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MAIL or FAX to:

Two-Day Course on
Design of Steel Structures
To Eurocode3

Professional Activities Centre

Faculty of Engineering Organiser : IES / IStructE Joint Committee
National University of Singapore Date : 17 & 18 March 2010 (Wed & Thur)
9 Engineering Drive 1
Blk EA #05-34, Singapore 117576 Time : 8.30am to 5.30pm
Venue : Novotel Clark Quay Singapore, River Valley Rd.
Enquires: Please contact Mr. Gabriel Ong for more information at
Tel: (65) 6516 5113 Fax : (65) 6874 5097 or CPD : 14 PDUs (to be confirmed)
E-mail: [email protected] Fees : $888 (IES / IStructE Members)
Website :
$988 (Non-Members)
Fees are inclusive of 7% GST, a course book, lunches and
Fees : $888 (IES / IStructE Members) / $988 (Non-Members) light refreshments.
* Fees are inclusive of 7% GST, course materials, lunch and light refreshment.

In March 2010, all fifty-seven structural design British Standards published by

Payment : Payment is required prior to the course. BSI will be withdrawn and replaced by the new suite of fifty-eight Structural
Design Eurocodes and National Annexes. These Eurocodes, developed over
Refunds and A 50% refund will be made for withdrawals (received in writing) many years, will now become the definitive design standards across Europe and
Cancellations: ten working days before the commencement of the course. No
in many countries worldwide where British and other European Standards have
refunds will be made thereafter. However, a replacement will be been previously adopted. As part of this process, EN 1993: Design of Steel
accepted upon prior arrangement at no extra cost. Please inform Structures (Eurocode 3) will replace BS 5950 and, whilst there are many
us of the changes, if any, by fax. The Professional Activities similarities in principle between the two codes, there are some significant
Centre reserves the right to cancel the course and fully refund differences in both principle and detail.
the participants, should unforeseen circumstances warrant it.
Every effort will be made to inform participants of any changes. About the Course
Confirmation of Registration This course is aimed at civil and structural engineers seeking an understanding
of the general rules, main features and changes contained in Eurocode 3 and the
Confirmation of registration will be given 5 working days prior to the commencement accompanying UK National Annex. Reference will be made to the accompanying
date via email, and you are required to acknowledge it. If you do not receive the codes EC (Basis of Structural Design) and EC1 (Actions on Structures). The
said confirmation email, you are required to contact us immediately at +65 6516 course will cover the Eurocode system, basis of design, structural loading,
5113. material properties, design at the ultimate limit state and the serviceability limit
state. Verification for fire resistance using the method of ‘tabulated data for
We reserve the right to allow only confirmed registrants to attend the event. member analysis’ will be explained. Work examples with direct reference to the
code clauses will be used to illustrate the application of the code requirements.
Closing Date: 10 March 2010
Course Outline CV of Speakers
• Introduction to and overview of Eurocodes
• EC0 and EC1: Actions and combinations of actions Roger Plank BSc, PhD, CEng, MICE, FIStructE
Roger is a Chartered Structural Engineer and
• Introduction to and overview of EC3
Senior Vice-President of the Institution of
• Structural analysis Structural Engineers. He was, until recently, the
• Second order effects, imperfections Corus Professor of Architecture & Structural
• Tension members Engineering at the University of Sheffield, with
• Design rules over 30 years experience of teaching, research
and consultancy, principally in steel construction.
• Local buckling and cross-section classification He currently works as an independent consultant,
• Background, slenderness limits providing specialist advice in the fields of fire
• Design of columns engineering, structural design and sustainable
• Background to design - perfect columns, Perry-Robertson construction. He has been project manager for
four EU funded projects developing teaching
• Column slenderness, buckling curves
material for Eurocodes 3 and 4.
• Design of beams
• In-plane bending, shear, deflections
• Lateral torsional buckling
• Design of beam-columns
• Design approach, Interaction formulae Dr Leroy Gardner is a Senior Lecturer
• Columns in simple construction in Structural Engineering at Imperial College
• Design of joints : Bolted joints & Welded joints London and a Chartered Civil and Structural
Engineer. He is engaged in teaching at both
undergraduate and postgraduate level, specialist
advisory work and leading an active research
Course Book group. His principal research interests, in respect
of which he has co-authored two textbooks and
A copy of the text book entitled “Designers’ Guide to EN 1993-1-1:
over 100 technical papers, lie in the areas of
Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures”. Authors: Gardner, L. and
structural testing, numerical modelling and the
Nethercot, D. A, will be provided to all participants.
development of design guidance for steel
structures. In particular, through his involvement
Target Audience in European and other research projects, he has
devised methods for designing with non-linear
Civil & Structural Engineers, Designers and Contractors. materials and has contributed to the formulation
of design rules for Eurocode 3. Dr Gardner is a
member of a number of Institution Panels and
journal editorial boards.
Design of Steel Structures to Eurocode 3
Wed, 17 & Thur, 18 March 2010
08.30am to 05.30pm, Singapore
Fees : $888 (IES / IStructE Members) / $988 (Non-Members)
* Fees are inclusive of 7% GST, course book, lunch and light refreshment.


NRIC: Designation:



Tel: Fax:
Contact Person:
Please indicate:
‰ IES members IES membership No.: _________________________
‰ IStructE members IStructE membership No.:
‰ Non-members ‰ Sponsored by company
P.E. No.: ___________________ (if applicable)

Payment Mode:
Cheque No: Amount (S$):
Crossed cheques should be made payable to “National University of
Singapore” and mailed together with the registration form to:
Professional Activities Centre, Faculty of Engineering, National University
of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1, Blk EA #05-34, Singapore 117576

VISA/MSTR/AMEX: Expiry Date:

Authorised Signature/ Company Stamp:

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