Period of Enlightenment (1872-1898)
Period of Enlightenment (1872-1898)
Period of Enlightenment (1872-1898)
Historical Background
After 300 years of passivity under Spanish rule, the Filipino spirit reawak
the 3 priests Gomez, Burgos and Zamora were guillotined without sufficien
of guilt. This occurred on the 17th of February.
This was buttressed with the spirit of liberalism when the Philippines
doors to world trade and with the coming of a liberal leader in the person of
Carlos Maria de la Torre.
The Spaniards were unable to suppress the tide of rebellion among the Fili
once religious spirit transformed itself into one of nationalism and the
demanded changes in the government and in the church. 1/8
11/27/2018 Period of Enlightenment (1872-1898)
Marcelo H. del Pilar is popularly known for his pen name of Plaride
Piping Dilat and Dolores Manapat. He was born at Cupang, San Nicolas, B
August 30, 1850. His parents were Julian H. del Pilar, noted Filipino writer
Gatmaita. His brother was the priest Fr. Toribio del Pilar who was b
Marianas in 1872. Because there were many children in the family, Marce
his share of his inheritance for his other brothers and sisters.
Marcelo started schooling at the school of Mr. Flores and then transferred
San Jose before UST. His last year in law school was interrupted for 8 yea
had quarrel with the parish priest during a baptism at San Miguel, Manila in
established the Diariong Tagalog in 1883 where he exposed the evils of th
government in the Philippines and in order to avoid the false accusations hur
by the priests. To avoid banishment, he was forced to travel to Spain in 1888
He was assisted by Fr. Serrano Laktaw in publishing a different Cath
Passion Book wherein they made fun of the priests.
from the word IGAT, a kind of snake fish caught in politics.
Upon his arrival in Spain, he replaced Graciano Lopez Jaena as edi
SOLIDARIDAD, a paper which became the vehicle thru which refor
government could be worked out. This did not last long for he got sick an
reach Hong Kong from where he could arouse his countrymen.
He died of tuberculosis in Spain but before he died, he asked his compan
his wife and children that he was sorry he wasn’t able to bid them goodb
others about the fate of our countrymen and to continue helping the countr
has truly earned a niche in the history of our nation. Even today, countless s
been named after him. The former Kingwa has been named Plaridel, the Ma
School is now Marcelo H. del Pilar High School and above all, his patr
bravery will remain alive in our memories.
Writings of Marcelo H. del Pilar
1. PAGIBIG SA TINUBUANG LUPA (Love of Country). Translated
Spanish AMOR PATRIA of Rizal, published onAugust 20,1882, in Diariong
2. KAIINGAT KAYO (Be Careful). A humorous and sarcastic dig in ans
Jose Rodriquez in the novel NOLI of Rizal, published in Barcelona in 188
Dolores Manapat as pen-name here.
3. DASALAN AT TOCSOHAN (Prayers and Jokes). Similar to a cath
sarcastically done agains the parish priests, published in Barcelona in 1888. B
this, del Pilar was called “filibuster.”Done in admirable tone of supplic
excellent use of Tagalog.
4. ANG CADAQUILAAN NG DIOS (God’s Goodness). Published in Ba
was also like a cathecism sarcastically aimed against the parish priest
contains a philosophy of the power and intelligence of God and an appreciati
love for nature.
Plea of the Filipinos). A poem pleading for change from Spain but tha
already old and weak to grant any aid to the Philippines.
This poem is in answer to that of Hermenigildo Flores’Hibik sa Pilipin
from the Philippines).
6. DUPLUHAN…DALIT…MGA BUGTONG (A poetical contest in
sequence, psalms, riddles). A compilation of poems on the oppression by
in the Philippines.
7. LA SOBERANIA EN PILIPINAS (Sovereignty in the Philippines). T
the injustices of the friars to the Pilipinos.
8. POR TELEFONO (By Telephone)
that should arouse the hearts of the readers) 3/8
11/27/2018 Period of Enlightenment (1872-1898)
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