Lab Activities
Lab Activities
Lab Activities
Name: Date
Gr. & Sec. Instructor Mr. Panergayo
I. Introduction
Nuclear fusion is a process where two or more nuclei combine to form an element with a higher
atomic number (more protons in the nucleus). Fusion is the reverse process of nuclear fission. Fusion
reactions power the Sun and other stars. Fusion releases energy. The energy released is related to
Einstein's famous equation, E=mc2. For a fusion reaction to occur it is necessary to bring the nuclei so
close together that nuclear forces become important and "glue" the nuclei together. The nuclear force
only acts over incredibly small distances and has to counteract the electrostatic force where the positively
charged nuclei repel each other. For these reasons fusion most easily occurs in a high density, high
temperature environment. On Earth, nuclear fusion was first reached in the explosion of the Hydrogen
bomb. In a non-destructive manner, fusion has also been reached in different experimental devices aimed
at studying the possibility of producing energy in a controlled fashion.
II. Objectives
Demonstrate how element and radiation can be generated from nuclear fusion in the stars
III. Materials
20 White Marshmallows 2 periodic table of element
13 Macaroni Pieces 3 medium bowls
13 Pinto Beans
Pre- Laboratory. Using a periodic table of elements, draw a diagram of the following elements:
IV. Methodology
1. The materials represent the following:
1 White Marshmallow = 1 Proton/1 Electron = Hydrogen Atoms
1 Macaroni Piece = Energy Released in the form of a Gamma Ray
1 Pinto Bean = 1 Neutrino Emission
2. CLEAR YOUR DESKS and grab 2 pieces of blank scrap paper and rip 1 of them in half.
3. Write Hydrogen on the full piece of paper and on the other two halves, write Helium and Carbon.
4. Place all twenty white marshmallows on your Hydrogen paper. These individually represent
Hydrogen’s simplest isotope, 1H.
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
5. Model a main sequence star fusion by fusing two hydrogen atoms together with lots of pressure and
heat (nuclear fusion). As you fuse the pairs together, place the newly resulted atom on the Helium
paper. Continue this until all of your hydrogen supply is gone and has they have been converted
into helium.
6. For each helium atom created, place one macaroni grain (energy) and one pinto bean (neutrino) next
to each newly fused Helium atoms.
7. Then take three ‘Helium’ atoms and fuse them together (should end up with 6 overall marshmallows
fused into one ball) to make a total of three Carbon atoms. Also, place one new macaroni grain
(energy) and one new pinto bean (neutrino) next to each newly fused Carbon atom. Put the newly
formed atoms on the Carbon paper.
8. Leave the originally 10 macaroni grains and original 10 pinto beans on the Helium paper. At this point
10 macaroni grains (energy) and 10 pinto beans (neutrino) are left over on your Helium paper. These
are released in the form of heat.
9. Once all of the Carbon has been created, you have now created a Red Giant star – with one atom of
Helium, 3 atoms of Carbon along with neutrinos and energy.
V. Analysis
Answer the following in 2 to 3 sentences.
1. What pattern arose during this activity (Hint: look at the above numbers)
2. What can be inferred about the formation of heavier elements in stars? Hint: think quantity
3. Large amounts of energy are released when nuclei combine. How many energy-producing
reactions did you model?
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
Name: Date
Gr. & Sec. Instructor Mr. Panergayo
I. Objectives:
At the end of the activity, the students must be able to:
1. give common examples of cleaning materials for house and for personal care;
2. identify the active ingredient(s) of cleaning products used at home; and
3. explain the precautionary measures indicated in various cleaning products and cosmetics.
II. Materials
Survey Sheet
Pen or pencil
III. Methods
1. You will be conducting surveys of your household’s common cleaning materials for house and
personal care.
2. Use the survey sheets provided to conduct the survey. Be sure that you will be able to roam every
corner of your house. NOTE: You will be only inspecting the outside of each chemical container.
3. Answer the questions as you complete the survey sheet.
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
Part 2. Home Toxics Survey
3. Which of the following do you use? Which of the following do you consider toxic? (Leave blank if you don't
use these products.)
Item Use
Laundry detergent used to wash clothes.
Cleanser used in your house to clean sinks & bathtubs.
Furniture polish used to clean & shine furniture.
Drain cleaner used in sink & bathtub drains.
Glass cleaner used to clean windows & mirrors.
Baking soda used in cooking.
Air freshener used to make the air smell fresh.
Ant spray used to kill ants in & around the house.
Hair spray some family members use to keep their hair in
5. What room in your home do you think contains the most toxics? Why?
6. Which statement best describes your home? 8. Do you think that people who work where there
There are no toxics in my home. are toxics should be told this when they are
There are some toxics in my home. hired?
I do not know if there are toxics in my Yes
home No
7. Would you want to be told if something you are
about to buy might be toxic? 9. Do you think individuals should decide whether to
Yes buy and use toxics, or do you think the
No government should make it illegal to sell toxics?
Sometimes Individual should decide.
Government should make it illegal.
I don't know.
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
IV. Analysis
Answer the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences.
2. Did any of the chemicals you found have warning labels? Which ones? Why?
3. What factors are important to your family when buying these type of items?
5. Using chemicals safely is part of preventing pollution and reducing health effects from exposure.
What are other ways you can prevent pollution at home?
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
Name: Date
Gr. & Sec. Instructor Mr. Panergayo
I. Introduction:
II. Objectives:
At the end of the activity, the students must be able to:
1. Explain the three laws of motion; and
2. Apply the Laws of Motion in real life scenario:
III. Materials:
10 Washers Tape
String Thumbtacks
1 Toy cart Vinegar
Meter sticks Baking Soda
5 Balloon Cork
5 Straws Empty Bottle (1
IV. Methods:
Station 1
Part A: Wacky Washers
To prepare for this experiment, stack 4 washers one on top of the other so that you form a tower of
washers. Place the stack of washers on top of your textbook or on the floor so that you have a smooth, slick
1. Aim one washer at the bottom of the stack of four washers and give it a good hard flick with your finger
or hand. What happens?
2. Flick a stack of two washers into a stack of four washers. What happens?
3. Flick a stack of four washers into a stack of four washers. What happens?
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
Station 2
Newton’s Race
1. Set up a ramp using meter sticks and several books. Place one end of the ramp on the books and line
up the other end with a piece of masking tape on the floor.
2. Place the vehicle at the top of your meter stick and roll it down the ramp. Use a meter stick to measure
how far the vehicle rolls. Repeat this step for Trials 2 & 3.
3. Add five washers to the vehicle and repeat the process from Step 2. Record your measurements in
the chart. Be sure all the washers remain on the vehicle! Repeat this step for Trials 2 & 3.
4. Add ten washers to the vehicle and repeat the process from Step 2. Record your measurements in the
chart. Be sure all the washers remain on the vehicle! Repeat this step for Trials 2 & 3.
5. How does increasing mass (adding more washers) affect the force of objects in motion (the distance
the vehicle rolls)? Explain your answer using data from the chart.
6. What would happen if you added fifteen washers to the car? Predict how far the car would roll.
Station 3
Soda Rocket Propulsion
1. Prepare the empty bottle.
2. Put vinegar of your amount inside the bottle.
3. Put the baking soda inside the bottle and place the cork to the opening.
4. Shake the mixture and place it on the ramp.
5. How is the third law of motion applied in the activity?
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
6. Use the table to record your data.
V. Analysis:
Use the table to present your analysis of the activity. Write your answer in 2 to 3 sentences.
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
Name: Date
Gr. & Sec. Instructor Mr. Panergayo
I. Introduction
Eureka! Light is a wave!
We would like that our students could shout it with full conviction. In order to achieve it we can allow
them to “play” in a darkened lab to make them discover phenomena of diffraction and light
interference with use of simple and low-cost instruments. Availability of those instruments makes it
possible to create in a classroom a number of stands for studying those phenomena. If conducting
experiments during lessons is impossible or difficult, the experiments suggested by us can well be
made at home by students. All experiments described here were conducted by the author of that
paper at home during long autumn evenings. And there are still many more dark evenings to come,
when all those experiments can be performed by our students.
II. Objectives
At the end of the activity, the students must be able to:
1. Infer that light is a wave
III. Materials
laser pointer,
two razor blades,
two pins,
four clothes pegs,
three slide frames,
adhesive tape (the best is insulating tape),
screen (white wall or white paper stuck to the wall).
IV. Methods
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
2. With adhesive tape stick halves of razor blade to a slide frame, so that cutting edges of
razor blades created a slit of width about 2.5mm. Between razor blades stick a pin to create
two slits of width about 0.8 mm each.
3. Similarly as before, position a frame and a laser pointer using clothes pegs. Point laser
beam through a slit at a white screen (wall) placed at a distance of about 2m.
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
Name: Date
Gr. & Sec. Instructor Mr. Panergayo
I. Introduction
In the 1920s astronomer Edwin Hubble used the red shift of the spectra of stars to determine that
the universe was expanding. By carefully observing the light from galaxies at different distances from
Earth, he determined that the farther something was from Earth, the faster it seemed to be moving away.
This relationship has become known as Hubble’s Law, and it is just one piece of a bigger puzzle known
as the Big Bang theory.
Developed over many years and by many people, the theory states that about 15 billion years
ago the universe was compressed into an infinitely small space, known as the primordial atom. It
exploded in a sudden burst of energy and created a small, super dense, extremely hot universe that
began to expand in all directions. Over time things cooled, and tiny bits of matter clumped together to
form stars and galaxies. As a result of this explosion, all of these objects are still moving away from each
other. In this experiment, you'll create a simple model to learn how the universe expands over time.
II. Objectives
At the end of the activity, the students must be able to:
1. explain the mechanism of Big Bang theory; and
2. simulate the expansion and fates of the universe using balloon.
III. Materials
3 pcs. of 12-inch (30-cm) round latex balloon
a permanent felt-tip marking pen
24-inch (60-cm) piece of string
metric ruler
1. Inflate your balloon until it is about 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter, but do not tie the end.
2. Using the felt-tip marker, make six dots on the balloon in widely scattered locations. Label one dot
"home" and the others A-E. The home dot represents the Milky Way galaxy, and the others represent
galaxies formed in the early universe.
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
3. Without letting air out of the balloon, use the string and ruler to measure the distance from home to
each dot. Record the distances in the worksheet table under the heading "Time 1."
4. Inflate the balloon so that its diameter is about 2 inches (5 cm) bigger. Again measure the distances to
each of the dots, and record the distances under "Time 2" on the worksheet.
5. Inflate the balloon in 2-inch (5-cm) increments three more times. After each inflation, measure and
record the distances on the worksheet.
6. Answer the follow-up questions on the worksheet.
Record your measurement below.
Distance from
Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Time 5
Dot A
Dot B
Dot C
Dot D
Dot E
IV. Analysis
Answer the following questions in 3 to 5 sentences.
1. How did the distance from the home dot to each of the other galaxies change each time you inflated the
balloon? Use actual data from the experiment.
2. Did the galaxies near home or those farther away appear to move the greatest distance? Use actual
data from the experiment.
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]
3. What conclusion can you draw from the experiment? Is your hypothesis accepted or rejected?
Prepared by: Mr. Albert Andry E. Panergayo, LPT Email Address: [email protected]