::::::~oílo~~~ ~g~dr~n_d__<r~ra.~JJ_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~
Tel-Aviv ................... H ............................... Jerusalem Jerusalem ........................................................... . M
Tel-Aviv ................... S ....................... La Fraternidad Brotherhood ........................................................ . u
Tel-Aviv ................... F ................................... Lumiere a
Tel-Aviv ................... E ............. Montefiore (Installed ~¡~~~~~~-"M~;;i;;¡¡c;;:~·::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: ~
Masters Lodge)
Tel-Aviv .................. RU ................................... Mozart
Tel-Aviv ................... T .......................................... Nur
Tiberias ................... H............. .............. Genossar ~~~~~S~~~~~~;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~
A-Arabic; H-Hebrew; G--German; E--English; S--Spanish; F-French; RO--Romanian; RU-Russ-
ian; T-Turkish.
included in this publication, this Grand Lodge maintains fratnemal relations with the following Grand
~~1fG~a~~L~j ~:~f'k1:~~~·a~h~~!~sL~d ~:;~~~ale Réguliere de la Principauté de Monaco; Nigeria, Prince
The Grand ~odge of Isreal does not recognize the following Grand Lodges: Azerba~jan; Brasil: Acre,
Alagoas, Am.apa, Amazonas, Bahia, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio Grande del Norte,
Rondonia, Sergipe, Tocantins; Colombia: Los Andes, Oriental, Cucuta; Haiti; Mexico Baja California Sur,
Benito Juarez, Campeche, Chiapas, Cosmos, El Potosi, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Unida Mexicana; Morroco,
San Marino, Tahiti and Archipelagos. Prince Hall Grand Lodges: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illi-
nois, New York and North Carolina .
310 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 311
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. 8:~i~~-~~:::::::::::·.·.:·.·.::::::::::::::·.·.·.·-~~Me~~ci~1í~~~i 1~~~ Firenze .......................................... Lando Conti
Firenze ............................................... Marzocco
Cemobbio ............................. Rosa Commacina 1201 Firenze ..............................................Aristotele 888
Abano Terme ............................ Pietro d'Abano 1006 Bologna ....................................... Luigi Galvani 1399 Cetaro ............................... Le Colonne d'Ercole 1385 Firenze ................................................. Vittoria 889
~~¡~~~.:::::::::::::::·.::::::::::::~t~if.J¡~J~:C~~~~ ¿~g
Abano Terme ............. La Saggezza Trionfante 1233 1 Cbiavari ................................................ Entella 94 Firenze ........................ San Giovanni di Scozia 890
Acri ................................................ F. Sprovieri 718 Chieti ................................................. Progresso 1096 Firenze ................................................ Fidelitas 891
Acri ........................................... Giovanni Bovio 1245 Bolzano ............................. Franz von Gummer 971 Cisano su! Neva ............... George Washington 1203 tFirenze ....................... Sir Horace Mann 1732 913
Acri ............................................. U omini Liberi 1259 Bordighera ........................................... Mimosa 985 Cittá di Castello ..........................XI Settembre 904 Firenze .............. Quatuor Coronati-Emulation 931
Botticino .......................... Giuseppe Zanardelli 1379 Cittá di Castello ...................................! Liberi 1093 Firenze ................................................. Voltaire 1031
~~:~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:&~~:;h~ ~~; Brancaleone .....................Vincenzo de Angelis 1254 Cittá di Castello .................................Armonia 1153
!l~!,;g~·-·.·.··.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·1:bi>~~::'J'eli~ ~~g
Albenga ........................................... G. Mazzini 831
Brescia ................................. Leonessa-Amaldo
Brescia ................................ Fraglia Ed Stolper
Brindisi .................................... Regina Viarum
Citta di Castello ................................ Atlantide 1154
Citta di Castello ......................... Gli Illuminati 1447
Cittiglio ..................... Sette Lagbi del Verbano 1266
~ :~ :~ ~-:-:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:~ -:-: : :.:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:~ ~: :.:~-:~:f~ ~ ~~~~
Firenze ................................................ Fiorenza 1141
Alessandria .............................. S. di Santarosa 1 Brunate ................................ Quatuor Coronati 1422 Civitavecchia .............. Centumcellae Pensiero Firenze ....................................................Altius 1261
Alessandria ........................................ Marengo 1061 Busto Arsizio ........................................... Logos 1185 e Azione 1264 Firenze ................................. Maloatma Gandhi 1355
Alessandria ......................................... Pitagora 1065 • Cavour 598 Civitella Val di Cbiana ............. Giulio Mazzon 1358 Firenze ...................................... Giuseppe Dolfi 1360
Alghero ......................................Vincenzo Sulis 1143 .... Hiram 657 Colle Salvetti ....................................... Hermes 1357 Firenze ............................................... Labirinto 1372
Amantea ............................ XX Settembre 1870 1099 l. Arquer 709 Colle Val d'Elsa .................. Arnolfo di Cambio 673 Firenze .............................. George Washington 1424
Amantea ..................................... Monti d'Arete 1194 rgimento 770 Como ...................... Acacia-Magistri Cumacini 1190 Firenze .................................................. Fortius 1443
Ameglia ......................................... G. Garibaldi 101 . Silicani 936 Cortona ............................................... E. Coppi 930 Fivizzano ............................................ G. Cantil 1467
Ancona .......................................... G. Garibaldi 140 lardegna 981 Cosenza .......................... Bruzia-P. De Roberto 269 Foggia ............................................... G. Gentile 262
Ancona .......................................... G. Garibaldi 750 ..... Ciusa 1054 Cosenza ............................................. F. S. Salfi 271 Foggia .................................................Armonia 1471
Ancona ................. :................................... Ram 986 ..Asproni 1055 Cosenza ............................................. B. Telesio 556 Foligno ......................................... D.B. Roncalli 1210
Ancona ....................................... Guido Monina 1238 .L. Conti 1056 Cosenza ............................................ B. Russell 992 Follonica ...................................... N. Guerrazzi 665
Ancona .................................................... Ankon 1364 ........ Hur 1068 Cosenza ............................................... Beresbit 1018 Follonica ........................................ G. Carducci 824
E. Fermi 1105 Cosenza ................................ Fratelli Bandiera 1112
lt::~i~~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~.~fls¡r,:~'d7b~~ ~m
Follonica .......................................... V. Valletta 826
:oncordia 1124 Cosenza ............................................. Prometeo 1133 Follonica ........................... Giuseppe Garibaldi 1436
Aosta ................................... Augusta Praetoria 907 '· Mozart 1147 Cosenza................................... Giordano Bruno 1145 Forlí ...................................................... .A. Saffi 105
Arezzo ................................................ B. Cairoli 119 ... Europa 1165 Cosenza ....................................... Risorgimento 1240 Forlí .............................................. G. Garibaldi 520
Arezzo .............................................. G. Mazzini 734 oo Bruno 1217 Cosenza ...................... Eduard Eugeen Stolper 1241 Francavilla al N are .................................. Ariel 1252
Arezzo .......................................... .Italia Libera 748 Heredom 1224 Cosenza .................................... ..'Fenice Bruzia 1346 Frosinone .................................... Il Vello d'Oro 1247
Arezzo ............................................ D. Alighieri 827 .. Kipling 1272 Cosenza ...................................... Gli Argonauti 1363 Frosinone ......................................... G. Asproni 1049
Arezzo ........................................Anticbi Doveri 1150 .. Libertá 1341 Cosenza ................................. Gaetano De Rose 1391 Gallarate ........................................... Heliopolis 1347 .
Arezzo ..................................................... .Agorá 1294 .terranea 1343 Cremona ......................................... L. Bissolati 911 Gallarate ............................................ Epopteia 1438
Arona ................................................. Prometeo 1405 Cagliari ............................... Quatuor Coronati 1365 Crotone .......................................... .! Pitagorici 387 Gallipoli .......................................... T. Briganti 933
Cagliari ........ ..................... ............. .Athanor 1380
g:~~:;.~·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~'.o_gT.fu~':,foL¿f~! lo~g
Ascoli Piceno .............................. Ceceo d'Ascoli 1222 Crotone ....................................... Mediterraneo 1195
Asti ...................................................... Monviso 688 Caglian ..............................................Armonia 1403 Cuneo ..................................... Heureuse Union 1115
Asti .........................................................Acacia 782 Cagliari .............................................. Tetraktis 1413 Curinga ............................ Martiri delle Grazie 1316 Genova ......................................Aurora Risorta 91
Avellino ..................................................Aurora 238 Cairo Montenotte ............................ Canalicum 982 Decollatura ........................... La Sila-D. Ponzio 363 Gen ova ....................................... .Stella d'Italia 382
*Aviano ................................................. .Aviano 643 Caltanissetta ................................... G. Mazzini 300 Diano Marina ............................Ennio Battelli 1015 Genova ........................................... San Giorgio 4 73
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto ... Fratelli Bandiera 970 Camogli ........................................ S. Schiaffino 93 Dolceacqua .................................. .! Persistenti 1172 Genova ........................................... La Fiaccola 511
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto ..... Eugenio Barresi 1336 Campiglia Marittima ................. IV Novembre 130 Empoli .................................... Umanitá Libera 441 Genova ................................. Pensiero e Azione 513
Barga .............................................. .A. Mordini 54 7 Campobasso ......................... ,.......... Nuova Era 771 Enna ............................... G. Bruno-Proserpina 799 Genova ............................................... G. Bruno 633
Bari ....................................... Onore e Giustizia 257 Campobasso .......................... Emesto Saquella 1366 Faenza ........................... Evangelista Torricelli 1260 Genova ............................. Ankb-Eraldo Ghinoi 772
Bari ..................................................... Peucetia 258 Campobello di Mazara ................ D. Torrigiani 413 Fano ................................................A. Procacci 988 Genova .................................................... Eliseo 833
Bari ........................................... Cairoli Risorta 777 Campobello di Mazara .............. .Valle di Cusa 1035 Fano ........................................ Filippo Orlando 1151 Genova .................................................. Tigullio 834
Bari ........................................... L. Del Vescovo 942 Campoforroido ........................... 11 Settembre 1191 Fasano ............................................... Odegitria 1200 Genova .................................................A. Doria 835
Bari .................................. Saggezza Trionfante 984 Carbonia .............................................. G. Mori 533 Favara .....................................................Atena 1289 Genova ........................................ W. A. Mozart 950
Bari .......................................... Franco Balacco 1361 Carbonia ..................................... Risorgimento 757 Ferroo ................................................. E. Aldrin 738 Genova ...................... Cristoforo Colombo 1492 1263
Bari ........................................................ Niccolo 1394 Carpi .......................................... Alba Prospera 1348 Ferrara ....................................... G. Savonarola 104 Genova ................................................... Fenice 1307
Bari ......................................................Abraxas 1448 Carrara ........................................... Fantiscritti 732 Ferrara ............................................... G. Bruno 852 Gerace ....................................... .Rocco Verduci 1351
Bassanno del Grappa ...........................Acacia 1469 Casalvieri ......... Numa Pompilio-Casa Oliverii 1334 Fiesole ................................................. Qumran 629 Gioiosa Jo nica ...................... .! Figli di Zaleuco 995
Bellagio ..................................... G. Washington 1468 Caselle Torinese ..................................... Ankus 1003 Firenze ........................................ La Concordia 110 Gioia Tauro ....................... Benjaroin Franklin 1253
Benevento ............................. Raffaele De Caro 1248 Caserta .................... .I Spartani alle Terroopili 1067 Firenze ......................................... D. Torrigiani 111 Gioia Tauro ................................. Mazzini Mori 1329
Benevento ................................. Federico Torre 1297 Caserta ..............................................Aquilegia 1293 Firenze ........................................ Michelangelo 112 Giuncarico .......................... Randolfo Pacciardi 1339
Bergamo ............................................... Pontida 65 Castel Motrone ................. .! Figli di Garibaldi 1332 Firenze ...........................Vita Nova di Belfiore 116 Gorizia ................................................... .Isonzo 1258
Castelvetrano ..................................... F. Ferrer 908
~;:~~::::::··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::."L;;~~o ~~~~~
Grosseto ............................................. Ombrone 122
Biella ................................................... Mucrone
Biella ..................................................... Liberta
Bologna ................... Risorgimento-VIII Agosto
Catania ......................................... G. Garibaldi
Catania ............................................ .Vita Nova
635 Firenze ....................................... XX Settembre
Grosseto ..................................................Acacia 680
Grosseto ........................................... F. Baracca 973
Bologna .......................................... G. Carducci 103 Catania ................................................ Pergusa 800 Firenze .......................................... G. Garibaldi 631 Grosseto ........................................... Tradizione 1064
Bologna ....................................... Giovine Italia 481 Catania ..........................................Palingenesi 802 Firenze ..................................... Fedeli D'Amore 632 Iglesias ................................................. U golino 1383
Bologna .......................... Zamboni-de Rolandis 651 Catania .................................................Vittoria 806 Firenze ............................................ G. Galilei 664 Imola ...........................................Andrea Costa 373
Bologna ............................................... Felsinea 846 Catania ............................................. Concordia 1202 Firenze ............................................... Avvenire 666 Impena .......................................... G. Garibaldi 97
Bologna ....................................Arts et Metiers 853 Catania ....................................... René Guénon 1236 Firenze ............................................... G. Bruno 667 Imperia ................................................Voltaire 1050
Bologna ............................................. G. Pascoli 1089 Catania ............................................. La Fenice 1342 Firenze .................................................... P. Citi 675 Imperia .................................................. Athena 1295
Bologna ................................................... Qa Ira 1130 Catania ........................ Bent Parodi Di Belsito 1392 Firenze ............................................. T. Crudeli 679 Ispra ......................................... Porta d'Europa 1390
Bologna .............................................. Prometeo 1140 Catania ............................. Giuseppe Pizzarelli 1410 Firenze ................................................ Convivio 686 Ivrea .................................................... C. Nigra 868
Bologna ........................................... Ugo Bassi 1216 Catania ........................... Francesco Landolina 1435
312 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 313
ITALY-Continued ITALY-Continued
Ivrea .................................................. E. Villani 1107 Milano ............................ Umanita e Progresso 608 Oristano ............................................... Voltaire 1306 Piombino ................... La Gagliarda Maremma 396
Jesi ...................................................... Pitagora 968 Milano ........................................ G. Garibaldi 611 Osimo ...................................................... Faiani 1087 Piombino ................................ Luce del Tirreno 397
Jesi .......................................... Giordano Bruno 1164 Milano ............................ Missori-Risorgimento 640 Paceco .......................................... D. Torrigiani 811 Piombino ....................................XX Settembre 703
Jesi ..................................... Giustizia e Liberta 1275 Milano .................................. Pensiero e Azione 681 Padova .................................................. La Pace 76 Pisa ................................................... C. Darwin 137
Lamezia Terme ............... Fratellanza Italiana 1043 Milano ............................... Cante di Cagliostro 699 Padova .................... :.......................... G. Galilei 713 *Pisa ............................................... B. Franklin 591
Lamezia Terme ............................... Federico II 1207 Milano.: ............................................ Ceccherini 842 Padova ....................................... F. Nightingale 1012 Pisa ..................................... Giustizia e Liberta 646
Lanciano ............................. Cipollone-Renzetti 1000 Milano .............................. .XX Settembre 1870 843 Padova .............................. Giuseppe Garibaldi 1257 Pisa ..................................................... E. Fermi 1046
Lanciano .............................. Floraspe Renzetti 1353 Milano .................................... Cinque Giornate 844 Padova .............................................. Ekhnaton 1290 Pistoia ................................................ Ferruccio 118
Lanciano .................................Americo Bomba 1426 Milano ......................................... W. A. Mozart 917 Padova ............................................. G. Jappelli 1462 Pistoia ................................ Giustizia e Liberta 1076
Lanciano ............................... U. Cipollone & F. Milano ........................................... J. Anderson 928 Palermo ........................................... L'Alighieri 280 Placenza ........................................... .I Filadelfi 1270
Renzetti in Cipollone-Renzetti 1000 Milano ................................... Hiram-Concordia 969 Palermo ................................................ Cosmos 282 Portocivitanova ....... :................... Resurrezione 144
L'Aquila ................................ Guglia d'Abruzzo 998 Milano ....................................... Bruno Martini 1017 Palermo .................................................... Logos 283 Portoferraio .................... Nuova Luce dell'Elba 152
La Spezia ......................... Nuovo Risorgimento 472 Milano ............................................ C. Cattaneo 1108 Palermo ..................................................... N oos 284 Porto S. Giorgio ................................... Athanor'1450
La Spezia ........................................ Lord Byron 690 Milano ............................................... Paracelso 1116 Palermo ......................................... .Il Risveglio 286 Potenza ............................................ M. Pagan<> 266
Latina .............................................. Ekhenaton 1219 Milano ............................................ D. Alighieri 1120 Palermo............... .................... Sicilia Libera 291 Prato ........................................ Meoni-Mazzoni 62
Latina ................................... Roberto Assagioli 1378 Milano ..................................Thomas Jefferson 1152 Palermo ............................................... Centrale 519 Prato .............................. .Intelligenza e Lavara 717
Laveno .............................................Verbanum 841 Milano ....................................................Avalon 1173 Palermo ............................................. Triquetra 582 Prato ......................................... Filippo Mazzei 1184
Lecce .................................... .Liberi e Coscienti 260 Milano ......................................... René Guenon 1175 Palermo ............................................... Minerva 683 Radicofani ................................. Ghino di Tacco 1373
Lecce .............................................. G. Libertini 737 Milano ............................. La Perfetta Armo ni a 1226 Palermo ............................................ P. Ragusa 760 Ragusa ......................................... M. Rapisardi 345
Lecce ............................................ W. A. Mozart 994 Milano ............................ Giusepppe Zenardelli 1228 Palermo ............................. Stretta Osservanza 774 Ragusa ............................. S. Giorgio e il Drago 759
Lecce ..................................................... Hermes 1144 Milano ............................ Prospero Moisé Loira 1242 Palermo ...................................................... Bias 776 Ravenna ......................................... D. Alighieri 108
Lecce ....................................Antonio de' Curtis 1169 Milano ......................................... San Giovanni 1246 Palermo ............................................. Garibaldi 784 Ravenna .......................................... La Pigneta 676
Lecce ......................................................Atanor 1212 Milano .........................................................Aur 1331 Palermo ............................ Concordia e Liberta 792 Ravenna ................ Cav. di San Giov. di Scozia 943
Lecce ..................................................Ars Regia 1227 Milano ................................. Alfa Bet in Omega 1356 Palermo ............................. Fratelli dell'Unione 879 Reggio Calabria .................................. G. Bovio 275
Lecce .................................................. La Fenice 1386 Milano ........................................... Pietro Bosio 1382 Palermo ........................................... F. Cordova 894 Reggio Calabria .................................. Pitagora 276
Licata ................................. Ama!do da Brescia 959 Milano .............................. Maestri Campionesi 1398 Palermo .............................. Giustizia e Liberta 895 Reggio Calabria .............. . ......... G. Logoteta 277
Licata ............................. Salvatore Quasimodo 1159 Modena ............................................. N. Fabrizi 106 Palermo ..................................... .V. E. Orlando 896 Reggio Calabria .............................. G. Mazzini 1033
Livorno .................................... Dovere-Mazzini 54 Modena ...................... Fratellanza e Progresso 987 Palermo ........................................... Emulation 1047 Reggio Calabria .......................... La Concordia 1038
Livorno .................................. Scienza e Lavaro 124 Modena .................................... Borelli Menotti 1404 Palermo ....................... Giuseppe Cascio Rocca 1393 Reggio Calabria ................................... Rhegion 1101
Livorno ................................................ G. Bovio 589 Moncalieri ......................................... G. Bruno 944 Palermo ........................................... Ruggero II 1409 Reggio Calabria ................ Giuseppe Garibaldi 1213
Livorno ............................... Giustizia e Liberta 636 Mondovi .................................... La Fratellanza 953 Palermo ....................................... San Giacomo 1411 Reggio Calabria ...................Albert Schweitzer 1239
Livorno ..............................................A. Lemmi 704 Montecatini Terme ........................... E. Chiesa 647 Palermo ............................... Zed Mediterranea 1470 Reggio Calabria ...................... Eadem Resurgo 1249
Livorno .............................................. Evolution 1109 Montecatini Terme ...................... G. Amendola 1014 Palmi ................................................ E. Ferrari 272 Reggio Calabria ............................. San Giorgio 1265
Livorno ................... :........Alessandro Tedeschi 1303 Montecatini Terme .......... Tradizione e Futuro 1274 Palmi ..................... Pitagora-Ventinove Agosto 1168 Reggio Calabria .................... Domenico Romeo 1302
Locri ...................................... .I Cinque Martiri 279 Montecorvo Pugliano ......... Libertá e Pensiero 1335 Paola ............................................ G. Amendola 273 Reggio Emilia ............................ Meuccio Ruini 1312
Lodi ............................................... Paolo Gorini 1214 Montegranaro ............................XX Settembre 1231 Paola ................................. Giuseppe Garibaldi 1230 Rende ................................... Quatuor Coronati 1304
Lucca ............................................ Burlamacchi 1113 Montepulciano ...........................XX Settembre 604 Parma ...............................................A. Gentile 107 Rende ...................................... Libero Pensiero 1400
Lucca .......................................... :........ Libertas 1223 Montesilvano ...................................... G. Vitale 1070 Parma .............................................. G. Mazzini 493 Riccione ................................................. Europa 765
Lucca ....................................... F. X. Geminiani 1345 Montevarchi ..................................... Setteponti 729 Parma ................... Cav. di San Giov. di Scozia 534 Riccione ................................... Giovine Europa
Lucca ............................................ Tito Strocchi 1387 Monza ..................... Cavalieri di San Giovanni 1198 Orgoglio Massonico 1466
Lucca ..................................... Francesco Pacini 1416 Monza ............ Salomonis Templum Modoetiae 1420 ~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::c?t\~':'~ 5~~ Rieti ........................... Sabina Ludovico Petrini 1243
Lugo ................................................. F. Baracca 414 Mardano ....................................Alfredo Oriani 1237 Pavia ............................................. G. B. Crippa 979 Rieti ............................................ N. Strampelli 1463
Luino .........................................Ai Sette Laghi 753 Napoli ..................................... Bovio-Caracciolo 199 Pavia ............................................ Akh-en-Aton 1132 Rimini .......................................... G. Venerucci 849
Macello ................... Cavalieri di San Giovanni 1389 Napoli ................................................. D. Cirillo 201 Pavia .............................................. S. de Rysky 1449 Rimini ........................................ Guido Nozzoli 1282
Macerata .............................. Progresso Sociale 514 N a poli ................................ .I Figli di Garibaldi 203 Perugia .................................... F. Guardabassi 146 Roccella Jonica ........................ Pietro Mazzone 905
Macerata .................................... Helvia Recina 739 N a poli .................................................. Losanna 205 Perugia ....................................... Fede e Lavara 459 Roma ........................... Pisacane di Ponza-Hod 160
Macerata ................... Evoluzione e Tradizione 1196 Napoli .............................................. G. Mazzini 206 Perugia ......................................... R. Granata 735 Roma ............................................ Lira e Spada 168
Maddalena ........................ Giuseppe Garibaldi 1205 Napoli ................................................. F. Ferrer 213 Perugia .......................................... M. Angeloni 741 Roma ...................................... Goffredo Mameli 169
Mantova ............... , .............. Martiri di Belfiore 61 N a poli ................................ .I Figli di Garibaldi 225 Perugia .................................... ! Figli di Horus 742 Roma ...................................... Italia-Torrigiani 170
Marone ................................................ Minerva 1354 Napoli .................................. Leonardo da Vinci 229 Perugia ................................. Fratelli Bandiera 743 Roma ................................................... Pitagora 178
Marsala ..........................................A. Damiani 349 Napoli .....................................................Acacia 577 Perugia ............................................. Concordia 744 Roma .................................................. G. Galilei 443
Marsala ................................... 11 Maggio 1880 1473 *Napoli ....................................... H. S. Truman 649 Perugia .......................................... Ver Sacrum 961 Roma ................................................ E. Nathan 548
Massa ............................................ Carlo Sforza 606 Napoli ................................................ G. Bruno 745 Perugia ............................................ B. Bellucci 963 Roma ...................................... M. de Cristoforis 567
Massa Marittima .............................. Vetulonia 123 Napoli ............................................ Trismegisto 1019 Perugia .................................... L. M. Guerrizio 964 Roma ........................................................... Lux 570
Massa Marittima ............... Giustizia e Liberta
Massa Marittima .......................Andrea Zarra
1326 ~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I\.~~tci~ m~ Perugia .......................... :................. F. Baracca 965
Perugia ........................................ La Fermezza 1011
Roma .................................................... Hermes 594
Roma .......................................................Acacia 669
Menfi ...................................... .! Figli di Hiram 368 Napoli .............................................Aldo Gaeta 1160 Perugia .......................................... G. Miliocchi 1020 Roma ......................................... Fratelli Arvali 684
Merano ................................. Castrum Majense 216 Napoli ................................................... Arcadia 1161 Perugia ........................................... Humanitas 1071 Roma .............................................. Monte Sion 705
Messina ............. .................................... Aurora 330 Napoli ................................................... Sebezia 1189 Perugia .............................................. La Fenice 1072 Roma .................................. Scienza e U manita 712
Messina .............................................. G. Bruno 331 Napoli ..................................................... Sfinge 1283 Perugia ................................ Quatuor Coronati 1166 Roma ................................................... Spartaco 721
Messina ................................................. Liberta 332 Napoli ............................Virtude e Conoscenza 1324 Perugia ................................ Enza Paolo Tiberi 1325 Roma ...................................................... Espero 763
Mes sin a .......................................... La Ragione 333 N apoli ................................... .Vincenzo Ruffino 1374 Perugia ................................ Leonardo da Vinci 1395 Roma ............. Giustizia e Liberta-Mario Sessa 767
Messina .......................................... S. Mormino 725 Napoli ...............................................Aldebaran 1377 Pesara ......................................... G. Garibaldi 145 Roma .......................... P. Ungari e N. Ricciotti:
Messina ............................................ G. Minolfi 808 Napoli ........................................... Cuncitatores 1455 Pesara ...................................................A. Jorio 1042 Pensiero e Azione 773
Messina .................................... .A. La Maestra 809 Napoli .................................. Quatuor Coronati 1459 Pesaro .................................Xl Settembre 1860 1121 Roma ................................... Leonardo da Vinci 778
Messina ................................................Aniadin 897 N ardo ...................................................... Eleusi 1337 Pesara ..................................... Ernesto Nathan 1157 Roma ............................................. Dio e Popolo 786
Messina ............................. Stretta Fratellanza 997 N aro ....................................................... Aurora 1437 Pesaro ................................... Giuseppi Mazzini 1244 Roma ................................................ .A. Lemmi 789
Messina ............................................A. Reghini 1039 N ocera Inferiore ................... ................. Aurora 251 Pescara ...............................................Aternum 593 Roma ................................................ .A. Lemmi 812
Messina ................................. Giacomo Talione 1208 Noto .........................................................Agape 1381 Pescara ................................... Giordano Bruno 1178 Roma .............................................. G. Carducci 813
Messina ............................... L'Asilo della Virtu 1359 Novara ............................... De Amicis-Toscano 444 Pescara .................................. Alfredo Diomede 1250 Roma ........................................... W. A. Mozart 815
Milano ............................................ G. Carduéci 25 Novara .............................................. E. Parona 659 Pescara ................................ Antonio De Curtis 1330 Roma ................................................ Aldebaran 816
Milano ..................................................... .Italia 32 Novara .......................................... .A. Antonelli 857 Pescara ...................................... Concordia 983 1417 Roma ................................................ P. Martini 899
Milano .................. .! Nuovi Cavalieri di Scozia 34 N ovara ............................................... Esoterica 1350 Piacenza ................................ Melchiorre Gioia 1114 Roma .................. Europa-Romagnosi Universo 901
Milano ........................................ XX Settembre 36 Nuoro ............................................ G. Garibaldi 731 Piacenza ........................................... .! Filadelfi 1270 Roma .................................................. G. Bruno 929
Milano .............. Umanita e Progresso-Krishna 43 Olbia ..................................................... Gallura 1060 Pietrasanta ................... Alla Vera Fratellanza 1388 Roma ................................................... Armonia 938
Milano .............................................. E. Nathan 45 Orbetello ............................... Unita Massonica 1458 Pieve ................................................... Terzagni 1423 Roma ................................. XX Settembre 1870 993
Milano .............................................. .A. Lemmi 400 Oristano ....................................... Ovidio Addis 769 Pinerolo ...................... M. Savorgnan d'Osoppo 587 Roma .................................................. Prometeo 1053
Milano .......................... Cavalieri della Liberta 555 Oristano ..... , ........................... Liberta e Lavoro 1148 Pinerolo ....................................................Acaja 691 Roma ................................................. Orizzonte 1059
Milano ................................................ L'Unione 561 Oristano ................................... Raffaele Fadda 1235 Pino Torinese ..............................W. A. Mozart 967 Roma ...........................................Arte e Lavara 1075
314 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 315
ITALY-Continued ITALY-Continued
Roma ................................. Raimondo di Sangro 1083 Sassari ........................ Fratellanza Universale 1439 Torino ............................................... .A. Lemmi 864 Trento ...................................... Francesco Filos 554
Roma............................. .Virtude e Conoscenza 1098 Savigliano ............................................ Reunion 1321 Torino ................................................ D. Cosola 865 Treviso ................................................ P. Sarpi 77
Roma ............................................... Convivium 1102 Savona .................................................. Sabazia 96 Torino ........................................... Nuova Italia 871 Treviso ............................................ .Primavera 1174
Savona ................................................... Cheope 560 Torino .......................................... T. Ceccherini 872 Trieste ..................................................... .Italia 525
~::·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·..·.·.·.·.-.Th!~~t~~~i:§~!~~~ ~~~~ Savona ........................................XX Settembre 829 Torino ............................................. La Fiaccola 87 4 Trieste ............................................ G. Oberdan 526
Roma ............................................ Stella Po!are 1128 Savona ............................................... Lignstica 1029 Torino .................. .......................... P. Micca 876 Trieste ............. Nazario Sauro Mare Adriatico 527
Roma ........................................................ Roma 1135 Scalea ............................................. Oreste Dito 1057 Torino .................................................. C. Nigra 877 Trieste ................ .... ................... Alpi Giulie 528
Roma ........................................................ Areté 1137 Sciacca ...................................... Saverio Friscia 1340 Torino .................................... Amitié Eternel!e 909 Trieste .......................................... G. Garibaldi 775
Roma .........................................Antichi Doveri 1158 Senigallia .................................................. Misa 1313 Torino ................................................... Pragma 910 Trieste....... ...................................Ars Regia 1032
Roma ......................................... Anderson 1723 1171 Senigallia ...................... De Hominis Dignitate 1314 Torino .................................. Monte Pirchiriano 918 Trieste ............................................ Humanitas 1427
Roma ............................................. G. Garibaldi 1188 Servigliano .............................................. Tenna 1218 Torino ............................................ .A. Brofferio 924 Udine ................................... La Nuova Vedetta 568
Roma ................................................J erusalem 1199 Siderno ................................................ M. Bello 278 Torino .................................................... Eremo 945 Udine ................................................A. Varisco 791
Roma ................................................. Pantheon 1204 Siderno ................................................Arroonia 1362 Torino ··································-····Fedeli d'Amore 975 U dine ................................................ Philaletes 1454
Roma .......................................... Giuseppe Leti 1206 Siena .............................................. Siena-Arbia 138 Torino ..................................................... Fenice 1037 Urbino ......................................... Victor Rugo 1273
Roma ......................... DeMolay Rinnovamento Siena ............................................... Montaperti 722 Torino ............................................... Vita Nova 1051 Varazze.. .............. ......................... Priamar 1215
e Tradizione 1209 Siena ................................................. Salomone 758 Torino ............................................... Concordia 1162 Varese ............................................ C. Cattaneo 700
Roma ...................................... Rudyard Kipling 1281 Siena ...................................................... Ormus 1090 Torino ................................................... Athena 1167 Varese ................................ Labririnto Azzurro 1138
Roma .................................................. Mercurio 1284 Siena ........................................... .A. Fantastici 1472 Torino ...................................... Libero Pensiero 1255 Vasto ............................................... G. Rossetti 198
Roma .................................................... Atbanor 1299 Sigonella ................................ Travellers Lodge 1288 Torino .................................................. Camelot 1262 Velletri .............................................. C. Nigra 706
Roma ................................................... DeMolay 1305 Siracusa ...........................................Archimede 342 Torino .................................................... Osiride 1271 Venezia ........................................ Risorgimento 837
Roma ........................... San Giovanni di Scozia 1368 Siracusa ............................. Giustizia e Libertá 927 Torino ...................................... Lux in Tenebris 1296 Venezia ........................................ .438 L'Union 937
Roma ....................................................... Fenice 1370 Siracusa ................................................ Hermes 1221 Torino ............................................... Pentalpha 1297 Venezia ......................................... Serenissima 1225
Roma .................................... La Casa di Horus 1371 Siracusa ................................................... Lagos 1327 Torino ................................ Cavalieri d'Oriente 1300 Venezia ......................................... Sectio Aurea 1317
Roma ................Armonia Pltagorica-Benjamin Siracusa ......................... 8. Giovanni di Scozia Torino ............................................. Mont Segur 1352 Ventimiglia .................................... G. Oberdan 222
Teplizky 1402 de Grasse Tilly 1457 Torino ...................................... Dante Alighieri 1369 Vercelli........... ...................... ....... G. Ferraris 10
Roma ................................................. Heliopolis 1407 Somma Lombardo ............................ La Fenice 1280 Torino .. ,.............. Saint Jean de la Misterieuse 1384 Vercelli ................................................ Pitagora 870
Roma ................................. Scbola Pythagorica 1421 Sorrento ................................... Torquato Tasso 1412 Torino ......................................... ..... Rinasacita 1406 Verona ................................... Colonia Augusta 82
Roma ........................ Jean Baptiste Willermoz 1431 Soverato .......................................... G. Martelli 980 Torino .................................. Giuseppe Siccardi 1415 Verona ......................................... C. Montanari 746
Roma .............................................. Conoscenza 1432 Spoleto ........................................... L. Pianciani 1122 Torino .................................... Goffredo Mameli 1419 Viareggio ...................................... Felice Orsini 134
Roma ................................................ Colosseum 1433 Squillace ................ Gli Eccellenti di Menesteo 1211 Torino ......................................... Felice Govean 1428 Viareggio ........ :............................... D. Aligbieri 932
Roma .............................. .Ipazia d'Alessandria 1434 Taggia .................................... Giovanni Ruffini 1445 Torino ....................................................... Satar 1452 Vibo Valentia ................................... M. Morelli 153
Roma ...........................................................Tau 1441 Taormina .............Andromachos Tauromenita 1025 Torino ...................................... Keystone Lodge 1465 Vibo Valentia ................................. G. Carducci 752
Roma .............. Grama Fratellanza Universale 1408 Taranta ......................................... G. C. Vanini 44 Torino ..................................................... Utopia 1474 Vibo Valentia ................................. Monteleone 1139
Roma ......................................... G. Washington 1456 Taranta .............................................. Prometeo 261 Torrenova ............................................Agatirso 1229 Vibo Valentia ...................... Gioacchino Murat 1315
Roma ............................................ O. de Attellis 1461 Taranta ............................................... G. Vozza 855 Torre Annunziata .............. .I Figli del Vesuvio 237 Vibo Valentia ................... Benedetto Musolino 1319
Rosignano Marittimo .......... Giovanni Marradi 1179 Taranta ............................................... Pitagora 856 Torre Pellice ....... ........................ ........ Excelsior 21 *Vicenza ................................... G. Washington 585
Rossano ................................... .-... L. Minnicelli 972 Taranta ............................................. La Fenice 1142 Tradate ...................................... Rolly Cannara 1181 Vicenza .......................................... I Veri Amici 1298
Rossano .............................. Federazione Achea 1100 Taranta ................................................. Archita 1146 Trani ................................................. Bensalem 1308 Vigevano ......................................... .!! Dovere 1084
Rossano .................. ............. Francesco Galas so 1269 Taranto ........................................Atanor-ltalia 1155 Trapani ............................................ G. Mazzini 347 Vigevano ........................ Obbedienza e Libertá 1170
Rovigo ......................................... Enricd Cairoli 1311 Taranto .................................... :............ Hermes 1193 Trapani ..................................... Rinnovamento 348 Vigevano ................... S. Giannitti Viglebanum 1375
Sabbioneta .......................XX La Piccola Atene 1320 Taranto ......................................Nazario Sauro 1220 Trapani ......................................... G. Garibaldi 642 Viterbo .............................. Laborad Veritatem 1136
Sagliano Micca ......................................... Delta 1278 Taranto ................................ Giuseppe Mazzini 1277 Trebisacce .................................... Paolo Ungari 1301 Voghera ...............................Agostino Depretis 1279
Saint Vincent ................................. Mont Blanc 1197 Taranta ................................................. Osiride 1367 Treia .......................................... De Humilitete 1322 Volterra ............................................... Etruria 590
Salema ............................................ G. Mazzini 672 Taranta ................................................. Europa 1444
Salema ............................................... Mentana 719 Tempio Pausania ................................ Capre~a 893 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF ITALY. In addition to the Grand Lodges
Salema ............................ Giovanni da Procida 1276 Teramo ................................ Melchiorre Deifico 196 included in tbis publication, the Grande Oriente d'Italia maintains fraternal relations with the following
Salema .................................Antonio Genovesi 1429 Termini Imerese ................................. F. Crispi 794 Grand Lodges: Albania; Andorra; Bosnia & Herzegovina; Congo; Croatia; Gran Logia Equinoccial del
Salema ..................................... Cario Pisacane 1446 Termini Imerese ..................... Giordano Bruno 1376 Ecuador; Latvia; Lithuania; Mexico: Colima, Oaxaca, Queretaro, Tabasco, Yucatan; Moldavia; Montenegro;
Sambuca di Sicilia .............................. Armonia 1187 Termoli .................................................. Osiride 1464 Niger; Ukraine; Grande Laja de Mo<;ambique; Grande Loge Nationale de Djibouti, National Grand Lodges:
Sampierdarena ......................La Veritá-Labor 95 Terni ........................................................ Tacito 740 Azerbaijan, Poland; Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado and lts Jurisdiction; Prince Hall Grand Lodges of
S. Benedetto del Tronto ................. F. Carbone 1453 Terni ................................................. G. Petroni 952 the States of Alaska; Illinois and New York, Oklahoma; Serenissima Gran Loggia Repub!ica di San Marino;
S. Giorgio Canavese .................... P. Martinetti 1036 Terni .............................. .-................. P. Garofoli 1008 Slovenia; Slovakia.
S. Lazzaro di Savena .............Andrea Palladio 1177 Terni ............................................. J. W. Goethe 1048
San Marceno Pistaiese ............. C. Carmignani 475 Terni ..................................... Alessandro Fabri 1186
San Marco Argentano .......... Umanita e Patria 1232 Terni .................................. Roberto Mantilacci 1349
San Marco Argentano ....... Randolfo Pacciardi 1318 Tolentino ............................................ .A Nardi 1074
Sanremo .......................................... a.- Mazzini 98 Torino ................................................... Ausonia 11
Sanremo ...................................... .A. Cremieux 761 Torino ............................................ Propaganda 14
Torino ............................................... C. Cavour 16
~:~::~.·-·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·::.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·::::.·:.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.L~:t;~~~: ~gg~ Torino .............................................. G. Ferraris
Torino .............................................. G. Mazzini
Sanremo ..................................... Pietro Donato 1323
Sansepolcro ................................Alberto Mario 121 Torino ................................. Cavalieri di Scozia 619
San Severo .......................................... Pitagora 923 Torino .................................................. Pitagora 620
San Severo .................... .Raimondo de' Sangro Torino ............................................... .Ipotenusa 682
Principe di San Severo 1267 Torino ..............................................Acadoemia 693
San Terenzo aMare ....................... G. Mazzini 100 Torino .................................................... Liberty 695
Santa Margherita de Belice ................ Dedalus 1430 Torino ......................................... Pedemontana 696
Santa Maria Capua Vetere .... Luigi Vanvitelli 1442 Torino ....... .- .................................. Risorgimento 697
San Vito al Tagliamento ..................... P. Sarpi 925 Torino ................................................ Berescith 726
Sarna ................................ Circolo Democratice 1309 Torino ............................................... C. Cavour 858
Sassari ................................ Gio. Maria Angioy 355 Torino .............................................. M. L. King 859
Sassari ................................................. B. Mura 1081 Torino .............................................. Jan Palach 860
Sassari ................................... Goffredo Mameli 1192 Torino ............................................... Subalpina 861
Sassari ........................................... Conoscenza 1256 Torino .......................................................... Tao 862
Sassari ............................................... Rinascita 1344 Torino .............................Augnsta Taurinorum 863
The Lodges marked witb * are English speaking Lodges, using the American Ritual.
Lodge marked with t is working in English, using the Emulation Ritual.
Further 25 Italian speaking Lodges are using the Emulation Ritual .
316 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 317
Abidjan .................................................... Núcleus 1 Abidjan ............................................ Fleur de Lys 20 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Abidjan .................................................. Réflexion 2 Agboville .............................. Etoile Flamboyante 21
Abidjan .................................................... Equerre 3 Abidjan .............................................. Jerusalem 22 •Chitose ............................................... Hokkaido 17 Kyoto ............................................. Kyoto Mikado 23
Yamoussokro ............................... Pax Hominibus 4 Abidjan ........................................................Aleph 23 *Fukuoka ................................... Cherry Blossom 14 Misawa.............. .....................................Aomori 10
Abidjan ........................................ Entente et Paix 5 Abidjan ........................ Saint Jean L'Evangeliste 24 Fukuoka ................................................... Himiko 24 N agoya ........................................... Torii Masonic 6
Abidjan ................................................ Geometrie 6 Abidjan .......................................Aube N aissante 25 Hamura ................................................... Kokusai 15 Okinawa .................................................. Teikoku 19
Grand Bassam ......................................... Klaniai 7 Bouake .............................................. Soulam'Yha 26 Horinouchi ......................... Sagamihara Masonic 13 •Sapporo ............................ Hokkaido Centennial 17
Abengourou ................................... Etoile de l'Est 8 Abidjan .................. Les Bienheureux Saint Jean 27 Horinouchi ..........................................Yokosuka 20 *Sapporo ........................... Wakkanai Centennial 21
Abidjan ................................................ Jean Mons 9 Adzope ............................ Saint Jean Le Baptiste 28 Iwakuni ...................................................... Kintai 16 Sasebo ....................................................... Nippon 9
Abidjan ..................................................... Orfevre 10 Bingerville .................................... Sentier D'eveil 29 *Kobe ......................................................... Kansai 12 Tokyo.... .. ................................... Tokyo Masonie 2
Yamoussokro .................................. Persévérance 11 Grand Bassam ............................ Etoile du Matin 30 Kunitachi .............................. Square & Compass 3 +Tokyo................................................ Tokyo Yuai 11
Yamoussokro ........................................ Harmonie 12 Abidjan ................................................... L'Unité 31 *Kunitachi ........................................... Kunitachi 4 •Tokyo ................................................... Harmony 18
Assinie ............................... Les Princes d'Assinie 32
8:~:J'B~;;~·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~l=~~~~~~~ i~
*Kunitachi ........................................... Moriyama 7 Tokyo ...........................................DeMolay-Land 22
Abidjan ............................ La Ruche Mysterieuse 33 •Kunitachi ............................................... Honshu 8 Yokohama .............................................. Far East 1
San Pedro ..................................... Yves l'Africain 16 *Kyoto .......................................... Kyoto Masonic 5 Tokyo ........................... Research Lodge of Japan
COte d'lvoire maintains fraternal relations with all Grand Lodges listed in this publication. In addition, our included in this publication, this Grand Lodge maintains fraternal relations with the following: Albania;
Grand Lodge maintains fraternal relations with the following Grand Lodges: Congo, Djibouti, Ghana et Andorra; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Estonia; Guineenne; Malienne; Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Maryland;
Mozambique, Guinée, Mali, Maurice, and Niger. Massachusetts; Ohio; Pennsylvannia; Virginia; and Washington.
This Grand Lodge does not recognize the following Grand Lodges listed in this publication: Armenia;
Benin; Brazil: Grande Oriente, Alagoas, Amapa, Sergipe, Tocantins; Cameroon; Colombia: Barranquilla,
Bogota, Los Andes, Oriental, Cucuta; Haiti; Malta; Mexico: Baja California Sur, Benito Juarez, Chiapas,
Cosmos, Del Pacifico, Sinaloa, Unida Mexicana; Morocco; El Salvador, Cuscatlan; Tahiti and Archipelagos;
Togolaise; the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Deleware, and lllinois
*Merged, consolidated or closed
+Works in Japanese language
318 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 319
Founded March 6, 1996 Founded March 12, 2005
Lodges, 9 Annual Meeting First Saturday of March Members, 232 Lodges,19 Annual Meeting March 12 Members, 416
Grand Master Grand Secretary P.G. BRUNO DUMAZEL PHILIPPE RIBOT
BP 7569 BP 7569 Grand Master Grand Secretary
101- Antananarivo 101- Antananarivo
Madagascar Madagascar Barachois Estate
Phone: +261 32 07 125 08 Phone: +261 34 02 228 00 Tamarin
FAX: +26120 22 674 48 FAX: +26120 22 674 48 Republic of Mauritius
E-mail: [email protected] E-mai!: [email protected] Phone: +230 483 4439
FAX: +230 483 8493
Antananarivo ....... :........................... Hazavana 001 Antsirabe ............................................ .Vatolay 010
Antananarivo ................................ Fahendrena 002 Vatofantsika ................................... Mahajunga 004 LOCATI ON NAME AND NO.
Antananarivo ................................... Tsaratana 003 Ny Masina Graal ......................... Antsiranana 005 LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Antananarivo ........................................ France 007 Habakabaka Manga .................. Antananarivo 008 Phoenix ..................... Louis Auguste Ormieres 1
Toamasina ................................... Antsinanana 009 Port Louis ................... Alliance de St. J acques Port Louis .......................................... Harmony 11
2 Port Louis ........................ Regius Fraternitatis
Phoenix ................................. .Stella C!avisque 3 12
*No corrections have been received since this date. Phoenix .............................................. Trochetia Port Louis .................................... Magna Carta 13
4 Vacoas ................................................. Salomon
Phoenix ............................................. Le Phenix 5 14
Grand Baie ............... Etoile de L'Ocean Indien Vacoas ................ Les Hospitaliers de Tamarin 15
6 Tamarin .......................... Sir Robert Farquhar
Rodrigues ........ La Terre, La Foi, L'Esperance 7 16
Phoenix ..................................... Les Pyramides Calebasses ....................................... Manus Dei 17
8 La Providence .................................. R. Kipling
Phoenix .................................................... Unity 9 18
Port Louis ........................................... Magdala Vacoas ........................... Traveller's Fraternity 19
Founded February 15, 1933 Founded February 24, 1978
Quarterly Communications last Sunday of Quarterly Communications third Sunday of
February, May, August and November June, September, January and March
Election is held February of even years Election is held March of every year
Lodges:35 Members, 680 Lodges: 14 Members, 210
Grand Master, Grand Secretary Grand Master Grand Secretary
Valerio Gonzalez Canseco N°. 166, Loreto N°. 26, Col. Bella Vista
Calle Novena No 8169-203 Col. Centro Calle 9na. No. 8169-203, Col. Centro Colonia Primero de Mayo, La Paz, B. C. S., C.P. 23050
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, CP 22000 Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico San Jose del Cabo, B.C.S, C.P. 23406 Phone Cell: (52-612)-149-6191
Web: Phone Oficina: (52-624)-1422196 Phone Particular: (01-612)-124-3582
JOSÉ DE JESÚS RODRÍGUEZ GUZMÁN E-mail: [email protected] Phone Cell: (52-624)-122-1249 E-mail: [email protected]
Grand Past Master Jr. Phorie Particular: (52-624)-105-2812
Calle Novena N° 8169-203 Col Centro E-mail: [email protected] Mailing Address:
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico APARTADO POSTAL N° 490
Phone: 664-6377168 V:.H:.JOSE LUIS ARMENDARIZ SCOTT La Paz, Baja California Sur, México 23001
Grand Past Master JR
TEMPLO MASÓNICO U.S. Mailing Address: Feo. Javier Mina N°. 312 E/Olachea y Lerdo
Calle 9na. N° 8169 of #203 Col Centro 3130 Wittman Way De Tejada, Col. Centro, Cd. Constiiución,
Tijuana Baja California, Mexico San Ysidro, CA 92173 B.C.S., C.P 23600
Phone: 664-6852272 Phone Oficina: (01-613)-132-0168
Phone Cell: (045-613)-109-5800
E-mail: jos [email protected]
Office: Calle del Pirata S/N entre Golfo de California
Occidental 1 .............................................. Ensenada Reconquista 25 ............................. Ensenada Carnalú e Instituto Politécnico. Col Esperanza I
Precursora 2 ................................................. Mexicalí Blanca 1, 27 ................................................ Ensenada La Paz, Baja California Sur, México
Zaragoza 3 ..................................................... Tijuana Libertad 28 ................................................. Ensenada Phone/FAX: 612-1235740
Gabriel Ayub Zaiden 30 ............................... Tijuana
Ciencia y Humanismo 32 ............................. Mexicali NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION
Arquitectura Moral 7 .................................... Tijuana Perseverancia 33 .......................................... Mexicali
Fénix 10 ..............: .......................................... Tijuana Insurgencia 35 .............................................. Mexicali Sembradores del Desierto, !................... ..... Ciudad Delta, 15 .......................................................... La Paz
Vincente Guerrero ll ................................ Ensenada Cucapah 37 ................................................ Ensenada Constitución Insurgentes, 27 .......................... Ciudad Insurgentes
Reforma 12 .................................................... Tijuana Occidental 226, 38 ....................... Playas de Ros arito Prof. Fernando F. Dworak, 3 ......................... Ciudad Octagenaria Zoroastro, 34 .............................. Santa
~~~~é~~~-·is·:.·:.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:".·.·:.·:.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.~'Tij~!~! Estado 29, 39 ........................ Ensenada San Quintín
Vigías del Valle 40 ......................................... Tijuana Ricardo Flores 1viagón, 4 ................ Guerrero Negro
Alfay Omega, 50 .............................. Cabo San Lucas
Benito Juarez Garcia 16 ............................ Ensenada N ovus Ordo 43 ............................................... Tijuana Alianza de Or, 5 ............................. Cabo San Lucas Ilustre Digna y Centenaria Respectable
Art. Constitucional27, 17 ......................... Ensenada Filosofia Ancestral 44 ................................ Ensenada Liberación Campesina, 6 .............................Vizcaíno Logia Simbólica Los Fieles Obrerors de la Baja
Morelos 19 .................................................. Ensenada Arte y Ciencia 45 .......................................... Mexicali Janus, 7 ........................................................... La Paz California, 189 .............................................. La Paz
Fiat Lux 20 ................................................... Mexicali Palingenesia 46 ..... ....... ............................ Tijuana Prof. Benito Bermudez Coronado, 8 .............. La Paz Los Aprendices de Loreto BD ......................... Loreto
Ciencia y Virtud 21 ......................................Mexicali Sergio Iván de la Selva 47 ............................ Tijuana Septuagenaria Faro del Sur, 9 ............................ San
Pueblo Nuevo 22 ........................................... Mexicali Cronos 48 ....................................................... Tijuana José del Cabo
The Grand Lodge of Baja California fulfills the standard of recognition requirements that are: Legiti- The Grand Lodge of Baja California fulfills the standard of recogoition requirements that are: Legiti-
macy of Origin; Exclusive Territorial Jurisdiction; Adherence to the Ancient Landmarks, specifically an macy of Origin; Exclusive Territorial Jurisdiction; Adherence to the Ancient Landmarks, specifically an
unalterable and continuing belief in God, the volume of the Sacred Law as an indespensable part of the unalterable and continuing belief in God, the volurne of the Sacred Law as an indespensable part of the
furinture of the Lodge, and the prohbition of the discussion of religion and politics. furinture ofthe Lodge, and the prohbition ofthe discussion ofreligion and politics.
of Baja California, México maintains fraternal relations with most of the regular Grand Lodges of the Lodge of Baja California Sur, México maintains fraternal relations with most of the regular Grand Lodges
world, and is amenable to establishing fraternal ties with any regularly constitú.ted Grand Lodge. of the world, and is amenable to establishing fraternal ties with any regular! y constituted Grand Lodge.
To prevent usurpation of name and logo, has been registered of the Grand Lodge of State Baja Califor- *No corrections have been received since this date.
nia to civil authorities .
322 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 323
R:. E:. A:. y A:. R.E.A. y A.
Miembro Constituyente de la Confederación de Grandes Logias Regulares Lodges Chartered, 18 Members, 284
Grand Master Grand Secretary
Miembro de la Confederacion Masonica lnteramericana
Lodges Chartered, 8 Grand Deputy
Grand Master Grand Secretary Apartado Postal 87
Flor de Limón No. 10 entre Ecuador y Perú, Torreón, Coah., Mex. C.P. 27000
Calle 16 No. 301, C.P.: 24040 Phone: 01 (871) 7121029
C.P.: 24060, Colonia Polvorín Colonia Pensiones, barrio de San Román Fax: 17 12-10-29
San Francisco de Campeche, Cam., México San Francisco de Campeche, Cam. México
E-mail: jarrodrí[email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Meeting in January, May and September
Calle Bravo N° 1 Barrio de San Román C.P.: 24040
San Francisco de Campeche, Campeche Mexico LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
A. P. N°33
Phone: (981) 81 6 93 32 Torrean, Coah ........................... Ignacio Zaragoza 1 Torreón, Coah ............................... Comunicacion 63
Torrean, Coah ................................ Benito Juarez 2 Torreón, Coah ..................................... Torreón 75 67
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. Torrean, Coah .......................... J ose Ma. Aguirre 3 Morelos, Coah ............................ Nexalhualcoyotl 68
Saltillo, Coah .................................... Fraternidad 20 Torreón, Coah .................................... Renovacion 75
San Francisco de Campeche ............. Valentín de Ciudad del Carmen .................... Descemimiento 14 Hipolito, Coah ............................................ Acacia 24 Torreón, Coah ................. Fraternidad Universal 76
la Torre 1 Escárcega ............................. Fortaleza y Lealtad 15 Castaños, Coah ........................... .Independencia 32 Torreón, Coah .............. Libertadores de América 77
Ciudad del Carmen ....................... Benito Juárez 3 San Francisco de Campeche ................ Francisco Torreón, Coah ............. Enrique Cordova Zamora 34 Feo. I. Madero, Coah .........Alianza y Superación 80
Ciudad del Carmen ........................ Luz y Verdad 5 Duarte Sánchez 17 Torrean, Coah ............ Constancia y Fraternidad 55 Saltillo, Coah ............................... Fraternidad 88 81
Escárcega .................. Raúl Martínez Hernández 6 San Francisco de Campeche ....................... GAIA 18 Torreón, Coah .................... Sombra de Pitagoras 61 Saltillo, Coah ............................. Unión Fraternal 82
San Francisco de Campeche .................Universo 7 Calkini .................................................. Ah Canul 21 Torreón, Coah .......... Rodolfo Guerrero González 62
San Francisco de Campeche ......Joaquín Cuevas San Francisco de Campeche ...................Acuario 22
Medina 8 Hecelchakán ................................................ Jaina 23 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF COAHUILA. Our Grand Lodge has frater-
San Francisco de Campeche ..................... Emilio Champotón ................................... Chakán Putún 24 nal relations with all Grand Lodge members of the Confederación de Grandes Logias Regulares de la
Marco Peris 9 San Francisco de Campeche ................. .Itzamná 25 Republica Mexicana (Confederation ofRegular Grand Lodges ofMexico); with all Grand Lodge members of
San Francisco de Campeche .................... Ramón Candelaria ............... Enrique Núñez Maldonado 26 the Confederación Masónica Inter-Amerícana CMI (Inter-American Masonic Confederation) formed by the
Rodríguez Miss 11 Regular Grand Lodges ofMexico, Central and South Ameríca and the West Indies.
Also with the following: United States of North America: Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF CAMPECHE. La Muy Respetable Gran Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas and
Logia "Campeche", es parte integrante de la Familia Masónica Universal, sigue los Usos, Costumbres, Montana; Canada: British Columbia; Europe: Belgium; Denmark; France; Germ.any; Greece; Italy, Grand
Tradiciones y Principios del Simbolismo y reconoce que los fundamentos de la Orden son los Antiguos Orient; and Spain; South America: Argentina, Brasil, Peru, Chile, Ecuador.
Límites, de vigilancia permanente, inalterable, y de jerarquía superior a toda Constitución o cualquier Ley, *No corrections have been received since this date.
Decreto o Reglamento.
La Muy Respetable Gran Logia de "Campeche se rige por la Gran Constitución fundamentada en los
Antiguos Límites de la Orden, así que las Leyes, las resoluciones los acuerdos tomados en cumplimiento de
aquella, son de observancia obligatoria para todos los Masones residentes dentro de la juisdicción.
*No corrections have been received since this date.
324 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 325
326 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 327
MEXICO Guadalajara, Jal. ............................. Libertad 1 Guadalajara, Jal. ...................... Fuego Nuevo 28
Founded June 24, 1905 Guadalajara, Jal. ........ Constitución del 57 2 Chapala, Jal ............ Valentin Gómez Farias 32
Lodges, 74 Members, 1,714 Guadalajara, Jal. ....... José Guadalupe Zuno 4 Puerto Vallarta, J al. ....................... Libertad,
MARCO ANTONIO CEPEDA ALVAREZ JOSE VALDEMAR PORTILLO LOPEZ Guadalajara, Jal ....................... Cuauhtemoc 5 Igualdad y Fraternidad 33
Grand Master Grand Secretary Guadalajara, Jal. .. :............................ Gnosis 6 Tepatitlán, Jal. ............................... Pitagoras 37
Guadalajara, Jal. ....................... Renovación 8 Tlaquepaque, Jal. ...................... Luna Nueva 39
Estrellita No. 135 Lince No. 160 Esquina con Fénix Guadalajara, Jal .......................... Revolución 9 Ocotlán, Jal ............. Aotorcha de la Cienega 40
Col. Residencial Roble San Nicolás Col. Contry Cihuatlán, Jal .................................... Infinito 11 Sn. Gabriel, Jal. ............. El Llano en Llamas 42
C. P. 66420 San Nicolás de los Garza, N. L. C. P. 64860 Monterrey, N. L. Cihuatlán, Jal. ....................... Resurgimiento 12 Guadalajara, Jal. ..........Mario Luna Aguilar 43
Tel. Doro.: 8353 65 39 Tel. Dom.:8357 77 72 Guadalajara, Jal. .............. Emisarios del Sol 14 Zacoalco, Jal. ......... ~ ......................... Delta Sur 45
Tel. Cel.:0448182 00 47 07/0448110 83 6119 Tel. Ce!.: 0448183 09 80 12 Guadalajara, Jal. ............... .Ignacio Ramírez 18 Guadalajara, Jal. .Aogel Carrillo Hernández 46
Templo Masónico: Guadalajara, Jal. ............ .Ignacio L. Vallarta 19 Tecalitlan, Jal.. ............... Guadalupe Victoria 47
Gral. Mariano Escobedo No. 414 Nte. Sayula, Jal ...................................Akenathon 20 Guadalajara, Jal ....................... Jose Edwiges
Apdo. Postal No. 309 Ameca, J al. ........................... .Val!e de Ameca 23 Flores Lomeli 48
C. P. 64000 Guadalajara, Jal. .................... Benito Juárez 24
Monterrey, N. L.
Tels.: 8340 60 66/8343 14 93 Fax: 8342 30 47 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF OCCIDENTAL MEXICANA. This Grand
E-mail: [email protected] Lodge has Fraternal relations with al! Grand Lodge members of the "Confederacion de Grandes Logias
Regulares de la República Mexicana". This Grand Lodge does not recognize the following Grand Lodge:
Gran Logia "Valle de México."
Obreros del Silencio No. ! ........................ Monterrey Profr. Luis F. Elizondo No. 44 ............. Est. Aldamas
Constancia No. 2 ....................................... Monterrey Virtud No. 45 ........................................ Los Ramones DE AA:. LL:.Y AA:.MM:. DE SINALOA
Victoria No. 3 ............................................ Monterrey Equidad No. 46 ........................................ Monterrey Founded September 1, 1985
Guardianes del Misterio No. 4 ....... , ......... Monterrey Pensamiento Libre No. 47 .................. Montemorelos Quarterly Communications last Saturday of
· Fénix No. 5 ................................................ Monterrey Dr. Eusebio Guajardo No. 48 ................... Monterrey February, May, August and November
Tolerancia Masónica No. 6 ....................... Monterrey Hermes No. 49 .......................................... Monterrey
Gral. Bernardo Reyes No. 7 .................. Hualahnises Dr. Césax Decanini Flores No. 50 ............ Monterrey Lodges, 25 Election is held August of even years Members, 320
Juárez No. 8 .............................................. Monterrey Gral. José de San Martín No. 51 ... Ciénega de Flores JOSÉ LUIS PÉREZ AGUIRRE MARTÍN JUÁREZ !BARRA
Gral. Mariano Escobedo No. 9 .................... Santiago Fray Servando Teresa de Mier No. 52 ..... Monterrey Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
Progreso No. 10 .......................... Cadereyta Jiménez Lic. Arturo B. De la Garza No. 53 .... Cd. Guadalupe
Estrella del Sur No. ll.. ................................ Linares Cuaulitémoc No. 54 .................................. Monterrey Calle Mariano Escobedo #186 Ote. Lázaro Cárdenas #1321
Chee Kung Tong No. 12 ............................ Monterrey Melchor Ocampo No. 56 ........................... Monterrey Col. Centro Col. Los Pinos
Hiram No. 13 ........................................ Los Herreras Luz y Verdad No. 57 ................................. Monterrey Culiacán, Sinaloa, México C.P. 80000 Culiacán, Sinaloa, México C.P. 80120
Fraternidad No. 14 ............................... Cd. Aoáhuac Superación No. 58 ..................................... Monterrey Correspondence:
Lic. Verdad No. 15 .................................... Monterrey Lic. Benito Juárez No. 59 ..................... Cd. Aoáhuac Apartado Postal 2252
Caballeros del Sol No. 16 ......................... Monterrey José Ma. Maldonado No. 60 ..................... Monterrey Masonic Temple:
Hidalgo No. 18 ........................................ Gral. Terán Renovación No. 61 ........................................ Galeana República de Chile #2346 Col. Humaya
Simón Bolívar No. 20 ................................ Monterrey Gral. Nicolás Bravo No. 62 ..................... Gral. Bravo Culiacán, Sinaloa, México C.P. 80020
León Guzmán No. 21 ................................... Cerralvo Luz y Progreso No. 63 ....... San Nicolás de los Garza
Morelos No. 22 .................................... Montemorelos Constructores de la Fraternidad No. 66 ... Monterrey
J. B. De Molay No. 23 ............................... Monterrey Leyes de Reforma No. 67 .......................... Monterrey
Luchadores de la Montaña No. 24 ........... Dr. Arroyo Conciencia Revolucionaria No. 68 ............................ . LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Felipe Naranjo Garza No. 25 .................... Lampazos Cadereyta Jiménez
de Naranjo Gral. Ignacio J. Allende 93 No. 70 ................ Allende Los Mochis ........................ Francisco José López 1 Los Mochis .................... Clemente Grijalva Cota 21
Socialista Independencia No. 26 .............. Monterrey Fernando Elizondo Elizondo No. 71 ............Apodaca Culiacán .................................. Salomón e Hiram 2 Mazatlán .................................... :..... Fraternidad 23
Oasis No. 27 ............................................ Monterrey Ricardo Flores Magón No. 72 ................... Monterrey Culiacán ........................ José Maria Cota y Cota 3 Mazatlán .............................................Ave Fénix 25
Gral. Ignacio Allende No. 28 ..................... Pesquería Profr. Pablo Livas No. 73 ......................... Monterrey Mazatlán ................................................... Acacia 5 Los Mochis ....................... Emilio Avena Medina 26
Hércules No. 29 ..................................... Cd. Aoábuac Solidaridad No. 74 .................................... Monterrey Culiacán .................................................. Lealtad 7 Guasave ................................................. Guasave 32
José Martí No. 30 ...................................... Monterrey Profr. Plinio D. Ordóñez No. 75 ......... Montemorelos Los Mochis ................................ Gral. Octavio A. Guamúchil ............................................. Libertad 33
Obreros de la Luz No. 32 ................ Sabinas Hidalgo Lic. Alvaro Reyes Aurrecoechea No. 76 ... Monterrey Serrano-Los Mochis 8 Mazatlán .............................................. Mazatlán 37
Rafael Nájera No. 33 ................................ Monterrey Apolinar Núñez de León No. 78 ............... Monterrey Guamúchil ......................................... Guamúchil 9 Culiacán ...................................... Constituyentes 39
Libertadores de la Humanidad No. 34 .... Monterrey Aodrés R. Cavazos No. 82 .............. Sabinas Hidalgo Culiacán ..............................Armonia y Progreso 12 Guasave ........... Lic. Bentio Pablo Juárez García 42
Unificación No. 35 ..................................... Monterrey Derechos Humanos No. 83 ....................... Monterrey El Rosario ................................................ Rosario 14 Culiacán ......... Manuel Crescencio Garcia Rejón 43
Gerónimo Ramírez No. 36 ........................ Monterrey Acacia No. 87 ......................................... Monterrey Culiacán .............................................. Tolerancia 15 Culiacán ..................................... Juan Bautista 45
Patria No. 37 ............................................. Monterrey Mónica Miranda Valero No. 94 ................ Monterrey Mocorito ................................................. Mocorito 16 Culiacán ...... ...................................... Bereshit BD
Simbolismo Libre No. 38 ...................... Dr. González Siglo XXI No. 99 ........................................ Monterrey Culiacán ...................................Antonio Rosales 20 Culiacán .............................................. Culiacán BD
Puritanos No. 40 ....................................... Monterrey Año de Juárez 1972 No. 100 ........ Cd. Benito Juárez
Progreso Científico N o. 42 ............................ Hidalgo Templarios 10 No. 10l ............... Cadereyta Jiménez RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF SINALOA. The Grand Lodge of Sinaloa,
Mexico recognizes and maintains fraternal relations with most of the regular Grand Lodges in this book,
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF NUEVO LEON. The Grand Lodge of and is amenable to establishing fraternal ties with any regularly constituted Grand Lodge.
Nuevo Leon, Mexico maintains relations with most ofthe regular Grand Lodges ofthe world. In addition, the Grand Lodge of Sinaloa recognizes and has fraternal relations with al! Grand Lodges
that are members of the Confederación de Grandes Logias Regulares de la Republica Mexicana. The Grand
*No corrections have been received since this date . Lodge of Sinaloa, México does not recognize the Grand Lodge Valle de México.
328 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 329
MÉXICO DE AA:.LL:. Y AA:.MM:. de Veracruz
Founded May 5, 1909 Founded December 24, 1885 Members, 1,800
Lodges, 91 Annual Communication in March Members, 1,810 Miembro de la Confederación Masónica de Grandes Logias Regulares
Miembro de la Confederación Masónica lnteramericana
Brasil No. 502 Pte. R 'bl. d e b 90 N M. W. Grand Master Gran Primer Secretario
Col. Felipe Carrillo Puerto epu ,ICa e u a 6 te.
Cd M d
Ofi.c. (S33l~17 {Y¡
Ce!.: (833) 318 68 17
u: '
Ta a r pas México Col. Lazaro Cárdenas
Cd. Madero, Tamaulipas, México (C.P. 89430)
Benito Juarez No. 59
Colonia Centro, C.P. 91700
Phone: (228) 8 12 32 99
Benito Juarez No. 59
Colonia Centro, C.P. 91700
Phone: (229) 9 38 60 46
E-mail: [email protected] Movil: (228) 8 39 7111 Movil: (229) 1 33 58 92
E-mail: [email protected] E·mail: [email protected]
GRAN LOGIA Benito Juarez No. 59
Encino N°. 100 Col. Águila Apartado Postal 56
Colonia Águila C.P. 91700 Veracruz
Tampico, Tamaulipas, México (C. P. 89230) Telefono: (229) 9 32 25 18 FAX: 9 55 02 18
Tel.: (833) 217 07 15 & F.:X: (833) 213 78 45 Website:
E-mail: [email protected] www E·mail: [email protected]
Permits dual membership with Grand Lodge ofTexas under special circumstances.
Aldama .......................... Lic. Fortunato de Leija 35 Nvo. Laredo ............................................... Orión 19 Gutiérrez Zamora ........................................Alba 6 Veracruz .............................. Obreros del Templo 12
Altamira .....................Artesanos de Altamira-7 80 Nvo. Laredo ................................................. Alba 37 Jalapa ................................................... Alborada 2 Jalapa ................................... Pensamiento Libre 22
Altamira ..................... Dr. Belisario Dominguez 103 Nvo. Laredo ....................................... Redención 38 Veracruz ............................................Anfisbena 60 Veracruz ....................................... Perseverancia 32
Anahuac .................... Lic. Teodulo Montemayor 43 Nvo. Laredo ............................ Cedros de Líbano 79 Veracruz ................................................Armonia 14 El Higo ....................................... Platon Sanchez 24
Antiguo Morelos ....... José M•. Morelos y Pavón 65 Nvo. Laredo .......................................... Rectitud 86 Jesús Carranza .............................. Arquietectos 4 7 Jalapa ................................................ Pleno Dia 3
Camargo ...........................................America 18 118 Nvo. Laredo ........................... Leyes de Reforma 100 Juchique de Ferrer ...................... Benito Juarez 7 Poza Rica ............................................ Redencion 29
Cd. Gvo. Díaz Ordaz ..................... Resurrección 21 Nvo. Padilla ................ Padilla Siempre Auante 119 Tierra Blanca ............................... Benito Juarez 70 Perote ............................................... Revolucion 1
Cd. Gvo. Díaz Ordaz .................... Estrella Polar 52 Nvo. Progreso .................................... José Martí 90 Jalapa ............................................. Acuario 2217 90 Tantoyuca .............................................. Salomon 80
Cd. Madero ............................... ~.. Perseverancia 4 Reynosa ............................................. Tolerancia 23 Catemaco ............................................. Catemaco 68 Mis antia .................................. Salvador Allende 1
Cd. Madero ........................... Monte Nebo Trece 47 Reynosa ..................................................... Fénix 40 Jalapa ................................................. Concordia 1 Ciudad Lerdo ........................ S. Lerdo de Tejada 29
Cd. Madero ................... Pdte. Lázaro Cárdenas 64 Reynosa ............................ Constitución de 1857 45 Tuxpam ....................................................... Delta 51 Martínez de la Torre ...................... Teocalli-ome 113
Cd. Madero.. .:..... Conciencia Revolucionaria: 72 Reynosa ..................... Gral. Pedro José Méndez 50 Cuichapa ..................................................... Delta 33 Tlalixcoyan ....................................... Tlalixcoyan 20
Cd. Madero .................Verdadero Cambio 1985 99 Reynosa .. ................. Lic. Emilio Portes Gil 97 Jalapa ........................... Depuracion del Oriente ) 7 Córdoba ................................ Treinta Cabalieros 69
Cd. Madero .................. Libertadores de Madero 113 Reynosa ........................................ Revolución 88 105 San Rafael ............................................ Dignidad 9 Jalapa ............................................... Unificacion 4
Cd. Madero ................... Caballeros de la Acacia 115 Reynosa ........................ Armonía y Fraternidad 109 Orizaba .................................................... Electra 9 Pánuco .................................... Union e Igualdad 19
~f¿]~~~·o·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~fi~c~e~it~~~r~~ ~~
Cd. Mante .............................. :........ 5 de Febrero 34 1 Veracruz ............................................. Esperanza 2 Orizaba .. Union YProgreso eehijos del Porvenir 5
Cd. Mante .................................. Plan de Ayutla 44 Veracruz ............................................... Excelsior 9 Alamo .................................................... Universo 35
Cd. Mante ....................................... Fraternidad 69 Río Bravo ............................................ Pitágoras 58 Poza Rica ................................. Fe, Luz y Verdad 18 Cd. Mendoza ............................................ Urania 10
Cd. Mante ............... Gral. Plutarco Elías Calles 71 San Carlos ...................................... Prometeo 33 122 Las Choapas ............................................... Feni:x 57 Poza Rica .................................................Vertice 28
Cd. Mante ........................ E. L. Ilizaliturri Rdz. 108 San Fernando ........................................... Citlali 20 Cerro Azul .................................................. Fenix 59 Acayucan .................................................. Virtud 2
Cd. Mier ............................. Francisco I. Madero 22 Santander Jiménez ............... Obreros de la Luz 25 Veracruz .......................................... Fraternidad 1 Veracruz ......................................... .Xicotencatl 3
Cd. Miguel Alemán ................... Miguel Hidalgo 42 Soto la Marina ........... Fe, Esperanza y Caridad 102 Jalapa .............................................. Fraternidad 11 Córdoba...................................... .......... Yanga 15
Cd. Ocampo ............................. Melchor Ocampo 46 Tampico ............................................... Victrix 1 Tuxpam ......................... Fraternidad y Progreso 50 Chicontepec ................................. Chicometépetl 35
Cd. Victoria ............................................ Victoria 7 Tampico .... Constelación Andrés Arauja Araujo 2 Vega de Alatorre ... Fraternidad Veracruzana13 111 Veracruz .................................... Microcosmos 13 81
Cd. Victoria ................... Dr. Felipe Pérez Garza 49 Tampico .................................................. Justicia 3 Chinampa de Gorostiza ......................... Génesis 113 Naranjos .................................. Melchor Ocampo 26
Cd. Victoria ............... Lic. Fidencio Trejo Flores 54 Tampico ...................................... Hijos de la Luz 8 Tierra Blanca ............................................. Higia 54 Tuxpan .......................................... .lxtacuaucalli 1
Cd. Victoria ..... Profr. José M•. Sánchez García 61 Tampico ................................................. Nobleút 9 Tuxpam ...................................... Hijos de Hiram 8 Papantla ...................................................... Tajin 21
Cd. Victoria .......... Arq. Armando López Pompa 75 Tampico ........................................ Renacimiento 16 San Andrés Tuxtla ............. Hijos de Xicotencatl 33
Cd. Victoria ..............................Amistad Liberal 77 Tampico .................................................. 28 Jalapa ............................................. Quetzalcoatl 10
Agua Dulce .............................. Hijos del Silencio 63 San Andrés Tuxtla ................. .Iris de Eyipantla 2
f~:~~~~ ::::::··:::::·.:·.·.:::::::::::::::::::::~~~f:c~gS~i~ ~g
Cd. Victoria ..................... Constelación Victoria 78 Tempoal... ........................... .Ignacio de la Llave 19
Cd. Victoria ................................... .Victoria Luz 81 San Juan Evangelista .... San Juan Evangelista 36
Cd. Victoria ........ Gral. Pedro José Méndez Luz 83 Tampico ..................................... Alpha y Omega 117 Martínez de la Torre ................... Independencia 30 Altotonga ...........................................Altotonga 33
Cd. Victoria ................... Gral. Vicente Guerrero 84 Valle Hermoso ............................Valle Hermoso 32 Coatzacoalcos ............. Independiente Mexicana 1 Veracruz ........................................ Regeneracion', 4
Cd. Victoria ................. Eduardo Núñez Teijeiro 96 Valle Hermoso ......................................Armonía 104 Nanchital... .............................. Jose Maria Mata 71 Martinez de Torre .................................. Teocalli 58
Cd. Victoria ............................ Luis Flores Arias 107 Valadeces .............................. Servando Canales 62 Tuxpam ................................................ Justicia 2 46 Poza Rica ............................................ Voluntad 34
Veracruz ................................................. Justicia 13 Jalapa........................................ ....... Filosofia 5
~ill~!lJ:~~¡~·:::::::::::::::::~1r~![:;:~At~~{~ ~~
Cómales .............................................. Medio día 17 ·
El Barretal .......................................... Evolución 15 Minatitlan ............................................Justicia 56 Minatitlán ........................... Obreros del Templo 30
El Control ................................................. Helios 6 Villa González ......................................... Urania 27 Cosamaloapan ...................... Justicia y Reforma 14 Jaltipan .................................................. Morelos 17
H. Matamoros .............................. Luz del Norte 10 Villa Güemez ................ Gral. Ascención Gómez San Rafael ............................................. Libertad 10 Veracruz ................................................. Mithras 18
H. Matamoros .............................Aurora Boreal 14 Mancilla 91 Tlapacoyan ............................................. Luxcalli 15 Martinez de la Torre ....... Obreros de la Colonia 13
H. Matamoros .................. Pedro Villar Apodaca 120 Villa Hidalgo...................................... ..Hidalgo 85 Soledad de Doblado ........ Luz, Fe y Prosperidad 25 Orizaba ........................................... Cuauhtemoc 8
H. Matamoros .... Profr. Miguel Sáenz González 26 Villa Llera .............................. José de Escandón 31 Jalapa .............................................. Macuiltepec 10 Jalacingo ......................................... Ber:tito Jarez 25
H. Matamoros .................................. José Arrese 55 Villa Mainero ...........................................Acacia 74 Poza Rica ................................ Mahatma Gandhi 3 Poza Rica ......................................Alfa y Omega 9
H. Matamoros ................. Santiago Salís Gómez 57 Xicoténcatl... ..................................... Xicoténcatl 24 Minatitlan .................................. Miguel Hidalgo 21 Xalapa ......................................... Isaac Newton 7
H. Matamoros ........................ José Islas U garte 112 Xicoténcatl ..................... Hermanos del Trabajo 59 Huatusco ........ '.............................. Nicolás Bravo 70
Nvo. Laredo ....................................... Redención 12
Tamaulipas maintains fraternal relations with the majority of the Grand Lodges listed in this publication,
and is amenable to establishing fratemal ties with any regularlv constituted Grand Lodges of Symbolic
Freemasonry in the world, including newly organized bodies in countries where Masonic activity was for·
merly restricted or prohibited.
Oldest continuous lodge is ~~Aurora Boreal" No. 14, Orient of Matamoros, originally char.tered under
auspices of Gran Logia de Veracruz on September 8, 1881.
But the Grand Lodge was founded by "Victrix" No. 1, Bernardo Reyes No. 2 and Justicia No. 3, since May 5, 1909.
*No corrections have been received since this date. ~
330 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 331
Logias, 263 Annual Communication March 21st Miembros, 16,977 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Miembro Fundador de la Confederación de Grandes Logias Regulares de Jos Estados Unidos Mexi- México, D.F ...................... Lic. Matías Romero 139 Teteles de Ávila Castillo, Pue ................ .Saúl
canos y de la Confederación Masónica Interamericana Tlalnepantla, Edo. de México ...............Adolfo Viveros Ávil a 230
López Mateas 140 Tlaxcala, Tlax................................... Helipolis 235
JORGE ALEJANDRO AVILES REYES MARTIN ALBERTO DAVILA BELLO México, D.F .................. Libertad Masónica 33 141 Toluca de Lerdo Edo. de México .... Hermanos
Gran Maestro Gran Secretario México, D.F ................................. Tenochtitlán 142 Flores Magón 236
E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] México, D.F ............................ Reencuentro 81 143 México, D.F ........................... William Wallace 237
Gran Canciller para Asuntos Internacionales México, D.F. ... ............... Dr. Serge Raynaud A tlacom ulco, E do. de México
URL: masonerí de la Ferriere 144 Isidro Fabela Alfaro 240
Tel. y Fax. 55 35 35 39 55 92 43 49 Tel. y Fax. 5566-7940 5592-4551
México, D.F ............................. Aldebarán Uno 145 Aguascalientes, Ags ..... Guardianes del Delta 242
Estados Jurisdiccionados: Edificio Sede: México, D.F .............. Templo Mayor Alkether 146 Aguascalientes, Ags ................. Perseverancia 243
Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Morelos S a di Carnot N° 75 México, D.F. ······················-·········Quetzalcoatl 147 México, D.F .............................Atlántida Siete 244
Estado de México, Puebla, Tlaxcala Col. San Rafael Tlalnepantla, Edo. de México .... Johan Nueve 148 México, D.F .............. Muratori Compostellani 245
Zacatecas y Distrito Federal Delagación Cuauhtémoc México, D.F ........................ Valle de Jos Reyes 149 México, D.F ................ Caballeros Templarios 246
C.P. 06470, México, D.F. México, D.F .................................Akh-en-atón 150 México, D.F.. ................................ Macebeos 247
México, D.F ....................... Libertad Siglo XXI 154 México, D.F ...... Columnas del Tercer Milenio 249
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. León, Gto ............................................Antares 155 Guanajuato, Gto ..................... .Independencia 250
San Luis San Pedro, Gro ..... Eleazar L. Acosta 156 Juchipila, Zac ................ Hermanos de la Hoja 251
México, D.F ........................ Constitución 1917 1 México, D.F ......................................... Lumen 65 México, D.F .................................... Eclesiastes 157 Aguascalientes, Ags ............... Prof. J. Refugio
México, D.F ...................................... Castelar 2 México, D.F .... Gral. Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada 66 México, D.F ............... Leopoldo García Elhers 158 Miranda Aguayo 255
México, D.F ... EJ Colegio Nacional de Liberales 3 Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala ............. Benito Juárez 164 67 Cuernavaca, Mor ............................. Tutul-Xiu 159 Irapuato, Gto ........................ Nosce Te Ipsum 256
México, D.F ..................................... Fulcanelli 4 México, D.F ....................................... Menphis 68 México, D.F ............... Bicentenario de México Zumpango, Edo. de México ........ Quetzalcóatl 257
México, D.F ........................................... Helios 5 México, D.F ..................................Víctor Hugo 70 1810-2010 160 Salamanca, Gto ....................... Hijos del Bajío 258
México, D.F .................... Camilo Flammarión 7 México, D.F .................................. Maimonides 71 México, D.F ..................... Quetzalcoatl Nueve 161 México, D.F ...................... Camino a Santiago 259
Irapuato, Gto ...................................... Esenios 8 México, D.F ........... LaAcademia de Janus III 73 México, D.F ............... Renacimiento Masónico 163 México, D.F ......... Ricardo Flores Magón 1-33 260
México, D.F ....................................Antiquitas 9 Toluca, Edo. de México ..... Adelphia Steganos 74 Ojo de Agua, Tecamac, Edo. de Méx. Toluca, Edo de México ............... Beth Shittah 262
México, D.F ......................... Salvador Allende w México, D.F ................... Conciencia Masónica 75 Eduardo Rincón Gallardo 164 México, D.F ....................... Obreros del Hiram 263
México, D.F .......................... Acción Masónica ll México, D.F ................... Benito Juárez García 76 México, D.F .............. Pensamiento Liberal13 165 México, D.F ........................................ Abraxas 264
México, D.F.............................. Simón Bolívar ~ Mexico, D.F ...................................... Anáhuac 77 Texcoco de Mora, Edo. de México ................. . Aguascalientes, Ags .......... Camilo Flamarión 266
México, D.F ............................................. Fénix ~ Jojutia, Morelos ......... Dr. Apolonio B. Arzate 78 Renacimiento 9 167 México, D.F ...................................... Luz Bella 267
México, D.F .........................................Voltaire u México, D.F ...................................... Génesis 7 79 Fresnillo, Zac ......... Horacio Westrup Puentes 168 Puebla, Pue ..................... Aldo Viverso Valera 268
México, D.F......................................... Lealtad ~ México, D.F................ Gral. de Div. Heriberto Zacatecas, Zac................ :........ Mar de Bronce 169 Zacateca, Zac ........... J. Jesús Larios Guzmán 270
México, D.F ....................... Constitucionalismo w Jara Corona 80 México, D.F ............................ La Fraterp.idad México, D.F ......... Presidente Luis Companys 271
México, D.F ...............Abelardo Díaz Carvallo u México, D.F ..................... Obreros del Templo 81 Caballeros AguiJa 171 México, D.F ..................... George Washington 272
México, D.F ......... .".................. Cuauhtémoc 22 w México, D.F .............................. Luz Hispánica 83 México, D.F . ... .Buscadores del Conocimiento 172 México, D.F ........ México, Luis Cataño Morlet 275
Salvatierra Gto ......................... Gen. José Ma. México, D.F ....................... Libertad y Justicia 85 Toluca, Edo. de México .. Gabriel E zeta Uribe 173 Salamanca, Gto ............... Mario del Manzano
Morelos y Pavón w México, D.F ...............Valentín Gómez Farias 86 México, D.F .......Augusto César S andino U no 17 4 Trovamala y Loranca 277
México, D.F .......................... .Ignacio Ramírez w Morelos, Morelos ............Alborada del Sur 68 88 México, D.F .......................... Monte Líbano 50 180 Acallan de Osorio, Pue. Sentimientos de la
México, D.F .............................. Chilam Balam n México, D.F ................ Fm:jadores del Ideal 75 90 México; D.F ........ Manuel Jiménez San Pedro 181 N ación Mixteca 280
México, D.F ..............................Akhenaton III 183
México, D.F ...................... Dieciocho de Marzo ~ 91 México, D.F .......... Pensamiento y Acción Dos 281
México, D.F ................................... Hiram Tres ~ 92 Irapuato, Gto ......................................... Horus 184 Cuernavaca, Morelos . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Hiram Abif 282
Tlalnepantia, Edo. de México .......... Tlacaelel w México, D.F ....................................... Armonía 93 Zacateca, Zac ............ Dr. José Ma. Luis Mora 185 Coacalco, Edo. de México .............. Koakalco 8 283
México, D.F ................... Reivindicación Social ~ México, D.F ...... :............ Plutarco Elias Calles 94 Silao, Gto ........................................... .Victoria 186 Zacatecas, Zac ..................... Ursulo A. García 284
México, D.F ....................................... Kybalión ~ México, D.F ......................................... Shalom 95 Izúcar de Matamoros, Puebla ............. Itzocan 189 Huixquilucan, Edo. de México ............. Santo
México, D.F.................................... Oasis Doce D México, D.F ......................................... Devenir 96 Cuernavaca, Morelos ................... El Siervo de Degollado 285
México, D.F . ......................................... .Acción n México, D.F .......................................... Dantón 97 la Nación 190 Cuautitlán Izcalli Edo. de México ........ Celtas 286
México, D.F ........................................ Camelot u Morelos, Morelos .......................... Nigromante 98 México, D.F ................................. Eliphas Levi 191 Temixco, Morelos ................. Emiliano Zapata
México, D.F .........Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart M México, D.F ............................... Nezahualcoyotl 99 Aguascalientes, Ags ................ Luz y Armonía 192 Salazar 19 287
México, D.F . .......... ........... Hermes Trimegisto M Zihuatanejo, Gro Lic. Benito Juárez Wl México, D.F ............................. Emérito Prócer México, D.F ............. Colegio del Real Secreto 288
México, D.F .............. Alfonso Sierra Madrigal M México, D.F .................................... Otomí Dos 102 BelisarioDomínguez 9 193 Celaya, Gto ...................... Supremo Maestro 289
México, D.F .............................................Fencios ~ México, D.F ................................ Regeneración 103 Acámbaro, Gto ............................... Esenios 6 194 León, Gto ................. Guillermo Romero León 291
Cuernavaca, Morelos ................. .... Caudillo 6 ~ México, D.F ...................................... .Igualdad 105 Zacateca, Zac... .............. Tenamaxtle 195 México, D.F .............................. Hijos de Feloy 293
Cuatitlán lzcalli, Edo. de México ........... Elías Zacatepec, Morelos ........ :..................Emiliano Zacateca, Zac ...... Ignacio Manuel Altamirano 196 Netzahualcoyotl, Edo. de Méx..........Anáhuac
Ashmole ~ Zapata Salazar 106 Tultitlán, Edo. de México .................... Miguel 77-2 294
Xochimilco, D.F .................................... Emesa n México, D.F ................. Despertar Siglo XXI-1 108 Hidalgo y Costilla 197 Salvatierra, Gto ... Sentimientos de la N ación 295
México, D.F ........................ Granadas y Lirios ~ México, D.F ................... Leonardo D' Vinci 87 W9 México, D.F ..............................................ANJ 198 México, D.F ................ Honorio Rámirez Meza 296
México, D.F ........................................ Fleming a México, D.F ........................................ Salvador Celaya, Gto .......................... .Ignacio Ramírez 199 México, D.F ........ Bentio Pablo Juárez García 297
México, D.F........................... Evolución Trece ~ Gámiz Fernández llO Aguascalientes, Ags . ....... ........ Antonio de la México, D.F ....................... Valle de Naáhuac 298
México, D.F ..................... .Independencia Dos « México, D.F ...........................................Aztlán lll Rosa Macias 33 200 México, D.F... .......................... Libertad 7 299
México, D.F ..................... Masones Aztecas 14 ~ México, D.F ...................... Benito Juárez Tres ll3 Irapuato, Gto ....................................... Orión 1 201 Dolores Hidalgo, Gto ..................... Cuna de la
Tlatlauquitépec Puebla ............... Fratemidad México, D.F ........................ Supremo Maestro ll4 México, D.F ................................... Santo Grial 202 Independencia Nacional 300
del Vallle ~ México, D.F ...... Hijos del Silencio y de la Luz ll5 México, D.F ..... Trinosofía Alfa y Omega 2001 203 México, D.F ............... Seguidores de la Razón 301
México, D.F .......................... Glorioso Ejercito México, D.F ................... Lealtad Institucional ll6 México, D.F ......................... Albert Einstein 6 204 México, D.F ....................................... Pleyades 302
del C. B. Benito Juárez ~ México, D.F .......................Valle de Jos Dioses ll7 San Martin Texmelucan, Puebla ... Reforma 1857 209 México, D.F (Lago Chiem) ................ Supremo
México, D.F ............. Dr. Belisario Do:mínguez G México, D.F ............................. Heriberto Jara ll9 Comonfort, Gto .... Dr. José María Luis Mora 210 Maestro 114 303
Yautepec, Morelos .........................José María México, D.F ...................... Genaro V. Vásquez 120 Tlalnepantla, Edo. de México .............. Andrés Texcoco de Mora, Edo. de Mexico .... Heredom 304
Morelos y Pavón w México, D.F ................. Caballeros del Temple 123 Caneda Neri 189 211 Ojo de Agua Tecamac, Edo. de Mex.
México, D.F ................ Masones Mexicanos 21 51 México, D.F ............................... Pablo Neruda 124 México, D.F ....................................Alejandría 212 Coatlícue 97 305
México, D.F .............................. Evolución Dos u Zacateca, Zac ............................. Cruz del Sur 125 México, D.F ............... Hombres de la Reforma 213 Yuriria, Gto .......................... Tonatíuhílhuan 306
México, D.F ............................... Cosmogénesis u México, D.F ........................................... Gnosis 126 México, D.F ....................................... Universo 215 México, D.F ............................ Nezahualcoyotl 311
México, D.F ............ César Domínguez Ramos ~ Celaya, Gto ...................................... Hiram 57 127 San Martin Texmelucan, Puebla ....... Cándido Santa Ana Pacueco, Gto ............... Prof. Jesús
México, D.F ............................... Plan de Ayala ~ México, D.F .......... , ............... Guillermo Prieto 128 Reyes Alegre 44 218 Romero Flores 312
México, D.F . ........... .Lázaro Cárdenas del Rio M México, D.F ................. Hermanos Templarios 130 Toluca de Lerdo, Edo. de México ..... Gral. José México, D.F ............. Verdad Masónica Siete 315
México, D.F ............................................. Delta u México, D.F ....................... Fuerza y Vigor 56 132 Vicente Villada Perea 220 México, D.F ........................................ Masada 316
México, D.F ................................ La Academia México, D.F ........................ Templarios Nueve 133 San Francisco del Rincón, Gto ....Arquitectura México, D.F ...................... Emilio Portes Gill 317
de Letrán ~ México, D.F ............................. El Nigromante 134 Moral 223 México, D.F ................... Sociedad del Silencio 322
u Toluca de Lerdo Edo. de México ....... Tollocan 225 México, D.F ........................................ Masada 324
~~~~~: R~: :.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::~lll~y~:~:
México, D.F ...................... Josué B. Wuestrup 135
México, D.F ....................... Mahatma Gandbi u 137 Toluca de Lerdo Edo. de México .......... Benito México, D.F ..................................... Concordia 325
México, D.F ..................................... Escalibur M México, D.F .......................................Alfa Tres 138 J uárez 56 226 Puebla, Pue ...... Macario Pacheco Altamirano 328
332 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 333
334 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 335
2000 2011* NETHERLANDS---Continued
Founded June 15, 2000
's-Gravenhage .....................................Via Lucis 161 Oldenzaal ................................... De Oosterkim 268
Lodges, 7 Annual Meeting 3rd Saturday of June 's-Gravenhage .................... DeVlammende Ster 169 Oosterhout ........................................... Compass 288
YASSINE NOUINI 's-Gravenhage ....................................... Sint Jan 178 Oss ..................................... L'Union Fraternelle 284
SALAR CHERRADI 's-Gravenhage ................... .Vincent la Chapelle 180 Purrnerend ................................ Louisa Augusta 249
Grand Master Grand Secretary 's-Gravenhage ............................ De Ruwe Steen 210 Renkum ................................ Het Gulden Koord 289
Address: 's-Gravenhage ............................. Het Schietlood 215 Roerrnond ........................ La Liberté Constante 252
11 rue Dayet Erroumi, appt 8, Agdal Rabat, Maroc 's-Gravenhage ...................................... Driehoek 251 Roosendaal.. ....................Van Aerssen Beijeren 263
E-mail: [email protected] 's-Gravenhage ........................ Le Véritable Zele 271 Rotterdam ................................... Frédéric Royal 8
Groningen .......................... L'Union Provinciale 17 Rotterdam ........................... De Drie Kolo=en 13
Perrnits Dual and Plural Membership Groningen ........................................ De Drieslag 198 Rotterdam ............................................... .Acacia 56
Groningen ............................... .In Tenebrix Lux 264 Rotterdam ............................................. Concord 134
Groningen ................ ............... De Bouwketen 291 Rotterdam ................................. Eensgezindheid 150
LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME A.N"D NO. Groningen ................................... De VYf Punten 308 Rotterdam ....... ....................... De Drie Lichten 197
Haarlem .................................. .Vicit Vim Virtus 24 Rotterdam ...................................... De Eendragt 233
Marrakech .......................................... Koutoubia 8 Rabat ...........................................Ahl El Hikmat 4 Haarlem ..................................... Kennemerland 127 Rotterdam ........................................... Tamarisk 248
Rabat .................................................. Souleiman 1 Rabat .................................................... Averroes 7 Haarlem .............................Ad Lucem et Pacem 128 Schagen ................................................... Scagha 267
Rabat ................................................ El Andalous 2 Casablanca ............................................... Ouiam 9 Harderwijk ................................................. Flevo 232 Sittard ................................................... La Lune 292
Rabat .................................................Ahl el kitab 3 Harlingen .................................. Deugd en IJver 27 Sneek .............. Concordia Res Parvae Crescunt 40
Heerenveen ... .................. ........ Ken U Zelven 102 Sneek ......................... Concordia ad Libertatem 277
*No corrections have been received since this date. Heerlen ................................... La Complaisance 260 Terneuzen ............................. L'Amitié Sans Fin 243
Helder Den ....................Willem Frederik Karel 41 Tiel ...................................... De Edelmoedigheid 19
Hengelo .............................................. De Troffel 137 Tilburg ....................... De Drie Verlichte Torens 274
's-Hertogenbosch ............ Gezellen van Sint Jan 257 Utrecht ............................................ mtrajectina 42
's-Hertogenbosch ............................ Quintessens 306 Utrecht ..................... De Stichtse Broederschap 200
Hilversum ............... De Gooische Broederschap 86 Utrecht .................... Hermannus van Tongeren 204
1756 GRANO EAST OF THE NETHERLANDS Hilversum .............................................. Opgang 173 Utrecht ................................................ Johannes 270
2015 Hilversum .............. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 237 Veendam ................................. Het Noorderlicht 60
[Grootoosten der Nederlanden] Room ......................................... West-Friesland 45 Velsen ......................................... De Hoeksteen 241
Founded December 26, 1756 Hoorn ............................................. De Eenhoorn 278 Venlo .............................................. La Simplicté 304
Lodges, 164 Members, 6,182 Huizen ............................... Scharende Broeders 261 Vlaardingen ............................................... Delta 214
WILLEM S. MEIJER HENK MREIJEN Kampen.. ........................... Le Profond Silence 15 Vlissingen ............................. L'Astre de l'Orient 26
Grand Master, Grand Secretary) Leeuwarden ......................... De Friesche Trouw 20 Wageningen .............................. De Korenschoof 206
Leeuwarden ........................ Het Asuren Gewelf 282 Wageningen ................... De Rechte Verhouding 250
P.O. Box 11525 P.O. Box 11525 2502 AM The Hague Leiden .................................................. La Vertu 7 Winschoten .............. Moed, Kracht, Volharding 114
2502 AM The Hague Telephone: 070-3460046 Fax: 070-3615919 Leiden ................................................ L'Age d'Or 235 Winterswyk ................................ De Achterhoek 171
E-mail: [email protected] Lelystad ................................... Het Roosvenster 298 Zaandam......................... ......Anna Paulowna 39
Website: Maastricht ............................... La Persévérance 11 Zeist ............................................. De Witte Roos 234
Maastricht .................................... La Constance 299 Zierik.zee ........................... De Ster in 't Oosten 29
LODGES LOCATED IN NEDERLAND Maastricht ......... General John Pershing Lodge 307 Zoetermeer ....................................... Pythagoras 300
Meppel ............................................. Humaniteit 105 Zutphen ................................. Karel van Zweden 44
Middelburg ................... La Compaguie Durable 16 Zwolle ............................................. Fides Mutua 33
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND l'j'O. Naarden ...................... ... Jan Amos Comenius 208 Zwolle ............................. .In Vrijheid Gebonden 256
Nieuwegein ................................... La Concorde 273 Zwolle ....................................... De Arbeidsvloer 269
Alkmaar ....................................... De Noordstar 28 Breda ................................. Het Vrij Geweeten 25 Nijmegen ...................................... Sint Lodewijk 3
Alkmaar ..................................... De Morgenster 24 7 Breda ................................................ GeefU Zelf 259
Alkmaar ....................................... N oorderkroon 265 Brielle .................................................. L'Aurore 9 LODGES LOCATED OUTSIDE NEDERLAND IN SURINAME AND CARIBBEAN
Almelo ............................................... Fraternité 99 Brielle ...................................................Arauna 281
Almere ...................................... Herrezen Land 290 Bussum ................................... .In Vrijheid Eén 108
Alphen ald Rijn ..................... De Getande Rand 222 Castricum........... ............................ Branding 258 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Amersfoort ........................... Jacob van Campen 58 Delft .................................................... Silentium 30
Amersfoort .......................................... Spectrum 272 Delft ........................................................... Fides 279 Cura~ao ................................... De Vergenoeging 22 Aruba .............................. The Middle Chamber 305
Amersfoort ............................................. .Salomo 309 Deventer ............................... Le Préjugé Vaincu 21 Cura~ao .................................................. Phoenix
227 St. Maarten ................................. Union Lodge 266
Amstelveen ........................................ Eendracht 107 Cura~ao ............................... .Igois Fraternitatis 296 Paramaribo ...... . ......................... Concordia 10
Amstelveen.. ...................................... La Force 230 g~;:i~~h~~·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·_-_·_-_-_-_·_·_-_-_-_-_-_-_j3~~eecfe~~~~ ~~
Aruba ......................................... El Sol Naciente 113 Paramaribo .................................... De Stanfaste 238
Amstelveen .......................................... Mozaiek 231 Doorn ................................................. Thorhem 224 Aruba .............................. King Solomon'~ Lodge 160 Paramaribo ...................... De Gouden Driehoek 245
Amstelveen ....... . ............................... Gamma 262 Dordrecht ............................... La Flamboyante 37
Amsterdam. ................................. La Bien Aimée 2 Dordrecht .. ................................... De Schakel 246 LODGES LOCATED OUTSIDE NEDERLAND IN ZIMBABWE
Amsterdam ............................................ La Paix 4 Drachten ........................................... .Industria 255
Amsterdam ................ Concordia Vincit Animas 5 Ede ............................................ Het Middelpunt 280
Amsterdam ..................................... La Charité 6 Eindhoven............. ............. Licht en Vrijheid 141 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Amsterdam.... ........................ Willem-Fredrik 36 Eindhoven .......................................... Rosa Alba 190
Amsterdam ........................ Nos Vin.xit Libertas 69 Eindhoven ................................ Het Derde Licht 254
Amsterdam .......................................... Wending 186 Eindhoven ........................ De Vier Jaargetijden 302 Bulawayo ..........................................Alfred Beit 184 Harare ...................................................... .Israel 132
Amsterdam .............................. Post Nubila Lux 236 Emmen ......................... ......... 't Schienvat 2.03
Marondera ........................................ Marondera 168 Harare .................................. Milton Park Lodge 177
Apeldoorn .......................................... De Veluwe 72 Emmen ........................................ De Korenaar 293
Apeldoorn ................................ Liefde en Trouw 283 Enschede... ......................... ............ Tubantia 81 LODGES LOCATED OUTSIDE NEDERLAND IN SOUTHERN AFRICA
Apeldoorn ................................ De Gulden Re gel 303 Goes ...................................... De Opgaande Ster 276
Arnhem ............... De Geldersche Broederschap 23 Goes ......................................................... Scaldis 295 LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Arnhem .......................... De Oude Landmerken 147 Gorinchem ..................................... Orde en Vlijt 38
Arnhem ................................... Het Gulden Vlies 240 Gouda ......................... De Waare Broedertrouw 32 Johannesburg............... ............ Eendracht Maakt Macht 88
Assen ................................. Moed en Volharding 61 's-Gravenhage ........................... L 'Union Royale 1
Baarn ................................................... Eemland 148 's-Gravenhage ........................... De Vriendschap 35
Bergenop Zoom ............................ L'Inséparable 12 's-Gravenhage ................................. Hiram Abiff 68 LODGES LOCATED OUTSIDE NEDERLAND IN THAJLA.N"D
Bilthoven ......................... De Ster in het Oosten 14 's-Gravenhage ......................... L'Union Frédéric 106
Bilthoven .......................... De Unie van Utrecht 146 's-Gravenhage ......................... Groot-Nederland 118 LOCATI ON NAME AND NO.
Bilthoven ........................ De Drie Grote Lichten 294 's-Gravenhage ........................ De Oude Plichten 136
Bangkok ............................................................... Erasmus 297
336 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 337
Grand Lodges listed in the table of contents of this book the Grand East of Netherlands maintains fraternal
relations with the following Grand Lodges: Andorra; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Congo; Estonia; Guinea; Latvia; Grafton ................... . ... ..Ponsonby 54 Patea .................................................. Patea Kil. 18
Lithuania; Macedonia; Mali; Niger; Poland; Slovakia; Slovenia; Prince Hall of Massachusetts; Prince Hall of
Colorado. Ya~~~~~·::::::::::::::·::::: Aucklan'i}~.~~3i1~~~; 1 ~~ Petone .............................................. Hutt Valley
t Petone .............. Research Lodge of Wellington
Netherlands does not maintain fraternal relations with the Grand Lodges of Armenia; Brazil: Acre, Grafton .............................................. Arawhaiti 267 Petone .................... ~ ........................ Lower Hutt 299
g~:~~~ ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::ii~~~~d~~;Vuif~~ ~¡g
Alagoas, Amapa, Minas Gerais, Paraiba, Parana, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondonia, Picton ................................................... Waitohi 111
Roraima, Santa Catarina, Sergipe, Tocantins; Cameroon; Canada: Prince Hall of Ontario; Colombia: Los Pongaroa ................................................ Puketoi 149
Andes, Oriental Cucuta; France; Haiti; Honduras; lvory Coast; Madagascar; Mauritius; Mexico: Baja Califor- Greymouth ...........................Advance Mawhera 61 Porirua ....................................................... Mana 352
nia Sur; Benito Juarez, Campeche; Chiapas, Cosmos, Del Pacifico, El Potosi, Nuevo Lean, Occidental Mexi- Hamilton ...................................... Beta-Waikato 12 Porirua .................................................. Windsor 377
cana, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Unida Mexicana; Moldava; Nicaragua; and El Salvador-Cuscatlan. U.S.A.: Iowa, Hamilton ................................................ Tawhiri 166 Pukekohe .............................................. Franklin 58
Mississippi, New Mexico, Wyoming, Prince Hall ofCalifornia, Prince Hall ofNew York. *Hamilton-East .................................. Pukemiro 301 Pukekohe ...............................................Tuakau 278
Hamilton-East ...................................... Hillcrest 363 Queenstown ...................... Lake Lodge of Ophir 85
Hamilton-East .................................. Hamutana 437 Ranfurly .................................................. Mt. Ida 97
~:clfo';;_a_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::R~b~rt1f~~~ ~g
tHamilton .............. Waikato Lodge ofResearch 445
338 List of Regular Lodges Masonic
63 Craft Lodges Founded June 24, 1891
Membership, 11
Johnsonville ....................... Ngatiawa-Russell 345 Wbangarei ................................................ Hatea 431
Kilbirnie .................................. Taia-Raukawa 229 *Wbangarei............................... Okara Daylight 461 TORE EVENSEN
January 1;
Wellsford ............................. Wellsford Marsden 169
Wbakatane ...................................... Wbakatane 198 ~~~~~~~--·.·.:·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.::·.·.·.·.·.·-~~t:~~ !i~ Grand Master, HARALD0IEN
Grand Secretary,
Wbakatane ............................................. Apanui 395 Winton ....................................................Winton 108 Masonic Temple, N edre Vollgate 19, 0158 Oslo
Woodville .............................................. Ruahine SO P.O. Box 506 Sentrum, N0-0105-0slo, Norw'
~:~~~:r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:ki i~5 Wyndham ............................................ Mokoreta 63 Masonic Temple, N edre Vollgate 19, 0158 Os'
Office Telephone: +4 7 22 4 7 95 00
t Tbe lodges do not work degrees being purely a Lodge of Research. Membership is confined to Past FAX: +47 22 47 95 21
Masters with associate membership for M. M. Dual and Plural Membership not permitted
* NOTE-these Lodges meet during daytime.
Grand Lodges included in this publication, this Grand Lodge maintains fraternal relations wíth the follow- LOCATION NAME ANI
ing Grand Lodges: Andorra; Macedonia; Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Massachusetts, and Ohio.
Tbe following Grand Lodges shown in this listare not recognized by the Grand Lodge ofNew Zealand: .Lodges working under THE GRAND LODGE OF Kristiansund N ............................... Syvstjern
Armenia; Benin; Bolivia; Brazil: Acre, Alagoas Amapa, Amazonas, Goias, Maranhao, Minas Gerais, Para, NORWAY. Levanger ............................................. Olavsly1
Paraiba, Parana, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Roraima, Tocantins; Bul- Direct: Mo i Rana ..................................... Polarcirke1
garia; Colombia: Los Andes, Oriental, Cucuta; Croatia; Cyprus; Gabon; Haiti; Honduras; Hungary; Iran; CRAFT LODGES: Molde ................................................... Aldebar
Cote d'lvoire Coast; Luxembourg; Mexico: Baja California, Benito Juarez, Campeche, Chiapas, Cosmos, Del Arenda] ........ Fraternitas ti! de tvende Fyrtaarn 15 Mosj~en ......... St. Michael ti! den gyldne Stjer
Pacifico, El Potosi, Nuevo Lean, Occidental Mexicana, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Unida Mexicana, Valle de
Mexico; Moldova; Morocco; Nicaragua; Paraguay; Romania; Russia; San Marino, Senegal, Tahiti and g~!:::~ :::::::::::~~~t~~-t-il_'l:)~,;~¡~: ~~kkel 5 ~
Elverum .............. St. Torleiv til de tvende Taarn 39
Sandnes~j~en .................. Eivind til de syv Ti~
Archipeloagos, Ukraine, West Africa; Yugoslavia; and the Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Alaska, California,
Illinois, and New York. Flekkefjord ............... F!ikke ti! de tvende Firode 59 Trondhe1m ............................................ Nord]y¡
Fredrikstad ........................................ St. Magnus 12 Trondheim ...... St. Olaftil det gjenreiste Tem¡
~~1:,;·_-··.·.:·.·.·.·.···..·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.···.·.·.·.·.·.·.·~-e~F~:á~~h",;Jd ¡~ ~:Id:;;;;~~;~ ·r;;~~~;,.. Vesta ti! den evige i
~Í~'f~~t"~f¡ 1~~~+;~;;;¡;,t.~~
Masonic Temple
Del Edificio Armando Guido 1 cuadra al sur
2 V2 al occidente
Managua, Nicaragua
Office Phone: 505-22546966
E-mail: [email protected]
Member of Confederacion Masonica Interamericana
Member of Confederaction Masonica Centroamericana
Steward's Chapter Sandefjord (7. and 8. Degrees) ST. ANDREw's LODGES
Allows Dual and Plural Membership Steward's Chapter Hamar (7. and 8. Degrees) Bod0 .................................................. Hiilogala
Steward's Chapter S0rlandet (7. Degree) Narvik ................................................ Oscarsb<
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. Steward's Chapter Borg (7. Degree) Sortland .... St. Michael ti! det flammende Sv1
Templo Masonico, Managua ................. Progreso 1 Templo Masonico, Lean ...................... Diriangen 6
¿j=r:;¡'~~/ROVINCIAL LODGE: Troms 0 ................................................. Skani
Templo Jylasonico, Managua ............. El Shaddai 15 **Puerto Cabezas ............................. Union Light 16 Álesund ...... .... ..... ...... .. .......... Regnlus 16 STEWARD'S CHAPTER (7. and 8. Degrees)
Templo Masonico, Managua ............Alfa Omega 14 Logia ....................................................... Granada 8 Br0nn0ysund ..... St. Knud ti! den stigende 0rn 47 Bod0 ..................................... Bod0 Stewardsl1
Templo Masonico, Managua ...............Veteranos 5
A deputy craft lodge is a branch of a regular lodge, operating under special permission in anothe
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF NICARAGUA. The Grand Lodge of Assigned to Lodge No. 2: Deputy Lodge in Sunnfjord.
Nicaragna is in fraternal relations with the United Grand Lodges of England, most Grand Lodges of the Assigned to Lodge No. 4: Deputy Lodge in Innherred.
United States and most other Grand Lodges listed in this book. Tbe Grand Lodge of Nicaragna welcomes Assigned to St. Andrew's Lodge H:llogaland: Deputy Lodge in Lofoten/Vesterá.len, located in Svo
and invites recognition from all regular Grand Lodges with which fraternal relations have not yet been Assigned to S t. Andrew's Lodge Borgnnd: Deputy Lodge in Molde
established. All Spanish Language. Besides these lodges there are so-called "Lodges of Instruction" in places where the number of 1
**Union Light No. 16 English Speaking. is not large enough to form a regular lodge. There are 12 such Craft Lodges of Instruction, 5 St. Ar.
Lodges of Instruction and 11 Chapters of Instruction. In addition to the ordinary Lodges there is a I.J
*No corrections have been received since this date. Research- Niels Treschow- situated in Oslo, but Lodge works are held in different oarts ofthe cour
*No corrections have been received since this date .
List of Regular Lodges Masonic 341
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF NORWAY. This Grand Lodge does not rec- Lodges, 78 Members, 2,150
ognize the following Grand Lodges listed in this publication: Bolivia; Burkina Faso; China; Colombia-al!; CARLOS ALBERTO QUIÑONEZ BENJAMIN SOSA MIRANDA
Dominican Republic; Gabon; Haiti; Honduras; Iran; Mexico-all except Valle de Mexico and York; Grand Master Grand Secretary
Nicaragua; Panama; Peru; Romania; Russia; Togo; Uruguay; Venezuela; Yugoslavia; as well as the Prince [email protected] [email protected]
Hall Grand Lodges in the U.S.A. Oficina Administrativa
Luis A. de Herrera No. 1075 c/Brasil
P.O. No. 1178
Telephone No. +595 021 231103/6
E-mail: [email protected]. py
342 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 343
A. F. &A. M.
Founded March 25, 1882
lnter-American Masonic Confederation
World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges
Members, 4,508
Ave. Santa Rosa No. 438 La Perla Callao Ave. Alfonso Ugarte No. 1066 Lima.
Callao .............................. Concordia Universal 14 Lima ................... Francisco Javier Mariátegui 76
Lima ...................................................... Delta 77
Ave. Arustin Gamarra No. 268 Chucuito Callao Lima ............................ Filosofia y Fraternidad 187
Callao ................................ George Washington 178
Callao ......................... oFortaleza Real Felipe 180
St. Pedro Ruiz N o. 240 Callao.
Callao ........................................... Dos de Mayo 92 Chaclacayo Hill Place.
Callao .......................................... Constitución 100 Chaclacayo ......................... Luz en el Remanso 138
CA. Gallardia Mz. V-5 Lt. 18 Los Olivos Lima
Los Olivos ............... Wolfgan Amadeus Mozart 182
*No corrections have been received since this date .
List of Regular Lodges Masonic 345
Lodges, 360
350 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 351
ROMANIA-Continued ROMANIA-Continued
Bucharest .......................................... Calugareni 176 Bucharest ............................................... Lumina 325 Constanta ..........................................Adoniram 313
Bucharest ............................ Cavalerii Libertalü 178 Bucharest ............................................... Romana 326 Cons.._ Ploiesti .................. ....................... Fraternitatea 11
Bucharest .................................... Stefan Golescu 183 Bucharest .................................. William Prestan 327 Cons· Ploiesti .................................................. Prahova 29
Bucharest ............................ Giuseppe Garibaldi 185 Bucharest ................................... Echerul de Aur 328 Cons1 Ploiesti ..................................................... Accacia 57
Bucharest ....................................... Nova Europa 186 Bucharest ........................ Cavalerii SF. Raphael329 Coral P!oiesti ................................ Columna lui Traian 147
Bucharest .................................... lnpia Traiana 187 Bucharest .................................... Scara Luiiacov 330 Craio Ploiesti ....................................... Concordia 1869 318
Bucharest ................................................... Osiris 188 Bucharest .................................... Semper Fidelis 334 Craio P!oiesti ........................................................Astra 342
Bucharest .............................. Magistri Lapidum 191 Bucharest .............................................. Deceneu 337 Craio Ploiesti ................................ Pecetea lui Solomon 384
Craio- Resita ..................................... Lumina si Adevar 35
Bucharest ......................... Coloana Intelepciunii 192 Bucharest ..................................... .René Guénon 339 Rm. Valcea ............................. General Magheru 68
Bucharest ................................................ Veritas 194 Bucharest ................................. Ion Campineanu 344 Craio
Bucharest ................................... Lantul Masonic 198 Bucharest .......................................... Rena§terea 34 7 Craio· Rm. Valcea ................................................. Cozia 184
Bucharest ....................................... Ta Gematria 200 §Bucharest ................................................Ararat 348 Craio· Rm. Valcea .......................................Anton Pann 273
Bucharest ...................... Cavalerii SF. Gheorghe 201 Bucharest ................................. Cavalerii Fra¡iei 350 D. T.: Rm. Valcea .................................... Barbu Stirbei 296
Bucharest ............................................. Balmung 202 Bucharest ......................................... Pax Europa 352 D. T.: Roman ..................................... .Steaua Moldovei 44
Bucharest ............................. Phoenix Est Patria 203 Bucharest ................................. Eugeniu Carada 353 D. T.: Satu-Mare ................................................. .Sirius 171
Bucharest ...................................... Sfanta Fratie 204 Bucharest ......................... Cavalerii Fratemi:ltü 354 D. T.: Sfantu Gheorghe ...................................... Alutus 196
Bucharest .................................................. Sothis 205 tBucharest ................................................. Zorile 355 Dej .... Sfantu Gheorghe ............................ Saint George 274
Bucharest ............................................ Bona Fide 206 Bucharest .................................... Europa Magna 356 Deva. Sibiu ............................................ Octavian Goga 38
Bucharest ................................V1adimir Boanta 207 Bucharest .......................................... Dacia Felix 357 Deva. Sibiu ............................................................Astra 163
Bucharest ........................................ Cantacuzino 210 Bucharest ...... ......................... Rom§.nia Viitoare 358 Dumbraveni .....................Mihail Noradunghian 373 Sibiu ........................... Samuel Von Bruckenthal 179
tBucharest ................................... Rigas Fereos 211 Bucharest ............................ Gheorghe Magheru 359 Focsani ................................... Duiliu Zamfirescu 104 Sibiu ............................................. Saint Andreas 258
Bucharest .............................. Triunghiul Sublim 213 Bucharest ............................................. Via Regis 360 Focsani ................................................... Vrancea 48 Sibiu ..................................................... Cibinium 332
Bucharest .................... Constantin Mavrocordat 214 Bucharest ............................................ Adonirarn 361 Gala¡i .......................................... Steaua Dunarii 265 Sibiu ................................. Cele Trei Chei de Aur 374
Bucharest ........................................ Luca Pacioli 215
Bucharest ........................................... Colosseum 219
Bucharest .................................. Regele Solomon 221
Bucharest ......................................... Pantocrator 363
Bucharest ........................................ Stel!a Maris 364
©Bucharest .............................. Joahnn Wolfang
Gala¡i ............................ Demnitatea Danubiana 304
Gala¡i ................................................. Del Chiaro 312
Giurgiu ........................................... Sf. Gheorghe 98
~~~r!~~~~~?:~~:~i:.::::::::.::::. ::.:::::::Efs~ti~i ~~~
Slatina ......................................................... Oltul 91
Bucharest .................................................. Platon 222 Von Goethe 366 Hunedoara ......................... Infratirea Neamului 101
Slatina .......................... Dan Amedeo Lazarescu 156
Bucharest ................................................... Delta 223 Bucharest.......... ................................... Genesis 367 Hu§i ............................................ ~tefan ce! Mare 322
Bucharest ................................Unirmea lnimilor 224 Bucharest ............................................... Daimon 368 Iasi ......................................................... Junimea 10 Slatina .................................. Constantin Moroiu 248
Bucharest ............................. Benjamin Franklin 227 Bucharest ...... :............................ Hymnum Vitae 371 Iasi ...................................................... Al. l. Cuza 20 Slobozia .................................. Soarele Libertatii 234
Bucharest ........................................... Academica 230 Bucharest ....................................... Pistis Sophia 372 Iasi ................................................... Petru Rares 51 Suceava ................................................ Bucovina 69
Bucharest ............ c••••.......•••.•••••.••••......... Decebal231 Bucharest ........................... Tudor V1adimirescu 376 Iasi ........................................ Dimitrie Cantemir 118 Suceava ............................................. Vasile Bal§ 370
**Bucharest ......................................... Les 3 Lys 232 Bucharest .......................................... Paracelsus 378 Iasi .......................................................... .Accacia 148 Targoviste .................................. !. H. Radulescu 70
Bucharest .............................. Lumina Taborului 233 Bucharest ....................................... Sfinx Eurpoa 380 Iasi ..................................................... Renasterea 165 Tau¡ii Magheraus ............................... Sólstitium 391
Bucharest .........................................Arta Regala 23.6 Bucharest .......................................... Pro Europa 381 Iasi ............................................................ Sophia 217 Tecúci ...................................... Costache Conachi 277
Bucharest ........................... Legenda Lui Miram 237 Bucharest ............................ Olimpian Ungherea 382 Iasi ................................................... Vasile Pogor 229 Tg. Jiu ..................................................... Gor Jiu 67
Bucharest ....................................... Cezar Bolliac 238 Iasi .............................................................. Zorile 250 Tg. Mures .......................................... Renasterea 54
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N~:~\:l.~:~:: m
Bucharest .................... ........... Mircea cel Blitran 383
Tg. Mures ............................... .Scoala Ardeleana 197
Bucharest ............................................... Chronos 385 Iasi ............................................................ Hiram 269
Bucharest ................ , ............................ Caritatea 388 Iasi ..................................... Mihail Kogalniceanu 335 Tg. Mures ......................................AL. P. Ilarian 268
Bucharest ......................... Hermes Trismegistus 242 Bucharest ................................... Fratia Dreptalü 396 Iasi .............................................. Titu Maiorescu 340 Tg. Mures ........................................ Petru Maior 311
Bucharest ............................... Cavalerii Luminii 243 Bucharest ................................ Nicolae Titulescu 397 lasi .............................................. Neamul Nostru 377 Tg. Neam¡ .............................................. Moldova 294
Bucharest ...........................................Atalantida 244 Bucharest ...................................... Lurnina Divia 400 Lugoj ....................................... Caius Brediceanu 245 Timisoara ...................................................... Pax 21
Bucharest ................................... Fratia SF. loan 246 Bucharest ............................................ Lux Inens 401 Mangalia ......................... Cavalerii de Mangalia 152 Timisoara ............................................. Tibiscum 22
Bucharest .................................... Nat Granstein 247 Bucharest ..................................... Anirna Templi 405 Mangalia ................................................. Callatis 375 Timisoara ............................................ Concordia 33
Bucharest .................................................. Fratia 249 Bucharest ............................... Cavalerü St. Joan 406 Medias ................................................... Ardealul 154 Timisoara .................................... Eftimie Murgn 45
Bucharest ................................. Costin Mihaescu 251 Buzau ...................................................... Lumina 30 Medias ....................................... St. Ludvig Roth 260 Timisoara .......................... Echerul si Compasul 74
Bucharest ............................... Andrei Muresanu 252 Calarasi ............................................... Danubius 105 Medias ............................... Steaua Transilvaniei 395 Timisoara ....................................... Solidaritatea 75
Bucharest .......................................... Providenta 254 Calarasi .............................................. Libertatea 136 Medgidia ............................. Cavalerii lui Mircea 295 Timisoara................................................... Banat 84
Bucharest ........................................ Lumina Lex 255 Campulung Moldovenesc ...................... Profesor Miercurea-Ciuc ............................... Eterna Luce 285 Timisoara .................................................. Helios 195
Bucharest ................................. Edmond Nicolau 257 loan N eme§ 389 Odorheiu Secuiesc ......................Arca Improbus 387 ©Timisoara ........................... .Ignatius von Boro 228
Bucharest ................................ Adrian Dohotaru 259 Campulung Muscel ......................... Radu Negru 253 Oltenita .................................. Lumina Liberta¡ii 338 Tirnisoara ............................................... Phoenix 262
Bucharest ............................................ Heliopolis 266 Caraca! ................................................ Rornanati 90 ¿, Timisoara ............................. Eugeniu de Savoya 302
Bucharest ........................................... Morphosis 275 Caransebes ............................................... Oriens 96 ±Timisoara .................................. Trei Crini Albi 309
Bucharest .................................................. Enoch 278 Ciuj-Napoca ................................ Octavian Goga 149 Timisoara .............................. Cavalerii SF. Iosif 333
Bucharest .................................... Memento Mori 279
Bucharest ...................................................... .Iris 280
Cluj-Napoca ....................................Victor Babes 172
Cluj-Napoca .................................... Transilvania 216
i::::::~:~:·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.:·.·.::·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.s.~~~~~~
Timisoara .............................. Cavalerii SF. loan 365
Bucharest ................................................ Rosslyn 281 Cluj-Napoca ................................... Matei Corvin 240
Bucharest .......................... .Izvorul Intelepciunii 282 C!uj-Napoca ................................ Lux Academica 369 Timisoara ........................................... Egalitatea 404
Bucharest ................................................... Logos 283 Ciuj-Napoca ...................................... Principium 394 Tulcea .............................. Steaua Deltei Dunarii 71
Bucharest ............................... Giuseppe Mazzini 286 Constanta ............................................ Sf. Andrei 40 Tulcea ................................... Progresul Dobrogei 212
Bucharest................................................... Grifin 287 Constanta ................................. Steaua Dobrogei 61 Turola ........................................Verum Potaissa 392
Bucharest .........................................N ovus Ordo 288 Constanta ............................. Cavalerii Dobrogei 62 Vaslni ..........................................Aprodul Purice 143
Bucharest .......................... Luceafarul Liberta¡ii 290 Constanta ............................................... Ovidius 63 Vaslui ................................................ Podul Inalt 177
Constanta ................................. Farul Ospitalier 79 Vaslui ....................................... Steaua Moldovei 267
~~~~~::i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~e.I!l~it_a~~s~fo~~~ ~~~ Constanta ................................... Steaua Sudului 80 Zalau ................................ Steaua Europei Unite 93
Zalau ..................................................... Zamolxis 256
Bucharest ............................................. Excelsior 293 Constanta .................................... Marea Neagra 109
Bucharest ..................................... Lux et Veritas 300 Constanta .............................................. Minerva 133 ©German speaking. ±Hungarian speaking.
Bucharest .............................. Leonardo da Vinci 301 Constanta ...................................Anghel Saligny 180 RECOGNITION INFORMATION, NATIONAL GRAND LODGE OF ROMANIA. In addition to
Bucharest ............................................. Lafayette 303 Constanta .............................................. Pitagora 220 the Grand Lodges listed in this publication, the National Grand Lodge of Romania maintains fraternal
Bucharest ............................. Templul Umanitaii 305 Constanta .............................. Maestrii Tomitani 226 relations with the following Grand Lodges: Albania; Andorra; Azerbaijan; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Congo;
Bucharest ............................... Lumina si Adevar 310 Constanta .................................................. Tomis 235 Estonia:; Latvia; Lithuania; Macedonia; Mexico: Nayarit, Oaxaca, Querétaro, Tabasco-Restauración;
Bucharest .......................................... Albert Pike 314 Constanta ................................................. Adonai 284 Monaco; Montenegro; Mozambique; Niger; Poland; Slovak.ia; Slovenia.
Bucharest ........................................ Calea Inimii 315 Constanta ........................... Demnitatea Pontica 289 The National Grand Lodge of Romania does not yet maintain fraternal mutual relations with the fol-
Bucharest ........................ Gheorghe Comanescu 316 Constanta ........................................... Colosseum 298 lowing Grand Lodges listed in this publication: Australia: Western Australia; Belgium-Regular; Benin;
Bucharest ............................................. Memphis 323 Constanta ................................................ Glykon 299 Brazil: Sta te Grand Lodges of: Amapa, Paraiba, Rondonia, Roraima, Santa Catarina; Canada: Newfound-
Bucharest .................................................... Etica 324 Constanta ....................................... Uzun Rasan 307 land and Labrador, Cameroon; China; Columbia: Barranquilla, Los Andes; Dominican Republic; Gabon;
Haiti; Iceland, Iran, Mexico: Baja California Sur, Cosmos, Del Pacifico, El Potosi, Sinaloa, Valle de Mexico,
tGreek speaking. **French speaking. §Armenian speaking. tHebrew speaking. York; Morocco; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Philippines; Senegal-West Africa; Togolaise; Uruguay; Prince
©German speaking .
Hall Grand Lodges; Alaska, California, Connecticut, Illinois, and New York.
352 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 353
Founded June 24, 1995
de la República De El Salvador, Centro América
Fundada el 22 de Septiembre de 1912
Lodges, 28 Annual Communication is held first Saturday of July Lodges,12 Members, 265
Grand Master Grand Secretary Gran Maestro Gran Secretario y Canciller
Post Office Box 54 7 Correspondence to:
Moscow 101000, Russia Rene Vela Minero, Gerente Administrador
E-mail: [email protected] Alameda Juan Pablo II y Avenida Berna] No. 291
Website: P. O. Box 3009, San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A.
Fax: + 7 495 611 56 70 Telefono: 503 2260-6265 1 2260-6266 - Fax: 2260-04 70
Te!: + 7 495 222 36 98 E-mail: [email protected]
Permits Plural Membership Permits Plural Membership
Santa Ana, Lunes ........................ Sihuatehuacán 1 San Salvador, Miércoles ................................ Lux 8
LOCATI ON NA.lV!E AND NO. LOCATION NA.lV!E AND NO. San Miguel, Viernes ................................... Osiris 2 San Salvador, Lunes ................................... Fénix 9
San Salvador, Miércoles .................. Excelsior 17 3 San Salvador, Martes ..................... Resurrección 10
Moscow .................................................. Harmony 1 Magoitogorsk............. . .... .............. .... Forpost 30 Sonsonate, 1\fiércoles ............................. Reforma 4 San Miguel, Domingo ................. Chaparrastique 11
Moscow .................... United Lodges ofBrotherly Ekaterinburg................. ...... ...... .Stone Belt 31 San Salvador, Jueves ..................... Fraternidad 6 San Salvador, Lunes .............................. Libertad 13
Love and Lotus 2/10 Moscow ................................................. La France 32 San Salvador, Viernes ........................... Morazán 7 San Salvador, Martes.... ........................Atenea 15
Voronezh ............................................... Gamayun 4 St. Petersburg ................................. Muses Lodge 33
Moscow (English-speaking) ..................... Aurora 5 Moscow ................................. L'Entente Parfaite 34 *No corrections have been received since this date.
Moscow ..................................................... Jupiter 7 Krasnodar .................................................... Delta 35
Moscow ...... Quatuor Coronati (Research Lodge) 8 Saransk ....................................... Fedor Ushakov 36
Moscow ...................................... N orthern Lights 9 Moscow ........................................................... Clio 37
Moscow .................................. Alexander Pushkin 11 Moscow .............................................. Two Eagles 38
Vladivostok ........................................ Pacific Rim 12 Tbillsi (Georgia) ....... St. David-The Constructor 39
Moscow .................................................... Phoenix 16 Sukbumi ..................................... Leon The Great 40
Kaliningrad ....................... Under Three Crowns 22 Tbillsi (Georgia) ................................. St. Tamara 41
Moscow ......................................... : ........... Citadel 27 Moscow .............. Araragat (Armenian-speaking) 42
Voronezh ............................................. Holy Grail 28 Ekaterinburg ............................... Pavel Demidov 43
Sochi ...........................................................Acacia 29 Perm .................................................. Golden Key 44
maintains fraternal relations with Grand Lodgés of Andorra, Austria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium (Reg-
ular Grand Lodge of), Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
England, Estonia, France (National Grand Lodge of), Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran (in
exile), Ireland, Israel, Italy (Grand Orient of), Ivory Coast, Japan, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxemburg, Macedo-
nia, Madagascar, Malta, Moldava, Montenegro, Mozambique, Netherlands, Poland (National Grand Lodge REPUBLIC OF SAN MARINO
of), Portugal, Peru, Romania (National Grand Lodge of), San Marino, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia; A. F. & A. M.Lodges, 4 Founded 6 April, 2003 Members, 80
South Mrica, Spain, Switzerland (Alpina), Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Ven€zuela, New South Wales,
Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, New Zealand, Grande Oriente of Brazil, Acre, Estado do !TALO CASAL! SERGIO RABINI
Paraiba, Mato Grosso do Sol, Minas Gerais; Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sol, Sao Paulo, Mexico Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
(York). The Grand Lodge ofRussia has applied to all 51 regalar Grand Lodges in the USA and 10 Grand P.O.Box22M P.O.Box22M
Lodges in Canada for recognition and at the present time has received letters of recognition from the fol- 4 7891 Dogana Repubblica di San Marino 4 7891 Dogana Repubblica di San Marino
lowing Grand Lodges: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, District of Colombia, Florida,
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missis- Free Masons Hall Mobile: +39 333 8310059
sippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Strada degli Angariari, 25 FAX: +378 0549 9804 72
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, c.i. Rovereta 2, int. 39 E-mail: [email protected]
West Virginia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Que- 47891 Falciano Website:
bec, British Colombia and Yukon. Mutual recogoition with many other Grand Lodges listed in this book is Repubb.lica di San Marino
in process.
*No corrections have been recieved since this date. LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO.
354 List of Regular Lodges
Masonic 355
1736 SCOTLAND 2015 SCOTLAND-Continued
A. F. &A. M.
Lodges, 1,001
Grand Master Masan
Grand Secretary
1 Cromarty ........................................ Robertson's
Crossgates .......................................... .St. J ohn
Edinburgh ........ The Lodge of Holyrood House
(St. Luke) 44
Freemasons' Hall, Crosshi!l ............................... Wallace St. Hugh 1212 Edinburgh .................... Edinburgh St. Andrew 48
96 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3DH Cruden Bay .......................................... St. Olaf 1188 Edinburgh .......... St. James's Operative Lodge 97
Tel.: 0131-225-5577 FAX: 0131-225-3953 Cullen ............................................... .Innocents 224 Edinburgh ..... St. Stephen's Lodge Edinburgh 145
Website: www.grandlodgescotland E-mail: [email protected] Cumbernauld ............................. Kyle Kildrum 1602 Edinburgh ............ Edinburgh Defensive Band 151
Cumbernauld ............................. Cumbernauld Edinburgh ................................... Roman Eagle 160
Scotland permits plural membership. St. Andrew's Lodge 199 Edinburgh ......................................... Trafalgar 223
Cumnock ...................................... St. Barnabas 230 Edinburgh ............................. The Celtic Lodge 291
g~~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~. sr.aRe~~: ~~
0 Edinburgh ... . ................................... St. Clair 349
LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. Edinburgh ...................................... Caledonian 392
Currie ............................... Colinton and Currie 1029 Edinburgh ............................... The Rifle Lodge 405
Aberchirder ........................................ Marnoch 1325 Beith ........................................ Beith St. John's 157 Dailly .............................. Fergusson St. James 566 Edinburgh ............... ...................... Waverley 597
Aberdeen ..................... The Lodge of Aherdeen 1' Bellshill ........................... .Woodhall St. John's 305 Dalbeattie ................................. Granite Union 480 Edinburgh .......................................... .St. John 788
Aberdeen ........................................ .St. Machar 54 Biggar ........................... Biggar Free Operative 167 Dalkeith .......................... Dalkeith Kilwinning 10 Edinburgh ........................ Heart of Midlothian 832
Aberdeen ...................................... .St. Nicholas 93 Blackburn ....................................... Lord Bruce 1601 Dalkeith ........... The Loretto Centenary Lodge 1373 Edinburgh ............................................. Trinity 885
Aberdeen ....................................... .St. Andrew 110 Blair Atholl .............................. ·' ... Tullibardine 1484 Dalmellington ............. St. Thomas Kilwinning 433 Edinburgh .......................................Abbotsford 937
Aberdeen ........................................... Operative 150 Blairgowrie .......................................... St. John 137 Dalry ............................................... Dalry Blair 290 Edinburgh....... ....... ... ............... ........ Libertan 1201
Aberdeen .............. The Lodge ofOld Aberdeen 164 Boddam, Peterhead ........................ Dundonnie 1087 Darvel. .................................................... Darvel 971 Edinburgh ........................................... Saloman 1209
Aberdeen ......................................... .St. George 190 Bo'ness ............................... The Douglas Lodge 409 Denny ............................................ .St. Andrew 176 Edinburgh ......................... Queen's Edinburgh
Aberdeen ......................................... St. Machar 319 Bonnybridge ........................................ Dolphin 911 Dingwall ................................................. Fingal 318 Rifles (The Royal Scots) 1253
Aberdeen ............................................. Neptune 375 Bonnyrigg ......................................... Dalhousie 720 Dallar .............................................. Craiginnan 850 Edinburgh ................................ .Water ofLeith 1267
Aberdeen ........................................ Bon Accord 669 Brae ....................................................... Delting 1736 Dornoch ............................................ St. Gilbert 790 Edinburgh ............... .St. Leonard's Newington 1283
Aberdeen ...................................... .St. Clement 688 Brechin ............................................. St. Ninian 66 Douglas ............................................... St. Bride 118 Edinburgh ............ Services Lodge, Edinburgh 1291
Aberdeen .................................. Sons ofthe Soil 1451 Brechin .............................................. St. James 123 Douglas Water ............. Hozier Douglas Water 912 Edinburgh ............................. Dunedin Caritas 1316
Aherdeen ......................................... Bri=ond 1535 Brechin ................. St. Andrews Lodge Lochlee 282 Dounby, Kirkwall ..................................... Odin 917 Edinburgh ............................ Masjid-i-Suleman 1324
Aberdour ....................................... Castle Dour 1276 Bridge of Allan ..............................Abercromby 531 Doune ................................................ St. James 171 Edinburgh ..... Edinburgh Academy Centenary 1327
Aberfeldy ...................................... Breadalbane 657 Bridge of Earn ................................. Moncreiffe 1332 Drummore ...................................... St. Medans 1335 Edinburgh ..... Royal Thistle (The Rcyal Scots) 1338
Aberfoyle ............................ Bailie Nicol Jarvie 1036 Brightons, Polmont ............................. Polmont 793 Drymen ......................... :............. Loch Lomond 1483 Edinburgh .................................... Scotia Regia 1345
Aberlour .............................................. St. John 1021 Erara ........................................................ Clyne 1400 Dufftown .......................................... .St. James 289 Edinburgh ............................. The Caledonian
Abernethy .................Abernethy Round Tower 1429 Broughty Ferry ...................... Br9ughty Castle 486 Dumbarton ................. Dumbarton Kilwinning 18 Lodge of U ganda 1389
Abington ................................Abington Arbory 1081 Broughty Ferry ..................... Dundee St. Mary 1149 Dumfries ........................ Dumfries Kilwinning 53 Edinburgh .......... The Lodge ofBrotherly Lave 1428
Aboyne ............................ Charleston of Aboyne 281 Brnichladdich, Islay ....................... Lochindaal 1592 Dumfries ................................................ Thistle 62 Edinburgh .......................................... Meridian 1609
Airdrie ..................... N ew Monkland Montrose 88 Buckie ................................................. Gord<>n's 589 Dumfries ................... St. Michael's Kilwinning 63 Edinburgh ............................ Sir Robert Moray 1641
Airdrie ....................................Airdrie St. John 166 Buckie ..................... ,..................... Craigenroan 1247 Dumfries .... The Operative Lodge of Dumfries 140 Edinburgh .......................... The Lodge ofLight 1656
A,irdrie ........... The Operative Lodge of Airdrie 203 Bucksburn :......................................... .St. John 795 Dunbar ...................................... Dunbar Castle 75 Edinburgh ....................................... Friendship 1712
Airdrie ............................. Caldercruix St. John 1314 Burghead ..................................... .St. Aethan's 1227 Dunblane .................... The Lodge of Dunblane 9 Edinburgh ............................ Edinburgh Castle 1764
Airdrie .......................................... Fleur de Lys 1722 Burnbank, Hamilton ..................... Majar Ness 948 Dundee .. Tbe Operative Masan Lodge of Duodee 4 7 Edinburgh ................... Rcbert Burns Initiated 1781
Alexandria .................. Bonhill and Alexandria Burntisland ........................................ Dunearn 400 Dundee ................................................. Ancient 49 Elgin ............................................ Kilmolymock 45
St. Andrew's Royal Arch 321 Busby ....................................... St. John Busby 458 Dundee ............................................... St. David 78 Elgin ....................................... Trinity (Moray) 148
Alford ..........................................Vale of Alford 910 Cairneyhill, Dunfermline .......................Torrie 1141 Dundee ................................. Thistle Operative 158 Ellon ........................................................Ythan 892
Alloa ................................... The Lodge of Alloa 69 Callander ............................................ Ben Ledi 614 Dundee ......................... Forfar and Kincardine 225 Erro! ................................ The Carse of Gowrie 871
Alness .................................................... Averon 866 Cambuslang ............. Cambuslang, Rcyal Arch 114 Dundee ........................................... Caledonian 254 Eyemouth ........................................... .St. Ebbe 70
Alva ............................................. .St. Servanus 771 Cambuslang ......................................... Kirkhill 1230 Dundee ........................................ Camperdown 317 Falkirk ................................................. St. John 16
Alyth ..... :.......................................... .St. Ninian 732 Cambuslang ..................................... Buchanan 1499 Dundee ....................................................Albert 448 Falkirk ........................... .St. John Slamannan 484
Annan ............................................. Caledonian 238 Cambusnethan ................................... St. Clair 427 Dundee ................................................ Progress 967 Falkirk .............................................. Callendar 588
Annan ............................................. St. Andrew 1443 Campbeltown, Argyll ....................... St. John's 141 Dundee .................................................. Ubique 1192 Falkirk ................................................ Camelon 1456
Anstruther .......................................... St. Ayles 95 Cardenden .................................... .St. Fothad's 1059 Dundee ................................ Hilton St. Andrew 1220 Falkland ............................................. .St. John 35
Arb~oath .......................... Lodge of St. Thomas Carluke ................................................ St. John 187 Dundee ..................................... Roineach Mhor 1308 Fauldhouse .......................................... St. John 374
of Aberbrothock 40 Carnoustie ........................................ Dalhousie 679 Dundee ........... Rcbert Burns Lodge of Dundee 1788 Findochty ............................................ Bulwark 1202
Arbroath .......................................... .St .. Vigean 101 Carnwath ............................ Lockhart St. John 248 Dundee .............................................. Discovery 1789 Forfar ...The Ancient Lodge ofForfar Kilwinning 90
Arbroath ............................................ Panmure 299 Carstairs Junction ........................... Mauldslie 1199 Dundonald ........................... Burns Dundonald 1759 Forfar ........................................................ Lour 309
Ardersier ......................................... St. Andrew 601 Castle Douglas ................................... :St. John 189 Dunecht ............................................. Waterton 1767 Forres ................................. St. John Operative 37
Ardrossan ......................... St. John Rcyal Arch 320 Catrine ............................................... .St. J ohn 497 Dunfermline ............................................ Union 250 Forres .......................................... St. Lawrence 144
Armad ale .......................... Hope Bridge Castle 827 Chirnside ....................................... Whiteadder 1245 Dunfermline ....................................... Canmore 1175 Forth .......................... Wilsontown Iron Works
Armadale ......................................... Blackridge/ 1145 Chryston .................................... Cadder Argyle 147 Dunkeld ............ The United Lodge ofDunkeld 14 St. John's Lodge 236
Armadale ..................................... Kirkton Hall 1614 Clackmannan ............................. Clackmannan 1303 Dunlop ................................. Dunlop Caledonia 1408 Fortrose ..........................................Alan Wison 851
Armadale, Isle of Skye ..... MacDonald of Sleat 1379 Cleland .............................. Murdostoun Castle 1096 Dunning............................................... St. John 174 Fortrose ............................................... Seaforth 854
Auchinleck .......................... Boswell St. James 1011 Clydebank .......................................... .St. J ohn 543 Dunoon ...................................... Dunoon Argyll 335 Fort William ................................ Fort William 43
Auchterarder ....................................... St. John 46 Clydebank ................................. Barns o' Clyde 1018 Duns ........................................................ Dunse 23 Fraserburgh ........................................ Solomon 197
Aultbea, Rcss-shire .......................... Loch Ewe 1551 Clydebank ....................................... Clydebank 1234 Durness ................................................ Laxford 1380 Fraserburgh .......................... The Fraserburgh
Avoch ............................................... Rcsehaugh 1216 Clydebank ................... The Lodge Strathclyde 1626 Dyce ............................................... .St. Andrew 1269 Lodge of Freemasons 1055
Ayr .................... .St. James Newton-Upon-Ayr 125 Coalburn ...........................................Newlands 949 Dysart ................................. St. Clair of Dysart 520 Friockheim ....................................... The Bruce 593
Ayr :...............................................Ayr St. Paul 204 Coatbridge ............... Old Monkland St. James 177 Dysart .................................................. Wemyss 777 Fyvie ................................................. St. Mary's 1287
Balfron ..................................... Strath Endrick 780 Coatbridge ...................................... St. Andrew 544 Eaglesham ...................................... Eaglesham 1265 Galashiels ...................... The Galashiels Lodge 262
Ballater ......... .St. Nathalan ofTullich-in-Mar 259 Coatbridge ............................ Whifflet St. John 963 Earlston .................... The Lodge ofErcildoune 1119 Galston ............................................... St. Peter 331
Banavie, Inverness-shire ..................... Lochiel 1200 Coldstream ......................................... .St. John 280 East Kilbride .................................. St. Andrew 524 Gartcosh ................................................. Griffin 1254
Banchory ........................................ .St. Teman 443 Colinsburgh ....................................... Balcarres 1240 East Kilbride ....................................... Douglas 155 7 Giffnock ............................................ St. Conval 1359
Banff ............................................... St. Andrew 52 Comrie .............................................. St. Kessac 269 East Kilbride ...................................... Kil Bryd 1667 Girvan .................................. Girvan St. John's 237
Banff .................................. St. John Opetative 92 Connel ..................................... Earraghaidheal 1822 East Kilbride ...................................... McLaren 1688 Girvan .................... :................ Stinchar Valley 1705
Bannockburn ........................ Stirling Rcyal Arch 76 Coupar-Angus .................... St. John Operative 105 Edinburgh ................. The Lodge of Edinburgh Glamis .......................... The Lodge ofGlammis 99
Bannockburn. .. Bannockburn, Broce and Thistle 312 Cave .................................................. St. Modan 1015 (Mary's Chape!) 1 Glasgow .......... The Lodge of Glasgow St. J ohn 3bis
Bargeddie ................................ Heatheryknowe 1461 Cowdenbeath .............................. Thane ofFife 781 Edinburgh .................... Canongate Kilwinning 2 Glasgow ................ Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge 4
Barrhead ..............................Union and Crown 307 Coylton .................................. Coila St. Andrew 1334 Edinburgh ..................... Canongate and Leith, Glasgow .... The Lodge ofG!asgow St. Mungo's 27
Bathgate ..................... To~hichen Kilwinning. 13 Crail.. ....... The Lodge of St. Andrews at Craill 83 Leith and Canongate 5 Glasgow .................................Thistle and Rose 73
Bearsden ............................................ Bearsden 15 72 Creetown ................................................. Unity 682 Edinburgh ... The Lodge of Journeymen Masons 8 Glasgow ................................................. Thistle 87
Beauly ..................................................... Priory 1235 Crieff............................................... St. Michael 38 Edinburgh ......... St. David (University Lodge) 36 Glasgow ............ .St. Mark's Lodge at Glasgow 102
356 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 357
SCOTLAND-Continued SCOTLAND-Continued
Glasgow ........................ The Union and C~own G!asgow ................................... Milton Glasgow 1520 Kilmarnock ................................... St. Clement 202 Monifieth ........................................... Grange 1073
Lodge Glasgow 103 G!asgow ................................................... Tower 1523 Kilmaurs ....................................... .St. Maurs 1398 Montrose ................ ...... Montrose Kilwinning 15
G!asgow .................... Partick S t. Mary's Lodge 117 G!asgow ............................ Anderson McMillan 1552 Kilsyth .................................. Kilsyth St. John 39 Montrose ... . ..................... ..... .St. Peter 120
Glasgow .......................... .Shettleston St. J ohn 128 Glasgow .............................................. Toryglen 1561 Kilwinning ......................... Mother Kilwinning O Montrose ................. .Incorporated Kilwinning 182
Glasgow ................... Pollockshaws Royal Arch 153 Glasgow ............................... Cadder Freestone 1584 Kincardine ........................ St. John, Tulliallan 598 Montrose ......................... St. Skae ofFerryden 1252
Glasgow ................................................... Scotia 178 G!asgow ............................................ Sandwood 1590 Kingussie .................................................. Spey 527 Motherwell ................. Livingstone St. Andrew 573
Glasgow .................... The Glasgow Star Lodge 219 Glasgow ........................................ Easterhouse 1591 Kinlochleven ................................... St. Kearan 1155 Motherwell ................. Motherwell Caledonian 1228
Glasgow ............... The Bridgeton and Glasgow G!asgow .................... ................ Broomhill 1595 Kinross .................................................. St. Serf 327 Muirkirk ......................................... St. Thomas 201
Shamrock and Thistle Lodge 275 G!asgow ................................................ Shalom 1600 Kintore ....................................... Royal Ancient 1179 Musselburgh ....................................... St. John 112
Glasgow ................................................... Union 332 G!assfOTd ..................................................Avon 1231 Kirkcaldy ................... The Lodge ofKirkcaldie 72 Muthill................................................. St. John 192
Glasgow ....................................... Saint George 333 G!enboig ........................................... Coltswood 1067 Kirkcaldy ...... The Oswald of Dunnikier Lodge 468 Naim ................................................ St. Ninian 575
G!asgow ......... The Caledonian Railway Lodge 354 Glencoe ................................................. Glencoe 884 Kirkealdy ................ ,...................... St. Leonard 935 New Abbey ........................................ St. John 162
Glasgow ......................................... Commercial 360 Glencraig ........................................... Ballingry 1183 Kirkcaldy ........................................ Templehall 1599 Newburgh ........................................... Lindores 106
Glasgow .............................................. .St. Clair 362 Glenluce ......................................... Luce Abbey 689 Kirkconnel ....................................... St. Cona! 1193 N ew Cumnock .................................. .St. J ohn 334
Glasgow .................................................. Clyde 408 Glenrothes ...................................... Glenrothes 1549 Kirkcudbright .......... .St. Cuthbert Kilwinning 41 Newmachar .............................. Royal Braemar 1195
g~~f;~k·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.... .-.-.··.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·_jj¡~~ .;}"c'\~'d': 1 ~~~
Glasgow ..................................................Athole 413 Kirkintilloch .................... St. John Kilwinning 28 Newmilns ........................ Loudoun Kilwinning 51
Glasgow ............................................... Neptune 419 Kirkintilloch ........................ The Athole Lodge 384 New Pitsligo ................................... St. Andrew 518
Glasgow ........................................... Govandale 437 Gourock ............................ .Inverkip Ardgowan 1425 Kirkliston ......................... Kirkliston Maitland 482 New Stevenston .............. Robert King Stewart 919
Glasgow ...................................... Robert Burns 440 Grangemouth ....................................... Zetland 391 Kirkmichael ................................... Strathardle 1507 Newtongrange .................. Gorebridge Dundas 1039
Glasgow ........................... Glasgow at G!asgow 441 Grantown-on-Spey ...................... Craigellachie 241 Kirkmuirhill .......................... Nethan St. John 1289 Newtongrange .................. Newbattle St. Mary 1063
Glasgow .......................................... St. Andrew 465 Greenlaw ........................................ Blackadder 1350 Kirkwall .......................... Kirkwall Kilwinning 38 2 Newton Mearns ...................... Newton Mearns 1706
Glasgow ................... ... .. .................... Maryhill 510 Greenock ........................ Greenock Kilwinning 12 Kirriemuir ...............................................Airlie 286 Newton Stewart ............................... St. Ninian 499
Glasgow ............................................ Thorntree 512 Greenock .......................... Greenock St. John's 175 Kyle ofLochalsh ...................................... Kyle 1117 North Berwick ................................ St. Baldred 313
Glasgow ....................... St. Vincent, Sandyford 553 Greenock .................................. Crawfurdsburn 1121 Ladybank ...................... King Robert de Bruce 304 Oban .................................... Oban Co=ercial 180
Glasgow ........................................... Clydesdale 556 Greenock ......... The Anchor Lodge ofResearch 1814 Lairg ................ ............................... Loch Shin 1352 O!d Kilpatrick ........................... Saint Patrick 1309
Glasgow ................................ . ........... Kenmuir 570 Gretna ................................................... Gretna 1158 Lamlash ......................................... .St. Molios 774 Paisley ............................... Pais!ey St. Mirrin's 129
Glasgow ............................................. Dramatic 571 Haddington ...................... St. John Kilwinning 57 Langholm ......................... Eskdale Kilwinning 107 Paisley ................ Renfrew County Kilwinning 370
Glasgow ........................................... Plantation 581 Hamilton ........................ Hamilton Kilwinning 7 Largs ................................ St. John Kilwinning 173 Paisley .................................. Paisley St. James 1116
Glasgow ....................................Albert Edward 592 Hamilton .............................. ......... Hamilton 233 Larkhall. ......................................... St. Thomas 306 Paisley .............................................. Craigielea 1218
Glasgow ........................................ The Prince's 607 Hamilton .................................... Bothwell Brig 1229 Larkhall .......................................... Clydesdale 551 Paisley ................................................ Gleniffer 1219
Glasgow .............................................. The Gael 609 Hamilton ................................ Burns Immortal 1730 Larkhall .......................... .St. Andrew Military 668 Patna .................................... The Bonnie Doon 565
G!asgow .......... ,................ Sir George Cathcart 617 Hardgate ............................................... Cochno 1304 Latheron ............................................ Latheron 1424 Peebles .............................. Peebles Kilwinning 24
Glasgow ............... .-........... St. John, Wbiteinch 683 Harthill .......................................... .St. James 590 Lauder ................................................ .St. Luke 132 Penicuik ...................................... St. Kentigern 429
Glasgow .................................... Saint Columba 729 Hawick ....................................... Hawick Lodge 111 Laurencekirk ............................... St. Laurence 136 Perth ................................... .Scoon aod Perth 3
Glasgow ........................................... Montefiore 753 Hawick ...... Hawick Lodge St. James B.U.R.A. 424 Laurencekirk ...................................... St. Mark 1313 Perth .............................. .St. Andrew at Perth 7 4
Glasgow ................................................... Pollok 772 Helensburgh .................................... St. George 503 Leadhills ..... ............................... Hopetoun 507 Perth ................................... Perth Royal Arch 122
Glasgow ........................................... B!ythswood 817 Helmsdale ......................................... St. Donan 933 Lerwick ........... ...................... Morton Lodge 89 Perth .......................................... Auchtergaven 1123
Glasgow .............................................. Progress 873 High BlantyTe ................. Blantyre Kilwinning 557 Leslie ...................................................... Rothes 532 Peterculter ................................................ Felix 355
Glasgow ............................................. Langside 955 High Blantyre ................................ Livingstone 599 Lesmahagow ....................................... St. John 20 Peterculter.......... ................... Leuchar 1224
Glasgow .............................................. Oatlands 1005 Houston .................................... Captain Spiers 791 Leuchars ............................................ Earlshall 1292 Peterhead ........ The Keith Lodge of Peterhead 56
Glasgow ............................................. Eastmuir 1126 Huntly ................................................. St. John 745 · Leven ........................... Elgin's Lodge at Leven 91 Peterhead .......................................... St. James 256
Glasgow ..................................... Thistle Crown 1167 Hur!ford ................................... Burns St. Mary 505 Leven ................................................... Macduff 940 Pitlochry ......................................... St. Andrew 814
Glasgow .............................................. Tollcross 1194 Inchinnan ........................................ .Inchinnan 1405 Leven ................................................. Earl Haig 1260 Pittenweem ...................................... St. Adrian 185
Glasgow ............... ... . ................... Springburn 1198 Inchinnan ...................... The Lodge of Erskine 1566 Limekilns ............................... Elgin and Bruce 1077 Port Glasgow ........................ Doric Kilwinning 68
Glasgow ..................................... Kelvin Partick 1207 Innellan ......................... .Innellan and Toward 1435 Linlithgow ...............................Ancient Brazen 17 Port Glasgow ............ Cumberland Kilwinning 217
G!asgow .................................................. Stepps 1213 Innerleithen ................................... St. Ronao's 856 Linlithgow .......................... Hopetoun St. John 1232 Port Gordon ...................................... Richmond 1137
Glasgow ............................................ Greyfriars 1221 Insch .............................................. .St. Andrew 228 Linlithgow ............................................ Pioneer 1305 Portknockie .................................... Bow Fiddle 1349
Glasgow .................................................. Anima 1223 lnveraray .......................... .Inveraray St. John 50 Linwood ............................................ Craigends 1042 Portlethen ................. The Lodge of Portlethen 1805
Glasgow ... The Trades House ofG!asgow Lodge 1241 Inverbervie ........................................ St. David 572 Livingston ............................. Buehan St. John 636 Portobello (Edinburgh) .................... Portobello 226·
Glasgow ................................... Southem Cross 1243 Invergarry ................................................. Eval 1464 Livingston ....................................... St. Andrew 1587 Portree, l. of Skye ............................. St. Kilda 881
Glasgow ........................................... Battlefield 1258 Invergordon ............................................... Ness 888 Livingston ....................................... Almondale 1658 Portsoy ........................................ St. Stephen 746
Glasgow ....................................... Bishopbriggs 1259 Inverkeithing ................. :.................... St. John 60 Loanhead ....................................... St. Leonard 580 Portsoy .. ... .. .... ....... .............Aurora Borealis 1809
Glasgow ............................................Alexandra 1282 Inverness ................ Old lnverness Kilwinning Lochgelly ................................................. Minto 385 Port William ..................................... Myrton 539
Glasgow ................................................... Galen 1285 St. John's 6 Lochgilphead ................................... Loch Fyne 754 Prestonpans ................................. Thorntree 1038
Glasgow ............................. Mosspark Glasgow 1329 Inverness .... St. Mary's Caledonian Operative 339 Lochmaben ................................ St. Magdalene 100 Prestwick ........................................ Prestwick 1060
Glasgow ........................................... Possilpark 1330 Inverness .. :.................................. .St. Columba 1295 Lochwinnoch .............. Garthland St. Winnoch 205 Ralston .......................................... Georgetown 1170
Glasgow.................................................. Riddrie 1340 lnverness ...................................... Drummossie 1438 Lockerbie .................Lockerbie Quhytewoollen 258 Rathen .................................... .Inversaintcairn 1278
G!asgow ............................................... Concord 1341 Inverurie ..................................... St. Anthony 154 Lossiemouth ..................................... Pitgaveny 681 Ratho ........................... Kirknewton and Ratho 85
G!asgow ...............................................Western 1346 Irvine .................................. .Irvine St. Andrew 149 Macduff ............................................ .St. James 653 Ravenstruther .............................. Old St. John 21
Glasgow .................................. The King's Park 1386 Irvine ......................... St. Matthew Kilwinning 549 Mallaig .................................................. Mallaig 1056 Renfrew .:... ....................... Prince ofWales 426
Glasgow ........................................... Garrowhill 1413 Irvine ..................................... .Irvine Newtown 1662 Markinch ............................................ Balgonie 764 Renfrew .......................................... Moorpark 1263
Glasgow ................................ The Royal Stuart 1414 Jedburgh ............................................. St. John 104 Mauchline ... St. David (Tarbolton) Mauchline 133 Renton ...................................... Leven St. John 170
Glasgow ............... .................................. Regal 1422 J ohnshaven ........................................ .St. J ohn 119 Maud ....................................................... Leask 1084 Rhynie............... ....................... Tap o'Noth 1210
Glasgow ............................................ Corkerhill 1426 Johnstone .................. Houstoun St. Johnstone 242 Maybole .............................................. .St. John 11 Rosehearty ............................................. Forbes 67
Glasgow ......................... Glasgow Abercrombie 1430 Keith ................................................ .St. James 713 Maybole ........................................... Royal Arch 198 Roslin .................................... Rosslyn St. C!air 606
Glasgow ............................................... Ballater 1432 Kelso ........................... Lodge Kelso and Tweed 58 Meigle ..................................................... Meigle 1122 Rosyth .................... The Lvdge of Dunferroling 26
G!asgow ............................................. Randolph 1434 Kelty ........................................................... Oak 877 Melrose ........... The Lodge of Melrose St. J ohn 12 Rosyth ............. The Lodge, Hope ofKurrachee 337
Glasgow ................................................. Ruchill 1436 Kemnay ............................................ .St. Bryde 991 Methil... ........................................... Randolph 776 Rosyth .................................................... Rosyth 1159
Glasgow ....................................... Knightswood 1445 Kenmore ..................................... Tay and Lyon 276 Methil ..................................... Balfour Melville 809 Rosyth .............................. St. Margaret's Hope 1184
Glasgow ................................... St, Christopher 1453 Kennoway ..................................... St. Kenneth 1441 Methven ........................................ Kildrummie 906 Rothes ............................... .St. John Operati ve 193
Glasgow ... H.L.I., The Royal Highlaod Fusiliers 1459 Kilbarchan........... .................... St. Barchan 156 Midcalder ........................................... .St. John 272 Rothesay ............................. Rothesay St. John 292
Glasgow ................................................ Nitshill 1478 Kilbirnie ........................................ Royal Blues 399 Milingavie ..................................... Ellangowan 716 Rutherglen .................. Rutherglen Royal Arch 116
G!asgow .................................................. ffister 1486 Killearn ............................................ Buchanan 1419 Millport .............................................. Kelburne 459 Rutherglen ........... St. John's Operative Lodge 347
Glasgow ............................................... Century 1492 Killin .......................... Breadalbane St. Fillans 815 Milton of Campsie ........................... Caledoniao Rutherglen ....................................... Burnside 1361
Glasgow .......................... .Sir William Wallace 1504 Kilmacolm ...................................... Sir Michael 989 St. John Royal Arch 195 St. Andrews .................................... St. Andrew 25
Glasgow .................................................. Salfire 1505 Kilmarnock ...................... St. John Kilwinning 22 Mintlaw .................................................. Ugie 939 St. Monans ................................... St. Monans 1348
Glasgow ............................................. Milncroft 1515 Kilmarnock ................................... St. Mamock 109 Moffat.. ............................................... Hartfell 728 Sandbank............................... ..... St. Munn 496
Glasgow .......................................... Larchgrove 1518 Kilmarnock ..................................... St. Andrew 126 Moniaive .......................... Nithsdale St. Paul 1115 Sandhaven .......................................... Clinton 1244
Sanquhar ......................... Sanquar Kilwinning 194 Tayport ........................................... St. Michael 246 Freetown, Sierra Leone ....................Academ.ic 1138 Johannesburg, Trans ......... Northern Province 1576
Saline ............................................... Kinneddar 1239 Thornhill, Dumfriesshire ................... St. John 252 Freetown, Sierra Leone ................. Tranquility 1446 Johannesburg, Trans ..............North Western-
Saltcoats .......................... N eptune Kilwinning 442 Thornhill, Perthshire ...................... Blairhoyle 792 Freetown, Sierra Leone .................... Harmony 1448 Bedford 1596
Scone .................................................. Stormont 1524 Thornton ........................ St. Clair of Balbeggie 867 Freetown, Sierra Leone ... :............... Travellers 1455 Johannesburg, Trans ............................ Caxton 1607
Selkirk ................................................. St. John 32 Thurso .................. St. Peter's Operative Lodge 284 Freetown, Sierra Leone ............. Mount Aureol 1612 Johannesburg, Trans .............. Sound Memory 1655
Selkirk ........................... The Haughfoot Lodge 1824 Thurso .......................................... John o'Groat 1333 Freetown, Sierra Leone ....................... Sapiens 1620 Johannesburg, Trans ................. Mo Dachaidh 1685
Shotts .................................................. St. John 471 Tighnabruaich, Argyll ................ Kyles ofBute 1120 Freetown, Sierra Leone ........................... Delco 1624 Johannesburg, Trans ................... The Century
Shotts ........................................................Dura 1513 Tillicoultry ..................................... Ben Cleuch 782 Freetown, Sierra Leone .......................... Leona 1644 Lodge of Research 1745
Skelmorlie ............... Montgomerie Kilwinning 624 Tiree ................................. TirAn Eorna, Tiree 1775 Freetown, Sierra Leone .....,............ The Earl of Johannesburg, Trans ....Alba Gu Brath Lodge 1802
South Queensferry ..................... .St. Margaret 548 Tobermory ..................... Tobermory St. Mary's 1310 Eglinton and Winton 1650 J ohor Bahru ............................... Darul Taksim 1836
Stanley .................................................. Stanley 1262 Tranent ................................................... Nisbet 1112 Freetown, Sierra Leone ............ Blue Diamond 1687 Jwaneng, Botswana ........................... Jwaneng 1790
Stenhousemuir ...................................... Carron 139 Troon .................................... Troon N avigation 86 Freetown, Sierra Leone ......................... Sierra 1743 Kalgoorlie, W. Australia .......... Golden Thistle 840
Stevenston ............................. Thistle and Rose 169 Tullibody ............................................ Ladywell 1474 Freetown, Sierra Leone ................. Regentonia 1752 Kalgoorlie, W. Australia ......... Golden Feather 855
Stewarton .............................................. Thistle 127 Turriff ............................................ .St. Congan 922 Freetown, Sierra Leone .....................Veritatis 1786 Kalgoorlie, W. Australia ...... .Sir Wm. Wallace 868
Stirling.................................... Ancient Stirling 30 Twechar ............................................... Barrhill 1444 Freetown, Sierra Leone ......... Albert Academy 1797 Kalgoorlie, W. Australia .................. Broomhill 983
Stonehaven .............. The Lodge of Stonehaven 65 Uddingston ........................................ St. Bryde 579 Freetown, Sierra Leone ................ Cotton Tree 1799 Kampala, Uganda ........................... Ruwenzori 1652
Stonehouse .............................................. Union 244 Uddingston ........................................ St. Enoch 1288 Freetown, Sierra Leone ..................... Excelsior 1807 Kampala, Uganda .......................... Caledonian
Stoneyburn .......................................... St. John 1186 U ddingston ........................................ Meridian 1779 Frivandrum, India ....... .Imperial Brotherhood 1041 Lodge of Kampala 1815
Stornoway ........................................... Fortrose 108 illlapool... ......................................... St. Martín 1217 Gaberone, Botswana .......................... Notwani 1633 Kandy, Sri Lanka ............. St. Andrew's Lodge 1832
Stow ........................................... St. John, Stow 216 Unst, Shetland Isles ............................. Aurora 1654 George, S. Af.......................................... Protea 1578 Kariba, Zimbabwe ................................. Kariba 1558
Stranraer....................... Stranraer Kilwinning 208 West Calder ........................................... Thistle 270 Georgetown, Guyana ........................ Harmony 1110 Keetmanshoop, Namibia ................. Caledonia 1307
Strathdon ......................................... Strathdon 1358 West Kilbride .................................. Royal Arch 314 Georgetown, Guyana ........................... .Victory 1203 Kempton Park, Transvaal ................ Kempton 1482
Strathaven ...................................... St. Andrew 215 Whitburn ........................................ Polkemmet 927 Georgetown, Guyana ..............................Alpha 1594 Kempton Park, Transvaal ................ Herodom 1768
Strichen .................................................. Fraser 267 Whithorn ....................................... Leucophibia 602 Georgetown, Guyana .................... Kyk-over-Al 1672 Kerala, India ....................................... Heather 928
Stromness .......................... Mercantile Marine 453 Wick ................................................ .St. Fergus 466 Georgetown, Guyana ........................ .lrenaeus 1791 Kimberley, S. Af..................... Union of Athole 591
Stronsay, Orkney Islands ............... Kildinguie 1381 Wigtown ............................................. Galloway 951 Germiston, Transvaal.. ....................... Douglas 799 King William's Town, S. Af.... Kaffrarian Ce!tic 631
Tain ................................................. St. Duthus 82 Wishaw ............................... .St. Mary Coltness 31 Germiston, Transvaal ................ Robert Burns Kingsley, W. Australia ................ Royal Stuart 893
Tarbert, Harris .......................... .St. Clement's 1353 Wishaw .................................. Mauldslie Castle 1630 Memorial 1470 Kingston, Jamaica ........... The Glenlyon Lodge 346
Tarbert, Argyll ..................................... Tarbert 1306 Wormit ............................................. Tay Union 273 Germiston, Transvaal ........................Alberton 1651 Kingston, Jamaica .............................. St. John 623
Tarbolton ... St. James (Kilwinning) Tarbolton 135 Gibraltar ........................................ St. Thomas 576 Kingston, Jamaica ................ .Imperial Service 978
Taynuilt ............................................ St. Modan 985 Gibraltar ..........................Al Moghreb al Aksa 670 Kingston, Jamaica ............................ Liguanea 1479
Gibraltar ......................................... Coronation 934 Kingston, Jamaica .............................Wolmers 1506
Gibraltar ......... St. Bernard Lodge of Research 1817 Kingston, Jamaica ................... Semper Fidelis 1530
LODGES OUTSIDE OF SCOTLAND Gisborne, N. Z................................... Montrose 722 Kingston, Jamaica .................................... Mico 1583
Glencairn, S. Af............................... Fish Hoek 1390 Kingston, Jamaica .......... Lodge of St. Andrew 1684
Gonubie, S. Af..................................... Dunedin 988 Kingston, Jamaica .... Jackson MeLaren Wint. 1818
LOCATION · NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO. Grand Falls, Nfld ............................ Northcliffe 1086 Kingston, Jamaica ........................... Stony Hill 1820
Gwanda, Zimbabwe ............................ Gwanda 1462 Kinross, Trans ...................................... Energy 1760
Abaco, Bahamas ................................. Maxwell 1837 Brussels, Belgium ........................... Allegiance 1465 Gweru, Zimbabwe .................................. Gweru 876 Kisumu, Kenya ............................... Mackenzie 1792
Abeokuta, Nigeria .................................. Lisabi 1618 Bulawayo, Zimbabwe ................. John Phillips 1573 Hamilton, Bermuda ............ Civil and Military 726 Kitwe, Zambia ...................................... N'Kana 1378
Ahmedabad, India .................................. Salem 563 Calcutta, India ................................ Endeavour 474 Harare, Zimbahwe ........ Salisbury Kilwinning 1097 Klerksdorp, Trans ............... Bloemhof Fontein 1250
Ahmedabad, India ............ Hope and Sincerity 634 Calcutta, India ...................... .Star of Calcutta 1410 Harare, Zimbabwe ............................... Mvuma 1157 Kobe, Japan .......................... Hiogo and Osaka 498
Amman, Jordan ..................................... Jordan 1339 Cape Town, S. Af..................... Southern Cross 398 Harare, Zimbabwe .................................. Scotia 1323 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ........... Tullibardine-
Amanzimtoti, Natal... ..................... Grantleigh 1136 Cape Town, S. Af.......................... Royal Alfred 420 Harare, Zimbabwe ................ ................. Acacia 1582 in-the-East 1118
Amanzimtoti, Natal ................... Fort Jameson 1467 Cape Town, S. Af.................. The Lome Lodge 654 Harare, Zimbabwe .................. Richard Cooper 1661 Kuantan, Malaysia .................... Royal Pahang 1589
Andros, Bahamas ........................ San Andreas 1835 Cape Town, S. Af............................. Claremont 931 Harbour Grace, Nfld ................ Harbour. Grace 4 76 Kuching, Sarawak ............................. Sarawak 1452
Antofagasta, Chile .............................. Progress 812 Cape Town, S. Af.......... Pinelands Kilwinning 960 Heart's Content, Nfld ............. Heart's Content 1275 Kuching, Sarawak ................................... Mulu 1821
Antwerp, Belgium .......................... Wellington 1385 Cape Town, S. Af..................................... Unity 1154 Hong Kong .................................. Cosmopolitan 428 Kurgersdorp, Trans ...................... Randfontein 979
Arima, Trinidad .....................................Arima 899 Carbonear ........................................ Carbonear 1043 Hong Kong........... St. Andrew-in-the-Far-East 493 Kwekwe, Zimbabwe ........ Que Que Kilwinning 1320
Auckland, N. Z............................... St. Andrew 418 Carletonville, Transvaal... .................... Unison 1521 Hong Kong ............................................ St. John 618 Kyonggi-Do, Korea ............... Harry S. Truman 1727
Auckland, N. z.................................. Ponsonby 708 Chegutu, Zimbahwe ........., .................... Umfuli 1544 Hong Kong ........................ Naval and Military 848 Labrador City, Newfoundland ................. Anik 1707
Bandikui, India .................................... Charity 783 Chennai, India ..................................... Madras 1342 Hong Kong, ............................... Eastern Scotia 923 Lagos, Nigeria ...................................Academic 1150
Banjul, Gambia ................................ St. Mary's 1711 Chin Hoyi, Zimbabwe .................... Lomagundi 1075 Hwange, Zimbabwe ............................. Wankie 1409 Lagos, Nigeria ......................................... Scotia 1166
Bangkok, Thailand ............................. St. John 1072 Chingola, Zambia ............................... Chingola 1394 Ibadan, Nigeria ............................. Saint David 1356 Lagos, Nigeria ............................. Perseverance 1370
Bangkok, Thailand ......................... Lane Xang 1632 Chingola, Zambia ................. Star of the North 1527 Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria ................................ Obanta 1487 Lagos, Nigeria ....................................... Classic 1678
Bangkok, Thailand ...................... Ratanakosin 1833 Christchurch, N.Z .............. Cargill Kilwinning 632 Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria .......................... Omo-Alare 1755 Lagos, Nigeria ........................................ Oriwu 1691
Bay Roberts, Nfld ................................ Mackay 1129 Clarendon, Jamaica ..... Clarendon Kilwinning 1427 Inglewood, W. Australia ................ .Sir Walter Lagos, Nigeria .......................... :................. Eko 1703
Beirut, Lebanon ...................................... Peace 908 Colombo, Sri Lanka ..................... Bonnie Doon 611 Scott-Breadalbane 859 Lagos, Nigeria ......................................... .Alaro 1757
Beirut, Lebanon .................................. Kadisha 1002 Colon, Panama ...................................... Thistle 1013 Inglewood, W. Australia ................. .St. James 860 Lambeau, Tobago ............. Tobago, Kilwinning 1643
Beirut, Lebanon ...................... Mount Lebanon 1312 Conception Bay South, Nfld .......... Conception 1679 Inglewood, W. Australia ................... Balmoral 896 Levuka, Fiji ....................................... Polynesia 562
Beirut, Lebanon ................................ Harmony 1830 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania .............. St. Andrew 1360 Ipoh, Malaysia ........................................Angus 1529 Lilongwe, Malawi ..................................Angoni 1404
Belgaum, India ................................... Cateract · 909 Deer Lake, Nfld ................................... Humber 1475 Jansenville, S. Africa ............................ Koodoo 1317 Lima, Peru ....................... .. Peace and Concord 445
Benin City, Nigeria ............................... .Itebite 1619 Dunedin, N. Z...................... Otago Kilwinning 417 Jeffreys Bay, S. Afhca .......... Good Friendship 1800 Lime Acres, S. Af........................... Lime Acres 1638
Blantyre, Malawi ...................................Nyasa 956 Dunedin, N. Z.......................................... Celtic 477 Johannesburg, Trans ............... Golden Thistle 744 Linstead, Jamaica ...............John James Milis 1657
Blantyre, Malawi ............... David Livingstone 1162 Dunedin, N. Z.................. St. John Kilwinning 662 Johannesburg, Trans ........................... Gordon 804 Livingstone, Zambia .......... David Livingstone 1321
Blantyre, Malawi ................................. .Viphya 1571 Durban, Natal ............................... Blythswood 731 Johannesburg, Trans ........................ Ophirton 886 Lome, Togolaise ......................... Lodge of Togo 1677
Bloemfontein, O.F.S .............................. Thistle 942 Durban, Natal ....................................... Thistle 987 Johannesburg, Trans .................... .St. Andrew 954 Lusaka, Zambia .................................... Lusaka 1368
Bloemfontein, Trans .............................. Oranje 1603 Durban, Natal .......... , ............. Weenen County 990 Johannesburg, Trans ............................. Scotia 973 Lusaka, Zambia ........................ Lodge of Unity 1510
Boksburg, Trans .................... East Rand Scots 1093 Durban, N ata! ........................ Lodge Trafalgar 1009 Johannesburg, Trans ..................Alpha Crucis 980 Lydenburg, Trans .........................The Pilgrim 738
Boksburg, Transvaal ...............................Athol 1442 East London, S. Af................................Thistle 833 Johannesburg, Trans ........................... Brixton 982 Maharashtra, India ....................... Rising Star
Boksburg, Transvaal .......................... Eenheid 1488 Effurum, Nigeria .................................... Ethiope 1780 Johannesburg, Trans ..... Transvaal Volunteer 1007 of Western India 342
Bothaville, O.F.S ........... Welcome-Rendezvous 1286 Eleuthera, Bahamas .. Eleutheran Adventurers 1816 Johannesburg, Trans ..................... Pythagoras 1447 Makent, Sierra Leone ..........................Wusum 1839
Brakpan, Trans .................................. Brakpan 1113 Empangeni, Natal... ........................... Umfolozi 1721 Johannesburg, Trans ......................... Braemar 1469 Manila, Philippines .............. Perla del Oriente 1034
Bridgetown, Barbados ............................ Scotia 340 Francistown, Botswana ........................ Nts'he 1746 Johannesburg, Trans ............... Somah Herber 1485 Margate, N ata! ...................................Margate 1420
Bridgetown, Barbados .......................... Thistle 1014 Freemantle, W. Australia .............. Kilwinning 849 Johannesburg, Trans ......................... Towerby 1500 Meerut, India ................................... Caledonia 661
Bridgetown, Barbados ....................... .St. John 1062 Freeport, Bahamas ........................ St. Andrew 1756 Johannesburg, Trans ...... Cairngorm Republic 1539 Mhow, India ......................................... St. Paul 389
Bridgetown, Barbados ............... Saint Andrew 1509 Freetown, Sierra Leone ............... Sierra Leone JoJ:tannesburg, Trans .............................Argyll 1548 Middelburg, Transvaal ..... Middelburg United 794
Bridgetown, Barbados ............................. Unity 1625 Highland 997 Johannesburg, Trans ..................... Turffontein 1556 Midland, W. Australia ........ Midland Junction 972
360 List of Regular Lodges i Masonic 361
Loges,12 Assemblée Annuelle: 3éme Samedi de Janvier
Milton, N. Z........................................ .St. John 461 Port of Spain, Trinidad ......... Caribbean Light 1391 ARMAND AGBOGBA
Mombasa, Kenya ........................... MacKinnon 1531 Port of Spain, Trinidad ...................... Royalian 1605 1 EL HADJ IBRAHIMA NDAO
Montego Bay, Jamaica ............................ Elgin 1562 Port ofSpain, Trinidad............. ..... Felicity 1681 Grand Maitre Grand Secrétaire
Montego Bay, Jamaica .................... Columbus 1660 Port ofSpain, Trinidad ......................... Trinity 1733 B.P. 442
Mtuba tuba, N atal.. ............................ St. Lucia 1336 Port of Spain, Trinidad ..................... Hesperus 1738 Dakar, Sénégal, West Africa
Mumbai, India ............................ Perseverance 338 Port of Spain, Trinidad ............. Bi-Centennial 1812 Telephone:
Mumbai, India ....................................... Barton 475 Potchefstroom ...................... The Golden Light 766 78
Mumbai, India .................................. Caledonia 490 Pretoria, Transvaal.. ............................... Unity 1006 E-mail: [email protected]
Mumbai, India ............................. Rising Sun 506 Pretoria, Transvaal ........................ Jakaranda 1514
Mumbai, India ................................ Zoroaster 800 Pretoria, Transvaal ............................ Orpheus 1537
Mumbai, India .................................. Forman 1066 Pune, India ................. St. Andrew-in-the-East 343 Does not pennit Dual or Plural Membership
Mumbai, India .................................. Beaman 1069 Pusan, Korea ................. ..... Pusan Korea 1675
Mumbai, India ...................................... Bharat 1298 Rockingham, W. Australia ....... Menzies Doric 890
Mumbai, India .................... Sohrab Bharoocha 1363 Roodepoort, Transvaal ................... Roodepoort NAME LOCATION AND NO. NAME LOCATION AND NO.
Mumbai, lndia .................................. Blackwell 1406 Caledonian 865
Mumbai, India ..................................Al Ameen 1412 Roodepoort, Transvaal ......................... Florida 1092 Kumen 133 ................................ Dakar (Sénégal) 1 Ile de Gorée 496 ........................ Thies (Sénégal) 7
Mumbai, India ............................. Light oflran 1498 Roodepoort, Trans ...................... Western Star 1450 Ansitoe 149 ................................ Dakar (Sénégal) 2 Hurqalia 506 ............................. Dakar (Sénégal) 8
Mumbai, India .......... Dr Sir Temulji Nariman 1516 Roodepoort, Transvaal .................. Discoverers 1494 Adam 244 .................................... Dakar (Sénégal) 3 Franco-Africaine 556 ............... Mbour (Sénégal) 9
Mutare, Zimbabwe ............ Mutare Kilwinning 1054 Rustenburg, Transvaal ...................... Peglerae 1749 L'Avenir du Sénégal418 ........... Dakar (Sénégal) 4 Terre Sacrée .......................... Kaolack (Sénégal) 15
N agpur, India ................................ K R. Cama 1366 Sabah ............. ................................. API-API 1826 Saint-Lonis du Sénégal 419 Nour ........................................ Kaolack (Sénégal) 16
Nairobi, Kenya ...................................... Scotia 1008 Sagamu, Nigeria ...................................... Remo 1682 Saint-Louis (Sénégal) 5 Penku ......................................... Dakar (Sénégal) 20
Nairobi, Kenya .... The Lodge ofthe Highlands 1439 Sagamu, Nigeria .................................. Acacia 1793 Cité du Rail 495 .......................... Thies (Sénégal) 6
Nairobi, Kenya ...................................... Osotua 1528 St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica ......................... Seville 530
Nairobi, Kenya ........................................ Unity 1611 S t. George, Barbados ............................ Pelican 1750 The "Grande Loge du Sénégal" maintains fraternal relations with the majority of the Grand Lodges
Naivasha, E. Africa ............... Mount Longonot 1813 St. George's, Bermuda .................... St. George 200 listed in this publication.
Nassau, Bahamas .......................... St. Michael 1634 St. George's, Grenada ................ Saint Andrew 1794
Nassau, Bahamas ......................... Saint David 1741 St. John's, Nfld ...................................... Tasker 454
Nassau, Bahamas .......................... .'.St. Anne's 1751 St. John's, Nfld .............................. .St. Andrew 1139
Nassau, Bahamas ............ Claudius R. Walker 1808
Nassau, Bahamas ........................ Fort Nassau 1819
St. John's, Nfld ..... Newfoundland Kilwinning 1754
St. Kitts, W. Indies ...................... Mount Olive 336
Nassau, Bahamas ............................ St. Joseph 1838 Sandys Parish, Bermuda ............ Somers Isles 1503
Ndola, Zambia ............................ David Ogilvie 1371 San Fernando, Trinidad ..................Alexandra 1044
Nelspruit, Transvaal.. ............................. Sabie 1301 Santiago, Chile ................................. Britannia 1033
Nelspruit, Transvaal... ......... Nelspruit United 1402 Santa Cruz, Jamaica ........... Barrington Miller 1829
Newcastle, Natal... ....... The Coronation Lodge 930 Secunderabad, India .............. Universal Peace 1208
Nigel, Trans ............................................. Nigel 847 Selangor, Malaysia ........................... Sri Aman 1545
Panama, Panama ........................... St. Andrew 1140 Selangor, Malaysia ........................ Kilwinning
Paola Malta ............................... ,.... St. Andrew 966 in the East 1606
Pattaya, Thailand ........... Pattaya West Winds 1803 Seoul, Korea ..................................... Han Yang 1048
Penang, Malaysia ................................... Scotia 1003 Singapore ..................................................Ailsa 1172
Perth, W. Australia ........................ St. Andrew 829 Singapore ........................................ St. Andrew 1437
Perth, W. Australia ............................ .Ivanhoe 879 Singapore .................................... Mount Faber 1825
Phoenix, Mauritius ......................... Friendship 439 Solapur, India ............................. Royal Jubilee 742
Pietermaritzburg, N atal.. .............. St. Andrew 701 Spalding, Jamaica ........................... Middlesex 1628
Pietermaritzburg, Natal...Maritzburg County 996 Spanish Town, Jamaica ................. De la Vega 1744
Pilgrim's Rest, Trans .............................. Blyde 1019 Springs, Transvaal ........ Far-East-Caledonian 1274
Pinetown, Natal .............................. Centenary 1328 Stratford, N. Z. ................................. Hinemoa 786
Pinetown, Natal ................................ Pinetown 1709 Swakopmund, Namibia ............. Zur Hoffnung 1777
Port Dickson ........................................ Si-Rusa 1823 Taiping, Malaysia ................................ Taiping 1831
Port Elizabeth, S. M . .......................Caledonia 796 Tripoli, Lebanon ................................ El Mizab 1130
Port Elizabeth, S. Af...................... Bon Accord 965 Uitenhage, S. M ............ Kirkwood Kilwinning 1393
Port Elizabeth, S. Af...................... Maccabean 1000 Vereeniging, Transvaal ....... The Border Lodge 1347
Port Elizabeth, S. Af....................... Sonheuwel 1713 Vereeniging, Transvaal .................. Piet Retief 1501
Port Klang, Malaysia .................. Darlil Ehsan 1827 Walvis Bay, Namibia ............................ Namib 1489
Port Klang, Malaysia ........................ N anyang 1828 Windhoek, Namibia ................... Dunedin Star 1454
Port Maria, Jamaica ...................... Caledonian 554 Windhoek, Namibia ... Zum Kreuz des Sudens 1613
Portmore, Jamaica ............................ Portmore 1834 Windhoek, N amibia .......................... Benguela 1616
Portobello, N. Z............. Peninsula Kilwinning 696 Witbank, Transvaal ............................. Cosmos 1723
Port of Spain, Trinidad ......... United Brothers 251 Yokohama, Japan .................. Star-in-the-East 640
Port ofSpain, Trinidad ............... Eastern Star 368 Zahle, Lebanon ........................................ Zahle 1047
Port of Spain, Trinidad ........................ Rosslyn 596
Lodges listed in the table of contents ofthis book the Grand Lodge of Scotland recognizes the Grand Lodges
of Andorra; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Congo; Croatia; Estonia; Ghana; Regular Grand Lodge of Italy;
Latvia; Lithuani.a; Macedonia; Mali; Mauritius; Nationale Reguilere de la Principhute de Manado; National
Grand Lodges of Greece, Guinea and Poland; Nigeria; Slovakia; Slovenia; The Sovereign Grand Lodge of
Malta; the following Grand Lodges ofMark Master Masons: England and Wales, Estonia, Finland, France,
Greece and Lodges Overseas, India, New'South Wales and A.C. T., Queensland, South Australia, Victoria,
Switzerland, and the following Prince Hall Grand Lodges of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas; Califor-
nia; the Caribbean and Jurisdiction; Massachusetts; Ohio; Ontario Jurisdiction; Texas and its Jurisdiction;
the States of Oregon, ldaho and Montana and Virginia.
The Grand Lodge of Scotland does not recognize the following Grand Lodges appearing in this list: Arme-
nia; Brazil: Acre, Alagoas, Amapa, Amazonas, Bahia, Brasilia; Brazil: Ceara, Espirito Santo, Goias, Maran-
hao, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Para, Paraiba, Parana, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio de Janeiro, Rio
Grande Do Norte, Rio Grande Do Sul, Rondonia, Roraima, Santa Catarina, Sergipe, Tocantins; West Africa;
Colombia: Los Andes, Occidental-Cali, Oriental-Cucuta; Haiti; Honduras; Iran; Grand Orient of Italy; Mex-
ico: Baja California, Benito Juarez, Chiapas, Cosmos, Del Pacifico, El Potosi, Nuevo Lean, Occidental Mexi-
cana, Tamaulipas, Unida Mexicana, Valle de Mexico; Morocco; Nicaragua .
364 List of Regular Lodges ]}fasonic 365
~~it1;a::::::::.::·_:_::::::::::::::·:·l~~ffi~:~~~~~~~~~·:::::::::JL:J~~~~~L-·::::::::::.:::. . i~1:\TI!~~!~~
Alfaz del Pi ............................. Leukopolis ................................ 85 ....... Dutch ............................................ Dutch
Ba:rcelona ................................ Maestros Instalados
de Cataluña ........................ 86 ....... Spanish.... . ...................... Emulation
La Palma (Canary Ielande) ........Ahora ....................................... 87 ....... Spanish ...................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft
Valencia..... ............ ..... Germanies ................................ OS ....... Spanish .................................... Emulation Tenerife (Canary Ielande) ........... Nuevo Mundo ........................ 88 ....... Spanish...... ............ .A. & A. Rite/Craft
Palma de Mallorca ............... Ramon Llull ............................. 09 ....... English .............. .............. Emulation *Zaragoza ................................ Miguel Servet ........................ 89 ....... Spanish ..................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft
Barcelona ............................... Fidelitas .................................. 10 ....... Spanish ............. ............... Emulation San Antonio-Ibiza ................... La Fraternidad ..................... 90 ....... Spanish ................................... Emulation
Barcelona ............................... Canigó .................................... 11 ....... French .. ::•······::·························Emulation Murcia .................................. Luz de Murcia ........................ 91 ....... English ................................... Emulation
~":Jri~n_a_;:::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::~~':,;;~~::::::··:::::::::::::::::::: . ::::::i~ :::::::~~:l~L:::.··.·.·.·:::::::::::::x.·:'AtiNü~8~~ *Mallorca ................................ Euclides .................................... 92 ....... Spanish ................................... Emulation
Mahon-Menorca ......................Amigos de la Humanidad ........ 93 ....... Spanish ................. ······-··········Emulation
Gran Canaria (Canary Ielande) ..Andamana......................... 14 ... Spanish..... .............. .A. & A. Rite/Craft Cartagena ............................... F. Mediterránea ....................... 94 ....... Spanish .................................... Emulation
Sevilla ................................. .Itálica ..................................... 107 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft
Torrevieja .............................. Torrevieja Lodge of
Installed Masters .............. 108 ....... English .................................... Emulation
Lérida ...................................... Silenci ..................................... 109 ....... Spanish/Catalan .........A. & A. Rite/Craft
Tenerife (Canary Islande) .......... Añaza .................................... 33 ....... Spanish ........................ A. & A. Rite/Craft Gijón ........................................ Miles Lucis ............................. llO ....... Spanish ......................A. & A. Rite/Craft
Tenerife (Canary Islands) .......... Teide.................. ........... .... 34 ....... English ..... ;-;-;-.......................... Emulation Barcelona ................................ Lium Perseverant ................ lll ....... Catalán.. .................. A. & A. Rite/Craft
Zaragoza... ........................... Santi1l.go Ramón y Caja1... ....... 35 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft Gandía .................................. Oliva La Safor............ ..... 112 ...... English. ....................... Emulation
Albacete .................................. San Juan de Llanos ................ :36 ....... Spanish ........................ A. & A. Rite/Craft Madrid .................................... Comenio ................................. 113 ....... Spanish .................................... Emulation
Fuengirola .............................. Friendship ................................ 37 ....... English ........ :......... ................ Emulation Santiago Comp.. ...... Curros Enriquez .................. 114 ....... Spanish/Galician ........ .A. & A. Rite/Craft
Barcelona ................................ St. George's .............................. 38 ....... Spanish/English ..................... Emulation Barcelona ................................Virtualidad ............................ 115 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft
Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) .. Afortunada ............................... 39 ....... Spanish ................... ............... Emulation Arana........ ........................ Tenerife .................................. 117 ....... English .................................... Emulation
Javea ....................................... Javea ....................................... .40 ....... English .................................... Emulation Tortosa .................................. Gallard de Jossa .................... 118 ....... Spanish/Catalan ........ .A. & A. Rite/Craft
;irit~.~:::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::!~~~~d1!E{;~~~;~~::::::·: . . :JL:::·!~~~::E:::····:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!:~!!~l~~ Málaga ................................... .Sol Invictus ............................ 134 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft
Las Palmas (Canary Islands) ..... Maestros Instalados
de Canarias ........................ 135 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft
Lanzarote (Canary Islands) ......... South Porch ............................ 59 ....... English .................................. Emulation Cartagena ............ .............. Sierra Espuña ........................ 136 ....... English .................................... Emulation
Menorca ................................ Menorca .................................. 60 ....... English .................................. Emulation Barcelona ............................... Mercurio ............................... 137 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft
Castellón ................................. Génesis ..................................... 6l ....... Spanish ................................. Emulation Gijón ....................................... Jovellanos .............................. 138 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft
Lanzarote (Canary Islands) ....... Atlántida .................................. 62 ....... Spanish .................................... Emulation Almería ................................... Almanzora .............................. 139 ....... English .................................... Emulation
Cádiz .................................... La Constitución ....................... 63 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft Santiago de Compostela ........ .Saint Jacques ......................... 140 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft
*NotActlve *NotActive
366 List of Regular Lodges l Masonic 367
Barcelona ................................Agora Fraternal ..................... 141 ....... Spanish ........................ A. & A. Rite/Craft ANDERSSTRQMBERG RONNY SCHULTZ
Madrid .................................... Minerva .................................. 142 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft Grand Master Grand Secretary
Murcia ..................................... Moriá ................................ :..... 143 ....... Spanish ........................ A. & A. Rite/Craft Svenska Frimurare Orden, Nybrokajen 7
*Javea ..................................... Marina Alta ........................... 144 ....... Spanish/English ...................... Emulation SE-11148 Stockholm
*Las Palmas (Canary Islands) ... Ferison 9 ................................ 145 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft Phone: +46-8463 3706/10 FAX: +46-8463 3719
Las Palmas CCanary Islands) ....... Luis Salat Gusils .................... 146 ....... Spanish ................................ (L. Research)
Toledo .......................................Aleph ....................................... 147 ....... Spanish ................................... French Rite PERG. OLSON
Málaga ..................................... Witley ...................................... 148 ....... English ...................................... Emulation Secretary for Foreign Relations
*Madrid ................................... Kosmos .................................... 149 ....... Spanish ............................ Rectified ICraft
Cantabria ................................. Semper Fidelis ........................ 150 ....... Spanish ..................................... Emulation Permits Dual Membership
Figueres ................................... Llum d' Escocia ...................... 151 ....... Catalán IFrench ....................... Emulation
*Barcelona ...............................Agnus Dei ............................... 152 ....... Spanish 1French ............... Rectified 1Craft S:t John's Lodges (Craft Lodges)
Valencia ...................................White River............................. 153 ....... English...................................... Emulation LOCATION
Gandia ............... ................... Especializada de GG. NAME OF LODGE LOCATION NAME OF LODGE
Expertos Provinicales
de Valencia ............................ 154 ....... English ..................................... Emulation Abo (in Finland) ........................................ S:t Henrik Mariehamn (in Finland) ........................ Ledstjiirnan
Rojales .................................... Concordia et Progressus ....... 155 ....... German ..................................... Schroeder BorAs ................................... . . .................... Astraea Motala ................................................. De Tre Ljusen
Coin ......................................... El Dorado ............................... 156 ....... Spanish IEnglish ......... A. & A. Rite/Craft Borga (in Finland) .......................................... Tyrgils N orrkOping .......................................... Osear Fredrik
Madrid .................................... Hermón .................................. 157 ....... Spanish ....................... .A. & A. Rite/Craft Ekenas (in Finland) .......Axel Gabriel Leijonhufvud :r-/orrtiilje ...................................................... Roslagen
of the United States tile 10 Provinces of Canada and the 6 of Australia, the Grand Lodge of Sweden recog-
nizes the following: Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Belgium (Regular G.L.), Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil
(G.O.), Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia; Cyprus: Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Espirito Santo (G.L.M.) Esto-
nia, Finland, Germany (VGLvD), Greece (G.L.), Hungary (Symbolic G.L.), Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel,
Italy (G.L.R.), Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia; Malta, Moldavia, Netherlands, New
Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal (Regular G.L.), Romania; Sao Paulo (G.L.M.), Scotland, Serbia (R.G.L.),
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland (Alpina) and Turkey.
368 List of Regular Lodges 1 Masonic 369
Lodges,82 Annual Meeting in June Members, 3,612 ANO ARCHIPELAGOS (GLRT)
Founded 21 February, 2012
MAURICE ZAHND ROGERCLERC Lodges,5 Annual Meeting First Saturday of April Members, 150
Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
.:oc: ...
Masonic 371
370 List of Regular Lodges
Founded June 6, 1992 Founded July 13, 1909
Lodges, 48 Annual Meeting 2nd Saturday in March Members, 1,500 Lodges,229 Annual Meeting held in May Members, 15,689
Grand Master Grand Secretary 0MERK0KER EMREÜGE
Te!: 22265902 Te!: 22346078 Grand Master Grand Secretary
Cell: 90041243 · Cell: 900454 72 GSM: +90 532 612 4006
Work Phone: +90 212 251 2650
Grand Loge Nationale Togolaise
P.O. Box 106 Lomé TOGO (West Africa)
Tel/Fax: (228) 22 506822 MASONIC HALL, Nuri Ziya Sokak 9,34433 BeyogJu, Istanbul
E-mail: [email protected] Phones: +90 212 251 2650/9 Line
Fax: +90 212 249 4 753
E-mail: [email protected]
Permits Plural Membership
t~:~ ·.:·.·.::·.::·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.::::::·:.:·::.·:.·.·.·.·.·.:·.·.·.:·:.:·.:~~"J~;~~~ ~ ~~u_d_a_-_·_-_-_-_-_·_-_·_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_;g;;;;,~J~~~~~oJ~W:;: ~~ LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Lomé ........................................Avenir Espérance 3 Lomé ........................................................ Hermes 27
!~:!·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::alli>~~~í.iizi 1~~
Lomé ........................... Persévérance et Sincérité 4 Aneho ............................................ Le Tabernacle 28 Antalya ..................................................Antalya 103
Lomé ............................. Saint Jean d'Emmanuel 5 Sokode ............................. La Chaine de l'Atacora 29 Anta!ya ..................................................... Güne§ 159
t~':!r"':~.::::::.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:::::::.~~~~PJ: 6~~~':d. ~ ~lwj~·:::.·::.·.·.·:::::::::::::::::::.·:::::::::::::::::::::::ai~~"D~~ ~~ Adana ................................................... Sagduyu
Adana ....................................................... Adana
Bodrum .................................................. Bodrum 97
Bodrum .................................................. Herodot 205
Notsé ········'··························Le Sphyn.x d'Afrique 8 Togoville ...... Saint Jean Aqua Viva du Lac Togo 32 Ankara ..................................................... Sümer 217 Bursa ....................................................... Nilüfer 60
Lomé ................................. Concordia Fraternalis 9 Togoville ..................... Symbole et Connaissance 33 Ankara .................................................... Uyanis 5 Bursa ............................................ Sabah Gune§i 93
Togoville ..................... L'Aigle de la Foret Sacrée 10 Aneho ............................................... Grain de Blé 34 Ankara ...................................................... Dogus 10 E ursa .......................................................... Koza 136
Atakpamé ............................. Saint Jean d'Hiram 11 Dapaong ............................................... ,.Fiat Lux 35 Ankara ..................................................Yükselis 12 Qe§me ....................................................... Qe~e 172
Togoville ... Saint Jean Notre Dame du Lac Togo 12 Dapaong ....................... Jean Baptiste Willermoz 36 Ankara ..................................................... .Inanis 14 Corlu ....................................................... Trakya 235
Togoville .......................... Saint Jean Melkisedec 13 Kara ............................................................... .Isis 37 Ankara ........................................................ Bilgi 15 Eski¡;ehir ............................................. Eski§ebir 126
Aného ...........•.................... Saint Jean l'Aleph 15 14 Lomé ........................................Jacques de Molay 38 Ankara ....................................................... Baris 21 Eski¡;ehir ............................................... Dorlion 222
Kara .............................. Lumiere du Septentrion 15 Lomé .................................... Georges Washingon 39 Ankara .............................................. (x) Dikmen 22 Fethiye .................................... _............... Fethiye 164
Togoville ........... Saint Jean Archangelus Solaris 16 Togoville ....................................... Parfaite Union 40 Ankara:....................................................... Yildiz 27 Istanbul .................................. ......... .... ..Ideal 1
Niamtougou ....................... Saint Jean de Béthel 17 Togoville .............................................La Charité 41 Ankara ................................................. Qankaya 36 Istanbul ........ .................... .Kültür 2
Afagnan ............... Saint Jean de Dieu d'Afagnan 18 Tsevie ......................... Traditions et Universalité 42 Ankara .....................................................!\rayis 38 Istanbul ...................................................... Ülkü 3
Kpalime ........................... Saint Jean La Volonté 19 Mango .............................................. La Tolérance 43 Ankara ..................................................... U~ Gül 39 Istanbul .............................................. Kardeslik 6
Aného .....................: ............... Source de Lumiere 20 Sarakawa .................................................. Hanael 44 Ankara ......................................................Ahiler 45 Istanbul ................................................ Hürriyet 7
Lomé .......................................................... France 21 Sarakawa .......................................... Eloi Nécane 45 Ankara .......................................................... Qa)t 46 Istanbul... .. .......... .. .... ....... .. . .................. Sevgi 8
Lomé ................................... Michel Ahouaménou 22 Sarakawa ............................................Jérusalem 47 Ankara .................................... Giinül Mimarlari 50 Istanbul ............................................... (xx) Atlas 9
Lomé ................................... Les Cedres du Liban 23 Aneho ......................................... Emarel des Lacs 48 Ankara ..................................................... Esitlik 51 Istanbul ................................................ Müsavat 11
Togoville .................................... ."........Arc-en-Ciel 24 Aného ..................................................... .Imhotep 49 Ankara .................................................... Ankara 56 Istanbul ........................................ (xxx) Libertas 17
Ankara : ..........................................Yunus Emre 59 Istanbul.. .................................... (xxxx) Hakikat 18
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF TOGOLAISE. The Grand Lodge Ankara .......................................................... Ilke 63 Istanbul ....................................................Ahenk 19
Nationale Togolaise maintains foreign relations with the following Grand Lodges: Andorra; Argentina; Ankara ................................................... Atanur 64 Istanbul ...................................................Fazilet 20
Australia: South Australia, Western Australia, United of Queensland, United ofNew South Wales, Victo- Ankara ..................................................... Erdem 69 Istanbul.. .............................................. Erenler 28
ria; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belgium-Regular; Benin; Brazil: Sao Paulo; Bosnia; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Ankara ...................................................... Denge 70 Istanbul. ..................................................... Delta 29
Cameroon; Canada: Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan; Chile; China; Colombia; Ankara ........................................... Dogan Güne¡ 73 Istanbul ........................................ Sadik Dostlar 30
Congo, Costa Rica; Croatia; Cuba; Czech Republic; Djibouti; England; France; Finland; Gabon; United of Ankara .................................................. Tolerans 76 Istanbul ....................................................... Ülke 31
Germany; Greece; Guinea; Hungary; India; Ireland; Israel; Italy-Regular; Japan; Lettonie (Latvia); Lithua- Ankara .......................................... Kutup_Yildizi 79 Istanbul .................................................... Sefkat 32
z:~~!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i3~f'!~~ ~~
nia; Luxemburg; Madagascar; Mali; Malta; Maurice; Mexico; Montenegro; Mozambique; N ew Zealand; Istanbul ..................................... (xx) Hümanitas 33
Poland; Pays-Bas (Netherlands); Peru; Portugal-Regular; Puerto Rico; RDC; Romania; Russia: Scotland; Istanbu! .......................................... (xxxx) Hulús 34
Spain; Suisse Alpina (Switzerland); Turkey; Ukraine; Venezuela; and USA: Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Ankara ............................................... Giikku§agi 91 Istanbul ........................................... (x) Freedom 35
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Ankara ................................................... HO§giirü 101 Istanbul .................................................. Devrim 37
York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Washington D.C., West Ankara ........................................................Ekin 104 Istanbul .....................................................Pinar 40
Virginia, and Wisconsin. Prince Hall Grand Lodges of California, Liberia, Ontario and Texas. Ankara ..................................................Yiirünge 10.9 Istanbul.............................. . ........... Sevenler 41
*No corrections have been received since this date. Ankara ...................................................... Pergel 110 Istanbul ......................................... Mimar Sinan 43
Ankara ...................................................... Uyum 114 (Research Lodge)
Ankara ......................................................... And 122 Izmir ............................................................. Ival 230
Ankara ....................................................... Cinar 128 (Research Lodge)
Ankara ...................................................... Evrim 130 Ankara ..................................... Anadolu Günesi 231
Ankara ..................................................... Pusula 137 (Research Lodge)
Ankara ....................................................... Odak 140 Istanbul ............. .... .......... .. . .... Hisar 44
Ankara ....................................................... Defue 152 Istanbul .................................................... V~gen 48
Ankara ....................................................... Bilim 153 Istanbul .................................................... U~i§ik 49
Ankara ................................................. Ozgürlük 154 Istanbul.. ............................ . .......... .,.Gün 52
Ankara .................................................... Mozaik 158 Istanbul ................. - ................................. Ozlem 53
Ankara ....................................................... Ca/iri 162 Istanbul .................................................... Basak 54
Ankara ........................................... Hitit Güne§i 165 Istanbul ...................................................... .Irem 55
Ankara ....................................................... Birlik 166 lstanbul ..................................................... Evren 57
Ankara ............................................... Tanyildizi 169 Istanbul .................................................. Piramit 58
Ankara ....................................................... E¡afak 170 Istanbul ....................................................... Bur~ 62
Ankara .................................................... Simurg 183 Istanbul. .................................................. Sembol 67
z:~~! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s.~~~i~:
Ankara ..................................................Aydinlik
Istanbul .................................................... Güven 68
Istanbul .................................................. Me§'ale 74
Istanbul ................................................. Anadolu 75
Ankara ................................................... Kªynak 195 Istanbul ..................................................... Sezgi 77
Ankara ...................................................... Onder 203 Istanbul .....................................Akil ve Hikmet 80
Ankara .................................................Yiintem 206 Istanbul ................................................ Bogazi~i 81
Ankara ..................................................... Dü§ün 210 Istanbul ...............................................Yeditepe 84
Ankara ................................................... Ekinoks 229 Istanbul . ............................................. Giinye 85
Ankara ............................................. (x) Wisdom 233 lstanbul .................................... Güzel Istanbul 86
372 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 373
TURKEY-Continued 2005 GRANO LODGE OF THE 2015
A. F. &A. M.
Istanbul ............................................. Gün l§igi 87 Istanbul.. ............................................ Toprak 204 Lodges,10 Founded 2005
lstanbul... .. ................ ...... ... . ................ Tanyeri 89 Istanbul... ........................................... Kti§eta§i 207 Members, 220
Istanbul.......... ................................... Sadakat 90 Istanbul.. ............ ...................................Akkan 208
Istanbul .............................................. Marro ara 92 lstanbul.. ................................................ Adalet 209 IHOR KHOLYUSCHKO OLEKSANDR YARMOLIUK
Istanbul .................................................. Dostluk 94 lstanbul ............. ...................................... Alev 211 Grand Master, Grand Secretary,
lstanbul .................................................. Geli§im 95 Istanbul ..................................... Gonül Dostlari 212 P.O. Box 185
lstanbul.............. ..... ............................ Onur 96 lstanbul ............................................ Kardelen 214 01001 Kyiv Phone: +380 67 671 24 98
lstanbul ................................................... Umut 98 Istanbul .... .......... . .................................. Su 215 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: grsec. [email protected]
lstanbul .............................................. Yakacik 106 Istanbul.................. ................................ Ate§ 218 Website:
lstanbul...... ........................ .............. Kadiktiy 107 lstanbul ................................... Hür Duvarcilar 219 DMYTRO TUPCHIIENKO
lstanbul...... ....................... ............... Geometri 108 Istanbul ... .... ............. .............................. Pera 221 Grand Chance!lor
lstanbul... ...................................................•. Dogu 111 Istanbul. .............................................. Erguvan 224 E-mail: [email protected]
Istanbul ................................................... IDküm 112 Istanbu! ................................................ Euc!ides 225
Istanbul ...................................................... Ufuk 116 Istanbul ................................................. .Isiksell 226
lstanbul.. ................................................ Doruk 118 lstanbul .............................................. Nedret 227 LOCATION NAME AND NO. LOCATI ON NAME AND NO.
Istanbul ........................................................ Ors 119 lstanbul .................................................. Reform 228
lstanbul ................................................... Granit 120 Istanbul ............................................... Evrensel 232 Orient ofKyiv, AASR ............... Three Co!umns 1 Orient ofDrohobych, Emulation Yurij
Istanbul .................................................. Tesviye 121 Istanbul ................................................... De!phi 237 Orient ofLviv, AASR ........................ Kamenyar 3 Kotermak 7
Istanbul ........................................ Sabah Yildizi 123 lstanbul. ................................................... Hazar 1000 Orient of Odessa, AASR ............... Golden Acacia 4 Orient ofKyiv, Emulation ............. Immortality 8
Istanbul .................................................... Güney 124 lstanbul ................................................. Lefko§a 1001 Orient ofLviv, Schroeder .......................... Switlo 5 Orient of Odessa, AASR......... ....... Langeron 9
Istanbul ..................................................Atayo!u 125 lstanbul... ....................................... Gazimagusa 1002 Orient oflvano-Frankivsk, AASR .... .Imhotep to Orient ofTbilisi (Georgia), AASR ...... St. George 10
lstanbul .................................................... Al_tar 127 Istanbul... .............................. (x) Kartal (Eagle) 1003 Blazing Star 6 Orient ofKyiv, Schroeder .... Gregory Skovoroda 11
Istanbul ..................................................... Nar 129 Istanbul. .................................... (x) Prometheus 1004
Istanbul. .................................................... .Yücel 131 Istanbul ..................................................... Cirne 1005
lstanbul ................................................. Güzellik 132 Izmir .... ................................................... .Izmir 4
Istanbul ...................................................... Küre 133 Izmir ............................................................. N ur 13
~~~!~~~¡·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;¡.~~~~~~ g~
Izmir ........................................... (xx) Promethee 16
Izmir .......................................................... Gonül 24
lstanbul... ..................................... Mimar Hiram 141 Izmir ........................................................ .lrfan 2..5
Istanbul .......... ........... ............................ .Anit 143 lzmir ........................................................... Umit 26
Istanbul .................................................... Korfez 144 Izmir ................................................ (x) Ephesus 42
lstanbul.... ........... ............................ Zeytindali 146 lzmir ...................................................... Ey!em 47
lstanbul ................·................................... .Irmak 147 Izmir ...................................................... .Manisa 61
lstanbul ..................................................... Sebat 150 lzmir .......................................................... Ege 65
lstanbul ............................................. Sevgi Yolu 151 lzmir .......................................................... .l§in 71
Istanbul ............................................... Ronesans 155 Izmir ...................................................... .,.B8§ari 72
lstanbul ....................................•..................Vefa 156 Izmir ..................................................... U~sütun 78
lstanbul ......................................................... Sur 157 Izmir .............. ................................ Kar§iyaka 82
lstanbul ..........................................Aydinlanma 160 Izmir ........................................ ............. Kordon 99
Istanbul ................................................ Akasya 161 Izmir .. ..... ............ .......... .......................... Doga 102
Istanbul ...................................................Ataizi 163 Izmir ............................................................. Tan 105
Istanbul ......................................................... Soz 167 lzmir .......................................................... Ocak 113
Istanbul ......................................................Akev 168 lzmir .......................................................... f¡akul 115
Istanbul... ............................ Cumhuriyet Yildizi 173 Izmir ......................................................... Nokta 138
lstanbul... ............................................ .Istanbul 174 Izmir ......................................................... .Imbat 142
Istanbul........................ ........................... Petek 175 Izmir .................................................... Nirengi 145
Istanbul ...................................................... Zafer 177 Izmir ........................................................Agora 148
lstanbul ...................................................... Bilge 179 lzmir ............. .......................... ................ .l~ik 149
lstanbul ............................................... Kalkedon 180 lzmir ......................................................... Terazi 171
lstanbul. ................................................... .Vatan 181 lzmir ......................................................... Sentez 176
lstanbul ................................................... Erman 184 lzmir .................................................... Ku§adasi 178
lstanbul .................................................... Simge 185 lzmir. .....................................................j':uhal 182
lstanbul ................................................... Lotus 186 lzmir ....................................................... Ozveri 18 7
lstanbul .............................................. Ko§uyo!u 188 Izmir. .. ..... .. .. .. . ................................... .Hermes 192
lstanbul .................................................... Huzur 189 Izmir ................................................. Pamukkale 198
Istanbul ................................................... Kristal 190 Izmir ............................................... Dokuz Eylül 213
Istanbul.. ................................................Vitriol 197 lzmir ..................................................... Okyanus 220
Istanbul ................................................... Kuvvet 199 Kayseri ................................................... Erciyes 234
lstanbul... ................................................ Egeran 200 Kocoeli ........................................... Nicomedia 236
lstanbul ........................................................ Ileri 201 Marmaris ............................................ Marmaris 134
lstanbul ................................................. Ata~ag 202 Mersin .......... .......................... ................ Mersin 223
(x) English Speaking, (xx) French Speaking, (xxx) German Speaking, (rm) Greek Speaking.
included in this publication, the Grand Lodge of Turkey maintains foreign relations with the following Grand
Lodges: Bosnia and Herzegovina; Congo; Croatia; Estonia; Gabon; Regular G.L. of Italy; Lithuania; Ma!i; Malta;
Moldava; National Grand Lodge ofPoland; Slovenia; Macedonia; Niger; Andorra; Latvia; Montenegro; Uk:rania,
and Slovakia.
The Grand Lodge of Turkey does not recognize the following Grand Lodges appearing in this list: Brazil:
Amazonas, Babia, Brasilia, Ceará, Goias, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Para, Paraiba, Parana, Per-
nambuco, Piaui, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina; Colombia: Cali; Grand Orient of Italy; Mexico: Baja Calif.,
Benito Juarez, El Potosi, Nuevo de León, Occidental, Tamaulipas, Valle de Mexico.
374 List of Regular Lodges Masonic 375
Founded July 17, 1856 1824 GRAN LOGIA DE LA REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA 2015
Lodges,99 Members, 4,900 A:. F:. &A:. M:.
Grand Master Junior Grand W arden Member of the lnteramerican Masonic Confederation-CMI
Grand Secretary of Foreign Affairs Member of the Bolivarian Masonic Confederation-CMB
Grand Temple: Lodges,143 Quarterly Meetings (Second Saturday) Members, 3,200
Dr. Mario Cassinoni 1481 January, April, July, October
11200 Montevideo, Uruguay
Fax: (++598) 2409 3923 Grand Master, Grand Secretary
E-mail: [email protected]. uy Phone: (58212) 861-1377
Web Page: Phone: (58212) 860 9548
Postal address: TIMGOMEZ
Casilla de Correo 10691 Grand Secretary of Foreign Relations
Montevideo, Uruguay
Foundation Member of the Confederación Masónica Interamericana
Member ofthe World Conference ofRegular Masonic Grand Lodges
Gran Templo Masónico Apartado de Correos No. 927
Monumento·Histórico Nacional Carmelitas, Caracas 1010A
Parroquia Altagracia Phones: (58212) 860 9548 - 860 5776
Artigas ....................................................... Osiris 43 Montevideo .......................................... .Igualdad 128 Caracas 1010, VENEZUELA Telefax: (58212) 861 6203
Artigas .................................................. Ibirapitá 182 Montevideo .............................. Jaques de Molay 177
Carmelo ...................................... Esperanza 3ra 60 Montevideo .....J. J. da Silva Xavier-Tiradentes 141 Cables: Granlogia, Caracas
Chuy ....................................... Oriente Fratemo 148 Montevideo ......................... José de San Martín 139 E-mail: [email protected]
Ciudad de la Costa ................. América del Sur 167 Montevideo ........................................ José Martí 125 Intemet:
Ciudad de la Costa ................... Giordano Bruno 151 Montevideo ................................. Latinoamérica 171
Ciudad de la Costa ...... Hermandad de la Costa 161 Montevideo ................................ Lealtad y Vigor 184 LOCATI ON NAME AND NO. LOCATION NAME AND NO.
Ciudad de la Costa .. Obreros de la Hermandad 168 Montevideo ........................................... Libertad 126
Colonia .................................................Alborada 95 Montevideo ........................... Libres Pensadores 73
Colonia Valdense ....................... Luz de Oriente 144 Montevideo ................................................... Luz 173 Achaguas ................................ .Sol de Achaguas 199 Carúpano .................................. .Virtud y Orden 22
Colonia Valdense ....................... .Sol de Oriente 170 Montevideo ................................... Luz del Cerro 114 Aitagracia de Orituco ............................... .Sinai 78 Ciudad Bolívar ..........................Asilo de La Paz 13
Durazno .................................................... Acacia 105 Montevideo ............................. Misterio y Honor 164 Anaco ............................ José Cortes Madariaga 147 Ciudad Bolívar ......................... Sol de Guayana 218
Florida .................................................Antorcha 149 Montevideo ....................... Obreros de San Juan 157 Aruba ........................................................ Hiram 102 Ciudad Bolívar .......................... C. Rodriguez J. 221
Fray Bentos .......... , ......................... Fraternidad 120 Montevideo .................................. Perseverancia 3 Barcelona ................. Protectora de las VirtudeS 1 Ciudad Bolívar ............. Congreso de Angostura 224
La Paloma................. ........................Atlántico 169 Montevideo .......................................... Pirámide 172 Barcelona ......................... Juan Manuel Cajigal 177 Ciudad Bolívar..................... Correo del Orinoco 227
Las Piedras ............................................ Piedras 181 Montevideo ........................................ Pitágoras 178 Barcelona ............................... Lanceros de Páez 230 Ciudad Bolívar ............................ Justicia y Luz 231
Maldonado .................................... Faro del Este 130 Montevideo ............................................... Razón 80 Barinas ...................................... Oasis de la Paz 111 Ciudad Guayana .................Aurora de Yuruary 53
Melo .......................................... ,.Asilo de la Paz 160 Montevideo ................................... Renacimiento 78 Barquisimeto ................................... Teofilo Leal 115 Ciudad Guayana .................... Hans Hauschildt 175
Melo ............................................ Independencia 142 Montevideo ................................. Río de la Plata 121 Barquisimeto ...................... Libertad y Derecho 158 Ciudad Guayana ............. Cesar Obdulío Iriarte 202
Melo ..................................................... Dignidad 175 Montevideo ............................. Salvador Allende 187 Barquisimeto ......................... Lisandro Aiarado 187 Ciudad Guayana ....................... Luz y Reflexión 223
Melo ............................... Fratemidad Arachana 180 Montevideo .................................... .Sol Oriental 11 Barquisimeto ............................... Renacimiento 222 Ciudad Guayana ....................... Bolívar y Sucre 228
Mercedes ............................................... Armonía 45 Montevideo ............................................. .Surcos 113 Barrancas ................................. Estrella del Sur 165 Ciudad Ojeda ................ Jesus Enrique Lossada 146
Minas ............................ Fratemidad y Progreso 83 Montevideo ........................................... Tel-Ariel 174 Cabimas ................................................ Ricaurte 82 Ciudad Piar .................................... Manuel Piar 164
Minas ........................... Juan Antonio Lavalleja 165 Montevideo .............................................Verdad 146 Cabruta ..................................... .Sol de Cabruta 248 Clarines ................................. Estrella de Unare 185
Montevideo .............................Antiguos Límites 140 Montevideo ............................................Victoria 147 Cagua ................................... Estrella de Aragua 127 Cumaná ................................. Perfecta Arroonía 2
Montevideo ................................................. Ariel 123 Montevideo .............................. XX de Setiembre 133 Caicára del Orinoco .................. Luz del Orinoco 161 Cumaná .................................... Bella Altagracia 24
Montevideo ............................Asilo de la Virtud 1 Nueva Helvecia ............................................ .Sol 124 Cantaura .............................. .Sol de Anzoategui 117 Cumanacoa ......................... Luz de Turimiquire 140
~~~i:~~:~ ::::::::::::::::::::~~~tí::o"s ~~~~:1'~~
Montevideo ........................................... Caridad
Pando ................................ Caballeros de Pando 158
Pando .................................................... .Silencio 54
Paso de los Toros ......................... Benito Juárez 135
Caracas ........................................... Fraternidad
Caracas ................................................ La Union
Caracas .............................................. Esperanza
Caracas ................................................. Porvenir 18
Cunaviche ........................ Renato Flores Puerta 191
El Callao .......................................... Dalla Costa 75
El Dorado .................. Estrella Guzman Blanco 130
Montevideo ......................... Constante Amistad Paysandú ....................................... 25 de Agosto 134 El Manteco ......................... Estrella de Supamo 232
(Segunda Epoca) 2 Piriápolis ........................ Crisol de Tolerancia y Caracas ................................................... Lealtad 19 El Palmar ................................. Sol de Imataca 128
Montevideo .... Constructores de la Fratemidad 159 Fraternidad 162 Caracas .......................................... Andrés Bello 33 El Socorro ..................... Estrella de las Pampas 54
Montevideo ............... Constructores del Templo 156 Punta del Este ......................................... .Horus 154 Caracas ..................................... .Sol de Am~rica 37 El Sombrero ............................... Julian Mellado 236
Montevideo ............. Decretos de la Providencia 6 Punta del Este ................. Obreros de la Verdad 137 Caracas .................................. Estrella del Avila 50 El Tigre .............................. Estrella de Guanipa 41
Montevideo ......................... Derechos Humanos 85 Punta del Este ........................................ Themis 186 Caracas ............................................ Renovacion 72 Guacara ............................. Estrella de Guacara 190
Montevideo ............................... Dr. Julio Bastos 96 Río Branco ........... Trian:. Barón de Río Branco 921 Caracas ............................... George Washington 100 Guanare ............................................. Concordia 36
Montevideo ........................................ Esperanza 155 Rivera ...................................................... Sendas 143 Caracas ................................. Libertad Española 101 Guarenas ..................................... Moral y Luces 155
Montevideo ............................... Estrella del Sur 138 Rivera .............. Uníon y Fraternidad Riverense 79 Caracas .................................................. Simbolo 113 Juangriego ................ Juan Bautista Arismendi 79
Montevideo ..................................................... Fe 8 Rocha .................................................. Evolución 188 Caracas ................................................... Gandhi 114 La Guaira ................................... Gual Y España 243
Montevideo ................................................ Fénix 69 Rocha .............................................. Sol Naciente 145 Caracas ..................................... Estrella Bolivar 118 La Victoria .............................................Victoria 9
Montevideo ................... Fidelidad y Templanza
Montevideo ......................................... Filadelfia
Montevideo ........................... Francisco A. Risso
Salto ........................ Hiram Unión-Julio Bastos 63
San Carlos ................................. Hijos de Hiram 62
San José ...................................... Dupla Alianza 15
Caracas .. ~·-································Giordano Bruno
Los Teques ................................. Sol de Miranda 204
Maracaibo....... . ................... Regeneradores
Maracaibo ................. General Rafael Urdaneta 126
Montevideo ..................... Franklin D. Roosevelt 118 San José ............................... Enrique Jacobsen 166 Caracas .............................................. .Igualdad 145 Maracaibo ..... Pedro Alciro Barbaza de la Torre 245
Montevideo ................................... Gabriel Pérez 116 Soriano ..................................... Grito de Asencio 183 Caracas ............................................ La Fayette 157 Maracay ...................................... .Sol de Aragua 96
Montevideo .......................................... Garibaldi 50 Tacuarembó ........................ Esperanza y Unión 67 Caracas .......................... Buenaventura Briceño 168 Mariara .......................................... Diego Ibarra 207
Montevideo .................................... Gral. Artigas 99 Tranqueras .................................. Paz y Trabajo 127 Caracas ............................... Templo de Salomon 172 Maturin .......................... Luz de la Fratemidad 81
Montevideo ................... Guardianes del Templo 185 Treinta y Tres .............................. 33 Orientales 129 Caracas ...................... Diego Bautista Urbaneja 173 Maturin ................................ Unidad y Armonía 225
Montevideo ...................................... Hermandad 152 Trinidad ...................... Unión, Virtud y Trabajo 179 Caracas ................................................. Libertad 179 Maturín ................................. Dr. Edito Acevedo 235
Montevideo ............................................ Hermes 100 Caracas ................................... Simon Rodriguez 194 Maturín ............................ Francisco Pereiro Liz 239
Caracas ...................................... .Sol de Caracas 195 Mérida ................................. Derechos Humanos 162
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF URUGUAY. Tbis Grand Lodge has not yet Caracas .................................................. Lautaro 197 Mérida .................................. Deberes Humanos 237
established fraternal relations with the following Grand Lodges li!?ted in this publication: Africa: Benin, Caracas .................................... Santiago Mariño 208 Mirimire ............ Mcal. Juan Crisóstomo Falcón 226
Gabón, Mauritius, Morocco, Togolaise; Asia: Armenia; Europe: Bulgaria, Croatia Denmark, Finland, Ice- Caracas ....................... Joaquín Carmen Planas 215 Ocumare del Tuy ....... General Jose Felix Ribas 148
land, Malta; Norway, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Tahiti and Archipelagos; Yugoslavia; Mexico: Baja Califor- Caracas ................................................ Zamolxis 205 Pampatar .............................. Corazones Unidos 183
nia Sur, York; Prince Hall Grand Lodges of Alaska, California, Connecticut, lllinois, New York, and Ontario. Caracas ............................ Esperanza 7 del Este 233 Pampatar ........................ Tradicion y Progresso 200
In addition to the Grand Lodges included in this publication, this Grand Lodge maintains relations with Caracas ............................... Leonardo Da Vinci 244 Pariaguán .............................. Luz de Miranda 131
the following Grand Lodges: Africa: Congo; Niger; Europe: Estonia, France (Grand Lodge), Poland, Mexico: Caracas........ ..................... Bovedas de Henoch 246 Porlamar ................ ...Sol de Nueva Esparta 84
Benito Juárez García-Oaxaca, Guadalupe Victoria, Hidalgo, N ayarit, Restauración Tabasco, Quintana Roo. Caripe ....................................... Luz y Progreso 94 Puerto Ayacucho .. ..... Luz del Amazonas 159
*No corrections have be en received since this date.
376 List of Regular Lodges
Puerto La Cruz .......................... Luz del Caribe 44 San José de Guaribe ................. Luz y Armonia 83
Puertos de Altagracia ......................... Piramide 182 San Juan de los Morros ... Estrella de San Juan 107
Puerto Ordaz ............... Jesus V. Latan La Rosa 220 Santa Elena de Uairén .... Estrella del Roraima 188 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Punta de Mata ....................................Armonia 110 Soledad ................................ Raíael Calabresse 241
Punto Fijo ................................................ Falcón 104 Temblador .............................. ..Perseverancia 160
Quiriquire .......................Antonio Jose· de Sucre 105 Tucacas .......................................... Sol Naciente 71 WOR. W. DALE COLLIER WOR. GLEN H. BUTLER, P.P.
S. Antonio de los Altos ....................... Operativa 210 Tucupido ................................ Aurora de La Paz 55 President Pro Tem Treasurer
San Antonio del Táchíra ............ Luz Hermetica 193 Tucupita .......................... Francisco de M:iranda 73
San Juan de los Moros ................. Asilo Llanero 106 Tumeremo ..................................... Dios y Patria 67 308 S.W. Langston Rd. 3570 De Saix Blvd.
San Juan de los Morros .......... Sol de los Llanos 214 Upata ............................................... Pedro Cava 28 Renton, WA 98057-2340 New Orleans, LA 70119
San Carlos ............................. Manuel Manrique 198 Upata ........................................ Juan F. Giran 219
San Cristobal ............................ .Sol del Tachira 85 Uracoa................ ............ Felix R. Machado 217 Telephone: (425) 226-2139 Telephone: 1-504-949-6347
San Cristobai... ........................................ Pio Gil 166 Valencia ..................................................... Fenix 8 Cell No.: (206) 817-5574 and 1-504-452-2285
San Cristobal.. .......... Restauradores Del Honor 184 Valencia ................................................ Urania 163
San Cristobal ............................. Paz y Armonia 234 Valencia ................................................. Acacia 240 E-mail: [email protected]
San Felipe ................................ .Sol De Yaracuy 176 Valencia ............................ Miguel Angel Ortega 247 R.W. RICHARD W. BATEMAN, P.P.
San Félix ............ Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 167 Valera ...................................... Bolivar y Morillo 91
San Félix ............................................ Salmo 133 209 Valle de la Pascua ............................. Libertador 89 Secretary
San Fernando de Apure ......................... Candor 27 Valle de la Pascua ................Valle de los Lirios 213 Country Club Estates #M-lA
San Francisco ........... Simon Bolivar Libertador 242 Valle de la Pascua ................ Templo Pitagorico 238
125 Hempstead Gardens Dr.
RECOGNITION INFORMATION, GRAND LODGE OF VENEZUELA. This Grand Lodge of the West Hempstead, NY 11552-2624
Republic oí Venezuela is recognized by, and in almost all cases maintains continued fraternal relations with Telephone Day: 1-212-337-6637
all regular Grand Lodges recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England and U.S. Grand Lodges repre-
sented in the Commission on Information for Recognition of the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in Telephone Evening: 1-212-741-4500
N orth America. E-mail: [email protected]
Meetings in Lodges under the Venezuelan Jurisdiction are conducted in Spanish language except for
Hiram Lodge #102 works in English; Giordano Bruno Lodge #142 works in the Italian Language.
Chairman New Orleans, LA
Grand Lodge of Rhode Island R.W. THOMAS W. JACKSON, P.G.S.
& Providence Plantations Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
Chepachet, RI Shippensburg, PA
Indianapolis, IN Mogadore, OH
Middleton, NY Los Angeles, CA
Grand Lodge of Georgia Grand Lodge of Georgia
Macon,GA Canton,GA
Brooklyn, NY
Chicago, IL
In the interest of accuracy, you are requested to inform us of the address corrections, formation
of new Masonic Boards of Relief and Employment Bureaus and to call our attention to the name
of any Masonic Board ofRelief, ReliefCommittee, Service or Employment Bureau (RSEB) which
we may have overlooked in this publication. Richard W. Bateman, Secretary, Country Club
Estates #M-lA, 125 Hempstead Gardens Dr., West Hempstead, NY 11552, Phone: 212-337-6637,
E-mail: [email protected].
* = All Masonic Relief request should be made through the Grand Secretary's Office where
no Board address appears for a given Jurisdiction listed below.
CENTRAL VALLEY, CA. Adam Geoffrey Kendall (144,847), Executive Secretary, 1111
California St., San Francisco, CA 94108-2252. Work Phone: 415-292-9137,
Cell: 415- 640-4317, E-mail: [email protected].
LONG BEACH, CA 90808. Service Bureau ofLong Beach, Robert L. Pawneshing, (728),
Executive Secretary, 5219 Hersholt Ave., Lakewood CA, 90712-2732,
Home: 562-804-2465, E-mail: [email protected].
LOS ANGELES, CA 90010. Masonic Service Bureau, Alfred Sherman Ostrom, Jr., Exec-
utive Secretary, 7142 Forest Hills Rd., West Hills, CA 91307-1339. Phone 818-366-3572,
E-mail: sostrom<!
SAN DIEGO, CA 92108. Masonic Service Bureau, Adam Geoffrey Kendall (144847),
Executive Secretary, 1111 California St., San Francisco, CA 94108. Work Phone: 415-
292-9137, Cell: 415-640-4317, E-mail: [email protected].
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116. M:;tsonic Service Bureau, Adam Geoffrey Kendall, Execu-
tive Secretary, 1111 California St., San Francisco, CA 94108. Work Phone: 415-292-9137,
Cell: 415-640-4317, E-mail: [email protected].
380 381
SAN GABRIEL VALLEY, CA 91775. Masonic Service Bureau, Ramon Alvarado SHREVEPORT, LA 71129. Shreveport-Bossier City ReliefLodge No. 2, John R. Pickett,
Figueroa, Executive Secretary, 11014 Farndon St., South El Monte, P.M., Secy., 7400 Glen LeafDr. #141, Shreveport, LA 71129-3716,
CA 91733-3944. Home Phone: 626-442-3924. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected], Phone: 318-688-6829, Cell: 318-393-3757.
SANTA CLARA VALLEY, CA. Ernest Castillo, Executive Secretary, 2100 Menzel PL, MAINE -ROLDEN, ME 04429. Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation, Mark E. Rustin.
Santa Clara, CA 95050-3622. Home: 408-564-7045, Cell: 408-242-8833. Grand Secretary, P.O. Box 430, Rolden, ME 04429 Phone 207-843-1086.
E-mail: [email protected].
MICHIGAN- ALMA, MI 48801. Michigan Masonic Home, 1200 Wright Ave.,
DELEWARE-* Cindy Bosley, Administrator, Phone 989-463-3141.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA- WASHINGTON, DC 20016. All charity is handled by JACKSON, MI 49204. Welfare Board of Jackson Lodge No. 17, Stephen D. Vining, P.M.,
Grand Secretary's office, 5428 MacArthur Blvd. NW. Phone 202-686-1811. Secretary, P.O. Box 1309, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. Committee on Orphans, Ornar H.
Flores, Chairman, 1323 Pennave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505.
FLORIDA- JACKSONVILLE, FL 32202. Grand Lodge Emergency Relief, Non-Resident
Relief, and Hal W. Adams Hospital Service Fund. Grand Secretary's Office, Grand Lodge MINNESOTA- *
F. & A.M. ofFlorida, 220 Ocean St., Phone 904-354-2339.
MIAMI, FL 33161. Masters and Wardens Assn., Arthur H. Taylor, Esq., 26 N.E. 108th MISSISIPPI - *
St., Miami Shores, 33161. Phone: 305-754-4404.
MISSOURI- ST. LOUIS, MO 63125. Masonic Board ofReliefofSt. Louis and St. Louis
TAMPA, FL 33683. Masonic Board ofRelief, Kenneth James, Secretary, 1116 Nebraska County, Missouri, Thomas H. McCrackin III, President, 720 Rietzke Mountain Trail,
Ave., Palm Harbar, FL 33683. Phone: 813-888-6385. Ballwin, MO 63021, Phone 626-256-7464.
HAWAII-* NEBRASKA- LINCOLN, NE 68508. Grand Lodge ofNebraska Masonic ReliefCommittee,
Bill Dittmer, Chairman, 1240 N. 10th Street, Phone 402-475-4640,
ILLINOIS- CHICAGO, IL 60106. Masonic Service Bureau (formerly Masonic Board of E-mail: [email protected].
Relief) of N orthern Illinois, Eleanor M. Leveen, Administrative Director, 4N208 Ridge-
wood Ave., BensenVille, IL 60106, Phone 630-766-3335; Home 630-766-0456. NEVADA - LAS VEGAS, NV 89107. Masonic Service Association of Southern N evada,
Carl "Bud" Banks, P.G.M., 5317 Rim View Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89130,
INDIANA- INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204. Masonic ReliefBoard oflndiana, Inc., Phone: 702-656-6657.
Joe Smith, Secretary, P.O. Box 44210, Indianapolis 46244-0210. Phone 317-636-4662.
RENO, NV 89436. Masonic Service Assn. ofNorthern Nevada, Adam Willett, P.M.,
RICHMOND, IN 47375. Masonic Board ofRelief, Kenneth W. Toler, Treasurer, P.O. Box 840 Helvetia Ave., Reno, NV 89502, Phone: 775-250-5676.
1044, Phones: 765-939-4393 or 765-716-0728.
NEW MEXICO- ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87125. Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic
KENTUCKY- MT. WASHINGTON, KY 40047. Kentucky Masonic Board ofRelief, Relief, Dan Sutcliffe, , Grand Secretary, P.O. Box 25004, Phone 505-243-4931;
Luther Collins, 125 GeorgiaAve., Mt. Washington, KY, Phone: 502-432-3726 E-mail: [email protected]
LOUISIANA- BATON ROUGE, LA 70756. Louisiana ReliefLodge No. 5 F. & A.M., NEW YORK - BUFFALO, NY. Masonic Board of Relief of Buffalo and Erie County,
James E. Wingate, P.M., Secy., 23744 Snowdon Ave., Denham Springs, LA 70726-6893, c/o Erie County Masonic Service Bureau, 121 South Long Street, Williamsville, NY
Phone: 225-667-9026, Cell: 225-610-8397, E-mail:jimgatelü[email protected]. 14221 Phone: 716-633-4043 Fax 716-633-2010 E-mail: [email protected]
BASTROP, LA 71220. Delta ReliefLodge No. 6, F. &A.M., Travis M. Holley, P.M., Secy., BROOKLYN, l\i"Y 11225: The Masonic Board ofRelief ofBrooklyn, Inc., Cyril A. Francis,
4938 Wardville Rd., Bastrop, LA 71220-6923, Phone: 318-281-5564, Cell: 318-547-1029, Secretary, 237 Sullivan Place, Apt. C-5, Brooklyn, NY 11225-2925, Phone: 718-467-6141,
E-mail: [email protected]. Cell: 917-601-6905, E-mail: franjrelen@!
MONROE, LA 71203. Ouachita ReliefLodge No. 4 F. & A.M., Curtis L. Robert, Sr., P.M., NEW YORK, NY 10010-4149, N. Y. Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Benevolence,
Secy., P.O. Box 1017, West Monroe, LA 71294, Phone: 318-349-2107, Hugh C. Dungey, Chairman, 122 Woodycrest Dr., Farmingville, NY 11738-2534
Office: 318-348-5347, E-mail: [email protected]. Phone 631-716-0292, E-mail: [email protected].
NEW ORLEANS, LA 70119. Louisiana ReliefLodge No. 1, F. & A.M., Glen H. Butler, WEBSTER, NY 14580-1736. Masonic Service Bureau ofGreater Rochester, Charles N.
Executive Director, 3570 De Saix Boulevard, Phone: 504-949-6347, Waterstreet, Jr., Executive Director, Damascus Shrine Center, 979 Bay Road, Suite 2;
E-mail: [email protected] . Phone 585-671-9730, FAX: 585-671-8390, E-mail: [email protected].
ALBERTA- CALGARY, T2N OR7. Masonic Board ofRelief, Charles F. McCullagh, Secretary,
NORTH DAKOTA- FARGO, ND 58102. Masonic Welfare Association, Steven W Downs, Sec'y
1113 5th Ave., N.W. Phone: 404-283-1116.
1405 3rd St. N., Phone 701-235-7875; Home-3301 N. Broadway, Phone 701-232-4999.
CALGARY, T2V 2E9. Masters, Wardens and Deacons Associatidn of Calgary, Malcom J.
OHIO- CINCINNATI, OH 45247. Presiding Officers Association,
MacKenzie, 15 Medford Place, Phone: 403-255-2393. Masonic Hotline:403-228-7792.
6172 W. Fork Rd., Phone 513-57 4-8290.
LETHBRIDGE, TlK OW3. Lethbridge Masnnic Trustee Board, S. Sproul, Secretary,
DAYTON, OH 45405, Presiding Officers Association, 3004 14th Avenue S.
525 W. Riverview Ave., Dayton, OH 45405,4702, Phone: 937-222-9103.
MARION, OH ~3302. Masonic Relief Association,
Masonic Temple, Home: 412 South Vine St., Phone 740-382-4017. VANCOUVER, B. C. V6H 1C9. Masonic Service Bureau, James A Firbank, Secretary-
Treasurer, 104 Freemasons Hall, 1495 8th Ave. W, Phone: 604,732-5414. Serving Greater
TOLEDO, OH 43611. Masonic Executive Association, Richard G. Fries, Executive
Vancouver Regional District, E-mail: vmsb@freemasonry,
Secretary, 1100 Maple Ct., Waterville, OH 43566, Phone: 419-346-6373.
Sojourners funerals are conducted in the Vancouver area by Vancouver Funeral Lodge No. l.
OKLAHOMA- Requests for Masonic Relief are referred to home lodge.
VICTORIA, B. C. V8W 1R6. Victoria Masonic Service Guild, 650 Fisgard St.
OREGON-* E-mail: [email protected]. Victoria Funeral Lodge No. 2 [email protected], Phone
250 384 5714.
ONTARIO- HAMILTON, ONT. L3M 4Sl. Hamilton Masonic Districts Board ofRelief,
RHODE ISLAND- * R. E. Kerr, Secretary, 16 Margaret Ln., Grimsby L3M 4Sl.
SOUTH CAROLINA- * KINGSTON, ONT. K7M 2H7. Kingston Masonic Relief, Charles B. Stone, Secretary-
Treasurer, 305 McMahon Ave.
SOUTH DAKOTA- SIOUX FALLS, SD 57101. Grand Charity Fund, Denny Robinson,
Grand Secretary, MasonicCenter, 520 S. FirstAve., Sioux Falls, SD 57104-6902, LONDON, ONT. N6J 4W5. London Benevolent Association, Jack Anderson, Secretary,
Phone 605-332-2051 & 800-462-7661, E-mail: [email protected]. 6211 Pine Valley Dr.
TENNESSEE- CHATTANOOGA, TN 37411. Masonic ReliefCommittee, Saul Hyman, OTTAWA, ONT. K2A 2X2. Ottawa Masonic Board of Relief, A. E. Styles, Secretary, 704
Secretary, Home-5302 Old Mission Rd., Phone 615-894-7240. Windermere Ave.
KNOXVILLE, TN 39722. Masonic Relief Association of Knox County, Tennessee, PETERBOROUGH, ONT. K9H 6X3. Masonic Board ofRelief, William John Scott, Secre-
Walter E. Ford, Secretary, 9177 Wesley PI., Home Phone-423-690-1516, Concord. tary-Treasurer, 1250 Keewatin Blvd., Phone: 705-745-2840.
MEMPHIS, TN. Jackie Johnson, 6120 Forestgate, Horn Lake, MS 38637. SUDBURY, ONT. P3E 1R7. Masonic Service Guild ofSudbury District,
Phone: 662-323-4993, 662-342-4565. Warren O. Mulack, Secretary-Treasurer, 119 Hyland Dr.
NASHVILLE, TN 37211. Masonic Service Association, Jesse Riggs, 633 Harding PI. TORONTO, CANADA L6X 2C9. Toronto Masonic Guild and Bureau, William F Utton,
Phone 615-331-6052. ' President, 650 Ariel Crescent, Pipickering, Ontario LIV 4V8,
Phone: 905-831-6256.
TEXAS- FORT WORTH, TX 76118. Paul Mason, Secy, 2802 Dogwood Park,
Phone: 817-335-0994, E-mail: [email protected]. NEW BRUNSWICK- SAINT JOHN, N.B. E2L 4R8. Masonic Board ofRelief,
James McKenna, President, Box 6430 Station A, E-mail: [email protected],
UTAH- OGDEN, UT 84402. Masonic Relief Board, Raymond F. White, President,
Phone: 506-652-2390.
P.O. Box 141; Home: 5990 Wasatch Dr., Ogden 84403-5212, Phone 801-479-2790.
NOVA SCOTIA- HALIFAX, Masonic Foundation ofNova Scotia, Robert H. Northup,
VIRGINIA-* Secretary, 167 Coronation Ave., Halifax, NS B3N 2N2, Phone: 902-423-6149,
WASHINGTON- SEATTLE, WA 98116. Masonic Service Bureau ofSeattle, Inc., E-mail: [email protected].
Dale Collier, P. O. Box 2231, Renton, WA 98056, Phone 425-226-2139.
WEST VIRGINIA- * Island. Benevolent Fund, Maurice Steeves, Chairman, 248 Lower Malpeque Rd.,
Charlottetown ClE 1S8.
SASKATCHEWAN- Regina, S4P 2Ml. Board ofTrustees, Grand Lodge ofSaskatchewan,
PUERTO RICO-* AF. & A.M., 1930 Lorne St., Regina, SASK S4P 2Ml, Phone: 306-522-5686,
E-mail: [email protected]
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