ECE AICTE Model Ayyabus
ECE AICTE Model Ayyabus
ECE AICTE Model Ayyabus
[January 2018]
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AICTE Model Curriculum for Undergraduate degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Engineering & Technology)
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AICTE Model Curriculum for Undergraduate degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Engineering & Technology)
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AICTE Model Curriculum for Undergraduate degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Engineering & Technology)
Chapter -1
General, Course structure & Theme
Semester-wise credit distribution
A. Definition of Credit:
B. Range of credits - A range of credits from 150 to 160 for a student to be eligible to get
Under Graduate degree in Engineering. A student will be eligible to get Under
Graduate degree with Honours or additional Minor Engineering, if he/she completes an
additional 20 credits. These could be acquired through MOOCs.
S. Category Suggested
No. Breakup of
1 Humanities and Social Sciences including Management 12*
2 Basic Science courses 25*
3 Engineering Science courses including workshop, 24*
drawing, basics of electrical/mechanical/computer etc
4 Professional core courses 48*
5 Professional Elective courses relevant to chosen 18*
6 Open subjects – Electives from other technical and /or 18*
emerging subjects
7 Project work, seminar and internship in industry or 15*
8 Mandatory Courses
[Environmental Sciences, Induction Program, Indian (non-credit)
Constitution, Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge]
Total 160*
*Minor variation is allowed as per need of the respective disciplines.
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AICTE Model Curriculum for Undergraduate degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Engineering & Technology)
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AICTE Model Curriculum for Undergraduate degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Engineering & Technology)
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AICTE Model Curriculum for Undergraduate degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Engineering & Technology)
Sr. Course Course Title Hrs. /Week Credits Preferred
No. Code L: T: P Semester
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AICTE Model Curriculum for Undergraduate degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Engineering & Technology)
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AICTE Model Curriculum for Undergraduate degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Engineering & Technology)
Course ContactH
Sr. No. Course Title L T P Credits
Code rs./wk.
1 EC01 Electronic Devices 3 0 0 3 3
2 EC02 Electronics Devices Lab 0 0 2 2 1
3 EC03 Digital System Design 3 0 0 3 3
4 EC04 Digital System Design Lab 0 0 2 2 1
5 EC05 Signals and Systems 3 0 0 3 3
6 EC06 Network Theory 3 0 0 3 3
Slot for BS/ES/HS courses 6
Slot for MC
[Constitution of India/Essence of Indian
Traditional Knowledge]
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AICTE Model Curriculum for Undergraduate degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Engineering & Technology)
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AICTE Model Curriculum for Undergraduate degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Engineering & Technology)
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