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Process Improvement in The Manufacturing of Engine

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Process Improvement in the Manufacturing of Engine Valve

Article · January 2016

DOI: 10.22161/ijaers/3.10.9


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3 authors, including:

Vandadi Mallikarjuna
Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences


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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science
Science (IJAERS) [Vol Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers/3.10.9 ISSN: 2349-6495(P)
2349 | 2456-1908(O)

Process Improvement in the Manufacturing of

Engine Valve
V. Mallikarjuna1, K. Rajesh2 , S. MD. Jameel basha3
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical, Annamacharya Institute of Science And Technology, INDIA
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical,
Mechanical, Mallareddy Engineering college, INDIA

Abstract—An An I.C. Engine contains generally two types of 1.3.Valve Efficiency: Depends on the following
valves i.e. inlet valve and exhaust valve. These valves are characteristics like Hardness, Face roundness and sliding
again classified into two types. One is mono metal and the properties capable to withstand high temperature etc.
other one is bi-metal. Mono metall valve is made by using As compared to inlet, exhaust
xhaust valve operates at high
only one metal. Bi-metal
metal valve is made by two types of temperature as exhaust gases (around 800 Deg C) escape
metals. Any valve is divided into two portions, one is head through it. As it resulting in early ways and gets
portion and the other one is stem portion. In bi-metal
bi corrosion, austenitic steel is used for manufacture of
valve head and stem portion are made of different metals. exhaust valve and martens tic steel is used for
Two different types of metal bars are joining by the manufacture of inlet valve.
process of friction welding. Friction welding is the The manufacturing process involves upset and forging,
process of joining two solid pieces by welding, in which heat treatment and machining (turning and grinding) and
heat is generated by friction between stationary and special processes like TIG welding, Projection Welding,
rotating work piece. After friction welding next PTA Welding, Friction Welding, Induction Hardening
operations are bar grinding and forging. and Nitriding.
The above process is called as Pin-Pin Pin friction welding
process. This paper aim is to convert Pin-Pin
Pin friction
welding process into Head to pin friction welding. In this
route forging is done only for head bar ar and it is joining
with stem bar by the friction welding process.
Keywords—pin-pin friction, Head – pin friction.

The REVL isone of the Units ofRane
Rane Group.The
Group REVL is
Deming award winning company engaged in
manufacturing Valves for Internal Combustion Engines
for automobile manufacturers in India and it also exports
its products to Germany, Italy, UK, USA, Iran and Sri
Lanka, Australia etc. (An ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 14001 Fig.1: Valvee Train Assembly
accredited company with annual company turnover of
Rupees 270 crores,).
1. About Valves:
Engine Valve is one of the main parts which are used in
all IC Engines. Each cylinder in the engine has one inlet
and one exhaust valve. Now a days engine are designed
with multi valves viz., two inlet and one exhaust or Two
inlet and Two
wo exhaust valves which prevents air pollution
and improves engine efficiency.
1.1. Function of Inlet Valve: The inlet which operates by
the action of Tappet movement, allows air and fuel
mixture into the cylinder.
1.2.Function of Exhaust valve: The exhaust
haust valve allows
burnt gases to escape from the cylinder to atmosphere.
Fig.1.1: Valve Diemensions

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1.4. Working Requirements for Valves
1. Inlet Valve
a) Allow incoming charge into the engine
b) Seal the port without leak for remaining period
c) Resistance to wear at the mating surfaces
d) Good sliding surface for seizure resistance
2. Exhaust Valve
a) Allow gases go out of the engine
b) Seal the port without leak for remaining period
c) Strength to with stand high temperatures
d) Resistance to wear at the mating surfaces Fig.1.5: Hardened End Valves
e) Good sliding surface for seizure resistance
1.5. Equipment :
• The electrical upsetter comprises of the main
heating transformer, which is mounted within the
machine frame and is air-cooled.
• The SCR control circuit permits control of
heating power from 20% to 100% of rated
• In Hasen claver upsetters current is controlled by
tap change method.
1.6. Principle :
• The electrical upsetter supplies heat in the
Fig.1.2: Features of Valve form of current from the top stationary anvil
and pressure on the bottom movable anvil
known as upset pressure.
• The principle involved here is decrease in
length on one side of the cut bar bringing
about increase in cross-sectional area at the
other end of the bar, forming a bulb.
• This bulb is in hot condition and has to be
2. Principle of Heat Treatment :
• Involves the transformation or decomposition of
Fig.1.3: Surface Treatment Of Valve • Cooling rate plays an important role in
• Slow cooling transforms to Pearlite
• Rapid cooling transforms to Martensite
• Heat Treatment is effective only with certain
2.1. Stages in Heat Treatment :
• Heating
• Soaking
• Cooling
Fig.1.4: Seat Features On Valve
2.2. Types of Furnaces
• According to Working Environment
• According to type of Work.
2.3. According to working Environment
• Air circulating Furnace
• Protective atmosphere Furnace
• Special atmosphere Furnace

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https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers/3.10.9 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
2.4. According to Type of work: 2.6.3. Method of Annealing
Annealing is the process which involves, heating a work
2.4.1. Batch Furnace piece to a particular temperature maintaining it at that
A Batch of parts is charged for Heat Treatment, It is taken temperature for a particular time and then gradually
out after Heat Treatment, Then a second batch is charged. cooling. Undesired stresses and structural hardness are
2.4.2. Pit Furnace removed in this way.
The parts are kept in Vertical Position.Small parts can be 2.6.4. Normalizing Process
loaded in a Bucket and Charged. It is the process of heating the steel and cooling it an
2.4.3. Box Furnace atmospheric air.
It is used mainly for heat treatment of small parts.The 2.6.5. Normalizing - Purpose
parts are charged &unloaded manually from the Furnace Depending upon the carbon content normalizing process
2.4.4. Continuous Furnace. transforms the grain structure, which are too coarse, and
It is used in mass production. It reduces labour time in results in a new and uniform fine grain structure.
loading& unloading. Highly consistency. The work pieces 2.6.6. Stabilizing - Purpose
are carried through the heating chamber on a conveyor To improve the corrosion and wear resistance of the work
chain made up of heat resistance alloy steel. piece.
Hardening to develop high hardness to resist wear & cut 2.6.7. Stabilizing Process
metal.To improve Strength, Elasticity, Ductility & It is the process of stress relieving for the components,
Toughness. which have undergone surface coating (Chromium
2.5. Tempering Plating)
Hardened Steel is Brittle, Hard, Highly Stressed .this is 2.6.8. Solution Treatment & Ageing
Unsuitable for most uses directly. Solution Treatment is a process of heating the austenite
2.5.1. Properties of Tempered Steel : steel namely 21.4N; 21.12N; at a temperature of 1120°C
• Hardness & Brittleness Reduced and cooling it suddenly in water. Ageing is usually done
• Tensile Strength & after solution Treatment.
• Yield Strength decreases 2.6.9. Solution Treatment & Ageing Purpose
• Ductility & Toughness increases To increase the Mechanical properties of the component.
It is usually done to increase the Hardness of the
Table 1 :Quenching Rate/Medium component.
Quenching Rate of Structure Hardness 2.6.10. Solution Treatment & Ageing Method
medium cooling It is usually done at a temperature of 700° to 800°C for a
Furnace Very slow Coarse 10-20 period of 5 hrs. to 2 hrs. min. It is usually done in air
pearlite circulated tempering furnaces.
Air Medium Fine 20-30 2.6.11. Shot Blasting - Purpose
pearlite/ Shot Blasting is an operation to remove scales on the
Sorbite Forgings/Heat Treatment.
2.6.12. Defect in Heat Treatment
Oil Fast Very fine 30-45
pearlite • Low Hardness
Water Very Fast Martensitic 50-65 • Soft spots
2.6. Factors Affecting Hardening • Oxidation and Decarburisation
• Carbon Content • Over heating and burning
• Quenching rate • Formation of cracks
• Work size • Distortion and warping
• Alloying content.
2.6.1. Stress Relieving
Involves Heating to lower critical temperature
Holding at this temperature for sufficient time.
Uniform cooling In air. No Microstructure
changes.Purpose to relieve internal or locked in stresses.
2.6.2. Annealing
Purpose of Annealing is to Relieve the internal Stresses,
to increase the Machinability, to retain grain size.

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https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers/3.10.9 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
Low Hardness Due to lower hardness temperature
,Insufficient soaking time, Delayed quenching, Slower
cooling rates, Higher Tempering temperature, Soft Spots
due to,Improper heating ,Not uniform, Varying Hardness
at different points, Presence of Foreign particles –
avoid,Keeping larger components – avoid, Improper
handling of components avoid, Spray quenching practice,
Quench Cracks ,Due to the Stress produced during
transformation of austenite to martensite ,It is a serious
Phenomenon, Valve with Quench crack cannot be used
2.2.13. Straightening
Due to Forging and Heat Treatment valves are subjected
to Heavy distortion and to remove
this the Straightening is done. It is done using Stem and
Angle Rollers.
2.6.13. Grinding :
Centerless grinding is a method of material removal 3. Problem Identification:
through grinding, similar to centered grinding except for 3. 1. Lead time & customer satisfaction point of view:
the absence of the spindle. It has high through-put, i.e. • On time delivery of Friction Welding Ground
large number of parts can be manufactured in a short Bar from Subcontractor is critical for MDI
time. valves dispatch (Daily despatch to M&M)
The work-piece is set-up between the regulating wheel (or • It becomes vital to make improvements in the
back up wheel) and the grinding wheel, and is supported process flow so that on-time
by the work blade (or work rest). Both wheels are rotated delivery to the customer can be ensured.
in the same direction. The work rest is located between 3.2. Environmental Management system point of
the wheels. The work is placed upon the work rest, and view:
the latter, together with the regulating wheel is fed • Reduction of coolant mixed grinding muck is
forward, forcing the works against the grinding wheel. important in view of wastage reduction in bar
The axial movement of the work past the grinding wheel grinding.
is obtained by tilting the regulating wheel at a slight angle 3.3. Problem Definition
from horizontal. An angular adjustment of 0 to 8 or 10 Despatch of valves to the customer as per the scheduled
degrees is provided in the machine for this purpose. plan by reducing the process time by eliminating some
2.6.14. Turning : operations through process modification.
Turning is the process whereby a lathe is used to produce 3.4. TARGET:
"solids of revolution". It can be done manually, in a 3.4.1. About the Process
traditional form of lathe, which frequently requires 1. The raw material bars are first friction welded.
continuous supervision by the operator, or by using a 2. Deburring is done for flash removal.
computer controlled and automated lathe which does not. 3. These bars are sent out for bar grinding operation.
This type of machine tool is referred to as having 4. After receiving grounded bars from the
computer numerical control, better known as CNC. and is subcontractor they are upsetted,forged,straightened
commonly used with many other types of machine tool and given as input to rough centreless Grinding operation
besides the lathe. 3.4.2. Study Current Situation:
When turning, a piece of material is rotated and a cutting After the friction welding the bars are sent for bar
tool is traversed along 2 axes of motion to produce precise grinding operation to the subcontractor.The lead time for
diameters and depths. Turning can be either on the outside for receiving the ground bars from the subcontractor is 2
of the cylinder or on the inside to produce tubular days The Dispatch of valves to the customer as per
components to various geometries. schedule was getting delayed due to delay in supply of
Table 2 : Friction Welding Process Parameters friction welded grounded bar by the Bar grinding

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Soft force tonnes 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1

tonnes 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.4 0.1
tonnes 2.1 2.7 3 4.8 0.5
Fig.2 : Friction Welding Operation In “Pin To Pin” force
Process Soft force
sec 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 0.5
sec 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.1
force m.sec 100 100 100 100 NO
Set burn
mm 4 4 4 4 0.3
rpm 2000 1900 1900 1800 NO
mm MINIMUM 6.5
low limit
high limit
opening mm
OF THE STEM x 12kg)/1000

Table 4 : Product Parameters

Fig.4 : Valve Process Flow with Pin to Pin Friction METE ATION/T CATION SIZE &
Table 3 : Friction Welding Process Parameters ACTE
O Bar Spec. as per Venier/ 1 per 100 Nos.
A length/ route card fixture-
U valve with HS with FOA (5 Nos.)
R length( tolerance of dial gauge
O 6.50- 8.40- 9.80- 12.00- OL) ±0.50
D 8.40 9.80 12.00 14.00 after
R friction
A g
Runout 0.4mm TIR Fixture- 5 Nos. per 100
Max. STR with Nos.

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0.01 dial 5 Nos. at FOA 3 111 114
4 114 113
Tensile For all Universal 1 No. at the
test parts Testing time of setting 5 112 105
At weld Machine 1 No. at the end 6 105 109
joint : 92 (UTM) of the batch
Kgf/mm2 For Deutz 7 108 111
Min 1 No. at 8 109 114
For Duetz setting/shift
9 113 113
parts beginning and
At weld thereafter 1 No. 10 108 107
joint : 92 after lunch and
Kgf/mm2 1 No. at shift TABLE 5 : Tensile strength for different diameterbars
Min end/bath after friction welding
On Head : completion (b)
97 Kgf/mm- 1 No. at the Bar diameter = 8.65mm
Min time of setting Reqiired tensile strengt = 91--113 kgf/mm2
On Stem : Table 6: Tensile strength for different diameterbars after
112 friction welding
Sampl Tensile strength Tensile strength
e.no (kgf/mm2) (kgf/mm2)
(Pin to Pin) (Head to Pin)
part No. 1 110 104
41435 2 107 102
At weld
joint : 700 3 111 108
N/mm2 Min 4 114 108
Visual No flash Visual 1No. at the
5 112 109
inspecti allowed time of setting
on after de- or at the time of 6 105 106
flash tip 7 108 110
ing. 8 109 111
9 113 112
Tensile strength
10 108 114
Friction welding operation was carried with Head to pin
and some checks were conducted to know the mechanical
properties of the welded joint.
Tensile strength for different diameter bars after friction

(a) Bar diameter = 6.90 mm

Reqiired tensile strength = 89-134 kgf/mm2

Sample.no Tensile Tensile strength

strength (kgf/mm2) Fig.5 : Tensile Strength
(kgf/mm2) (Head to Pin) (c)
(Pin to Pin) Bar diameter = 9.10 mm
Reqiired tensile strength = 91-113 kgf/mm2
1 110 115
2 107 110

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https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers/3.10.9 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
Sampl Tensile strength Tensile strength
e.no (kgf/mm2) (kgf/mm2)
(Pin to Pin) (Head to Pin)
1 105 100
2 110 104
3 109 102
4 108 112
Fig.7:Tensile strength
5 110 111 From the above data it is clear that the tensile strength for
6 107 108 different diameter bars are within the specified ran
Rough centreless operation
7 110 112 After friction welding the valve is deflashed for removing
8 112 113 burr and flash at the welded joint.After heat treatment and
straightening operations the material is kept for rough
9 107 109
centreless operation.
10 109 112 Stem Runout
Stem Runout data after rough centreless operation
Maximum stem runout allowed = 10 Microns

FIG 6 : Tensile strength

Bar diameter = 10.30 mm
Reqiired tensile strength = 91--111
Table 7: Tensile strength for different diameterbars after
friction welding
Sampl Tensile Tensile strength
e.no strength (kgf/mm2)
(kgf/mm2) (Head to Pin)
(Pin to Pin) Fig.8 : Stem Runout
1 112 110
2 110 97
3 96 111
4 109 108
5 106 104
6 102 105
Fig.9 : Stem Runout
7 101 97
8 96 96 From the above data and the chart it is evident that the
stem runout is within the specified range in“Head to Pin”
9 95 102 process.
10 94 96

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-3, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers/3.10.9 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
II. Conclusion
The Lead time in producing the valve is reduced by 2
days by eliminating Bargrinding,Deburring,Sorting and
Stress relieving operations.The elimination of these
operations resulted in the reduction of cost of
manufacturing the valve.Total cost saving includes
operation cost and the raw materail cost.
To achieve and sustain the above benefits,the new process
is standardized as follows:
The new process flow chart is standardized
The SOP’S are amended as per the new process
The raw material bars are procured as per the
requirement of modified process.


• This Head-Pin friction welding process can be
straight away applied to the TML and FML bi-metal
valves, those are having head length of above 50mm
stem diameter above 7mm valves.
• There is a scope for implementation of head forging
concept for the valves below 50mm head length and
below 7mm stem diameter by developing new
fixtures in forging as well as friction welding
• There is a scope for low cost automation for loading
the head and stems in friction welding machine to
introduce multi manning or to increase the output of
the process.

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[4] “Friction welding technology” By Stuart Buruess.
[5] “Machine design” By R.S.Kurmi.
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[7] “www.Rane.co.in” Website of Rane engine valve

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