Water Supply

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To provide detailed understanding regarding usage of water for drinking purpose -

from identification of source, planning the treatment systems, distribution of
treated water with development of distribution of layout and necessity of
 Water supply Engineering

 Importance and necessity of

community water supply


 quantity of water

 forecasting population

 rate of consumption for

various purposes

 factors affecting consumption

 fluctuations in demand. CONTENTS

Water supply is the process of self-provision or provision by third parties in the water
industry, commonly a public utility, of water resources of various qualities to
different users


 A water supply system is a system for the
 collection,

 transmission,

 treatment,

 storage and distribution

of water from source to consumers,

for example, homes, commercial establishments, industry, irrigation facilities and public
agencies for water—related activities (fire—fighting, street flushing and so forth).
Typical Water Supply System
 To supply Safe And wholesome

water to consumers

 To supply Water in adequate quantity

 To make water easily available to



 Prime importance in the design

 Estimates enables the determination of sizes and capacities of all

constituents of the water supply schemes

 Two factors:

 Probable population estimated at the end of the design period

 Rate of water supply per capita per day

 Water is needed for

 Drinking
 Cooking
 Bathing
 Washing of cloths
 Washing of utensils
 Washing of house
 Flushing of WCs

 As per IS 1172-1957 water consumption is 135 lpcd

 Average person consumes no more than 5 to 8 lit. of water per day.

 However total water drawn from public water supply is quite high.

 Types of demand

1. Residential or domestic

2. Institutional use

3. Public or civic use

4. Industrial use

5. Water system loses

1. Residential or domestic

 water required in the houses for

drinking, bathing, cooking, washing
mainly depends upon the habits,
social status, climatic conditions and
customs of the people.
 As per IS: 1172-1963, under
normal conditions, the domestic
consumption of water in India is
about 135 litres/day/capita.
2. Industrial Demand

 The water required in the industries

mainly depends on the type of industries,
which are existing in the city.

 The water required by factories, paper

mills, Cloth mills, Cotton mills,
Breweries, Sugar refineries etc. comes
under industrial use.

 The quantity of water demand for

industrial purpose is around 20 to 25% of
the total demand of the city.

 As per IS : 50 l/c/d (for normal

industries) 450 l/c/d (industrial cities)
3. Public or Civic Demand

 Quantity of water required

for public utility purposes
such as :
 for washing and sprinkling on
roads, cleaning of sewers, watering
of public parks, gardens, public
fountains etc. comes under public
 To meet the water demand
for public use, provision of
5% of the total consumption
is made designing the water
works for a city.
 As per IS : 20 l/c/d
4. Institutional Demand

 Universities, Institution,
commercial buildings and
commercial centres
including office
buildings, warehouses,
stores, hotels, shopping
centres, health centres,
schools, temple, cinema
houses, railway and bus
stations etc comes under
this category.
4. Water system losses

 Losses due to defective

pipe joints, cracked and
broken pipes, faulty valves
and fittings.
 Losses due to, continuous
wastage of water.
 Losses due to unauthorized
and illegal connections.
 While estimating the total
quantity of water of a
town; allowance of 15% of
total quantity of water is
made to compensate for
losses, thefts and wastage
of water.
4. Fire Demand

 During the fire

breakdown large quantity The quantity of water required
of water is required for for fire fighting is generally
throwing it over the fire calculated by using different
to extinguish it, therefore empirical formulae.
provision is made in the For Indian conditions
water work to supply kuiching’s formula gives
sufficient quantity of satisfactory results.
water or keep as reserve
in the water mains for this Q=3182 √p
Where ‘Q’ is quantity of water
required in litres/min
‘P’ is population of town or city
in thousands
1. Size of the city:

Per capita demand for big cities is generally large as compared to that
for smaller towns as big cities have sewered houses.

2. Presence of industries:

more the industries more will be the water required

3. Climatic conditions:

in winter seasons lesser water demand and in summer season water

demand is more

4. Habits of people and their economic status

i.e. standard of living

5. Age of community-
new community more water and vice-versa

6. Quality of water:
If water is aesthetically and medically safe, the consumption will increase
as people will not resort to private wells, etc
7.Pressure in the distribution system:
more pressure more will be demand and vice versa

8. Efficiency of water works administration:

Leaks in water mains and services; and unauthorized use of water can
be kept to a minimum by surveys.
9. Cost of water
more cost less use and vice versa.

10 System of supply
continuous system increases water use whereas intermittent system
11.Policy of metering and charging method:
Water tax is charged in two different ways: on the basis of meter
reading and on the basis of certain fixed monthly rate
Variations in Water Demand

 Seasonal variation
 Daily variation
 Hourly variations
Water Demands: Terminologies
 Average Annual Demand (AAD) - The total volume of water delivered to the system in a full
year expressed in litres. When demand fluctuates up and down over several years, an
average is used.
 Average Daily Demand (ADD) - The total volume of water delivered to the system over a
year divided by365 days. The average use in a single day expressed in Litres per day.
 Maximum Month Demand (MMD) - The litres per day average during the month with the
highest water demand. The highest monthly usage typically occurs during a summer month.
 Peak Weekly Demand (PWD) - The greatest 7-day average demand that occurs in a year
expressed in litres per day.
 Maximum Day Demand (MDD) - The largest volume of water delivered to the system in a
single day expressed in litres per day. The water supply, treatment plant and transmission
lines should be designed to handle the maximum day demand.
 Peak Hourly Demand (PHD) - The maximum volume of water delivered to the system in a
single hour expressed in litres per day. Distribution systems should be designed to
adequately handle the peak hourly demand or maximum day demand plus fire flows,
whichever is greater. During peak hourly flows, storage reservoirs supply the demand in
excess of the maximum day demand
Peak Water Use Estimation

 Maximum daily consumption

= 180% of the annual average daily consumption
= 1.8 x (total consumption of water in a year / 365)
=1.8 x q
 Maximum hourly consumption
=150 % of average hourly consumption of max. day
= 1.5 x (maximum daily consumption /24)
= 1.5 x (1.8x q/24)
=2.7 x ( q/24)
=270% of the annual average hourly consumption
 To find out the ratio of peak demand
 Example: to find out the water demand for a particular occasion

 Where, p = percentage of annual average demand

t= duration of particular occasion in days
 Consumption rate for max month = 128% of the annual average
daily consumption( t = 30)= 1.28x q
 Consumption rate for max week = 148% of the annual average
daily consumption = (t = 7) = 1.48 x q

 Ensure the availability of sufficient quantity of good quality of water

 Ensure potable water to various sections of community according to their


 Promoting better health

 Reducing environmental pollution

 Ensure safety against fire

 Industrialization and modernization of the society

 Reducing unemployment and ensure better living stds


 Calculation or prediction

of some future events as

a result of study and

analysis of available

records or data is the

population forecasting
 Design of water supply and sanitation scheme is based on the projected

population of a particular city, estimated for the design period.

 Any underestimated value will make system inadequate for the purpose

intended; similarly overestimated value will make it costly.

 Change in the population of the city over the years occurs, and the system
should be designed taking into account of the population at the end of the
design period.

 The present and past population record for the city can be obtained from the

census population records. After collecting these population figures, the

population at the end of design period is predicted using various methods as
suitable for that city considering the growth pattern followed by the city.

1. Arithmetical Increase Method

2. Geometrical Increase Method

3. Incremental Increase Method

4. Decrease Rate Of Growth Method

5. Graphical Method

6. Graphical Comparison Method

7. Zoning Method or Master plan method

8. Ratio & Correlation Method

9. Growth Composition Analysis Method

Arithmetical Increase Method

 This method is based on the assumption that the rate of

change of population with time is constant

Pn= P0+nx
Where, Pn = Forecasted population after n decades

P0=Population at present (last known census)

= Average (arithmetic mean) of population

increases in the known decades
Geometrical Increase Method

 Assumption : Population growth decade is constant

 Also known as uniform increase method

Pn= P0 (1+ )
Where, Pn = Forecasted population after n decades

P0=Population at present (last known census)

r=Assumed growth rate (%)=

P2= Final known population

P1= Initial known population

Incremental Increase Method

 This method is suitable for an average size town

under normal condition where the growth rate is
found to be in increasing order
 The incremental increase is determined for each
decade from the past population and the average
value is added to the present population along with
the average rate of increase.

Pn= P0+n + .
Where, Pn = Forecasted population after n decades

P0=Population at present (last known census)

= Average increase of population of known decades

= Average of incremental increases of the known

Decrease Rate Of Growth Method

 Since rate of increase in population goes on reducing

as the cities reach towards saturation
 This method make use of decrease in the percentage
increase in population and gives a rational result
 Work out : In this method average decrease in
percentage increase is subtracted from latest
percentage increase for each successive decade
Graphical Method

 In this method, the

populations of last few
decades are correctly
plotted to a suitable scale
on graph.
 The population curve is
smoothly extended for
getting future population
 This extension should be
done carefully and it
requires proper
experience and
Comparative Graphical Method

 In this method the census populations of cities

already developed under similar conditions are
 The curve of past population of the city under
consideration is plotted on the same graph.
 The curve is extended carefully by comparing with
the population curve of some similar cities having
the similar condition of growth.
 The advantage of this method is that the future
population can be predicted from the present
population even in the absent of some of the past
census report.
Master Plan Method
 The big and metropolitan cities are generally not developed
in haphazard manner, but are planned and regulated by
local bodies according to master plan.
 The master plan is prepared for next 25 to 30 years for the
 According to the master plan the city is divided into various
zones such as residence, commerce and industry.
 The population densities are fixed for various zones in the
master plan.
 From this population density total water demand and
wastewater generation for that zone can be worked out. So
by this method it is very easy to access precisely the design
Ratio & Correlation Method
 The local population and the  This ratio is then multiplied
country's population for the last by the expected national
4 to 5 decades is obtained from population at the end of the
the census records. design period, so as to obtain
 The ratios of the local the required city's future
population to national population.
population are then worked out  Drawbacks:
for these decades.  Depends on accuracy of
 A graph is then plotted between national population estimate.
time and these ratios, and  Does not consider the
extended up to the design abnormal or special
period to extrapolate the ratio conditions which can lead to
population shifts from one
corresponding to future design
city to another.
Logistic Curve Method

 If the population of a city is plotted with respect to time, the curve so

obtained under normal condition will look like S-shaped curve and is
known as logistic curve



n= -KPs

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