Me2202 - Et
Me2202 - Et
Me2202 - Et
Question Bank
1. A fluid is confined in a cylinder by a spring –loaded frictionless piston so that
the pressure in the fluid is a linear function of the volume p = a+bV. The internal
energy of the fluid is given by the following equation u = 34 + 3.15pV ,where u
in kj ,p is in kpa , V in m3if the fluid is changes from initial state of 170kpa, 0.03
m3 to a final state of 400 kPa, 0.06 m3, with no other work than that done on the
piston, find the direction and magnitude of work and heat transfer.
2. A piston and cylinder machine contains a fluid system which passes through a
complete cycle of four processes. During the cycle, the sum of all heat transfer is
-170 kj. The system completes 100 cycles per minute. Complete the following
table showing the method for each item, and complete the net rate of work
output in MW,
3. A mass of air is initially at 2600 c and 700 kPa and occupies 0.028 m3 , the air
is expanded at constant pressure to 0.084m3. a polytrophic process with n= 1.5
is then carried out , followed by a constant temperature process. All the process
are reversible. Find the following i) sketch the cycle in the P-V & T-S diagram. ii) find
the heat received and heat rejected in the cycle. iii) find the efficiency of cycle.
4. A room for four person has two fans ,each consumes 0.18KW power and three
100 watts lamps. Ventilation air at the rate 80 kj/hr enters with an enthalphy of
84 kj/kg and leaves with an enthalpy of 59 kj/kg. if each person puts heat at the
rate of 630 kj/hr, determine the rate at which heat is to be removed by a room
cooler so that a steady state is maintained in the room.
5. (i)Derive expression of SFEE for Nozzle and(ii) Derive polytrophic process.
6. A certain working fluid undergoes a process in such a way that pressure and
volume are related as P = +2.0 ,Where p is in KPa and V is in m3. During the
process the volume changes from 0.15 m3 to 0.1 m3 . Determine the work
done in the process
7. A turbine operates under steady flow conditions receiving steam at the
following state: pressure 1.2Mpa,Temperature 188°C, enthalpy 2785 kj/ kg,
velocity 33.3 m/s and elevation 3m.The steam leaves the turbine at the following
state: pressure 20kpa, enthalpy 2512 kj/kg, velocity 100 m/s, and elevation
0m.Heat is lost to the surrounding at the rate of 0.29 kj/s. If the rate of steam
flow through the turbine is 0.42 kg/s, what is the power output of the turbine in
8. In an isentropic flow through nozzle, air flows at the rate of 600 kg/hr. At
inlet to the nozzle, pressure is 2Mpa and temperature is 1270C .The exit pressure
is 0.5 Mpa. Initial air velocity is 300 m/s Determine (i) exit velocity of air (ii)
inlet and exit area of nozzle (iii) inlet and exit diameter .
9. A centrifugal pump delivers 2750kg of water per minute from initial pressure
of 0.8bar absolute to a final pressure of 2.8bar absolute. The suction is 2m
below and the delivery is 5m above the center of pump. If the suction and
delivery pipe are of 15cm and 10cm diameter respectively, make calculation for
power required to run the pump.
10. Air expands by isentropic process through a nozzle from 784 kpa and
220 C to an exit pressure of 98 kpa. Determine the exit velocity and mass flow
rate, if the exit area is 0.0006m3.
11. Describe steady flow energy equation and deduce suitable expression
for the expansion of gas in a gas turbine with suitable assumption.
12. Air at a temperature of 150C passes through a heat exchanger at a
velocity of 30m/s where its temperature is raised to 8000C. It then enters a
turbine with the same velocity of 30m/s and expands until the temperature falls
to 6500C.on leaving the turbine, the air is taken at a velocity of 60m/s to a nozzle
where it expands until the temperature has fallen to 5000C.if the air flow rate is
2kg/s, calculate: (i) The rate of heat transfer to the air in the heat exchanger, (ii)
The power output from the turbine assuming no heat loss, (iii) The velocity at
exit from the nozzle, assuming no heat loss.
Take the enthalpy of air as h=CPt, where CP is specific heat equals to 1.005
kj/kg k and ‘t’ the temperature
PART-A (2 marks)
1. State the Kelvin - Planck statement of second law of thermodynamics.
2. State Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics.
3. Write the two statements of the Second law of thermodynamics.
4. State Carnot's theorem.
5. Define - PMM of second kind.
6. What is difference between a heat pump and refrigerator?
7. What is mean by heat engine?
8. Define the term COP.
9. Why Carnot cycle cannot be realized in practice?
10. Name two alternative methods by which the efficiency of a Carnot cycle can
be increased.
11. Why a heat engine cannot have 100% efficiency
12. When the Carnot cycle efficiency will be maximum?
13. What are the processes involved in Carnot cycle
PART-A (2 marks)
1. Define latent heat of ice and pure substance
2. Sketch the flow diagram of rankine cycle indicating the main components.
3. What is saturation temperature and saturation pressure?
4. one kg of steam at 10 bar has an enthalpy of 2500kj/kg find its quality
5. Define the terms 'Boiling point' and 'Melting point .
6. Define dryness fraction of steam (or) What is quality of steam?
7. Define: sensible heat of water.
8. Define the term "Super heat enthalpy".
9. What are wet and dry steam?
10. State phase rule of pure substances.
11. Explain the terms: Degree of super heat, Degree of sub cooling.
12. Define triple point and critical point for pure substance.
1. Find the internal energy of unit mass of steam at a pressure of 7 bar i) when
the quality is 0.8 ii) when it is dry and saturated and iii) super heated, the
degree of superheat being 650c. the specific heat of super heated steam at
constant pressure is 2.277 kj/kg k
2. Steam at 4 bar and 0.7 dry expands at constant volume until 5.5 bar. Find the
final condition of steam and heat absorbed by 1 kg of steam.
3. One kg of steam at a pressure of 700 kpa and 0.6 dry is heated at constant
pressure until it becomes dry saturated. Determine change in internal energy
and work done .
4. Steam at 1Mpa and 0.9 dry is throttled to a pressure of 200 kpa. Using
steam table, find the quality of steam and change in entropy. Check your
answer using Mollier chart? State whether this process is reversible or not?
5. In a steam power plant plant operating on an ideal reheat rankine cycle, the
steam enters a high pressure turbine at 3 Mpa and 400 0c. After expension
to0.6 Mpa, the steam is reheated to 4000c and then expended to lower
pressure turbine to the condenser pressure of 10 kpa. Determine the thermal
efficiency of the cycle and the quality of steam at the outlet of the low
pressure turbine.
6. In a regenerative cycle, the steam pressure at turbine inlet is 30 bar and the
exhaust is at 0.04bar. the steam is initially saturated. Enough steam is bled
off at the optimum pressure of 3 bar to heat the feed water. Determine the
cycle efficiency and neglect pump work
7. A steam power plant uses steam at boiler pressure of 150 bar and
temperature 5500c at condenser pressure of 0.1 bar. Find the quality of
steam at turbine exhaust, cycle efficiency and the steam rate.
8. In a single heater regenerative cycle the steam enters the turbine at 30 bar
and 400 0c and the turbine exhaust pressure is 0.01 bar. The condensate is
heated in a direct contact type heater which operates at 5 bar. Find the
efficiency and the steam rate of the cycle and the increase in mean
temperature of heat addition, efficiency and steam rate as compared to the
rankine cycle. Neglect pump work.
9. A reheat cycle operating between 30 and 0.04 bar has a superheat and reheat
temperature of 4500c. the first expansion takes place till the steam is dry
saturated and then reheat is given , neglect feed pump work determine the
ideal cycle efficiency
10. Explain PV, P-T, PVT surface
11.Explain T-V, T-S,h-S ,Mollier diagram
UNIT – 4 Ideal and real gases and thermodynamic relation
2 0
1. Determine the molecular volume of any perfect gas at 600N/m and 30 C.
Universal gas
2. constant may be taken as 8314J/kg mole-K.
3. state Boyle's law.
4. State Avogadro's law.
5. State Dalton's law of partial pressure
6. How does the Vander Waals equation differ from the ideal gas equation of
7. What is meant by virtual expansion?
8. Distinguish between ideal and real gas.
9. Define Joule-Thomson Co-efficient.
10. Define Co-efficient of volume expansion and Isothermal compressibility.
11.What is compressibility factor?
12. What is compressibility factor? What does it signify? What is its value for an
ideal gas at a critical point?
1. Derive Maxwell’s equation (or) Using the cycle relation and the first Maxwell
relation, derive the other three Maxwell relation
2. Describe and derive joule Kelvin effect with the help of T-P diagram (or)
Derive Joule-Thomson coefficient equation
3. Derive clausius-clapeyron equation.
4. Derive enthalpy equation
5. Derive entropy first and second order equation (or) Prove T ds =CV dT +T (
)V dV (or) Derive Tds equation where (i)T and V independent (ii) T and P
independent (iii) P and V independent
6. Derive vandar Waals equation and compressibility chart.
7. A mixture of ideal gas consists of 3 kg of nitrogen and 5 kg of co2 at pressure
of 300 kpa and temperature of 200c find i) the mole fraction of each constituent.
ii) equivalent molecular weight of mixture. iii) equivalent gas constant of
mixture. iv) partial pressure & partial volume.
8. An insulated rigid tank is divided into two compartment by a partition. One
compartment contain 7 kg of o2 gas at 400c & 100kPa, & other companent
contains 4 kg of N2 gas at 200c& 150 Kpa. Now the partion is removed & the
two gases are allowed to mix, determine i)mixture temperature ii) mixture
pressure after equilibrium has been established.
UNIT – 5 :Psychrometry
1. What is the difference between air conditioning and refrigeration?
2. Define psych rometry.
3. Define dry bulb temperature (DBT).
4. Define wet bulb temperature.
5. Define dew point temperature.
6. Define Relative Humidity (RH) and Specific humidity'.
7. Differentiate between absolute and relative Humidity.
8. Define DPT and d egree of saturation.
9. What is dew point temperatur e? How is it related to dry bulb and wet bulb
temperature at the
saturation condition? .
10. State Dalton's law of partial pressure.
11. Define Apparatus Dew Point (ADP) of cooling coil.
12. List down the psychrometirc processes. I
13. Define bypass factor (BPF) of a coil.
14. State the effects of very high and a very low bypass factor.
15. What are the assumptions made while mixing two air streams?
1. In a laboratory test, a sling psychrometer recorded dry bulb and wet bulb
temperature as 303 K and 298K respectively. Calculate (i)vapour
pressure (ii)relative humidity (iii)specific humidity (iv)degree of
saturation (v)dew point temperature (vi)enthalpy of the mixture. using
both formulas and psychometric chart