Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer Tutorial v5b
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer Tutorial v5b
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer Tutorial v5b
By G.D. Walters
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
portions of the Software.
Table of Contents
Some Background.................................................................................................................................6
Who this is written for...........................................................................................................................6
Why I wrote this guide..........................................................................................................................6
Some Conventions used in this document.............................................................................................7
Chapter 1 - Getting Started.......................................................................................................................11
Our First Program................................................................................................................................14
The Main Window - Toplevel.........................................................................................................14
Adding a Button..............................................................................................................................16
Chapter 2 - Moving on.............................................................................................................................21
Single line entry text boxes.............................................................................................................22
Check Buttons.................................................................................................................................22
Radio Buttons.................................................................................................................................22
Beginning the Project - Layout...........................................................................................................22
Step 2 - Bindings.................................................................................................................................27
Step 3 – The Code...............................................................................................................................28
Chapter 3 – A more realistic project.........................................................................................................31
Building the UI....................................................................................................................................32
The Code.............................................................................................................................................35
Chapter 4 – Linking A Media Player To Searcher...................................................................................43
Building the UI....................................................................................................................................44
Creating the Menu Bar....................................................................................................................44
The Code.............................................................................................................................................46
The About Box....................................................................................................................................51
The About Box Form......................................................................................................................51
The About Box Code......................................................................................................................52
Linking The About Box To The Media Player....................................................................................54
Linking The Media Player To The Searcher Program.........................................................................55
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
A number of years ago I wrote two articles on how to use Page for Full Circle Magazine (issues 58 and
59 from back in February and March, 2012). At that time I was very involved in teaching Python to
people who had very little background in programming, or intermediate knowledge of programming,
but were new to the Python programming language.
Since then, I have been writing about using Python in the real world by controlling devices (sensors,
motors, LEDs, etc.) on the Raspberry Pi and interfacing with the Arduino microcontroller.
Now, I find myself going back to some of my roots and working on some Python projects that require a
GUI. I was talking with my son last night about Page and its capability for a project he wants to work
on and decided to look it up and see what the latest version was. To my delight, it was up to version 4.9
and will soon be version 4.11 to be released in early 2018.
I downloaded it to my laptop and found out that the tutorials I previously wrote are no longer relevant
(in some of the specific points) due to changes in the Page program, so I decided to update the tutorials
and maybe come up with some more relevant examples to help people along their discover/rediscover
journey of Page.
I give many thanks to Don Rozenberg for his many years of creating and maintaining the Page
program. I also want to thank my son Douglas for editing and sanity checking for this document.
Finally, allow me to thank a long time reader Halvard Tislavoll for keeping me on track with many
things that I forget and take for granted.
Some Background
Page is a GUI designer for Python programmers using Tkinter that supports the Tk/ttk widget set
written by Don Rozenberg. It is an extension of Visual Tcl that produces Python code.
Tcl stands for ‘Tool Command Language’ and is an open-source dynamic programming language. Tk
is a graphical toolkit for Tcl. Tk can be used from many languages including C, Ruby, Perl, Python and
Tkinter stands for “Tk Interface” and is considered (according to the Python wiki) to be the de-facto
standard GUI for Python. It is a thin object-oriented layer on top of Tcl/Tk. While Tkinter is not the
only GUI programming toolkit for Python, it seems to be the most commonly used one.
While you can create GUIs without a designer like Page, it is a very tedious and, at least for me, a
rather painful process. Programs like Page allow for rapid application development or RAD, making
the process of development of graphical programs a fairly easy task. You can even include the end user,
if one is available, to sit in on the design process of the user interface and make changes in real time
before you get to the major coding portion.
This guide is written for people who already know the basics of Python programming and want to
expand their knowledge from terminal based applications to include Graphical User Interfaces or GUIs.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Any code is shown in Courier New Bold. The font size will change from time to time.
Information that is considered important will be in bold.
When describing menu navigation, a ‘|’ will be used to separate the various menu steps to traverse.An
example of this would be main menu | Gen_Python | Generate Support Module.
Under Windows, you will need, of course, Python, either 2.7x or 3.x. I will be using Python 2.7.9.
You should also download ActiveTcl 8.6.6 (or the latest version you can get) from ActiveState. I am
using the free community version.
You will also want to have some sort of an editor to keep up with your Python code. I use a very nice
free cross-platform IDE (Integrated Development Environment) called Geany.
While Linux usually has everything you need, you will probably want to use ActiveTcl version 8.6.6
from ActiveState. I use the free community version.
I also use (as with Windows) a very nice free IDE called Geany.
Since I don't have access to any OSX machines, I really can't speak to this from direct experience, but I
understand from Don that the requirements for OSX are the same as Linux.
Download the latest version of ActiveTCL from https://www.activestate.com/activetcl/downloads and
run the file.
Many Windows users have a problem when they start Page. It complains that the program wish.exe can
not be found.This is because tcl hasn't been installed.
Download the latest version of Page from https://sourceforge.net/projects/page/ and run the file. This
will install Page.
Finally, create a “master” directory on your hard drive to hold your files.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Installation under Linux is a bit more time consuming than Windows, but not terrible.
First you will want to download ActiveTcl from ActiveState at https://www.activestate.com/activetcl.
Again, I’m using the free community version. The download is a tar-gzipped archive. Once the file is
downloaded you should follow the following steps for installation.
Change to the folder you extracted the files to and run the installer script. You should do this as
root, since the installation goes into the opt folder. sudo ./install.sh
Ensure that your PATH variable includes the directory that contains the installed executable
files. export PATH=“/opt/ActiveTcl-8.6/bin:$PATH”
Again, from what Don tells me, the steps for installation are pretty much the same as Linux.
I’ll leave the installation of Geany or whatever IDE you choose to use to you.
As under Windows, create a “master directory” to hold your development files.
One last thing about IDE programs. They are not created equal. While there are dozens out there, some
have hidden “options” that might make your job harder rather than easier. While this is strictly a
personal opinion, I would suggest not using IDLE as your editor of choice. There is a “feature” that
starts Python with the -i to enter the interactive mode after the program is finished. This leaves the UI
on the screen and might cause some concern (Thanks Halvard for pointing this out to me). Again, your
choice of an IDE is YOUR choice. I like Geany, others like Sublime Text while others like IDLE.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Clockwise from the top left, they are the main window, the Attribute Editor, Widget Tree and the
Widget Toolbar. The Toplevel widget is added when you start Page (as of version 4.10). Below, you can
see them each.
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
The main window holds the standard File (Open | Save, etc.) as well as options to deal with the various
windows, Python generation and more. Minimizing this window will minimize all other Page windows
as well, except your Toplevel widget.
The Attribute Editor window will be one of the most used sections during your GUI creation sessions.
Here you will set up the important visual parts of the various widgets in your project like position, size,
color, text, alias (the name of the widget in code) and more.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
The toolbox holds all of the widgets that you will use to design your GUI. These widgets include things
like static text objects like labels, text entry objects, buttons including check and radio buttons, combo
boxes and much much more.
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
The Widget Tree shows you all your widgets in a hierarchical view. You can click on any of the widgets
there to select them in the main designer, or to change the attributes. You can also right click on a
widget here to select other options like bindings.
Finally, as of Page 4.10, A new Toplevel widget will automatically be presented for you when you start
Page with no command line parameter. If you want to rework an older project, simply start Page with
the Project .tcl file (along with the path).
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Consider this the blank canvas that will hold your masterpiece. It can be moved around the screen
and/or resized to fit your purposes. Once you have placed it where you want the main window to
appear when you start your app, you need to change the title. By default, it is titled “New Toplevel”.
Let’s change it to “My First Page App”. To do this, you will use the Attribute Editor. Use the scroll bar
on the right of the Attribute Editor, scroll down to the line ‘title’ which is just above the Geometry bar.
Change the text that is there from “New Toplevel” to “My First Page App”. By pressing the [Enter] key
on the keyboard, it will “set” the change. Now scroll back up to the top of the Attribute Editor window.
There you will see five options under the ‘Widget’ section. The only one you should change in this
section is the one marked ‘Alias’. This is what we will call the form/widget in our program to easily
reference it. Make sure you use something descriptive, but in only one word. For our learning purposes,
we’ll call it “MainForm”. Enter that into the text box next to the word “Alias”.
You might notice that a new window has popped up that is named “Widget Tree”. This will show a
hierarchical representation of your form and all the widgets associated to it. For now, you can just click
the checkmark to dismiss it, or you can move it somewhere out of the way. If you ever want to see it
again and can’t find it, you can get to it from the main window | Window | Widget Tree or simply by
pressing <Alt>W.
Before going any further, you should save your work. You’ll want to do this often, especially while you
are learning. On the Main Window, select File | Save. You will be prompted to select the folder and
name of the project. For now, use “FirstApp” as a filename. You might also want to put it into a
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
separate folder to organize your files. Also notice, that this file is going to be saved with a “.tcl”
extension. That’s the way it should be, since we are creating the Tcl script for the GUI. There won’t be
any Python code for a while. This file will allow you to rework the GUI at a later time.
Adding a Button
Now, let’s put a simple button somewhere near the middle of our form that will exit the form.
On the Widget Toolbar, you will see “Button” at the top of the toolbox. Click on “Button”, then click
somewhere in our main form.
The button we just created will have eight black squares surrounding it. These are handles that you can
use to resize the widget. You can also click and drag the widget to where ever you want it to reside
within the form.
Once we have place the button widget, go to the Attribute Editor and set the alias to “btnExit”. Scroll
down until you find the text attribute and change it to “Exit”. As soon as you press enter, you will see
the label on the button in our form change from “Button” to “Exit”. Now use the handles on the button
widget to make it a bit wider. Once you have it the way you like it, save your .tcl file again to keep it up
to date.
We have a number of things to do before we are done, but we’ll do that in a moment. For now, we can
generate our Python code to see how it all works.
On the main Page window menu, you will click on Gen_Python | Generate Python GUI menu item.
After a couple of seconds, a new window will pop up with our base Python code in a simple editor.
Feel free to scroll through it to see what the code looks like, but don’t change anything. Next, press the
Save button, which will save the Python code that Page has generated for us.
You will notice that there is a Run button on this window. If you click it now, you will get a message
box notifying you that an error has occurred with the message “No support module has been created
and saved.” That’s ok, since that’s what we’ll do next. Click the Ok button on the message box, and
then click on the Close button on the Generated Python window.
Back in the Main Page window, click again on Gen_Python | Generate Support Module. This will
open the Generated Python window again, this time with the rest of the code that you will need to run
our application. Again, feel free to scroll through this file and when you are done click Save. Now click
the Run button. In a few seconds, you will see your First App window. It should look something like
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Feel free to click on the Exit button, but nothing will happen yet, because we haven’t written any code
to handle the mouse click. That’s ok. We’ll do that in a moment. For now, close the demo window (the
“X” in the upper right of the window) and close the code editor.
You might be wondering why there is a need for a support module that is separate from the main file.
This is done so that the main Python file (in this case “FirstApp.py”) is kept to only the definitions
needed to create the UI. All other functions, like the code that controls what happens when you click on
the exit button, are kept in the support module (in this case named “FirstApp_support.py”). This makes
it easy to maintain your code without accidentally changing the UI definition file and you can tweak or
modify the UI without having to copy and paste your code from a safety copy. By the way, every time
you save your files in Page, it makes a backup of the previous file, so you can always go back to see
what you had.
Tip: Typically, you will only want to generate the support module when you are done with your GUI
design. There is a chance that the code you have put into the support module might get scrambled by
the new code that Page puts in. The errors will be small and usually simply require cut and paste of a
few lines of code to rearrange things. Don has done a very good job of making sure that there aren't
any big stumbling blocks here.
In order to get the Exit button to work, we need to create what is called a binding. This creates code
that connects the widget, in this case the Exit button, to a function that will call the sys.exit() routine to
exit and destroy this window.
To create the binding, right click our btnExit in the designer window and select Bindings… from the
popup menu. This will open another window that makes it easy to create various types of relations
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
between widget events and our code. In this case, we will want to make sure that btnExit is highlighted
then press the Add button (far left button ) on the tool bar. You will see a menu pop up that looks
something like the image below.
There are a number of options here, and we are going to select Button-1. This equates to the left mouse
button. Button-2 is the middle button (if your mouse has a middle button) and Button-3 is the right
button. There are a number of other options, some of which bind other events like those that fire on the
button release, key presses and more. We’ll explore some of these later on in this document.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Once you select Button-1, you should see “lambda e: xxx(e)” appear in the right side panel. This is our
binding line. We need, however, to change this somewhat to make it a bit more self-documenting. We’ll
change the “xxx(e)” to “btnExit_LeftClick(e)”. Highlight the “xxx” and replace it with
Now, save the project, Generate the Python code and then the support file. When you generate the
support file, you will get a message box that tells you that the support file already exists, along with
three options. One is to replace the file, one to use the existing file and one to update the file. At this
point, we really haven’t done anything in the existing file, so it wouldn’t be a great loss if we replaced
it with a new version. However, once you get doing more, replacing the file will cause you to lose any
changes or custom code you have already entered. So to be safe, select Update.
Now, if you compare the original FirstApp.py to the new one that was just generated, you will see that
an additional line has been generated that contains our binding at the bottom of the button definition. It
self.btnExit.bind('<Button1>',lambda e:FirstApp_support.btnExit_LeftClick(e))
Tip: You might notice that in the above code line, the parameter that is passed to the _LeftClick event
handler routine is called (e). In the code generated by Page below in the support file, it is called (p1).
That's because the binding of an event passes information about the event that includes a large
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
amount of information to the handler function. If you don't need to pass any parameters, you can use
the command attribute of the button or other widget.
The support file also has the new routine btnExit_LeftClick(p1) already generated for us.
def btnExit_LeftClick(p1):
If you don’t add any more code, when you run the app now, the terminal will show
“FirstApp_support.btnExit_LeftClick” each time you left click the Exit button.
Now to make the button actually function the way we want it to, which is to close this window, we
need to add the following to the btnExit_LeftClick routine in the support file. Page provides a function
called destroy_window(), which is the proper way to end our GUI program. We'll call that code from
Now when you run the program, clicking the Exit button will cause the window to close.
Now you can see that it is pretty easy to create GUI programs for Python using Page. Next we will
create a more complicated program demonstrating some of the various widgets available to us within
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Chapter 2 - Moving on
Our next project will create a window with the following widgets…
Text Box (Single line entry widget)
Check Button
Radio Button
Buttons, as we discovered in our first program example, are widgets that when clicked (pressed
either with a mouse button or a keyboard keypress or even tapped with a finger on a touch screen)
raises an event that our program will act upon. We all are familiar with buttons.
Frames provide a simple way to group items that logically belong together. A Labelframe is simply
a frame with a label attached that provides immediate indication as to the intent of that grouping.
Chapter 2 - Moving on
Labels are usually static text that shows the end user what a particular widget is for. It is static
since it never changes (or rarely changes) during the life of the program. There are times that you
might want to use a label as a dynamic display to show what is happening somewhere in the
program (which is what we will do with the project in this chapter).
Check Buttons
Check boxes provide a visual reference to a Yes/No or On/Off status of a variable or option. Check
boxes are standalone and don’t normally interact with any other widgets. Consider them as a
Many-Of-Many visual tool. Many of the check boxes can be selected, or checked, at one time.
Radio Buttons
Radio buttons, like a Check box, provides a visual reference to a Yes/No or On/Off status, but are
usually part of One-Of-Many widget set. Only one Radio button may be selected (On) state within
a group at any time and are grouped together within a frame. When one radio button is selected, all
others in the group are de-selected. All radio buttons in a group use the same variable name. The
value attribute will be used to specify what each button will send to that variable.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
As you can see, we need four frames, two of which are Labelframes and two that are regular frames.
We will also need three standard Buttons, three Radiobuttons, three Checkbuttons, one single line entry
widget and two labels. You might not immediately recognize the second label widget. It is the sunken
rectangle on the left. It has no label right now, since the text will be dynamically generated by the
selection of the radio buttons. We will set up our GUI first with all the widgets and their attributes, then
we’ll set our bindings and finally write the code required.
Start Page and move the New Toplevel widget so it is centered in your screen and save your project
right away. Call it “SecondApp”.
I’ll give you a list of attributes for each of the widgets we use, that need to be set in the Attribute Editor.
The value you should use is in bold. The X position, Y position, Width and Height are set in the
Geometry section of the Editor. Here is the value set for our Toplevel window widget.
alias: Toplevel
title: Widget Demo 1
x position: 344
y position: 162
width: 517
height: 386
Next, we need our first frame. Click on the frame button in the toolbox and place it anywhere in the
Chapter 2 - Moving on
Toplevel widget. You will set its location, alias and size in the attribute editor with the following
alias: frameTop
x position: 1
y position: 0
width: 515
height: 76
Tip: In addition to entering all of the attributes in the Attribute Editor, you can right click on the widget
and quickly set some of the more important attributes from a popup menu. This includes the Alias as
well as other widget specific attributes like text for a button widget. You can do the same thing from
the Widget Tree window.
Now we will populate the top frame with a standard Label widget, an Entry widget and a standard
Button widget. Start with the Label widget and place it somewhere into the left side of the top frame.
Set its attributes to the following values:
alias: Label1
text: Entry or SINGLE LINE Text Widget:
width: 116 (This is different from the width in the Geometry section)
wrap length: 110
x position: 30
y position: 20
width: 146
height: 41
Note: When setting the Wrap length of a widget (for those widgets that support it), you will be using a
value of screen units (pixels). You might have to tweak this value to get it to look exactly the way you
Next place an Entry widget near the middle of the frame and set the attributes as follows:
alias: entryExample
x position: 167
y position: 30
width: 164
height: 20
Finally, place a standard button near the right side of the frame. The attributes should be:
alias: btnGetText
text: Get The Text
x position: 360
y position: 30
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
width: 103
height: 29
Note: The width and height are dynamic in this case and already set for us when we entered the text
for the button. You can always manually set the values to suit your needs.
Now we will deal with the left side of the window that will hold the Radio Buttons. We’ll start by
placing a Labelframe widget near the middle of the Toplevel window. Once that is done, set its
attributes as follows:
alias: lframeRadioButtons
text: Radio Buttons
x position: 1
y position: 77
width: 220
height: 235
Tip: If you accidentally set a value in the relative x or relative y entry boxes, things will probably not
look the way you expected (like the widget disappearing). If this happens, simply put a “0” (zero) in the
entry box you changed and things will go back to normal.
Next we need to place three RadioButton widgets into the left frame. Feel free to put them all in at one
time and then go back and set the attributes. If you do that, you can use the widget tree to select which
button to work with rather than clicking each widget in the designer. Be sure you set all the attributes
that I show.
alias: rbRed
text: Red
value: Red
variable: Colors
x position: 50
y position: 50
alias: rbBlue
text: Blue
value: Blue
variable: Colors
x position: 50
y position: 80
alias: rbGreen
text: Green
value: Green
variable: Colors
x position: 50
Chapter 2 - Moving on
y position: 110
The last thing we need to put into this Labelframe is the label that shows the status value of the selected
radio button. As usual, place is somewhere in the left frame that is empty.
alias: lblRbInfo
relief: sunken
text variable: Colors
x position: 50
y position: 150
width: 114
height: 21
Next, we need another Labelframe on the right side of our UI. This will hold our Checkbuttons and a
standard button.
alias: lframeCheckBoxes
text: Check Boxes
x position: 286
y position: 77
width: 230
height: 235
Now add three check buttons and set the attributes as follows.
alias: chkApples
text: Apples
variable: che39
x position: 40
y position: 40
Check Button #2
alias: chkBananas
text: Bananas
variable: che40
x position: 40
y position: 72
Check Button #3
alias: chkGrapes
text: Grapes
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
variable: che41
x position: 40
y position: 106
Finally add the standard button. When this button is clicked it will call some code that will print which
buttons, if any, are checked.
alias: btnPrintChecks
text: Print Checks
x position: 60
y position: 170
width: 117
height: 24
The last thing we need to do in our layout process is to put another standard frame at the bottom of our
form. This will hold a standard button to close the app.
alias: frameBottom
x position: 1
y position: 313
width: 515
height: 72
Last but not least, place the standard button near the middle of the bottom frame.
alias: btnExit
text: Exit
x position: 197
y position: 26
width: 99
height: 24
Now be sure to save your project and generate the Python code and, if you wish for now, the support
module. That being done, we can move on to the bindings of our widgets to the code routines.
Step 2 - Bindings
Luckily, most of our bindings are already done for us, thanks to Page. But there are a few things that
still need some attention.
The only bindings that we need to deal with will be our standard buttons. We’ll start with the top most
Chapter 2 - Moving on
button, btnGetText. Right click on it, being careful that you don’t move the button within the frame,
and select ‘Bindings’. Alternately, you can right click on its entry in the Widget Tree window.
You will see our widget listed at the top of the left panel. We want to bind a left click event to it, so
click on the text ‘btnGetText’, then click the Add button on the menu bar (the far left button). That
will open a pop-up window and select <Button-1>.
On the right side of the bindings window, you will see the binding code “lambda e: xxx(e)”. We’ll
change the ‘xxx(e)’ part to ‘btnGetText_lclick(e)’ and then click the check mark on the right of the
window to close it.
We’ll do the same thing with the ‘Print Checks’ button, but point to a function called
Now, we’ll write the code that will control what happens when our widgets are used.
Start by opening the SecondApp_support.py module in your favorite editor. You’ll see the standard
Python import code, which we’ll ignore for now. The first thing we’ll want to examine (but not change)
is the routine set_Tk_var(). Like all the rest of this file it was generated for us by Page.
def set_Tk_var():
global Colors
Colors = StringVar()
global che39
che39 = StringVar()
global che40
che40 = StringVar()
global che41
che41 = StringVar()
In the above code, there are four global variables defined and set to type StringVar. The first, Colors,
is the shared variable that binds the RadioButtons together as a group. It is automatically set when one
of the RadioButtons is clicked. To see or use the value within the variable use the .get() method. You
also will usually set one of the RadioButtons at startup of the program as a default value by using the
.set() method. The other three are for our Checkbox Button widgets.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
def btnExit_lclick(p1):
The first one is the routine that is called when the mouse causes the btnExit_lclick event to fire. We
want the program to exit when this happens (just like in the first example program) so after the line
sys.stdout.flush(), insert destroy_window(). It should now look like this:
def btnExit_lclick(p1):
def btnGetText_lclick(p1):
The second routine will print in the terminal window whatever was typed in the entry widget. So, again
after the line sys.stdout.flush() type print(w.txtExample1.get()). This gets the value of the entry
widget. We use the w. to explicitly refer to the w object created in the init routine that instantiated the
user interface.
def btnGetText_lclick(p1):
def btnPrintChecks_lclick(p1):
Last, but not least, we want to print which of the Checkbox Buttons are selected (checked) to the
terminal window. This time, we’ll have a number of lines of code to enter…
if che39.get() == "1": # TWO equal signs on each of the ‘if’ statements
if che40.get() == "1":
if che41.get() == "1":
There are two other things that need to be done. First, we need to make sure that when the program
starts, none of the check buttons are selected. We’ll use a simple routine to accomplish this.
def ClearChecks():
Chapter 2 - Moving on
I put that right after the set_Tk_var() routine, but you can put it pretty much anywhere before the line
that reads if __name__ == '__main__':
Finally, we need to call the set one of the RadioButtons as a default when the program starts. We’ll do
that and call the ClearChecks function from the init routine. Right after the line that says root = top,
By putting it at the end of the init routine, these lines of code will be executed AFTER the GUI is
created, but before it is shown.
Now, if you are using a version of Page earlier than 4.11, move up to the top of the file and add the
following code to the second line:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This will help to ensure that Unicode characters are being handled if you enter any into the entry
widget. It is a good habit to get into, one which I must admit, forget more often than not. (Thank you
Halvard for keeping me on the right track!) In version 4.11, Don has changed Page to automatically do
this for us.
Save your program and run it to see how you did. The 'Blue' radio button should be selected and the
word “Blue” should be in the sunken label. Also all of the check boxes should be unchecked. Type
something in the entry box and click the “Get The Text” button. Whatever you typed in the entry
widget should be printed to the terminal window you used to start the program. Check one or more of
the check box buttons and click the “Print Checks” button. The text associated with that button(s)
should show up in the terminal window.
Good job.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Chapter 3 – A more realistic project
Building the UI
We'll start by opening Page and move the new TopMost window to somewhere close to the middle of
the screen both horizontally and vertically. You will also want to set the title and alias to “Searcher”.
We'll need two standard frames about the same size, taking up somewhere around one half of the
Topmost window vertically. Set the alias for the top one as frameTop and the bottom one to
frameTreeview. You will want to save this in a new folder called Searcher and the .tcl project file
should be named Searcher.tcl as well.
Now near the top of the upper frame, insert a label widget, entry widget and two button widgets and
space them as you see in the above image. The label widget is simple to do, since it is a static text label.
Set the text attribute to “Path to search:”. You can leave the alias set to the default of “Label1” if you
wish, or change it to whatever suits you. That's it for the label widget.
Next we'll deal with our entry widget. Make it fairly long and somewhat higher than the default. Set the
attributes as follows:
alias: txtPath
textvariable: FilePath
Continuing to move along the widgets to the right, we'll deal with the first of the two button widgets.
This one should be placed close to the right end of the entry widget and close to square. The text for the
widget will only be three dots ('…'), meaning that if the user clicks this button it will bring up a dialog
box of some sort. In this case, it will pop up a window that asks the user to select a directory to be
searched. The file path that is returned will be entered into the entry widget programmatically by our
alias: btnSearchPath
command: OnBtnSearchPath
text: “...”
Our last button widget in this set will allow the user to exit the program.
alias: btnExit
text: “Exit”
Before we move on, set a binding for the btnExit to a function called OnBtnExit(e) to mouse button 1.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Notice that on our previous button (btnSearchPath) we used the command attribute for setting the
function, not a binding.
Next we need two LabelFrame widgets to hold our check buttons in logical groups. Set their combined
size to about ¾ of the horizontal space of frameTop. Make them both about the same size and along the
same vertical (y) position so they line up. Set the label to the left one to “Audio Files” and the right one
to “Video Files”. Add a button that will start the search process to the right of these LabelFrames. We'll
come back in a few moments to set the attributes for this button.
Now we will need to put three check boxes into each LabelFrame. When I designed the UI, I put them
close to the left side of the LabelFrame and aligned along the left, to allow for additions in the future if
TIP: The check buttons, by default, are set to center the text and the check box within the size of the
widget. This can make it difficult to align the check boxes along a vertical line. We'll modify that by
using the anchor attribute when we set up the definitions for each widget.
Starting with the Audio Files Labelframe, we'll put three checkbutton widgets inside it. When I did the
design, I spaced them with 30 pixels between them vertically, but you can lay them out however you
wish. The three file types that we will be looking for when dealing with audio files are *.mp3, *.wav
and *.ogg. This should take care of most of the audio files you might have on your computer. Again,
you can add more later on if you want. Starting from the top and going down, the attributes are:
alias: chkMP3
anchor: W
justify: LEFT
text: '.MP3'
variable: VchkMP3
Notice that I have changed the default variable name to “Vchk” plus the file extension. The 'V' stands
for Variable and the chk stands for CheckButton. This will make our variable names much easier to
remember and will make more sense when we start working with our code.
alias: chkWAV
anchor: W
justify: LEFT
text: '.WAV'
Chapter 3 – A more realistic project
variable: VchkWAV
alias: chkOGG
anchor: W
justify: LEFT
text: '.OGG'
variable: VchkOGG
Now in the Video Files LabelFrame, we'll repeat the process of placing three check buttons within the
frame. They will allow the user to select from the following extensions for common video files, which
are *.avi, *.mp4 and *.mkv. Again, I decided to place them close to the left side of the LabelFrame and
stacked vertically with 30 pixel spacing between them to allow for future additions.
alias: chkAVI
anchor: W
justify: LEFT
text: '.AVI'
variable: VchkAVI
alias: chkMP4
anchor: W
justify: LEFT
text: '.MP4'
variable: VchkMP4
alias: chkMKV
anchor: W
justify: LEFT
text: '.MKV'
variable: VchkMKV
Thinking about the future of the program, you could also add capabilities for looking for text files, PDF
files, photos and who knows what else.
The last thing we need to do for the frameTop group is to work with the “go” button. Here are it's
alias: btnGo
text: “GO!”
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Finally bind the mouse button 1 to the button and point it to a function called OnBtnGo(e).
Now we will work on frameTreeview. This part is fairly easy. We want to insert a ScrolledTreeview
widget into frameTreeview. The ScrolledTreeview widget is near the bottom of the toolbox. Once it is
in, move it to the upper left corner of the frame, then make it cover almost the entire frame. I usually
like to leave a 2 to 4 pixel space of the frame showing to act like a border. You can leave to alias to the
default of “Scrolledtreeview1”. The last thing you need to do here is to set a binding for the mouse
button 1 to OnTreeviewClick(e). This will allow the user to select one of the files in the list.
We are using a Scrolled Treeview here to create a multi column list that holds the filenames and paths
of the found files.
The Code
As always, you need to change the code in the support module to match the code presented here.
Remember, if you are using a version of Page prior to 4.11, that you need to put the '# * coding:
utf8 *' as the second line in the support module as we discussed last chapter.
We need to make many changes the imports section of the code that Page generated for us to support
some of the 'extra' things we want to do. In the support module, we need to include the platform, os
and os.path library modules in addition to the sys module.
import sys
import platform
import os
from os.path import join,getsize,exists
Unfortunately Python3 doesn't handle Tkinter the same way that Python2 does, so we have to import
things a bit differently to support both versions of Python.
from Tkinter import *
import tkMessageBox
import tkFont
import tkFileDialog
except ImportError:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import font
from tkinter import filedialog
Another change in Page version 4.11 is in the following section of code. The py3 variable will be set to
True if the version that the code is running under is Python 3.x and False if it is version 2.x. We will
Chapter 3 – A more realistic project
need to check this later on in our code to make sure we are using the correct code between the two
different versions of Python.
Page 4.10 and earlier provides this code for us:
import ttk
py3 = 0
except ImportError:
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
py3 = 1
The next section of code is the set_Tk_var() function. There are no changes here from the Page
generated code, but you should see how it's set up for us. This section sets up the global variables that
we defined when we created the UI.
def set_Tk_var():
global FilePath
FilePath = StringVar()
global VchkMP3
VchkMP3 = StringVar()
global VchkWAV
VchkWAV = StringVar()
global VchkOGG
VchkOGG = StringVar()
global VchkAVI
VchkAVI = StringVar()
global VchkMP4
VchkMP4 = StringVar()
global VchkMKV
VchkMKV = StringVar()
Now, we'll start defining the code that runs when we click one of the buttons or other widgets. First,
we'll deal with a very simple one… the Exit button. Remember, we bound the mouse button-1 to a
function named OnBtnExit. The first two lines within the function are created for us by Page. In order
to exit the program, we use (as we have in the previous examples) the destroy_window() call.
def OnBtnExit(p1):
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
The OnBtnGo() function is where all the heavy lifting occurs. Once we have set the start folder and the
extensions of the files we want to look for, we call all of the support functions here. Of course, we
could have coded it to be one massive function, but it is much more readable in this format. First, clear
the ScrolledTreeview then change the mouse cursor to “busy”. Build a list containing the file
extensions we want to look for. Pull the file search path from the global variable and convert the
extensions to a tuple. Clear the list containing the previously returned search results (if any) and call the
recursive search function. Finally, load the search results into the grid and return the mouse cursor to
the default state.
def OnBtnGo(p1):
fp = FilePath.get()
e1 = tuple(exts)
#Clear the list in case user wants to "go" again
del FileList[:] # under python 3.3, you can use list.clear()
When the user clicks the 'get search path' button (the one with the three dots), open a Tkinter
askdirectory dialog to get the starting directory for the search. Rather than creating our own dialog box,
we use one of the three built in file dialog pop-ups that are provided in the tkFileDialog module. The
three include:
.askopenfile – requests the selection of an existing file
.asksaveasfilename – requests filename and directory to save or replace a file
.askdirectory – requests a directory name.
While we or the user could simply enter the starting directory in the entry widget, this makes it easy for
the user to enter the path properly. Once the dialog box is dismissed after selecting the starting
directory, the path information is entered into the entry widget by means of the .set(path) method of the
FilePath variable. We have to check the py3 variable to see if it is set to 1 or 0 (or True or False when
using Page 4.11+)
def OnBtnSearchPath():
if (py3 == 1) or (py3 == True):
path = filedialog.askdirectory()
path = tkFileDialog.askdirectory()
Chapter 3 – A more realistic project
def OnTreeviewClick(e):
# We will use this in the next chapter.
When we start the program, we want all of the checkbutton widgets to be unchecked. We use the
BlankChecks() function to set the variables associated with each of the Checkbuttons to a 0 or
unchecked state.
def BlankChecks():
The BuildExts() function creates a list of extensions that will be used by the recursive filename
function (Walkit()). We simply check the variable associated with each of our Checkbox widgets to see
if it has a value of “1”. If so, we append that extension text to the list called 'exts'. When we enter the
function, we want to empty the list, just in case the user changes the an extension choice and runs
through the process again. We do that by using the 'del list[:]' command. Python3 allows a list.clear()
method that could replace this one.
def BuildExts():
del exts[:] # Clear the extentions list, then rebuild it...
if VchkAVI.get() == '1':
if VchkMKV.get() == '1':
if VchkMP3.get() == '1':
if VchkMP4.get() == '1':
if VchkOGG.get() == '1':
if VchkWAV.get() == '1':
The busyStart() function changes the mouse cursor to a 'watch' cursor for the root window and all of
the child widgets, with the exception of the entry widget. This works well under Linux, but the
Windows OS has an issue of doing this while the recursive filename scan runs.
def busyStart(newcursor=None):
global preBusyCursors
if not newcursor:
newcursor = busyCursor
newPreBusyCursors = {}
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
The busyEnd() function resets the mouse cursor back to the default cursor.
def busyEnd():
global preBusyCursors
if not preBusyCursors:
oldPreBusyCursors = preBusyCursors[0]
preBusyCursors = preBusyCursors[1]
for component in busyWidgets:
except KeyError:
Here is the real heart of our program. The Walkit() function takes the starting folder and the list of
extensions, converted to a tuple, and recursively walks down looking for a file that has an extension
that matches one that we are looking for. If a file is found that matches, it's filename and path are
added to another list (fl) which is then added to the list to be returned. It continues this until all files
under all folders below the start folder have been checked.
def Walkit(musicpath,extensions):
rcntr = 0
fl = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(musicpath):
rcntr += 1 # This is the number of folders we have walked
for file in [f for f in files if f.endswith(extensions)]:
The init() function is run when the program starts before the main window (Topmost widget) is shown.
The first four lines (ending with 'root = top') are generated by Page. The remainder of the function deals
with our startup code.
def init(top, gui, *args, **kwargs):
global w, top_level, root
w = gui
top_level = top
root = top
We start by declaring three global variables, treeview, exts and FileList. Exts and FileList we have
Chapter 3 – A more realistic project
already discussed. Treeview is used to make it easier for us to refer in code to the ScrolledTreeview
widget. We also set exts and FileList to empty lists. Next we call the BlankChecks() function to clear
the checkbutton widgets, set the global variable treeview to point to our Scrolledtreeview1 widget.
Note that we use w.Scrolledtreeview1. The 'w.' refers to our GUI and when we directly make calls to
our widgets we have to prepend the 'w.'. Lastly, we setup the information for our busy cursor functions.
# Our code starts here
global treeview, exts, FileList
exts = []
treeview = w.Scrolledtreeview1
global busyCursor,preBusyCursors,busyWidgets
busyCursor = 'watch'
preBusyCursors = None
busyWidgets = (root, )
The SetupTreeview() function will set the number of columns and the headers for each column from
the global list ColHeads using the .configure method. In this case, we will have just two columns
named 'Filename' and 'Path'. We also check the py3 variable to see if we are running under Python3 or
Python2 to make the correct call to the font module.
Note that the SetupTreeview function must be called before attempting to load data into the grid.
def SetupTreeview():
global ColHeads
ColHeads = ['Filename','Path']
treeview.configure(columns=ColHeads, show="headings")
for col in ColHeads:
treeview.heading(col,text=col.title(),command=lambda c = col: sortby(treeview,c,0))
## adjust the column's width to the header string
if (py3 == 1) or (py3 == True):
treeview.column(col, width = font.Font().measure(col.title()))
treeview.column(col, width = tkFont.Font().measure(col.title()))
The ClearDataGrid() function will remove all data from the Scrolledtreeview widget. If you are going
to use the Scrolledtreeview in other projects, this would be a handy one to keep in your tool kit.
Basically, all it does is walk through the treeview widget and deletes each of the data items one by one.
def ClearDataGrid():
#print("Into ClearDataGrid")
for c in treeview.get_children(''):
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
The LoadDataGrid() function first clears the treeview widget and then takes the returned results from
the Walkit() function and loads each result into a row in the Treeview widget. The remainder of the
code will readjust the column widths to fit the longest value. Here again, we have to check to see if we
are using Python3 or Python2 to make the proper call to the font module.
def LoadDataGrid():
global ColHeads
for c in FileList:
# adjust column's width if necessary to fit each value
for ix, val in enumerate(c):
if (py3 == 1) or (py3 == True):
col_w = font.Font().measure(val)
col_w = tkFont.Font().measure(val)
if treeview.column(ColHeads[ix],width=None)<col_w:
treeview.column(ColHeads[ix], width=col_w)
Finally, we have a function called sortby() that, when a column header is clicked, will sort the
Treeview. This is bound to the ScrolledTreeview in the SetupTreeview() function.
def sortby(tree, col, descending):
"""sort tree contents when a column header is clicked on"""
# grab values to sort
data = [(tree.set(child, col), child) \
for child in tree.get_children('')]
# if the data to be sorted is numeric change to float
#data = change_numeric(data)
# now sort the data in place
for ix, item in enumerate(data):
tree.move(item[1], '', ix)
# switch the heading so it will sort in the opposite direction
tree.heading(col, command=lambda col=col: sortby(tree, col, \
int(not descending)))
When you run the program, you can click on an entry in the Treeview, but nothing will happen,
excepting a short print to the terminal window. While this can be a helpful program for finding specific
media files in your library, wouldn't it be nice if you could play a selected file, audio or video, by
simply running this program and then clicking on it in the treeview grid?
That's what we are going to do in the next chapter.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Chapter 4 – Linking A Media Player To Searcher
Building the UI
Load up Page and you will get your New Toplevel widget. Set the alias to vlcplayer and the title to
“VLC Player” and approximate size and location on the screen. I made mine 670 x 500. Save your
project in the same folder that you saved the Searcher project from the last chapter as vlcplayer.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
File operations, like New, Open, Save, Save As, Exit, etc. In this case we will rename the just created
item from 'NewCascade' to 'File'. Click on it and in the attributes section of the menu editor, change the
label attribute to 'File'. Now select 'Insert | New Command'. Change the label attribute to 'Open', then
repeat this process to create a new command titled 'Exit'.
Click again on the 'Open' option and set the command attribute to 'mnuFileOpen'. (You can either
change the text directly, or click on the edit button to pop up a window.) Now click on the Exit option
and set its command to 'mnuFileExit'.
Next click on '<Menu>' and select 'Insert | New Cascade'. This will create a new "top level" menu item
underneath the File menu set. Rename this from 'NewCascade' to 'Help'. Now select 'Insert | New
Command' and rename it to 'About'. Set the command attribute to 'mnuHelpAbout'.
Click on the green check mark on the top right to close the Menu Editor. Save your tcl project file,
generate the python code module and the support module.
If you look at the support module, you will see that Page has generated the three menu functions
(mnuFileOpen(), mnuFileExit() and mnuHelpAbout()) for us.
Next, we need three frame widgets. The first, will hold a canvas widget that will act as the video
“screen” when we play videos. The second will hold a slider widget for positioning within the media
file. It will automatically update as the media plays. The third, will hold four buttons and a slider
The first frame widget should be about ¾ of the Toplevel widget vertically and fill the space
horizontally. Name it 'frameVideo'. The next one should take half of the remaining vertical space and
the fill the space horizontally as well. Name it frameSlider. The final one should be about the same size
as the second and name it frameButtons.
Now place a canvas widget into the frameVideo widget. You can use the default alias name (Canvas1).
You want to make it fill the entire frame.
In the frameSlider, place a horizontal slider widget. Set the attributes for it as follows:
alias: TimeSlider
command: ScaleSel
length: 500
to: 1000
variable: ScaleVar
Next in the frameButtons widget, you need to place four button widgets and a horizontal slider along
the same horizontal line. Each button should be 75 pixels wide and spaced equally. Here are the
Chapter 4 – Linking A Media Player To Searcher
alias: btnPause
text: Pause
alias: btnStop
text: Stop
alias: btnMute
text: Mute
If you want, you can put a label between the btnMute and the VolumeSlider with the text of
“Volume:”, but this is strictly optional.
Finally, we need to bind the mouse button-1 to each of the four buttons to:
btnPlay: OnBtnPlay
btnPause: OnBtnPause
btnStop: OnBtnStop
btnMute: OnBtnMute
The Code
The operation of this program is two fold. First, it can be launched as a standalone program and by use
of the menu bar, you can select a media file to be played. In the second way, it will be called, through
some minor modifications, from our Searcher program which will pass the file path and filename to the
player program and start the playing the media file.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
We'll be working with the support file. The first thing we want to do is setup the imports, so change
what page gave us to:
# Import the VLC library
import vlc
# Import the standard libraries
import sys
import os
import pathlib
import time
import platform
from Tkinter import *
import tkFileDialog
import tkMessageBox
except ImportError:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import font
from tkinter import filedialog
import ttk
py3 = 0
except ImportError:
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
py3 = 1
We need to add to the init function that has already been created for us. We will add the lines that are in
bold below the line root = top:
def init(top, gui, *args, **kwargs):
global w, top_level, root
w = gui
top_level = top
root = top
global Instance, player
global timeslider_last_val, timeslider_last_update
timeslider_last_val = 0
timeslider_last_update = 0
Instance = vlc.Instance()
player = Instance.media_player_new()
if len(args) != 0:
temp = list(args)[0]
dirname = temp[0]
filename = temp[1]
Media = Instance.media_new(str(os.path.join(dirname, filename)))
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
Chapter 4 – Linking A Media Player To Searcher
We are checking for the length of the args variable that is passed into the init function. We are doing
this to allow the program to be run either in a standalone method or called by the searcher project we
did in the last chapter. When the media player is called from searcher, it will pass the directory name
and filename of the media file to be played through the *args variable. We also need to do much of the
work that is done in the OnOpen() function, so we set the handle to the canvas widget before we call
the OnBtnPlay() function.
Next we will start working on our button functions. Notice we use the .config() method to modify the
text attribute of the mute button.
def OnBtnMute(p1):
is_mute = player.audio_get_mute()
print("is_mute = {0}".format(is_mute))
if is_mute == 1:
w.btnMute.config(text = 'Mute')
w.btnMute.config(text = 'Unmute')
player.audio_set_mute(not is_mute)
Here we simply call the player.pause() function to pause and unpause the player.
def OnBtnPause(p1):
The OnBtnPlay() function will call the OnOpen() function to get things going. We also use the .after
rather than a simple loop or a separate threaded timer. Tkinter uses the root.after method to create a
timer for us, however it isn't quite as accurate as a separate timer, but is accurate enough to handle the
things we need. We get the Timer_id value when we call the initial root.after(time,function) method to
get things set up. Since it's the first time we call it, we use 0 as our time and set the function to call to
our OnTick() function. Once we get into the OnTick() function, the last line sets the time for the next
call, which in our case is about 1000 milliseconds.
def OnBtnPlay(p1=None):
global Timer_id
if not player.get_media():
# Try to launch the media, if this fails display an error message
if player.play() == -1:
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
errorDialog("Unable to play.")
Timer_id = root.after(0,OnTick())
When we click the stop button, we call the player.stop() function and set the time slider position to 0.
def OnBtnStop(p1):
# reset the time slider
The File | Exit menu command calls destroy_window() as we have done many times before.
def OnMnuFileExit():
From the File | Open menu command, we call the OnOpen() function to get things going when in the
standalone mode.
def OnMnuFileOpen():
We will flesh out the Help | About menu command later on, but I put it here simply for completeness.
def OnMnuHelpAbout():
The ScaleSel() function allows the user to set the gross position in the media file to act as a fast-
forward/rewind analogue. The user must click and drag the slider “button” rather than clicking within
the tray to make it “jump” to the mouse position, however if the user holds mouse button-1 down
within the tray, the slider will jump in steps quickly. We assign the nval variable to the ScaleVar
variable using the .get() method, then compares the current value to the last value
(timeslider_last_val) to minimize the possibility of an endless loop. If they are different, we update the
last time the slider was updated, convert the position to milliseconds and update the player position
with the set_time() function.
def ScaleSel(*args):
global timeslider_last_update, timeslider_last_val
if player == None:
nval = ScaleVar.get()
sval = str(nval)
if timeslider_last_val != sval:
Chapter 4 – Linking A Media Player To Searcher
timeslider_last_update = time.time()
mval = "%.0f" % (nval * 1000)
player.set_time(int(mval)) # expects milliseconds
The VolumeSel() function (as the name suggests) allows the user to change the volume of the file being
played. This function is called whenever the volume slider is moved. If the player hasn't been started,
the function simply is exited. Otherwise, we get the integer value of the slider (via the VolumeVar
variable) and assign it to a variable called volume for simplicity. We then “normalize” the value and
call the player's audio_set_volume() function.
def VolumeSel(*args):
if player == None:
volume = int(VolumeVar.get())
if volume > 100:
volume = 100
elif volume == 0:
volume = 70
resp = player.audio_set_volume(volume)
The OnOpen() function sets the filename and path of the media file to be played by using an
askopenfilename style file dialog provided by Tkinter.
def OnOpen():
p = pathlib.Path(os.path.expanduser("~"))
if (py3 == 1) or (py3 == True):
fullname = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir = p, title = "choose your
file",filetypes = (("all files","*.*"),("mp4 files","*.mp4")))
fullname = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir = p, title = "choose your
file",filetypes = (("all files","*.*"),("mp4 files","*.mp4")))
if os.path.isfile(fullname):
dirname = os.path.dirname(fullname)
filename = os.path.basename(fullname)
print("{0} - {1}".format(dirname,filename))
Media = Instance.media_new(str(os.path.join(dirname, filename)))
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
Here is our “timer” callback function OnTick(). We use this to do some maintenance to the various
variables and widgets. Since the “published” length of a media file can change during playing, we
update the length of the slider by setting the “to” attribute to the length of the file gathered by a call to
the player's get_length() method and update the current position on the time slider.
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
def OnTick():
global timeslider_last_update, timeslider_last_val, Timer_id
if player == None:
# since the self.player.get_length can change while playing,
# re-set the timeslider to the correct range.
length = player.get_length()
dbl = length * 0.001
# update the time on the slider
tyme = player.get_time()
if tyme == -1:
tyme = 0
dbl = tyme * 0.001
timeslider_last_val = ("%.0f" % dbl) + ".0"
# don't want to programatically change slider while user is messing with it.
# wait 2 seconds after user lets go of slider
if time.time() > (timeslider_last_update + 2.0):
Timer_id = root.after(1000,OnTick)
The GetHandle() function allows us to get the widget ID of the canvas widget, which is used by the
OnOpen() function so that the player knows where to render the video of the media file.
def GetHandle():
return w.Canvas1.winfo_id()
Finally, we have the errorDialog() function that takes whatever message we want to be displayed to
the user as a showerror style messagebox.
def errorDialog(errormessage):
Chapter 4 – Linking A Media Player To Searcher
The code for the About Box is really very simple with a couple of important items.
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It is very important that you add the following line to the top of your support file if it is not there
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
If you don't you will get the dreaded “SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file...” error when
you try to start the generic about box, since we are using a Unicode character to support the “©”
Here's the standard imports.
import sys
from Tkinter import *
except ImportError:
from tkinter import *
import ttk
py3 = 0
except ImportError:
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
py3 = 1
In the OnBtnDismiss function, we use root.withdraw() to hide the about box rather than the
destroy_window() that we normally use to close the program. If we were to use the destroy_window()
here, it would close the entire program.
def OnBtnDismiss(p1):
In the LoadForm() function, we will (as the function name suggests) load all the information sent from
our video player into the labels and the ScrolledText widget. For the labels, we use the
.configure(attribute = ) format to set the label text. For the ScrolledText widget, we use the .insert()
method to place the text into the text box at the end of whatever is already there, which in this case is
def LoadForm():
global temp
copyright_symbol = u"\u00A9"
w.lblProgName.configure(text = temp[0])
w.lblAuthor.configure(text = "Written by {0}".format(temp[1]))
w.lblVersion.configure(text = "Version {0}".format(temp[2]))
w.lblCopyright.configure(text = temp[3])
The init function is pretty much the same as always, except we are adding two lines. One for getting the
Chapter 4 – Linking A Media Player To Searcher
data sent from the media player program which includes 5 items (Program Name, Author name,
Program Version, Copyright notice and the program Info) as well as the call to LoadForm.
The destroy_window and the if __name__ functions are the standard that are already created for us by
Page without any changes, but I've included them just to be complete.
def destroy_window():
# Function which closes the window.
global top_level
top_level = None
if __name__ == '__main__':
import GenAboutBox
Now that all the hard work has been done, we need to link the About Box program files to our Media
Player. This is very simple and only requires a few of lines of code to be added to the Media Player
support file.
First, we need to add a line somewhere that imports our About Box project as a library. I like to put it
into the top of the support file with the rest of the imports, just to keep them all together. So, under the
line that says import platform, insert:
import GenAboutBox
Now in the function, we need to add the lines that define the variables that we will pass on to the About
Box program. Here's the full function including the lines that Page created for us.
def OnMnuHelpAbout():
# Our code from here down
copyright_symbol = u"\u00A9"
ProgName = "VLC Player"
Author = "G.D. Walters"
Version = '0.9'
Learning Page - A Python GUI Designer
Breaking it down, we define the “©” symbol to the copyright_symbol variable as a Unicode character.
Next we define the rest of the variables (ProgName, Author, Version, Copyright and Info) by assigning
strings to them to get them ready to pass to the create_About function of the About Box program.
Finally we call the create_About function (the entry point within our next program to show) with the
appropriate variables, our data being passes as a list. Now, let's take a look at the create_About function
in the GenAboutBox.py file, which was created for us by Page.
def create_About(root, *args, **kwargs):
'''Starting point when module is imported by another program.'''
global w, w_win, rt
rt = root
w = Toplevel (root)
top = About (w)
GenAboutBox_support.init(w, top, *args, **kwargs)
return (w, top)
This function exists in any main python file that Page creates and is used to allow us to have multiple
form programs. When this function is called, it in turn calls the .init() function that is in the support
file, which is loaded before the program shows the main window of the additional form, in this case the
About Box.
Notice the call passes *args to the .init() function. This is the list of variables that will be passed to fill
the label widgets and the Scrolledtext widget. When the .init() gets these variables, they can be cast
into a list that can then be accessed as we do in the LoadForm function within the support module of
the About Box.
This allows your program to have multiple forms and pass information between them.
Now we have to modify the Searcher program, pretty much as we did when we added the About Box to
the media player.
In the support module for Searcher, we need to import the media player program, so add
import vlcplayer
at the top with the other imports. Next add the following line to the OnTreeviewClick(e) function.
row = treeview.identify_row(e.y)
col = treeview.identify_column(e.x)
Chapter 4 – Linking A Media Player To Searcher
filename = treeview.set(row,0)
path = treeview.set(row,1)
Here, we get the row and column that the mouse button-1 click occurred in then we use that
information to set the path and filename variables from the information in the grid of the
ScrolledTreeView widget. Finally we call the create_VLC_Player function with the two variables.
That's about it. Save all your files and make sure that clicking on all the menu items and buttons that
everything work as expected.