Crime and Violence in Central America's Northern Triangle: How U.S. Policy Responses Are Helping, Hurting, and Can Be Improved (No. 34)

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Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas • #34



How U.S. Policy Responses are Helping,

Hurting, and Can be Improved

Cristina Eguizábal, Matthew C. Ingram,
Karise M. Curtis, Aaron Korthuis,
Eric L. Olson, Nicholas Phillips

Eric L. Olson
Latin American Program
How U.S. Policy Responses are Helping,
Hurting, and Can be Improved

Cristina Eguizábal, Matthew C. Ingram, Karise M. Curtis,
Aaron Korthuis, Eric L. Olson, Nicholas Phillips

Eric L. Olson
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ISBN: 978-1-938027-42-0 Chairman and President, Export-Import Bank of the United States
Cover Photos (Left to Right): After school program in Honduras, courtesy of Honduran
Youth Alliance/Alianza Joven Honduras; U.S. Border Patrol Agent training Guatemalan Private Citizen Members: John T. Casteen III, Charles E. Cobb Jr., Thelma Duggin,
Police, by Miguel Negronvia (public domain); Mara Salvatrucha Barry S. Jackson, Nathalie Rayes, Jane Watson Stetson
graffiti, by Flickr user Walking on Tracks (Creative Commons)

The editor of this volume is deeply indebted to the authors, as well

as a number of individuals who contributed with extensive research
and production assistance in the elaboration of this report. I am par-
ticularly grateful for the enormous help received from Wilson Center
Program Associate, Christine Zaino, who oversaw to the final editing
and production of the entire report, and also contributed significantly
to the Overview Chapter. Additionally, the assistance and guidance
of Wilson Center Program Assistant, Verónica Colón-Rosario, was
Guatemala invaluable in overseeing financial management and administrative
components. Several Wilson Center interns also contributed im-
portant research and proof-reading help including Angela Budzinski,
Honduras Alejandra Argueta, and Mary Kate O’Connell. An extra special thanks
to Wilson Center research intern Kathryn Moffat who kept the project
organized, contributed original research, and cross-checked innumer-
El Salvador able footnotes. She also helped write the report’s executive summary
for which I am enormously grateful.

Finally, I would like to express my special thanks to the Open Society

Foundation and its Latin America Program for their support for this
project. We are enormously grateful for their trust in our ability to
carry out this work.

Eric L. Olson
December 2014

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Executive Summary 1
Eric L. Olson with Katheryn Moffat


The Central America Regional Security Initiative—
Losing the Good Fight: When Good Intentions
are Not Enough 19
Eric L. Olson with Christine Zaino

The Central America Security Initiative:

Guatemala A Key Piece of U.S. Security Assistance to
El Salvador, But Not the Only One 55
Cristina Eguizábal
CARSI in Guatemala: Progress, Failure,
and Uncertainty 101
Nicholas Phillips
El Salvador
CARSI in Honduras:
Isolated Successes and Limited Impact 165
Aaron Korthuis


Violence in Central America: A Spatial View
of Homicide in the Region, Northern Triangle,
and El Salvador 245
Matthew C. Ingram and Karise M. Curtis

Policy Options for Future United States Security

Assistance in Central America 285
Eric L. Olson

About the Authors 295

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E ric L. Olson with K athryn Moffat*

hroughout the spring and summer of 2014, a wave of unaccom-
panied minors and families from Central America began arriving
at the U.S.-Mexican border in record numbers. During June and
July over 10,000 a month were arriving. The unexpected influx triggered
a national debate about immigration and border policy, as well as an ex-
amination of the factors compelling thousands of children to undertake
such a treacherous journey. Approximately two-thirds of these children
Guatemala are from Central America’s Northern Triangle—El Salvador, Guatemala,
and Honduras. According to interviews with the children their motives
for migrating ranged from fleeing some of the world’s highest homicide
Honduras rates, rampant extortion, communities controlled by youth gangs, domestic
violence, impunity for most crimes, as well as economic despair and lack
of opportunity. Many hoped to reunite with family members, especially
El Salvador parents, who are already in the United States.
The wave of migrants has underscored chronic problems in the region
that stem back decades. It is often assumed that international drug traffick-
ing explains the surge in violence since 2009, but other important factors
are also at play. Drug trafficking is certainly a factor, especially in areas
where criminal control of territory and trafficking routes is contested, but
drugs do not explain the entirety of the complex phenomenon. Other
factors have also contributed.
While there are important differences among the three countries, there
are also common factors behind the violence. Strong gang presence in
communities often results in competition for territorial and economic
control through extortion, kidnapping and the retail sale of illegal drugs.
Threats of violence and sexual assault are often tools of neighborhood

*Kathryn Moffat, M.A., served as a Wilson Center Latin American Program research intern
throughout the CARSI project and made enormous contributions to research, editing, and keep-
ing this project on track. She wrote the first draft of this executive summary and contributed to
its final version.

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Executive Summary Eric L. Olson with Kathryn Moffat

control, and gang rivalries and revenge killings are commonplace. Elevated The United States Response
rates of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and weak family and household
structures also contribute as children are forced to fend for themselves The humanitarian crisis at the border has prompted an important dis-
and often chose (or are coerced into) the relative “safety” of the gang or cussion about U.S. policy in Central America and whether more assistance
criminal group. Likewise, important external factors such a weak capacity is needed; and, if so, for what. In July, 2014, President Obama sent to
among law enforcement institutions, elevated levels of corruption, and Congress a requested for $295 million in aid for Central America as part
penetration of the state by criminal groups means impunity for crime is of a $3.7 billion emergency supplemental request intended to reinforce
extraordinarily high (95 percent or more), and disincentives to criminal border security, expand detention facilities, and expedite immigration
activity are almost non-existent. Public confidence in law enforcement is processing in an attempt to dissuade further migration.1 Additionally, the
low and crime often goes unreported. region’s three Presidents have called for a substantial aid package focused
U.S. policy and practice are also a major contributing factor to the vio- on energy and transportation assistance for Central America.2
lence. U.S. consumption of illegal drug remains among the highest in the CARSI began with the Bush Administration’s request in 2007 for $500
world, and U.S. and Mexican efforts to interdict drug trafficking in the million for Mexico and $50 million for Central America, as the initial
Caribbean and Mexico has contributed to the trade’s relocation to Central phase of a three-year, $1.4 billion security packaged known as the Mérida
America. Furthermore, the policy of deporting large numbers of young Initiative.3 Ultimately, Congress provided $400 million for Mexico and $65
Central Americans in the 1990s and 2000s, many of them already gang million for Central America, authorizing funding to “be made available
members in the United States, helped transfer the problem of violent street for assistance for seven Central America countries, as well as Haiti and
gangs from the United States to Central America’s northern triangle. El the Dominican Republic.” The assistance was designated to help combat
Salvador now has the largest number of gang members in Central America drug trafficking and related violence and organized crime, and for judicial
followed close behind by Honduras and Guatemala. Finally, the trafficking reform, institution building, anti-corruption, rule of law activities, and
of firearms, especially from the United States, has also contributed to the maritime security.4 The Mérida Initiative-Central America component
lethality and morbidity of crime. Efforts to slow firearms trafficking from was eventually spun off to become the Central America specific CARSI
the United States have encountered many domestic and political barriers program in FY 2010.
and continue largely unchecked.
Over the past year, the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Latin American 1
The White House Office of the Press Secretary, “FACT SHEET: Emergency
Program has undertaken an extensive review of the principal United States Supplemental Request to Address the Increase in Child and Adult Migration from
security assistance program for the region—the Central America Regional Central America in the Rio Grande Valley Areas of the Southwest Border,” Press
Security Initiative (CARSI). This review has focused on the major security Release, July 8, 2014,
challenges in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, fact-sheet-emergency-supplemental-request-address-increase-child-and-adu.
“Factbox: Central America plan highlights energy, transport projects,”
and Honduras and how CARSI seeks to address these. This publication
Reuters, September 24, 2014,
includes country reports on each country including a review of the current us-usa-immigration-plan-factbox-idUSKCN0HJ2H320140924.
in-country security context, as well as assessing CARSI’s effectiveness for 3
House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on
addressing these challenges. The report also includes a chapter providing State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, State, Foreign Operations, and
an in-depth analysis of the geographic distribution of homicides and an Related Programs Appropriations for 2009, 110th Cong., 2nd sess., March 6, 2008,
page 664.
examination of how such an analysis can help policy makers design more 4
House of Representatives, Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban
effective targeted strategies to lower violence. A final chapter outlining Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010: Conference Report to
policy options for the future completes the report. Accompany H.R. 3288, 111th Congress, 1st sess., December 8, 2009, page 343.

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Executive Summary Eric L. Olson with Kathryn Moffat

As violence increases, countries tend to fall back on a more tradi-

PRINCIPAL CONCLUSIONS tional anti-narcotics anti-gang strategy for dealing with crime and
violence by relying heavily on increased security force presence
CARSI does not represent a security strategy but rather a num- and patrols in violent neighborhoods, and focusing primarily on
ber of programmatic initiatives with laudable goals that operate arrests, especially leaders of criminal organizations.
largely independently of each other. At times, United States supported
programs contradict or undermine these goals. Prisons and criminal justice systems are unable to process and ad-
equately dispose of the elevated volume of arrests leading to high
The problems of crime and violence in society are often conflated rates of impunity (around 95 percent). Serious prison overcrowding
with the threats of international drug trafficking. Counter-narcotics ensues due to extensive pre-trial and long-term detention. Criminal justice
operations often take precedence when broader institutional reform goals, systems throughout the Northern Triangle are overburdened and breaking
such as professionalizing the police or justice sector, are unsuccessful or do down, allowing prisons to become an active part of the criminal enterprise
not enjoy the strong backing of the host government. by supplying new recruits for gangs and criminal networks, with criminal
organizations operating out of the relative safety of prisons.
By focusing too narrowly on counter-narcotics, the United States
and host countries become bogged down in a traditional approach CARSI programs have, with a few exceptions, lacked adequate
to drug law enforcement that prioritizes arrests over community evaluations. Current evaluations tend to focus on measuring in-
based approaches to reducing crime and violence. puts—how many police were trained, or how much cocaine was
seized—and not on the impact and outcome of the project.
U.S.-supported specialized law enforcement units, known as vet-
ted units, succeed in creating competent and elite units capable of USAID’s crime and violence prevention programs are one bright
carrying out sensitive operations but fail to contribute to broader spot for U.S. efforts. USAID has carried out extensive impact
law enforcement reform and professionalization. Vetted units tend evaluations that show a significant improvement in perceptions of
to become isolated within the broader institutional framework, can create crime and violence in neighborhoods where programs are imple-
resentment and unnecessary competition within their institution, and, be- mented. The evaluations were carried out over three years by the well-re-
cause of their sensitive nature, have been accused of undertaking operations spected Latin America Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) at Vanderbilt
that contradict or undermine other law enforcement priorities. University and included base-line surveys of randomly selected high-vio-
lence communities, as well as extensive quantitative and qualitative field
The long term sustainability of CARSI programs and, thus, its work over a three year period.
ability to reach its stated goals is in doubt where U.S. priorities
are not shared by host countries. Countries are generally enthusiastic A primary challenge for USAID, and U.S. policy overall, is how
recipients of traditional security assistance including equipment, specialized to expand programs where there is clear evidence of success but
law enforcement training, and participation in coordinated law enforce- where host government commitment is not strong. Additionally,
ment operations; but much less so when it comes to implementing broader current prevention programs are unnecessarily limited to a focus on at-risk
institutional reforms, undertaking anti-corruption measures, expanding youth (primary prevention) and need to include more direct work with
violence prevention programs, and making significant financial contribu- criminally active youth (secondary prevention).
tions of their own.

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Executive Summary Eric L. Olson with Kathryn Moffat

According to a U.S. Department of State “Fact Sheet” from August comprehensive strategy to address the critical public security threats that
2010, CARSI’s five goals are to: have shaken the region, and thus its impact on the problems of crime and
1. Create safe streets for the citizens in the region violence driving Central American migration to the United States is quite
2. Disrupt the movement of criminals and contraband within and limited. Absent a strategic focus policy choices have, at times, contradicted
between the nations of Central America each other and undermined CARSI’s laudable goals. Some agencies favor
3. Support the development of strong, capable and accountable a more traditional counter-narcotics law-and-order focus, while others
Central American governments prioritize the reduction of community-based violence, and these distinct
4. Re-establish effective state presence and security in communities approaches periodically end up working at cross-purposes.
at risk Other common criticisms from the three country studies include the ab-
5. Foster enhanced levels of security and rule of law coordination sence of rigorous impact evaluations of CARSI funded programs, over-re-
and cooperation between the nations of the region5 liance on vetted units and training programs to reform law enforcement
institutions and build their capacity to function more effectively. The
To accomplish these goals, the United States, particularly through exceptional impact evaluation work commissioned by USAID and noted
the Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law above notwithstanding, CARSI programs do not undergo comprehensive
Enforcement Affairs (INL) and U.S. Agency for International Development impact evaluations as a general rule especially in the areas of institutional
(USAID), works with host countries to strengthen the capacity of law en- strengthening and drug interdiction. Drug seizures, arrests, and number
forcement institutions, including police and prosecutors, to fight crime; to of people trained continue to be used as indicators of success even though
engage in community-level crime and violence prevention efforts focused these offer little evidence of long term impact on violence or crime rates,
on at-risk youth; and to support drug interdiction efforts. or institutional capacity.
Likewise, CARSI- supported vetted units and special vetted task forces
The CARSI Assessment have had mixed results. Vetted units have two primary objectives: (1) to
The authors of the overview chapter and the three country studies, conduct professional investigations and carry-out sensitive operations; and
found in Part One, conclude that despite several notable successes, many (2) to strengthen the capacity of the rest of the police force by providing a
CARSI-funded programs suffer from significant weaknesses. Among the positive example and repopulating the force with well trained personnel.6
successes are the demonstrable impact USAID supported community-based In general, vetted units and task forces have succeeded in the first part of
crime and violence prevention programs have on perceptions of security their mission—specialized training and sensitive operations. However,
in target high-crime neighborhoods; improved confidence in local po- both Honduran and Salvadoran police officers interviewed for this report
lice in target areas; and, most importantly, a decrease in reported crime. have questioned whether the vetting procedures are effective, and that
This is the only program area where a robust and comprehensive impact corruption continues to be a problem in the units, albeit less so.7
evaluation has been conducted with baselines established before program Furthermore, the broader impact of vetted units on the institutional
implementation. Nevertheless, there are questions about the level of host capacity of their broader law enforcement agency has never been evaluated
country commitment to broaden and deepen these programs using their or measured. In many cases members of vetted units are not cycled out
own resources, so the sustainability of these initiatives is uncertain. so their ability to act as a “feeder system” to repopulate the agency with
A central conclusion of this report is that CARSI does not reflect a
Interview conducted by Eric Olson with U.S. officials, March 28, 2014.
U.S. Department of State, “Central America Regional Security Initiative,” n.d., 7
Interview by the author with a former PNC investigator who requested ano- nymity, San Salvador, May 13, 2014.

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Executive Summary Eric L. Olson with Kathryn Moffat

skilled and trustworthy personnel is not occurring. Furthermore, the fact implementing partner for USAID projects. While this does not resolve
that vetted units are in a position of privilege creates resentment and ani- many of the concerns about excessive and costly administrative criteria
mosity with the broader agency. for managing U.S. assistance, it does bring local organizations into a more
Some highlights from individual chapters follow: direct leadership and management role that can potentially strengthen civil
society capacities in country and shorten the distance between donor and
CARSI – El Salvador has achieved modest success, but beneficiaries.
lacks a coherent strategy and has room for improvement. Equizábal also examines two INL-supported efforts intended to address
crime and violence in communities with elevated gang presence. One
In the report’s first chapter, Cristina Eguizábal examines CARSI-funded such program, the Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT)
programming in El Salvador. With a homicide rate of 41.2 per 100,000 program is intended to prevent elementary and junior high school-aged
inhabitants in 2012 (already a steep decline from 70 the previous year), children from becoming involved with gangs. Taught by police officers
El Salvador nevertheless continued to have the fourth highest homicide in schools, GREAT lessons attempt to give students skills that will help
rate in the world, after only Honduras, Venezuela, and Belize, while the them solve problems without resorting to violence and criminal behavior.
criminal conviction rate was just five percent.8 Eguizábal concludes that in a context where youth may be coerced into
The United States has provided law enforcement and institution build- joining gangs, accepting the protection of gangs, GREAT’s lessons alone
ing assistance to El Salvador for decades, with a history of limited success. are unlikely to help young people in a violent community avoid gangs
According to Equizábal, current U.S. assistance has continued to focus affiliation. Nevertheless, the author believes the program has value because
primarily on operational changes within the institutions of government it can build confidence between various stakeholders in the community by
rather than taking on the root causes of violence, including the fundamen- fostering a partnership between teachers, police officers, and students that
tal issue of generalized corruption and impunity within the justice system. can contribute to local social cohesion in important ways.
As a result, after decades of security assistance, El Salvador continues to Model police precincts and associated U.S.-sponsored training pro-
have an elevated homicide rate, a criminal conviction rate of only five grams for midlevel police officers are another example of U.S. efforts to
percent, and its prisons are the most overcrowded in the entire hemisphere strengthen law enforcement capacity by modeling good practices. The
suggesting a judicial system that is broken. programs appear to be well-run and participants say they are satisfied with
Another challenge resides in USAID’s traditional reliance on U.S.- their interactions with USAID and INL, but violence remains extremely
based, and usually for-profit, “implementing partners” to carry out its high in these neighborhoods.9 El Salvador’s homicide rate declined signifi-
programs in-country. Critics have suggested this private-contractor model cantly in 2012 and 2013, but this is generally attributed to a gang truce that
erects an unnecessary barrier between project designers and aid recipi- the U.S. strongly opposed and no particular U.S. supported intervention
ents, impeding the flow of money toward target communities, and the or strategies including the model precincts and law enforcement training
bottom-up flow of information from community to policymakers. To its programs have demonstrated significant impact on homicide and violence
credit, USAID has attempted to respond to these criticisms in several ways.
Rather than contracting solely with U.S.-based for profit implementing
Interviews by the author with Javier Castro de León, Director of Legal Studies
companies, USAID has partnered with a group of five Salvadoran non-
from FUSADES who has worked with the U.S. Embassy in the process of drafting
profit organizations that have formed SolucionES to become a rare local and commenting the access to public information (USAID non CARSI) and asset
forfeiture (INL CARSI) laws, San Salvador, May 14, 2014 and with Uwaldo Peña
United States Department of State, “El Salvador Travel Warning,” April 25, Information Officer at the Ministry of Public Works, who participates in the Public
2014, Transportation Security Interagency Task Force sponsored by INL, San Salvador,
dor-travel-warning.html . May 30, 2014.

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Executive Summary Eric L. Olson with Kathryn Moffat

rates beyond the limited areas of the target neighborhood. for security purposes.
Additionally, as a foreign assistance program, CARSI is unable to A major focus for CARSI in Guatemala has been to strengthen the
address two of the principle factors contributing to insecurity in El country’s counternarcotics efforts. Through CARSI the U.S. has sup-
Salvador—U.S. migration policy (including the large scale deportation of ported both maritime and aerial interdiction efforts with limited success.
criminal youth); and the widespread availability of trafficked firearms. Both One noteworthy effort is focused in the Western Highlands where poppy
migration and firearms are extremely contentious domestic political issues plantations are believed to be part of the heroine trade. While there is not
in the United States and not addressed by CARSI or the PFG—which agreement among experts on the size of the cultivated area, Guatemala
can make U.S. security strategy seem ineffective in the eyes of Central has moved aggressively to eradicate the plants. Nevertheless, efforts have
American public opinion. been met with strong local opposition by farmers who are very poor and
Ultimately, Eguizábal concludes that U.S. security assistance has made a find the illicit crop provides a viable economic alternative in an area of
difference, but is reluctant to label CARSI a success in El Salvador because the country they feel has long been abandoned by the central government.
of the country’s intractable security problems. The transnational nature of The outcomes from the government’s eradication efforts have not been
the violence is a fundamental issue, and she argues that the two regional measured and questions remain about its viability over time.
powers (the United States and Mexico) must share in the responsibility While counternarcotics efforts are important to CARSI in Guatemala,
to solve the country’s security challenges. Equizábal also recognizes that Phillips also notes U.S. support for other significant initiatives such as
Salvadoran society cannot expect others to solve their county’s security crime prevention programs and efforts to respond effectively to domestic
problems and must also commit to solving these problems by making and gender-based violence through the justice system. The United States
significant sacrifices such as increasing state revenues a passing a security has funded several widely-praised projects (including 24-hour courts and a
tax and by adopting less regressive taxation policies; and eradicating cor- national anti-gang unit known as PANDA), which have enjoyed substan-
ruption. Eguizábal observes that El Salvador’s current tax rates, the lowest tial buy-in from Guatemalan leadership. In the case of the 24-hour courts
in Latin America, means that elites make a limited contribution to the in Guatemala City, the initial project significantly reduced the number
well-being of society as a whole, and that elites are often willing to turn of cases dismissed on technicalities leading to the formation of four new
a blind eye to corruption where it reinforces their lack of accountability. courts in other cities, with a fifth one currently being developed.
Another special 24-hour court was added in 2012 to hear cases of vi-
CARSI in Guatemala: Progress, Failure, and Uncertainty olence against women, including sexual violence, human trafficking, and
exploitation. While the United States provided initial funding, Guatemala
In Guatemala, Nicholas Phillips examines the case of the country which has assumed full responsibility for maintaining and sustaining the court.
has received by far the most CARSI funds to date, and has experienced USAID also funded the construction of specialized court facilities designed
mixed results in attaining CARSI goals. Possibly Guatemala’s greatest to handle sensitive and potentially dangerous cases, as well as providing
advance is the progress made in combatting impunity during the ten- legal assistance for writing laws designed to protect victims’ identities in
ure of Attorney General Claudia Paz y Paz from late 2010 to May 2014. these cases. These courts have higher conviction rates than the national
Unfortunately, her removal from office in May leaves doubts about the rate, but safety remains a concern, with witnesses, judges, and victims
government’s political will for continued efforts to tackle organized crime. continuing to face intimidation and the risk of violence. Yet despite these
Furthermore, Guatemala’s extremely low tax rate and legislators’ apparent new legal protections, defense attorneys have the capacity to slow down
unwillingness to generate new revenue imperils future security investments the judicial process through legal maneuvering.
and Phillips suggests conditioning future U.S. aid packages on the national Whether or not it is the byproduct of CARSI assistance, Guatemala
legislature’s commitment to increase tax revenue collection, specifically has enjoyed some success in reducing homicide rates over the last few

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Executive Summary Eric L. Olson with Kathryn Moffat

years, likely due to improvements in law enforcement capacities beginning police as a whole. Korthius points out that CIS is based in the capital city
around 2010.10 The creation of the International Commission Against of Tegucigalpa so access to its training programs is limited for personnel
Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) in 2007 also helped weaken organized located around the country because distance and time away from regular
crime by bringing international expertise and political support to bear on duties required for participation is costly. Furthermore, there is anecdotal
a series of politically sensitive cases. Even though critics contend CICIG information and subjective assessments by supervisors of the impacts the
has failed to coordinate with local prosecutors on sensitive cases, and thus school’s trainees have on institutional capacity, but no systematic impact
failed to build local capacity, there is evidence the CICIG has played an evaluation of how the trainings may or may not have influenced the be-
essential role in supporting the country’s Attorney General.11 havior, culture, and practice of the police force.
Korthuis also takes a closer look at youth outreach centers established
CARSI in Honduras: Isolated Successes and Limited Impact with the help of CARSI funds to provide alternatives to at-risk youth in
high crime, high violence neighborhoods. The centers aim to offer a refuge
In his chapter on Honduras, Aaron Korthuis highlights CARSI-related to at-risk youth with services that include gyms, Internet access, and classes
programming in a country with the highest homicide rate in the world to improve employability. Depending on the community, up to 90 percent
according to the United Nations—roughly 90 homicides per 100,000 in- of those served may be from fragile families. According to Korthuis the
habitants. Despite numerous reform efforts, Honduras continues to struggle outreach centers do engage thousands of children and teenagers, but are not
with weak law enforcement capacity and persistent corruption, making necessarily reaching those at highest risk or those on the margins of gang
CARSI’s stated goals particularly relevant to the country’s current con- activity. Questions are also raised about the sustainability of these centers
text. U.S. security assistance (including both CARSI and non-CARSI once USAID and CARSI funding dries up. To date, the Government of
funding streams) focus primarily on problems of illegal drug trafficking Honduras has provided onetime assistance to the outreach centers but has
and associated crimes including money laundering, a top concern for U.S. not included these programs in the regular government budget. Some
policy, as well as CARSI-funded vetted units, a major component of U.S. centers have tried to become self-sustaining by selling memberships to
drug interdiction efforts. Anti-gang programs and community programs use the centers’ gym, but so-far these efforts have not generated sufficient
intended to prevent the growth of crime and violence are a significant funds to put the centers on solid financial footing.
additional element of the program. Finally, Korthuis points to what may be the most serious concern about
Korthuis argues that to achieve lasting change, CARSI must seek ave- CARSI in Honduras, namely divergent views between both countries on
nues to transform law enforcement agencies weakened by corruption and how to respond to the issues of crime and violence. While the U.S. has
criminal penetration through institutional reform and greater transparency. mapped out a series of priorities for building the capacity the country’s
Instead, much of the focus in Honduras has been on building the capacity police and justice institutions, and supported efforts to prevent crime and
of individuals to transform the institutions from within. The Honduran violence, the Honduran government appears to be headed in a different
Criminal Investigation School, sustained in part with CARSI funds, has direction. In part, this discrepancy may be the result of new Honduran
produced a number of police officers with knowledge of community po- government taking office since the original CARSI framework was es-
licing principles and techniques, but has resulted in little reform of the tablished, but it leaves open some important questions. The current gov-
ernment of Honduras led by Juan Orlando Hernández has focused instead
Carlos Mendoza, “Paz y Paz versus la Casta Guerrera,” BLOG de Carlos on building the capacity of the new military police (PMOP) and less so
Mendoza, April 29, 2014,
on building the capacities of the civilian police or the federal prosecutor’s
Edgar Gutiérrez, political analyst, interview with the author, Guatemala City, office that have been the central priorities of U.S. policy.
May 13, 2014. Such differences in priorities raise concerns about the ultimate success

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Executive Summary Eric L. Olson with Kathryn Moffat

of either strategy. among these clusters where violence in one municipality influences vio-
lence in neighboring municipalities. For example, they report that in some
Part Two takes a closer look at some of the policy options that policy clusters a 1 percent increase in homicide rates in one contiguous munici-
makers might consider to address the public security challenges faced by pality is positively associated with a 1.26 percent increase in the homicide
the Northern Triangle Countries. The first chapter uses innovative meth- rate of a focal municipality.
odologies to examine the geographic distribution and spatial analysis of Finally, spatial regression reveals some explanatory factors with po-
homicides to develop a much more specific understanding of crime and tential policy implications. Ingram and Curtis suggest policy makers use
violence at the local level. With this analysis, Ingram and Curtis suggest spatial regression tools to better target assistance on clusters rather than on
ways to strategically target policy responses and particular strategies for departments, where assistance may be directed to less violent areas, or on
building community resilience to help protect communities from threats isolated communities that miss the relationship between neighborhoods
posed by local criminal organizations. In a second chapter, Eric L. Olson and municipalities. Additionally, the authors find that population pressures,
identifies a series of assumptions U.S. policy makers should put aside when especially rapid urbanization and population growth, have a positive effect
promoting security in the region, and a number of priority areas that can on homicide rates (that is, increases them), while education has a negative
contribute to reducing violence, and explores policy options for the future. effect (decreases). In fact, the authors find that the “protective effects” of
education are so strong that they are more significant than increasing the
Innovative Approaches and Policy Options for Addressing size of police presence in violent neighborhoods. Surprisingly, Ingram and
the Northern Triangles Crime and Violence Future Policies Curtis reported that extreme poverty has a negative effect, which does not
can Benefit from New Ways of Targeting Resources align with expectations based on the existing literature, and which suggests
that more research is needed to confirm this finding.
In the report’s fifth chapter, “Violence in Central America: A Spatial
In the final chapter, Eric L. Olson addresses possible new directions for
View of Homicide in the Region, Northern Triangle, and El Salvador,”
policymakers to consider as they weigh further aid for Central America.
Matthew C. Ingram and Karise M. Curtis use exploratory spatial analysis
Olson argues that the United States should adopt a new framework for
to identify patterns in the region’s homicide data. Their examination of
security assistance in Central America that prioritizes reducing community
available data leads to three important conclusions.
level violence by focusing on the principal factors driving this violence.
First, the authors conclude that homicides are not distributed in a geo-
He suggests seven suggestions for improving the impact of U.S. security
graphically random manner but tend to cluster in areas of high violence
assistance for Central America
(“hot spots”) and low violence (“cold spots”). By narrowing the anal-
Reduce violence, build community resilience. United States ef-
ysis to the municipal level, the authors are able to identify clusters that
forts must focus on reducing the kinds of community level violence that
would otherwise be missed by a national- or departmental-level analysis.
is driving migration. This means pursuing community oriented programs
Furthermore, different types of homicides tend to follow different cluster-
in policing, crime and violence prevention, and promoting educational
ing patterns so, in the case of El Salvador, for example, the authors isolate
and economic opportunities that are attuned to the specific needs of the
distinct clusters of elevated homicides among youth, women, and men.
community. Focusing on local gangs and efforts to end extortions is central
They also point out that homicide clusters often involve multiple munici-
to this strategy.
palities that, at times, include communities in more than one department
Tie new United States resources to progress in meeting specific
(state), or transcend national boundaries as in the case of the Honduran-
mutually agreed upon targets for reducing violence. The Northern
Guatemalan border.
Triangle’s security challenges are enormous so additional resources are ur-
Second, Ingram and Curtis identify an important “neighborhood effect”
gently needed. But existing and future new U.S. security assistance should

| 14 | | 15 |
Executive Summary Eric L. Olson with Kathryn Moffat

be repackaged within a negotiated strategic framework that sets specific corruption.

targets and actions designed to reduce violence. These actions should in- The United States should prioritize anti-corruption efforts by strength-
clude both targeted law enforcement efforts and prevention programs in ening mechanisms of transparency and accountability, supporting efforts to
the most violent communities. A robust and comprehensive impact eval- investigate and hold government officials accountable, and encourage not
uation process should be part of the endeavor with new resources made only vetting of law enforcement forces, but purging and prosecuting those
available when there is evidence of progress in meeting target outcomes. engaged in corruption and criminal activities. Improved crime statistics
The agreed upon outcomes, actions taken, and results of impact evaluations and analysis, information on prison overcrowding and pre-trial deten-
should be made public to increase accountability and forge a partnership tions, prosecutions, and disposition of cases are essential to determining
with civil society. if security efforts are being successful. Failure to do so will undermine
Name a high-level coordinator or special envoy for U.S. se- the public’s already low confidence in state institutions and weaken other
curity programs to ensure that a strategy is fully articulated and, more well-intentioned and well-designed programs.
importantly, successfully carried out. This person should have the capacity Empower Civil Society: When corruption is elevated and govern-
to alter course and redirect resources (in consultation with Congress) when ments are unwilling to make the tough decisions to hold people account-
impact evaluations suggest programs are not being successful. At times the able, the U.S. should encourage civil society organizations to play that
U.S. lacks the partners in the region to accomplish its goals. Political and role and open spaces for policy debate with civil society. Civil society
economic elite often lack the political will to carry out difficult reforms, organizations can monitor government programs and report on progress.
so the high-level coordinator should be senior enough to press for reforms The U.S. should also do more to encourage and nurture independent in-
and should have the authority to hold back assistance when the political vestigative journalism. Freedoms of expression and access to information
commitment to implement needed and previously agreed to program is are the essential building blocks of democracy so must be a priority in the
not there. U.S. strategy.
Increase and expand prevention programs in targeted high Make social investments and economic opportunity part of the
crime areas. The evidence is mounting that crime and violence preven- security strategy. With the exception of El Salvador, which participates
tion programs can reduce crime and improve community resilience. These in the Partnership for Growth (PFG) program, the CARSI program does
programs should be expanded geographically to include more neighbor- not include a social investment and economic development component.
hoods, and the focus expanded beyond at-risk youth to include inter- There is ample evidence that investments in education (Ingram and Curtis)
ventions with criminally active youth. Many experiences and studies in and job training can have a protective effect on communities and enable
the United States have demonstrated that it is possible to work with gang them to better resist crime. Additionally, rapid population growth – often
members and move them toward less criminal, less violent activity. the result of rural-urban migration – can destabilize communities and in-
Fight corruption. Building effective and professional police, prose- crease the chances of community level violence. The United States should
cutors, and courts in the region is essential if Central American countries consider increasing the kinds of targeted social investments and economic
are to successfully resist crime on their own with minimal U.S. assistance. development programs to both rural and urban communities that will help
But the U.S. has been engaged in efforts to reform and strengthen these stabilize those communities and offer new hope for to roughly 2 million
institutions in Central America for years, even decades. These efforts have Central American young people who don’t work and don’t study.
failed for a variety of reasons including insufficient commitment from the There are no easy solutions or shortcuts for dealing with these issues. It
economic and political elites in partner nations to tackle the problems will require a long-term bipartisan commitment to the region, discipline
of corruption and accountability. Instead, U.S. programs have focused to stay focused on the framework, and adequate, not unlimited, resources.
too narrowly on training, equipment, and infrastructure, not on fighting

| 16 | | 17 |

E ric L. Olson with Christine Zaino*

he news and images of thousands of unaccompanied Central
American minors arriving at the United States border with Mexico
Guatemala over the summer of 2014 was shocking and heart-rending. Children
as young as five and many thousands barely in their teens were turning
themselves in to U.S. border officials believing they would be allowed into
the country to be reunited with family. While much of the political debate
in Washington about this humanitarian crisis centered on perceived border
and immigration policy failures by the Obama Administration, the reality
El Salvador is that most children were fleeing a region experiencing dramatic increases
in violence and low government capacity to guarantee their safety and pro-
vide basic services. Widespread rural poverty, failing schools, weak health
care systems, and poor job growth made the situation even more desperate.
Ironically, addressing the problems of poverty and insecurity in Central
America have been central to U.S. policy for decades and especially import-
ant since 2008 when the Bush Administration first put forward a security
assistance package for Mexico that included a small portion for Central
America. Eventually the Obama Administration adopted and expanded this
approach becoming what is known today as the Central America Regional
Security Initiative (CARSI).
As the Administration and Congress debate the best ways to respond

to the current humanitarian crisis at the border and address the longer
term drivers of migration, the question is whether CARSI is an adequate

EVALUATING * Christine Zaino, Program Associate for the Wilson Center Latin American Program, contrib-
uted to researching and editing this chapter.

CARSI | 19 |
The Central America Regional Security Initiative Eric L. Olson with Christine Zaino
Losing the Good Fight: When Good Intentions are Not Enough

framework for dealing with the problems plaguing Central America, and Central America has experienced a marked increase in homicides since 2007;
especially the Northern Triangle Countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and much of it attributed to skyrocketing homicide rates in the Northern Triangle.
Honduras. The purpose of this chapter, and the case studies in this volume, Honduras leads the way with a rate of 90.4 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants
is to examine both the security context in these three countries, which are followed by El Salvador at 41.2 per 100,000, and Guatemala at a rate of 39.9
also the countries of origin for the vast majority of children fleeing to the per 100,000. By way of comparison, Mexico’s homicide rate in 2012 was 21.5
United States, as well as the elements of the U.S. response to these challenges per 100,000. (See Figure 1)
to determine whether these are sufficient, should be expanded, or, in some Furthermore, Honduras has seen a steady increase in its homicide rate since
cases, discarded altogether. 2006, experiencing a small decrease between 2011 and 2012 when it dropped
from 91.4 to 90.4 per 100,000. Guatemala, after seeing a decrease in rates from
The Context 2009-2011, saw a slight increase in its homicide rate in 2012. El Salvador has
seen the most progress within the Northern Triangle, as its homicide rate has
Whether by geographic accident or misfortune; the by-product of decades decreased about 40 percent following a gang truce announced in March 2012,
of civil conflict; ineffective governments; weakened security forces; grinding although the rate has begun to creep back up as the truce has unraveled.
poverty and growing inequality; or an aggressive U.S. deportation policy,
the fact is that Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador are experiencing Figure 1: Homicide Rates per 100,000 Population in Mexico and the Northern Triangle
not only serious violence and security threats but also major economic and
governance challenges that are destabilizing their democracies and causing
major regional dislocation. The flood of migrants fleeing the region starting 90
in 2011 has placed enormous pressure on both Mexican and U.S. migration
and border control authorities and has taxed the budgets of cities, states, and
federal agencies charged with responding to the influx.
Central America as a region—and its Northern Triangle countries in 60

particular—have suffered from extreme violence and shifting drug traf- 50
ficking patterns between South America and the United States for nearly a 40
El Salvador
decade. Several complex and often inter-related problems have coincided 30
to make the countries of the Northern Triangle among the most violent in
the world, with one city (San Pedro Sula, Honduras) recording the world’s
highest homicide rate for a non-war setting in 2013.
According to the recent “UNODC Global Study on Homicide 2013,”1 0
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
The largest global study and most common reference point for homicide data is
conducted by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. The most recent report (pub- Source: Graph created using data from United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,
lished in 2014), “Global Study on Homicides 2013,” is cited here and can be found “Intentional Homicide Count and Rate per 100,000 population, by country/territory
at The UNODC homicide data is based on statistics (2000-2012),”
from various sources, including criminal justice systems, public health systems, and
international organizations. The UNODC attempts to select data that conforms Unfortunately, reliable homicide data is notoriously difficult to obtain.
to the definition of intentional homicide which it uses for statistical purposes: Even the UN data has been called into question, sometimes by the very
“unlawful death purposefully inf licted on a person by another person.” (UNODC,
states that provide the raw data used in the UN’s report. Methodologies for
“Methodological Appendix,” 2014, p.109,
pdfs/Methodology.pdf ) It should be noted that the most recent data from UNODC
is only provided through 2012 or the latest year possible.

| 20 | | 21 |
The Central America Regional Security Initiative Eric L. Olson with Christine Zaino
Losing the Good Fight: When Good Intentions are Not Enough

gathering the data vary between countries, making country-to-country Figure 2: Homicide Rates in Northern Triangle Countries (Guatemala, Honduras, and
El Salvador), 2013
comparisons difficult. At times countries change how they report data
from year-to-year. This is the case in Guatemala, where the government
began using homicide data reported by the national forensics lab, INACIF,
instead of the Policía Nacional Civil (PNC), which they had used pre-
viously. In Honduras, the government decided to by-pass the National
Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH) Violence Observatory,
which had served as an aggregator of official homicide data until recently.
The government has now created its own string of some 40 local obser-
vatories to report official data. Consistency between the data developed
by the UNAH’s Observatory and the more official government network
has not been determined.
More important than the aggregate number of homicides is their in-
tensity level by local jurisdiction. Figure 2 below is a map of homicides
in the Northern Triangle countries reflecting homicide intensity by mu-
nicipality. We have preferred to use this map for this study because it was
created by a group of researchers led by Carlos Mendoza of Guatemala, a Source: Created by Carlos Mendoza and team, with data from Policia Nacional Civil (PNC),
former Wilson Center Fellow and currently a security analyst for Central Guatemala; Policia Nacional, Honduras: and Fiscalia General de la Republica (FGR) and
Policia Nacional Civil (PNC), El Salvador.
American Business Intelligence. The data and methodology behind the
map tends to be more consistent.2 By highlighting levels of intensity, re-
searchers are able to isolate specific factors in that jurisdiction that are con-
The Problem: What is Driving the Violence in the
tributing to violence, propose policy approaches to deal with the violence.
Northern Triangle?
See chapter in this volume by Matt Ingram and Karise Curtis on the value
of special analysis of homicide rates. If successful treatment presumes an accurate diagnosis, then a successful
U.S. policy depends on an accurate understanding of the dynamics behind
the region’s current security challenges. The answers to these questions
are critical to formulating appropriate policy responses. Is violence the
principal challenge to be addressed in Central America or simply a symp-
tom of deeper problems? Is that deeper problem one of drug trafficking
that has rediscovered the region, pushed there by Mexico’s crack down
on criminal networks? Are youth gangs to blame? Have weak and corrupt
institutions of government penetrated by organized crime rendered the
state incapable of a coherent response becoming, instead, an incubator of
crime? Do long-standing issues of poverty and inequality at the heart of
internal armed conflicts in the 70s, 80s, and 90s—never fully addressed in
Data for this map is drawn from the Policia Nacional Civil (PNC), Guatemala; subsequent peace processes—linger on today resulting in less ideological
the Policia Nacional, Honduras: and Fiscalia General de la Republica (FGR) and
Policia Nacional Civil (PNC), El Salvador.
and more criminal conflicts? In all likelihood, there an element of truth in

| 22 | | 23 |
The Central America Regional Security Initiative Eric L. Olson with Christine Zaino
Losing the Good Fight: When Good Intentions are Not Enough

each of these hypotheses that together form a perfect storm exploited by Figure 3: Cocaine Seizures in Central America and Mexico, 2000-2011

criminal actors to mold the state and democratic institutions to its purposes? 160
Both the George W. Bush and Obama Administrations have high-
lighted the need to address the region’s growing security challenges, both
for its destructive impact in the region and for its potential impact on the

Tons seized
United States. When a U.S. security assistance initiative was first proposed
to Congress in 2007, then-Assistant Secretary of State for the Western
Hemisphere, Ambassador Thomas A. Shannon, noted that the urgency of 60

the region’s security situation justified the Bush Administration’s emer- 40

gency spending request to Congress noting that, “…we have seen a rapid 20

escalation in the activity of organized crime and narcotics traffickers in 0











the region that is evidenced…by spiraling violence and the movement of
additional drugs and resources through Central America…”3
Central America Mexico
As Ambassador Shannon’s statement suggests, the problems of drug traf-
ficking and violence are often linked as a rationale for the policy. According
Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Transnational Organized Crime in Central
to U.S. government reports, Central America has steadily become an im- America and the Caribbean: A Threat Assessment, Vienna, 2012: p.19.
portant link in the drug trafficking routes from the Andes to the United
States. The Department of State’s 2013 International Narcotics Control Figure 4: Distribution of Cocaine Seizures in Central America, 2000-2011
Strategy Report states, “The United States estimated that more than 80
percent of the primary flow of the cocaine trafficked to the United States 120

first transited through the Central American corridor in 2012. The United
States also estimated that as much as 87 percent of all cocaine smuggling
flights departing South America first land in Honduras.”4 80

Tons seized
And according to a 2012 UNODC assessment, “Between 2000-2005
the amount of cocaine seized in Central America was about equal to the
amount seized in Mexico. By 2011 the volume of cocaine seizures in 40
Central America was more than 13 times than amounts seized in Mexico.”5

House Committee on Foreign Affairs, The Mérida Initiative: Assessing Plans











to Step Up Our Security Cooperation with Mexico and Central America, 110th
Cong., 1st sess., November 14, 2007:p.17,
110hhrg38938/pdf/CHRG-110hhrg38938.pdf. El Salvador Guatemala Belize Honduras
Costa Rica Nicaragua Panama
U.S. Department of State, 2013 International Narcotics Strategy Report. “Country
Reports: Honduras through Mexico,” March 5, 2013: p.189,
gov/j/inl/rls/nrcrpt/2013/vol1/204050.htm. Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Transnational Organized Crime in Central
“Transnational Organized Crime in Central America and the Caribbean: America and the Caribbean: A Threat Assessment, Vienna, 2012: p.24.
A Threat Assessment” United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Vienna,
September 2012: p.19.

| 24 | | 25 |
The Central America Regional Security Initiative Eric L. Olson with Christine Zaino
Losing the Good Fight: When Good Intentions are Not Enough

Furthermore, a review of the congressional record at the time security States where the primary motivation for their journey north.8
assistance to Mexico and Central America was debated in 2008 suggests These findings are confirmed by broader surveys of Central Americans
that the primary concern among Administration and Congressional leaders by the Latin America Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) at Vanderbilt
was to control drug trafficking through the Meso American corridor. For University. Analysis of their survey data from 2004-2012 revealed that
example, then Chair of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Tom actual crime victimization as well as general feelings of insecurity contrib-
Lantos (D-CA) said in his opening statement at a hearing on U.S. security ute to migration intentions, particularly in certain countries: “El Salvador,
assistance, “The appalling violence associated with the drug trade and with Nicaragua, and Guatemala seem to support the central finding that crime
the vicious criminal gangs that run it cries out for vigorous, joined action and insecurity lead individuals to consider emigration.”9
by the governments of the region.”6 Additionally, an official Department Furthermore, while crime and violence in general are reported to
of State description states, “[CARSI] is designed to stop the f low of nar- encourage migration, a 2012 report by Corporación Latinobarómetro,
cotics, arms, weapons, and bulk cash generated by illicit drug sales, and to another organization that publishes public opinion surveys in Latin
confront gangs and criminal organizations.” 7 America, reminds us that the crime and violence most commonly vic-
But, while the links between international drug trafficking and vi- timizing Latin Americans involves common crime (such as assault, theft,
olence are real, they are often more complex than commonly under- and extortion, is reported as a greater menace than organized crime and
stood. The congressional debate at the time and subsequent statements drug trafficking. For Latin America in aggregate, “unorganized crime”
by the Administration seemed to conf late the two—drug trafficking and was reported most often—by 42 percent of respondents—as the most per-
violence—implying that international drug trafficking was the sole, or vasive crime, far above “drug trafficking” at 13 percent of respondents.
primary, explanation for the rising violence and homicide rates in the Looking specifically at the countries of the Northern Triangle, particularly
Northern Triangle. No other explanation was offered. few respondents rated drug trafficking as the most frequently experienced
Yet, drugs and homicides are not inter-changeable and a policy de- crime: 8 percent of Honduran respondents, 7 percent of Guatemalans, and
signed primarily to stop international drug trafficking risks missing many 5 percent of Salvadorans, compared to Brazil, where 35 percent of respon-
other causes of violence and homicide in Central America. For example, dents ranked drug trafficking as the most frequent crime. 10
the violence contributing to the inf lux of unaccompanied child migrants Additionally, there is very little official data that establishes a motive for
over the summer of 2014 cannot be explained as the direct result of actions most homicides thus linking illegal drugs to homicides is more conjecture
by Mexican criminal networks like the Sinaloa Federation or the Zetas. and assumption than a conclusion based on empirical evidence or crimi-
These criminal networks may have taken advantage of the increased f low nal investigation. The investigative capacity of police and prosecutors are
of migrants for their human smuggling businesses but other factors rooted stretched thin and their ability to gather physical and testimonial evidence
in the communities of origin are important drivers as well. Children f lee-
ing Northern Triangle countries reported to the Office of the UN High
Children on the Run: Unaccompanied Children Leaving Central America and Mexico
and the Need for International Protection, United Nations High Commissioner for
Commissioner for Refugees that societal and domestic violence, as well as
Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Office for the United States and the Caribbean,
economic desperation, and the opportunity to join family in the United Washington, D.C., July 2014, pp.9-10.
Jonathan Hiskey, Mary Malone, and Diana Orcés, “Violence and Migration in
Central America,” LAPOP Americas Barometer Insights 2014, #101, p.7,
House Committee on Foreign Affairs, “The Mérida Initiative: Assessing Plans to
Step Up Our Security Cooperation with Mexico and Central America,” p.1. 10
Marta Lagos and Lucía Dammert, “La Seguridad Ciudadana: El Problema
“The Central America Regional Security Initiative: A Shared Partnership,” Principal del América Latina,” Corporación Latinobarometro, report presented
Bureau of Public Affairs Factsheet, U.S. Department of State, August 5, 2010, in Lima, Peru, May 9, 2012, p.51, LATBD_La_seguridad_ciudadana.pdf.

| 26 | | 27 |
The Central America Regional Security Initiative Eric L. Olson with Christine Zaino
Losing the Good Fight: When Good Intentions are Not Enough

in high crime areas is minimal. In Guatemala, “unknown” is listed as In addition, distinguishing between types of criminal networks and
the motive in roughly 40 percent of homicide cases, and “illegal drugs” organized crime is important. Major trafficking organizations, of the kind
is the official cause in only 8 percent. According to Carlos Mendoza, all using rural landing strips and remote river “highways” in Honduras and
homicides occurring in Guatemalan municipalities categorized as “narco Guatemala, are primarily interested in transporting cocaine to lucrative
territories” are attributed to illegal drugs without further examination. markets in New York, Washington, Chicago, and Los Angeles as quickly as
Failure to determine a motive makes prosecution nearly impossible and possible. Their principle market and source of income is not in Honduras,
contributes to elevated rates of impunity. Instead of prosecutions, all coun- the region’s fourth poorest country. Violence is used strategically in areas
tries rely, to varying degrees, on extended pretrial detention of “suspects” of competition with rival criminal networks but homicides are distributed
leading to dramatic overcrowding of prisons—some 300 percent in El more broadly in Central America and are not limited to international
Salvador. See statistics on pre-trial detention (Table 1) and overcrowding trafficking routes.
(Table 2) below. Lack of investigative capacity and lack of accountability The relationship between drugs and homicides often reflect local crim-
for crime may be a major factor contributing to the explosion in violence inal dynamics and the lack of an effective state presence more than the
in Central America. The state’s inability to protect leads many individuals direct result of international drug trafficking. For example, violence can
to either f lee, fight back any way they know how, or join the criminal be related to retail distribution of small amounts of illegal drugs in urban
organizations as a matter of self-preservation. neighborhoods. Some of these illegal drugs enter the Central American
retail market as in-kind payments to locals for providing services to the
Table 1: Pre-Trial Detentions in Northern Triangle Countries, by percentage (2000-2013) traffickers such as transportation and security services for drug shipments.
Year But violence concentrated in urban areas can also be related to other forms
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 of crime including assaults, kidnapping and extortion—all of which are
El Salvador 50 50 50 49 39 28 31 39 36 35 34 29 29 24 chronically under-reported. For example, a recent survey of small and
medium sized enterprises in El Salvador found that 79 percent of these
Guatemala 58 58 58 47 n/a 41 41 n/a 42 n/a 56 54 54 54 are victims of extortion but only 16 percent bother to report the crime.11
The number of kidnappings is especially difficult to ascertain because
Honduras 87 85 78 70 62 63 50 62 51 49 45 48 48 50 victims and their families are often reluctant to report the crime for fear
Source: Data from OAS Hemispheric Security Observatory (, “Indicators, that involving law enforcement may put their loved one at greater risk. The
13. Prison Systems, 11. Untried Prisoners Held (Percentage),” OAS Observatory on Citizen table below makes this very clear with the number of kidnaps in Honduras
Security—Data Repository, is virtually unreported. But there is evidence that fear of kidnapping and
extortion are major drivers for migrants fleeing violent communities.
Table 2: Prison Overcrowding in Northern Triangle Countries, 2005-07 and 2011
2005-07 2011
System Capacity System Population System Capacity System Population
El Salvador 7,770 12,581 8,187 24,399
Guatemala 6,454 8,243 6,492 12,303
Honduras 8,280 11,691 8,190 11,985 11
FUSADES, DEL – Estudios Legales, “Informe de Conyuntura Legale e
Source: Data from Elías Carranza, 2012, “Situación penitenciaria en América Latina y el Institucioinal,” First Semester, 2014.
Caribe ¿Qué hacer?” Anuario de Derechos Humanos 2012, Table 1a, tion=com_k2&view=item&task=download&id=692_8d9340207240d38f5b- 83219c3b1c2392&Itemid=297&lang=es

| 28 | | 29 |
The Central America Regional Security Initiative Eric L. Olson with Christine Zaino
Losing the Good Fight: When Good Intentions are Not Enough

Table 3: Northern Triangle Kidnapping Rate per 100,000 Inhabitants, by country (2000-2012) America and the Dominican Republic.
Year But while the policies of then-Mexican President Felipe Calderón to
Country aggressively confront transnational criminal networks in Mexico enjoyed
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

El Salvador n/a n/a 0.32 n/a 0.07 0.13 0.35 0.16 0.36 0.47 0.47 0.24 0.22 widespread bipartisan support in Washington, there were also numerous
Guatemala 0.25 0.26 0.38 0.31 0.41 0.41 0.44 0.73 1.56 1.16 0.93 n/a n/a congressional voices expressing concern about the Mérida Initiative’s po-
Honduras n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.48 0.95
tential impact on Central America. For example, Congressman Albio Sires
(D–New Jersey) emphasized the regional nature of the security threats
Source: Organization of American States, “OAS Observatory on Citizen Security –
Data Repository,” stating, “I have a problem when we concentrate on one country, and we
aspx?lang=en&indicator=28. do not concentrate on the region. I feel that the efforts that we are going
to make in Mexico, all it is going to do is put more pressures on those
Numerous field studies and assessment have concluded that gangs engage
other Central American countries as we eradicate, as we did in Colombia,
in violent turf battles and a variety of crimes such violent auto theft, home
some of these cartels or some of these drug dealers…it would have been
invasions and extortions, but the link between Central American gangs
wise to take a regional approach.…if we push these drug dealers into
and international drug trafficking are limited. As Rodgers, Muggah, and
those other countries, all we are doing is destabilizing those countries.”13
Stevenson wrote: “In contrast to the numerous sensationalist accounts
Senator Richard Lugar (R–Indiana) argued that “Central American offi-
linking Central American gangs to migrant trafficking, kidnapping, and
cials feel that they will not be able to confront threats effectively without
international organized crime, it is clear from the various qualitative studies
more assistance. They fear the gang members and drug traffickers will flee
of Central American gangs that both pandillas and maras are mainly in-
Mexico for Central America, where it will be easier to operate.”14 Such
volved in small-scale, localized crime and delinquency such as petty theft
an unbalanced approach, they suggested, did not take into account the
and muggings (although these can often result in murder).”12
potential risks in Central America.
A second congressional concern linking illicit drugs to elevated ho-
Indeed, it is often argued that the flow of drugs and homicides increased
micides in Central America was the fear that a U.S. security policy fo-
dramatically in Guatemala and Honduras as a result of President Calderón’s
cused heavily on Mexico might have devastating consequences for Central
aggressive campaign against major trafficking organizations like the Zetas
America. Referring to the “balloon effect”—when pressure on one link
and Sinaloa Federation. While there is evidence to support this thesis, it is
in the drug trafficking chain pushes the trade to another more vulnerable
also true that drug trafficking through the region was well established prior
area—Congress expressed its concern that Central America would suffer
the consequences of an all-out assault on drug trafficking in Mexico.
Indeed, the Bush Administration’s first request to Congress for security
House Committee on Foreign Affairs, “The Mérida Initiative: Assessing Plans
to Step Up Our Security Cooperation with Mexico and Central America,” 110th
assistance was primarily focused on Mexico. It resulted from extensive Cong., 1st sess., November 14, 2007, p.45.
consultations between the United States and Mexican governments about 14
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, “The Antidrug Package for Mexico
how to confront together the criminal networks that were increasingly and Central America: An Evaluation,” 110th Cong., 1st sess., November 15, 2007,
emboldened and violent in their competition to supply illegal drugs to the p.4. Senator Menendez: “These cartels are very strategic, so we move the problem
lucrative U.S. consumer market. Of the original $1.4 billion three-year se- out of Mexico and we move it, maybe, to the Caribbean,” Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations, “The Antidrug Package for Mexico and Central America: An
curity package for Mexico, commonly referred to as the Mérida Initiative, Evaluation,” 110th Cong., 1st sess., November 15, 2007, p.16. Senator Joseph Biden
a small portion (approximately $50 million) was to be directed to Central also questioned whether the funding for Central America was adequate to prevent a
balloon effect in funding, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, “The Antidrug
Rodgers, Dennis, Robert Muggah, and Chris Stevenson,“Gangs of Central
Package for Mexico and Central America: An Evaluation,” 110th Cong., 1st sess.,
America: Causes, Costs, and Interventions,” Small Arms Survey, Geneva, 2009: p. 9. November 15, 2007, p. 54.

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to 2007 when the Calderón offensive got underway. Mexican trafficking Colombia since Fiscal Year 2000.17 Others have noted that while the Bush
organizations had already struck deals with Central American trafficking Administration initially requested $1.4 billion over three years to fund
networks as far back as the 1980s including with the Honduran trafficker the Mérida Initiative, the $50 million in the package for Central America
Juan Ramón Matta Ballesteros.15 Furthermore, James Bosworth has argued during the first year stood in stark contrast to the $500 million Mexico
that the 2009 coup in Honduras shifted the attention of the country’s se- was to receive the first year.
curity forces to protecting the new regime from external political threats In response, the Bush Administration maintained that it shared the
from the deposed president and thus created an internal security vacuum concerns about potential impacts in Central America but did not want to
that was eagerly filled by international trafficking organizations.16 delay the extensive security cooperation package it had developed with
Finally, the lack of clarity about the sources and kinds of violence driv- Mexico while it was in dialogue with the Central American countries.18
ing homicides in Central America has led to a confused, sometimes contra- According to then-Assistant Secretary Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.’s testimony
dictory, policy response from the Central American governments and the before Congress, the Bush administration envisioned the Central American
international community, including the United States. We will examine component of Mérida as “a new partnership, built off a dialogue that the
some of these issues in the following sections. United States and the Central American republics had in 2007 under the
auspices of the Joint U.S.-SICA [Central American Integration System]
The Response from the United States Dialogue.”19 In effect, the Administration argued that assistance for Central
America was necessarily more complex because it involved seven countries
Given that the Northern Triangle’s multiple security challenges ex- (ultimately nine when the Dominican Republic and Haiti were added by
tend back a decade and more, considerable pressure has been exerted in the House).20
Washington, amongst Central American governments, and in the media, While originally part of the Mérida Initiative, security assistance for
calling on the United States to “do something” to address these problems Central America was formally separated to become the Central America
before they become unmanageable. But how, exactly? Regional Security Initiative (CARSI) in the FY 2010 appropriations
Against this troubling backdrop, the United States has variously been bill. The Obama Administration sought to build collaborative security
accused of either ignoring the warning signs in Central America, pursing
policies that exacerbated the region’s security crisis, or, according to some, 17
Average calculated based on data in June S. Beittel, “Colombia: Background,
simply doing too little too late to make a difference. Some in Congress U.S. Relations, and Congressional Interest,” Congressional Research Service,
pointed to the U.S. experience in Colombia as a model for engagement November 28, 2012, p.38.
and asked why the Unites States did not make a larger financial commit-
Congress added funding for Haiti and the Dominican Republic out of concern
that these countries would also suffer the so-called “balloon effect” of shifting drug
ment in Central America—one that more closely matched the average trafficking routes as cartels were squeezed in Mexico and Central America.
$665 million in annual assistance the United States has provided via Plan 19
House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on the Western
Hemisphere, “Central America and the Mérida Initiative,” 110th Cong., 2nd sess.,
May 8, 2008, p.9.
In the same legislative package, Congress also authorized $65 million in funding
for Haiti and the Dominican Republic, to “be made available for assistance for the
Steven Dudley and Michael Lohmuller. “Docs Reveal CIA-Guadalajara Link, countries of Central America, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic only to combat
Not Conspiracy” InSight Crime, November 13, 2013, drug trafficking and related violence and organized crime, and for judicial reform,
news-analysis/the-death-of-camarena-and-the-real-cia-guadalajara-cartel-link. institution building, anti-corruption, rule of law activities, and maritime security”
James Bosworth, “Honduras: Organized Crime Gained Amid Political Crisis,” in (House of Representatives, “Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban
Organized Crime in Central America: The Northern Triangle, Cynthia J. Arnson and Eric L. Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010: Conference Report
Olson (eds.), Woodrow Wilson Center Report on the Americas, #29, November 2011. to Accompany H.R. 3288,” 111th Congress, 1st sess., December 8, 2009, p. 343.)

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partnerships with several countries in the hemisphere. As part of this 5. Foster enhanced levels of security and rule of law coordination
effort, the administration re-launched the Central America part of the and cooperation between the nations of the region
Mérida Initiative as CARSI in 2010.21 In its Committee Report, the House
appropriators specified that “The Committee believes that funding and
cooperation within the region is a long-term proposal and therefore is “ The U.S. is committed to citizen safety in Central America…We are
doing everything we can in the fight against corruption and impunity, in
transitioning the three-year Mérida Initiative-Central America to a lon- providing the equipment and the support that law enforcement and the
ger-term Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI).” While military require, and helping to build civil society to stand against the
the Senate bill intended to keep funding for Central America within the scourge of drug trafficking.” 
Mérida framework, the separation ultimately took place.
– Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, 2010 

What is CARSI? Two noteworthy observations emerge. First, to its credit the U.S.
Given the complexity of Central America’s security challenges, and the Department of State formally defined the region’s security challenges, at
urgency to “do something” in response to the increasing violence and in- least initially, in terms of public security and not strictly as a drug trafficking
stability in the region, it is not surprising that the CARSI program emerged problem. While a positive declaratory shift, counternarcotics nevertheless
as a broad framework of objectives and priorities. A Department of State continue to be a centerpiece of U.S. policy either by default or design. For
produced “Fact Sheet” on CARSI lays it out succinctly: “The desired ob- example, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said: “The U.S.
jective of CARSI is to produce a safer and more secure region where crim- is committed to citizen safety in Central America…We are doing every-
inal organizations no longer wield the power to destabilize governments or thing we can in the fight against corruption and impunity, in providing the
threaten national and regional security and public safety, as well as to prevent equipment and the support that law enforcement and the military require,
the entry and spread of illicit drugs, violence, and transnational threats to and helping to build civil society to stand against the scourge of drug traf-
countries throughout the region and to the United States “22 ficking.”23 As documented in the chapters on Honduras and Guatemala in
The stated goals of the CARSI program are themselves laudable. U.S. this volume, counternarcotics often becomes the primary focus of partner
Department of State documents and testimony refer to the following five: nations, limiting the effectiveness of U.S. programs intended to prevent
1. Create safe streets for the citizens in the region violence, strengthen law enforcement and judicial institutions broadly, and
2. Disrupt the movement of criminals and contraband within and thus increase public security.
between the nations of Central America  Conflating citizen security and counternarcotics can pose policy dilem-
3. Support the development of strong, capable, and accountable mas because, while similar, the strategy for dealing with each one differs
Central American governments and can, at times, undermine one another. Many sources of violence and
4. Re-establish effective state presence and security in communities causes of homicide are overlooked or receive inadequate attention when
at risk counternarcotics efforts take precedence. As we have seen, extortion and
other forms of violent common crime significantly impact communities and
contribute to homicides; but, as argued in the chapter by Ingram and Curtis,
Peter J. Meyer and Clare Ribando Seelke, “Central America Regional Security
Initiative: Background and Policy Issues for Congress,” Congressional Research
one must also consider various other factors such as geography, economic
Service, May 6, 2014, p.2.
“The Central America Regional Security Initiative: A Shared Partnership.” Fact 23
“The Central America Regional Security Initiative: A Shared Partnership,”
Sheet Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State, August 5, 2010, Bureau of Public Affairs Factsheet, U.S. Department of State, August 5, 2010,

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distress, rapid urbanization, and lack of adequate schooling as factors under- priority areas and one central organizational principal. Simply put, the stated
mining community resilience and thus contributing to elevated homicide priorities are crime prevention, institutional reform and strengthening, and
rates. Additionally, numerous studies have pointed to the important links counternarcotics efforts. Building partnerships, strengthening the capacity
between domestic violence and broader societal violence. According to Joy of partner nations, and responding to the needs identified by the host gov-
D. Osofsky, for example, “What children learn from witnessing domestic ernment are the principal operational principals.
violence: Violence is an appropriate way to resolve conf licts. Violence is a Even the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics
part of family relationships. The perpetrator of violence in intimate relation- Control and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), traditionally focused exclu-
ships often goes unpunished. Violence is a way to control other people.”24 sively on counternarcotics efforts, appears to have expanded its approach
In this context, the violence citied by the majority of unaccompanied and broadened its horizons beyond the narrow counternarcotics focus of
minors as a primary factor for f leeing to the United States are more likely its past, having transformed its field offices in United States embassies from
related to specific community factors rather than the transnational drug Narcotic Affairs Sections (NAS) to include strengthening law enforcement
trafficking most often cited. And according to LAPOP analysis, “Personal capacity in country. This transition is summarized in a speech by the current
victimization is also strongly correlated with intentions to migrate, suggest- Assistant Secretary of State for international narcotics and law enforcement
ing again that both of these crime-related factors may be at work in pushing affairs, Ambassador see William Brownfield’s on March 27, 2014 at the
at least some percentage of Central Americans to consider leaving their native University of Texas–Austin.27 Nevertheless, INL remains primarily a coun-
country.”25 So a policy focused primarily on drug interdiction is unlikely ternacotics focused bureau within the Department of State bringing to bare
to have a major impact on the factors driving the violence and subsequent law enforcement tools and diplomacy to combat the illicit f low of drugs
migration of children from Central America. into the United Sates. The fact that the majority of U.S. security assistance
To its credit, the CARSI program also ref lected the Obama for Mexico and Central America f lows first through INL means that its
Administration’s desire to design, and congressional willingness to support, approach to the problem of crime and violence in the region predominates
an approach less focused on the traditional “war on drugs”—military-fo- within policy circles.
cused, equipment-heavy assistance programs utilized in Colombia and in the
initial formulation of the Mérida Initiative, when eradication of illegal crops, A Missing Strategy
such as marijuana and opium poppy plants, and interdiction of trafficking
routes took precedence.26 Despite its broad and ambitious goals and objectives, CARSI leaves un-
In this broader context, CARSI can be understood as having three resolved whether its primary focus is citizen security or counternarcotics
and often seeks to address both simultaneously. This may well reflect the
Joy D. Osofsky, “Children Who Witness Domestic Violence: the Invisible divergent viewpoints in Congress and across the Executive branch, a de-
Victims,” Social Policy Report, Society for Research in Child Development. Vol. IX, bate that includes not only INL but the Drug Enforcement Agency, the
no. 3, 1995: p.5. Justice Department, and to a lesser extent the U.S. military through its
Hiskey, Malone, and Orcés, LAPOP Americas Barometer Insights 2014, #101: p.4. Southern Command, that tend to favor a more traditional law enforce-
While the initial Mérida Initiative proposal embodied more traditional anti-drug ment focus. Conversely, agencies such as the U.S. Agency for International
program, later iterations of the strategy added initiatives to support “building resil-
Development, and the Department of State’s Bureau for Western Hemisphere
ient communities” including more targeted local efforts to support violence preven-
tion programs and expand educational and employment opportunities. See Olson Affairs—charged with coordinating CARSI policy—tend to focus more on
and Wilson for a full discussion. Eric Olson and Christopher Wilson. “Beyond
Mérida: The Evolving Approach to Security Cooperation.” Working Paper Series on 27
William R. Brownfield. “Drugs, Security, and Latin America: The New
U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation. Wilson Center Mexico Institute and University of Normal?” Remarks at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University
San Diego Trans-Border Institute. May 2010. of Texas. Austin, Texas. March 27, 2014,

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the broader public security agenda of violence prevention and strengthening challenges posed by transnational trafficking organizations while also address-
institutions as a vehicle for establishing greater public security. ing longer-term needs such as reforming failing state institutions, establishing
As a result, the CARSI program lacks a unified strategy—a road map violence prevention programs, and developing alternative livelihoods for
setting out priorities and allowing for an objective evaluation of whether at-risk youth. All are objectively important to addressing Central America’s
progress is being made. The oft asked question, “Is CARSI working?” is challenges but failure to prioritize and design a coordinated strategy can
difficult to answer because no agreed upon criteria exists for a proper evalua- mean these initiatives become increasingly stove-piped. In the specific case
tion. By some measures, CARSI is a success. Money is being spent in targeted of CARSI it often means that individual projects share a common goal but
areas: people are being trained in security operations, and thousands of at-risk may not work together in any coherent way to achieve the stated goal. They
children are receiving anti-drug and anti-gang courses and participating in exist in large part as individual and separate side-by-side initiatives that may
enrichment classes such as computer skills and athletic competitions. All are not add up to a common purpose and in some cases undermine one another.
examples of success. This dilemma is most visible in the case of the anti-gang work. In October
By other measures, over time CARSI has failed or been wholly inade- 2012 and again in June 2013, the United States Department of the Treasury
quate because homicides remain historically high, and while each country designated the Salvadoran Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and their supporters
of the Northern Triangle has seen both increases and decreases in their ho- a “transnational criminal organization (TCO),”pursuant Executive Order
micide rates, nothing suggests there is a secular decline. The recent influx 13581. The designation targets the finances of the criminal group and puts
of unaccompanied minors fleeing north to Mexico and the United States at risk anyone who engages with the designated criminal group and indi-
may be a tragic indication that violence generally, beyond homicides, may viduals. The impact on the designation was made clear in the Department of
be as bad as ever and that five years of CARSI has had little impact. Even if the Treasury’s October 11, 2012 press announcement, “as a result of today’s
combating drug trafficking were to be the measure of success, drugs con- action, any property or property interests in the United States, or in the
tinue to flow across the region in significant quantities as reported by the possession or control of U.S. persons in which MS-13 has an interest, are
UNODC and Department of State. (As noted earlier, roughly 80 percent of blocked, and U.S. persons are prohibited from engaging in transac-
cocaine heading to the United States from the Andes passes through Central tions with MS-13.”28 (Emphasis added.)
America on its way north.) The intention of such a designation is to create, in part, a “pariah effect,”
Based on numerous interviews and an extensive review of publically or a disincentive for anyone to engage with the designated TCO. While an
available documents, we have reached the conclusion that the Central important and effective law enforcement tool in other instances, in the spe-
America Regional Security Initiative represents a number of high priority cific case of El Salvador, and to a lesser extent in Honduras and Guatemala, it
and urgently needed programs but does not reflect an overall strategy. A se- has had the practical effect of freezing gang intervention programs that could
nior U.S. Department of State official with direct responsibility for CARSI be carried out by USAID and its implementing partners. As a result, USAID
implementation put it succinctly: “CARSI is not a strategy.” Instead, CARSI goals and objects regarding violence prevention have been limited to primary
is a funding stream created by Congress (at the request of the Bush and prevention programs such as community centers, after school programs, and
Obama Administrations) that seeks to address very real security challenges sports and cultural activities. While these are valuable activities, and third-
but fails to set strategic priorities and articulate a coherent plan for advanc- party impact evaluations have shown positive results, these programs are not
ing these priorities among the diverse set of challenges in Central America. dealing with youth who are already part of MS-13, and who might be open
Without the prioritization implied in a strategy, each component part would to leaving the gang if there were acceptable exit programs and alternative
appear to be of equal value, and in some cases U.S. supported efforts advance 28
“Treasury Sanctions Latin American Criminal Organization,” U.S. Department
one objective while undermining another. of the Treasury, Press Center, October 11, 2012,
There is an understandable tension between responding to the immediate press-center/press-releases/Pages/tg1733.aspx.

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education and employment programs available. Furthermore, sorting out trafficking rather than addressing overall institutional weaknesses within the
which kids in a community are affiliating or associated with the gang, and civilian police and Public Ministry. On the other hand, the United States has
thus ineligible for services, can be an impossible and possibly dangerous task. decided that it will not support the PMOP because of human rights concerns
The Treasury designation effectively puts the United States on the side- and accountability questions. Its stated commitment is to strengthen the
lines when it comes to reaching out to criminally active youth where the civilian police and justice system. In this case, one must ask whether much
possibility of a more immediate impact on violence in a community is not needed efforts to reform the police and justice system stand any chance of
possible. Programs in the United States that have engaged with active gang success when the central government has placed its priorities elsewhere.
members and enjoyed success are effectively off limits in the Northern Furthermore, with divergent priorities it’s not surprising that some in the
Triangle countries as a result. In this case the anti-drug goal may be furthered U.S. Embassy would like to refocus on a more traditional counternarcotics
but can adversely affect efforts to reduce crime and violence in a community. strategy. The absence of political commitment to reform may doom the effort
from the beginning so pursuing a narrower (and traditional) law enforcement
Lack of Government Buy-In strategy focused on drug trafficking becomes more attractive since bilateral
interests tend to converge more directly in this area, especially in Honduras.
While the lack of a clear strategy for CARSI is a significant impediment
to the enterprise, equally important is the issue of host government buy-in.
What is the host government’s commitment to a particular initiative and The Limits of Judicial Reform/Institution Strengthening
how are they implementing these efforts? Lack of host government commitment to full implementation of judicial
A formal system of agreements and understandings exist that make pos- reform and rule of law implementation is another major factor undermin-
sible a U.S. presence and activities in country. Both INL and USAID follow ing good intentions on the part of the United States. Judicial reform and
similar procedures signing agreements with host countries to carry-out spe- strengthening the capacity of prosecutors and justices has been an important
cific programs; but these formal arrangements do not measure the level of element of U.S. assistance programs for Central America since the 1980s.
commitment of the host country to the project and its goals. While never a large percentage of the foreign aid budget for the region,
For example, despite progress in rewriting laws and passing institutional supporting rule of law programming, reform, and modernization has been
reform packages for the police and judiciary in several countries the results a constant for the past three decades.
are quite limited. Reforms of criminal procedures like adoption of an oral Yet today, there is general agreement across the U.S. political spectrum
adversarial legal system can represent a welcome advance, but these same that reforming and strengthening law enforcement and rule of law institu-
reforms can be quickly undermined if the government itself does not demon- tions is still urgently needed in Central America. After decades devoted to
strate the courage to fully implement the reforms and ensure an evenhanded rule of law reform and judicial strengthening, there has been precious little
application of the law including accountability for corrupt public servants. improvement. Use of pre-trial detention remain stubbornly high, successful
Identifying and purging corrupt officials, such as police officers, is a first step prosecutions stand a roughly five percent across the region (Guatemala has
but must be followed by full prosecution, something rarely pursued. done better), and prisons are grossly overcrowded and have become key
Another problem can be found in the chapter on Honduras by Aaron links in the criminal enterprise. The recent “re-arrest” of Byron Lima Oliva,
Korthius where priorities emphasized by the government of Honduras already in jail for his role in the murder of Guatemalan Bishop Gerardi, is
contradict the priorities established by the United States with the previous emblematic. Lima is alleged to have run a criminal empire, including money
Honduran government. The current Hernandez government is focused pri- laundering and providing special benefits to inmates, from within the prison
marily on building up its military police (PMOP) and other specialized secu-
rity units as the main instrument for confronting organized crime and drug

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while serving a twenty-year sentence.29 (Also, see Tables 1 and 2 above for more-complex than the kinds of technocratic activities a judicial reform
pre-trial detention and prison overcrowding data.) project was likely to entail.”32 More than technical and financial deficiencies,
Corruption is rampant throughout police and justice institutions in the rule of all initiatives are hindered by political and human obstacles—corrupt
Northern Triangle, and inefficient, poorly trained, and unprofessional forces elites and “leaders who refuse to be ruled by the law…the will for reform…
are a common and constant challenge in any attempt to combat crime and must come from within.”33 Another researcher, Rachel Kleinfield, reached
drug trafficking. In Honduras, for example, the militarization of the police a similar conclusion suggesting that, “Rather than reforming laws to make
force and the use of informal security enforcement have decreased public them more ‘modern’ or tweaking institutional arrangements to make them
trust in governmental citizen security measures and has allowed organized appear similar to those in the West, reformers looking at power structures
crime groups to infiltrate the public sector.30 and cultural norms have clear goals that transparently serve rule-of-law
The situation is not uniform across the three countries, however, with ends.” Current reforms often fail to “confront the enormous challenges of
Guatemala showing some concrete and specific improvements in clearance creating meaningful limitations on political power holders, changing how
rates and better coordination between prosecutors and police. Additionally, governments relate to citizens, and altering fundamental norms that govern
Guatemala has enjoyed more success in adapting a strategic approach to crime how citizens interact with each other.”34
fighting focusing on criminal networks rather than taking an individual case Beyond the broader political challenges reform efforts encounter, there
approach. And it has benefited from the presence of a United Nations office are also a number of policy choices that undermine these efforts including:
(the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala, CICIG) that an over reliance on training as a vehicle for institutional reform; a “vetted
has assisted with complicated and sensitive investigations of criminal net- unit” strategy that fails to impact broader institutional capacities; inadequate
works and corrupt officials.31 At present, it is not clear if these advances will evaluations of U.S. supported programs; lack of transparency and inadequate
be preserved and expanded with the forced departure of Attorney General policy dialogue with civil society organizations in country.
Claudia Paz y Paz, who is credited with having resisted many political
pressures and effectively carrying out many prosecutions against criminal Over Reliance on Training
organizations. Within the framework of institutional reform and strengthening, training
Guatemala’s improvements notwithstanding, there remain many chal- is often a central element of the strategy, and with good reason. As noted,
lenges in terms of institutional reform and capacity building in all three police and justice sector personnel often have only basic formal training, and
countries. So after decades of U.S. support for rule of law and institutional lack many of the professional skills needed to effectively conduct modern
reform programs for the police and judiciary, why are corruption, ineffec- law enforcement operations.35 Furthermore, low educational levels and poor
tive police work and prosecutions still the hallmark of most law enforce- training contribute to ineffectiveness that, in turn, contribute to public dis-
ment agencies in the Northern Triangle? Two scholars have studied the trust of the institutions and can lead to poor force morale. Together, these
field extensively and have arrived at some important conclusions that have factors exacerbate the institution’s existing vulnerabilities and, ultimately, its
both informed and helped guide the researchers in this project. Thomas susceptibility to further penetration and capture by criminals.
Carothers observes that judicial reform demands “something far deeper and
Thomas Carothers, ed., Promoting the Rule of Law Abroad: In Search of Knowledge,
Sonia Perez, “Guatemala bishop’s killer ran alleged jail empire,” Associated Press. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2006: preface.
September 3, 2014, 33
Carothers (2006), p.4.
Mark Ungar, “The Rot Within: Security and Corruption in Latin America,” 34
Rachel Kleinfeld, Advancing the Rule of Law Abroad: Next Generation Reform,
Social Research 80.4, Winter 2013: pp.1189 and 1203. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2012: pp.21 and 8.
See chapter on Guatemala, “CARSI IN GUATEMALA: Progress, Failure, and 35
Mark Ungar, “Community Policing in Honduras: Local Impacts of a National
Uncertainty,” by Nicholas Phillips in this volume for further discussion of CICIG. Programme.” Policing and Society 22.1, March 2012.

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Such a view must also be counterbalanced with several additional factors. Table 4: Training as Part of the Overall Strategy for Institutional Reform and Strengthening
No matter how important training is to the modernization of institutions,
Country Civilian Police Fiscalia/MP CN Units Judiciary
it is not a panacea but, rather, one tool among several needed to bring about
institutional transformation. Training is important but so is establishing spe- • (Regional) security • Assist courts
sector reform (2012) and judges
cific selection criteria and properly vetting recruits; establishing a professional through
career path with merit based promotions and adequate compensation; and, trainings (ex.
creating internal and external control mechanisms to promote accountabil- El Salvador
In support of
the imple-
ity to professional standards, legal obligations, and ultimately to the public.
mentation of
A focus on training and capacity building is important, but too narrow a the new asset
focus on training while overlooking other elements for building a strong forfeiture law)
and effective institution can be detrimental to its overall health and strength. (2014?)

Yet CARSI programs, and United States policy in general, tend to rely • Data gathering and • Data gather- • Aviation sup- • Data gather-
analysis (2009-10) ing and analy- port training ing and analy-
heavily on training, and to an important but lesser extent, vetting, to build • Port security sis (2009-10) (2010-2013) sis (2009-10)
capacity in institutions and, by implication, attempt to overcome the “cor- (2009-11) • Coordination • Narcotics
ruption” factor in police and justice institutions. Training and vetting are the • Coordination and and ac- interdiction
Guatemala accountability countability (2009-10)
common recipe applied almost everywhere, not just Central America. While
(2009-10) (2009-10)
training may present logistical, administrative, and technical challenges it • Police academy • Prosecutor
does not usually require significant political commitment on the part of a (2014?) Assistance
law enforcement agency or national government to implement. Prosecuting
corrupt or abusive officers, including leaders, does.
• (Regional) security • Training pros-
The biggest challenge may come with the results of vetting and decisions sector reform (2012) ecutors to lead
about what to do with those recruits and current law enforcement personnel • Port security (2011) prosecutor/
that fail vetting and background checks. This became particularly problem- • Honduran Criminal police collab-
Investigative School orative teams
atic in Honduras, where much of the government’s effort to clean up the courses in basic, (2014?)
police was centered on the vetting and purging of officers unfit to serve. The intermediate, and ad-
country’s Policia Nacional identified and purged nearly 1500 officers, who vanced investigations,
including Human
are now awaiting trial, not only leaving the country’s police force greatly
Rights curriculum
reduced, but also straining the capacity of Honduras’s justice system.36 In (2014?)
general, these actions require far less political and legal risk than creating a
• Community policing
strong independent internal affairs mechanism or establishing a special prose- (2013)
cutor’s unit with the authority to proactively investigate and hold accountable • Management-level
police, prosecutors, or government official accused of corruption and abuse. (2013)
Regional • International Law
Enforcement Academy
(2008-9, 2011)
• Anti-Gang Units
“Reacciones sobre la depuración policial en Honduras,” El Heraldo (Honduras), (2008)
September 23, 2014,

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Vetted Units The purpose of the vetted unit is twofold. First, to create a specialized
Vetted units are an essential part of the law enforcement capacity build- and highly professional unit that will enable the unit to focus on specific
ing and institutional reform strategy used by the United States around the types of crimes (extortion, kidnapping, or gang activity, for example) and
world and especially in Central America. There are two broad categories to carry out highly sensitive operations against high impact criminals.
of vetted units—those that conform to the U.S. Department of State’s Second, the vetted unit is supposed to contribute to the overall capacity
guidelines37 and those that form a “task force.” Vetted units are generally and professionalization of the entire force as members of the vetted unit
established within an individual law enforcement agency or security force are trained, gain experience, and cycle back into their home institution
and carryout sensitive operations under the supervision and direction of where they can have a positive multiplying effect on the entire agency.
U.S. law enforcement personnel. A task force is also vetted but usually In theory, enabling vetted units to carryout sensitive law enforcement
combines personnel from multiple agencies and security forces, and U.S. operations should create a modeling effect that would encourage the entire
personnel play a significant role but in an advisory capacity instead of di- police force to improve its capacities and thus enjoy similar success and
rectly overseeing operations. In both cases, successful background checks rewards of the vetted unit. The vetted unit demonstrates what is possible
are an essential part of the vetted units and task forces. and is said to create incentives for others to follow suit. Furthermore, as
Table 5: Vetted Units Supported by CARSI Program
members of vetted units cycle out they might also become agents of change
within their own institutions pushing for reform and better practices.
Country Police/FBI DEA DHS/ICE Unfortunately, there is no evidence to support these contentions.
Members of vetted units resist transfers preferring to stay where pay, ben-
• FBI vetted units (2009, • DEA vetted unit • Vetted units (2008-9,
El Salvador 2012, 2014,) (2008-9, 2012, 2012, 2014?)
efits, prestige, and access to equipment and resources are much better than
2014) with the broader institution. Furthermore, significant resentments emerge
• Port police (2009-10) • DEA vetted unit • Vetted units within police agencies when a few are given additional resources, training,
• FBI vetted unit (2012, (2008-9, 2012, (2009-2014) and support while others struggle to fulfill their jobs.
2014) 2014) Specialized units dealing with particular crimes such as kidnapping,
• Guatemalan Anti-Gang • DEA-SIU vetted
Unit (PANDA) (2014) unit (2014) extortion, or money laundering can be an effective way to deal with these
• Guatemalan Intel matters, but the ability of these same units to impact broader institutional
and Analysis Centers capacities and elevate the professionalism within the institution appear to
(CRADIC) (2014)
• PNC polygraph unit
be extremely limited. Ultimately, the vetted units often result again in a
(2014) more traditional counternarcotics strategy rather than building the capac-
• FBI vetted units (2012, • DEA vetted unit • Vetted Units (2008- ity of Central American law enforcement agencies to implement a crime
2014) (2008-9, 2012) 9, 2012, 2014) fighting and violence reduction strategy on its own.
• Honduran Anti-Gang • DEA-SIU vetted
Unit (2014) unit (2014)
• Transnational Anti-Gang • DEA vetted unit Coordination
Units (2008-9, 2011, 2014) (2010-11, 2013) For a strategy to be effective, policy coordination is a must. To this end,
CARSI teams at each embassy and inter-agency teams in Washington meet
Department of State guidelines are not publicly available but interviews with regularly to discuss CARSI implementation and report progress made by
officials suggest these include extensive vetting for possible links to criminal activity each agency in meeting targets and objectives.
and past human rights violations, as well as establishing a rough ratio of one U.S. Nevertheless, there is reason to be concerned that current coordination
officer for every 15 foreign officers.

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Losing the Good Fight: When Good Intentions are Not Enough

efforts tend to be an ineffective coordination mechanism. Since CARSI Evaluating Inputs rather than Outcomes
does not represent an integrated strategy, the meetings appear to primarily
As noted elsewhere, lack of appropriate indicators of success and ade-
serve as a reporting mechanism without the capacity or will to set priorities
quate impact evaluations continue to plaque U.S. security programs. The
or ensure coherence across agencies.
Government Accountability Office (GAO) pointed out this problem in a
Furthermore, agencies have a propensity to focus on their own program
2013 study. Country-level reports from embassies as well as annual reviews
priorities which become increasing stove-piped. In one U.S. Embassy we
from USAID missions were inconsistent, often simply offering general
learned that INL and USAID where promoting two different models of
descriptions of ongoing projects and failing to provide information on
community policing. Tough decisions about what model to pursue and
performance relative to established CARSI goals. Even where metrics
which agency takes the lead are often not taken.
have been established, “U.S. agencies have not assessed and reported on
Moreover, it is not at all clear that some of the initiatives supported by
their results using the performance metrics identified in the February 2012
short-term infusions of emergency funding from the U.S. (either through
interagency citizen security strategy for Central America.”38 The GAO
USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives or the Department of State’s
notes that the lack of assessment on the proven effectiveness and impact
Bureau of Conflict and Stabilizations Operations) will be sustainable once
of activities hurts future decision making. Missions are not necessarily to
these sources dry up. Other agencies of the U.S. government with a longer
blame, however, as “it is challenging to assess progress using some of the
term presence do not always share the commitment to these initiatives.
metrics, such as a metric addressing reductions in impunity rates in selected
Short-term funding can help jump-start innovative projects and support
communities, because the necessary data may not be readily available.”39
new approaches to solving problem, but without a broader commitment
As already noted, U.S. policy tends to rely too narrowly on training
within the U.S. government to continue and expand on these innovative
to increase the institutional capacity of public security and law enforce-
interventions the benefits can be quickly lost.
ment agencies. Systems to evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness
Furthermore, as already noted, with agencies pursuing different pri-
of training are rarely in place. Instead of measuring training’s impact on
orities the risk of policies and programs contradicting and undermining
such things as morale, professionalism, and reducing corrupt practices a
one another is clear. The notion that stopping illegal drugs and crime and
measurement of the number of trainees and workshops organized are often
violence prevention are on equal footing means that decisions about pri-
provided in an attempt to demonstrate the impact of the strategy.
orities are not made when these come into conflict with one another, or
The authors of the three country studies in this volume found similar
when a host country seems less committed to one priority.
problems in their research. In general, program goals are well explained
Lastly, the absence of a process to set strategic priorities also reflects the
and seem appropriate for dealing with the multiple challenges in each
absence of strategic leadership for CARSI. High level leadership that goes
country but there is little evidence, with a significant exception involving
beyond overseeing country plans and program implementation is urgently
USAID crime and violence prevention programs, those programs are being
needed to ensure that priorities such as anti-corruption measures, greater
evaluated effectively. The most common problem is that evaluations tend
transparency and accountability in government, and sustainable policy
to measure the wrong thing—inputs instead of outcomes.
implementation are maintained by U.S. agencies as well as hast countries.
For example, as is noted in the chapter on Honduras, significant emphasis
Maintaining a strategic focus in the midst of competing priorities, con-
tradictory demands from Congress, and host countries that have not fully 38
“Central America: U.S. Agencies Considered Various Factors in Funding
committed to a plan requires high level leadership that is often missing. Security Activities, but Need to Assess Progress in Achieving Interagency
Objective,” Government Accountability Office, Report to the Caucus on
As a result, host countries can find it easy to avoid taking the difficult but
International Narcotics Control, U.S. Senate, September 2013 (GAO-13-771): p.29,
necessary decisions to ensure government agencies function to their fullest
capacity free of political favoritism or criminal manipulation. 39
Government Accountability Office, 2013, pp. 30-31.

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Losing the Good Fight: When Good Intentions are Not Enough

has been placed on training police through the Criminal Investigation were accessible and graciously arranged for meetings and visits to CARSI
School. This program has received solid support from the Honduran gov- supported programs. They also provided us with helpful comments, sug-
ernment and is increasingly popular among law enforcement agencies. gestions and corrections on earlier versions of the country studies.
The government has even discussed the possibility of converting it into When it came to documentation, however, it was difficult to get by the
a regional center for law enforcement training. Nevertheless, there have traditional barriers of most bureaucracies. For instance, there has been no
been no evaluations of the impact of this training on the institutions as a breakdown of CARSI related expenditures by country and no information
whole. The record of achievement thus far has been measured in terms of about where these budgets stand regarding obligations and disbursements.
the number of participants in training courses and supplemented with an- What is available is the general CARSI budget by broad program area (ESF,
ecdotal evidence of improvement in individual cases but not an assessment INCLE, etc.) but not by specific country breakdown. How much is spent
of the overall performance of the force or agency. on training police in Honduras or Guatemala is not publically available.
It is also alarming that the U.S.-originated D.A.R.E (Drug Abuse It is impossible to know how much is spent on prevention by INL versus
Resistance Education) program designed to discourage youth from taking USAID, or how much is spent on drug interdiction versus crime and vi-
drugs, joining gangs, and engage in violent activity is being promoted in olence prevention programs in each country.
the Northern Triangle when evaluations in the United States have shown Furthermore, beyond the publically available facts sheets about CARSI,
the program has very limited impact. No comparable evaluation of this most of which are one page in length, there is almost no other documenta-
program’s impact has been carried out in Central America. tion that would explain in greater detail what strategies are being pursued
On the other hand, as noted, extensive impact evaluations of USAID in each priority area. We have been able to piece some of this together
funded crime and violence prevention programs have been conducted by based on information gathered from Congress and in personal interviews
Vanderbilt University’s Latin America Public Opinion Program (LAPOP) with Embassy and Department of State staff, most of which was conducted
using extensive community surveys and qualitative interviews. Among the on a non-attribution basis.
findings from LAPOP’s work is that USAID funded crime and preventions In the end, the lack of transparency and documentation lends additional
contributed to improved perceptions of security in high crime neighbor- credence to the notion that CARSI does not represent an overall strategy
hoods, and reductions in crime. Additionally, communities benefiting from but simply a compilation of individual programs with little coordination,
the programs reported improved relations with local police, important and strategic coherence.
improvements in handling conflicts and violence at local schools.40
Role of Civil Society
Transparency As part of this project, we have conducted three public meetings—one
In general, U.S. Department of State, USAID, and embassy personnel in each of the Northern Triangle countries—to present our initial finding
were forthcoming and provided great insight into their work on CARSI and solicit public input and corrections. These meetings where organized
related programs and patiently answered our multitude of questions. They by local organizations and included a broad cross-section of civil society
including universities and think tanks, service organizations, press, and
non-governmental organizations with specialized expertise in security
Susan Berk-Seligson, Diana Orces, Georgina Pizzolitto, Mitchell A. Seligson,

and Carole J. Wilson, “Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Community-Based Crime matters where invited to participate. Over 100 individuals and organiza-
and Prevention Approach in Central America: Regional Report for El Salvador, tions participated in these meetings
Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama,” Latin American Public Opinion Project, In each case we asked participants about their familiarity with the
Vanderbilt University, October 2014: pp.1-10. CARSI program, its goals, and objectives in their country. With very few

| 50 | | 51 |
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Losing the Good Fight: When Good Intentions are Not Enough

exceptions, participants expressed no knowledge about CARSI. In many violence prevention programs and targeted and professional law enforce-
instances they were unsure about the purpose or focus—whether it was a ment strategies is a first step toward defining a coherent new approach to
counternarcotics program, a prevention program, or something else. Many the region. Critically evaluating U.S. funded programs and strategies are
expressed the belief that CARSI was a continuation of the “war on drugs” also essential to avoid reflexively supporting initiatives that have no de-
and was pursuing a militarized approach to security. monstrable impact on the violence. Impact evaluations are also necessary
The lack of basic knowledge about CARSI among well informed to reduce the justifiable skepticism that comes when money is spent, at
Central American policy and security analysts is worrisome and alarm- times for decades, with now apparent impact or improvement in conditions
ing. In a setting of elevated corruption and weekend state institutions, civil or governance. Finally, constructing political will at home and in Central
society organizations can and should play an important role in holding America to prioritize transparency and accountability and do away with
government’s accountable and providing policy options for improving pro- the privileges of economic and political elites that undermine the rule of
grams and results. These potential benefits are by-passed or undermined by law are enormous but essential challenges to be overcome if we expect to
the lack of transparency already noted, and the lack of a clear engagement see success in a reasonable timeframe.
strategy between the state and civil society. Some of this is due to political
polarization and suspicions about the intentions of the government or civil
society organizations, but it should not be seen as an excuse.
The United States could and should play a proactive role of modeling
healthy civil society engagement on these issues, but in most instances U.S.
engagement is limited to work with the government or implementing
partners. Broader civil society discussions about policy design, strategy
design, and implementation are generally non-existent. The one exception
we witnessed was in Honduras where both the government and the U.S.
Embassy have been open to more direct discussions with civil society.

Ultimately, CARSI is a well-intentioned initiative designed to address
the serious security threats that are unsettling and weakening a long-suf-
fering region. But a number of internal challenges like the absence of a
unified strategic plan for success and insufficient action at home to combat
firearms trafficking and reduce demand for drugs; as well as external factors
like strategic differences with host countries and their lack of commitment
to address corruption, criminal penetration of state institutions, and the
diverse causes of violence in their societies have served to undermine
CARSI’s best intentions. Defining the region’s security threats in terms
of elevated rates of crime and violence caused by multiple factors, not just
international drug trafficking, and focusing on the multiple sources of and
strategies for addressing these challenges including expanded crime and

| 52 | | 53 |

Cristina Eguizábal


Guatemala he United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) re-
ported that in 2011 the annual homicide rate per 100,000 inhabi-
tants in El Salvador was ten times higher than the global average.
Honduras Although El Salvador’s annual homicide rate in 2012 was 41.2 homicides per
100,000 (down from 70 per 100,000 the previous year), it still had the fourth
highest homicide rate in the world after Honduras, Venezuela, and Belize.
El Salvador Seventy percent of those crimes were committed with firearms. Only twen-
ty-four percent of murders went to trial.1 According to the United States
Department of State, El Salvador’s criminal conviction rate is five percent.2
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) reported that in 2011,
El Salvador was the Latin American country with the highest levels of prison
overcrowding, with prisons at 300 percent of their capacity. Sixty percent
of inmates felt less secure in the prisons than outside.3
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Global Study on Homicide
2013: Trends, Contexts, Data (Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,
2014), 45-46,
United States Department of State, “El Salvador Travel Warning,” April 25,

PART TWO: dor-travel-warning.html.

United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Informe Regional de Desarrollo
Humano 2013-2014: Seguridad Ciudadana con rostro humano: Diagnóstico y propuestas
NEW DIRECTIONS para América Latina (New York: United Nations Development Program, November
2013), 124,

IN POLICY | 54 |
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The Central America Security Initiative Cristina Eguizábal
A Key Piece of U.S. Security Assistance to El Salvador, But Not the Only One

Figure 1: Homicide Rates in El Salvador, 2002-2012 crimes against sexual minorities are also plentiful. Organized crime is
80 always accompanied by lawlessness, but is not inherently violent and most
transnational organized crime activities are not only nonviolent but often
conducted through legal channels—money laundering would be a case in
60 point. Hence, violence reduction and crime reduction are two different
things. The solution to the insecurity is to reduce violence, granted, but
also to confront crime head on in general, particularly its two main drivers:
Rate per
100,000 40
impunity and corruption.
population How did we get here? Three assumptions sustain the following analysis:
30 El Salvador’s public security crisis is systemic: for more than a century,
the state’s inability to fulfill its obligations has created a very insecure
environment for most of its population;
10 The commitment to the rule of law and to protecting all sectors of so-
ciety has to come first from the country’s political and economic elites and
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 only second from the international community. Foreign aid is necessary
Year but not sufficient by any means; and
Strengthening the institutions responsible for upholding the law and
Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, “Intentional Homicide Count and Rate protecting the people are sine qua non conditions for other development
per 100,000 population, by country/territory (2000-2012),”
data.html. activities to occur.

El Salvador’s public security crisis is often equated with violence, in

A Country Plagued by a History of Violence and Injustice
particular with the staggering number of homicides. Attempts to confront
it have been unsuccessful to put it mildly. Implementation of an extremely Violence and extreme personal insecurity, particularly for the less well-
repressive “iron fist” (mano dura) public security strategy during 2003 and off, are not new to El Salvador. Historically, Salvadoran society has been
2004 did not lead to a decline in homicides; in fact, the annual homicide afflicted by high levels of violence even by Latin American standards. The
rate grew 22.8 percent to reach 51.1 per 100,000 by the end of the second causes of violence have changed and so have some of its manifestations,
year. This policy was followed by an even more repressive policy—“super but unfortunately violence has been a constant.
iron fist” strategy (súper mano dura)—that ended in 2009. That year was El The repression that followed the 1932 indigenous/communist revolt
Salvador’s most violent with an annual homicide rate of 70.4 per 100,000.4 indelibly marked Salvadorans’ definition of personal safety. On the losing
At 80 per 100,000, the annual homicide rate among men between 18 and side, indigenous communities from the Western Highlands stopped using
30 years of age was considerably higher.5 their native languages and adopted western style dress. On the winning
However, as we know, not all homicides are related to other crimes. side, deep anticommunism, and ethnic hatred informed public policy as
In El Salvador interpersonal homicides, in particular of women, and hate much as public modernization theories promoted by the U.S. government
and the multilateral institutions and favored by the young technocrats
Melissa Salgado, “Factores Clave para entender la violencia en El Salvador” in that were little by little occupying decision-making positions in the state
El Prisma de las seguridades en América Latina: escenarios regionales y locales, ed. Alejo bureaucracy.
Vargas Velásquez (Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2012), 92.
Over a historical canvas already marked by deep social and economic
UNDP, Informe Regional, 53.

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inequality, the thirteen year civil war (1979-1992) left scars in all sectors This phenomenon of skilled former combatants entering the crimi-
of society and widespread resentment. From the 1970s on, massive human nal world partly explains why sophisticated armed structures appeared
rights violations and political extremism led to a generalized civil war that seemingly overnight in the mid to late 1990s, particularly in El Salvador,
lasted until 1992, when a peace settlement brokered by the United Nations and more broadly in much of Central America. Rather than spending years
was reached. Once the war concluded, it was assumed that increased so- developing the capacity to form highly structured criminal enterprises,
cial justice would automatically result from a reasonably well-functioning they simply adapted wartime structures and tactics to criminal activities.6
democracy. It did not. By the time the peace accords were signed, what had begun ten years
The former warring parties signed the Chapultepec Accords: the before as a stream of migrants fleeing the war had become a flood of men,
economic establishment on the right, regrouped under the ARENA women and children seeking to join family members, find better job op-
(Nationalist Republican Alliance party) banner and, on the left, the dif- portunities to better provide for the children left behind, or just pursuing
ferent Marxist guerrilla organizations allied in the FMLN (Farabundo the American Dream. One downside of this trend was fractured families,
Martí Liberation Front). The peace accords set the basis for a new political including teenagers left without parental supervision growing up in a
regime that has functioned satisfactorily—albeit imperfectly—within the context of lingering violence.
parameters of representative democracy: free and fair elections, division As the importance of remittances grew for the Salvadoran economy,
of power among the branches of government, checks and balances, and private investment gradually abandoned traditional and nontraditional
civilian democratic control over the military. However, democratic con- export sectors in favor of nostalgic exports and service sectors catering to
solidation is still a work in progress and the rule of law is far from firmly migrants: banking, telecommunications, transportation, and import and
established. This is particularly true within the security and justice sectors. distribution of consumer goods. The negative impact of these changes in
Following the reigning orthodoxy at the time, the Salvadoran economy the economic matrix was an increased dependence of the economy on
was thoroughly restructured: trade was liberalized, the public sector was dollars generated abroad, actually delinking the country’s prosperity (and
largely privatized, and the state was left bare-boned. This new economic therefore that of the economic elites) from domestic production. Both
strategy, commonly known as the “Washington Consensus,” seemed to trends were accelerated by the adoption of the U.S. dollar as the country’s
work during the years immediately following the peace accords—the legal tender in 2000.
economy grew at rates that had not been achieved in two decades. After Since the end of the war, the formerly paternalistic and often brutal
Chile, El Salvador was considered the “freest” economy in Latin America. Salvadoran elites have become increasingly globalized.7 With huge invest-
However, despite its early dynamism, the economy was not able to absorb ments in other Central American countries and even in the United States,
the growing workforce. There was not enough work for the demobilized often carrying double citizenship, they may be model citizens abroad,
soldiers, let alone for those looking for their first job. but “at home” are extremely comfortable with their privileges and lack
The only options left to the unemployed were either to migrate “North” of accountability, more often than not turning a blind eye on corruption.
and try to join a relative already in the United States, or join the bulging Their contribution to the general well-being is minimal, El Salvador’s
ranks of the informally employed, who constantly had to bridge legal and taxes are among the lowest in Latin America; furthermore, state revenue
illegal, lawful and unlawful—even criminal—activities.
Despite the international peacekeepers’ efforts to disarm both sides after 6
See Douglas Farah and Pamela Phillips Lum, Central American Gangs and
the cease fire, many former combatants were able to keep their weapons. In Transnational Criminal Organizations: The Changing Relationship in a Time of
Turmoil, February 2013,
addition, arms caches were plentiful and many knew how to access them.
So former combatants were not only unemployed, they were also armed 7
Benedicte Bull, “Diversified Business Groups and the Transnationalization of the
and trained to fight. Salvadoran Economy,” Journal of Latin American Studies 45 (May 2013): 265-295.

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comes basically from taxes on consumer goods that mostly penalize the throughout the Isthmus, traditionally dealing with luxury goods such as
less well off.8 cars, archeological artifacts or precious woods and more down to earth
merchandise such as cattle or cheese, had already converted to arms smug-
No Reliable Information and Lack of Transparency gling during the war on behalf of all sides: the U.S.-supported contras as
Regarding Security well as the Cuban-trained Marxist guerrillas. In the last ten years they
have morphed into drug movers and people smugglers in alliance with
The origins of the infamous Salvadoran street gangs are often traced, the powerful Mexican cartels which are now hegemonic in the region.11
with good reason, to the United States’ policy, implemented beginning Unlike its Northern Triangle neighbors Guatemala and Honduras, El
in 1996, of deporting criminals with links to powerful Hispanic gangs in Salvador does not have large ungoverned spaces where drug trafficking is
Los Angeles. What is less widely known is that the U.S. immigration rules the main activity and order is guaranteed by the drug lords. The pattern
banned U.S. officials from disclosing the deportees’ criminal backgrounds, in El Salvador is that of local enclaves along the trafficking routes fueled by
so the local authorities had no idea who these newcomers really were.9 As drug money where mafia bosses have political connections to all parties,
a recent story published by the online journal El Faro, the country’s most for example the case of Metapán near the Guatemalan border.12
important and well respected digital news outlet shows through the life
story of a former gang member in a witness protection program, what the
U.S. deportees did was upgrade the skills of local youth gangs that formed
at the end of the war.10
Easily available arms, combined with plenty of young men with no other 11
Alejandra S. Inzunza and José Luís Pardo, “El Salvador busca su redención,”
jobs who knew how to use them, and criminal know-how coming from Domingo El Universal, December 7, 2012,
the United States via deportees, provided the ingredients for a powerful 12
From its base in Metapán, a small town in the Santa Ana department located near
cocktail for insecurity. By the mid-2000s, when South American co- the Guatemalan border, a group of traffickers, known as the Texis Cartel, controls a
caine traffickers replaced their increasingly monitored traditional maritime vital cocaine transit route that cuts across the north of El Salvador, from the border
smuggling routes through the Pacific and the Caribbean with the Central with Honduras to the border with Guatemala. With a network of collaborators that
American corridor, the mix became explosive and lethal. allegedly includes policemen, soldiers, judges and members of the national legislature,
the Texis Cartel is believed to be a key player in the Northern Triangle’s drug smug-
Organized crime did not begin operating in the region over a tabula gling business. According to El Faro the story began with Jose Adan Salazar Umaña, a
rasa; it established alliances with local groups. Contraband operations prominent hotelier and Salvadoran football personality. El Faro has also reported that
authorities have identified him as a big figure in the drug trade since at least 2000.
Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Fiscales, “Reflexiones sobre la trib- Joining him in the organization’s leadership are Juan Umaña Samayoa, the mayor of
utación en América Central. Boletín de Estudios Fiscales No.3, Noviembre Metapán, and Roberto Herrera, a local businessman. Other alleged key allies include
2005, prominent politicians such as Armando Portillo Portillo, the mayor of Texistepeque,
America%20Central%20ICEFI%20I.pdf, and “Política fiscal salvadoreña, 2007- and Reynaldo Cardoza, a Legislative Assembly member. See Patrick Corcoran, “Texis
2013: diagnóstico y condicionantes financieros para la transición política de 2014,” Cartel Controls El Salvador Cocaine Route,” InSight Crime, May 18, 2011, http://
Ana Arana, “How the Street Gangs Took Central America,” Foreign Affairs, See also “Empresarios de Metapán exonerados al pagar al fisco,” La Prensa Gráfica,
84:3 (May 1, 2005): April 26, 2014,
how-the-street-gangs-took-central-america. pan-exonerados-al-pagar-al-fisco. On May 30, 2014, the White House designated
Oscar Martínez, “El Estado contra Chepe Furia,” Sala Negra, March 11, 2013, Salazar Umaña for sanctions under the Kingpin Act (Office of the White House and Oscar Martínez Press Secretary, “Letter from the President—Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation
and Juan Martínez, “La espina de la Mara Salvatrucha,” Sala Negra, March 3, 2014, Act,” May 30, 2014, letter-president-foreign-narcotics-kingpin-designation-act).

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Figure 2: Homicide Rates per 100,000 Population in each Municipio in El Salvador responsible for 64 percent of homicides twice its 2012 estimate.14
In March 2012, El Faro revealed that the two main gangs, Mara
Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Barrio 18 had declared a truce facilitated by the
Salvadoran government. The truce15 had been mediated by the Salvadoran
Armed Forces Catholic chaplain, Monsignor Fabio Colindres and a former
FMLN commander, Raúl Mijango. The jailed gang leaders had agreed
to issue an order to stop the killing in exchange for better prison condi-
tions. It is unclear how the “negotiation” actually occurred. What is clear,
at least analytically, is that in addition to the two mediators, there were
three parties to the negotiation: Mara Salvatrucha, Barrio 18, and the
Salvadoran government or at least individuals speaking for institutions of
the Salvadoran government.
Two different “mediations” were conducted: one at the level of the gang
leaders with the objective of reducing violence; and another one that would
Source: Created by Carlos A. Mendoza, using rates calculated by Mendoza based on data lead to the prison transfer of the gang leaders from high security facilities to
from the Dirección General de Estadística y Censos (DIGESTYC), the Instituto de more lenient ones, between them and the government representatives. The
Medicina Legal, la Fiscalia General de la Republica (FGR) and the Policía Nacional Civil
government of then-president Mauricio Funes was very opaque regarding
its role in the negotiations. At first it denied any knowledge; as the truce
seemed to bear fruits, it portrayed its role as that of a facilitator. But in the
There is widespread agreement that the main sources of violence are: or- end, General David Munguía Payés, Defense minister and former Security
ganized crime, particularly drug trafficking, youth gangs popularly known minister, reclaimed ownership of the idea.16
as maras, domestic violence, and hate crimes. The little evidence-based Despite a dramatic decrease in the number of homicides from 14 daily
information available is used for political purposes so that nobody really homicides before the truce to 4.5 per day at its lowest level, public opinion
knows who is responsible for what. Who is responsible for the astonishing surveys in 2012 and 2013 showed that just over 50 percent of the population
number of homicides? In January 2012, according to the Ministry of Public felt that the truce had helped to reduce crime.17 The number of extortions
Security, gang members were responsible for 90 percent of homicides.
According to the Civilian National Police (PNC) the figure was only
29.85 percent. The Institute for Legal Medicine (Instituto de Medicina
Legal-IML, roughly equivalent to a coroner or medical examiner’s of-
fice) reported that only 10 percent of homicides were committed by gang
“Intensifican reuniones por alza de homicidios,” La Prensa Gráfica, April 30, 2014,
members (while also signaling that the causes of 67.8 percent of homicides 15
Following Salvadoran journalists and academics we use the term truce to refer
remained unknown).13 In 2014, according to the PNC, gang members were to the reduction in the number of homicides agreed in February 2012 by the major
gang leaders in jail. The agreement was to order their followers to reduce violence
against rival gangs in exchange of more lenient prison conditions for them.
Carlos Martínez and José Luis Sanz, “La nueva verdad sobre la tregua entre
Suchit Chávez and Jessel Santos, “IML quiere omitir causa de homicidios en in- pandillas,” Sala Negra, September 11, 2012,
formes,” La Prensa Gráfica, January 13, 2012, es/201209/cronicas/9612/.
vador/judicial/242809-iml-quiere-omitir-causa-de-homicidios-en-informes.html. 17
UNODC, Global Study on Homicide 2013, 46.

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A Key Piece of U.S. Security Assistance to El Salvador, But Not the Only One

remained very high.18 the reduction in the number of homicides and deploring the continued
The truce was endorsed and supported by the Organization of American number of extortions, many civil society organizations argued that the
States (OAS) General Secretariat. Ambassador Blackwell, responsible for truce was not only illegal but, more disquietingly, it had allowed the gangs
multidimensional security, proposed the creation of a Technical Committee to strengthen their links to organized crime.20
to which President Funes was asked to nominate General Munguía as the Luis Martínez, the current Attorney General, launched a criminal in-
government’s point person. The truce also received public support from vestigation regarding the truce and has already cited for questioning both
a “Transnational Advisory Group in Support of the Peace Process in El mediators, the former vice minister of security and the former director of
Salvador” convened by the OAS to accompany the process and formed prisons. He has also announced that General Munguía is next on his list.
by individuals in their private capacity but with experience of gang peace Their crimes would include smuggling computers and mobile devices into
efforts in different places including the United States. the prisons and violating the 2010 anti-gang law (Ley de Proscripción de
In September 2012, the Papal Nuncio invited some fifty prominent Pandillas).21
individuals to join a vaguely conceived “Humanitarian Commission” that In any event, before El Salvador’s new government, led by President
went nowhere. A new support initiative came along in early 2013, after Salvador Sánchez Cerén announced its intention to abandon the truce,
the Technical Committee announced a second phase of the truce bap- the gang cease-fire began giving signs of exhaustion and the number of
tized “process of reduction of crime and violence” to be implemented homicides has risen steadily throughout the year: 1035 murders in the first
in four pilot municipalities—Santa Tecla, Ilopango, Sonsonate, and 117 days of 2014.22 This increase in violence seems to be caused, at least
Quezaltepeque—while promising the rollout of a total of 18 peace zones. in part, by increasing animosity between two rival groups of the M18
The Salvadoran Foundation for Social Development (FUSADES) hosted (formerly Barrio 18): Revolutionaries and Southerners. Additionally, and
the launch of the Humanitarian Foundation, a second iteration of the more frighteningly, in a show of force gang members have been ambush-
Humanitarian Commission, this time under the leadership of Antonio ing and attacking policemen in different parts of the country, urban and
Cabrales, a respected business leader.19 rural areas. Private security guards have been attacked in downtown San
Meanwhile, the opposition to the truce within El Salvador was fierce. Salvador near the Central Market, disrupting activity in the capital city’s
The Attorney General, the director of the IML, and the new Security and retail nerve center.
Justice Minister, Ricardo Perdomo, were very critical. ARENA, sectors Security analysts have reported that the MS-13, the region’s most pow-
of the business community, and the U.S. Embassy were also against it. erful gang, is significantly enhancing its weapons capabilities, acquiring
The Catholic Church’s Bishops Conference seemed to support Monsignor automatic rifles such as AK-47s, along with grenades, rocket propelled
Colindres and endorsed the truce at the start, but distanced itself very grenade launchers, and Light Anti-Tank Weapons. The gangs seem to have
soon as did most civil society organizations, the Jesuit-run Universidad taken advantage of government gun-buy-back programs to turn in old
Centroamericana (UCA), and other private universities. While applauding and worthless weapons, using the income to buy higher quality weapons

“Iglesia católica mantiene preocupación por casos de extorsión en El Salvador,” 20
Carlos Martínez and José Luis Sanz, “La nueva verdad sobre la tregua entre
La Página, March 24, 2014, pandillas.”
Iglesia-catolica-mantiene-preocupacion-por-casos-de-extorsion-en-El-Salvador. 21
José Luis Sanz, “La tregua entre pandillas o el Estado en conflicto con la ley,” El
Teresa Whitfield, “Mediating Criminal Violence: Lessons from the Gang Truce Faro, March 4, 2013,
in El Salvador”, Oslo Forum Paper, No.001 (Geneva: Center for Humanitarian 22
Jorge Beltrán Luna, “PNC: 1035 homicidios en 117 días de 2014,” El Diario de
Dialogue, June 2013), Hoy, April 28, 2014,
Criminal-Violence_01.pdf. asp?idCat=47859&idArt=8739570.

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in smaller quantities from existing arsenals in Nicaragua. However, a big approach towards the more discreet local efforts of some municipalities.26
share of the weaponry seems to be stolen or purchased from the military.23
In response to the spike in violence, during its last days in office the U.S. Security Assistance: Then and Now
Funes government seemed to reverse course and established a crisis task
force between the ministry of security, the Attorney General’s office, lo- U.S. security assistance to El Salvador, in its two facets, law enforcement
cally known as FGR (Fiscalía General de la República) and the PNC, the and institution building, has a long history.27 During the 1972-1992 civil
sectors most critical of the truce. Civil society groups critical to the truce war, the U.S. government was heavily involved in both. While supporting
launched a new “dialogue” initiative, this time clearly under the leader- the armed forces, Washington was also working with the political elites
ship of the Security Minister. Participants included diverse representatives creating the basis for the civilian regime that ended up negotiating the
of Protestant denominations and the Catholic Church, several national peace. To the armed forces it provided equipment, training, intelligence,
NGOs, and the UNDP. and overall strategic guidance in the counterinsurgency effort. To the
The idea to create “zones of peace” as a second phase for the truce did political elites it provided democracy know-how. Chief among democ-
not really materialize due, among other things, to a lack of funds to sup- racy assistance programs was the United States Agency for International
port reinsertion programs for young people attempting to leave the gangs. Development (USAID) Administration of Justice program (AOJ), which
Nevertheless, dialogue initiatives have proliferated particularly at the local was the largest democracy assistance program in Latin America during the
level and several attempts to “negotiate” with local gang members are 1980s and involved, in addition to USAID, the Departments of State and
considered to have been a relative success.24 Justice and the United States Information Agency.
However, as a response to the launching of the second phase of the truce, However, the program did not yield the expected results. Regardless
the U.S. government designated the MS-13 as a transnational criminal or- of the program’s virtues, it did not address the core causes of violence at
ganization for its involvement in “serious transnational criminal activities, the time: the political hegemony of the economic elites and the traditional
including drug trafficking, kidnapping, human smuggling, sex trafficking, means of exerting power. As Thomas Carothers has noted, “Creating a
murder, assassinations, racketeering, blackmail, extortion and immigration judicial assistance program to get at the problem of right-wing death squads
offenses,” thus empowering officials to more aggressively target the group.25 was a way of addressing the problem without confronting the fundamental
Regarding dialogue with gang leaders, the U.S. Embassy in El Salvador has issue of the configuration of power in El Salvador.” Regarding the Judiciary
been understandably critical of the truce but has adopted a more cautious more specifically, he added “the Salvadoran justice system did not break
down as a result of the civil war and thereby cause the torrent of political
For an analysis of the Salvadoran gangs weaponry see Herard Von Santos, “El
armamento de las pandillas salvadoreñas: análisis de su letalidad, poder de fuego e
implicancias de seguridad pública,” Revista Policía y Seguridad Pública 1(4), November 26
Jessel Santos, “EUA lanza en Nejapa proyecto de prevención,” La Prensa Gráfica,
2013-June 2014, 209-239, April 24, 2013,
view/93/93. to-de-prevencion-. Carlos Martínez and José Luis Sanz, “Tiembla la tregua
Ana Glenda Tager and Isabel Aguilar Umaña, “La tregua entre pandillas salva- en Ilopango,” El Faro September 7, 2013,
doreñas. Hacia un proceso de construcción de paz social,” Interpeace, 2013, http:// noticias/13231/. and 27
The U.S. government defines security assistance as providing training, equip-
Carlos Martínez, “Ilopango contra su sombra,” El Faro, March 18, 2014, http:// ment, and supplies to foreign security forces and the government agencies responsi- ble for those security forces. Security assistance also includes assistance to the justice
United States Department of the Treasury, “Treasury Sanctions Latin American sector (including law enforcement and prisons), rule of law programs, and stabiliza-
Criminal Organizations,” October 11, 2012, tion efforts. See U.S. Department of State, “The Global Contingency Fund,” http://

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violence of the late 1970’s and 1980’s.”28 Carothers’ assertion is important the use of foreign assistance funds for training police, building prisons
because it underscores: a) the long term character of violence in El Salvador, or supporting internal intelligence and surveillance programs. However,
and b) the mistaken assumptions that have historically undermined U.S. shortly thereafter a number of temporary exemptions were made to allow
security and democracy assistance. U.S.-supported police assistance programs in foreign countries. For exam-
Violence today is not caused by death squad activity as was the case in ple, the International Security and Development Assistance Authorizations
the 1980s, but by a combination of factors fueled by organized crime and Act of 1983 permitted “antiterrorism” training for foreign police in the
gang perpetrated street violence. However, as in the past, the United States United States. In 1992, through the International Criminal Investigative
has trouble addressing the root causes and tends to focus on operational Training Assistance Program, the Justice Department was allocated $20
aspects without really looking at the bigger picture, which today is a canvas million to begin training and support the newly created National Civilian
of generalized corruption and impunity. In addition, as in the past, “the police.32 However, a U.S. General Accounting Office report released in
closeness of U.S. officials to their Salvadoran counterparts may have led to September that same year found slow progress and faulted among other
a loss of objectivity.”29 These words, written to describe the AOJ program things El Salvador’s lack of support for the academy or the police force.33
of the 1980’s, perfectly describe U.S. security assistance today. In 1995, Gino Costa from the United Nations Peace Mission in El
Widespread corruption in the PNC has been amply documented. The Salvador (ONUSAL), drawing lessons learned from the creation of the
presence of officers linked to well-known drug traffickers within the high- new civilian police said: “The strengthening of the Criminal Investigation
est ranks, including the police chief, has been publicized as well.30 In 2001, Division needs to be awarded special attention as it lacks sufficient per-
a thorough police investigation identified officers who had submitted fake sonnel for its operations. This failure partially explains the failure of the
diplomas to obtain promotions; today, fifteen of the officers identified by PNC in combatting organized crime, which is increasing nationwide every
that investigation occupy key posts in the police command structure, and day.”34 That was almost 20 years ago!35
some even command vetted units.31 Currently El Salvador receives U.S. assistance from several budget
Until the end of the internal conflict, police assistance had been a sec- sources, through different channels and wrapped in different “packages”—
ondary component of overall U.S. security assistance to El Salvador focused CARSI being one of them. Programmatically, the overall guidelines of
on the counterinsurgency effort. In 1974, Congress prohibited the bilateral cooperation efforts are set by the Partnership for Growth

Stephen Johnson, Johanna Mendelsohn Forman, and Katherine Bliss, Police
Thomas Carothers, In the Name of Democracy: U.S. Policy Toward Latin America in the Reform in Latin America: Implications for U.S. Policy (Washington, D.C.: Center for
Reagan Years (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1991), 224. Strategic and International Studies, February 2012), 17,
Margaret Popkin, Peace without Justice: Obstacles to Building the Rule of Law in El cation/120228_Johnson_PoliceReform_web.pdf.
Salvador (University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000), 72. 33
United States General Accounting Office, “Aid to El Salvador: Slow Progress
Héctor Silva Ávalos, Infiltrados. Crónica de la corrupción en la PNC (1992-2013) (San in Developing a National Civilian Police,” 1992,
Salvador: UCA editores, 2014). NSIAD-92-338.
“Informe señala nueve comisionados y cinco inspectores jefe con títulos 34
Gino Costa, “The United Nations Reform of the Police in El Salvador,” in
irregulares,” El Mundo, November 4, 2013, Institute of Policy Studies of Singapore and United Nations Institute for Training
nala-nueve-comisionados-y-cinco-inspectores-jefes-con-titulos-irregulares and and Research (UNITAR), The Role and Functions of Civilian Police in United Nations
Carlos Martínez and Roberto Valencia, “Hay pandilleros que hasta dan tumbes de Peace Keeping Operations: Debriefing and Lessons (London: Kluwer Law International,
droga en altamar a narcotraficantes locales,” El Faro, June 27, 2011, 1996), 79. A former investigator of the PNC, 35
Edgardo A. Amaya Cóbar, “Quince años de reforma policial en El Salvador:
who asked to remain anonymous, expressed doubts about the reliability of poly- Avances y desafíos,” Urvio. Revista Latinoamericana de Seguridad Ciudadana 2 (September
graph tests. Interview with the author in San Salvador on May 13, 2014. 2007):127-144,

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(PFG), an innovative Obama Administration foreign assistance program and based on chosen indicators and benchmarks, an annual high-level
that emphasizes bilateral collaboration to overcome obstacles to economic bilateral review that is accompanied by a public forum, and mid-term and
growth, as well as ownership by the recipient country. To date PFG is only final evaluation conducted by a third party.
being implemented in four countries worldwide: the Philippines, Ghana, The binational negotiators identified fourteen variables for the evalua-
Tanzania, and El Salvador. tion of the security-related work:
Following President Obama’s visit to El Salvador in March 2011, a team 1. Strengthen Justice Sector Institutions
made up of U.S. and Salvadoran officials carried out an analysis of the 2. Improve Criminal Justice Procedures
factors constraining the country’s economic development and identified 3. Reduce Impact of Crime on Businesses
crime and insecurity, as well as low productivity, as the most important 4. Reduce Impact of Crime on Commuters/Public Transportation
obstacles to growth. In November 2011, the countries signed a four year 5. Remove Assets from Criminal Organizations
Joint Country Action Plan ( JCAP) to conjointly fight these barriers to 6. Strengthen El Salvador’s Civil Service
growth. Fourteen of the nineteen PFG goals for El Salvador pertain to 7. Promote a National Dialogue to Improve Security
crime and security and initiatives designed to reach those goals are funded 8. Assist At-Risk Youth through Economic Opportunities
through CARSI. 9. Strengthen the PNC
PFG is a new way of conducting assistance programs and does not 10. Improve Education Opportunities for Youth in High-Risk
involve the commitment of new funds. Through its implementation the Municipalities 
U.S. government is using the new international cooperation methodol- 11. Prevent Crime and Violence in Key Municipalities and Support Reforms
ogy that closely follows the Organization for Economic Cooperation and 12. Reduce Overcrowding in Prisons
Development (OECD) guidelines: increased interagency—and intergov- 13. Enhance the Security of the Prisons
ernmental—cooperation among donors and increased say from the host 14. Promote use of Extradition to Combat Crime
government.36 PFG’s aims are also narrower than traditional cooperation
programs, focusing on the effects of violence and chaos on human devel- In the second 2012 report card, all benchmarks were on track except
opment. The emphasis is on the transfer of expertise rather than funds. In two (6 and 14); in August 2013, items 4, 5 and 6 were lagging.37
the Salvadoran case, the strategy is two-pronged: institution building and Concomitantly, USAID has launched a request for proposals (RFP)
violence and crime prevention. for a Monitoring and Evaluation Program of its programs in El Salvador.
Another innovation is the emphasis put on evaluation. The JCAP ne- The RFP is requesting technical advice for evaluation activities at the
gotiated between the two governments includes a very rigorous evaluation operating unit level. These efforts will facilitate informed program man-
and monitoring process: semi-annual performance reporting that is public agement decisions, shape the longer-term strategic direction of programs
and decision-making within the Mission, and enable USAID/El Salvador
to comply with USAID’s Evaluation Policy. The evaluation will include
“It is now the norm for aid recipients to forge their own national development
PFG programs.
strategies with their parliaments and electorates (ownership); for donors to support
these strategies (alignment) and work to streamline their efforts in-country (harmo-
nization); for development policies to be directed to achieving clear goals and for
progress towards these goals to be monitored (results); and for donors and recipients
alike to be jointly responsible for achieving these goals (mutual accountability).” See U.S. Department of State, “Asocio para el Crecimiento. El Salvador-Estados

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, “Paris Declaration and Unidos de América. Tercer Informe Semestral. Noviembre 2012-Mayo 2013,”
Accra Agenda for Action,” August 2013,
declarationandaccraagendaforaction.htm. PFG%20Scorecard%20III%20SPANISH.pdf.

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However, the more often mentioned foreign security assistance program The five original CARSI goals have been incorporated into PFG.
that benefits El Salvador is CARSI, the “implementation and funding However, unlike PFG, which implies a new way of doing business in in-
structure” for the Central American Citizen Security Partnership.38 Despite ternational cooperation, CARSI has been described by U.S. Department
all U.S. efforts, homicide rates in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras of State officials and USAID experts in Washington and in San Salvador as
have remained largely unchanged (or in the case of El Salvador have di- a funding stream that has allowed the different U.S. government agencies
minished as a consequence of the controversial political maneuver known to upgrade the work that they were already doing.
as the truce, which was opposed by the U.S. government).39
The five stated CARSI goals are: Table 1: CARSI Institutional Reform and Institutional Strengthening Projects
in El Salvador
1. Create safe streets for the citizens of the region;
• Expand community-based policing model
2. Disrupt the movement of criminals and contraband to, within, • Strengthen anti-corruption capacity
and between the nations of Central America; Police
• Model Police Precinct Program
3. Support the development of strong, capable, and accountable • Police professionalization (establish a career path, international
standard certification of quality management systems)
Central American governments; • Promotion of civil society oversight
4. Re-establish effective state presence, services and security in
Fiscalia/PM • Electronic Monitoring Center (Attorney General’s office)
communities at risk; and
• Implementation of the criminal procedures code
5. Foster enhanced levels of coordination and cooperation between
• Improve practices for processing criminal cases
the nations of the region, other international partners, and donors • Effectiveness and accountability of judges and private attorneys
to combat regional security threats. 40 Judiciary
• Support task forces to combat extortion of businesses and trans-
portation systems
On the U.S. Department of State’s website, CARSI’s goals are identi- • Implementation of new asset forfeiture law
• Improve transparency and accountability for judges, officials,
fied as improving border protection, law enforcement, security and justice and private attorneys; more effectively evaluate judges
sector modernization, and the promotion of community policing.41 There • Management support: case management and classification
is no formal mention of drugs or drug trafficking. systems/procedures
Prisons • Efforts to reduce pre-trial detention
U.S. Department of State Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, “The Central • Prisoner rehabilitation programs (Yo Cambio, etc.)
• Cell improvements
American Citizen Security Partnership,” March 29, 2012,
documents/organization/187331.pdf. • Crime pattern identification
Other Law
• Deploy COMPSTAT (or equivalent) analysis system
United States Government Accountability Office, “Report to the Caucus on Enforcement-Based
• SolucionES GDA-Alliance Project (supports research to inform
International Narcotics Control, U.S. Senate. Central America. U.S. Agencies Prevention
crime prevention decisions)
Considered Various Factors in Funding Security Activities, but Need to Assess
Progress in Achieving Interagency Objectives,” GAO-13-771, September 2013, 9, Sources: U.S. Department of State, “FY 2008 Supplemental Appropriations Spending Plan: Mexico, Central America, Haiti and the Dominican Republic,” n.d.; U.S. Department
U.S. Department of State Bureau of Public Affairs, “The Central America of State, “FY 2009 Appropriations Spending Plan: Mexico, Central America, Haiti and
Regional Security Initiative: A Shared Partnership,” August 5, 2010, the Dominican Republic,” n.d.; U.S. Department of State, “FY 2010 Appropriations and U.S. Department of State Spending Plan: Central America—Central America Regional Security Initiative,” n.d.;
Bureau of Public Affairs, “The Central America Regional Security Initiative: A U.S. Department of State, “Congressional Notification Transmittal Sheet,” August 11,
2011; U.S. Department of State, “Fiscal Year 2012 Congressional Spending Plan: Central
Shared Partnership—Fact Sheet,” August 5, 2010,
America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI),” n.d.; U.S. Department of State, “FY 2013
Spend Plan—Central America Regional Security Initiative,” September 10, 2013; and U.S.
U.S. Department of State, “Central America Regional Security Initiative,” (ac- Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, “CARSI INL
cessed May 6, 2014), Supported Projects Outline,” April 16, 2014.]

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For example, the projects identified in the first Letter of Agreement largely on economic development and crime and violence prevention pro-
signed by the two governments under the Mérida Initiative (a precursor grams, while the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) concentrates
to CARSI) framework have been extended several times, with CARSI on providing equipment, training, and vetting. SOUTHCOM helped
funding. These are: (1) vetted units and Sensitive Investigative Units to establish a joint Salvadoran interagency task force, the Cuscatlán Joint
work with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) on drug inter- Group (GCC) to better integrate the PNC, the Attorney General’s office,
diction; (2) a Transnational Anti-Gang Initiative that also supports the the armed forces, customs, and port authorities. The GCC was also sup-
deployment of U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents to the posed to work more effectively with the counterdrug Forward Operating
region; (3) police equipment upgrades (for example: protective equipment, Location based in Comalapa. It has done so consistently since its inception.
basic communications, improved transportation, computers, and narcotics It is intriguing, to say the least, that Commissioner Godofredo Miranda
and explosives detection equipment); (4) improved prison management; Martínez, a former director of El Salvador’s Antinarcotics Division, inves-
and (5) the establishment of an International Law Enforcement Academy.42 tigated for links with Salvadoran drug trafficking organizations (DTOs)
These counternarcotics initiatives are now considered to be part of PFG. and for suppression of evidence serves as GCC’s commander. Moreover, it
In addition to the assumption regarding the lack of commitment of the is even more puzzling when it is public knowledge that the internal affairs
Salvadoran authorities to strengthening the rule of law, it is not difficult investigation was prompted by a complaint coming from U.S. congressman
to grasp that CARSI’s effectiveness has been undermined by at least three Jim McGovern.43 A 2013 article in Dialogo, a digital newsletter published by
basic tensions present from the beginning (when it was only a second- the Southern Command highlighted GCC’s successes at drug interdiction
ary component of the Mexico-focused Mérida Initiative). First, although and quoted Commissioner Miranda extensively.44
CARSI was conceived of as a regional initiative aid negotiations were U.S. assistance to the GCC is based on a January 2009 Letter of
done bilaterally which undermined the regional nature of the initiative Agreement under CARSI which also facilitates the GCC’s coordination
since individual Central American countries had divergent and even con- with the Joint Interagency Task Force South ( JIATF South). Based in
tradictory priorities. Additionally, it has two different sets of objectives Key West, JIATF South conducts interagency and international moni-
(drug war objectives versus institution-building objectives) that might be toring and detection operations, for the interdiction of illicit trafficking.
complementary in the abstract, but at odds in the current implementa- It constitutes one of the pillars of the war on drugs in the Americas. The
tion stage. Finally, in many instances, projects were conceived and first GCC has also been actively involved in Operation Martillo, an effort led
implemented by the different U.S. agencies before CARSI and PFG were by the JIATF South to neutralize transnational criminal organizations in
created and were subsequently retrofitted to conform to CARSI’s strategy Central America.
and more recently PFG’s. CARSI has not changed the traditional bureaucratic division of
Since the first stages of the implementation of the Mérida Initiative, labor. However, CARSI’s original goals have inevitably become diluted
the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau for International Narcotics and through the natural erosion of objectives that takes place as international
Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) programs in El Salvador have sought to
strengthen the capacity of law enforcement to combat drug trafficking, 43
“Ascienden a Godofredo Miranda,” Diario Digital Contra Punto, April 15, 2012,
gangs, and money laundering; to encourage justice sector reform, such
as improving investigations and prosecutions; and to address prison over- do-miranda. See also Hector Silva, “Purging El Salvador’s National Police: Mission
crowding and deficiencies in the correctional sectors. USAID has focused Impossible,” InSight Crime, November 15, 2014,
Daysi Carolina Danker, “A Common Front Against Drug Traffickers,” Dialogo,
U. S. Department of State, “Project Descriptions in El Salvador,”
April 1, 2013, viewpoint/2013/04/01/feature-pr-6.

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cooperation programs go through different phases from political to ad- Finally, we reach the actual implementation phase where technical
ministrative and finally to operational. In the case of ongoing U.S. security teams are charged with putting the plans into action and working on the
assistance to El Salvador, the first stage was the broad initiative announced ground with local or U.S.-based development or security specialists. At this
at the Presidential level: the Mérida Initiative (by President George W. stage USAID tends to diversify its partners which often leads to duplication
Bush) and PFG (by President Barack Obama). Broad goals have also been of efforts and unhealthy competition among the local agencies.
announced at the Secretary of State level, such as Secretary of State Hillary In addition to the structural limitations described above, another very
Rodham Clinton’s statement that “strengthening the rule of law, attack- important cause for concern is more clearly political: the fact that two of
ing criminal organizations head-on, rehabilitating those who do fall into the most important drivers of insecurity in Central America remain outside
criminality while preventing young people from doing that in the first the foreign policy realm. Moreover, they constitute two very controversial
place, rooting out corruption, and ensuring accountable and effective in- issue areas of the U.S. domestic political agenda, namely migration policy
stitutions are essential.”45 and firearms. For Central American public opinion it is very difficult to
This first formulation of the proposed CARSI policy reflected objectives understand why the U.S. government seems unable to do anything about
still unadulterated by coming negotiations and compromises. The second deportations and arms trafficking.
formulation resulted from a negotiation that has little to do with what goes Regarding deportations, after the 1992 Los Angeles riots city police
on in Central America and more to do with U.S. domestic political dy- blamed most of the looting and violence on local gangs, including the Mara
namics including interagency rivalries (Defense, Homeland Security, and Salvatrucha (MS-13).46 In response, California toughened its anti-gang
State for example) and negotiations between the Department of State and legislation, thereafter charging young gang members as adults instead of
Congress for concrete budget allocations. The third phase of the program minors, resulting in hundreds of young Latinos bring sent to jail. In 1994
is usually shaped in the agreement between the Governments of United California passed its own version of a “tough on crime,” “iron-fisted”
States and El Salvador and codified in a “Letter of Agreement,” in the case policy with the “three strikes and you’re out” legislation, dramatically
of INL or a “Strategic Objectives Agreement” for USAID. It is at this level increasing jail time for offenders convicted of three or more felonies.
that the different governmental agencies stamp their bureaucratic imprint In 1996, as a response to steeply rising illegal migration Congress en-
and the Salvadoran government negotiates its broader political priorities. acted new restrictive legislation by passing the Illegal Immigration Reform
A fourth stage would result from how specific projects are understood by and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA). Noncitizens sentenced to
the host country’s national or local implementing institutions. For example, a year or more in prison would, from that date on, be repatriated to their
the PNC’s understanding of and commitment to community policing, the countries of origin once they served their prison terms. Even foreign-born
Attorney General prioritizing training for specialized prosecutors to imple- U.S. citizens could be stripped of their citizenship and expelled if convicted
ment the newly adopted asset confiscation and forfeiture law, and political of a felony. As a result, between 2000 and 2004, an estimated 20,000 young
parties’ willingness to vote for a money laundering law in accordance with Central American criminals were deported to their countries of origin.47
international standards could all affect a project’s feasibility. At the local In 2008, the Bush administration launched a new deportation program
level, for example, the municipal government’s actual commitment to “Secure Communities,” a collaboration between local police and U.S.
youth programs will be crucial to the success of international cooperation Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that identifies non-citizens
projects to support vocational training programs. in the U.S. criminal justice system. For decades, local jurisdictions had
shared the fingerprints of individuals who were arrested or booked into
U.S. Department of State Bureau of Public Affairs, “Central America Regional
Security Initiative: Capable Governments,” February 6, 2012, 46
Ana Arana, “How the Street Gangs Took Central America.”
html#ixzz39RkkSM8i. 47

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custody with the FBI to see if they had a criminal record. Under Secure unless it is the primary reason for the deportation, but law enforcement
Communities, the FBI was required to send the fingerprints on to the officials in receiving countries are able to contact the FBI to request a
Department of Homeland Security to check against its immigration data- criminal history check on particular criminal deportees after they have
bases. The program has expanded from being deployed in 88 jurisdictions arrived in that country. With support from CARSI funds, ICE and the FBI
in 2009 to all 3,181 enforcement jurisdictions in the United States in 2013. have developed a pilot program called the Criminal History Information
Around 400,000 deportations per year are carried out by DHS, and 95 Program to provide more information to officials in El Salvador about
percent of those deported are Latin Americans: Mexican, Guatemalan, deportees with criminal convictions. The U.S. government does not cur-
Honduran, and Salvadoran.48 rently fund any deportee reintegration programs for adults in Central
Five days a week, two airplanes carrying 250 individuals each land at America, although it has done so in the past.51
El Salvador’s Comalapa airport, and this figure does not include minors.49 Furthermore, the most recent crisis involving migrant children fleeing
Many of those deported return to the United States, and among those who to the United States will add an additional layer of complexity to the
cannot return many stay in the country and join the gangs.50 problem. If the youngsters are deported in significant numbers, as appears
For the past several years, Central American officials have asked the U.S. to be the case, they will return with the added stigma of deportation, and
government to consider providing a complete criminal history for each the presumption of gang affiliation since this has been the experience in
deportee who has been removed on criminal grounds, including whether the past. For many in El Salvador deported young man = gang member.
he or she is a member of a gang. While ICE does not provide a complete Why then not join them?
criminal record for deportees, it can provide some information regarding The existence of a large illegal market in firearms makes this situation
an individual’s criminal history when specifying why the individual was even more explosive. Guns in El Salvador are plentiful and easy to access.
removed from the United States. ICE does not indicate gang affiliation Not all come from the United States. However, Mexican DTOs’ increas-
ing incursions in Central American have augmented the availability of
U.S. arms in El Salvador.52 El Salvador has an important arms black mar-
Marc R. Rosenblum and Doris Meissner with Claire Bergeron and Faye Hipsman, ket where potential buyers can find all kinds of firearms and explosives
The Deportation Dilemma: Reconciling Tough and Humane Enforcement, (Washington, from the most varied sources. According to data collected by the ATF,
D.C.: Migration Policy Institute, April 2014), nearly half of the guns seized from criminals in El Salvador and submitted
research/deportation-dilemma-reconciling-tough-humane-enforcement. for tracing in the ATF’s online system last year originated in the United
Ana Irma Rodas de Mendoza (El Salvador’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vice
States.53 Many of those guns were imported through legal channels, either
Ministry of Salvadorans Abroad) in discussion with the author, February 7, 2014.
Interviews with Ana Irma Rodas de Mendoza from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and Larissa Brioso, a researcher for the Central American University José Simeón
Peter J. Meyer and Clare Ribando Seelke, “Central America Regional Security
Cañas, February 4, 2014, and an informal conversation with the members of the Initiative: Background and Policy Issues for Congress,” Congressional Research
Citizen Observatory on Violence of Ciudad Arce (La Libertad), March 26, 2014. For a Service, May 2014, 22,
psychological analysis of the decision to migrate and to return, see Mauricio Gaborit et 52
Harry Peñate, responsible for Central America at the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol,
al., “La esperanza viaja sin visa. Jóvenes y migración indocumentada de El Salvador,” Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Agency (ATF), cited by Eva Saiz, “El 60 por
(San Salvador: UNFPA, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, and Universidad ciento de las armas de fuego rastreadas en El Salvador proviene de EEUU,” El País,
Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, 2012), 195, January 6, 2014,
php?option=com_content&view=article&id=545:la-esperanza-viaja-sin-visa&ca- dad/1388337229_853927.html.
tid=37:nacionales . For an analysis of the root causes of gang violence, see José Miguel 53
U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Cruz, “Los factores asociados a las pandillas juveniles en Centroamérica,” Estudios Office of Strategic Intelligence and Information, ATF Central America, March 10,
Centroamericanos (ECA) 685-686:1155-1182, 2013, PowerPoint Presentation,
eca-proceso/ecas_anter/eca/2005/685-686/art5-eca-685-686.pdf. tics/TraceData/TraceData_Intl/2013/central_america_-_cy_2013.pdf.

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to government or law enforcement agencies, but a not-insignificant num- From a “Spaghetti Bowl”56 of Streams of Funding and
ber of the weapons were traced to retail sales in the United States. That is, Implementing Agencies to a More Integrated Strategy?
they were sold by gun dealers in the United States, often near the border, Well aware of the multiplicity of bureaucratic actors involved, the U.S.
and then brought south, typically hidden in vehicles, though sometimes Embassy has created two working groups in an effort to coordinate better
also stowed in checked airline luggage, air cargo, or even boat shipments.54 among the many U.S. government agencies. These are a multi-agency
The stream of gun trafficking from the United States to Central America economic, commercial, and development working group which handles
has become strong enough that the ATF expanded to Central America more traditional issues of trade and investment, and a PFG working group
its e-Trace system and installed a “regional firearms advisor,” plus a deputy with a strong mandate to address security issues. The working groups bring
attaché, at the U.S. Embassy in San Salvador. together participants to share information, discuss division of labor and
Recent arms seizures have shown that many of the weapons circulating assess progress on meeting mission goals and objectives.57 For example, the
illegally have been stolen from Salvadoran military or police arsenals or sold Department of State will use diplomatic leverage to advance PFG’s overall
to criminal gangs by army or law enforcement personnel.55 Interestingly, objectives. INL will provide technical assistance to establish vetted units
important buyers of illegal weapons are El Salvador’s numerous security and task forces to combat crimes against business. The Department of the
firms that protect private and government interests. Though they are legal Treasury will provide technical support to the Salvadoran finance minis-
entities, security firms often prefer to purchase arms in the black market try, the Attorney General’s office, and the Financial Intelligence Unit to
to avoid government scrutiny. Not surprisingly, these security firms also
serve as a large source of weapons for thieves.
The illicit arms trade is also tied to drug trafficking. Traffickers buy 56
In his book Termites in the Trading System: How Preferential Agreements Undermine
weapons and use the same smuggling routes. More worrisome, guns are Free Trade (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), the leading trade scholar
a very common method of payment for drugs and end up in the hands of Jagdish Bhagwati coined the term “spaghetti bowl” to depict the overlapping provi-
criminal gangs. sions of the proliferating bilateral and regional trade pacts. I apply this metaphor to
international cooperation to Central America in general, but it also applies to U.S.
government assistance. In order to be effective more has to be done to better man-
age the interface between national objectives, regional initiatives, and the overall
security environment and synchronize domestic developmental requirements and
objectives with external commitments in all different layers of decision making.
The U.S. Embassy in San Salvador has grown 38 percent since 2000. The de-
partments of State, Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Health and Human Services,
Justice (DEA, ATF, and FBI), Homeland Security (ICE), and Treasury, the Peace
Corps, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and USAID have people on the
ground. Out of a total of 492 employees, 134 are U.S.-hired and 358 locally hired.
U.S. agencies involved in CARSI include the Departments of State, Defense,
and Treasury; Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); Customs and
Border Protection (CBP); the U.S. Coast Guard; the FBI; the Drug Enforcement
Alec MacGillis, “America’s Wild West Gun Laws Are Helping Fuel the Border Administration (DEA); the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Crisis: The Unwanted Traffic Between the U.S. and Central America Goes (ATF); the Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance, and Training
Both Ways,” The New Republic, July 20, 2014, (OPDAT); and USAID. U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of
article/118759/nra-and-gun-trafficking-are-adding-fuel-border-migrant-crisis. Governors Office of Inspector General, “Inspection of Embassy San Salvador, El
Seth Robins, “El Salvador’s Military: Arms Dealer to the Maras?,” Salvador,” March 2014,
InSight Crime, June 16, 2014, The report is based on interviews with employees and officials of relevant agencies
el-salvadors-military-arms-dealer-to-the-maras. and institutions, direct observation, and a review of applicable documents.

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assist with financial crimes investigations. The Department of Justice will of two laws: one on public-private partnerships, a second one on money
provide technical assistance to draft legislation and recommend strategies laundering (both PFG success indicators).
to establish a viable extradition process for example.58 Despite the embassy’s best efforts, coordination between the different
The embassy manages substantial bilateral foreign assistance programs funding streams remains a challenge and Washington’s bureaucratic inertias
funded from three main sources: the Department of State’s regular for- are acutely felt at the local level as they undermine coordination efforts.
eign assistance appropriation from Congress; the Millennium Challenge According to the already cited 2014 report by the U.S. Department of State
Corporation; and other, smaller funding streams, mainly from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG report), the 2014-2016 Integrated
Department of Defense and Department of Labor. Department of State Country Strategy was largely drafted by individual sections, with limited
funds are used mainly by USAID and INL. reference to mission colleagues. The OIG report also mentions several
From FY2008 to FY2014, Congress appropriated approximately $803.6 instances of the officials at the embassy in San Salvador being blindsided by
million for the countries of Central America under what was formerly their Washington counterparts. For example, the OIG cites specific cases of
known as the Mérida Initiative-Central America and is now known as the embassy being unaware of a grant offered by bureaus within the State
CARSI. El Salvador received 16.3 percent of CARSI funds. The Obama Department such as the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor,
Administration has requested $130 million in CARSI funding for the eight and the Bureau of Political and Military Affairs, for all practical purposes
CARSI countries in FY2015.59 sabotaging painstakingly established local coordination mechanisms.61
Of the total amount for the region, nearly 64 percent of the funds
were appropriated under the International Narcotics Control and Law Bureau for International Narcotics Control and Law
Enforcement (INCLE) foreign aid account (managed by the Department Enforcement (INCLE) Funds
of State), 32 percent of the funds were appropriated under the Economic
Support Fund (ESF) account, most of which are managed by USAID even The International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement section
though ESF is a Department of State account. A small portion (four per- (often referred to as the INL section) at the U.S. Embassy in El Salvador
cent) of the funding appropriated from FY2008 to FY2014 was provided is new, it only opened in 2012. However, since 2008, INL has allotted
through the Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, De-mining and Related $47.1 million, primarily but not exclusively through CARSI, to support
programs (NADR) and Foreign Military Financing (FMF) accounts.60 law enforcement programs in the country. The OIG report mentions that
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is the second biggest INL has had trouble disbursing its allocated funds for assistance purposes
funding source on security-related matters in El Salvador. Although not (“pipeline funds”). Embassies typically receive funding for INL programs
security focused per se, the MCC program in El Salvador is linked to con- in the last weeks of the fiscal year and sign a letter of agreement with host
tinuing implementation of the PFG objectives and thus indirectly includes countries to obligate funding. Funds are then available in the next fiscal
a security component. El Salvador has received $460.9 million in funds
from MCC over the last five years and is preparing to sign a $277 million
follow-on compact. The second disbursement is contingent on the approval 61
The referred to grants were for $717,000 and $250,000 respectively. Similarly,
in August 2013 a Washington-based Department of Labor employee traveled to El
USAID/El Salvador, “Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2013- Salvador to review a $14 million Department of Labor grant to help eliminate child
2017,” 15, labor, but embassy personnel did not receive a report or feedback from the visit.
3-3-14%20Public%20Version%20FINAL.pdf. According to the Inspector General’s report the embassy has monitored another
Peter J. Meyer and Clare Ribando Seelke, “Central America Regional Security problematic $1 million grant from the Department of Labor that may require more
Initiative.” oversight from the funder. Office of the Inspector General, “Inspection of Embassy
Ibid. San Salvador.”

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year for sub-obligation.62 Delays in committing funds can result from organized crime. Among other activities, these units and task forces con-
problems in procurement, grants, or project development processes. They duct complex investigations into money laundering; bulk cash smuggling;
can also reflect delays in negotiating specific project parameters with the and the trafficking of narcotics, firearms, and persons. Funding tradition-
host government. As of September 30, 2013, the INL section in El Salvador ally provides for operating costs, investigative equipment, and training for
reported $20.26 million in funds that had not been allocated.63 As a matter investigative and enforcement activities.
of fact, one of the reasons for opening a full INL section at the embassy INL oversees several task forces. The best known among them is Grupo
was to accelerate the disbursements of funds. 64 Cuscatlán.65 The Grupo Cuscatlán was established in 1999 as a joint PNC-
Armed Forces operational unit to intercept sea and air drug shipments
Vetted Units passing through Salvadoran territory detected by the Southern Command
Anti-Drug Monitoring Center in Comalapa. In 2009 the collaboration
U.S. assistance provided through CARSI supports specialized law en- was widened to include all institutions responsible for national security and
forcement units that are vetted by, and work with, U.S. personnel to com- the administration of justice. PNC, FGR, and military personnel remain
bat transnational gangs and trafficking networks. FBI-led Transnational 24 hours a day in their own facilities at the Comalapa Air Base working
Anti-Gang units, which were first created in El Salvador in 2007, have now directly with U.S. personnel.
expanded into Guatemala and Honduras with CARSI support. Although these units have conducted successful operations they are dif-
Table 2: Vetted Units Supported by CARSI in El Salvador ficult to maintain given the broader context of corruption. In El Salvador
for example, the DEA vetted unit was reduced from 22 officers to 8 after
Police/FBI DEA DHS/ICE polygraph tests suggested that nearly two thirds of the personnel were no
Anti-gang vetted unit DEA vetted unit DHS vetted unit
longer suitable to serve.66
There are two different types of vetted corps: vetted units and task
Source: Created based on information from U.S. Department of State Bureau of International forces. A vetted unit must, among other criteria, meet specific vetting stan-
Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, “CARSI INL Supported Projects,” April 16, 2014.]
dards, be made up of personnel from one agency, and generally conform
The Drug Enforcement Agency, ICE, and INL also have established to an established ratio of U.S to host country personnel. In El Salvador
vetted unit programs in El Salvador: DEA’s Special Antinarcotics Group the ratio is one U.S. official for every fifteen Salvadorans. Vetted units are
(Grupo Especial Anti Narcóticos–GEAN), a counter narcotics unit within operationally focused and U.S. participation in these operations is more
El Salvador’s Anti-Narcotics Division; ICE’s Transnational Investigative direct. Vetted Task Forces are different in so far as they often bring together
Unit that focuses on identifying organizations engaged in transnational staff from several agencies, and U.S. law enforcement personnel do not
participate directly in operations although they may serve as liaisons or
advisors to the task force.
Ibid. Subobligation refers to the commitment of U.S. Government foreign assis-
tance funds, usually under the terms of a bilateral letter of agreement.
Embassies are required to sub-obligate funding within one fiscal year of the 65
In addition the INL oversees the Public Transportation Protection and the
letter of agreement’s signature. “The bureau has approved Embassy San Salvador’s Business Crimes Task Forces while the DEA operates a Sensitive Investigative Unit
request to extend sub-obligation dates for its pipeline funds. Embassy San Salvador (SIU) Program. SIUs are top secret groups of elite agents, nearly always police,
has an internal plan that appears viable for committing CARSI and Regional equipped, trained, and vetted by the United States. Their members undergo
Gang Initiative pipeline funds within an acceptable timeframe. Some delays can background checks and regular polygraph and drug testing. The SIU have access to
be attributed to the opening of the office and associated building of administrative DEA’s intelligence database.
capacity.”(Ibid.) 66
Peter J. Meyer and Clare Ribando Seelke, “Central America Regional Security
Email from the INL security expert in the U.S. Embassy, August 25, 2014. Initiative.”

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Vetted units and task forces have two main objectives: to conduct pro- and gang membership. GREAT lessons focus on providing students with
fessional investigations and operations; and, to be a role model that will life skills to help them avoid using criminal behavior and violence to solve
influence the overall institution for the better.67 In general, vetted units and problems.
task forces have been successful conducting delicate and complex operations, First developed by the Phoenix police department in 1991, it was rolled
however, their usefulness as role models have been tempered by Salvadoran out across the United States in 1992. In an effort to encourage positive rela-
police officers’ doubts about the efficacy of polygraphs and their suspicion tionships in the community between parents, teachers, and law enforcement
that some of the Salvadoran participants in the vetted corps are not as clean officers, in the United States GREAT has developed partnerships with na-
as they look.68 tionally recognized organizations such as the Boys & Girls Clubs of America
In addition to the vetted units and task forces whose members are poly- and the National Association of Police Athletic Leagues.
graphed, trained, equipped, and guided by U.S.—or Colombian69—person- In El Salvador, there are 18 PNC officers certified as full-time GREAT
nel, the unit must comply with the Leahy law70 vetting process conducted by instructors and approximately 114 officers have been trained to use the
an embassy first-tour office management specialist who handles all vetting methodology. More than 25,000 students have graduated from the pro-
related to human rights abuses for all the agencies. The Leahy law prohibits gram since 2010. The El Salvador-based training program has certified over
the use of U.S. security assistance to assist foreign security units where there 300 regional officers and trained more than 30,000 at-risk youth in Central
is credible evidence tying the units to gross human rights violations. Leahy America.72 INL has now formed a partnership with Fundación Patria Unida,
vetting determines whether there is such evidence prior to providing assis- a Salvadoran private foundation led by Guillermo Borja Ferguson, a well-
tance, and is an important part of the embassy’s work. In El Salvador, U.S. known coffee baron. Patria Unida will sponsor the future costs of expanding
agencies and embassy sections submitted 2,500 names for Leahy vetting in GREAT to more schools and communities.
2013 about 10 percent of whom were deemed ineligible for training.71 GREAT’s usefulness is not because it helps youngsters in the community
avoid being recruited by gangs. When the trade-off is either to join the gang
The Gang Resistance, Education, and Training Program or be killed, loyalty and exit are the only options (voice is not a possibility).73
The program’s value lies in its confidence building among stake holders
Another INL signature program is the Gang Resistance Education and aspect. The partnership between students, teachers, and police officers is
Training (GREAT) program. In 2010, INL formed a partnership with the not a panacea but it is an important contribution to social cohesion at the
National Policy Board of the U.S.-based Gang Resistance Education and local level.
Training Foundation to implement a GREAT program in El Salvador. INL has also used CARSI funding to help support Salvadoran efforts to
GREAT is a school-based, police-taught gang and violence prevention adopt an asset’s forfeiture law and adopted implementation measures and
program for elementary and junior high school aged children. The pro- procedures. In November 2013, the government of El Salvador approved
gram is intended to immunize youngsters against delinquency, violence,
U.S. Embassy in El Salvador, “INL and Community Policing in Central
America, Fact Sheet,” handed to the author (no date).
Interview conducted by Eric Olson with U.S. officials, March 28, 2014. 73
These concepts are a reference to Albert O. Hirschman’s seminal essay Exit, Voice
Interview by the author with a former PNC investigator who requested ano- and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States (Cambridge, MA:
nymity, San Salvador, May 13, 2014. Harvard University Press, 1970). The author argues that there are three types of re-
Interview by the author with INL security expert at the U.S. Embassy, San sponses to unsatisfactory situations in one firm, organization, or country. The first
Salvador, May 28, 2014. is exit: leaving without trying to change things (migrating); the second is “voice,”
Named after Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chair of the Foreign Operations that is, speaking up and trying to change things (a GREAT tool); and the third one
Subcommittee and the law’s chief proponent. is “loyalty,” or to accept the status quo ( joining the gang). For an excerpt of the
Office of the Inspector General, “Inspection of Embassy San Salvador.” argument see

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an asset forfeiture law. With generous funding from INL, an experienced In recent years, as the country’s increasing insecurity has become a major
Colombian judge helped with the drafting of the law and will collaborate in development challenge, USAID has expanded crime prevention activities
its implementation and the training of the special courts that will constitute to high-risk communities with the participation of local authorities, com-
the new jurisdiction. The U.S. Department of the Treasury will coordinate munity and youth leaders, NGOs, and the private sector and will continue
with the Salvadoran government to promote the expansion of asset forfeiture to do so.
operations in the future. Likewise, an anti-money laundering bill has been USAID El Salvador is implementing five CARSI-funded initiatives: Rule
under consideration by El Salvador’s Legislative Assembly for almost a year of Law; Violence Prevention at the Local Level; Adopt a School; Improving
now and is still waiting for presidential signature. the Justice System; and SolucionES, a Global Development Alliance, the
agency’s largest ever alliance with local organizations.75
Economic Support Funds (ESF) Funds Through its management of CARSI funds appropriated through the
ESF account, USAID supports municipal level efforts designed to address
USAID has expanded the reach of its programs by using CARSI funds the underlying conditions of crime and violence, targeting young people
to complement its regular bilateral assistance funding. For example while in particular. As a result of the social and economic exclusion that stems
USAID spent $41 million in El Salvador in FY2014 and has requested $27 from dysfunctional families, high levels of unemployment, minimal access
million for FY2015 for its regular bilateral assistance programs in El Salvador, to basic services, ineffective government institutions, and insufficient access
CARSI funds were $10 million in FY2014 and the Obama administration to educational and economic opportunities, many Salvadoran youth do not
has requested $5 million for FY2015.74 have viable alternatives to gangs and other criminal organizations. USAID-
For the period 2013-2017, USAID plans to align all activities and resource funded programs seek to provide education and vocational opportunities for
requests with PFG goals. USAID/El Salvador proposes as a general goal to at-risk youth as well as recreational spaces.
expand broad-based economic growth in a more secure El Salvador, and Among the non CARSI funds complementing CARSI’s objectives, it
believes it can accomplish this goal through strategic investments under two is important to mention the Department of Defense (DOD)’s support for
complementary development objectives: improved citizen security and rule counter narcotics efforts in the region.
of law in targeted areas; and economic growth opportunities based in an Operation Martillo, an interdiction effort designed to prevent trafficking
expansion of exports (tradables in PFG parlance). USAID/El Salvador’s goal in the coastal waters of Central America is a good example of DOD’s sup-
statement directly aligns with PFG’s overall goal—and CARSI’s—to steer El port for CARSI’s objectives. Launched in January 2012, Operation Martillo
Salvador towards a new era of a secure environment for higher investment. is a complex military exercise involving the deployment of U.S. military,
During the next four years USAID will support the PFG Joint Country Coast Guard, law enforcement and partner nation vessels, aircraft, soldiers,
Action Plan goals to improve the effectiveness of the criminal justice pro- sailors, and police along the region’s Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Its pur-
cedures and practices and strengthen justice/security sector institutions. pose is to interdict drug flows heading north from South America. The
Projects are designed to provide technical assistance to promote increased Southern Command’s components most involved are in addition to JIATF
coordination between justice sector agents and institutions, and to improve South, the Honduras-based U.S. Joint Task Force Bravo, Naval Forces South
the management and investigative capacity of the Attorney General, the (also known as the 4th Fleet), and Marine Forces South. Agencies from
Public Defender, the National Civilian Police, forensic services, judges, and the Homeland Security Department include the Coast Guard and Customs
court personnel. Interventions are intended to professionalize El Salvador’s and Border Protection. The Department of Justice’s DEA plays a role on
civil service, and in general enhance public confidence in the government.
USAID, “USAID’s Lopes on Crime in Latin America, Caribbean,” June 19, 2013,, “El Salvador,”
OU.aspx?OUID=218&FY=2013&AgencyID=0. html#axzz34jHvRdy7.

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the ground, as does INL, which supports local forces with CARSI funds. SolucionES constitutes an interesting test case of the new PFG approach
The seven Central American countries are part of the exercise. Canada, that USAID has been implementing since 2010 in its reform agenda, com-
Colombia, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom have monly referred to as “USAID Forward.” From the recipient’s point of view,
participated, as well. The cost of the program is not public, though it is the innovation is the agency’s goal of expanding its use of host nation systems
likely well into the hundreds of millions of dollars given the number of and local implementing partners instead of the U.S.-based firms that have
assets employed.76 traditionally dominated the USAID program implementation field. U.S.
USAID has often been criticized by the donor community for its lack of funds provided to partner country governments, local organizations, and local
collaborative spirit, its reliance on U.S.-based contractors and the Agency’s business have been increased from less than 10 percent to 20 percent. USAID
disconnect from local realities. Following the findings and recommenda- has announced its intention to more than double direct grants to local NGOs
tions of the 2010 First Quadrennial Diplomacy Review “Leading Through and to increase the number of direct contracts with local private business.77
Civilian Power,” USAID embarked on a series of reforms to “transform its USAID has traditionally relied on U.S.-based private development firms
model of doing business” in line with OECD’s international cooperation to implement its programs. These firms can be contractors (for goods and ser-
guidelines. These reforms, labeled USAID Forward, are still largely untested vices), grantees, or can enter into a cooperative agreement with the agency. In
but are being thoroughly implemented in El Salvador. El Salvador, USAID’s main partners are Checchi and Company Consulting,
Three are worth citing: greater reliance on host nations’ systems and Research Triangle International, Casals and Associates, and Creative Associates
local organizations; an emphasis on accountability and transparency, among through its SICA anti-gang programs. All are for-profit firms.
others, in programming by implementing multi-year plans for foreign as- Critics argue that the USAID private-contractor model creates an unnec-
sistance; and improved coordination with other bilateral and multilateral essary barrier between the people designing the projects and the actual re-
donors, NGOs, and the private sector. cipients of aid. This barrier decreases both the top-down flow of money and
the bottom-up flow of information between the U.S. government and the
aid recipients. As a result, projects are less effective and less efficient because
of this sizable gap between donors and recipients. At the most basic level,
the use of for-profit private contractors significantly reduces the amount of
money actually reaching the grassroots level. USAID pays many of its con-
tractors an overhead (up to 10 percent of total costs). Development experts
estimate that the average percentage of obligated funds that actually flows

A SolucionES leadership workshop for young people in San Martin.

United States Department of State and United States Agency for International

Adam Isacson et al, “Time to Listen: Trends in U.S. Security Assistance to Latin
Development, Leading Through Civilian Power: The First Quadrennial Diplomacy and
American and the Caribbean,” Washington Office on Latin America, 12, http:// Development Review (Washington, D.C.: United States Department of State and United States Agency for International Development), 112,
to%20Listen/Time%20to%20Listen.pdf. pdf_docs/PDACQ604.pdf.

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to local partners is around 20 percent.78 importantly the destitution of the Court’s President by the Constitutional
USAID’s own limited staff forces it to rely on contractors and has shifted Chamber for lack of political impartiality) setting the stage for a long in-
an increasingly greater proportion of the bureaucratic burden—which is con- stitutional impasse.79 Things seem to have calmed down, but there are no
siderable—onto the contractors themselves. As a result, the current system guarantees that setbacks will not occur again in the future.
rewards mainly size and familiarity with U.S. government funding com- RTI and a Canadian partner, the Centre for International Studies and
petitions. Within the cumbersome request for proposals process, applicants Cooperation, were USAID contractors in one of the Crime and Violence
must invest a great deal of time and money into the initial application, both Prevention Programs from 2008 to 2012. The program worked to strengthen
of which go to waste if the contractor is not selected. It will be very difficult the capacities of local governments, civil society organizations, community
for USAID to abandon this practice altogether. leaders, and youth to address the problems of insecurity at the municipal
For example, Checchi implemented a five-year program to help strengthen level. Twelve sites were selected as the project launching pads: San Martín,
the criminal justice system in El Salvador, one of USAID’s identified areas Tonacatepeque and the Districts of La Chacra and Altavista in San Salvador,
of work under PFG. As part of the five-year contract with USAID, the Armenia; Nahuizalco and Izalco in Sonsonate; Ahuachapán in Ahuachapán;
company provided technical assistance in the implementation of a new crim- and Santa Tecla, Ciudad Arce, San Juan Opico, and Zaragoza in La Libertad.
inal procedure code. The program is also designed to liaise with USAID’s The goal was to establish Prevention Councils in specific municipalities to
community policing program. Among other activities, the Checchi team analyze problems within the community and develop Prevention Plans to
worked to promote better coordination between the National Civilian Police address those problems through a variety of activities ranging from voca-
and the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) in the investigation and prosecu- tional training to social entrepreneurship. A second version of the Crime
tion of criminal cases. The team worked to strengthen the FGR’s forensic Prevention program was launched in April 2014 to be led by Creative Voices
investigation capacity and increase its use of scientific evidence as a basis for in Development.80
conviction. In addition, Checchi provided assistance to the FGR to reengi- With the idea of achieving long-term sustainable development, USAID
neer its organizational structure and internal processes. Finally, Checchi Forward has begun consistently supporting local institutions, private sector
assisted with the development and implementation of a Domestic Violence and civil society organizations that serve as engines of growth and progress
Initiative and a Rape Crisis Center. Checchi will continue assisting USAID in their own nations. In 2012, USAID Forward established SolucionES, as
in its effort to strengthen the country’s justice sector having won a second a parallel effort in local crime prevention based on similar assumptions and
five-year contract that is now in its first year of implementation. promoting a similar strategy.
Progress, although real regarding programmatic and operational, has been It is too early to tell if these reforms will have a positive impact on the
slower than expected at the political level. During the Funes administra- overall efficiency and effectiveness of U.S. assistance. One aspect to monitor
tion, several Supreme Court decisions were questioned by the FMLN (most
Geoff Thale, “Tensions Rise between El Salvador’s National Assembly and
“Citizen Security in El Salvador: Improving the Effectiveness of International the Supreme Court: Understanding (and Misunderstanding) the Salvadoran
Aid,” University of Washington Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies Constitutional Crisis,” Washington Office on Latin America, July 18, 2012, http://
Citizen Security in El Salvador: Improving the Effectiveness of International
Aid Task Force 2012 Task Force Members Ashley Davis, Dan Fiedler, Janey sembly_and_the_supreme_court_understanding.
Greenstein, Sherrie Hsu, Mina Manuchehri, Katherine McKeon, Emily Phillips, 80
El Salvador is divided into 262 municipalities. Municipalities selected for the
and Alyssa Virtue. Coordinators/Editors Kate Fenimore and Katherine Walton. program are: Acajutla and San Antonio del Monte in the Department of Sonsonate;
Faculty Advisor Angelina Godoy. Special Advisor Jorge Sapoznikow. Evaluator Nejapa, Panchimalco, and Soyapango in San Salvador; Cojutepeque and Ilobasco
Mauricio Vivero. in Cabañas; San Vicente and Tecoluca in San Vicente; Usulután in Usulután;
handle/1773/19667/F%20Godoy%20Task%20Force%20Final%20Report.pdf. Conchagua in La Unión and Quezaltepeque in La Libertad. Jessel Santos, “Trece
txt?sequence=2. Municipios dentro de planes de prevención,” La Prensa Gráfica, April 9, 2014.

| 92 | | 93 |
The Central America Security Initiative Cristina Eguizábal
A Key Piece of U.S. Security Assistance to El Salvador, But Not the Only One

will be how the huge asymmetry between the funder and the local imple- of the greater San Salvador metropolitan area, and Santa Ana, El Salvador’s
menting organizations will play out when local actors do not have the lever- third largest urban conglomerate. Usulután and San Martín have received a
age and political connections to effectively compete with the U.S. private majority of the basic training curricula. Future plans are to establish model
development contractors. precincts in small rural towns such as San Luis Herradura de la Paz, a small
coastal community near El Salvador’s international airport in Comalapa
Community Policing: Where Funding Streams Converge where the Cooperative Security Location is located; San José Villanueva,
between San Salvador and the Port of La Libertad; Caluco in Sonsonate; and
INL and USAID both contribute to expanding community policing in Concepción Batres in Usulután.82
El Salvador. USAID provides assistance and support to the National Civilian INL has equipped Model Precincts with information technology that
Police (PNC) in its effort to become a more community-oriented police gives them the tools to implement CompStat strategies, the highly successful
force adopting community-oriented models of operation. Activities focus problem solving model developed by the New York City Police Department
on management policies and practices, professional development in con- that is now implemented around the world. Most model precinct police
flict resolution, strategic decision-making, problem solving, and awareness officers have been trained in community policing by USAID-funded pro-
training. For the roll out of the community policing program in high crime grams. In addition to providing modern equipment, model precincts offer
municipalities, USAID identifies and supports leaders in the institution that the services of basic youth community outreach centers where young people
are working towards a cooperative and productive relationship with citizens. from community schools can play, work or study in air-conditioned com-
USAID also promotes collaboration between the PNC, municipal officials, puter rooms, and train in a soccer field under the supervision of an adult
and community organizations to draft security action plans to tackle crime coach. Computer instructors and soccer coaches are either active police or
problems. civilian PNC employees. The coaches in the athletic programs are GREAT-
For its part, INL focuses more directly on training in community-police certified instructors. Finally, local jails (pre-trial detention facilities called
relations (community police) at the local level; as well as, intelligence-led po- bartolinas) in model precincts are being remodeled and provided with basic
licing, an approach that is complementary .to community-oriented policing services (running water, toilets, showers, etc.). Model precincts’ jails are
but more concerned with traditional police priorities such as the detection of extremely overcrowded like the rest of Salvadoran prisons and improving
crime and the apprehension of serious offenders through the identification the infrastructure will not solve the problem of overcrowding which results
and elimination or mitigation of community conditions that create oppor- from an extremely dysfunctional justice system. However the request to help
tunities for criminal activity.81 As part of its strategy, INL has helped estab- improve living conditions in pretrial detention centers was a direct request
lish “model precincts” throughout the Northern Triangle countries where from the PNC.
these techniques and strategies can be showcased. The strategy has been to INL has also sponsored training by U.S. experts. Instructors from the
identify receptive police and civilian leadership in high risk communities, Florida Regional Community Policing Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida
encourage them to implement known best practices in crime prevention and trained over 600 officers in Santa Ana in investigative techniques, collection
then encourage replication of those best practices nationwide. and analysis of evidence, and community policing as part of model precinct
In collaboration with the Transnational Regional Gang Program, INL initiatives. The Criminal Justice Department at Temple University has also
has established two model precincts: Lourdes Colon, on the Eastern outskirts provided support and U.S. experts will develop Central American focused
community policing and intelligence-led policing curricula that will be
For further reading on different policing approaches see Nick Tilley, “Modern
Approaches to Policing: Community, Problem-Oriented and Intelligence-Led,”
in Tim Newburn, ed., Handbook of Policing, 2nd. Ed. (London and New York: 82
E-mail message from the Regional Gang Advisor based at the U.S. Embassy in
Routledge. Taylor and Francis Group, 2011), 373-403. El Salvador, July 14, 2014, 5:25 p.m.

| 94 | | 95 |
The Central America Security Initiative Cristina Eguizábal
A Key Piece of U.S. Security Assistance to El Salvador, But Not the Only One

administered to mid-level police officers on a regional platform. in the homicide rate between 2012 and 2013 was a product of the so-called
Despite the suspicions of and resistance to change that were reportedly gang truce or the community oriented security policies implemented by
common during the program’s early phases, the benefits of the program have the government with U.S. support during this period.
attracted attention and generated requests from other community leaders A very good sign is that the new administration has declared that it is
and police commanders for help in implementing similar strategies. Model building its citizen security strategy with community policing as the cor-
precinct procedures are being implemented in San Miguel, Ahuachapán, nerstone program and community policing precincts have been established
and Sonsonate.83 in several San Salvador neighborhoods.

U.S. Security Assistance has changed over the years. Under the Mérida
Initiative Framework its most important components were military and
oriented to the hard security side—very much influenced by the “war on
drugs” paradigm. Three key changes introduced by the Obama admin-
istration moved the focus of the assistance towards institution building
and violence prevention: the changes introduced in the overall foreign
assistance modus operandi bring it closer to the OECD guidelines, including
more contact and coordination with the donor community, more input
from the host government and increased transparency; the Partnership for
Growth strategy as a White House initiative providing a framework for
the all U.S. cooperation, and the efforts at the local level to get everyone
on the same boat.
Has U.S. security assistance made a difference? Yes. Why then is there
The PNC Ahuachapán precinct near the Guatemalan border. such skepticism in labeling it a success? Allow me to advance three hypoth-
eses: the intractability of the problem of insecurity, the transnational aspects
U.S.-funded programs at the local level are evidently well-run and those of violence, and the inflated expectations of what limited approaches can
involved in the projects declare themselves satisfied with their interactions do.
with USAID and INL.84 However, violence indicators remain stubbornly The problems of violence and insecurity have permeated Salvadoran
high. Furthermore, it is difficult to determine whether the clear reduction history. It used to be a domestic problem very much rooted in extreme in-
equality, ethnic and social discrimination, authoritarianism, and arbitrari-
Interview by the author with INL security expert James Rose, San Salvador, ness of the justice system. Those problems have remained, albeit tempered
May 28, 2014. by the new, generally-accepted political rules based on the principles of
Interviews by the author with Javier Castro de León, Director of Legal Studies
representative democracy and equality before the law.
from FUSADES who has worked with the U.S. Embassy in the process of drafting
and commenting the access to public information (USAID non CARSI) and asset Salvadoran society became globalized before it had the time to consol-
forfeiture (INL CARSI) laws, San Salvador, May 14, 2014 and with Uwaldo Peña idate its political institutions. Free trade and migration have brought new
Information Officer at the Ministry of Public Works, who participates in the Public challenges, but so has transnational organized crime in all its manifestations.
Transportation Security Interagency Task Force sponsored by INL, San Salvador, It is clear that the problem of insecurity in El Salvador, and Central
May 30, 2014.

| 96 | | 97 |
The Central America Security Initiative Cristina Eguizábal
A Key Piece of U.S. Security Assistance to El Salvador, But Not the Only One

America’s Northern Triangle in general, is not only local or sub-regional, 5. Transnational: It will need increased exchange of information
it concerns the whole region with important global spill-over effects. and enhanced cooperation between governments in matters of
Moreover, the drug trade—one of the most important drivers of insecu- intelligence (smart borders are also part of the solution).
rity, also directly implicates the regional powers: the United States (where 6. Expanding funding: there is a need to create new funding
the drugs are headed and where many of the weapons originate); Mexico mechanisms beyond taxes and aid.
(where the big cartels dominating the drug trade reign) and Colombia
(where the drug is produced). The Obama administration has been increas- International cooperation and foreign assistance can help, but cannot
ingly talking about co-responsibility and that is a good first step. However, be held accountable for the continued insecurity. There is a need to revise
it is not enough for Washington to accept part of the blame in creating the success criteria and set them on a more realistic plane. U.S. security
the problem; it must also accept the obligation to contribute to its solution assistance by itself will not solve El Salvador’s insecurity problem but defi-
beyond providing foreign assistance. nitely contributes to Salvadoran institutions combat crime.
The solution of the public security crisis in the region must be multi-
level, multi sectorial, involve multiple actors, multinational, transnational,
long term and require a significant financial commitment.
1. Multilevel: it must be coordinated at the national and local levels
within the boundaries of the nation states and also at the sub-
regional, regional and international levels.
2. Multi sectorial: it must be addressed by the security sector
institutions in the first place, but it must also involve education (to
create a better educated workforce), health policies (to deal with
post- traumatic stress disorder, substance and drug abuse, etc);
youth policies (to help promote young people’s social insertion);
economic policies (to promote formal employment and reduce the
informal sector); and fiscal policies (to improve tax collection).
3. Multiple actors: civil society and the private sector must be
actively involved in the effort; international governmental and
non- governmental organizations as well.
4. Multinational: in addition to providing assistance to the small
Central American countries it will require the international
community to drastically change the international drug regime
and adopt a more pragmatic and scientific approach to drug
consumption; it will also require better regulation of small arms
beginning with signing and ratifying the Arms Trade Treaty
adopted by the UN General Assembly on April 2, 2013.

| 98 | | 99 |



Nicholas P hillips


o the extent that the Central America Regional Security Initiative
(CARSI) is a coherent policy, Guatemala is its centerpiece. This
Guatemala land of sultry jungles, volcanic highlands, and buzzing cities boasts
a population of nearly 16 million—the largest on the isthmus, with roughly
39 percent self-identifying as indigenous.1 During the first five years of
CARSI, no country in Central America received more of the initiative’s
funds, or was allocated more non-CARSI security aid.2 Thus it would
appear that the U.S. Congress is aware of Guatemala’s problems: its weak
El Salvador institutions, drug smuggling, gangs, violence, poverty, inequality, impu-
nity, corruption, and malnutrition. We may now add to this list the recent
swell of Guatemalan youth who abandoned their homeland and got caught
crossing illegally and unaccompanied onto American soil.3
But is CARSI a catalyst for adequate solutions? In some ways, yes. In
others, no. And in some areas, it is hard to say for lack of performance

“Proyecciones de población por departamento,” Temas/Indicadores, Instituto
Nacional de Estadísticas, accessed April 4, 2014,
estadisticas/tema-indicadores; and “Censos Nacionales XI de Población y VI de
Habitación 2002,” Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, 32,
U.S. Government Accountability Office, “U.S. Agencies Considered Various

PART TWO: Factors in Funding Security Activities, but Need to Assess Progress in Achieving
Interagency Objectives,” GAO-13-771, September 2013, 11 and 17.
Julie Turkewitz, “Fear Is Driving Young Men Across the U.S. Border,” The
NEW DIRECTIONS Atlantic, June 20, 2014.

IN POLICY | 101 |
CARSI in Guatemala Nicholas Phillips
Progress, Failure, and Uncertainty

evaluations. CARSI funds have bolstered the criminal courts and the po- signing of the Peace Accords in 1996 did not immediately usher in a new,
lice’s anti-gang unit, for example, but have failed to produce an exemplary peaceful era. For example, according to a 2003 report by the Washington
police precinct or eradicate poppy farms. Furthermore, some crime pre- Office on Latin America (WOLA), a Washington D.C.-based think tank, a
vention efforts bankrolled by CARSI have never been audited, so their shadowy network of active and retired government officials, military men,
effectiveness is not clear. This chapter will shed some light on CARSI’s private citizens, and clandestine armed groups continued to collude with
successes, challenges, and unknowns in Guatemala. each other after the conflict. They allegedly embezzled state resources,
avoided prosecution for wartime atrocities, and hounded left-leaning civil
Security Overview society with threats, harassment and murder.7
Regular citizens, adapted to years of chronic political violence, found
For much of the last half century, the biggest security threat to themselves poorly equipped to handle a rising tide of street crime. Tani
Guatemalans was their own civil war. Between 1960 and 1996, leftist Adams, a U.S.-Guatemalan anthropologist, wrote in a 2012 study that in
guerrillas took up arms against a series of militarized conservative regimes the first decade after the Peace Accords, “a new kind of violence progres-
in one of Latin America’s “hottest” Cold War conflicts. The Guatemalan sively overran daily life” and Guatemalans displayed
state, backed by wealthy elites and fueled by anti-communist fervor, coun- contradictory impulses: adaptation and combat, fear, denial and indignation,
tered the rebellion with such ferocity that a United Nations truth commis- heightened aggression...many of the survival strategies that people had learned
sion later declared certain state tactics as “genocide” against the indigenous during the war—silence, avoidance, self-victimization and scapegoating—
population, some of whom had sided with the guerillas. In sum, the com- had clearly gained new life and functionality as ways to cope with violence in
mission estimated that the 36-year struggle claimed up to 200,000 lives peacetime.8
and pushed as many as 1.5 million from their homes.4
The vortex of war had sucked in all of Guatemalan society, not just the The havoc wrought by internal armed conf lict thus rendered
combatants: rich and poor, young and old, ladino5 and indigenous, Catholics Guatemalan territory more fertile than ever for the expansion of global
and Protestants, bureaucrats and businessmen, politicians, the police, the criminal markets—namely, the drug trade.
courts, the press, universities, and labor unions. The armed forces had
seized control of the interior and the borders, but certain military structures Drug Trafficking and Violence
displayed “a climate of permissiveness or corruption,” that allowed orga- As the Mexican state clashed with drug cartels beginning in 2006, its
nized crime to gain a firmer foothold in Guatemala.6 For these reasons, the neighbor to the south became more attractive than ever as an alternate hub
for moving narcotics. Guatemala was facing serious problems of its own.
Guatemala: Memory of Silence, Report of the Commission for Historical Clarification,
Conclusions and Recommendations, February 1999, 17 and 30, http:/www.aaas. Borders were porous. The military, tasked with securing them, was signifi-
org/sites/default/files/migrate/uploads/mos_en.pdf. These figures have been cantly reduced in manpower and resources as required by the peace accords.
repeated countless times since their publication; for a dissenting view, see Carlos
Sabino, Guatemala, La Historia Silenciada (1944-1989) Tomo II, Capítulo XXV 7
Susan C. Peacock and Adriana Beltrán, Hidden Powers in Post-Conflict Guatemala:
(Guatemala: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2009). Illegal Armed Groups and the Forces Behind Them, (Washington, D.C.: Washington
In the Guatemalan context the word Ladino is primarily used to denote a mixed Office on Latin America, 2003),
raced person between Spanish and Indigenous. Ladinos are primarily Spanish speakers. loadable/Citizen%20Security/past/Hidden%20Powers%20Long%20Version.pdf.
Julie López, “Guatemala’s Crossroads: The Democratization of Violence and 8
Tani Marilena Adams, “Chronic Violence and its Reproduction: Perverse Trends
Second Chances,” in Organized Crime in Central America: The Northern Triangle, in Social Relations, Citizenship, and Democracy in Latin America,” Woodrow
eds. Cynthia J. Arnson and Eric. L. Olson, (Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Wilson Center Update on the Americas, Woodrow Wilson International Center
International Center for Scholars, 2011), 154, for Scholars, March 2012, 5,
node/19779. Chronic%20Violence%20and%20its%20Reproduction_1.pdf.

| 102 | | 103 |
CARSI in Guatemala Nicholas Phillips
Progress, Failure, and Uncertainty

This left many informal crossings totally unguarded. The country’s police, long-time traffickers Waldemar “El Patriarca” Lorenzana Lima and his
the Policía Nacional Civil (PNC), was corrupt and inept, which lowered son, Eliú Elixander—theretofore known as “untouchables” for their deep
the cost of getting caught. Finally, strong smuggling networks already connections in the state. Ortíz, the reverend-turned-kingpin of the western
existed in Guatemala.9 A handful of well-connected Guatemalan criminal highlands, was also arrested on her watch. During her second year, Paz y
families—the Mendozas, the Lorenzanas, and the Ortiz clan, for exam- Paz’s team won the conviction of 60 Zetas and their Guatemalan ally, Horst
ple—had expertise in smuggling contraband and drugs across the country. Walther “El Tigre” Overdick.14 Right before her departure from office in
They were well positioned to profit from the cocaine bonanza that surged May 2014, she helped coordinate the capture of Orellana in Zacapa.
in after 2007 and 2008.10 High-profile arrests do not necessarily shut down a cartel. Ortiz was
In some cases, the local populace favored the trafficking clans over the extradited to the United States in May 2014 and his brother Rony remains
state. As Guatemalan journalist Julie López has observed, “organized crime a fugitive, yet their trafficking ring continues to operate in Guatemala’s
has filled the voids of power and authority in several regions of the coun- western highlands.15 According to Steven Dudley of InSight Crime, the
try.” All over Guatemala, “organized crime pays for the electrification of Zetas have weakened and assumed a lower profile, but still operate along
urban areas, paves streets, and employs locals in its businesses enterprises.”11 a corridor through the center of the country along with remnants of the
The families did not operate in a vacuum. Each had ties to larger outside Lorenzana network. Meanwhile, the Mendozas still hold sway in the east
groups. The Mendozas worked with the Gulf Cartel. Juan Ortiz López and the northern jungles of Petén, the Saraceño clan on the Pacific coast is
(nicknamed Chamalé) partnered with the potent Sinaloa Federation, con- fighting off challenges by smaller groups, and the Caraduras band continues
sidered by some to be the largest drug trafficking organization on the to move product through Guatemala City.16
planet. The Lorenzanas at one time cooperated with the ruthless Zetas, a As for the Sinaloa Federation, its leader, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán
cartel composed of former Mexican and Guatemalan military operatives.12 Loera, was captured by Mexican marines in February 2014. However,
But the Lorenzanas and Jairo “El Pelón” Orellana, an independent trafficker high-ranking sources in the PNC and Ministerio Público (Public Ministry)
connected to the family, managed to do business with both the Zetas and said in interviews that the arrest has not disrupted the supply chain in any
Sinaloa. The families bribed PNC officials to look the other way or actively noticeable way.17 Sinaloa’s relationships in Guatemala are extensive and
help out, but they couldn’t buy off everyone: dirty policemen known as “horizontal,” allowing it to adapt nimbly to any kind of threat.18
tumbadores sometimes seized the drugs for their own nefarious purposes.13 The U.S. Department of State still lists Guatemala as a “major” country
Claudia Paz y Paz, Guatemala’s soft-spoken attorney general from in terms of drug transit and precursor chemicals. Smugglers, it says, can
late 2010 to May 2014, surprised many with an unprecedented crusade
against the drug lords. During her first year, she oversaw the arrest of 14
“Ministerio Público Presentación de Resultados 2012,” November 30, 2012,
slide 35,úblicos-fiscal-general/.
Interview with high-ranking official in the Public Ministry, Guatemala City,
López, “Guatemala’s Crossroads,” 140. May 19, 2014.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Transnational Organized 16
Steven Dudley, “Guatemala’s New Narco-map: Less Zetas, Same Chaos,”
Crime in Central America and the Caribbean: A Threat Assessment, (Vienna: United Insight Crime, September 16, 2013,
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2012), 25, guatemalas-new-narco-map-less-zetas-same-chaos.
data-and-analysis/Studies/TOC_Central_America_and_the_Caribbean_english.pdf. 17
Interview with high-ranking official in the PNC, Guatemala City, May 21,
López, “Guatemala’s Crossroads,” 176. 2014; also interview with high-ranking official in the Public Ministry, Guatemala
UNODC, Transnational Organized Crime in Central America and the Caribbean, 25. City, May 19, 2014.
“Radiografía del Cartel de La Charola,” El Periódico, October 14, 2014. http:// 18
Julie López, “9 apuntes sobre el panorama del narcotráfico sin ‘El Chapo,’” Plaza Pública, February 24, 2014,
Cartel-de-La-Charola.htm content/9-apuntes-sobre-el-panorama-del-narcotrafico-sin-el-chapo.

| 104 | | 105 |
CARSI in Guatemala Nicholas Phillips
Progress, Failure, and Uncertainty

move bulk cash, drugs and precursors through the country “with little “areas of highest concern.”22 It seems logical, even obvious: Guatemala is
difficulty.” The Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law sandwiched between the world’s largest cocaine source (the Andes) and
Enforcement Affairs (INL) recently asserted that in the first half of 2013, largest market (the United States); the drug traffickers running in between
over two-thirds of all cocaine arriving in the United States first passed show a penchant for guns and violence.
through Guatemala. The country continues to be a source of poppy, the But the link is not so clear-cut, according to Carlos Mendoza, a
flower used to make heroin. It is also a production base for methamphet- Guatemalan economist, political analyst and member of President Otto
amine. Security forces have seized huge amounts of precursor chemicals Pérez Molina’s Comisión Nacional Para la Reforma Política de Droga
and are only now in the process of organizing them.19 (National Commission for Drug Policy Reform). In the online news site
Drug trade logistics are constantly evolving. High-ranking sources in Plaza Pública last May, Mendoza cited a statistic provided to the commission
the Guatemalan government agreed that the fleet of helicopters donated by the government (he did not divulge which agency) linking 45 percent
to Guatemala by the United States has allowed the Central American of all murders to drug trafficking. However, he found the methodology
nation to better patrol its own airspace over the last several years. This has flawed: if a murder occurs in a municipality deemed to be a hot-bed of
drastically reduced the number of cocaine flights into the country. The narco-activity, then under this analysis, it is automatically considered a
majority of drugs now enter Guatemala via boats on the Pacific coast, the result of drug trafficking.23
officials said, with plenty of “weight” still rolling in across the Honduran The police also collect data on this topic, but those data point away from
border on its way north to Mexico.20 drugs. For instance, the PNC keeps a tally of purported motives for each
It is precisely these two areas—the Pacific coast (Escuintla and Santa homicide, following a preliminary crime scene investigation. The figures
Rosa departments) and the Guatemala-Honduras border (Zacapa and from January to November 2013 show that the most frequently ascribed
Chiquimula departments)—that are plagued by the highest murder rates motive was “ignorado” (or “unknown”). The second most frequent was
in the country. Yet how much is Guatemala’s overall homicide rate—34 “venganza” (or “revenge”). Only seven of 4,881 homicides were deemed
per 100,000 inhabitants21—driven by the drug trade? related to drug trafficking.24 A figure that low is probably distorted; the
Many assume that narcoactividad is the engine driving most of the blood- police likely have plenty of incentives to avoid pointing a finger at the drug
shed in Guatemala, and indeed the whole isthmus. “Intensified compe- traffickers. But even if the PNC data is only partly accurate, factors besides
tition in cocaine has increased the level of violence in the region,” re- drugs must be adding to the body count.
ported the International Narcotics Control Board of the United Nations Mendoza has proposed an alternative theory about the high rate of
in March 2014, with “both sides of the Guatemalan-Honduran border, homicides at the Guatemalan-Honduran border. In that region, where
and in Guatemala along the borders with Belize and Mexico” among the livestock ranchers often carry guns, a macho “culture of honor” compels

United Nations International Narcotics Control Board, “Report 2013,” March
U.S. Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law 4, 2014, 45,
Enforcement Affairs, “International Narcotics Control Strategy Report,” Vol. 1, AR2013/English/AR_2013_E_Chapter_III_Americas.pdf.
March 2014, 176, 23
Carlos Mendoza, “¿Cuál es la relación entre violencia homicida y narcoactividad
Interview with Public Ministry official, Guatemala City, May 19, 2014 en Guatemala? Parte I,” Plaza Pública, May 19, 2014,
and interview with PNC official, May 21, 2014; see also Geovanni Contreras, gt/content/cual-es-la-relacion-entre-violencia-homicida-y-narcoactividad-en-gua-
“Identificadas 10 rutas del narcotráfico,” Prensa Libre, October 22, 2014. http:// temala-parte-i. 24
Policía Nacional Civil, “Estadística de Homicidios Registradas a Nivel
narcotrafico-autoridades_0_1234076593.html Republica de Enero a Noviembre 2013, Desglosado por Posible Móvil del Crimen
Rodrigo Baires, “Diez años de muertes violentas en Guatemala,” Plaza Pública, y Departamento,”
February 11, 2014. Movil-del-Homicidio-al-30nov-2013.png.

| 106 | | 107 |
CARSI in Guatemala Nicholas Phillips
Progress, Failure, and Uncertainty

men to respond disproportionately to aggressions and slights in order to Figure 1: Homicide Rate in Guatemala, 2003-2013

avoid seeming vulnerable. After all, Mendoza argues, illicit drugs move 50
across both the southern and northern borders of Guatemala, but the mur- 45
der rate in the south is much higher. Therefore, culture might explain the
The proliferation of firearms is another factor in the violence. By the 35

Rate per 100,000 Population

end of the armed conflict, Guatemala was already awash in guns, but since 30
then, even more have poured in. In 2007, for example, the country had 25
nearly 148,000 guns registered and owned by civilians; in 2013, that figure
had grown to 500,000,26 with thousands reported stolen over the last five
years.27 Illegal firearms are impossible to count with precision, but they 15

loom large in Guatemalan crime. Import data from the government’s gun 10
registry (La Dirección General de Control de Armas y Municiones, or 5
Directorate General of Gun and Munition Control, known as DIGECAM)
show that only 15 percent of guns are registered, implying the existence 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
of 2.5 million illegal guns by the end of 2012.28 According to a 2014 study Year

by Research Triangle Institute (RTI), an international non-profit that the

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) subcon- Source: Created using statistics compiled by Carlos A. Mendoza basedon on Data from the
Policía Nacional Civil (PNC). See Carlos A. Mendoza, “Tendencia Trimestral de Homicidios
tracts to conduct research and implement its programs, por Distintas Causas de Muerta (arma utilizada), 2004-2013,” The Black Box (blog), February
• 8 out of 10 firearms seized in Guatemala are illegal; 17, 2014,
• 9 out of 10 crimes are committed with illegal firearms; cias-trimestrales-por-causa-de-homicidios-PNC-2004_13-tasas-2000_13.pdf.

• The most prevalent handgun used to commit crimes is the 9mm;

These data do not necessarily suggest that Guatemala has a gun prob-
• The amount of legally imported ammunition is about half of all
lem, but rather, an illegal gun problem—a distinction that policymakers
that actually enters the country.29
may consider taking into account, should they wish to attack the problem
from this angle.
Curiously, the homicide rate has been falling in Guatemala for several

Interview with Carlos Mendoza, an economist, political scientist, and founding
partner of the Central American Business Intelligence, Guatemala City, May 8, 2014.
Andrea Orozco, “Más de 4 mil 200 heridos de bala en 2013,” Prensa Libre,
February 17, 2014,
Wayne J. Pitts, et al., “Factors Affecting Homicide Rates in Guatemala 2000-2013:
A Study of the Municipalities of Guatemala, Mixco, and Villa Nueva,” prepared for
Democracy and Governance Office, USAID/Guatemala, Final Report, 94.
Ibid., 98.
Ibid., 97.

| 108 | | 109 |
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years.30 President Pérez Molina has tried to take credit for this, but jour- Figure 2: Homicide Rates per 100,000 Population in each Municipio in Guatemala
nalist Rodrigo Baires of Plaza Pública has shown using police data that the
downward trend actually started in 2010, two years before the president
took office. Baires argued that several factors kicked in around that time:
prosecutors began dealing with murders and extortion as group phenome-
non, instead of isolated cases; the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses,
or national forensics lab, was given more resources to work on evidence;
and investigators started using wiretaps.31 In sum, law enforcement started
working better: the government prosecutors’ conviction rate rose from 2.9
percent in 2010 to 8.2 percent in 2013.32
Homicides dropped most dramatically in Guatemala City, from 40.7
per 100,000 residents in 2009 to 32.1 by the end of 2013.33 USAID com-
missioned a study to determine why. Researchers found that a number of
factors likely contributed, including improvements in local governance,
better emergency response and trauma care and a safe new system of public
transport (the Transmetro), among other factors.34
Source: Created by Carlos A. Mendoza, using rates calculated by Mendoza based on data from
the Policia Nacional Civil (PNC) and the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE).

Statistics published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Gangs and Extortion
(UNODC) show that Guatemala’s homicide rate climbed from 2011 to 2012. Gangs have roamed Guatemala City since at least the 1970s. Known as
See UNODC, “Intentional homicide count and rate per 100,000 population, by pandillas, these small groups of young male friends would band together in
country/territory (2000-2012),”
poor neighborhoods to dance, scrap with rivals and commit petty crimes.
GSH2013_Homicide_count_and_rate.xlsx. However, what really happened is
that the UNODC changed methodologies for gathering data and in 2012 started But in the decades following, the pandillas morphed into better-organized
using data from the national forensics lab, INACIF, instead of the PNC data used structures now known as maras.35
previously. Homicide totals kept by INACIF are always higher, because they In the 1990s, the United States deported tens of thousands of Central
include people wounded at crime scenes who later die in the hospital. This switch Americans with criminal records back to the isthmus, and along with them,
of sources explains the appearance of a “jump” in the murder rate. Guatemalan
officials and journalists who analyze the issue tend to rely on PNC data. For more
the rivalry between two Hispanic street gangs from Los Angeles: the Mara
discussion on this topic, see Carlos Mendoza, “Error de ONUDC en cifras de Salvatrucha (a.k.a., MS) and Barrio 18 (a.k.a. Dieciocho).36 The deportees
violencia homicida de Guatemala,” The Black Box (blog), July 14, 2014, helped convert the local Guatemalan pandillas into local franchises (or
Baires, “Diez años de muertes violentas en Guatemala.”
Carlos Mendoza, “Paz y Paz versus la Casta Guerrera,” BLOG de Carlos 35
Lourdes Hum, Leslie Ramos, and Iván Monzón, “Respuestas de la sociedad civil
Mendoza, April 29, 2014, al fenómeno de las maras y pandillas juveniles en Guatemala,” in ed. José Miguel
y-paz-versus-la-casta-guerrera.html. Cruz, Maras y Pandillas en Centroamérica, Vol. IV (San Salvador: UCA Editores,
Ibid. 2006), 162.
Pitts, et al., “Factors Affecting Homicide Rates in Guatemala 2000-2013,” Final 36
Ana Arana, “How the Street Gangs Took Central America,” Foreign Affairs, 84:3
Report. (May 1, 2005): 98.

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clicas37) of the larger mara. The gang members began extorting businesses in May 2014 that Guatemala was home to 40 clicas of Dieciocho and 30 of
on their turf and took advantage of legal and illegal small firearms flowing MS, with hundreds of their members already in prison.43 The MS is more
into the country. Drug traffickers moving through the region contracted selective in its recruitment, Ortega said, but press reports suggest that both
certain gangs for security services and paid them in product, thus encour- maras recruit children as young as six years old to do their dirty work.44
aging the gang members to set up local markets for street drugs.38 However large their numbers, the maras are making their presence felt
To combat the gangs, the PNC launched Plan Escoba (which loosely in the zonas rojas (or crime-plagued “red zones”) of the capital as well as in
translates as “Operation Clean Sweep”) in August 2003. Thousands of the nearby municipalities of Villa Nueva and Mixco. Citizens in these areas
tattooed young men suspected of being gang members were thrown into live in a situation of “perpetual threat [of ] extortion, intimidation, and
jail, mainly on the pretext of minor drug possession charges that were violence” at the hands of gangs, according to a 2014 study commissioned
ultimately dismissed.39 Then the situation grew darker: a United Nations by USAID. Residents in these communities are “afraid to go outside after
official who visited Guatemala in 2006 reported “highly credible” alle- certain hours” and are “captives in their own homes.”45 The neighborhoods
gations that the PNC’s investigative unit was secretly hunting down gang of Limón, Asunción, and Colonia Maya in Zona 18 of Guatemala City, for
members and executing them—a social cleansing that harked back to the example, “are under almost total control of gang members.”46 The maras
armed conflict.40 extort small businesses in their territories all the way down to the trash
The gangs continued to grow until a 2011 United Nations report es- collectors and prostitutes.47 They also prey on public-transit operators. In
timated Guatemala’s gang population at 22,000 strong. Edwin Ortega, 2013, 87 bus drivers, 49 taxi drivers, 68 mototaxi drivers, and 53 ayudantes
director of the PNC’s anti-gang unit (called PANDA), believes it is much (or drivers’ assistants) were murdered, according to the Grupo de Apoyo
smaller than that, around 5,000. He said PANDA is currently conducting a Mutuo (Mutual Aid Group).48 Authorities estimate that some 40 percent
national gang census to get a clearer picture.41 It will not be easy: the gangs of these kinds of deaths are related to extortion.49
conceal their tattoos, tie their shoes in secret ways to show their allegiance, Ortega observed that while both maras make most of their income
speak backwards on the phone to foil wiretaps, and smuggle notes written through extortion, a.k.a. la renta, the MS has ventured further into drug
in coded handwriting in and out of prisons.42 The government reported
Mariela Castañón, “70 clicas de pandillas asedian las zonas más inseguras,” La
Hora, May 27, 2014.
Clicas are small subgroupings within gangs, not separate organizations. 44
Evelyn De León, “Las pandillas reclutan a niños a partir de los 6 años,” Siglo21,
Robert Brenneman, “Review of Adiós Niño,” Homies and Hermanos (blog), October 2, 2013,
July 1, 2013, 45
Wayne J. Pitts et al., “Factors Affecting Homicide Rates in Guatemala 2000-
review-of-adios-nino/. 2013: A Study of the Municipalities of Guatemala, Mixco, and Villa Nueva,”
Daniel Berlin et al., “Between the Border and the Street: A Comparative Look Executive Summary, Prepared for Democracy and Governance Office, USAID/
at Gang Reduction Policies and Migration in the United States and Guatemala,” Guatemala, 3.
Human Rights Institute, Georgetown University Law Center, 2007, 9-10, http:// 46
Pitts et al., “Factors Affecting Homicide Rates in Guatemala 2000-2013,” Final Report, 100.
“Civil and Political Rights, Including the Questions of Disappearances and 47
“Recolectores de basura y prostitutas, nuevas víctimas extorsión en Guatemala,”
Summary Executions, Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary EFE, July 29, 2013.
or arbitrary executions, Philip Alston,” Addendum, August 21-25, 2006, 9, http:// 48
Grupo Apoyo Mutuo, “Informe anual sobre hechos violentos y situación de DDHH en Guatemala. Año 2013,” Cuadro 11, Área de transparencia (blog),
Inspector Edwin Ortega of PANDA, interview with the author, Guatemala City, January 15, 2014,
March 3, 2014. al-sobre-hechos-violentos-y.html.
Inspector Edwin Ortega of PANDA, interview with the author, Guatemala City, 49
José M. Patzán, “Transporte en pugna debido a extorsiones,” Prensa Libre,
May 8, 2014. January 10, 2014.

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dealing than its rival. MS is now taking over markets where Dieciocho with the gangs.53 The maras used to brandish homemade weapons (or armas
members used to sell but were arrested and thus ceased operations. Ortega hechizas) but since 2008 have largely graduated to .38 caliber pistols, 9mm
said that the gangs do interact with drug traffickers in order to supply those handguns and AK-47s, all of which they can buy on the black market.54 A
local markets, but outside of that, PANDA has found little hard evidence police raid on a Dieciocho clica in Mixco last April, for example, turned
of a mara-drug trafficker relationship. up a grenade, eight pistols, an M-16 rifle, and an Uzi sub machine gun.55
All of these gangs extort, but not all extortionists are gangsters. In fact,
Ortega says that some 70 percent of extortionists are civilians who only Other Crimes
pretend to be members of MS or Dieciocho in order to frighten victims Reports of kidnapping for ransom have become relatively rare in
into forking over cash. In some cases, these civilians have no connection to Guatemala. In 2012, there were 85 reported victims, most of them male.
the maras and are making idle threats. But last January, a judge convicted Last year, the total number of reported victims fell to only 50—possibly due
ten people who had been extorting bus drivers while also paying quotas to the efforts of the PNC’s anti-kidnapping task force, which dramatically
to three different gangs, suggesting that the gangs may have been charging increased the seizure of vehicles, cell phones, guns, and cash belonging to
for use of their “brand” in a sort of franchise arrangement.50 kidnappers in 2013.56 The true number of cases may be higher, though,
Many extortionate phone calls originate from behind prison walls, as some victims’ families negotiate in private for fear that involving the
noted Ortega. He explains that when an offender first arrives at a correc- authorities will endanger their loved one.
tional facility, the inmates demand that he provide personal information In an interview, “Marcos,” the unit’s coordinator, described the task
about his neighbors and acquaintances—cell numbers, addresses, family force’s operations. (In 2011, he explained, he exited a grocery store and
members, daily habits, etc.—which the inmates then use to terrify an ex- assassins fired two bullets through his chest, puncturing both lungs and
tortion victim over the phone. Ortega said that most of the time, victims sending him into a coma for five days; he miraculously survived, and now
extorted over the phone are instructed to deposit money in a bank account, prefers to use a nickname.)57
usually in Banco Azteca, which he said does not ask new customers a lot of According to Marcos, the task force guides a victim’s family through ne-
questions.51 (The new inmate can avoid the obligation to identify targets gotiation with the perpetrators in order to resolve cases. About 97 percent
for extortion by paying Q1,500 per month, but if he refuses that option of victims are released unharmed. At the same time, Marcos says, families
too, the inmates may force him to clean the bathroom with his hands or make only “minimum payments” to the kidnappers, who as a group receive
may deny him a place to sleep.)52 roughly two percent of the ransom money they demand.58 The coordinator
According to Ortega, PANDA breaks up about 15 extortion rings per declined to offer specifics on how the unit manages to both preserve the
year. Some are clicas of MS and Dieciocho, others are small, unaffiliated
criminal bands. In 2013, PANDA made 646 arrests, and the unit’s case- 53
work led to 166 convictions. Ortega, who escaped unhurt from a highway 54
Jody García, “Pandillas adquieren armas en mercado negro,” La Hora,
assassination attempt in 2011, said it is dangerous work: two PANDA of- March 15, 2014,
ficers were killed and another two wounded in shootouts with gangsters actualidad/192848-pandillas-adquieren-armas-en-mercado-negro.
in 2013. Between January and May 2014, PANDA had three gun battles 55
Ministerio Público, “Previenen ataque de pandillas en colonia El Milagro,” April 2014,
Hugo Alvarado, “Tribunal condena a 10 extorsionistas,” Prensa Libre, January 31, 56
“Fuerza de Tarea (FT - MG)—Comando Antisecuestros (DEIC) Policía
2014. Inspector Ortega said that this kind of arrangement is the exception, not the rule. Nacional Civil Resultados 2014,” Power Point Presentation, May 2014.
Ibid. 57
Interview with “Marcos,” anti-kidnapping task force coordinator, Guatemala
Inspector Edwin Ortega of PANDA, interview with the author, Guatemala City, City, May 14, 2014.
May 8, 2014. 58

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life of the victims and prevent this kind of crime from becoming profitable; for this kind of crime. But official statistics seem to indicate that the ju-
he revealed only that the unit instills in the kidnappers the “certainty” that dicial system cannot keep up with the cascade of cases. For example, the
they will be captured and go to prison if the case unfolds any other way. Public Ministry filed 18,966 charges of robbery in 2012. However, the
Typical kidnappers, Marcos observed, have a criminal history and op- court system recorded only 1,092 convictions for robbery and fewer than
erate in small, independent groups without ties to larger organized crime 200 acquittals that same year, suggesting that the vast majority of robberies
structures. As for the victims, a “high percentage” come from the lower go unpunished.63
middle economic stratum; only some are wealthy elites.59 In 2012 and 2013 The second most common crime in Guatemala is violence against
combined, the anti-kidnapping task force made 384 arrests and broke up a women. This category accounted for over a quarter of all charges filed by
total of 49 kidnapping rings.60 Over the last several years, they have tight- the Public Ministry in 2012.64 Violence against women became part of
ened their relationship with prosecutors and now rely heavily on forensic the penal code after Guatemalan feminists convinced Congress to pass the
evidence (such as wiretaps), as opposed to informants and colaboradores legislation in 2009.65 The law created the offense of “femicide,” defined as
eficaces (former associates turned witnesses as part of a plea bargain). The the murder of a woman for motives that relate to her gender (for example,
task force members have not received training from the U.S. Department if she is murdered out of misogyny, or as part of a gang ritual, or by a jilted
of State Bureau of International Law Enforcement and Narcotics Affairs lover).66 According to Ruby Monzón, the head prosecutor of crimes against
(INL), but like other special units in the PNC they do undergo vetting women, a “femicide” charge carries a higher burden of proof than ordinary
and integrity tests.61 homicide, so many murders of females are charged as simple homicides.
The most common crime in Guatemala, when lumped together in Femicides are handled by the prosecutor of crimes against life; all other
one category, is robbery/theft. This is why the exterior walls of countless crimes against women are handled by the Fiscalía de la Mujer, a special
buildings are fitted with razor wire, barbed wire, and broken-glass spikes prosecutor for crimes against women. And these cases abound.
(and sometimes all three). It is also why heavily armed security guards In 2012, the Public Ministry fielded a total of 45,786 complaints of
watch over even low-end businesses such as fried chicken joints and Pepsi violence against women. In 2013, the number exceeded 51,786.67 This
delivery trucks. does not necessarily indicate that the problem is worsening; it could mean
According to the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), the govern- that more women are becoming aware of the law, which is only five years
ment’s central data processing office, 17,840 Guatemalans fell victim to old. Victims can specify the type of violence as economic, physical, psy-
property crimes in 2012. A hefty majority of them—about two-thirds— chological, or sexual. The vast majority of complaints, though, have been
had their cars or motorcycles stolen. Less than seven percent had their entered under the general category of “violence against women,” which is
residences broken into.62 defined as harming, threatening, or arbitrarily detaining a woman, whether
There is no publicly available data that tracks property crime cases
through to completion; for this reason, it is difficult to measure impunity 63
Ibid., 23 and 33.
Ibid., 15.
Ibid. 65
Ruby Monzón, agente fiscal in the Fiscalía de la Mujer, interview with the author,
“Fuerza de Tarea (FT - MG)—Comando Antisecuestros (DEIC) Policía Guatemala City, May 8, 2014.
Nacional Civil Resultados 2014,” Power Point Presentation, May 2014. 66
Centro Nacional de Análisis y Documentación Judicial (CENADOJ), “Ley con-
E-mail correspondence with “Marcos,” PNC anti-kidnapping task force coordi- tra el Femicidio y otras Formas de Violencia Contra la Mujer,” accessed on May 21,
nator, May 16, 2014. 2014, 4,
Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, “Hechos Delictivos 2012,” de_Violencia_Contra_la_Mujer_Guatemala.pdf.
December 2013, 26, 67
Statistical report provided to author by the Public Ministry, May 19, 2014. This
N6uebz42pHU9ssVnVxgnXvYELyTyobbx.pdf. figure does not include data from most of December 2013.

| 116 | | 117 |
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in public or in private.68 the point that it had become “a collapsed and failed state.” 74
During her tenure as Attorney General, Claudia Paz y Paz established But the PARLACEN case, as it became known, may have been the
a dozen new special prosecutors’ offices for crimes against women and event that kept Guatemala from tumbling into the abyss. Six months after
also oversaw the launch of a 24-hour women’s court in the capital. 69 the crime, legislators finally did what civil society had long suggested: they
Convictions in these jurisdictions climbed from 215 in the first ten months overwhelmingly approved the creation of the International Commission
of 2012 to 322 in the first ten months of 2013.70 While that hints at im- Against Impunity in Guatemala (commonly known by its Spanish acro-
provement, it is still only a fraction of the total complaints filed. nym, CICIG).75 This unprecedented body of investigators and lawyers,
On the plus side, female victims can now seek social, psychological, selected from abroad, was granted special jurisdiction inside Guatemala to
and legal assistance (called Modelo de Atención Integral) at five different root out state corruption and go after organized crime.
locations outside of the capital: Escuintla, Mixco, Huehuetenango, Cobán, The CICIG has indeed managed some impressive feats. It unraveled
and Coatepeque. Filing criminal charges against perpetrators, which used the strange and politically destabilizing homicide of attorney Rodrigo
to take 24 hours or more, can now be done within two hours.71 Rosenberg.76 It built the case against former president Alfonso Portillo
Cabrera for embezzlement of state funds.77 And in September 2014, a
Institutional Evolution joint CICIG-Public Ministry investigation exposed a money-laundering
On February 19, 2007, three Salvadoran diplomats driving toward and bribery ring inside Guatemala’s prisons, which has resulted in the
Guatemala City for a meeting of the Central American Parliament arrest of the penal system’s director and of other public officials.78 The
(PARLACEN) were pulled over by crooked police.72 The officers believed CICIG has also prevented corrupt individuals from holding public office
the vehicle would contain drugs or cash they could steal, but upon finding and has successfully pushed for legislative reform, such as a law allowing
neither, they killed the diplomats and their driver. Within a week, four the Guatemalan state to seize organized crime assets for its own use.79
policemen—including the chief of the PNC’s organized crime division— However, CICIG has its critics. Edgar Gutiérrez, the ex-foreign minis-
were accused of the crime, arrested, then mysteriously murdered while ter and current director of IPNUSAC (Instituto de Problemas Nacionales
in custody. It was later revealed that one of them had agreed to cooperate
with investigators and was presumably killed by the intellectual authors
Sonia Pérez, “Impunidad afecta funciones del Estado,” Prensa Libre, March 3, 2007.
of the assassinations.73 Within days, Anders Kompas, representative of the
Hector Silva Ávalos, “The United States and Central America’s Northern Tier: The
Ongoing Disconnect,” Working Paper, Inter-American Dialogue, March 2014, 20.
United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, said publicly that 76
David Grann, “A Murder Foretold,” The New Yorker, April 4, 2011.
Guatemala’s security situation was deteriorating at an accelerated rate, to 77
“Caso Alfonso Portillo (Causa No. 7102-2001),” CICIG website,
“Desarticulan red que involucra a Edgar Camargo y Byron Lima Oliva,”
Centro Nacional de Análisis y Documentación Judicial (CENADOJ), 3.
Comunicado de Prensa 031, CICIG website, September 3, 2014.)
“Informe de Gestión, Ministerio Público, 2011-2014,” 15, org/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=559&cntnt01re- turnid=67. The mastermind of this criminal network was none other than Byron
Claudia Paz y Paz Bailey, “Informe tercer año de gestión,” slide show, December 12, Lima Oliva, a former Army captain who is already serving a twenty-year sentence
2013, 59, for the murder of Archbishop Juan Gerardi -- the clergyman who was bludgeoned
de-tercer-ao-de-gestin. to death just days after publishing a report on the military’s human rights abuses
Ruby Monzón, agente fiscal in the Fiscalía de la Mujer, interview with the author, during the armed conflict. For background, see Francisco Goldman, The Art of
Guatemala City, May 8, 2014. Political Murder, New York: Grove Press, 2007.
Héctor Silva Ávalos, “EUA dudó de la investigación en caso PARLACEN,” La 79
Peter J. Meyer and Clare Ribando Seelke, “Central America Regional Security
Prensa Gráfica, March 17, 2014. Initiative: Background and Policy Issues for Congress,” Congressional Research
Ibid. Service, May 6, 2014, 16.

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de la Universidad de San Carlos, the University of San Carlos’s National interior minister Adela Torrebiarte, this body seeks to improve the force’s
Problems Institute), said that the CICIG is hobbled by a superficial knowl- capacities in several areas: criminal investigation, crime prevention, insti-
edge of Guatemala’s inner workings, a diplomatic reluctance to dig too tutional organization, professional training, human resources, technology,
deep, and lack of coordination with local prosecutors.80 The entity’s man- logistics, and internal affairs.85 It strongly influences the U.S. Embassy’s role
date is set to expire in September 2015. in security matters. As one adviser from INL put it, “Every single program
The PARLACEN case of 2007 did not only lead to the approval of we do, we have to run it by the Commission.”86
the CICIG; it also pulled back the curtain on institutional rot inside the The commission claimed several victories after its first two years. As part
national civilian police. That same year, a team of state security officials of a project to instill pride among officers (a project called “Dignificación”),
and members of civil society came together to diagnose the problem. They it finished remodeling 26 police stations and began work on 39 more.87 It
concluded that PNC services were neither “timely,” “appropriate,” “trust- furnished the force with more than 1,500 computers, brought the number
worthy,” nor “sufficient,” for which reasons Guatemalans viewed them as of stations with internet access to over 650, and set up digital registries for
“corrupt” and “incapable of confronting rising criminal violence.”81 arrest warrants and stolen vehicles.88 It hired, trained and equipped officers
The police, they continued, were disorganized, lacked a clear mission, for an internal affairs investigation unit,89 which brought charges against
and had a limited capacity for criminal or internal affairs investigation.82 nearly 200 officers in 2013.90
In terms of human resources, the force was understaffed and deployed The Commission also launched a pilot project in Comisaría 14 (station or
inefficiently. The rotation policy prevented officers from developing pro- precinct 14). It remodeled the entrance, lighting, and parking lots. It built
fessionally and from identifying with the citizens they served. The police a technology center inside the station and equipped patrol pickups with
academy was weak, in-service training was scant and unsystematic, ranking tablets and cameras. It also trained the officers in several areas. Finally, the
officers displayed little administrative savvy, and the police career path was Commission designed and launched a new police education model. It set up
ill-defined. “Officers,” the group lamented, “are unmotivated for various a school for high-ranking officers and a continuing education school. The
reasons, among them: low salaries, poor work conditions (lack of equip- Commission emphasizes its training volume: according to the most recent
ment, infrastructure and supplies), growing institutional stigma, rising annual report, 48,635 police employees have been trained in areas ranging
risk level, etc.”83 The consequences, according to the memorandum, were from human rights and public service to digital systems and firearms law.
distrust, insecurity, impunity, high crime rate, abuse of authority, and the While these are certainly steps in the right direction, indicators such as
rise of parallel justice, i.e., vigilante groups.84 “number of new computers” or “number of trainees” really only measure
To remedy this situation, then-President Álvaro Colom created the outputs, not outcomes. Computers are an output of reform. Reduced crime
Comisión Nacional para la Reforma Policial, or Presidential Police Reform is the ultimate desired outcome. And there is a dearth of evidence that, in
Commission, in 2011. First helmed by civil society leader Helen Mack Guatemala, reduced crime necessarily follows from simply training police
of the Fundación Myrna Mack, and currently led by one-time interim or giving them new equipment.

Edgar Gutiérrez, political analyst, interview with the author, Guatemala City, 85
“Preguntas Frecuentes,” Reforma Policial,
May 13, 2014. preguntas-frecuentes.
Verónica Godoy et al., “Propuesta Metodológica para las autoridades del 86
Telephone interview with INL advisers, April 14, 2014.
Ministerio de Gobernación encaminadas a la continuidad de acciones inmediatas,” 87
Comisión Nacional para la Reforma Policial, “Informe 2013,” May 2014, 12.
memorandum prepared for the Ministerio de Gobernación, May 18, 2007, 2 and 4. 88
Ibid., 16.
Ibid., 3. 89
Ibid., 6.
Ibid., 4. 90
Adela Camacho de Torrebiarte, police reform commissioner, interview with the
Ibid., 5-6. author, Guatemala City, March 5, 2014.

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The Commissioner recognizes this. “You have to train them, but you 95 percent, but fell to 72 percent in 2012.97
have to demand results, too,” she said. “And you have to measure the re- As mentioned above, Paz y Paz helped bring down several under-
sults, because that’s going to tell you if we’re on the right track.”91 But the world leaders who have since been extradited to the United States, in-
Commissioner’s accurate observation only serves to highlight that there cluding Waldemar “El Patriarca” Lorenzana, Eliu Elixander Lorenzana,
are no publicly available, current and comprehensive audits of PNC perfor- Juan “Chamalé” Ortiz and Horst Walther “El Tigre” Overdick. The U.S.
mance, nor any in-depth study on the effects of police reform. Therefore, Department of State recently reported that during the first ten months
it is too early to call it an overall success or failure. of 2013, the Guatemalan state locked up “a number of high-profile drug
As for the Public Ministry, perhaps the biggest story in Guatemalan traffickers” and extradited four others “with minimal difficulties.”98
security over the past four years has been the mild-mannered but demon- Paz y Paz’s anti-drug trafficker crusade may have endeared her to the
strably effective attorney general, Claudia Paz y Paz, whose term ended in U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), but she ruffled many feath-
May 2014. A common refrain during interviews for this report was that ers among conservatives at home for prosecuting civil-war-era military
Paz y Paz was an incorruptible public servant. She redirected considerable atrocities. She helped convict perpetrators of two of the state’s worst mas-
attention to crime victims, and not only women. By her own reckoning sacres—Dos Erres and Plan de Sánchez—as well as the former police chief
in public reports, she presided over the recruitment of dozens of new in- Pedro García Arredondo, found guilty of disappearing a college student
digenous language interpreters92 and a drastic increase in the number of suspected of being a guerrilla.99 Most notably, she opened a case against
telephone surveys asking victims to evaluate the attention they received. former general and de facto president José Efraín Ríos Montt, along with his
Of more than 15,800 victims surveyed on her watch, 91 percent reportedly military intelligence director, General José Mauricio Rodríguez Sánchez,
gave a positive response.93 accusing both of genocide and crimes against humanity committed in
A recent audit by CEJA (Centro de Estudios de Justicia de las Américas, the Ixil triangle in 1982. A tribunal of judges found Ríos Montt guilty
the Justice Studies Center of the Americas) lauded the MP for an “exponen- on both counts in May 2013, but a constitutional court later annulled it.
tial” increase in cases resolved without having to go to trial, from 5,800 in The case now sits in legal limbo, pending appeals. Though it received less
2008 to 27,950 in 2013.94 The auditors also praised the rise in convictions press, Paz y Paz also targeted an ex-commander from the leftist guerrilla
from 3,280 in 2009 to 7,122 in 2013.95 In all, they concluded, the reforms of side as well. Fermín Felipe Solano Barillas was charged with the summary
the last few years “have noticeably improved criminal prosecution, reduced execution of 22 civilians in 1998 to prevent them from betraying the rebel
impunity for the most serious crimes and raised the level of transparency position to the army. In July 2014, he was convicted and sentenced to 90
and accountability.”96 Indeed, the CICIG stated in its most recent annual years in prison.100
report that Guatemala’s impunity rate for crimes against life in 2009 was Paz y Paz was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013, and many
in the international community called for her reappointment as attorney
“Sexto informe de labores de la Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en
Guatemala (CICIG),” 6,
Ibid. 045-20130822-DOC01-ES.pdf.
Paz y Paz Bailey, “Informe tercer año de gestión,” 13. 98
U.S. Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law
Germán Garavano et al., “Evaluación del impacto del nuevo Modelo de Gestión Enforcement Affairs, “International Narcotics Control Strategy Report,” 185.
Fiscal del Ministerio Público de Guatemala,” CEJA, 56, 99
He has since been charged additionally with the burning of the Spanish Embassy
Documentos/librosvirtuales/libro_modelogestionfiscal_MPGuatemala/index.html. in 1980, when indigenous peasants and others occupied the building, police
Ibid., 96. stormed it and a fire left 36 people dead.
Ibid. 100
Claudia Palma y José Rosales, “Condenan a exguerrillero por matanza de El
Ibid., 98. Aguacate,” Prensa Libre, July 4, 2014.

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general. She also scored second-highest in the application exams given to rough areas, and (5) foster cooperation with neighbors and outside actors.105
candidates. However, her competitors criticized her case management. The U.S. mission in Guatemala has already crafted its own goals, tai-
For example, during her tenure, state lawyers worked in a sort of relay lored specifically to its host country. When these Guatemala-specific goals
system whereby one group of prosecutors would investigate a case, then fit inside CARSI’s general goals, the embassy can dip into the CARSI fund
hand it off to a second group to argue it at trial. Her detractors considered to pursue them. “CARSI, for us, is a budget line item,” said one USAID
this inefficient.101 official in Guatemala City. “We see it as part of a portfolio of funds that
In the end, Paz y Paz did not even make the list of the final six can- we use depending on what programs need funding and when.” In other
didates. In the view of Gutiérrez, who served as foreign minister under words, she added: “We don’t go out and say, ‘These are CARSI programs.’
President Alfonso Portillo, the Pérez Molina administration engaged in We say, ‘These are USAID programs.”106 INL operates the same way.
unprecedented lobbying behind the scenes to shut down her candidacy
early, and business groups joined in, viewing her as hostile to private, large-
scale exploitation of natural resources.102After she left her post, a judge
issued an order freezing Paz y Paz’s assets and prohibiting her from leaving
the country (she had already left) as part of a civil suit brought by a private
company against the Public Ministry; some viewed this as retribution for
her prosecutorial zeal while in office.103
The human rights community both in Guatemala and abroad remains
skeptical that the new Attorney General, former Supreme Court presi-
dent Thelma Aldana, will push forward on any transitional justice cases.
However, the U.S. Embassy struck a note of optimism. “There are areas
we can work with her on,” said one USAID official. “We’re particularly
excited about working with her on violence against women.”104

CARSI Strategy in Guatemala Acción Joven, situated in Centra Sur and funded by CARSI, is now offering
nearby youths vocational training in areas like electronics, cooking, and
Each year, the U.S. Congress sends CARSI money southward with the construction, in addition to artistic and sports activities.
understanding that the Department of State will use it, up and down the
isthmus, to (1) make the streets safer, (2) disrupt the movement of crimi- For this reason, CARSI has a bit of a branding problem in Guatemala.
nals and contraband, (3) fortify governments, (4) establish state presence in The USAID official observed that “There’s no CARSI branding or mar-
keting plan, so even if we wanted to brand something as ‘CARSI,” we
Claudia Palma, “Claudia Paz y Paz se defiende ante postuladora,” Prensa Libre, wouldn’t have the tools to do so.”107 As a result, Guatemalan civil society
April 24, 2014. seems confused about it. “Everyone talks about CARSI funds,” said Helen
Edgar Gutiérrez, political analyst, interview with the author, Guatemala City, Mack of the Fundación Myrna Mack. “But nobody has a full picture of how
May 13, 2014.
Jody García, “Los 14 días de arraigo de Claudia Paz que ningún 105
Government Accountability Office, “U.S. Agencies Considered Various
medio contó,” Nómada, August 7, 2014. Factors,” ii.
los-14-dias-de-arraigo-de-claudia-paz-que-ningun-medio-conto/ 106
Interview with USAID Official, Guatemala City, February 10, 2014.
Telephone interview with USAID official, May 22, 2014. 107
Telephone interview with USAID official, May 22, 2014.

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it’s divided up.”108 with” various parties, including “civil society.”112

When asked about CARSI, Carmen Rosa de Leon Escribano, director Thankfully, USAID has grasped this. Under the auspices of USAID
of IEPADES, said, “It’s never really been focused on prevention or com- Forward, an agency-wide effort to bypass middlemen and contract di-
prehensive programs,” but rather guided by “a whole repressive military rectly with host-country actors,113 USAID/Guatemala solicited proposals
concept” of beefing up counternarcotics units. Interestingly, a few weeks last February from any Guatemalan civil society groups interested in grant
before our interview, Rosa had actually attended a USAID presentation of funding for security and justice projects. Grants will range from $50,000
exactly the type of programming she favors: crime prevention projects. She - $500,000 and add up to $1.5 million.114 The agency held an information
had not realized they were CARSI-funded, she said (and indeed, CARSI meeting on March 6. One USAID official said that 150 Guatemalans from
did not appear anywhere in the slideshow). Moreover, just hours before 118 organizations attended.115
our interview, she attended a meeting at which USAID asked Guatemalan These grants alone will drive home the point that CARSI is not sim-
civil society groups to apply for grants that would fund programs to prevent ply a counternarcotics program. As we will see in later sections, many
violence. That slideshow did indeed emphasize CARSI and explain its CARSI-funded projects have little or nothing to do with drugs per se. For
priorities.109 But Rosa remained skeptical. “They say it’s about prevention,” instance, INL is helping the police academy update its basic curriculum
she said of CARSI, “but there’s not much prevention in it.” in victimology, interviewing, and report-writing. Meanwhile, USAID is
Yet the CARSI budget mix suggests that Washington is shifting away giving scholarships to children in at-risk areas to learn web design. The
from “hard” programming toward “soft” programming. For example, first is institution-building; the second, prevention. Neither is overt coun-
the money set aside for USAID to encourage “Governing Justly and ternarcotics. But both are CARSI.
Democratically” more than doubled from 2010 to 2013, from $5 million True, some CARSI projects directly target drug traffickers, such as Team
to $10.5 million. In the same period, the amount earmarked for INL’s Omega, a mobile checkpoint/interdiction unit that patrols Guatemala’s
“Aviation Support” dropped dramatically because the Guatemalan state borders. But even a project like that could produce positive externalities.
finally took possession and control of six UH-1H II helicopters that were For example, Team Omega may end up apprehending human traffickers
formerly owned and maintained by the United States.110 According to a or wild animal smugglers while searching a truck for cocaine.
USAID official, this shift in priorities “has not been articulated to us, but Both in theory and on the ground, then, counternarcotics is a central
we can feel it in our budgets.”111 part of CARSI in Guatemala but not its totality. CARSI has five goals,
If Guatemalan civil society members had a clearer picture of how broadly defined. The risk of broad goals is that they will result in an inco-
CARSI actually works and what it aims to do, they could steer funding herent hodge-podge of minimal progress in dispersed micro-areas. But one
toward areas they care about, which would increase ownership, account- could counter-argue that broad goals render the U.S. mission more nimble
ability, and maybe the likelihood of success. That is what the fifth goal of in responding to the host country’s desires to improve security. After all, in
CARSI calls for, anyway, according to its explanation on the Department the final analysis it is the sovereign nation of Guatemala, not the embassy,
of State’s website: an “integrated, collaborative” effort that is “coordinated which decides where, when, and how progress is made.
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, “The Central America
Helen Mack, founder of Fundación Myrna Mack, interview with the author, Regional Security Initiative: Enhanced Levels of Cooperation and Coordination,”
Guatemala City, February 10, 2014. February 6, 2012, Fact Sheet,
USAID/Guatemala, “Reunión informativa, APS 520-14-000001,” PowerPoint
USAID, “USAID Forward At a Glance,”
Presentation provided to the author, March 6, 2014.
USAID, “APS 520-14-000001, Guatemalan Citizen Security Partnership
U.S. Department of State, “International Narcotics Control Strategy Report,” 186. Program Agency for International Development,”
Telephone interview with USAID official, May 22, 2014.
Telephone interview with USAID official, May 5, 2014.

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Table 1: CARSI Institutional Reform and Institutional Strengthening Projects Guatemala has displayed a certain degree of “buy-in,” or commitment
in Guatemala to reform. For example, the justice system solicited USAID’s help in the
Other Law design and construction of 24-hour courts and high-impact courts, all of
Enforcement- which now operate independently of U.S. assistance. On the INL side,
Police Fiscalia/PM Judiciary Prisons
Prevention Guatemala has nationalized the UH-1H II helicopters (mentioned above)
• Community- • Support • Strengthen • Management • Crime infor- and scaled up a police precinct’s anti-gang unit to operate nationally.
based policing transition prosecution mation statis- In fact, one USAID official suggested that Guatemala’s enthusiasm for
• Support the of CICIG and adjudica- tics system U.S.-supported reform has outrun its budget on occasion. For example, the
Police Reform functions tion of crimi- • Support iden-
Commission to Attorney nal cases tification, safe government requested more 24-hour courts, but USAID balked because
• Model Police General’s • Provide handling, and Guatemala did not yet possess the funds to absorb and sustain them.116
Precincts Office more secure destruction Buy-in has not been 100 percent. One INL official pointed out that
• Support the environment of precursor
National Civil for pre-trial chemicals
corruption, political intrigue, and shuffles in hierarchy can cause national
Police Internal hearings institutions such as the police to change course, which drags INL program-
Affairs unit • Support ming along with it. Another hindrance to long-term buy-in is a lack of
and the Office implemen-
institutional memory and continuity. According to a long-time participant
of Professional tation of the
Responsibility criminal pro- in U.S. programming in Latin America, the Guatemalan government is
(including cedure code staffed on the basis of personal relationships. Ministry leaders often have
polygraph unit) Support for little experience either in government or in the functional area that they
• Police profes- 24-hour and
sionalization High Impact lead. A new president every four years implies a “wholesale replacement of
(establishing courts personnel down below office director level—there is no civil service or per-
a career path, • Support asset manent bureaucracy to speak of. Every four years it is back to square one.”117
acquiring seizure and
international money laun-
Still, one INL adviser said that in the last year or so, his team made
standard certifi- dering cases a special effort to get buy-in from both high- and low-ranking security
cation of qual- officials. “We work with our Guatemalan counterparts as equal partners
ity management
and do not attempt to sell or push products on them,” he said. “We attempt
• Promotion of to ascertain their needs and if appropriate, within our guidelines, assist in
civil society the training and/or the procurement of materials.”118

Sources: U.S. Department of State, “FY 2008 Supplemental Appropriations Spending Plan: USAID
Mexico, Central America, Haiti and the Dominican Republic,” n.d.; U.S. Department The embassy’s two main managers of CARSI dollars, USAID and INL,
of State, “FY 2009 Appropriations Spending Plan: Mexico, Central America, Haiti and
have related but quite distinct strategies for reaching CARSI goals. In
the Dominican Republic,” n.d.; U.S. Department of State, “FY 2010 Appropriations
Spending Plan: Central America—Central America Regional Security Initiative,” n.d.; 2012, USAID outlined a “Country Development Cooperation Strategy”
U.S. Department of State, “Congressional Notification Transmittal Sheet,” August 11,
2011; U.S. Department of State, “Fiscal Year 2012 Congressional Spending Plan: Central
America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI),” n.d.; U.S. Department of State, “FY 2013 116
Spend Plan—Central America Regional Security Initiative,” September 10, 2013; and U.S. 117
Long-time participant in U.S. programming in Latin America, correspondence
Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, “CARSI INL
with the author, June 26, 2014.
Supported Projects Outline,” April 16, 2014.
INL adviser, e-mail correspondence with the author, May 13, 2014.

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for Guatemala.119 The overarching framework consists of three goals—to President Pérez Molina.
create “A more secure Guatemala that fosters greater socio-economic de- But reform in Guatemala often exists only on paper: laws get passed,
velopment in the Western Highlands and sustainably manages its natural but not necessarily implemented for lack of money. As a U.S. Department
resources.”120 of State report notes, “Guatemala suffers from severe budget con-
It is no accident that the first of the three prongs is “a more secure straints, which are exacerbated by endemic corruption and low rates of
Guatemala.” USAID suggests that security is a “prerequisite” and “funda- tax-collection.”124
mental” to development. (Most urban Guatemalans would probably agree; As a result, USAID is now seeking to help Guatemala with the imple-
according to a poll by the daily newspaper Prensa Libre published in January mentation phase of legal reform. And in that area, says the USAID official,
2014, a majority of them said insecurity was their number one concern.)121 “there is a lot of low-hanging fruit.” For example, the national constitution
So how does USAID believe it can bolster security? It hypothesizes that it ratified in 1995 mandated that an arrested person be arraigned in front of
can help reduce crime by: a judge within six hours. However, for many years, courts were only open
• “increasing the demand for police and justice reform; from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday through Friday. Therefore, if a sus-
• “strengthening national level government capacities to include pected criminal was arrested on a Friday afternoon, for example, he would
administrative, financial and strategic planning; sit behind bars for at least two days. When he was finally brought before a
• “institutionalizing crime prevention strategies; judge, the policeman who arrested him might no longer be available, and
• “targeting pilot projects in key areas with high homicide rates; police testimony is critical to establishing a criminal charge in Guatemala.
• “strengthening local governments; and So as many as 77 percent of cases were dismissed for lack of merit.
• “improving transparency and accountability of key institutions.”122 In 2006, USAID proposed a 24-hour court that would operate around-
the-clock with judges, police, prosecutors, and defenders all “co-located,”
USAID further identifies two intermediate results for its CARSI or assigned space, in the building. USAID furnished the design and mon-
program: better security-and-justice-sector institutions (SJSIs), and less itored operations for two years. The difference was stark: inmates saw
violence.123 a judge much quicker, and in Guatemala City, the rate of dismissals fell
Initiatives by Guatemalans to improve their own SJSIs are in no short from 77 percent to 12 percent. The 24-hour courts were so successful
supply. A revision to the Code of Criminal Procedure in 1994 transformed that between 2007 and 2009, four new ones were opened in Villa Nueva,
the criminal courts from an inquisitorial system (in which the judge in- Mixco, Escuintla, and Sacatepequez. (A fifth is now in the works for Xela,
vestigates crime) to an adversarial system (in which the judge is only a Guatemala’s second-largest city; USAID is currently monitoring these
referee). The Peace Accords of 1996, which formally ended the country’s courts to see if adjustments are necessary.)125
decades of armed struggle, called for further reform, as did two separate
national agreements pushed by former President Colom and his successor,
“Guatemala Country Development Strategy 2012-2016,” USAID/Guatemala,
March 16, 2012,
Ibid., 1.
Geovanni Contreras, “Encuesta: Inseguridad es el gran problema,” Prensa Libre,
January 14, 2014. U.S. Department of State, “International Narcotics Control Strategy Report,” 183.

USAID/Guatemala, “Guatemala Country Development Cooperation Strategy,” Shannon Shissler and Casey Wheeler, “Rule of Law Activities in Guatemala,”

2012-2016,” 1. PowerPoint Presentation, USAID/Guatemala; also interview with USAID adviser,

Ibid., 23. April 14, 2014.

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Here in the Public Ministry’s headquarters in Zona 1 of Guatemala City, In this secure antechamber, crime victims and witnesses can give testimony
female crime victims can get legal, psychological, and medical assistance 24 on camera without being intimidated by the accused. This too was
hours a day. This facility was built with CARSI funds. constructed with CARSI money.

In addition, a special 24-hour court was assembled in 2012 to hear cases This specialized court also features an antechamber where psychologists,
of violence against women, exploitation, sexual violence, and human traf- prompted by judges, can interview children and victims. These interactions
ficking. The Guatemalan congress approved the Law Against Femicide and can be video-conferenced onto a large screen in the courtroom during a
Violence Against Women in 2008, but implementation was slow to follow. trial, or recorded beforehand and submitted into evidence. The witness’s
So at the request of attorney general Paz y Paz and the Supreme Court pres- identity may or may not be concealed from the accused, depending on
ident, USAID helped design and equip the court, which is installed on the the case, but the idea is to avoid exposing a vulnerable victim to a hostile
first floor of the Public Ministry building in Guatemala City. Once a victim courtroom environment. The United States no longer funds any of these
walks into the court, she can file a complaint in a private office, and also 24-hour courts; Guatemala has assumed that responsibility.
seek any necessary medical attention (including a rape kit). Psychologists
and social workers are on hand to help. Judges can authorize a protection
injunction and issue an arrest warrant if the aggressor’s identity is known.

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As for civic responsibility, USAID recognizes that “the majority of

the population does not believe that participating in a public process will
result in change and many people are not respectful of the rule of law.”127
Therefore, it seeks to change their attitude. It has encouraged stakehold-
ers (such as teachers, police, and parents) to meet in a room as a comité
comunitario de prevención (or community prevention committee). There,
they agree on steps for tamping down the violence where they live. Such
collaboration would, in theory, build up trust between them. This project
will be discussed more fully in the next section.

International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)

It is important to keep in mind that INL is not the U.S. Drug
Enforcement Agency (DEA). The DEA’s job is to thwart drug flows; INL’s
job is to make Guatemala better at thwarting drug flows. But even if the
narcos all left tomorrow, that still wouldn’t solve Guatemala’s violence
Judges in the 24-hour women’s court can quickly issue an injunction or an problem, according to one INL official: “Narcotics is a symptom. The
arrest warrant (if the aggressor’s identity is known). cause is that [Guatemalans] don’t have functioning institutions. If you’re
going to solve narcotics, you’ve got to get those functioning. So we’ve
The second half of USAID’s strategy centers on violence prevention. taken that on.”128
To prevent violence, USAID seeks to encourage In March 2014, INL released its annual “International Narcotics Control
• “stronger employment capacity for at-risk youth to compete in the Strategy Report.” It reads more like a progress update than a forward-look-
job market by providing educational, vocational and recreational ing roadmap. But between that document and interviews with embassy
opportunities; staff, certain strategic elements and guiding principles come into focus.
• “community-oriented policing activities that promote trust in the Within the past two years, INL-Guatemala experienced a deep turnover
police; and now appears guided by three lodestars: community policing, sustain-
• “better public infrastructure and support for crime prevention in ability, and measurability.
target communities; Community policing, to be explored in a later section, refers to a law
• “targeted support for at-risk populations, especially those vulnera- enforcement modus operandi based on building mutual trust, informa-
ble to human trafficking; tion-sharing, and face-to-face familiarity between police and residents.
• “civic responsibility.”126 Guatemala will struggle to bridge that chasm, as only 34.9 percent of
In plain English, USAID is saying that it aims to steer high-risk youth
away from delinquency by providing them with job skills and fun things
to do. For example, in the high-risk municipality of Villa Nueva southwest
of Guatemala City, USAID has funded a beautician’s school for young
women and a soccer program for boys and girls.
USAID/Guatemala, “Reunion informativa,” 28.
USAID/Guatemala, “Guatemala Country Development Strategy 2012-2016,” 27. 128
Interview with INL official, February 11, 2014.

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Guatemalans voiced confidence in the PNC in a 2012 poll.129 INL is pro- San Salvador for several years running to become certified in the GREAT
moting community policing, but also desires that any advances be sustain- program (Gang Resistance Education and Training). INL also brings train-
able by the Guatemalans themselves, and not depend on perpetual U.S. ing to Guatemala. The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
scaffolding. As one INL adviser put it, “The idea is to work ourselves out (ATF) recently gave a course on ballistics. In March, experts from Temple
of a job.” Lastly, INL officials say they are taking steps to actually measure University gave a weeklong course to over 100 officers in “Intelligence-Led
success and demand certain results. Policing,” which according to Professor Jerry Ratcliffe means dropping
A recent police program demonstrates all three principles. In March “whack-a-mole policing that arrests offenders with no overarching strat-
2014, INL paid for 21 PNC officers to travel to Miami-Dade in Florida to egy” and replacing it with policing “that places significant emphasis on
be trained in the Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Assessment (SARA) data and intelligence analysis as the central component of police strategic
method130 of community policing and other programs such as DARE thinking.”134 Classes such as these are very much in demand among PNC
(Drug Abuse Resistance Education).131 After earning certification as com- officers in Guatemala. “Everybody wants to go to training,” said one senior
munity policing coordinators, they will return to Guatemala and them- INL adviser, who explained that officers see it as a way of advancing their
selves become trainers for more than 400 of the PNC’s prevention officers. careers. “We have no problem filling the rosters.”
(INL calls this the “train-the-trainer” principle.) INL will then check the A second INL strategy is vetting. Any officer enrolling in INL-
results and send a second group to Miami-Dade in September if and only if sponsored training must submit to “Leahy vetting,” named after U.S.
the first group succeeds in training their peers. INL has also secured mem- Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) who spearheaded legislation to prohibit the
orandums of understanding with the PNC ensuring that those commu- United States from supporting security forces with outstanding human
nity policing coordinators will stay in their positions for four years. They rights violations. INL also assists with vetting at the PNC basic academy,
insisted on the non-transfer provisions when in 2013 two INL-trained where it supports background verification of cadets.
officers were reassigned as government chauffeurs.132 A third INL strategy is material and logistics support. When the PNC
Training appears to be INL’s primary strategy for strengthening the executes a week-long poppy eradication campaign in San Marcos, INL
police. One INL official estimates that, factoring in the salaries of advisers provides food and portable toilets. When officers give DARE or GREAT
whose main job is to coordinate training, roughly half of the institu- courses, INL gives them projectors, laptops, and manuals. INL helped set up
tion’s annual budget goes toward the training of Guatemalan security the Sistema de Información Policial (SIPOL, or Police Information System),
forces.133 In addition to the Miami-Dade trips mentioned above, INL has which is a computerized crime analysis system that helps pinpoint criminal
sent officers to the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) in hot spots.135 Since 2003, INL has provided the model precinct in Villa Nueva
with computers, wiretapping/surveillance equipment and telephones.
Dinorah Azpuru with Juan Pablo Pira and Mitchell A. Seligson, “Political
Culture of Democracy in Guatemala and the Americas, 2012: Towards Equality
of Opportunity, Tenth Study of Democratic Culture of Guatemalans,” LAPOP/
Vanderbilt University, December 2012, 148,
Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, “The SARA Model,” accessed on May
16, 2014,
National Institute of Justice, “Program Profile: Drug Abuse Resistance 134
Jerry Ratcliffe, “What is Intelligence-Led Policing?” Introduction, Intelligence-
Education (DARE),” accessed on May 16, 2014, Led Policing (Portland, Oregon: Willan, 2008).
ProgramDetails.aspx?ID=99. 135
E-mail correspondence with INL adviser, May 13, 2014. See also Ministerio de
Telephone interview with INL/Guatemala advisers, April 14, 2014. Gobernación, “Sistema de Información Policial SIPOL,” January 8, 2014, https://
Telephone interview with INL/Guatemala official, May 13, 2014. jkGYBShU.

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As opposed to investigating individual cases of gang membership,

PANDA investigates an entire gang for months, and sometimes years,
to ensure that the whole criminal network is rounded up and to ensure
that witnesses do not suffer reprisals. In 2013, PANDA broke up about
15 gangs that were committing extortion. It made 649 arrests and works
closely with the Public Ministry to strengthen its cases. Nearly every per-
son interviewed for this report, in and outside the government, praised
PANDA for its progress.
According to the March 2014 strategy report, INL collaborated with
the Guatemalan government to train and equip a mobile land interdiction
unit called “Team Omega.” It is composed of 38 men and moves along
the country’s borders, halting traffic and conducting checkpoints.136 It
uses scanners and fiber optic cameras to search for drugs inside a vehicle’s
gas tank.137
INL does what it calls “Rule of Law” programming in the justice sector,
Children march in a school parade in Zona 1 of the capital on June 29, 2014.
too. It is similar to what USAID does in that sector but centers on INL’s
particular purview of crimes: drug trafficking, corruption, and money
The national anti-gang unit, PANDA, is an example of a successful unit laundering. The main effort here is to train judges and prosecutors so they
that was trained, vetted, and equipped by INL. It began as a specialized know the law’s fine print and what evidence should lead to a successful
wing of the model precinct in Villa Nueva (to be discussed in a later section) conviction. In some cases INL helps draft a new law (such as the seized
and was scaled up to the national level in 2009. It is now staffed with 135 asset law) by presenting legislators with research on the experiences of other
investigators who undergo vetting twice a year. INL has furnished PANDA countries and potential loopholes.138
with computers, cameras, voice recorders, and bullet-proof vests. INL has INL also engages in crime prevention. GREAT and DARE fall under
trained PANDA officers in human rights standards, hostage negotiation, and this rubric. INL also supports the Ministry of Health’s efforts in the western
techniques for investigating crimes against women, homicide, and kidnap- department of San Marcos to educate people about the dangers and conse-
ping. It sends PANDA officials annually to a regional international anti-gang quences of growing poppy. In Salcajá, Quetzaltenango, and Petén, INL has
training conference (the latest was in Mexico City last March). teamed up with the Ministry of Education to try to shrink local demand
for drugs. INL also recently finished mapping and auditing Guatemala’s
Table 2: Vetted Units Supported by CARSI in Guatemala
drug treatment centers, and in 2014 is conducting the first national drug-
Police/FBI DEA DHS/ICE use survey since 1998.139
• Port police • DEA vetted unit • DHS vetted unit Are INL’s prevention programs succeeding? Officials said that GREAT
• Guatemalan Anti-Gang Unit • DEA-SIU vetted unit has offered to send two evaluators to Guatemala, but the PNC has yet to
(PANDA) (FBI vetted unit)
• Guatemalan Intel and Analysis Centers
(CRADIC) 136
U.S. Department of State, “International Narcotics Control Strategy Report,” 179.
• PNC polygraph unit 137
Interview with high-ranking PNC official, Guatemala City, May 21, 2014.
Source: Created based on information from U.S. Department of State Bureau of International 138
Telephone interview with INL staff, June 26, 2014.
Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, “CARSI INL Supported Projects,” April 16, 2014. 139

| 138 | | 139 |
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coordinate the visit. One INL adviser said that since his arrival a year ago, Arnold Chacón and CICIG director Francisco Dall’Anese—it was a big
no attempt has been made to see if DARE is working. day for Guatemalan criminal justice.
This is needed, because at least two studies published in the American The occasion was the unveiling of a new home for the Tribunales de
Journal of Public Health suggest that DARE does not work, at least in the Mayor Riesgo, or high-impact courts (HICs). These rooms were designed
United States. One of them concluded in 2004 that to handle the most sensitive and potentially dangerous prosecutions. Some
Our study supports previous findings indicating that D.A.R.E. is ineffective.... attributes of the new rooms are subtle ones that we take for granted in the
Given the tremendous expenditures in time and money involved with D.A.R.E., United States. The judges, prosecutors, and defenders can enter and exit
it would appear that continued efforts should focus on other techniques and pro- through independent doorways. Judicial clerks toil at desks closed off from
grams that might produce more substantial effects.140 the public. A communications jamming system prevents cell phone calls
inside the courtroom. And a prominent screen allows for video confer-
DARE may be a smashing success specifically in Guatemala, but with- encing, which reduces the risk, expense, and inconvenience of transferring
out any testing, it is impossible to say for sure. imprisoned defendants.
Prevention aside, INL officials have voiced a desire to measure the ef- But perhaps the most crucial features of the rooms are the most obvi-
fectiveness of all their training and material support programs in general. ous: in the front left corner, a secure holding cell with bullet-proof glass
To that end, they are now creating crime incidence “baselines” in areas has seating for the accused. In this way the accused cannot verbally in-
where they are assisting certain Guatemalan police units. Thus, they will timidate victims, witnesses, and forensic experts. But testimony need not
not directly evaluate a unit’s performance, but rather, gauge the impact necessarily come from the witness chair: in the back of the room are three
of that unit on its jurisdiction.141 “I think anecdotally we know training highly polarized windows from which witnesses can watch the proceedings
is effective,” said one INL official. “We’re historically bad at measures of without being seen by anyone in the courtroom. Through microphones
effectiveness. We don’t do that real well in INL—feedback and surveys and speakers, they can interact with the court and testify anonymously.
and things.”142 According to one USAID adviser, this new system is actually the second
attempt at HICs. In the nineties and early aughts, three such courts opened
USAID Projects up in Quetzaltenango and Chiquimula and the capital. However, they were
Security and Justice Reform underfunded and overloaded with cases, and were eventually dissolved.
On June 25, 2012, an illustrious crowd gathered on the fourteenth floor But courtroom safety remained a concern. In 2006, for example, 23
of the Courts Tower in Zona 4 of Guatemala City. After months of con- gang members went on trial for the jailhouse murder of eight rivals. During
struction and $400,000 in assistance from USAID, four new courtrooms a pretrial hearing on April 4, 2006—on that same fourteenth floor of the
were ready for use.143 The U.S. Embassy sent out no press release about this. Court Tower, in fact—a vicious knife fight broke out. Somehow, members
The local media covered it only with blurbs. But considering who showed of MS had managed to sneak in weapons. As the melee erupted, security
up—the Supreme Court president and magistrates, then-U.S. Ambassador guards and soldiers failed to intervene, though one guard did protect the
judge from a knife-wielding gangster who had gotten near him. The next
Steven L. West and Keri K. O’Neal, “Project D.A.R.E. Outcome Effectiveness day, the judges convened for a meeting, after which they demanded better
Revisited,” American Journal of Public Health 94:6 (2004): 1027-1029, security, evacuation plans, and emergency exits.
When it came time to draft plans for a second round of HICs, the CICIG
E-mail correspondence with INL/Guatemala adviser, May 19, 2014.
did a study determining the necessary courtroom security features and
Interview with INL/Guatemala official, February 27, 2014.
Hugo Alvarado, “Juzgados y Tribunales de Mayor Riesgo tienen sede,” Prensa USAID provided the money to install them. USAID also provided legal as-
Libre, June 25, 2012. sistance in writing the new law. To ensure that only a manageable number

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of matters would reach the court, the law established certain “filters,” such They sentenced him to a combined 80 years in prison without possibility
as the requirement that the attorney general recommend the case.144 of parole. Days later, the press photographed Judge Barrios walking into
From 2009 through 2013, the HICs heard some 240 cases.145 The con- work wearing a colorful skirt and a bullet-proof vest as insurance against
viction rate has been relatively high. HIC Judge Miguel Ángel Gálvez the “hundreds” of death threats she had received.149
estimates that 70–75 percent of prosecutions are successful. According to But on May 20, ten days after the verdict, the nation’s highest court—
data supplied by RTI, the government won 40 out of 66 cases in 2013 for the Constitutional Court—ruled that Judge Barrios had violated Ríos
a conviction rate of over 60 percent. Montt’s due-process rights early in the trial when she expelled his attorney
But a remodeled courtroom does not protect everyone involved in the from the courtroom, leaving the accused without legal representation for a
justice system. Prosecutors are not superheroes, points out the USAID brief period on April 19. The high court’s decision annulled everything that
adviser. “They still live in their house with their families, drive their own happened after that infraction, including the final verdict. Judge Barrios
cars,” she said. “If I were a Zeta, I’d go after the prosecutor.”146 and her colleagues had to recuse themselves, and the matter moved to a
Asked what challenges still remain in the HICs, Judge Yassmin Barrios different tribunal, where its status is uncertain.150
responded that “intimidation is still occurring against the witnesses and Thus, despite USAID’s support for high-profile prosecutions, defendants
judges and victims. We’re in a crisis moment, and it really worries me that such as Ríos Montt can still deflect a guilty verdict not through intimida-
there could be a regression in the justice system.” tion, per se, but by using a perfectly legal device: the amparo, for which no
Judge Barrios presided over the most famous HIC case so far, the geno- exact translation exists in English.151 The amparo is an appeal a criminal
cide trial against former general and de facto president José Efraín Ríos defendant can make to the Constitutional Court whenever he thinks his
Montt—a case that, ironically, was so “high-impact,” proceedings had to constitutional rights have been violated. In practice, defense lawyers use
be moved next door to the Supreme Court building to accommodate the them like crowbars to jam into the spokes of justice and slow everything
audience and the press. (Even there, the United States had a presence: a down. And when their amparo petitions are deemed “frivolous and noto-
sticker on the back of Ríos Montt’s chair showed that some furniture had riously inadmissible,” they are only fined paltry sums of up to $130, which
been provided by the embassy).147 In a sense, the Ríos Montt trial and other they do not always even bother paying.152
transitional justice cases are not directly relevant to Guatemalan security Still, HIC convictions continue to roll in, with direct consequences
today. The atrocities occurred decades ago, and the alleged perpetrators for ordinary Guatemalan citizens. In late February 2014, Judge Barrios
are elderly men. But as attorney general Claudia Paz y Paz told the New convicted 22 members of MS for illegal association, conspiracy, extor-
York Times, the prosecution is “sending the most important message of the tion, and murder. This particular clica of MS, the “Pewee Locos” of la
rule of law—that nobody is above the law.”148 Aldea Canalitos in Guatemala City’s Zona 24, had been extorting some
Yet that message has grown ambiguous. On May 10, after a six-week
trial in which nearly 100 Maya-Ixil people testified to the army’s murder,
“Jazmin Barrios, la jueza que no temió a los militares,” EFE, May 18, 2013.
Judge Barrios is no stranger to intimidation, by the way: in March 2001, just days
rape, and torture of their loved ones in 1982 and 1983, the panel of judges before sentencing two ex-military men for the murder of human rights defender
found the former general guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity. Archbishop Juan Gerardi, someone tossed two grenades into the patio of the judge’s
house. They exploded, but no one was injured.
Telephone interview with USAID/Guatemala adviser, May 7, 2014. 150
International Crisis Group, “Justice on Trial in Guatemala: The Ríos Montt
Shissler and Wheeler. Case,” Latin America Report No. 50, September 23, 2013, 2 and 12.
Interview with USAID/Guatemala adviser, Guatemala City, February 26, 2014. 151
Other examples: Notorious drug trafficker Waldemar Lorenzana was arrested in
Elisabeth Malkin, “In Effort to Try Dictator, Guatemala Shows New Judicial 2011, but was not extradited to the United States until March 2014; Juan ‘Chamalé’
Might,” New York Times, March 16, 2013. Ortiz was also arrested in 2011 but has so far staved off extradition.
Ibid. 152
International Crisis Group, 14-15.

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95 percent of the businesses in their territory. These businesses included municipality of Villa Nueva, just to the southwest of the capital, contains
motorcycle-taxis (mototaxis), tiendas (or small shops), trash collectors, cable some of the roughest spots in Guatemala. A USAID-commissioned study
providers, hardware stores, a laundry service, a taco restaurant, a car wash, found in 2013 that in the Villa Nueva enclaves of El Mezquital and El
and a bakery, among others. Thanks to extensive wiretapping, investigators Búcaro, “the crime situation has already passed a critical threshold be-
were able to convict the group for the killings of four mototaxi drivers cause of pervasive extortion and homicides at the hands of hired killers....
and for the planning of 16 other murders. Sentences ranged from eight to military detachments are now permanently assigned in efforts to curb the
291 years of prison.153 violence.”154
USAID’s role in the courts is currently limited to the coordination of From January 2013 to January 2014, USAID spent roughly $877,750
training for judges. For example, it recently set up a conversario (or infor- in CARSI funds (and claimed to have leveraged $42,550 from private
mation session) for the HIC judges on Guatemala’s money laundering law. enterprise) on violence prevention in Villa Nueva.155 USAID contracted
A magistrate gave a presentation and fielded their questions. RTI to implement the program, which sub-contracted various organiza-
The courts, of course, constitute only one half of the criminal justice tions to implement the actual projects. For example, RTI sub-contracted
system. USAID has also been working to shore up the PNC as an institu- Fundación Ecuménica Guatemalteca Esperanza y Franternidad (ESFRA,
tion by advising the Ministerio de Gobernación, or Interior Ministry, and or Guatemalan Ecumenical Foundation for Hope and Fraternity) to run
the Police Reform Commission on how to rework the “human resources” the scholarship project at the TITA beauty school. According to Judith
aspect of the force. As one USAID adviser put it, the PNC suffers from Santos, the ESFRA coordinator, TITA had 24 scholarship students in
a “patchwork” of regulations on eligibility-for-hire, assignment, ranks, its six-month project that varied in age from 17 to 24 years old. Four of
promotion, benefits, and retirement that are not internally consistent. The them were pregnant. Some were 17-year-old mothers who already had
Guatemalan lawyers drawing up a new, comprehensive law looked to two children.
USAID for research on how police “HR” looks in other countries. The Santos said that at home, the students face problems ranging from family
resulting legislative proposal, which is still waiting approval from the pres- violence (including sexual abuse) to mistreatment from boyfriends to prob-
ident, would clearly define an officer’s career from hiring to retirement (or lems with gangs. For these reasons, ESFRA had a psychological counselor
firing). It would also provide for a police registry to keep track of officers’ on hand. Sometimes, the neighborhood’s problems followed the students
service history and performance. to school. Four days earlier, an armed robber had entered the school and
demanded all the students’ cell phones.
Violence Prevention One student, 19-year-old Maria Ajanel, said that after 7 p.m. she does
On a recent morning in March, the TITA Beauty and Cosmetology not go outside of her house, adding that a few days ago, two boys were
school in Villa Nueva was a beehive of activity. Young women—all in killed in a personal dispute near her house. She said that once she has
beige shirts and burgundy slacks—chatted as they groomed each other’s learned all the skills in the course—how to cut men’s and women’s hair,
hair and rushed around for supplies in the ground-level shop. Every student do highlights and dyes, give manicures and pedicures—she wants to open
had a scholarship. And every scholarship came from CARSI.
The beauty school is just one small part of USAID’s five-year, $26 mil- 154
Wayne J. Pitts et al., “Executive Summary,” 3. During a car ride through the
lion dollar Violence Prevention Program (VPP). Launched in 2010, the Villa Nueva neighborhood of El Mezquital in March 2014, the driver suggested
VPP was designed for high-risk neighborhoods such as Villa Nueva. The I remove my sunglasses to avoid drawing unwanted attention to the car (because
people in El Mezquital do not wear sunglasses).
Copy of Sentencia C-010181-2011-00698; also Tulio Juárez and José Miguel
153 155
“Inversión Aproximada Realizada por el Proyecto USAID Prevención de la
Lam, “Fijan de 8 a 291 años de cárcel a 22 pewees locos por extorsión y asesinatos,” Violencia en el Municipio de Villa Nueva Hasta Enero del 2,014,” unpublished
El Periódico, February 25, 2014. memorandum by USAID, 1–2.

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Progress, Failure, and Uncertainty

her own business. In fact, neighbors and friends are already coming over
to employ her services, and she is already charging some of them. Another
student, 22-year-old Miriam Ixim, said that if she had not won the schol-
arship, she would probably still be sitting at home, watching her nephew.
In addition to the beauty school, ESFRA supervised other CARSI-
funded programs such as an Automotive Mechanics class and a Restaurant
Service class. In all, ESFRA reported, scholarships had benefited 56 young
women and 29 young men as of the beginning of 2014.156
Another VPP project in Villa Nueva is Casa Barrilete. “I like Casa
Barrilete,” said Mayor Edwin Escobar in an interview. “When you go
in, you always see a lot of kids.” Casa Barrilete operates at a mall called
CentraSur, inside commercial space donated by the municipality of
Guatemala City. (Originally it was to be located in El Búcaro, but that
proved unfeasible because gang conflicts prohibited many children from
walking through that territory.) The programming is diverse: computer
science, hip-hop dancing, guitar, marimba, drawing, painting, sculpture,
football, and basketball are all on offer (among other things). Nearly 600
children from Villa Nueva have received scholarships to take classes here. At Casa Barrilete near the boundary between Guatemala City and Villa
Student Jeimmy Jamileth Ampérez Rodríguez said she was nervous Nueva, hundreds of students got scholarships from USAID to study
computing, guitar, marimba, painting, sculpture, hip hop dancing, and more.
to take the computer course at first because, as an 18-year-old, she had
no idea how to use a computer. Her instructor later said she learned the
Lastly, the VPP provided scholarships for the iTEC UVG Programa
Microsoft Office suite incredibly fast, and was working on a PowerPoint
Tecnológico. There, at a technological park, the Universidad del Valle de
Presentation (complete with animated graphics) on the history and mean-
Guatemala (UVG) offers training in information technology. In March
ing of International Women’s Day. There were 60 students in that class.
2014, 105 students graduated from a fifteen-month web software design
Probably the biggest draw at Casa Barrilete actually takes place off-cam-
program, in which they became proficient in a wide variety of program
pus: the soccer program. Coach Jairo Vides (who used to play professionally
languages and applications.157
for the Deportivo Petapa squad) said that gang threats on the first day of
When USAID/Guatemala launched the VPP back in March 2010, the
the program prompted Vides to switch venues to a dirt field. Combining
agency decided to set aside some funds for self-analysis. The idea was to
the morning and afternoon groups, about 53 children show up on a reg-
not only set up projects to steer kids away from violence, but also subject
ular basis. They range in age from 7 to 18 years old. About five percent of
some of those efforts to a rigorous scientific analysis to see if the projects
the children are actively in gangs, he said; some do not even have shoes
actually worked. USAID contracted the Latin American Public Opinion
to play in. In between drills, he talks to them about violence, values, and
Project (LAPOP) at Vanderbilt University to help out. LAPOP was chosen
discipline. “The kids sometimes see me as a father figure,” he said. “They
tell me their problems.”
“iTEC UVG Programa Tecnológico Cuatro Grados Norte,” PowerPoint

“Reduciendo condiciones de vulnerabilidad económica en niños, niñas, hombres

Presentation, January 2014, 2–4; an employee of RTI in Guatemala City explained
y mujeres jóvenes en situación de riesgo social en el municipio de Villa Nueva, to the author that UVG and USAID both chipped in to fund the 105 scholarships,
Guatemala,” ESFRA, PowerPoint Presentation, last modifed January 25, 2014, 2. which helped pay for student tuition, materials, transportation, and uniforms.

| 146 | | 147 |
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for its 20 years of experience in conducting “policy-relevant” surveys in reported crimes—specifically:

the region.158 • 18 percent fewer reported occurrences of robberies;
First, USAID picked three municipalities to concentrate on: Guatemala • 50 percent fewer reported cases of illegal drug sales;
City, Esquipulas (in the southeastern state of Chiquimula), and Tactic (in • 50 percent fewer reported cases of extortion and blackmail.
the highland state of Alta Verapaz). Next, LAPOP identified 40 separate
neighborhoods within those three cities that had a similar “high-risk” Furthermore, residents were less likely to avoid certain corners of the
profile. LAPOP discarded locales already overrun by gangs and organized neighborhood because of fear of crime, and less likely to see gang fights as
crime, to avoid putting researchers in danger. Instead, they picked places a problem in their community. The interventions also corresponded with
that were “vulnerable to becoming crime hot-spots” based on levels of greater satisfaction with democracy, and greater satisfaction with (and trust
poverty, infrastructure, and other “standard demographic characteristics” in) the police.
(such as urban setting, proportion of youth, and population density).159 Two clarifications are in order. First, LAPOP only measured the overall
LAPOP then randomly chose 21 neighborhoods to receive CARSI-funded effectiveness of the CARSI strategy. Because many of the interventions
interventions and assigned the 19 others to a “control” group where no overlap, the study’s authors say it is “difficult, if not impossible, to disen-
interventions would happen.160 tangle and evaluate the effect of each individual program, let alone the
The interventions were always two-fold: USAID would help create components of each program.”162 On one hand that is unfortunate, because
a comité comunitario de prevención (or community prevention committee) it hinders the ability to replicate success. On the other hand, every com-
composed of stakeholders. These committees would map out the crime munity has a unique set of problems which may call for unique solutions.
problems themselves, and come up with a plan that consisted of USAID- If the common denominator of comités comunitarios de prevención happens
funded programs. Each neighborhood thus had a unique set of problems to work across communities, that should trump the philosophical tidiness
and solutions, but the basic two-step process of requiring the community of one-size-fits-all programming.
to work together was the same. “Our development hypothesis is that one Secondly, LAPOP evaluated USAID’s interventions by relying heavily
problem in these communities is lack of social cohesion and participation,” on people’s perceptions of crime, rather than actual crime data. “Some
one USAID adviser said in an interview. The prevention committees, he people would argue that perception is everything,” explained one USAID
said, were designed to turn this around.161 adviser, adding that victimization rates in Guatemala are actually quite
In the first quarter of 2013, once the CARSI-funded program had low even in the so-called zonas rojas. “But feeling unsafe affects people’s
been in operation for about a year, LAPOP returned to the 40 neigh- well-being. If you feel unsafe you’re going to behave in a different manner
borhoods to conduct a second round of interviews and thereby make a and support policies that may not help build social cohesion.”
“mid-point” evaluation. Compared to trends in the control neighborhoods Citizen perception is only one among many possible indicators of suc-
(where USAID did nothing), the treatment neighborhoods showed fewer cess. Agency officials in Guatemala City are now inventing brand new in-
dicators—and not a moment too soon, according to a critical audit released
last May by USAID’s Office of the Inspector General. The auditors, based
Susan Berk-Seligson et al., “Central America Regional Security Initiative
(CARSI) Mid-Term Impact Evaluation Guatemala” LAPOP/Vanderbilt University, in San Salvador, traveled to Guatemala in late October 2013 to monitor the
December 2013, 16. progress of the VPP—specifically some of the same projects already under
Ibid, 26. LAPOP’s microscope. The auditors faulted both USAID/Guatemala and
Assignment was actually not totally random: LAPOP avoided having a treatment its implementing partner, RTI, for using poor indicators.
neighborhood right next to a control neighborhood so that the former would not
affect (or “contaminate”) the latter. See Susan Berk-Seligson, et al., 25.
Interview with USAID adviser, Guatemala City, February 27, 2014. 162
Susan Berk-Seligson et al., 19.

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For one thing, the auditors wrote, USAID designed four indicators to behavioral changes as well.169
measure outputs rather than outcomes. A major VPP goal was to increase Without solid indicators, it is impossible to offer anything other than
civic responsibility, for instance, so the project kept data on how many anecdotal impressions of current USAID prevention projects in Guatemala.
people attended civic training classes. Yet according to the auditors, such But one thing is certain: they are extremely limited in scope. Adding up all
an indicator is “tracking outputs (participation) and not outcomes (actual the scholarship students from all the Villa Nueva programs described above
increase in civic responsibilities).”163 gives a total of about 800 youths (that is, if those numbers are reliable).
That indicator was also ill-defined: among the 71,852 people who re- However, according to a USAID memorandum, there are an estimated
portedly participated in civic awareness and responsibility training, 4,000 4,117 young people between 5 and 24 living in Villa Nueva.170 Therefore,
were simply attendees of the Mother’s Day or Child’s Day parades, “even even in the best-case scenario, the VPP would not have reached even a fifth
though those activities did not promote understanding of civic rights and of Villa Nueva’s youth. That is not a criticism of USAID; the agency has
obligations.”164 a budget, and can only spend what it has. But even the best programming
Furthermore, some scholarship data inflated reality. For example, of the for a fifth of an at-risk area’s population will have limited benefits.
26,761 scholarships that were reportedly given to youths, 430 scholarships
were actually provided to the same 43 students. Each of these 43 students INL Projects
received a scholarship every month for ten months, and each time the stu-
Model Police Precinct in Villa Nueva
dent was re-entered into the system as though they were a new recipient.165
Students were counted whether or not they even completed the training, On May 13, 2005, PNC officers invaded Ciudad del Sol, a notorious
which could have been a twelve-month course or a two-hour class; all gang haven in Villa Nueva, armed with colors. Painting over a mural
were lumped together.166 crowded with Mara Salvatrucha symbolism, the officers brushed the words,
The auditors concluded that many of these problems occurred because “Velando por tu seguridad: Policía Nacional Civil” (or “The National Police:
USAID/Guatemala failed to monitor RTI and make sure it fulfilled the Watching out for Your Security”).171
VPP implementation contract. They attributed this failure to “high turn- Up until that time, Ciudad del Sol had been “abandoned,” said Inspector
over in the project’s monitoring and evaluation team.”167 USAID responded Edwin Ortega, who recalled the operation. “The gang members would
to this criticism by arguing that RTI was hired mainly to implement, while walk the streets with guns, robbing neighbors, selling drugs. All the houses
LAPOP was hired to monitor, and LAPOP’s appraisal was positive.168 and buildings had graffiti.”172 The delinquents were also getting smarter:
In a sense, the debate is moot. USAID has created some new indicators while making their rounds extorting businesses, they would dress nicely
in their next large-scale prevention program, a five-year $30–40 million in ties to avoid standing out. But Ortega says the police spent months col-
dollar endeavor slated to begin in late 2014. One is a comprehensive hy- lecting intelligence from neighbors, rounded up several gang members,
brid indicator, the “citizen security index,” which will take into account painted over their murals with the help of high school students, and “took
not only perceptions of insecurity, but also real victimization levels and back” Ciudad del Sol—at least temporarily.173

Office of the Inspector General, “Audit of USAID/Guatemala’s Violence 169
Interview with USAID adviser, Guatemala City, February 27, 2014.
Prevention Project, Audit Report No. 1-520-14-009-P,” May 15, 2014, 4. 170
“Resumen de la Implementación del Proyecto USAID Prevención de la
Office of the Inspector General, 5. Violencia en el Municipio de Villa Nueva,” USAID internal memorandum, last
Ibid., 10. modified March 10, 2014, 1.
Ibid., 5. 171
“Policía “invade” zonas de maras en Guatemala,” El Diario de Hoy, May 14, 2005.
Ibid., 10. 172
Inspector Edwin Ortega, interview with the author, Guatemala City, March 3, 2014.
USAID official, e-mail correspondence with the author, June 13, 2014. 173

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It was one of the first campaigns by Villa Nueva’s comisaría modelo, or kept rotating officers in and out of the MPP.177 “If you trained them in
model precinct. A model police precinct (MPP), according to a Department Villa Nueva,” said one INL adviser, “two months later, after spending all
of State-commissioned report, is “a comprehensive and ambitious form of that money, they’d move them out.”178 The frequent rotation of personnel
community-oriented policing” that emphasizes “prevention, information was undermining the goals of the program. Still, the MPP made several
collection and processing, and community relationships.”174 Creating a strides. Ríos said that at that time, in 2004, very little was known about the
model precinct requires several actions, enumerated in the report: structure and operation of the gangs, so a unit was created to investigate
• “Modernization of infrastructure, communications, mobility, gangs like those terrorizing Ciudad del Sol.179
security cameras, and other equipment; Another major goal of the MPP was to build links to the community.
• “Creation of a victim-support office, with particular attention to To that end, the MPP launched a citizen services office in May 2005
the needs of women; and opened an anonymous tip-line “Tell it to Waldemar” (“Cuéntaselo a
• “Community-oriented patrols that use saturation and other effec- Waldemar”) the same year.180 A central digital system for analyzing criminal
tive deployment practices; information, called CRADIC, was created in 2006. At schools, the gangs
• “Creation of an internal control office inside the precinct; had been charging students one Quetzal ($0.13) per day to be allowed safe
• “Specialized training for all personnel; and passage into the buildings, so a fleet of MPP officers began patrolling all
• “Full initial vetting and continuous, random vetting of all rank- 120 schools and shut the racket down, while staying in touch with princi-
and-file officers.”175 pals, teachers, and parents to stay abreast of any problems.181 Officers also
started giving courses in DARE and GREAT.
INL began recruiting for Villa Nueva’s MPP in 2003, but immediately In August 2007, researchers from the Human Rights Institute of
encountered a problem. According to Interior Ministry adviser, Juan Pablo Georgetown University Law Center visited Villa Nueva. They found
Ríos, for every officer who passed the polygraph and other vetting exams, that “various individuals we met in Guatemala, including prosecutors,
about ten failed. There simply were not enough clean officers to wholly public defenders, and staff members at several nonprofits, signaled that the
replace Comisaría 15, which then had jurisdiction over Villa Nueva and four precinct‘s accomplishments were impressive.” Residents had reportedly
nearby municipalities. Yet scaling down the MPP to just one station would “reclaimed” the town square, and the MPP put on a festival celebrating
not have worked either, because stations have a limited working area. So it the reduction in crime that some 2,500 residents attended.182
was decided to conceive of the comisaría modelo as a sort of smaller, parallel The “de facto chief ” behind all the progress, the researchers found,
version of Comisaría 15.176 was Samuel “Sammy” Rivera, a Puerto Rico native and INL adviser.
Once they had successfully vetted enough personnel to get started, the “Although officially only a consultant to the Comisaría and outside its
MPP started the mandatory training. Each officer had a minimum num- chain of command,” the researchers wrote, “Rivera is the primary driving
ber of hours of continuing training each year, and many instructors (from force behind all of the precinct’s innovations and is intricately involved
Puerto Rico, for example) came to give courses. But at first, the PNC with its day-to-day operations.” Rivera told them that the general crime
Gerard Martin, “Section I. Introduction” and “The INL/NAS Model Precinct
(MP) Approach to Community-Oriented Policing” in Chemonics International,
“Community Policing in Central America: The Way Forward,” prepared for
Telephone interview with INL adviser, April 1, 2014.
USAID, June 2005). 179
Juan Pablo Ríos, interview with the author, March 13, 2014.
Gerard Martin, “The INL/NAS Model Precinct (MP) Approach to 180
Berlin et al., 12 and Martin, “The INL/NAS Model Precinct (MP) Approach to
Community-Oriented Policing.” Community-Oriented Policing” 14.
Juan Pablo Ríos, Ministerio de Gobernación adviser, interview with the author, 181
Martin, 14.
March 13, 2014. 182
Berlin et al., 13.

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CARSI in Guatemala Nicholas Phillips
Progress, Failure, and Uncertainty

rate remained high, but extortions had fallen and the conviction rate was large suburb near the capital with high crime rates. That year and the next,
45–50 percent. Washington set aside a total of $2.16 million in CARSI funds explicitly to
Ríos credited Rivera for being a pioneer in targeting extortionists in support the model precinct programs. Funds were to be used for
Guatemala, but said the conviction rate was misleading: Rivera and his vetting, training, technical assistance, and police equipment such as computers
allies in the Public Ministry only pursued cases against low-level criminals and office equipment, phones for the tip line, materials for community outreach
collecting the extortion money, known colloquially as renta, because those such as municipal events, and crime mapping to guide patrolling. Equipment
people were easier to convict. Meanwhile, “the criminal structure kept and operational support for the [Guatemalan government’s] crime information
getting stronger and stronger.”183 The Guatemalan government and the system (CRADIC) will improve patrolling coverage, improve the quality of
PNC, he said, never really embraced Rivera. “The truth is that people [in investigations, and provide more reliable statistical data for deployment of police
the PNC] didn’t like him,” said Ríos. Those outside the MPP resented that personnel and strategic planning. Funds will pay for maintenance and upgrades
he had effectively assumed command in part of Comisaría 15, instead of for equipment, computer hardware and software and training for police who will
just “shadowing” the Guatemalan brass. Inside the MPP, Ríos said, some use the system.187
subordinates complained that Rivera treated them as useless and inept. He
concludes: “I think the problems were not with the design. The problems Certain components of Villa Nueva’s MPP were then “scaled-up” to
were with the implementation, above at the political level.”184 the national level. The “Cuéntaselo a Waldemar” anonymous tip hotline
The Guatemalan authorities also still had not embraced the model by was one of these. In addition, the anti-gang unit that began in Villa Nueva
2007, according to the Georgetown researchers: was re-christened PANDA and given national jurisdiction. By 2011, it had
The Guatemalan government does not oppose the Embassy‘s efforts in Villa 100 vetted agents skilled in wiretapping and long-term investigations, and
Nueva nor the range of other programs that the Embassy and USAID support was handling a national caseload.188
in Guatemala. Rather, the government appears to be disengaged from these At that time, a report commissioned by the U.S. Department of State
efforts. Guatemalan leaders rarely articulate requests for specific assistance from found that nine out of ten veteran police officers were still failing the MPP’s
the United States. Instead, they simply accept whatever aid is provided to them. vetting process. Rookie officers fresh out of the academy fared better, with
One likely reason they cited for this trend is the high level of turnover in the a 50 percent passing rate. A “significant majority” of the officers already in
Guatemalan government.185 the MPP, though, were passing the semi-annual tests. Yet they still faced
challenges, the report found, including “constant informal institutional
The hard data available from the PNC was inconclusive. From 2004 resistance, including threats from other units or former police officers.”189
through 2009, injuries due to violence increased and homicides grew from On a brighter note, technology improved in these years. In January
329 to 568 in the five municipalities under the jurisdiction of Comisaría 2012, a surveillance center was installed in Villa Nueva’s city hall build-
15. Assaults went down from 193 to 61, but it was impossible to attribute ing where the cafeteria used to be. The center now has nine large-screen
any of those trends to the MPP, because nobody was breaking out statistics computer monitors, each of which displays about a dozen live feeds from
by municipality.186 the 212 security cameras dotting the municipality. Personnel from the
Still, the Guatemalan government was sufficiently pleased in 2009 to PNC, the Policía Municipal de Tránsito (PMT), and army all watch the
green-light the installment of another model precinct in Mixco, a different screens 24 hours a day in three eight-hour shifts. INL provided many of
Juan Pablo Ríos, interview with the author, March 13, 2014. 187
U.S. Department of State, “FY 2010 Appropriations Spending Plan: Central
Ibid. America—Central America Regional Security Initiative,” 18.
Berlin et al, 14. 188
Martin, 13.
Martin, “Community Policing in Central America: The Way Forward,” annex. 189
Ibid., 12.

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Progress, Failure, and Uncertainty

the computers and desks in the center. Mayor Edwin Escobar said in an based on statistical analysis and tighter links to citizens. It is very similar to
interview that since the center began running, homicides have dropped New York City’s CompStat, but is tailor-made for Guatemala and is called
23 percent in Villa Nueva.190 MOPSIC (the data analysis tool is SIPOL, mentioned above).195
But a quick search in the archives of Prensa Libre, Guatemala’s largest Interior Ministry adviser Juan Pablo Ríos agrees that a true model
daily paper (and one that is not known for sensationalizing violence), re- precinct will have it all: not only strong investigative, internal affairs and
veals that Villa Nueva is still plagued by murder and mayhem on a weekly SWAT units, but also elements of prevention, along with strong links to
basis, and that the peace brought to Ciudad del Sol has long since ended. civil society and the community. “The specialized police services, they’re
There, in August 2013, police officers conducted 15 raids and rounded up useful, but that’s not really what citizen security is all about,” said Ríos.
nine members of MS who had been robbing neighbors. Grenades, pistols, “Rather, it’s about the most basic part, the regular uniformed officer who’s
and bullet-proof vests were seized.191 Two days earlier, also in Ciudad del walking around in his uniform. And for us Guatemalans, that person is
Sol, a stray bullet hit a child in his left arm as he lay in bed. He was four still nobody.”
years old.192
Reflecting on the MPP project overall, a current INL official said that Poppy Eradication in San Marcos
Villa Nueva “started with good intentions” and today has “elements” of an On the morning of January 27, 2014, a multi-vehicle convoy of PNC
MPP, including a branch of the anti-gang PANDA unit and the new sur- officers, soldiers, and U.S. advisers rumbled out of the city of San Marcos
veillance center, but it “never really gelled into what our [current] advisers in Guatemala’s western highlands. Their destination: Ixchiguán, a munic-
believe is a full model police precinct.”193 A different INL adviser said that ipality crouched between the steep slopes of the Sierra Madre mountains.
“the major impediment” to a fully-functioning MPP in Villa Nueva up Backpackers know this area for the Tajumulco volcano, which at 13,485
until the arrival of INL’s new team was “a lack of buy-in” from the PNC, feet is the highest in Central America. The authorities, however, know it
the Ministerio de Gobernación (Ministry of Government), and the Police as Guatemala’s heartland of opium poppy cultivation. Latex from a ma-
Reform Commission. “Since we’ve arrived here,” he said, “we’ve been on ture poppy plant can be converted into heroin so cultivation of the plant
a mission to get their buy-in.” is illegal in Guatemala. That morning officers were on their way to cut
The adviser said that INL’s new vision for an MPP is having “all neces- them down yet again.
sary services that we deem should exist under one roof.” The idea is to have But as they approached the village of Tuninchum, a mob of farmers
beat cops, investigators, analysts and managers all swapping information who opposed eradication blocked the road, launching “rocks, sticks and
and helping each other, alongside prevention programs. And INL plans incendiary bombs” at the vehicles. Several policemen were injured. One
to work on this in Comisarías 14, 15, 16 and 51.194 Already in Comisaría suffered burns to his face.196 The mission was only temporarily diverted;
14, INL has helped create and launch a new system of police management later that week, the PNC boasted of having ruined 65 hectares of poppy
valued at $94.2 million.197 But the mob attack of last January may be only
Edwin Escobar, mayor of Villa Nueva, interview with author, March 3, 2014. a taste of what is to come if Guatemalan authorities, supported by CARSI
According to an aide to the mayor, this statistic is based on data from both the sur- funds, stick with a policy that has failed for many years to solve San Marcos’
veillance center and the PNC. poppy problem.
“Detienen a nueve personas durante operativos en Villa Nueva,” Prensa Libre, True, eradication numbers are up, but that is only one metric. President
August 29, 2013.
Fredy Sarceño, “Bala perdida hiere a niño en Ciudad del Sol, Villa Nueva,” 195
Telephone interview with INL staff, June 26, 2014.
Emisoras Unidas, August 27, 2013. 196
“Guatemalan peasants attack cops targeting drug crops,” EFE, January 27, 2014.
Interview with INL/Guatemala officials, Guatemala City, February 27, 2014. 197
“PNC erradica cultivos de amapola por más de US$94 millones,” ACAN-EFE,
Ibid. January 31, 2014.

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Pérez Molina’s administration reports that eradication climbed from 1,509 Said one INL adviser: “They don’t see this as a drug problem; they see it
hectares (estimated by the Guatemalan government to be worth $2.4 bil- as money for their kids.”202
lion) in 2011 to 2,430 hectares (worth $3.1 billion) in 2013.198 Yet how Secondly, the revenue and logistics of growing poppy are laughably
much amapola (the Spanish word for poppy) is actually sprouting out of the more lucrative than traditional crops. In the mountainous climate of San
soil? And is that acreage growing? Marcos, a farmer could plant a cuerda (or 440 square meters) of maize and
“We don’t know how much there is,” said one Interior Ministry adviser, get a harvest that will fetch about Q450 ($58). He can do this once a year,
adding that apparently “every month there’s more and more.” An INL and must haul it to market himself. In contrast, a farmer could plant a cu-
adviser said that aerial surveillance alone cannot paint an accurate picture erda of poppy and get a harvest that will fetch Q4,000 ($516), and possibly
of total poppy growth; rather, you need someone using GPS instruments more. And he can do this about five times a year, because poppy has a much
on the ground. But that is a dangerous task, as farmers do not take kindly shorter life cycle. In addition, a coyote—or drug trafficker—will come pick
to a state agent calculating their crop coverage in order to destroy it.199 it up.203 Therefore, in gross-revenue terms, poppy is roughly 50 times as
The conflict started about four decades ago, when Mexicans arrived lucrative as maize and requires less transportation.
from across the nearby border with their “pretty flower that could be According to a Guatemalan government document, the drug traffickers
grown all year,” according a Tajumulco resident familiar with the situa- equip the farmers with good fertilizer and improved seeds that will sprout
tion. The outsiders told the villagers that the poppy can be converted to ten buds per seed.204 An INL adviser said that harvest is labor-intensive,
medicines. “People back then barely left the pueblo,” the resident said. and some families pull their children out of school to help. They must cut
“Some had not even traveled to San Marcos.” But by 1988, anyone who the ball and let the gum drip out for 24–36 hours. Then they scrape off
still doubted whether poppy was an illicit drug precursor needed only the gum. That is what the coyotes come to collect.
look to the sky. The Guatemalan government, using U.S. aircraft and One Tajumulco resident said that a coyote can earn as much as Q10,000
helicopter escorts, was spraying herbicide on amapola fields on a daily just for transporting a kilo of poppy gum to the border. They are the ones
basis (and drawing gunfire while doing so).200 A quarter century later, the who are getting wealthier. The farmers have gotten together to buy some
campesinos—mainly of indigenous Maya-Mam descent—are still planting land, he concedes, but they are still poor. “We grow potatoes and corn,
poppy, despite state attempts to stop it. The reason is plain—incentives but that’s just to eat,” explained a shy farmer with gold front teeth and
drastically favor it. a baseball cap. “You can’t buy oil or meat or shoes with that. You can,
First, these farmers are very poor. According to a 2009 government though, with poppy. The government says we’re buying cars, two-story
report, the percentage of those living in “general poverty” in Ixchiguán, houses. Those are lies.”
Tajumulco, and Sinibal—the three municipalities that form the “poppy Asked if he was aware of heroin’s destructive properties, he said, “We
triangle”—were 88.5, 93.3, and 90, respectively. The percentages of those don’t consume it. We know it’s a drug, but where else are we going to get
living in “extreme poverty” rates were 38.1, 38.9, and 43.9, respectively.201 money?205...If the government wants us to stop cultivating poppy, they

“Estrategia de Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos 2013,” memorandum by Quinto 202
Interview with INL adviser, Guatemala City, March 28, 2014.
Viceministro de Antinarcoticos, 4. 203
Interviews with poppy farmers in Tajumulco, March 19, 2012.
Interview with INL adviser, Guatemala City, March 28, 2014. 204
Quinto Viceministro de Antinarcoticos, 2.
Nathaniel Sheppard, Jr., “Guatemalan climate: Good for Poppy Fields, Drug 205
This provokes the question: if growing poppy is so essential to survival, how did
Traffickers,” Chicago Tribune, September 23, 1990. villagers survive before the introduction of poppy? A couple of farmers said that back
“Índice de pobreza general y extrema por municipios,” Descargas de Segeplan in those days, the canasta básica—or cost of basic essentials—was cheaper. An adviser
2.0, from the Ministerio de Gobernación offered a different take on why they persist in
Municipio.pdf. growing poppy: “The problem is, the farmers like to go the easiest way.”

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Progress, Failure, and Uncertainty

should give us help to work legally, or work with the U.S. to help us get a program to help the farmers grow potatoes and fruit trees.209 It bears
visas.” Instead, he said, “they just come in and cut everything down and mentioning that the government has not totally abandoned the area: the
give us nothing in exchange.” state offers Tajumulco Q150 million (or $1.3 million) in infrastructure
The government used to swoop in two or three times annually, but they subsidies every year, for example.210
plan on five operations in 2014, according to an INL adviser, and are con- On a global level, Guatemalan poppy is not a large market. The scale
sidering a permanent presence in San Marcos. They come with 250–300 of production is nowhere near Afghanistan or neighboring Mexico. Even
police, plus army soldiers and elements of the Public Ministry and human in terms of CARSI assistance to Guatemala, it is a small budget line item:
rights community. Over four or five days, the PNC officers wield machetes in 2012, a total of $500,000 was explicitly intended for poppy eradication.
and sticks to whack the base of the plant, which then perishes within 24 But given that the U.S. government is helping punish impoverished farmers
hours. The army is present for protection, and helicopters are on hand to for the crime of responding to U.S. market demand, one could argue that
evacuate injured people in the case of violence. “Sometimes we can hear it owes a bit more to the campesinos of San Marcos.
AK-47 shots in the distance to intimidate us” said the INL adviser, who INL has teamed up with Guatemala’s Ministry of Health to teach area
said that INL’s role is strictly logistical, involving provisions of food and community leaders and schoolchildren about “the negative effects and
portable toilets (for hundreds of men over several days).206 health risks associated with the cultivation of poppy.”211 But even if the
Sources in and outside officialdom confirm that the Guatemalan state farmers knew all about heroin’s depredations in foreign countries, they
has verbally agreed to not throw any farmer in jail for growing amapola; would still have hungry mouths to feed and school supplies to buy.
rather, it reserves the right to destroy the crop. Thus, a farmer must cal- “We’re not attacking the problem at it roots,” said the Tajumulco res-
culate: will I get away with the next harvest? Given how lucrative poppy ident familiar with the situation. “We’re only getting solutions for a few
is, and its proliferation in San Marcos, some apparently view a police raid days. The best solution is for the state to start accompanying farmers on a
here and there as the cost of doing business. But government officials now process of production and commercialization of products that can grow
also claim that Mexican drug traffickers are actually forcing some peasants here.” He ticks off a list of possibilities: chicken, vegetables, beans, rice,
to grow and sell poppy. 207 When the state targets that poppy instead of the and farmed fish. Exportation would require vastly improved roads, which
Mexican thugs, the biggest loser is the poor farmer who has been robbed in rural San Marcos are sparse and pocked with holes. He envisions better
by both sides of his time, labor and land. tourist infrastructure to help travelers visit the volcano, the many archeo-
President Pérez Molina said in April 2014 that he is open to the possi- logical sites, or artisans who could open wood- or metal-working shops.
bility of legalizing poppy cultivation for pharmaceutical purposes. If the In 2012, USAID redirected its economic development strategy to focus
National Commission for Drug Policy Reform makes such a recommen- on the Western Highlands. It has helped construct a better farm-to-mar-
dation in its upcoming report in October, he said, he will introduce a ket infrastructure so that farmers can export snow peas and broccoli, for
bill to that effect.208 Meanwhile, on April 7, 2014, Guatemala’s Ministry
of Agriculture announced it had invested Q30 million ($3.9 million) in

Interview with INL adviser, Guatemala City, March 28, 2014. 209
Santiago Castro, “Buscan sustituir cultivos de amapola y marihuana por papa y
“PNC erradica cultivos de amapola por más de US$94 millones,” ACAN-EFE, frutas,” Prensa Libre, April 7, 2014.
January 31, 2014. 210
Telephone interview with Tajumulco resident familiar with the poppy situation,
Geovanni Contreras, “Otto Pérez apoya legalizar marihuana y amapola,” Prensa May 28, 2014.
Libre, April 3, 2014. 211
U.S. Department of State, “International Narcotics Control Strategy Report,” 178.

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Progress, Failure, and Uncertainty

instance.212 However, the Western Highlands is a big area, and the USAID The embassy cannot unilaterally impose its will there. It can only fortify
budget is limited. In Tajumulco, the program has only reached only 13 of security to the extent that Guatemalan leaders genuinely desire it—and
152 communities.213 Interviews with INL and USAID officials revealed even then, only to the extent they can pay to keep it going once INL or
no evidence of any coordinated, whole-of-government effort by the U.S. USAID steps aside.
Embassy to go onto poppy farms and help campesinos grow alternative crops. But do Guatemalan leaders want to pay to keep it going? This country
As long as this remains the case, it appears that the campesinos will plant imposes the second lowest tax burden relative to gross domestic product
ever more poppy, and the United States will pay for policemen to go cut (GDP) in all of Latin America—and one of the lowest in the whole world,
it down, with no end in sight. for that matter.214 The director of Guatemala’s central bank said in June
2014 that to maintain economic stability and enable the state to keep its
Conclusion promises in the areas of health, education, security and employment, legis-
lators would have to raise the tax burden from 11 percent to 14 percent.215
The U.S. Embassy in Guatemala has made much progress in meeting At the time of this writing, they have not done so.
CARSI goals, but challenges remain. As the U.S. Congress contemplates an additional aid package to Central
USAID’s high-impact courts have enabled big blows to organized America as a response to the child immigrant crisis, it may do well to offer
crime, but remain hampered by legal obstacles thrown up by defense a generous amount over time but also attach strict conditions, such as the
lawyers. Its violence prevention program in Villa Nueva clearly helps the Guatemalan legislature’s raising of tax revenue earmarked specifically for
children who get involved, but since four-fifths of the children in the area security investments. That would incentivize bold and sustained reforms,
are not involved, its scope remains limited. Yet there is no question that and ideally equip Guatemala with both the money and the will to move
USAID is making serious and sustained efforts to monitor and evaluate all forward.
of its programs and tweak them if necessary.
INL has had mixed results, too: PANDA is widely viewed as a suc-
cess, while the model precinct in Villa Nueva—after nearly a decade in
operation—still does not meet INL’s own standards. It spends much time
and money on DARE and GREAT training, but has not conducted any
study to see if those programs are effective. It continues to support a policy
of poppy eradication in San Marcos that has failed for decades to turn the
situation around. INL’s new team has talked about creating “baselines”
to measure success, but admits that so far, it has been “bad at measures of
effectiveness.” It should get better at this, for the sake of U.S. taxpayers
and the Guatemalan people.
As mentioned before, Guatemala is not a star in the American flag.

Elizabeth Dunn, “FIELD Report No. 18 Smallholders and Inclusive Growth in 214
The CIA World Factbook, “Country Comparisons: Taxes and Other Revenues,”
Agricultural Value Chains,” prepared for USAID by Impact LLC, January 2014, accessed July 15, 2014,
5-6, book/rankorder/2221rank.html.
No%2018%20Smallholders%20in%20Value%20Chains.pdf. 215
Manuel Rodríguez, “Banguat: Estabilidad requiere elevar carga tributaria a 14%,”
Telephone interview with Tajumulco resident familiar with the poppy situation, La Hora, June 5, 2014,
May 28, 2014. actualidad/196829-banguat-estabilidad-requiere-elevar-carga-tributaria-a-14-.

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Aaron Korthuis

The Public Security Situation in Honduras

n November 2013, Hondurans headed to the election polls for a sec-
Guatemala ond time since the 2009 coup d’état that destabilized the country and
left unchecked a problem that the country has long failed to address:
Honduras violence and organized crime. According to the United Nations Office
on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) latest homicide report, Honduras con-
tinues to struggle with the highest homicide rate in the world.1 The se-
riousness of the security situation has provoked travel warnings from the
El Salvador U.S. Department of State and infamy in the international press tied to
the violence experienced in Honduran cities and the abuses perpetuated
by state security forces.2 Over the past decade, drug trafficking through
the country has surged, making it the “favoured northbound route for
cocaine from South America.”3 Given the country’s historically weak law

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Global Study on Homicide 2013:
Trends, Contexts, Data (Vienna, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2014),
United States Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs, “Honduras Travel
Warning,” December 24, 2013,
alertswarnings/honduras-travel-warning.html. See also Alberto Arce, “Effort to

PART TWO: Clean Up Honduran Police Force Stalls,” The Associated Press, June 11, 2013, http://
“Full circle,” The Economist, May 24, 2014,
NEW DIRECTIONS americas/21602680-old-route-regains-popularity-drugs-gangs-full-circle.

IN POLICY | 164 | | 165 |

CARSI in Honduras Aaron Korthuis
Isolated Successes and Limited Impact

enforcement institutions, persistent problems with corruption, and poverty, environment and staggering problems, and success remains isolated, al-
as well as a continued U.S. appetite for cocaine, these problems are hardly though hope remains that reform may finally gain momentum.
a novelty—and present grave problems for the country’s leaders. This chapter will seek to further explore these difficulties and United
Unsurprisingly then, this problem was consistently featured in the States efforts to engage them by first examining the Honduran security sit-
leading presidential candidates’ discourse and public debate, and was un- uation. Second, it will explore U.S. law enforcement strengthening efforts
doubtedly a major factor in the final outcome. National Party candidate by looking in detail at vetted units. Third, it will address U.S. police capac-
and eventual victor, Juan Orlando Hernández, called for a heavy-handed ity-building efforts through the Criminal Investigation School. Finally, it
approach to security that relied on a newly created military police, while will discuss the crime and violence prevention efforts undertaken by USAID
LIBRE4 candidate Xiomara Castro’s voice resounded on public airwaves through youth outreach centers in poor Honduran communities.
calling for Honduran soldiers to return to their barracks.
These starkly divergent views stem from a Honduran population tired Organized Crime and Violence
of years of violence, organized criminal activity, declining security, and Homicides
increasingly accustomed to the military’s involvement in traditional polic- The fitful pace of Honduran reform stems in part from the complexity
ing.5 Alarmingly, only 27 percent of Hondurans expressed any confidence of the security situation. Several international and domestic studies suggest
in the civilian police in August 2013, while 73 percent disagreed with the that the county’s homicide rate is among the world’s highest, although
idea that the military should remain in the barracks (and by extension, consensus does not exist regarding the exact number. According to the
presumably refrain from involvement in policing efforts).6 latest UNODC report the rate per 100,000 inhabitants stood at 90.4 in
Efforts to address burgeoning organized crime and violence and insti- 2012, the most recent year available. Other Honduran reports using official
gate reform of Honduras’ security and justice institutions have consumed police, prosecutor, and autopsy data found 79 homicides per 100,000 in
the country over the past few years and feature prominently in President 2013, declining slightly from a high of 86 in 2011.7
Hernández’s plans. Yet, at best, these efforts have produced mixed results,
and at worst have resulted in a depressing setback to assuring Honduras’
long term security.
The United States, through the Central America Regional Security
Initiative (CARSI), seeks to strengthen and improve Honduran initiatives
through law enforcement cooperation, capacity building, and prevention
programs. These programs persist amidst Honduras’ difficult political

The Libertad and Refundación (LIBRE) party is made up of the followers of
ousted President Manuel “Mel” Zelaya. A large portion of its membership came
from Zelaya’s former party, the Liberal Party, which split after the President was
removed from office in the 2009 coup. LIBRE also includes a number of grassroots
organizations and labor movements that rallied around Zelaya after his ouster.
Such involvement is also a legacy of the 1970’s and 1980’s, when the military was
heavily involved in maintaining the country’s internal security.
“Encuesta Nacional de Opinión Pública Agosto 2013.” This survey was un- 7
Instituto Universitario de Democracia, Paz y Seguridad, “Boletín del
dertaken by the Honduran polling company Le Vote for the Asociación para una Observatorio de Violencia, Edición 32,” February 2014, 2,
Sociedad más Justa. Boletines/Nacional/NEd32EneDic2013.pdf.

| 166 | | 167 |
CARSI in Honduras Aaron Korthuis
Isolated Successes and Limited Impact

Figure 1: Homicide Rate in Honduras, 2004-2013 most commonly involved in gangs or drug-trafficking activities: young
adult males. Shockingly, in 2013 the homicide rate for males ages 20-24
was 318.3 per 100,000, revealing how crime and violence affect certain
parts of the population particularly hard.10
Figure 2: Homicide Rates per 100,000 Population in each Municipio in Honduras
Rate per 100,000 population







2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Source: Instituto Universitario de Democracia, Paz y Seguridad, “Boletín del Observatorio

de Violencia, Edición 32,” February 2014, 4,
Source: Created by Carlos A. Mendoza, using data from the National Autonomous University
A number of indicators suggest that this violence stems in large part of Honduras (UNAH)’s Violence Observatory and the University Institute on Democracy,
Peace, and Security (IUDPAS - Instituto Universitario en Democracia, Paz y Seguridad).
from drug-trafficking activities and urban-based criminal groups such as
gangs. First, homicides remain heavily concentrated in Honduras’ largest Drug Trafficking
cities and across its northern corridor leading to the Guatemalan border, Mexican cartels and local transportista groups contracted by cartels op-
where drug trafficking routes and groups are ubiquitous. In the provinces of erate with seeming impunity in the country’s northern region, bring-
Cortes and Atlántida, 2013 homicide rates reached 133 and 115 per 100,000 ing drugs into the country via sea, land, and air routes.11 The operations
citizens, significantly above the national average.8 Other statistics—such of such groups exploded in recent years, especially in the wake of the
as the fact that 83.3 percent of homicides are committed with firearms, country’s 2009 coup, producing a “cocaine gold-rush” according to the
and at least 13 percent of homicides appear to be sicariato, or assassin-style, UNODC, and exacerbating an already challenging situation in which the
murder for hire killings—point to gang and organized criminal activity.9
The violence is also heavily concentrated among the population group
Ibid. Essentially, this means a 20-24 year-old male has a 0.32 percent of dying
Instituto Universitario de Democracia, Paz y Seguridad, “Boletín del due to violence every year, roughly equivalent to one in every 300 males this age.
Observatorio de Violencia,” 5. 11
James Bosworth, “Honduras: Organized Crime Gained Amid Political Crisis,”
Ibid, 3. Seventy percent of homicides have no known possible motive, according in Organized Crime in Central America: The Northern Triangle, eds. Cynthia J. Arnson
to the Violence Observatory, suggesting that the 13 percent figure could be much and Eric L. Olson (Washington D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for
higher in reality. Scholars, 2011), 62-103,

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Isolated Successes and Limited Impact

government’s ability and willingness to ensure the rule of law was declin- air or land.18 According to statements made by General John Kelly of U.S.
ing.12 As Honduras became a focal point for drug trafficking over the last Southern Command, drug traffickers use “go-fast” boats to move cocaine
decade, competition between these trafficking groups and the virtual lack from Venezuela and then assimilate by using local boats once they arrive
of state presence in some of their operation areas provided an environment on the northern Honduran coast, where they eventually unload their ex-
ripe for skyrocketing violence and all sorts of other organized criminal pensive cargo.19
activity, such as human trafficking and illegal firearms transfers.13 Once in Honduras, drugs normally transit the northern corridor, a re-
Today, the situation remains acute.14 The U.S. Department of State gion long marked by its widespread impunity. Traffickers have traditionally
estimated in 2013 that 87 percent of drug-laden flights originating in enjoyed ease of movement in this region, given that some parts of Western
Colombia and Venezuela first make landfall in Honduras.15 Recent state- Honduras “are completely under the control of complex networks of may-
ments by the Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and ors, businessmen and land owners” rather than the central government.20
Law Enforcement Affairs, William Brownfield, suggest that this phenom- The December 2012 murder of a mayor in Western Honduras, allegedly
enon may be changing; in February 2014 he reported that drug flights by soldiers, highlights the extent to which authorities in the region are
to Honduras were down 80 percent during 2013.16 At the same time, also involved in illicit trafficking and are victims of its violence.21 This is
Honduran media reports point to a shift in trafficking patterns—flights further underscored by frequent allegations that politicians and elections
from South America first land in remote Nicaragua, and then conduct are tainted by drug money and receive it to finance their campaigns in a
short, low altitude flights over the Honduran border so as to avoid radar decidedly opaque electoral financing environment.22
detection.17 The emphasis in the Honduran media and counter-trafficking Despite this reality, over the past year, the Honduran government has
strategy on these flights may be misplaced though. A U.S. Embassy official taken actions that point towards a genuine willingness to combat drug-traf-
recently indicated that the United States places a priority on intercepting ficking and the state of impunity, although in many cases the results leave
the “80 to 90 percent of illegal drugs that enter Honduras via maritime much to be desired. A number of examples highlight this contrast be-
routes,” meaning that only 10-20 percent of drugs enter Honduras via the tween will and results. For example, following the placing of infamous
individuals and groups like “Chepe” Handal (a former political candidate)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Transnational Crime and the Cachiros on the U.S. Drug “Kingpin” list in 2013, Honduran
in Central America and the Caribbean: A Threat Assessment (Vienna: United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime, 2012), 19,
authorities took significant legal action. In April 2013, authorities seized
Bosworth, “Honduras: Organized Crime Gained Amid Political Crisis,” 62-103.
In an interview, Minister of Security Arturo Corrales asserted that drug-traffick-
ing remains the country’s primary security problem, especially because of its strategic 18
Dan Lamothe, “Shady Honduran Military Won’t Get Help from the U.S. to
location. Interview with Minister of Security Arturo Corrales, April 29, 2014. Shoot Down Drug Planes,” Foreign Policy, March 31, 2014,
U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs, “Honduras,” 2013 International Narcotics Control Strategy us_to_shoot_down_drug_planes.
Report (INCSR), March 5, 2013, 19
vol1/204050.htm. 20
UNODC, Transnational Crime in Central America and the Caribbean, 42.
Michael Lohmuller, “Are Honduran Drug Flights Down 80% as Officials 21
Geoffrey Ramsey, “Honduran Mayor Killed by Gunmen ‘in Military
Claim?,” Insight Crime, March 26, 2014, Uniforms,’” Insight Crime, December 5, 2012,
are-honduras-drug-flights-down-80-as-officials-claim. news-briefs/honduran-mayor-killed-gunmen-false-military-uniforms.
“Descubren artimañas de narcos para evadir radar móvil en Honduras,” El 22
“Narcos ofrecen dinero a candidatos en Honduras,” La Prensa, February 9, 2012,
Heraldo, April 1, 2014,
Descubren-artimanas-de-narcos-para-evadir-radar-movil-en-Honduras. csp?cid=329017&sid=267&fid=98.

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a number of Handal’s properties.23 Later, in September, a major operation Hernández has identified as the country’s main security problem—exist
took place against the Cachiros, allegedly seizing $800 million in assets.24 amid a web of other worrying criminal phenomena that contribute to the
Unfortunately, both these operations were ultimately marred by the targets’ country’s violence and instability. Honduras’ estimated 12,000 gang mem-
evident anticipation of such actions: in the case of Handal, many possessions bers continue to pose a threat in major urban areas, extorting businesses
had already been removed from his houses, while in the Cachiros case, and running local drug networks.29 Cities like the capital, Tegucigalpa,
some of the bank accounts turned out to be empty.25 Finally, in late March remain stricken with gang-related violence. Extortion practices utilized by
2014, Honduran officials captured “El Negro” Lobo, a drug-trafficker at gangs regularly paralyze the cities’ transportation system, as terrified bus
the top of the list for extradition to the United States.26 “El Negro” was and taxi drivers protest the violence they suffer by refusing to drive. In 2012
extradited to the United States in May, and was the first Honduran citizen alone, 84 taxi drivers were murdered.30 Preliminary talks exploring the
to be handed to U.S. authorities since Honduras changed its laws in recent possibility of a gang truce similar to that announced in El Salvador appear
years to allow the practice of extradition.27 U.S. Ambassador Lisa Kubiske to have had little effect in taming Honduras’ violence—and certainly has
applauded the government’s action, saying on her Twitter account that it not produced the dramatic decline in homicide rates seen early on in El
sends a clear signal to organized crime syndicates that Honduras does not Salvador’s gang truce.31 In part, this may be due to the more disparate and
belong to them.28 disperse nature of Honduras’ gangs, which are more numerous and less
Gangs centralized than El Salvador’s.32
Drug trafficking and organized crime—which President Juan Orlando Honduran violence has reached such unbearable levels that the United
Nations has specifically identified it as a growing cause of emigration,
“Fiscalía incauta tienda y hacienda de Chepe Handal,” La Prensa, 29
UNODC, Transnational Crime in Central America and the Caribbean, 29.
April 18, 2013, 30
Red de Seguridad y Defensa en América Latina, Índice de Seguridad Pública:
fiscal%C3%ADa-incauta-tienda-y-hacienda-de-chepe-handal. Centroamérica: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua,
Charles Parkinson, “$800 Mn Cachiros Seizure ‘End of Phase One’: Honduras Panamá, (Buenos Aires: RESDAL, 2013), 93,
Police,” Insight Crime, September 26, 2013, bro-seg-2013/honduras-indice-2013-esp.pdf.
news-briefs/$800m-cachiros-seizure-end-of-phase-one-honduras-police. 31
James Bargent, “Murders in Honduras Rising Despite Gang Truce,” Insight
“Allan casas de ‘Chepe’ Handal en SPS,” El Heraldo, April 18, 2013, Crime, August 5, 2013, duras-rising-despite-gang-truce. The gang “peace process,” which was announced
en-SPS. See also “OABI no encontró dinero en 70 cuentas,” El Heraldo, October in May 2013 from a prison in San Pedro Sula, was led by a Catholic priest, with
10, 2013, support from the Organization of American States. It is important to note that
csp?cid=583577&sid=299&fid=214. This article reports that the group’s bank a truce was not officially reached, but rather the announcement in Honduras
accounts were empty and many assets removed from those sites targeted by the allegedly marked the beginning of a “peace process” that would address the
operation. A U.S. official with knowledge on the matter asserted that not all of the country’s (and even the region’s) unbearable violence, according to the Washington
frozen accounts were empty. Email correspondence with U.S. official, July 1, 2014. Post. Unfortunately, since the May 2013 announcement, little visible progress has
Marguerite Cawley, “Honduras Arrests Drug Trafficker 1st in Line for occurred, and the government’s commitment to such efforts appears to be notably
Extradition,” Insight Crime, March 28, 2014, lower than that (previously) expressed by the El Salvadoran government. See Nick
news-briefs/honduras-arrests-drug-trafficker-1st-in-line-for-extradition. Miroff, “Honduran gangs offer peace from prison,” The Washington Post, July 25,
“Honduran accused drug trafficker extradited to U.S.,” Reuters, May 9, 2014, 2013, prison/2013/07/24/6f b3b8e6-dd1c-11e2-a484-7b7f 79cd66a1_story.html.
idUSBREA480C620140509. 32
James Bosworth, an analyst in the region, correctly notes this in his article “Can
“Crimen organizado está avisado: Honduras no les pertenece,” El Heraldo, Honduras Mirror El Salvador’s Successful Gang Truce?” The Christian Science Monitor,
May 9, 2014, May 29, 2013,
kubiske-al-crimen-organizado-honduras-no-les-pertenece. 2013/0529/Can-Honduras-mirror-El-Salvador-s-successful-gang-truce.

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asserting that many recent emigrants from Honduras have been motivated corruption that typifies the Honduran police. Internal police documents
by threats related to gangs (and other organized criminal activities).33 The obtained by the newspaper include the names of nearly 200 active police
recent child immigrant crisis in the United States further highlights the officers (many of them senior-level) involved in drug-trafficking and rob-
role this violence plays in displacing Hondurans and disrupting society.34 bery, among other activities.38 Civil society and human rights groups have
Alarmingly, while many Hondurans leave due to violence, deportations also denounced the corruption that characterizes the police, noting that
from the United States feed the ranks of gangs and other organized crimi- purges of police officials have focused on lower level officers and neglected
nal groups. In 2012 alone, 43.7 percent of the 32,500 Hondurans deported to investigate more senior officers and their assets.39
from the United States had criminal records.35 Fragile social conditions—
from unemployment to vast inequality—underlie this precarious situation, Security and Justice Institutions: New Reforms, Old Problems
putting youth and returning emigrants (especially those with criminal Reform Efforts with Few Results
records) alike at risk of joining Honduras’ violent gangs.36 Despite the problems with state security forces, the Honduran gov-
Violence Perpetrated by State Security Forces ernment has yet to take the problem of reform and the need for thor-
In addition, violence perpetrated by members of state security forces ough vetting seriously. In mid-December 2013, Minister of Security
continues to pose a serious problem, and corruption remains endemic Arturo Corrales announced the purging of 161 police officers from the
among the security and justice apparatus, especially among members of National Directorate for Criminal Investigation (DNIC, for its Spanish
the National Police. According to the National University’s (Universidad initials), lauding the action as an important step forward in strengthening
Nacional Autónoma de Honduras—UNAH) Violence Observatory, 149 the country’s corrupt and battered police force. Yet in subsequent days,
people were killed by Honduran police officers during 2011 and 2012, the Minister’s action became the focus of fierce criticism.40 Among those
although some have challenged these numbers as being inflated or in- purged were individuals vetted by the U.S. Embassy and recognized as
correctly calculated.37 In early 2014, El Heraldo, one of Honduras’ main clean, dedicated members of the police, officers who had received exten-
daily newspapers, published a series of articles highlighting the relentless sive foreign training, and others recognized by their peers as exceptionally
Centro Internacional para los Derechos Humanos de los Migrantes,
“Desplazamiento Forzado y Necesidades de Protección, generados por nuevas formas
de Violencia y Criminalidad en Centroamérica,” (unpublished paper drafted at the
request of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees, May 2012).
Frances Robles, “Fleeing Gangs, Children Head to U.S. Border,” The New York
Times, July 9, 2014, 38
“Honduras: La lista de policías vinculados a delitos es esaclofriante,” El Heraldo,
gangs-children-head-to-us-border.html?_r=0. February 5, 2014,
Clare Ribando Seelke, “Gangs in Central America,” Congressional Research Honduras-La-lista-de-policias-vinculados-a-delitos-es-escalofriante. See also
Service, February 20, 2014, 7. “Honduras: Redes de narcotráfico penetraron a altos oficiales,” El Heraldo,
Ibid, 5-7. February 5, 2014,
Instituto Universitario de Democracia, Paz y Seguridad, “Boletín Especial Honduras-Redes-del-narcotrafico-penetraron-a-altos-oficiales.
Edición No. 5: Criminalidad Policial,” December 2012, 39
Dagoberto Rodríguez, “Más de L57 millones van gastados en la fracasada depu-
Boletines/Especiales/BEP_Ed5.pdf. Some suggest that the numbers may be in- ración policial,” La Prensa, January 14, 2014,
flated because they rely heavily on questionable police statistics and media reports. lasultimas24/442674-97/mas-de-l57-millones-van-gastados-en-la-fracasada-
Further, they may fail to differentiate between legitimate uses of force and unsub- depuracion-policial.
stantiated killings by the police. While such concerns are legitimate, it is important 40
“Honduras: Polígrafo deja fuera a 161 de la DNIC,” El Heraldo, January
acknowledge that the report may also fail to account for unreported instances of po- 16, 2014,
lice violence, a factor also crucial to assessing this number’s veracity and reliability. Poligrafo-deja-fuera-a-161-agentes-de-la-DNIC.

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dedicated to their work.41 Despite their training and reputation, the officers Figure 3: Organigram of Honduran Ministry of Security

were fired without access to the labor protections police officers are entitled
to as public servants. The handling of their dismissal was so questionable
that even Ramón Sabillón, Director General of the National Police, ad-
mitted in an interview that good officers had been purged, and that it
was affecting the police’s investigative work.42 In contrast, a month after
this purge, 35 high-ranking police officers were “honorably discharged,”
despite the widespread suspicion among civil society groups, the media,
and others that many of these officers were closely tied to criminal bands
known to be operating in the police.43
Such is the nature of Honduras’ nascent and hesitant security sector
reform. Institutional weakness is rife and corruption remains rampant
and without consequence. And yet, security sector reform has remained
a central public issue in Honduras since late 2011 when the death of the
son of Julieta Castellanos (Rector of Honduras’ National Autonomous
University—UNAH in Spanish) at the hands of police officers, and the
assassination of Alfredo Landaverde, a high-ranking public official working
on security issues, shocked the country. Despite the outrage these tragedies Source: Created based on Honduran Ministry of Security, “Republica de Honduras.
provoked, efforts to enact change since then remain uncoordinated and Organigrama de Secretaria de Securidad,” n.d.,
often isolated from one another, marked by limited successes and misplaced ganigrama.jpg, with additional information provided by Honduran officials in conversation
with the author and Honduran Embassy officials in conversation with Eric Olson, July 2014.
Media and public clamor has resulted in little meaningful action to
address corruption. In April 2013, hearings in the National Congress and
civil society pressure revealed that the use of polygraph tests, drug tests, and
financial background investigations by the Directorate for the Investigation
and Evaluation of the Police Career (DIECP) had led to the firing of only
seven officers since the Directorate’s creation in late 2011—and of these
seven, some were allowed to once again join the police after being fired.44
The U.S. Department of State noted a similar lack of progress, stating that
German H. Reyes, “Oficiales de policía aseguran que las autoridades quieren 407 of 687 abuse or corruption reports received by the Directorate in 2012
desaperecer la DNIC,” Revistazo, March 26, 2014, remained “in investigation” as of July 30, 2013.45 As noted above, various
index.php/nacional/item/844-oficiales-de-polic%C3%ADa-aseguran-que-las-au- sectors have questioned recent efforts to purge Honduras’ police, arguing
Interview with Director General (Honduras’ national police chief ) Ramón 44
Human Rights Watch, “World Report 2014: Honduras,”
Sabillón, May 5, 2014. world-report/2014/country-chapters/honduras?page=1.
See January 29, 2014 press release from the Alianza por la Paz y la Justicia: 45
U.S. Department of State, “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013: Honduras,” 2013,
category/4-comunicados#. index.htm?year=2013&dlid=220453.

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that the Ministry of Security’s efforts lack transparency and fail to punish lowering homicide rate in its target neighborhood also demonstrate the
police officers genuinely involved in crime.46 possibility of transforming a weak and corrupt Honduran police, and pro-
The toxic mix of violence, corruption, impunity, and organized crime vide an important possible template for reform at the national level.49
suggests that Honduran authorities continue to face grave internal and Despite these programs, Honduras’ police force arguably remains the
external challenges. Unfortunately, Honduras’ ability to respond to these worst in the region. Corruption among high-level officers and police vi-
challenges remains weak and fragmented, despite isolated instances of olence against civilians comes as little surprise given the institution’s lack
improvement in all three security and justice sector institutions: the police, of staff, training, and the resources it needs to undertake its work. At 142
the public prosecutor’s office, and the judiciary. police officers per 100,000 inhabitants, the per capita police ratio is the
The Police (and Military) region’s lowest (despite the highest rates of violence), and far below the
Following congressional hearings in April 2013, Minister of Security regional average of 268 per 100,000.50 Most police officers make less than
Pompeyo Bonilla was fired in what was widely understood to be a response $500 a month, working often grueling shifts with uniforms and bullets
to his poor performance and inability to promote reform and address purchased out of their own salary, making the allure of bribes or other
corruption. He was replaced by Arturo Corrales, the Foreign Minister at money-making schemes tantalizing.51 In interviews done for this paper, one
the time.47 Corrales launched a series of new initiatives, taking an unprec- U.S. official repeatedly lamented the Honduran government’s tendency to
edented census that confirmed the police force was comprised of about fund new security forces such as the Military Police rather than invest in
13,000 officers (the exact number was previously unknown even to the the underfunded existing police force.52
force’s leadership). The Ministry of Security also supplied patrol cars with Significantly, under-investment in civilian police reform cannot be
new GPS units, created a new Operations Center to monitor and coordi- explained away simply as a result of the Honduran state’s dire financial
nate police movements, and opened an emergency call center using the 911 situation, or the President Hernandez’s commitment to trimming the cen-
number. Further, it launched a crime database center, known as the Online tral government’s size and budget. The state spends heavily on security
Police Statistic System (Sistema de Estadistica Policial en Linea, or SEPOL) and has large sources of funding available through multilateral organiza-
that publicizes Honduran crime data down to the barrio (neighborhood) tions such as the Inter-American Development Bank. Instead, the govern-
level, and has launched some 30 municipal-level violence observatories ment has channeled many resources towards its new National Directorate
to monitor homicide statistics.48 Such reforms suggest possible progress for Intelligence and Investigation (Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia e
towards creating a more professional and responsive police force. Other
isolated initiatives, such as local community policing projects and a joint 49
Mark Ungar, “Community Policing in Honduras: Local Impacts of a National
civil society and police/prosecutor project that has aided in dramatically Programme,” Policing and Society 22.1 (2012): 31-34. See also Nicholas Phillips, “In
Honduras, Going From Door to Door to Prosecutors,” The New York Times, March
4, 2014, sec. A9.
Press release from the Alianza por la Paz y la Justicia, January 29, 2014, http:// 50
Average calculated by the author based on statistics provided by the OAS Security Observatory for Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa
category/4-comunicados#. Rica, and Panama, using data from the “Organization of American States
“Informe de la Comisión Especial de Seguridad del Congreso Nacional,” Hemispheric Security Observatory,” available at
(unpublished government document, April 15, 2013). See also “En 30 días estarán torio/database/countries.aspx?lang=en.
creados nuevos observatorios,” La Tribuna, April 23, 2014, 51
Red de Seguridad y Defensa en América Latina, 99..
hn/movil/2014/04/23/en-30-dias-estaran-creados-nuevos-observatorios/. 52
Interviews with U.S. official, February 14 and 26, 2014. The official made clear
Arturo Corrales, “Primer 100 días,” presentation to government officials, civil the United States provides no support to this military police unit. Director General
society members, and international representatives, August 12, 2013. For informa- Ramón Sabillón also made clear in a May 5, 2014 interview that a primary diffi-
tion about SEPOL, see culty for the police was the lack of resources needed to undertake its work.

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Investigación, DNII) and the Military Police (Policía Militar del Orden characterized by poor coordination and chronic weakness.56 Notably,
Público, PMOP).53 Honduran and U.S. officials alike cited this proliferation of parallel inves-
Nevertheless, the Hernández government introduced a plan to civil tigative and inter-institutional units as a major problem that divides and
society working groups that includes many police reform elements and disperses law enforcement efforts.57
commitments to continue initiatives designed to strengthen the institution, Further, large chunks of the state’s discretionary security budget, which
such as the purchase of technological tools, extensive purging, and reforms comes from a new tax that is derived primarily from financial transactions
to the Ministry of Security’s structure, among others.54 It remains to be and for which there is no reliable oversight mechanism, has been desig-
seen whether the government will comprehensively implement this plan. nated for equipment purchases for the new military police. It has also been
For the most part, it appears that the new security entities created by the used to expand Honduras’ military by an additional 1,000 soldiers, despite
government continue to receive exceptional attention, even while they the fact that the police force lacks the basic equipment and personnel it
may confuse the roles of the police and military, redirect resources away needs.58 Additional purchases from this discretionary security fund include
from a police force that requires serious reform, and in the worst of cases, expensive military-grade radars obtained, for around $30 million, to detect
represent a misguided approach to combating crime that threatens to vio- incoming drug flights from Colombia and Venezuela, despite the fact that
late human rights and replace long-term stability with short-term gain.55 the U.S. Southern Command has offered assistance in this area for years.59
Additionally, the DNII, the PMOP, and a new investigative unit within Soon after the acquisition of these radars, the Honduran Congress ad-
the Public Ministry (or Public Prosecutor’s Office) all have a mandate opted a new law in early 2014, essentially allowing the Honduran military
to conduct criminal investigation, further splintering a process already to bring down unknown planes in Honduran airspace using whatever
means necessary, including shooting down unresponsive planes.60 This,

These investment practices have led some to argue that the Hernández govern-
ment wants to dismantle the current investigative police body (and perhaps even
See “Decreto No. 168-201: Ley de Policía Militar del Orden Público.” See also
the entire civilian police force) and replace it with alternative bodies, like the new “Decreto 211-2012: Ley de Inteligencia Nacional.” See also “Con más de 50 agentes
military police. See German H. Reyes, “Oficiales de policía aseguran que las autori- iniciará la Agencia de Investigación del MP,” El Heraldo, January 21, 2014,
dades quieren desaperecer la DNIC.”ás-de-50-agentes-iniciará-la-
“El Plan de Todos para una Vida Mejor: Pacto por Honduras,” Mesa #1: agencia-de-investigación-del-mp.
Recuperar la Paz y la Seguridad de las Familias Hondureñas (unpublished govern-
Interview with U.S. official, February 14, 2014 and interview with Public
ment document, February 2014.) Ministry official, April 25, 2014.
Ample evidence exists that the government has not yet taken seriously the need
“Nuevos operadores de seguridad absorben 138 millones de lempiras,” El
for reform of the civilian police force. The creation of parallel (often military) Heraldo, September 20, 2013,
entities has diverted resources from fixing a broken and under resourced institution. Economia/Nuevos-operadores-de-seguridad-absorben-138-millones-de-lempiras.
For example, while new vehicles transport the country’s Military Police, a recent 59
“Radares estarán listos en primer semestre de 2014,” El Heraldo, January 2, 2014,
report published by the Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa described the
situation in the province of Comayagua, where six investigators have one vehicle en-primer-trimestre-de-2014. U.S. aid in this area was suspended for a time in 2012
between them to cover a province in which 400 homicides occurred between 2010 following an incident involving U.S. anti-drug agents, Honduran security forces,
and 2012. Unsurprisingly, the investigators completed only nine percent of inves- and civilians in the Mosquitia in May of 2012 and an additional incident involving
tigations during these years. A second example comes from the way police reforms the shooting down of a suspected drug flight, perhaps prompting the government to
proposed by the Public Security Reform Commission, which sought to improve pursue its own source to detect incoming flights.
the institution’s focus on the local community, were completely ignored. Finally, 60
The passage of this law prompted the United States to stop providing radar infor-
the purging example described above, in which good police officers were fired mation to Honduras regarding suspicious planes. “Honduras instala radar y EEUU
while corrupt ones walked free with benefits, sends completely the wrong message deja de dar datos sobre trazas de aviones,” El Heraldo, March 31, 2014,
to the civilian police about what is expected from police officers.

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along with the 28 remote landing strips destroyed by the Honduran mil- been supporting “Operation Francisco Morazán,” an effort announced by
itary in 2013, signals that the Honduran government is placing an excep- President Hernández during his January 2014 inauguration. The operation
tional, and perhaps misplaced emphasis, on detaining drug flows using has focused on entering dangerous neighborhoods of the country’s largest
aviation routes.61 For example, recent shifts in drug trafficking methods cities in the hopes of dismantling criminal bands.65
emphasize shorter low altitude flights from Nicaragua across the border Thus, despite isolated instances of progress, the evidence continues to sug-
into Honduras, meaning that the radar equipment may neither detect nor gest that Honduras’ civilian police remain chronically weak. Although the
deter flights from landing in the country’s ungoverned wilderness.62 Honduran government has not abandoned its police force outright, it does
Finally, the increased use of the military to perform police functions not appear to be investing the resources needed to ensure the force’s trans-
threatens the long-term transformation of Honduras’ police, as well as its formation, preferring instead to strengthen new institutions that are publicly
present ability to combat crime. Worryingly, the original 1,000 members popular, like the Military Police, or to invest in technology that a poorly
of the PMOP in August 2013 received only one month of specialized train- trained and under-educated police force may struggle to effectively utilize.
ing beyond their basic military training before being deployed. While an The Public Ministry
additional 1,000 members added in May 2014 received up to four months Honduras’ Public Ministry faces institutional challenges similar to those
of training, questions remain about the adequacy of the curriculum and at of its crime fighting partner, the National Police. The institution suffers
whether the time spent in training is adequate.63 This cursory training from weakness in both resources and capacity, and has not undergone
leaves PMOP members ill-prepared to undertake the criminal investiga- the profound reform needed to create a more professional, capable in-
tions that already present serious problems for the country’s police, and by stitution with the ability to address Honduras’ overwhelming violence
dividing investigative functions across organizations the introduction of the and organized crime. This crisis came to a head in mid-2013 when the
PMOP has further weakened the police’s capacity to effectively undertake Public Minister (roughly equivalent to an attorney general) resigned fol-
and collaborate on investigations.64 To date, the PMOP’s primary task has lowing immense pressure from civil society groups and others in response
to a lengthy expert evaluation revealing the institution’s weaknesses.66
“Informe de Logros- Ano 2013,” Secretaría de Defensa Nacional. Minister of The National Congress installed an Intervention Commission (Comisión
Security Arturo Corrales explained these efforts as part of a larger push to create a
Interventora) in the Public Ministry to oversee the institution, and in
“shield” against drugs entering by air, land, and sea, but the evidence suggests that
the government is placing exceptional emphasis on stopping drug flights. Interview late August 2013 Congress elected a new Attorney General and Deputy
with Minister of Security Arturo Corrales, April 29, 2014. The questionable nature Attorney General. The National Human Rights Commissioner Ramón
of this emphasis is best understood by remembering that U.S. officials estimate that Custodio, UNAH Rector Julieta Castellanos, and civil society groups
80-90 percent of drugs enter via the sea (not to mention land routes via Nicaragua). heavily criticized the election process for its lack of transparency after
“El narcotrafico cambia su ruta para introduce drogas a Honduras.” El Heraldo,
political interests, rather than merit, appeared to play a determinative role
7 April 2013,
El-narcotrafico-cambia-su-ruta-para-introducir-drogas-a-Honduras. in the election process. Despite this rough beginning, the arrival of new
=See “1,000 agentes más a la Policía Militar,” El Heraldo, May 6, 2014, http:// leaders at the helm of the Public Ministry has led to a number of importantás-a-la-polic%C3%ADa-mil-
itar. By the end of 2014, the Honduran government hopes to have 5,000 military 65
See Karla Zabludovsky, “Who’s Fighting your Drug Wars,” Newsweek, February
police members. See also Charles Parkinson, “Honduras duplicará la presencia de la 28, 2014, 7-22.
Policía Militar en San Pedro Sula,” Insight Crime, March 27, 2014, 66
“Evaluación del Ministerio Público de la Republica de Honduras,” (unpub- lished document, January 2013). Three experts contracted by the U.S. Embassy—a
“Honduras: Selecto grupo de soldados ya se entrena como policías,” El Heraldo, Mexican, an El Salvadoran, and a Costa Rican—undertook this institutional
September 6, 2013, evaluation to identify weaknesses and offer recommendations to improve the Public
Honduras-Selecto-grupo-de-soldados-ya-se-entrena-como-policias. Ministry.

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initial gestures and actions that appear to steer the institution in the right of symbolic importance.71
direction, while other problems continue to go unaddressed. Yet, Honduras’ government and the Public Ministry’s leadership must
In particular, recent actions by the Ministry’s new leaders to hire addi- deal with an institution plagued by many longstanding problems. Chief
tional prosecutors, to create a special unit for investigating and prosecuting among these is the weakness in criminal investigation capacity. An anal-
crimes in the Bajo Aguan region, and to prosecute emblematic cases stand ysis conducted by regional experts in early 2013 revealed that the Public
out as important initiatives.67 Honduras’ low prosecutor-to-inhabitant rate Ministry’s role in directing and overseeing criminal investigations requires
of 6.4 per 100,000 (neighboring El Salvador has 13.4 and Costa Rica has serious strengthening. The fact that the police only complete around 20
10.2) poses similar personnel problems to those faced by overburdened po- percent of investigations in cases where the Public Ministry requests an
lice in responding to the country’s elevated levels of violence and organized investigative report underscores the depth of the problem.72 Security for
crime.68 Thus, the recent addition of 21 prosecutors (due to a considerable prosecutors represents another major challenge for those working on sen-
budget increase) and the intention to hire more represents an important sitive cases, as demonstrated by numerous murders over last year of pros-
basic step in strengthening the Public Ministry.69 The creation of a Bajo ecutors.73 Other problems include the lack of witness protection, training
Aguan unit—that has at least a two-year mandate—also represents a pos- for prosecutors, a shortage of material resources (such as vehicles), and
itive step towards resolving Honduras’ most divisive social conflict and weakness in attorney supervision and discipline for inappropriate or crim-
one that stands for the seriousness of Honduras’ human rights situation.70 inal behavior.74 Finally, excessive caseloads represent another debilitating
Finally, the recent convictions of Alfredo Landaverde’s assassin and the burden; for example, in 2012, the Office of the Special Prosecutor for
police officers who murdered Julieta Castellanos’ son demonstrate that Human Rights was responsible for 7,000 cases, while the office was only
the institution can successfully prosecute crimes—even in sensitive cases
See “Senencia de 66 años de reclusión para asesinos de hijo de la rec-
tora,” La Tribuna, December 9, 2013,
tora/. See also “Condenado a 22 años, asesino de Alfredo Landaverde,”
La Tribuna, January 10, 2014,
The Bajo Aguan region is home to some of Honduras’ most serious human 72
Case statistics from “Evaluación del Ministerio Público de la Republica de
rights abuses and social conflict, due to a dispute between a large corporation and Honduras,” 9. The Public Ministry requests investigations from the police in nearly
local residents. A report from Human Rights Watch underscored the government’s 77 percent of cases that are reported to it, according to statistics provided in the
failure to address this situation, demonstrating that extremely few cases have been report from 2008-2012.
investigated, much less prosecuted. According to an April 23, 2014 interview with 73
Marguerite Cawley, “Honduras’ Top Anti-Money Laundering Prosecutor
a senior Public Ministry official, the U.S. government offered to provide financial Murdered,” Insight Crime, April 19, 2013,
support to this new Bajo Aguan unit, but due to the Public Ministry’s desire to briefs/honduras-top-anti-money-laundering-prosecutor-murdered. See also,
quickly launch the unit, it was not able to do so. Elyssa Pachico, “Honduran Prosecutors ‘Killed by Barrio 18 Gang,’” Insight Crime,
Asociación Interamericana de Defensoría Públicas, “Diagnóstico de la October 14, 2014,
Defensoría Publica en América,” 2012. Rates were calculated by the author based tors-reportedly-killed-by-barrio-18. The seriousness of this situation is underscored
on the population and prosecutor numbers provided in the report. by the fact the Attorney General at the time, Luis Rubi, had assigned armored
“Ministerio Público cuenta con 21 nuevos fiscales,” El Heraldo, January 21, 2014, vehicles to his “protocol chief,” while high-level prosecutors working on sensitive such as the organized crime prosecutor mentioned here used personal vehicles for
con-21-nuevos-fiscales. transport.
“Equipo investigará crímenes en el Aguán,” El Heraldo, February 27, 2014, 74
“Evaluación del Ministerio Público de la Republica de Honduras.” The Public Ministry sends reports of crime to the police, which are then charged with return-
crimenes-en-el-Aguan. ing it with an investigation that the prosecutors can use to pursue the case.

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assigned 16 prosecutors: this works out to be 437 cases per prosecutor.75 As with the police and Public Ministry, the institution requires serious
Simply put, much work awaits Honduras’ Public Ministry if it hopes to reform that will allow Hondurans to more easily access judicial services
address the country’s staggering security problems. and help improve the discharge of justice. These needs were noted in recent
The Judiciary justice and security sector policy plans created with help from the United
In December 2012, four members of the Constitutional Chamber of Nations Development Program and the European Union.80
the Honduran Supreme Court of Justice were dismissed by the National Other Institutions
Congress following a controversial decision related to the use of polygraph In early 2012, the National Congress created a promising Public
tests for police vetting.76 Judged unconstitutional by many legal schol- Security Reform Commission to diagnose, define, and lead the security
ars, some have expressed concern that the dismissals were an attempt by sector reform process and certify the vetting process for civilian police.
National Party leaders to “exert control over the Supreme Court,” raising Nevertheless, the same Congress that created the Commission also dis-
serious concerns about the possible political manipulations of the judiciary, solved it in January 2014 after the government failed to consider the legal
its polarization, and its independence as a branch of government.77 reforms the Commission proposed and drafted.81 The Commission’s failure
More recently, the Honduran judiciary launched an expansive effort to led to widespread criticism of the Commission’s work and suggests that
remove members and personnel accused of releasing drug-traffickers and security and justice reform in Honduras is politically divisive, conflictive,
other criminals from jail.78 Unfortunately, the effort has been characterized unorganized, and ultimately extraordinarily difficult. It is not yet clear that
by a lack of transparency, bringing into question its motives and veracity.79 the Hernández government will be able to move beyond these difficulties
to address the country’s chronic problems.
Kaitlin Owen, Honduras: Journalism in the Shadow of Impunity, eds. Carmen
Cheung et al., (Toronto: Pen International, 2014), 37.
James Bosworth, “Honduran lawmakers fire four Supreme Court
judges,” The Christian Science Monitor, December 12, 2012, Honduras’ justice and security institutions show some nascent signs of progress due to actions pushed by their leaders and successful, isolated
Honduran-lawmakers-fire-four-Supreme-Court-judges. projects that appear to have lowered levels of crime and changed the way
Peter J. Meyer, “Honduras-U.S. Relations,” Congressional Research Service, individuals, such as the police, do their work. Despite this, serious problems
February 5, 2013. Additionally, it should be noted that President Hernández was
President of Honduras’ unicameral legislature when the Justices were dismissed.
persist. Homicide levels remain alarmingly high, even if lower than in the
“Consejo suspende a dos jueces más,” El Heraldo, February past, and organized crime continues to operate with seeming impunity
26, 2014, across the country’s northern corridor. Gangs terrorize urban populations,
Consejo-suspende-a-dos-jueces-mas. and the state’s own security forces have yet to rid themselves of corruption
In a series of meetings to which the author was privy for reasons unrelated to
this paper, actual and former judges complained that the current process of firing
judges was based on shaky legal reasoning, that the motives for many firings 80
Honduras’ Politica de Seguridad Ciudadana y de Convivencia Social, written in
were unclear, and that the labor rights of judges were not being respected. This conjunction with experts from the United Nation Development Program, is a good
is underscored by the manner in which the body leading this purge has acted: example of one such document.
press conferences or interviews with the press are given announcing the num- 81
“Desaparece Comisión de Reforma a la Seguridad Pública,” El Heraldo, January
ber of judges fired, but the justifications for the firings are rarely made pub- 20, 2014,
lic. Finally, the independence of this body authorizing and overseeing these Comision-de-Reforma-a-la-Seguridad-Publica. It is important to note that the
firings is seriously questioned, due to the manner in which its members were Commission’s mandate included not only police reform, but also the ability to
elected. For example, see “Consejo de la Judicatura aún no informa suspensión draft reforms for the Public Ministry and the Judiciary. Civil society groups also
a jueces,” El Tiempo, December 11, 2013, criticized the Commission for failing to mount an effective campaign to press the
consejo-de-la-judicatura-aun-no-informa-suspension-a-jueces. Congress to consider its proposed reforms.

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and abuse. Further, the advent of the Military Police confuses the roles of provide a complex picture of the problems that U.S. CARSI assistance
the police and the military in a dangerous way, while criminal investigation seeks to address in Honduras.84 Broadly speaking, they identify three pri-
has become increasingly dispersed between different agencies. Institutions mary problems whose solutions include a wide variety of CARSI-backed
remain weak, and once again, poor criminal investigation suggests that programs: drug trafficking/organized crime, weak institutions—especially
coordination is a chronic problem. Finally, despite the existence of poli- in terms of low capacity to investigate and prosecute crimes—and finally,
cies and plans drafted with the help of international donors, reform efforts socials ills that exacerbate and undergird Honduran crime and violence.
lack the necessary investment by the Honduran government, thus further Drug trafficking represents one of the most serious problems identified
worsening coordination. President Hernández seeks to improve this via by the United States, and is an overriding and primary concern for the
his “Pact for Honduras,” a master plan drafted with the input of civil so- CARSI aid received in Honduras. The 2009-2013 CAS cites Honduras’
ciety, the private sector, and others, but its adoption and long-term effects location at the heart of Central America as a reason for its abundant drug
remain to be seen. trafficking and other associated crimes, such as money laundering. The
strategy document makes clear that these illegal activities in turn help to
U.S. CARSI Strategy in Honduras produce the country’s high levels of violence. Complicating this situation
is the fact that resource shortages, a porous border, and a lack of control
The extreme violence in Honduras and government actions target- over the country’s remote northeastern region further encourage the use
ing crime and drug trafficking fill, if not dominate, the country’s daily of Honduras as a landing point for South American cocaine shipments.85
newspapers and televised news cycles. Inevitably, these dynamics have According to the CAS, the violence from these criminal activities “fuels
also commanded the attention of foreign governments and institutions— illegal immigration and threatens regional stability and U.S. national secu-
especially the United States. As a result, U.S. aid to Honduras, including rity interests.”86 This emphasis on drug trafficking and its effects as a major
CARSI funding, is in large part oriented towards dealing with the security problem remains a guiding feature of U.S. CARSI policy in Honduras
challenges outlined above. five years later. One U.S. official noted that the top U.S. priorities in the
The last five-year Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) for Honduras was country were drug-related investigations, cocaine interdiction, and the in-
launched in 2009, and outlined planned U.S. activities through 2013.82 vestigation of homicides, highlighting the important focus drugs continue
Much of these centered on security-related matters, and they appear to to play in determining U.S. policy.87
have remained generally consistent despite the country’s 2009 coup. At Weak institutions and limited capacity to address crime stand out as
the time of this writing, the next five-year strategy is still being drafted a second major problem area identified by both strategy documents and
and had not yet been publicly released.83 U.S. officials. Chief among the causes of weak institutions is corruption.
A recent paper by the Inter-American Dialogue noted that the problem of
The U.S. and the Public Security Context
Interviews with U.S. officials and a review of the 2009-2013 CAS
CAS documents are created by USAID in coordination with other relevant
USAID, “Honduras Country Assistance Strategy: Fiscal Years 2009-2013.” The
agencies, and include all U.S. government foreign assistance programs and resources strategy document refers to the “Mérida Initiative” in relation to security issues,
provided to the country in question, with the goal of creating a longer-term plan given that it was drafted while the CARSI program was still known by this name.
against which annual operations can be compared. Honduras was a pilot country for 85
These problems are also reiterated in Peter J. Meyer and Clare Ribando Seelke,
the CAS project. United States Agency for International Development (USAID), “Central America Regional Security Initiative: Background and Policy Issue for
“Country-Specific Foreign Assistance Strategies,” Congress,” Congressional Research Service, May 7, 2013.
Pcaab761.pdf. 86
Ibid, 8.
Author requests to view the draft were denied. 87
Interview with U.S. official, February 14, 2014.

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widespread corruption increasingly concerns U.S. officials.88 Interviews

Table 1: CARSI Institutional Reform and Institutional Strengthening Projects in Honduras
in Honduras suggested a slightly more favorable view of the Honduran
Other Law
Police Force: some U.S. officials stationed in the country acknowledged
the need for purging corrupt officers, but did not emphasize corruption Police Fiscalia/PM Judiciary Prisons
as a primary cause of weakness.89 Despite this, the fact that many, if not Prevention
all, U.S.-vetted police units in Honduras remain isolated from the rest of • Support for • Regional legal • Anti-gang- • Management • Strengthen
Honduran adviser to en- focused capac- local and
the police suggests that U.S. officials may fear the leaking of information
National Police hance prosecu- ity building national
compiled in criminal investigations due to corruption.90 Financial torial capacity • Increase violence
Beyond the risks of criminal infiltration, the 2009-2013 CAS and the Crimes Task of Trafficking collaboration observatories
author’s interviews with U.S. officials did identify a variety of other insti- Force and the in Persons with the police
Violent Crimes investigations and the Public
tutional and capacity-related weaknesses that undermine Honduras’ ability Task Force • Assist with Ministry
to address crime and violence. The CAS addresses institutional weakness in • Courses on justice reform
broad terms, pointing to poor training and a lack of equipment as serious Human Rights strategy
and on basic • Advance
problems.91 Interviews suggested additional problems, such as confusion and advanced professional
caused by overlapping mandates for criminal investigations in at least four investigation at responsibility
different law enforcement institutions, low education levels among police, the Honduran policies and
Criminal procedures
a lack of basic equipment (such as police uniforms), minimal long-term
Investigative • Support
institutional planning capacity, and a simple (but drastic) shortage of per- School cross-or-
sonnel in the police force.92 • Support po- ganization
lice-reform laws collaboration
• Improve
National Police
internal affairs
and support
establishment of
Division as well
as Intelligence,
Recovery, and
Monitoring and
Hector Silva Avalos, “The United States and Central America’s Northern Tier: Evaluation Units
The Ongoing Disconnect,” Inter-American Dialogue Central America Security • Model Police
Working Paper, March 2014, 14. Precinct
Interviews with U.S. officials, February-March 2014.
Sources: U.S. Department of State, “FY 2008 Supplemental Appropriations Spending Plan:
Vetted units and their role in CARSI’s strategy in Honduras are discussed in Mexico, Central America, Haiti and the Dominican Republic,” n.d.; U.S. Department
more detail below. of State, “FY 2009 Appropriations Spending Plan: Mexico, Central America, Haiti and
USAID, “Honduras Country Assistance Strategy,” 7. the Dominican Republic,” n.d.; U.S. Department of State, “FY 2010 Appropriations
Interviews with U.S. officials, February-April 2014. Spending Plan: Central America—Central America Regional Security Initiative,” n.d.;

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U.S. Department of State, “Congressional Notification Transmittal Sheet,” August 11, this three-pronged approach is not explicitly stated in the 2009-2013 CAS,
2011; U.S. Department of State, “Fiscal Year 2012 Congressional Spending Plan: Central
America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI),” n.d.; U.S. Department of State, “FY 2013
at least one document summarizing Honduran CARSI aid and one U.S.
Spend Plan—Central America Regional Security Initiative,” September 10, 2013; and U.S. official defined the strategy in this way, and it accurately reflects the various
Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, “CARSI INL aspects of CARSI implementation in Honduras.97
Supported Projects Outline,” April 16, 2014.
The law enforcement pillar of U.S. CARSI strategy in Honduras con-
Finally, the Country Assistance Strategy (which is not limited to secu- tains two components that often overlap, yet represent distinct elements
rity issues) and U.S. officials noted a number of other basic problems that of the strategy: drug interdiction and vetted law enforcement units.98
guide U.S. policy in Honduras. Low trust in public security institutions Although the aggregation of CARSI budget reporting makes it difficult
and a lack of accountability and rule of law feature prominently among to determine the specific funding amounts for these items, it is reasonable
those problems acknowledged in relation to security and justice sector to assume they are at the core of CARSI’s Honduras strategy, given the
institutions.93 weight placed on these issues in the CAS and in interviews with U.S. of-
Gangs also present a significant challenge for the country’s security, ficials. Such attention is also expected given the perception among some
controlling many urban areas and serving as the “foot soldiers of the drug that CARSI is merely “the sum of already existing bilateral programs…
trade.” 94 Their control of neighborhoods leaves youth in many barrios masterminded mainly from the law enforcement perspective and focused
with the choice of staying indoors or joining the gangs right outside their heavily on drug interdiction, repression of youth gangs, counter-narcotics
doors (a problem cited by officials).95 Gangs, in addition to other organized intelligence sharing, and the strengthening of military, naval, and air force
criminal activities, represent a major component of the country’s violence equipment.”99
problems, and thus efforts to target their existence and operations feature This reality seems to hold especially true in Honduras, where not only
prominently in the strategy. federal agencies such as the FBI, DEA, and the Department of Homeland
The complex problems identified by the 2009-2013 CAS lead to the Security have vetted units (not unlike in other high-crime, high-violence
important conclusion at the document’s end that “Peace and Security and countries), but where the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement
the need for the GOH…to address problems such as drug and weapons Affairs (INL) section of the embassy also oversees a number of task forces
trafficking, decreasing gang activities, and improving the Honduran police (similar to, but distinct from vetted units) to investigate and prosecute
is the number one priority.”96 Five years later, this “number one” priority crimes.100 These units primarily respond to the problems of violence and
continues to define and guide U.S. identification of problems and policy drugs by investigating and prosecuting crimes and thereby contribute to
in Honduras, given the ongoing gravity of the country’s problems. lower levels of crime and the reduction of impunity. They are generally
comprised of prosecutors and vetted police officers, as well as U.S. and
The Three Pillars of CARSI-Honduras: Law Enforcement, Capacity- 97
Author interview with U.S. official, February 14, 2014. See also U.S. Department
building, and Prevention of State, “The Future of CARSI in Honduras,” March 12, 2012,
In order to combat crime and violence, reduce drug trafficking, and gov/libraries/honduras/23248/pol/carsifuturehn_eng.pdf. These three areas are also
strengthen institutions, the United States employs a strategy with three identified in Peter J. Meyer and Clare Ribando Seelke, “Central America Regional
main pillars that seeks to address these problems at various levels. While Security Initiative: Background and Policy Issue for Congress,” May 7, 2013.
A vetted unit is a law enforcement body whose members have been investigated
by U.S. authorities for ties to corruption or human rights abuses, have been the
USAID, “Honduras Country Assistance Strategy,” 4-5. recipient of a U.S.-applied polygraph task, and work with the aid of U.S. law en-
Ibid, 7. forcement advisers.
Interviews with U.S. officials, March-April 2014. 99
Hector Silva Avalos, “The United States and Central America’s Northern Tier,” 12.
USAID, “Honduras Country Assistance Strategy,” 38. 100
According to a U.S. official, this is a mandate that is unique to INL in Honduras.

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other foreign advisers (mainly Colombians) who help to guide the process Honduras refers to a Joint Maritime Vetted Unit that was the recipient of 20
of investigation and prosecution. Vetted units also receive material sup- refurbished go-fast boats, as well as other equipment, as a part of narcotics
port to ensure their capacity to resolve cases. In Honduras, a number of interdiction efforts. It also points to the training of 100 border agents as an
different vetted units and/or task forces are currently in operation under important step in improving the ability to intercept drugs in Honduras.104
the supervision of the following agencies: Other operations, such as the aforementioned operations against Chepe
• FBI Handal, the Cachiros, and the “Negro” Lobo (operations supported by
• Drug Enforcement Agency U.S. vetted units) also reveal the preeminent role drug-related issues play
• Department of Homeland Security/ICE in CARSI-Honduras strategy.105
• Customs and Border Protection Capacity building of Honduran law enforcement institutions is the sec-
• State Department Bureau for International Narcotics and Law ond major pillar of CARSI strategy in Honduras. One important element
Enforcement Affairs Violent Crimes Task Force (formerly Special of this strategy is the use of vetted units. In theory these units serve to
Victims Task Force) professionalize a select group of Honduran officers who receive specialized
–– Financial Crimes Task Force (with support from the Office of training and thereby can demonstrate their ability to undertake sensitive
Technical Assistance of the U.S. Treasury Department) operations effectively. Additionally, it is believed that the carefully selected
–– National Anti-Gang Unit101 and specially trained members of the vetted unit will have a positive in-
fluence on their institutions when they leave they return to their normal
These units respond to various criminal activities in Honduras, though duties. But some question whether vetted units contribute to institutional
the emphasis tends to be on high impact crimes or organized criminal strengthening as a whole.106 There is no documented empirical evidence
activity. Although the long-term goal is a “feeder-system” in which vet- that would support the contention that Honduran members of U.S. vetted
ted units in turn build institutional capacity, personnel turnover in these units have returned to their original law enforcement agencies to have an
vetted units is very low.102 impact on the institutions’ professionalism and functioning.107 Further,
Another major aspect of law enforcement activities in Honduras is beyond this “positive influence” ideal, it is not clear what the actual strat-
the specific focus on drug interdiction. While some of this aid comes egy is to use vetted units as a means to larger institutional reform. Neither
through non-CARSI sources such as support given through U.S. Southern U.S. nor Honduran officials appeared to be clear on what this “institutional
Command, vetted units and equipment are important CARSI contri- reform” strategy aspect of vetted units is or how it is to be brought about,
butions.103 A 2012 document detailing some of CARSI’s initiatives in further bringing into question whether such impact actually exists.
U.S. Department of State Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Beyond the vetted units, training programs and the presence of
Enforcement Affairs, “CARSI INL Supported Projects Outline,” April 16, 2014, Colombian and other foreign security advisers are additional elements in-
(unpublished document obtained from INL for this paper). Also confirmed in inter- tended to address the problems of institutional weakness and low capacity
views with a U.S. official, February 14 and 26, 2014.
Interviews with U.S. official and Honduran police officials, February-March 2014.
Among other things, U.S. Southern Command has provided support in interdict-
ing drugs via the U.S. airbase at Soto Cano, in outlining drug-flight patterns for the
U.S. Department of State, “The Future of CARSI in Honduras.”
Honduran government, and in strengthening maritime interdiction efforts through
Parkinson, “$800 Mn Cachiros Seizure ‘End of Phase One’: Honduras Police.”
the presence of destroyers in the region. For more, see Thom Shanker, “Lessons of 106
Interviews with former Honduran police officials, February 20 and March 27, 2014.
Iraq Help U.S. Fight a Drug War in Honduras,” The New York Times, May 5, 2012, 107
Specifically, no studies or reviews were made available to show the impact officers have upon the institution after leaving their unit. Most likely, such studies
smuggling-in-honduras.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0. See also “Con buques de guerra simply do not exist because police officers rarely leave the vetted units they are in,
de EEUU combatirán a narcos en Honduras,” El Heraldo, March 13, 2014, 10. suggesting that a broader impact upon the institution is highly unlikely.

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identified by the Country Assistance Strategy and U.S. officials.108 For exam- range of prevention programs overseen by the United States Agency for
ple, in the area of training, the United States started a Criminal Investigation International Development (USAID) (and in some instances supported
School with Colombian instructors that provide basic and specialized classes by INL). According to both an internal USAID paper and a U.S. official
to not only police and prosecutors, but also to judges, border officials, and providing a general overview of CARSI projects managed by USAID in
firefighters.109 The United States also provided support for Colombian ex- Honduras, a number of “levels” of prevention exist that help conceptualize
perts to advise and strengthen the new Directorate for Investigation and the institution’s prevention work.112 The first level of prevention is that
Evaluation of the Police Career (DIECP), an independent unit created to of “primary prevention,” or “universal, population- and location-based
investigate and vet police officers. This support was later suspended due to programs for youth and families in high-risk areas.”113 In Honduras, this
frustrations over the pace of efforts to improve police vetting.110 form of prevention comes through youth outreach centers that operate in
Further, U.S. and Colombian advisers help to strengthen both the police many of the nation’s highest-risk neighborhoods. The centers are the first
and Public Ministry by drawing on their own experience and training, point of entry for USAID into the violent communities they target, and
and imparting it to the Hondurans with whom they work. Interviews and offer a number of programs and services to the community’s youth, such
documents obtained by the author reveal 75-80 Colombians are on site in as internet cafes, soccer fields, and gyms as a means to keep youth off the
Honduras serving with various agencies, as well as to help the Ministry streets, and hopefully, out of gangs. Other CARSI programs which fit
of Security and police directors draft a new law and regulations for the under this “primary prevention scheme” include the GREAT program
police force.111 Other examples of Colombian support will be discussed (The Gang Resistance Education and Training Program is a drug-preven-
in further detail throughout this chapter, including training and advising tion program akin to DARE in the United States, and is administered by
special units. INL, not USAID) and alternative education programs and teen pregnancy
The final pillar of CARSI strategy in Honduras consists of a wide programs, which seek to address the lack of opportunities for youth to find
work, as well as the alarmingly high teen pregnancy rates that creates a
Interviews with U.S. official, February 14 and 26, 2014. For a more in-depth
youthful, but volatile, population.114
look and understanding of the use of Colombian advisers in Honduras and other “Secondary prevention” more selectively identifies and seeks to address
CARSI beneficiaries, see Arlene B. Tickner, “Colombia, the United States, and the risks associated with individuals who are very likely to become en-
Security Cooperation by Proxy,” Washington Office on Latin America, May 2014, gaged in criminal activity. The YSET (Youth Services Eligibility Tool),
currently a small pilot project in Honduras, provides a good example
U.S. Department of State, “The Future of CARSI in Honduras” and interview
with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014. Since its inception in May 2011, the school
of such prevention. Essentially, it helps to identify whether youth are in
has trained “2924 police, prosecutors, judges and other security actors in over 27 danger of joining gangs or other criminal bands, and outlines a family in-
different skill areas.” U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics tervention plan for those whose situation is judged precarious.115 The tool,
and Law Enforcement Affairs, “Criminal Investigation School Fact Sheet,” n.d. originally deployed with success in Los Angeles, is just being launched in
(unpublished document obtained by author).
Honduras; consequently, its results and success remain to be seen. An im-
Russell Sheptak, “US suspends aid to Honduras police cleanup,”
The Christian Science Monitor, June 6, 2013,
plementing organization in Honduras noted that few secondary programs
USAID, “Non-paper on Crime Prevention,” (unpublished document, n.d.).
Interviews with U.S. officials February-March 2014 and documents obtained by Interview with U.S. official, March 2014.
author, listing Colombian police advisers and their assignments within the country’s
USAID, “Non-paper on Crime Prevention,” 1.
police force from May 2013. Over the course of the Colombian support program in 114
USAID, “Honduras Country Assistance Strategy,” 3.
Honduras, nearly 200 Colombian National Police officers have provided assistance 115
Interviews with U.S. officials and representatives of implementing partner orga-
to Honduras. Email correspondence with U.S. official, July 1, 2014. nizations, April 2014.

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are currently being employed in Honduras, revealing a definite area for but are likely to form a more integral part of the new consolidated strategy
future strengthening.116 the agency is developing. Of similar importance is the fact that these pro-
A third level of prevention, known as “tertiary prevention” seeks to ad- grams employ a coordinated geographical focus, a fact that U.S. officials
dress issues of juvenile justice and recidivism among offenders. USAID has sought to make clear. According to these officials, outreach centers serve as
sought to improve prevention at this level through reforms to the juvenile a gateway into violent communities, and open the door to coordinate the
penal code and a restorative justice program for juveniles that provides provision of other services, such as teen pregnancy programs or alternative
alternatives to prison (which, according to many Hondurans, are prime education.122 Implementing partners interviewed by the author noted that
gang-recruiting grounds). Another program seeks to prevent adults from they worked in specific “CARSI” communities, and sought to coordi-
reoffending by providing both group counseling and job opportunities or nate their efforts and services with the other organizations working with
loans to open small businesses.117 CARSI by inviting them to events or using outreach center facilities.123
Finally, “situational prevention” is built on the premise that a “built
environment can not only deter crime but also effectively increase public What are CARSI’s Expected Results in Honduras?
perception of security.”118 USAID possesses a small program in this area. It The 2009-2013 CAS lists a number of expected results that are directly
seeks to strengthen municipal governance and community participation as related to many of the projects described above. The stated goals include
a means to encourage use of public spaces, rather than turning them over increased transparency and better rule of law, as well as helping to form
to gangs, a problem noted in the Country Assistance Strategy.119 a more “accepted and respected [police] force.”124 Other CAS goals focus
USAID’s Honduras strategy also includes additional programs that do on improving law enforcement capacities and results, such as better police
not fit immediately within this prevention framework, but may be more investigation and intelligence, improved police communications, bet-
properly labeled what the internal paper calls “Rule of Law and Citizen ter-trained police officers, and the interception of illicit drugs.125 Through
Security Policies.” In this respect, the Office of Transitional Initiatives USAID’s prevention efforts, CARSI seeks to build “strong and resilient
within USAID and INL have launched a neighborhood community-po- communities that can withstand the pressures of crime and violence.”126
licing program in Tegucigalpa along with Japan’s development agency that Specifically, U.S. officials added a number of desired and complementary
is to function as a “model precinct.” A U.S. official noted that this program results, including the lowering of crime rates in the short term, helping to
was important given the distrust Hondurans have in the police (a problem prevent high-risk youth from entering gangs, lowering recidivism among
also noted in the CAS), and that it seeks to “build a bridge” between the offenders, building capacity for community organizing and project man-
police and community to help resolve this.120 Through a three to four day agement in target neighborhoods, providing skills that youths can use to
training course that touches on issues from how to treat citizens to the use find employment, and building partnerships with the private sector and
of statistics and planning, the program looks to both improve policing and government so as to promote long-term sustainability.127 These desired
citizen trust at the local level.121 results, as well as the above programs, are also to be understood within
USAID officials noted that some of these programs, such as YSET, have
been or remain pilot projects (for example, YSET began in October 2013), 122
Interview with U.S. officials, April 2, 2014.
Interviews with implementing partner organizations, April 2014.
Interview with an implementing organization director, April 2, 2014. 124
USAID, “Country Assistance Strategy,” 8.
Ibid. 125
Ibid, 6-8.
USAID, “Non-paper on Crime Prevention,” 2. 126
“Honduras/CARSI Performance Management Plan,” (an unpublished USAID
USAID, “Country Assistance Strategy,” 7. document provided to the author by the USAID mission in Honduras).
Ibid. Also based on interview with U.S. official, February 14, 2014. 127
Interviews with U.S. officials, February-March 2014. See also “Honduras/
Ibid. CARSI Performance Management Plan.”

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the larger five-goal CARSI framework. aspects discussed above, given that those serving in vetted units rarely
leave to form a regular part of the institution that employs them. Further,
CARSI in Honduras: A Strategy in the Making? despite the assertion that weekly meetings are held to coordinate efforts
The United States’ CARSI strategy in Honduras clearly includes a wide between INL, USAID, and others, it remained unclear how the offices
variety of activities centered on the core idea of improving citizen secu- coordinate on strategy in order to make CARSI more effective (beyond
rity. Encouragingly, these efforts respond to many levels of needs: law trying to build a “model precinct”). How such meetings and reporting on
enforcement, institutional reform, prevention, and community building, individual projects foster cooperation and produce a set of joint priorities
among others. $16.5 million was designated for USAID-run projects in based on shared analysis of Honduras’ circumstances and capacities is even
both fiscal years 2012 and 2013, suggesting that prevention is not mere less clear, suggesting that integrated coordination and cooperation across
rhetoric in Honduras—it represents an important and significant aspect of projects is limited.
U.S. policy in the country.128 USAID’s projects showed evidence of coor- U.S. strategy in Honduras, beyond these internal difficulties, also faces
dination between organizations and along geographical lines, although this marked challenges regarding compatibility with the Honduran govern-
certainly can be improved. This effort to approach problems of violence in ment’s strategy and priorities for citizen security. Consensus between the
a holistic way should be noted and commended—while recognizing that U.S. government and the Honduran government and agreement on pri-
much room for improvement remains. orities appears to diverge in some areas and coincide in others (an under-
Yet this framework and holistic approach belies a reality that was made standable reality), presenting difficulties for certain aspects of U.S. CARSI
evident both in interviews and in looking at CARSI’s implementation in programming.131 The recent public disagreement over Honduras’ new law
Honduras. This reality is what Hector Silva identifies as CARSI’s “piece- authorizing the shoot-down of suspected drug flights and the subsequent
meal approach:” the crafting together of various existing programs into U.S. suspension of facilitating radar data highlight this departure from
one overall funding stream called CARSI, but without a rigorous strategy the “close cooperation” that has often characterized relations.132 One U.S.
to make it especially effective.129 In interviews, U.S. officials suggested a official also expressed concern that the Honduran government does not
similar understanding of CARSI’s beginning back in 2008 as the Mexico- place sufficient emphasis on improving and reforming its police, leading
focused Mérida Initiative: a funding stream for existing projects and new to a lack of clarity over where U.S. CARSI funding will best have an
projects with a general focus on citizen security, but without an integral impact.133 In other areas though, the Honduran government appears to
strategy.130 be adopting, if not wholeheartedly embracing, programs first pushed by
This lack of overall strategy presents a major problem not only for USAID. The Government of Honduras recently promised $1 million of
CARSI in Honduras, but also for the overall initiative. Five years in, its own money to open ten new community outreach centers, while local
common goals and programs are well-established, but an overarching and governments and organizations have taken it upon themselves to help
comprehensive strategy oriented towards the reduction of crime and vi-
olence and improvement in citizen security appears to be lacking. A dis- 131
In an interview, Minister of Security Arturo Corrales openly noted this fact,
connect seems to exist between the law enforcement and capacity building saying that because they work and come from different contexts, the U.S. and
Honduras at times understand things differently. As an example, the Minister
U.S. Department of State, “Fiscal Year 2012 Congressional Spending Plan: pointed to the controversy over the shoot-down of airplanes and U.S. support of
Central America Regional Security Initiative,” September 9, 2012; U.S. airborne helicopter operations to capture drugs landing in Honduras from illegal
Department of State, “FY 2013 Spend Plan—Central America Regional Security drug flights. Interview with Minister of Security Arturo Corrales, April 29, 2014.
Initiative,” September 10, 2013. 132
Peter J. Meyer and Clare Ribando Seelke, “Central America Regional Security
Hector Silva Avalos, “The United States and Central America’s Northern Tier,” 22. Initiative: Background and Policy Issue for Congress,” 28.
Interview with U.S. official, February 26, 2014. 133
Interviews with U.S. official, February-March 2014.

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sustain others, thus pointing to an instance of government willingness to In the next section, we will look more closely at one program from each
expand a prevention program it views as successful.134 Even so, the govern- of the CARSI’s pillars: law enforcement, capacity-building, and prevention,
ment’s long-term commitment to sustaining prevention projects is unclear. pointing to both success and challenges for these programs in improving
The $1 million designated for outreach centers comes from a discretionary Honduran public security.
fund, rather than Congressionally-established long-term funding, and the
many other projects funded by USAID do not necessarily have potential “Task Forces” and Vetted Units in Honduras: Investigation
sponsors to continue funding their work. in Isolation?
This suggests a deeper problem that the CARSI strategy does not ad-
dress but may which ultimately determine the effectiveness of CARSI in The Importance of Vetted Units and Task Forces in Honduras
Honduras: political will. Rachel Kleinfield convincingly argues that the The “task force” plays a central role in Honduras’ CARSI funding, and
successful rule-of-law assistance in developing nations depends, in part, on represents an innovation on a much older and commonly used way of sup-
the country’s broader political context and the willingness of authorities to porting law enforcement efforts in Latin America: the vetted unit. Both
elevate respect for the rule-of-law above the narrow privileges of economic types of units seek to improve the operational capacity of Honduran law
and political elites. In the context of Honduras, then, technical assistance enforcement agencies by building specialized units to carry out sensitive
programs such as support for security and justice sector reform and profes- operations, while also improving the institution’s overall capacity overtime
sionalization must be placed within the broader political context, especially by rotating personnel in and out of the special units. In Honduras, the fuerza
given the apparent unwillingness of authorities to address basic problems.135 de tarea (task force) has emerged as a defining feature of such efforts, with
In particular, reliance on vetted units to tackle sensitive cases, an unwill- at least two such units created in 2011 and 2012 with CARSI support (via
ingness to vet the police, and limited Honduran government commitment INL). Their unique attributes and visible role in Honduras make them an
to prevention programs suggests that the political conditions do not yet exist important area of focus for understanding CARSI’s impact in Honduras.
to create a lasting and sustainable rule of law through U.S. aid. For example, Before proceeding, it is important to understand the structure and defini-
internal and external mechanisms to combat corruption and abuse by the tion of vetted units and task forces. Both types of units possess two defining
police are weak and have not received the political commitment necessary characteristics: 1) they are “vetted and polygraphed units,” and 2) they receive
to force a genuine purge of the institution. Further, regular and reliable the assistance and support of U.S. advisers to conduct their operations.136
support from the Honduran Congress for prevention programs or legal and Generally speaking, these units operate under specific mandates to investigate
structural reforms has not materialized. Failing to address these issues means and resolve certain types of crime, and receive support from individual U.S.
that CARSI’s efforts are both isolated in time (they occur while funding government agencies on the basis of the type of crime the unit investigates.137
exists) and unsustainable over the long term, due to both funding limitations To better understand the specific differences between vetted units and a task
and a lack of attention to corruption. As CARSI moves past its first five years force in definition and in practice, see Text Box 1.
and drafts another five year strategy plan, U.S. officials must prioritize the As was highlighted in the section on strategy, a number of vetted units
difficult task of encouraging Honduras to demonstrate the political will to and task forces exist in Honduras to target various but sometimes overlapping
undertake fundamental reforms that will increase accountability, root out areas of high impact crime. Of particular importance are the Violent Crimes
corruption, and elevate the importance of the rule of law. Task Force and the Financial Crimes Task Force, given their focus on major
problems in Honduras as well as their recent formation.
Interview with U.S. officials, April 2, 2014.

Rachel Kleinfeld, Advancing the Rule of Law Abroad: Next Generation Reform
135 136
See U.S. Department of State, “CARSI INL Supported Projects Outline.”
(Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2012), 30. 137
Interview conducted by Eric Olson with U.S. officials, March 28, 2014.

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Text Box 1: Vetted Units and Task Forces Despite these differences, in both cases, the units pursue similar goals
U.S. support to Honduran law enforcement units generally takes two forms: centered on ensuring results in criminal investigations and prosecutions,
the “vetted unit” and the “unit that is vetted,” also known as the “task force.” in theory helping to provide an example that stimulates reform and better
While they share some similarities, there are also significant differences: performance in the institution as a whole.143
The Violent Crimes Task Force was created in 2011 to focus on crimes
• Level of U.S. involvement:
affecting the historically vulnerable LGBT population, which in the wake
–– Vetted units can be “defined as vetted and polygraphed units that
of Honduras’ 2009 coup had experienced a noticeable increase in homi-
conduct[s] police operations with a U.S. law enforcement advisor.”138
cides.144 The task force began with three police investigators and help from
–– A “unit that is vetted” (a category that includes task forces) can
one member of the Public Ministry, with the support of two U.S. advisers:
be “defined as vetted and polygraphed units that receive[s] the
a Chicago homicide detective and a former state and federal prosecutor.145
assistance of a U.S. advisor and/or training, but do not conduct
Over the next few years the unit expanded, adding additional detectives
police operations.”139
and prosecutors from the Public Ministry, as well as both Colombian and
–– The subtle difference in wording here marks an important differ-
U.S. advisers. The expansion of membership (now up to at least 42 individ-
ence: task force advisers participate in field activities less directly
uals) led to an expanding mandate. By January 2014, the task force officially
and frequently than their vetted unit adviser counterparts.140
became the “Violent Crimes Task Force,” and now investigates the murders
• Ratio of local law enforcement personnel to U.S. advisers:
of LGBT persons, journalists, foreigners, and other “high-profile” murders
–– Department of State guidelines specify an “ideal” ratio of 1 U.S.
where help is requested by the Honduran government.146
law enforcement adviser to 15 officers in a vetted unit.141
The formation and growth of the Financial Crimes Task Force reflects
–– There is no established ratio for a task force, which may be
a similar trajectory. Following the passage of a new asset forfeiture law in
larger and made up of representatives from several Honduran
2010, INL sought ways to improve the Honduran government’s ability
agencies. Task forces may include one or more U.S. advisers
to prosecute such cases and manage seized assets. The first major intiative
who do not participate directly in operations.
in this regard concerned the Office of Administration of Seized Goods
• Agencies involved:
(Oficina Administradora de Bienes Incautados, or OABI in Spanish), an
–– Vetted units include only police investigators and members of
office that U.S. officials now assert is a regional example due to its excellent
the prosecutor’s office.
–– Task forces tend to involve multiple law enforcement agencies.
§§ For example, in Honduras, the Financial Crimes Task Force in-
cludes members of the police, the National Banks and Insurance
Commission, and the Public Ministry. It also works closely with
members of the Office of Administration of Seized Goods and
Honduras’ financial crimes judge.142
Interview conducted by Eric Olson with U.S. officials, March 28, 2014.
U.S. Department of State, “CARSI INL Supported Projects Outline.” 144
Jordan Baber, “LGBT community in Honduras, invisible no more,”
Ibid. The Christian Science Monitor, March 11, 2013,
This was also noted in an interview conducted by Eric Olson with U.S. officials,
March 28, 2014. LGBT-community-in-Honduras-invisible-no-more.
This advised ratio can be found in a U.S. State Department cable entitled
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014.
“INL Vetted Unit Support Policy.” This information was facilitated by a State 146
Ibid. Also verified in an interview with Public Ministry prosecutor, May 6, 2014.
Department official, May 29, 2014.
Interview with U.S. official, March 19, 2014.
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performance.147 The Financial Crimes Task Force was launched soon there- cases taken by these special units. Interviewed officials made clear that these
after in order to train personnel and improve Honduran capacity to en- foreign advisers do not participate directly in investigations or operations.
force the country’s new asset forfeiture law. Thus, at the outset, the work Nevertheless, U.S. advisers can accompany the police in the field, observ-
of the task force focused on work in the Asset Forfeiture Division of the ing their activities and strengthening their investigative work. On the basis
Organized Crime Office in the Public Ministry, but when the office was of these observations, they can provide advice to Honduran members of
merged to form a larger financial crimes unit within the Organized Crime the task force and help to walk the unit through cases. But U.S. officials
Office, this mandate grew to include money laundering and tax crimes.148 interviewed for this report asserted that neither the advisers nor their U.S.
The task force appears to be more diversified than other vetted units, superiors choose which cases the task forces investigate.151 Honduran of-
with a focus on work in the Public Ministry, but it also includes at least 12 ficials supported this claim, although one noted that the United States
police officers and some members of the Financial Investigation Unit of obviously has an interest in what cases are being investigated (as does the
the National Banks and Insurance Commission (Comisión Nacional de Honduran government).152 Above the embedded advisers are higher-rank-
Bancos y Seguros).149 The unit also benefits from the help of 16 different ing U.S. INL officials who also provide support and advice to the units, and
foreign advisers—one from the United States and a number of Colombians coordinate the CARSI support provided to them via the INL section of the
and Costa Ricans.150 U.S. Embassy. On the Honduran side of things, a police officer with the
rank of Comisario, roughly equivalent to a captain or precinct commander,
Table 2: Vetted Units Supported by CARSI in Honduras acts as a liaison between the vetted units and the Director General of the
Police, and the units are under this officer’s supervision.153
Select members of the Honduran civilian police or Public Ministry
Honduran Anti-Gang Unit (FBI vetted unit) DEA-SIU vetted unit DHS vetted unit
investigators (and at times, new recruits) form the ranks of these task forc-
Source: Created based on information from U.S. Department of State Bureau of International es.154 Depending on the unit, prosecutors may or may not receive full-time
Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, “CARSI INL Supported Projects,” April 16, 2014.
assignments to task forces: in the Financial Crimes Task Force, prosecutors
In general, the CARSI-supported task forces operate with similar struc- are not assigned to the unit full-time, while in the Violent Crimes Task
tures and work practices. Advisers—U.S., Colombian, and otherwise—aid Force prosecutors receive permanent, exclusive assignments to the unit.155
the work of the task forces at various levels. First, embedded advisers work In order to become part of a task force, all personnel must undergo thor-
day to day alongside the police officers and prosecutors investigating the ough vetting and background investigation, although only those carrying

Interview with U.S. official, March 19, 2014. According to the official, this office 151
Interview with U.S. official, February 26, 2014. In large part, this was corrobo-
has greatly improved its management of assets, in large part by taking and main- rated in interviews with Honduran officials.
taining a full inventory of what it has seized (and continues to seized). Its 27 mem- 152
Interviews with Public Ministry officials, April 23, April 25, and May 7, 2014.
bers are vetted, and work with the aid of a full-time U.S. adviser. Asset manage- As a further example to support this point, a prosecutor working with the Violent
ment has also improved when it concerns cash: money that may have disappeared Crimes Task Force asserted that that the task force’s mandate was clear, and that
immediately into the hands of government officials before is now put on deposit “high impact” cases that were assigned to the unit were decided by the Public
with the bank to earn interest until court cases are decided, after which the money Ministry, and not by interference from U.S. officials.
is used to strengthen law enforcement and prevention efforts in the country. Finally, 153
Interview with Director General of the National Police of Honduras, Ramón
the office is completely self-sustainable—likely the only office of seized goods in Sabillón, May 6, 2014.
Latin America to be so, according to the same U.S. official. 154
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014.
Ibid. 155
Interview with Public Ministry official, April 25, 2014. The official explained
Ibid. doing so would not be justified, given that those prosecutors would have a signifi-
Ibid. cantly lower caseload than their counterparts.

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a weapon (generally, the police) must complete the more rigorous Leahy INL.159 These resources meet important needs for the units given that the
vetting requirements (see Text Box 2 for more information regarding the Honduran government rarely provides the logistical material police inves-
vetting process).156 tigators need to perform their work.160 As a result, and in contrast to their
counterparts assigned to National Directorate for Criminal Investigation
(Dirección Nacional de Investigación Criminal—DNIC), the investigative
Text Box 2: Vetting in Honduras and the Leahy Law arm of the police, task force members have at their disposal all the equip-
As is the case with all countries receiving U.S. security assistance, strin- ment they need to conduct an investigation.161 This equipment belongs
gent vetting requirements, commonly known as the Leahy Law provisions, exclusively to the task force, and the presence of U.S. advisers helps to en-
are in place for aid to the Honduran security sector.157 In the specific case of sure that it does not leave the task force or fall into the hands of non-vetted
Honduras, the government conducts its own vetting process for potential police officers.162 A former Honduran police official who worked closely
recipients of U.S. security assistance. This may include testing (such as poly- with the Violent Crimes Task Force underscored this fact, saying that
graph or drug tests) and a background check for possible abuses or human control and use of the U.S.-funded equipment was strictly enforced and
rights violations. The U.S. Embassy conducts a second review, checking respected.163 Despite this—and as is discussed in more detail below—the
for reports or intelligence information linking the candidate to possible allocation of resources and benefits to vetted officers often generates resent-
involvement in criminal activity or violations of human rights. Finally, ment among police officers not receiving such aid, suggesting that isolated,
the Department of State in Washington, using databases and information rather than comprehensive, reform of the Honduran police institution is
collected there, runs a final check before allowing the officer to become all that is occurring through such aid.
a recipient of U.S. aid—in this case, CARSI aid.158 Once vetted, officers U.S. support also extends to formal trainings, beyond the logistical
are deemed eligible to receive various forms of U.S. assistance, such as and advisory support detailed thus far. Once vetted, task force members
material support, participating in a vetted unit, or receiving training such can receive trainings via the Criminal Investigation School (discussed in
as attending the Criminal Investigation School. the next section). The Financial Crimes Task Force has also received joint
training with the various members of the task force—the Police, the Public
Ministry, and the National Banks and Insurance Commission—as a means
Once the vetting process reaches completion, approved officers benefit
from a wide variety of U.S. support offered to the Violent Crimes and 159
Interview with U.S. official, February 26, 2014 and interview with Public
Financial Crimes Task Forces. CARSI funds provide logistical equip- Ministry official, April 25, 2014. For examples of this type of support, see U.S.
ment, such as vehicles, computers, phones, cameras, and other items for the Department of State, “The Future of CARSI in Honduras” from March 2012,
task forces (including money to cover travel expenses for investigations), a describing some of the logistical equipment offered to Honduran law enforcement
bodies. According to the U.S. official, this type of INL assistance is in large part
means of aid that one U.S. official described as an “untraditional” role for
unique to Honduras.
Such support was identified as important in interviews with Police Director
General Ramón Sabillón and Public Ministry officials, April 23 and 25, May 6 and
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014. 7, 2014.
For a detailed review and understanding of the Leahy vetting process, see Nina 161
Director General Ramón Sabillón noted repeatedly in his interview with the
M. Serafino et. al, “‘Leahy Law’ Human Rights Provisions and Security Assistance: author that a lack of resources was a fundamental and central problem of the police’s
Issue Overview,” Congressional Research Service, January 29, 2014, 7-12. For more weakness in Honduras, especially in the area of investigation. Interview with
detailed information on the specific human rights conditions placed on U.S. aid to Director General Ramón Sabillón, May 6, 2014.
Honduras, see Peter J. Meyer, “Honduras-U.S. Relations,” May 30, 2014, 20-22. 162
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014.
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014. 163
Interview with former Honduran police official, March 27, 2014.

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to strengthen coordination and cooperation between members.164 A senior same police officer from the vetted unit cited above again noted that he
Public Ministry Official, police officials, and a former member of a vetted knew many fellow officers (outside the vetted unit) involved in organized
unit (not from a task force) who had attended trainings in Honduras and crime, and that he treated all his personal and investigative information
internationally affirmed that the trainings were high quality and benefi- with special care, telling no one outside the vetted unit.170 The separation,
cial.165 Another Public Ministry official with close ties to the vetted units or quarantine of vetted units, also stems from the need for the units to
and task forces noted that training and advice provided by the embassy did focus on the delicate cases assigned to them, thus improving their ability
not always respond to the Honduran context and Honduran procedures, to thoroughly investigate the criminal bands or groups selected for investi-
especially if those imparting the trainings or assessment had spent little gation.171 Police members of task forces and vetted units apparently operate
time in Honduras. The official affirmed that longer-term advisers provide out of separately rented houses, where they remain isolated from the rest
much better assistance, given their continuous presence and understanding of the institution’s work.172
of the situation.166 Finally, it is important to note that turnover of task force personnel
Task force members and their work remain noticeably separate from the seldom occurs.173 One U.S. official spoke of the vetted units and task forces
rest of police operations.167 The aforementioned member of a vetted unit as creating a “feeder-system” in which officers would be provided two
asserted that the U.S. Embassy in Honduras greatly distrusts the Honduran years of training to strengthen their law enforcement skills and would then
Police, which may contribute to the isolation characteristic of both vetted be returned to their non-vetted units where they would have a positive
units and task forces in Honduras.168 Task force members and advisers professional influence on their particular law enforcement agency. But the
keep nearly all information regarding investigations internal, without dis- evidence of this appears to be far different.174
seminating information to outside members of the police. For example, a For example, a former vetted unit member noted that during his 19
police officer working alongside the Violent Crimes Task Force noted that months with the unit, not a single individual was rotated in or out except
he usually did not know what cases the unit was working on (despite his for himself.175 Task force members receive an extra stipend in addition to
position of authority), nor did he have control over the investigators that their salary, and the added benefits of prestige and sufficient equipment
were theoretically under his command. Frequently, he found out about make working for a vetted unit a desired post and difficult to give up.
the status of investigations after the task force submitted an investigative Additionally the financial and professional benefits enjoyed by special
report to the Public Ministry.169 unit members can also provoke jealousy among those within the broader
In part, this separation and guarded approach appears to be due to law enforcement agency that do not receive similar benefits.176 These fac-
legitimate fears of corruption that are pervasive within the police—the tors, combined with the investment required to train and prepare police
officers capable of undertaking the delicate investigations, create an incen-
tive for little personnel turnover, and they bring into question the narrative
Interview with U.S. official, March 19, 2014.
Interview with former Honduran police official, February 20, 2014, interview
that such units impact the larger transformation of the institutions in which
with Public Ministry official, April 23, 2014, and interview with Director General they operate.
Ramón Sabillón, May 5, 2014.
Interview with Public Ministry official, April 25, 2014.
Interview with former Honduran police official from vetted unit, February 20, 2014.
Interviews with U.S. officials, March 18 and 19, 2014. This information was
Interview with Public Ministry official, April 25, 2014.
further verified through author email correspondence with U.S. officials on April
Interview with former Honduran police official, March 27, 2014.
21, 2014. Public Ministry operations are not separate—they remain in the offices of 173
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014.
the Public Ministry. 174
Interview with U.S. official, February 26, 2014.
Interview with former Honduran police official from vetted unit, February 20, 2014. 175
Interview with former Honduran police official from vetted unit, February 20, 2014.
Interview with former Honduran police official, March 27, 2014. 176
Interview with former Honduran police official, March 27, 2014.

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Task Force Impacts and Institutional Transformation: Success and an example of the success of task force units.180 This operation, which was
Challenges for CARSI led by the Financial Crimes Task Force, produced the purported seizure
Vetted units and task forces have a mixed record in Honduras. While of $800 million in assets, and represents an important step towards ad-
on the one hand they produce important and comparatively better results dressing Honduran organized crime.181 Public Ministry and police officials
in criminal investigation, their impact on the larger institution—a stated stated that without U.S. support, the investigation of recent sensitive cases
goal of CARSI—is not evident. These realities are manifest both in pub- such as those involving the Cachiros criminal network and the arrest of
licly available statistics regarding cases falling under the mandate of the drug-trafficker “Negro Lobo” would simply not be possible, demonstrating
task forces studied here, and in the numerous interviews conducted with that U.S.-supported units produce important results in the fight against
those working closely with the task forces. organized crime and drug trafficking.182
To begin, it is undoubtedly true that the lack of personnel turnover, as Finally, as was mentioned above, trainings help to build capacity and,
well as the training and equipment characteristic of the task forces, ensures in theory, promote institutional reform by spreading skills throughout
their increased capacity to investigate crimes relative to their non-vetted the police and Public Ministry. Yet because personnel rarely leave vetted
unit counterparts within the police. Public Ministry officials noted that the units, the goal of using vetted units as a “feeder system” to transform the
U.S.-supported task forces and vetted units produced better investigations, institution remains distant.183
although this is in part due to the fact that they simply have more time and On the other hand, the claimed results and impacts do not entirely coin-
people to dedicate to a smaller number of cases than their counterparts cide with external analysis and statistics. As discussed above, the isolation,
(see more on this below).177 In this sense, task forces make an important the lack of information sharing, and the very low turnover in personnel
contribution to building capacity, albeit in a manner isolated from the rest make it difficult to understand how these units might have much effect
of the institution. beyond the cases they investigate and prosecute, reaffirming the narrative
According to senior Honduran officials, the result has been increased expressed by various Honduran police officers.184 Further, intelligence and
criminal convictions, investigations into high-level organized criminal information produced in the course of task force investigations are not
activities, and a reduction in impunity in high-stakes cases.178 Since its disseminated to other investigators, possibly impeding their work, or at the
inception, the Financial Crimes Task Force has won 41 out of 45 cases,
addressing a long backlog of cases that were never investigated while also
taking on a number of new cases.179 These successes further enhanced the
unit’s capacity to carry out investigations because of the public’s growing
confidence and willingness to confide in and aid units backed by the U.S.
Embassy. U.S. officials also pointed to a massive September 2013 opera- 180
Ibid. A Public Ministry official also pointed to the case as an example of success-
tion against the Cachiros, a Honduran drug-trafficking organization, as ful coordination between the U.S.-backed task forces and vetted unites. Interview
with Public Ministry official, April 25, 2014.
U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs, “Country Report, Honduras,” 2014 International Narcotics
Control Strategy Report,
Interview with Public Ministry officials, April 25 and May 6, 2014. 182
Interview with Public Ministry official, April 25, 2014 and interview with
Interview with Director General Ramón Sabillón, May 5, 2014. The former Director General Ramón Sabillón, May 5, 2014.
Honduran police official who served in a vetted unit asserted that his unit’s work 183
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014.
was definitely disrupting organized criminal activity within Honduras. 184
Interviews with former Honduran police officials and with Public Ministry offi-
Interview with U.S. official, March 19, 2014. cial, February 20, March 27, and April 25, 2014.

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very least, slowing their progress.185 Given regulations and requirements tions are having an effect, and impunity is lowering,” but it also notes that
about who can benefit from U.S. aid, as well as legitimate concerns about much remains to be done.188 While these results reflect better performance
leaking information to organized crime, the isolation and information than other parts of the Honduran justice and security system, they also
sharing practices are understandable, and perhaps in many cases required show that the Violent Crimes Task Force is far from resolving all the cases
by U.S. law. Yet, paradoxically, they may be inhibiting the police’s ability that fall under its mandate, despite the fact that U.S. officials stated they
to investigate cases in some instances, worsening a cycle of impunity. now have the capacity to handle all LGBT cases.189
Further, these practices suggest a greater, more fundamental challenge Cases of violence against journalists represent an even greater concern.
to the hope that vetted units and task forces can contribute to institutional The rate of impunity in homicide cases of journalists in Honduras remains
transformation: they operate in a vacuum, isolated from an institution high, despite the Violent Crimes Task Force’s expanded authority to inves-
plagued by both petty and high-level corruption. Reintegrating vetted tigate such cases. For example, the International Human Rights Program
officers into this corrupt environment presents a problem (to the point at Toronto University noted in an extensive report that since 2003 only
that it can endanger their lives). It may also be unrealistic to expect that nine arrests and two convictions have occurred for the 38 homicide cases
reintegration will not affect their performance, and more significantly, their in which Honduran journalists were victims.190 Even accounting for con-
morals and relations with the public. This suggests the need for internal victions in two more cases since the report’s publication, the 95 percent
and external control mechanisms. Unfortunately, the United States has impunity rate in such cases documented by the authors is alarming, and
already tried to provide such support in Honduras, only to suspend it in highlights the limited nature of the task force’s successes.191
May 2013 following disappointment with the results, due in large part to In relation to the Financial Crimes Task Force, one particular case
the lack of political will to address police corruption.186 calls into question the success of the unit. In mid-September 2013, the
Beyond this, the data pertaining to the cases overseen by the Violent Honduran government, in conjunction with the U.S. Embassy, announced
Crimes and Financial Crimes Task Forces suggests that success in investi- a major operation against the drug-trafficking group Los Cachiros, which
gating and prosecuting actual cases is limited (although admittedly better had been designated a significant narcotics trafficking group in accordance
than in non-vetted units). A report by Cattrachas, Honduras’ leading LGBT with the U.S. Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act earlier that year.
organization, paints a nuanced picture. Of the 120 homicides of LGBT The operation, led by the Financial Crimes Task Force, deployed hundreds
people that have occurred since the 2009 coup, at least 33 cases have en- of police officers, prosecutors, and other government officers in a multi-
tered judicial proceedings, and nine cases have resulted in sentencing.187 agency effort to seize the Cachiros’ assets.
The organization concludes that “the results are undeniable, the investiga- Notably, however, the operation fell short in one important area. Some
of the Cachiros’ 71 bank accounts frozen in the operation were later found
Interview with former Honduran police official, March 27, 2014. For example, to be completely empty, while other assets were removed from seized prop-
the police officer detailed an instance in which the FBI-led anti-gang unit came to erties before the operation was conducted. According to the Director of
help with an investigation, and simply showed up, took pictures, and left, without
OABI, these disappointing results likely resulted from a leak from within
sharing any of the information with those charged with investigating the homicide
that had taken place.
Adriana Beltran and Geoff Thale, “Police Reform in Honduras: Stalled Efforts
and the Need to Weed out Corruption,” Washington Office on Latin America,
August 26, 2013,
Ibid, 5 (author’s translation).
ras_stalled_efforts_and_the_need_to_weed_out_corruption. 189
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014.
Indyra Mendoza and Gabriel Mass, “Informe Casos Judicializados por Muertes 190
Kaitlin Owen, Honduras: Journalism in the Shadow of Impunity, 24. Thirty-two of
violentas a personas LGBTTI en Honduras (2009-2013),” Cattrachas, January 20, these homicides have occurred since the 2009 coup.
2014, 3-5. 191
Ibid, 24.

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the police.192 But as a U.S. official pointed out, the Cachiros operation who must conduct more investigations with fewer resources.197
deployed at least 200 individuals, providing ample opportunity for the Finally, vetted unit and task force proliferation, and by extension, related
powerful drug trafficking group to be tipped off.193 Even so, the original problems with coordination and information sharing pose a serious chal-
results claimed by the U.S.-supported task force certainly turned out to be lenge.198 In an interview, a Public Ministry official noted with worry the
far less, calling into question the success—and perhaps the unquestioned growing number of special units like those financed by the U.S. Embassy.
reliability—of task force units. The official asserted that the sheer number of new units disperses limited
On a separate note, other practices employed by task force and vetted resources across more agencies, which may weaken units or task forces
unit advisers help to explain their improved performance when compared with a longer history of successful work.199 Task forces and vetted units,
with other non-vetted units, and according to a Honduran police official, like their North American counterparts and advisers, often fail to share
generate resentment among fellow officers. This is the result of a number information and end up investigating the same cases and groups, suggesting
of factors: the fact that only the best investigators are chosen for the task a worrying lack of coordination.200 As noted by the Public Ministry official,
force (which in turn further dilutes the pool of investigators remaining the United States—and the Honduran government—would likely benefit
with the police force), their low caseload volume when compared to the from a consolidation and strengthening of already existing units, so as to
regular police’s workload, and the number of investigators employed in help improve coordination and build upon the successes of these units.201
the task force. For example, one complaint registered by a police official These considerations seriously call into question the narrative of insti-
reflected some of these concerns with the Violent Crimes Task Force. tutional reform through vetted units and task forces in Honduras. While
Out of 56 investigators assigned to the homicide unit in Tegucigalpa, at vetted units and task forces produce important results for groups that tra-
least eight of them—nearly 15 percent—were assigned to the task force.194 ditionally suffer extreme impunity, both the claims of widespread success
Considering that about 86 homicides occur in the city every month, this and the stated goal of promoting institutional reform provoke doubt upon
represents a significant drain on investigative resources.195 Further, while close inspection.202 This, in turn, produces questions of sustainability: if
from the beginning the task force utilized new recruits to fill its ranks, it vetted units and task forces, a crucial aspect of CARSI programming, are
quickly began to draw away some of the Tegucigalpa homicide unit’s best not transforming the Honduran police, will their improved performance in
investigators, a scarce and important resource in a unit overwhelmed by vi- addressing crime continue in the absence of U.S funding? CARSI’s reliance
olent crime.196 Finally, investigators belonging to the task force fall outside on such operational activities in Honduras must take these considerations
of quota requirements established for most police investigators that demand
a certain number of investigations each month. While this encourages 197
Ibid. The interviewed officer noted that a joke among police officers is to call
quality work that will produce convictions (certainly a better long-term those investigators working for the task forces “dolls” (muñecas) because of their
lighter workload.
practice for the police), it generates resentment among other police officers 198
The United States is not the only one creating such units. The Honduran gov-
ernment has recently created a number of new units (FUSINA and TIGRES, to
name a few), thus exacerbating the problem.
Interview with Public Ministry official, April 25, 2014.
Charles Parkinson, “Cachiros Knew About Honduras Police Operation: 200
Official,” Insight Crime, October 10, 2013, 201
news-briefs/cachiros-knew-about-honduras-police-operation. 202
It is important to emphasize the INL Section’s attention to groups that are
Interview with U.S. official, March 19, 2014. disproportionately victims of violence in Honduras, and who have been unduly
Ibid. affected by the worsened state of impunity following the 2009 coup. It is com-
IUDPAS, “Boletín Enero-Diciembre 2013,” 5. mendable and noteworthy that INL has sought to respond to these needs directly,
Ibid. responding to outcries by groups in both the United States and Honduras.

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into account, and look for constructive ways to utilize such units as a cat- impact crimes.206 With the passage of time though, the school’s instruc-
alyst for stimulating institution-wide change, so that once funding is no tors and course offerings quickly diversified. With U.S. (CARSI) funding,
longer available, improved performance persists and impunity continues to Colombian police officers began to take over the teaching of many courses,
fall. Further, and closely related to this, is the fact that CARSI must recog- while other specialized courses became part of the school’s regular schedule.
nize that these law enforcement successes, as well as achieving the goal of Eventually, select Honduran police officers began to shadow the Colombian
institutional reform cannot be separated from the government’s political instructors, and now all seven of the school’s instructors are Honduran.207
will to overhaul the police and transform the institution. Contributing Today, courses range from community policing and policing in rural
to the formation of this political will presents a key challenge for the sus- areas, to investigation of drug trafficking, money laundering, and kidnap-
tainability of Honduran vetted units and task forces, but without it, the pings, to broader topics, such as transit procedures, interview techniques,
institutional reform CARSI seeks to promote will not occur. and securing crime scenes.208 The Rector of the Police Education System
hopes the school will eventually become a regional resource for continued
Training as Capacity Building: Honduras’ Criminal police training and learning, providing courses to police officers all over
Investigation School the region.209

While task forces and vetted units also enhance capacity building in so far
as they build the skills of police officers, prosecutors, and others connected
to the special unit, trainings offered through the U.S.-backed Criminal
Investigation School provide an example of broader CARSI-backed ini-
tiatives to build capacity within Honduran law enforcement agencies. The
school, which began in 2011, now serves as Honduras’ primary center for
the ongoing training of police and continues to expand its work and scope,
often incorporating other members of the justice system.
The school emerged following a 2011 needs and capacity assessment by
INL that identified serious shortcomings in continuing training opportu-
nities for police, and concluded that efforts to reinforce and enhance police
preparedness needed to start from scratch.203 A Honduran police official
articulated a similar understanding of the school’s origins: it started due to
the need to improve the police’s skills and provide ongoing training to its
The Criminal Investigation School, located in Tegucigalpa, opened in 2011
using CARSI funding, with the goal of improving police officers’ skills and
At the outset, four U.S. instructors staffed and led the newly formed allowing for continuing education within the police force.
Criminal Investigation School.205 Course offerings initially focused on
improving basic investigation skills and enhancing specialized skills to 206
Interview with Hector Ivan Mejía, April 17, 2014.
tackle crimes related to criminal gang activity, homicides, and other high 207
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014. According to the U.S.
Department of State document “The Future of CARSI in Honduras” (March
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014. 12, 2012), the Criminal Investigation School was slated to transfer entirely to
Interview with Hector Ivan Mejía (Police Commissioner and Rector of the Honduran instructors by October 2012.
Police Education System), April 17, 2014. 208
Interview with Hector Ivan Mejía, April 17, 2014.
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014. 209

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Choosing the police officers to be trained at the school involves a lengthy extensive database that records the kinds of training each participant re-
process that requires the application of Leahy vetting (see Text Box 2). ceives as well as the grades they received. U.S. officials noted that this
At the beginning of an education cycle, the Police Education System database helps to identify possible candidates who would benefit from
announces course offerings to regional police chiefs, specifying that all and meet the prerequisites for advanced classes. Nevertheless, the practice
prospective students must be nominated five weeks before classes begin of assigning police to specific units on the basis of their preparedness and
in order to complete the required vetting procedures. Once the names training (i.e. taking advanced courses from the school) remains limited,
are received, a vetting process is undertaken to determine eligibility for despite the existence of the database.215 A Honduran official suggested that
the courses (see Text Box 2).210 Officers taking courses at the school must some unit assignments were made on the basis of trainings given, but this
complete the vetting process on an annual basis in order to take additional may just be the case insofar as those attending the CIS already work in the
classes in later years as is always the case with vetted individuals that con- specialty areas in which they receive additional training.216
tinue to benefit from U.S. aid.211
A senior Honduran official identified this vetting process as a crucial
aspect of strengthening Honduras’ police over the long term, and as a
means to root out the corruption and neglect that characterized the police
for many years. According to him, an “A List” and “B List” of Honduran
police officers serves as the basis of a process designed to remove corrupt or
tainted elements of the police, and strengthen those vetted and identified as
meeting the institution’s standards. The “A List” of vetted and committed
officers can freely proceed to take classes at the school, while the “B List”
(essentially, those that do not meet the vetting requirements) cannot receive
trainings and will eventually be forced out of the police force.212
CIS courses average two to four weeks, although some can last for a
couple of months. Training includes the use of mock crime scenes in order
to simulate real life pressures, as well as a focus on team building and coop-
Criminal Investigation School students work in a mock crime scene as part of
eration, which seeks to address the chronic weakness of poor coordination their training.
in the justice and security sector.213 Outside instructors, such as judges and
prosecutors, also cycle through the school in an effort to improve inter-in-
stitutional coordination, and in some cases members of the justice system Officials identified a number of successes resulting from the school’s
as well as firefighters also receive classes at the school.214 work. Since its opening, the school has imparted training to nearly 3,000
Beneficiaries of the school’s training become a part of the school’s separate members of the police, Public Ministry, and others in over 27 sub-
jects.217 The school’s most essential course, “Basic Criminal Investigation,”
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014.
Interview with Hector Ivan Mejía, April 17, 2014.
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014.
Ibid. U.S. officials noted that training for firefighters is crucial due to the fact
that they often arrive first to a crime scene, and need to know how to protect the 216
Interview with Hector Ivan Mejía, April 17, 2014.
crime scene and secure evidence. 217
INL, “Criminal Investigation School Fact Sheet,” n.d.

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provided training to over 700 police officers between 2012 and 2013.218 is providing quality investigators. In addition, the Rector of the Police
U.S. officials assert that the school now commands respect and considerable Education System cites as evidence of the School’s success a higher numbers
interest among the Honduran police, to the point that the various direc- of captures, an improved rate of bringing cases to trial, enhanced response
torates of the police now request the school add many specialized courses and activity against certain crimes like drug-trafficking, and more empha-
to its curriculum that span the spectrum of police work. The school is also sis within the police on community-based policing.220 U.S. officials also
reportedly seeking international certification and Honduras hopes it can pointed to other anecdotal evidence of the impact and effect the CIS can
become a regional center for police training.219 have upon its graduates.221
While these stories and assertions of accomplishments and improve-
ments are encouraging, they also highlight a similar impact assessment
problem identified in other areas of CARSI programming. Anecdotes may
hint at limited success, but CARSI lacks a systematic measurement of the
courses’ impact beyond the number of beneficiaries. U.S. officials said that
they hoped to begin to remedy this situation with the launching of a special
website that would provide former students with the opportunity to share
their experiences and discuss how their training translates to in-the-field
successes.222 Even so, more thorough tracking of graduate performance
and periodic review of where the school’s graduates end up (whether in
leadership, outside the police force, or even engaged in criminal activity
including corruption) should be an important priority for INL’s CARSI
program. Furthermore, assessing the impact of training on law enforce-
ment institutions as a whole is a more difficult but equally important task.
Evidence that demonstrates whether training is making the agency more
effective and less corrupt seems important if further training assistance is
The Criminal Investigation School uses mock crime scenes to simulate the
to be justified.
pressures officers face in real-life investigations and to promote a focus on While today the Criminal Investigation School in Honduras appears to
team building and cooperation among the students. be experiencing an uptick in interest among law enforcement leaders and
institutional growth, it has faced a number of challenges along the way.
Yet beyond mere evidence of demand for its training, it remains diffi- Chief among them appears to be the vetting requirements. While all agree
cult to determine the Criminal Investigation School’s impact on building on the importance of vetting and the need for thorough background checks
the capacity of the Honduran police, and more generally, security and of the school’s students, U.S. officials noted that the CIS often must rely on
justice institutions. Most evidence appears to be anecdotal: for example,
Director General of the National Police, Ramón Sabillón, stated the school 220
Interview with Hector Ivan Mejía, April 17, 2014. Because police performance
statistics are not widely disseminated, it is impossible to verify this information.
INL, “Country Report, Honduras.” 2014 International Narcotics Control Strategy Further, determining causation—whether the Criminal Investigation School has
Report. See also INL, “Honduras,” 2013 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report caused these assumed improvements in police performance—would present addi-
(INCSR). To put this in context, Honduras has about 13,000 police officers, meaning a tional difficulties.
little over 5% of Honduran police officers have received this basic introductory course. 221
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014.
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014. 222

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the small cadre of Leahy-vetted officers to provide trainings. institution as a whole, more rigorous tracking of graduates’ careers and per-
Additionally, the five weeks required to vet a potential student often formance is necessary, rather than simply relying on promising anecdotes
results in many being turned away because their superiors failed to provide or the observations of Honduran police superiors overseeing the school.
sufficient lead-time for them to be properly vetted in order to enroll in Further, the Honduran experience underscores the need for CARSI
a training course.223 Another difficulty emerged during the school’s first programs to adapt to environments marked by exceptional corruption,
months of operation, when it lacked the reputation it possesses today. In looking for ways to build capacity without having to rely on isolated units
these early days, students were hard to find, suggesting that at the outset, or training programs that may benefit individuals but do not transform
the school did not command the police’s buy-in and ownership as it does the institution as a whole. INL in Honduras has sought ways to do this
today. Finally, the suggestion from Honduran authorities that they might (mentioned in the U.S.-CARSI Strategy section of this chapter) by sup-
relocate the school presents a constant threat, and with good reason: in porting legal and structural reforms and the involvement of Colombian
recent months, the Ministry of Security completely changed the location of advisers, but these efforts are undermined by the lack of political will
Honduras’ traditional headquarters, generating serious resentment among among Honduran authorities to prioritize institutional reform and promote
police officers and officials.224 greater accountability.
Second, the Criminal Investigation School’s limited geographic scope
Training and Police Reform presents difficulties in reaching police officers at the national level. Up
The Criminal Investigation School in Honduras boasts some clear suc- until 2014, classes only took place in Tegucigalpa, limiting the participa-
cesses. Its reputation and use by the police, as well as ownership of and tion of potential candidates based in other regions, including the violent
investment in the school by Honduran authorities suggests that the police northern corridor. The two-to-four week length of most courses has made
see it as an important tool for improving their own institution. Many stu- it difficult for already over-extended local police offices to spare officers,
dents have now received classes through the school’s programs, and it is especially for investigators who are absent from duty to attend courses at
one reason for claims of improvement in police performance. the school in the capital. Given that Tegucigalpa, the site of the school,
Nevertheless, a few questions remain for the school. First and foremost, already boasts the best allocation of resources and personnel, local police
as a “capacity building” initiative providing training for the Honduran officers’ easier access to the learning provided at the school may reinforce
police, the program’s impact on genuine reform of the larger institution the unfortunate disparity that characterizes police, human, and material
is limited. The police certainly do need training, but in an institution resource deployment.225 The launching of classes outside the capital in 2014
that suffers from widespread and high-level corruption and a lack of re- marks an important step towards correcting this imbalance, and provides
sources and public mistrust, the police require considerably more than the opportunity for officers in other regions to benefit from the school’s
training-based capacity enhancement. In order to better understand the expanding offerings and presence. U.S. officials ought to continue to pur-
impact that the school produces and to ensure its positive effect upon the sue methods to offer classes in other regions, perhaps developing satellite
campuses in violent hotspots like San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba in order
223 to better equip police officers and improve the police’s performance at the
U.S. officials noted that the Ministry of Security has threatened to relocate
224 national level.
the school multiple times (interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014). See also
“Empleados y docentes de la Universidad de Policía protestan ante orden de desa- For example, statistics acquired by the author from a police slide presentation

lojo,” El Tiempo, November 20, 2013, show that Tegucigalpa possesses 60 investigators and 20 cars to investigate homi-
dos-y-docentes-de-la-universidad-de-policia-protestan-ante-orden-de-desalojo. cides, while San Pedro Sula has a mere 30 investigators and six cars for such cases.
The resentment stemmed from the lack of warning provided to the affected police This disparity becomes dramatic when one considers that San Pedro Sula suffers
officers and the need to fund their move to the new site. from nearly twice as many homicides per month as Tegucigalpa.

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Finally, disconnecting training from police assignment practices and The three or more years of their existence, and their prominence both in
patterns poses a serious weakness for the current Criminal Investigation Honduras’ violent communities and in the discourse of U.S. officials made
School training scheme. While it is important to acknowledge and applaud them the obvious choice for further inspection and reflection in this chap-
the existence of a database tracking officers’ educational records, this infor- ter. While USAID must face the challenges of ensuring sustainability and
mation is most useful if it can be harnessed to make decisions about where measuring program impact, it appears that outreach centers are somewhat
and how police officers should be deployed. The institutional impact and helpful outposts for public services that at a minimum provide recreational
impact on crime would likely be significant if a mechanism could be cre- and vocational training opportunities for at-risk youth.
ated to allow Honduran police leaders to more effectively assign personnel The outreach center program began in earnest in 2011 through funds
on the basis of their preparedness. While officials assert this is the long- provided to Alianza Joven Regional-SICA (Regional Youth Alliance),
term goal, addressing it in the short term should be a priority for capacity which later formed a Honduran chapter called Alianza Joven Honduras
building efforts in Honduras.226 (Honduras Youth Alliance, or AJH for its Spanish initials). In that year and
ensuing years, the Regional Youth Alliance/AJH began 40 different out-
Strengthening Training, and Looking Beyond reach centers throughout the country using CARSI funds from USAID.228
As with the other programs discussed in this chapter, the Criminal The criteria for identifying the sites focused on two primary issues: high
Investigation School provides many benefits to the Honduran police, and risk/violence and high need. Such factors were assessed via statistics pro-
by their own account, helps to increase and improve the police’s capacity vided by official sources, such as the UNAH Violence Observatory, the
and performance. Emphasis on matters such as community policing suggest country’s most respected source of violence data.229
that it also contributes to reform and transformation within the police. In order to enter a community, USAID and its implementing partner
Even so, CARSI support for the police needs to go beyond a training must be invited to work in the local community by those living there.230
center in the country’s capital. Other reform-oriented CARSI projects do A focus on community ownership and presence represents a crucial aspect
exist in the country—such as support for reforming laws pertaining to the of the outreach center model: previous efforts to create something similar
police and improving the police’s structure, the placement of Colombian with casas jovenes (youth houses) in Guatemala had failed because they were
advisers in select areas, and aid in developing new units such as police located outside the community and so were not practical for the poor, at-
intelligence—but the Criminal Investigation School remains a primary risk youth they sought to serve.231
feature of Honduran INL programs.227 Expanding the school’s reach, as Individuals running one outreach center in Tegucigalpa who were in-
well as integrating its database into a larger police assignment scheme, will terviewed for this report reinforced the importance of community own-
complement and further strengthen these larger reform efforts, and provide ership as vital to a center’s performance. In their opinion, the success of an
more long-lasting capacity building for the Honduran police.
Luis Mazariegos et. al, “Sistematización: Centros de Alcance “Por Mi Barrio”
Honduras,” Alianza Joven Honduras, January 2014, 5.
Outreach Centers: The Poster Child for Prevention in 229
Interview with U.S. officials, April 2, 2014.
Honduras 230
Ibid. While U.S. officials made clear that that invitation by the community is
the outreach center program model, it is not clear whether the existence of the
CARSI’s Honduras strategy, discussed above, makes clear that preven- outreach center program creates the self-perceived need within the community for
tion in Honduras encompasses a variety of programs. USAID’s outreach the center, thus prompting the invitation. This possibility is quite likely and should
centers are emblematic of the prevention efforts employed in Honduras. not be ignored, given that the program and funding for outreach centers exists and
is promoted by USAID/AJH.
Interview with U.S. officials, March 18, 2014. 231
Interview with Salvador Stadthagen (Director for Alianza Joven Honduras, a
“CARSI INL Supported Projects, April 16, 2014.” project of Creative Associates, based in Washington D.C.), April 2014.

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outreach center depended fundamentally on its presence in the community important, given that a volunteer network is often required to keep the
and commitment to that same community.232 Most often, a local church center running.238 Once again, USAID’s support for these coordinators ap-
will request the creation of an outreach center in a community. Churches pears to be limited: initially, the salaries are covered, but once the outreach
possess special inroads into violent communities, and their members often center has been in operation for a year or two, funding for these positions
have a special ability to move around violent communities in ways that is eliminated, undermining the model’s sustainability unless other sources
others may not. Further, churches provide one of the very few socially for these funds are located.239 This declining funding was a notable critique
acceptable means by which former gang members can leave behind their offered by various parties: aid is significantly reduced in the years following
dangerous cohorts.233 Other examples of the local organizations that run the more generous funding of the outreach’s center’s first year of operation,
outreach centers include local community councils and the U.S. faith-based even while the demands for performance and impact remain the same.240
relief and development agency, World Vision.234
Once the invitation is extended, those involved in launching the new
center work to identify a site. Sometimes, the community chooses to
utilize an otherwise derelict building and reclaim it for community use.
For example, in Nueva Capital, a poor community on the outskirts of
Tegucigalpa and a site visited by the author, the outreach center building
was once built by the city then abandoned and marred by gang graffiti,
but later reclaimed by the community and USAID in order to create the
center.235 According to one U.S. official, each new center costs around
$22,000.236 Others though, have suggested that the actual cost is much
higher, and that USAID programming only provides minimal help in
supplying and furnishing the center.237 Supplies that support the Center’s
programs can represent a significant financial burden that USAID generally
does not cover.
Once in operation, a full-time paid coordinator runs each outreach center, Outreach centers are intended to offer a refuge to at-risk youth by providing
while volunteers meet the center’s other needs. This is where the need for various community services. The centers receive initial funding from USAID
but must rapidly become self-sufficient.
a strong organization, church, or community council becomes especially

Interview with outreach center supervisor and former outreach center coordina- An outreach center provides a number of services to the local commu-
tor, June 4, 2014. nity, in theory acting as a refuge for vulnerable youth in poor and at-risk
Ibid. communities. When asked about the profile of youth in the community,
Interview with U.S. official, April 9, 2014.
Interview with Nueva Capital outreach center coordinator and volunteer, 238
Interview with outreach center supervisor and former outreach center coordina-
April 9, 2014.
tor, June 4, 2014.
Interview with U.S. officials, April 2, 2014. 239
Ibid. In theory, outside sources such as municipal governments or other organi-
Interview with the director of an organization that started and continues to zations would pick up the funding for these positions.
operate an outreach center, May 27, 2014. (Hereinafter “interview with outreach 240
Interview with outreach center implementing organization director, May 27,
center implementing organization director.”) The individual interviewed further
2014, and interview with outreach center supervisor and former outreach center
noted that much of the equipment provided—foosball and pool tables, for exam-
coordinator, June 4, 2014.
ple—broke within weeks of its provision to the outreach center.

| 228 | | 229 |
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Nueva Capital’s outreach center coordinator responded that 90 percent of the

children passing through its doors come from fragile or disintegrated families
(for example, from families where there was not a father figure present).241 In
contrast, individuals working with an outreach center in another community
suggested that many of the children from more stable families frequented the
outreach center alongside their more vulnerable and at-risk counterparts.242
To keep the youth occupied, services provided in the centers include
gyms, Internet service, soccer fields, and a variety of classes designed to
improve youths’ skills and ability to find a job.243 Some services perform
dual functions: for example, internet access, game consoles such as Wiis, or
a soccer field act as ways to attract youth into the center and introduce them
to its other services, like capacity-building classes.244 Others, like the gym or
a soccer field, where usage fees are charged, serve as a mechanism to generate
revenue for the outreach center, and therefore, a means to contribute to the
goal of long-term sustainability.245 Students participate in an after-school class, one of many services offered to
The Nueva Capital outreach center offered a number of different classes youth at an outreach center.
designed to both build youth capacity and address physical and emotional
needs. Volunteers teach six computing classes a day, which are the center’s Other actors questioned the sustainability of these services and pro-
most popular service. Other services included a number of classes for personal grams noting that funding for them is not permanent and is drastically
beauty, electricity and small electric appliance repair, and gym, Classes also reduced after the outreach center’s first year of operation.247 Furthermore,
included the teaching of virtues and morals through a small lesson at the they also questioned the actual impact of the programs and classes, instead
outset of class or through the viewing of movies. The Center also has an suggesting that these programs must orient their focus on mentoring and
after-school “learning reinforcement” program for problematic children at providing services and opportunities to high-risk youth in special danger
the local school. Finally, alternative online secondary education programs of joining criminal bands.248 The outreach center’s focus on recreational
will soon form a part of the Center’s services, providing an opportunity for programs, they assert, has a doubtful impact upon violence because it does
older youth to finish their secondary education.246 not properly and thoroughly engage this more vulnerable population.249
In addition, outside organizations that also receive CARSI funding
Interview with Nueva Capital outreach center coordinator, April 9, 2014. This from USAID will at times offer their services through outreach centers.
statistic should be not be seen as authoritative—it was simply a rough estimate pro-
For example, the Youth Against Violence Movement ( Jovenes Contra la
vided by the coordinator.
Violencia) implements an anti-bullying program at the Nueva Capital
Interview with outreach center supervisor and former outreach center coordina-
tor, June 4, 2014. outreach center, and both the teen pregnancy program and alternative
Interviews with U.S. officials, Salvador Stadthagen, and outreach center coordi-
nator and volunteer, April 2 and 9, 2014. 247
Interview with outreach center implementing organization director, May 27, 2014.
Interviews with U.S. officials and Nueva Capital outreach center coordinator and 248
In USAID terminology, this would be “secondary prevention.” According to the
volunteer, April 2 and 9, 2014. interviewed persons, these programs have a much more proven and effective track
Interview with outreach center supervisor and former outreach center coordina- record.
tor, June 4, 2014. 249
Interview with outreach center supervisor and former outreach center coordina-
Interview with Nueva Capital outreach center coordinator, April 9, 2014. Some tor, June 4, 2014.
similar programs and workshops were also mentioned in the interview with out-
reach center supervisor and former outreach center coordinator, June 4, 2014.
| 230 | | 231 |
CARSI in Honduras Aaron Korthuis
Isolated Successes and Limited Impact

education program METAS (both funded by USAID CARSI funds) have entire outreach center project.256 Outside funding remains a constant need.
implemented their programs there.250 USAID funds given to the Fondo USAID and its partners are looking to make the programs sustainable by
Hondureño de Inversión Social (FHIS—Honduran Social Investment identifying other sources of funding so as to ensure their long-term exis-
Fund), a government agency, are also brought to bear on communities in tence once USAID can no longer provide funding for them. This comes
which CARSI works in support of outreach centers.251 While this demon- in various forms: volunteer work (thus minimizing salary expenses), dona-
strates an encouraging amount of coordination between various programs tions from the local community and partners (e.g. the church), municipal
that seek to target the “primary prevention” level, another outreach center governments, the national government, and private sector partnerships.257
coordinator who was interviewed noted that only the teen pregnancy Potential private-sector partnerships merit special attention given the pri-
program ever arrived at the center he coordinated during his extensive ority placed on these partnerships in interviews and across the spectrum
time there.252 Finally, a pilot “secondary prevention” program seeking to of all USAID CARSI programs. Examples of such support include the
target especially at-risk youth also attempts to integrate outreach centers, provision of free Internet to the outreach centers through Tigo, one of
churches, and schools into efforts to identify youth at risk of sliding into Honduras’ largest cell-phone service providers, and a maquila (factory)
violence and crime.253 in San Pedro Sula that built and maintains an outreach center in a poor
To keep these programs and services running, officials noted repeatedly community where many of its workers live.258
the importance of sustainability in funding and management. The centers U.S. officials also maintain that the Honduran government has demon-
operate a number of schemes to help generate funding for their programs strated commitment to the outreach center methodology. Using funds from
such as selling gym passes/memberships, setting up a bakery to make and the aforementioned “Security Tax,” President Hernández’s administration
sell baked goods, candle-making, vegetable canning, and clothes sales.254 committed $1 million to strengthen the outreach center program by open-
Yet despite this plethora of microenterprises, AJH admits that using this ing a number of new centers.259 Municipal governments have also found the
model to sustain the centers is problematic because it fails to sustain them program beneficial, and in some places now pay the coordinator’s annual
as originally envisioned. In its study of the outreach center program, AJH salary, although AJH’s review of the program notes that local government
noted that instilling the importance of the entrepreneurial values in out- support has not materialized as hoped.260 Other donors have also adopted
reach center coordinators remains an important objective in order to make the outreach center model: the European Union’s mission in Honduras
these microenterprises more effective. According to the document, AJH’s now provides funding for a few centers.261 Furthermore, in San Pedro
new strategy focuses simply on using gyms as means to generate revenue Sula and Choloma, a regional NGO will soon take over the financing and
for the centers, although it is unclear how successful this attempted refocus oversight of all outreach centers in the region, without USAID support,
will be.255
Even with gyms, outreach centers are unlikely to become “sustainable”
in the sense of being self-financing, putting in doubt the longevity of the 256
In the interview with Salvador Stadthagen on April 2, 2014, he noted that the
center were never likely to be self-financing.
Interview with Nueva Capital outreach center coordinator, April 9, 2014. 257
Interview with Honduran government official from FHIS, April 9, 2014. 258
Interview with U.S. officials, April 2, 2014.
Interview with outreach center supervisor and former outreach center coordina- 259
“L 20 millones para centros de alcance,” El Heraldo, February 13, 2014,
tor, June 4, 2014.
Interview with Salvador Stadthagen, April 2, 2014. para-centros-de-alcance.
Interview with U.S. officials, April 2, 2014. 260
Interview with U.S. officials, April 2, 2014 and Luis Mazariegos et. al,
Luis Mazariegos et. al, “Sistematización: Centros de Alcance “Por Mi Barrio” “Sistematización: Centros de Alcance “Por Mi Barrio” Honduras,” 6.
Honduras,” 42. 261
Email correspondence with Salvador Stadthagen, June 2, 2014.

| 232 | | 233 |
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Isolated Successes and Limited Impact

possibly ensuring longer term viability.262 need for such centers and the success they can have.264
While efforts to provide outside funding to outreach centers are visible, Beyond this, USAID officials, implementing partners, and coordinators
ensuring sustainability should be a preeminent concern and a top-priority and volunteers provided a number of anecdotes highlighting success stories
for USAID, and represents a serious challenge. Gym memberships might of individual youths that had been transformed by the outreach center and
cover miscellaneous expenses such as the utilities and water bill, but it is its programs.265 They talked about previously quiet or problematic youth
doubtful whether it will cover the capital investments all outreach centers who were transformed over the course of a class, or how young people were
need or even the coordinator’s salary. Further, while the private sector able to find a job as a result of the training and classes they received via the
(and for that matter, municipal governments) might be willing to give outreach center. Other vocational program facilitators from the Honduran
their support freely to the outreach centers while USAID is involved, Social Investment Fund (FHIS), which also provides job training in the
this willingness might diminish without its leadership and image once community (through the outreach center), similarly cited anecdotes of
the organization pulls its support. In the end, sustainability will depend trainees who had work lined up after receiving FHIS certification at an
upon the Honduran government—a questionable partner when it comes outreach center.266 Unfortunately though, no reliable and readily acces-
to sustaining prevention projects. While a hopeful sign, the $1 million sible data (beyond number of beneficiaries) is available to systematically
the government dedicated to new outreach centers does not guarantee the determine the program’s effect on employment, representing another se-
sustainability of already existing centers, and the source of the money—a rious challenge for the outreach center program.267 USAID officials noted
discretionary fund—means that long term funding is not ensured. that when the outreach center programs originally began, they employed
In terms of results and impact, it is noteworthy that both U.S. officials indicators such as homicide rates in the community, but that these were
and their implementing partners consider the outreach center program a quickly discarded once it was recognized that outreach centers could not
success, a fact evidenced by the numerous examples of positive impacts that have an impact on such problems without a simultaneous improvement in
were cited throughout interviews conducted by the author. Chief among law enforcement efforts.268
them were the number of beneficiaries served via the centers: officials
asserted that between 15,000 and 17,000 separate children and youths USAID Prevention in Honduras: Challenges amidst Violence
have benefited with the help of over 700 volunteers since the program’s This leads to one of the diff iculties and weaknesses of CARSI’s
inception.263 The individuals receiving these resources often come from 264
Interview with U.S. officials, April 2, 2014. This success must be qualified
communities with high demand for services that are otherwise unavailable. though. An interview conducted with the outreach center coordinator in Nueva
For example, in Nueva Capital, 536 youth signed up to receive classes or Capital revealed that the center had at most the capacity to serve a total of 200
participate at the center the day after its inauguration, highlighting the youths even though 400 were currently signed up. Thus far, some 500 kids have
been served. While it shows the center is certainly being used, it appears that those
launching the center probably did not anticipate the demand that would exist.
Further, given the large size of the Nueva Capital neighborhood, the appearance
This viability is not guaranteed. Should the NGO fail to find the funds necessary of 500 kids to sign up for services should not be overly surprising, and tempers the
to keep the outreach centers going, they will simply close, providing a poignant assertions of success by U.S. officials.
example of the worries expressed regarding sustainability in this section.
USAID, “JuvenClubs: Rescuing youth from violence by promoting their inter-
Interviews with U.S. officials, February 26, 2014 and April 2, 2014. In order to ests and talents.”
qualify as a beneficiary, a youth must have spent at least 10 hours in the outreach
Interview with FIHS vocation program facilitators, April 9, 2014.
center. It is important to note that 10 hours in an outreach center over the period of 267
This must be viewed in light of the Honduran economic situation: Few formal
weeks, months, or even years suggests very little about whether outreach centers are sector jobs are available, especially for youth attending public schools in poor urban
preventing youth from engaging in violence, or joining a gang, and much less about neighborhoods.
their ability to return at-risk youth to school or to create employment opportunities. 268
Interviews with U.S. officials and Salvador Stadthagen, April 2, 2014.

| 234 | | 235 |
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Isolated Successes and Limited Impact

prevention efforts in Honduras. Measurements of the success and impact following up with young people who participated in a vocational program
of outreach centers in constructing “strong and resilient communities that a month or two after its completion might be difficult in marginalized
can withstand the pressures of crime and violence,” are evidently lacking, and violent neighborhoods (but that does not mean it cannot be tried).
calling into question the program’s overall impact, despite evidence that More likely, measuring more holistic results will reveal an unimpressive
it is possible to provide such monitoring and assessment.269 This is not to and disappointing reality regarding program impact, perhaps providing a
say that the output and work of the centers is not monitored: officials and disincentive to pursue such data. This reality stems from the fact that few
implementing partners outlined a number of ways this is done. First, basic formal employment opportunities are available and that the youth living
indicators like youth served and services provided are regularly recorded in dangerous communities have few alternatives to the reality in which
and provided through quarterly reports from the implementing partner, they live. Admittedly, anecdotes suggest methods that might prevent youth
AJH. Youth arriving regularly at the outreach centers for classes or other from becoming engaged in criminal activity and ways to shape youth to
activities receive a survey in which they are asked to indicate basic informa- become a positive force in the community, but they remain just that—an-
tion about themselves, including whether they go to school or whether they ecdotes. To better target a community’s needs and ensure CARSI’s positive
work.270 Beneficiaries of the center are also asked to sign in and out in order impact, systematic monitoring and follow-up with beneficiaries from the
to keep track of attendance. Second, USAID officials also conduct both outreach centers through surveys should be undertaken.273 In this way, the
announced and unannounced visits to the outreach centers to check-in on survey results can be used to strengthen the prevention programs and the
their work. Officials fill out a form detailing their observations, and also community’s continuing and evolving needs identified.
seek to talk to the youth regarding their perceptions and experience at the And while this monitoring and impact assessment could be improved,
center. Success indicators now also include sustainability measures, such it is noteworthy and laudable that USAID has sought to lead the way in
as private sector and NGO partnerships.271 assessing the long-term impact of its programs through a scientifically
Even so, impact monitoring that goes beyond immediate project indi- rigorous survey with target and control neighborhoods in Central America
cators, such as the number of beneficiaries, is undoubtedly lacking. This is and Mexico. With the help of Vanderbilt University (which has a long
worrying, given that some of those interviewed for this chapter question history of providing polling data in the Latin American region), USAID
the model’s impact in the communities they serve.272 In part, this lack of seeks to use victimization and perception surveys to determine what impact
monitoring may not be the fault of USAID or of those implementing the USAID CARSI prevention has had, which will in turn inform the future
project; such indicators present measurement challenges. For example, of the outreach center program and others discussed in the CARSI strategy
section of this chapter. Thus, while the evidence above suggests there is
For an example of how to measure community resilience and to understand fac- room for improvement, USAID’s assessment efforts represent a significant
tors that contribute to building it, see Matthew C. Ingram, “Community Resilience step in the right direction, and serves as a model for other CARSI programs
to Violence: Local Schools, Regional Economies, and Homicide in Mexico’s that do not benefit from such impact analysis.274
Municipalities,” in Building Resilient Communities in Mexico: Civic Responses to Crime
and Violence, eds. David A. Shirk, Duncan Wood, and Eric L. Olson (Washington Coordination and cohesion between USAID’s numerous CARSI pro-
D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the University of San grams—of which the outreach center is the focal point—merits special
Diego Justice in Mexico Project, March 2014), attention as well. On the whole, when questioned about coordination,
default/files/Resilient_Communities_Mexico.pdf, 25-62.
Survey obtained by author at outreach center site entitled “Centros de Alcance 273
For example, interviews with the beneficiaries a few months after receiving after
‘Por Mi Barrio’: Ficha de Datos del Beneficiario.” a class or attending the outreach center regularly could help to determine if they
Interview with U.S. officials, April 2, 2014. found a job or have begun attending school or even church. Without such informa-
Interview with outreach center supervisor and former outreach center coordina- tion, the impact of the outreach center program remains in question.
tor, June 4, 2014. 274
Author requests to view the draft of this assessment were denied.

| 236 | | 237 |
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Isolated Successes and Limited Impact

implementing partner employees revealed genuine efforts to guarantee Prisons in Honduras are commonly known as gang recruiting centers
that USAID-funded services arrived at local outreach centers and the that merely produce criminals, and so prevention efforts targeting former
communities in which USAID focuses its efforts.275 This is encouraging offenders presents a special challenge, and requires more opportunities and
and commendable. Yet the sheer number of projects that USAID is imple- counseling for those exiting prison. While USAID has launched some lim-
menting and the apparent duplication in some of these programs remain ited programs to help former offenders and to provide avenues to restorative
a cause for concern. justice for youth, they appear, like the YSET program, to be quite limited
For example, multiple projects from different organizations receiving in scope.277 In part, this may be due to the politically sensitive nature of
funding from USAID focused on “community-organizing”-like efforts, such funding, as well as legal restrictions due to the designation of MS-13
and at least two have alternative education programs that appear to provide as a transnational criminal organization by the Obama administration.278
degrees with similar functions. While it is difficult to determine whether Finally, all the stakeholders interviewed identified elevated violence in
program duplication has also resulted in redundancy at the community outreach center communities as an additional challenge for the program.
level, consolidation of the most effective programs would seem to be a This is not a program weakness—the outreach centers seek to address this
prudent course of action. This is especially true when one considers that very problem. But it has affected program operations. In one community,
USAID is a single (major) donor working alongside many others that may stolen equipment prompted the permanent shutdown of the outreach cen-
also be duplicating functions. Thus program proliferation suggests the need ter, while in another it has affected the success of the microenterprise used
for better coordination—with the appropriate focus given by USAID in to support the center.279 Other outreach centers have closed temporarily
coordinating services through a place like the outreach center. due to violence in the community stemming from inter-gang warfare.
Another potential area for USAID programming improvement concerns Rather than being a weakness, this confirms that the outreach centers truly
the “secondary prevention” scheme that forms part of USAID’s overall are placed in Honduras’ most violence-stricken communities; similarly, it
strategy. Outreach centers, with their classes, programs, and additional also suggests that violence remains a challenge worth noting in order to
services offered by other USAID programs (teen pregnancy, alternative understand the outreach center program.
education, etc.) provide a myriad of primary prevention opportunities for
the community. But it is the “higher risk kids from higher risk areas” who Conclusion: CARSI and Prevention in Honduras
need more attention, a strategy that produces betters results according those USAID’s outreach center program addresses a long neglected need in
working in an outreach center that seeks to provide this type of focus in its
work.276 The YSET pilot program, which trains outreach center coordi- 277
In an interview with a U.S. official, the author was told about a program in
nators and volunteers, as well as others (e.g. teachers) to identify high-risk Tegucigalpa designed to help find jobs for former inmates or provide money for
youth and recommend them for counseling, represents a step in the right small businesses. About 50-60 individuals had received money to fund a small busi-
direction in this respect. If consolidation takes place in the numerous ness at the time of the interview. USAID has also supported juvenile justice reform,
supporting efforts to change the penal code and offer youth alternative to incarcera-
primary prevention programs already in place, this would certainly leave
tion in order to pay their dues. Interview with U.S. official, February 26, 2014.
resources to strengthen programs on other prevention levels. 278
U.S Department of the Treasury, “Treasury Sanctions Latin American Criminal
Similarly, tertiary prevention—or namely, prevention that seeks to pre- Organization,” press release, October 11, 2012,
vent recidivism—would also benefit from additional focus and resources. press-center/press-rele,ases/Pages/tg1733.aspx.
Interviews with U.S. officials and Salvador Stadthagen, April 2, 2014 and in-
terview with outreach center supervisor and former outreach center coordinator,
Interviews with numerous implementing partner organizations, April 2014.
June 4, 2014. Officials also noted that the local partner in the community where the
Interview with outreach center supervisor and former outreach center coordina-
outreach center was closed was not fully committed to the project, in part motivat-
tor, June 4, 2014. ing the decision to close the center.

| 238 | | 239 |
CARSI in Honduras Aaron Korthuis
Isolated Successes and Limited Impact

poor and violent Honduran communities: programs that provide alterna- these efforts is mixed: a number of successes certainly are evident, while dif-
tives for youth who often must choose between staying indoors or joining ficulties in the models employed suggest the need for adaptation and revision.
the violent criminal bands that rule the streets. The centers offer opportu- In particular, a few challenges stand out for CARSI’s future in Honduras.
nities in neighborhoods where schools are faced with problems of over-ca- First, coordination between the numerous programs funded by INL and
pacity, giving youth a chance to explore possible alternative educational USAID can and should be improved. This applies at many levels: coor-
programs in manual labor or in learning basic computer skills. Some basic dination and information between task forces is noticeably absent, but
impacts are evident: the enthusiasm with which other organizations and seeking to improve coordination between law enforcement and prevention
the private sector have supported the program suggests it touches a nerve efforts is also needed, and would likely produce more dramatic results in
within Honduran society. the areas that it targets.
Yet the outreach center program, as well as USAID’s CARSI programs Coordination would also improve if CARSI were to address another
in general, suffers from two serious weaknesses that require immediate problematic area: program proliferation. A large number of vetted units
attention: impact measurement and sustainability. By improving success and task forces operate within Honduras, in addition to numerous new
indicators that measure outcomes and community resilience, and by fol- special entities created by the Honduran government, producing confu-
lowing up with more youth, the program’s true impact can be more fully sion and duplication of efforts. In prevention, USAID boasts a plethora
determined. This is a crucial need, given the vast investment inserted into of programs, but a number clearly overlap and provide similar services,
the program and its undetermined subsequent impact. Further, special atten- suggesting the need to consolidate some programs, while expanding sec-
tion must be paid to the sustainability of these programs in order to ensure ondary prevention programs.
community strengthening over the long term. As it stands, the program’s Third, CARSI strategy and goals need to be reassessed based on their
long-term viability without USAID support is questionable. Given these impact on rule of law institutions. Despite the stated goal of supporting and
concerns, USAID needs to learn from the past five years of CARSI imple- promoting broader institutional reform, the formation of vetted units and
mentation to strengthen and consolidate those programs with measured and specialized task forces has produced questionable results within the larger
proven results while guaranteeing their long-term sustainability. institution, and, at times, has been counter-productive even while their
impact on specific investigations and crime fighting efforts may be posi-
CARSI in Honduras: Five Years Later tive. The emphasis on law enforcement training provided by the Criminal
Investigation School, which is designed to improve performance, is also
More than five year after CARSI’s inception and the associated rise in unverifiable and its contribution to broader institutional reform is ques-
justice and security sector funding, Honduras faces even more pronounced tionable. Consequently, U.S. efforts to aid legal reform of the police and
difficulties in addressing problems of violence and crime. Drug-trafficking support entire offices (like police intelligence) should be sustained, and
remains rampant, corruption taints not only the police, but also the Public perhaps expanded, as a means to slowly reform the larger institution.
Ministry and the Judiciary, and urban violence continues unabated. Despite But beyond that, the U.S. government must seek to ensure the political
this, some encouraging trends have emerged. Limited reforms are taking will required to produce comprehensive institutional transformation and
place within the police and Public Ministry, and law enforcement efforts sustain prevention efforts. As Kleinfeld notes, improving the rule of law—
have produced actions against leading drug-traffickers in the country. including security and justice sector reform—requires that the United
U.S. assistance and support, in large part suspended following the 2009 States, and in this case Honduras, recognize that long established interests
coup, increased in earnest in 2011 and following years, and resulted in the and privileges may be affected by reform and, thus, make the process of
launch of task forces, a new criminal investigation school, and community
outreach centers, among a myriad of other programs. Today, the legacy of

| 240 | | 241 |
CARSI in Honduras Aaron Korthuis
Isolated Successes and Limited Impact

reform very difficult.280 Treating reform as a technical or legal manner

without recognizing the political dimensions will continue the cycle that
has characterized CARSI in Honduras to date: inaction and stalemate on
much needed long-term comprehensive institutional transformation. The
failure of the current and former governments to vet Honduras’ police, pass
meaningful legal reforms or provide a long-term budget for prevention
efforts, as well as their reliance on military police forces for public security
functions suggests that political will continues to present serious challenges
for CARSI in Honduras. This is a matter that U.S. officials cannot ignore.
Finally, the United States needs to improve indicators and measurement
of success in order to better determine the impact of CARSI. This applies
to all the areas explored in this chapter. Reporting on task force perfor-
mance should be more transparent, so that Honduran and U.S. taxpayers
alike better understand the sensitive support the United States is providing.
The Criminal Investigation School should seek ways to follow up with
students, learning from their experiences and determining whether the
skills taught are appropriate to their needs in the field. And USAID needs
to move beyond basic indicators like the number of beneficiaries served
towards more integral measurements, such as job placement, to better assess
the success of prevention efforts. On top of all this, accounting of public
resources used for security purposes must be more transparent and readily
available so that the measured results can be compared with the investment
by the United States.
As many interviewees made clear, U.S. security assistance in Honduras
provides important and indispensable contributions to law enforcement
and prevention efforts. Results are evident, and should be recognized.
But revisions to the country strategy, as well as an acknowledgement of
the program’s limitations and impacts, should be made, with the hope
of further improving a situation of crime and violence that continues to
severely debilitate Honduras.

Kleinfeld, Advancing the Rule of Law Abroad, 10.

| 242 | | 243 |

M atthew C. Ingram and K arise M. Curtis*


iolence directly affects individual and community wellbeing, and
Guatemala is also increasingly understood to undercut democracy and devel-
opment. For public health scholars, violence presents a direct harm
Honduras to health and wellbeing. In the worst cases, violence is lethal. Violence also
generates serious costs to democracy. Fear and insecurity erode public trust
and interpersonal confidence, hindering civic engagement and participa-
tion in public life. Further, low public trust undermines the legitimacy of
El Salvador democratic institutions, and persistent insecurity can generate support for
heavy-handed or authoritarian policies.1 Indeed, in some new democra-
cies in the region, including El Salvador, frustration with criminal vio-
lence has led majorities to support a return to authoritarian government.2
Across the region, polls identify crime and citizen security as top policy

Margaret Sarles, “USAID’s Support of Justice Reform in Latin America,”
in Rule of Law in Latin America: The International Promotion of Judicial Reform, ed.
Pilar Domingo and Rachel Seider (London: Institute of Latin American Studies,
University of London, 2001).
José Miguel Cruz, “The Impact of Violent Crime on the Political Culture of
Latin America: The Special Case of Central America,” in Challenges to Democracy in
PART TWO: Latin America and the Caribbean: Evidence from the Americas Barometer 2006-2007, ed.
Mitchell A. Seligson (Nashville: Vanderbilt University, 2008), 241, noting similar

NEW DIRECTIONS survey results in Guatemala and Honduras.

*Please direct all correspondence to [email protected].

IN POLICY | 245 |
Violence in Central America: Matthew C. Ingram and Karise M. Curtis
A Spatial View of Homicide in the Region, Northern Triangle, and El Salvador

priorities.3 Thus, the prevention and reduction of violence is crucial to dem- and Crime (UNODC) reports homicide rates for the major regions of
ocratic stability. Lastly, violence generates heavy economic costs, dampening the world for the 17 years from 1995 to 2011.7 UNODC data reveal two
development. In the United States, Ted R. Miller and Mark A. Cohen esti- patterns that set Latin America apart. First, homicide rates in this region
mated the annual financial costs of gunshots alone at $126 billion.4 Similarly, are much higher than in other regions, and much higher than the global
the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) found that the health care average. Specifically, homicide rates in Latin America have been four to
costs of violence constituted 1.9 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) six times higher than those in North America. For instance, while the
in Brazil, 5.0 percent in Colombia, 4.3 percent in El Salvador, 1.3 percent in U.S. homicide rate was 5 per 100,000 in 2010, the rate for Latin America
Mexico, 1.5 percent in Peru and 0.3 percent in Venezuela.5 Along with law was approaching 30. Figure 1 graphs these regional trends, showing the
enforcement costs, costs to the court system, economic losses due to violence, high and increasing homicide rates in Latin America and the Caribbean.
and the cost of private security, violent crime has been estimated to cost
Figure 1: Homicide Rates Across World Regions, 1995-2011
Brazil 10.5 percent of GDP, Venezuela 11.3 percent, Mexico 12.3 percent,
and El Salvador and Colombia more than 24 percent of GDP.6 Restating,

LatAm Caribbean Africa
violence costs several countries, including El Salvador, 10-20 percent of GDP. NorthAm Europe Asia

Homicide Rate (per 100,000 population)

Given that GDP growth rates of three to four percent would be considered Oceania World
healthy, a substantial reduction of violence in these countries would have

dramatic benefits for development. In sum, concerns about public health,
democracy, and development motivate the need for a better understanding
of the patterns and causes of violence, and of the need to translate this un-

derstanding into improved violence-reduction policies.
The intensity of violence in Latin America, particularly in Central
America, also motivates this study. The United Nations Office on Drugs

Marta Lagos and Lucía Dammert, “La Seguridad Ciudadana: El problema princi-
pal de América Latina,” Corporación Latinobarómetro, May 9, 2012,

Ted R. Miller and Mark A. Cohen, “Costs of Gunshot and Cut/Stab Wounds
in the United States, with Some Canadian Comparisons,” Accident Analysis and 1995 2000 2005 2010
Prevention 29, no. 3 (1997): 329-341.
Juan Luis Londoño and Rodrigo Guerrero, “Violencia en América Latina:
Source: UNODC
Epidemiología y Costos,” Documento de Trabajo R-375, (Washington, D.C.:
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 1999); Mayra Buvinic and Andrew Morrison,
Focusing on Central America, Figure 2 graphs homicide rates for the
“Technical Note 4: Economic and Social Consequences of Violence: Violence as an
Obstacle to Development” (Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, Central American nations from 1995 to 2011 in reference to the already
1999):1–8, cited in World Report on Violence and Health, eds. Etienne G. Krug et al., high and increasing rate for Latin America (black dotted line). The fig-
(Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2002): 12. ure also includes the sub-regional average for Central American countries
Londoño and Guerrero, “Violencia en América Latina: Epidemiología y Costos,” only (solid black line). Notably, El Salvador and Honduras reported the two
26; Robert L. Ayres, “Crime and Violence as Development Issues in Latin America
and the Caribbean,” (Washington, DC: World Bank, 1998), cited in Paulo de 7
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Global Study on Homicide
Mesquita Neto, “Public-Private Partnerships for Police Reform in Brazil,” in
2013: Trends, Contexts, Data (Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,
Public Security and Police Reform in the Americas, eds. John Bailey and Lucía Dammert
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh University Press, 2006), 49.

| 246 | | 247 |
Violence in Central America: Matthew C. Ingram and Karise M. Curtis
A Spatial View of Homicide in the Region, Northern Triangle, and El Salvador

highest homicide rates in the world for the three years from 2009 to 2011, Focusing on El Salvador and comparing the scales of the vertical y-axes
and either El Salvador or Honduras has generated the highest homicide rate from both Figure 1 and Figure 2 reveals that homicide rates in El Salvador
in the world since 2005.8 Comparing all Central American countries to the have been persistently above even the maximum value on the y-axis of
Latin American average, the lines representing El Salvador, Guatemala, and Figure 1. National homicide rates only recently dropped below 100 in El
Honduras are always above the broader, regional average. Even though the Salvador, and while the national rate dropped below 50 in 2012, there
sub-regional average (solid black) is higher than the regional average for all of was a disturbingly sharp upturn in homicides in the first half of 2014.9
Latin America, these three countries are also consistently above the sub-re- Subnationally there are multiple municipalities with rates over 100, and
gional average, with Honduras and El Salvador far above this average. Again, these communities co-exist with other communities that do not experi-
two features of the lines representing these countries are (a) the high rate of ence any homicides (see below). As disturbing as the situation may be in
violence compared to their regional counterparts, and (b) the increasing rate El Salvador, the red line representing Honduras shows that violence in
of violence compared to level or decreasing rates in other countries. Another Honduras has increased at an alarming rate since 2007. Updating these two
worrying trend is that while Belize’s homicide rate was below the regional countries beyond the data included in Figure 2 and Table 1, Guatemala’s
average in 2000, since that time it has also joined the other three countries as homicide rate increased slightly from 2011 to 2012, from 38.6 to 39.9,
the only Central American nations with homicide rates consistently higher according to UNODC data, but then decreased in 2013 to 34.3 according
than the Latin American average. Thus, even in a region beset by high and to national police statistics.10 Honduras held steady at a very high rate,
increasing rates of violence, these Central American nations stand out as from 91.4 (2011) to 90.4 (2012), per UNODC data,11 but then dropped
having high and increasing rates of violence. substantially in 2013. However, the extent of the drop is debated openly
in Honduras. The official statistics report a drop a homicide rate for 2013
Figure 2: Homicide Rates Across Central American Countries, 1995-2011
to 75.1. Compared against the UNODC figure for 2012, this would mean
a one-year drop of 17 percent. In contrast, data reported by non-govern-

LatAm CenAm Belize

Guatemala El Salvador Honduras
mental organizations, led by the Violence Observatory at the National
Homicide Rate (per 100,000 population)

Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), initially showed a homi-
cide rate for 2013 of 83, which was later adjusted to 79; these figures suggest
a more conservative drop of between 8 percent and 13 percent.12 Even

using the official, government data, the homicide rate in Honduras remains
extremely high in 2013, nearly 40 percent higher than the second-highest
There were 1,147 homicides reported in the first seven months of 2013, while 2,000
had already been reported by July 15, 2014, an increase over the same seven-month

period of more than 70 percent. Gloria Flores and Ernesto Pérez, “Asesinatos en El
Salvador superan las 2,000 víctimas,” La Prensa Grafica, July 15, 2014,
Rodrigo Baires Quezada, “Diez años de muertes violentas” Plaza Pública, February 2, 2014,

UNODC, Global Study on Homicide 2013.
1995 2000 2005 2010
“Autoridades discrepan por tasa de homicidios en Honduras,” La Prensa, January
12, 2014,
Source: UNODC
sa-de-homicidios-en-honduras. See also Observatorio de la Violencia, “Boletin
Ene-Dic 2013: Mortalidad y Otros,” Edición No. 32, February 2014,
UNODC, Global Study on Homicide 2013. org/pdf/Boletines/Nacional/NEd32EneDic2013.pdf.

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A Spatial View of Homicide in the Region, Northern Triangle, and El Salvador

homicide rate reported in 2012 (Venezuela, at 53.7). Salvador, a more in-depth explanatory analysis of subnational (departmen-
Emphasizing these points, the most recent UNODC data place four tal and municipal) variation in homicide rates within El Salvador tests the
Central American countries at the top of the list of most violent countries relationship between some common social, economic, and institutional
in the world for the last several years. In 2012, Honduras held the top correlates of violence. This more thorough analysis complements the ear-
spot with a homicide rate of 90.4, followed by a South American coun- lier regional and three-country analyses, aiming to identify patterns that
try (Venezuela with 53.7), but then followed by three Central American can help improve violence-reduction policies in El Salvador, the three
neighbors: Belize (44.7), El Salvador (41.2), and Guatemala (39.9). In 2011, countries, and across the region.
Honduras again held the top spot (91.4), El Salvador came in second (69.9), In contrast to a whole-nation perspective that draws on aggregate ho-
followed by three Caribbean or South American countries, and Belize and micide rates at the national level, the subnational perspective and tools of
Guatemala were next, at 39.2 and 38.6, respectively. Table 1 extends the spatial analysis facilitate the identification of clusters of violence that are
discussion of this data, showing the rank and homicide rate of each of these compelling for policymakers for two reasons: (1) these clusters may be situ-
countries from 2005 to 2012. Summing up the data in the table, these four ated in restricted pockets within single countries, facilitating the targeting
Central American countries have been experiencing persistently high and of violence reduction or violence prevention policies to communities or
increasing levels of violence for a decade. groups of communities, rather than spreading resources around the entire
country; and (2) these clusters may straddle international boundaries, iden-
Table 1: Rank and Homicide Rate for Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras tifying key locations of trans-border violence and facilitating the targeting
of violence prevention or reduction policies that require international,
El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Belize
cross-jurisdictional collaboration.
2005 2 (62.2) 4 (42.1) 3 (46.6) 10 (29.8)
In greater detail, the paper proceeds as follows. First, Section 1 examines
2006 1 (64.4) 3 (45.3) 5 (44.3) 10 (33.0)
patterns of homicide across all Central American countries and then focuses
2007 2 (57.1) 6 (43.4) 3 (50.0) 10 (33.9)
more closely on El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The section visual-
2008 4 (51.7) 5 (46.1) 1 (60.8) 11 (35.1)
izes data on all homicides for 2010, the last year for which subnational data
2009 1 (70.9) 7 (46.5) 2 (70.7) 12 (32.2)
across all countries were obtained. Section 2 then zooms in to El Salvador
2010 2 (64.1) 7 (41.6) 1 (81.8) 6 (41.8)
and more closely examines subnational patterns of variation in homicide,
2011 2 (69.9) 7 (38.6) 1 (91.4) 6 (39.2)
highlighting the benefits of a municipal-level analysis over national or de-
2012 4 (41.2) 5 (39.9) 1 (90.4) 3 (44.7)
partmental perspectives that obscure substantial information at the lower,
municipal level. Aside from “zooming in” below the departmental level,
With these cross-national patterns in mind, this paper examines the this section visualizes data on different measures of homicide, including
spatial distribution of violence in Central America in four steps. First, we aggregate homicides for 2012 and 2013, female victims (“femicides”) for
examine homicide rates at the first subnational level (e.g., departments, 2013, and youth homicides for 2012, presenting these data in maps.
provinces) across the entire Central American region. Second, highlighting Section 3 introduces the theoretical background for an explanatory anal-
the countries that consistently have the highest homicide rates in recent ysis of homicide, identifying specific working hypotheses regarding social,
years, we narrow the focus to three countries—El Salvador, Guatemala, economic, and institutional factors anticipated to have a causal relationship
and Honduras—and again examine violence at the first subnational level. with homicide. Section 3 clarifies sources and methods. Section 4.1 under-
Third, we narrow the focus even further to examine only El Salvador, takes an exploratory spatial analysis of the data mapped in Sections 1 and 2,
though this time we drill down further to a municipal level of analy- testing whether the homicides are distributed in a spatially random manner
sis. Fourth, drawing on a more complete, municipal-level data set for El across Central America and then across El Salvador’s 261 municipalities.

| 250 | | 251 |
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A Spatial View of Homicide in the Region, Northern Triangle, and El Salvador

Again, the benefits of a municipal level analysis are emphasized, and the Figure 3: Naitonal Homicide Rates in Central America, 2010

section identifies specific municipalities that constitute cores of statistically

significant clusters of violence. Section 4.2 adds a brief explanatory analysis
based on a spatial regression model.
Looking ahead, the findings suggest that violence clusters geograph-
ically in non-random ways, violence in one municipality spills over into Guatemala
homicide in neighboring municipalities, population pressures exert an
expected upward pressure on homicide rates, poverty exerts an unexpected
downward pressure on homicide rates, and education exerts an expected EL Salvador
downward pressure on homicide rates. Finally, the conclusion revisits the
main findings and discusses policy implications. While the population find-
ing does not translate into a clear policy program, and the poverty finding
2010 Homic ide R ates (quintiles )
requires additional research to understand the causal process underlying (per 100,000)
the result, the other findings yield clear policy implications. Specifically, 11.30 - 13.60
13.61 - 21.60
violence-reduction policies should be targeted regionally rather than at 21.61 - 41.40 Costa Rica

isolated communities, policies aimed at femicides and youth homicides 41.41 - 64.70
64.71 - 82.10
should be targeted at different geographic regions than policies aimed Panama

at homicide more generally, and policies need to emphasize long-term

investment in education.
Souce: Authors’ creation

Section 1: Homicide in Central America: From National to However, a national view obscures substantial subnational variation,
Subnational Views variation that can be very instructive for targeting violence-prevention
Figure 3 reports a conventional, nation-level view of homicide rates and violence reduction policies.13 Figure 4 reports the same geographic
across Central America. In this figure, the high national homicide rate in coverage of Central America, but this time at the first subnational level of
Honduras creates a large, dark area, and overall homicides appear to be analysis (e.g., departments, provinces).
concentrated in the four northernmost countries: Belize, Guatemala, El
Salvador, and Honduras.

See, e.g., Adam Storeygard, et al., “The Global Distribution of Infant Mortality:
a Subnational Spatial View,” Population, Space and Place 14, no. 3 (2008): 209-229.

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A Spatial View of Homicide in the Region, Northern Triangle, and El Salvador

Figure 4: Homicide Rates, First Subnational Administrative Division, 2010 Figure 5: Homicide Rates in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras (by departments),



^ Guatemala

San Salvador ^
El ^
2010 Homic ide R ates (quintiles )
(per 100,000) El Salvador 2010 Homic ide R ate (quintiles )
(per 100,000)
0.00 - 7.42
4.33 - 18.89
7.43 - 17.13 San Jose
18.90 - 38.82
17.14 - 35.61 ^ Rica
38.83 - 59.64
35.62 - 69.95
Panama 59.65 - 77.97
69.96 - 131.27 ^ Panama 77.98 - 131.27

Souce: Authors’ creation

Figure 5 focuses on three countries—El Salvador, Guatemala, and

Souce: Authors’ creation
Honduras—reporting quintiles for the departments in these countries. In
Even a cursory glance at the kind of map in Figure 4 reveals patterns contrast to the subnational map of violence across all of Central America,
invisible at the national level. For instance, several subnational units in there are no departments in these three countries in which homicide was
Nicaragua and Panama—countries that appear to be relatively free of vi- absent in 2010. Restating, in every single department across all three coun-
olence based on national data—experience homicide rates akin to those of tries, there was at least one homicide in 2010. Further, at least at first
multiple places in Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. Further, glance, homicide appears to be concentrated along the southern border of
the high violence that is generally attributed to the entire country in Guatemala, especially along the Guatemala-Honduras border, and among
places like El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras is not geographically the north-central departments of Honduras.
uniform. That is, within these countries, violence is unevenly distributed,
being more concentrated in some places than in others. Indeed, in some Section 2: Homicide in El Salvador: A Closer Look
subnational units in both Guatemala and El Salvador—as well as multiple
This section unpacks homicide data in El Salvador in three ways. First,
other units in other countries—there are very few or no homicides in 2010.
the analysis shifts to municipal-level data, using updated data from 2012
and 2013. Second, 2013 data are compared with 2012 data to gauge the
temporal stability of patterns in the most recent, 2013 data. Finally, ag-
gregate homicide data are disaggregated into femicides, male victims, and
youth victims. Data differentiated by sex was available only for 2013, and

| 254 | | 255 |
Violence in Central America: Matthew C. Ingram and Karise M. Curtis
A Spatial View of Homicide in the Region, Northern Triangle, and El Salvador

data differentiated by age was available only for 2012. Throughout, the identify areas with lower homicide rates.
goal of disaggregating data in these ways is to identify strategies to improve Figure 6: Homicide Rates at Department Level in El Salvador, 2013
the targeting of violence-reduction policies.
The national-level data in Figure 2 spanned 1995-2011. At the end of
that time span, 2011, the national homicide rate in El Salvador stood at
70.19. The rate dropped in 2012 and 2013 to 41.91 and 40.98, respectively.14
By these national figures, El Salvador still has a high rate—eight times the Santa Ana

U.S. rate and about 30 percent higher than Mexico, where the homicide
rate has tripled since 200715 —but it has dropped significantly over the last Ahuachapán Cabañas
10-15 years, especially if we consider the extraordinarily high homicide San Salvador Morazán

rates in the mid-1990s, soon after the end of the civil war. As noted earlier, Sonsonate La Libertad

San Vicente
there appears to be a worrying uptick in violence in the first half of 2014,
La Unión
increasing by 70 percent over the same time period in 2013 (see note 9). La Paz San Miguel

Homic ide R ate 2013

However, as was the case with the regional data reported earlier, this (per 100,000)

national level of analysis obscures meaningful variation among different 20.93 - 0.00
0.01 - 5.00
administrative units within El Salvador. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate how a 5.01 - 15.00
15.01 - 50.00
department-level analysis obscures rich information at the municipal level. 50.01 - 60.19
Figure 6 maps 2013 homicide rates (per 100,000 people) across El Salvador’s
14 departments. Figure 7 then maps the same data across the country’s 261 Source: Authors’ creation
municipalities (see Data and Methods for data sources).16 In these maps,
darker colors identify areas with higher homicide rates and lighter colors The map in Figure 6 suggests that the main administrative areas with
high levels of violence are the three central departments of Cabañas,
This rate was calculated using 2007 population as the denominator, which was Cuscatlán, and La Paz, and that otherwise violence is fairly uniform at
the last census year. Instituto de Medicina Legal (IML), “Homicidios del año 2012, rates between 15 and 50. Notably, Figure 6 suggests that the areas with
total país según reconocimientos de medicos forenses y base consensada entre FGR, the highest homicide rate do not exceed 60.19, and conversely that there
IML y PNC,” 2013,
are no violence-free areas in the country.
Alejandro Hope, “Not Quite at War, not Yet at Peace,” presentation at
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, January 16, 2014, http://
view; Matthew C. Ingram, “Community Resilience to Violence: Local Schools,
Regional Economies, and Homicide in Mexico’s Municipalities,” in Building
Resilient Communities in Mexico: Civic Responses to Crime and Violence, ed. David A.
Shirk, Duncan Wood, and Eric L. Olson (Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars and Justice in Mexico Project, 2014),
El Salvador generally reports 262 municipalities. However, one of these munic-
ipalities, Meanguera del Golfo, is an island in the Gulf of Fonseca near the border
with Honduras and Nicaragua, and little data is available for this unit. Thus, it is
excluded from the analysis. See Data and Methods.

| 256 | | 257 |
Violence in Central America: Matthew C. Ingram and Karise M. Curtis
A Spatial View of Homicide in the Region, Northern Triangle, and El Salvador

Figure 7: Homicide Rates at Municipal Level in El Salvador, 2013 the departmental data would be inefficient in that it would direct re-
sources where they are not needed and divert resources from where they
are needed. That is, just as national-level data obscure meaningful variation
and policy-relevant information among departments, department-level data
obscure this variation and information among municipalities. For these
reasons, the rest of this paper adopts a municipal-level perspective, aiming
to identify ways to improve the targeting of violence-reduction policies.
Figure 8: Femicide Rate in El Salvador, 2013

Homic ide R ate 2013

(per 100,000)
0.01 - 5.00
5.01 - 15.00
15.01 - 50.00
50.01 - 100.00
100.01 - 153.19

Source: Authors’ creation

F emic ide R ate 2013

Figure 7, however, reveals the much wider variation at the municipal (per 100,000)

level that was obscured in Figure 6. Indeed, some municipalities exhibit 0.00
0.01 - 5.00
homicide rates well above 100, while at the same time substantial portions 5.01 - 15.00
15.01 - 50.00
of the country are free of homicides. Also, while some of the units with 50.01 - 99.75

the highest homicide rates (dark red) appear to be in the central depart-
ments identified earlier, there are several others that are in other parts of Soruce: Authors’ Creation

the country. Further, even a cursory examination of this map suggests that
Available data also allow an examination of homicides of women (i.e.,
communities bordering the Pacific coast experience high levels of violence
femicide) and homicides of youths (ages 0-17). Figure 8 reports femicide
(bright red), especially the eastern two-thirds of the coastal communities.
rates and Figure 9 reports homicides of youths. The patterns for femicides
The much richer variation that is evident with a municipal level of
and youths are quite different from the overall pattern, offering additional
analysis can be leveraged to target violence-reduction policies in a way
evidence to inform the targeting of violence-prevention policies for these
that is not possible with the departmental data alone. For instance, a policy
particular kinds of homicides. At first glance, femicide appears to be con-
based on the department-level data might suggest that resources should
centrated in smaller pockets of the country, primarily in the northern
be directed at the three centrally-located departments with the highest
department of Chalatenango, along the border with Honduras. Youth
homicide rates. However, the municipal-level map shows that there are
homicides appear to be more heavily concentrated around the nation’s
several municipalities within these departments that have no homicides,
capital—in and around the department of San Salvador—and also in the
and conversely that there are several municipalities outside these depart-
southeastern part of the country, near the Gulf of Fonseca.
ments with much worse problems of violence. Thus, a policy based on

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Violence in Central America: Matthew C. Ingram and Karise M. Curtis
A Spatial View of Homicide in the Region, Northern Triangle, and El Salvador

Figure 9: Youth Homicide Rate in El Salvador, 2012 responses in each of these areas in order to prevent criminality in the first
place, governments can also influence violence via more reactive public
safety efforts once patterns of criminality emerge, primarily through in-
vestment in the size and quality of its public safety and security forces, or
state capacity. We draw on these theories to help to explain variation in
homicide rates across El Salvador’s municipalities.
Social Disorganization. Research in sociology and criminology on the
role of community context,18 “collective efficacy,”19 and social context20 in
explaining crime and violence provide a central theoretical framework for
explaining variation in homicide rates. According to Robert J. Sampson
and W. Byron Groves—and following earlier research by Clifford Shaw
Homic ide R ate 2012 Youth
(per 100,000) and Henry McKay—violence is a consequence, in part, of social disor-
0.01 - 5.00
ganization, and social disorganization can be measured by its external
5.01 - 15.00 sources, including resource deprivation or socioeconomic status (SES),
15.01 - 50.00
50.01 - 98.98 residential mobility, and ethnic heterogeneity.21 With regards to the pres-
Source: Authors’ creation
ence or absence of material resources, William Alex Pridemore, in his
review of the cross-national literature, found that higher rates of poverty
have consistently been linked to higher rates of homicide in the United
The remainder of this paper undertakes a spatial analysis of the data States and abroad.22 Other contributing factors include family disruption,
presented thus far, including exploratory analyses of spatial clusters and
a spatial regression model of the aggregate homicide measure for 2013.17
First, we outline our theoretical expectations that motivate the explanatory
analysis and then describe our data and methods.
Robert J. Sampson and W. Byron Groves, “Community Structure And Crime:
Section 3: Explaining Violence: Theoretical Framework Testing Social-Disorganization Theory,” American Journal of Sociology 94, no. 4
and Working Hypotheses (1989): 774-802; Robert Bursik and Harold G. Grasmick, Neighborhoods and Crime:
the Dimensions of Effective Community Control (New York: Lexington Books, 1993).
Sociologists and criminologists have found an association between 19
Robert J. Sampson, “Neighborhoods and Violent Crime: A Multilevel Study of
a large array of structural features of communities—macro-level and Collective Efficacy,” Science 277, no. 5328 (1997): 918-924.
slow-moving demographic, economic, and social conditions—and the rate 20
Sara K. Thompson and Rosemary Gartner, “The Spatial Distribution and Social
of crime in those communities. While these pressures help understand root Context of Homicide in Toronto’s Neighborhoods,” Journal of Research in Crime and
causes of violence and therefore can guide governments’ proactive policy Delinquency 51, no. 1 (2014): 88-118.
See Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay, Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas
For a more detailed discussion of methods, see Matthew C. Ingram and Karise (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1942) and Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay,
M. Curtis, “Homicide in El Salvador’s Municipalities: Spatial Clusters and Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas, revised edition (Chicago: University of
the Causal Role of Neighborhood Effects, Population Pressures, Poverty, and Chicago Press, 1969).
Education,” Working Paper (Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International 22
William Alex Pridemore, “Poverty Matters: A Reassessment of the Inequality-
Center for Scholars, July 14, 2014), Homicide Relationship in Cross-National Studies,” British Journal of Criminology 51,
Homicides_ElSalvador. no. 5 (2011): 739-772.

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which “may decrease informal social control at the community level,”23 pressures, (2) resource deprivation/affluence, and (3) family disruption.29
and urbanization, which “weaken[s] local kinship and friendship networks Population pressures include total population and population density or
and impede[s] social participation.”24 Thus, for Sampson and Groves, com- concentration, but can also extend to other demographic pressures like
munity capacity to remain organized, i.e., to resist disorganization and age structure and, since most crime is committed by young males, the
therefore reduce crime, is shaped by macro-social and macro-economic proportion of the population that is young and male. Indicators of resource
factors like resource deprivation, residential instability, ethnic heteroge- deprivation or affluence include income, inequality, and poverty rates.
neity, family disruption, and urbanization.25 Lastly, family disruption has been measured using divorce rates,30 but could
Complementing the above discussion, Bursik and Grasmick theorized also be captured by indicators of single-parent households, especially those
that the more disorganized a community (here: municipality) is, the more headed by women.
crime–both violent and acquisitive–will occur as a response to and product In short, all else being equal, we anticipate that population pressures,
of the social disorganization.26 Communities can become more disorga- urbanization, family structure, and ethnic heterogeneity contribute to so-
nized as demographic pressures shift, either through population growth, cial disorganization. Thus, key indicators of social disorganization include
population concentration, mobility or migration, the breakdown of family population growth, population density, degree of urbanization, percentage
structures, and increased ethnic heterogeneity. Bursik and Grasmick dis- of households headed by single women, and percentage of the population
covered that ethnically diverse communities experience tension between that is indigenous. Further, we anticipate that each of these indicators will
different ethnic groups for many reasons.27 Ethnic groups typically have have a positive relationship with homicide rates. To be sure, urban centers
different primary languages, practices, and networks from one another and may be home to many risk factors for violence, but urban areas can also be
from the majority group in the area, which can hinder the organization of sources of factors that are protective against violence, including increased
the entire community. Additionally, any tension present between ethnic law enforcement presence.31 We return to the issue of law enforcement
groups may lead to violence (especially that of racially based gangs). presence below, but for now we anticipate that the indicators of social
Along similar lines, Kenneth C. Land, Patricia L. McCall, and Lawrence disorganization identified above will have a positive relationship with vi-
E. Cohen established three principal components from the primary predic- olence, while we also remain cognizant that some of these indicators may
tors of interest.28 These three composite measures captured (1) population be capturing some of the protective effects associated with urban areas.
Education. Education is widely regarded as having a protective effect
Robert J. Sampson and W. Byron Groves, “Community Structure And Crime:
Testing Social-Disorganization Theory,” 781, citing Robert J. Sampson, “Effects of
Socioeconomic Context on Official Reaction to Juvenile Delinquency,” American
Sociological Review 51, no. 6 (1986): 876-85.
Ibid., 782.
According to these authors, these structural factors are also mediated by informal
social features of communities, including the ability to supervise teenage groups,
the size and density of friendship networks, and participation or engagement in
civic life. 29
See also Robert D. Baller et al., “Structural Covariates of U.S. County Homicide
Bursik and Grasmick, Neighborhoods and Crime: the Dimensions of Effective Rates: Incorporating Spatial Effects,” Criminology 39, no. 3 (2001): 562 and 568.
Community Control. 30
Land, McCall, and Cohen, “Structural Covariates Of Homicide Rates: Are
Ibid. There Any Invariances Across Time And Social Space?,” 922; Baller et al.,
Kenneth C. Land, Patricia L. McCall, and Lawrence E. Cohen, “Structural “Structural Covariates Of U.S. County Homicide Rates: Incorporating Spatial
Covariates Of Homicide Rates: Are There Any Invariances Across Time And Effects,” 561-588.
Social Space?,” American Journal of Sociology 95, no. 4 (1990): 922-63. 31
UNODC, Global Study on Homicide 2013, 7.

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against violence,32 especially against homicide.33 Indeed, Mexico’s former engaged in other, even petty types of crime at an earlier age. Lastly, edu-
top anti-drug prosecutor identified the harmful consequences of the lack cation allows citizens to communicate more effectively with each other,
of education, noting the low education of many organized crime “foot learn each other’s language, and strengthen community ties to improve
soldiers.”34 Education exerts this protective effect in both direct and in- their social interactions. In many ways, education can help counter the
direct ways. Directly, as more individuals, especially young men, are in negative effects of social disorganization outlined previously. Literacy rates
school, they are not elsewhere, e.g., spending time on the street, so they and other measures of educational attainment, therefore, should have a
are less likely to be either victim or perpetrator. That is, higher levels of negative relationship with violence.
educational enrollment and attainment suggest that children stay in school Economic Activity. Beyond the structural conditions of income, in-
longer and in a safe, productive, socially controlled environment away equality, and poverty rates discussed earlier, the level of economic activity
from crime. Thus, school enrollment rates, attendance rates, time spent in a community can have an effect on crime and violence. The general
in school, and other measures of educational attainment should have a expectation is that weak economies or economic downturns push people
negative relationship with violence. out of work or out of full employment, and this unemployment or un-
Indirect effects play out over longer term. A population that is more der-employment creates financial stress and, therefore, incentives for illegal
educated is generally able to obtain better employment, stay employed, activity. Citizens may become frustrated by the lack of economic opportu-
and both maximize available opportunities and overcome adversity. Thus, nities and seek illegitimate means to overcome this economic strain. One
a better-educated population is more likely to find rewarding activity in route may be to turn to acquisitive crimes and black markets for income.
the legal, formal economy. Further, if opportunities for crime arise, a The risk of violence increases during the commission of property crimes
better-educated individual is more likely and better able to assess the ma- (e.g., a burglar may encounter an occupant in a home), and interactions
terial costs of engaging in criminal behavior, including the potential costs with black markets also raise the risk of violence, given that participants
of losing one’s job or being incarcerated. Since violent crime, especially cannot rely on lawful measures (i.e., police) when wronged by others in
homicide, incurs high costs of this type, education should be a particularly these settings. Thus, Richard Rosenfeld argues the anomic strain created
important protective barrier to engaging in violent crime. by unemployment and a poorer economic system, along with poverty,
Additionally, since past criminal activity is a predictor of future criminal increases homicide indirectly through property crime.35
activity, individuals who have spent more time in school—and therefore In the United States, existing research finds a firm relationship be-
away from crime—are less likely to engage in future crime, and poten- tween economic downturns and an increase in property crime, but the
tially have a cultural, ideational, and ethical aversion to crime that is more relationship appears to reverse for economic downturns and homicide.36
reinforced than in people who did not spend time in school and perhaps This counterintuitive relationship has also been found in Mexico.37 An
alternative expectation, therefore, is that economic downturns reduce the
Denise C. Gottfredson, “Youth Employment, Crime, and Schooling: A circulation of goods and people, reducing interactions among people, and
Longitudinal Study of a National Sample,” Developmental Psychology 21, no. 3 (1985):
419-432; David Farrington et al., “Unemployment, School Leaving and Crime,” British
Journal of Criminology 26, no. 4 (1986): 335-356; Christopher J. Ruhm, “Are Recessions
Good For Your Health?,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 115, no. 2 (2000): 624.
Lance Lochner and Enrico Moretti, “The Effect of Education on Crime: 35
Richard Rosenfeld, “Crime Is The Problem: Homicide, Acquisitive Crime, And
Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests, and Self-Reports,” American Economic Economic Conditions,” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 25 (2009): 287-306.
Review 94, no. 1 (2004): 175-177. 36
Steven Raphael and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, “Identifying The Effect Of
Samuel Gonzalez, quoted in E. Eduardo Castillo and Mark Stevenson, “Mexican Unemployment On Crime,” The Journal of Law and Economics 44, no. 1 (2001): 271-277.
Capo Tried To Escape While Being Captured,” Associated Press, July 17, 2013, 37
Ingram, “Community Resilience to Violence: Local Schools, Regional Economies, and Homicide in Mexico’s Municipalities.”

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therefore decreasing opportunities for crime and violence.38 hypothesis is supported. The global test is the global Moran’s I, and examines
State Capacity. Drawing on both the armed conflict literature and re- whether there are any regular patterns among geographically connected
search in criminology, state capacity is expected to have a negative effect on units.43 If there are no regular patterns of spatial association, the statistic is
homicide rates. Weak states are those that lack the institutional capacity to not significant. If there are significant spatial associations, the statistic can be
support and maintain control over its citizenry effectively.39 Weak govern- positive or negative. A positive global Moran’s I indicates that similar values
ments typically have higher rates of violence (be it political or criminal) for of the outcome of interest, here homicide, are clustering together; a negative
multiple reasons, including those mentioned earlier (i.e. social disorganiza- result indicates divergent or dissimilar values are clustering together. Thus, if
tion, institutional anomie, etc.), but also because they are unable to respond violence is distributed haphazardly around a country, the value of Moran’s I
to waves of crime when these occur. Weak states either have fewer police will be near zero and not statistically significant; however, if violence tends
and security forces or forces that are more loyal to the government in charge to cluster in pockets of high and low levels of violence, then the value of
than the well-being of local citizens. A community with fewer police per Moran’s I will move away from zero and toward one.
capita does not have as much external pressure to conform to the laws of Drawing on the discussion of global spatial autocorrelation, a local test
society and may have more crime as a result.40 We define state capacity here for spatial dependence is the local Moran’s I, or local indicator of spatial
specifically as security capacity, or the available public safety infrastructure, autocorrelation (LISA).44 Whereas the global measure of spatial clustering
and anticipate that communities with weak security infrastructure will have (Moran’s I) provides information about whether there is an overall grouping
higher homicide rates than communities with strong security infrastructure. of homicide into pockets of high and low homicide rates, a LISA statistic
provides information on the correlation on an outcome of interest among a
Results 1: Exploratory Spatial Analysis focal unit and its neighbors, whether the association is positive (i.e., similar
Exploratory spatial analysis is “a critical first step for visualizing patterns values) or negative (i.e., dissimilar values), and whether the association is
in the data, identifying spatial clusters and spatial outliers, and diagnosing statistically significant. For instance, if unit A has a high homicide rate and
possible misspecification in analytic models.”41 Maps are not a necessary step, all of unit A’s neighbors have a similarly high homicide rate, the LISA value
but “[g]raphical displays provide an auxiliary method [to data tables] that will be positive. Similarly, if unit A has a low homicide rate and all of unit
may allow patterns to be discovered visually, quickly.”42 A’s neighbors also have a low homicide rate, the LISA value will be positive.
First, global and local tests of spatial autocorrelation capture the degree of Thus, LISA statistics serve to identify local clusters of an outcome of interest.
overall structural dependence among units. Specifically, the global and local Stated differently, there may be very little clustering overall—across an entire
tests of spatial autocorrelation posit a null hypothesis of no spatial dependence country – but there may be a particular city with a very high homicide rate
among observations, i.e., spatial randomness, and then test whether this null that is surrounded by other municipalities with similarly high homicide rates.
This would be a local cluster of violence that would otherwise be missed by
Raphael and Winter-Ebmer, “Identifying The Effect Of Unemployment On
Crime,” 276-277.
the aggregate, global measure of geographic association, but which would
Stewart Patrick, Weak Links: Fragile States, Global Threats, and International Security be identified by the LISA value. To be clear, while the global Moran’s I may
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).
Steven D. Levitt, “Understanding Why Crime Fell In The 1990s: Four Factors 43
P. A. P. Moran, “The interpretation of statistical maps,” Journal of the Royal
That Explain The Decline And Six That Do Not,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 18, Statistical Society 10, no. 2 (1948): 243-251; P. A. P. Moran, “A test for the serial inde-
no. 1 (2004): 163-190. pendence of residuals,” Biometrika 37, no. 1-2 (1950): 178-181; P. A. P. Moran, “Notes
Baller et al., “Structural Covariates Of U.S. County Homicide Rates: On Continuous Stochastic Phenomena,” Biometrika 37, no. 1-2 (1950): 17-23; A. D.
Incorporating Spatial Effects,” 563. Cliff and J. K. Ord, Spatial Processes: Models & Applications (London: Pion, 1981).
Michael Don Ward and Kristian Skrede Glenditsch, Spatial Regression Models 44
Luc Anselin, “Local Indicators Of Spatial Association-LISA,” Geographical
(Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 2008), 11. Analysis 27, no. 2 (1995): 93-115.

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suggest that overall there is little spatial autocorrelation in the data, LISA first subnational administrative level for all Central American countries.47
values can identify smaller geographic areas where positive or negative Overall, there is a strong positive relationship in the homicide rate among
clustering occurs. LISA values can also be mapped in a LISA cluster map. all units in the map (Moran’s I = 0.54; p<.001), suggesting homicide is not
According to Luc Anselin, this kind of map is “[a]rguably the most useful distributed randomly among geographic units.
graph” in spatial analysis.45 Figure 11: LISA Cluster Map for 2010 Homicide Rates in El Salvador, Guatemala, and
Building on the exploratory spatial techniques outlined above, fuller Honduras
explanatory techniques include spatial regression models. While a full
explanatory analysis is beyond the scope of this paper, we report a single
spatial lag regression here, examining whether homicide rates in a munic-
ipality are influenced by homicide rates in surrounding municipalities.46
Figure 10: LISA Cluster Map for 2010 Homicide Rates in Central America

L IS A C lus ter Map

2010 Homic ides (raw)

Source: Authors’ creation

Zooming in to the municipal level in El Salvador, Table 2 reports global

L IS A C lus ter Map
2010 Homic ides (raw) Moran’s I values for each of the five measures of homicide rates. The table
n.s. also reports significance values. The statistical significance allows us to
low-low confidently reject the null hypothesis of spatial randomness in the data with
regards to all of the measures of homicide with the exception of femicides.

Source: Authors’ creation

First, Figure 10 maps LISA clusters for raw homicide rates in 2010 at the
LISA clusters calculated using GeoDa with 9,999 randomizations. Note: the shape-
file for this map included two duplicate units in Panama: Colón and Panama. These
Luc Anselin, “Exploring Spatial Data with GeoDa: A Workbook,” GeoDa could not be merged, so they were retained as separate units rather than breaking
Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation, Arizona State University, 2005, Panama up in some unusual manner, and also instead of ignoring Panama altogether.
140, There is nothing in the overall pattern that suggests the results would be meaning-
For details on methods, see Ingram and Curtis, “Homicide in El Salvador’s fully different if these two units were merged. Also, the weights used to capture
Municipalities, Spatial Clusters and the Causal Role of Neighborhood Effects, which units are connected to each other included Islas de la Bahia in Honduras.
Population Pressures, Poverty, and Education.” Specifically, these islands have two neighbors in the analysis: Atlántida and Colón.

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Table 2: Global Spatial Autocorrelation (Moran’s I) in El Salvador The LISA cluster map also identifies the substantive content of those
Measure Moran’s I p clusters. Red identifies those municipalities with high levels of homicide
Homicides 2012 0.19 0.000 that are surrounded by municipalities with similarly high levels of homicide
Homicides 2013 0.20 0.000 (high-high). Blue identifies units with low homicide levels surrounded by
Homicides 2013 (men only) 0.19 0.000 units with similarly low levels (low-low). Light blue identifies those units
Homicides 2013 (women only) 0.03 0.437
with low levels of violence surrounded by units with high levels (low-high),
Homicides 2012 (youth only) 0.09 0.001
while pink identifies those with high levels of homicides surround by units
with low levels (high-low).
Beyond these indications of global spatial clustering, Figures 10-17 re-
Figure 12: LISA Map of 2013 Homicide Rates (Departments)
port LISA cluster maps showing the distribution of statistically significant
clusters (see Data and Methods for discussion of local indicators of spatial
autocorrelation). White areas are regions of spatial randomness in the dis-
tribution of violence, while colored areas are units that form the core of
non-random spatial clusters. All cluster associations are significant at least Santa Ana

at the .05 level. Note also that the municipalities colored for significance
constitute the cores of spatial clusters. That is, the colored municipalities Ahuachapán Cuscatlán

have a statistically significant relationship with the municipalities that bor- San Salvador Morazán

der them, including those that are clear. Thus, the outer boundary of the Sonsonate La Libertad

San Vicente
cluster extends into the blank municipalities bordering the colored ones, La Unión
San Miguel
and the true size of the spatial cluster is larger than the colored cores.48 La Paz

Homic ide R ate 2013
Key Findings of Exploratory Spatial Analysis L IS A C lus ters
• Homicides are not distributed in a geographically random high-high
manner. low-low
–– Homicides tend to cluster in areas of high violence (“hot
spots”) and low violence (“cold spots.”)
Source: Authors’ creation
–– Different types of homicide follow different clustering
patterns. Figure 12 begins with a departmental view of LISA clusters for the
• Analysis at the municipal level highlights areas that deserve aggregate 2013 data. At this level of analysis, the evidence suggests that
attention that would otherwise be missed at higher levels of
there is a large cluster of high violence centered around the departments of
Cuscatlán and San Vicente, and a cluster of low violence in the northwest,
• Although there may be more than one cluster of violent munic-
ipalities within a department, there are also multiple areas that around the department of Santa Ana. As was the case with the choropleth
are not experiencing high levels of violence. maps in Figures 1-8, however, this department-level perspective obscures
–– Therefore, examining clusters of violence at the municipal rich information at the municipal level of analysis, starting with Figure 13.
level provides useful information on how to target responses Figure 13 shows that, unlike the concentration of violence in the center
to violence and violence prevention efforts more efficiently. of the country as suggested by Figure 12, there are clusters of violence in
the central region, but more extended clusters along the coast, especially
Anselin, “Exploring Spatial Data with GeoDa: A Workbook,” 146.

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the eastern two-thirds of the coast. Also, there are multiple areas within Taken together, Figure 13 and Table 3 help identify the municipalities
departments that are not experiencing high levels of violence even though that constitute cores of clusters of violence, and also the departments that
there may be municipal clusters of violence within the same department. most deserve attention. From Table 3, the departments that stand out are La
Thus, the municipal level LISA clusters provide valuable information for Paz (code = 8) and La Union (code = 14). Note that these are not the same
targeting policies to prevent or respond to violence. departments identified in Figure 12 using a departmental-level of analysis.
Figure 14 and Table 4 do the same for the average homicide rates from
Figure 13: LISA Map of 2013 Homicide Rates (Municipalities)
2012 to 13. The same general pattern remains for violence clusters in the
LISA map, and the Table again identifies the same five municipalities in
the same two departments.
Figure 14: LISA Map of 2012-2013 Homicide Rates

Homic ide R ate 2013

(per 100,000)

Source: Authors’ creation Homic ide R ate 2012-2013 (avg)

L IS A C lus ters
Table 3 reports the municipalities with the highest LISA values that high-high
are also statistically significant. Thus, from among all the red, high-high low-low
clusters in Figure 13, the table identifies the municipalities that most merit high-low

attention. The municipal code in the first column also helps identify the
Source: Authors’ Creation
relevant department. For three-digit codes, the first digit is the department
code; for four-digit codes, the first two digits are the department code. Table 4: Municipalities with Top 5 Significant LISA Values for 2012-2013 Homicide Rates
Code Municipality LISA Sig
Table 3: Municipalities with Top 5 Significant LISA Values for 2013 Homicide Rates 822 San Luis La Herradura 4.22 0.0002
Code Municipality LISA Sig 1408 La Union 3.68 0.0192
822 San Luis La Herradura 4.54 0.0002 815 San Pedro Masahuat 3.39 0.0058
802 El Rosario 2.71 0.0014 1404 Conchagua 3.23 0.0026
1404 Conchagua 2.42 0.0290 802 El Rosario 2.56 0.0006
815 San Pedro Masahuat 2.38 0.0056
1408 La Union 2.08 0.0496 Disaggregating the overall homicide rates, Figure 15 and Table 5 do the
same analysis for homicide rates in 2013 of men only. With some minor

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differences, the overall pattern appears to be the same and the information Figure 16: LISA Map of 2013 Homicide Rates, Women Only

conveyed in Table 5 is also the same, suggesting that overall homicide rates
are driven primarily by the homicides of men, i.e., male victims.
Figure 15: LISA Map of 2013 Homicide Rates, Men Only

F emic ide R ate 2013

L IS A C lus ters
Homic ide R ate 2013 (men only) low-high
L IS A C lus ters high-low

high-high Source: Authors’ creation
high-low Table 6: Municipalities with Top 5 significant LISA values for 2013 Homicide Rates (women)
Source: Authors’ creation Code Municipality LISA Sig
411 La Laguna 6.75 0.0046
Table 5: Municipalities with Top 5 Significant LISA Values for 2013 Homicide Rates (men) 406 Concepcion Quzaltepeque 5.48 0.0116
Code Municipality LISA Sig 432 Santa Rita 4.20 0.0050
822 San Luis La Herradura 5.14 0.0002 1404 Conchagua 0.88 0.0440
802 El Rosario 3.42 0.0004 609 Nejapa 0.62 0.0350
815 San Pedro Masahuat 2.58 0.0064
1404 Conchagua 2.16 0.0368
1408 La Union 2.06 0.0408

Disaggregating further, Figure 16 and Table 6 report the same LISA map
and top five municipalities, respectively, for femicides in 2013. Here the
pattern is dramatically different. There is a set of three contiguous munic-
ipalities that constitute a high-violence cluster in the northern department
of Chalatenango (code = 4), along the border with Honduras. There is
another cluster core in the department of San Salvador, just north of the
nation’s capital, and a final cluster core in the southeastern department of
La Union.

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Figure 17: LISA Map of 2012 Homicide Rates, Youth Only five are in the department of San Salvador. The nation’s capital city, San
Salvador, is not listed here but it is the eleventh highest LISA value, and is
statistically significant (LISA value of 0.35, p-value of 0.0168).

Results 2: Spatial Regression

While a full explanatory analysis of the varieties of homicide in El
Salvador is beyond the scope of this paper, we offer a summary of the results
of one explanatory model of the aggregate measure of all homicides for
2013. Here, we leverage the theoretical discussion of explanatory factors
outlined in a previous section, as well as the variables described in the
Homic ide R ate 2012 Youth
L IS A C lus ters Appendix.49
Four main results emerge from the analysis: (1) population size has the
low-low expected positive effect on homicide rates, (2) extreme poverty has an
high-low unexpected negative effect, (3) education has the expected negative effect,
and (4) the spatial lag of homicide rates (i.e., the average homicide rate in
Source: Authors’ Creation
any one unit’s neighbors) is positive and statistically significant, indicating
Table 7: Municipalities with top 5 significant LISA values for 2012 homicide rates (youth) that an increase in homicide in neighboring communities has the effect of
Table 7: Municipalities with top 5 significant LISA values for 2012 homicide rates (youth) increasing homicide in one’s home community. Specifically, a one percent
Code Municipality LISA Sig
increase in homicide rates in nearby communities causes a 1.26 percent
increase in homicide in a focal community.
309 Nahulingo 7.52 0.0426
Notably, several variables that controlled for other explanations were not
609 Nejapa 2.32 0.0434 significant. Perhaps of most interest among these variables is a measure of
602 Apopa 2.14 0.0038 police capacity, which captured elements of both personnel and expendi-
618 Tonacatepeque 1.54 0.0282 tures per capita.50 This variable was not statistically significant.
601 Aguilares 0.93 0.0438
Conclusions and Policy Implications
Lastly, Figure 17 and Table 7 repeat the previous LISA cluster analysis This chapter has mapped homicide rates at the subnational level across
for youth homicides in 2012. As was the case with femicides, the pattern all Central American countries, and then conducted exploratory and ex-
is very different from the aggregate homicide rate or the rate for homi- planatory analyses of homicide rates using the tools of spatial analysis
cides of only men. The dominant result for youth homicides is that these in three, increasingly focused geographical areas: Central America, the
homicides are heavily concentrated in and around the nation’s capital, three countries of the Northern Triangle (El Salvador, Guatemala, and
covering much of the department of San Salvador, and extending into Honduras), and El Salvador. Taken together, the cluster analyses and spatial
the neighboring departments of La Libertad to the west and Cuscatlán to
the east. The municipality with the highest LISA value is in a different 49
For more details on methods, see Ingram and Curtis, “Homicide in El Salvador’s
department Sonsonate (the single red municipality in the western part of Municipalities: Spatial Clusters and the Causal Role of Neighborhood Effects,
Population Pressures, Poverty, and Education.”
the country; code = 3). However, all remaining municipalities in the top 50

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regression generate the following conclusions. protective effect of education found elsewhere in the literature, including
Level of analysis. Analysts should consider differences in data at na- in other countries in Latin America.51
tional, departmental, and municipal levels of analysis, along with the ways Lastly, violence has a neighborhood effect. That is, violence in one mu-
in which analysis of data at lower administrative levels can lead to richer nicipality influences violence in neighboring municipalities. Specifically,
interpretations and improved targeting of violence-reduction policies. a 1 percent increase in the homicide rates of nearby municipalities is
Spatial clustering. Various forms of homicide—aggregate, women only, associated with a 1.26 percent increase in the homicide rate of a focal
men only, or youth only—cluster in non-random ways, i.e., these phenom- municipality.
ena are not distributed randomly across Central America’s departments Notably, while the exploratory cluster analysis covered the entire region,
and provinces, or across El Salvador’s municipalities. Moreover, within El and then supplemented the full regional analysis with other analysis of in-
Salvador, each type of homicide follows a different pattern of geographic creasingly narrow geographic score, the explanatory analysis was restricted
distribution. Aggregate homicide rates and homicides of men show similar to El Salvador. Still, the findings in El Salvador mirror similar findings
patterns, with clusters of violence along coastal communities and in central elsewhere, especially regarding the protective effect of education.52 Thus,
communities north of the capital. Femicides are clustered primarily in a though a full explanatory analysis awaits the construction of a more com-
set of municipalities in the northern department of Chalatenango. Youth plete data set, the findings regarding clusters, education, and neighborhood
homicides cluster dramatically in and around the nation’s capital, especially effects are supported by similar findings elsewhere in Latin America.
to the north of the city, and extending into the northeastern part of the Several policy implications derive from these conclusions. These are
department of La Libertad and to the northwestern part of the department ordered to correspond with the conclusions above.
of Cuscatlán. These clustering patterns can also help target violence-re- Policymakers should target violence prevention policies in a regional
duction and violence-prevention policies. fashion, rather than targeting isolated communities. For instance, recalling
Explaining homicide rates: population pressures, poverty, education, the patterns from Figures 13 and 14, it is unlikely that a policy directed at
and neighborhood effects. Four main findings emerge from the explanatory isolated departments along the Guatemalan and Honduran border would
analysis of homicide rates in El Salvador’s municipalities. succeed. Rather, violence-reduction and violence-prevention policies must
Population pressures, primarily in the form of population size, have target groups of departments in this area, even groups of departments across
an expected positive effect on homicide rates. As population increases, international borders. Similarly, combining the findings from the LISA
homicide rates increase. map in Figure 17 with the findings from the spatial regression, it appears
Poverty has an unexpected, counterintuitive, negative relationship with a policy aimed at reducing youth violence in the city of San Salvador is
homicide rates. That is, as poverty rates increase, homicide decreases. unlikely to succeed if this policy is aimed only at that one city, ignoring
This finding cuts against a wide range of existing research supporting the violence in adjoining municipalities.
strain and anomic theories. One possible explanation follows the logic of There is a high return on investments in education, even in comparison
alternative hypotheses regarding economic activity. Specifically, while to short-term cost savings of hiring additional police.53 This is perhaps
economic activity is generally expected to have a negative relationship with
homicide, some research has found a positive relationship, suggesting that 51
For example, Ingram, “Community Resilience to Violence: Local Schools,
as economic activity increases, people interact more frequently, and there Regional Economies, and Homicide in Mexico’s Municipalities.”
are more opportunities or targets for crime and violence. Following this
For an examination of homicide rates across Mexico’s municipalities, see Ingram,
“Community Resilience to Violence: Local Schools, Regional Economies, and
logic, as poverty deepens, there may be fewer opportunities or targets for
Homicide in Mexico’s Municipalities.”
crime and violence, resulting in the finding reported here. 53
Lochner and Moretti, “The Effect of Education on Crime: Evidence from Prison
The education finding reinforces much of the findings about the Inmates, Arrests, and Self-Reports,” 182-183.

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particularly true given the results in El Salvador presented here, since there of Forensic Medicine, or Instituto de Medicina Legal (IML).56 Data re-
is strong evidence regarding the protective effect of education but no ev- porting is uneven over time. The 2012 data was reported by municipality,
idence of any beneficial effect of additional police personnel or additional but only disaggregated youth homicides, not the sex of the victim. The
police expenditures. 2013 data reports homicides by municipality, but this time ignores youth
Policymakers should also take a longer-term view. Educational invest- homicides, and breaks down sex of victim. Taken together, the two years
ment pays off in the short term by keeping youths in safe, productive, yield measures of overall homicide rates in 2012 and 2013, femicide rates
supervised environments, but it also pays off in manifold ways over the in 2013, and youth homicide rates in 2012.57
longer term as individuals with more education obtain better jobs and are To be sure, homicide rates provide an admittedly imperfect measure
less likely to risk the punitive sanctions of criminal behavior. of violence in societies. However, more complete, comparative data on
different types of violence are not available, and recent subnational data
Appendix: Data Notes on homicide rates are difficult to obtain in many countries. Homicide
rates have several methodological strengths, providing a metric that is
Violence is the outcome of interest and we measure this outcome several generally available over time and across several subnational levels of gov-
ways. First, for the analysis of all Central American countries, as well as ernment (e.g., departments and municipalities). Existing research also finds
the department-level analysis of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, that other types of crimes track homicide rates.58 Moreover, all else being
homicide rates were measured in 2010 using data from a 2011 report by equal, homicide is more comparable across countries, especially within
La Prensa Grafica, a Salvadoran newspaper.54 This report consolidated in- a single region, as reported here, due to cross-national similarities in its
formation from police, non-governmental, and medical examiner sources legal definition, i.e., the intentional killing of one person by another. This
for all Central American countries. Though the data are from different comparability is harder to establish for other types of violent crime, which
sources, such data have been shown to converge in other studies.55 For can have varying legal definitions across national and even subnational
the municipal-level analysis in El Salvador, five variables captured the jurisdictions.
outcome of interest: (1) aggregate homicide rates for 2013; (2) average
homicide rates for 2012-13; (3) homicides in 2013, men only; (4) homicide 56
Instituto de Medicina Legal (IML), “Homicidios consolidado año 2013 según
rate in 2013, women only (femicides); and (5) homicides in 2012, youth base de datos del Instituto de Medicina Legal, cotejada y consensuada con la F.G.R.
only. All Salvadoran, municipal-level data are from El Salvador’s Institute y la P.N.C.,” 2014,
php?opcion=13; IML,“Homicidios del año 2012 total país según reconocimientos
de médicos forenses y base consensada entre FGR, IML y PNC,” 2013, http://
La Prensa Grafica Datos (LPG Datos), “Homicidios en Centroamerica,” March 57
Several duplicate municipalities appeared in the data. We deleted the dupli-
2011, cates, and in all cases kept the data for the municipality with the highest number of
forme-0311-Homicidios-en-Centroamerica.pdf. This report consolidated statistics homicides in order to avoid underreporting. Duplicate municipalities included San
for 2010 from official statistics offices in all Central American countries. Bartolome Perula (duplicate reported 1 homicide; kept the one reporting 4); San
Marcelo F. Aebi, and Antonia Linde, “Is There a Crime Drop in Western Francisco Menend. (2; kept one with 10); San Sebastian Salitr. (1; kept one with 11);
Europe?,” European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 16, no. 4 (2010): 251-277 and Santa Tecla (4; kept Nueva San Salvador, with 13).
(discussing a convergence between victimization surveys and police data for most 58
Scott Mainwaring, Timothy Scully, and Jorge Vargas Cullell, “Measuring
crime types except rape); Gordon C. Barclay, “The Comparability of Data on Success in Democratic Governance,” in ed. Scott Mainwaring and Timothy
Convictions and Sanctions: Are International Comparisons Possible?,” European Scully, Democratic Governance in Latin America (Stanford, California: Stanford
Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 8, no. 1 (2000): 13-26 (showing a convergence University Press, 2010), 31; John Bailey and Lucía Dammert, “Public Security and
between national police data and the European Sourcebook for homicide and other Police Reform in the Americas,” in Public Security and Police Reform in the Americas
crime). (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006), 7.

| 280 | | 281 |
Violence in Central America: Matthew C. Ingram and Karise M. Curtis
A Spatial View of Homicide in the Region, Northern Triangle, and El Salvador

Independent variables in El Salvador include population size (logged), 2008 (untransformed); and (5) expenditures per capita in 2008 (logged).61
population density (population divided by the area of the municipality in Lastly, we generated two composite measures from available data—one
square kilometers, logged), median age, percentage of the population that for education and one for security capacity. For education, the principal
is male and between the ages of 15 and 30, percent of the population that is component was based on all four measures (eigenvalue = 3.29, explaining
indigenous (logged), percent of the population that is rural (logged), percent 82 percent of the variation of all four individual measures; one of the in-
of households headed by single women, per capita income (logged), general dividual measures (percent attendance) loaded above 82 percent, and the
and extreme poverty rates, four measures of education level (adult literacy rest of the individual measures had factor loadings above 92 percent). For
rate, adult illiteracy rate, percent of children ages 7-14 attending school, and security capacity, the principal component was based on all five measures
percent of school-age children who were matriculated/enrolled in school), of police personnel and expenditures (eigenvalue = 4.17, with 83 percent
unemployment rate (logged), percent of the population age 15 and up that of variation explained; all variables had factor loadings above 0.88).
is economically active, and measures of police personnel and expenditures. Shapefiles for the Central American region are from ESRI.62 Two shape-
With the exception of data on population, poverty, and police, all in- files for El Salvador facilitate the municipal-level analysis and mapping
dependent variables are taken from the last official census in 2007 from of data. Both were obtained from the national registry center, Centro
El Salvador’s national statistics office, Dirección General de Estadística y Nacional de Registros.63 The municipal shapefile used the Lambert NAD
Censos (DIGESTYC), and are measured at the municipal level. Population 27 projection, and the departmental shapefile used the WGS 1984 pro-
figures are from 2010 based off population projections from the 2007 jection. The Lambert shapefile had no unidentified border zones (zonas
Census. Poverty rates were obtained in DIGESTYC’s series of national- limitrofes), but these zones were present in the WGS file. Thus, maps with
ly-representative household surveys in 2004 (Las Encuestas de Hogares de both municipal and departmental units do not coincide exactly, though
Propósitos Múltiples; EPHM), which were the most recent. Data on police the unmatched areas have no data and are generally along the border
personnel and expenditures were obtained from the National Civil Police with Honduras. Further, the Lambert shapefile contained 261 municipal
and covered the years 2004-08.59 Following the armed conflict literature units, while some data sets reported 262 units. The unit missing from
on state capacity, where military quality is measured as military expen- the shapefile is Meanguera del Golfo (code 1410), an island in the Gulf of
ditures divided by military personnel,60 we measured police quality as Fonseca off the southeastern coast of El Salvador, bordering Nicaragua and
police expenditures divided by the number of police personnel, and com- Honduras. Since there was also only sparse data for this unit, it was deleted
plemented this with a measure of expenditures per capita. Thus, using this and omitted from the analysis.
data, we generated five individual measures of state security capacity: (1)
average number of police officers per capita (logged); (2) average police
expenditures per police officer (logged); (3) average police expenditures per
capita (logged); (4) expenditures per police officer in the most recent year,

Nearly 34 municipalities had an average of zero expenditures budgeted to them
Wilfredo José Díaz Gallegos, David Alexander Duque Machado, Aldo José and no officers assigned to them between 2004-2008. As such, the average expen-
Martínez Gómez, and Edwin Geovany Manguía Ayala, Territorialización de las ditures per capita and per police officer, as well as police officers per capita, were
expresiones de violencia y del gasto público destinado a seguridad ciudana: Policia Nacional also highly skewed. Additionally, 38 municipalities had zero expenditures budgeted
Civil 2006-2008, 2009, from the National Civil Police. For these reasons, the logged transformation of
vo/849b10_territorializaciondelasexpresionesdeviolenciaydelgasto.pdf. these variables was used in the analysis.
D. Scott Bennett and Allan C. Stam III, “The Duration of Interstate Wars, 1816- 62
ArcGIS v10.1, ESRI Data and Maps, World Administrative Divisions.
1985,” American Political Science Review 90, no. 2 (1996): 239-257. 63
Available at (last accessed July 7, 2014).

| 282 | | 283 |
E ric L. Olson

aced with record levels of violence due, in large part, to elevated
homicides rates, kidnapping, extortions, sexual and domestic vio-
lence the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala,
and Honduras face the urgent need to adopt policies that will effectively
reduce crime and violence, and enable them to develop into the thriving
democracies of their aspirations. While each of these nations must lead
the way to confronting the multiple causes of the violence afflicting their
country, the United States also has both a strategic and humanitarian in-
terest in addressing these problems. Failure to help address these challenges
has already resulted in a regional crisis, significant pressures on Mexico,
and a significant humanitarian crisis at the United States-Mexico border.
Ignoring the security challenges in the Northern Triangle will simply
exacerbate an already dramatic situation which could easily turn into a far
greater crisis of un-governability and regime collapse that would pale in
comparison with the current situation.
The fundamental question is whether the Northern Triangle countries
are able to deal with these problems on their own or whether it will require
significant and sustained support—financial, technical, and strategic—from
the international community and especially the United States.
The security crises all three countries are facing are the result of both
external and internal threat. The external threats posed by trafficking or-
Guatemala ganizations have become more serious in recent years as the international

PART TWO: El Salvador

drug trade has shifted. Nevertheless, the drug trade alone does not ex-
plain the kinds of problems the serious threats the region is experiencing.

NEW DIRECTIONS Historically week institutions such as police and justice systems, and week

IN POLICY | 284 | | 285 |

Policy Options for Future United States Eric L. Olson
Security Assistance in Central America

regulatory capacity have been exploited by criminal groups—both do- violence in the region; the absence of an overall strategy to address this
mestic and international—to further cripple the state and, at times, render broader violence landscape; failure to prioritize among policy options; lack
it complicit in the crime and violence afflicting their people. A policy of of a strong U.S. and host country commitment to governance reform and
aggressive deportation of criminal by the United States further complicated implementing the rule of a law even-handedly that could adversely affect
the security landscape because receiving countries where poorly prepared the privileges of economic and political elites; and the lack of adequate
to deal with the sudden return of thousands of young people with no transparency, dialogue with civil society, and, most importantly, the lack
real roots in their society and with a history of gang activity. It was easy of adequate impact evaluations that would help modify—or reaffirm—the
for them to duplicate these criminal relationships in unfamiliar countries strategy based on empirical evidence.
poorly equipped to respond. Sadly, the human face of the multiple security challenges and policy
Furthermore, the easy access to firearms from stockpiles left over from shortcomings turns out to be the thousands of young children that have
1980s civil conflicts, and the abundance of firearms imported or smuggled fled the Northern Triangle. The influx of nearly 70,000 unaccompanied
into the Northern Triangle from the United States, Mexico, and Europe alien children (UACs) and the U.S.-Mexico border since January 2014 is
greatly exacerbates the level of violence and rates of mortality. the latest tragic manifestation that current strategies and policies are not
Finally, the steady and strong demand for illegal products—not just working. These children are fleeing primarily because of conditions in their
drugs, but exotic woods, precious metals and gems, petroleum products, neighborhoods and communities and the inability of their governments
and human labor (whether smuggled or trafficked) places the security crisis to guarantee their safety. While drugs—especially the retail market—is a
in the Northern Triangle in the broader context of illegal economies driven factor, in is one among many and their flight can hardly be reduced to a
more by supply and demand than simply criminal individuals that need discussion about international drug trafficking groups in Colombia and/
to be arrested and prosecuted. Together these factors provide convincing or Mexico.
evidence that a multinational and multidimensional approach is needed In this context, it is appropriate to ask what policy approaches are needed
to address Central America’s security crisis, one that requires determined to avoid simply repeating the well-intentioned but largely ineffective pol-
engagement by the nations of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras them- icies of the past. The following include a number of steps and proposals
selves but cannot be successfully waged alone and in isolation. the U.S. government should seek to advance and a number it should seek
But agreeing to work together, either multilaterally or bilaterally, to avoid as its wrestles with these issues.
using various approaches and entry points to address the challenges out-
lined above does not guarantee success. The United States and its Central Lessons from the Past for U.S. Security Policy in Central
American partners have been working on many of these same problems America
for years—in some instances since the mid-1980s, spending hundreds of
millions with little to show for it. There are some glimmers of hope, of Given the opportunities, challenges and risks of the current security
course, but these are mostly isolated, often fading quickly when a new landscape in Central America’s Northern Triangle, the United Stated could
government is elected and the commitment to a sustainable state policy benefit from an honest review of past experiences in security assistance to
is non-existent. avoid past mistakes and expand on the positives. The following are a series
As we’ve tried to demonstrate in this report, the explanations for the of “dos and don’ts” the United States might consider as they move forward.
lack of progress are multiple. Key factors highlighted include a misguided
Counternarcotics efforts should not be the centerpiece of United States
analysis of the factors contributing to the countries violence—focusing
security policy in Central America. Past experience in Latin America
too narrowly on international drug trafficking and traditional eradication
and interdiction programs that miss the broader context of crime and has shown that a narrow approach on drug eradication and interdiction

| 286 | | 287 |
Policy Options for Future United States Eric L. Olson
Security Assistance in Central America

has enjoyed some short term success while spawning other longer-term but not an effective strategy. While more resources are needed these should
problems. Colombia has experienced success in reducing the intensity of be tied to the articulation of an effective strategy that includes effective
the internal armed struggle but limited success in reducing drug trafficking, coordination and impact evaluations.
and where success is evident drug production and trafficking has moved to
neighboring countries. In Central America, trans-national drug trafficking Require impact evaluations for all U.S. security assistance programs.
is a factor in the region’s increased violence but it is one of many historic While evaluations are often part of U.S. assistance programs these evaluations
and contemporary factors, and its relationship to the kinds of community often measure the wrong thing. They measure inputs – like how many police
level violence driving the migration of children is indirect and much more or prosecutors have been trained—rather than measuring outcomes—like
complex than often assumed. whether an initiative has resulted in some tangible change. Training alone
International drug traffickers represent a serious challenge in some areas is insufficient to turn the tide against corruption and criminal networks
of the Northern Triangle and a focused law enforcement strategy for dealing operating within government institutions. Aggressive anti-corruption and
with them must be developed, but drug policy in Central America—like prosecution strategies are more immediately important. Traditional counter-
in the United States—should not be limited eradication, interdiction and narcotics measurements such as drug seizures and arrests are ineffective
incarceration policies. The problems of growing consumption of illegal sub- indicators of success when it comes to reducing crime and violence. Seizures
stances in Central America should be dealt with differently than trafficking are helpful indicators of where drugs are flowing but they do not provide
networks. As U.S. Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law an indicator of success for overall supply or demand for illegal drugs. Large
Enforcement, Ambassador William Brownfield said at a press briefing in numbers of arrests do not mean crime and violence will decrease since prisons
New York, “…whatever our approach and policy may be on legalization, are often incubator for criminal activity and many youth caught up in mass
decriminalization, de-penalization (of illegal substances), we all agree to arrests are introduced to criminal activity while in severely overcrowded and
combat and resist the criminal organizations – not those who buy, consume, inhuman prisons. Furthermore, mass arrests, severe prisons overcrowding,
but those who market and traffic the product for economic gain.1 elevated rates of pre-trial detention are indicators of a dysfunctional justice
The violence in Central America is predominately related to local criminal system incapable of holding criminals accountable.
markets especially extortion, kidnapping, and local drug markets. Children
and families are fleeing because conditions in their local neighborhoods have Security does not depend solely on law enforcement activities. Police
become so desperate. and prosecutors have an important role to play but it should be targeted and
specific, not broad and generalized. Increasing the size of security forces
The United States should not spend more money without a clear strategy. and better equipping them can be important but building trust between
The United States has a framework for addressing security concerns in police and community should be a priority. Furthermore, increasing police
Central America called the Central America Regional Security Initiative presence and patrols can be reassuring but will not have a lasting impact on
(CARSI). It includes many well intentioned projects, some better than others. crime. Additionally, putting more people in already overcrowded jails is not
But it lacks an overall strategic framework that sets priorities and ensures the answer. A well-coordinated and balanced program that includes both
that programs are complementary rather than working at cross purposes. At crime suppression and prevention is essential. Neither the United States nor
present, CARSI is simply a series of initiatives and programs with funding Central America can arrest their way out of this problem.
“Trends in Global Drug Policy,” William R. Brownfield, Assistant Secretary,
Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. Statement at New
York Foreign Press Center, October 9, 2014.

| 288 | | 289 |
Policy Options for Future United States Eric L. Olson
Security Assistance in Central America

The Agenda Going Forward: Reduce Violence, Fight Name a high-level coordinator or special envoy for U.S. security programs
Corruption, Build Capacity, and Integrate Economic to ensure that a strategy is fully articulated and, more importantly,
Opportunity. successfully carried out. This person should have the capacity to alter
course and redirect resources (in consultation with Congress) when impact
The United States already has a program—the Central America
evaluations suggest programs are not being successful. At times the United
Regional Security Initiative (CARSI)—to address many of the same issues
States lacks the partners in the region to accomplish its goals. Political and
driving today’s migration. The United States has been funding some of
economic elite often lack the political will to carry out difficult reforms,
these same programs—rule of law promotion, police professionalization,
so the high-level coordinator should be senior enough to press for reforms
and poverty reduction—in Central America for decades. Why, then, are
and should have the authority to hold back assistance when the political
we still experiencing the kinds of migration and dysfunctional state insti-
commitment to implement needed and previously agreed to program is
tutions that existed in the 1980s?
not there.
The answer is one of focus and prioritization. There are many good
ideas and programs but the focus has been misdirected. To be successful
Increase and expand prevention programs in targeted high crime areas.
the United States must prioritize its interventions in Central America,
The evidence is mounting that crime and violence prevention programs
focusing like a laser on the following:
can reduce crime and improve community resilience. These programs
should be expanded geographically to include more neighborhoods, and
Reduce violence, build community resilience. United States efforts
the focus expanded beyond at-risk youth to include interventions with
must focus on reducing the kinds of community level violence that is
criminally active youth. Many experiences and studies in the United States
driving migration. This means pursuing community oriented programs
have demonstrated that it is possible to work with gang members and move
in policing, crime and violence prevention, and promoting educational
them toward less criminal, less violent activity.
and economic opportunities that are attuned to the specific needs of the
community. Focusing on local gangs and efforts to end extortions is central
Fight corruption. Building effective and professional police, prosecutors,
to this strategy.
and courts in the region is essential if Central American countries are to
successfully resist crime on their own with minimal U.S. assistance. But
Tie new United States resources to progress in meeting specific mutually
the United States has been engaged in efforts to reform and strengthen
agreed upon targets for reducing violence. The Northern Triangle’s
these institutions in Central America for years, even decades. These efforts
security challenges are enormous so additional resources a urgently needed.
have failed for a variety of reasons including insufficient commitment from
But existing and future new U.S. security assistance should be repackaged
the economic and political elites in partner nations to tackle the problems
within a negotiated strategic framework that sets specific targets and actions
of corruption and accountability. Instead, U.S. programs have focused
designed to reduce violence. These actions should include both targeted
too narrowly on training, equipment, and infrastructure, not on fighting
law enforcement efforts and prevention programs in the most violent
communities. A robust and comprehensive impact evaluation process
should be part of the endeavor with new resources made available when
Prioritize anti-corruption efforts by strengthening mechanisms of
there is evidence of progress in meeting target outcomes. The agreed upon
transparency and accountability, supporting efforts to investigate and
outcomes, actions taken, and results of impact evaluations should be made
hold government officials accountable, and encourage not only vetting
public to increase accountability and forge a partnership with civil society.
of law enforcement forces, but purging and prosecuting those engaged in
corruption and criminal activities. Improved crime statistics and analysis,

| 290 | | 291 |
Policy Options for Future United States Eric L. Olson
Security Assistance in Central America

information on prison overcrowding and pre-trial detentions, prosecutions,

and disposition of cases are essential to determining if security efforts are
being successful. Failure to do so will undermine the public’s already low
confidence in state institutions and weaken other well-intentioned and
well-designed programs.

Empower Civil Society. When corruption is elevated and governments

are unwilling to make the tough decisions to hold people accountable,
the United States should encourage civil society organizations to play
that role and open spaces for policy debate with civil society. Civil
society organizations can monitor government programs and report on
progress. The United States should also do more to encourage and nurture
independent investigative journalism. Freedoms of expression and access
to information are the essential building blocks of democracy so must be
a priority in the U.S. strategy.

Make social investments and economic opportunity part of the security

strategy. With the exception of El Salvador, which participates in the
Partnership for Growth (PFG) program, the CARSI program does not
include a social investment and economic development component. There
is ample evidence that investments in education (Ingram and Curtis) and
job training can have a protective effect on communities and enable them
to better resist crime. Additionally, rapid population—often the result
of rural-urban migration—can destabilize communities and increase
the chances of community level violence. The United States should
consider increasing the kinds of targeted social investments and economic
development programs to both rural and urban communities that will help
stabilize those communities and offer new hope for to roughly 2 million
Central American young people who don’t work and don’t study.

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Author Bios

Matthew C. Ingram is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political

Science and a Research Associate at the Center for Social and Demographic
AUTHOR BIOS Analysis (CSDA), University at Albany, State University of New York
(SUNY). His research examines justice sector reforms, judicial behavior,
and violence in Latin America. He draws on a family history in Mexico
Karise M. Curtis  (née Carrillo) is a doctoral student in the School of (dual citizen, U.S. and Mexico), extensive fieldwork in Latin America, and
Criminal Justice at the University at Albany, State University of New seven years of professional experience in law enforcement in California.
York. She holds an M.A. in Criminal Justice from the University at Albany, Ingram’s academic work has appeared in several peer-reviewed journals
and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her and edited volumes. He is completing a book project, “Crafting Courts
work regarding the temporal seasonality of homicide and assault trends in New Democracies,” that presents his research on Mexico and Brazil.
in the United States, co-authored with David McDowall, is published in Ingram has held postdoctoral fellowships at UC San Diego’s Center for
Homicide Studies. Her current research focuses specifically on cross-na- U.S.-Mexican Studies (2009-2010) and Notre Dame’s Kellogg Institute
tional and temporal differences in violent crime rates, using time series for International Studies (2011–2012). He holds a law degree (2006) and a
methodology and criminological, sociological, and political theories to Ph.D. in political science (2009) from the University of New Mexico. This
understand and account for such differences. research was supported in part by the Center for Social and Demographic
Analysis, and by the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, both
at the University at Albany.
Cristina Eguizábal is a Central American political scientist, and Senior
Fellow at the National Foundation for Development. Prior to joining
Funde in San Salvador, she was the Director of the Latin American and Aaron Korthuis is currently a student at Yale Law School. Prior to law
Caribbean Center at Florida International University in Miami, Florida. school he spent nearly two years working in Honduras with the Asociación
For many years, Dr. Eguizábal was at the Ford Foundation in New York para una Sociedad más Justa and the Alianza por la Paz y la Justicia, where
and Mexico City and was responsible for Latin American Programs. She he supported their efforts to promote reform of Honduras’ police and jus-
holds a Ph.D. in Latin American Studies from the University of Paris tice sector. During his time in Honduras he contributed to several reports
III, Sorbonne Nouvelle, has taught and lectured at prestigious univer- including a paper on U.S. funding to Honduras in the context of the 2009
sities worldwide and has written extensively on Central American is- coup, analyses utilized by the Honduran Congress, and reports distributed
sues. Dr. Eguizábal is a member of the Mexican Council on International to Members of the U.S. Congress regarding security and justice issues in
Relations and has served on numerous boards in the United States, includ- Honduras.
ing Hispanics in Philanthropy, the Washington Office on Latin America
as Vice-Chair, Fundación Amistad, and the Latin American Studies
Association as Treasurer.

| 294 | | 295 |
Eric L. Olson is the Associate Director of the Latin American Program at
the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington,
DC. His research and writing has focused primarily on security issues
and the impacts of crime, organized crime, and violence on democracies.
He has also written about reform of police and judicial institutions as
a vehicle for addressing the problem of rapidly expanding crime in the
Americas. He has traveled extensively in Mexico, Central America, and
the Andes. Prior to joining the Wilson Center he was a Senior Specialist in
the Department for Promotion of Good Governance at the Organization
of American States from 2006-2007. He served as Advocacy Director for
the Americas at Amnesty International USA from 2002-2006. Prior to
Amnesty, he was the Senior Associate for Mexico, and Economic Policy
at the Washington Office on Latin America for eight years. He worked at
Augsburg College’s Center for Global Education in Cuernavaca, Mexico
from 1989-1993 where he was the program director. From 1986-1988, he
worked in Honduras as a development specialist for several local non-gov-
ernmental organizations. He has an M.A. in International Affairs from the
School of International Service at American University, Washington, D.C.

Nicholas Phillips is a print journalist based in Central America. Since

arriving in 2013, he has consulted for the Wilson Center and contributed
to the New York Times, Global Post, and Southern Pulse. Prior to this he
spent four years as a features writer and online news editor at the Riverfront
Times, an alt-weekly in St. Louis, Missouri. He received his M.S. from
the Journalism School at Columbia University in 2008. For more info, see

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