Syllabus of MSC Mathematics CUJ

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Programme structure for Two years MSc degree programme in Mathematics
L – Lecture, T- Tutorial, P – Practical (Lab), Cr – Credits.


S. Course Code Course Title CR


1 MMA 111010 Complex Analysis 3 1 0 4

2 MMA 111020 Differential Equations 3 1 0 4

3 MMA 111030 Mathematical Analysis 3 1 0 4

4 MMA 111040 Abstract Algebra 3 1 0 4

5 MMA 111050 Fundamentals of Computers and C 2 0 2 4

Total Credits 20


S. Course Code Course Title CR


1 MMA 121010 Metric Spaces and Topology 3 1 0 4

2 MMA 121020 Linear Algebra 3 1 0 4

3 MMA 121030 Numerical Analysis 3 1 0 4

4 MMA 121040 Number Theory 3 1 0 4

5 MMA 121050 Statistics - I 3 1 0 4

Total Credits 24


S. Course Code Course Title CR

o. L T P

1 MMA 211010 Functional Analysis 3 1 0 4

2 MMA 211020 Classical Mechanics 3 0 1 4

3 MMA 211030 Calculus of Variations and Integral 3 1 0 4

4 Elective – I 3 1 0 4
5 Elective – II 3 1 0 4

Total Credits 20


S. Course Code Course Title CR


1 MMA 221010 Partial Differential Equations 3 0 1 4

2 MMA 221020 Differential Geometry 3 1 0 4

3 Elective – III 3 1 0 4

4 MMA 223030 M.Sc. – Project 8

Total Credits 20

List of Electives for 3rd and 4th Semesters

S. Course Code Course Title CR

o. L T P

1 Discrete Mathematics 3 1 0 4

2 Optimization Techniques 3 1 0 4

3 Field Theory 3 1 0 4

4 Cryptography 3 1 0 4

5 Relational Database Management 3 0 1 4

6 Java programming 3 0 1 4

7 Theory and Applications of Fuzzy Sets 3 1 0 4

8 Operator Theory 3 1 0 4

9 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis 3 0 1 4

10 Statistics-II 3 1 0 4

11 Fluid Dynamics 3 1 0 4

12 Coding Theory 3 1 0 4

13 Algebraic Number Theory 3 1 0 4

14 Artificial Intelligent and Hybrid Systems 3 1 0 4

15 Operating System 3 1 0 4

16 Theory of Computations 3 1 0 4
17 Statistics - III 3 1 0 4

18 Difference Equations and Discrete 3 1 0 4

Dynamical Systems

19 Numerical Linear Algebra 3 1 0 4

Complex Analysis (3-1-0 4)
Basic algebraic properties of complex numbers, Exponential form, Roots of complex numbers.
Functions of a complex variable, mappings, Cauchy-Riemann equations, sufficient conditions
for differentiability, Analytic functions, Harmonic functions. Elementary functions: The
exponential, logarithm functions, branches and derivatives of logarithms. Complex exponents,
trigonometric, hyperbolic functions and their inverses.
Integrals: Complex integrals, Upper bounds for moduli of contour integrals, Cauchy’s theorem,
Cauchy’s integral formula, Liouvilles’ theorem and fundamental theorem of algebra, maximum
modulus principle. Series: Classification of singularities. Representations of holomorphic
functions in terms of power series, Meromorphic functions, zeros and poles, Laurent
expansions. Residues and Poles: poles and zeroes, Cauchy’s residue theorem, Residue at
infinity, Residue at poles. Evaluation of improper integrals and definite integrals using contour
integration. Argument principle and Rouche’s theorem. Mapping by Elementary functions:
Linear transformations, linear fractional transformations, other mappings by elementary
functions. Conformal mapping: Preservation of angles, transformations of harmonic functions
and boundary conditions. Applications of conformal mappings.


1. R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown: Complex Variables and Applications, 8th edition, McGraw Hill, 2009.

2. L. Ahlfors: Complex Analysis: an Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions of One Complex
Variable, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1979.
3. E.T. Copson: Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, Oxford University Press, 1970.
4. J.B. Conway: Functions of One Complex Variable, 2nd edition, Narosa, 1973.
5. D. Sarason: Complex Function Theory, 2nd edition, Hindustan Publishing Company, 2008.
6. M.J. Ablowitz: Complex Variables Introduction and Applications, 2nd edition, Cambridge University
Press, 2003.
7. S. Ponnusamy and H. Silverman: Complex Variables with Applications, Birkh¨auser, 2006.

Differential Equations (3-1-0 4)

Existence and uniqueness of solution to first order ordinary differential equation, Picard’s
iteration. Systems of first order differential equations, Trial solution method for a linear
system with constant coefficients and Eigen value technique.
Simultaneous differential equations. Total (or Pfaffian) differential equations.
Orthogonal functions. Equations with regular singular points, power series solutions,
Frobenius method. Bessel’s Equation, Legendre equation, Hermite equation, Laguerre equation,
Hypergeometric equation.
Sturm–Liouville problems and eigenfunction expansions: The Sturm–Liouville problem, Inner
product spaces and orthonormal systems, basic properties of Sturm–Liouville eigenfunctions
and eigenvalues, Nonhomogeneous equations, Nonhomogeneous boundary conditions,
Green's functions.
Elements of Fourier analysis: The Fourier series of a function, convergence of Fourier series,
Fourier Integral, Fourier transform and their convergence.


M. Braun: Differential Equations and Their Applications, 3rd edition, Springer, 1983.
2. S. Padhy and J. Sinha Roy: A Course in Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, 3rd
edition, Kalyani, 2003.
3. W. E. Boyce and R. C. DiPrima: Elementary Differential Equation, 8th edition, Wiley,
4. C. H. Edwards and D. E. Penney: Elementary Differential Equations, 6th edition,
Pearson, 2008.
5. J.R. Hanna and J.H. Rowland: Fourier series, Transforms, and Boundary Value
Problems, Wiley, 1990.
6. J.W. Brown and R.V. Churchill: Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems, 7th
edition, McGraw Hill, 2008.
7. A. Vretblad: Fourier Analysis and its Applications, Springer, 2003.
8. E.A. Coddington and R. Carlson: Linear Ordinary Differential Equations, SIAM, 1997.

Mathematical Analysis (3-1-0 4)

Unit I Uniform Converengence
Sequence of functions- point wise versus uniform convergence for a function defined on an
interval of ℝ, Integration of a limit of a sequence of functions. The Weierstrass’ approximation
theorem. Periodic functions.

UNIT II – Functions of Several Variables

Derivative of a function from an open subset of Rn into Rm as a linear transformation. Chain
rule. Partial derivatives. Taylor’s theorem. Inverse function theorem. Implicit function theorem,

Unit III Measure Theory

Measure and outer measure Measure induced by an outer measure. Extension of a measure.
Uniqueness of extension, Completion of a measure, Lebesgue outer mearure, Measurable sets,
non-Lebesgue measures.
Measure theory on ℝ, measurable functions, Borel sets, Lebesgue integration and
convergence theorems.


1. N.L. Carothers: Real Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

2. G. F. Simmons: Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill,
3. P. K. Jain and V. P. Gupta: Lebesgue Measure and Integration, New Age International
(P) Ltd., 2000.
4. G. De. Barra: Introduction to Measure Theory, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2000.
5. H. L. Royden and P. Fitzpatrick: Real Analysis, 4 edition, PHI, 2010.

Abstract Algebra (3-1-0 4)

Unit I
Groups: Quick review of basic ideas of Group Theory, Sylow's theorems and their applications,
Finitely generated abelian groups.
Unit II
Rings and ideals: Quick review in Commutative rings, Nilradical, Jacobson radical, Extension
and Contraction, UFD, PID and ED, Rings of Fractions, Noetherian rings, Primary
Unit III
Modules: Introduction, Submodules and Quotient modules, Direct sum and Product, Finitely
generated modules, Exact sequences, Tensor product of modules, Noetherian and Artinian
modules, Modules of Fractions.
1. M. Atiyah: Introduction to Commutative Algebra, Westview Press, 1994.

2. D.S. Dummit and R.M. Foote: Abstract Algebra, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2003.
3. O. Zariski and P. Samuel: Commutative Algebra I. Vol. 1, Springer, 1975.
4. P. B. Bhattacharya, S. K. Jain, S. R. Nagpaul: Basic Abstract Algebra, 2 edition, Cambridge,

Fundamentals of Computer and C Programming (3-0-1 4)

Introduction to computers, generations of computer, processors, memory hierarchy and I/O

devices, System and application software, generation of languages, compiler, interpreter,
assembler, Number systems, computer arithmetic.
Flow Charting, Sequential, Branching & Iterative.
Introduction to ‘C’ as Programming Language, An overview of a ‘C’ programme, ‘C’ character
set, ‘C’ tokens, ‘C’ key words, Data Types (Primary, derived & user defined), Storage classes,
symbolic constants, operators (arithmetic, logical & relational), Flow of control (if- else, switch-
case; while, do-while & for-loops).
Functions (UDF, String Functions, Mathematical functions)
Recursion, pointers, array (2-D & 3-D), Strings, pre-processor directives, structures, linked list
file handling.
C-lab: Execution of a simple programme, Conditional & Un-conditional Branching, Loops,
Functions (Interactive & Recursive), Arrays (2-D & 3-D), Structures, Linked Lists, File I/O.


1. B.W. Kernighan, D.M. Ritchie: The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall India, 1990.
2. Y.P. Kanetkar: Let us C, BPB Publications, 2002.
3. E. Balagurusamy: Programming in ANSI C, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill.

Statistics- I

Introduction to Probability: Concept of Random Experiment, Sample Space, Event, Definitions
of Probability, Conditional Probability, Independent events and Mutually exclusive events.
Addition and Multiplication Theorems, Bayes’ Theorem.
Random Variables and Probability Distributions: Concept of a random variable, Discrete and
Continuous Random Variables, Distribution Function, Probability Mass and Density Functions,
Mathematical Expectation, Moment Generating Function, Characteristic Function, Probability
Generating Function, Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions such as Bernoulli,
Binomial, Negative Binomial, Geometric, Hyper-Geometric, Poisson, Multinomial, Uniform,
Exponential, Beta, Gamma and Normal.

Joint Probability Distributions: Introduction, Joint Distribution for Two Dimensional Random
Variables, Marginal Distributions, Conditional Distributions, Covariance, Conditional
Expectation, Independence of Random Variables, Distribution of Sum of Two Independent
Random Variables.
Sampling Distributions: Sampling Distribution based on Normal Random Variables, t-
Distribution, Chi-Square Distribution, F- Distribution, Order Statistics and their Distributions,
Bivariate Normal Distribution, Multivariate Normal Distribution.

Correlation and Regression Analysis: Introduction, Types of Correlation, Karl Pearson’s
Coefficient of Correlation, Spearman’s Rank Correlation, Multiple and Partial Correlation,
Linear Regression Model, Regression Coefficient and its Properties, Computation of
Regression Equation, Multiple Regression Analysis.
Stochastic Process: Introduction, Poisson Process, Birth and Death Process, Markov Chain,
Transition Probabilities, Classification of States, Stationary Process.

Texts/ References
1. S.M. Ross: Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists,
Academic Press, 4th Edition, 2010.

2. W.W. Hines, D.C. Montgomery, D.M. Goldsman, and C.M. Borror: Probability and
Statistics in Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, 4 Edition, 2007.

3. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand and
Sons, 2007.

4. A.M. Goon, M.K. Gupta, B. Dasgupta: Fundamental of Statistics, Vol. I, II, World Press,

5. V.K. Rohatgi and A.K. Ehsanes Saleh: An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, John
Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2003.

6. G. Casella and R.L. Berger: Statistical Inference, Cengage Learning, 3rd Edition, 2008.

7. J. Medhi: Stochastic Processes, New Age Publication, 2nd Edition, 2002.

Semester II

Metric Spaces and Topology (3-1-0 4)

Unit I Metric Spaces
Review of compact metric spaces, Banach’s contraction principle and its use in the proofs of
Picard’s theorem, inverse & implicit function theorems.
Baire category theorem and some of its applications in analysis of C(X) as a complete metric
space when X is a compact metric space. Stone- Weierstrass theorem and Arzela-Ascoli
theorem for C(X).

Unit II Topology.
Topological Spaces: Introduction, open set topology, Basis, Subbasis, closed sets and closure,
Order Topology, Product Topology, Subspace Topology, Quotient Topology, Metric Topology,
Continous functions, Homeomorphisms, Open and Closed Maps.
Connectedness and Compactness: Connected and Path Connected Spaces, Components and
Path Components, Local Connectedness, Compact Spaces, Local compact spaces, Heine
Borel Theorem, Tychonoff Theorem.
Countability and Seperation Axioms: Countability Axioms, Separation Axioms, Urysohn
Lemma, Urysohn Metrization Theorem, Tietze extension Theorem.

J. R. Munkres: Topology, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.

J. Dugundji: Topology, Universal Book Stall, New Delhi, 1990.
G. F. Simmons: Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill
edition, 2004.
M. D. Crossley: Essential Topology, Springer International Edition, 2008.

Linear Algebra (3-1-0, 4)

A Quick review of matrices : Algebra of matrices, determinants, rank and nullity of matrices,
system of linear equations, Symmetric, orthogonal and other special types of matrices,
eigenvalues and eigen vectors of matrices, minimal and char. polynomial of a matrix, similar
matrices, diagonalizable matrices.

Finite dimensional vector spaces over a field: Linear span, linear dependence and
independence, basis and dimension. Linear transformation and rank-nullity theorem . Matrix
representation of a Linear transformation. Matrix of Change of basis, algebra of linear
operators, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, minimal and char. polynomial of a linear operator,
Cayley-Hamilton theorem, transformation of linear operators to canonical forms: diagonal,
triangular and Jordan forms.

Inner product spaces, Orthogonality, Gram-Schmidt ortogonalisation process, norms of

vectors and matrices, linear functional, dual spaces, adjoint of an operator, normal, unitary,
Hermitian and skew-Hermitian operators, Quadratic forms, reduction and classification of
quadratic forms, Positive definite and negative definite matrices,


1. P. D. Lax: Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2nd edition, Wiley, 2007.
2. R. A. Horn and C.R. Johnson: Matrix Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
3. K. Hoffman and R. Kunze: Linear Algebra, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1971.
4. P. R. Halmos: Finite-dimensional Vector Spaces, Springer, 1974.
5. C.D. Meyer: Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra, SIAM, 2000.
6. S.L. Campbell and C.D. Meyer: Generalized Inverses of Linear Transformations, SIAM,
7. A. J. Laub: Matrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers, SIAM, 2004.
8. H. Anton and C.Rorres: Elementary Linear Algebra, Wiley India Edition 2009.
9. V. Krishnamurthy, V.P Mainra and J.L Arora: An Introduction to Linear Algebra, East-
West Press, New Delhi 2011.

Complex Analysis (3-1-0 4)

Basic algebraic properties of complex numbers, Exponential form, Roots of complex numbers.
Functions of a complex variable, mappings, Cauchy-Riemann equations, sufficient conditions
for differentiability, Analytic functions, Harmonic functions. Elementary functions: The
exponential, logarithm functions, branches and derivatives of logarithms. Complex exponents,
trigonometric, hyperbolic functions and their inverses.
Integrals: Complex integrals, Upper bounds for moduli of contour integrals, Cauchy’s theorem,
Cauchy’s integral formula, Liouvilles’ theorem and fundamental theorem of algebra, maximum
modulus principle. Series, Classification of singularities. Representations of holomorphic
functions in terms of power series, Meromorphic functions, zeros and poles, Laurent
expansions. Residues and Poles, poles and zeroes, Cauchy’s residue theorem, Residue at
infinity, Residue at poles. Evaluation of improper integrals and definite integrals using contour
integration. Argument principle and Rouche’s theorem. Mapping by Elementary functions:
Linear transformations, linear fractional transformations, other mappings by elementary
functions. Conformal mapping: Preservation of angles, transformations of harmonic functions
and boundary conditions. Applications of conformal mappings.

1. R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown: Complex Variables and Applications, 8 edition, McGraw Hill,
2. L. Ahlfors: Complex Analysis: an Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions of
One Complex Variable, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1979.
3. E.T. Copson: Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, Oxford University Press, 1970.
4. J.B. Conway: Functions of One Complex Variable, 2 edition, Narosa, 1973.
5. D. Sarason: Complex Function Theory, 2 edition, Hindustan Publishing Company, 2008.
6. M.J. Ablowitz: Complex Variables Introduction and Applications, 2nd edition, Cambridge
University Press, 2003.
7. S. Ponnusamy and H. Silverman: Complex Variables with Applications, Birkh¨auser, 2006.

Numerical Analysis (3-1-0 4)

Interpolation Theory: Review of basic polynomial interpolation. Hermite Interpolation. The

general Hermite interpolation problem.
Approximation of functions: The Minimax and Least squares approximation problem.
Orthogonal polynomials, The Least squares approximation problem using orthogonal
polynomials. Minimax and Near-minimax approximations.
Numerical Integration: Review of Newton-Cotes integration formulas. Gaussian Quadrature.
Asymptotic error formulas and their applications. Automatic numerical integration. Multiple
Integrals, Singular integrals.
Ordinary differential equations: Numerical solutions of IVP – Difference equations, stability,
error and convergence analysis. Single step methods - Taylor series method, Euler method,
Picard’s method of successive approximation, Runge-Kutta method. Multi step methods –
Predictor-Corrector(PC) method, Euler PC method, Milne and Adams Moulton PC method.
System of first order ODE, higher order IVPs. Numerical solutions of BVP – Linear BVP, finite
difference methods, shooting methods, stability, error and convergence analysis, nonlinear
BVP, higher order BVP.

K. Atkinson: An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2nd edition, Wiley, 1989.
R.L. Burden, J.D. Faires: Numerical analysis, 7th edition, Brooks Cole, 2001.
Iserles: A first course in the numerical analysis of differential equations, Cambridge
University Press, 1996.
R. LeVeque: Finite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Steady-State and Time-Dependent Problems, SIAM, 2007.
L. N. Trefethen and D. Bau, III:Numerical Linear Algebra. Philadelphia, SIAM, 1997.
G. Sewell: The Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, 2 ed.,
Wiley, 2005.
J.M. Ortega: Numerical Analysis: A Second Course, SIAM, 1987.
E. Isaacson, H.B. Keller: Analysis of numerical methods, Dover, 1994.

Number Theory (3-1-0 4)

Unit I

Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, divisibility in Z, congruences, Chinese Remainder

Theorem, Euler’s Ø- function, primitive roots, Fermat's Little, Euler and Wilsons Theorem.

Unit II

Linear Conguence, Algebraic congruences of degree ≥2. Theorems on Prime Power

Modulus, Lagrange Theorem, Quadratic Congruences, Quadratic reciprocity law, two
square theorem, Primality Testing and Factoring.
Unit III

Simple continued fractions, Pell’s Equation, Diophantine Approximation. Arithmetical

functions. Sum and number of Divisors, Dirichlet Product, Mobius inversion formula,
Totally multiplicative functions.


1. G.H. Hardy and E.M. Wright: An Introduction to The Theory of Numbers, 6th edition, Oxford
University Press, 2008.
2. D.M. Burton: Elementary Number Theory, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005.
3. I. Niven, H.S. Zuckerman and H.L. Montgomery: An Introduction to The Theory of Numbers,
5th edition, Wiley, 1991.
4. T. M. Apostol: Introduction to Analytic Number Theory, Springer- Verlag, 1976.

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis ( 2-1-1 4 )

Unit I: Data and Algorithms

Introduction to Data, Information and structures of Data, Algorithms (Quick Review with
algorithm design techniques). Introducing uses of data structures in algorithms ( fundamental

Types of Data Structure: Linear and Non-Linear.

Array, Linked List. Stack, Queue (s), Graph (s) (Quick review to type and its properties) and
Trees (Binary and others), Priority Queue, Heaps (Binary). Stack and Queue using Array and
Linked List.

Unit II: Asymptotic analysis

Introduction to Algorithms' analysis, cost of algorithms in terms of steps (time) and space
Asymptotic Notations and analysing algorithms. growth of functions (Graph representation).
Recurrance and asymptotic notations, solving recurrances (Master theorem), Problems

Unit III: Algorithms and analysis

Searching: Linear, Binary, B-Tree, DFS, BFS, Binary Search Tree, AVL Search Tree, Hashing.
Sorting: Finding max, min and sorting, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Heap sort,
Quick sort, Merge sort, String sort.
Strassen’s matrix multiplication, Sum of subsets, Minimum spanning trees, Shortest Path

Computer Experiments using C Programming Language


1. Expert Data Structures with C by R.B. Patel; Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs by Niklaus Wirth; Prentice Hall, 1976.
3. Horowitz and Sahani: Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms.
4. T.H. Coremen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest and C. Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, 20th
Prentice Hall India, 2010.
5. Shaum’s Outline Series by Lipschutz; McGraw Hill Education P Ltd , New Delhi.

Statistics- II

Inequalities and Limit Theorems: Introduction, Markov’s Inequality, Chebyshev’s Inequality,
One-sided Chebyshev Inequality, Jensen’s Inequality, Random Sample, Modes of Convergence
of a sequence of random variables: Convergence in Distribution, Convergence in Probability,
Convergence Almost Sure; Weak Law of Large Numbers (WLLN), Strong Law of Large
Numbers (SLLN) and Central Limit Theorems (CLT).

Theory of Estimation: Introduction, Point Estimation and Interval Estimation, Methods of
Estimation: Method of Maximum Likelihood, Method of Moments; Properties of Estimators:
Unbiasedness, Consistency, Efficiency, Sufficiency; Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator
(MVUE), Cramer-Rao Inequality, Minimum Variance Bound (MVB) Estimator, Bayes Estimators.
Confidence Interval (CI) Estimation: Introduction, CI on Mean and Variance of a Normal
Distribution, CI on a Proportion, CI on the difference between Means for Paired Observations,
CI on the ratio of Variances of Two Normal Distributions, CI on the difference between Two

Tests of Hypotheses: Introduction, Statistical Hypotheses, Type-I and Type-II Errors, One-
Sided and Two-Sided Hypotheses, Tests of Hypotheses on the Mean of a Normal Distribution;
Variance Known as well as Unknown Cases, Tests of Hypotheses on the Variance of a Normal
Distribution, Tests of Hypotheses on a Proportion, Tests of Hypotheses on the Means of Two
Normal Distributions; Variances Known as well as Unknown Cases, The Paired t-Test, Tests
for Equality of two Variances, Tests of Hypotheses on two Proportions, Testing for Goodness
of Fit, Contingency Table Tests, Neyman-Pearson Theory of Testing of Hypotheses, Uniformly
Most Powerful Tests, Likelihood Ratio Tests, Unbiased Tests.

Texts/ References
1. S.M. Ross: Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists,
Academic Press, 4th Edition, 2010.

2. W.W. Hines, D.C. Montgomery, D.M. Goldsman, and C.M. Borror: Probability and
Statistics in Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, 4 Edition, 2007.

3. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand and
Sons, 2007.

4. A.M. Goon, M.K. Gupta, B. Dasgupta: Fundamental of Statistics, Vol. I, II, World Press,
5. V.K. Rohatgi and A.K. Ehsanes Saleh: An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, John
Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2003.

6. G. Casella and R.L. Berger: Statistical Inference, Cengage Learning, 3rd Edition, 2008.

7. S. Ross: A First Course in Probability, 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2010.


Functional Analysis (3-1-0 4)

Normed linear spaces: Finite dimensional normed spaces, Heine-Borel theorem, Riesz lemma,
Continuity of linear maps, Hahn-Banach extension theorem, Banach spaces, Dual spaces and
transposes, Uniform-boundedness principle and its applications; Spectrum of a bounded
Inner product spaces: Hilbert spaces, Orthonormal basis, Total Orthonormal Sets and
Sequences Projection theorem and Riesz representation theorem. Representation of
Functionals on Hilbert Spaces, Hilbert-Adjoint Operator, Self-Adjoint, Unitary and Normal
Operators, Open Mapping Theorem, Closed Graph Theorem.

E. Kreyszig: Introduction to Functional Analysis with Applications, Wiley, 1974.

J.B. Conway: A course in Functional Analysis, 2nd edition, Springer, Berlin, 1990.
A.N. Kolmogorov and S. Fomin: Elements of the theory of functions and functional
analysis, Dover, 1999.
A. Taylor and D. Lay: Introduction to Functional Analysis, 2nd edition, Wiley, 1980.

Classical Mechanics (3-1-0- 4)

Integrals of Motion : Ignorable Coordinates, Routhian function. Generalized coordinates,

Lagrange’s equations, Hamilton’s canonical equations, Hamilton’s
principle and principle of least action, Hamilton Jacobi equation, Possain and Lagrange's
Brackets, Canonical transformation'. Two-dimensional motion of rigid bodies, Euler’s
equations for the motion of a rigid body about a fixed point, theory of small oscillations.


T. Greenwood: Classical Dynamics, Dover, 1997.

H. Goldstein, C.R. Poole and J. Safko: Classical Mechanics, 3 Edition, Pearson India,
E. T. Whittaker: A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies:
With an Introduction to the Problem of Three Bodies, 4th edition, CUP, 1989.
L. D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz: Mechanics, 3 edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1976.
H. C. Corben and P. Stehle: Classical Mechanics, 2 edition, Dover Publications, 1994.
J. B. Marion and S.T. Thornton: Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 5
edition, Cengage Learning, 2003.
V. I. Arnold and A. Weinstein: Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, 2 edition,
Springer, 1989.

Calculus of Variations and Integral Equations (3-1-0 4)

Calculus of Variations: Introduction, problem of brachistochrone, problem of geodesics,

isoperimetric problem,Variation and its properties, functions and functionals, Comparison
between the notion of extrema of a function and a functional. Variational problems with the
fixed boundaries, Euler's equation, special cases containing only some of the variables,
Invariance of the Euler-Lagrange Equation, Functionals Containing Higher-Order Derivatives,
Euler- Poisson equation, Functionals Containing Several Dependent Variables, System of
Euler's equation, Functionals containing several independent variables, Ostrogradsky equation.
Variational problems in parametric form, applications to differential equations. The
Isoperimetric Problem and some of their generalizations. Applications to Eigenvalue Problems.
Holonomic and Nonholonomic Constraints. Variational problems with moving boundaries,
pencil of extremals, Transversality condition. Extremals with corners, refraction of extremals,
examples, One-sided variations, conditions for one sided variations, Field of extremals, central
field of extremals, The Hamiltonian Formulation, Jacobi's condition. The Weierstrass function,
a weak extremum, a strong extremum. The Legendre condition, Conjugate Points, Variational
methods for boundary value problems in ordinary and partial differential equations.

Integral Equations: Introduction and basic examples, Classification, Conversion of Volterra

Equation to ODE, Conversion of IVP and BVP to Integral Equation, Successive approximation,
Successive substitution methods for Fredholm Integral Equations, series solution, successive
approximation, successive substitution method for Volterra Integral Equations, Volterra
Integral Equation of first kind, Integral Equations with separable Kernel, Fredholm's first,
second and third theorem, Integral Equations with symmetric kernel, Eigen functions
expansion, Hilbert-Schmidt theorem, Fredholm and Volterra Integro-Differential equation,
Singular Integral Equation.


1. B. Brunt: The Calculus of Variations, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004.

2. F. Y. M. Wan: Introduction to the Calculus of Variations and its Applications, 2
edition, Chapman & Hall, 1995.
3. M. Gelfand and S. V. Fomin: Calculus of Variations, Prentice Hall, 1963.
4. R. Weinstock: Calculus of Variations with Applications to Physics and Engineering,
Dover, 1974.
5. R. Courant and D. Hilbert: Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol I. John Wiley & Sons,
6. L.E. Elsgolc: Calculus of Variations, Pergamon Press Ltd., 1962.
7. D. Porter and D. S. G. Stirling: Integral Equations - A Practical Treatment from
Spectral Theory and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
8. C. Cordumeanu: Integral Equations and Applications, Cambridge University Press,
9. S. G. Mikhlin: Integral Equations, Hindustan Publishing Co., 1960.
10. E. G. Tricomi: Integral Equations, Interscience, 1957.
11. F. B. Hildebrand: Methods of Applied Mathematics, 2 edition, Prentice Hall,

Discrete Mathematics (3,1,0 4)

Unit I

Pigeon Hole Principle, Inclusion Exclusion Principle, Techniques of Counting, Recurrence


Unit II

Mathematical Logic, Truth Table, Introduction to Lattice theory, Boolean algebra with
application to switching circuits.

Unit III

Introduction to Graph Theory, Basic terms of graph theory, handshaking theorem, Eulerian
Graph, Hamiltonian Graph, Planar Graph, Colouring of Graphs, Colouring problem, Five colour


1. K. D. Joshi: Foundations of Discrete Mathematics, New Age International Pb., 1996.

2. R. A. Brualdi, Introductory Combinatorics, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
3. R. J. Wilson, Introduction to Graph Theory, Fifth edition, Printice Hall, 2010.
4. A. Bondy, U. S. R. Murty, Graph Theory, Springer Verlag, 2008.
5. J. P. Tremblay and R. Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Application to
Computer Science, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Optimization Techniques

Linear Programming: Introduction, Linear Programming Problem (LPP) and its formulation,
Graphical method for solving LPP, Basic Feasible Solution, Simplex Method, Big-M and Two-
phase methods, Degeneracy, Alternative Optimal Solution, Unbounded Solution, Infeasible
Solution, Dual Problem and Duality Theorems, Dual Simplex Method and its application in post
-optimality analysis.

Transportation and Assignment Problems: Introduction, Transportation algorithm,
Mathematical formulation, Balanced and Unbalanced Transportation Problems, Vogel’s
approximation method for solving Transportation Problems, Hungarian method for solving
Assignment Problems.
Queueing and Inventory Theory: Introduction, Queueing System, Elements of a Queueing
System, Operating Characteristics, Probability distributions in Queueing Systems, Elementary
Queueing and Inventory Models, Steady-state solutions of Markovian Queueing Models:
M/M/1, M/M/1 with limited waiting space, M/M/C, M/M/C with limited waiting space, M/G/1.

Texts/ References
1. E.K.P. Chong and S.H. Zak: An Introduction to Optimization, 2nd edition, Wiley, 2001.

2. D.G. Luenberger, Y. Ye: Linear and Nonlinear Programming, 3rd edition, Springer, 2008.

3. A.Ravindran, K.M. Ragsdell, G.V. Reklaitis: Engineering Optimization, 2nd edition, Wiley,

4. H.A. Taha: Operations Research: An Introduction, 8th edition, Prentice Hall, 2007.

5. K. Swarup, P.K. Gupta and M. Mohan: Operations Research, Sultan Chand and Sons,

Field Theory (3-1-0 4)

Unit I
Fields, finite fields, Polynomial rings and irreducibility criteria. Field extensions, Algebraic field
Unit II
Normal and Separable Extensions, Galois extensions, Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.
Unit III
Constructibility by ruler and compass, Solvability by radicals, Insolvability of the general quintic
by radicals.

1. P. B. Bhattacharya, S. K. Jain, S. R. Nagpaul: Basic Abstract Algebra, 2 edition, Cambridge,
2. M. Artin: Algebra, Prentice Hall India, 2009.
3. S. Lang: Algebra, 3 edition, Springer, 2002.
4. J. Rotman: Galois Theory, 2 edition, Springer, 2006.
5. P. Morandi: Field and Galois Theory, Springer, 2010.
6. I. S. Luthar and I. B. S. Passi: Algebra 4 - Field Theory, Narosa, 2004.

Cryptography (3-1-0 4)

Introduction to basic terminologies associated with Cryptography, Definition and classification

of Cryptosystem, Classical crypto systems, Description of rail fence cipher, Simple Columnar
cipher, Caesar cipher, Linear cipher, Affine linear cipher, Distinction between Substitution
cipher and Permutation cipher. Classical cipher as particular case of Affine linear cipher,
Insecurity of Affine linear cipher, Block cipher and different modes of implementation of Block
cipher, Stream cipher, Feistel cipher, DES (Data Encryption Standard) and AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard).
Public Key cryptosystems, Need for Public Key cryptosystems, Description of RSA, Rabin
cryptosystem, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, ElGamal cryptosystem, Cryptanalysis of Public
Key cryptosystem, Digital signatures, Introduction to Elliptic curve cryptography, Perfect
security and Shanon’s Theorem. Mathematical problems related to cryptography, Division
Algorithm and extended Division Algorithm, Calculation of Units in Z/nZ, Fast Exponentiation,
Factoring problem, Different factorisation Algorithms, Discrete Log Problem, Discussion of
different algorithms for finding discrete log.
Lab Component: Cryptography Lab in C (at least 10 Sessions), Use of Sage software.

J. A. Buchmann: Introduction to Cryptography, Springer, 2004.
N. Koblitz: A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography, Springer, 1994.
M. Welschenbach: Cryptography in C and C++, 2nd edition, Apress, 2002.

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) (3-0-1 4)

Unit 1: Data and Database Management System, the Database Life Cycle, the Relational Model.
ER Model: Entities, Relationship, Attributes, Degree of Relationship connectivity, attributes of a
relationship. Concepts of Generalization, Specialization & Aggregation. Concepts of FD.
Normalisation: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF & BCNF, lossless join, dependency preservation.
Unit 2: Relational Algebra & Calculus. Transforming the Conceptual Data Model to SQL
Storage using RAID architecture. B-tree and B+-tree Index Files. Measures of Query Cost &
overview of query evaluation.
Unit 3: Transaction concept, Concurrency Control, Database Recovery.

Laboratory: Types of SQL commands: DDL, DML, DQL & DCL. Tables: create, alter, drop. View:
creating view, Data query and manipulation with view. Testing for NULL and when not to use
NULL. Aggregate Functions: Count(), SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), MIN(). Select Statement,
Subquaries, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operation. Joins: Natural join, Self join, outer join
and Cartesian product. Data security: GRANT and REVOKE.


T. J. Teorey et al.: Database Modelling and Design: Logical Design, 4th Edition, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2005.
A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth and S. Sudarshan: – Database System Concepts, 6 edition,
McGraw Hill, 2010.
A. Leon, M. Leon: SQL A Complete Reference, McGraw Hill, 1999.

JAVA Programming (3-0-1-4)

History of java, Features of java, JVM Architecture, Data Types, Operators, Arrays, Command
Line Arguments, OOPS in java, Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Packages, Access modifiers,
Access Specifiers, Exception Handling, Applet, Multithreading, Streams(File I/O), Introduction
to AWT, Introduction to Collection Framework (java.util.*), String Handling.
Lab: JAVA lab.

1. H. Schildt: The complete Reference, 8th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.

2. K. Sierra, B. Bates; SCJP Sun certified Programmer for java 6 study Guide, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2008.

3. E. Balagurusamy: Programming with java, 4th Edition Tata McGraw Hill 2009.

Theory and Applications of Fuzzy Sets (3-1-0 4)

Basic concepts of fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, operations on fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations,
equivalence and similarity relations, ordering, morphisms, fuzzy relation equations, fuzzy
measures, probability measures, possibility and necessity measures, measures of uncertainty,
dissonance, confusion and nonspecificity. Principles of uncertainty and information.
Applications of fuzzy sets in management, decision making, computer science and systems

T. J. Ross: Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2010.
1. G. J. Klir and B. Yuan: Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic Theory and Applications,
Prentice Hall, 1995.
2. G. Chen and T. Pham: Introduction to Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic, and Fuzzy
Control Systems, CRC, 2000.
3. H. J. Zimmermann: Fuzzy Set Theory - and Its Applications, 2nd edition,
Springer, 1991.

Operator Theory (3-1-0 4)

Unit I-Linear Operators, self adjoint operators and compact operators.

Unit II- Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Spectrum, spectral theorem, Sturm-Liouville systems, and
the Fredoholm alternative.
Unit III- Nonlinear operators, variational inequalitites, complimentarity problems.

1. B. Choudhary and S. Nanda: Functional Analysis with Applications, Wiley, 1989.
2. E. Kreyszig: Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, Wiley, 1978.
3. N. Dunford and J. T. Schwartz: Linear Operators, Part I-III, Wiley, 2009.
4. G. Bachman and L. Narici: Functional analysis, AP, 1966.

Partial Differential Equations (3-1-0 4)

Introduction to partial differential equations.Solution of linear and nonlinear partial differential

equations of order one. Introduction to Cauchy’s problem.Homogeneous and non-
homogeneous linear partial differential equations.

Classification of partial differential equations, reduction to canonical or normal form.Monge’s

method, second order Cauchy Problem.
Wave equation:d’Alembert solution of the Cauchy problem, the characteristic triangle, Fourier
series solution. A Wave equation in two space dimensions, The Kirchhoff-Poisson solution,
Hadamard’s method of Descent.
Heat Equation: The Cauchy problem and initial conditions, Solution of homogenous and non-
homogenous problem, heat kernel. the heat equation in two space variables.
Laplace’s equation: Dirichlet and Neumann Problems Harmonics functions, Dirichlet
problems, Poisson’s integral representation, The Neumann problem, Green’s function,
conformal techniques, existence theorems, solutions by Eigen function expansions.

Elliptic equations: Existence of weak solutions, The maximum principle, Green’s identities.


1. P.V. O’Neil: Beginning Partial Differential Equations, 2nd edition, Wiley, 2008.
2. Y. Pinchover and J. Rubinstein: An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations,
Cambridge University Press, 2005.
3. R. Haberman: Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary
Value Problems, 4th edition, Pearson, 2004.
4. M. D. Raisinghania: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, 12th edition, S. Chand,
5. R. Agarwal and D. O'Regan: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. With Special
Functions, Fourier Series, Boundary Value Problems, Springer 2009.
6. L.C. Evans: Partial Differential Equations, AMS, 1998.
7. E. A. Coddington and N. Levinson: Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, Tata
McGraw Hill, 1987.

Differential Geometry (3-1-0 4)

Quick review to Curves and Surfaces (at most 5 classess).

Manifolds, Smooth maps and diffeomorphisms, Tangent Spaces to a manifold, Derivatives of
smooths maps, Immersions and submersions, submanifolds, Vector fields, Flows and
exponential map, Frobenius theorem, Lie groups and Lie algebras, Homogeneous spaces,
Multilinear algebra, Exterior algebra, Tensor fields, Exterior derivative, Lie derivatives.
Orientable manifolds, Integration on manifolds, Stokes’ theorem, Tangent Bundles and Vector

S. Kumaresan: A Course in Differential Geometry and Lie Groups, Hindustan Book

Agency, 2002.
1. J. R. Munkres: Analysis on Manifolds, Westview Press, 1997.
2. S. Lang: Introduction to Differentiable Manifold, 2 edition, Springer, 1927.
3. L. Auslander and R. E. Mackenzie: Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds, Dover, 2009.

rd th
Electives for 3 and 4 Semesters
Discrete Mathematics (3,1,0 4)
Unit I

Pigeon Hole Principle, Inclusion Exclusion Principle, Techniques of Counting, Recurrence


Unit II

Mathematical Logic, Truth Table, Introduction to Lattice theory, Boolean algebra with
application to switching circuits.

Unit III

Introduction to Graph Theory, Basic terms of graph theory, handshaking theorem, Eulerian
Graph, Hamiltonian Graph, Planar Graph, Colouring of Graphs, Colouring problem, Five colour


1. K. D. Joshi: Foundations of Discrete Mathematics, New Age International Pb., 1996.

2. R. A. Brualdi, Introductory Combinatorics, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
3. R. J. Wilson, Introduction to Graph Theory, Fifth edition, Printice Hall, 2010.
4. A. Bondy, U. S. R. Murty, Graph Theory, Springer Verlag, 2008.
5. J. P. Tremblay and R. Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Application to
Computer Science, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Optimization Techniques

Linear Programming: Introduction, Linear Programming Problem (LPP) and its formulation,
Graphical method for solving LPP, Basic Feasible Solution, Simplex Method, Big-M and Two-
phase methods, Degeneracy, Alternative Optimal Solution, Unbounded Solution, Infeasible
Solution, Dual Problem and Duality Theorems, Dual Simplex Method and its application in post
-optimality analysis.

Transportation and Assignment Problems: Introduction, Transportation algorithm,
Mathematical formulation, Balanced and Unbalanced Transportation Problems, Vogel’s
approximation method for solving Transportation Problems, Hungarian method for solving
Assignment Problems.
Queueing and Inventory Theory: Introduction, Queueing System, Elements of a Queueing
System, Operating Characteristics, Probability distributions in Queueing Systems, Elementary
Queueing and Inventory Models, Steady-state solutions of Markovian Queueing Models:
M/M/1, M/M/1 with limited waiting space, M/M/C, M/M/C with limited waiting space, M/G/1.

Texts/ References
1. E.K.P. Chong and S.H. Zak: An Introduction to Optimization, 2nd edition, Wiley, 2001.

2. D.G. Luenberger, Y. Ye: Linear and Nonlinear Programming, 3rd edition, Springer, 2008.

3. A.Ravindran, K.M. Ragsdell, G.V. Reklaitis: Engineering Optimization, 2nd edition, Wiley,

4. H.A. Taha: Operations Research: An Introduction, 8th edition, Prentice Hall, 2007.

5. K. Swarup, P.K. Gupta and M. Mohan: Operations Research, Sultan Chand and Sons,

Field Theory (3-1-0 4)

Unit I
Fields, finite fields, Polynomial rings and irreducibility criteria. Field extensions, Algebraic field
Unit II
Normal and Separable Extensions, Galois extensions, Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.
Unit III
Constructibility by ruler and compass, Solvability by radicals, Insolvability of the general quintic
by radicals.

1. P. B. Bhattacharya, S. K. Jain, S. R. Nagpaul: Basic Abstract Algebra, 2 edition, Cambridge,
2. M. Artin: Algebra, Prentice Hall India, 2009.
3. S. Lang: Algebra, 3 edition, Springer, 2002.
4. J. Rotman: Galois Theory, 2 edition, Springer, 2006.
5. P. Morandi: Field and Galois Theory, Springer, 2010.
6. I. S. Luthar and I. B. S. Passi: Algebra 4 - Field Theory, Narosa, 2004.

Cryptography (3-1-0 4)

Introduction to basic terminologies associated with Cryptography, Definition and classification

of Cryptosystem, Classical crypto systems, Description of rail fence cipher, Simple Columnar
cipher, Caesar cipher, Linear cipher, Affine linear cipher, Distinction between Substitution
cipher and Permutation cipher. Classical cipher as particular case of Affine linear cipher,
Insecurity of Affine linear cipher, Block cipher and different modes of implementation of Block
cipher, Stream cipher, Feistel cipher, DES (Data Encryption Standard) and AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard).
Public Key cryptosystems, Need for Public Key cryptosystems, Description of RSA, Rabin
cryptosystem, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, ElGamal cryptosystem, Cryptanalysis of Public
Key cryptosystem, Digital signatures, Introduction to Elliptic curve cryptography, Perfect
security and Shanon’s Theorem. Mathematical problems related to cryptography, Division
Algorithm and extended Division Algorithm, Calculation of Units in Z/nZ, Fast Exponentiation,
Factoring problem, Different factorisation Algorithms, Discrete Log Problem, Discussion of
different algorithms for finding discrete log.
Lab Component: Cryptography Lab in C (at least 10 Sessions), Use of Sage software.

1. J. A. Buchmann: Introduction to Cryptography, Springer, 2004.
2. N. Koblitz: A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography, Springer, 1994.
3. M. Welschenbach: Cryptography in C and C++, 2nd edition, Apress, 2002.

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) (3-0-1 4)

Unit 1: Data and Database Management System, the Database Life Cycle, the Relational Model.
ER Model: Entities, Relationship, Attributes, Degree of Relationship connectivity, attributes of a
relationship. Concepts of Generalization, Specialization & Aggregation. Concepts of FD.
Normalisation: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF & BCNF, lossless join, dependency preservation.
Unit 2: Relational Algebra & Calculus. Transforming the Conceptual Data Model to SQL
Storage using RAID architecture. B-tree and B+-tree Index Files. Measures of Query Cost &
overview of query evaluation.
Unit 3: Transaction concept, Concurrency Control, Database Recovery.

Laboratory: Types of SQL commands: DDL, DML, DQL & DCL. Tables: create, alter, drop. View:
creating view, Data query and manipulation with view. Testing for NULL and when not to use
NULL. Aggregate Functions: Count(), SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), MIN(). Select Statement,
Subquaries, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operation. Joins: Natural join, Self join, outer join
and Cartesian product. Data security: GRANT and REVOKE.


1. T. J. Teorey et al.: Database Modelling and Design: Logical Design, 4th Edition,
Morgan Kaufmann, 2005.
2. A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth and S. Sudarshan: – Database System Concepts, 6
edition, McGraw Hill, 2010.
3. A. Leon, M. Leon: SQL A Complete Reference, McGraw Hill, 1999.

JAVA Programming (3-0-1-4)

History of java, Features of java, JVM Architecture, Data Types, Operators, Arrays, Command
Line Arguments, OOPS in java, Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Packages, Access modifiers,
Access Specifiers, Exception Handling, Applet, Multithreading, Streams(File I/O), Introduction
to AWT, Introduction to Collection Framework (java.util.*), String Handling.
Lab: JAVA lab.

1. H. Schildt: The complete Reference, 8th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.

2. K. Sierra, B. Bates; SCJP Sun certified Programmer for java 6 study Guide, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2008.

3. E. Balagurusamy: Programming with java, 4th Edition Tata McGraw Hill 2009.

Theory and Applications of Fuzzy Sets (3-1-0 4)

Basic concepts of fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, operations on fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations,
equivalence and similarity relations, ordering, morphisms, fuzzy relation equations, fuzzy
measures, probability measures, possibility and necessity measures, measures of uncertainty,
dissonance, confusion and nonspecificity. Principles of uncertainty and information.
Applications of fuzzy sets in management, decision making, computer science and systems

1. T. J. Ross: Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2010.
2. G. J. Klir and B. Yuan: Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic Theory and Applications,
Prentice Hall, 1995.
3. G. Chen and T. Pham: Introduction to Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic, and Fuzzy
Control Systems, CRC, 2000.
4. H. J. Zimmermann: Fuzzy Set Theory - and Its Applications, 2nd edition,
Springer, 1991.

Operator Theory (3-1-0 4)

Unit I-Linear Operators, self adjoint operators and compact operators.

Unit II- Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Spectrum, spectral theorem, Sturm-Liouville systems, and
the Fredoholm alternative.
Unit III- Nonlinear operators, variational inequalitites, complimentarity problems.

1. B. Choudhary and S. Nanda: Functional Analysis with Applications, Wiley, 1989.
2. E. Kreyszig: Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, Wiley, 1978.
3. N. Dunford and J. T. Schwartz: Linear Operators, Part I-III, Wiley, 2009.
4. G. Bachman and L. Narici: Functional analysis, AP, 1966.

Fluid Dynamics (MAT 411060) (3-1-0 4)

Lagrangian and Eularian description, stream lines, path lines, streak lines, vortex lines, vorticity
vector, equation of continuity, circulation, rotational and irrotational flows, boundary surface.
General equations of motion, Bernoulli’s theorem ( Compressible , incompressible flows)
Kelvin’s theorem (constancy of circulation). Stream function, complex potential, sources, sinks
and dublets, Circle theorem, Method of images. Theorem of Blasius. Viscuss flows- stress
analysis in fluid motion, relations between stress and rate of strain. Stoke’s stream function,
Spherical Harmonics and motion of a Sphere. Helmholtz’s vorticity equation (permanence of
vorticity) Vortx filaments, vortex pair. Navier-Stoke’s equations. Dissipation of energy.
Diffusion of vorticity, Steady flow between two infinite parallel plates, through a circular pipe
(Hagen Poiseuille flow).

R.W. Fox Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 7th edition, Wiley, 2009.
B.R. Munson Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 6th edition, Wiley, 2009.
A.K. Mohanty: Fluid Mechanics, 2nd edition, PHI, 2009.
M.D. Raisinghania: Fluid Dynamics, 9th edition, S. Chand, 2010.
F. Durst, Fluid Mechanics: An introduction to the Theory of Fluid Flows, Springer, 2008.

Coding Theory (3-1-0 4)

Unit I
The Communication Channel, The coding problem, Block codes, Hamming metric, Nearest
neighbour decoding, Linear codes, Generator and parity check matrices, dual codes, Standard
array decoding, Syndrome decoding, Permutation equivalent codes.
Unit II
Hamming codes, Golay codes, Reed–Muller codes, Codes derived from hadamard matrices.
Bounds on codes: Aq(n,d)and Bq(n,d), sphere packing bound, covering radius and perfect
codes. Singleton bound and MDS codes, Gilbert lower bound and Varshamov lower bound,
Plotkin bound.
Unit III
Finite fields, cyclotomic cosets and minimal polynomials. Cyclic codes: factoring xn−1, basic
theory of cyclic codes, Generator polynomial and check polynomial, minimum distance of
cyclic codes.
BCH bound, Encoding decoding of cyclic codes, Hamming and Golay codes as cyclic codes,
BCH codes, Reed-Soloman codes, Quadratic residue codes, Graphical codes, Convolutional

W.C. Huffman and V. Pless: Fundamentals of Error-correcting Codes, Cambridge
University Press, 2003.
S. Ling and C. Xing: Coding Theory - A First Course, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
E. R. Berlekamp: Algebraic Coding Theory, Aegean Park Press, 1984.
J. H. Van Lint: Introduction to Coding Theory, 3 edition, Springer, 1999.
R. Roth: Introduction to Coding Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
S. Roman: Introduction to Coding and Information Theory, Springer-Verlag, 1997.

Algebraic Number Theory (3-1-0 4)

Unit I
Algebraic Numbers and Algebraic Integers, Algebraic Number Fields, Integral Basis and
Discriminant, Ring of Integers in an Algebraic Number Field (with explicit calculations for
Quadratic & Cyclotomic fields).
Unit II
Divisibility in Algebraic Number Fields, Euclidean Fields, Group of Units in an Algebraic
Number Field, Divisibility in Quadratic Fields.
Unit III
Ideals, Divisors and Factors, Fundamental Theorem of Ideal Theory, Fractional Ideals, Inverse
of an Ideal, Congruences, Norm of an Ideal , The problem of ramification, Class numbers, The
Fermat conjecture.

Harry Pollard, Harold G. Diamond: The Theory of Algebraic Numbers, 3rd edition, Dover,
S. Alaca, K. S. Williams: Introductory Algebraic Number Theory, CUP, 2003.
E. Weiss: Algebraic Number Theory, Dover, 1998.

I. Stewart, D. Tall: Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat’s Last Theorem, 3rd edition, A K
Peters/CRC Press, 2001.
G. J. Janusz: Algebraic Number Fields, 2 edition, 1996.
Artificial Intelligent and Hybrid Systems ( 3-1-0 4 )

Unit I : Artificial Intelligence

Overview of AI, Knowledge representation, Mappings, Approaches and issues, Predicate logic,
Propositional logic, Procedural and declarative knowledge.
Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Relations, Fuzzy operations (on fuzzy sets), Fuzzy numbers
and arithmetics, Fuzzy Logic and Possibility Theory.
Problem space and searching techniques (Algorithms and Problem Practices): Heuristic
search technique (s), State Space Search, Graph Search, Search Based on Recursion, Pattern-
directed Search.

Unit II : Machine Learning

Introduction, training data, function approximation, Learning Input-Output Functions,
Performance Evaluation.
Learning (Algorithms and Problem Practices): Dicision Tree based, Error correction learning,
Supervised, Unsupervised, Hebbian learning, Clustering, K-Means Clustering, Credit
assignment problem, Bayes Theorem and Classification.

Unit III: Intelligent Systems

Introduction, Cognitive Science, Expert Systems, Stages in the Development, Probability-based
Expert Systems, Example of Chess game (Practice with 8-Queens problem)

Unit IV : Artificial Neural Networks

Neural network, human brain, model of an artificial neuron, mathematical preliminaries,
taxonomy of NN, classical artificial intelligence and neural network.
Artificial Neural Network: Feed-forward network, Feed-backward network, Recurrent Network,
Single Layer and Multi-layer Networks, Perceptron (example of Rosenblatt perceptron)
Single layer Perceptrons (Algorithms and Problem Practices): Adaptive Filtering Problem,
unconstrained optimization techniques, linear least square algorithm, perceptron convergence
Multilayer Perceptrons: Back propagation algorithm, XOR problem, output representation and
decision rule, back propagation and differentiation.
Geometry of Binary Threshold Neurons: Pattern recognition and data classification, convex
sets, convex hulls and linear separability, space of Boolean functions, binary neurons are
pattern dichotomizers, non-linear separable problems, capacity of a simple threshold logic
neurons, Re-visiting the XOR problem.

Unit V : Hybrid systems

Decision Making Systems, Neuro- fuzzy systems
1. Artificial Intelligence: Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, Mc-Graw Hill.
2. Introduction to AI & Expert Systems: Dan W. Patterson, PHI.
3. G. J. Klir & B. Yuan, Fuzzy sets & Fuzzy logic by PHI.
4. Introduction To Machine Learning, Nils J. Nilsson.
5. C. M. Bishop: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
6. S. Kumar: Neural Networks – A Classroom Approach, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.
7. Intelligent hybrid systems: Fuzzy logic, neural networks, and genetic algorithms, By Da Ruan,
Kluwer academic Publishers 1997.

Operating systems (3-1-0 4)

Unit1: Introduction to Operating Systems, Evolution, Types of OS. Processes: Concept of

processes, process scheduling, operations on processes, co-operating processes,
interprocess communication. Overview of Threads, benefits of threads, CPU scheduling
Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms (FCFS, SRTN, RR), Algorithm evaluation. Process
Synchronization, critical section problem, critical region, classical problems of synchronization,
semaphores. Deadlocks: Deadlock characterization, Methods to handle deadlocks, deadlock
(prevention, avoidance, detection, recovery).
Unit 2: Memory Management, logical vs. physical address space, swapping, contiguous
memory allocation, paging, segmentation, segmentation with paging. Virtual Memory, demand
paging, performance, page replacement, page replacement algorithms (FCFS, LRU), allocation
of frames, thrashing, Concept of Cache Memory.
Unit 3: File System concepts, access methods, directory structure, file system structure,
allocation methods (contiguous, linked and indexed) and free-space management. Disk
Management: disk structure, disk scheduling (FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN). Protection and
Laboratory: Basic Unix command, Simple shell scripts theory and lab.

1. A. S. Tanenbaum: Operating System Design and Implementation, 3 edition, Phi Learning,
2. A. Silberschatz, G. Gagne and P.B. Galvin: Operating System Concepts, Wiley, 2009.
3. D. M. Dhamdhere: Operating Systems - A Concept Based Approach, 3rd edition, 2012.
4. W. Stallings: Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 6th edition, Pearson
Education, 2009.
5. S. Das: Unix Concept and Application, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.

Theory of Computation (3-1-0 4)

Unit 1: Chomsky Hierarchy: regular grammars, unrestricted grammars, context sensitive

languages, relations between classes of languages. Finite Automata and Regular Expressions:
Deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, regular expressions, Two way finite
automata, finite automata with output: Mealy and Moore machines; Properties of Regular Sets:
Pumping lemma, closure properties, decision algorithm, MyHill-Nerode theorem and
minimization of finite automata.
Unit 2: Context-Free Grammars (CFG): CFGs, derivation trees, simplification, Chomsky normal
forms, Greibach normal forms; Pushdown Automata (PDA): Definitions, relationship between
PDA and context free languages, Properties of Context-Free Languages, Pumping lemma,
closure properties, decision algorithm; Turing Machines: The turing machine model,
computable languages and functions, techniques for turing machine construction,
modification of turing machines, Church’s hypothesis, Turing machines as enumerators;
Unit 3: Decidability: Decidable Languages, The Halting problem, Reducibility. Undecidability:
properties of recursive and recursively enumerable languages, universal Turing machines,
rice’s theorem, post correspondence problem, Greibach’s theorem, Introduction to recursive
function theory; Complexity Theory: Measuring complexity, The P, NP, NP-Hard and NP

K.L.P. Mishra and N. Chandrasekharan: Theory of Computer Science: Automata
Language and Computation, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd edition, 2007.
P. Linz: Introduction to Formal Language and Computation, Narosa, 2 edition, 2006.

M. Sipser: Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Thomson Learning, 2001.

J. Martin: Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, 3 edition,
McGraw Hill, 2002.

J. E. Hopcroft, R. Motwani and J.D. Ullman: Introduction to Automata Theory,

Languages and Computation, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2001.

Statistics III

Sampling Theory: Introduction, Concept of Population and Sample, Primary and Secondary
data, Methods of Collecting Primary data, Sampling frame, Sampling design, Determination of
sample size, Census and Sample Surveys, Sampling and Non-sampling errors, Simple Random
Sampling, Stratified Sampling, Systematic Sampling, Probability Proportional to Size (PPS)
Sampling, Ratio and Regression Methods of Estimation.
Design and Analysis of Experiments: Introduction, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Analysis
of Covariance (ANCOVA), Fixed, Random and Mixed effects Models, ANOVA for one-way and
two-way Classified Data, Basic principles of Design of Experiments, Completely Randomized
Design (CRD), Randomized Block Design (RBD) and Latin Square Design (LSD), Factorial
Experiments, Confounding in symmetrical factorial experiments (2n series), Connectedness
and Orthogonality of Block Designs, Balanced Incomplete Block Design (BIBD).

Texts/ References
1. W. G. Cochran: Sampling Techniques, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Edition, 1977.

2. P. V. Sukhatme, B. V. Sukhatme, S Sukhatme & C. Ashok : Sampling Theory of Surveys

with Applications, Iowa State University Press and Indian Society of Agricultural
Statistics, New Delhi, 1984.

3. W. G. Cochran & D. R. Cox : Experimental Designs, John Wiley, 1957.

4. D. C. Montgomery: Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley and Sons, 8th Edition,
5. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor: Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand and
Sons, 1994.
6. M.N. Das and N.C. Giri: Design and Analysis of Experiments, New Age Publication, 2
Edition, 1986.

Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems (3-1-0


Difference Equations: Introduction to Difference Equations, First order DEs, linear

equations with constant coefficients, variable coefficients, stability in both hyperbolic and
nonhyperbolic cases, bifurcations, symbolic dynamics and chaos, linear theory for two
dimensional systems of difference equations, equilibria, stability, periodic solutions, period
-doubling bifurcation, Lyapunov numbers, box dimension, stable and unstable manifolds,
area preserving maps, systems with order higher than 2, numerical issues in difference

Discrete Dynamical Systems: Discrete and continuous dynamical systems, One and two
dimensional maps as discrete dynamical systems, Fixed points, periodic points and
stability, Chaos, Lyapunov exponents and chaotic attractors, Differential equations as
continuous dynamical systems, Periodic orbits and limit sets, Bifurcations.

1. S. Goldberg: Introduction to difference Equations, Dover, 1986.
2. K.T. Alligood, T.D. Sauer and J.A. Yorke: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems, Springer,
3. E. Ott: Chaos in Dynamical Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition 2002.
4. S.H. Strogatz: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos - With Applications to Physics, Biology,
Chemistry and Engineering, Westview Press, 2000.
5. S. Elaydi: An Introduction to Difference Equations, Springer, 1995.
6. W.G. Kelley and A.C. Peterson: Difference Equations - An Introduction with Applications,
2 edition, AP, 2001.

Numerical Linear Algebra (3-1-0 4)

Introduction. Summary/recap of basic concepts from linear algebra and numerical

analysis: matrices, operation counts. Introduction to MATLAB. Matrix norms. Linear
system sensitivity. Matrix factorizations. Cholesky factorization. QR factorization by
Householder matrices and by Givens rotations. LU factorization and Gaussian elimination;
partial pivoting. Error analysis. Block algorithms and their suitability for modern machine
architectures. The BLAS and LAPACK. Linear systems. Solving triangular systems by
substitution. Solving full systems by factorization. Approximation of inverse of matrices.
Moore-Penrose inverses.
Application: Newton's, Secant, Steffensen, Kurchatov methods etc. for nonlinear systems.
Sparse and banded linear systems and iterative methods. LU factorization for banded and
sparse matrices. Storage schemes. Iterative methods: Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and SOR
iterations. Krylov subspace methods, conjugate gradient method. Preconditioning.
Application: differential equations. Linear least squares problem. Basic theory using
singular value decomposition (SVD) and pseudoinverse. Perturbation theory. Numerical
solution: normal equations. SVD and rank deficiency. Application: image deblurring.
Eigenvalue problem. Basic theory, including perturbation results. Power method, inverse
iteration. Similarity reduction. QR algorithm. Application: Google PageRank.

5. K. Atkinson: An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2nd edition, Wiley, 1989.
6. R.L. Burden, J.D. Faires: Numerical analysis, 7th edition, Brooks Cole, 2001.
7. A. Iserles: A first course in the numerical analysis of differential equations,
Cambridge University Press, 1996.
8. R. LeVeque: Finite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential
Equations Steady-State and Time-Dependent Problems, SIAM, 2007.
9. L. N. Trefethen and D. Bau, III:Numerical Linear Algebra. Philadelphia, SIAM, 1997.
10. G. Sewell: The Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, 2nd
ed., Wiley, 2005.
11. J.M. Ortega: Numerical Analysis: A Second Course, SIAM, 1987.
12. E. Isaacson, H.B. Keller: Analysis of numerical methods, Dover, 1994.
13. Timothy A. Davis, Direct Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2006, ISBN 0-89871-613-6,
14. James W. Demmel, Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1997, ISBN 0-89871-389-7, xi+419pp.
15. Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van~Loan, Matrix Computations Johns Hopkins
University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA, third edition, 1996, ISBN 0-8018-5413-X
(hardback), 0-8018-5414-8 (paperback), xxvii+694pp.
16. Desmond J. Higham and Nicholas J. Higham, MATLAB Guide, Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, second edition, 2005, ISBN 0-
89871-578-4, xxiii+382pp.
17. Nicholas J. Higham, Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms, Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, second edition, 2002,
ISBN 0-89871-521-0, xxx+680pp.
18. G. W. Stewart, Introduction to Matrix Computations, Academic Press, New York,
1973, ISBN 0-12-670350-7, xiii+441pp.
19. G. W. Stewart, Matrix Algorithms, Volume I: Basic Decompositions, Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1998, ISBN 0-89871-414-
1, xx+458pp.
20. G. W. Stewart, Matrix Algorithms, Volume II: Eigensystems, Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2001, ISBN 0-89871-503-2,
21. Lloyd N. Trefethen and David Bau III, Numerical Linear Algebra, Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1997, ISBN 0-89871-361-7,
22. David S. Watkins, Fundamentals of Matrix Computations, Wiley, New York, second
edition, 2002, ISBN 0-471-21394-2, xiii+618pp.
23. Per Christian Hansen, James G. Nagy, and Dianne P. O'Leary, Deblurring Images:
Matrices, Spectra, and Filtering, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2006, ISBN 0-89871-618-7, xiv+130pp.
24. C. T. Kelley, Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations, Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1995, ISBN 0-89871-352-
8, xiii+165pp.
25. Amy N. Langville and Carl D. Meyer, Google's PageRank and Beyond: The Science of
Search Engine Rankings, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, USA, 2006, ISBN
0-691-12202-4, x+224 pp.

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