Rubric For Advocacy Material Making: Criteria 4 3 2 1
Rubric For Advocacy Material Making: Criteria 4 3 2 1
Rubric For Advocacy Material Making: Criteria 4 3 2 1
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Required The advocacy material All required elements All but one of the required Several required
Elements includes all required are included in the elements are included in elements are missing.
elements as well as advocacy material. the advocacy material.
additional information.
Labels All items of importance Almost all items of Many items of importance Labels are too small to
on the advocacy importance on the on the advocacy material view or no important
material are clearly advocacy material are are clearly labeled with items were labeled.
labeled with labels that clearly labeled with labels that can be read
can be read from at least labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away.
3 ft. away. from at least 3 ft.
Graphics - All graphics are related All graphics are All graphics relate to the Graphics do not relate
Relevance to the topic and easier to related to the topic and topic. One or two to the topic or several
understand. All most are easier to borrowed graphics have a borrowed graphics do
borrowed graphics have understand. Some source citation. not have a source
a source citation. borrowed graphics citation.
have a source citation.
Attractiveness The advocacy material The advocacy material The advocacy material is The advocacy material
is exceptionally is attractive in terms of acceptably attractive is distractingly messy
attractive in terms of design, layout, and though it may be a bit or very poorly
design, layout, and neatness. messy. designed. It is not
neatness. attractive.
Grammar There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more than 4
grammatical/mecha- grammatical/mechanic grammatical/mechanic-al grammatical/ mecha-
nical mistakes on the al mistakes on the mistakes on the advocacy nical mistakes on the
advocacy material. advocacy material. material. advocacy material.
Scoring Rubric for Oral Presentations
Category Scoring Criteria Points Score
The type of presentation is appropriate for the topic and 5
Information is presented in a logical sequence. 5
(15 points) Presentation appropriately cites requisite number of references. 5
Introduction is attention-getting, lays out the problem well, and 5
establishes a framework for the rest of the presentation.
Technical terms are well-defined in language appropriate for 5
the target audience.
Content Presentation contains accurate information. 10
Material included is relevant to the overall message/purpose. 10
(45 points) Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and points made 10
reflect well their relative importance.
There is an obvious conclusion summarizing the presentation. 5
Speaker maintains good eye contact with the audience and is 5
appropriately animated (e.g., gestures, moving around, etc.).
Speaker uses a clear, audible voice. 5
Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth. 5
Presentation Good language skills and pronunciation are used. 5
Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective, and not 5
(40 points) distracting.
Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits. 5
Information was well communicated. 10
Score Total Points 100