An Analysis of Teacher's Views On The Unit Regarding Cell Division and Heredity
An Analysis of Teacher's Views On The Unit Regarding Cell Division and Heredity
An Analysis of Teacher's Views On The Unit Regarding Cell Division and Heredity
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 152 (2014) 714 – 719
ERPA 2014
In this study, it was aimed that the views of the science teachers on the 8th grade unit, ‘’ Cell Division and Heredity’’ be
analyzed. The sampling of the study comprises 160 science teachers working in the City of Kocaeli and the central districts. In
order to determine the appropriateness of the targets and acquisitions required by the teachers during their teaching the unit, ‘’
Cell Division and Heredity’’ and also to determine what the learning-teaching activities, the materials , and the assessment and
evaluation activities are, a questionnaire titled, ‘’ The Evaluation Questionnaire for the 8th grade Unit, ‘Cell Division and
Heredity’ (EQU) was conducted for 160 Science teachers. The opinions/views of the teachers were received by raising open-
ended questions through the same form, as well. Acording to the findings obtained, the teachers state that students have
difficulty in understanding the unit in which they experience misconceptions. Although the teachers think that the acquisitions
are appropriate for providing efficient learning and acquiring study skills through scientific methods, they point out that the
objectives are not in accord with the structure of the unit. Even though the teachers express that the subjects are dealt with from
the inner circles to the remote/outer ones, from the concrete/tangible to the abstract, and from simple to complex, the results of
the analysis suggest that the teachers cannot teach and deal with this unit easily and smoothly. The reason for this was stated as
the fact that the unit was not suitable enough for performing experiments and observations on, that the duration was insufficient,
that the unit was not interesting enough for the students, and that it could not be associated with the current life on an adequate
level. It is considered that the evaluation of the views to be received from the teachers will contribute to dealing with the unit, ‘’
Cell Division and Heredity’’ and to the development of the education process and evaluation elements.
© 2014
2014 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of the ERPA Congress 2014.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of the ERPA Congress 2014.
Keywords: cell division and heredity; science teachers.
1877-0428 © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of the ERPA Congress 2014.
Zeynep Özbudak and Muhlis Özkan / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 152 (2014) 714 – 719 715
1. Introduction
The studies carried out in the field of genetics continue to progress rapidly by gaining a new dimension through
William and Cummings,1996). The methods developed for the early diagnosis and treatment of numerous hereditary
diseases refer to the rapid advancement in the field of genetics, such as the identification of disease-causing genes,
plant and animal improvement studies along with antibiotics, vaccine and hormones, cloning techniques and Human
Genome project. It follows from these advancements experienced that this field of science will also maintain its
importance in the future and preserve its efficiency through the new subjects and concepts in daily life. Therefore,
there is the need for planning proper programs and methods to teach the concepts in this field accurately. From the
studies performed in the field of biology and science education, it is known that students have difficulty in learning
the concepts and subjects regarding genetics. (Johnstone and Mahmoud, 1980; Kindfield, 1991; Fisher, 1992; Özcan,
2000; Tsui and Treagust, 2003, Saka, 2006). Separately, the conducted studies suggest that teachers and students
experience challenges in teaching and learning genetics and that various misconceptions are encountered in this
The difficulty of the experimental-based education on the subjects of genetics, the insufficiency of the
conventional educational/teaching methods and the comprehension of the relationship between genotype and
phenotype appear to be the major problems encountered in this field. (Enrique and Enrique, 2000; Fisher, 1992;
ùDKLQDQG3DULP6DNDAdditionally, the fact that there are many abstract concepts within its content,
that the subjects are beyond the cognitive levels of the students and that they experience challenges in performing
what is learnt in their daily life are considered as the other difficulties in understanding genetics. (Erten, 1993;
Enrique and Enrique, 2000). Since such challenges in practising what is learnt are often pointed out by the teachers,
improvement of the program content, the appropriateness of targets and acquisitions and learning-teaching activities
were all analyzed under the subheadings of assessment and evaluation, and they were aimed to be presented to the
attention of both teachers and program designers in this matter.
2. Method
2.1. Objective
It was aimed that the views of the science teachers on the 8th grade unit, ‘’ Cell Division and Heredity’’ be
2.2. Sampling
The sampling of the study comprises 160 science teachers working in the City of Kocaeli and the central districts.
A unit evaluation questionnaire of 33 items (EQU) was performed. The questionnaire was analyzed by two
experts in the university and arranged in accordance with their suggestions, after which it was performed on 30
science teachers as a preliminary study. The Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient was found as 0,84. Separately,
the teachers were raised open-ended questions through the same questionnaire, and their views on the situations
which were not included in the chart were received, as well.
The data were assayed by means of content and descriptive analysis. In the assay of the data, the SPSS 16.00
package program was used. The scoring was done as follows:
When the teachers’ views are evaluated in terms of the SubDimension of the compliance with the targets and
acquisitions, it follows that the unit acquisitions are realistic, they are also appropriate, clear and comprehensible,
716 Zeynep Özbudak and Muhlis Özkan / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 152 (2014) 714 – 719
and the number of these acquisitions is considered adequate for the unit, they are appropriate for efficient learning
and acquiring study skills through scientific methods, and that they are also adequate for acquiring basic knowledge,
skills and habits regarding the daily life. However, it is also understood that the teachers who participated in the
study ran into a contradiction regarding the fact that the acquisitions were not in accord with the structure of the unit.
It was also understood that the teachers with positive views on acquisitions thought that those acquisitions were
incompatible with the structure of the unit. (Table.1). When the teachers’ views are evaluated in terms of the
SubDimension of the views related to the educational program, it is seen that the unit, ‘’ Cell Division and
Heredity’’ is student-centered, the subjects are dealt with from the inner to outer circles, from the tangible to the
abstract and from simple to complex and that the period foreseen is adequate. Nevertheless, in the 19th item analysis
results, it was determined that the teachers could not deal with the unit easily and comprehensibly, the subjects were
not oriented towards performing analysis, synthesis and evaluation and that they were incapable of developing the
independent and critical thinking skills. (Table.1). When the teachers’ views are evaluated in terms of the
SubDimension of the learning-teaching activities, it was stated that the teachers found the unit in accord with the
Constructivist Approach, that they took part in the simulation method of the unit on a medium level, that different
educational methods, such as discovery/exploration, cooperative and computer-assisted education could be
applicable, that they found the unit suitable for performing experiments and that they considered the assessment and
evaluation questions adequate in quantity and variety. Yet, it is also observed that they think the kinds of activities
within the unit are inadequate, that the number of experiments is inadequate, as well, and that the evaluation
activities are incapable of allowing the students to make researches themselves. (Table.1).
5p. – Totally agree, 4p.- Agree, 3p- Disagree , 2p.-Totally disagree, 1p.- No opinion
Table 1. The views of science teachers regarding the unit evaluation
f % f % f % F % f % Average Ss
1.Objectives are realistic. 8 5,0 1 0,6 2 1,2 77 48,1 72 45,0 4,270 0,931
2.Objectives are in compliance with practising the acquisitions of the Unit. 6 3,8 3 1,9 2 1,2 69 43,1 80 50,0 4,340 0,903
3. Objectives are in corcordance with the structure of the unit. 8 5,0 2 1,2 5 3,1 78 48,8 67 41,9 4,210 0,954
4. Objectives allow the students to acquire basic knowledge, skills and habits 1 0,6 1 0,6 0 0,0 84 52,5 74 46,2 4,430 0,600
concerned with the daily life.
5. Objectives allow the students to acquire study skills through scientific 1 0,6 0 0,0 0 0,0 86 53,8 73 45,6 4,440 0,568
6. The unit acquisitions are clear and comprehensible. 0 0,0 1 0,6 1 0,6 81 50,6 77 48,1 4,460 0,548
7. Acquisitions are insufficient in terms of the unit content. 15 9,4 52 32,5 59 36,9 30 18,8 4 2,5 2,720 0,958
8. Acquisitions provide efficient learning. 10 6,2 1 0,6 3 1,9 83 51,9 63 39,4 4,170 0,988
9. The unit has a student-centered design. 1 0,6 0 0,0 0 0,0 83 51,9 76 47,5 4,460 0,570
10. The unit is interesting for students. 3 1,9 13 8,1 1 0,6 83 51,9 60 37,5 4,150 0,926
11. The unit was prepared in association with the current and daily life. 1 0,6 6 3,8 5 3,1 95 59,4 53 33,1 4,210 0,728
12. The unit leads the students to perform analysis, synthesis and evaluation. 24 15,0 49 30,6 59 36,9 28 17,5 0 0,0 2,570 0,949
13. Acquisitions and subjects are literally consistent with each other. 10 6,2 59 36,9 86 53,8 5 3,1 0 0,0 2,540 0,662
14. Some acquisitions are not in accord with the unit; thus, they must be 16 10,0 52 32,5 74 46,2 13 8,1 5 3,1 2,620 0,889
15. The unit improves the students’ independent and critical thinking skills. 13 8,1 57 35,6 83 51,9 7 4,4 0 0,0 2,520 0,709
16. The unit is suitable for developing the experimental and observational 14 8,8 50 31,2 80 50,0 14 8,8 2 1,2 2,620 0,815
17. The duration/period recommended for the unit is adequate. 6 3,8 13 8,1 21 13,1 80 50,0 40 25,0 3,840 1,013
18. The subjects were dealt with from the inner circle to the outer/remote 2 1,2 8 5,0 5 3,1 94 58,8 51 31,9 4,150 0,803
one; from the tangible to the abstract, and from simple to complex.
19. Teachers can easily and smoothly deal with and teach this unit. 3 1,9 55 34,4 83 51,9 16 10,0 3 1,9 2,760 0,733
20.The unit is in accordance with the Constructivist Approach. 2 1,2 2 1,2 5 3,1 96 60,0 55 34,4 4,250 0,691
Zeynep Özbudak and Muhlis Özkan / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 152 (2014) 714 – 719 717
21. The number of activities recommended for the unit is inadequate. 1 0,6 3 1,9 1 0,6 82 51,2 73 45,6 4,390 0,664
22. The variety of activities recommended for the unit is inadequate. 8 5,0 2 1,2 0 0,0 75 46,9 75 46,9 4,290 0,942
23. The number of experiments included in the unit is inadequate. 9 5,6 7 4,4 4 2,5 83 51,9 57 35,6 4,070 1,031
24. The unit is appropriate for performing experiments. 7 4,4 1 0,6 29 18,1 90 56,2 33 20,6 3,880 0,893
25. The unit is appropriate for the use of Simulation Method. 2 1,2 18 11,2 61 38,1 74 46,2 5 3,1 3,390 0,777
26. The unit is appropriate for description/explanation based on discovery. 7 4,4 5 3,1 9 5,6 91 56,9 48 30,0 4,050 0,937
27. The unit is appropriate for the computer-assisted educational method. 18 11,2 10 6,2 29 18,1 74 46,2 29 18,1 3,540 1,192
28. The unit is appropriate for cooperative learning. 1 0,6 0 0,0 0 0,0 67 41,9 92 57,5 4,560 0,569
29. The unit is convenient for dealing with the lesson by applying different 5 3,1 14 8,8 6 3,8 86 53,8 49 30,6 4,000 0,991
educational methods.
30. The unit acquisitions are of a measurable quality. 1 0,6 0 0,0 5 3,1 65 40,6 89 55,6 4,510 0,624
31.The assessment and evaluation questions proposed in the unit are adequate 6 3,8 34 21,2 35 21,9 43 26,9 42 26,2 3,510 1,197
in terms of quantity and variety.
32. Within the unit are evaluation activities allowing the students to make 11 6,9 54 33,8 76 47,5 14 8,8 5 3,1 2,680 0,851
researches by themselves.
33. The evaluation activities contained in the unit are adequate for the 14 8,8 55 34,4 71 44,4 16 10,0 4 2,5 2,630 0,873
students to be able to evaluate themselves.
2.5.1. Write down the first three terms which you think students have a hard time in understanding within the 8th
grade unit, ‘’ Cell Division and Heredity’’.
According to the graphic, the teachers think that the students mostly have difficulty in understanding modification
(10.9%), which is followed respectively by the terms like adaptation, gene, nucleotide, chromosome, organic bases,
Meiosis and DNA, and heterozygote.
718 Zeynep Özbudak and Muhlis Özkan / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 152 (2014) 714 – 719
2.5.2. State three of the most commonly confronted misconceptions in the 8th grade unit, ‘’ Cell Division and
‘’ Comparison of mutation, modification and adaptation (13.8%), whether modification is hereditary or not
(11.9%), ‘’We get more chromosomes from whoever we resemble to’’ (9.4%), they make mistakes in
ordering/sequencing the concepts/terms like chromosome, gene and DNA from large to small (8.8%), Confusing
genotype with phenotype (7.5%), assuming that the number of chromosomes in Meiosis are reduced by half ( 6.3%),
‘’Girls get most of their characteristics/features from their mothers through heredity. Boys, on the other hand, get
most of their features from their fathers.”(5.6%), ‘’the number of chromosomes and the development of living things
are directly proportional.’’(5%), the difference between mitosis and meiosis (5%), a hereditary disease not prevalent
in mother or father is not seen in the child. (4.4%), assuming that the spindle apparatus and the Chromatin Threads
are identical(4.4%), dominance-recessiveness (3.8%), sexual and asexual(sporodic)reproduction (3.1%), the concept
of homologous chromosomes(3.1%), the thought that the somatic cells exist only in the arms and legs (3.1%),
hereditary variability, Meiosis and in which one Meiosis occurs ( 2.5%), the illusion that cell divisions (cytokinesis)
can only be seen in humans and animals ( 2.5%)”.
2.5.3. Apart from these, please specify the missing parts/shortcomings you come across in the unit and make your
suggestions regarding them, if any.
Shortcomings Suggestions
The examples on crossbreeding are few. Plenty of examples should be practised in the lesson and in the book
on crossbreeding.
What the topic of evolution covers and what the boundaries are are Subject sequence in the course book, hence, in the sample yearly
uncertain. curriculums is complex.
The subjects are presented in a constricted and superficial manner. Dealing with the subject by starting from the known to the unknown
constrains learning and teaching. The subject sequence must be
A more detailed information must be given as to the phases of It would be easier for the students to perceive the subject
mitosis and meiosis. integrity/coherence by analyzing the phases of mitosis and meiosis in
The activities in the unit are below the age level. Too many concepts constrain education.
I reckon the subject sequence in the unit is wrong. Mitosis and meiosis should be given consecutively, and later the
subject of heredity should be dealt with.
Acquisitions do not coincide with the questions raised. Separately, more examples should be practised in the lesson.
The examples as to modification, mutation and adaptation are The activities on modification and mutation should be increased.
The concepts/ terms like adaptation, evolution, variation and These subjects should be exemplified by developing them. The
natural selection are not mentioned enough. activities should be prepared.
The terms like nucleotide, gene, DNA and chromosome are Activities analyzing the relationship among the terms like nucleotide,
confused a lot, and there are no activities to allow for the gene, DNA and chromosomes should be prepared and organized;
comprehension of the relationship between them. examples should be practised.
The information given on genetic diseases is inadequate; they There is the need for new activities as to the phases of mitosis and
should be dealt with by giving a separate subject heading. meiosis.
Only three examples are given on vegetative reproduction, budding The examples on vegetative reproduction, budding and asexual
and asexual reproduction. reproduction can be extended.
Evaluation questions are insufficient. The number and types of evaluation questions in the course book and
the student’s book should be extended.
Starting with mitosis and then proceeding with heredity and When the subject of mitosis is given before the subject of DNA, I
meiosis makes it difficult to explain and comprehend. feel like asking, ‘’how shall I teach chromosomes?’’.
The teachers point out that the students have difficulty in understanding the unit and experience misconceptions.
In our study, the subjects in which misconceptions are most commonly confronted are ranged as gene, DNA
Zeynep Özbudak and Muhlis Özkan / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 152 (2014) 714 – 719 719
chromosome relationship, phenotype, genotype, mitosis and meiosis in which mutation, modification and adaptation
are confused with each other. It is seen that the subjects and misconceptions confronted coincide with those stated by
the previous researchers. (Kindfield, 1991; Enrique and EnriquHùDKLQDQG3DULP7VXLDQG7UHDJXVW
with the activities associated with the daily life and that the methods of content and education aiming at eliminating
the misconceptions about the unit, ‘’Cell Division and Heredity’’ should also be supported by new approaches in this
matter. Despite the fact that the teachers point out that the subjects are dealt with from the inner to the outer/remote
circles, from the tangible to the abstract and from simple to complex, the results of the analysis somehow go to
show that the teachers cannot deal with and teach this unit easily and in a comprehensible way. The reason for this is
stated as the fact that the unit is not appropriate enough for performing experiments and observations on, that it is
uninteresting for the students and that it is not sufficiently associated with the current life, which, in this respect, is
seen to be promoted b\ YDULRXV UHVHDUFKHUV $NWDú 8]XQ DQG 6D÷ODP ). From this point of view, we
suppose that making the unit on heredity easily comprehensible under laboratory conditions and dealing with it
through the activities suitable for experiments and observations will help eliminate the misconceptions of teachers
and students. Although the teachers think that the acquisitions can allow for an efficient learning process and are
appropriate for acquiring study skills through scientific methods, they argue that these acquisitions do not accord
with the structure of the unit. It becomes harder for the teachers to provide an efficient education with such a
contradictory approach. We figure that taking advantage of inservice trainings in order to associate acquisitions with
the structure of the unit will help eliminate this challenge.
In particular, some sort of problems are seen to be confronted, such as the insufficiency of the variety of activities,
the ordering/sequencing of the subjects, the fact that the evaluation questions of the unit do not encourage the
students to question and make researches with respect to the subject, and also the fact that the unit lacks the structure
for performing analysis, synthesis and evaluation and the impossibility of developing independent and critical
thinking skills. Thus, we are of the opinion that there is the need for analyzing the unit by dealing with it over again
and that taking into consideration the teachers’ views on the subject in order to perform an instructional design in
this field will contribute better to the prospective studies.
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