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00 EN 1504-2





Two-component, solvent-
free, hybrid polyurea
membrane applied by
spray with a high-pressure,
bi-mixer type pump, for
waterproofing new and old
buildings directly on site
(not suitable for vehicles)

WHERE TO USE • excellent resistance to alkalis, diluted acids and

Thanks to its exceptional flexibility, resistance to detergents;
chemicals and capacity of bonding to a wide range of • quick laying (more than 1000 m²/day) including on
substrates, Purtop 600 is suitable for application on complicated surfaces;
horizontal, sloping and curved surfaces not subject to • no reinforcement required;
traffic on civil and industrial buildings. Also, because • does not form overloads on load-bearing structures;
of its special characteristics, Purtop 600 is suitable • after reticulation, the product is completely inert.
for waterproofing both new and old structures.
Purtop 600 is the waterproofing membrane used in Purtop TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS
System Roof for covering roofs (such as those subject to Purtop 600 is a two-component, solvent-free, modified
pedestrian use, inverted roofs and garden roofs). polyurea resin formulate according to a formula
developed in MAPEI’s R&D. The product is neutral in
Some application examples colour and is applied using a high pressure industrial
• Waterproofing terraces and sun terraces. bi-mixer unit with flow and temperature control,
• Waterproofing roof gardens and inverted roofs. preferably with a self-cleaning gun.
• Waterproofing metallic cladding, including sloping Purtop 600 must be applied in layers at least 2 mm
surfaces. thick and its very short reaction time means it may also
• Waterproofing terraces and stands in stadiums
be applied on vertical surfaces.
(with a suitable finishing product).
Thanks to its exceptional tensile and tear strength
Advantages and high crack-bridging properties, after reticulation
Purtop 600 has excellent bonding power and may (approximately 2 minutes) the product forms a
be applied on a wide range of surfaces (concrete, continuous waterproofing dressing which adapts to
cementitious screeds, terrazzo, porcelain, klinker, any shape of substrate without cracking.
smooth or slatey bituminous membranes, metals, etc.) Purtop 600 responds to the principles defined in
to form a continuous strong, flexible membrane. EN 1504-9 (“Products and systems for protecting and
repairing concrete structures: definitions, requirements,
Purtop 600 has the following advantages: quality control and conformity assessment. General
• solvent-free; principles for the use of products and systems”) and
• excellent bonding power on various types of substrate; the requirements of EN 1504-2 coating (C) according
• immediate waterproofing (after 2 minutes) and rapid to principles PI, MC, PR, RC and IR (“Concrete surface
set to foot traffic (15-20 minutes); protection systems”).
• excellent tensile and tear strength;
• high crack-bridging capacity both static and dynamic RECOMMENDATIONS
even at low temperatures; • Do not apply Purtop 600 on substrates polluted with
• elongation capacity higher than 450% (DIN 53504); oil, grease or dirt in general.

2118_purtop 600_gb (01.10.2012 - 5ª Bozza/Corr. Ciano/PDF)

600 • Do not apply Purtop 600 on substrates
which have not been thoroughly cleaned or
2. Application on smooth or slate
bituminous membranes

rtop primed.
• Do not apply Purtop 600 on substrates with
Clean the bituminous membrane to remove
all traces of oil, grease, dirt and any
Pu rising damp.
• A primer for damp substrates must be used
other substance or material which could
compromise the bond of the following coat
whenever the level of residual humidity in of primer. Remove all dust with a vacuum
the substrate is higher than 4%, such as cleaner or compressed air. The membrane
Triblock P. must be perfectly dry before inspecting the
• Do not dilute Purtop 600 with water or surface and, if it is damaged in any areas,
solvents. such as with blisters, tears or detached
• Do not use Purtop 600 on surfaces continually areas, repair it before applying the primer.
immersed in water (such as swimming pools, Apply a ready-to-use, synthetic resin-based
fountains, storage tanks, etc.). impregnating product in solvent on the
horizontal surfaces and vertical overlaps,
Colour stability and protection such as Primer BI.
from UV rays The waterproofing membrane must be laid
After exposure for 1000 hours to UV rays and within between 2 and 4 hours of applying
condensation according to UNI EN 1062-11, the primer (at a temperature of between
the tensile strength of Purtop 600 remains +15°C and +25°C).
stable and there is only a slight variation in
colour. 3. Application on metallic surfaces
To increase its resistance to wear and ultra- Check the condition of the substrate and then
violet rays, apply Mapefloor Finish 55 two- dry sandblast to grade SA 2½ (according to
component, aliphatic, polyurethane protective Swedish Standards).
coating. As an alternative, when quicker If it is not possible to use dry sandblasting,
application is required, use Mapecoat PU55 the substrate must be prepared using
two-component, aliphatic polyurethane another system, such as mechanical cleaning
coating. with a scraping tool (rotary steel brush or
Application of abrasive disks) or a percussion tool (such as
Primer SN on a APPLICATION PROCEDURE a stripper, chipping hammer, flat chisel or
concrete floor slab with Preparation of the substrate needle chisel).
a roller Each type of substrate (concrete, After treating the surface, apply a coat of
cementitious screed, terrazzo, porcelain, Primer EP Rustop two-component epoxy
klinker, smooth bituminous membrane, primer with a brush, roller or airless spray
metal, etc.) must be individually assessed to on the metal. The waterproofing membrane
choose the most suitable surface-preparation must be laid within between 6 and 24 hours
method, such as sand-blasting, shot-blasting, of applying the primer (at a temperature of
scarifying, bush-hammering or other methods. between +15°C and +25°C).
The substrate must be then treated with a
suitable bonding primer as described below. Application of the waterproofing
1. Application on concrete substrates, Purtop 600 must be applied at a temperature
cementitious screeds, terrazzo, of between +5°C and +40°C.
porcelain and klinker Before applying Purtop 600, remove all dust
Check the substrate to make sure it is from the surface with an industrial vacuum
suitable for the waterproofing system. cleaner. The temperature of the substrate
Prepare all surfaces by sanding or shot- must be at least +3°C higher than the dew-
blasting to remove all traces of oil, grease, point temperature, while the level of residual
dirt in general and any other material or humidity must be no higher than 4%.
substance which could compromise the bond To apply Purtop 600, use a high pressure
of the waterproofing system. Then remove all industrial bi-mixer unit with flow and
dust and crumbling or detached parts from temperature control, preferably with a self-
Sprinkling Quarzo 0.5 the substrate to leave a dry, porous, slightly cleaning gun.
on fresh Primer SN rough surface free of contaminants. Purtop 600 must be applied continuously
Repair any hollows, cavities and detached on all the horizontal surfaces and vertical
portions in the substrate with products from overlaps and inside any drain collectors on
the Mapegrout and Planitop ranges. Choose the surfaces.
the most suitable product according to the If the laying of Purtop 600 has to be
thickness to be repaired, the time available interrupted and then taken up again after
and the operating conditions on site. the maximum covering time (2 hours), an
After preparing the surface as described overlap of at least 30 cm must be made after
above, apply a coat of Primer SN with a applying a coat of Primer M.
smooth spatula or rake and sprinkle the Please note that the maximum covering
surface with Quartz 0.5. time of the primer is 2 hours.
The waterproofing membrane must be laid
within 12-24 hours of applying the primer (at Finishing off the membrane
a temperature of between +15°C and +25°C). If Purtop 600 is exposed to UV rays, its
If the level of residual humidity in the mechanical properties are not affected but
substrate is higher than 4% and it is not it gradually yellows.
possible to wait until it drops to a lower To prevent it yellowing, we recommend
value, apply a number of coats of Triblock P applying Mapefloor Finish 55, a
three-component epoxy-cementitious primer two-component, aliphatic, polyurethane
according to the condition of the substrate, coating product with excellent elasticity
until the system is completely sealed. and resistance to wear and UV rays. Apply
The waterproofing membrane must be laid Mapefloor Finish 55 with a roller or by spray.
within 2-7 days of applying the primer (at a Apply the finish within 24 hours of applying
Application of temperature of between +15°C and +25°C). Purtop 600 waterproofing membrane.
Purtop 600 on a vertical
overlap by spray
Purtop 600: two-component, solvent-free, hybrid polyurea membrane applied by spray with a high-pressure bi-mixer type
pump, to form waterproofing dressings directly on site on new and existing flat roofs/coverings not for vehicle
use, in compliance with the requirements of EN 1504-2 coating (C) principles PI, MC, PR, RC and IR.

TECHNICAL DATA (typical values)


component A component B

Colour: white amber yellow

Consistency: fluid liquid

Density (g/cm³): 1.03 ± 0.03 1.09 ± 0.03

Brookfield viscosity at +23°C (mPa·s): 1,130 ± 200 1,800 ± 350
(rotor 3 - RPM 50) (rotor 3 - RPM 50)

A/B ratio (by weight) : 100/72

A/B ratio (by volume) 100/68

Gel time at +23°C (seconds) after mixing by hand: 17-23

Gel time at +50°C (seconds) after mixing in a static mixer: 5-6

Ambient application temperature: from +5°C to +40°C


Mechanical characteristics after 7 days at +23°C:

– tensile strength (DIN 53504, N/mm²): 7
Application of
– elongation at failure (DIN 53504) (%): 450 Purtop 600 on a flat
– tear strength (ISO 34-1, N/mm): 33 roof by spray

Modulus at 100% (DIN 53504) (MPa): 3

Shore A hardness (DIN 53505): 70

Glass transition temperature (°C): -50


Test method
Performance characteristics according to Requirements
of product
UNI EN 1504-2
Class I sD < 5 m
Class I
Permeability to water vapour: EN ISO 7783-2 Class II 5 m ≤ sD ≤ 50 m
(average sD = 0.67 m)
Class III sD > 50 m
average w = 0,01
Capillary absorption and permeability to water: EN 1062-3 w < 0,1 kg/m²·h0,5
Permeability to CO2: EN 1062-6 sD > 50 m sD =100 m

Average (N/mm²)
Cracking or flexible systems
Direct traction adherence test with no traffic: ≥0.8 (0.5)b) 2.7 N/mm²
Reference substrate: MC (0.40) as specified EN 1542 with traffic: ≥1.5 (1.0)b) flexible system with
in EN 1766, curing time 7 days: Rigid systems c) traffic (shore D =20)
with no traffic: ≥1.0 (0.7)b)
with traffic: ≥2.0 (1.0)b)

Classes required and test conditions indicated in tables 6 and 7.

static at -10°C:
Cracking capacity Required crack resistance must be selected by design engineer Covering of an
exceeds class A5
After conditioning as per EN 1062-11:2002, EN 1062-7 according to local conditions (climate, width of cracks and underground car-park
dynamic at +23°C:
4.1-7 days at +70°C for active resin systems: movement of cracks). No failure permitted after testing the
requested class.
exceeds class B4.1 waterproofed with
Purtop 600
Impact resistance measured on MC (0.40) No cracks or delamination after loading
dressed concrete samples according to EN 1766. Class I: ≥4 Nm
EN ISO 6272-1 Class II
Note: The expected thickness and impact load Class II: ≥10 Nm
influence which class is chosen: Class III: ≥20 Nm
After thermal cycles
a) no swelling, cracking or delamination
b) average direct traction adherence test (N/mm²)
Cracking or flexible systems 1.94 N/mm²
Resistance to thermal shock (1x): EN 13687-5 with no traffic: ≥ 0.8 (0.5)b) flexible system with
with traffic: ≥1.5 (1.0)b) traffic
Rigid systems c)
with no traffic: ≥1.0 (0.7)b)
with traffic: ≥2.0 (1.0)b)
Abrasion resistance (Taber test)
Loss by weight less than 3000 mg with a H22 abrasive
Note: Testing methods according to EN 13813 EN ISO 5470-1 loss by weight < 700 mg
disk/1,000 cycles/1,000 g load
for flooring systems are also acceptable:

After 2,000 hours of artificial weather:

Exposure to artificial atmospheric conditions no swelling according to EN ISO 4628-2
according to EN 1062-11:2002, 4.2 (UV radiation no cracking according to EN ISO 4628-4 no swelling, cracking
EN 1062-11
and humidity) for external applications only. no flaking according to EN ISO 4628-5 or flaking (colour change)
Only white and RAL 7030 require testing: Slight colour variations, loss of brightness and crumbling
may be acceptable
Resistance to severe chemical attack
Class I: 3 days with no pressure
Class II: 28 days with no pressure NaCl 20%: class II
Reduction of hardness less than 50% when measured according
Class III: 28 days with pressure CH3COOH 10%: class II
to the Buchholz method, EN ISO 2815 or the Shore method
We recommend using test liquids for the 20 EN 13529 H2SO4 20%: class II
(EN ISO 868), 24 hours after removing the dressing material
Classs indicated in EN 13529, which cover all KOH 20%: class II
from immersion in the test liquid
the most common chemical agents. Other test CH3OH : class I
liquids may be agreed upon between those
interested in the tests:
Reaction to fire: EN 13501-1 Euroclass D-s2,d0

(g/m²) (approximate)

Primer SN with sand 300-600 12-24 hours


Triblock P 250-500 2-7 days

Primer SN with sand 300-600 12-24 hours

Terrazzo, gres porcelain, clinker
Triblock P 250-500 2-7 days

Metals Primer EP Rustop approx. 200 6-24 hours

Bituminous membrane Primer BI approx. 200 2-4 hours

no primer – 30 mins-2 hours

Purtop 600
no primer approx. 50 1-2 hours

Note: covering times refer to temperatures of between +15°C and +25°C.

For further information, please refer to the • make sure there is a continuous circulation
Mapefloor Finish 55 Technical Data Sheet. of fresh air when working in closed
Cleaning In the event of accidents or sickness, seek
Because of the high bond strength of medical attention.
Purtop 600, we recommend cleaning tools Purtop 600 component A is hazardous for
with solvent naphtha before the product aquatic life, do not dispose of the product in
starts to set. Once hardened, cleaning may the environment.

Any reproduction of texts, photos and illustrations published

only be carried out mechanically. For further and complete information about
the safe use of our product please refer to

here is prohibited and subject to prosecution

CONSUMPTION our latest version of the Material Safety
The consumption of Purtop 600 depends Data Sheet.
on the roughness of the substrate. The
theoretical consumption for a smooth surface PRODUCT FOR PROFESSIONAL USE.
with a substrate temperature of between
+15°C and +25°C is around 2.0 kg/m² every WARNING
2 mm of thickness. Although the technical details and
If the surfaces are rougher, consumption recommendations contained in this product
increases. If the substrate is seriously data sheet correspond to the best of our
damaged, we recommend applying a suitable knowledge and experience, all the above
skimming coat. information must, in every case, be taken as
merely indicative and subject to confirmation
PACKAGING after long-term practical application; for
Purtop 600 is available in metal tubs. this reason, anyone who intends to use the
Component A: 210 kg drums. product must ensure beforehand that it is
Component B: 220 kg drums. suitable for the envisaged application. In
every case, the user alone is fully responsible
STORAGE for any consequences deriving from the use
When stored in its original packaging in a dry, of the product.
covered area at a temperature of between
+15°C and +25°C, the shelf life of Purtop 600 Please refer to the current version of the
is 12 months. Technical Data Sheet, available from our
website www.mapei.com
Purtop 600 component B is harmful and may
cause irreversible effects on health.
When applying the product we recommend All relevant references

following these guidelines: for the product are available

• use protective clothing, gloves and goggles; upon request and from
• protect airways by wearing an A2 safety www.mapei.com
mask for organic vapours;


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