54 Santos Vs Santos
54 Santos Vs Santos
54 Santos Vs Santos
This petition for review[1] seeks to annul and set aside the decision dated March 10, 1998
of the Court of Appeals that affirmed the decision of the Regional Trial Court of Manila,
Branch 48, dated March 17, 1993. Petitioner also seeks to annul the resolution that denied her
motion for reconsideration.
Petitioner Zenaida M. Santos is the widow of Salvador Santos, a brother of private
respondents Calixto, Alberto, Antonio, all surnamed Santos and Rosa Santos-Carreon.
The spouses Jesus and Rosalia Santos owned a parcel of land registered under TCT No.
27571 with an area of 154 square meters, located at Sta. Cruz Manila. On it was a four-door
apartment administered by Rosalia who rented them out. The spouses had five children,
Salvador, Calixto, Alberto, Antonio and Rosa.
On January 19, 1959, Jesus and Rosalia executed a deed of sale of the properties in favor
of their children Salvador and Rosa. TCT No. 27571 became TCT No. 60819. Rosa in turn sold
her share to Salvador on November 20, 1973 which resulted in the issuance of a new TCT No.
113221. Despite the transfer of the property to Salvador, Rosalia continued to lease and receive
rentals from the apartment units.
On November 1, 1979, Jesus died. Six years after or on January 9, 1985, Salvador died,
followed by Rosalia who died the following month. Shortly after, petitioner Zenaida, claiming
to be Salvadors heir, demanded the rent from Antonio Hombrebueno,[2] a tenant of
Rosalia. When the latter refused to pay, Zenaida filed an ejectment suit against him with the
Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila, Branch 24, which eventually decided in Zenaidas favor.
On January 5, 1989, private respondents instituted an action for reconveyance of property
with preliminary injunction against petitioner in the Regional Trial Court of Manila, where
they alleged that the two deeds of sale executed on January 19, 1959 and November 20, 1973
were simulated for lack of consideration. They were executed to accommodate Salvador in
generating funds for his business ventures and providing him with greater business flexibility.
In her Answer, Zenaida denied the material allegations in the complaint and as special and
affirmative defenses, argued that Salvador was the registered owner of the property, which
could only be subjected to encumbrances or liens annotated on the title; that the respondents
right to reconveyance was already barred by prescription and laches; and that the complaint
stated no cause of action.
On March 17, 1993, the trial court decided in private respondents favor, thus:
b) Declaring Exh. D, the deed of sale executed by Rosa Santos in favor of Salvador
Santos on November 20, 1973, also as entirely null and void for being likewise
fictitious or simulated and inexistent and without any legal force and effect;
The trial court reasoned that notwithstanding the deeds of sale transferring the property to
Salvador, the spouses Rosalia and Jesus continued to possess the property and to exercise rights
of ownership not only by receiving the monthly rentals, but also by paying the realty
taxes. Also, Rosalia kept the owners duplicate copy of the title even after it was already in the
name of Salvador. Further, the spouses had no compelling reason in 1959 to sell the property
and Salvador was not financially capable to purchase it. The deeds of sale were therefore
fictitious. Hence, the action to assail the same does not prescribe.[4]
Upon appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial courts decision dated March 10,
1998. It held that in order for the execution of a public instrument to effect tradition, as provided
in Article 1498 of the Civil Code,[5] the vendor shall have had control over the thing sold, at the
moment of sale. It was not enough to confer upon the purchaser the ownership and the right of
possession. The thing sold must be placed in his control. The subject deeds of sale did not
confer upon Salvador the ownership over the subject property, because even after the sale, the
original vendors remained in dominion, control, and possession thereof. The appellate court
further said that if the reason for Salvadors failure to control and possess the property was due
to his acquiescence to his mother, in deference to Filipino custom, petitioner, at least, should
have shown evidence to prove that her husband declared the property for tax purposes in his
name or paid the land taxes, acts which strongly indicate control and possession. The appellate
court disposed:
WHEREFORE, finding no reversible error in the decision appealed from, the same
is hereby AFFIRMED. No pronouncement as to costs.
Hence, this petition where petitioner avers that the Court of Appeals erred in: