OPN602 Assignment 2
OPN602 Assignment 2
OPN602 Assignment 2
Arpita Mustafi
ID: 17364015
Sec: 01
Q1. Evaluate the performance of Kurlon supply chain and the causes of the problem faced by
Firm performance in 1997, inventories and receivables were Rs 390.6 million out of a total
asset base of Rs 624.5 million and total income of 1.12 billion. The PAT, Rs 40.1 million
in that year, could be substantially improved by reducing the current assets in inventories
and receivables.
Problem in the supply chain is the fluctuation in the coir production owing to seasonality
in coconut husk supply and fluctuation of the latex price as the price changes by around
12% in 1 month.
Competition in the Indian domestic market is heating up and the success of a firm would
be measured by how it was providing a high variety of products at low cost.
Q2. Evalute the performance of the Delhi area office on the supply chain dimension? For your
analysis you may like to focus on SDL 72*35*4.
Analysis for one specific SKU (72 * 35 * 4):
The sales data shows interesting pattern:
Week 28 represents Diwali.
Skewed sales pattern: Last week accounts for about 62% of sales.
Unlikely that sales pattern at retailers show similar patterns (high skew at month end). Very
likely that Kurlon is dumping products with retailers at month end resulting in high
receivables and low sales in first week of the month.
SDL (72*35*4)
Period Indent sales Operating stock Receipt
1 210 0 404 0
2 90 68 404 330
3 90 180 666 108
4 30 402 594 78
5 330 56 270 306
6 480 235 520 822
7 300 213 1107 126
8 150 508 1020 294
9 150 6 806 150
10 0 55 650 0
11 0 249 895 0
12 0 646 646 0
13 450 24 0 318
14 300 73 294 330
15 330 140 551 582
16 150 569 993 0
17 60 12 424 474
18 330 28 886 228
19 300 136 1086 0
20 0 631 950 6
21 48 0 325 328
22 480 18 653 210
23 300 150 845 384
24 0 436 1079 6
25 36 0 649 240
26 2370 294 889 1068
27 270 544 1663 1662
28 270 1198 2781
Though this is not the focus of the case, one can identify vulcanizing or quilting as the bottleneck
processes, depending on the likely product mix.