Reaction Paper
Reaction Paper
Reaction Paper
The first group discuss the theory of psychosexual by Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud is Father
personality. The id, ego and super ego. Id is a inborn component of the personality that driven
by the instinct, Ego is a national component of the personality. And last superego is the
personality that consists of one's interlized moral standards. This 3 components of personality is
all connected. He proposed that there were 5 stages of development. This are the first the Oral
Stage in this stage occurs birth to 1 year old. The Pleasure centers of fge mouth. The individual is
dependent because he/she frustrated by having to wait on another person. Second Anal Stage
,this stage occurs the individuals have their first encounter with rules and regulations. The
pleasure focuses on controlling bladder and bowel movements. For example the Baby toilet
Training. Third is Phallic stage, this stage occurs from 3-6 years old when the erogenous zones
of the body, the genitals, start developing. At this stage, children frequently indulge in playing
with their genitals in order to explore them. According to Freud, boys and girls experience
Oedipus complex at this stage and the boys suffer from castration anxiety. For example, the kid
is mama's boy/girl or papa's boy/girl. Fourth is Latency Stage , range age frim six till puberty
when children express no sexual feelings. According to Freud, children at this stage suppress
their sexual energy and focuses on any activities, such as, school, athletics, hobbies, social
relationships, friendships with same sex. And last is the Genital Stage this stage occurs from
puberty till death, which is also the period when children reach sexual maturity. How children
explore and experiment their sexuality at this stage defines their adult behavior. Example have a
relationship with opposite sex. Freud's theory states that a person's development is completed
by the time he/she reaches adulthood. Sexual experiences of individuals dominate their
The second group dicuss the Theory Psychosocial by Erik Erikson. Erik Erikson is a
development has eight distinct stages. First is Trust vs. Mistrust, In this stage the baby decide
who they want or dont want. The virtue of hope is on the baby see all the time their trusting
because they know them. The mistrust developing her/him fear because he/she didnt know
you. Second Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, in this stage the baby can do run, walk, talk etc.
The baby was develop their will from encourage and support the baby of being independent.
Sometimes children develop of shame and doubt because of the parents over controlled their
child. Third Initiative vs. Guilt , in this stage the child was on the stage that they have an idol.
Develop Virtue of purpose when the children begin and plan activities. Sometimes the child
develop of guilt because they controlled. Fourth Industry vs. Inferiority , in this stage the child
start for studying. Develop virtue of competence when the parents encourage and reinforced
for their initiative they begon to fill industrious. But sometimes they develop inferiority when
the parents didnt support their child. Fifth Identity vs. Role Confusion, in this stage adolescents
search for a sense of self and personal identity. Develop of virtue of fidelity when commit one's
self to others on the basis of accepting others, even when there may be ideological differences.
Sometimes develop the role confusion involves the individual not being sure about themselves
or their place in society. Sixth Intimacy vs. Isolation, in this stage the individual experience
loving relationships with other people. Develop virtue of love when the relationship is happy
and sense of commitment. Sometimes they develop the isolation when relationship is fearing
commitment can lead the isolation, loneliness and depression. Seventh Generativity vs.
Stagnation, in this stage People experience a need to create or nurture things that will outlast
them, creating positive changes that will benefit other people. Develop the virtue of care when
the success leads to feeling of usefulness and accomplishment. Sometimes they delevop the
stagnation by failing find way to contribute. And last Ego Integrity vs. Despair , in this stage this
leading a successful life. Sometimes they develop the despair by failing results in bitterness and
The Theory of Psychosexual and Theory of Psychosocial can help us what will we do and to
know what is the future that we experience. In the Philippines educational context it is
important because everyone didn't know what is the importance of individual that will cause
the unhealthy personality. If they teach to everyone this theory the filipino people to apply the