EMS Questions and Answers
EMS Questions and Answers
EMS Questions and Answers
Do you have an ISO 14001 question that may also be of interest to others? If
so and you would like for an expert to provide you with some advice please
email us.
The ISO 14001 standard is currently undergoing review, with a draft expected to be released
early 2014 and the new standard to be released sometime in 2015.
From what I understand and somewhat speculating, EMS manuals may need to be reformatted
to a similar style seen in an ISO 9001 quality manual. There may be greater integration into the
business and less standalone policies. Additionally, organisations may be expected to include
their suppliers within their EMS scope. Uncertainty regarding what is required for each element
should be clarified.
They may also be setting minimum environmental performance standards as hopefully they too
have identified there are numerous organisations certified but with poor performance and little or
no continuous improvement. It is quite possible that organisations may need to place greater
emphasis on the environment and EMS Coordinators worldwide may have greater responsibility
within an organisation.
More information will be provided once the draft is released. For more information please refer to
the ISO website.
What are the 'real' primary reasons for an ISO 14001 EMS ?
There are many benefits of developing an EMS which I won't repeat. However, from my own
experience very few organisations are developing systems for these reasons. I'm not saying that
they don't get these benefits when they develop an EMS but the 'primary' reasons for developing
it are because:
A potential client(s) requires their contractors and/or suppliers to have ISO 14001
certified EMSs and so to be eligible to win the work the organisation needs an EMS; or
They are pre-empting a need for an EMS for one or more potential clients.
There are many organisations, typically government and mining within Australia, requesting a
certified ISO 14001 EMS from their contractors and suppliers. As commonly known, ISO 14001
doesn't always guarantee legal compliance and best practice from their contractors and
suppliers. These organisations, if not already doing so, should consider conducting their own
audits and reviews of their contractors and suppliers.
Help, we've been informed we need an ISO 14001 EMS
Developing, implementing and maintaining an ISO 14001 EMS takes time, money and human
resources. It isn't always viable to develop an EMS in this instance and sometimes it is only an
administration exercise by your client with little or no benefit to them. Consider approaching them
regarding this requirement as sometimes an environmental risk assessment can be developed in
its place.
PLAN = developing the policy and the environmental management system to achieve the
policy requirements and meet the requirements of the standard;
CHECK = checking and reviewing the system for adequacy (e.g. capturing of data, and
conducting inspections, audits and management reviews); and
Section Information
Sustainable urban and rural development is about improving the quality of life in a locality, including
ecological, cultural, political, institutional, social and economic components without leaving any burden—e.g.,
the result of a reduced natural capital and an excessive local debt—on future generations. In other words,
prosperity and environmental sustainability of cities and towns are inextricably linked; therefore, human
settlements can only maintain their prosperity when environmental and social objectives are fully integrated
with economic goals.
Accordingly, this section is open for the following types of manuscripts covering the whole breadth of
sustainable urban and rural development issues and concerns:
research articles;
conceptual articles;
review articles;
case studies;
In particular, contributions from early career researchers are welcome and propositions for Special Issues on a
single, particular theme in the field of social ecology and sustainability.
Sustainable cities; sustainable towns; sustainable urban development; sustainable rural development;
sustainable and resilient infrastructure; sustainable transport system; sustainability assessment;
sustainability indicators and frameworks; climate change; water sensitive urban design; smart cities;
smart communities; eco-cities; eco-villages; land use planning; environmental planning; sustainable
urban design; land use and development control; green infrastructure; green roofs; green walls; urban
heat island; sustainable architecture; sustainable buildings; sustainable urbanism; urban farming and
agriculture; sustainable tourism; sustainable communities.
• After the EIA report is ready, the investor approaches the concerned State
Pollution Control Board (SPCB) and the State Forest Department (if the
location involves use of forestland). The SPCB evaluates and assesses the
quantity and quality of effluents likely to be generated by the proposed unit
as well as the efficacy of the control measures proposed by the investor to
meet the prescribed standards. If the SPCB is satisfied that the proposed unit
will meet all the prescribed effluent and emissions standards, it issues
consent to establish (popularly known as NOC), which is valid for 15 years.
• The public hearing is a mandatory step in the process of environmental
clearance for certain developmental projects. This provides a legal space for
people of an area to come face-to-face with the project proponent and the
government and express their concerns.
The process of public hearing is conducted prior to the issue of NOC from
SPCB. The District Collector is the chairperson of the public hearing
committee. Other members of the committee includes the official from the
district development body, SPCB, Department of Environment and Forest,
Taluka and Gram Panchayat representative, and senior citizen of the district,
etc. The hearing committee hears the objections/suggestions from the public
and after inserting certain clauses it is passed on to the next stage of approval
(Ministry of Forest and Environment).
Once all the requisite documents and data from the project authorities are
received and public hearings (where required) have been held, assessment
and evaluation of the project from the environment angle is completed within
90 days and the decision of the ministry shall be conveyed within 30 days
thereafter. The clearance granted shall be valid for a period of five years for
commencements of the construction or operation of the project.
Involvement of the public is one of the fundamental principles of a successful
EIA process. It not only provides an opportunity to those directly affected by
a project to express their views on the environmental and social impacts of
the proposal but also brings about transparency in the environmental
clearance system. Nearly all EIA systems make some sort of provision for
public involvement. This could be in the form of public consultation (or
dialogue) or public participation (which is a more interactive and intensive
process of stakeholder engagement).
Most EIA processes are undertaken through public consultation rather than
participation. Public consultation refers to the process by which the concerns
of the local people regarding the adverse impacts of a project are ascertained
and taken into account in the EIA study. This concept was legally introduced
in India in the form of ‘public hearing’ in 1997. Since then the public hearing
process has been conducted as a mandatory step of environmental clearance
for most projects and activities.
Ideally public consultation should start from when the idea of the project is
conceived and continue throughout the course of the EIA. The five main
stages when public involvement can take place in the EIA process are
screening, scoping, impact analysis and mitigation, review of EIA quality,
and implementation and follow up.
In India, the role of the public in the entire environment clearance process is
quite limited. Public consultation happens at a very late stage when the EIA
report is already prepared and the proponent is about to present it to the
review committee for clearance. This means that the EIA study is unable to
take into account the concerns and issues important to public. Even if the
members of the community raise certain issues in the public hearing process,
they have no means of knowing if it actually gets addressed in the final EIA
report as they have no access to it. There are several weaknesses in the public
hearing process as it exists now. Instead of becoming a participatory forum it
has become a mere procedure.
There have been several cases in the past that have shown that the public
hearing process has failed to meet its objective of effectively involving
people in the clearance process. Several means have been devised to keep the
public away such as poor circulation of notice, politics, etc.