Vargottam Planets
Vargottam Planets
Vargottam Planets
A very good evening to all astrology enthusiasts! Today I am going to discuss on one of my
favourite topics of astrology, which is regarding the concept of vargottama. I think most of us
here already have some basic idea about vargottam planets, but I am still going to explain things
from the very basics so that the article may make sense to everyone in the group. So let’s begin
without much further ado!
The term Vargottam or vargottama is basically an amalgamation of two Sanskrit words, namely
Varga which means division or house and uttam/uttama which translates to ‘good’, ‘great’ or
‘fine’. So Vargottama basically translates to ‘good division’. Now when exactly is a planet
considered to be vargottama or in a good division? As per our classical scriptures, the sages have
considered a planet to be vargottama when they occupy the same sign or rashi in the Lagna chart
(D1) as well as the Navamsa chart (D9). The vargottama status of a planet is believed to
strengthen and fortify the planet. The karakatwas of the vargottam planets as well as its ability to
do good or bad (as per its placement) increases manifold. Notwithstanding this belief, a
vargottam planet is usually held as powerful and a benefic as it proves to be more stable and
fixed in giving its effects. However, there are certain conditions to be kept in mind regarding the
effects of a vargottam planet.
A vargottam planet in a friendly, exalted, own or mooltrikona sign is always better than
one in an inimical or debilitated sign.
A vargottam planet owning a Kendra or trikona being placed in the 1/4/7/10/5/9 /11 is
better than being placed in dusthanas 6/8/12. Similarly, a dusthana lord vargottama does
better in 6/8/12.
Even though a debilitated vargottam planet is not considered so good, but still it confers
the planet the ability to use its resources to the optimum and master the qualities that is
represented by the sign it is placed in. So there is stability in the way it behaves because
for the virtue of it falling in a good division. For example, even though venus in virgo
vargottam will make the person to be overtly and critically practical about love or
relationships, it will still make venus master the other mercurian aspects like making the
person wise with blending creativity with analytical stuff and being wise and foresighted
in the aspect of financial matters,etc
A vargottam planet which is also ‘bhavottam’ is held to much more powerful in giving
results. Now, I find many people being confused about the concept of bhavottam.
Bhavottam is nothing but when a planet is in the same numbered house in both the lagna
chart as well as the divisional chart. For eg. If Jupiter is in cancer fourth house in both d1
and D9 its vargottam as well as bhavottam. However,if Jupiter is in cancer 4th house in
D1 and Pisces 4th house in D9 it is simply bhavottam.
If a vargottam planet also falls in pushkara bhag or pushkar navamsa, it further proves to
be benefic even if the planet is ill disposed or malefic in the chart. Again, the concept of
pushkar navamsa and pushkar bhaga might be new to many people here. The term
‘pushkar’ means ‘blue lotus’ in Sanskrit as well as ‘the one who nourishes’. Just like the
lotus blooms in the mud , a planet in pushkaramsa becomes strong and gives good effects
even though it appears to be malefic in the chart. Pushkar navamsa and bhaga is nothing
but particular degrees or divisions in each rasi that are ruled by natural benefics ( Jupiter,
venus, moon, mercury). Each sign has two pushkar navamsas spanning particular
degrees. Therefore a planet in pushkar navamsa will only fall in signs owned by the
aforementioned planets in D9 and not the ones by natural malefics.
I will be particularly discussing the concept of pushkar navamsa in details in my next
article as it is a very deep and detailed subject and will need ample time and effort before
to pen it down.
Now that we know the conditions for determining the strength of vargottam planets, let
us see what are the effects of particular planets being vargottam
When the sun is vargottam the person has leadership qualities and if it occupies
Kendra good chances of working for the government.
With moon vargottam a person is emotionally intelligent and has attributes such as
empathy, caring, feeling and healing other’s pain like a mother.
With Jupiter vargottam the person is wise and righteous. He is very knowledgeable
and always follows dharma.
With venus vargottam a person knows how to appreciate beauty, is creative and
artistic, having wealth and luxury.
With mars vargottam the native is courageous and valorous, always ready to take
action. Good army, commander.
With Mercury vargottam, the native is very intelligent and good in learning. He could
be a teacher/professor.
With Saturn vargottam, the native might be a strict disciplinarian and does his work
with utmost sincerity and responsibility. They are good in management and
Besides this, if the lagna is vargottam the overall strength of the chart increases. It
gives the person recognition and leadership qualities and ability to cope with any
Thus, above are some of the qualities of vargottam planets. Though I had recalled
some of the materials I had previously read, most of the things have been written as
per my own understanding and in my own language. I would leave you with few
links below which have added to my knowledge and you can refer to for more
detailed information regarding vargottam planets. Have a wonderful Sunday
Navamsa or the D/9 chart in astrology. (n.d.). Retrieved December 23, 2018, from
Friedman, H. (n.d.). Divisional Charts. Retrieved December 23, 2018, from
Interpretation of navamsa and pushkar navamsa. (n.d.). Retrieved December 23, 2018, from
Pushkar Navamsa and Pushkar bhaga. (n.d.). Retrieved December 23, 2018, from Vaidika Samhita: