Mentastics Cosas Basicas

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TRAGER International

Instructor Committee

Mentastics® Teacher

Certification Program

TI Education Office
Esther Perin, Schaffhauserstrasse 261,
CH – 8057 Zurich/Switzerland
Tel. 41 44 361 07 93, Fax ++41 44 361 07 52,
E-mail: [email protected]

Mentastics Teacher Application Updated Nov. 2013 – Version 2.1.1 Education Office
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TRAGER International
Instructor Committee

Dear Applicant

Thank you for your interest in the Mentastics Teacher Certification Program. The application you
receive contains the guidelines that describe the prerequisites for enrollment and the training and
evaluation process. Along with the Mentastics Teacher Application you receive an Assisting Skills
Evaluation Form that will need to be filled out by two different Instructors or Mentastics Teachers
authorized by the IC to supervise when you assist 3-day Mentastics classes.

Please plan your assisting needs in advance and contact the class organizer and the Instructor or
Mentastics Teacher so you can get the space and time needed to supervise you and to give you
feedback and suggestions.

Upon receiving two recommendations, please inform your National Association of your application
and send “The Form for information from the National Association” to the National Office to be
filled out and sent back to you. Then send it together with you Mentastics Teacher application Form
and the Assisting Skills evaluation forms to your Supervisor with the details and your class plan as
mentioned in the Guidelines.

The Evaluation Process and the Training Program are described below.

When you have been approved by the Instructor Committee as Mentastics Teacher you will send
the signed Mentastics Teacher Agreement to your National Association. After your National
Association receives your signed agreement you can schedule Mentastics classes within the context
of the Core Curriculum.

Please feel free to contact me, if you have any questions. I wish you a happy and inspiring time of
learning and developing.

Esther Perin
Trager Education Office

Present Version 2.1.1 released 23rd November 2013 by Education Office

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Instructor Committee

Mentastics Teacher Application

Background information

The Mentastics Teacher certification program requires defined and refined skills and content.
Mentastics Teacher are asked to meet specific requirements

General guidelines for Trager Mentastics

Only Instructors and certified Mentastics Teacher (I+MT) can teach Mentastics classes as part of
the Trager Education Program to Students and Practitioners.

A minimum of 24 hours of core curriculum Mentastics experience is required. These required hours
can be taught either as

 A one 3-day Mentastics class, or

 a series of Mentastics classes that total 24 hours

The following 3 areas have to be covered within the 24 hours of Mentastics.

 Mentastics for self-care of the student/practitioner

 Teaching Mentastics to a clients
 Teaching Mentastics to groups
(Addressing this content is recommended but not required for 3-day classes)

If taught in another format, Instructor/Mentastics Teacher have to outline clearly, when scheduling
the class, what topics are addressed in the class and clearly declares it in the Student transcript.

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Prerequisites for Mentastics Teacher application

1. Practitioner in good Standing with National Association

2. Consultation with an I or MT
3. Tutor and Supervised Practice Leader or some other group leading experience in the Trager

4. Training history of a minimum of 1 Mentastics Training

5. Assisting in a minimum of 2 Mentastics Training
6. Current in all Trager Level trainings
7. Knowledgeable and respectful of standards of Trager practice and instruction related to

8. Well-developed teaching skills (methodology and didactics)

9. Broad and simple explanation of complex material, clear verbal expression
10. A Minimum of 2 years’ experience of leading Mentastics groups in public, or movement
classes combined with Mentastics principles

11. Recommendation from2 different I or MT

Qualities of a Mentastics Teacher

 Mentastics teaching competence
 Open, positive, compassionate, attitude as a group leader
 Clear and simple verbal expression
 Deep connection to the Trager community
 Cooperative spirit (English is needed in order to communicate)
 Well-developed supervising skills for Trager table work and Mentastics
 Willingness to cooperate with colleagues worldwide
 Clear definition of class subjects, aims, content, and procedures
 Combination of structured and spontaneous teaching styles, grounded and balancing new
material with that which is already known
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 Devoted to lifelong learning

Core Mentastics® Classes

To be taken after Level I and before certification

A minimum of 24 hours of additional core curriculum Mentastics classes are required. These
required hours can be met with either one 3-day Mentastics Class, or a series of Mentastics Classes
from Mentastics Teachers or Instructors that total 24 hours. 
Content to be covered:

Mentastics movement for your own body/mind

 Hookup and anatomy as related to Mentastics
 Principles and skills of Mentastics:
feeling weight,
“going under the resistance”,
sustained movement,
self-care as a daily life principle.
 Repertoire: “Classic” movements from Milton Trager, relating to:
overall feeling experiences (for example, weight, ease, lightness, etc.)
specific areas of the body (shoulders, feet, etc.)
different positions ( seated, lying on floor or table, etc.)
 Mentastics movement as a process:
becoming aware,
using feeling-quality questions,
using “recall”
 Mentastics applied to work, exercise, daily-life activity.

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Sharing Mentastics movement with a client

 Introducing a client to Mentastics movement

 Principles and skills:

accessing hookup;
using touch,
and verbal instruction;
balancing confidence with “not knowing;”
balancing guiding with following;
attending to timing,
pacing, and
ease in transitions;

eliciting information from the client;

receiving and responding to feedback by adapting to client’s needs;
supporting the receiver’s experience (for example:
using their words,
being interested in their experiences and discoveries, providing vocal
encouragement, etc.)
anchoring recall;
creating a context for Mentastics in everyday life.

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Sharing Mentastics movement with a group

(Addressing this content is recommended but not required for 3-day classes)

. Demonstration and Discussion:

Structuring a lesson, alternative ways to begin and end a lesson;
“Enrolling” the group: inviting participation, establishing safety,
responsibility for self-care, permissions (e.g. not to follow)
Awareness of group dynamics
Awareness of different populations (age, physical ability, culture)

. Practicing skills related to leading a group (in addition to skills in 1 & 2 above):

Voice tone and volume

Adjusting pace and varying energy level
Balancing whole group and small group (or paired) interaction
Equalizing group members’ participation
Balancing guided movement with time for self-exploration
Building on discoveries made by members of the group

Note: Students who choose to compile their hours by combining Mentastics classes taught by more
than one certified Mentastics Teacher or Instructor are responsible for ensuring that both topics
of Mentastics for your own body and teaching Mentastics to clients are covered in their learning
Teachers and Instructors are responsible to cover both topics when teaching 3-day
classes in order to fulfill the 24-hour core curriculum requirement.

Resources: Mentastics Movement…,Milton Trager and Cathy Hammond Building a Mentastics

Lesson, Trager Handbook, Julie Greene Mentastics with Milton, video, Milton Trager
Body ReMINDer card decks, Roger Tolle

See your National Association website for other Mentastics resources

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TRAGER International
Instructor Committee

Standard of Instruction related to Mentastics

Instructors and Mentastics Teacher

1. Value and apply the principles of Mentastics in classroom teaching. (Principles as described in
preceding introduction, Standards of Practice, p. 3)
2. Possess a breadth of repertoire, which relates Mentastics to each part of the body.
3. Communicate the fundamental principles of self-care in daily life when teaching Mentastics.
4. Identify hook-up as a primary goal of Mentastics.
5. Present Mentastics as an educational process emphasizing exploration, flexibility and ease.
6. Utilize Mentastics in their tablework demonstrations, pausing at appropriate intervals for self-
care movements to maintain ease and flexibility.
7. Model Mentastics with clarity, depth of feeling and a clear understanding of the principles and
technical aspects.
8. Demonstrate how guided Mentastics experiences with clients can precede and/or follow related
9. Present Mentastics with clear verbal instructions which include the use of visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic suggestions.
10. Demonstrate Mentastics with clarity, integrating information about anatomy, body use and
11. Present a variety of Mentastics qualities such as feeling Lightness, elongation, weight, freedom,
ease, playfulness and/or balance.
12. Present Mentastics with a pace and tone that communicates patience and supports simplicity and
13. Demonstrate the use of touch as an instructional aid in teaching Mentastics.
14. Supervise their students in the development and integration of their personal Mentastics, as well
as how to share Mentastics with clients and with groups.

IC document, March 1999 with Sept 2003 revisions

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Standard of Practice related to Mentastics

The Instructors Committee recognizes “Movement as a Way to Agelessness, First Edition” by
Milton Trager, MD and Cathy Hammond, PhD, as the definitive text of Mentastics movement and
as the explication of Mentastics practice.

Mentastics is a coined expression meaning mental gymnastics. They are mentally directed
movements that suggest to the mind feelings of lightness, freedom, openness, grace, and pleasure.
The goal of Mentastics is hook-up. Hook-up is the most basic ingredient of Mentastics. Hook-up
creates a flow and a rhythm. Hook-up is like meditation. The second basic principle of Mentastics is
to allow the movements to happen. Do not try. Play with the feelings of how loose, how free, how
nothing. Do not try to accomplish anything. Consciously stay out of it. Become a part of the feeling.
The movements originate from the mind, not the body. It all starts by asking questions such as
“What is lighter? What is softer? What is freer?” (Milton Trager, M.D. from “Movement as a Way
to Agelessness” by Milton Trager, MD and Cathy Hammond, PhD)

The practice and teaching of Mentastics represent an educational process involving movement,
imagery, sensation and inquiry. By highlighting positive feeling experiences and increased
awareness, this process enhances psychophysical integration.

Mentastics help to refine and strengthen the communication between mind and body. The
movements assist us in getting out of our habitual patterns of response and invite us into an ever-
deepening state of awareness called hook-up. Noticing how our bodies are feeling in the moment
and what our response is to the movements is an integral part of this approach.

The relationship of Mentastics to the Trager approach is multilayered and the various aspects are
addressed in the teaching of students and practitioners. The ongoing practice of Mentastics is a tool
for the self-development of the student/practitioner to deepen their awareness of their own body, to
release any tension they may have, to develop and deepen their capacity for hook-up and to assist
them in coming to the client in a relaxed open state of hook-up. Mentastics are also a tool
practitioners use to help both themselves and their clients to integrate the benefits of Trager and the
continued self-development implied by this approach into their daily life. Milton Trager referred to
Mentastics as a way to continually deepen and refine ourselves as practitioners and as human

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The overall standards of practice for Mentastics are:


1. value and apply the principles of Mentastics;

2. guide effective Mentastics lessons through modeling, clear instructions, and relevant
modifications for each particular receiver;

3. use appropriate content and pacing during Mentastics lessons, with a sense of confidence and

More specifically, the standards of practice include all of the following:


4. present Mentastics within the session context as a vitally important part of Trager work and as
totally complementary with the table work;

5. effectively do and model the Mentastics they teach

6. attend to their own experience as well as the clients’ during Mentastics lessons; Monitor the
quality of the clients’ movements -- both locally and globally – and elicit comments from the
clients regarding their experience;

7. provide clear verbal instructions, and support each client’s awareness, sensation, and feeling
state through the use of visual, auditory, and/or kinesthetic image;

8. context the Mentastics movements and awareness to everyday life applications for the clients

IC document, March 1999 with Sept 2003 revisions

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Training and Recommendation Process for accepted applicants

Step 1

1. Choose a Personal Supervisor from I or MT group who will help guide your process to
completion. Also choose In-Class Supervisors. The Personal and In-class supervisor can be
the same person.
2. Assist as many Mentastics classes as possible with various I or MT
3. Attend a Teaching Evaluation Seminar (TES) as available.
4. Assist and co-teach as recommended by your Personal Mentastics Supervisor in conjunction
with your in-class Supervisors.
5. Write a class outline and discuss it with your Personal Supervisor in conjunction with your in-
class Supervisors.
6. Prepare lectures, demos and materials that you can share while you are co-teaching and being
7. Receive supervision in class for the three days from I or MT Minimum of 2 classes preferably
with different Teacher.

Step 2

After you have completed teaching a supervised Mentastics Training, your in-class supervisor
makes written recommendations to your Personal Supervisor (this may be the same person),
including his/her evaluation and the written feedback from attending students (if the student
feedback is in a language other than English, the candidate may submit a translated summary) based
on the following criteria:
 Relevance of the class content to the Trager approach and the development of Practitioners
 Consistency of the content and understandable presentation
 Demonstrating connectedness between Mentastics content and Trager tablework
 Modeling Trager Principles
 Establishing class cohesiveness
 Creating an atmosphere conducive to learning
 Responding to group’s needs
 Dealing with individual problems

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Step 3

When the applicant has taught the required number of classes the Personal Supervisor writes a final
evaluation that clearly addresses teaching skills, content, and relevancy to the stated goals and
learning objectives. The supervisor submits the evaluation to the Instructor Committee.
Instructors read the supervisor’s report and reply in the form of simple acceptance, minor concerns
or major objections. Approval is reached if there are no major objections.
Any Instructor comments elicited from this round are forwarded to the personal Supervisor, so that
any minor concerns or suggestions for consideration and improvement are shared and fully
disclosed. The Email consensus procedure takes place until final approval by the IC.

Step 4

The new Mentastics Teacher signs an agreement specifying their willingness to abide by the
Standards of Instruction, and to honor payment of the class percentage due to Trager International
as well as any status fees required by their National Association.
This agreement is sent to the National Association administrative office. Upon receipt of the
signed agreement, the NA office notifies the Education Office. The Education Office informs the
National Associations to forward the message to their class organizer. The Mentastics Teacher is
then free to schedule Mentastics classes within the Trager core curriculum.


1. Mentastics Teacher Application Form

2. Assisting Skills Evaluation Form
3. Information form for the National Associations
4. Teacher Feedback/Evaluation Form
5. Mentastics Teacher Agreement

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Mentastics Teacher Application Form

Full Name

Full Address: Place/Country:

Home Phone: Work Phone:

Fax: Email:
List all current statuses:

Prerequisite training history: please list date, location, Instructor/Teacher

Level IV classes:

Level V classes:

Reflex Response Classes:

Mentastics Assisting experience:

Mentastics Leading experience

Record of Supervision:


Date and Location:

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Attached are Assisting Skills Evaluation Forms with written recommendations from
supervising I and MT

I, __________________________________________________________________the undersigned,
(Print name)

authorize Instructors, Teachers and Supervisors to gather any information pertinent to my

application for Mentastics Teacher. This information may be gathered from the Trager
community, the Instructors Committee, Tutors, National or Regional Association (if any), the
Board of Directors, from any committees on which I have served or am serving, and from any
other groups, individuals or outside sources. I understand that all this information will be
available to me upon my request and that it may be shared with the Instructors Committee, the
Board of Directors and other relevant groups within the Trager organization.

Print Name: _________________________________________________________

Place / Date: __________________

Signature: ________________________________

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For assistants applying for new status or change of status and assist 3 days or more


Type of training: Current Status:

Instructor: Applying for: (Check one of appropriate)

Training date:  Tutor trainee  Tutor  Continuing Ed.

Location:  SPL  IWL
# Days assisted:  Mentastics Teacher Applicant
 RR – or Anatomy Teacher Applicant
 Instructor Trainee
SUGGESTED AREAS OF FEEDBACK: Skill in Corrections & Instructions
(Teaching Assistants only)
Attitude and Intention (All Assistants): - verbal corrections: clear? Appropriate?
- attentive to students? To teaching process? - experienced as supportive?
To environment?
- willing to listen to Instructor? To students? - timing of interventions? Listening?
- works well with other assistants? - understanding what is needed?
- o.k. “not to know”? - understanding practice of Trager®:
- willingness to help with logistics? Mentastics, tablework & Hook-up?**
- takes responsibility for logistics? - group leadership: clear? Appropriate?


Assistant’s Duties:  Logistics Correction  Mentastics teaching  Other:____________
(** Feedback on Mentastics teaching and group leadership are important for IWL/SPL

Feedback to Assistant:
Appreciations – of your particular skills and contributions to this training:

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Areas to Develop – qualities, skills, awareness I would like to see you develop to increase the
effectiveness of your assistance and your work in general:

INSTRUCTOR’S RECOMMENDATIONS: (If assistant is applying for status change)

 This assistant shows accomplishment in most or all suggested areas of feedback

appropriate to the positions(s) applied for. I recommend acceptance as
………………. …………………………………………………… (please write the
respective status)

 This assistant shows capacity and some accomplishment in suggested areas. I recommend
acceptance as ……………………………………… (please write the respective status)

 This assistant shows capacity. Additional experience recommended before reapplying for
the desired status change:
 additional assisting  attend further Practitioner trainings
 additional work with Mentastics  communication / feedback training
 other __________________________________________________________________

 I don’t have enough experience.  I don’t know.


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Information from National Associations

for Teacher Training Applicant

Please send this to your National Association and have it filled out and sent back to you to be
added to your Teacher Training Application.

Applicant Name_____________________________________________________________



Please make a check mark to indicate that the item is completed and/or accurate and include
additional comments and/or documentation as necessary.

1. Membership current (dues paid):

a. Trager International/ recognized legal National Association ______
b. Current with Continuing Education requirements for Statuses held ______
c. Any ethical issues ______

2. Is there anything else you think is important to know about this Practitioner?
(Please state briefly. Please list someone they can contact for more information.)


Place/ Date: Signature by National Association


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Teacher Feedback/ Evaluation Form

1. Did the class start and end on time, or as mutually agreed upon, each

2. Did the teacher excite or inspire your enthusiasm for the course

3. Did the teacher use a variety of teaching modalities? (e.g. lecture,

discussion, demonstration, role-play, dyads, triads?) Which modalities
did the teacher use most and least effectively?

4. Did the teacher demonstrate good group skills?

• In establishing class cohesiveness?

• In creating an atmosphere conducive to learning?

• In responding to group’s needs?

• In dealing with individual problems?

5. Was the class well-organized?

6. Was the presentation delivered in a professional manner?

If not, what improvements would you suggest?


7. Did the teacher use and model Trager principles?

(e.g. hook-up, weighing, asking, feeling)

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8. What would you say are the teacher’s strengths?


9. In what ways do you see the teacher needing to grow?


10. Did the class cover the material you expected from the title
and description in the Trager schedule?

11. What did you hope to gain from the class?



12. Were your expectations met?

13. What material presented was most useful to you?


14. What material presented could have been modified or deleted?


15. What material could have been added?

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16. How has the class contributed to your development as a Trager Practitioner?


17. How much of the material presented in class will you actually apply to your Trager Practice?
(Rough percentage)


18. What material was presented, if any, that you feel does not apply to or supports the Trager


19. Did you enjoy the class?

20. Would you recommend the class / teacher to another Trager Practitioner
or Student?

21. Please make any further comments on the performance of the teacher or the content of the


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Mentastics® Teacher Agreement

In accepting my Mentastics Teacher status, I agree to the following responsibilities:

1. Abide by all policies of Trager International including any dues and/or financial
agreements, minimum content guidelines, and Standards of Instruction.

2. Train and evaluate students in personal and client-centered Mentastics within the core

3. Maintain active Practitioner membership in a National Association and abide by their

Practitioner Code of Ethics.

4. Comply with all continuing education requirements.

5. I understand that in the case of non-compliance with the above, consequences may
include suspension or removal of Mentastics Teacher status.

Print Name: ___________________________________________________________

Full Address: _________________________________________________________

Place, Country / Date: __________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________

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History of Changes:

Version 1.0 1st August 2007

Newly created and set up by Gwen Crowell
Thank you Gwen for all this dedicated work and time you
put into setting up this application paper
Overlooked, formatted and released by the Instructor
Committee Management Team 2007 – Piermario Clara,
Evamaria Willach, Bill Scholl and Esther Perin, Education

Version 1.1 1st September 2007

Added page numbers and History of Changes by the Esther
Perin, Education Secretary

Version 1.2 17th April 2008

Delete 14-day period for Email responses as it is not
congruent with Email Consensus procedure and
reformatting Standards by Esther Perin, Education Secretary

Version 2 30th July 2011

Revised Application and training procedure by Esther Perin,
Education Secretary and Evamaria Willach, Instructor
Approved by Instructor Committee

Version 2.1 October 2013

Included 3 pages with content of Core Mentastics Classes

Version 2.1.1 November 2013

Teaching Mentastics to groups being recommended

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