Does Sarcopenia Predict Change in Mobility After Hip Fracture? A Multicenter Observational Study With One-Year Follow-Up
Does Sarcopenia Predict Change in Mobility After Hip Fracture? A Multicenter Observational Study With One-Year Follow-Up
Does Sarcopenia Predict Change in Mobility After Hip Fracture? A Multicenter Observational Study With One-Year Follow-Up
Background: Patients with hip fracture frequently have sarcopenia and are at great risk of loss of mobility. We have
investigated if sarcopenia predicts change in mobility after hip fracture.
Methods: This is a prospective, multicenter observational study with one-year follow-up. Patients with hip fracture
who were community-living and capable of walking before the fracture were included at three hospitals in Norway
(2011–2013). The primary outcome of the study was change in mobility, measured by the New Mobility Score
(NMS). Sarcopenia was determined postoperatively by anthropometry, grip strength, and NMS.
Results: We included 282 participants and sarcopenia status was determined in 201, of whom 38% (77/201) had
sarcopenia, 66% (128/194) had low muscle mass, 52% (116/222) had low grip strength and 8% (20/244) had low
pre-fracture mobility (NMS < 5). Sarcopenia did not predict change in mobility (effect 0.2 points; 95% CI –0.5 to 0.9,
P = 0.6), but it was associated with having lower mobility at one-year (NMS 5.8 (SD 2.3) vs. 6.8 (SD 2.2), P = 0.003),
becoming a resident of a nursing home (odds ratio 3.2, 95% CI 0.9 to 12.4, P = 0.048), and the combined endpoint
of becoming a resident of a skilled nursing home or death (odds ratio 3.6, 95% CI 1.2 to 12.2, P = 0.02).
Conclusions: Sarcopenia did not predict change in mobility in the year after hip fracture.
Keywords: Activities of daily living, Hip fractures, Independent living, Mobility limitation, Skilled nursing facilities,
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Steihaug et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:65 Page 2 of 10
components of sarcopenia (muscle mass, grip strength and mobility, as described by the EWGSOP [4]. Total body
mobility) and adverse clinical outcomes in the year after muscle mass was determined by anthropometry by the
hip fracture: change in activities of daily living, reoperations method of Heymsfield et al. using height, arm circumfer-
for hip fracture, all-cause hospitalization, fractures, becom- ence and triceps skinfold [20]. Arm circumference was
ing a resident of a nursing home or death. measured on the right arm using a non-elastic tape at
the mid-point of the acromion and olecranon process,
Methods and triceps skinfold was measured on the posterior as-
Study design pect of the same arm at the same level using a skinfold
We conducted a prospective observational study of sar- caliper (Harpenden, Baty International, Great Britain).
copenia in patients with acute hip fracture with follow- Height was measured by a wall mounted stadiometer, or
up at three months and one year, conducted at three if the patients was unable to stand self-reported height
Norwegian hospitals in 2011–2013. was used. If the participant was unable to stand or re-
port their height, the length from heel to crown was
Participants measured while lying in bed. In cases with missing value
Participants were included while in hospital in the postop- on height at baseline, height measured at follow-up was
erative phase. Eligible participants were aged ≥65 years, used. The values for total body muscle mass were trans-
able to give informed consent as judged by experienced formed to appendicular lean mass (ALM) using model 1
clinicians, were living in the community, and were ambu- described by Kim et al. [21]. The cut-points for low
latory before the fracture. Patients who were unstable such muscle mass were ALM ≤7.25 kg/m2 for men and
as with delirium, acute respiratory failure or in severe pain ≤5.67 kg/m2 for women. We chose anthropometry for
were not eligible. Other exclusion criteria were dementia its ease of use at the bed-side in immobile hip fracture
when it made informed consent impossible, remaining life patients. Grip strength was measured with a Jamar Hy-
expectancy of less than three months and bone disease draulic Dynamometer (Sammons Preston, USA) while
other than osteoporosis or osteomalacia. We screened for the patient was sitting in bed or on a chair with the
participants by examining lists of patients admitted for hip elbow flexed, the wrist in the neutral position and with
fracture or staying on the hospital wards. verbal encouragement. Grip strength was measured
three times on each hand with short intervals between
Data collection each attempt while the grip was repositioned. The single
Information was collected by the authors and study best value out of these six measurements was used. Low
personnel by examination, chart review, routine blood grip strength was ≤30 kg for men and ≤20 kg for
tests and by interviews with patients and their caregivers women. Mobility in the two weeks before the hip frac-
from the first postoperative day and until discharge from ture was determined by interview using the New Mobil-
hospital. Weight was measured with the scales on the ity Score (NMS). The NMS is scored 0–9 according to a
hospital wards. We collected the American Society of person’s ability to walk indoors, outdoors, or while shop-
Anesthesiologists (ASA) score, Charlson comorbidity ping [22]. The cut-point for low mobility was chosen as
index [16], Barthel activities of daily living (B-ADL) < 5, as this has been used to predict mortality after hip
score [17], length of the acute care hospital stay, previ- fracture [23]. We used a Danish version of the NMS
ous hip fracture and type of hip fracture. Follow-up was with minimal modifications to Norwegian. Sarcopenia
at 3 months at an outpatient clinic and at one year as a status was determined postoperatively and at follow-up.
telephone interview with the patient or care-giver. Infor-
mation on previous and subsequent hip fractures, and Outcome measures
reoperations for the index hip fracture came from the The primary outcome was change in mobility, calculated
Norwegian Hip Fracture Register [18]. This register as NMS at one year minus the pre-fracture NMS. We
started data collection in 2005 and has coverage on an believe that change in mobility is more relevant than
estimated 90% of all hip fractures in Norway. The regis- mobility for identifying patients who are more likely to
ter has information on reoperations, with an estimated benefit from interventions. We determined mobility pre-
coverage of 65% of hip fractures treated with surgical fracture, at three months, and at one-year. All other ana-
pinning, 68% after hemiarthroplasty and 93% after total lyses were considered exploratory. Other outcome vari-
hip replacement [19]. Mortality data was supplied by the ables at one year were NMS at one year, B-ADL at one
National Population Register, which is complete. year, change in B-ADL, new clinical fractures, new hip
fractures, reoperation for hip fracture, all-cause hospital-
Sarcopenia izations, death, becoming a permanent resident of a
Participants were classified as sarcopenic if they had low skilled nursing home, and the combined endpoint of be-
muscle mass and either low grip strength or impaired coming a permanent resident of a nursing home or
Steihaug et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:65 Page 3 of 10
Temporarily lost
to follow-up
All hip fractures n = 14
n = 1,592
Sarcopenic Follow-up at hospital Follow-up by
at inclusion at 3 months telephone at 1 year
n = 77 n = 59 n = 71
Temporarily lost
to follow-up
Eligible and n = 14
included in study
n = 282 Not sarcopenic Follow-up at hospital Follow-up by
Hospitals: at inclusion at 3 months telephone at 1 year
Haraldsplass: 130 n = 124 n = 110 n = 120
Diakonhjemmet: 79
Haukeland: 73
Lost to follow-up (n = 4)
Dead: 3
Other reasons: 1
Temporarily lost
to follow-up
n = 14
Fig. 1 Overview of patients with hip fracture, patients included in the study and patients returning for follow-up
2.3) vs. 6.8 (SD 2.2), P = 0.003, and greater impairment sarcopenia is not useful in determining prognosis. Fur-
in B-ADL, 16.8 (SD 4.4) vs. 18.6 (SD 2.8), P = 0.001, ther, sarcopenia did not predict change in mobility in
compared to patients without sarcopenia. Sarcopenia analysis adjusted for age, sex and BMI, which indicates
was associated with becoming a permanent resident of a that sarcopenia status is not likely to be causally related
skilled nursing home (OR 3.2, 95% CI: 0.9 to 12.4, P = to developing reduced mobility. We used multiple im-
0.048) and the combined endpoint of becoming a resi- putation to reduce the loss of information associated
dent of a skilled nursing home or death (OR 3.6, 95% with missing values. This approach is considered inferior
CI: 1.2 to 12.3, P = 0.02). to having all the data, but preferable to performing ana-
lysis on complete data. One assumption of multiple im-
Muscle mass, grip strength and mobility putation is that missing values can be estimated by the
Muscle mass or grip strength was not associated with remaining information in the dataset. The results of our
any outcome in adjusted analysis Table 3. In unadjusted analysis were similar when analyzing complete cases and
analysis, grip strength and NMS were associated with a when analyzing datasets with imputed values, indicating
reduced risk of becoming a resident of a nursing home that the results of our analysis are valid even if this as-
or death. The NMS was positively associated with sumption was erroneous.
change in B-ADL in adjusted analysis (estimate 0.2 per Change in mobility was not associated with sarcopenia
point, 95% CI 0.0 to 0.4, P = 0.03). and this was consistent across all the investigated time
periods, from baseline to three months, from baseline to
Discussion one year and from three months to one year. Mobility
The aim of this study was to investigate if sarcopenia from before the hip fracture until one year is character-
predicted change in mobility after hip fracture. We ized by an initial loss of mobility and a subsequent par-
found that sarcopenia status did not predict change in tial recovery. Sarcopenia is not associated with either the
mobility in unadjusted analysis, which indicates that loss of mobility or the recovery, which further supports
Steihaug et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:65 Page 5 of 10
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of participants by sarcopenia status that sarcopenia is not related to change in mobility. In
Not sarcopenic Sarcopenic P-value contrast to change in mobility, being sarcopenic was as-
Age, years (SD) 77.1 (7.8) n = 124 81.8 (7.6) n = 77 < 0.0001 sociated with having lower mobility pre-fracture, at three
Female, n (%) 95 (77) n = 124 56 (72) n = 77 0.5
months and at one year, compared to not being sarcope-
nic. This is expected, since low mobility is one criteria
Barthel ADL 19.5 (1.1) n = 85 18.7 (1.9) n = 60 0.006
pre-fracture (SD) for sarcopenia. As seen in Fig. 4, pre-fracture mobility is
a determinant of mobility at three months and one year.
Type of hip fracture 0.6
Savino et al. found that grip strength measured in hos-
Neck of femur, 29 (24) n = 123 14 (18) n = 77
not displaced,
pital predicted recovery of walking ability in patients
n (%) with hip fracture [13]. In contrast, our findings indicate
Neck of femur, 46 (37) n = 123 31 (40) n = 77 that neither muscle mass nor grip strength, when ana-
displaced, n (%) lysed as continuous variables, were associated with
Trochanteric, 48 (39) n = 123 32 (42) n = 77 change in mobility. This indicates that the choice of cut-
n (%) points for low muscle mass or low grip strength would
ASA score (SD) 2.3 (0.6) n = 124 2.7 (0.6) n = 77 < 0.001 not have changed our results. We found an association
Previous hip 5 (4) n = 124 9 (12) n = 77 0.039 between mobility pre-fracture and change in activities in
fracture, n (%) daily living, but this was an exploratory analysis and the
Charlson score (SD) 0.9 (1.3) n = 124 1.1 (1.3) n = 77 0.15 effect size was small.
Heart failure, n (%) 7 (6) n = 124 6 (8) n = 77 0.5
Sarcopenia was associated with an increased probability
of becoming a resident of a skilled nursing home (OR 3.2,
Previous myocardial 14 (11) n = 124 9 (12) n = 77 0.9
infarction, n (%) 95% CI 0.9 to 12.4, P = 0.048) and the combined endpoint
of becoming a resident of a nursing home or death (OR
Cerebrovascular 13 (10) n = 124 8 (10) n = 77 0.98
disease, n (%) 3.6, 95% CI 1.2 to 12.3, P = 0.02). This is a clinically relevant
Diabetes 9 (7) n = 124 10 (13) n = 77 0.2
finding but must be interpreted with caution, as it was an
mellitus, n (%) exploratory outcome and we were not able to correct for
Any solid 7 (6) n = 124 8 (10) n = 77 0.2 age, sex or BMI because of the low number of outcomes.
tumor, n (%) Among the participants who had sarcopenia status deter-
Pulmonary 15 (12) n = 124 18 (23) n = 77 0.036 mined, 6 participants died or became permanent residents
disease, n (%) of a nursing home among the not sarcopenic and 12 partic-
Length of hospital 6.8 (2.7) n = 124 9.6 (6.7) n = 77 < 0.001 ipants among those who were sarcopenic. The NMS was
stay, days (SD) chosen as our measure of physical performance because we
Body composition assumed that many participants would be unable to walk at
BMI, kg/m2 (SD) 25.6 (4.2) n = 107 22.1 (3.7) n = 70 < 0.001 inclusion. The NMS is extensively studied as a predictor of
ALM/height2, 6.3 (1.5) n = 111 4.4 (1.0) n = 77 < 0.001
mobility, morbidity, mortality and becoming a resident of a
kg/m2 (SD) nursing home [28–31]. We found a ceiling effect with the
Women 6.1 (1.3) n = 86 4.3 (0.8) n = 56 < 0.001 NMS, with 54% of participants scoring the maximum 9 be-
fore the fracture and 30% at one-year. Possibly because par-
Men 7.0 (1.7) n = 25 4.8 (1.2) n = 21 < 0.001
ticipants with a pre-fracture NMS of 0 or 1 were not
Grip strength
eligible for inclusion. Patients found the NMS easy to
Grip strength, 27.0 (10.3) n = 123 16.5 (6.4) n = 77 < 0.001 understand and scoring was straightforward. Surprisingly,
kg (SD)
we found that 8% of patients had better mobility at one-
Women 22.9 (6.9) n = 94 14.3 (5.0) n = 56 < 0.001 year compared to pre-fracture. For some of the patients this
Men 40.1 (8.3) n = 29 22.3 (5.9) n = 21 < 0.001 was due to illness that started before the fracture, and their
Mobility improvement in mobility after hip fracture was due to reso-
New Mobility 8.0 (1.5) n = 123 7.1 (2.0) n = 74 < 0.001 lution of their illness, rather than successful rehabilitation.
Score (SD) Use of rehabilitation services improves mobility after hip
Women 8.0 (1.6) n = 94 7.1 (2.0) n = 55 0.008 fracture [32, 33]. We did not record what rehabilitation ser-
Men 8.2 (1.4) n = 29 6.8 (2.2) n = 19 0.017 vices the participants received, and it is possible that re-
Baseline characteristics by sarcopenia status (means with standard deviations
habilitation could mediate the effect between sarcopenia
and counts with percentages). P-values for comparison of groups are by the and change in mobility.
Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test, except for type of fracture which is by The participants in our study were slightly younger (79.4
chi-squared test. Trochanteric fractures include basocervical femoral neck
fractures and subtrochanteric fractures. Previous hip fracture indicates a vs. 80.0 years) and had a lower mean ASA score (2.5 vs. 2.7)
previous hip fracture, either left or right hip. ALM: Appendicular lean mass, indicating better health compared to patients in the
ADL: Activities of daily living
Norwegian Hip Fracture Register. We did not include
Steihaug et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:65 Page 6 of 10
Fig. 2 What participants were assessed for muscle mass, grip strength, mobility and sarcopenia
patients from skilled nursing homes or with severe cognitive (95% CI 0.56–0.87) in men [35]. Using anthropometry to
impairment, and our results are not generalizable to those identify low muscle mass instead of DXA can lead to
populations. misclassification of muscle mass status and hence sarco-
Anthropometry is considered a less valid method for penia status. By using anthropometry to determine sar-
determining muscle mass compared to dual-energy X- copenia status we reduced our ability to detect an effect
ray absorptiometry (DXA) or computed tomography of sarcopenia on outcomes. We used anthropometry in
scan [34]. The EWGSOP recommends not using anthro- our study because it is in common use [36], inexpensive,
pometry to determine muscle mass in research but al- and more easily performed on patients with reduced
lows for it in clinical practice [4]. We have previously mobility and acute illness, compared to DXA [37]. Some
investigated how anthropometry compares to DXA in consider objectively measured physical performance su-
identifying low muscle mass and found an area under perior to self-reported mobility, such as the NMS, but
the curve of 0.64 (95% CI 0.54–0.75) in women and 0.72 when the two types of measurement are compared in
Fig. 3 New Mobility Score (NMS) during hospitalization, at three months, and at one year, stratified by sarcopenia status during hospitalization.
The horizontal lines show mean NMS scores
Fig. 4 New Mobility Score (NMS) pre-fracture and at one-year follow-up. The first number in each cell is the number of patients with the given
combination of NMS scores. For each row, the percentage values and the cell shadings show the distribution of NMS at follow-up for a given
NMS score at baseline. No patients had a NMS of 1 at baseline, and patients with a NMS score of 0 was excluded from the study. Patients with
the same NMS score at baseline and follow-up are shown in boldface, and any cell to the right of this diagonal indicates an improvement in
the NMS
Steihaug et al. BMC Geriatrics (2018) 18:65 Page 8 of 10
Table 3 Outcomes after one year predicted by muscle mass, grip strength or mobility
Unadjusted Adjusted
β (95% Confidence interval) β (95% Confidence interval)
Change in New Mobility Score at one year
ALM/height2, kg/m2 0.0 (−0.1 to 0.2) p = 0.7 n = 175 0.2 (−0.1 to 0.4) p = 0.2 n = 155
Grip strength, kg 0.0 (−0.0 to 0.0) p = 0.7 n = 193 −0.0 (−0.0 to 0.0) p = 0.7 n = 169
Change in Barthel activities of daily living at one year
ALM/height2, kg/m2 0.0 (−0.2 to 0.3) p = 0.8 n = 121 0.1 (−0.2 to 0.4) p = 0.4 n = 115
Grip strength, kg 0.0 (−0.0 to 0.1) p = 0.07 n = 137 0.0 (0.0 to 0.1) p = 0.1 n = 128
New Mobility Score, point 0.2 (0.0 to 0.4) p = 0.03 n = 148 0.2 (0.0 to 0.4) p = 0.03 n = 130
Death or nursing home at one year
ALM/height2, kg/m2 0.8 (0.6 to 1.2) p = 0.3 n = 194 1.0 (0.6 to 1.7) p = 1.0 n = 170
Grip strength, kg 0.9 (0.9 to 1.0) p = 0.002 n = 222 0.9 (0.9 to 1.0) p = 0.1 n = 186
New Mobility Score, point 0.7 (0.6 to 0.9) p < 0.001 n = 243 0.8 (0.6 to 1.0) p = 0.06 n = 194
Outcomes after one year by muscle mass, grip strength or mobility. Analysis of change in mobility and Barthel activities of daily living by regression and with
imputation of missing values. ALM/height2, grip strength and New Mobility Score are continuous, independent variables. Change in New Mobility Score and
Barthel activities of daily living are continuous dependent variables. n: number of cases without missing values. OR: Odds ratio, ALM: Appendicular lean mass.
Adjusted analysis with age, sex and BMI as covariates
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