Marife C. Ladanio is an 18-year-old single Filipino female currently attending her senior year of high school at Galilee Academy in Rosario, Cavite. She was born in Mondragon, Northern Samar on September 1, 1999, stands 4'9" tall and weighs 48 kg. She previously attended junior high school at Rosario National High School and elementary school at Silangan Elementary School, both located in Rosario, Cavite.
Marife C. Ladanio is an 18-year-old single Filipino female currently attending her senior year of high school at Galilee Academy in Rosario, Cavite. She was born in Mondragon, Northern Samar on September 1, 1999, stands 4'9" tall and weighs 48 kg. She previously attended junior high school at Rosario National High School and elementary school at Silangan Elementary School, both located in Rosario, Cavite.
Marife C. Ladanio is an 18-year-old single Filipino female currently attending her senior year of high school at Galilee Academy in Rosario, Cavite. She was born in Mondragon, Northern Samar on September 1, 1999, stands 4'9" tall and weighs 48 kg. She previously attended junior high school at Rosario National High School and elementary school at Silangan Elementary School, both located in Rosario, Cavite.
Marife C. Ladanio is an 18-year-old single Filipino female currently attending her senior year of high school at Galilee Academy in Rosario, Cavite. She was born in Mondragon, Northern Samar on September 1, 1999, stands 4'9" tall and weighs 48 kg. She previously attended junior high school at Rosario National High School and elementary school at Silangan Elementary School, both located in Rosario, Cavite.
Gender : Female Date of Birth : September 1, 1999 Place of Birth : Mondragon Northern Samar Civil Status : Single Citizenship : Filipino Mother’s Name : Gemma C. Ladanio Father’s Name : Felipe P. Ladanio Religion : Born Again Christian Height : 4’9” Weight : 48 kg Language Spoken : Filipino and English
Educational Background
2016 - Present Senior High School
Galilee Academy Sapa I Rosario, Cavite
2012 – 2016 Junior High School
Rosario National High School Sapa II Rosario, Cavite
2006 - 2012 Elementary School
Silangan Elementary School Silangan I Rosario, Cavite Elementary Diploma