Semtech LDV

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On-Board Emissions Analyzer

Built on Experience.

Over 45 Years Experience

5th Generation PEMS Analyzers

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists,

“today’s on-road vehicles produce over a third of
the carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides in our
atmosphere.” (03-Sep-2013)

The 1998 Consent Decree affecting all Heavy Duty In particular, heavy duty fleet in-use compliance
engine manufacturers in the US initiated the need for testing has spread from the US into Europe and Asia,
Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS). ensuring that vehicles continue to meet regulatory
Since then, applications have substantially expanded standards.
throughout the world, including:
Recently, the European Union promulgated EU6(c),
• Continued compliance and in-use conformity which demands that all passenger cars be tested
testing against regulatory standards under real world conditions as part of the certification
• Validation of powertrain and exhaust system design process.
• Development of air shed inventory models
• Determination of real world fuel economy
• Investigation of contributions of certain air toxins


Sensors, Inc. has a long history of collabo-

ration with regulatory agencies developing
PEMS solutions that meet today’s require-
ments and anticipate tomorrow’s needs.

Founded in 1969, Sensors, Inc. is the leader in • Reduced energy consumption

innovative gas analysis technology, and has met • New safety features, such as in-cab emergency
the challenges of real world testing at each stage stop
of development. Sensors has a long history of • Improved aerodynamics
collaboration with regulatory agencies and has • Reduced size and weight
provided PEMS solutions to more than 80 OEMs, • Data post-processing and analytical compliance:
agencies and research institutions worldwide since • RDE-LDV (EU) 2017/1151
1999. • US EPA 40CFR part 1065
• Automated start-up sequence, including
The SEMTECH® LDV, Sensors’ 5th generation PEMS, automated linearization
is the culmination of fifteen years of experience in
the design, development and application of PEMS.
The system directly addresses these new challenges,
yielding a dedicated solution focused on the LDV core
application needs:


Configurations, clockwise from top:

1) Entire assembly installed outside on a tow bar
with protective fairing. No heated line necessary.
2) Analyzer installed outside vehicle.
3) Entire assembly with CPN installed outside
vehicle, on a tow bar.

The SEMTECH® LDV, true to its roots, is a rugged, Reduced Cost of Ownership: Operating and service
compact and portable suite of gaseous and particle costs are mitigated through innovative solutions, such
measurement devices that meets worldwide as :
laboratory grade performance specifications
• low power consumption
• modular heated lines
• RDE-LDV (EU) 2017/1151 • automated test preparation, including automated
• US-EPA 40 CFR part 1065 wake-up, zero, span and warm up
• automated post processing and reporting
• managed multi-user real-time remote access
It is designed to meet future PEMS testing capabilities.
requirements. The SEMTECH® LDV offers the
following benefits: Ease-of-Use: New features include automated warm-
Regulatory Compliance & Reporting: In addition to up and calibration, control from the In-vehicle Control
meeting all regulatory requirements, this product Module (ICM), and browser-based, cross platform
integrates the latest real-time data access and monitoring.
remote monitoring control available into a versatile Safety: The system meets all best-safety practices,
package also compliant with industry recognized data operating at 12VDC while relying on Power-Over-
reporting methodologies and format. Ethernet (PoE) for peripherals.


The SEMTECH® LDV is designed for ease-of-

use and flexibility. Core modules consist of the
SEMTECH® GAS, measuring CO, CO2 , NO and
NO2, the SEMTECH® SCS, containing the Sample
Conditioning System, and the Exhaust Flowmeter,
The system may be mounted on a tow bar, with a
quick clamp to the vehicle, or in the vehicle trunk.
Externally mounted systems are sheltered with
an aerodynamic cover, which shields it from the
elements while minimizing drag on the vehicle.
Sample lines, pneumatics, and cables are minimized
with modules that mate directly via electrical and
pneumatic connections. Lines are specially designed
to allow the trunk to be closed over them.
The system is controlled from the SEMTECH®
ICM, In-vehicle Control Module, which doubles as a
driver aid and in-vehicle communications platform.
The ICM features an easily accessible E-Stop and
event marker, and connects wirelessly to a personal
computing device for snapshot views of system
status, recording and route criteria monitoring.

Safety is a primary design obligation. Sensors has

incorporated innovative solutions to mitigate all
known potential safety issues.

The SEMTECH® LDV has been designed and tested High-Speed Operation: Carrier and tow bar
to ensure that it may be deployed safely under the specifically developed for the SEMTECH® LDV will
most extreme conditions. be submitted to the Dutch RDW for certification.

Toxic Gases: Sample lines exhaust the sample gas Electronics: All power lines used are 12 VDC. Power
outside the vehicle, even if the system is installed cables have been replaced by Power-Over-Ethernet
inside the vehicle. The use of flat heated lines enables where possible, to power up ancillary modules.
the trunk or hatch to be closed during operation,
In-Vehicle Emergency Stop: The driver can cut power
minimizing the risk of exhaust vapors seeping into the
to the entire system using the emergency stop of the
vehicle cab during on-road testing.
In-vehicle Control Module (ICM).
Heated Surfaces: All potentially heated surfaces, such
as the EFM4 tube assembly, include heat shields to
protect from accidental contact with any hot surface.


Sensors has incorporated fifteen years of PEMS Most operational and reporting tasks are automated,
experience to simplify operation of the SEMTECH® ranging from QA/QC tasks such as linearity
LDV system, with unique and innovative solutions. verification, to data post-processing and reporting.
Heated Line: The heated line is a new, modular, Calibration: Connect the SEMTECH® LDV system to
micro-processor controlled series of devices that shore power and to the SEMTECH® CAL 7-input gas
are low power, versatile and durable. Build custom port calibration module to run automated calibration
sample lines by connecting straight sections with T-, procedures. The system can be programmed to run
Y- and Right-angle- shaped connectors. Each module the procedure at a set time, ensuring that the LDV is
is independently monitored and controlled. ready for RDE testing when you are.
Host Software: The host software is an intuitive,
browser-based, multi-user interface designed for
routine PEMS operation with minimum of training.


Anticipating tomorrow’s needs, the platform

architecture is expandable, accommodating
additional analyzers, upgrades and other
accessories with ease.


Foreseeing all regulatory changes over the entire Adding a module to the LDV system is simply a matter
life cycle of a PEMS analyzer can be challenging. of plugging in another web appliance, or data node,
Opting for a non-scalable PEMS solution can prove to the analyzers’ local network. Additional modules
costly when new regulations require new analytical may include:
capabilities only a few years into the life cycle of the
analyzer. • FID
• Dual FID
The SEMTECH® LDV network-enabled architecture • CPN - Continuous Particle Number Module
is scalable, so that it can adapt to these changing • Calibration Module
regulations. At the core of the system is a web server • I/O Module
collecting all data from all Ethernet sub-assemblies
and modules, whether internal or external, in real-
time, and transferring them to the local processing This flexibility in configuration offers expandability
engine for diagnostics and data treatment. Results of the initial SEMTECH® LDV solution over a long
are then posted in real-time to web pages, which are period of time.
streamed to any personal computing device with a
browser, such as a tablet, laptop or smart phone.


The Vehicle Communications

Interface simplifies ECM
connectivity quickly and

The SEMTECH LDV employs Sensor’s vehicle the ECM supports. Adding a data point to the list
communications interface (VCI), setting the industry of points to be logged is as simple as checking a
standard for reliability and ease-of-use. checkbox!
Built into the ICM (In-Cab Control Module), the VCI The simplicity of this experience is also available
takes the guesswork out of interfacing to the vehicle. to our advanced users. When entering proprietary
Upon connection, the VCI will auto-detect the data points or DMRs, the user is shown a live value,
vehicle’s protocol and baud rate. Then the VCI will allowing them to confirm proper setup and detect
query the ECM to determine which data points are configuration errors early.
The VCI is quick too! It’s able to stream vehicle data
These enhancements enable the smoothest user as soon as the ECM makes it available, allowing it
experience possible. When creating the list of data to perform as quickly as any other commercially-
points to include in a test file, the user is presented available vehicle interface device.
with live streaming values for all data points that


Real-time diagnostics
save time and money,
ensuring reliable results.

Real-Time Data Processing: The new SEMTECH® Sensors’ data capture and post-processing software
host software provides immediate access to packages allow:
information critical to the completion of a successful
• Recording and automated time alignment of data
test sequence, including essential real-time hardware
from various inputs, such VI, GPS, SEMTECH®
diagnostics, to ensure that all conditions are met.
GAS, etc.
This critical real-time test information is available
• One-click post processing and reporting in
simultaneously to multiple users.
accordance with all known RDE standards
Post-Processing & Reporting: Data Processing and • Automated QA/QC of all processes
reporting are accomplished with one click of a button
using the powerful SensorTECH Pro and SensorTECH
CT software packages.


Monitoring and control can be performed with

any operating system, using any web browser.

The core of the SEMTECH® LDV data structure Analyzer Control: A unique multi-user management
is a web server located in the Sample Conditioning system enables access to the analyzer by multiple
System, which provides offers the following features: users, simultaneously, without conflict. For example, a
technician can calibrate the system, while an engineer
Data Management: All information generated by verifies vehicle interface protocols.
each sub-assembly in the SEMTECH® LDV analyzer
is gathered in real-time, and immediately available Hardware Integration: Accessories, such as GPS,
for access from any personal computing device with weather probe, SEMTECH®CAL and video camera,
web-browsing capabilities. A smart-phone or tablet can be added to the stack as Ethernet appliances.
can be used to start a calibration, view data or check Similarly, installing additional modules, such as
the analyzer status. No laptop is required for routine the CPN or Dual FID, involves plugging in another
operation of the SEMTECH® LDV. Ethernet appliance to the analyzers’ local network.

Parameter CO CO2 NO NO2
Maximum Range 8% vol 18% vol 0 to 3000 ppm 0 to 1000 ppm
Resolution 10 ppm <0.01% vol. 0.1 ppm 0.1 ppm
Zero Drift ≤ 5 ppm
≤ ±50 ppm < ±0.1% vol.
(4 hours) with Δt ≤ 10°C and using purified N as zero gas
Span Drift ≤ 2% of span value or ≤ 2% of span value or ≤ 2% of reading or ≤ 5 ppm,
(4 hours) ≤ 50 ppm, whichever is ≤ 0.1% vol., whichever is greater
greater whichever is greater with Δt ≤ 10°C and using purified N as zero gas
Linearity |xmin x (a1 - 1) + a0| ≤ 0.5% of max.
Slope a1 between 0.99 and 1.01
Standard Error of Estimates (SEE) ≤ 1% of max.
Coefficient of Determination r2 ≥ 0.998
Accuracy ≤± 2% of reading or
≤ ± 0.3% of full scale, whichever is greater
Precision ≤ 1% of span
Repeatability ≤ ± 2% of point or
≤ ± 1% of span, whichever is greater
Noise ≤ 2% of span
Sample Flow Rate 3 l/min nominal
Rise Time T10-90 ≤ 3 seconds

System Response T0-90 ≤ 12 seconds

Data Rate 5 Hz

NOTE: Specifications are subject to change.

While due caution has been exercised in
the production of this document, errors and
omissions may occur.
Parameter EFM4 module SCS module GAS module ICM Fairing
Voltage 12 VDC from SCS 12 VDC 12 VDC from SCS P.o.E. n/a
Power 25W typical 60W typical 50W typical 5W typical n/a
Consumption (Max. 50W) (Max. 150W) (Max. 150W) (Max. 45W)
Communications TCP/IP over Ethernet n/a
-10°C to +60°C (dry)
Operating -10°C to +45°C (0-100% RH non-condensing)
Dimensions 365x105x90mm 435x410x105mm 437x312x135mm 115x205x45mm 560x470x180mm
(W x D x H) 14.3x 4.1x3.4in 17.0x16.0x4.0in 17.0x12.0x5.0in 4.5x8.0x1.8in 22.0x18.5x7.0 in
(box) (max)
Weight 3.4 - 6.4 kg 10.9 kg 8.9 kg 0.3 kg 2.7 kg
7.5 - 14.1 lbs 24.0 lbs 19.6 lbs 0.75 lbs 5.9 lbs
varies with tube
Interference & CE Standards; IEC 61326:2002-2

Mating components minimize pneumatic and

electronic connections.
2 1) SEMTECH®-GAS: Gas Analyzer System
2) SEMTECH®-SCS: Sample Conditioning System
3) SEMTECH®-EFM4: Exhaust Flow Meter

Parameter EFM4
Flow Tube OD, mm/in 25 / 1.0 33 / 1.3 38 / 1.5 51 / 2.0 64 / 2.5 76 / 3.0 101 / 4.0 127 / 5.0
Flow Tube Length
508 (660) 508 (660) 508 (660) 508 (660) 640 (825) 640 (864) 684 (940) 762 (1143)
without & (with)
20 (26) 20 (26) 20 (26) 20 (26) 25 (32.5) 25 (34) 26 (37) 30 (45)
extension, mm/in
Exhaust Temperature
-5°C to 700°C
Exhaust Temperature
± 1% of reading or ± 2°C, whichever is greater
Flow Measurement |xmin x (a1 - 1) + a0| ≤ 1% of max.
Linearity Slope a1 between 0.99 and 1.01
Standard Error of Estimates (SEE) ≤ 1% of max.
Coefficient of Determination r2 ≥ 0.990
Flow Measurement ± 2% of reading or ± 0.5% of Full Scale,
Accuracy whichever is greater.
Resolution 0.1 kg/hr

NOTE: Specifications are subject to change.

While due caution has been exercised in
the production of this document, errors and
omissions may occur.
Sensors, Inc. | 6812 State Road Saline, Michigan 48176 | USA P: 734.429.2100 F: 734.429.4080 |

With On-Site Training and Field

Services options available, Sensors
backs your emissions testing every
step of the way.

With more than 400 PEMS systems delivered to over the problem. Sensors, Inc. has developed an On-
100 customers throughout the world for the past Board Real-Time Virtual Service Technician, providing
fifteen years, Sensors, Inc. understands what it takes real-time access to context-relevant documentation
to service and support real world test equipment. when an error is detected by the system.
Training: Sensors, Inc. has developed a three-tier Technical Support: Sensors, Inc.’s technical staff,
approach to provide information, training, operation, trained and experienced in the use of SEMTECH®
troubleshooting and service of its products, including PEMS systems, are available 24 hours a day at one of
data post-processing and reporting. three locations in Europe, North America and Asia.
Field Service: If issues arise in the field, it is critical to PEMS is our business.
have access to information to immediately resolve

Sensors, Inc. | 6812 State Road Saline, Michigan 48176 | USA
P: 734.429.2100 F: 734.429.4080

Sensors Europe GmbH | Feldheider Strasse 60 40699 Erkrath | Germany

P: +49 (0) 2104.14188.0 F: +49 (0) 2104.14188.14

Sensors Asia Ltd., | 21/F Chinachem Tower 34-37 Connaught Road Central | Hong Kong
P: +(852) 9033.0089

Rev. 20180329

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