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Shanel D. Tuazon
Mary Juliet F. Vallega
Miguel F. Mercurio

The researcher wants to explore our creativity in terms of arts by using
the different recyclable materials which are found in our environment. The
reason why we decided to come up with this proposal is due to the
problem which is happening anywhere about the wastes or garbage
disposal. So, we can help solve or minimize this problem in our own way,
this proposal doesn’t need a lot of money to start with. 1

As we all know technology is really famous this days, because of
technology television, refrigerator, microwave and etc. is created. But how
about the people that can’t afford televisions? Their only solution to be
always updated is buying newspaper, BUT after one day this will be
useless so they just throw this or make it as a fuel to create fire that
can really be prone in diseases specifically respiratory diseases and this
can also be a big risk to our ozone layer that protects us from harmful
UV rays. 2

We got inspired by the group Community Improvement Youth program
where they combine art and trashes to make an artwork that are sensible
and can earn money out of it. So to make those garbage useful we
come up with a research where we use newspaper into waving another
displayed materials like piggy bank, slower vase and many others. 3


Goal: To minimize garbages in our environment
Does the Trash-Formation can minimize or solve environmental
problems? ( garbage disposal )
Does Trash-Formation can contribute to the economic problem of
our country?

If this business will be realized then, garbage in our environment
will be minimized.
If this proposal succeeds then the amount of trash in our
environment will be lessen.
If this proposal will be realized then, the people will improve their
creativity in arts.

There is no significant effect of the Trash-Formation to the problem
in our environment.


We’ve started planning this research with the help of my 2 fellow
STE members in 7-Euclid since July until October, and through
communicating online we come up with this study. Creating basket
that is made out of newspaper and materials that are available in
our home, It is stated here in our proposal on how to do this more
easy and worth the work. Our goal here is to save money, lessen
garbage’s, make those newspaper useful and presentable in our
home, use the creativeness of our mind, be an organizer and also
to make money out of it.

It is really easy to do a basket out of newspaper even children can
do this but we also need the help of their parents for cutting and
putting some ho fluid in it. You will further know more about the
materials needed and the procedures on the next slide.
Newspaper or old magazine
Scissors or cutter
Long BBQ stick
Paint brush

1. Prepare all the materials needed
2. Fold a section of newspaper in half
3. Cut newspaper along the fold into strips
4. Roll individual strips up using ( pencil, BBQ stick, etc. )
5. Trace the foundation on cardboard
6. Set stripped rolls on the foundation

7. Give your basket foundation a time to sit
8. Glue a strip on the base, this will be the base of the spoke
9. Weave the strip through the foundation spokes
10. Glue and secure a new strip unto the end of the next
11. Weave your way up the spokes

12. Tuck the top of the spokes into the basket.
13. Make a handle
14. Decorate your basket.
15. Consider uses for your basket.

1. Colorful
2. Beautiful in your eyes
3. Catchy to others
Basket made out of newspaper/ magazine is really easy to do and
it has many uses. First it can be a decoration in your house and it
can be an organizer, it will not only improve the creativeness of
your mind but also made an artwork out of recycled materials that
are eco-friendly and save money instead of buying.

Instead of throwing trashes that can be recycled, why not recycled
it and make it useful.

I would like to acknowledge my fellow members Mary Juliet Vallega
and Miguel Mercurio who help me finish this proposal.

We got this information from Community Improvement Youth
proposal and gotten the procedures and materials in Google.

For further information please visit our page at
[email protected]

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